Size : 16 x 24 cm

(4) ¶B[ AÞçÄ R.S.F. ¨õ.340/2A, ØǼ¦ì 0.02.5_ ÖòÍm 58.5 Äm« *â¦ì Eâ½ RMB[ kºþ otئâ ë©Ãá¡, (5) ¶B[ AÞçÄ R.S. ¨õ.340/20, ØǼ¦ì 0.04.0_ ÖòÍm 25.2 Äm« *â¦ì ï¦[ kó_ \u®D WìkVïÝ mçŠë©Ãá¡. ¼\uØÄV[ª 4km \u®D 5km ¶l¦ºï¹[ Ø\VÝ> ë©Ãá¡ 83.7 Äm« *â¦ì 24-B, (900 Äm« ¶½). þwÂz ¼\uïVï 9.15 *â¦ì (30 ¶½), k¦Âz Ø>uïVï 9.15 *â¦ì WìkVï ¶KkéïD : ¨õ. ïVÍ] åïì, (30 ¶½) ¶á¡^á ¼\uØÄV[ª 4km \u®D 5km ¶l⦺ï¹[ Ø\VÝ> ë©Ãá¡ zDüïVðD - 612 001. t[ªÞÄ_ : [email protected] 83.7 Äm« *â¦ì (900 Äm« ¶½). Ö]_ þwÂz ¼\uïVï 9.15 *â¦ì \u®D k¦Âz Ø>uïVï ¼ÃV[ : 0435-2432322, à¼ÃÂü : 0435-2431746 5.30 *â¦ì, Ø\VÝ>D 48.5 Äm« *â¦ì ë©ÃáséVª R.C.C. íç«¥ç¦B >ç«Ý>áD \u®D >ç«Ý>á ï⽦Ý]uz ¼\_ ¶¼> ¶á¡ïÓ¦[ ï⦩Ã⦠1km, 2km & 3km >á ï¦Ìâ|ß ØÄVÝmÂïçá Ø«VÂï\VÂz>_/W] ØÄVÝmÂïçá æ«ç\Ý>_ ï⽦D, 37.44 Äm« *â¦ì ë©ÃáséVª \V½ ýÂïâ|, güØÃü¦Vü íç«¥ç¦B \u®D ï¦Ìâ|ß ØÄVÝm *>Vª cöç\ ¶\éVÂï Äâ¦D, 2002[ ý z¹BéçÅ ‡1, à©ái‡¶¡â ïa©ÃçÅ ‡ 3 >ç«Ý>á ï⽦Ý]uz Ø>uz Ãz]l_ >u¼ÃVm ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçª ¶¤s©A c^áª. 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N. åVçïB[ >/ØÃ. kVºï©Ã⦠\çªÂz : Ø>uþ_, ¶©m_ \ý][ ï⽦ÝmÂz : þwÂþ_, ÿ¼w åV«VBðÄVt ØÄâ½BVì, ï>¡ ¨õ.49A5, ¶wþö ÄÍm Ø>ò, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D ¼ÃVüâ, z¤©¸¦©Ãâ|^á 7km ¶lâ¦ÝmÂz : k¦Âþ_, xòïM[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : ¼\uþ_. cç¦BVìÃVçáBD >VKÂïV, ¶öBÙì \Vkâ¦D ‡ 621 802, (6) M/s. p ¶D\[ (7) åÝ>D S.F. ¨õ.340/1B_ 0.00.423 Äm« *â¦ö_ ÖòÍm 321.4 Äm« *â¦ì (3,460 Äm« ئÂüç¦_ü, ïç¦ ¨õ.56, E>DëD ¼«V|, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D, cç¦BVìÃVçáBD ¶½) ë©ÃáséVª ïVo \çª, x>o_ ¶B[ åÞçÄ ØǼ¦ì 0.28.0_ ÖòÍm R.S.F. >VKÂïV, ¶öBÙì \Vkâ¦D ‡ 621 802 gþ¼BVì ØÃuÅ ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>Vçï 25-07-2021 ¨õ.340/1B_, þwÂz ¼\uïVï 43¼', k¦Âz Ø>uïVï 80 ¶½ ÿµÂïõ¦ ¨_çéïÓÂz^ : ¶[®^áý Ô.1,39,37,613/- (ÔÃVF Îò ¼ïV½¼B x©ÃÝØ>V[Ãm éâÄÝm ¼\¼é z¤©¸â|^á 6km ¶lâ¦D \u®D ¶©m_ \ý][ \çªÂz : Ø>uþ_, xòïM[ x©Ãݼ>wVl«Ým ¶®±u® Ã][J[® \â|D) \u®D 26-07-2021 x>_ ¸[kâ½ T| \u®D \çªÂz : ¼\uþ_, ¼«V|Âz : þwÂþ_, «V¼ÛÍ]«M[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : \u®D kºþÂz ¼Ä«¼kõ½B ¼k® °¼>ÐD ÃVÂþï^, Ö>« ØÄé¡ï^ gþB Ø\VÝ> k¦Âþ_. 6km \u®D 7km ¶l⦺ï¹[ Ø\VÝ> ë©Ãá¡ E>DëD ¼«V½_ 356.8 *â¦ì. 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(10) ¶B[ åÞçÄ R.S.F. ¨õ. sáºzk>V_ (OLCC 25120000125297)-[ ÿµ 12.00% kâ½ sþ>Ý]_ 18-11-2017 & 340/20A_, ØǼ¦ì 0.02.35, (ØǼ¦ì 0.04.0_ ÖòÍm ÃçwB S.F. ¨õ.340/20 (Adhoc facility) 26-12-2019 ¶[® Ô.5,50,00,000/- À⽩A W] c>s kwºþ¥^ám. ØǼ¦ì 0.02.35) ÿµÂïõ¦ ¨_çéïÓÂz^ : E>DëD ¼«V|Âz : Ø>uþ_, ¼«V|Âz : 25-07-2021 ¶[®^áý ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>VçïBVªm Ô.7,10,83,751/- (ÔÃVF °¿ þwÂþ_, xòï[ kVºþB \çªÂz : k¦Âz \u®D ¼\uþ_.Ö©¼ÃVm SF. ¨õ.340/20A ¼ïV½¼B ÃÝm éâÄÝm ¨õÃÝm J[ÅVl«Ým ¨¿±u® nDÃÝm Î[® \â|D) gzD >s« ¼\uïõ¦ S.F. ¨õï¹[ Ä©‡½s­ÐÂz© ¸Åz ¼\uØÄV[ª ØÄVÝmÂï^ ÿµÂïõ¦ \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÿµÂïõ¦ ØÄVÝ]çª Equitable s>Ý]_ μ« ¸áVÂïVï c^᪠: (1) ¶B[ åÞçÄ R.S.F. ¨õ,340/20B ØǼ¦ì 0.03.0, Mortgage-gï ¶¦\VªD çkÝm^áªì. (2) åÝ>D S.F. ¨õ.340/1B1_ 807 Äm« *â¦ì. ÿµÂïõ¦ ¨_çéïÓÂz^ : E>DëD ¼«V|Âz : Ø>uþ_, ïò©çÃBVs[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : ¼\uþ_, «V¼ÛÍ]«[ \u®D 2) ¨ºïám 025-ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, cºï¹_ ¨õ.6 ØïVõ¦k«m ¼kõ|¼ïV¹[ ï¼ðÄM[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : k¦Âþ_, ¼«V|Âz (¼åò åïì Ø>ò): þwÂþ_. ¼Ãö_, cºï¹_ ¨õ.3 ØïVõ¦kì cöç\BVáì ¨[Å xçÅlKD, ¶k«m ¼\uØÄV[ª \çªl_ R.C.C. íç«¥ç¦B >ç«Ý>áD, x>_ >áD \u®D 2km >áD ¸«]W]ÝmkÝ][ ¼ÃöKD, cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2 & 3 ØïVõ¦kìï^ c¦[- ØïVõ¦ kèï ï⽦D c^ám. 