WINAIR PILOT ROGER HODGE 1976. The university TO RETIRE AFTER 30 YEARS specialized in aviation LOGGED OVER 20,000 HOURS ON operations from ground THE TWIN OTTER school, air tra"c control to simulation and !ight “I’ve !own His Royal Highness of the Netherlands, instruction. It was there King Willem-Alexander, Her Royal Highness, he learned the very best Princess Beatrix, David Letterman and NFL in aviation education for football athletes,” pilot, Roger Hodge modestly a future pilot who proclaimed. aspired to achieve distinction and Re!ecting on his impending retirement after excellence as a profes- Pilot Roger Hodge, standing next to a Windward Islands Airways International !ying for the national carrier since February 4, sional aviator. N.V. aircraft 1990, Roger Hodge sentimentally pronounces the milestone as “bittersweet”. Mr. Hodge will During a recent interview with Mr. Hodge and the When asked about his views on the current o"cially retire from the aviation company on SXM Airport Horizon Newsletter, he disclosed that operations of the Princess Juliana International October 23, 2020. The Windward Islands Airways after he graduated, he started !ying as a !ight Airport (PJIAE N.V.), Mr. Roger recalls the SXM International N.V. (WINAIR), is a govern- instructor in the United States of America, to Airport as was one of the nicest airports in the ment-owned based in which build his hours. He was reminiscence of !ying Caribbean, citing that he would like to see it was founded in 1961 by Georges Greaux. It has a with some of the local aviators like Edwin Hodge, become more improved than the pre-hurricane !eet of seven aircraft serving ten destinations Kenneth Richardson, Rene Frederick and Alphon- Irma status. and has provided air transportation in the so Matthew, but he regrets never getting the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Caribbean for more than 55 years. opportunity to !y with the well-known aviation pioneer, Jose Dormoy. Jose Dormoy was one of IN THIS EDITION Before Roger Hodge became a pilot, his brother, WINAIR’s #rst o"cial pilots which was honored the late Chairman of the Supervisory Board of for his dedication and years of service. • WINAIR PILOT ROGER HODGE TO RETIRE AFTER 30 YEARS, LOGGED OVER 20,000 HOURS ON Directors of the Princess Juliana International THE TWIN OTTER Airport, Michel Hodge encouraged him to attend Mr. Hodge shared that he hopes that one day • MIGUELA GUMBS APPOINTED AS MANAGER OF THE his college at the F.I.T. Aviation at Florida Tech in WINAIR can spread its wings much further and HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT AT PJIAE add larger and faster aircrafts to the !eet but • MEDIA CAMPAIGN ON THE AIRPORT TERMINAL everything happens in due time and he is proud RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT KICKS OFF WITH THE PJIAE MANAGING BOARD, PROJECT DIRECTOR AND THE NRPB to be a part of an aviation company that has come DIRECTOR a long way as the national carrier. • COVID-19 PREVENTION STARS - STAFF OF THE COLLECTIVE PREVENTION SERVICES, CPS After having !own to the neighboring islands • PJIAE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR THE PRINCESS , St. Eustatius, St. Barths, Nevis, St. Kitts and JULIANA INTERNATIONAL HOLDING, THE SUPERVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT BOARD systematically for a period of years, Hodge particularly favored !ying in and out of • SUMMER FLIGHT SCHEDULE Saba and St. Barth’s. The heightened level of • SPECTACULAR LANDING COURTESY AMBIENT DIGITAL di"culty caused by the approaches and take-o$s SERVICES intrigued him immeasurably. The pilot is • INSTAGRAM VLOGGER VISITS PRINCESS JUIANA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT especially grati#ed by the on-time departure and • SXM AIRPORT EMPLOYEES CELEBRATING JOB arrival records that they have honored for both ANNIVERSARIES the passengers and airline a"liates.

PRINCESS JULIANA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT • AIRPORT BOULEVARD # 99 • P. O. B OX 2 0 2 7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 after I begun to #y. I’ve had nothing but good “We were headed in the right direction and if it moments with him professionally in the #ight weren’t for the destructive Hurricane Irma in industry and I will use this opportunity to extend September 2017, PJIAE would’ve soared higher more power to him during this upcoming recon- than before. I think that they tend to do a heck of struction period and to keep up the good work.” a job with what they have, and the Operations can be described as a carefully planned Hodge says his personal legacy would showcase clockwork,” Roger Hodge says. that he was also highly regarded by the Windward Islands Airways International N.V. He cheerily recollects working with the current (WINAIR) and the St. Maarten Civil Aviation Chief Operations O!cer of the Princess Juliana Authority for his training skills and he is happy International Airport, Michel Hyman as as he that the other pilots and passengers had full began his aviation journey in 1993. “We grew up con"dence in his #ying. Mr. Roger Hodge have at the airport and he started to work "ve years logged over 20,000 hours on the Twin Otter.


