No. Organization City Contact Information Date Activity/Description and Details

1. Institute for Nejra Kadić 26 November Street action photographing women and men heroes that are Development of Email: [email protected] supporting fight against violence against women and girls. All Youth KULT persons that support these activities can make their photos in ambience and Telephone: +387 33 778 767 costume of women and men heroes. Web: www.mladi.org Place and Time: Sarajevo, in front of the BBI Center, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM.

Institute for Development of Youth KULT Sarajevo invites all women and men citizens to support prevention of violence, and become orange women and men heroes in fighting violence against women and girls. Violence as the simplest response on unpleasant situations must be erased from the possible options, because it never represents the solution of a problem or situation. Image of true women and men heroes fits to a personality of persons that are supporting prevention of violence, and are contributing to increasing awareness on the issue of violence, and its eradication. 2. Association „Woman Telephone: +387 36 550 339 27 November Street action on the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. BiH“ Time: 11:00 AM. Email: [email protected] 2 December Street action – distribution of promotional materials related to Web: www.zenabih.ba the International Day of Fighting for Abolition of Slavery. Time: 11:00 AM. 10 December Street action on the International Human Rights Day. Distribution of promotional materials in Mostar, Siroki Brijeg, Posusje, , and . Time: 11:00 AM. 3. Center for Legal Address: Mejdandžik 9, 72000 25 November Announcement of the 16 Days Campaign and planned activities on Assistance to Women Zenica traditional and modern media 29 November Discussion – Who Are Women Human Rights Defenders? Telephone:+ 387 32 402 049 Flash Mob – Acting and dance performance – „React! Prevent! Report!“ Email: [email protected] [email protected] 30 November Workshop „Peace with a Female Face”.

Web: www.cenppz.org.ba 1 December Workshop for Youth on Reproductive Health – commemorating the Facebook: International Day of Fighting Against AIDS https://www.facebook.com/pravna 2 December Commemorating the International Day of Fighting for Abolition pomoczenama.zenica of Slavery

