LIC, KMDO II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road. - 700053


Name of the work :- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, KOLKATA 700053

S. No. Content Page No 1 Brief Of Tender 2 2 Letter to Contractor From Manager (OS) 3 3 Letter To Manager (OS) From Contractor 5 4 Instruction Regarding Submission Of Tender 7 5 Appendix To Condition Of Contract 10 6 General Terms And Condition Of Contract 11 7 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 20 8 (a)TECHNICAL BID 30 (b)TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS 35 (c)LIST OF APPROVED MAKES & 39 EQUIPMENTS NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES 40 PRICE BID 43 9 Details of various locations 49


LIC, KMDO II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road. Kolkata- 700053


Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office II, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.

Tender No : Tender Forms available from our website: : UP TO 17.06.2017 Last date for submission of : 17.06.2017 / 13.00 hours tenders Address for submission of Manager (OS ) – OS Department bid to be put in Tender Box Life Insurance Corporation of , : Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond

Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053. Opening of Technical Bid : 19.06.2017 / 11.00 hours The Price Bid will be opened on a later Opening of Price Bid : date which will be intimated separately to technically qualified bidders Rs 20,000/- by way of Demand Draft E. M. D. : drawn on any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank payable at Kolkata. Time Period for : 60 days completion of work Validity of Tender : 90 Days from the date of Opening. Cost of Tender documents : Rs.500.00 (non-refundable) Contact Details : 033 23965572 - Manager(OS)


LIC, KMDO II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road. Kolkata- 700053


To, Date : ______



Dear Sir / Sirs,

Name of the work :- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.

Sealed tenders are invited from the short listed contractors on Item Rate Basis for the subject works, which should be carried out as per terms and conditions of contract.

Tenders are available from our website up to 17.06.2017. Tender fee is Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) – (non-refundable).

Please note that the tender is to be submitted marked “ORIGINAL” duly filled in should be submitted to the MANAGER(OS), Life Insurance Corporation of India, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office, JEEVAN TARA, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053 in the sealed envelope so as to reach on or before 13.00 hours on 17.06.2017 along with Earnest Money Deposit.

The Technical bid will be opened on 19.06.2017 at 11.00 hours in the presence of contractors or accredited representatives, who attend. Tenderer should ensure that their tender is received before the date and time specified as no consideration whatsoever shall be given for postal or any kind of delays. Tenders received late shall be rejected.

3 If tender is delivered by hand, tenderer must ensure that the date and time of receipt is endorsed on the tender envelope by the A.O. or any other Officer of the Department approved by the MANAGER(OS) and thereafter the tender is deposited in the tender box by the tenderer or his representative.

Tender should be accompanied by a “CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT” in favour of “LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA” payable at Kolkata of any of the Nationalised Banks / Approved Scheduled Banks amounting to Rs. 20,000.00 (Rupees Twenty thousand only ) towards Earnest Money Deposit.

You may send your accredited representative at the time of opening of tenders.

The Life Insurance Corporation of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender

Yours faithfully



To, Date : The MANAGER (OS), Life Insurance Corporation of India, JEEVAN TARA, 23A/44X Diamond Harbour Road Kolkata 700053

Dear Sir,

Name of the work :- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office II, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.

Having examined in details, the tender documents relating to the above works and having visited and inspected the site of the proposed works and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender invited by you on behalf of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, I/We, the undersigned hereby offer to execute and maintain the proposed works on Item rate basis for above work or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the said conditions.

I/We, undertake to complete the whole of works within the stipulated time as specified in Appendix to the conditions of contract from the date of issue of an intimation from you that the tender has been accepted and upon receiving possession of the site, I/We, shall be under the obligation to pay the sum as stated in the Appendix to the Conditions of contract for the period the works shall remain incomplete, for damages as compensations subject to the conditions of contract relating to an extension of time.

I/We, enclose herewith my/our tender along with Earnest Money Deposit in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT PAYABLE AT Kolkata, hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by us to the ‘Life Insurance Corporation of India’ in the event of my/our tender being accepted and I/We, fail to execute the Contract when called upon to do


The necessary Earnest Money Deposit is enclosed in the form of Demand Draft drawn on LIC of India & payable at Kolkata. In the event of the tender being accepted:

I/We, agree to the retention of my/our EMD as a part of Security Deposit and the balance amount of Security Deposit to be recovered from Gross Value of work done from my / our Running Account / Final Bills.

I/We, agree to furnish a lump sum Security Deposit amounting to Rs.______(Rupees______only) in the form of Bank guarantee from any Nationalized Bank or other approved Bank located at______or ______as per specimen given in Annexure ”B” to Conditions of Contract, within 14 (fourteen) days of acceptance of tender.

