
This is a repository copy of Self-assembling cashew gum-graft-polylactide copolymer nanoparticles as a potential delivery matrix.

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Article: Richter, AR, Carneiro, MJ, de Sousa, NA et al. (9 more authors) (2020) Self-assembling cashew gum-graft-polylactide copolymer nanoparticles as a potential amphotericin B delivery matrix. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 152. pp. 492-502. ISSN 0141-8130 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.02.166

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[email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ 1 2 3 4 SELF-ASSEMBLING CASHEW GUM-GRAFT-POLYLACTIDE COPOLYMER 5 NANOPARTICLES AS A POTENTIAL AMPHOTERICIN B DELIVERY 6 MATRIX 7 8 Ana Rosa Richter a,Maria J. Carneiroa, Nayara A. de Sousa b,Vicente P. T. Pinto 9 b,Rosimeyre S. Freire, R.c, Jeanlex S. de Sousac, Josilayne de Fátima Souza Mendesd, 10 Raquel Oliveira dos Santos Fontenelled, Judith P. A.Feitosa a, Haroldo C. B. Paulaa, 11 Francisco M. Goycooleae, Regina C. M. de Paula.a* 12 13 a 14 Departament of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry – UFC – CEP, Caixa Postal 6021 – 15 Humberto Monte s/n, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 Fortaleza, Brazil. 16 b 17 Facultyof – UFC – CEP 62.042-280 – Comandante Mauro Célio Rocha 18 Pontes, 100, Derby, Sobral, Brazil. 19 c 20 Department of Physics – UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil 21 d 22 Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Biologicas, Universidade 23 Estadual do Vale do Acaraú. 24 e 25 School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds LS16 7PA, U.K. 26 27 28 ABSTRACT 29 Amphotericin B is an used in the treatment of fungal disease and leishmania; 30 31 however, it exhibits side effects to patients, hindering its wider application. Therefore, 32 nanocarriers have been investigated as delivery systems for amphotericin B (AMB) in 33 34 order to decrease its toxicity, besides increase bioavailability and solubility. 35 36 Amphiphilic copolymers are interesting materials to encapsulate hydrophobic drugs 37 such as AMB, hence copolymers of cashew gum (CG) and L-lactide (LA) were 38 39 synthesized using two different CG:LA molar ratios (1:1 and 1:10). Data obtained 40 revealed that copolymer nanoparticles present similar figures for particle sizes and zeta 41 42 potentials; however, particle size of encapsulated AMB increases if compared to 43 44 unloaded nanoparticles. The 1:10 nanoparticle sample has better stability although 45 higher polydispersity index (PDI) if compared to 1:1 sample. High amphotericin 46 47 (AMB) encapsulation efficiencies and low hemolysis were obtained. AMB loaded 48 copolymers show lower aggregation pattern than commercial AMB solution. AMB 49 50 loaded nanoparticles show activities against four C. albicans strains. It can be 51 52 inferred that cashew gum/polylactide copolymers have potential as nanocarrier systems 53 for AMB. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Keys words: Poly(lactic ), cashew gum, nanoparticles, amphotericin B, antifungal 64 activity. 65 66 Correspondent author: Regina Célia Monteiro de Paula [email protected] 67 68 Departament of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry – UFC – CEP, Caixa Postal 6021 – 69 70 Humberto Monte s/n, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 Fortaleza, Brazil 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 1. Introduction 124 125 126 Amphiphilic polymers have been widely investigated as drug delivery system due to 127 128 their ability to form nanoparticles by self-assembly. The hydrophobic core of 129 130 amphiphilic nanoparticles can incorporate hydrophobic drugs and delivery them to 131 specific targets [1,2]. 132 133 Polysaccharides have been used as matrix building blocks to produced amphiphilic 134 materials through the insertion of hydrophobic groups or the grafting of hydrophobic 135 136 monomers onto polysaccharide chains. The choice of polysaccharide is based on its 137 138 properties (biodegradability and non-toxicity) and the source material (renewable 139 resource) as well as the presence of several chemical groups, such as hydroxyl, sulfate, 140 141 amino and carboxyl, which can be used to promote the synthesis. 142 Lactic acid is obtained by microbial and source materials include corn 143 144 syrup, from sugar cane, pulp and paper [3,4]. Poly (lactic acid) 145 146 (PLA) is biocompatible, bio-absorbable and biodegradable and it has been approved by 147 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a biomaterial [5,6]. Copolymers of 148 149 PLA and polysaccharides, such as cellulose, starch, chitosan and pullulan have been 150 reported [7-16]. Recent studies have addressed synthesis methods and applications as 151 152 well as the development of potential delivery systems for hydrophobic drugs, due to the 153 154 capacity to form amphiphilic micelles through self-organization [7-16]. 155 Cashew gum (CG) is an exudate polysaccharide obtained from the Anacardium 156 157 occidentale tree, which shows the potential for commercial use due to the large 158 plantations of these trees in Brazil and in other countries [17]. The number of articles 159 160 published on cashew gum has increase significantly in the past decade. The gum is a 161 162 branched macromolecule mainly composed of three types of galactan units within the 163 core, linked by C-1 and C-3; C-1 and C-6; and C-1, C-3 and C-6 [18,19]. Copolymers 164 165 of CG with monomers such as acrylamide [20-24]; [25] and 166 isopropylacrylamide [26]have been reported. 167 168 CG gum has also been cited as a potential drug delivery system for epirubicin [26], 169 astaxanthin [27], diclofenac diethyl amine [28], indomethacin [29,30], bovine 170 171 albumin (BSA) [31], pilocarpine [32], isoxsuprine HCl [33], alkaloid epiisopiloturine 172 173 [34] and insulin [35]. 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Richter et al, 2018 [36] reported proof-of-concept of the feasibility to prepare 182 Pickering emulsion systems based on copolymer derivative of cashew gum and L- 183 184 polylactide. The systems offered the possibility to associate AMB with encapsulation 185 efficiencies up to 47 %, however the synthesis and characterization of copolymer 186 187 neither the production and characterization of nanoparticles by self-assembling were 188 reported. 189 190 Amphotericin B (AMB) was the drug selected to be loaded into the self-assembled 191 192 nanoparticles. AMB is a potent fungistatic and fungicide drug produced by the 193 actinomycetes Streptomycetes nodosus [37] that was approved for clinical use by FDA 194 195 in 1959 [38]. AMB is also prescribed in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. It is a 196 lipophilic drug that binds to lipids and intercalates into lipid bilayers that then associate 197 198 to form transmembrane pores [39]. AMB also shows very low oral bioavailability due 199 200 to its structural features that violate Lipinsky’s rule (e.g., low Log P, high Mw, large 201 polar surface area). Hence, novel pharmaceutical formulations of AMB are of great 202 203 interest with a view to contribute to increase its pharmacological bioavailability for oral 204 and other routes of administration, while exerting control on its drug release. 205 206 Many authors have proposed new encapsulation techniques for AMB in order to 207 208 decrease its side effects and toxicity, such as: nanoparticles [40-43], micelles [44,45], 209 conjugates [46] and emulsions [36,47,48]. 210 211 In this study, cashew gum/polylactide copolymers (CGPLAP) with different 212 CG:PLA molar ratios have been synthesize and characterized by resonance magnetic 213 214 nuclear (RMN) and infrared spectroscopy. The effect of copolymer composition on 215 216 physicochemical characteristics of AMB loaded and unloaded nanoparticles obtained by 217 self-assembling were evaluated and compared with Pickering emulsion system 218 219 previously reported [36]. 220 221 222 2. Experimental 223 224 225 2.1. Materials 226 227 228 Cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) exudate was kindly donated by EMBRAPA 229 230 (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) and the cashew gum (CG) was isolated 231 as described in a previously paper [18]. L-Lactide (3,6-dimethyl-1,4-dioxane-2,5-dione), 232 233 triethylamine (TEA) and Amphotericin B solution were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 and used without further purification. The cashew gum used in this study has an average 241 molar mass, obtained by size exclusion chromatography, of 6.9 x104 g.mol-1 and the 242 243 molar sugar ratio for ::arabinose:rhamnose:glucuronic acid was 244 determined as 1.00:0.20:0.08:0.05:0.06. 245 246 247 2.2. Cashew gum/lactide copolymer (CGPLAP) 248 249 250 251 The copolymers were synthesized as previously reported by Seo et al. [13]. Briefly, 252 1.0 g of CG was dissolved in DMSO in the temperature range of 70-75°C,under 253 254 magnetic stirring. L-Lactide and TEA were added to the flask (the amounts of reagents 255 and solvent are given in Table 1) and the reaction was kept under N atmosphere for 2 h. 256 2