“Happy employees mean a happy product and the customer which is logical, however with a happy customers,” so says an enthused Miguela new introduction to Change Management Gumbs who is the newest addition to the Human department I learned you can also market your Resources Department at the Princess Juliana company and its image inside the establishment International Airport Operating Company N.V. and hence, personnel could become even more (PJIAE). Gumbs successfully attained the position committed and proud of the product they are of Human Resources Manager and commenced making or service they are providing. This would her role on October 1, 2020. She joins an energet- also translate into going the extra mile even ic HR team in advancing forward to guide over when not expected to and realizing that by Miguela Gumbs, newly appointed Manager of HR 270 employees of the PJIAE N.V. in Human contributing to daily operations everyone makes Resource Management. a di$erence. I also relished in assisting and coach- challenge and decided to return home to see ing employees to work in teams, thinking out of what she could o$er to Sint Maarten with her In an invited comment, Miguela Gumbs told the the box, motivating the sta$ and helping them knowledge and experience in Human Resources SXM Airport Horizon newsletter that she initially align with the company’s strategic objectives Management. But it was the Government of Saba left her homeland of Sint Maarten some 25 years such as Operational Excellence and Lean Manage- that presented the opportune role and spiked her ago to further her studies and acquire knowledge ment. I like to bring companies through a transi- attention through its HR objectives of further and understanding of an alternative environment tion and help to them to achieve their objectives professionalizing HR throughtout the organiza- in the Netherlands. and success with the help of their employees,” tion. Over a period of three (3) years, Gumbs, in divulged the HR expert. her role as Head of HRM department has advised In the Netherlands, functioning in sectors like the Executive Council of Saba and managers on Marketing and Human Resources at the British Ms. Gumbs was also awarded positions whereby various personnel related a$airs and developed a American Tobacco company for over a period of she managed a small payroll company which was tailormade Leadership and Management Devel- 15 years, Ms. Gumbs progressively worked her responsible for the payment of 800 plus employ- opment Program in combination with setting the way over to Change Management, whereby she ees. In her last function in the Netherlands before groundwork for a learning culture within the established a concentrated focus and passion for immigrating to Saba, Ms. Gumbs worked for an government apparatus of the Public Entity Saba. the fundamentals of change management and insurance broker that handled coverage of major Gumbs is particularly proud of her years working had the opportunity to learn and grow from cargo ships that maneuvered speci"cally in for the Public Entity Saba and what she has left renown HR managers and Change experts. international waters. There she set up the entire behind, whereby new HR policies and procedures HR Department before she left to her new adven- have been introduced and aligned according to “In my earlier years working in the marketing ture in the Caribbean. the BES laws. Personnel management has also department, we were mainly focused on market- been brought to a higher level with a learning ing our products outside of the organization to In 2017, Miguela Gumbs was up for a new environment for all civil servants. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


PAGE 4 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 such as sick leave management, onboarding and I can remember driving to the Airport just to Working in a transparent and uniformed way o#boarding (from hire to retire), as well as experience the spectacular landings by major creates clarity and understanding for all. Ms. documentation of the various trainings such as such as KLM, , and many more. Gumbs has now made the step and joined the project management, time management, leader- Growing up in the Cole Bay residential area near PJIAE family and did not leave the managers of ship and integrity and e#ective communication. the Airport, I would always pause with fascina- her former employer empty handed, after her tion whenever a large aircraft $ew overhead. I’m departure she has developed a comprehensive The step from commercial to the public sector and happy to !nally have the unique opportunity to manual in the form of a Management Toolkit, then back to the commercial sector Ms. Gumbs work in the aviation sector, and as a bonus at the which would assist all managers to further carry explained that: “I’ve always had a fascination airport that I’ve always admired and been proud out their role. The Management Toolkit includes with the aviation industry, but never had a real of” Miguela Gumbs concluded. information on, among other things, HR policies opportunity in my earlier years to work for PJIAE.