6 December Remembering Victims of Montreal Massacre https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Centarzapravnupomo%C4%87 %C5%BEenama 10 December Flash Mob on the International Human Rights Day Zenica/153384281538154 Guest appearances on television and radio programs during and after the activities. 4. Foundation United Address: Kalemegdanska 18, 20 November Public discussion „Establishing of the Gender Equality Women Banjaluka Commission and Presenting of the Campaign –Potpisujem.org – Telephones: +387 51 463 143, 462 in the Assembly of Brčko District of BiH 146 Support the Campaign on www.potpisujem.org | Facebook 1 Email: [email protected] Street Action – promotion of the local gender action plan, in cooperation Web: www.unitedwomenbl.org with NGO „Osmjeh žene“ Laktaši and „Medica“ Zenica. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unitedwom 15 Nov15 Dec City Light, Bilbord, TV Spot and Radio Jingle Campaign for enbl Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. Campaign will be implemented on the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with NGO „Prava za Sve“ Sarajevo, „Budućnost“ Modriča, „Medica“ Zenica, „Žena BiH“ Mostar, and „Lara“ . TV and radio spot will be broadcasted on the public broadcasting service of Radio Television of and Pan Radio Bijeljina. 23 November Guerrilla Action on 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence , Banjaluka, Krajina Square, starting at 12:00 AM, in cooperation with NGO Helsinki Citizens Assembly Banjaluka. 25 November TV and Radio Program – 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, Campaign for Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence , on Radio Television of Republika Srpska. 26 November Radio Program „Importance of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence“, on Radio Pan Bijeljina. Visit of women representatives of the Administrative Service Banja Luka to the Safe House for Women and Children Victims of Violence Banjaluka. 2 December Street Action on the International Day of Fighting for Abolition of Slavery, distribution of informative material, 12:00 AM, Krajina Square, Gospodska street. 10 December Radio Program on the International Human Rights Day, focus on status and problems of marginalized categories of women, on Radio Pan Bijeljina. 4. 25 November Breakfast with Journalists “Participation of Women in Reform of Telephones: +387 51 432 750, 432 BiH Constitution, “ . Helsinki Citizens Banja Luka 753 Assembly Email: [email protected] 29 November International Day of Women Human Rights Defenders – as a part Web: www.hcabl.org of the final conference "Recipes for Peace" broadcast of the movie "Where Do We Go Now, of Nadina Labaki, a female director from Lebanon. The movie speaks on role of women in conflict prevention. 9 12 December Meeting of the network of organizations supported by Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation from Sweden, on the topic „New Generations of Women Activists“, in Hotel Termag, Jahorina. 10 December Commemorating of the International Human Rights Day, Helsinki Citizens Assembly Banjaluka, Ošta nula and UNSA Geto are organizing the action in Incel Factory Banja Luka (former economic giant). The action will include performance, exhibition, lectures, and concert, and will raise voice against continuous violation of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, lack of implementation of laws and international documents related to protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms. 5. Women’s Association Višegrad Email: [email protected] 25 – 29 Radio programs on the issue of violence against women in my MOST Tel/fax: +387 58 622 715 November local community 25 November Višegrad, 27 November Foča, 28 November , and 29 November . 25. Nov3 Dec Street actions, posters and distribution of promotional material 2 in six municipalities of Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 November Višegrad, 26 November , 27 November Foča, 28 November Rogatica, 29 November Sokolac, and 3 December Novo Goražde. 8 – 10 Conference with women and men representatives of the official December institutions, municipal commissions for gender equality, municipal governance bodies, and organizations that are working on the issue of violence against women (signatories of the Agreement on actions in cases of domestic violence) from six cities of Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina (Višegrad, Rudo, Novo Goražde, Foča, Rogatica and Sokolac), presentation of the activities, issues, and obstacles that local teams were facing during the previous period, exchange of experiences from various municipalities, and recommendations for improving and more efficient assistance and protection for women victims of violence. Place: Jahorina, Sarajevo. 2 December Street Action on the International Day of Fighting for Abolition of Slavery , distribution of promotional material in Visegrad, in cooperation with RING NGO Network. 6. Foundation CURE Sarajevo 25 November Music Against Violence – Foundation CURE will send links of songs on Telephone: +387 33 20 75 61 10 December social networks and web pages – songs that are sending messages related to Web: www.fondacijacure.org unequal treatment of men and women. On this way, we will try to influence process of empowering women and men citizens, and rising their awareness

on prevention of violence against women and girls. Street Action – Foundation CURE will organize street action on the first day of the global campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, 25 November and the International Day of Fighting Violence Against Women. We will present following: performance with silhouettes (women and girls that were murdered by their partners and spouses) with objective of prevention and informing women and men citizens on violence against women and girls that occurs throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina; we will distribute informational material related to violence against women and girls; conducting mini vox populi on knowledge of women and men citizens on violence against women and girls; promoting edited research analysis with map of Sarajevo streets named after women. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Fra Grge Matića Square (in front of the Sarajevo Cathedral). Training as a part of the project „Say NO to Violence, Say YES to Economic Independence“, training for women project beneficiaries will 26 November be held, women victims of violence from the Safe Houses in Sarajevo, with objective of learning how to improve business idea and successfully sell it on the market. Time: 10:00 AM. Foundation CURE, Association INFOHOUSE, will organize training with support of the Foundation for Local Democracy Sarajevo.

