

Senate Journal

MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018


Printed daily by the State of Iowa during the sessions of the General Assembly. An official corrected copy is available for reference in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office. (The official bound copy will be available after a reasonable time upon adjournment.)






Senate Chamber Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, March 12, 2018

The Senate met in regular session at 1:16 p.m., President Whitver presiding.

Prayer was sung by Margaret Guth, wife and secretary to Senator .


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senate Page Maddie Smith.

The Journal of Thursday, March 8, 2018, was approved.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on March 8, 2018, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 2252, a bill for an act relating to programs and activities administered by the secretary of state, including the safe at home program, special election dates, candidate and voter registration filing requirements, election audits, voting systems, and civil office vacancies, and including effective date provisions.

Read first time and referred to committee on State Government.

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House File 2312, a bill for an act relating to testing violent crime evidence collection kits by the state criminalistics laboratory.

Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.

House File 2369, a bill for an act setting the dates for the submission of local public measures to the electors.

Read first time and referred to committee on State Government.

House File 2414, a bill for an act relating to the provision of medical support in child support actions, and including effective date provisions.

Read first time and referred to committee on Human Resources.

House File 2427, a bill for an act relating to access to certain child abuse and dependent adult abuse information by free clinics, and including effective date provisions.

Read first time and referred to committee on Human Resources.

House File 2435, a bill for an act relating to domestic abuse, including provisions relating to the implementation of a domestic abuse lethality screening assessment.

Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.

House File 2436, a bill for an act requesting the establishment of an interim study committee relating to the use of intermediate criminal sanctions and probation revocations.

Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.

House File 2443, a bill for an act relating to the delinquency jurisdiction of the juvenile court and the confidentiality and disclosure of certain juvenile court records.

Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.


House File 2444, a bill for an act relating to child care facilities, including child abuse reporting and the prohibition of certain persons from involvement with child care.

Read first time and referred to committee on Human Resources.

House File 2445, a bill for an act relating to the provision and administration of mental health, disability, and homemaker-home health aide services by the department of human services.

Read first time and referred to committee on Human Resources.

House File 2462, a bill for an act relating to programs and activities under the purview of the department of human services.

Read first time and referred to committee on Appropriations.

House File 2467, a bill for an act relating to school meal debt and to school meal programs offered by school districts and accredited nonpublic schools, authorizing the establishment of unpaid student meals accounts, and authorizing the transfer and expenditure of certain funds.

Read first time and referred to committee on Education.


On motion of Senator Schneider, the Senate recessed at 1:20 p.m. until the completion of a meeting of the committee on Ways and Means.


The Senate reconvened at 3:51 p.m., President Whitver presiding.


Senator Schneider asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 2326, 2241, 2321, and 2366.

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Senate File 2326

On motion of Senator Breitbach, Senate File 2326, a bill for an act relating to the coordination of enforcement activities between the department of transportation and the department of public safety, including provisions relating to department of transportation employees designated as peace officers, and including effective date provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Danielson withdrew amendment S–5032, filed by him on February 21, 2018, to page 1 and amending the title page of the bill.

Senator Breitbach offered amendment S–5133, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5133 was adopted by a voice vote.

With the adoption of amendment S–5133, the Chair ruled the following amendments out of order:

Amendment S–5033, filed by Senator Danielson on February 21, 2018, to page 1 of the bill;

Amendment S–5034, filed by Senator Danielson on February 21, 2018, to page 1 of the bill; and

Amendment S–5035, filed by Senator Danielson on February 21, 2018, to page 1 of the bill.

Senator Breitbach moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2326), the vote was:

Yeas, 43:

Allen Costello Jochum Rozenboom Behn Dawson Johnson, C. Schneider Bertrand Dvorsky Kapucian Schultz Bolkcom Edler Kinney Segebart Boulton Feenstra Kraayenbrink Shipley Bowman Garrett Lofgren Sinclair 624 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 64th Day

Breitbach Greene Lykam Smith Brown Guth Mathis Whitver Carlin Hart Petersen Zaun Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Zumbach Chelgren Horn Ragan

Nays, 6:

Bisignano Dotzler McCoy Danielson Johnson, D. Taylor

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 2241

On motion of Senator Schultz, Senate File 2241, a bill for an act relating to the commission of a parole violation or a criminal offense while on parole, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Schultz moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2241), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Allen Danielson Johnson, C. Schneider Behn Dawson Johnson, D. Schultz Bertrand Dotzler Kapucian Segebart Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Shipley Bolkcom Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Boulton Feenstra Lofgren Smith Bowman Garrett Lykam Taylor Breitbach Greene Mathis Whitver Brown Guth McCoy Zaun Carlin Hart Petersen Zumbach Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Chelgren Horn Ragan Costello Jochum Rozenboom

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Nays, none.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 2321

On motion of Senator Dawson, Senate File 2321, a bill for an act excluding persons going armed with certain portable devices or weapons that direct an electric current from the criminal offense of carrying weapons under certain circumstances, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson offered amendment S–5134, filed by him from the floor to page 1 and amending the title page of the bill.

