Mahayana-Deva. Mahd-Vakya
mahayana-deva. mahd-vakya. 759 a MaJiardraJta (opposed to hSna-ydna), epithet of a later system adh), as, m. paramount sovereign, universal quence, very dignified. (hd-ar), m. of a n. wild = Mahardha of Buddhist teaching promulgated by Nagarjuna, and emperor. Mahd-rdjika, as, pi. epithet am, ginger ( ranardraka). of in the ' class of or reckoned at as, m. a of treated Maha-yana-sutras ; (as), m. having gods demigods (variously 236 (ha-ar), species plant, (commonly J and 220 in of Vishnu. Mahdrbuda n. ten a great chariot,' N. of a king of the Vidya-dharas. number); (as), m. epithet Mahaja.) (ha-ar' ), am, millions. - as, m. an title of Mahd-rdjni, f. a great queen, the principal wife Arbudas = one thousand Mahdnna (hd- Mahayana-deva, honorary c a in her own see Pan. VI. Hiouen-thsang. Mahayana-parigrahaka, as, m. ofa Raja, queen right, reigning queen ; ar), 2, <)O.Mahdrha ( hd-ar), or valuable a follower of the Maha-yana doctrines. Mahdydna- epithet of DargS. Mahd-rdjya, am, n. the rank as, a, am, very worthy deserving, very title ofa or eminent ; prabhasa,N. of a Bodhi-sattva. Mahdydna-yoga- or reigning sovereign, sovereignty. Malid- precious, costly, splendid ; excellent, n. dead of late white sandal-wood. dastra, am, n., N. of a work. Mahdydna-san- rdtra, am, midnight, the night, at (am), n. Malid-lakshmi, is, N. of a work called ma/id- the time after close of f. the Lakshmi the Sakti of N5r5- graha, as, m., ; (also night, midnight, night. great (properly but sometimes identified with yana-samparigraha-s'dstra.) Mahdydna-sTitra, Mahd-rdtri, is, or mahd-rdtrl, f.
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