Xpress Session – Informal Breakfast with Women and Men Journalists, where we will discuss the campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. Women and men journalists will have the opportunity to learn more on the global campaign, how to participate, and fair reporting on cases of violence against women. 3 Place: Restaurant Druga kuća „Lora“. Educational workshop and public discussion with women politicians from the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. Discussion is 27 November planned as the open talk on role and unused potentials of women in political and public life of BiH, with issues in work that women elected as representatives in FBiH Parliament are facing, and on what way women can be active in their political parties in contemporary social and political environment. Time: 11:00 AM. Workshop will be organized by Foundation CURE and Association INFOHOUSE. Round table on promotion of the publication „Violence Among Youth People and Violence in Youth Relationships – Legal Analysis“. Author of this research is Bojana Trninić, and she will also moderate this round table. As a part of 16 Days of Activism, we will organize the first two round tables on this topic in Sarajevo and Banjaluka. Time and Place: 1:00 PM, in premises of Društvene re:formacije. Workshops on the topic „What Is Violence“in the Electrical Engineering High School on Sarajevo , with objective of introducing 28 November youth people on the topic of what represents violence, to whom they can address when it comes to violence, to inform them that violence is not a problem of an individual, but social issue, and it cannon be solved with violent means but through communication. Time: 02:00 PM.

Workshop on the topic “Assertive Behavior and SelfConfidence” interested women participants will have the opportunity to discuss and receive information on types of behavior and life situations, define the term of assertiveness, develop assertiveness chart, discuss selfconfidence, classify behavioral types into four categories, and enable women participants to learn more on selfconfidence through role plays. Marija Zdravković, Activist of Center for Girls Niš will lead this workshop. Time and Place: 15.30 PM, in premises of Društvena Re:formacija (Čobanija 12). Workshop is organized by Foundation CURE and Center for Girls Niš.

Workshop on the topic „What Is Violence” and „1325 Resolution. “ During this workshop, we will discuss violence as the big social issue, and its consequences, how to prevent it, and whom to contact. Additionally, we will discuss implementation of UNSCR 1325, and recommendations for improving its implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Place and Time: Vogošća, 06:00 PM. Workshop will be organized by Foundation CURE and Association of Women Citizens „Korak Više“ Sarajevo. Training as a part of the project „Say NO to Violence , Say YES to Economic Independence“ for women project beneficiaries, women victims of violence from the Safe Houses in Zenica. Objective of the training is to learn hoe to improve project idea, and successfully present it on the market. Time: 10:00 AM. Training will be organized by Foundation CURE and Association 4 INFOHOUSE, with support of the Association “Medica” Zenica. 29 November Workshop on the topic “Prevention of Physical and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls with Elements of Self Defense”. During the first part of the workshop, we will discuss prevention of physical and sexual violence, with elements of selfdefense. Through discussion with the workshop participants, we will talk about key elements of violence, how to recognize and prevent it, on prejudices and facts about rape, and work on different forms of selfdefense. Workshop facilitator will be Tatjana Nikolić, Activist of the Center for Girls Niš. During the second part of the workshop, “Prevention of Trafficking of Girls”, we will discuss attitudes on trafficking of girls through practices, who are potential victims of trafficking, and methods of protection. Workshop facilitator will be Silvija Mihajlović, Activist of the Center for Girls Niš. Time and Place: 05:00 PM, premises of Društvene Re:formacije (Čobanija 12). Workshop will be organized by Foundation CURE and Center for Girls Niš. Round table – promotion of the publication „Violence Among Youth People and Violence in Youth Relationships – Analysis of Laws“. Author of this research is Bojana Trninić that will also moderate the round table. As the part of the campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, first two round tables will be held on this topic in Sarajevo and Banjaluka. Time and Place: 1:00 PM, in premises of NGO Perpetuum Mobile Banjaluka. Participation at the meeting „Introduction to the Platform of Women’s Priorities for Constitutional Changes and Amendments 30 November on BiH Constitution from Gender Perspective“ organized by TPO Foundation Sarajevo, in cooperation with United Women Banja Luka and Helsinki Citizens Assembly Banja Luka. Time and Place: 11:00 AM – 07:00 PM, premises of TPO Foundation Sarajevo.

Workshop on the topic “Women’s Human Rights and Building of Image of Women in Public and Political Work“. Young women and girls will learn the basic theories of activism, women’s human rights, and how to participate actively in positive social changes, through interesting methods. We will also learn on status and experiences of women in public and political life of BiH. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Dom kulture Vogošća.

