Blue House- Foreign Affairs Committee (e.g. Red Senate - Judiciary)

Ava Gordon Framingham High School

Title of Bill: An Act to Provide Spain with Military Reinforcement against the Catalonian Rebellion


Preamble: Whereas the recent civil unrest in Spain due to Catalonia’s demands for withdrawal from her mother country, Spain, whereas the fact that America and Spain are allies and both partners in NATO, whereas in order to run a country effectively with stability there cannot be internal conflict, whereas internal conflict could lead to Spain’s government crumbling, which is bad for trade and alliances, this act proposes to provide Spain’s legitimate government with military reenforcement to help silence the uprising in Catalonia.

Section 1: America should send military reenforcement to Spain’s legitimate government.

Subsection A: Let “military reenforcement” be defined as sending between 1000-5000 soldiers to Spain; let “military reenforcement” also be defined as providing military training to Spain’s army to help strengthen them; let “military reenforcement” be defined as sending weaponry and technology such as tanks, etc.

Subsection B: A specific set of experienced members from the Army and Air force should be selected and sent to Spain to assist in controlling the rebellion and training Spain’s military; new recruits to the US military should not be considered as candidates.

Section 2: Military reenforcement shall be funded by the Ways and Means Committee

Subsection A: A specific budget will be set aside to fund military reenforcement. This budget will be produced from setting aside money from tax revenue given to the military. Military reenforcement shall be funded by the Ways and Means Committee. The budget shall be decided by the Ways and Means Committee.

Section 3: This bill shall go into effect as of December 31, 2017.


Blue House - Foreign Affairs Committee (e.g. Red Senate - Judiciary)

Grace Sikora Christian Heritage School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An Act to Re-Evaluate NAFTA


Preamble: Whereas NAFTA established a free-trade zone in North America, whereas corpora- tions and individuals take advantage of the tax-free zone, whereas companies are cheaply producing product over the border, whereas the minimum wage in Mexico is 3.92 USD, whereas United States minimum wage is 7.25 USD, whereas it is hurting the United States economy, whereas it is much less expensive to produce, whereas proper expensive measures do not have to be taken to rid of waste, whereas the Unit- ed States is losing jobs because of these circumstances, whereas the United States has lost 170.816.1 million dollars through this trade agreement with Mexico through the NAFTA trade agreement, whereas instituting a basic set of rules that all the countries in the agreement will follow that will benefit the United States.

Section 1: Basic rule guidelines will be applied to the NAFTA trade agreement as followed: If a company sells to one country from another country that is part of NAFTA it will have to pay its workers the minimum wage of the country that they are selling to.

Subsection A: This will ensure that companies will not produce their goods in other countries because it will cost the same amount to manufactured in both countries whilst it will be more expensive to ship produce to the United States rather than produce the product in the Unit- ed States and eliminate shipping cost.

Subsection B: This will also help ensure that the United States and the other countries still reap the benefits of the NAFTA agreement while eliminating the cons.

Section 2: A group of ambassadors shall be assembled to be sent to the leaders of NAFTA to discuss a basic guideline of rules that shall be followed in this trade agreement.

Subsection A: They shall present the rules for approval to the countries ambassadors after the bill is approved.

Section 3: A total of five million dollars will be provided for the enactment and funding of this bill by the House Ways and Means committee.

Section 4: This bill shall take effect 30 days after passage.


Blue House- Foreign Affairs Committee

Henry Kanlian Darien High School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An Act to Remove American Forces from Afghanistan


Preamble: Whereas the United States has been is engaged in multiple wars over the last few decades in the Middle East. Whereas currently the war in Iraq and Syria is raging and the end of this costly conflict does not seem to be soon. Whereas the war in Afghanistan on the other hand is won. Whereas the opposing force in Afghanistan has been all but destroyed. Whereas the people who were responsible for terrorist attacks against out country have been brought to justice. Whereas, 2.4 trillion dollars later it is time that the US makes a change. Whereas this change will be that ground forces will be removed from Afghanistan (1 year). Whereas the plan only leaves 2,000 ground troops to advise the government (this number includes advisors to the government). Whereas finical aid will also be reduced to the country over time.

Section 1: The United States will withdraw all but 2,000 ground forces in Afghanistan.

Subsection A: All soldiers will be removed from the country within one year.

Subsection B: Vehicles and equipment will be removed from the country or scrapped within 2 years. Section 2: A special committee will be formed to oversee the removal of forces from the region.