Senator Dawson offered amendment S–5135, filed by him from the floor to page 1 and amending the title provisions of amendment S–5134, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5135 to amendment S–5134 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Dawson moved the adoption of amendment S–5134, as amended.

Amendment S–5134, as amended, was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2321), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Allen Danielson Johnson, C. Schneider Behn Dawson Johnson, D. Schultz Bertrand Dotzler Kapucian Segebart Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Shipley 626 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 64th Day

Bolkcom Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Boulton Feenstra Lofgren Smith Bowman Garrett Lykam Taylor Breitbach Greene Mathis Whitver Brown Guth McCoy Zaun Carlin Hart Petersen Zumbach Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Chelgren Horn Ragan Costello Jochum Rozenboom

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.

Senate File 2366

On motion of Senator Edler, Senate File 2366, a bill for an act concerning the department of veterans affairs relating to membership on the commission of veterans affairs and expenditures from the veterans trust fund, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Edler moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2366), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Allen Danielson Johnson, C. Schneider Behn Dawson Johnson, D. Schultz Bertrand Dotzler Kapucian Segebart Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Shipley Bolkcom Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Boulton Feenstra Lofgren Smith Bowman Garrett Lykam Taylor Breitbach Greene Mathis Whitver Brown Guth McCoy Zaun Carlin Hart Petersen Zumbach Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Chelgren Horn Ragan Costello Jochum Rozenboom

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Nays, none.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Schneider asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 2241, 2321, 2326, and 2366 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senator Schneider asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 2247, 2374, 2302, and 2369.

Senate File 2247

On motion of Senator Zaun, Senate File 2247, a bill for an act relating to grandparent and great-grandparent visitation, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Taylor asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 2247 be deferred.

Senate File 2374

On motion of Senator Garrett, Senate File 2374, a bill for an act relating to the awarding of joint custody and joint physical care, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Garrett moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.


On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2374), the vote was:

Yeas, 33:

Allen Dawson Kinney Sinclair Behn Dotzler Kraayenbrink Smith Bertrand Edler Lofgren Taylor Bowman Feenstra McCoy Whitver Breitbach Garrett Rozenboom Zaun Brown Guth Schneider Zumbach Chapman Hart Schultz Chelgren Johnson, C. Segebart Costello Kapucian Shipley

Nays, 16:

Bisignano Danielson Horn Mathis Bolkcom Dvorsky Jochum Petersen Boulton Greene Johnson, D. Quirmbach Carlin Hogg Lykam Ragan

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 2302

On motion of Senator Carlin, Senate File 2302, a bill for an act relating to the duties of and programs administered by the department of natural resources, and making penalties applicable, was taken up for consideration.

Senator D. Johnson offered amendment S–5137, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5137 be adopted?” (S.F. 2302), the vote was:

Yeas, 21:

Allen Dotzler Johnson, D. Quirmbach Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Ragan Bolkcom Hart Lykam Taylor

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Boulton Hogg Mathis Bowman Horn McCoy Danielson Jochum Petersen

Nays, 28:

Behn Costello Johnson, C. Segebart Bertrand Dawson Kapucian Shipley Breitbach Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Brown Feenstra Lofgren Smith Carlin Garrett Rozenboom Whitver Chapman Greene Schneider Zaun Chelgren Guth Schultz Zumbach

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

Amendment S–5137 lost.

Senator Kapucian offered amendment S–5084, filed by him on March 1, 2018, to pages 2 and 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5084 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Carlin asked and received unanimous consent that House File 2303 be substituted for Senate File 2302.

