Pride N Joy (Peterhead) Limited Day Care of Children

1 Wilson Street Peterhead AB42 1UD

Telephone: 01779 481652

Type of inspection: Unannounced

Completed on: 11 October 2018

Service provided by: Service provider number: Pride N Joy (Peterhead) Limited SP2003000419

Service no: CS2010273674 Inspection report

About the service

Pride N Joy (Peterhead Limited) has been registered since 2011. It is registered as a day care of children service to provide a care service to a maximum of 86 children at any one time aged from birth to those attending primary school.

Pride N Joy is located close to the town centre of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. There are four main play areas in the building designed to meet the age, stage and development of the children. There is a fully enclosed outdoor area for energetic play and creative inquiry.

Aims of the service include being committed to "provide well planned, rich and challenging experiences that are responsive to children's needs in a warm, calm atmosphere. We do this by promoting Pre-birth to 3 and the Curriculum for Excellence."

We check services are meeting the principles of Getting it right for every child (also known as GIRFEC). This is Scotland's national approach to improving outcomes and wellbeing for children by offering the right help at the right time from the right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work with the services that can help them. There are eight wellbeing indicators at the heart of GIRFEC. They are: safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. They are often referred to as the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators.

What people told us

For this inspection we received 11 Care Standards Questionnaires (CSQs) and we spoke to three parents and carers.

Responses indicated that parents were very happy with the service, commenting positively about the helpful staff and the care and support their child was given. Parents told us the transition between rooms was very supportive of their child's needs and the activities on offer were exciting and stimulating. Parents felt there were good opportunities for outdoor play and the service made good use of the local amenities and regularly went to the park, beach etc.

"There is a great outside play area with lots of choice for the children. They often go to the library, park and the beach and go for daily walks. My child was delighted to see the crabs in the tank from the beach."

"They are a really helpful nursery and after school club. I am very happy with the service."

"I am very pleased with the service. The staff are very welcoming and my child has settled well and is always happy to go."

"The staff at the nursery are fantastic. My child has settled in so well, and enjoys going to nursery. There are always plenty of activities to keep them entertained and to support their learning and development. I am very happy with the service provided."

The babies and toddlers appeared happy and settled and played with the toys and activities on offer. We spoke to a number of children in the pre-school room and in the after school club. The younger children enjoyed playing with the play dough and dressing up and everyone told us they liked going to play with their friends. All the children enjoyed playing outdoors.

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Self assessment

The service had not been asked to complete a self-assessment in advance of the inspection. We looked at their own improvement plan and quality assurance processes. These demonstrated their priorities for development and how they were monitoring the quality of the provision within the service.

From this inspection we graded this service as:

Quality of care and support 5 - Very Good Quality of environment 5 - Very Good Quality of staffing 5 - Very Good Quality of management and leadership 5 - Very Good

Quality of care and support

Findings from the inspection The manager and staff were friendly and welcoming and had built up very positive relationships with the families and children in their care. They provided support to the whole family and worked closely with parents and other agencies to ensure children's needs were met. As a result parents felt confident in the service and that their child was safe and well looked after.

Children were supported by consistent and familiar staff who were very kind and caring. This helped children form close attachments, helping them feel safe and secure. Staff were very considerate and warm in their interactions during nappy changing, helping young children feel comfortable and happy. Staff chatted with the afterschool children in a warm and relaxed manner, helping the children feel included and welcomed.

A range of information which gave staff an insight into children's individual needs was recorded. Staff had worked very collaboratively with other agencies and parents to develop strategies to help meet the needs of children who required additional support. This included supporting children by modelling good speech and ensuring instructions were clear and easy to understand. However, staff would benefit from more organised and structured personal plans with clear information to help evaluate children's progress and to support their overall health and well being. Immediately after inspection the manager introduced a new format for staff to trial and review.

