Margaret Thatcher, The Iron Lady

Margaret Thatcher was the British female prime minister, born on 13 October 1925 in Grantham, England. Her uncompromising politics earned her the nickname "Iron lady": she was the one who managed the war with Argentina for the Falkland Islands and it was always her who promoted economic initiatives that brought the country out of the crisis. She died at the age of 87 on 8 April 2013 Her Life in a few words...

She ran for the Conservative party in 1950, lost honorably but increased the party's votes and popularity. In 1959 she was elected to the House of Commons. In 1961 she became Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Pensions, a position she held until 1964, when the Conservatives lost the elections. As a member of Parliament, she was one of the few conservatives to vote in favor of decriminalizing male homosexuality and abortion; she also voted for the retention of the death penalty during votes that would abolish it and attacked 's Labor government for her fiscal policies; from 1967 she became part of the Shadow , dealing with Transportation and then Education.

Margaret Thatcher leader of the opposition in 1975

After the Conservative victory in 1970, which brought to the office of Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher became Minister of Education, but she was forced to promote often unpopular policies due to government cuts. One of these involved the abolition of free milk in schools for children between the ages of 7 and 11. This unpopular measure against children earned her the nickname "Thatcher, the milk snatcher". After defeat in the 1974 election she decided to run for the leadership of the party and in February 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party, the first woman to hold that office

During an interview she heavily attacked the Soviet Union, which is why she earned her the nickname of Iron Lady.