I/We, note that the Earnest Money Deposit would be refunded to me/us.

a. After the period of One Year from the date of acceptance of the tender or earlier at the discretion of MANAGER(OS) in case my/our tender is not accepted.

Yours faithfully,





NOTE : Tenderer should note that non-compliance of the following instructions will render the tender liable for rejection.

1. Address to which the tender marked “Original” is to be submitted to the MANAGER (OS), Life Insurance Corporation of India, JEEVAN TARA, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.

2. The tender forms would be available on our website up to 17.06.2017 and the last date for receipt of tenders is 17.06.2017 up to 13.00 hours.

3. Tenderer should ensure that the tender is received before the date and time specified above.

4. Tenderer should fill in all the relevant blanks and put his signature on the relevant places as indicated below : a. Letter from Contractor to MANAGER (OS). b. Appendix to the “Conditions of Contract” c. Appendix to the “General Instructions to the Contractors” d. Last page of the General Preambles to Schedule of Quantities e. Every page of schedule of quantities and general summary.

5. The schedule of Quantities should be filled as follows : a. All corrections to be initialed. b. Each page of the Schedule of Quantities and Summary are to be signed by the Contractor.

6. No alterations or additions are to be made by the tenderer to the text or the Schedule of these tender papers. Any tender which proposes any alterations to any of the condition/s laid down or which proposes any other conditions of any description whatsoever is liable to be rejected.

7. The tenderer is required to check the numbers of the pages and should any be found missing or in duplicate, or the figure or writing indistinct, he must

7 inform the MANAGER(OS) / Issuing Officer at once and have the same rectified. Should the tenderer be in doubt about the precise meaning of any item or figure, for any reason whatsoever, he must inform MANAGER(OS) in order that the correct meaning may be decided upon before the date for the submission of the tender.

8. No liability whatsoever will be admitted nor claim allowed in respect of errors in the submitted tender due to missing / duplicate pages, indistinct writing or any other error in the tender documents which should have been rectified in the manner described above.

10. Earnest Money accompanying the tender will be accepted only in the form of “CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT” of any of the Nationalised Banks / Approved Scheduled Banks drawn in favour of the “LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA” payable at Kolkata, and not in favour of any other Authority or location.

11. The tender shall be accompanied by a certified true copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the signatory to the tender documents. If the tender is submitted on behalf of a firm, it must be signed either by all partners or person holding a valid power of attorney from all partners constituting the firm. The person signing the tender on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm on Company shall attach with the Tender a proper Power of Attorney duly executed in his favour by such other person(s) or by all the partners in accordance with the Constitution of the Company / Articles of Association, stating that he has the authority to sign on behalf of such other person(s) of the firm or the Company as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the Arbitration Clause.

12. Contractors are warned that Cash, or Encashable Cheque, or Bank or Insurance Guarantee, or Fixed Deposit receipt in lieu of the aforementioned form of Earnest Money remittance will not be accepted.

8 13. The tender copy marked `ORIGINAL’ should be submitted in a sealed envelope.

14. The rates mentioned in the tender copy marked `ORIGINAL’ will be taken as bonafide. When the rate quoted in figures and words are at variance, the rates corresponding to the net amount shall be taken as correct

15. Tenders containing errors are liable to be considered non-bonafide at the discretion of the MANAGER(OS).

16. Tenderer should note that tender should remain open for consideration for a minimum period of THREE MONTHS from the date fixed for the receipt of tenders.

17. The Life Insurance Corporation of India reserves the right to accept any tender or to accept tenders in part; to reject any or all tenders without assigning reasons thereof.

18. Contractors should fill in legibly in ink in both FIGURES and WORDS. Amount mentioned in words shall be prefixed and suffixed by “Rs.” And “only” respectively.

19. Using of correction fluid and overwriting are not allowed. Using of correction fluid and overwriting in the tender will be considered as non-bonafide.

20. Specifications as applicable for the trades and as given elsewhere in the tender are applicable in toto except where otherwise mentioned in the following paragraphs or in the wording of items. The rates quoted shall cover for complying with the same.


Name of the work:- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Jeevan Tara, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.

Date of commencement of work : Date of confirmed order letter

Duration of completion of work : 60 days.

Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 20,000/-(Rupees Twenty Thousand only)

5% of accepted Tender Amount including AMC Total Security Deposit : charges

12 months from the date of Handing over of Defects Liability Period : the installation.

Liquidated damages : As given in the tender.