寧V¹ïáVï¡D \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÛV*[>V«ìïáVï¡D sáºzk>V_ (CUB OSL TERM EMI-BR 501812080019093)-[ ÿµ 13.00% kâ½ sþ>Ý]_ WìðlÂï©Ã⦠sçé : Ô. 15,00,00,000/- 2 1 - 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 ¶[® Ô. 1 , 0 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 / - À⽩A W] c>s kwºþ¥^ám. (ÔÃVF Ã]çªÍm ¼ïV½ \â|D) 25-07-2021 ¶[®^áý ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>VçïBVªm Ô.99,53,678/- (ÔÃVF Ø>VõIu® Î[Ãm éâÄÝm nDÃÝm J[ÅVl«Ým ¶®±u® ¨¿ÃÝm ¨â| \â|D) Ø­âR_ - E : (åV«VBðÄVt ØÄâ½BVì \ï[ ]ò. N. åVçïBÐÂz ØÄVÍ>\Vª ØÄVÝm) gzD \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÿµÂïõ¦ ØÄVÝ]çª Equitable ¶öBÙì \Vkâ¦D \u®D \Vk⦠Ã]kïD, cç¦BVìÃVçáBD >VKÂïV, Mortgage-gï ¶¦\VªD çkÝm^áªì. ØÛBºØïVõ¦D mçð Ã]kïD, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D xMEÃoâ½ ¨_çéÂz^, S.F. 3) 025- 6 ØÛBºØïVõ¦D ¦¡[ ¶wþö ÄÍm Ø>ò, A]B åÝ>D ¨õ.606/6_ 00069 Äm« *â¦ì ¨ºïám ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, cºï¹_ ¨õ. ØïVõ¦k«m ¼kõ|¼ïV¹[ S.F.No. ' 3 ë©ÃáséVª (ØǼ¦ì 1.53.00_ ÖòÍm ÃçwB 188/2), þwÂz ¼\uïVï 20 , ¼Ãö_, cºï¹_ ¨õ. ØïVõ¦kì cöç\BVáì ¨[Å xçÅlKD, ¶k«m k¦Âz Ø>uïVï 38' ¶á¡^á ØÄVÝm. ¨_çéï^ : ¼«V|Âz : k¦Âþ_, Aò¼­VÝ>\M[ ¸«]W]ÝmkÝ][ ¼ÃöKD, cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2 & 3 ØïVõ¦kìï^ c¦[- T| \u®D \çªÂz : þwÂþ_, ¼ïVsÍ>¸^çá zâ½Âz : Ø>uþ_, ØÃöBÄVt ¸^çá 寧V¹ïáVï¡D \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÛV*[>V«ìïáVï¡D \çªÂz : ¼\uþ_. ¼\uØÄV[ª \çªl_ ï>¡ ¨õ.149A5, t[ÄV« ¼Äçk Öçð©A sáºzk>V_ (CUB OSL TERM EMI-BR 501812080013254)-[ ÿµ 13.00% kâ½ sþ>Ý]_ ¨õ.06‡324‡0220‡158 ØïVõ¦ R.C.C. >ç«Ý>áD cç¦B z½lò©A ï⽦D c^ám. 2 3 - 0 9 - 2 0 1 5 ¶[® Ô. 6 , 5 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 / - À⽩A W] c>s kwºþ¥^ám. 25-07-2021 ¶[®^áý ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>VçïBVªm Ô.6,52,52,025/- (ÔÃVF g® WìðlÂï©Ã⦠sçé : Ô. 18,00,000/- ¼ïV½¼B nDÃÝm Ö«õ| éâÄÝm nDÃÝm Ö«õ¦Vl«Ým ÖòÃÝm nÍm \â|D) (ÔÃVF Ã]تâ| éâÄD \â|D) gzD \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÿµÂïõ¦ ØÄVÝ]çª Equitable Mortgage-gï ¶¦\VªD çkÝm^áªì. ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçª sk«D 4) ¨ºïám 025-ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, cºï¹_ ¨õ.3 ØïVõ¦k«m ¼kõ|¼ïV¹[ ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçª ¼>] : 06-09-2021 ¼Ãö_, cºï¹_ ¨õ.2 ØïVõ¦kì c¦[-寧V¹BVï¡D \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ Ö¦D : Eâ½ RMB[ kºþ otئâ, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, 2, 3 & 4 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÛV*[>V«ìïáVï¡D sáºzk>V_ (CUB OSL TERM EQUAL-BR ¨õ.51, Ä[ª] Ø>ò, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D ‡ 621 802. 