Article Household Level Consumption and Ecological Stress in an Urban Area

Md. Shakil Khan 1 ID and Muhammad Salaha Uddin 2,3,* ID

1 School of CSIT, University of RMIT, Melbourne 3001, Australia; [email protected] 2 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khuln-9203, Bangladesh 3 Spatially Integrated Social Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA * Correspondence: [email protected]

 Received: 31 May 2018; Accepted: 9 July 2018; Published: 12 July 2018 

Abstract: Rapid and human consumption are continuously threatening the balances of natural environmental systems. This study investigated the increasing stress on the natural environment from household consumption at the neighborhood level. We collected and analyzed household-level data of Ward 24 of the Khulna City Corporation (KCC) area to quantify and represent household consumption and entrenching stresses on the natural environment. We followed the component and direct method to determine the ecological footprint (demand). We also derived the (supply) from the available bioproductive lands of the study area. Thus, the gap between demand and supply was identified and represented as a stress area through a Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping technique. We found that the per capita ecological footprint accounts for Ward 24 were about 0.7161 gha/capita for the year 2015. Moreover, the biocapacity for the same year was determined as 0.0144 gha/capita for Ward 24. The ecological demand for the household-based consumption of Ward 24 exceeded its ecological capacity by 49.73 times. We found that Ward 24 would require an area that was 162 times larger in order to support the present level of resource demand and waste sequestration. These study findings can play an essential role in policy formulation, ensuring the practices of environmental justice at the local scale.

Keywords: ecological footprint; biocapacity; ecological stress; environmental justice

1. Introduction Human beings have an enormous impact on the natural environment, and ultimately affect one another in their everyday choices of consumption habits and living style [1]. The ways of choosing to house, clothe, shelter, and meet the needs for vital resources, such as food, energy, and water not only affect the long-term availability of those resources, but also affect the functioning of the overall Earth system and are creating excessive pressure on the supply side of nature [2–4]. The global search for renewable and non-renewable resources is increasing, and global efforts to extract benefits from distant locations are accelerating environmental degradation. In this broad context, cities and towns are perceived as the core sources of economic wealth and sociocultural activities [5,6]. At the same time, from a biophysical perspective, cities are a combination of different structures that consume vast quantities of energy and material resources [7]. As a result, the consumption pattern at the city level is a matter of investigation to explain the competitive interaction between human beings and the natural environment. This competitive situation is alarming, as more than 50% of the world’s live in urban regions [8], and in developed countries, urbanization levels exceed 75%. Thus, the world has become a dangerous place to live with less biodiversity, forest area, fresh water, and soil, but with more people, poverty, consumption, and wastes.

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56; doi:10.3390/urbansci2030056 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 2 of 24

The demand and supply-oriented interaction of human consumption and the natural environment are challenging the overall sustainability issues, and it is necessary to understand the environmental challenges that are caused by such interactions. Concerning this, research on an impact assessment of the environment has been receiving much attention throughout the scientific . Many studies have focused on different methodologies to study the impact of human consumption on its environment. Some notable methods are materials inputs–outputs analysis, which is also known as the material flow analysis (MFA) method [9,10]; exergy analysis [10,11]; emergy analysis [12]; life cycle assessment (LCA [13–17]; ecological footprint (EF) [18–21]; urban metabolism (UM) [1,22–25]; and Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) techniques [26–28]. Among these, the ecological footprint quantification method, along with GIS and RS-based visualization techniques, has been getting more attention from different scientific communities in recent years [26–30]. Ecological footprint assessment (EFA) can contribute to the monitoring of consumption-related emissions by using demand and supply mechanisms. Recent studies have revealed that the demand for nature-oriented goods and services in cities has been increasing over time [25]. This trend possesses a significant threat to future sustainability, since the aggregate ecological footprint of humanity is already exceeding the global supply of biocapacity [31]. The current trend of consumption, urbanization, and industrialization is pushing us closer to food shortages, biodiversity loss, depleted fisheries, soil quality degradation, and stress on freshwater availability [1]. The global supply–demand crisis on essential resources is reflecting the effect of this trend. Thus, humanity’s ecological stress is increasing simultaneously with worldwide urbanization [7]. Even as appreciation grows for a sustainable future, our demand for biocapacity has become difficult to reduce. In this regard, it is essential to research such issues in order to quantify the exerting stress at the local scale, and visualize and represent it at the regional geographical level, which will help the proper authorities make policy decisions. Integrating GIS and RS techniques with the ecological footprint concept can help monitor the generated stress toward the environment due to consumption habits at the household level. Kuzyk (2011) [32] used GIS techniques to visualize the ecological footprints by household-level consumption habits. However, in that study, he used income level as a proxy to determine the consumption habits of the local households. On the other hand, Connolly et al. (2012) [33] in their research used GIS data derivation and visualization techniques for identifying the residential of American cities. They used an integration of block-grouped census data and GIS maps to derive the residential footprints of American cities. Several studies used GIS and RS techniques for data derivation and the visualization of footprints at different spatial scales [34]. However, most of these studies represented a coarse resolution of the spatial extent, which merely compared larger geographical areas with one another. For a more precise analysis, Klinsky et al. (2010) in their study followed local peoples’ participation approach, and applied GIS to derive data as well as raise environmental awareness about consumption habits [34]. This study was conducted with an object to quantify and visualize the stress toward the environment due to the consumption habits of families at the local level in a city of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country with many blessings, especially from the locational perspective. According to its geophysical characteristics, it is hosting a rich variety of species that have splendidly evolved with the natural dynamic conditions to populate the of the country. However, 95% of Bangladesh’s native forest and 50% of its freshwater wetlands have been lost or degraded [35–37]. The situation has mainly taken place due to the increasing interventions of the growing population (with an already existing base of 160 million people) [38,39] Besides, conflicting institutional mandates and a lack of synchronization among development needs, policy, and laws are worsening this situation day by day. Bangladesh now has the smallest areas of protected and intact forest in the world, consisting of only 1.4% of its landmass [35]. This situation is highly unsustainable, because 70% of Bangladeshis depend on natural resources (wetland and forests) for their livelihoods [40]. The reductions of natural capital, as well as the degradation of biodiversity, have had a severe direct impact on the , nutrition, and income of the people. This negative trend should Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 24 livelihoods [40]. The reductions of natural capital, as well as the degradation of biodiversity, have had a severe direct impact on the food security, nutrition, and income of the people. This negative trend should be controlled in order to achieve sustainability at the community level. Thus, the Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 3 of 24 illustration and calculation of metabolic relations, as well as the ecological footprint of cities, has become vital in the context of Bangladesh. Accordingly, this study intended to find out the footprint of householdbe controlled-level in consumption order to achieve as sustainabilitywell as represent at the the community results at level. a spatial Thus, level the illustration in compar andison to the availablecalculation biocapacity of metabolic of relations, the study as wellarea. as It the is ecologicalexpected footprintthat the ofstudy cities, methods has become and vital findings in the are replicablecontext for of Bangladesh.the analysis Accordingly, of household this-based study intendedconsumption to find for out case the footprints of relev ofant household-level cities other than Bangladeshconsumption, and as can well asmonitor represent and the results compare at a spatialthe household level in comparison-level consumption to the available biocapacityhabits of one of the study area. It is expected that the study methods and findings are replicable for the analysis of geographical region with others. household-based consumption for cases of relevant cities other than Bangladesh, and can monitor and compare the household-level consumption habits of one geographical region with others. 2. Methodology 2. Methodology In this study, we explored one of the dense residential areas (administrative identity: Ward 24, Figure 1)In of this Khulna study, weCity explored Corporation one of the(KCC) dense. Ward residential 24 is areas one of(administrative the planned identity: residential Ward areas 24, in KhulnaFigure City,1) of which Khulna was City de Corporationsigned and (KCC). develo Wardped 24by is Khul one ofna the Development planned residential Authority areas (KDA) in Khulna in 1998 [41]. City,The whichpresence was of designed high and and middle developed-income byKhulna families Development had made the Authority study (KDA)area one in 1998of the [41 major]. consumingThe presence residential of high zones and middle-income in Khulna city. families Moreover, had made a heterogenic the study area housing one of the pattern major consuming and a similar residential zones in Khulna city. Moreover, a heterogenic housing pattern and a similar economic setup economic setup for individual families represents the diversified nature of household consumption. for individual families represents the diversified nature of household consumption. Considering these Considering these primary factors of consumption patterns, in this research, the Nirala residential primary factors of consumption patterns, in this research, the Nirala residential area (Ward 24) has area been(Ward taken 24) as has an been appropriate taken representationas an appropriate of fundamental representation per-capita of fundamental resource demand per (i.e.,-capita land resource use, demandtransport, (i.e., land food consumption,use, transport, water food consumption, consumption, waste water generation, consumption, etc.) of middle waste and generation high-income, etc.) of middlehouseholds and high in-income Khulna city.households in Khulna city.

FigureFigure 1 1.. MapsMaps of Study Area. Area.