Subsection A: Once the committee is fully established they will have 6 months to devise

a plan that will withdraw troops in one year.

Section 3: Finical aid will be reduced to the country’s government. Subsection A: 75% of the countries finical aid will be reduced within a 3 FY period.

Subsection B: This money will go directly to the treasury, and is not to be used in any

other Middle Eastern conflict.

Section 4: This bill will go into effect 90 days after passing. Section 2 will be established within 1 day after passing.

Yale Model Congress 2017

Blue House - Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee Kennedy McNeilly-Anta Newark Academy . Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An Act to Recycle Plastic in South American Countries

Be it hereby enacted by the Yale Model Congress

Preamble: Whereas 2% of Brazil’s total waste is recycled; whereas Brazil produces 240 thousand pounds of waste every day; whereas Brazil was ranked world champion for recycling cans in the past five years; whereas 10% of Argentina’s waste is recycled; whereas large portions of South American countries are filled with waste piles and garbage bags; whereas Chile produces the most waste per capita; whereas there are six types of recycling plastic; whereas recycling costs less then creating more materials; whereas recycling is one of the fastest growing industries; whereas companies will pay up to seventy cents per pound of recycled plastic;

Section 1: A total of 90 million dollars shall be allocated to the Department of State to assist South American countries in recycling plastic.

Subsection A: Loans of 3 million dollars will provided to countries that want to participate in the recycling program. Subsection i: The 3 million dollar loan, will be used to construct and run the recycling center and set up collection stands for plastic. Subsection ii: The 3 million dollar loan, must be payed back four years after being received.

Subsection B: 1.5 million dollars yearly for 10 years must be used to inform people of participating countries of the advantages and process of recycling.

Subsection C: 2 million dollars yearly for 15 years must be used to maintain the recycling centers

Subsection D: The EPA will provide assistance in any terms and requirements seen fit

Section 2: The Department of State shall administer, oversee, and distribute the aid at its discretion.

Subsection A: Congress shall reexamine the necessity for continued maintenance funding after 15 years of enactment.

Section 3: Funding will be provided by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Section 4: Recycling centers will produce plastic pellets and sell them to companies stationed in the United States or the respective country.

Section 5: Once the loan is payed back, the Department of State will receive 33% of monthly profit from every recycling center. Subsection A: This will be done under the supervision and with help from the EXIM Bank of The United States of America.

Section 6: Once a country is finished paying one loan they may apply for another.

Section 7: The participating countries’ governments in partnership with The Department of State shall enact the bill with each countries’ respective consent.

Subsection A: If a country refuses to comply with the Department of State and the terms of this act then all funding will be withdrawn immediately.

Section 8: This bill shall go into effect 91 days after passage. YALE MODEL CONGRESS 2017 Blue House - Foreign Affairs

Michael Wallace Wilton High School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: The Human Rights Act


Preamble: Whereas the United States serves as an exemplar for the protection of peace, stability, and human rights abroad; Whereas the current democratic regime of the Union of Burma () has flagrantly violated the rights of minority groups such as the Rohingya, displacing more than 600,000 Burmese1; Whereas the foreign policy agenda of the United States should prioritize the establishment of democratic governments which respect the rights of all individuals, especially minority ethnic and religious groups; Whereas the United States has a responsibility to foster a Burmese state which ensures security and prosperity for all Burmese citizens; this Act will provide a stable framework for continued reforms within the Burmese government.

Section 1: The United States shall remove Burma’s eligibility to tariff exemptions under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) until the Burmese government meets certain humanitarian and political requirements.

Subsection A: The Burmese government must act immediately to reduce violence against ethnic minorities and to reduce the number of refugees fleeing its country.

Subsection B: Burma must enter initiate negotiations to amend its Constitution so as to place control of the nation’s military under the President and Prime Minister.

Subsection C: Burma must allow journalists and representatives of foreign governments and the United Nations to enter and provide aid to the Burmese state of Rakhine.

Subsection D: The United States Department of State, with the assistance of representatives from the United Nations Council on Human Rights, will certify that the Burmese government has met the aforesaid requirements.

1 Beech, Hannah. “ Makes First Visit to Rohingya Conflict Zone in Myanmar.” nytimes.com, , 2 Nov. 2017. Subsection E: Should the Burmese government not meet these requirements within 2 years, the Department of State will recommend to Congress further sanctions or inducements to compel the Burmese government to comply.

