Deconstructing Kubo formula usage: Exact conductance of a mesoscopic system from weak to strong disorder limit

Branislav K. Nikolic´ Department of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057-0995 ͑Received 20 March 2001; published 1 October 2001͒ In both research and textbook literature one often finds two ‘‘different’’ Kubo formulas for the zero- temperature conductance of a noninteracting Fermi system. They contain a trace of the product of velocity ͑ ͒ ˆ ˆ r ˆ ˆ a ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ operators and single-particle retarded and advanced Green operators: Tr(vxG vxG )orTr(vxIm GvxIm G). The study investigates the relationship between these expressions, as well as the requirements of current conservation, through exact evaluation of such -mechanical traces for a nanoscale ͑containing 1000 atoms͒ mesoscopic disordered conductor. The traces are computed in the semiclassical regime ͑where disorder is weak͒ and, more importantly, in the nonperturbative transport regime ͑including the region around localization-delocalization transition͒ where the concept of a mean free path ceases to exist. Since quantum interference effects for such strong disorder are not amenable to diagrammatic or nonlinear ␴-model tech- niques, the evolution of different Green function terms with disorder strength provides insight into the devel- opment of an Anderson localized phase.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.165303 PACS number͑s͒: 73.23.Ϫb, 05.60.Gg, 72.15.Rn

At first sight, the title of this paper might sound perplex- scopic disordered conductor. Both expressions are frequently ing. What else can be said about Kubo formula1 after almost encountered in the research as well as textbook literature, a half of a ͑last͒ century of explorations in practice, as well and are displayed below. They consist of a trace ͑or linear as through numerous rederivations in both the research2 and combination of such traces͒ over the product of velocity op- 3,4 ͑ ͒ ˆ textbook literature? Kubo linear response theory KLRT erators vx with retarded and advanced single-particle Green represents the first full quantum-mechanical transport for- ˆ r,aϭ Ϫ ˆ Ϯ ϩ Ϫ1 ˆ ˆ r,a ˆ ˆ r,a operators G ͓E H i0 ͔ , like Tr͓vxG vxG ͔, malism. It connects irreversible processes in nonequilibrium where Hˆ is an equilibrium Hamiltonian ͑in the spirit of FDT, ͓ to the thermal fluctuations in equilibrium fluctuation- it contains random and confining potentials, but not the ex- ͑ ͔͒ dissipation theorem FDT . Therefore, the study of transport ternal electric field͒, and the velocity is defined by is limited to the nonequilibrium states close to equilibrium. iបvˆϭ͓rˆ,Hˆ ͔. These quantum-mechanical traces are computed Nevertheless, the computation of linear kinetic coefficients is here, Figs. 1 and 2, in the site representation ͑i.e., using greatly facilitated since final expressions deal with equilib- real-space Green functions͒ defined by a lattice model, such rium expectation values of relevant physical quantities as the tight-binding Hamiltonian ͑TBH͒ ͑which are much simpler than the corresponding nonequilib- rium ones5͒. It originated6 from the Einstein relation for the ˆ ϭ ␧ ͉ ͗͘ ͉ϩ ͉ ͗͘ ͉ ͑ ͒ diffusion constant and mobility of a particle performing a H ͚ m m m ͚ tmn m n 1 m ͗m,n͘ random walk. Until the scaling theory of localization7 and ensuing com- on a hypercubic lattice Nd of size LϭNa (a being the lattice ͒ putation of the lowest-order quantum correction, weak constant . Here tmn is the nearest-neighbor hopping integral localization8 ͑WL͒, to the Drude conductivity, it almost ap- between s orbitals ͗r͉m͘ϭ␺(rϪm) on adjacent atoms lo- ϭ peared that the microscopic and complicated Kubo formula- cated at sites m of the lattice (tmn 1 inside the sample tion of quantum transport merely served to justify the intui- defines the unit of energy͒. The disorder is simulated by tak- 3 ␧ tive Bloch-Boltzmann semiclassical approach to transport in ing a random on-site potential such that m is