Stress associated with urban growth can be determined according to the methodology developed by the Global Footprint Network [42] The ecological footprint of an area comprises of six different components, i.e., cropland, grazing land, fishing ground, forest land, built-up land, and Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 4 of 24

Stress associated with urban growth can be determined according to the methodology developed by the Global Footprint Network [42] The ecological footprint of an area comprises of six different components, i.e., cropland, grazing land, fishing ground, forest land, built-up land, and carbon uptake land footprint [2]. This study investigated the carbon emissions from the day-to-day consumption of household activities of Ward 24 by following the component-based approach, as shown in Table1[ 9]. We considered the built-up and carbon uptake land footprint (following the concepts of the Global Footprint Network) for overall footprint assessment. On the other hand, cropland, grazing land, fishing ground, forest, and built-up land [2] were taken as components of biocapacity. We compared the calculated footprint with the available biocapacity of the study area (determined from the cropland, grazing land, forest land, fishing ground, and built-up area), and thus, the stress area was quantified and visualized through mapping. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 24 Table 1. Considered components for the derivation of consumption footprint. Table 1. Considered components for the derivation of consumption footprint. Built-Up Footprint Built-Up Footprint Land–Residential; Land–Goods; Land–Services; Land–Transportation Land–Residential; Land–Goods; Land–Services; Land–Transportation Carbon UptakeUptake Land Land Footprint Footprint ▪ Energy–Electricity,Energy–Electricity, Natural Natural Gas Gas ▪ WaterWater Transportation–Fuel, Asphalt ▪ WasteTransportation–Fuel, Asphalt ▪ Food–Meat,Waste Fish, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables, Cereal, Confectionary, Drinks, Others ▪ Goods–FurnishingFood–Meat, Fish, and Dairy, Equipment, Fruits Housekeeping,and Vegetables, Others Cereal, Confectionary, Drinks, Others ▪ Service–Education,Goods–Furnishing Health, and Entertainment,Equipment, Housekeeping, Technical, Administrative Others ▪ Service–Education, Health, Entertainment,Source Technical, [9]. Administrative Source [9]. After reviewing the numerous literature on urban metabolism and ecological footprint, we developedThe collected the data research from hypothesis,the household as wellsurvey as were our understandingused to calculate of the the yearly interaction material between flow ofthe the urban study and area, natural and environmental, the metabolic relation and intervention regarding bymaterials the consumption flow was habits established of people. and developedAccordingly, in we tabular designed form. a research Based on matrix the fromannual the material findings flows of the, literaturesector-specific reviews emission by addressings were calculatedthe required (using data, different methodology, emission data factors) collection and processes, compared and with data the sources biocapacity (Table2 of). We the calculated area. The chousehold-basedarbon footprint was material found consumption by summing from the the atmospheric results of a emissionsquestionnaire of carbon survey. dioxide We used from relevant the burningdemographic fossil datafuels ofthat the resulted study area from from various the community day-to-day series consumptions report of thesuch Bangladesh as food, water, Bureau and of servicesStatistics (T (BBS)able 1 to). determineWe converted the samplethe resultant size of total the study.carbon In dioxide this process, into the we amount projected of thebioproductive population forestof 2015 land (using by a polynomialusing a sequestration growth curve factor based of on forest the growth of 1.6175 rate and tons trend CO2 of/acre/Year the several [46 decades:]. This transformed1991, 2001, and amount 2011), indicates and found that 35,613 the forest as the land predicted area that population would be of required the study to Subsequently, the emittedwe calculated CO2 in the that number year. of Then households, the calculated (8729) from area the projected(acre) was population converted of 2015into by hectare considerings, and subsequentlythe average household to global sizehectare of 4.08s with [43, 44the]. help Finally, of 368the familiesequivalency were factor determined of forest as the(1.26 sample gha/hectare) size (for [42a population]. In this paper size, 8729 we presented households the with gap a between 95% confidence the bioc levelapacity and a 5%nd significancefootprint of level,household the sample basis humansize is 368consumption households) through [45]. mapping Then, 368 regarding families werespatial randomly extension surveyed as a stressed to collect area. A home-based schematic diagrammaterial (Figure consumption. 2) present Besides,s the overall we obtained approach the to data attain relateding the to desired transportation goal of the characteristics study. (trip generation and vehicle type) through a questionnaire. In this process of the household survey before conducting the final poll, we did a pilot survey of 20 households to check the data reliability, and later, the process continued toward an extensive questionnaire survey. Following the feedback from the pilot survey, we revised the preliminary questionnaire and surveyed 368 houses based on an updated questionnaire. However, for the analysis, we considered 140 households’ responses (38.04% of the total sample size determined) with complete and adequate information. Although the sample households were randomly selected, the spatial clustering in the selection process was avoided to ensure the representation of data to a full spatial extent. Along with household surveys, we collected some relative and relevant information such as contemporary unit price of electricity (from the West Zone Power Development Board), amount of gas in a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder (from the website

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of Methodological Approaches.

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 5 of 24 of Basundhara Gas Limited), current fuel and average household commodity price (from three local shops, and assumed that people buy their essential and daily commodities from nearby places) in order to calculate the household level ecological footprint. The study also used standards and conversion factors (i.e., equivalency factors, yield factors, sequestration factors, etc.), which were collected from different research agencies such as the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Berkeley Institute on the Environment (BIE), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Global Footprint Network (GFN). We extracted the base land-use and land-cover data of the study area from the spatial database of the Khulna City Detail Area Plan (DAP, 2010). Thus, there remained a temporal gap between the collected spatial data and the present land-use of the area. We minimized this difference of land-use and land-cover data by using Landsat imagery (30 m × 30 m resolution), grid-based data input in ArcMap platform, high-resolution Quickbird (0.61 m panchromatic image), Google Earth imagery, and by visiting sample sites to cross-check the newly produced land-cover map of the study area. In this process, we used Landsat imagery and grid-based data input for the preparation of a land-use–land-cover map of study area. Quickbird and Google Earth imagery interpretations helped to derive precise information about the land use and land cover of the study area, and site visits (ground-truthing) supported the accuracy checking of the land-use and land-cover map. For ground-truthing, we visited 50 randomly selected sites that belong to different land-cover classes.

Table 2. Consumption footprint data requirements and data sources.

Sl No. Data Type Data Sources Objective 1: Household basis per-capita material consumption Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Community 01. Ward wise demographic data (2001, 2011) Series Consumption-related data (household level): 02. food, water, goods, services, waste generation Questionnaire survey rate, trip generation, mode choice 03. Unit price of electricity West Zone Power Development Board 04. Gas cylinder characteristics and price Basundhara LPG Gas Limited. 05. Current fuel price Fuel Pump (direct interview) Khulna city boundaries with road networks Khulna Development Authority (KDA) and 06. and facilities distribution Khulna City Corporation (KCC) Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology 07. Khulna city available Transport Network (KUET); Khulna Detailed Area Plan (DAP) by KDA KCC, KDA, Khulna Water Supply, and 08. Khulna city water suppliers Sewerage Authority (KWASA) 09. Khulna city Master Plan KDA Objective 2: Ecological Stress Assessment and Visualization Berkeley Institute on the Environment (BIE), Equivalency factors, yield factors, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 10. Sequestration factors Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Global Footprint Network (GFN) Landsat 8iImagery United States Geological Survey (USGS) 11. Red, green, and blue visible bands 30 m × 30 m Website resolution QuickBird 0.61-m panchromatic imagery and 12. Department of URP, KUET, Google Inc high-resolution Google Earth imagery. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 24

Table 1. Considered components for the derivation of consumption footprint.

Built-Up Footprint Land–Residential; Land–Goods; Land–Services; Land–Transportation Carbon Uptake Land Footprint ▪ Energy–Electricity, Natural Gas ▪ Water ▪ Transportation–Fuel, Asphalt ▪ Waste ▪ Food–Meat, Fish, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables, Cereal, Confectionary, Drinks, Others ▪ Goods–Furnishing and Equipment, Housekeeping, Others ▪ Service–Education, Health, Entertainment, Technical, Administrative Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 6 of 24 Source [9].

The collected datadata fromfrom thethe householdhousehold survey survey were were used used to to calculate calculate the the yearly yearly material material flow flow of ofthe the study study area, area, and the and metabolic the metabolic relation relation regarding regarding materials materials flow was flow established was established and developed and developedin tabular form. in tabular Based form.on the Based annual on material the annual flows, material sector-specific flows emissions, sector-specific were calculated emissions (using were calculateddifferent emission (using different factors) andemission compared factors) with and the compared biocapacity with of the the biocapacity area. The carbon of the area. footprint The wascarbon found footprint by summing was found the atmospheric by summing emissions the atmospheric of carbon emissions dioxide from of carbon the burning dioxide fossil from fuels the burningthat resulted fossil fromfuels variousthat resulted day-to-day from various consumptions day-to-day such consumptions as food, water, such and as services food, water, (Table and1). Weservices converted (Table the1). We resultant converted total the carbon resultant dioxide total into carbon the dioxide amount into ofbioproductive the amount of forestbioproductive land by forestusing a land sequestration by using factora sequestration of forest of 1.6175 factor tons of forest CO2/acre/Year of 1.6175 [ tons46]. This CO2/acre/Year transformed [46 amount]. This transformedindicates that amount the forest indicates land area that that the wouldforest land be required area that to would store/sequester be required the to emitted store/sequester CO2 in that the year.emittedThen, CO the2 in calculated that year.area Then (acre), the was calculated converted intoarea hectares,(acre) was and subsequentlyconverted into to global hectare hectaress, and withsubsequently the help ofto theglobal equivalency hectares factorwith the of forest help (1.26of the gha/hectare) equivalency [ 42factor]. In thisof forest paper, (1.26 we presentedgha/hectare) the [42gap]. betweenIn this paper the biocapacity, we presented and footprintthe gap between of household the bioc basisapacity human and consumption footprint of through household mapping basis humanregarding consumption spatial extension through as mapping a stressed regarding area. A schematic spatial extension diagram as (Figure a stressed2) presents area. A the schematic overall diagramapproach (Figure to attaining 2) present the desireds the overall goal of approach the study. to attaining the desired goal of the study.