Section 2: The Kingdom of Thailand shall receive $150 million over 5 years in humanitarian aid and resources to assist refugees fleeing persecution in Burma.

Subsection A: After the period of 5 years has ended, Congress may vote to continue providing aid or to terminate this section depending on the success of the humanitarian efforts.

Section 3: Funding for this bill shall be allotted at the discretion of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Subsection A: Funding for Section 2 will be appropriated from the annual budget of the United States Agency for International Development.

Section 4: This bill shall be enforced by the Department of State.

Section 5: This bill shall take effect 91 days after its passage.


Blue House Committee

Nick Williams Foreign Affairs Author Delegation

Title of Bill: The APL Disposal Act


Preamble: WHEREAS the last U.S. anti-personnel mine was produced in 1997; WHEREAS the Pentagon stated that the U.S. has more than 3 million anti-personnel mines in its stockpile; WHEREAS the U.S. has stopped producing mines and pledged to only use anti-personnel mines in the Korean Peninsula; WHEREAS the majority of the United Nations has banned the use and stockpiling of antipersonnel mines; WHEREAS the United States has been “diligently pursuing other solutions that would be compliant” since 1997.

Section 1: Require the Department of Defense to disassemble and incinerate of all APLs the United States has in stockpile, including stockpiles reserved for the defense of the Korean Peninsula, acceding to the Ottawa Convention. Subsection A: APL standing for Anti-Personnel landmine, exclusively means landmines used for on foot target. Subsection B: This bill will not affect The United States Armed Forces’ use of anti- vehicle landmines. Subsection C: This bill does not affect any landmine that have already been deployed.

Section 3: The United States ambassador to the United Nations will pledge this new plan at the next available general assembly.

Section 4: Any funding required for the disassembly of the Anti-Personnel landmines will come from the Department of Defense’s annual budget.

Section 5: This bill shall be enacted 91 days after passage.


Blue House – Foreign Affairs Committee

Sanjana Satish West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An Act to Aid Nigerian Economic Development


Preamble: Whereas Nigeria is a regional super power in the African continent; and since Nigeria is naturally very rich in oil deposits found in the Niger Delta as the 10th largest oil reserves in the world; and since Nigeria is projected to have immense economic growth with the largest predicted growth in GDP between 2010 and 2050: and since the resource curse is a very real phenomenon in Nigeria; and since the Dutch Disease has been prevalent in the other previously export-driven industries; and since the Resource Curse has proven ties to authoritarian government and a democratic rollback; and since Nigerian economic stability is essential in resolving the state’s struggle with non-state actors; and since the non-state terrorist group Boko Haram is associated with ISIS and has taken control of a large part of Nigeria’s northeastern regions; and since the proper management and mobilization of oil funds is essential in aiding the development of the government;

Section 1: Let “Sovereign Wealth Fund” be defined as “A state owned investment entity that is funded by the economic surpluses traditionally caused by resource wealth”

Section 2: Let the House Foreign Affairs committee begin a 2-year research initiative dedicated to analyzing Nigerian economic policy and the role of US money

Subsection A: 50 Million USD shall be allocated for this initiative Subsection B: Name the initiative Nigerian Economic Development Portfolio (NEDP)

Section 3: Let the foreign aid package from the US be expanded by a maximum of 35% of the original package as determined by the findings of NEDP as incentive contingent on accordance of the Nigerian government to certain conditions: Subsection A: Nigeria must prove that the Santiago principles have been met every year for 5 years after the passage of this bill in order to qualify for the increase in aid i. The internal control checks and balances must be thorough and well defined. ii. Transparency and Accountability in reporting must be seen as a major feature of the Nigerian Sovereign Wealth Fund

Subsection B: Nigeria displays continued efforts in planning and developing investment in non-oil related industries such as Agriculture i. Must provide clear documentation of the appropriation of US foreign aid funds in the past and for the upcoming 5 years

Section 4: Let US Private businesses be incentivized through tax returns determined by the House Ways and Means committee and the Department of Commerce International Trade Administration if they show demonstrated interest in investing in the non-oil related industries of Nigerian economy Subsection A: Grant programs will be created for Private Nigerian investment plans under the Department of Commerce Subsection B: Subsidy programs will be created for Private Nigerian investment plans under the Department of Commerce Subsection C: The entirety of section 4 will be enacted only if subsections a,b, and c of Section 3 are met.