257 After this time, the N2 flow was interrupted and the reaction was left to proceed for 10 258 259 h. At the end of the reaction time, the copolymer solution was filtered, dialyzed against 260 and lyophilized. The graft reaction was performed in two CG:PLA molar ratios 261 262 (1:1 and 1:10). In this methodology, the concentration of lactide and TEA was kept at 263 10 and 2% (w/v), respectively. To remove residual monomer and/or homopolymer 264 265 formed during the reaction, hexane was added to the lyophilized graft copolymers 266 267 dispersed in distilled water and the system was kept under magnetic stirring for 48 h 268 [49]. After this period of time, the aqueous phase was removed and lyophilized. The 269 270 purified samples were named CGPLAP. 271 272 273 274 275 2.3. Characterization of cashew gum copolymer 276 277 278 The Fourier transform IR (FT-IR) spectra were recorded on an FTLA 2000, ABB 279 Bomem spectrometer, in the range of 400 - 4000 cm-1, with the samples as KBr pellet. 280 1 281 H NMR spectra were recorded in DMSO-d6 at 353 K on a Fourier transform Bruker 282 283 Advance DRX 500 spectrometer with an inverse multinuclear gradient probehead 284 equipped with z-shielded gradient coils and a Silicon Graphics workstation. The molar 285 286 substitution (MS), degree of substitution (DS) and degree of polymerization (DP) were 287 calculated based on procedures reported in the literature by Guo et al. [5] and Teramoto 288 289 and Nishio [50] with modifications: 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 + 299 MS = 1 300 (퐴 퐵)/3 301 (1) 퐻 ‒ 302 303 304 DS= 1 (2) 305 퐴/3 306 퐻 ‒ 307 308 DP = (3) 309 푀푆 310 퐷푆 311 312 where A and B are the area of terminal and internal methyl groups, respectively, and H- 313 1 is the area of anomeric protons (5.04 to 5.17 ppm). 314 315 316 2.4. Self-assembled nanoparticles 317 318 319 320 Self-assembled nanoparticleswere prepared by the dialysis method. GCPLAP (10 321 mg) was dissolved in 10 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the solution was 322 323 dialyzed against distilled water using a dialysis membrane (cut off 14,000 g.mol-1 ) for 3 324 days. The resulting nanoparticles were stored in a freezer until characterization. 325 326 327 328 2.5. Particle size 329 330 331 The size and zeta potential nanoparticles were characterized by dynamic light 332 scattering with non-invasive back scattering (DLS-NIBS), at 25ºC,with irradiation of 333 334 the sample using a 4 mW helium/neon red laser (=633 nm). The detection was carried 335 336 out at an angle of 173°. The zeta potential was measured by mixed laser Doppler 337 velocimetry and phase analysis light scattering (M3–PALS). A Nanosizer ZS 3600 338 339 system (Malvern Instruments Ltd., Worcestershire, UK) was used for both 340 determinations. 341 342 343 344 2.6 Stability Study 345 346 347 The stability experiment was performed with blank nanoparticles. The stability was 348 carried out in phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4) at 37 ºC. The buffer (950 µL) was 349 350 added to the nanoparticle solution (50 µL), and the system was left in an incubator at 37 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 ºC with stirring at 50 rpm. After 20 min, the particle size was measured and this analysis 359 was repeated every 20 min until 360 min.Measurements were made in triplicates. 360 361 362 2.7. Morphology 363 364 365 The morphology of CGPLAP nanoparticles was examined using scanning electron 366 367 microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). CGPLAP nanoparticles were 368 369 examined using scanning electron microscopy (Quanta FEG 450 - FEI) at a voltage of 370 20 kV. The nanoparticles solutions were fixed in stubs with carbon tape and metallized 371 372 with gold (Quorum QT150ES). 373 Blank NP´s were analyzed using Asylum MFP3D-Bio microscopy (AFM). The 374 375 images were taken in tapping mode, using an EconoLTESP with nominal spring 376 377 constant of 5n/m and resonance frequency of 138 Khz. Images acquired in intermittent 378 contact mode (tapping mode). 10 μL of diluted samples (1:200 v/v) was spread onto 379 380 freshly cleaned mica and vacuum dried. 381 382 383 2.8. AmphotericinB encapsulation and aggregation state 384 385 386 An amount of 50 mg of the copolymer and 5 mg of AMBwere solubilized in 5 mL of 387 388 DMSO. The solution with the drug was dialyzed for 72 h against distilled water in a 389 light-protected vessel. For a determination of encapsulation efficiency(EE%), NP's were 390 391 frozen and lyophilized. The material in powder form was resuspended in DMSO and 392 393 centrifuged at 40,000 G for 0.5 h so that the matrix of the nanoparticle ruptured and 394 released the encapsulated drug. After centrifugation the AMBconcentration was 395 396 determined by spectrophotometry in visible ultraviolet (UV-vis) without wavelength of 397 391 nm, using a Shimadzu® UV-1800 spectrophotometer. 398 399 The amount of AMBencapsulated was calculated using a calibration curve to