Figure 2 2.. ScheSchematicmatic D Diagramiagram of M Methodologicalethodological A Approaches.pproaches.

3. Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Calculation

3.1. Built-Up Footprint We assessed the built-up footprint based on the classified land cover of the study area into four categories (built-up, vegetation, waterbody, fallow land). In this process, we validated the detailed land-cover map with multiple references by cross-checking the land-use–land-cover map of the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) [47] of Khulna city with Quickbird imagery, Google Earth imagery, Landsat 8 imagery (30 m × 30 m pixel resolution), and by visiting the field directly. For this purpose, we downloaded freely available Landsat 8 images from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website with no cloud coverage [48]. The whole study area was divided into a grid of 15 ft × 15 ft to ensure a readable and manageable file size (the smaller grid size produces more accurate values, but it creates a larger file). Thus, based on the purpose of the study, 15 ft × 15 ft grids (creating a 15 ft × 15 ft resolution image) were selected, and accordingly, data were cross-checked and updated to generate a precise land-cover and land-use map (Figures3 and4). Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 7 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24

Figure 3. Knowledge-based Image Classification Process Flow.

Based on the different available methods, we performed a knowledge-based classification to attain the most updated and reliable land cover classification for the study area. A blending of complex methodology was applied to determine the built-up portion of the study area with a low level of error. Figure 3. Knowledge-based Image Classification Process Flow.

Figure 3. Knowledge-based Image Classification Process Flow.

Based on the different available methods, we performed a knowledge-based classification to attain the most updated and reliable land cover classification for the study area. A blending of complex methodology was applied to determine the built-up portion of the study area with a low level of error.

Figure 4. LandLand-Cover-Cover Map of Ward 24.

Based on the different available methods, we performed a knowledge-based classification to attain the most updated and reliable land cover classification for the study area. A blending of complex methodology was applied to determine the built-up portion of the study area with a low level of error.

Figure 4. Land-Cover Map of Ward 24. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 8 of 24

We found 261.41 acres of the total built-up area of Ward 24, and assumed this area as the stress-producing zone by reducing the biocapacity of the land. In the conversion process, it became 265.74 gha (amount of forest area needed to sequester the carbon emission) for 261.41 acres of built-up area (Figure4). For an accuracy assessment process, changed and unchanged pixels were cross-tabulated against the resultant images derived from the different algorithms. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages (Table3) and it is found that knowledge-based image classification is the most effective one. In this study, we also found the similar result. To find out the overall accuracy of the different image classification methods, 50 ground training points were collected by using a handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) device. Subsequently, we calculated the overall accuracies by dividing the total number of correctly classified pixels by the total number of pixels. We estimated the exactness of the categorized images at change/no change levels. All of the points were identified, marked according to their land-cover class, and used to check the accuracy of the classified image. Amongst different classification methods, knowledge-based classification produced a more accurate result (kappa coefficient 0.91) (Table4), as it incorporated all of the classification results, as well as a straight field investigation-based input at the pixel-level distribution of land cover of the study area.

Table 3. Problems and advantages of different data types and image classifications.

Data Type Problems and Advantages a,b,c,d The land-use map of DAP only identified the types of land use, but did not Land-Use Map of DAP detect the microclasses within a specific land-use type, i.e., vegetation cover Khulna within the residential areas. Landsat 8 (Supervised Landsat images are suitable for larger study areas, while for smaller extents, a Classification) bias to any specific class is experienced. A high-resolution image with 0.6-m resolution is suitable for the image High Resolution (Image segmentation system. The segmented parts can be classified according to Segmentation) knowledge-based data, but it also identifies segments according to the pixel values or objects similarity, which generates some errors. Ground data-based classification or knowledge-based classification is treated as Ground Data the most efficient land cover classification method as direct inputs by the user (Knowledge-Based are incorporated into the system; however, for larger areas, this process is Classification) labor-intensive and time-consuming. Source: a [49]; b [50]; c [51]; d [52,53].

Table 4. Image classification accuracy assessment.

Classification Methods Overall Accuracy (%) Kappa Coefficient Supervised 88.75 0.85 Segmentation 93.53 0.89 Knowledge-Based 93.67 0.91

3.2. Carbon Uptake Land for Household-Based Consumption The amount of total carbon uptake land for the study area was estimated based on calculated carbon emissions from household consumptions. The consumable component of households according to the component approach is listed, assessed, and discussed in the subsequent sections.

3.2.1. Energy Impacts of energy use in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include burning fossil fuels for transport purposes, energy generation, distribution, maintenance, etc. We calculated energy Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 9 of 24

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24 consumptionUrban Sci. 2018, 2 in, x three FOR PEER categories REVIEW for the household activity of Ward 24. They are electricity consumption,9 of 24 natural gas consumption, and firewood or charcoal consumption. Electricity Consumption Electricity Consumption We evaluated the amount of electricity consumption from the average monthly electricity bills. DuringWe the evaluated survey, the households amount of were electricity requestedrequested consumption to to provide from an the approximate average monthly amount electricity of electricitytricity bills. Duringbills by theconsidering survey, households the seasonal were variation requested of tothethe provide summer an and approximate winter season amounts.. After of electricity estimating bills thethe by consideringtotaltotal amountamount the forfor seasonal anan electricity variation bill of in the a summeryear, we and converted winter seasons. itit intointo a After unit of estimating electricity the consumption total amount:: forMWh an electricity(megawatt bill per in hour) a year,,, with we converted the help of it intothethe unit a unit price of electricity of electricity consumption:,, which was MWh collected (megawatt fromfrom perWest hour), Zone with Power the helpDistribution of the unit Company price of Limited. electricity, Finally which,, waswe estimated collected fromthethe amount West Zone of carbonPower Distributiondioxide emission Company from Limited. each unit Finally, of MWh we electricity estimated use the by amount using of thethe carbon standard standard dioxide value value emission,, which from was eachcollected unit offromfrom MWh thethe electricity Greenhousereenhouse use by Gas Gas using Equivalencies Equivalencies the standard Calculator Calculator value, which of was the collectedUnited States from the Environm Greenhouseental GasProtection Equivalencies Agency Calculator(EPA) (Figure(Figure of the 55)).. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Figure5).

a FigureFigure 5.5. ElectricityElectricity consumptionconsumption footprint footprint calculation calculation and and derivation. derivation. Source: Source:a Household a Household Survey Survey of b c d e Wardof Ward 24 Residential24 Residential Area Area (2015); (201(201 [5);54 ];[54[54b ]][;;55 b [[];55c]][;; 56 c [5[5];6d]];; [ d57 [[57]; ]e];; [e46 [[46].]]..

NaturalNatural GasGas ConsumptionConsumption WeWe calculatedcalculated household-levelhousehold--levellevel gasgas consumptionconsumption from from the surveyed data data on on the the amount, size size,size,, andand price price of of each each gas gas cylinder cylinder required required per perhousehold household per month. per month. During During the questionnaire the questionnaire,,, survey surveyrrespondents respondents were instructedinstructed were instructed toto givegive anan to approximateapproximate give an approximate amountamount by amount considering by considering the seasonal the variations seasonal variationsof consumptions of consumptions... We calculated We the calculated consumption the consumption of gas amount ofgas in cubic amount meter in cubics forfor aa meters wholewhole for yearyear a wholefromfrom thethe year monthly from the amount monthly of amount total use of per total household. use per household. Subsequently, Subsequently, we transformedtransformed we transformed thethe annual the annualaggregate aggregate amount amount (cubic (cubic meter) meter) of gas of consumptiongas consumption intointo into thethe the amount amount amount of of of carbon carbon carbon emission emission emission byby multiplyingmultiplying standard standard value, value which,, which was wascollected collected from the from Greenhouse thethe Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Gas Equivalencies Calculator ofCalculator the United of the States United Environmental States Environmental Protection AgencyProtection (EPA). Agency Figure (EPA).6 demonstrates Figure 6 demonstrat the calculationes thethe procedurecalculation for procedure ecological forfor footprint ecologicalecological from footprintfootprint natural fromfrom gas consumptionnatural gas consumption for domestic forfor purposes. domestic purposes..