Interim payment : As per payment terms given in the tender

Period of Honoring Interim : As per payment terms given in the tender Certificate

Period of final certificate : 90 days

Recovery of Security Deposit : The EMD amount shall be retained as a part of security deposit & balance security deposit shall be accumulated through deduction @ 7.5% of the gross amount of each Bills till the sum with the already deposited as EMD equals to the Total Security Deposit ( 5% of the Accepted Tender amount incl. AMC). Balance 50% of the security deposit (Retention Money) will be retained by LIC as security till the competition of AMC period i.e. One year + three year = Four years against AMC. No interest will be paid on any account for the security deposit for such period. The tendered rates should be inclusive of all taxes such as VAT, Works Contract Tax, Excise, and Transport etc. and any such taxes and duties levied by the Government. Service Tax as applicable shall be paid extra as applicable.


Name of the work :- Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System at Divisional Office and various Branches under LIC, Jeevan Tara, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053.


Unless mentioned otherwise in following clauses, the conditions of contract for original construction works of L.I.C.I. in force at the time of opening of this tender, shall be applicable where context so requires. The same is available for perusal, in the office of the MANAGER (OS) and one copy of the same shall be supplied to the successful tenderer only if asked by him.


This Contract includes for completion of all works, with items as per schedule of quantities and any extra/deviated items which may be required during the currency of contract, pertaining to subject matter as mentioned in the "Appendix to Condition of Contract".


The contract shall be deemed to be enforcing from the date of work order till the completion of the defects liability period.


The contractor at his cost, shall inspect the premises before quoting the rates and ascertain about the facilities / hindrance and generally obtained his own information on matters effecting the execution of the works. No extra charge made in consequence of any misunderstanding or incorrect information on any account shall be entertained.


The works entrusted, along with extra/deviated items if any, is to be, completed within the completion period stated in the “Appendix to Condition of Contract”. If required the contractor shall work overtime at his cost.


The MANAGER(OS) reserves the right to fix the order in which various items involved in this contract are to be executed. Contractor shall comply with the same without any extra cost.


The Contractor shall, at his own cost, procure/prepare the samples of materials/workmanship for approval of the Mgr(OS). Any sample when approved shall be the best quality for the respective items. The Contractor at his cost shall immediately remove rejected materials/workmanship from the site.


8.1 The Contractor shall provide all materials and/or labour of every description and all tools, tackles, plants, storage and transport necessary for day to day carrying on execution and completion of the work to the satisfaction of the MANAGER (OS) and the cost shall be covered in the rates quoted.

8.2 Unless otherwise mentioned the materials/workmanship of all kinds shall be of first quality and comply with the I.S. specifications.

8.3 The Contractor shall order all materials, required for the execution of works, from local/outside sources and ensure that such materials are on site well ahead of requirement for use in the works. Manufacturer’s and other certificate shall be submitted to the MANAGER(OS).


The Contractor shall confirm to the provisions of any Govt., electricity, Municipal and any other Authority rules, regulation and laws/bylaws relating these works. The Contractor shall on behalf of LIC of India, do act and give all notices required by the said acts, etc., and pay all fees payable. If due to violation of any of the above rules/regulations etc., by the Contractor, LIC of India, has to incur any expanses to meet any claims etc., the same will be deducted from any moneys payable to the Contractor.


The quantities mentioned in the schedule of quantities approximately indicate the total extent of work, but may vary to any extent and some items may even be omitted. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.


The Total Security Deposit shall be 5% of the Accepted tender amount including AMC charges. The Security Deposit will be released as mentioned in the appendix to the contract in the tender. However, EARNEST MONEY deposit of Rs.20,000.00 (Rupees Twenty thousand only) are to be submitted along with the tender and will be released after expiry of financial year.


The work shall not be considered as completed until the MANAGER(OS) has certified in writing that those have been virtually completed and the defect liability period shall commence from the date of such certificate.


The defects and/or other faults, which may appear with in the defects liability period as stated in “Appendix to the Conditions of Contract” or if not stated then twelve months from the virtual completion of work shall be attended to by the Contractor at his cost, along with other damages, loss of expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto. The employer reserves the right on failure of the Contractor to arrange to get the defects/faults as above attended through other agency/and recover the costs and loss/expenses etc., from any money due to the Contractor.


The Contractor shall enter measurement of works executed in the prescribed format issued by LIC.

Part or final payment shall be released only after necessary measurement sheets are submitted by the Contractor duly verified by & cross checked/test checked by Corporation’s Engineer.

13 It shall be ensured that the method of measurement is in accordance with the contract. The precision in measurement shall be as laid down in IS- 1200. Any points of disagreement with the contractor pertaining to measurements shall be promptly referred to for the decision of the Competent Authority.