400 2 401 determine the ratio of absorbance to concentration (R = 0.9988). The following 402 formula was used to calculate EE%: 403 404 405 AMB mass in NP 100% 406 EE% =initial AMB add to NP 407 408 푥 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 To determinate the state of aggregation of AMB in nanoparticles before extraction, 418 the AMB loaded nanoparticles were diluted in deionized water and the UV/vis spectrum 419 420 registered. The experiment was also performed with a commercial Sigma AMB solution 421 (with desoxycholate). 422 423 424 2.9 Hemolysis assay 425 426 427 428 To evaluate the toxicity of self-assembling nanoparticles, its hemolytic activity was 429 tested using red bloods cells (RBCs). Human bloods was collected in EDTA 430 431 tubes, washed three times and re-suspended with sterile saline solution (0.9 %). The 432 samples were tested at different AMBconcentration from 62.5 to 250 µg.mL-1. Triton X 433 434 and saline solution were used was positive and negative hemolysis control, respectively. 435 436 The mixture was incubated for 30 min at 37 °C and centrifuged at 8,000 rpm for 1 min. 437 After centrifugation time, the absorbance of samples supernatant was measured at 492 438 439 nm. The results were statistically compared by Tukey test (p < 0.05), using Statistical 440 10.0 program. 441 442 443 444 2.10 In vitro drug release 445 446 447 The release profiles of the drug loaded nanoparticles were obtained using a dialysis 448 system. Each nanoparticle sample (20 mg) were introduced into cellulose acetate 449 450 membranes (cut off 14,000 g.mol-1) and dialyzed against 30 mL of PBS buffer solution 451 452 containing 0.25% sodium lauryl sulfate, at pH 7.4, and 37 °C. Aliquots were taken at 453 certain time intervals and analyzed by spectrophotometry in the UV–vis region. 454 455 456 2.11In vitro antifungal activity 457 458 459 460 461 The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for blank and AMB-loaded nanoparticle 462 463 and the Sigma-Aldrich AMB solution were determined via the broth micro dilution 464 465 method using 96-well plates according to document M27-A3, from the Clinical and 466 467 Laboratory Standards Institute-CLSI (formerly NCCLS) [51]. Stock solution of 468 469 nanoparticles (64 μg.mL-1) in sodium lauryl sulfate (0.150 mL) were serially diluted to 470 471 472 473 474