Figure 6. Natural gas consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Household Survey FigureFigure 6.6. NaturalNatural gasgas consumptionconsumption footprintfootprint calculationcalculation andand derivation.derivation. Source:Source: aa Household SurveySurvey of Ward 24 Residential Area (2015), [54], b [55], c [56]; d [57]; e [46]. ofof WardWard 2424 ResidentialResidential AreaArea (2015),(2015),[ 54[54],],b b [[5555],], cc [56[56]];; d [57[57];]; e e[46[46].]. Water Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 10 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24

3.2.2. Water The impact of water consumption on GHG emission was not mentioned in the component methodThe of impact ecological of water footprint consumption assessment on GHG [9] However emission was, in the not case mentioned of some in recent the component footprint methodstudies of[58] ecological it has been footprint added assessment as a component. [9] However, It includes in the electricity case of some consumption, recent footprint the horsepower studies [58] of it hasthe beenpump, added the assize a component. of the water It includes tank, and electricity sectors consumption, of water use the per horsepower household. of theIn this pump, study the, sizewe ofcalculated the water t tank,he yearly and sectorsamount of of water water use consumption per household. from In this thestudy, data of we wat calculateder use per the household yearly amount per ofday water. After consumption deriving the from total theamount data ofof waterconsumption use per in household millions of per liter day.s, the After aggregate deriving amount the total of amountcarbon emission of consumption was estimated in millions using of liters,the standard the aggregate value of amount research of work carbon on emission southwest was England estimated by usingChambers the standard et al. (2005) value [58] of. However, research workwe omitted on southwest the water England consumption by Chambers part when et al.calculating (2005) [ 58the]. However,total footprint we omitted, as the the study water area consumption majorly depends part when on calculating the private the tube total wells footprint, and aspumping the study of areagroundwater. majorly depends Figure 7 on demonstrat the privatees tube the c wellsalculation and pumping of the wate ofr groundwater. consumption Figure footprint7 demonstrates. Despite the theomission calculation of water of theconsumption water consumption, this estimat footprint.ion (Figure Despite 7) is presented the omission to give of water an idea consumption, of footprint thisbased estimation on the water (Figure demand7) is presented that needs to to give be supported an idea of by footprint a well-developed based on the water water supply demand network, that needstreatments to be, supportedand further by processing. a well-developed water supply network, treatments, and further processing.

Figure 7. Water consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Household Survey of Figure 7. Water consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Household Survey of Ward 24 Residential Area (RA) (2015); Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) Ward 24 Residential Area (RA) (2015); Khulna Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) (2015); (2015); b [58]. b [58].

3.2.3. Transportation 3.2.3. Transportation We assessed the impact of transportation on CO2 emissions under two broad categories: fuel We assessed the impact of transportation on CO emissions under two broad categories: consumption and asphalt. Initially, the emission from the2 transport network was estimated based fuel consumption and asphalt. Initially, the emission from the transport network was estimated on average traffic flows. However, the traffic flow-based footprint does not necessarily reflect the based on average traffic flows. However, the traffic flow-based footprint does not necessarily reflect footprint of households in that area, as the outsiders visit and pass the zone by sharing part of the the footprint of households in that area, as the outsiders visit and pass the zone by sharing part emissions. Therefore, we considered only home-based trip generation, and associated fuel of the emissions. Therefore, we considered only home-based trip generation, and associated fuel consumption for the assessment of the household-based transport footprint of the study area. consumption for the assessment of the household-based transport footprint of the study area.

FuelFuel ConsumptionConsumption ImpactImpact WeWe calculated calculated the the total total amount amount of ofdifferent different types types of fuel of fuel consumption consumption from from the households’ the households’ daily anddaily weekly and wee tripkly generation trip generation rate, the rate, transport the transport mode that mode was that used, was and used, the modaland the distribution modal distribution for each trip.for each Annual trip trip. Annual generation trip and generation modal distribution and modal were distribution calculated were according calculated to the according classified uses to the of fuel.classified The number uses of andfuel type. The of number vehicle, and and type the per-month of vehicle, average and the fuel per cost-month of the average respective fuel modecost of were the estimatedrespective in mode thisprocess. were estim Figureated8 presentsin this process the method. Figure of the8 present determinations the method (by using of th thee determination unit price of each(by using fuel type) the unit of total price annual of each expenditure fuel type) forof total each typeannual fuel expenditure on a yearly for basis. each Carbon type fuel emissions on a yearly were calculatedbasis. Carbon using emissions the Mobile were Transport–Fuel calculated using Combustion the Mobile Standards Transport for– Electricity,Fuel Combustion Diesel, andStandard Petrol,s whichfor Electricity, were collected Diesel from, and the Petrol, Greenhouse which Gas were Inventory collected Protocol from Corethe ModuleGreenhouse Guidance Gas Inventory[59]. Protocol Core Module Guidance [59]. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 11 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

Figure 8. Fuel consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Household Survey Figure 8. Fuel consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Household Survey of Ward of Ward 24 Residential Area (RA) (2015); [59]; b [60]. 24 Residential Area (RA) (2015); [59]; b [60].

Asphalt Impact Asphalt Impact We assessed asphalt impact in the ecological footprint of the study area from the amount of We assessed asphalt impact in the ecological footprint of the study area from the amount of asphalt that was used during the carpeting of the road for maintenance purposes. For this purpose, asphalt that was used during the carpeting of the road for maintenance purposes. For this purpose, the respective professionals of Khulna City Corporation were contacted to obtain the road carpeting the respective professionals of Khulna City Corporation were contacted to obtain the road carpeting frequency of the Ward 24 Residential areas. We were informed that the city authority did the frequency of the Ward 24 Residential areas. We were informed that the city authority did the regular regular carpeting in two or three-year intervals, depending on the condition of the roads. In this carpeting in two or three-year intervals, depending on the condition of the roads. In this study, study, we considered three years as the time interval of the routine carpeting of roads. Accordingly, we considered three years as the time interval of the routine carpeting of roads. Accordingly, the impact the impact of asphalt use would be one-third (1/3) of the total footprint account in a year. We of asphalt use would be one-third (1/3) of the total footprint account in a year. We extracted the whole extracted the whole surface area of roads from the GIS-based land-use map of Ward No. 24 of KCC surface area of roads from the GIS-based land-use map of Ward No. 24 of KCC (Part of DAP, KCC), (Part of DAP, KCC), and found the area of pucca (paved) road in Ward 24 was about 29.94 km, and found the area of pucca (paved) road in Ward 24 was about 29.94 km, (29,945 m) and the area for (29,945 m) and the area for Ward 24 was 92,829.5 square meters. Ward 24 was 92,829.5 square meters. According to the Road Materials and Standards Study of Bangladesh (RHD, GoB, 2001), on According to the Road Materials and Standards Study of Bangladesh (RHD, GoB, 2001), average, a three-centimeter (depth) asphalt is used in case of traditional road maintenance in on average, a three-centimeter (depth) asphalt is used in case of traditional road maintenance in Bangladesh. Mathematically, the volume of asphalt used in each time of carpeting was determined Bangladesh. Mathematically, the volume of asphalt used in each time of carpeting was determined by by multiplying the total road surface area with the depth of the pavement. The density of asphalt multiplying the total road surface area with the depth of the pavement. The density of asphalt and and carbon emission per unit mass (kg) use of asphalt was collected from the Inventory of Carbon carbon emission per unit mass (kg) use of asphalt was collected from the Inventory of Carbon and and Energy (ICE) V1.6a [61]. Subsequently, using these values, the total carbon emissions and the Energy (ICE) V1.6a [61]. Subsequently, using these values, the total carbon emissions and the footprint footprint were determined, as shown in Figure 9. were determined, as shown in Figure9. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 12 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24

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a b c,d FigureFigure 9. 9.Asphalt Asphalt consumption consumption footprint footprint calculation calculation and and derivation. derivation. Source: Source:a [62[62]] b [[63]63] c,d[61].[61]. Figure 9. Asphalt consumption footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a [62] b [63] c,d [61]. After summing up fuel consumption and asphalt impact, the transport-oriented footprint of After summing up fuel consumption and asphalt impact, the transport-oriented footprint of Ward Ward After24 bec summingame 6020.04 up annual fuel consumption global hectares. and asphalt impact, the transport-oriented footprint of 24W becameard 24 bec 6020.04ame 6020.04 annual annual global hectares. 3.2.4. Waste Waste. Waste According to the methodology of the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas AccordingAccording to to the the methodology methodology of of thethe IPCCIPCC 2006 2006 Guidelines for for National National Greenhouse Greenhouse Gas Gas Inventories, determination of the impact of waste production in GHG emissions is a very Inventories,Inventories, determination determination of the of impactthe impact of waste of wasteproduction production in GHG in emissions GHG emission is a verys complicatedis a very complicated procedure [64]. To overcome this challenge, we collected the overall measurement of procedurecomplicated [64]. procedure To overcome [64]. this To challenge, overcome wethis collected challenge, the we overall colle measurementcted the overall of themeasurement bin or garbage of the bin or garbage bags, weight, and the frequency of production of the wastes per household per bags,the bin weight, or garbage and the bags frequency, weight of, productionand the frequenc of the wastesy of production per household of the per wastes day. Later,per household following per the day. Later, following the stream of analysis, the overall waste generation and footprint of streamday. ofLater analysis,, following the overall the stream waste generation of analysis and, the footprint overall of waste household generatio wasten wereand calculatedfootprint of for household waste were calculated for the all of the families of the study area (Figure 10). thehousehold all of the waste families were of thecalculated study areafor the (Figure all of 10the). families of the study area (Figure 10).

