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through to LutoJl and Dunstable, the main Mimms-South (Middx) Ridge line continuing through , and , Mimms Urban-South and leaving the county near ; from Hitchin a branch runs to Cambridge through and Monken Hadley Totteridge BOYllton; a branch from the Suburban lines of this company goes to High Barnet. B"ERKHAMSTED UNION. The Great Eastern railway enters the county near Waltham .Abbey, and skirts the eastern border, sending off a branch below Rye House to and Ware, Great-Urban Pitstone (Bucks) from which another branch runs off at St. Margarets to Berkhamsted Great-Rural Puttenham , while the main line continues by Saw­ Gaddesden-Little Urban bridgeworth and Bishop Stortforo to Oambridge. Marsworth (Bucks) Hertfordshire is most known for its husbandry, and for the growth of the best white wheat; the shire yields, Hamlet Wigginton besides grain, turnips, vegetables and hay for the London market, also apples, cherries, currants and strawberries. BISHOP STORTFORD UNiON. There is a good deal of coppice and wood. The nurseries are famous for the growth of roses, which carry off a Albury Hallingbury-Great (Essex) great many of the prizes in London. Many cattle, sheep, Berden (Essex) Hallingbury-Little (Essex) pigs and poultl'y are fed for London. Birchanger (Essex) Henham (Essex) The manufactures are straw plait, silk and paper. The Bishop Stortford Manuden (Essex) malt trade, brewing, tanning, currying, brick, tile and pipe making; canvas making and weaving and coach Sawbrid~eworth making are carried on. The number of millers is large. Brellt Pelham Stansted Mountfitchet (Essex) The county is in the South. Eastern Circuit. There Elsenham (Essex) wu formerly a separate commis!lion of the peace for St. .Alban liberty, but by the County.of Hertford and Liberty Farnham (Essex) Thorley of St. Alban Act, 1874, the county was arranged in two Furneaux Pelham Ugley (Essex) divisions, the eastern called the Hertford (compri,sing 10 Hadham-Great or Much Wych-High petty sessional divisions), and the western the liberty Hadham-Little of St. .Alban division (comprising 4 petty sessional divi­ sions), but these divisions have been abolished and the county now comprises 15 pe~ty sessional divisions. The BUNTINGFORD UNION. prison at St. AIbans is the county prison; courts of Anstey Layston quarter sessions are held at Hertford and St. AIbans, ., or Yardley the Epiphany and Midsummer adjourned sessions at Hertford and the Easter and Michaelmas adjourned Rushden sessions at St. Albans. The County Courts (circuits 35, Broadfield Sandon 37 and 38) are held at Bishop Stortford, Hitchin, Buckland Throcking Royston, Barnet, St. Albans, and Hertford. Wallington There are seven Ooroner's districts-Bishop Stortford, , Hertford, Hitchin, Royston, St. -Great Albans and Watford. The shire contains 156 civil Hormead-Little (l8rishes, and forms the archdeaconry of St. .Albans, in the diocese of St. AIbans and province of Canterbury, HATFIELD UNION. 'and is divided into the following rural deaneries :-Bal­ dock, Barnet, Bennington, Berkhamsted, Bishop Stort­ Hatfield, or Bishop's Hatfield Northaw ford, Buntingford, Hertford, Hitehin, St. AIbans, Ware, Essendon North l\1imms Watford, and Welwyn. St. Albans, which has been erected into a Cathedral City, had a population in 1901 of 16,1°9. Hertford is a HEMEL HEMPSTEAD UNION. municipal borough, population 9,322; also Hemel Hemp­ Hemel Hempstead stead, population II,264. The other towns are Baldock, 1l0pulation, 2,057; Barnet, 7,876; Berkhamsted, 5,140; l\Iarkyate :Bishop Stortford, 7,143; Oheshunt, 5,912; Hatfield, 4,754; Hitchin, 10,°72 ; , 4,7II; Rickmans­ Gaddesden-Great worth, 5,627; Royston, 3.517; , 2,085; SteTenage, 3,957; Tring, 4,349; Ware, 5,573; Watford, HERTFORD UNION. 27,2°5; Welwyn, 1,660. Amwell-Little Hertford The Registration Districts are:- Aston Hertford-St. Andrew Rural _._------:----".--- Bayford Hertford-8t. John Rural No. Name. Area. PoP.1901 Rural Bennington ------_._------_.- ---- Berkhamsted-Little Stapleford Bramfield 13° Ware ..•..•..•...... •..•.....•.....•... 36,132 21,174 Rural 1:31 Bishop Stortford . 54,471 21,498 132 Royston* ...... •...... • 9 1 , 067 21,046 Watton-at-Stone 133 Hitchin ...... •..•..•..•..•.....•..•..• 66,84° 28,749 134 Hertford...... •.....•...... • 35,461 17,°37 HITOHIN UNION. 135 lI~tfiel