Section 5: This bill will take effect 91 days after its passage.

Yale Model Congress 2017 Blue House - Committee of Foreign Affairs Committee Michael Usatine Newark Academy Author Delegation

Title: A Bill to Fight Hunger in Afghanistan.

Be it enacted by the Yale Model Congress:

Preamble: Whereas Afghanistan's food supply has been an ongoing issue with 35% of Afghan households not having enough food to meet their daily calorie requirements; whereas currently in Afghanistan, twenty-five times as many people die of undernutrition and poverty every year than as a result of violence; whereas this statistic is demonstrative of how instability in Afghanistan can be greatly attributed to starving from the shortage of economic resources; whereas this input of money will allow for the purchase of food for those in need, and further efforts towards cooperation and peace agreements with Afghanistan,

Section 1: 150 million dollars will be used to build and operate farms in Afghanistan with help from Afghanistan's Food and Agriculture Organization. Subsection A: 50 million dollars will given upon the passage of this bill Subsection B: 10 million dollars will be given annually to maintain the facilities in Afghanistan for 10 years. Subsection C: Congress shall reexamine the necessity for continued maintenance funding after 10 years of enactment.

Section 2: Food grown will be distributed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of Afghanistan to those who are the most in need. Subsection A: All families that are either already receiving help from the Food and Agriculture Organization or contact the Food and Agriculture Organization regarding their hunger situation before publication of this bill will be the first to receive immediate help. Subsection B: If the Food and Agriculture Organization of Afghanistan has difficulty distributing the food, American representatives in Afghanistan may assist in distribution.

Section 3: The Afghan government in partnership with The Department of State shall enact the bill with Afghanistan’s consent. Subsection A: If Afghanistan refuses to comply with the Department of State then all the funding proposed by this bill will be withdrawn. Subsection B: If at any point throughout the 10 years in which annual aid is being provided to Afghanistan it is determined that they are involved and/or are engaged in actions that threaten the security of the United States, then all further funding that would be received in this bill would be withdrawn.

Section 4: Funding will be provided by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Section 5: This bill will go into effect after 91 days

Yale Model Congress 2017

Blue House-Foreign Affairs Committee

Victoria Eisenberg Calhoun Model Congress Author Delegation

Title: A Bill To Prevent American Companies from Importing Excessive Goods from Other Nations

Be It Enacted By The Yale Model Congress

Preamble: Due to the high trade deficit and job shortage currently present in the United States, it is necessary that American based companies end their excess importation of foreign goods. Unfair trade practices have resulted in millions of jobs being shipped overseas. Federal action is necessary to incentivize companies to bring back jobs to the US.

Section 1 : Any person or company who imports goods from another nation shall be subject to tariffs.

Subsection A: Imports shall be subject to a 25% tax on the value of such goods.

Subsection B: This tax shall be increased to 50% if the nation from which these goods originate does not pay its employees the same or higher than the United States’ minimum wage.

Section 2: The tariffs may be exempt for certain circumstances.

Subclause A: This tax shall not be applied with respect to the importation of goods that cannot reasonably be found or produced otherwise in the United States. Such goods shall be defined as plants or animals indigenous to a region outside the United States.

Subclause B: A committee from the Department of Commerce shall determine which goods are tariff exemptible.

Subclause C: The committee shall determine if these tariffs apply to nations that the US has free trade agreements with.

Section 3: This bill has no foreseeable cost but is estimated to generate a revenue of 600 billion dollars per year (20% of the approximate value of last year’s imports, 3 trillion dollars) assuming that the amount of imports does not decrease, as it most likely will, after the implementation of this bill.

Section 4: This bill shall be enforced by the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 5: Failure to comply with the provisions set forth above shall result in prison time and a fine. Subclause A: In the case of an individual no more than two years of prison time and a 150,000 dollar fine.

Subclause B: In the case of a company, or the person or persons responsible shall be subject to not more than 4 years of prison time and a fine of 300,000 dollars.

Section 6: This bill shall be effective from January 1st, 2019.


Blue House – Foreign Affairs Committee

Sebastian de Lasa Mamaroneck High School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An act to grant asylum to LGBTQ persons attempting to flee Chechnya


Preamble: Whereas the Chechen Republic has reportedly sent over 100 gay and bisexual men to a concentration camp, where they are held prisoner, tortured, and murdered. Whereas the Chechen police and military have set up entrapment schemes in which gay men are lured onto a date and abducted. Whereas Chechen families are encouraged to turn in any family members suspected of any homosexual activities. Whereas neither the Chechen government, Russian government, or United Nations has made any significant interventions on the concentration camps and abuses of civil rights.