FigureFigure 10. 10. Waste Waste generation generation rate rate footprint footprint calculation and and derivation. derivation. Source:Source: a aWaste Waste Generation Generation Figure 10. Waste generation rate footprint calculation and derivation. Source: a Waste Generation Rate RateRate (Survey (Survey 2015) 2015) for for the the ppopulationopulation of 2015 of Ward 2424 ResidentialResidential Area Area. .b b[ 65[65].]. (Survey 2015) for the population of 2015 of Ward 24 Residential Area. b [65]. Food. Food 3.2.5. Food TheThe e ecologicalcological footprintfootprint ofof anyany areaarea is profoundlyly influencedinfluenced byby thethe food food choice choice behavior behavior of of The ecological footprint of any area is profoundly influenced by the food choice behavior of the thethe inhabitants inhabitants of of that that area area [32][32].. AA person’sperson’s food footprint isis allall ofof the the emissions emissions that that result result from from the the inhabitants of that area [32]. A person’s food footprint is all of the emissions that result from the production,production, transportation transportation,, andand storage storage of the food thatthat is is suppliedsupplied to to meet meet their their consumption consumption production, transportation, and storage of the food that is supplied to meet their consumption needs. needs.needs. We We assessed assessed thethe impacts impacts of of food food consumption on on the the overall overall footprint footprint from from the the collected collected We assessed the impacts of food consumption on the overall footprint from the collected expenditure for expenditureexpenditure for for food food consumption consumption at a household level level basedbased on on predefinedpredefined categor categoriesies and and food consumption at a household level based on predefined categories and subcategories. During the subcategorsubcategoriesies. .During During the the surveysurvey,, rrespondentsespondents provided theirtheir choiceschoices for for wh whatat they they ate ate in in a aweek week or or monthmonth for for each each category category andand subcategorysubcategory of food. We usedused thethe foodfood ca categoriestegories that that are are listed listed in in the the standardsstandards for for the the Economic Economic InputInput––OutputOutput Life Cycle AssessmentAssessment (EIO (EIO-LCA)-LCA) (GHG (GHG emission emission values values Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 13 of 24

survey, respondents provided their choices for what they ate in a week or month for each category and subcategory of food. We used the food categories that are listed in the standards for the Economic Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24 Input–Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA) (GHG emission values for per million United States for perdollars million (USD) United expenditure States dollars in any (US specificD) expenditure consumption in any category) specific consumption of the Green category) Design Institute, of the GreenCarnegie Design Mellon Institute, University, Carnegie U.S. Mellon [66]. University, U.S. [66]. We convertedWe converted category category-wise-wise consumption consumption unit unitss into into annual annual consumption, consumption, and and subsequently subsequently by by usingusing the the unit price price (collected (collected from from a local a local super super shop), shop) we calculated, we calculated the yearly the cost yearly of consumption cost of in consumptiondomestic in (Taka) domestic as well (Taka) as million as well USD as m currencyillion US (usingD currency a stable (using conversion a stable rate conversion of 1 USD =rate 75 Takaof 1 [67]). USD Finally,= 75 Taka by applying[67]). Finally, the GHG by applyingemission standards the GHG of emission the Green standards Design Institute, of the Green and following Design the Institute,EIO-LCA and following method, thethecarbon EIO-LCA dioxide method emission, the carbon for each dioxide consumption emission category for each of foodconsumption was calculated category(Figure of food 11). was calculated (Figure 11).

FigureFigure 11. Food 11. Food consumption consumption footprint footprint calculation calculation and derivation. and derivation. Source: Source: 1 Household1 Household survey survey of of Ward Ward24 RA 24 (2015), RA (2015), [68]; 2 [[66]68];).2 [66]).

3.2.6. 3.2.6.Goods Goods The gTheoods goods consumption consumption footprint footprint implies implies GHG GHGemission emissionss for the for consumption the consumption of things of things other other than foodthan food and services.and services. We Wecategorized categorized goods goods consumption consumption under under two two broad broad classes: classes: equipment equipment and and furnifurnishingshing goodsgoods,, andand goods goods used used for for housekeeping housekeeping activities. activities. Subcategories Subcategories of products of product for day-to-days for day-touse-day was use determined was determined based on based the availability on the availability of GHG of emission GHG emission standards standards from the from Green the Design GreenInstitute, Design Institute, Carnegie Carnegie Mellon University, Mellon University, U.S. [66]. U.S We. included [66]. We theincluded moderate the m numbersoderate ofnumber the categorys of theby category goods consumption, by goods consumption and collected, and monthly collected or monthly yearly expenditure or yearly expendit for thoseure specified for those classes. specifiedSequentially, classes. Sequentially, by using the by conversion using the standards, conversion we standards calculated, we GHG calculated emission GHG per million emission of spendingper millionin of each spending group. in Finally, each group by dividing. Finally and, by multiplyingdividing and the multiplying sequestration the and sequestration equivalency and factor, equivalencyrespectively, factor, the respectively footprint, for the goods footprint consumption for goods was consumption calculated. was Figure calculated. 12 presents Figure the 12 details presentofs the the calculation details of the procedure. calculation procedure.

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 14 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24 Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24

1 1 FigureFigureFigure 12.12.Goods Goods consumptionconsumption footprintfootprint calculation calculation and andand derivation. derivation. derivation. Source:Source: Source: Household1 HouseholdHousehold survey surveysurvey of ofof 22 WardWardWard 24 24 RA RA (2015); (2015);;2 GHGGHG eemissions;emissions;missions; EIO EIO-LCAEIO-LCA-LCA (2015) (2015).(2015). . ServicesServices 3.2.7. Services ExpenditureExpenditure on serviceservice activityactivity hashas been been found found as as a asignificant significant portion portion of of most most of ofthe the recent recent Expenditure on service activity has been found as a significant portion of most of the recent footprintfootprint studies [46]].. Service Service activity activity means means investmentinvestment or or consumption consumption other other than than food food and and footprint studies [46]. Service activity means investment or consumption other than food and goods. goods.goods. It includes administrative cost, cost, thethe costcost of of cell cell phone phone use, use, pro professionalfessional personal personal payment payment It includes administrative cost, the cost of cell phone use, professional personal payment (house tutor), (h(hoouseuse tutor)tutor), and similar typestypes ofof fees. fees. In In this this research, research, we we assessed assessed expenditure expenditure for for service service activity activity and similar types of fees. In this research, we assessed expenditure for service activity under four underunder four broad categories:: education,education, health, health, entertainment, entertainment, and and technical technical/administrative./administrative. broad categories: education, health, entertainment, and technical/administrative. Subcategories were SubcSubcategoriesategories were determined basedbased on on the the availability availability of of carbon carbon emission emission standard standard values values from from determined based on the availability of carbon emission standard values from the Green Design thethe GreenGreen Design Institute, CarnegieCarnegie MellonMellon University, University, U.S U.S. [66]. [66], which, which was was discussed discussed earlier earlier in in Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S. [66], which was discussed earlier in the food and goods thethe food food and goods section. section. WeWe calculated calculated the the amount amount of of carbon carbon emission emissions froms from the the monthly monthly or or section. We calculated the amount of carbon emissions from the monthly or yearly expenditure by yearlyyearly expenditure by followingfollowing the the procedure procedures s discusseddiscussed in in the the earlier earlier two two part parts. s.Figure Figure 13 13 followingpresents the procedures detailed calculation discussed proced in the earlierure for two estimating parts. Figure the carbon13 presents emissions the detailed from calculationdifferent presents the detailed calculation procedure for estimating the carbon emissions from different procedureservices. for estimating the carbon emissions from different services. services.

1 FigureFigure 13.13. ServicesServices consumptionconsumption footprintfootprint calculation and and derivation. derivation. Source: Source: Household1 Household survey survey of of Figure 13. Services consumption2 footprint calculation and derivation. Source: 1 Household survey of WardWard 24 24 RA RA (2015); (2015);2 [[66]).66]). Ward 24 RA (2015); 2 [66]).

Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 15 of 24

3.3. Overall Footprint The total footprint by different components of the Ward 24 (Nirala) residential area is demonstrated in Table5. The footprint for each constituent has been illustrated in hectares, global hectares, and global hectares/capita unit.

Table 5. Total footprint of ward 24 residential areas.