To safeguard and protect children, staff had attended child protection training and had a good understanding of possible signs of abuse and the correct procedures to follow if concerned. Chronologies were used effectively to record any concerns and any involvement with other agencies.

Observations of the children at play were used successfully to inform planning and support children's progress. As a result children were able to take part in a range of learning experiences that helped develop their literacy, numeracy and health and well being. Children in the after school club were very involved in planning activities they enjoyed. This helped them feel included and happy.

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The service promoted a healthy lifestyle and provided healthy meals and snacks as well as daily opportunities for outdoor play. All the children were encouraged to take part in a daily walk in the local community. This meant they were able to access fresh air as well as keep fit and healthy.

Requirements Number of requirements: 0

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0

Grade: 5 - very good

Quality of environment

Findings from the inspection The manager and staff had successfully used the document Building the Ambition to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the environment on children's play experiences. As a result the playrooms had undergone significant changes to provide more opportunities for creative play, inquiry and physical development. New climbing equipment had been purchased and all the children could access large indoor sandpits. There were more opportunities for independent child led play with more natural materials.

The babies were very engaged when playing with a variety of everyday items and treasure baskets. The ceiling had been softened with drapes which helped create a softer, cosier environment. However, at times the area appeared cluttered and untidy. We discussed ensuring folders were always put away, work surfaces tidied and children's outdoor clothes stored neatly to increase space and help create a more calm atmosphere. The sleep room was warm and comfortable and bedding was washed after each use to help prevent infection and keep children safe and well.

The toddlers and pre-school children were able to access inviting and welcoming role play corners. A selection of real life resources enabled children to learn through familiar play, develop their ideas and explore their emotions. They were able to access flour and water and enjoyed making pretend cupcakes and play dough models. The comfortable and cosy reading corners enabled staff to read a selection of stories and children took part in singing songs and rhymes; promoting early literacy and communication skills.

Children in the after school club could relax on sofas, play games or take part in art and craft activities. They often went to the local parks and took part in community events such as visiting the local care home for the elderly. This will help them grow into responsible and confident individuals.

The outdoor environment was very inviting and responsive to children's interests and patterns of play. Most children loved playing outdoors despite the inclement weather and were able to participate in exciting learning experiences. There were lots of opportunities for sensory play including a mud kitchen, water play and musical instruments. Children had been involved in planting and had helped design a fairy garden. Children were able to access a variety of resources to support literacy and numeracy development and these were fully embedded into practice.

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Requirements Number of requirements: 0

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0

Grade: 5 - very good

Quality of staffing

Findings from the inspection Appropriate recruitment procedures were in place and all staff were registered with an appropriate regulatory body. This helped safeguard children. All staff had undertaken core training to help keep children safe and well. New members of staff were supported with an effective induction programme to help ensure they had the appropriate skills to support children.

Staff were very committed and enthusiastic to develop their knowledge and understanding to improve outcomes for children. They had participated in training to develop their skills in observation and assessment and this was evident in the improved recording of children's progress in their journals. Other training opportunities included benefit risk assessment to help keep children safe.

All staff were encouraged to improve and develop areas within the setting relevant to their strengths and interests. This meant staff felt valued and respected and were motivated to make improvements. For example staff had researched ways to support children with non verbal communication and had introduced strategies to support children's understanding. Some staff had been very involved in developing the outdoor area with rich experiences to stimulate and engage children's imagination.

Staff worked well as a team and were very supportive of each other. A mix of experienced and less experienced staff in each room helped ensure the needs of all the children were met.

Requirements Number of requirements: 0

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0

Grade: 5 - very good

Quality of management and leadership

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Findings from the inspection The manager of the service was very involved in the service and parents spoke very positively about her welcoming and supportive manner. Staff spoke highly of the support she gave to them and how they worked as a team to make improvements. She had recently started a Professional Development Award in Childhood Practice to enhance her professional practice, leadership and team working approach. She spoke enthusiastically about sharing good practice with other settings and how this had supported her own improvement agenda.