House File 2303

On motion of Senator Carlin, House File 2303, a bill for an act relating to the duties of and programs administered by the department of natural resources, and making penalties applicable, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Carlin moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 2303), the vote was:

Yeas, 48:

Allen Costello Horn Ragan Behn Danielson Jochum Rozenboom Bertrand Dawson Johnson, C. Schneider 630 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 64th Day

Bisignano Dotzler Kapucian Schultz Bolkcom Dvorsky Kinney Segebart Boulton Edler Kraayenbrink Shipley Bowman Feenstra Lofgren Sinclair Breitbach Garrett Lykam Smith Brown Greene Mathis Taylor Carlin Guth McCoy Whitver Chapman Hart Petersen Zaun Chelgren Hogg Quirmbach Zumbach

Nays, 1:

Johnson, D.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 2369

On motion of Senator Segebart, Senate File 2369, a bill for an act relating to a person’s county of residence as the basis for determining financial responsibility for certain human services programs and treatment or support services, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Segebart offered amendment S–5138, filed by him from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5138 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Segebart moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2369), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Allen Danielson Johnson, C. Schneider Behn Dawson Johnson, D. Schultz Bertrand Dotzler Kapucian Segebart Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Shipley Bolkcom Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Boulton Feenstra Lofgren Smith 64th Day MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 631

Bowman Garrett Lykam Taylor Breitbach Greene Mathis Whitver Brown Guth McCoy Zaun Carlin Hart Petersen Zumbach Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Chelgren Horn Ragan Costello Jochum Rozenboom

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Carlin asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 2302 be withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.


Senator Schneider asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 2369 and 2374 and House File 2303 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senate File 2247

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 2247, a bill for an act relating to grandparent and great-grandparent visitation, previously deferred.

Senator Taylor offered amendment S–5139, filed by Senators Taylor and Boulton from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5139 was adopted by a voice vote.


Senator Zaun moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2247), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Allen Danielson Johnson, C. Schneider Behn Dawson Johnson, D. Schultz Bertrand Dotzler Kapucian Segebart Bisignano Dvorsky Kinney Shipley Bolkcom Edler Kraayenbrink Sinclair Boulton Feenstra Lofgren Smith Bowman Garrett Lykam Taylor Breitbach Greene Mathis Whitver Brown Guth McCoy Zaun Carlin Hart Petersen Zumbach Chapman Hogg Quirmbach Chelgren Horn Ragan Costello Jochum Rozenboom

Nays, none.

Absent, none.

Vacant, 1.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Schneider asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 2247 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Schneider, the Senate adjourned at 5:06 p.m. until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 13, 2018.

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The Secretary of the Senate issued the following certificates of recognition:

Western Dubuque Cascade Men’s Basketball Team—For winning the 2A State Basketball Championship. Senator Bowman.

Jim and JoAnn Hawkins, Dyersville—For celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Senator Bowman.

Michael Roling, Dyersville—For reaching the rank of Eagle Scout, Troop #60. Senator Bowman.



Convened: Thursday, March 8, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

Members Present: Dix, Chair; Whitver, Vice Chair; Petersen, Ranking Member; Behn, Dvorsky, Feenstra, Jochum, Ragan, Schneider, Sinclair, and Smith.

Members Absent: None.

Committee Business: Gubernatorial appointments.

Adjourned: 9:20 a.m.


Convened: Monday, March 12, 2018, 3:00 p.m.

Members Present: Feenstra, Chair; Behn, Vice Chair; Jochum, Ranking Member; Bolkcom, Breitbach, Brown, Carlin, Dawson, Dotzler, Edler, Hogg, McCoy, Schultz, and Smith.

Members Absent: Quirmbach (excused).

Committee Business: Subcommittee assignments.

Adjourned: 3:05 p.m.



House File 2420

EDUCATION: Sinclair, Chair; Hart and Lofgren

House File 2442

EDUCATION: Sinclair, Chair; Bowman and Chelgren


MR. PRESIDENT: Pursuant to Senate Rule 21, I report that in enrolling Senate File 2131, the following correction was made:

1. Title page, line 6, deleted the extra period at the end of the sentence.

W. Charles Smithson Secretary of the Senate


A communication was received announcing that on March 8, 2018, the Governor approved and transmitted to the Secretary of State the following bill:

Senate File 455 – Relating to school district funding by modifying and establishing provisions relating to state school foundation program and school district transportation costs, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.