Footprint Footprint 1 Footprint Footprint Components (Global (Hectare) (gha/capita) Hectare) Energy–Electricity 2924.14 3684.416 0.1035 Energy–Natural Gas 2116.21 2666.42 0.0749 2 Water 11,197.223 14,108.501 0.000 Transportation–Fuel 4604.37 5801.51 0.1629 Transportation–Asphalt 173.44 218.53 0.0061 Waste 759.33 956.75 0.0269 Food–Meat 513.43 646.92 0.0182 Food–Fish 320.65 404.02 0.0113 Food–Dairy 350.85 442.07 0.0124 Food–Fruits and Vegetables 432.54 544.99 0.0153 Carbon Footprint Food–Cereal 520.17 655.41 0.0184 Food–Confectionary 363.36 457.84 0.0129 Food–Drinks 87.74 110.56 0.0031 Food–Others 814.88 1026.74 0.0288 Goods–Furnishing and Equipment 300.44 378.55 0.0106 Goods–Housekeeping 140.154 176.594 0.0050 Goods–Others 418.569 527.398 0.0148 Service–Education 1537.34 1937.046 0.0544 Service–Health 233.12 293.731 0.0082 Service–Entertainment 442.33 557.338 0.0156 Service–Technical 189.01 238.158 0.0067 Service–Administrative 2787.31 3512.0087 0.0986 Land–Residential Built-up Land Land–Goods 105.87 265.74 0.0075 Footprint Land–Services Land–Transportation Total Footprint 20,135.253 25,502.74 0.7161 Note: 1 Projected population of 2015 (using the population data of 1991, 2001, and 2011 from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, or BBS) of the Ward 24 Nirala residential area is 35613; 2 Water footprint of the area is omitted from the calculation.

3.4. Biocapacity Biocapacity measures the ability of the available terrestrial and aquatic areas to provide ecological services. It also measures how much of this capacity is occupied by built-up land (infrastructure). In this study, we estimated the biocapacity of the study area based on the results of image classification. According to the author-generated knowledge-based image classification (Figures3 and4), the study area is comprised of fallow lands, water body or fishing grounds, built-up areas, vegetation cover or forested lands (all of the vegetation cover was assumed as forested land). To calculate the biocapacity of the study area, all of the water bodies were considered as a fishing ground, and the yield factor was assumed to be equal to the national level. By doing this, the overestimation of biocapacity was ensured to meet the principles of footprint and biocapacity calculation. On the other hand, the biocapacity of the built-up area is equal to its footprint, and it is also assumed that built-up land occupies what would previously have been cropland [69]. Since both the footprint and the biocapacity of the built-up area estimate the amount of bioproductivity that is lost to encroachment by physical infrastructure, in this study, the yield factor of cropland was considered as the substitution to calculate the biocapacity of the Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24

calculation. On the other hand, the biocapacity of the built-up area is equal to its footprint, and it is also assumed that built-up land occupies what would previously have been cropland [69]. Since both the footprint and the biocapacity of the built-up area estimate the amount of bioproductivity Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 16 of 24 that is lost to encroachment by physical infrastructure, in this study, the yield factor of cropland was considered as the substitution to calculate the biocapacity of the built-up area; thus, the whole built-upstudy area area; was thus, considered the whole studya bioproductive area was considered land [69]. aNonproductive bioproductive o landr protected [69]. Nonproductive area is not a or protectedconcern of area biocapacity is not a concerncalculation of in biocapacity this study, calculationas there is no in such this area study,. Moreover as there, nonproductive is no such area. Moreover,lands are nonproductiveignored in biocapacity lands are calculation ignored, insince biocapacity their production calculation, is too since widespread their production to be directly is too harvested, and is negligible in quantity. widespread to be directly harvested, and is negligible in quantity. For biocapacity calculation, we used the formula that has been developed by the Global For biocapacity calculation, we used the formula that has been developed by the Global Footprint Footprint Network [42]: Network [42]: n = · · BC = ∑𝒏𝒏 Ai .YFi .EQFi i=1 𝒊𝒊 𝒊𝒊 𝒊𝒊 A 𝑩𝑩𝑩𝑩 � 𝑨𝑨 𝒀𝒀𝒀𝒀YF𝑬𝑬𝑬𝑬𝑬𝑬 EQF where,where, i = = areaarea availableavailable forfor aa givengiven land-useland-use𝒊𝒊=𝟏𝟏 t type,ype, i andand == yield yield and and equivale equivalencence factor, factor, respectively,respectively, for for each each area, area, year, year, and and land-use land-use type. type. 𝑨𝑨𝒊𝒊 𝒀𝒀𝒀𝒀𝒊𝒊 𝑬𝑬𝑬𝑬𝑭𝑭 TheThe yield yield factors factors for for all alltypes types ofof landland useuse for Bangladesh have have been been collected collected from from the the Global Global FootprintFootprint Network Network directly directly throughthrough e-maile-mail [[70]70].. Equivalency factors factors for for all all kind kindss of of land land use use w wereere derivedderived from from the the Ecological Ecological Footprint Footprint AtlasAtlas [[42]42].. Table6 6 presents presents thethe calculationcalculation procedu

TableTable 6.6. BiocapacityBiocapacity c calculationalculation ( (WardWard 24 24).).

1 Area 2 Yield 3 Equivalence Factor Biocapacity 4 Biocapacity Land Use (hectare) Factor (gha/hectare) (gha) (gha/capita) Vegetation 41.47 × 0.351 × 1.260 = 18.342 0.00052 Waterbody 6.63 × 1.000 × 0.370 = 2.453 0.00007 Built-Up Land 105.79 × 1.852 × 2.510 = 491.76 0.0138 Total 510.123 0.0144 Source:Source:1 Knowledge-based1 Knowledge-based image image classification, classification2 [,71 2 ].[71]3 .[ 563 [];564]; Forecasted4 Forecasted Population Population of 2015of 2015 for for the the Ward 24Ward residential 24 residential area is 35,613. area is 35,613.

4. Results and Discussion 4. Results and Discussion This study has developed the scenario of household consumption from an ecological footprint This study has developed the scenario of household consumption from an ecological footprint perspective by demonstrating the relevant facts and figures at a local level. We have found that the perspective by demonstrating the relevant facts and figures at a local level. We have found that the study area is experiencing the overshooting condition (stressing), as the total ecological footprint study area is experiencing the overshooting condition (stressing), as the total ecological footprint (25,502.54 gha or 255,025,400 square meters) of Ward 24 is far greater than the calculated (25,502.54biocapacity gha (510.12 or 255,025,400 gha or 5, square101,230 meters)square meters). of Ward This 24 is situation far greater is indicating than the calculated that the amounts biocapacity of (510.12household gha orresource 5,101,230 cons squareumption meters). in the This study situation area are is indicatingexceeding thatthe calculated the amounts biocapacity of household by resource24,992.42 consumption gha (25,502.54 in thegha study versus area 510.12 are exceedinggha), which the is calculated creating environmental biocapacity by stress 24,992.42 to the gha (25,502.54surrounding gha versusareas 510.12( stress gha), area which= ecological is creating footprint environmental biocapacity stress). A to similar the surrounding situation areasis (stressobservable area = whenecological we compare footprint the− perbiocapacity-capita footprint). A similar and situationbiocapacity is observable of the study when area. we The compare per- − thecapita per-capita footprint footprint of Ward and 24 is biocapacity 0.7161 gha of(Table the study5) (food area. + goods The + per-capitaservices + transpor footprintt + of energy Ward + 24 iswaste 0.7161 + ghabuilt (Table-up land)5) (food, while + goodsthe per + capita services supply + transport of biocapacity + energy is only + waste 0.0144 + built-upgha (Table land), 6) while(vegetation the per cover capita + supply waterbody of biocapacity + built-up island) only. 0.0144Comparin ghag (Tablethese 6two) (vegetation figures, it coveris found + waterbody that the + built-upper-capita land). demand Comparing of ecological these twofootprint figures, for ithou is foundsehold that consumption the per-capita in Ward demand 24 exceeds of ecological its footprintbiocapacity for household(biocapacity) consumption by 49.73 times in Ward, even 24 if exceedswe consider its biocapacity the built-up (biocapacity) area as a bioproductive by 49.73 times, evenland if ( wethe considerbiocapacity the of built-up the built area-up asarea a bioproductiveis calculated considering land (the biocapacityit as cropland). of the We built-up get a clearer area is calculatedpicture of considering the stress situation it as cropland). by comparing We get the a available clearer picture land mass of the (380.27 stress acres situation or 154 by hectares) comparing of thethe available study area land with mass the (380.27 extra demanded acres or 154 land hectares) area (24 of,992.42 the study gha) for area suppo withrting the extra the present demanded level landof arearesource (24,992.42 consumption gha) for supporting and waste the sequestration present level services. of resource This consumption additional anddemand waste of sequestration land area services.indicates This that additionalWard 24 will demand require of an land area area that indicates is 162 times that Wardlarger 24than will at requirepresent anto areameet thatand is 162support times largerthe present than atlevel present of household to meet andconsumption. support the The present situation level is more of household alarming consumption. if we only The situation is more alarming if we only consider the vegetation and water body land covers as bioproductive areas. The biocapacity of the study area is only 20.79 gha (Table7) if we ignore the biocapacity of the built-up area, which is only 13.5% of the total available land area. The study area comprises only 0.62% of the extra land area to support the annual consumption by the inhabitants (Table7). Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 24

the study area with the extra demanded land area (24,992.42 gha) for supporting the present level of resource consumption and waste sequestration services. This additional demand of land area indicates that Ward 24 will require an area that is 162 times larger than at present to meet and support the present level of household consumption. The situation is more alarming if we only consider the vegetation and water body land covers as bioproductive areas. The biocapacity of the study area is only 20.79 gha (Table 7) if we ignore the biocapacity of the built-up area, which is only Urban13.5% Sci. of2018 the, 2 ,total 56 available land area. The study area comprises only 0.62% of the extra land area17 to of 24 support the annual consumption by the inhabitants (Table 7).