501812080050514)-[ ÿµ 13.00% kâ½ sþ>Ý]_ 27-03-2019 ¶[® Ô.1,80,00,000/- Ø>Vçé¼ÃE ¨õ. 04331-250268, ØÄ_ ¨õ. 9380351747. À⽩A W] c>s kwºþ¥^ám. 25-07-2021 ¶[®^áý ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>VçïBVªm Ô.1,99,52,358/- (ÔÃVF Îò ¼ïV½¼B Ø>VõIu® Î[Ãm éâÄÝm nDÃÝm ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçªÂïVª s]xçÅï^ \u®D WÃÍ>çªï^ Ö«õ¦Vl«Ým x[ûu® nDÃÝm ¨â| \â|D) gzD \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ 2, 3 & 4 (1) sò©Ãxç¦B ئõ¦ì>V«ì / °éD ¼ïâÃkì °éÝ]_ úz ØïV^á ¼åö_ ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÿµÂïõ¦ ØÄVÝ]çª Equitable Mortgage-gï ¶¦\VªD çkÝm^áªì. gÛ«Vï ¼kõ|D \u®D >ªÂïVï¼k °éD ¼ïâÃ>Vï ¨¿Ým¯ìk\Vª Îò 5) ¨ºïám 025-ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, cºï¹_ ¨õ.3 ØïVõ¦k«m ¼kõ|¼ïV¹[ c®]Ø\Val窥D ¶¹Âï ¼kõ|D. (2) sò©Ãxç¦B ئõ¦ì>V«ì/°éD ¼ïâï ¼Ãö_, cºï¹_ ¨õ.2 ØïVõ¦kì c¦[-寧V¹BVï¡D \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ sòDA¼kVì, ئõ¦ì ýkºïçá ¼\¼ª Ûì, Eâ½ RMB[ kºþ otئâ, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ØïVõ¦kìï^ ÛV*[>V«ìïáVï¡D sáºzk>V_ (CUB OSL SPECIAL-BR ØÛBºØïVõ¦D þçá, ¨õ.51, Ä[ª ] Ø>ò, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D ‡ 621 802-_ 501812080062547)-[ ÿµ 13.00% kâ½ sþ>Ý]_ 30-03-2020 ¶[® Ô.1,00,00,000/- ØÃu®ÂØïV^áéVD. (3) sò©Ãxç¦B ئõ¦ì>V«ì / °éD ¼ïâÃkì >ºïám 25-07-2021 sçé©A^¹ïçá WìðlÂï©Ã⦠ئõ¦ì ýkÝ]_ æo¦©Ã⦠cçÅï¹_ çkÝm, À⽩A W] c>s kwºþ¥^ám. ¶[®^áý ï¦[ WKçkÝ Ø>VçïBVªm “ ” Ô.1,18,93,377/- (ÔÃVF Îò ¼ïV½¼B Ã]تâ| éâÄÝm Ø>VõIu® J[ÅVl«Ým ¶Ým¦[, Eâ½ RMB[ ¼ÃºÂ ¨[Å ØÃBö_ ØÃÅ©Ã⦠WìðlÂï©Ãâ¦/ zçÅÍ>ÃâÄ Pay Order x[ûu® ¨¿ÃÝm °¿ \â|D) 2, 3 & 4 sçél[ 10% Ø>VçïÂïVª /¼ïâA k竼kVçélçª ¸çð çk©AÝ gzD \u®D cºï¹_ ¨õï^ ØïVõ¦kìï^ “ ” ÿµÂïõ¦ ØÄVÝ]çª Equitable Mortgage-gï ¶¦\VªD çkÝm^áªì. Ø>VçïBVï ÖçðÝm ¶]ïV«¯ìk ¶]ïVö, Eâ½ RMB[ kºþ otئ⠨ª xïkölâ|, Öºz ¶¤sÂï©Ãâ|^á ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçª ¼>]B[® åõÃï_ kºþÂz ¶¦\VªD çkÂï©Ãâ|^á ØÄVÝmÂï¹[ sk«D 12.00 \è ¶_ém ¶>uz x[ª>Vï Ä\쩸Âï ¼kõ|D. (4) sò©Ãx^á ئõ¦ì>V«ì / Ø­âR_ - B : (R. xòï[ \çªs ]ò\] ØÄ_sÂz ØÄVÍ>\Vª ØÄVÝm) °éD ¼ïâÃkì ØÄVÝ]çª ÃVìçkl¦¡D \u®D Ö>« sk«ºïÓÂzD Ø>Vçé¼ÃE ¨õ. ¶öBÙì \Vkâ¦D \u®D \Vk⦠Ã]kïD, cç¦BVìÃVçáBD >VKÂïV, 04331-250268, ØÄ_ ¨õ. 9380351747n Ø>V¦ìA ØïV^á¡D. (5) ÖÍ> ØÄVÝm(Âï^) ØÛBºØïVõ¦D mçð Ã]kïD, ØÛBºØïVõ¦D ¦¡[ ¨_çéïÓÂz^, ¼>kVºïì å| “ÖòÂþ[Å Ö¦Ý]_”, “ÖòÂþ[Å Wçél_” \u®D “ÖòÂþ[Åku®¦[” ¨[Å Ø>òs_, ¶lâ¦D ¨õ.1 : ÃçwB S.F. ¨õ.185 ØǼ¦ì 0.58.00_ ÖòÍm, åÝ>D A]B ¶½©Ãç¦l_ suÃçª ØÄFB©Ã|D. (6) æo¦©Ã⦠ئõ¦ìï^ sò©Ãx^á gÛ«Vþ¥^á S.F. ¨õ.185/32_, 00123 Äm« *â¦ì ë©ÃáséVª \çª, ¶]_ c^á ï>¡ ¨õ.34 ئõ¦ì>V«ìï^ x[Mçél_ Öºz ¶¤sÂï©Ãâ|^á ئõ¦ò¦[ í½B °é suÃçª ØïVõ¦ R.C.C. íç«¥ç¦B z½lò©A ï⽦D \u®D Ø>uz ÃÂïD ï⦩Ãâ|^á ¼>]B[® ¸uÃï_ 1.00 \èÂz ]ÅÂï©Ã|D. ØÃVmkVï, J¦©Ã⦠WçéléVª ئõ¦ì ïa©¸¦D \u®D z¹BéçÅ \u®D t[ÄV« ¼Äçk Öçð©A ¨õï^ 236 \u®D 237, suÃçªBVï ÖòÍ> ¼ÃV]KD, J¦©Ã⦠WçéléVª ئõ¦ö_ z¤©¸¦©Ãâ|^á ÃçwB z½Àì Öçð©A ¨õ.95, A]B Öçð©A ¨õ.091/009/00003, ¼\uØÄV[ª sçé©A^¹çB ïVâ½KD í|>éVï °éD ¼ïV« sòDA¼kVìï¹[ sò©ÃÝ][ ¼Ãö_ ï⽦D \u®D K. ĺïòç¦B ï⽦Ý][ ¼\uz© ÃÂïx^á ØÃVm ÄÍ]_ 2/3 ÃVï cöç\. ¶]ïV«¯ìk ¶]ïVöl[ ïâ¦çál[ ¼Ãö_, Øk¹©Ãç¦BVª ]ÅÍ> °éÝ]çª ¨_çéï^ : Ø>ò \u®D K. ĺïö[ ï⽦D \u®D \çªÂz : Ø>uþ_, «sßÄÍ]«[ \u®D å¦Ý]¦éVD. ÖÍ> Wçél_, ¶]ïÃâÄ °éD ¼ïVòÃkò¼ï, ÖÍ> suÃçª kwºï©Ã|D. «V\ßÄÍ]«M[ \çª \u®D ï⽦ÝmÂz : ¼\uþ_, «V\ßÄÍ]«[ pWkVÄ[ \u®D ¨MÐD, ÖÍ> suÃçª Eâ½ RMB[ kºþlªV_ c®] ØÄFB©Ã¦ ¼kõ|D. Ö>«òç¦B ï⽦D \u®D \çªÂz : k¦Âþ_, K. ĺïì \u®D K. ]òQVªÝ][ ï⽦D (7) Øku¤ØîD ئõ¦ì>V«ì / °éD ¼ïâÃkì suÃçª sçél_ 25% Ø>VçïçB \u®D \çªÂz : þwÂþ_. (¸çðçk©AÝ Ø>Vçï ØÄKÝ]Bm c^æ) suÃçª c®] ØÄFB©Ã⦠c¦¼ª¼B ØÄKÝ> ¼kõ|D. *] 75% Ø>VçïçB suÃçª c®] ØÄFB©Ã⦠¼>]loòÍm WìðlÂï©Ã⦠sçé : Ô. 75,00,000/- 15 åVâïÓÂz^áVï ØÄKÝ> ¼kõ|D. ¼\uz¤©¸â¦Ã½ ØÄKÝ>Ý >k¤ªV_ ¶k«V_ (ÔÃVF ¨¿ÃÝm nÍm éâÄD \â|D) ØÄKÝ>©Ã⦠25% Ø>Vçï x¿kç>¥D ¶kì ÖwÂï ¼åö|D. (8) z¤©¸¦©Ãâ|^á Ø­âR_ - D : (A. «V\åV>[ \ï[ R. xòïÐÂz ØÄVÍ>\Vª ØÄVÝm) ïVékç«BçÅÂz^ Ø\VÝ> suÃçª Ø>VçïçB¥D ØÃu®ÂØïVõ¦ ¸[ª¼«, Øku¤ ØÃuŠئõ¦ì>V«ì / °é>V«òÂz ¶]ïV«¯ìk ¶]ïVöBV_ suÃçª ÄV[¤>µ (Sale ¶öBÙì \Vkâ¦D \u®D \Vk⦠Ã]kïD, cç¦BVìÃVçáBD >VKÂïV, Certificate) kwºï©Ã|D. (9) ÃÝ]« ØÄé¡, Ã]¡Â ïâ¦ðD, Ä⦩ýBVª \uÅ ØÄé¡ïçá ØÛBºØïVõ¦D mçð Ã]kïD, ÛBºØïVõ¦D ¦¡[, E>DëD ¼«V½_, (1) ¶B[ åÞçÄ Øku¤ØÃuÅ °éD¼ïâ¦k¼« °uï ¼kõ|D. (10) ¶«·, ¶«· W®kªD \u®D c^áVâE R.S.F. ¨õ.340/2A, ØǼ¦ì 0.02.5_ ÖòÍm 175 Äm« *â¦ì ë©Ãá¡, (2) ¶B[ åÞçÄ W®kªºïÓÂïVª ØÄVÝm ÄDÃÍ>©Ã⦠Ä⦯ìk Tâ| kö, t[ÄV«Â ïâ¦ðD, TDS, GST R.S.F. ¨õ.340/20, ØǼ¦ì 0.04.0_ ÖòÍm 75 Äm« *â¦ì ë©Ãá¡, (3) ¶B[ åÞçÄ \u®D Ö>« ÃVÂþïçá Øku¤ØîD °éD¼ïâ¦k¼« ØÄKÝ> ¼kõ|D. (11) ¨Í>s> R.S.F. ¨õ.340/1B, ØǼ¦ì 0.28.0_ ÖòÍm (ØǼ¦ì 0.32.5_ ÖòÍm ÃçwB ïV«ðxD íÅV\_ sçé©A^¹ïçá °uï ¶_ém W«VïöÂï ¶_ém suÃçªçB S.F. ¨õ.340/1) 109.6 Äm« *â¦ì ë©Ãá¡. ¼\uØÄV[ª J[® ¶l⦺ï¹[ Ø\VÝ> «Ým ØÄFB ¶]ïV«¯ìk ¶]ïVöÂz x¿ cöç\ cõ|. ë©Ãá¡ 359.6 Äm« *â¦ì (3,882 Äm« ¶½), k¦Âþ_ 9 *â¦ì (29½ ¶½), Ø>uþ_ 8.5 *â¦ì (28 ¶½), \u®D k¦Âz Ø>uïVï 41.6 *â¦ì (135 ¶½), 1.83 *â¦ì ¶ïéxD Ö¦D : zDüïVðD, ¼>] : 28-07-2021 ¶]ïV«¯ìk ¶]ïVö 7.6 *â¦ì gwxx^á Îò ï_ þðu®¦[. ¼\uØÄV[ª J[® ¶l⦺ïÓD Îò 149, T.S.R. ¸áVÂïVï ÿµÂïõ¦ åV[z ¨_çéïÓÂz^ ¶ç\Ím^᪠: xòïM[ T| \u®D Ã]¡ ¶KkéïD : ¨õ. (ØÃöB) Ø>ò, zDüïVðD, >ÞÄVÆì \Vkâ¦D, \çªÂz : Ø>uþ_, ïò©çÃBVs[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : ¼\uþ_, «V¼ÛÍ]«[ \u®D >tµåV| ‡ 612 001, CIN - L65110TN1904PLC001287, ï¼ðÄM[ T| \u®D \çªÂz : k¦Âþ_, ¶©m_ \ý][ kVºï©Ã⦠\çªÂz : þwÂþ_, ¼ÃV[ : 0435-2402322, à¼ÃÂü : 0435-2431746, ÖçðB>áD : Size : 16 x 24 cm

City Union Bank Limited 9.15 mtr. (30’) wherein a Ground Floor R.C.C. Roofed building measuring East to West 9.15 mtr. Credit Recovery and Management Department and North to South 5.30 mtr. total extent is 48.5 and 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor building, Administrative Office : with same measurement constructed over the Ground Floor building with upstairs steps with No. 24-B, Gandhi Nagar, an extent of 37.44 also a Asbestos Roofed Bath Room-1 and Fleshout Latrine-3 that - 612 001. E-Mail id : [email protected], Ph : Fax : exists in the South of the Ground Floor Building. The Buildings are bearing Door Nos.41B1 0435-2432322, 0435-2431746 to 41B10 and having electricity service connection Nos.324-003-218 to 324-003-221. The above said 4th and 5th item are in one block and situated within the four boundaries : TENDER-CUM-AUCTION SALE NOTICE UNDER SARFAESI ACT 2002 South of : Chidambarm Road, West of : House of Karuppaiya, North of : Purchased site of Murugan, East of : Building of Abdul Majeed and others at State Bank Colony. 