In accordance with Senate Rule 59, the following senators were appointed to subcommittees of standing committees on March 12, 2018, to investigate the appointment and reappointment of the following appointees:


As a member of the Agricultural Development Board:

Mark Leonard – Costello, Chair; Bowman and Segebart

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As members of the Enhance Iowa Board:

Jacquelyn Arthur – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom Doug Boone – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom John Burns – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom Kyle Carter – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom Emily Damman – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom Patrick Deignan – Greene, Chair; Dotzler and Rozenboom


As members of the Credit Union Review Board:

Dave Cale – Guth, Chair; Boulton and C. Johnson Timothy Marcsisak – C. Johnson, Chair; Guth and Lykam Becky Zemlicka – C. Johnson, Chair; Guth and McCoy

As a member of the Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission:

Heather Fransen – Zumbach, Chair; Allen and Sinclair


As members of the Iowa Autism Council:

Jane Brown – Edler, Chair; Hogg and Sinclair Erika Hertel – Edler, Chair; Hogg and Sinclair Evelyn Horton – Edler, Chair; Hogg and Sinclair Jenny Phan – Edler, Chair; Hogg and Sinclair Caleb Primrose – Edler, Chair; Hogg and Sinclair

As members of the Early Childhood Iowa State Board:

Kathryn Dorsey – Rozenboom, Chair; Hart and Sinclair Sigrid Lane – Rozenboom, Chair; Hart and Sinclair Angela Lensch – Rozenboom, Chair; Hart and Sinclair Katie Lott – Rozenboom, Chair; Hart and Sinclair Barbara Merrill – Kraayenbrink, Chair; Danielson and Sinclair Mary Petersen – Kraayenbrink, Chair; Danielson and Sinclair Brook Rosenberg – Kraayenbrink, Chair; Danielson and Sinclair Jean Stadtlander – Kraayenbrink, Chair; Danielson and Sinclair Frank Varvaris – Kraayenbrink, Chair; Danielson and Sinclair

As members of the State Board of Education:

Joshua Byrnes – Behn, Chair; Quirmbach and Sinclair William “Mike” May – Behn, Chair; Quirmbach and Sinclair Kimberly Wayne – Behn, Chair; Quirmbach and Sinclair


As members of the Board of Educational Examiners:

Kathy Behrens – Lofgren, Chair; Bowman and Sinclair Sara Yedlik – Lofgren, Chair; Bowman and Sinclair

As a member of the Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority:

Annette Shaw – C. Johnson, Chair; Quirmbach and Sinclair

As a member of the School Budget Review Committee:

Gretchen Tegeler – C. Johnson, Chair; Dvorsky and Sinclair


As members of the Board of Athletic Training:

Brenda Easter – Segebart, Chair; C. Johnson and Quirmbach Dr. Andrew Peterson – Segebart, Chair; C. Johnson and Quirmbach Dr. Audra Ramsey – Segebart, Chair; C. Johnson and Quirmbach Dr. Lisa Woodroffe – Segebart, Chair; C. Johnson and Quirmbach

As members of the Board of Behavioral Science:

Dr. Kevin Allemagne – Costello, Chair; Jochum and C. Johnson Amy Crow Sunleaf – Costello, Chair; Jochum and C. Johnson Wade Leuwerke – Costello, Chair; Jochum and C. Johnson

As members of the Child Advocacy Board:

Mark Hargrafen – Costello, Chair; Bolkcom and C. Johnson Beth Myers – Costello, Chair; Bolkcom and C. Johnson William Owens – Costello, Chair; Bolkcom and C. Johnson Michael Steele – Costello, Chair; Bolkcom and C. Johnson

As members of the Commission of Persons with Disabilities:

Blake Campbell – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley Teresa Jorgensen – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley Michelle Ray-Michalec – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley Clint Sargent – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley Gary Schriver – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley Beth Wilde – Chapman, Chair; Ragan and Shipley

As members of the Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) Board:

Dr. Jonathan Crosbie – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart Ronda Eick – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart

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As a member of the Council on Human Services:

Robert Brownell – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart

As members of the Commission of Latino Affairs:

Marlu Abarca – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart Lorena Gingerich – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart Junior Jaime – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart Alfonso Perez – Shipley, Chair; Mathis and Segebart

As members of the Mental Health and Disability Services Commission:

Jody Eaton – Garrett, Chair; Greene and Ragan Mary Meyers – Garrett, Chair; Greene and Ragan John Parmeter – Garrett, Chair; Greene and Ragan Rick Sanders – Garrett, Chair; Greene and Ragan Dr. Richard Whitaker – Garrett, Chair; Greene and Ragan