475 -1 -1 476 range 0.007 – 16 μg.mL in RPMI 1640 medium. AMB (0.007 - 16 μg.mL ) was used 477 478 as a standard. The microplates were incubated at 35°C and fungal growth/inhibition was 479 480 observed after 48 h. The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of an 481 482 agent that prevents visible growth of a . The results were 483 484 read visually as recommended by CLSI [51]. Each experiment was performed in 485 486 duplicate. Four Candida albicans strains were used in the experiment, one obtained 487 488 from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 90028) and three from clinical 489 490 isolates of C. albicans obtained from Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital, Sobral 491 492 493 (Ceará, Brazil). 494 495 496 497 498 499 3. Results and discussion 500 501 502 The grafting of L-lactide onto CG chains involves a nucleophilic attack by the 503 504 hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide. Since the hydroxyl groups are not sufficiently 505 nucleophilic to initiate the reaction, the production of a reactive alkoxide is required. 506 507 This wascarried out through the addition of triethylamine (TEA), as suggested by Cho 508 509 et al. [13]. TEA also acts as a catalyst for the lactide ring-opening reaction. 510 511 512 3.1. Cashew gum graft reaction yield 513 514 515 The reaction yield was higher for CGPLA 1:1 than for CGPLA 1:10 (Table 2), 516 indicating that an increase in the amount of L-lactide in the reaction medium leads to a 517 518 decrease in the yield. The CGPLA was purified in order to remove the homopolymer 519 520 produced in a side reaction. Purification of the copolymer was carried out by polylactide 521 extraction with a non solvent. Several authors have reported the use of organic solvents, 522 523 such as chloroform [15], toluene [7,52,53], [54] and hexane [49,55], to remove 524 the polylactide, or a solvent mixture like toluene/methanol [56]. In this study, hexane 525 526 was chosen to remove the homopolymer. CGPLA copolymers are not soluble in this 527 528 solvent but polylactide is soluble. The yield of the purified copolymer, in relation to the 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 unpurified copolymer, also decreased with increasing of CG:PLA molar ratio. An 536 increase in the proportion of lactide in the reaction favored the formation of the 537 538 homopolymer. The percentage (%) of grafting observed for the chitosan-g-poly(lactic 539 acid) derivative at a chitosan:PLA ratio of 10:1 was higher (92.49%) than that observed 540 541 for CGPLA in the same feed ratio [10]. Cellulose graft with PLA copolymers, with a 542 feed ratio of 1:1, show an increase in the grafting from 27.88 to 32.63 % on varying the 543 544 reaction temperature from 130 to 110˚C [5]. These values were also higher than that 545 546 obtained with a CG:PLA ratio of 1:1. In both cited articles, stannous octoate was used 547 as the catalyst and high temperatures were employed (110-140 ˚C). In the CGPLA 548 549 synthesis triethylamine (TEA) was used as a catalyst with the temperature ranging from 550 70-75°C. 551 552 553 554 555 3.2. FTIR analysis 556 557 558 559 FTIR spectrafor the PLA, CG and copolymers are shown in Fig. S1-Supplementary 560 material.The PLA spectrum shows intense bands in the range from 2971 to 2853cm-1 561 -1 -1 562 and at 1739 cm . The bands at 2971and 2853cm are due to the asymmetric and 563 -1 symmetric stretching vibration of CH3, while the band at 2853 cm is related to the 564 565 symmetric vibration of aliphatic CH groups. The intense band at 1739 cm-1 is attributed 566 to the C=O stretching vibration of aliphatic ester groups [56]. The cashew gum 567 568 spectrum (in salt form) shows a broad band at 3379 cm-1 due to O–H stretching 569 -1 570 vibrations. Strong bands at 1150, 1080 and 1030 cm are due to stretching vibrations of 571 C–O–C from glycosidic bonds and the bending of O–H from alcohols, characteristic of 572 573 polysaccharide structures. A weak band at 2937 cm-1 was attributed to C–H stretching 574 vibrations. The absorption at 1647 cm-1 is due to the O–H scissor vibrations of bonded 575 576 water molecules and the shoulders at ~1600 and 1414 cm-1 can be attributed to 577 - 578 asymmetrical and symmetrical –COO vibrations of the uronic acid present in the gum 579 [57-59]. 580 581 In the copolymers, the presence of a new band at 1739 cm-1, as well as other bands 582 characteristic of CG polysaccharide (e.g., 3379, 1150, 1080, 1030 cm-1) confirms the 583 584 insertion of PLA in the CG chains. 585 586 587 3.3. NMR spectroscopy 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 The NMR spectrum for cashew gum without modification shows characteristic 596 597 anomeric protons in the region of 4.4 to 5.0 ppm using D2O as a solvent [73]. The 598 signals in this region are reported to be due to -D-glucose (4.95 ppm), -L-rhamnose 599 600 (4.81 ppm), -D-galactose (1→3) (4.69 ppm and 4.43 ppm) and -D-glucuronic acid 601 602 (4.51 ppm). The H-2 to H-5 signals are overlapped in the regions of 3.4 ppm to 4.3 ppm 603 and a quartet signal in the region of 1.26 ppm is due to the methyl protons of rhamnose 604 605 [60]. 606 Several polysaccharide/PLA graft copolymers have been investigated using 1H-NMR 607 608 spectroscopy. The insertion of PLA leads to signals characteristic of terminal and 609 610 internal backbone methyl groups at 1.3 ppm (A structure in Fig. 1) and 1.4 ppm (B 611 structure in Fig. 1), respectively. The signals at 5.2 ppm (C structure in Fig. 1) and 4.2 612 613 ppm (D structure in Fig. 1) were attributed to internal and terminal methine protons of 614 PLA, respectively [7,9,11,61]. 