6) In Natham The following property/ies mortgaged to City Union Bank Limited will be sold in Tender- S.F.No.340/1B, a vacant site extent of 35.4 (381½ sq.ft.) out of 0.00.423 mtr. originally cum-Public Auction by the Authorised Officer of the Bank, under Rule 8 (6) & 9 of the Security in Ayan Nanja S.F.No.340/1B out of Hec. 0.28.0 measuring : East to West 15½' and North Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002, under the SARFAESI Act, 2002, for recovery of a sum of Rs.1,39,37,613/- (Rupees One Crore Thirty Nine Lakh Thirty Seven Thousand Six Hundred to South on the West 25¼' on the East 24', Total 38½ sq.ft. (35.4 situated within the four boundaries of south of the purchased site of Murugan East of the building of and Thirteen Only) as on 25-07-2021 together with further interest to be charged from Abdul Majeed North of the below mentioned 7th item and West of the house and site of 26-07-2021 onwards, other expenses and any other dues to the bank by the borrowers / Murugan. 7) In Natham S.F.No.340/1B a vacant site with an extent of 321.4 guarantors No.1) M/s. Sri Kumaran Silks, No.14, Road, , Udayarpalayam (Taluk), (Dist) - 621 802. No.2) Mrs. M. Selvi, W/o. R. Murugan, (3,460 sq.ft.) out of 0.00.423 originally in Ayan Punja R.S.F.No.340/1B out of Hec. 0.28.0 Door No.22A, Sannathi Street, Jayankondam Post, , Ariyalur which measures : East to West 43¼' and North to South 80’ situated within the four boundaries District - 621 802. No.3) Mr. R. Murugan, S/o. A. Ramanathan, Door No.22A, of South of the above mentioned 6th item and the site of Abdul Majeed West of the house and Sannathi Street, Jayankondam Post, Udayarpalayam Taluk, - 621 802. site of Murugan East of the Road and North of the house and site of Rajendran, total extent of No.4) Mrs. R. Kanagam, W/o. A. Ramanathan, Door No.22A, Sannathi Street, 6th and 7th item is 356.8 mtr. at Chidambaram Road. 8) In Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/20B a Jayankondam Post, Udayarpalayam Taluk, Ariyalur District - 621 802. No.5) vacant site with an extent of 85.6 (922 sq.ft.) out of Hec. 0.04.0 (Old S.F.No.340/20 Mr. N. Nagaiyan, S/o. Narayanasamy Chettiyar, Door No.49A5, Azhagiri Lane Street, out of Hec 0.04.0) which measures : East to West 15½' and North to South 59’ situated within Jayankondam, Udyarpalayam, Ariyalur - 621 802. No.6) M/s. Sri Amman Textiles, the four boundaries : of South of the Chidambaram Road, West of the House and site of Shop No.56, Chidambaram Road, Jayankondam, Udayarpalayam, Ariyalur - 621 802. Murugan, North of the purchased site of Murugan and East of the building of Abdul Majeed. 9) In Natham S.F.No.340/1B a vacant site with an extent of 71 out of Hec. 0.28.0 Note : 1) That our 025-Jayankondam Branch has also extended Financial Assistance (Old Ayan Natham R.S.F.No.340/1B, 0.71 out of Hec. Ac. 0.80) situated with four (OLCC 25120000125297) dated 18-11-2017 & (Adhoc facility) dated 26-12-2019 requested boundaries of South-West and North of the purchased site of Murugan and East of the Road. by No.6 of you represented by No.3 of you as Proprietor for which No.2 and 3 of you stood as 10) In Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/20A Hec. 0.02.35 (Old S.F.No.340/20 Hec. 0.02.35 out of Co-obligants and No. 2, 3 and 4 of you stood as Guarantors for the facility for a total amount Hec. 0.04.0) situated within the four boundaries of South of the Chidambaram