Title: I AM REDEEMED - You Are Redeemed Text: 4:14-22 Topic: Redemption

This is our final week in the . What a perfect—yet unexpected—way to lead into the Easter season. As we close the story of Ruth, we see specifically how the Lord was not only extending gracious redemption to Ruth, but also preparing the way for our ultimate Redeemer. This story not only points us to the gospel thematically, it leads us to the birth of literally. Ruth became the grandmother of King and the ancestor of Jesus (:5-6). This same little town of would later be the birthplace of Emmanuel, the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Each of us can trust God, knowing that generation after generation he has proven trustworthy.

MAIN POINT We have to trust Jesus.

DELIVER – Use this space to take notes during the sermon. Additional commentary is also available to rightly understand and teach God’s Word.

Sermon Notes:

1. Jesus is for you (4:14a)

2. We are made to make Him known (4:14b)

3. Jesus is enough (4:15-22)

DISCIPLE – Use these questions to engage people in discussion on a personal level.

Ask everyone to open their sermon notes and .

• Read (or have a volunteer read) Ruth 4:14a • Review the sermon point: “Jesus is for you” Share from your notes and ask group members for insights.

1. How did God provide a new family redeemer and whom did He provide him for? At what point in ’s life did she need the most and why?

2. How is Obed’s provision for Naomi in her old age similar to our need for Jesus Christ?

3. Much like the reaction of the women talking to Naomi, what should our reaction be to the provision given to us by Jesus?

Naomi knew that the only way to be provided for going into her old age was to have a family redeemer take care of her. God used Boa and Ruth, people of noble character, to bring this redemption to Naomi in the most unexpected of ways. This family redeemer would take care of Naomi in her old age when she was unable to provide for herself. In the same way, we have no way of providing redemption for ourselves. We cannot wash our own sins away and we cannot bring ourselves back into right relationship with God. The only way any of this is possible is through the ultimate redeemer that was provided to us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the Cross, and was resurrected so that our sins could be washed away and so that we can have right relationship with God again. Our response should be a life of praise and worship, committing every aspect of our lives to serving the will of the one who provided for us.

• Read (or have a volunteer read) Ruth 4:14b • Review the sermon point: “We are made to make Him known” Share from your notes and ask group members for insights.

4. What was the natural reaction of the women to God sending a family redeemer to Naomi? What did they want for Obed?

5. How is this reaction of making the child’s name known a connection to why we were made?

6. Since we were made to make God’s name known, how should we feel about doing so or when someone we know does not know the Gospel?

The women saw that this child was a blessing from God to Naomi, and they wanted the name of this family redeemer to become famous throughout the people of Israel. In the same way that the women knew they wanted to make Obed’s name famous, this is a connection to what we were created for, which is to make the name of God known throughout the world. Since we were created for this, we should have an overwhelming desire to do it. It should be the most important responsibility in our lives to take the name of God to where it needs to be the most.We should be so overtaken by this responsibility that it affects us on a deeply personal level when someone we know does not know the name of God and how important He is.It should drive us to make disciples of Christ everywhere we go.

• Read (or have a volunteer read) Ruth 4:15-22 • Review the sermon point: “Jesus is enough” Share from your notes and ask group members for insights.

7. Besides what has already been said about the comparison to Obed and Jesus, what else can be said about their comparison in these verses?

8. How is Obed comparable to ? Then, how is Obed comparable to King David?

9. How does all of this show God’s bigger plan for all of creation?

10. What was most helpful, challenging, or encouraging for you in this text?

Obed came from a very unlikely situation and an even more unlikely woman. The same was true for Jesus. Obed's Name literally means “servant of the Lord”, whereas Jesus was the ultimate servant and He is the Lord. They are obviously part of the same bloodline - the birth of Obed would eventually lead to the birth of Jesus. Perez was born out of the dubious relationship between and a foreign woman, . The same can be said about the relationship between Boa and Ruth. This story takes place in the anarch of the days of the judges, as King David would be God’s answer to this troubling time. All of these connections show that God has a bigger picture than simply bringing together two worthy people or restoring the emptiness of a Judean widow. This story, as well as the connections made throughout the , show that God had a huge plan to redeem all of creation from the beginning and he has always been looking after us. How can you not trust in a God like that?

DEPLOY – Use this final section to help people respond to your time together.

• Seeing how Obed is a picture of Christ’s provision in our lives, this would be a great time for each person in the group to go around and talk about how their lives were like before Christ, why you needed a Savior, what led to you coming to know Christ, and what is different about your life since accepting Christ into your life. This is your testimony, and it will be a great encouragement to everyone else, as well as great practice to tell it to people who do not know Jesus. • Much like how Obed provided for the needs of Naomi, have you recently helped to provide for the spiritual or physical needs of any believers or non-believers, including telling others about the importance of the Gospel? Give an update on how your relationships with these people are going, as well as how god is using you in their lives. • When it comes to the things in your life that keep you from worshipping God with every part of your life, how are you dealing with those things? How can your group provide you with even more encouragement and accountability when it comes to the distractions in your life, especially the consistent, persistent sins?

NEXT WEEK - Use this information to prayerfully prepare, brainstorm, and study.

Special Guest—Ternae Jordan