615 1 616 Fig.1 also shows the H- NMR spectra for the CGPLAP copolymers in DMSO-d6. 617 618 Signals due to the lactide insertion into the cashew gum structure, at 1.31, 1.44, 4.2 and 619 5.4 ppm, and signals associated with the anomeric protons of cashew gum in DMSO-d6 620 621 (in the region of 5.04 to 5.17 ppm) were observed. The signal associated with the 622 terminal methyl groups at 1.31 ppm is overlapped with that of the methyl groups of 623 624 rhamnose present in the CG. The presence of the PLA signals related tointernal and 625 626 terminal groups indicates that the PLA chain is grafted onto the CG structure[11] and 627 the absence of a signal at 1.66 ppm, characteristic of the lactide monomer [12], suggests 628 629 the absence of residual monomer in the purified copolymers. 630 The values for MS, DS and DP, based on equations 1 to 3, are reported in Table 2. 631 632 These values show that the increase in lactide content does not increase the percentage 633 634 of grafting, since only a small difference can be observed in these values. However, a 635 slight increase in the DP was observed for a CGPLAP ratio of 1:10. The variation in the 636 637 DP values may lead to different nanoparticle aggregation pattern. This result differs 638 from that obtained for the pullulan graft PLA[12,13], where an increase in the 639 640 PLA:glycosidic repeating unit ratio from 5:1 to 20:1 led to an increase in the DS (from 641 642 0.45 to 0.65). However, the DS values obtained for the CGPLAP copolymers are higher 643 than those reported for pullulan:PLA copolymers[12,13]. 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 3.4. Particle size 655 656 657 The nanoparticles were prepared via self-organization using DMSO as the solvent. 658 659 The hydrodynamic diameter, in an aqueous medium, was determined by DLS at 25 ºC. 660 Nanoparticle (NP) size distributions for both copolymers are monomodal (see Fig. S2- 661 662 Supplementary material). The Z-average diameters in distilled water for NP sobtained 663 664 with CGPLAP molar ratios of 1:1 and 1:10 were 230.4 ± 7.7 and 243.6 ± 10.7 nm, 665 respectively. The PDI values were 0.272 ± 0.002 and 0.307 ± 0.018, respectively for 666 667 NPs obtained with ratios of 1:1 and 1:10, indicating a narrow size distribution. The 668 CGPLAP 1:10 NPs had a higher PDI value than the CGPLAP 1:1 NPs. An increase in 669 670 the feed ratio does not affect significantly the hydrodynamic size of the self-assembled 671 672 CGPLAP nanoparticles. The zeta potentials for the two copolymers were also similar (- 673 26.1 ± 1.9 and -24.3 ± 2.3 mV, respectively, for the CGPLAP copolymers 1:1 and 1:10). 674 675 In our previously work [36] we produced Pickering emulsion with monomodal 676 distribution with CGPLAP 1:1 sample using Miglyol as oil phase. The particle size 677 678 value of this Pickering emulsion was closer to that obtained by self-assembling (241 ± 5 679 680 nm). Graft copolymer of PLA with other polysaccharide such chitosan [18], pullulan 681 [11,12], and chondroitin sulfate [61] have been synthesized and characterized by DLS. 682 683 Chitosan-g-PLA nanoparticles were produced by dialysis and dialysis plus 684 ultrasonification [16]. Dialysis methods led to a particle size of 569 nm, however, when 685 686 these particles were submitted to ultra sonification with different amplitude and time, 687 688 particles size ranging from 200 to 350 nm were obtained. For pullulan-g-PLA 689 copolymers nanoparticles prepared with similar methods used in the present work, the 690 691 particle size decrease with the increase of degree of substitution (DS) ranging from 341 692 to 202 nm depending on DS [11]. Chondroitin sulfate-g-PLA copolymers nanoparticle 693 694 were prepared by emulsification (O/W emulsion) with particle size ranging from 92.1 to 695 696 108.5 nm,when the of proportion chondroitin sulfate increase in the copolymer the 697 particle size decrease [62]. 698 699 The stability of the nanoparticles in physiological buffer (pH 7.4 at 37 ˚C) over 6 h 700 was determined by measuring the particle size (Fig.2) to observe whether aggregation 701 702 occurred during this period. It can be observed that the copolymers nanoparticles in 703 buffer pH 7.4 (231.4 ± 17.3 and 226.5 ± 18.2 nm for CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10), 704 705 respectively have similar size to that observed in distilled water. 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 The particle size remained almost constant for up to 240 min for both copolymers 713 (Fig. 2a), and the CGPLAP 1:1 NPs are slightly larger compared with the CGPLAP 714 715 1:10 NPs. After this time, the CGPLAP 1:1 NPs started to aggregate, as observed by the 716 increase in the particle size, however,size distribution is still monodisperse (Figs 2b and 717 718 2c). The higher stability of the CGPLAP 1:10 NPs may be related to the DP or different 719 substitution patterns at the CG chain. 720 721 722 723 3.5. Nanoparticles Morphology 724 725 726 SEM and AFM micrographs show that the nanoparticles have spherical shape with a 727 smooth surface (Fig. 