The manager and staff had effectively used the documents How Good is Our Early Leaning and Childcare, Building the Ambition and the new National Health and Social Care Standards to support improvement to the service. They had also worked very collaboratively with the local authority principal teachers who provided support and advice. This had contributed to staff effectively using observations of children at play to inform planning as well as making the best use of resources to provide a motivating environment for effective learning.

An updated improvement plan was in place to support continued progression. This included making improved transitions for children moving into school.

The manager had developed a very comprehensive service monitoring calendar to support quality assurance. This was evident in areas including improved infection control procedures and the safeguarding of children.

The manager had implemented formal monitoring of staff practice and playroom observations to help ensure staff were skilled and effective in their role. Staff were beginning to become more involved in peer support and monitoring of practice. This contributed to a very motivated and enthusiastic staff and promoted a positive ethos.

Children were very involved in making improvements to the nursery and were asked for their ideas. They had been involved in planning daily walking routes and were able to choose where they wanted to go. The after school club were involved in developing new zones for play and relaxation.

Parents were encouraged to be involved in the service and information was shared through newsletters and noticeboards. New initiatives such as coffee mornings and parent workshops were being introduced and evaluated. Parents told us they would like more written information on young children's daily routine and more feedback using technology. The manager was happy to provide more information for parents and was investigating possible ways to keep parents updated using technology, always ensuring the safety and privacy of families.

Requirements Number of requirements: 0

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0

Grade: 5 - very good

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What the service has done to meet any requirements we made at or since the last inspection

Previous requirements

There are no outstanding requirements.

What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at or since the last inspection

Previous recommendations

Recommendation 1

To ensure the safety of the children, systems should be put in place to make sure the front door is locked after parents and visitors leave the building.

National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 2: A Safe Environment

This recommendation was made on 22 August 2016.

Action taken on previous recommendation All the doors in the new premises were locked and helped keep children safe. This recommendation was not applicable for these premises.

Recommendation 2

To fully engage children and extend their thinking and learning, more challenging opportunities should be provided for:

(a) open-ended creative play and inquiry (b) literacy and numeracy development

Possible ideas to promote sand and water play can be found at:

National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 5: Quality of Experience and Standard 11: Access to Resources

This recommendation was made on 31 October 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation The indoor and outdoor environments had undergone significant changes to provide more opportunities for open-ended creative play and inquiry. All the children could access large indoor sandpits and water play. There

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were more opportunities for independent play, child led play with more natural materials. Literacy and numeracy was embedded in the learning experiences for children. Therefore, this recommendation had been met.

Recommendation 3

To help prevent the risk of infection and help keep children well, the tiles surrounding the base of the toilets should be fixed or eplaced.r

National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 2: A Safe Environment

This recommendation was made on 31 October 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation The tiles surrounding the base of the toilets had been fixed and the toilets were clean and safe for use. Therefore this recommendation had been met.


There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at


No enforcement action has been taken against this care service since the last inspection.

Inspection and grading history

Date Type Gradings 4 Oct 2017 Unannounced Care and support 4 - Good Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 4 - Good

5 Jul 2016 Unannounced Care and support 4 - Good Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 4 - Good

26 Aug 2015 Unannounced Care and support 3 - Adequate

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Date Type Gradings Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 2 - Weak Management and leadership 3 - Adequate

25 Sep 2014 Unannounced Care and support 3 - Adequate Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and leadership 3 - Adequate

7 Nov 2013 Unannounced Care and support 3 - Adequate Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 3 - Adequate

15 Nov 2012 Unannounced Care and support 3 - Adequate Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and leadership 3 - Adequate

16 Mar 2012 Unannounced Care and support 3 - Adequate Environment 3 - Adequate Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and leadership 2 - Weak

9 Nov 2011 Unannounced Care and support 2 - Weak Environment 2 - Weak Staffing 2 - Weak Management and leadership 2 - Weak

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To find out more

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our website.

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