Road, East of of Rs. 5,50,00,000/- at a ROI of 12% and the balance outstanding as on 25-07-2021 is the Road and North and West of the purchased site of Murugan. Now after Sub-division of Rs.7,10,83,751/- (Rupees Seven Crore Ten Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Seven Hundred above said SF Nos. excluding SF.No.340/20A the above said properties are in one block as and Fifty One Only) and No.2, 3 and 4 of you had created Equitable Mortgage over the property follows : 1) Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/20B Hec. 0.03.0, 2) In Natham S.F.No.340/1B1, described hereunder. 807 Situated within the four boundaries of South of the Chidambaram Road, 2) That our 025-Jayankondam Branch has also extended Financial Assistance (CUB OSL West of the House and site of Karuppaiya, North of the house and site of Rajendran and TERM EMI-BR 501812080019093) dated 21-05-2016 requested by No.6 of you represented Ganesan and East of the Road (Nehru Nagar Street). In the above said site there exists a by No.3 of you as Proprietor for which No.2 and 3 of you stood as Co-obligants and No. 2, 3 commercial R.C.C. roofed Ground Floor and 1st Floor, 2nd Floor Building. and 4 of you stood as Guarantors for the facility for a total amount of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- at a Reserve Price: Rs.15,00,00,000/- 13% 25-07-2021 Rs.99,53,678/- (Rupees Ninety ROI of and the balance outstanding as on is (Rupees Fifteen Crore Only) Nine Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Eight Only) and No.2, 3 and 4 of you had created Equitable Mortgage over the property described hereunder. Schedule - E : (Property Owned by Mr. Nagaiyan, S/o. Narayanasamy Chettiyar) 3) That our 025-Jayankondam Branch has also extended Financial Assistance (CUB OSL Property situated in Ariyalur Dt & Dt.Registry, Udayarpalayam (TK), Jayankondam TERM EMI-BR 501812080013254) dated 23-09-2015 requested by No.6 of you represented Sub.Registry within the limit of Jayankondam Municipality and in the same Jayankondam by No. 3 of you as Proprietor for which No.2 and 3 of you stood as Co-obligants and No. 2, 3 Town in Azhagiri Lane Street. In new Natham S.F.No.606/6 a site with an extent of and 4 of you stood as Guarantors for the facility for a total amount of Rs.6,50,00,000/- at a 00069 (Old S.F.No.188/2 out of Hec. 1.53.00) which measures : East to West 20' and ROI of 13% and the balance outstanding as on 25-07-2021 is Rs.6,52,52,025/- (Rupees North to South 38'. Boundaries : North of : Road, East of : House and Site of Purushothman, Six Crore Fifty Two Lakh Fifty Two Thousand and Twenty Five Only) and No.2, 3 and South of : Govidapillai Kuttai, West of : Site of Periyasamy Pillai. In the above said site 4 of you had created Equitable Mortgage over the property described hereunder. there exists a RCC Ground Floor Residential Building Door No-149A5 and electricity service 4) That our 025-Jayankondam Branch has also extended Financial Assistance (CUB OSL connection no-06-324-0220-158. TERM EQUAL-BR 501812080050514) dated 27-03-2019 requested by No.3 of you for Reserve Price: Rs.18,00,000/- which No.2 of you stood as Co-obligant