uniformly ӷ ͓Ϫ ͔ weakly disordered (kFl 1, where kF is the Fermi wave vec- distributed over the interval W/2,W/2 , which is the so- tor and l is the mean free path͒ conductors. Furthermore, the called Anderson model of localization. I emphasize the re- advent of mesoscopic physics9 has led to a reexamination of quirements of current conservation throughout this analysis, major transport ideas—in particular, we learned how to apply which will allow us to understand the features of different properly KLRT to finite-size systems. Thus, equivalence was trace expressions introduced above. established2 between the rigorous Kubo formalism and heu- The mesoscopic methods ͑mesoscopic Kubo2,14 or, ristically founded Landauer-Bu¨ttiker10 scattering approach to equivalently, Landauer10 formula͒ make it possible to get the linear response transport of noninteracting quasiparticles.11 exact zero-temperature ͑i.e., quantum͒ conductance of a This has emerged as an important tool for studying meso- finite-size sample attached to semi-infinite disorder-free scopic transport phenomena, where system size and inter- leads. Although KLRT is a standard formalism for introduc- faces through which electrons can enter or leave the conduc- ing the many-body physics into the computation of transport tor play an essential role in determining the conductance.12,13 coefficients,4 here the focus is on the transport properties This study presents an exact evaluation of two different determined by scattering of noninteracting ͑quasi͒electrons Kubo-type expressions for the linear conductance of a meso- on impurities. The ‘‘old’’ Kubo formula15 for the macro-

0163-1829/2001/64͑16͒/165303͑7͒/$20.0064 165303-1 ©2001 The American Physical Society BRANISLAV K. NIKOLIC´ PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 165303

FIG. 1. Different terms in the Kubo formula for the two-probe quantum conductance of a single finite-size sample modeled on a 3 ϭ ϩ simple cubic lattice 10 by an Anderson model with disorder FIG. 2. Different terms in the Kubo formula G Gra Grr for strength Wϭ2 ͑upper panel—single sample in the semiclassical the two-probe quantum conductance of the same finite-size conduc- transport regime͒ or Wϭ7 ͑lower panel—disorder averaged over 50 tors as in Fig. 1, but with respective traces in these expressions Շ samples in the nonperturbative transport regime kFl 1). The full performed over the site states inside the whole disordered sample. Kubo conductance ͑thick solid line͒ is given by the sum of terms defined in Eq. ͑6͒͑thin solid line͒ and Eq. ͑7͒͑dashed line͒, G has to be described in terms of sample-specific quantities, ϭ ϩ Gra Grr . The respective traces in these expressions are per- like conductance, which describe a given sample measured formed only over the states residing on the first two planes inside in a given manner2 ͑i.e., more generally, conductance coeffi- lead ϭ͚ the sample. The dotted line in the upper panel represents Gra ob- cients I p qg pqVq in Ohm’s law for a multiprobe geometry, tained by tracing over the two planes deep inside the left lead ͑at a where several leads are attached to the sample to feed the distance 10a away from the sample͒. current I p or measure the voltages Vq) or, alternatively, the nonlocal conductivity tensor introduced below. Switching to scopic volume-averaged longitudinal dc conductivity at zero conductance leads to the following Kubo expression: ϵ temperature (E EF in all formulas below, EF being the ͒ Fermi energy of a noninteracting Fermi gas described by a 4e2 1 ϭ ͓ប ˆ ˆ ប ˆ ˆ ͔ ͑ ͒ single-particle Hamiltonian Hˆ is given by G Tr vxIm G vxIm G , 3a h L2 2␲e2ប ␴ ϭ Tr͓vˆ ␦͑EϪHˆ ͒vˆ ␦͑EϪHˆ ͔͒, ͑2͒ 1 xx ⍀ x x Im Gˆ ϭ ͑Gˆ rϪGˆ a͒ϭϪ␲␦͑EϪHˆ ͒. ͑3b͒ 2i where the factor of 2 accounts for the degeneracy. The Here the definition of the retarded ͑r͒ or advanced ͑a͒ single- Kubo conductivity relates the spatially averaged current j ϩ Ϫ ϭ͐ ⍀ ϭ␴ particle Green operator Gˆ r,aϭ͓EϪHˆ Ϯi0 ͔ 1 requires a drj(r)/ to the spatially averaged electric field j E, ϩ where