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d) and the average nanoparticle sizes are 728 729 significantly smaller than that obtained by DLS, approximately 70 nm for both 730 731 CGPLAP 1:1 and CGPLAP 1:10 (Fig 3e and 3f). These differences may be due to the 732 fact that AFM and SEM determine the diameter of the dry particles, and will probably 733 734 cause them to shrink, whereas the DLS determines the hydrodynamic diameter in 735 , which leads to swelling of the samples and consequently larger 736 737 particles sizes. 738 739 Amplitude and phase images were show in Fig 4. The CGPLAP 1:1 samples are 740 extremely homogeneous, showing no phase difference (Fig 4a and 4c), whereas 741 742 CGPLAP 1:10 NP´s have texture in phase (Fig 4b and 4d). This can be explained by the 743 slight increase in DP, observed for CGPLAP 1:10, that increase PLA chain. The 744 745 variation on the hydrophobicity may lead to phase difference on the AFM images of 746 747 CGPLAP 1:10. 748 749 750 3.6. Amphotericin B (AMB) encapsulation and loading efficiency (LE) 751 752 753 The other important aspect to evaluate for the CGPLAP nanoparticles was their 754 755 capacity to associate AMB, a drug of low water solubility.The use of nanocapsules is 756 reported for protection of different systems in pharmaceutical or cosmetic applications, 757 758 especially for substances that degrade at temperatures above 40 °C or are sensitive to 759 oxidation in the presence of water, pH variation or ultraviolet light[63].The loading 760 761 efficiency were 89.7 and 82.7 (%) for CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10, respectively. It can be 762 seen that the efficiency value was slightly lower for the GCPLAP 1:10 systems. 763 764 Pickering emulsions produced with the same copolymers in previous work have a much 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 lower encapsulation efficiency (21 to 47 % respectively for Pickering emulsion 772 stabilized with CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10) compared with self-assembling nanoparticles 773 774 [36]. 775 Other authors also reported high values for encapsulation efficiency, confirming that 776 777 amphiphilic systems are efficient in incorporating amphotericin B. Polycarbonate 778 micelles obtained LE values (%) ranging from 66.4 to 76.4 % [44]. AMB-containing 779 780 PLA-PEG nanoparticles were successfully obtained by the emulsion-solvent 781 782 evaporation method. The mean diameter in the NPs was 223 ± 25 nm and the 783 encapsulation efficiency were 68.9% [64]. Micelles of linolenic acid-modified PEG- 784 785 oligochitosan conjugates prepared by dialysis method has 82.27 ± 1.96 % of drug 786 encapsulation efficiency [65]. Nanoparticles of PLGA has efficiency loading 787 788 approximately 80 %[66]. So our samples were very efficiently in the encapsulation of 789 790 AMB in comparison with other systems. 791 AMB tends to aggregate in commercial formulations, leading to an increase of toxicity. 792 793 The UV spectroscopy was used to determinate the aggregation states of AMB when 794 encapsulated in nanoparticles. The UV-vis for AMBin DMSO and a commercial 795 796 solution of AMBfrom Sigma Aldrich (2x10-5 mol.L-1) in water are show in Fig. 5a. 797 798 Bands located at 407-419 nm (Band IV) is the characteristic peak for monomeric form 799 of AMB, while Band I, at approximately 330-340 nm, represents the aggregated form 800 801 [45]. The spectrum for AMB in DMSO showed high intensity peaks at 370, 391 and 802 415 nm, representing the monomeric form and a low intensity peak at 353 nm. In 803 804 contrast, the absorbance spectrum for the commercial AMB solution in water showed a 805 806 high intensity peak at 327 nm, which represent the aggregate state of AMB and peaks of 807 low intensity at 362, 385 and 408 nm. 808 809 The UV-vis for the CGPLAP nanoparticles can be seenin Fig 5 band showed a broad 810 peak of high intensity at 332 nm for both copolymers (GCPLAP 1:1 and 1:10). Lower 811 812 intense peaks were observed at 362, 388 and 419 nm. Spectra with similar absorption 813 814 profiles were found in polycarbonate micelles [44],cluster dextrin [67], linolenic acid- 815 modified and oligochitosan conjugates micelles [65] and PLGA nanoparticles [66]. 816 817 In general, the spectral changes induced by the aggregation of AMB may be 818 represented as the value of the ratio of the intensities of the major absorption bands at λ 819 820 = 348 and 409 nm (i.e., A348/ A409 ratio). This ratio assumes a value ≥2.0 for AMB 821 aggregated species, and of 0.25 for the monomeric form [68]. 822 ∼ ∼ 823 824 ∼ 825 826 827 828 829 830 In commercial formulations of AMB (e.g., Amphocil®, Fungizone®, Abelcet® and 831 AMBisone®) A348/A409 ratios were reported as9.1, 4.8, 1.3 and 2.9, respectively [69] 832 833 thus reflecting that AMB occurs in the aggregated form in such all cases, been 834 Abelcet® and AMBisone® in less aggregated form. The A332/A419 ratio values for the 835 836 CGPLAP 1:1 (A332/A419 ratio 3.18) and 1:10(A332/A419 ratio 3.28) nanoparticles indicate 837 that the AMB loaded in CGPLAP nanoparticles are in aggregate form, however they are 838 839 in a less aggregated state than the observed for Amphocil®, Fungizone® [69]. If 840 841 compared with commercial AMB solution from Sigma-Aldrich (A332/A419 ratio 6.12) 842 values obtained for the CGPLAP copolymers are almost half of the value. 843 844 CGPLAP Pickering emulsion was more effective in loaded AMB without 845 aggregation than the nanoparticles produced by self-assembling [36]. The values of 846