Section 1: Grant automatic asylum to all LGBTQ people currently residing in the Chechen Republic.

Subsection A: Allow for all necessary funding for travel to be granted by the United States government.

Subsection B: Allow for the CIA to propose a program to identify all possible candidates for asylum.

Section 2: Allow for all funding from this bill to stem from the United States’ annual funding for the United Nations.

Subsection A: Cancel Section 2 if either: Russian forces are sent to liberate the concentration camp and succeed, or UN peacekeeping troops are sent to liberate the concentration camp.

Section 3: Citizens of the Chechen Republic can apply for asylum until January 2024.

Section 4: Enforce a mandatory ban on American goods and services in Chechnya.

Subsection A: Encourage all American allies to ban having goods and services from their nation in Chechnya.

Subsection B: Put a 5% decrease in military aid on all nations allied with the United States if they do not comply.

Section 5: This bill will go into action in 91 days after passage.


Blue House – Foreign Affairs Committee

Bryce Crane San Clemente High School Author Delegation

A Bill to Halt Overfishing in International Waters


Preamble: Whereas only four percent of the ocean is protected to overfishing, whereas twenty nine percent of the world's fish stocks are overfished and sixty one percent of fish stalks are fully fished, leaving oceanic fish extinct by 2048, whereas the implementation of MPAs to govern fisherman have a possibility to reverse the fish population decline as well as create millions of jobs worldwide and thousands of jobs domestically,

Definitions: Let MPAs be defined as marine protection areas: where human activities and fishing are strictly regulated

Section 1: An international union, titled International Marine Protection Union, will be created by the Environmental Protection Agency involving countries obtaining costal borders, their environmental representatives, and marine life scientists.

Subsection A: This union will compile waters where overfishing has become substantially abundant then implement MPA’s enforcing strict quotas that enable fish species to regenerate. Their goal will to effectively protect thirty five percent of the ocean, leaving sixtyfive percent of the ocean still fully fishable for consumer reasons. This percentage will be malleable depending on the success of fish populations.

Subsection B: The Union will also create an enforcement agency titled International Protection Agency (IMPA) that will enforce the regulations stated by the MPAs. This will be an agency who focuses their purpose to enforcing stated regulations.

Section 2: Once IMPA has been organized by the participating countries, they will enforce said regulations through water observation and boat enforcement. The utilization of their ship and aircraft fleets, they will allow IMPA to govern protected waters and protect against poachers.

Section 3: Ten billion dollars will be allocated to EPA in order to create funding for the building of ships, aircraft, and funding of jobs for IMPA. This action will be paralleled by participating countries in order to enforce their waters. Additional funding will also be created by fines and penalties set by the International Marine Protection Union.

Section 4: This bill will be enacted January 1, 2018.

Yale Model Congress 2017 Blue House - Foreign Affairs Committee

Dylan Kareff Great Neck South High School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: An act to protect Israel from the UN


Preamble: Whereas Israel is surrounded by enemies, whereas the United Nations would rather take action against Israel than the terrorists and terrorist enablers who threaten their existence, whereas the United States has the power to veto any resolution in the UN, whereas the United States gave the UN nearly $3 Billion in 2016 making up over a fifth of their overall funding, whereas Resolution 2334 is unfair to Israel and should have been vetoed, whereas the resolution expects Israel to stop settling in territories it has held for 50 years and was only acquired when Israel was attacked by its neighbors

Section 1: The United States will withhold all support from the United Nations unless they repeal Resolution 2334.

Subsection A: This includes all financial and military support

Section 2: If Resolution 2334 is repealed, the United Nations will also be required to hold all nations to the standards to which it holds Israel in order to maintain the support of the United States

Subsection A: The United Nation needs to address the state sponsored terrorism that threatens the lives of Israelis before they take any further action against Israel

Section 3: This bill will take effect in 91 days


Blue House - Foreign Affairs

Jacob Schmeltz Montclair High School

Title of Bill: An Act to Encourage a Two State Solution in Israel


Preamble: Whereas both the Jewish people and the Palestinian people have an equal claim to the land that is now spanning Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza; Whereas both Jewish and Islamic religions consider this geography part of their holy land; Whereas currently the Israeli government is encouraging its citizens to settle in the west bank in the form of settlements; Whereas Palestinians and are losing access to their holy land; Whereas since Israel declared independence in 1948, terror attacks against the Jewish people have significantly declined; Whereas a two state solution would help stabilize the Middle East and improve both Israel’s and the United States’ relations with other Middle Eastern nations; Whereas a two state solution would create many economic opportunities for the United States with more Middle Eastern Nations; Whereas a compelling incentive to get Israel and Palestine to establish a two state solution is to provide economic, political, and military support.