Reading performance ”Vagina Monologues” performed by the Center for Girls Nis, and organized by Foundation CURE Sarajevo. This is famous work written by Eve Ensler, American author. It is based on two hundred real stories of women of various age and social backgrounds from all over the world. They all relate to simple idea that basides reason, vagina also has a thounge, therefore can speak on its enwironment and interior. Time and Place: 06:00 PM, Art Cinema Kriterion (Obala Kulina Bana). In cooperation with the Sarajevo Open Center, Foundation CURE is 2 December organizing the third lobbying meeting with objective of presenting 5 research of public opinion on attitudes toward homosexuality and transgender people in Bosnia and Herzegovina , as well as the manual for police officers on procedures in cases of human rights violations of LGBT persons. Time and Place: 11:00 AM, Restaurant Četri Sobe Gospođe Safije.

Workshops on the topic „What is Violence“. with objective of introducing youth people on the topic of what represents violence, to whom they can address when it comes to violence, to inform them that violence is not a problem of an individual, but social issue, and it cannon be solved with violent means but through communication. Time and Place: 12:20 AM, Metalworking High School, 12:30 AM, Electrical Engineering High School, 1:10 PM, Geodetic High School. Promotion of the publication „Sustainability Strategy for Young Women Leaders, Activists, and Feminists“, that was established at 06 December the regional conference, organized for young women and girls from Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina that want to be active in their local communities, and follow the feminist principles. Place: Premises of Društvene Re:formacije (Čobanija 12) 09 December Participation at book promotion „Women Peacemakers“, in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, organized by TPO Foundation Sarajevo.

Women and men NGO activists in Sarajevo are organizing March with title “Human Rights Outside”, with participation of women and 10 December men citizens with banners. Participants are marginalized groups of people, women and men citizens. We will participate as women and men individuals without signs of our organizations. Prior to the street action, during the whole period of 16 Days of Activism, we will promote TV spot that features messages and slogans that point at discrimination of marginalized groups in BiH society. Time and Place: 10:00 AM, in front of the Art Academy Sarajevo. Together with the Sarajevo Open Center, Foundation CURE is organizing visits to the eight police stations in Canton Sarajevo 26 27 (PS Stari Grad, PS Centar, PS , PS Novi Grad, PS Ilidža,PS November Hadžići, PS Vogošći, PS Ilijaš) with objective to continue building relation of trust betewwn LGBT persons and police stations, as well as presenting the future plans related to the work with police. Time: 09:00 AM– 10:00 AM. 7. Association Žene Sarajevo Derebent 41 26 November Workshop “Violence, Increasing Sensibility of Students for Ženama Tel.: +387 33 219 640 Nonviolent Resolution of Problems“ facilitator Ranka Katalinski Email: Time and Place: 1:30 PM, Electrical Engineering High School, Sarajevo [email protected] 28 November Workshop “Domestic Violence ”, facilitator Vinka Berjan Web: www.zenezenama.org Time and Place: High School 28 June, East New Sarajevo Mujic Indira, Financial and Administrative Coordinator Workshop “Introducing Gender Equality in the Public Policies” 29 November facilitators Mirjana Musić and Mujić Indira Time and Place: 06:00 PM, Hotel Hollywood, Sarajevo Workshop on 1 December – International Day of Fighting Against AIDS facilitator Amra Đip 02 December Time and Place: 10:30 AM, Elementary School Hasan Kaimija

Workshop on 1 December – International Day of Fighting Against 6 AIDS facilitator Jasmina Atlić Time and Place: 01:00 PM, Elementary School Alija Nametak 03 December Workshop “Peer Violence” facilitator Vinka Berjan Time and Place: 11:30 AM, High School Center East Ilidža 04 December Worskhop “Domestic Violence” facilitator Ifeta Bajramović Time and Place: 8:00 AM, Elementary School Nafija Sarajlic, Sarajevo