thermodynamic limit ⍀ϭLd→ϱ͑while keeping the numerical trick to handle the small imaginary part i0 , impurity concentration finite͒ is implied to get an unambigu- which then spoils the prospect of obtaining the exact zero- 18,19 ous intensive quantity16,7 ͑and well-defined steady state͒. For temperature conductance. Once the semi-infinite clean electrons in a random potential further averaging should be leads are attached to the finite sample ͑at planes 1 and N performed over the disorder to get ␴ as a material constant.17 along x axis for a two-probe geometry, Fig. 3͒, the ‘‘self- ⌺ˆ r,aϭ⌺ˆ r,aϩ⌺ˆ r,a On the other hand, quantum corrections to the conductivity energy’’ L R , arising from the ‘‘interaction’’ 8 are nonlocal on the scale of the dephasing length L␾ӷl. with the leads (L left, R right͒, provides a well-defined This invalidates the concept of local quantities, like conduc- imaginary part in the definition of the Green operators20 tivity, in mesoscopic samples, which are smaller than L␾ and thereby effectively at Tϭ0. Therefore, mesoscopic transport Gˆ r,aϭ͓EϪHˆ Ϫ⌺ˆ r,a͔Ϫ1. ͑4͒


use of semi-infinite leads allows us to bypass explicit mod- eling of reservoirs in the computation of conductance since ‘‘hot’’ electrons which escape into the leads ͑due to the broadening of energy levels͒ do not come back in a phase- coherent fashion. The concept of reservoirs was always an essential part of Landauer’s subtle arguments.23 They pro- vide dissipation and therefore the steady state.27 However, the computation of conductance, as a measure the dissipa- tion, involves only a conservative Hamiltonian of noninter- acting electrons scattered on impurities ͑i.e., when comput- ͑ ͒ FIG. 3. A two-dimensional 2D version of the actual 3D model ing the linear conductance of a mesoscopic system one of the two-probe measuring geometry employed here. Each site usually does not deal explicitly with electron-electron and hosts a single s orbital which hops to six ͑or fewer for surface electron-phonon interactions11͒. atoms͒ nearest neighbors. The hopping matrix element is t ͑within ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ The conductance computed from the mesoscopic quantum the sample , tL within the leads , and tC coupling of the sample to the leads͒. The leads are semi-infinite and are considered to be expression is exact, but characterizes the whole sample connected at Ϯϱ to ‘‘reservoirs’’ biased by the potential difference ϩleads system in the spirit of quantum measurement theory ϭ␮ Ϫ␮ eV L R . since leads can also be considered as the ‘‘macroscopic mea- suring apparatus.’’25,26 However, for a disordered enough ˆ r,a ϭ͗ ͉ ˆ r,a͉ ͘ ͑ ͒ The Green function G (n,m) n G m describes the sample and not too narrow leads or too small tC the con- propagation of electrons between two sites inside ductance is determined mostly by the disordered region 28,21 an open conductor (L␾ϭL in the two-probe geometry͒. itself. This exactness makes it possible to compute the 20,21 ⌺ˆ r transport properties in both the semiclassical regime ͑where The self-energy terms are given by L,R(n,m) ϭ(t2 /2t2)gˆ r (n ,m ) with gˆ r (n ,m ) being the surface Boltzmann theory and perturbative quantum corrections are C L L,R S S L,R S S ӷ Green function of the bare semi-infinite lead between the applicable since kFl 1) and the nonperturbative transport regime29 where semiclassical concepts, like l, lose their sites nS and mS located on the end atomic layer of the lead ϳ ͑ ͑and adjacent to the corresponding sites n and m inside the meaning. Although the distinction between kFl 1 where ͒ ͉ ͉р semiclassical theory, including the perturbative quantum cor- conductor . It has an imaginary part only for E 6tL , ͒ ϳ 2 which means that G(E ) goes to zero at the band edge of a rections, breaks down and the criterion G 2e /h for the F localization-delocalization ͑LD͒ critical point has been clean lead ͉E ͉ϭ6t because there are no states in the leads F L known since the scaling theory of localization,7 it is not un- beyond this