Extra/deviated items shall be recorded by the Contractor only after duly authorized by the Corporation’s Engineer.

The measurements shall be signed at the end of each session of measurements on the day of recording, as the case may be, by both the parties (i.e. Measurer / Engineer /OS official and the Contractor.)


The Contractor shall be responsible for any damages done due to accident during progress of work in every cases in which by virtue of the provision of section 12,subsection (1) of the workmen compensation Act 1925 LIC of India is obliged to pay compensation to the workmen employed by the Contractor in execution of works, LIC of India will recover from the Contractor the amount of the compensation so paid and without prejudice to the rights of LIC of India, under section 12, subsection (2) of the said Act, LIC of India shall be at liberty to recover such amount of any part thereof by deducting it from the Security Deposit or from any sum due by the LIC of India to the Contractor whether under this not withstanding the above, the Contractor shall have to arrange for necessary cover that are imperative for the respective jobs and premium thereof will have to be borne by the Contractor.


The Contractor shall pay rates of Wages and observe hours of work and condition of employment according to existing rules under minimum wages Act. Further, it shall be Contractor's responsibility to ensure that he pays wages to his worker, which are not lower than the minimum prescribed by the Union Govt. and State Govt.


The Contractor shall be responsible for register themselves under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and rules there under and must comply with and carry out all the provisions and obligations under the said Act & rules and furnish all information to employer as may be required by it and shall also indemnify the employer against any penalties, claims etc., arising from any default on their part.


The charges towards usage of water and electricity provided to the contractor shall be recovered @ 0.50% of gross value of work done from the bill of contractor.


The Contractor shall make it a point that he should work during office hours as well as after Office hours to complete the work within specific time schedule and thus time to time necessary arrangement have to be made to shift furniture and keep the same in original position after the work is over for the day for normal functioning of the office next day. Contractor shall temporarily reorganize the I.T. Room, Cash counter, Departments etc. for smooth functioning of the office during execution of the work, for which no extra payment will be entertained to him. The Contractor has to quote his rate accordingly.

19.1. RATES :

Rates quoted by the Contractor shall be firm throughout the currency of Contract (including extension of time, if any, granted) and are to cover for charges for materials, labours, scaffolding, shuttering, curing etc., cost of transportation, loading/unloading at all points, barricading of footpaths if required, water supply, electric supply, temporary work etc., any kind of taxes, fees duties and insurance etc., mending good the damages to match with the existing finish, removal of all sort of debris from the worksite to the Contractor's own dump. All rates should hold good for execution of the works at any place irrespective of the floor and height throughout the currency of the Contract. Rates shall be inclusive of supplying/providing and

15 fixing/applying as per context and to cope with all the conditions mentioned and for working beyond office hours/holidays if required.


If the Contractor upon receiving intimation of work verbally or in writing does not undertake the work within 7 days, the E.M.D. will be forfeited.


The Contractor should keep a competent supervisor to maintain close contact for receiving instruction from the officer-in-charge of the works concerned every day and arrange for any servicing immediately under intimation to the MANAGER(OS). An amount of Rs.3000/- per month shall be recovered from contractors bill due to non-employment of technical staff.


The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to LIC of India, and adjoining properties and for injury caused by the work or workmen to persons, animals, things or to the work of other trades and he shall effect any insurance necessary and shall take all necessary precautions and hold the LIC of India entirely free from all responsibilities in this respect.


All works shall be jointly measured with steel tape by LICI measurer. The Contractor's authorised representative shall sign at the end of the measurement in token of acceptance of measurements.


Unserviceable material, all sorts of debris etc., will have to be removed from the worksite to Contractor's own dump at his cost and risk immediately and site left clean during execution and on completion of the work to the satisfaction of the MANAGER(OS), failing which, LIC of India, reserves the right to remove the same through any other agency and deduct the costs thereof from any amount due to the Contractor without any reference to him.


After completion of work, the Contractor shall obtain certificate about the satisfactory completion of work from the Competent Authority and submit the same along with the bills.



The Contractor shall submit their bill supported by detailed measurement sheets as per approved by L.I.C Engineers conforming to accepted joint measurements in triplicate to the MANAGER(OS) after joint inspection and recording of measurement.


i) The rates of Extra item/s, which may crop up during the execution of works and not provided in the Schedule of rates shall be fixed as per C.P.W.D. rate analysis. Necessary bills/vouchers (original) to be submitted immediately by the contractor.

ii) All the quantities are provisional. However payment will be done as per actual quantity measured. But due to variation of quantity, no extra item will be considered.