Workshop “Domestic Violence, Gender Based Violence, and Prejudices on Violence Against Women” facilitator Meho Pirić Time and Place: 11:30 AM, Elementary School Vladislav Škaric, Sarajevo Workshop on 5 December – International Day of Women and 05 December Men Volunteers for Social and Economic Development facilitator Azra Jasika Time and Place: 01:00 PM, Elementary School Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević 8. Association Medica Zenica Sabiha Husić, Director Until 25 Educational and promotional material Preparing materials on Telephones: + 387 32 463 930, 463 November economic empowerment and psychosocial education of women in rural 924 areas, with messages of voice of women against violence, and advocacy for Email: [email protected] zero tolerance on violence, distribution of promotional material. Web: www.medicazenica.org Educational and promotional material Preparing materials with authentic stories of women members of the first informal network of women from rural areas of Zenica Canton, on gender equality in everyday life. Educational and promotional material Preparing materials on contribution of children in fighting against violence against women and children, authentic messages of children during educational – creative and supportive workshops. Zenica with rural communities. Street action – Distribution of promotional material and marking of inception of the Campaign “16 Days of Activism Against 25 November Gender Violence”. Women and girls from urban and rural communities together with representatives of governmental institutions (Zenica Doboj Canton and Municipality of Zenica) and Medica Zenica are sending clear public messages against violence against women. Women and men participants are personnel of NGO Medica, women and girls from rural and urban areas, children that participated at the workshops, representatives of the official institutions, gender equality commission, and NGOs from the area of Zenica Municipality. Partners: Municipality of Zenica, gender equality commission, institutions and governmental organizations of Zenica Doboj Canton and Municipality of Zenica, and NGOs from the area of Zenica Municipality. Time and Place: 11:55 AM, Square Alija Izetbegović 1 (in front of the Department Store). 25 November Commemorating of the 16 Days of Activism with established 10 December coordination bodies in Zenica, , , , , Doboj South and Usora. 02December Announcing the most successful and awarded six stories of women members of the first informal network of women from rural communities of Zenica Doboj Canton. Time and Place: 10:00 AM, premises of NGO Medica Zenica