As members of the Board of Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators:

Amanda Gallant – Greene, Chair; Garrett and Quirmbach Dirk Hillard – Greene, Chair; Garrett and Quirmbach Megan Johnson – Greene, Chair; Garrett and Quirmbach Scott Johnson – Greene, Chair; Garrett and Quirmbach

As a member of the Commission on Tobacco Use Prevention and Control:

Chad Jensen – Greene, Chair; Garrett and Quirmbach


As a member of the Board of Corrections:

Dr. Mary Chapman – Garrett, Chair; Edler and Petersen

As members of the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council:

Tiffany Allison – Zaun, Chair; Boulton and Sinclair Tammy Bramley – Schultz, Chair; Taylor and Zaun Joel Greer – Edler, Chair; Taylor and Zaun Pam Kracht – Zaun, Chair; Dawson and Taylor Cody Samec – Zaun, Chair; Boulton and Dawson Tony Thompson – Zaun, Chair; Dawson and Taylor Tom Walton – Schneider, Chair; Taylor and Zaun

As members of the Iowa Drug Policy Advisory Council:

Matthew Harkin – Garrett, Chair; Kinney and Zaun Jason Sandholdt – Sinclair, Chair; Kinney and Zaun 638 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 64th Day

As members of the State Judicial Nominating Commission:

John Bloom – Schneider, Chair; Boulton and Zaun Kathy Pearson – Zaun, Chair; Boulton and Sinclair

As members of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council:

Gene Beinke – Dawson, Chair; Kinney and Zaun Ricardo Martinez II – Dawson, Chair; Kinney and Zaun

As members of the Board of Parole:

Norman Granger – Zaun, Chair; Dawson and Taylor Kathleen Kooiker – Sinclair, Chair; Taylor and Zaun Jeff Wright – Zaun, Chair; Dawson and Taylor


As a member of the Employment Appeal Board:

Ashley Koopmans – Guth, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz

As members of the Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board:

Madison Buttermore – Guth, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz Toni Knight – Guth, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz

As Chair of the Public Employment Relations Board:

Mike Cormack – Schultz, Chair; Boulton and Chapman

As a member of the Public Employment Relations Board:

Mike Cormack – Schultz, Chair; Boulton and Chapman

As members of the Iowa Workforce Development Board:

Carrie Duncan – Chapman, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz Becky Jacobsen – Brown, Chair; Bisignano and Costello John Krogman – Chapman, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz Rich Kurtenbach – Chapman, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz Randy Moore – Chapman, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz Lynn Schreder – Chapman, Chair; Dotzler and Schultz

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As members of the City Development Board:

Chris McKee – Lofgren, Chair; Hogg and Kraayenbrink Dennis Plautz – Lofgren, Chair; Hogg and Kraayenbrink

As members of the Mental Health Risk Pool Board:

Rick Larkin – Chelgren, Chair; Greene and Hogg Andrew Nielsen – Chelgren, Chair; Greene and Hogg Peggy Rice – Guth, Chair; Hogg and Segebart Shane Walter – Guth, Chair; Hogg and Segebart


As a member of the Environmental Protection Commission:

Harold Hommes – Carlin, Chair; Behn and Dvorsky

As members of the Flood Mitigation Board:

Lorraine Glover – Greene, Chair; Hart and Kraayenbrink John Torbert – Greene, Chair; Kraayenbrink and Lykam


As members of the Accountancy Examining Board:

Lesley Bartholomew – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Rudolfo Reyes – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Robert Snodgrass – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith

As members of the Commission on the Status of African Americans:

Kenneth Morris, Jr. – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Veronica Sutton – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith

As a member of the Alcoholic Beverages Commission:

Jason Wilson – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman

As Administrator of the Alcoholic Beverages Division:

Stephen Larson – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman


As members of the Architectural Examining Board:

Linda Alfson Schemmel – Zaun, Chair; Carlin and Jochum Anna Harmon – Zaun, Chair; Carlin and Jochum Scott Hatfield – Zaun, Chair; Carlin and Jochum

As members of the Commission of Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs:

Suresh Basnet – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Dr. Ritu Gurung – Smith, Chair; Bowman and Chapman Karlai Thornburg – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Michelle Yoshimura-Smith – Chapman, Chair; Bowman and Smith

As members of the Board of Barbering:

Rebecca Brockmann – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Maureen Hardy – Chapman, Chair; Horn and Smith Scott Sales – Chapman, Chair; Horn and Smith