and No. 2, 3 and 4 of you stood as Guarantors (Rupees Eighteen Lakh Only) for the facility for a total amount of Rs. 1,80,00,000/- at a ROI of 13% and the balance AUCTION DETAILS outstanding as on 25-07-2021 is Rs.1,99,52,358/- (Rupees One Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Fifty Two Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Eight Only) and No.2, 3 and 4 of you Date of Tender-cum-Auction Sale Venue had created Equitable Mortgage over the property described hereunder. City Union Bank Limited, Jayankondam Branch, 025-Jayankondam Branch 5) That our has also extended Financial Assistance (CUB OSL 06-09-2021 No.51, Sannathi Street, Jayankondam - 621802. 30-03-2020 SPECIAL-BR 501812080062547) dated requested by No.3 of you for Telephone No.04331-250268, Cell No.9380351747. which No.2 of you stood as Co-obligant and No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 of you stood as Guarantors Terms and Conditions of Tender-cum-Auction Sale : for the facility for a total amount of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- at a ROI of 13% and the balance (1) outstanding as on 25-07-2021 is Rs.1,18,93,377/- (Rupees One Crore Eighteen Lakh The intending bidders should be present in person for the auction and participate Ninety Three Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Seven Only) and No.2, 3 and 4 personally and give a declaration in writing to the effect that he/she is bidding for himself/ (2) The Manager, City of you had created Equitable Mortgage over the property described hereunder. herself. The intending bidders may obtain the Tender Forms from Union Bank Limited, Jayankondam Branch, No.51, Sannathi Street, Jayankondam - Immovable Properties Mortgaged to our Bank 621802. (3) Schedule - B : (Property Owned by Mrs. Selvi, W/o. R. Murugan) The intending bidders should submit their bids only in the Tender Form prescribed in sealed envelopes addressed to The Authorised Officer, City Union Bank Ariyalur District & District Registry, Udayarpalayam Tk, Jayankondam Sub-Registry within the Ltd., together with a Pay Order / Demand Draft for an EMD of 10% of the Reserve Price, drawn limit of Jayankondam Town in Devangar Middle Street. Item No.1 : In Natham New S.F.No. in favour of “City Union Bank Ltd.”, on or before 12.00 Noon on the date of Tender-cum- 185/32 a site with an extent of 00123 (Old S.F.No.185 out of Hec. (0.58.00)) wherein Auction Sale hereby notified. (4) For inspection of the property and other particulars, the there exists a R.C.C. Roof Residential Building bearing Door No.34 and a bathroom and latrine intending purchaser may contact Telephone No: 04331-250268, Cell No.9380351747. (5) built in the Southern side and Electricity Service Connection No.236 and 237 and old drinking The property/ ies are sold on “As-is-where-is”, “As-is-what-is” and “whatever-there is” basis. water connection No.95 new connection No.091/009/00003 with 2/3 right over the common (6) The sealed tenders will be opened in the presence of the intending bidders at 01.00 p.m. lane on the West of the above said building and the building of K.Sankar. Boundaries : South of : on the date of