TableTable 7.7. Stress a arearea d delineation.elineation.

Biocapacity Biocapacity Type Footprint Stressed Area (without the Built-Up (with the Built-Up Area) Area) Area (gha) 25,503 510 24,992.63 20.795 Area (sq. m) 255,025,400 5101230 24,99,24,170 -

Upon comparing these figures with the per capita ecological deficit at the global and national level,Upon the sustainability comparing these concern figures of the with household the per consumption capita ecological of the deficit study atarea the is global also under and nationalthreat level,(Figure the 14 sustainability). At the global concern and national of the household scale, the per consumption-capita ecological of the deficit study areais 1.1 is gha also and under 0.3 gha threat, (Figurerespectively. 14). At The the globalper capita and deficit national (0.70 scale, gha) the of per-capita the study ecological area is greater deficit than is 1.1 the gha national and 0.3 level gha, respectively.deficit (0.3 gha). The perThis capita defici deficitency is (0.70 signaling gha) ofthe the study area is greater and unplanned than the national materials level flow deficit in (0.3different gha). This sectors deficiency of the is study signaling area. theThe overconsumption sector-specific findings and unplanned of this study materials clearly flow depict in different the sectorssharing of of the this study additional area. The consumption sector-specific at the findings household of this level. study The clearly study depict identified the sharing the various of this additionalsizes of ecological consumption footprint at the components,household level. which The directly study identified provide the the facts various and sizes figures of ecological to the footprintgovernment components, as well as which policymakers directly provide to focus the on facts the area and and figures strategies to the to government reduce the as overall well as policymakersfootprint. As to this focus study on the applied area and the strategies component to reduce method the overalland relied footprint. on the As primary this study data applied of thehousehold component consumption, method and the reliedestimation on the approach primary is datadirect of compare householdd with consumption, the studies that the relied estimation on approachthe power is direct of other compared explanatory with thevariables studies for that calculating relied on ecological the power footprint, of otherexplanatory such as per variables capita income [32], per capita expenditure [72,73], , and pollutant emission intensity. In for calculating ecological footprint, such as per capita income [32], per capita expenditure [72,73], this regard, this study methodologically produced a better approximation of the estimated population density, and pollutant emission intensity. In this regard, this study methodologically ecological footprint and represented the pathways of addressing the problem of household produced a better approximation of the estimated ecological footprint and represented the pathways of consumption and associated ecological stress by thinking globally and acting locally. The study has addressing the problem of household consumption and associated ecological stress by thinking globally found that the service (26%), energy (25%), and transport (23%) sectors are the three major and acting locally. The study has found that the service (26%), energy (25%), and transport (23%) sectors contributors of the footprint at the individual level (Figure 15). The footprint from food areconsumption, the three major wast contributorse generation, of and the other footprint goods at consumption the individual is levelrelatively (Figure low 15, which). The suggests footprint that from foodthe consumption,service, energy waste, and transport generation, sectors and should other goods receive consumption proper policy is intervention relatively low, for which reducing suggests the thatfootprint the service,, as well energy, as reduc anding transport the ecological sectors shoulddeficit. receiveHowever, proper reducing policy consumption intervention or for intervening reducing the footprint,in the consumption as well as reducing pattern the through ecological policy deficit. optionsHowever, is not reducinga straightforward consumption task,or due intervening to some in theinterrelated consumption effect patterns. Moreover, through the policy increase optionsd rate is of not consumption a straightforward in different task, sectors due to someis an inevitable interrelated effects.situation Moreover, with the the increase increased in household rate of consumption income. Due in differentto this dynamism sectors is anof consumption inevitable situation pattern withs, thedirect increase intervention in household to reduce income. or regulate Due to thisconsumption dynamism pattern of consumptions is not a realistic patterns, option direct to intervention address tosustainability reduce or regulate concern consumptions in urban patterns life. Instead is not of a a realisticn immediate option and to address direct sustainabilityresponse, the concerns policy inoptions urban life.that Insteadpromote of indirect an immediate restrictions and regarding direct response, demand themanagement policy options are more that pragmatic. promote indirect

Urbanrestrictions Sci. 2018 regarding, 2, x FOR PEER demand REVIEW management are more pragmatic. 18 of 24

2.8 3

1.7 2 1.1 0.7 0.7161 0.7017 1 0.4 0.3 0.0144 0 Global Hectares/Capita Global World Bangladesh Study Area

BioCapacity Footprint Ecological Deficit

Figure 14. Global, National, and Local Perspectives of the Ecological Deficit. Figure 14. Global, National, and Local Perspectives of the Ecological Deficit.

For example, in the case of the transportation system, there is no alternative other than increasing the mobility of a livable urban environment. In the modern transportation framework, mobility comes through the consumption of more fossils, which are increasing the footprint at the local as well as the national level. There is limited scope to regulate the movement of people directly, as it goes against the freedom of choice at the individual level. In this case, policymakers should adopt restrictions in such a way that can modify peoples’ demand indirectly and consequently reduce the transport footprint. Travel demand management strategies can play a useful role in achieving this. The footprint calculation and identification of specific sectors can provide corroborative components in this process of indirect policy intervention.

Figure 15. Per Capita Materials Consumption Percentage at the Household Level.

From a sustainability perspective, planners should promote demand management strategies with the target of limiting the footprint of different sectors. It is essential to visualize the nature of the problem spatially for policy formulation and intervention. Visualization through maps and visual images from GIS expressing footprint measurement and comparisons enable local policy planners and community representatives to communicate with stakeholders and bring the issues of sustainability in resources consumption to the table for negotiation [32]. The use of ecological footprint analysis is a challenging visual tool, particularly when it is applied for comparisons between jurisdictions. Despite this challenge, the representation of the ecological footprint is used as a way of measuring and demonstrating the extension of ecological stress impacts far beyond the built areas of cities [74]. The main challenge arises in this representation process from the area where the footprint of an area occurs. In the spatial representation process, the consideration of footprint as a single factor generates disproportionate results, as the footprint of an area is represented by using the surrounding land areas [74] In this study, we have overcome this limitation of disproportionate representation by considering the ecological footprint and biocapacity on the same map. We presented the spatial extension of the ecological footprint by subtracting the biocapacity, which is a simple but unique approach to address the issue of the disproportionate representation of the footprint. This study has presented a way to visualize the ecological footprint in a proportionate way in terms of local Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24

2.8 3

1.7 2 1.1 0.7 0.7161 0.7017 1 0.4 0.3 0.0144 0 Global Hectares/Capita Global World Bangladesh Study Area

BioCapacity Footprint Ecological Deficit

Figure 14. Global, National, and Local Perspectives of the Ecological Deficit.

For example, in the case of the transportation system, there is no alternative other than increasing the mobility of a livable urban environment. In the modern transportation framework, mobility comes through the consumption of more fossils, which are increasing the footprint at the local as well as the national level. There is limited scope to regulate the movement of people directly, as it goes against the freedom of choice at the individual level. In this case, policymakers should adopt restrictions in such a way that can modify peoples’ demand indirectly and consequently reduce the transport footprint. Travel demand management strategies can play a Urbanuseful Sci. role2018 ,in2, 56achieving this. The footprint calculation and identification of specific sectors18 of can 24 provide corroborative components in this process of indirect policy intervention.

Figure 15. Per Capita Materials Consumption Percentage at the Household Level. Figure 15. Per Capita Materials Consumption Percentage at the Household Level.