energy which can carry the current. Here the common practice to find these two different boundaries of leads will be described by the TBH with ␧ ϭ0 and m transport regimes confused. As the disorder is increased, a t ϭt ; the hopping between the sites in the lead and the mn L sample goes from the semiclassical transport regime, through sample is t ϭt , as illustrated in Fig. 3. mn C a vast region between k lϳ1 and the LD transition ͑e.g., 6 I use the term ‘‘mesoscopic Kubo formula’’ for Eq. ͑3͒ F ՇWՇ16.5 at E ϭ0 in the Anderson model29͒, and finally with the Green operators ͑4͒ plugged in. This formula is F enters into a localized phase. Since the nonperturbative trans- exactly equivalent2 to a two-probe Landauer formula10 for port regime lacks the small parameter required by present the conductance measured between two points deep inside analytical schemes, the numerical techniques employed here macroscopic reservoirs to which the leads are attached at are the only way to gain insight into the quantum effects infinity.22 Thus, it is conceptually different from the ‘‘plain’’ beyond the lowest-order corrections, like WL, or a resumma- Kubo formula ͑2͒ which follows from combining the con- Ϫ tion of all such perturbative quantum correction within the ductance of smaller parts Gϭ␴Ld 1/L, thereby implying a nonlinear ␴-model formalism.30,31 local description of transport which becomes applicable only Another expression is often encountered in the at sufficiently high temperatures. Such mesoscopic formulas literature3,16,5,20,32 for both the conductance of finite-size sys- provide a means to compute the quantum conductance—a tems and conductivity of infinite systems. It gives the con- sample-specific quantity which takes into account the finite ductance through an apparently different trace, G system size, measuring geometry, arrangement of impurities, ϰ ͓ប ˆ ˆ rប ˆ ˆ a͔ and nonlocal features of quantum transport and can describe Tr vxG vxG . While some textbooks quote this only ballistic transport ͑where the local relation jϭ␴E does not as a convenient approximation to the disorder-averaged full 3,16,5 hold͒. Attempts to use the original Kubo formulas on finite formula, sometimes the claim goes further to say that samples, throughout the premesoscopic history18,19 of the such a trace is equivalent to the Landauer formula, and more- Anderson localization theory, were thwarted with ambigu- over it can be evaluated at any cross section inside the dis- ities, which can be traced back to the general questions on ordered region, thus relaxing the requirement of perfect leads 32 the origin of dissipation.23 This stems from the fact that a ‘‘as the weakest point of the Landauer formalism.’’ stationary regime cannot be reached unless the system is in- Namely, Gˆ rGˆ r or Gˆ aGˆ a terms can be reduced to a single finite or coupled to a thermostat. From the practical point of Green function via the Ward identity in weakly disordered view, leads make the system infinite by opening the sample conductors,33,3 and are therefore related to the density of ӷ and therefore eliminating the technical obstacles in handling states. They are ‘‘abandoned’’ in the limit kFl 1 since they of the discrete spectrum of finite samples.24 Furthermore, the do not generate interesting contributions to WL or meso-


scopic fluctuations ͓for example, such terms generate contri- from the more fundamental quantity in KLRT, the nonlocal bution to universal conductance fluctuations which are small conductivity tensor relating local current density to the local ϳ 2 16 as 1/(kFl) ]. In fact, both the diffusion modes of the electric field, Diffuson-Cooperon diagrammatic perturbation theory and different versions of the nonlinear ␴ model ͑NLSM͒ are derived25,31 by considering only the term containing the j͑r͒ϭ ͵ drЈ ␴͑r,rЈ͒ E͑rЈ͒. ͑8͒ product Gˆ rGˆ a. The NLSM is a quantum field theory25 of • weakly disordered mesoscopic conductors where diffusion modes of the diagrammatic perturbation theory play the role This tensor is obtained