7 05 December Commemorating the International Day of Volunteers – Promotion of the volunteer work through organizing the workshop and awarding certificates, in Zenica. 0608 Participating at OPENs Fair of organic and farming production and December ethnofolk creative work in Zenica. Focus is on presenting concrete work and abilities of empowered and educated women from fifteen rural communities that successfully completed economic empowerment program of NGO „Medica“ Zenica. Time and Place: 10:00 AM– 6:00 PM, Square Alija Izetbegović 1 (in front of the Department Store). 10. December Presentation of the project “Sustainable Way of Preventing Gender Based Violence” – Presenting results of economic empowerment in rural and urban communities, and presenting results of economic empowerment „Fashion Show“ in cooperation with Municipality of Zenica, Employment Office of Zenica Doboj Canton, and other partner organizations. Objective is to present skills and results of 129 women and girls that completed vocational trainings in rural areas and the Safe House of NGO “Medica” Zenica. Approximately 100 women and men representatives of public and private sector will participate in the event, in order to create better opportunities for employment of women and girls. Partners: Municipality of Zenica, Employment Office of Zenica Doboj Canton. Place: Hotel „Zenica“ Zenica. 25 November – Web voting – Creating of web voting at the NGO Medica Zenica web page, 10 December on the topic of awareness and attitudes of the public on sexual and gender based violence. Media coverage – Distributing information to media in order to inform the public on the 16 Days of Activism campaign, public advocacy activities for zero tolerance against violence, and increasing public awareness that violence is not only a private issue of women, but whole community should engage in solving this problem and providing the best care and protection for survivors of violence. 9. Association of Kravica bb Nada Marković Until 25 Workshop – ''Psychosocial Education of Women in Rural Areas Women 75420 Vesna Erić November of Region, With Messages of Women Against MAJA Kravica Violence.“ Presentation of the video clip „SCREAM.“ Tel/fax: +387 56465 365 Objective of this activity is to use public image and word to increase Email: [email protected] awareness on challenges and needs of women survivors, causes and consequences of violence against women in rural communities of Srebrenica region, and increasing public awareness of women and men citizens, public institutions, and public on the issue. Participants of the workshop are women from rural local communities of Bratunac municipality. Time and Place: 11:00 AM, Local Community Kravica, municipality of Bratunac. 26 November Workshop ''Psychosocial Education of Women in Rural Areas of Srebrenica Region, With Messages of Women Against Violence.“ Presentation of the video clip „SCREAM.“ Participants are women from the local communities of Milići. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Local Community , municipality of Milići. 27 November Workshop ''P sychosocial Education of Women in Rural Areas of Srebrenica Region, With Messages of Women Against Violence.“ 8 Presentation of the video clip „SCREAM.“ Participants are women from local communities of Srebrenica municipality. Time and Place: 11:00 AM, local community Potočari, premises of the Association ''Leptir'' Srebrenica, municipality of Srebrenica. 28 November Workshop ''Influence of Domestic Violence as the Social Issue on Mental Health of Women.'' Objective of this activity is to increase awareness of women on mechanisms of protecting their mental health. Workshop facilitator is psychotherapist Ina Rahmanoic from NGO Vive žene Tuzla. Workshop participants are women from Kravica and Konjević Polje. Time and Place: 11:00 AM, local community Kravica, municipality of Bratunac. 29 November Workshop ''Psychosocial Education of Women in Rural Areas of Srebrenica Region, With Messages of Women Against Violence.“ Presentation of the video clip „SCREAM.“ Participants are women members of the Women’s Association ‘‘PODRINJE’’ . Time and Place: 11:00 AM, premises of the Association ''Podrinja'' Vlasenica, municipality of Vlasenica. 02 December Street campaign – commemorating the International Day of Fighting for Abolition of Slavery, distributing of promotional material. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Kravica Bratunac 03 December Working meeting with signatories of the Protocol on Procedures and Cooperation of Authorized Subjects on Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence. Presentation of the video clip ''SCREAM''. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Restaurant Davidoff – Bratunac. 04 December Working meeting with signatories of the Protocol on Procedures and Cooperation of Authorized Subjects on Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence. Presentation of the video clip ''SCREAM''. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Restaurant Zvorničanka, municipality of Srebrenica. 05 December Working meeting with signatories of the Protocol on Procedures and Cooperation of Authorized Subjects on Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence. Presentation of the video clip ''SCREAM''. Time and Place: 12:00 AM, Motel Milići, municipality of Milići. 10. Citizens’ Association Modriča Tel/fax + 387 53 820 701 26 November Workshop „Do We Live in Peace” for women from Modriča. Email: [email protected] BUDUĆNOST Web: www.buducnostmd.com 03 07 As a part of commemorating the 16 Days of Activism, in Basel Switzerland,

December representatives of the Center for Men will participate in the public discussion on the topic “Psychosocial Support for Men With Objective of Taking Over Responsibility for Violence and Ending Domestic Violence.” 02 December Street action in Modriča, commemorating the International Day of Fighting for Abolition of Slavery, distribution of informational material. 05 December In partnership with women delegates of Municipal Assembly Teslić, and Municipal Gender Equality Commission, we are organizing public 9 discussion in Teslić, where women introductory speakers will talk about domestic violence, and mechanisms of protection and support for women survivors of violence. 0810 December Conference of women politicians from 24 municipalities with objective of presenting local gender equality strategies. Conference will be held at Jahorina, Sarajevo. 10 December Street action in Modriča, on the International Human Rights Day, distribution of informational material on domestic violence. 11. Women’s Forum Bratunac Telephone: + 387 56 411 143 25 November Radio program on the topic of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace Email: [email protected] and Security