If in the opinion of the MANAGER(OS), whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding the works delayed by reasons beyond the control of the Contractor. The MANAGER(OS) will make a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of the Contract.


If the Contractor fails to complete the work by the time of completion stated in the notice or with in the justified extension of time, the Contractor shall allow the employer the sum mentioned in the notice as a liquidated damage to be deducted from the amount due to the contractor. In case the Liquidated damages crosses the maximum limit of 10 (Ten)% of the Contract sum the employer shall be at liberty to reject the Contract and to get the

17 works completed entirely at the risk and cost of the Contractor. All expenses incurred shall be recoverable from any amount due to the Contractor.


The MANAGER(OS) may due to adequate reason as he deems fit, terminate the Contract by giving one months notice. The Contractor should then leave the premises in a descent and workable condition. Any defect or damage found shall be made good at his cost or otherwise the defects will be rectified through some other agencies and the cost involved will be deducted from his bill and/or Security Deposit lying pending with LIC of India.


The tender shall be valid for 90 (Ninety) days from the last date of submission of tender.


All disputes of any kind what so ever arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be referred to the MANAGER (OS), LIC of India, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional II, Jeevan Tara, 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053 for settlement and the verdict will be final and bindings.

26. TAXES :

a) The Contractors shall be responsible to pay all statutory levies imposed by the State and Central Government such as Income Tax/ Sales Tax/ Sales Tax on works contract, Value Added Tax (VAT), Excise Duty, Octroi, Labour Cess etc. and the rates quoted in the tender shall allow for the same. No reimbursement, whatsoever, shall be made to the contractors on account of any taxes or duties or increase in the taxes/duties by act of any legislation.

b) Deduction at source of Income/Sales Tax on works contract etc. shall be made by LIC of India as per the provisions prevailing from time to time from the Running Account or Final Bills and remitted to the concerned Taxation Authorities/State Government on behalf of the contractor.

18 Contractor signature______

Address ______


Date :



1. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) shall be deposited by Crossed Demand Draft in favour of “LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA”. This amount shall be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer after the acceptance of successful tenderer.

2. EARNEST MONEY REFUND a) The Earnest Money Deposit to the Bidder(s), who fails to qualify for the Financial Bid, will be returned through the NEFT mode without any interest within 30 days from the date of their disqualification in the technical bid of the tender.

b) The Earnest Money of the bidder (s) who qualify(s) for the Financial Bid, but do not get the order for the project will be returned through the NEFT mode without any interest within 30 days from the date of finalization of the tender.

c) The Earnest Money of the successful Bidder(s), will be returned through the NEFT mode without any interest within 30 days on submission of Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee in favor of the Corporation.

3. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The EMD if any, will be converted automatically into a part of Security Deposit & balance amount towards the Security Deposit will be recovered from the subsequent bills @ 7.5% of the gross bill value. The work is to be commenced within seven days after the approval of layout drawing.

Alternatively, Security Deposit may be furnished in the form of Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank at the place of work site or Zonal head quarter of LIC within whose jurisdiction the work falls. The Bank Guarantee shall be as per LIC specimen. The Bank Guarantee shall remain in force till the completion period & Defect liability period of 12 months plus claim lodgment period of six months thereafter. The security deposit shall be refunded as mentioned in the appendix to the contract in the tender.

4. EVALUATION OF BIDS An Evaluation Committee will evaluate the bids of all the bidders.

a) To evaluate the Technical Bid the committee constituted by the Corporation shall examine the documents enlisted in the qualification & specification of the tender. The Corporation may also seek technical

20 presentation or any other mode of evaluation as desired by the Corporation.

b) The Financial Bids of those Bidders who are technically qualified by the committee after the successful demonstration of their CCTV Systems will only be opened.

5. CRITERIA OF DISQUALIFICATION The Corporation may adopt such criteria for disqualification of a bidder as it may consider appropriate. Such Criteria may include without limitations of the following:-

a) Failure of any Bidder (s) to provide all of the information / documents required in the bid proposal or any additional information / documents as sought by the Corporation including supporting documents.

b) Non receipt of Bid proposal on or before due date and time

c) Misrepresentation in the Bid proposal

d) Non Payment of Tender Fee

e) Non Payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

f) Incomplete or conditional Bid

g) Use of unfair means /misrepresentation

h) Bid found in unsealed envelope, unsigned bids, bids signed by unauthorized person and any unconfirmed material alteration.

i) Technical Bids containing any price information.

j) Tenderer will not be allowed to quote on behalf of more than one manufacturer. If tenderer quotes rates for more than one OEM, their total tender will be rejected.

k) Conditional/Subject to tenders are liable to be rejected.

6. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS The Corporation reserves the right to accept the lowest or any bid and a) Reject any or all bids with / without assigning any reason b) Accept / Prefer any bid or bidder without assigning any reason

21 7. CROSS CHECKING The Corporation shall have the right to contact and verify bidder’s information, references and data submitted in the bid proposal without further reference to the bidder.

8. DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD The defect liability period will be 12 months from the date of taking over of the complete work. The tenderer shall rectify the defects that may arise in the installation within the defects liability period in a reasonable time, failing which LIC of India shall rectify the defects at the risk & cost of the contractor. In case of defects to be rectified immediately & which cannot wait for the contractors arrival, they shall be got rectified through other agencies. In either case, the amount spent for such rectification shall be recovered from the dues payable to the contractor from Security Deposit. The Security Deposit shall be released as per the appendix to the condition of contract.

9. COMPLETION PERIOD The entire work is to be completed within SIXTY DAYS or along with the civil / interior works. The erection work shall be co-coordinated with civil/ electrical / interior works. Failing to adhere the above completion schedule the Liquidated damages shall be imposed as per the clause given below & the same shall be binding on the contractor. The work involved, calls for a high standard of workman ship combined with speed.

10. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES For delay in completion of the work in full or part as stipulated above, the Liquidated damages @ 1% per week subject to maximum of 10% of the accepted tender amount will be recovered for actual delay in completion of the work. Reasonable extension of time may be considered for delay due to :-  Force majeure as legally interpreted OR  For other causes which LIC of India may certify beyond the control of the contractor. For extension of time, the contractor will have to make a request to LIC of India in writing, well in advance of expiry of completion date, stating reasons.

11. The contractor will have to arrange the execution of work to be carried out during night time, on Sundays/Holidays & during the daytime. Hence the rates quoted shall be taking into account all these aspects & nothing extra on any account shall be paid. Further the contractors also must see that no damage is done to the properties, which will have to be made good by them, & they will be fully responsible for any such damages. The contractor has

22 also to co-ordinate with civil & Electrical Contractor to ensure the smooth & timely working.

12. The contractor shall be responsible for any mishap, accident at site & settle the claims compensations etc. arising there-of at his risk & cost.

13. The contractors shall be responsible to pay the sales tax / trade tax / commercial tax on Works Contract & such other taxes as turnover tax, sales tax on materials, excise duty, octroi, & all other duties & taxes levied by the States / Central Government / Local bodies & rates quoted in the tender shall allow for the same. No reimbursement, whatsoever shall be made to the contractors on account of any taxes or duties or increase in the taxes / duties by act of any legislation. Deduction of Trade / Commercial / Sales tax on work contract at source shall be made by LICI as per the provisions prevailing from time to time from the Running Account Bills & remitted to the concerned taxation authorities / State Government on behalf of the Contractor under whose jurisdiction the work is executed. This is applicable only if State Government directs the employer to deduct the Works Contract Tax at source. Income tax, surcharge & any other tax levied by the Central/State Government shall be recovered from the contractors Bill.

14. The contractors shall ensure that they are registered with the concerned Sales tax Authorities under the Maharashtra / Goa / Gujarat Sales tax on transfer of Property in goods involved in the Execution of Works Contract (Re-enacted) Act, 1989. The contractors shall also submit a certified copy of the registration certificate issued to them under the said Act.

15. The price quoted shall be firm through out the contract & shall be inclusive of all taxes & duties or what so ever, any other taxes or duties not mentioned above shall be deemed to be included in the price offered. Service tax will be paid extra as applicable if the firm is registered & submits the Service tax certificate.

16. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of freight charges paid up to the destination & also shall be inclusive of all loading, unloading & lifting of equipments, scaffolding, etc. to the required height at site. The materials are to be delivered at the respective site. The rate shall include for the same & no extra amount will be paid on any account.

17. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS a) Tenderer will have to essentially mention the name of the Company whose product is to be supplied and the country of origin of the product along with the technical specifications. They will also have to submit certificate in respect of the country of origin.