847 A348/A409 was 1.7 and 1.6 respectively for CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10 copolymers Pickering 848 849 emulsion [36]. 850 851 852 The size, PDI and zeta potential for the CGPLAP nanoparticles unload and load with 853 AMB and for commercial AMB solution (Sigma-Aldrich) is shown in Fig 6. It was 854 855 possible to observe an expressive increase in the particle size with AMB encapsulation 856 857 for both systems, with values of 230.4 ± 7.7 and 243.6 ± 10.7 nm for unloaded and 1192 858 ± 23.6 and 1025 ± 143 nm for loaded AMB respectively for CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10 859 860 nanoparticle. This occurs, probably due to electrostatic interferences of the drug with 861 the polymer chain during the formation of the nanoparticles [14]. The commercial AMB 862 863 solution appeared almost four times larger than the two nanoparticle systems, with a 864 865 value of 3682 ± 231 nm. 866 When evaluating the PDI for the nanoparticles, there is a decrease in their values for 867 868 both, from 0.277 to 0.096 for the nanoparticle CGPLAP 1: 1 and from 0.307 to 0.254 869 for the nanoparticle CGPLAP 1:10. This indicates that the AMB load into the 870 871 nanoparticles causes the particle size to become more homogeneous. The commercial 872 873 AMB solution has a higher PDI value (0.413 ± 0.06) than the CGPLAP nanoparticles. 874 The zeta potential is another important parameter because indicates the stability of 875 876 nanoparticles and provides the aggregation. For unload CGPLAP 1:1 and 1:10 877 nanoparticles, has a zeta potential of -26.1 ± 1.9 and -24.3 ± 2.3 mV, respectively. For 878 879 the load AMB nanoparticles has a decrease in zeta potential value of -10.3 ± 0.2 and - 880 12.7 ± 0.9 mV for GCPLAP 1:1 and 1:10, respectively. The zeta potential for 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 commercial AMB is close to that of nanoparticles without AMB, with a value of -22.4 ± 890 0.9 mV. 891 892 893 3.7Biocompatibility assessment 894 895 896 The extent of hemolysis caused after incubation with RBCs is show in Fig 7 for 897 898 CGPLAP 1:1, CGPLAP 1:10 blank and AMB loaded nanoparticles and commercial 899 900 AMB. Incubation of RBCs with triton X (0.1%), as a positive control, led to lysis in red 901 cells instantly, causing 100% hemolysis and releasing hemoglobin, which causes the 902 903 solution to become cloudy after centrifugation, saline solution (0.9%) was used as 904 negative control. Commercial AMB solution shows a large extent of erythrocyte 905 906 damage. 907 908 It can be observed for blank nanoparticles (in this case concentration is the 909 copolymer concentration), in the all concentrations studied, there is no statistical 910 911 difference between CGPLAP 1:1 and CGPLAP 1:10 nanoparticles, with hemolysis 912 extended less than 5%, indicating excellent biocompatibility for nanoparticles matrix. 913 914 For AMB loaded copolymers the concentration in Fig. 7 refers to AMB 915 916 concentration. Statistical analysis using Tukey test revealed that the differences between 917 CGPLAP 1:1 + AMB and CGPLAP 1:10 + AMB nanoparticles were significant (P < 918 919 0.05) when the AMB concentrations were 250 and 125 µg.mL-1. 920 CGPLAP 1:1 + AMB has a lower percentage of hemolysis (47.0 ± 3.7 and 2.7 ± 1.4 921 922 % respectively for 250 and 125 µg.mL-1 AMB concentrations) than CGPLAP 1:10 + 923 -1 924 AMB (85.9 ± 4.2 and 20.5 ± 5.3 % respectively for 250 and 125 µg.mL AMB 925 concentrations). Despite the high hemolysis for CGPLAP 1:10 + AMB (85.9 ± 4.2 % at 926 -1 927 AMB concentration of 250 µg.mL ), the damage is lower than for commercial AMB 928 (109.8 ± 2.2 %) at the same concentration (250 µg.mL-1). 929 930 When the AMB concentration was decrease to 62.5 µg.mL-1, no difference statistical 931 932 was observed for CGPLAP 1:1 + AMB and CGPLAP 1:10 + AMB, with a hemolysis 933 extended less than 5 %. CGPLAP 1:1 + AMB exert a stabilizing and protective effect 934 935 on the cells against hemolysis even at higher AMB concentration than the previously 936 reported systems. 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 3.8 Drug release 949 950 951 To investigate the potential CGPLAP nanoparticles as AMB drug delivery devices, 952 an in vitro release experiment was carried out using PBS buffer with 0.25 % sodium 953 954 lauryl sulfate as release medium (Fig 8). 955 The release profile shows a sustained drug delivery, with maximal release percentage 956 957 of 42.6 ± 4.5 and 52.2 ± 3.9 % after 168 h, for CGPLAP 1:1 and CGPLAP 1:10, 958 959 respectively. The highest release percentage was obtained for CGPLAP 1:10 960 nanoparticles, probably due to its lower DS (1.10), which promotes less interaction with 961 962 AMB, releasing a higher amount of drug. 963 Similar release profile is found for chitosan and AMB complex, releasing 964 965 approximately 21% in the first 24 h, followed by 44.5% release after 20 days of 966 967 experiment [70]. 968 969 970 971 3.9In vitro antifungal test 972 973 974 Unloaded CGPLAP nanoparticles showed inhibition activity against all C. 975 976 albican strains (Table 3). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for 977 978 CGPLAP 1:1 was similar to that of commercial amphotericin B. As far as we concern 979 980 no previous report on polylactideantifungal activity has been reported MIC values of 981 982 AMB-loaded CGPLAP 1:1 and 1 : 10 (Table 3) are half the figure observed for 983 984 commercial AMB solution, a fact that may be due to a synergistic effect of copolymer 985 986 which also exhibits antifungal activity. These results indicate that CGPLAP 987 988 nanoparticles have great potential as nanocarrier delivery system. 989 990 991 4. Conclusions 992 993 994 Copolymers of cashew gum and L-Lactide were synthesized using two CG:PLA 995 996 molar ratios. Nanoparticles were produced through equilibrium dialysis using DMSO as 997 998 a solvent. The copolymer nanoparticles have similar particle size and zeta potential. The 999 CGPLAP 1:10 shows better stability, but CGPLAP 1:1exhibits a narrower particles size 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 distribution. The potential use of CGPLAP nanoparticles as drug delivery device was 1008 tested using AMB as a proof-of concept. A high efficiency of encapsulation was 1009 1010 obtained if compared with CGPLAP Pickering emulsion system previously reported, 1011 however AMB was more aggregated in the self-assembling nanoparticle than in 1012 1013 Pickering emulsion, but less than in Fungizone®. Unloaded CGPLAP nanoparticles 1014 showed inhibition activity against all C. albican strains. MIC values of AMB-loaded 1015 1016 CGPLA are smaller than that observed for commercial AMB solution, a fact that may 1017 1018 be due to a copolymer synergistic effect, indicating that the system has a good potential 1019 as AMB nanocarrier delivery. 1020 1021 1022 Acknowledgement 1023 1024 1025 1026 This study was partially supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de 1027 Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)-Finance code 001, by CNPq (Brazil), 1028 1029 INOMAT/INCT (Brazil) and FUNCAP (Brazil). 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Stability of copolymers and particle size distributionover time (a), particle size 1424 1425 distribution of CGPLAP 1:1 (b) and CGPLAP 1:10 (c) nanoparticles in phosphate 1426 buffer 7.4 at 37 °C. 1427 1428 Fig 3. SEM micrographs of CGPLAP 1:1 (a) and CGPLAP 1:10 (b). AFM 1429 1430 measurements of blank nanoparticles.AFM micrograph height images of CGPLAP 1431 1:1(c) andCGPLAP 1:10 (d) and AFM histograms graphics of CGPLAP 1:1(e) and 1432 1433 CGPLAP 1:10(f) blank nanoparticles. 1434 Fig. 4 AFM images of amplitude for (a) CGPLAP 1:1 and (b) CGPLAP 1:10 and phase 1435 1436 images of (c) CGPLAP 1:1 and (d) CGPLAP 1:10 blank nanoparticles. 1437 1438 Fig. 5UV-Vis spectra ofAMB in DMSO and a commercial AMB aqueous 1439 solution(Sigma-Aldrich) (a) and AMB loaded CGPLAP nanoparticles aqueous solution 1440 1441 (b). 1442 Fig 6. Effect of AMB load on size, PDI and zeta potential for the CGPLAP 1443 1444 nanoparticles. 1445 1446 Fig. 7.Hemolysis percentage as a function of concentration for CGPLAP 1:1 and 1447 CGPLAP 1:10 nanoparticles commercial AMB. Triton was used as a positive control. 1448 1449 Fig 8. In vitroAMB release profile for CGPLA nanoparticlesnanocapsule in PBS buffer 1450 1451 solution containing 0.25% sodium lauryl sulfate, at pH 7.4, and 37 °C 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475