as a response to an external field only of soft modes responsible for long-range spatial correlations since corrections to the current due to the field of induced of local density of states, mesoscopic fluctuations of global charges go beyond the linear transport regime37,38 ͑i.e., one quantities, and nonlocal corrections to conductivity.34 It does not have to engage in the much more cumbersome task makes it possible to handle the breakdown of perturbation of finding the response to a full electric field inside the theory due to the proliferation of such modes34 by summa- conductor4͒. In application of KLRT to mesoscopic systems, rizing all WL-type corrections to conductivity.30 This then ␴(r,rЈ) is a sample-specific quantity, i.e., defined for each justifies the phenomenological one-parameter scaling theory7 impurity configuration and arrangement of the leads,2 and is ͑if not rigorously, then at least qualitatively͒ and explains the in fact nonlocal even after disorder averaging.36 Because it is LD transition in 2ϩ⑀ dimensions where Anderson localiza- not directly measurable, some volume averaging is needed to ӷ tion occurs at weak disorder kFl 1. get the quantities that can be related to experiments: To remove possible confusion,25 it should be emphasized that the conductance coefficients g pq , obtained by integrat- ing the Kubo nonlocal conductivity tensor ␴(r,rЈ) over the 1 ϭ Ј ͑ ͒ ␴͑ Ј͒ ͑ Ј͒ ͑ ͒ cross sections in the leads p, q, G ͵ dr dr E r r,r E r . 9 V2 ⍀ • •

→ ϭϪ͵ ͵ ␴͑ Ј͒ ͑ ͒ Here V is the bias voltage (V 0 in the linear transport re- g pq dSp r,r dSq , 5 ͒ ϭ␮ S S • • gime , e.g., in the case of two-probe geometry eV L p q Ϫ␮ R , where leads are in equilibrium with two macroscopic ␮ also contain Im Gˆ for pϭq, while for pÞq only the terms reservoirs characterized by constant chemical potentials L ˆ r ˆ a 2 and ␮ ͑Fig. 3͒. Although this expression contains the local involving G G are nonzero. The cross sections S p and Sq R are to be chosen far enough from the sample, where all eva- electric field E(r)ϭٌ␮(r)/e inside the conductor, because ␴ Ј ϭ␴ Ј ٌЈ ٌ nescent modes have died out. This not only provides a rig- of current conservation entailing • (r,r ) (r,r )• orous foundation for the Landauer formalism, but also clari- ϭ0 ͑which is a special case, in the absence of magnetic field, 2 fies some subtle points in the Kubo formalism ͑like disorder of a more general theorem ͒, the conductance will not de- 35,36 averaging35 and independence of linear transport properties pend on these field factors. In the case of TBH ͑1͒ with from the nonequilibrium charge redistribution36͒. By writing nearest-neighbor hopping the expectation value of the veloc- ͑ ͒ ϭ ϩ ͉ ˆ ͉ the full Kubo formula 3 as a sum G Gra Grr , I intro- ity operator in the site representation ͗m vx n͘ ϭ ប Ϫ duce the ‘‘Kubo conductance terms’’ (i/ )tmn(mx nx) is nonzero only between the states re- siding on adjacent planes ͓technical details of the route from Eq. ͑9͒ to the trace involving the velocity operator are me- 2e2 1 ϭ ប ˆ ˆ rប ˆ ˆ a ͑ ͒ ticulously covered in Ref. 2͔. Thus, the minimal space choice Gra Tr͓ vxG vxG ͔, 6 h L2 here is defined by taking E(r) to be nonzero on two adjacent planes, while the standard textbook assumption of a homo- geneous field3,15 ͉E͉ϭV/L throughout the sample leads to 2e2 1 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϭϪ ប ˆ ˆ rប ˆ ˆ r ͑ ͒ Eqs. 2 and 3 . Blind tracing over the whole sample would Grr Tr͓ vxG vxG ͔. 