23 b) Tenderer should quote on behalf of only one manufacturer for the entire CCTV System i.e. NVR and Cameras should be of same OEM. If tenderer quotes for more than one OEM, their total tender will be rejected.

c) Tendering Firm has to submit a certificate from the manufacturers along with technical specifications that they are the authorised agents for the sale and service of their product and manufacturer undertakes to support the after sales service of the product.

d) Tenderer will have to submit a certificate from the manufacturer that the spare parts for the supplied product will be available for after sales service.

e) Tenderer should clearly specify the exact make & model of the product to be supplied in the technical bid. In no case change in make & model will be allowed after submission of bid. In case make & model is not clearly stated in the Technical Bid, the respective bid is liable to be rejected. Models quoted as “XXX” or “YYY” will not be accepted.

f) If, after the supply, it is discovered that the equipment supplied do not conform to the specifications, such equipment may be rejected at the supplier’s cost who will have to supply the equipment exactly according to specifications. In the event of noncompliance with this condition, the Corporation shall be at liberty to take such action as it may deem fit. In addition to penalty clause, such additional cost as may be incurred by the supplier in replenishing it with supplies from other sources will be borne by the supplier himself. Equipments rejected after receipt will have to be taken back by the Supplier at their own risk and cost.

18. PRICE COMPOSITION The price to be quoted in Financial Bid should be only in Indian rupees and inclusive of following a) Cost of the ‘CCTV System’ with accessories, etc F.O.R. destination.

b) The price shall be inclusive of all taxes including duties, octroi, VAT, and levies. Service tax extra as applicable.

c) Installation and commissioning charges, if any.

d) Cost of training to be imparted.

e) One year comprehensive on site warranty maintenance covering all parts, service, and visits to the site.

f) Post warranty comprehensive AMC for 5 years after expiry of one year or warranty period whichever is later covering the entire CCTV System

24 encompassing all software/hardware items, accessories, spares and consumables. The rates for Comprehensive Maintenance would be subject to terms & conditions mentioned in Clause (20).

g) The payment of cabling will be on the basis of actual measurement used at each location.

h) All the above compositions taken together will be the basis for deciding L1 bidder.

19. WARRANTY & MAINTENANCE CLAUSE a) All products will stand for minimum one year on site all comprehensive warranty against all manufacturing defects including Hard Disk of NVR. During the warranty period the Tenderer shall have to provide quarterly preventive service calls and shall have to attend to all break-down calls within 24 hours free of cost up to expiry of warranty period.

b) Tenderer has to provide comprehensive AMC for Five years after the expiry of warranty period. One service in each quarter has to be provided in addition to breakdown/complaint call.

c) Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract Charges: AMC Charges should be minimum 5% of the price quoted for a CCTV system per location. AMC charges will be considered for 5 years post warranty period of 1 year.

d) The repair/maintenance will be carried out by the tenderer at the site of installation of the equipments and satisfactory certificate will be obtained on the Service report from the office. If the repairs have to be carried out at the tenderer’s workshop/ factory, the Corporation will allow the necessary parts to be removed and taken by the Tenderer.

e) Successful tenderer should produce an unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee from a Scheduled Bank equal to 10% of the total cost of order of a Divisional Office (includes all offices under a Divisional office where CCTV System will be installed) and effective for the period of AMC for 5 years after the expiry of warranty period to be submitted at each Divisional headquarter. During the period of the contract including AMC period, tenderer should attend to all repairs/ defects/ replacement of major/minor spare parts free of cost. In case of failure on the part of the supplier to attend all the defects within a reasonable period, the Corporation on its own will get the defects rectified through another agency at the risk and cost of supplier and repairs rectified through another agency, in such circumstances will not affect the liabilities of the supplier on the warranty for its remaining period nor it will affect the supplier’s liabilities on the stipulated post-warranty Annual Maintenance Contracts.

25 f) The AMC charges will be paid at the end of every quarter after the expiry of the warranty period by the Divisional Headquarter for all the locations under it on submission of a satisfactory service report duly signed by the location incharge/authorized official. g) The tenderer must be having their service centers at each of our Divisional Headquarter. Tenderer has to provide separate Service Engineer for each Divisional Headquarter. The list of such engineers along with the address and phone numbers of service centres should be provided with the tender h) For any problem arising in functioning of CCTV system, shall be rectified by the service engineer within 24 hrs from time of lodgment of complaint.

The time which will be treated as the time of lodgment of the complaint will be the Ist Call on mobile or the time of Ist e-mail sent to the service centre in this regard. In case of failure in providing service within the above time frame, Corporation has the discretion/reserves the right to impose penalty as mentioned hereunder:

 1-7 days excluding date of lodgment of complaint : Rs. 500/= per day

 From 8th day to 30 days : Rs. 750/= per day

 More than 30 days : Rs. 1000/= per day

The penalty amount will be recovered from the AMC payment/Performance Bank Guarantee lying with respective Divisional Offices. Complaint(s) will be deemed to be resolved only on the availability of the Customer Call

