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MARCH 20, 1965 SEVENTY -FIRST YEAR 50 CENTS i II board The International Music - Record Newsweekly Radio-TV Programming Phono -Tap Mrehndling Coln Machin Operating 1 -Speed Tape System for Cars Urged by Livingston By ELIOT TIEGEL "we run the risk of another bat- meeting of minds to discuss this tle of the speeds." So concerned new market. He even suggests 4- HOLLYWOOD-C apitol are the automobile manufac- turning the matter over to the and Epic Records' Records' President Alan Living- turers with launching car tape RIAA's engineering committee THE BACK PORCH MAJORITY is multitalented Randy Sparks ston has proposed the develop- that the Big and most group systems, Three - for suggestions. newest winner. Acclaimed by critics as the "freshest exciting" ment of a uniform stereo tape GM. Chrysler and Ford - "We at Capitol are convinced, album, "Live From Ledbetters (LN 24134/ in years, their current playback system for automo- promptly replied to Livingston's as are other major record com- to come along from is a biles. Otherwise a new "battle letter. panies, that stereo tape car- BN 26134), is making its run at the charts. Just released the album of speeds" will emerge. he Besides the Muntz Stereo -Pak (Continued on page 46) single, "Smash Flops" b/w "Jack O' Diamonds " -59169. (Advertisement) charges. system and several smaller oper- Cognizant of the growing in- ations already on the market, terest among auto and equip- the Lear Corp. -RCA and Mo- ment manufacturers to break torola -Ford are reported work- first with a unit to capture the ing on the tape car systems. vastly untapped car tape market, $1 Million Cites Incompatibility MPHC Grossing Livingston sent an explosively Livingston's concern is that worded letter to manufacturers if each auto manufacturer devel- asking for "industry-wide stand- ops his own tape system, they ards." will be wholly incompatible Yearly in Its Folk Operation Such powerhouses in Ameri- with each other. Before this with can industry as General Motors, happens, Livingston wants a By MIKE GROSS Artie Mogull. It was Mogull, the folk area Peter, Paul Chrysler, Ford, General Electric. incidentally, who convinced and Mary. The trio was dis- Motorola. Lear. Siegler. Philco, NEW YORK Music Pub- Starr to latch on to the folk covered by the publishing com- and - pany for its affiliated record Westinghouse Zenith re- Complete List of 1964 lishers Holding Corp., Warner fad three years ago. ceived Livingston's letter. Bros. Pictures' publishing arm Began With Trio company, Warner Bros. Rec- Unless an agreement is Grammy Awards Finalists and an old -line ASCAP firm, MPHC began its drive into (Conrinaed on paye Irr) reached on a uniform auto tape Appears on Page 6 has taken a firm hold of the system, the executive charges, folk field. In the three years since the publishing company began its drive into the folk music area, it has acquired more than 1,000 recording li- London to Distribute censes and now the income from record royalties of its folk songs and the sale of folk folios is in Coliseum, Palomar excess of $1,000,000 a year. The sucess of the folk music NEW YORK - London Rec- bel's new sound series, "20 -20 operation at MPHC, is now stir- ords has signed a five -year deal Stereo," a process especially de- ring talks among the top execu- to handle the distribution of the signed by the engineers at Sun- tives there of applying a similar Coliseum and Palomar labels. set Sound Recorders in Holly- approach to the so- called teen - The arrangement was set be- wood. His first "20 -20 Stereo" beat music. Various lines of ap- tween Walt Maguire, head of album, "Tutu's Trombones," has, proach to the teen music, such London's pop artists and reper- been recently released and is as signing young writer pro- toire and sales, and Tutti Cama - beginning to show up in many ducers to the firm, are nosy be- rata, head of Coliseum and Pal- areas as a pop click. London ing worked out by Victor Blau, omar. The pact calls for world- will also release a single from who recently took over the op- wide distribution. this LP designed for "Top 40" eration of MPHC after the death Camarata, himself, will be play which will consist of the of Herman Starr, and his aid presented on the Coliseum la- (Continued on page 8) Mont. Bill Rests With Governor HELENA, Mont. -A virtual said he would either sign or den of proof resting with the "music blackout" is in the off- veto the music bill when he re- societies. ing as a result of Gov. Tim turns to Helena Monday (15). Broadcast Music, Inc. and Babcock's deferred action on a Under the measure, music - other agencies which control bill