Tender-cum-Auction Sale hereby notified. Though in general the sale will be by The street and the building and site of K. Sankar, West of : The site and building of way of closed tenders, the Authorised Officer may, at his sole discretion, conduct an Open Ravichandran and Ramachandran, North of : The Building and Site of Ramachandran Auction among the interested bidders who desire to quote a bid higher than the one received Srinivasan and others, East of : The Building and site of K.Sankar and K.Thirughanam. in the closed tender process, and in such an event, the sale shall be conferred on the person Reserve Price: Rs.75,00,000/- making highest bid. The sale, however, is subject to confirmation of City Union Bank Limited. (Rupees Seventy Five Lakh Only) (7) The successful bidder shall have to pay 25% (inclusive of EMD paid) of the sale amount immediately 75% 15 days Schedule - D : Property Owned by Mr. R. Murugan, S/o. A. Ramanathan on completion of sale and the balance amount of within from the date of confirmation of sale, failing which the initial deposit of 25% shall be forfeited. (8) The Ariyalur District & Dt. Registry Udayarpalayam (Tk), Jayankondam Sub-Registry at Sale Certificate will be issued by the Authorised Officer in favour of the successful purchaser Jayankondam Town in Chidambaram Road, 1) Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/2A an extent of only after receipt of the entire sale consideration within the time limit stipulated herein. (9) 175 out of Hec. 0.02.5, 2) Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/20 an extent of 75 out of The successful purchaser shall bear the charges/fees payable for conveyance, such as Hec. 0.04.0, 3) Ayan Nanja R.S.F.No.340/1B an extent of 109.6 out of Hec. 0.28.0 stamp duty, registration fee etc., as applicable under law. (10) The successful bidder should (Old S.F.No.340/1 out of Hec. 0.32.5). Total extent of above said three item is 359.6 pay the statutory dues (lawful house tax, electricity charges and other dues), TDS, GST if (3,882 sq.ft.) which measures on the North 9 mtr. (29½') on the South 8.5 mtr. (28’) and any, due to Government, Government Undertaking and local bodies. (11) The Authorised North to South 41.6 mtr. (135’) with a stone well having a breadth of 1.83 mtr. and depth of Officer shall have all the powers to accept or reject the bids or postpone or cancel the sale 7.6 mtr. The above said three items are in block and situates within the four boundaries : without assigning any reason whatsoever. South of : House and site of Murugan, West of : House and site of Karuppaiya, North of : Place: Kumbakonam, Date: 28-07-2021 House and site of Rajendran and Ganesan, East of : Purchased Site of Abdul Majeed, Authorised Officer 4) In Ayan Punja R.S.F.No.340/2A an extent of 58.5 mtr. out of Hec. 0.02.5, 5) In Ayan Punja Regd. Office : 149, T.S.R. (Big) Street, Kumbakonam, District, R.S.No.340/20 an extent of 25.2 out of Hec. 0.04.0. Total extent of above said 4th and - 612 001, CIN - L65110TN1904PLC001287, 5th Item is 83.7 (900 sq.ft.) which measures : East-West 9.15 mtr. (30’) and North to South Telephone No. 0435-2402322, Fax : 0435-2431746, Website :