7 h L2 give simply the conductance multiplied by the square of the number of pairs of adjacent planes, meaning that such a trace Obviously, if in some transport regime conductance can be should be divided by (NϪ1)2a2 to get G ͓when the trace is 2 obtained from the trace in Gra , the other term Grr has to performed only over the arbitrary two adjacent planes, L in vanish, at least approximately. Eq. ͑3͒ is replaced by a2͔. The physical content of this state- Before embarking on the direct evaluation of these ex- ment is simple: current IϭGV is the same on each cross pressions for a conductor described by TBH ͑1͒, the crucial section. Therefore, the conductance depends only on the total point is to understand the way ͑i.e., space of states voltage drop over the sample, and not on the local current ͉ ͘ m ) in which the traces should be performed, Tr(•••) density and electric field distributions. ϭ͚ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ m m (•••) m . Naively, in the site representation it At this point, it is worth mentioning that another expres- would appear that trace in formula ͑3͒ should include site sion is frequently employed in the real-space computational states inside the whole sample. However, once the current practice. It stems from the linear response limit of a formula ϭ ͑ 39 ٌ conservation •j(r) 0 is invoked, this becomes extrane- derived by the Keldysh technique for noninteracting or ous. All Kubo conductivity or conductance formulas stem interacting systems40͒:


4e2 ϭ ͑ ⌺ˆ ˆ r ⌺ˆ ˆ a ͒ ͑ ͒ G ␲ប Tr Im LG1NIm RGN1 . 10

ˆ r ˆ a Here G1N , GN1 are the submatrices of the full Green func- tion Gˆ r,a(m,n) whose elements connect layer 1 to layer N of the sample. Therefore, only an N2ϫN2 block of the whole N3ϫN3 matrix Gˆ r(n,m) is needed to compute the conduc- tance. Although such ‘‘partial’’ knowledge of the whole Green function and the trace over matrices of size N2 in Eq. ͑10͒ are different from the corresponding counterparts re- quired in application of the mesoscopic Kubo formula 2 2 ϭ ϩ ͑where the minimal trace goes over 2N ϫ2N matrices͒, the FIG. 4. Different terms in the Kubo formula G Gra Grr for final result for the conductance is the same. Positive definite- the two-probe quantum conductance of the finite-size conductor modeled on a 103 lattice with diagonal disorder Wϭ15 ͑the whole ness of the operators Ϫ2Im⌺ˆ makes it possible to find L,R band becomes localized at W Ӎ16.5). Respective traces in these their square root and recast the expression under the trace of c ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ expressions are performed over the site states inside the whole dis- Eq. 10 as a Hermitian operator. The expression 10 then ordered sample and disorder averaged over 50 realizations. looks like the two-probe Landauer formula involving a trans- mission matrix t, The result for Wϭ7 disorder belongs to the nonperturba- tive transport regime. It is interesting, therefore, to follow the N2 e2 e2 behavior of Gra and Grr terms further throughout this re- ϭ ͑ †͒ϭ ͑ ͒ Ӎ G ␲បTr tt ␲ប ͚ Tn , 11 gime, eventually reaching Wc 16.5 where the whole band nϭ1 becomes localized.42 The generic LD transition point in 3D is beyond NLSM treatment inasmuch as it corresponds to a strong-coupling limit in field theoretical language. Further- ϭ ͱϪ ⌺ˆ ˆ r ͱϪ ⌺ˆ ͑ ͒ 43 t 2 Im L G1N Im R, 12 more, recent description of Anderson localization in terms of an order parameter, obtained from a theory based on a or transmission eigenvalues Tn when the trace is evaluated in local approximation, suggests that probing the instability of a basis which diagonalizes tt†. Moreover, it is more efficient the delocalized phase through WL-type corrections might be from a practical point of view since the Green function tech- a daunting road to reach the transition in 3D. Figure 4 shows ϳ 2 niques used to evaluate Eq. ͑10͒ do not require one to know that around Wc the conductance G 2e /h is mostly defined the exact asymptotic eigenstates in the leads ͑as is the case by the Grr term—a situation completely opposite to the with the ‘‘original’’ Landauer formulation relying on knowl- weak-disorder finding (Wϭ2 in Figs. 1 and 2͒. Therefore, at edge of the scattering basis of the wave functions defined some intermediate disorder 7ϽWϽ10, within the nonpertur- Ͼ within the asymptotic regions of the leads͒. This becomes bative transport regime, a transition occurs from Gra Grr to Ͼ Ͻ Ͻ sine qua non when computing the conductance of systems Grr Gra , ending up eventually with a case Gra 0 Grr with complicated ‘‘leads,’’ e.g., like in the case of