From a sustainability perspective, planners should promote demand management strategies with Forthe example,target of limiting in the case the of footprint the transportation of different system, sectors. there is no alternative other than increasing the mobilityIt is essential of a livable to visualize urban environment. the nature In of the the modern problem transportation spatially for framework, policy formulation mobility comes and throughintervention the consumption. Visualization of more through fossils, maps which and are visual increasing images the footprint from GIS at the expressing local as well footprint as the nationalmeasurement level. andThere comparisons is limited scope enable to regulate local policy the movement planners andof people community directly, representatives as it goes against to thecommunicate freedom of with choice stakeholders at the individual and bring level. the Inissues this of case, sustainability policymakers in resources should adopt consumpti restrictionson to inthe such table a for way negotiation that can modify [32]. The peoples’ use of demand ecological indirectly footprint and analysis consequently is a challenging reduce the visual transport tool, footprint.particularly Travel when demand it is applied management for comparisons strategies can between play a useful jurisdictions. role in achieving Despite this this. challenge The footprint, the calculationrepresentation and of identification the ecological of specific footprint sectors is us caned provideas a way corroborative of measuring components and demonstrating in this process the ofextension indirect of policy ecological intervention. stress impacts far beyond the built areas of cities [74]. The main challenge arisesFrom in this a sustainability representation perspective, process from planners the should area where promote the demand footprint management of an area strategiesoccurs. In with the thespatial target re ofpresentation limiting the process footprint, of the different consideration sectors. of footprint as a single factor generates disproportionateIt is essential results to visualize, as the footprint the nature of ofan thearea problem is represented spatially by forusing policy the surrounding formulation land and intervention.areas [74] In this Visualization study, we have through overcome maps this and limitation visual images of disproportion from GISate expressing representation footprint by measurementconsidering the and ecological comparisons footprint enable and local biocapacity policy planners on the same and map. community We presented representatives the spatial to communicateextension of the with ecological stakeholders footprint and by bring subtracting the issues the of biocapacity sustainability, which in resourcesis a simple consumption but unique toapproach the table to address for negotiation the issue [32 of]. the The dis useproportionate of ecological representation footprint analysis of the footprint. is a challenging This study visual has tool,presented particularly a way when to visualize it is applied the ecological for comparisons footprint between in a proportionate jurisdictions. way Despite in terms this challenge, of local the representation of the ecological footprint is used as a way of measuring and demonstrating the extension of ecological stress impacts far beyond the built areas of cities [74]. The main challenge arises in this representation process from the area where the footprint of an area occurs. In the spatial representation process, the consideration of footprint as a single factor generates disproportionate results, as the footprint of an area is represented by using the surrounding land areas [74] In this study, we have overcome this limitation of disproportionate representation by considering the ecological footprint and biocapacity on the same map. We presented the spatial extension of the ecological footprint by subtracting the biocapacity, which is a simple but unique approach to address the issue of the disproportionate representation of the footprint. This study has presented a way to visualize the ecological footprint in a proportionate way in terms of local environmental stress by considering the total ecological footprint and biocapacity. For this purpose, we represented the comparative picture of ecological footprint and biocapacity by taking the reference of the study area within the administrative boundary. In Figure 16, the spatial extent of the calculated demand regarding the land mass area is represented to visualize the situation. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 24

environmental stress by considering the total ecological footprint and biocapacity. For this purpose, we represented the comparative picture of ecological footprint and biocapacity by taking the reference of the study area within the administrative boundary. In Figure 16, the spatial extent of Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 19 of 24 the calculated demand regarding the land mass area is represented to visualize the situation.

Figure 16.16. Environmental Stress Visualization.Visualization.

InIn thethe depicteddepicted scale of thethe map,map, it isis expressedexpressed thatthat thethe studystudy areaarea withwith aa populationpopulation sizesize ofof 35,61335,613 and a perper capitacapita 0.7160.716 ghagha footprintfootprint is demandingdemanding a large areaarea sizesize fromfrom itsits surroundingssurroundings beyond its boundary.boundary. RegardingRegarding externalities,externalities, the consumptionconsumption pattern of the study area is creatingcreating impactsimpacts on on the the natural natural resources resources of of the the surrounding surrounding areas. areas. The spatial extent of thethe footprintfootprint is is showingshowing anan extraordinarily extraordinarily extensive extensiv areae area beyond beyond the actualthe actual study area, study as area the footprint, as the isfootprint calculated is basedcalculated on the based annual on the consumption annual consumption and represented and represent throughed a singlethrough spatial a single extent. spatial On extent. the other On hand,the other the hand, biocapacity the biocapacity is illustrated is ill asust fixed,rated as as it fixed takes, as time it takes to produce time to an produce individual an individual good or service good dependingor service depend on theing production on the production capacity and capacity yield factorsand yield of the factors land. of the land. This spatial spatial representation is a helpful helpful tool tool to to consider consider the the issue issue of of environmental environmental justice justice in planningplanning andand policypolicy development development with with the the harmony harmony of of sustainability. sustainability. From From the th spatiale spatial illustration, illustration, it is understandableit is understandable that that at the at localthe local scale, scale the, consumptionthe consumption habits habits of one of one area’s area’s residents residents are takingare taking the sharethe share of the of natural the na resourcestural resources of other of areas other of areas development. of development. This spatial This representation spatial representation is especially is helpfulespecially when helpful regarding when theregardi issueng of the negotiation issue of negotiation among different among interest different groups interest with groups the individual with the entity.individual Notably, entity. it is Notab also supportively, it is also in casessupportive of formulating in cases regulationsof formulating by which regulati it isons possible by which to reduce it is thepossible externalities to reduce of onethe externalities community inof other one community communities. in Forother example, communities. by fixing For compensation example, by orfixing tax tocompensation reduce the externalities or tax to ofreduce one community the externalities to another of one community, community this analytical to another tool community can play a, vitalthis roleanalytical in the primarytool can negotiation play a vital process. role in Notably, the primary in a robust negotiation democratic process. environment, Notably, inthe a issue robust of environmentaldemocratic environment justice should, thebe issue a matter of environmental of practice at thejustice local should level, withbe a the matter active of participation practice at the of locallocal people level, andwith local the government. active participation This spatial of representation local people process and local at the gov localernmen scalet. will This provide spatial a windowrepresentation to think process locally at by the using local the scale global will perspective provide a window of the footprint. to think locally by using the global perspective of the footprint. 5. Conclusions The study shows the environmental stress due to household-based consumption in Ward 24. The study followed an approach under which mapping a representation of the exerted pressure in Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 20 of 24 relation to the biocapacity and the footprint was developed to visualize the spatial extent of the problem. The resulted outcome of the analysis shows that the significant contributors to environmental stress are transport, service, and the energy footprint. On the other hand, the biocapacity of the study area is very low in comparison to the footprint that results from the low availability of cultivable lands and dense urbanization. Ecological stress assessment and visualization can find out the gaps in an area that seems to be entirely in good condition regarding resource consumption. By following this, we can find out how much an area depends on its surrounding natural environment for the consumption habits of its residents. This process illustrates how many resources are available, and how rapidly human consumption habits are depleting them. It is a helpful tool to provide a measurement scale at a spatial level for planners, ecologists, and environmentalists to plan an area in a more sustainable way with the available resources. Besides, from an environmental judgment perspective, the findings of this study can be applicable in negotiations to develop an appropriate policy for ensuring sustainability in the process of urbanization. Notably, this study is also suitable for depicting the reciprocal influence scenario of one area’s consumption in other areas. The study has some limitations. Firstly, regarding the spatial resolution of images, the study has scope to improve. Analysis of the images with small spatial resolution can produce more accurate results than what we have found. Secondly, the methodology of this research is not limited to improve further, as yearly basis data at the community level is yet to be available in Bangladesh on such issues. Moreover, the different factors that we used for the study purposes can be modified and customized as per the context and characteristics of the area. The refinement of the various conversions will provide a more accurate picture than it has already found in this study. The service footprint calculation in particular should be considered by focusing on local practices, rather than by applying the factors from previous studies. Thirdly, in the process of food categorization and footprint calculation, we tried to cover the maximum numbers of food in each different consumption category. However, this was not possible due to the absence of the standards, and the vast sociocultural differences between the study area and other countries. The correction of this limitation would demand rigorous data collection that was scaled down to the local level, which was beyond the scope of this study. However, this research has greater potentiality if conducted on a larger scale (city/regional/national scale). It can be used to formulate policy and delineate a city-scale land-use–land cover restrictions, as well as add a new dimension in the valuation process of different ecosystem services. Especially regarding evaluating the ecosystem services at the city scale, this study approach can be considered for trading off the ecosystem valuation of one area with another area, depending on their area of influence. This is only possible by depicting the spatial representation of the stress scenario of an ecological footprint. Considering future pressure on biocapacity as the global population continues to expand, and as the demand for resource constraints may become more prevalent, paying attention to biocapacity and ecological footprint at the spatial level can become an essential strategy for local and national government to increase the practice of sustainability in their planning and policy intervention process. The proportionate approach of representing the ecological footprint and biocapacity of this study can be the basis of incorporating the spatial phenomenon in the more wider extent of ecological accounting, as well as planning and policy intervention at the local and national levels.

Author Contributions: Md. Shakil Khan wrote the first draft of this paper. He processed the survey data and performed the required analysis by using the spreadsheet, GIS and RS softwares. Muhammad Salaha Uddin worked in the research design phase and supervised the whole study from data collection to analysis. He also worked on the later versions of the paper and addressed the comments of the reviewers. Funding: This research received no external funding. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the undergraduate students for their hard works during the primary data collection process. We would also like to give our heartful thank to the three anonymous reviewers for their insightful and scholastic suggestions which help us to upgrade this paper. Special thanks to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology for providing the support of license software and lab facilities during this study. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 56 21 of 24


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