Section 1: A bipartisan committee titled “The Committee for Israel and Palestine (CIP)” will be created. Subsec tion A: There will be fifteen members of the committee: five current state department officials, five state legislators, three members of the house, and two members of the senate. Subsection B: All political parties currently represented in the United States congress must be represented on the CIP. There must be at least three members of each party represented. Subsection C: Members will be appointed by each respective group represented and will be confirmed by the senate with a majority vote. Subsection D: The necessary funding for this committee will come from funds allocated to the U.S. Department of State.

Section 2: The CIP must host a retreat for the purpose of starting negotiations between Israel and Palestine for a two state solution. Subsection A: All planning for the retreat will be left to the discretion of the CIP.

Section 3: If the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority agree to the negotiating retreat planned by the CIP, the following actions will take place: Subsection A: Israel and Palestine will each receive an additional one billion dollars in aid per year for five years. Subsection B: It will be illegal for any state or any form of regional government to institute sanctions, divest or boycott from the Israeli government, Palestinian Authority, Israeli companies, or Palestinian companies without consent from the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.

Section 4: If the Israeli government and the Palestinian authority agree on a partition plan that insures both sides access to the old city of Jerusalem, the following actions will take place: Subsection A: Fifty thousand U.S. military personnel will be deployed to Israel and Palestine as peacekeepers for three years. Subsection B: The Palestinian Authority will receive two billion dollars per year for five year to allocate to Palestinian businesses. Subsection C: The Israeli government will receive an additional one billion dollars per year for five years. Subsection D: The CIP will provide training to Palestinian political officials and citizens on how to form and take part in a sustainable democracy. Subsection E: All planning and executing of the democracy training will be left up to the discretion of the CIP.

Section 5: If a two state solution and peace agreement are implemented, the following actions will take place: Subsection A: The U.S. will formally recognize Palestine as an independent nation and will form an embassy in its capital. Subsection B: Israel will be allocated an additional one billion dollars per year for five years while Palestine will be allocated one billion dollars per year for ten years. Subsection C: An additional twenty-five thousand United States military personnel will be deployed to Israel and Palestine for seven years.

Section 6: If Israel and/or Palestine fail to attend the negotiating retreat hosted by the committee for Israel and Palestine, the following actions will take place: Subsection A: All current funding to Israel and Palestine will be terminated unless noted otherwise. Subsection B: Funding to groups in Israel and Palestine advocating for a two state solution will be increased by one billion dollars. Subsection C: Groups advocating for a two state solution will be determined by the CIP and how much money each group will be allocated will be determined by the CIP.

Section 7: This bill will go into effect on October 1, 2018.

Yale Model Congress 2017

Blue house- Foreign Affairs Committee

Zachary Walsh Quincy High School Author Delegation

Title of Bill: The Terrorist Intervention Act

Be It Enacted By The Yale Model Congress

Preamble: Whereas to fully assist in the intervention and destruction of terrorist organizations, to allow for techniques such as waterboarding and psychological stress to gain information regarding terrorist activities and to prevent further attacks against humanity,this bill is proposed, and intended to be enacted to ensure the safety of global citizens.

Section 1: An act to allow the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to gain information from suspected terrorists.

Section 2: Waterboarding is defined as “an interrogation technique simulating the experience of drowning, in which a person is strapped, face up, to a board that slopes downward at the head, while large quantities of water are poured over the face into the breathing passages.”

Psychological interrogation techniques include but are not limited to hooding, sleep deprivation, environmental manipulation and controlled fear.

Section 3: Use of “Advanced interrogation techniques” would be made legal against terrorist group affiliates.

Subsection A: This act would overrule any previous legislation in place including the torture act and the military commissions act of 2006

Section 4: Information obtained through practices allowed by this act can be used in all context including investigations regarding named terrorist affiliates and plans of terrorist attacks to ensure the protection of the world populace.

Section 5: This bill is to be enacted 91 days after passage