atomic- around the LD critical point. size point contacts.41 An inquisitive reader might have come up by now with Trace expressions like Eqs. ͑6͒ and ͑7͒ do not conserve the question as to what happens in the clean case. A the current. Therefore, the suggested strategy is to evaluate Gra and Grr by tracing over the states located on two planes inside the sample ͑or inside the leads͒, as well as over the ͑ whole sample and see how close Gra can get to G). Differ- ent types of conductors are chosen for this evaluation: ϭ ͑ Ϸ ϭ weakly disordered with W 2 e.g., l 9a at EF 0) and strongly disordered conductors with Wϭ7 ͑for which unwar- ranted use of the Drude-Boltzmann formula would give29 l Ͻa). The exact computation of these traces is shown in the upper panels of Figs. 1 and 2 for a single-impurity configu- ϭ ͓ ration of W 2 here Gra is also computed by tracing over two planes deep inside the leads, which corresponds to inte- grating ␴(r,rЈ) over such cross section, as discussed above͔. The lower panels of Figs. 1 and 2 plot disorder-averaged ϭ ϩ FIG. 5. Different terms in the Kubo formula G Gra Grr for quantities over an ensemble of impurity configurations for the two-probe quantum conductance of a clean finite-size conductor disorder strength Wϭ7. In both ways of tracing, the sum of 3 ␧ ϭ ϭ ϭ ϭ modeled on a 3 lattice ( m 0, t tL tC 1). The conductance two terms Gra and Grr gives the full expression for conduc- as a function of the Fermi energy changes in steps corresponding to ͉ ͉Ͼ tance G(EF), which have to cancel each other for EF 6t the number of open conducting channels ͑defined by nine quantized ϭ in order to ensure vanishing of G(EF) when tL t is chosen. transverse propagating modes͒.

165303-5 BRANISLAV K. NIKOLIC´ PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 165303 mesoscopic ballistic sample attached to two leads has non- computational effort and is therefore useless in real-space zero point contact conductance38 of a purely geometrical ori- computational practice͒. The essential outcome of this exer- gin since leads are widening into macroscopic reservoirs at cise is the explicit quantification of the difference between G infinity, where reflection occurs when the large number of and Gra . This and current conservation are important points conducting channels in the macroscopic reservoir matches to bear in mind when using the simplified expression G in 44 ra the small number of channels in the lead. Such point con- analytical derivations and arguments of the quantum trans- tact conductance is quantized16 as a function of sample 3,16,20 ͑ 20 21 port theory. Finally, the strong-disorder nonperturba- width or Fermi energy, which becomes conspicuous when tive͒ behavior of two different Green function terms, com- ͑ the number of quantized transverse propagating modes i.e., prising the Kubo formula for quantum conductance, might ͒ ␧ ϭ the sample cross section is small enough. A clean ( m 0) provide a clue for the inadequacy of attempts to analyze a 3ϫ3ϫ3 toy sample illustrates conductance quantization in genuine Anderson transition in 3D by probing the instability Fig. 5, as obtained from the two-probe Kubo formula for G. of the metallic phase to weak-localization ͑perturbative͒ In this case, both terms G and G are contributing in a ra rr corrections. nontrivial fashion to a stepwise conductance. What can be learned from these numbers is that Gra , Eq. ͑6͒, can serve as a decent approximation to the exact Kubo I am grateful to P. B. Allen for initiating my interest in formula for the quantum conductance G only in very weakly intricacies of the Kubo formalism and to I. L. Aleiner, S. disordered conductors, where lӷa. However, because of not Datta, J. K. Freericks, A. Maassen van den Brink, and J. A. conserving the current, the trace in Gra has to be performed Verge´s for valuable discussions. Financial support from ONR over the whole disordered region ͑which is an enormous Grant No. N00014-99-1-0328 is acknowledged.

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