As a member of the Commission for the Blind:

Sandra Ryan – Chapman, Chair; Dvorsky and Smith

As members of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board:

Frank Ballantini – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Dvorsky Thomas Dye – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Dvorsky Lynne Rush – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Dvorsky

As members of the Board of Chiropractic:

Dr. Aaron Martin – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Horn Stephanie Netolicky – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Danielson Dr. Randall Stange – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Danielson

As members of the Commission on Community Action Agencies:

Kelly Busch – Dawson, Chair; Danielson and Feenstra Anna Hilpipre – Dawson, Chair; Bisignano and Feenstra Leland Shipley – Dawson, Chair; Bisignano and Feenstra

As a member of the Board of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences:

Don Nguyen – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Danielson

As members of the Board of Dentistry:

Lori Elmitt – Dawson, Chair; Danielson and Feenstra Dr. William McBride – Dawson, Chair; Danielson and Feenstra Nancy Slach – Dawson, Chair; Danielson and Feenstra

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As members of the Board of Dietetics:

Steven Kury – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Dvorsky Brian Smith – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Dvorsky

As members of the Electrical Examining Board:

Todd Cash – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Penny Clark – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Tammy Cooper – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Tim Gerald – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Robert Hendricks – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun

As members of the Elevator Safety Board:

Justin Carleton – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Horn Craig Clabaugh – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Horn Peggy Vandenberg – Brown, Chair; Carlin and Horn

As members of the Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board:

Laura Sievers – Carlin, Chair; Bowman and Brown Lisa VanDenBerg – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Horn

As a member of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board:

Elaine Olson – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman

As members of the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists:

Molly Parker – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman Tricia Veik – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman

As members of the Interior Design Examining Board:

Rebecca Jourdan – Schultz, Chair; Jochum and Zaun Jay Reyhons – Schultz, Chair; Jochum and Zaun Ben Snyder – Schultz, Chair; Jochum and Zaun Lori Wiles – Schultz, Chair; Jochum and Zaun

As a member of the Investment Board of the IPERS:

Michael Warmuth – Schneider, Chair; Danielson and Zaun

As members of the Landscape Architectural Examining Board:

Nathan Borland – Zaun, Chair; Dvorsky and Schultz John Micka – Zaun, Chair; Dvorsky and Schultz Emily Naylor – Zaun, Chair; Dvorsky and Schultz


As members of the Iowa Lottery Authority Board of Directors:

Sherrae Hanson – Feenstra, Chair; Bisignano and Dawson John Quinn – Feenstra, Chair; Bisignano and Dawson

As members of the Board of Medicine:

Katherine Asjes – Zaun, Chair; Bisignano and Schultz Dr. Philip Bear – Zaun, Chair; Bisignano and Schultz Mary Romanco – Zaun, Chair; Bisignano and Schultz Kyle Ulveling – Zaun, Chair; Bisignano and Schultz

As members of the Board of Mortuary Science:

Rebecca Ervin – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Horn Seth Williams – Carlin, Chair; Brown and Horn

As a member of the Board of Nursing:

Dr. Kathryn Dolter – Carlin, Chair; Bowman and Brown

As members of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators:

Jill Barr – Zaun, Chair; Jochum and Schneider Kay Fisk – Zaun, Chair; Jochum and Schneider Michael Moore – Zaun, Chair; Jochum and Schneider Justin Rash – Zaun, Chair; Jochum and Schneider Charlean Schlepp – Zaun, Chair; Jochum and Schneider

As members of the Board of Optometry:

Dr. Mark Mentzer – Carlin, Chair; Bowman and Brown Dr. Monique Root – Carlin, Chair; Bowman and Brown

As a member of Peace Officers’ Retirement, Accident, and Disability System Trustee:

Chris Mayer – Dawson, Chair; Danielson and Feenstra

As members of the Board of Pharmacy:

Dr. Jason Hansel – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman Edward McKenna – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith

As a member of the Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy:

Rachel Judisch – Dawson, Chair; Feenstra and Horn

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As members of the Board of Physician Assistants:

Cheryl Arnold – Dawson, Chair; Dvorsky and Feenstra Jolene Kelly – Dawson, Chair; Dvorsky and Feenstra Penny Osborn – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman

As members of the Board of Podiatry:

Kathryn Arndt – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Horn Laurie Barr-Cronin – Dawson, Chair; Feenstra and Horn Travis Carlson – Dawson, Chair; Feenstra and Horn Dr. Roger Drown – Dawson, Chair; Feenstra and Horn Dr. Erin Nelson – Dawson, Chair; Feenstra and Horn

As members of the Board of Psychology:

Dr. Matthew Cooper – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Dr. Brandon Davis – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Professor Ruth Kunkle – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Dr. Lisa Streyffeler – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun

As members of the Iowa Public Information Board:

Emil Giovannetti – Schultz, Chair; Bowman and Brown Keith Luchtel – Schultz, Chair; Bowman and Brown Monica McHugh – Schultz, Chair; Bowman and Brown Frederick (Rick) Morain – Schultz, Chair; Bowman and Brown Suzan Stewart – Schultz, Chair; Bowman and Brown

As Administrator of the State Racing and Gaming Commission:

Brian Ohorilko – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman

As members of the State Racing and Gaming Commission:

Pennie Gonseth Cheers – Smith, Chair; Bisignano and Chapman Kristine Kramer – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith

As members of the Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board:

Tracy Crimmins – Smith, Chair; Chapman and Danielson Dan Fuhrmeister – Smith, Chair; Chapman and Danielson Mark Kapfer – Smith, Chair; Chapman and Danielson

As members of the Real Estate Commission:

James Clingman – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Terrance Duggan – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith Elizabeth Hansen – Chapman, Chair; Bisignano and Smith


As members of the Board of Respiratory Care:

Dr. Samantha Danielson-Jones – Schultz, Chair; Carlin and Horn Lisa Kingery – Schultz, Chair; Carlin and Horn Austin Mouw – Schultz, Chair; Carlin and Horn

As members of the Board of Social Work:

Mark Hillenbrand – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun Neil Nelsen – Schneider, Chair; Bisignano and Zaun

As members of the Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology:

Douglas Leonard – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Dvorsky Denise Renaud – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Dvorsky Justin Rhode – Feenstra, Chair; Dawson and Dvorsky

As a member of the Technology Advisory Council:

Erin Rollenhagen – Feenstra, Chair; Bisignano and Dawson

As members of the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine:

Dr. Christine Bean – Feenstra, Chair; Danielson and Dawson Dr. Curtis Youngs – Feenstra, Chair; Danielson and Dawson

As members of the Commission on the Status of Women:

Thomas Carnahan – Smith, Chair; Chapman and Jochum Rachelle Hunt Russian – Brown, Chair; Jochum and Smith Wendy Musgrave – Brown, Chair; Jochum and Smith Sherill Whisenand – Brown, Chair; Jochum and Smith


As members of the State Transportation Commission:

Kraig Paulsen – Zumbach, Chair; Danielson and Kapucian John Putney – Kapucian, Chair; Danielson and Zumbach


As members of the Commission of Veterans Affairs:

Richard Goebel – Lofgren, Chair; Ragan and Rozenboom Elizabeth Ledvina – Lofgren, Chair; Allen and Rozenboom

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As members of the Economic Development Authority:

Linda Crookham-Hansen – Edler, Chair; Behn and Dotzler Mark Kittrell – Edler, Chair; Behn and Dotzler Bruce Lehrman – Brown, Chair; Behn and Hogg Christian Murray – Brown, Chair; Hogg and Schultz Emily Schmitt – Carlin, Chair; Bolkcom and Brown

As members of the Iowa Great Places Board:

Kerrie Kuiper – Behn, Chair; Brown and Quirmbach Gayle Redman – Behn, Chair; Dawson and Quirmbach Trevor Toft – Carlin, Chair; Jochum and Smith Donald Zuck – Behn, Chair; Feenstra and Jochum


March 12, 2018

Senate President Speaker Linda Upmeyer Iowa House of Representatives Iowa Capitol Iowa Capitol Des Moines, IA 50319 Des Moines, IA 50319

Mister President and Madame Speaker,

I resign my position as Iowa State Senator and Majority Leader effective at 2pm today, March 12, 2018.


William C. Dix


S–5133 S.F. 2326 S–5134 S.F. 2321 Dan Dawson S–5135 S.F. 2321 Dan Dawson S–5136 H.F. 2235 S–5137 S.F. 2302 David Johnson S–5138 S.F. 2369


S–5139 S.F. 2247 Rich Taylor S–5140 H.F. 2234 S–5141 H.F. 2377 Thomas A. Greene