[email protected] 28 November Awarding grants for initiating small business Web: www.forumzena.org 02 December Media promotion of peace actions 04 December Workshop „Young Women and Girls –Facing the Past for Development of a Future“ 05 December Public Discussion „Possibilities of Implementation of the Local Gender Action Plan in Development of the Strategic Development Plan of Bratunac Municipality for Period 2013 2018“ 12. Organization Sarajevo Contact: Melisa Haćimović 29 November Book Promotion „Portrays of Real Life“Literary illustrative PLANET Design Ljubović collection of essays of women and men activists from the Balkan region (Publisher: INFOTEKA Zenica, Editor: Melisa HaćimićLjubović, with support of the World Vision, European Union, Heart and Hand Fund). Email: [email protected] m The collection questions issues of gender equality in Balkan countries, feminist theory, women artists, and women in history. „Collection was created to empower, testify, and serve. Women and men authors shared Telefon: +387 66 792 228 part of their freedoms with endless You – readers, all with purpose of understanding truth of a global reason.“ Web: www.galleryplanet.com Time: starting at 08:00 PM. 13. Women’s Association Senka Zulum 10 December Conference in Jajce on the topic of affirmation of women in Viktorija 99 Email: [email protected] public life and political decision making, presenting results of Facebook: women on promotion and public advocacy for women’s human https://www.facebook.com/pages/ rights in the area of Jajce municipality since 1996. Participants are UZVIKTORIJA99 women NGO activists, women active in public and political life throughout JAJCE/134752223218094 Bosnia and Herzegovina. 14. Project Herstory of Supranational January 2014 Training based on theatre techniques (Theatre of the Oppressed) Nena Močnik, Slovenia Bra and Knife Association for women victims of sexual violence or training/education on the topic against violence against women. Email: [email protected]

Web: www.braandknife.com

10 15. Catholic Relief Sarajevo 10 December Ceremony of marking of the International Human Rights Day in Services (PRO Goran Bubalo the BiH Parliamentary Assembly. Time: 12:00 AM. Budućnost) and Peace Building Network Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +387 33 812 401

Catholic Relief Web: www.mrezamira.net Theatre Play „Presence of Absence“ based on research of sense of Services (PRO memories of families of missing persons. Objective of this activity is Budućnost) and to help families with that difficult experience to publicly speak on their International experiences and to continue their lives, and encouraging processes of facing Commission for with past in our region. Missing Persons Time: 07:00 PM. 16. Gender Center of BIH Sarajevo Zlatan Hrnčić 28 29 Gender Center of BiH Federation in cooperation with the Expert Team for Federation Address: Hasana Kikića 18 November Preparing and Monitoring of the Strategy for Prevention and Fighting Tel: ++ 387 33 665 883 Domestic Violence (20132017) („Official Gazette of BIH Federation“, no. Fax:++ 387 33 265 200 22/13) is organizing the Conference „Promotion of MultiSectoral Email: [email protected] Cooperation – Protocols on Procedures in Cases of Domestic Violence“. Conference is also the implementation of the activity 5.1.5. of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy in 2013, and has the objective to exchange experiences of established protocols on cooperation in cases of domestic violence. Participants will be women and men representatives of established protocols on cooperation. Place: Hotel Hollywood, Sarajevo. 06 – 27 Gender Center of BiH Federation, in cooperation with the Federal November Employment Office is organizing “Educations of the employers of cantonal offices for employment and municipal offices for employment for work with victims of domestic violence ”, 26 November in Bihać, 27 November in Livno, 3. November in Tuzla, 6 November in Mostar, and 11 November in Sarajevo. 17. Agency for Gender Sarajevo Email: 05 December Public promotion of the results of the first Study on Prevalence Equality BiH, and Characteristics of Violence Against Women in Bosnia and UNWOMEN and UN [email protected] Herzegovina, presentation and discussion with women and men experts House on the issue of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. [email protected] Time and Place: 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM, UN House, Sarajevo.