Table 1 - Amount of reagents and solvent used for the synthesis of CGPLAP copolymers gum:L-lactide molar ratioa DMSO (mL) L-Lactide (g) TEA (mL) 1:1 8.89 0.889 0.178 1:10 88.9 8.89 1.78 aAmount of cashew gum was maintained at 1.0 g Table 2- Yield and characteristics of copolymers obtained with different CG:PLA ratios. CG:PLA ratio Parameter 1:1 1:10 Reaction yield (%)a 66.5 ± 1.2 14.8 ± 0.7 Copolymer yield (%)b 98.2± 1.4 87.7 ± 5.4 Homopolymer yield (%)b 1.8 ± 1.4 12.3 ±5.4 Grafting %c 18.7± 1.9 23.3 ± 7.7 MS 2.27 2.33 DS 1.06 1.00 DP 2.14 2.33 a In relation to initial weight of CG+PLA; b in relation to unpurified copolymer; cmass of copolymer-mass of CG/mass of purified copolymer. MS, DS, and DP were calculated as described in equations 1 to 3. Table 3. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Candida albicans strains.

Samples MIC ( µg.mL-1)

C. albicans


90028 0102 0104

CGPLAP 1:1blanka 2 2 2 2

CGPLAP 1:10 blanka 1 1 1 1

AMB loaded CGPLAP 1:1 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5

AMB loaded CGPLAP 1:1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

AMB (Sigma) 1 1 1 1 a Copolymer concentration AUTHOR STATEMENT

Ana Rosa Richter- Investigation (synthesis, Physicochemical analysis, design methodology), analysis and discussion of results, writing original draft, visualization

Maria J. Carneiro- hemolysis experiments

Nayara A. de Sousa - hemolysis experiments

Vicente P. T. Pinto - hemolysis experiments

Rosimeyre S. Freire, R- Nanoparticles Morphology analysis Jeanlex S. de Sousa Nanoparticles Morphology analysis

Josilayne de Fátima Souza Mendes antifungal activity

Raquel Oliveira dos Santos Fontenelle antifungal activity

Judith P. A.Feitosa - writing review analysis and discussion of results

Haroldo C. B. Paula- writing review analysis and discussion of results

Francisco M. Goycoolea- writing review analysis and discussion of results

Regina C. M. de Paula-funding acquisition, supervision, ideas, writing review, analysis and discussion of results