L - R : Reporter of SXM Daily News, Valerie van Putten, COO, Michel Hyman, Project Director, Mirto Breell, CEO, Brian Mingo and Director of the National Recovery Project Bureau, Claret Connor during media brie!ng. MEDIA CAMPAIGN ON THE AIRPORT TERMINAL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT KICKS OFF WITH THE PJIAE MANAGING BOARD, PROJECT DIRECTOR AND THE NRPB DIRECTOR With over 75 years of aviation-based services In a series of interviews for the Media Campaign During the collaborative interview, there was a from the Princess Juliana International Airport on the renovation project, a delegation of the recap of the aftermath of the Hurricane Irma of (SXM), the organization has underwent several PJIAE Managing Board members, CEO, Brian 2017 and the transition to the temporary opera- undertakings like the Runway End Safety Area Mingo and COO, Michel Hyman joined the Project tions of the Arrivals and Departure halls in the project (RESA), Flamingo Apron Project, Air!eld Director, Mirto Breell and the National Recovery pavillions and back to the Terminal Building. The Lighting Project, Air Tra"c Control/Radar Facility, Project Bureau Director, Claret Connor to better panelists also spoke about the project funders like Departure Hall Renovation and the migration inform the masses about the latest venture of the the Trust Fund and European Investment Bank from the old to the new Terminal Building project. PJIAE N.V. (EIB), the World Bank who serves as the fund managers and the implementing agency which is Today, SXM Airport is preparing immensely for yet The media campaign was arranged by the Corpo- the National Recovery Project Bureau. another renovation overhaul, as the Airport rate Communications department to have those Announcements were also made about the start Terminal Reconstruction Project “Package 2” is set that represent the backbone of project express of the Mold Remediation and the Waste Disposal to commence in April 2021 with a completion their assurance of having it realized in due time. which will go into e#ect in the last quarter of timeline in February 2023. 2020.


Collective Prevention Services Sta!, CPS, assisting with the testing of the passengers at the Princess Juliana International Airport


COVID - 19 H TLINE: 9777


Glenn Daniel Rochelle Hodge James Fazio Chairman Secretary Member

PJIAH Mr. Dexter Doncher Managing Director


Helma Kamla Besancon Clarence Derby Alain Maca Vice Chairman Etnel-Hermelijn Member Member Member


COO CEO CFO Michel Hyman Brian Mingo Leo van der Meiden

COO Division CEO Division CFO Division Operations, Security, Projects, Planning and Systems, Accounting and Reporting Rescue and Fire!ghting Department, Compliance Department, Audit, Statistics Electrical Maintenance Department, Human Resources, ITT, Risk Assurance, Facility Maintenance Department , Corporate Communications, Air Tra"c Services Quality Assurance Department, Legal, Commercial Departments




“The Traveling Island Girl” was invited to the SXM During the walk-through of the facilities, “The Airport to highlight our ongoing COVID-19 Traveling Island Girl” was treated to a cocktail at Prevention and Mitigation measures. The popular the SXM Airport’s Hurricane Bar, as she gained vlogger produced and edited an interactive video insight into the current operations with an entitled “What’s it like to travel to and from Sint interview from the Manager of the Operations Maarten – A look inside St. Maarten’s Airport”. Department, Emile Levons and Corporate Riselle told the Corporate Communication Communication Specialist, Audrey St. Luce – Department that the production is a part of the Jack. To view, visit her IG page at Traveling Island “Local’s guide to Sint Maarten” vlog series. Girl.

October 20, 2020


30 25 25

IVON EUSON AURILLIO BALY LYDIA HERNANDEZ 30 Years of Service 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service Operations Department Air Tra!c Controller Security Department

25 25 25

ELSIDRO ST. JAGO SANDRO YORK MAURISCIO WEBSTER 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service Head of Security Guards Rescue & Fire"ghting Service Rescue & Fire"ghting Service

25 25 25

MANILO PENIJN GERALD BAPTISTE JOEL WILSON 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service Manager Rescue & Fire"ghting Service Security Department Rescue & Fire"ghting Service


25 25 25

ROBERTO RICHARDSON JAIME DE JESUS PENA DELICIA BLAIR 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service Rescue & Fire!ghting Service Facilities Maintenance Security Department

25 25

ROBERT ARNAUD GLENSON YORK 25 Years of Service 25 Years of Service Security Department Rescue & Fire!ghting Service

On behalf of the Board, Management and Staff of the SXM Airport HAPPY SECURITY DAY OCTOBER 14, 2020