Retail List September 2021

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Retail List September 2021 Retail List September 2021 Prices include GST Black Text: Aussie Native Blue Text: Exotic Plant Red Text: Edible Botanical Name "Common" Botanical Name "Common" Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Azalea Orange Delight "Azalea" $10.00 4 Acacia decora "Western Silver Wattle" $3.50 2 $12.00 18 Backhousia angustifolia Acacia fimbriata "Brisbane Wattle" $3.50 2 "Northern Myrtle" $10.00 13 $25.00 0 Acacia holosericea Backhousia bancroftii "Silver-Leaved Wattle" $3.50 2 "Johnstone River Hardwood" $10.00 5 Acacia meiosperma $3.50 2 Backhousia enata "Tully River Myrtle" $10.00 9 Acacia podalyriifolia Backhousia myrtifolia "Grey Myrtle" $10.00 9 $25.00 9 "Mt Morgan Wattle" $12.00 18 Banana Blue Java "Banana" $13.50 20 $25.00 20 Acacia umbellata $3.50 2 Banana Musa acuminata Cavendish Acronychia imperforata "Beach Aspen" $10.00 10 "Banana Cavendish" $13.50 20 Acronychia oblongifolia "White Aspen" $10.00 10 Banana Musa acuminata Lady Finger Adenanthera pavonina "Coralwood" $10.00 8 "Banana Lady Finger(Sugar banana)" $13.50 20 $25.00 20 Adenia heterophylla "Lacewing Vine" $12.00 8 Banana Musa acuminata Red Dacca "Banana Red Dacca" $13.50 20 $25.00 20 Aeschynanthus lobbianus "Lipstick Plant" $10.00 1 $20.00 1 Banana Pacific Plantain "Plantain Banana" $13.50 20 $25.00 20 Aeschynanthus longicaulis "Zebra Lipstick Plant" $10.00 1 Banana Red Dacca Dwarf "Dwarf Red Dacca Banana" $13.50 20 $25.00 20 Agapetes meiniana "Misty Bells" $15.00 1 Banana Saba $25.00 0 Aidia cowleyi $12.00 12 Banksia integrifolia "Coast Banksia" $12.00 17 Albizia lebbeck "Native Rain Tree" $10.00 18 Banksia robur "Swamp Banksia" $12.00 17 Aleurites rockinghamensis "Candle Nut" $10.00 7 Banksia serrata "Old Man Banksia" $30.00 17 Alloxylon flammeum "Tree Waratah" $15.00 7 Barringtonia calyptrata "Mango Pine" $10.00 7 $25.00 0 Alocasia brisbanensis "Cunjevoi" $10.00 1 Beaucarnea recurvata "Pony Tail " $30.00 1 Aloe barbadensis "Aloe Vera" $10.00 19 Begonia rex "Begonia Pink" $10.00 1 Alpinia arctiflora "Velvet Ginger" $12.00 1 Begonia rex "Painted Leaf Begonia" $10.00 1 Alpinia caerulea "Common Ginger" $10.00 1 Begonia Rex Assorted "Begonia Rex Assorted" $10.00 0 Alpinia caerulea "Red" "Common Ginger" $10.00 1 Begonia rex green splash "Begonia rex" $10.00 1 Alpinia galanga "Ginger" $15.00 19 Begonia rex silver splash "Begonia rex" $10.00 1 $25.00 1 Alpinia modesta "Small Ginger" $10.00 1 Blueberry Legacy Vaccininum corymbo Alyxia ruscifolia "Chain Fruit" $10.00 13 $25.00 13 sum "Blueberry Legacy" $55.00 19 Archidendron lucyi "Scarlet Bean" $10.00 12 Blueberry Vaccininum corymbosum sh Archontophoenix alexandrae arpblue "Blueberry Sharpblue" $15.00 19 "Alexandra Palm" $3.50 2 $10.00 12 $25.00 12 Bombax ceiba "Kapok Tree" $3.50 0 $10.00 18 Arenga australasica "Arenga Palm" $10.00 12 Brachychiton bidwillii "Little kurrajong" $15.00 18 Argyrodendron polyandrum Brachychiton populneus "Kurrajong" $3.50 18 $15.00 18 "Black Tulip Oak" $10.00 5 Brachychiton rupestris Argyrodendron sp. Whyanbeel "Narrow-Leaf Bottle Tree" $15.00 18 $35.00 14 "Palm Tulip Oak" $10.00 0 Breynia sp. Iron Range Asplenium australasicum "Red Coffee-Bush" $10.00 6 "Bird's Nest Fern" $15.00 1 $25.00 0 Buckinghamia celsissima Asplenium australasicum "Norfolk Gem "Ivory Curl Tree" $12.00 7 $30.00 3 " "Bird's-nest fern" $15.00 1 $30.00 1 Caesalpinia ferrea "Leopard Tree" $10.00 4 Asplenium nidus "Birds Nest Fern" $10.00 1 Callicarpa pedunculata "Velvet Leaf" $10.00 1 Atractocarpus fitzalanii (Randia) "Brown Gardenia" $10.00 6 $25.00 3 Callistemon "Cameo Pink" "Cameo Pink" $10.00 16 Atractocarpus sessilis "False Gardenia" $10.00 6 Callistemon "Captain Cook" Austromyrtus dulcis "Midyim" $10.00 10 $25.00 10 "Captain Cook" $10.00 16 $25.00 16 $40.00 16 Austromyrtus dulcis x tenuifolia Callistemon "Dawson River" "Hybrid midyim" $10.00 10 $25.00 0 "Dawson River" $10.00 16 $25.00 16 Averroha carambola Callistemon "Emerald Beauty" "Carambola Star Fruit" $15.00 19 "Emerald Beauty" $10.00 16 Avocado Gwen/Velvic "Avocado Gwen" $60.00 21 Callistemon "Endeavour" "Endeavour" $10.00 16 Avocado Hass "Avocado" $60.00 21 Callistemon "Eureka" "Eureka" $10.00 16 Avocado Sharwill "Avocado sharwill" $60.00 21 Callistemon "Glasshouse Country" Avocado Shepard/Velvic "Glasshouse Country" $10.00 16 $25.00 16 "Avocado Shepard" $60.00 21 Callistemon "Great Balls of fire" Azalea "White" $25.00 0 ""Great Balls of Fire"" $10.00 16 Azalea alphonse "Alphonse Anderson" $10.00 4 07 4093 3826 [email protected] PO Box 926 Mareeba QLD 4880 Botanical Name "Common" Botanical Name "Common" Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Callistemon "Hannah Ray" Citrus Grapefruit Star Ruby "Grapefruit" $45.00 20 "Hannah Ray" $10.00 16 Citrus inodora Rusell River Callistemon "Injune" "Injune" $10.00 16 "Finger Lime Russell River " $20.00 10 Callistemon "Kings Park Special" Citrus kumquat japonica "Kings Park" $10.00 16 $25.00 16 "Kumquat japonica" $25.00 20 Callistemon "Lavender Shower" Citrus Kumquat Meiwa "Kumquat" $45.00 20 "Lavender Shower" Citrus Kumquat Nagami "Kumquat" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Little John" "Little John" $10.00 16 $25.00 16 Citrus Late Valencia "Orange" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Mr. Foster" "Mr Foster" $10.00 16 Citrus Lemon Eureka "Lemon Eureka" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Pindi Pindi" "Pindi Pindi" $10.00 16 Citrus Lemon Lisbon "Lemon Lisbon" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Pink Alma" "Pink Alma" $10.00 16 Citrus Lemonade limon x reticulata Callistemon "Pink Champagne" "Lemonade" $45.00 20 "Pink Champagne" $10.00 16 Citrus Lime Finger Red Champagne Callistemon "Prolific" "Prolific" "Lime Red Champagne Finger " $45.00 20 Callistemon "Purple Splendour" Citrus Lime Kaffir hystrix "Lime Kaffir " $15.00 20 $45.00 20 "Purple Splendour" $10.00 16 Citrus Lime Tahitian "Lime Tahitian" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Red Devil" "Red Devil" $10.00 16 Citrus Mandarin Afourer Callistemon "Rocky Rambler" "Mandarin afourer" $45.00 20 "Rocky Rambler" Citrus Mandarin Emperor Callistemon "Rocky River Red" "Mandarin Emperor" $45.00 20 "Rocky River Red" $10.00 16 Citrus Mandarin Glen Retreat Callistemon "Western Glory" "Mandarin Glen Retreat" $45.00 20 "Western Glory" $10.00 16 Citrus Mandarin Hickson Callistemon "Wild River" "Wild River" $10.00 16 "Hickson Mandarin" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Wilderness Red" Citrus Mandarin Honey Murcott "Wilderness Red" $10.00 16 "Mandarin Honey Murcott" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Wilderness White" Citrus Mandarin Imperial "Wilderness White" $10.00 16 $40.00 16 "Mandarin Imperial" $45.00 20 Callistemon "Wildfire" "Wildfire" $10.00 16 Citrus Orange Seedless Valencia Callistemon "Yuruga Red" "Seedless Valencia" $45.00 20 "Yuruga Red" Citrus Orange Washington Navel Callistemon chisholmii "Orange Washington Navel " $45.00 20 "Chisholm's Bottlebrush" $3.50 2 Citrus Pomello K13 "Pomello White" $45.00 20 Callistemon pachyphyllus Citrus Pomello Pink "Pink pomello" $45.00 0 "Wallum Bottlebrush" $3.50 2 Citrus Pomello Pink "Pomello Pink" $45.00 20 Callistemon pachyphyllus "White" Citrus Tangelo x "Tangelo" $45.00 20 "Wallum Bottlebrush" Cleistanthus hylandii Callistemon polandii "Red Bottlebrush" $3.50 2 "Bernie's Cleistanthus" $10.00 6 $25.00 6 Callistemon recurvus Cleistanthus semiopacus " Tinaroo Dazzler" $3.50 2 $10.00 16 "Rusty Cleistanthus" $25.00 6 Callistemon salignus Clerodendron ugandense "White Bottlebrush" $3.50 2 "Butterfly Bush" $10.00 4 Callistemon viminalis Clerodendrum inerme "Weeping Bottlebrush" $3.50 2 "Mangrove Clerodendrum" $10.00 3 Camelia sinensis "Tea Plant" $15.00 19 Coccoloba uvifera "Seagrape" $15.00 19 Cananga odorata "Ylang-ylang" $10.00 12 Cochlospermum gillivraei "Cotton Tree" $3.50 2 $10.00 18 Carludovica Palmata "Panama Hat" $15.00 1 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) "Cocoa" $15.00 19 Carmona retusa "Carmona" $10.00 13 Codiaeum "mammy" Carnarvonia montana "Red Silky Oak" $10.00 7 $25.00 7 $35.00 3 "Croton Variegated Laurel" $10.00 4 Cassava "Manihot esculenta" $10.00 19 Coffea arabica catuai "Coffee plant" $5.50 19 Cassia brewsteri ssp brewsteri Cordyline compacta "Leichhardt Bean" $35.00 0 "Cordyline compacta" $12.00 1 Cassia grandis "Pink shower tree" $10.00 4 Cordyline manners-suttoniae Cassowary Food Plant "Palm Lily" $10.00 1 "Cassowary Food Plant" $10.00 0 Cordyline murchisoniae "Palm-Lilly" $10.00 1 Castanospermum australe Corymbia abergiana "Black Bean" $3.50 2 $10.00 5 "Range Bloodwood" $3.50 2 Casuarina cunninghamiana Corymbia citriodora "River She Oak" $3.50 2 $10.00 17 "Lemon Scented Gum" $3.50 2 Casuarina equisetifolia Corymbia clarksoniana "Beach She Oak" $3.50 2 "Clarkson's Bloodwood" $3.50 2 Cestrum nocturnum Corymbia intermedia "Pink Bloodwood" $3.50 2 "Night Scented Jessamine" $10.00 4 Corymbia nesophila Chrysophyllum cainito "Star Apple" $45.00 19 "Cape York Bloodwood" $3.50 0 Cinnamomum zeylanicum "cinnamon" $15.00 19 Corymbia peltata "Yellow Jacket" $3.50 2 Citrus australasica "Red" Corymbia ptychocarpa x ficifolia "Smou "Finger Lime Red" $20.00 10 $60.00 10 ldering Red" "Smouldering Red" $15.00 18 Citrus australasica garrawayae Corymbia tessellaris "Finger Lime Mt White " $20.00 10 "Moreton Bay Ash" $3.50 0 Citrus australasica Green Croton insularis "Cascarilla Bark" $10.00 6 "Finger Lime Green" $20.00 10 $60.00 10 Croton Janet "Croton Janet" $12.00 4 Citrus australasica Pink Ctenanthe setosa 'Grey Star' "Finger Lime Pink Fleshed " $20.00 10 $60.00 10 "GREY STAR" $10.00 1 Citrus calamansi Curculigo recurvata (Molineria capitulat "Calamondin or Phillipine Lime" $45.00 0 a) "Weevil Plant" $10.00 1 07 4093 3826 [email protected] PO Box 926 Mareeba QLD 4880 Page 2 Botanical Name "Common" Botanical Name "Common" Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Paddock# tube 140 200 300 Curcuma longa "Tumeric" $15.00 19 Gardenia psidioides "Hann Gardenia" $10.00 13 Cycas revoluta "Sago Palm" $15.00 4 Gardenia radicans "Dwarf Gardenia" $10.00 4 Cymbidium madidum 'Green Form' Gardenia scabrella "Star Flower" $10.00 13 "Green Form" $25.00 0 Gardenia sp.
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