passed by the Legislature licensing firms would be re- music performance rights have which would place perform- quired to file a catalog with threatened to cease operations ance rights societies under the the State and pay 2 cents a in Montana if the music bill "I'LL BE DOGGONE" is new Tamla single. It might the title of MARVIN GAYE'S control of the State railroad and title. Other provisions call for becomes law. Opponents of the also be the singing star's reaction to the Oscar nomination awarded "My Kind public service commission. Be- broadcasters to seek intercession bill say it would become a in of Town," one of the tunes in his smash "Hello Broadway" album. fore he left for a Western Gov- by the Copyright Commission if model for similar legislation ernor's Council Conference in they fail to come to terms with other States. (Advertisement) Las Vegas last week, Babcock licensing societies, with the bur- (Continued on page 81 (Advertisement) 5 MORE REASONS WHY . HIT ALBUMS ARE OUR BUSINESS! 4 Ihr Iamplallnn..ing .reLrp .)j MOTOWN MARVIN GAYE RECORD HOW SWItT IT Is TO BE LOVED BY YOU CORP. TOPS 2640 FOUR W. GRAND BLVD., DETROIT, MICH. Gerdy 6411 Molown MT 625 Tamils TM 258 Motown MT 672 Motown M420 www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com Merc. to Get Imports TO DONATE PROCEEDS t-ROM LP's CHICAGO - Imported for- The material will be coming Music City Stores Aid Cole Fund and pro- from Mercury's numerous for- eign releases, recorded the world. eign licensees around HOLLYWOOD -Music City chain, according to President to Sunday (18 -21) would be do- duced in the country of their will be at- A premium price stores will honor the late Nat Clyde Wallichs. nated to the foundation. Second, origin and on the original foreign tached to all albums. Retail Cole's birthday Wednesday (I7) The key retailer is also using that people should support the label, will soon he available in price is $4.98 for mono albums, by donating proceeds from his a score of Southern California organization and mail contribu- U. S. Philips dis- $4.98 10 -inch stereo albums the through for LP sales during a four -day cam- radio stations to promote the tions to the Hollywood address tributors. and $5.98 for 12 -inch stereo al- to the Cole Foun- and finally, that customers could will be paign Cancer event, which Wallichs said i bums. De luxe packages The program is b e n g dation. would be a great annual tribute. place contributions in donation launched by Philips' parent available at $5.98 mono and boxes in the A full -page ad in The Los Free radio spots as well as an- stores. firm, Mercury Records Corp., $6.98 stereo. Cole had been among the and Herald - nouncements aired during reg- and is under the direction of Featured in the initial release Angeles Times alerted ularly scheduled Music City many entertainers cutting spe- Harold Drayson, New York. are imports from France, Ger- Examiner Sunday (14) cial to the unique fund- commercials are being heard Music City radio promo- Drayson likened the program many, Holland, Italy and Ar- the public tions. Wallichs said raising drive, the first ever at- over KFWB, KMPC, KNX, he hoped to that which is being conducted gentina. Releases are planned on KFAC, FGFJ, KHl and KLAC. dealers around the country by Deutsche Grammophone. a bimonthly basis. tempted by the Music City would pick up the idea and Among the 30- second spots stage their own fund- raising are explanations of the new benefits for the fledgling organ- foundation by Cole's widow ization. Maria. The cancer research or- Wallichs' ad was headed Full Throttle in ganization was founded after "Happy Birthday, Nat." The NARAS Going Cole's recent death. copy read: The newspaper ads carry three "Today you would have been TV messages, Wallichs explained. 46. God knows we are sorry you Pitches for Dinner and First, that proceeds from all didn't make it. But a lot of Cole LP's sold from Thursday (Continued nn road NEW YORK -An all -out rec- night of April 13 so that they meeting were Hal B. Cook, ord industry effort will be made can quickly put together a Billboard publisher; Nesuhi this year to promote the Na- 1964 Grammy Award winning Ertegun, NARAS president; tional Academy of Recording show of their own. George Avakian, head of the Arts and Sciences' Grammy On the dealer level, four -color Eastern chapter, and Joe Csida, awards. It will be a two - point -of -sales streamers will be who helped devise the promo- Webb IV Formed by pronged pitch concentrating on prepared listing all categories tion campaign. Other speakers the Awards dinner on April and which will also promote were Ted Bergmann, who will be ) ,n,i Th,- Rcit on Rernrd" the May 18 TV show.