Report (CCR) signed by both the service engineer and Corporation’s authorized official, confirming that the complaint is resolved. Date and time of resolution of the complaint shall be indicated clearly i) Warranty Period of CCTV Cameras & NVR, list of parts not included under CAMC and their rates exclusive of taxes to be mentioned separately. j) Penalty of 0.4% of the cost of the equipment will be charged every quarter, if the Preventive Maintenance is not done by tenderer. Penalty for Preventive Maintenance not done will not be charged for the quarter in which the machine has been delivered/ installed. k) The penalty will be recovered from the AMC payment/ Performance Bank Guarantee lying with the Corporation. However, if the failure to carry out the Preventive Maintenance was because LIC could not make

26 the systems available, this penalty will be waived. A certificate to this effect should be obtained from the Corporation’s authorized Officials. l) If the damage to the CCTV System is due to the power fluctuations or physical damage due to mishandling by LIC personnel or the damage by external factors, LIC would bear the cost of the parts damaged but the onus of proving this will be on the Tenderer. However, the tenderer will be required to provide immediate system/solution as standby with same configuration or higher and with all services restored as if it is a normal breakdown. m) In case of Partial/Full damage or loss of the equipment due to reasons beyond the control of LIC, like Theft, Fire etc, the tenderer should be in a position to supply working standby equipment with same configuration or higher with all services restored, as if it is a normal breakdown. n) Whenever any equipment is taken out of an LIC site for repair the same piece has to be returned after repair unless it is declared to be irreparably damaged. When any CCTV equipment is taken out of any LIC Office for repair, such shifting should be done with the prior permission of the In charge of the concerned office, as the case may be, and the tenderer shall make all arrangements for removal of the equipment, its transportation to the workshop and back to LIC’s site and its reinstallation. Transit Insurance of such equipment also has to be arranged by the Tenderer and all expenses for the above shall be borne by the tenderer. The Tenderer shall hand over the systems in 100% working condition after repair/maintenance/rectification. Thereafter, the Tenderer shall reinstall the same machine after repair unless it is declared to be irreparable. o) In the event of replacement of any part of the system, it should be done with a part of equivalent or higher configuration which is compatible with the system. p) Wherever any system has to be shifted from one LIC location to another, the tenderer is required to uninstall / reinstall and maintain the system/s at the new location, without any extra cost to LIC of India on account of reinstallation. q) Service Engineers/ Representatives of tenderer shall invariably carry their identity cards with them, without which they will not be allowed to access the Systems. r) If, during the warranty period, any equipment has a hardware failure on four or more occasions in a quarter, it shall be replaced by equivalent new equipment by the tenderer at no cost to the LIC of India within 45 days from the date of last failure. The warranty for the replaced equipment will start afresh. However, till the replacement, the original

27 equipment has to be kept in running condition or else a standby provided and all services restored. However, penalties for breakdown as defined in the tender will be applicable.

s) However extension of warranty/replacement of equipment will not be applicable if the breakdown is due to reasons not attributable to the tenderer. However, the onus of proving the same would be on the tenderer. If the systems’ defect is attributable to mishandling, negligence, damage due to rodents, high neutral to earth voltage or operation by unauthorized staff, the tenderer will not be liable to repair the same under the contract. The tenderer under such circumstances shall charge extra for spare & service rendered. If any attempt is made to carry out repairs by any unauthorized person, the tenderer will not be liable for the repair and shall charge extra for required spares & services rendered.

20. STORING OF THE EQUIPMENTS: The LICI will provide space for storing of the equipment. However safety & security of all the materials stored will be the responsibility of contractor or their authorized contractor or authorized dealer, till the equipments are handed over to LICI in working condition.

21. FREE SERVICE: During the guarantee period of one year the contractor shall give four services on quarterly basis & shall also attend the entire break down calls, necessary adjustments / repairing, as & when required, free of cost.

22. ARBITRATION: All disputes arising out of this contract shall be referred to arbitration. The party seeking same specifying all the points in disputes for arbitration must give notice for such arbitration in writing. Preferably, there will be sole arbitrator agreed by both the parties out of a panel of three selected by LICI, failing which each party should choose its own arbitrator out of this panel. The arbitrators shall before proceeding with the arbitration nominate an umpire. The arbitration will be governed by Indian Arbitration Act 1940. However, no arbitration shall be started until completion of work unless the Contractor undertakes to continue in the usual way in the meantime.

23. The EMD of the successful tenderer will be forfeited if the contractor fails to accept the order for execution of work within seven days of intimation.

24. The quotation shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of the opening of the tenders.

25. The contractor shall submit the bills in triplicate duly typed with full description of the items for payment.


26. PAYMENT TERMS: The payment term will remain same as per LIC of India payment term and conditions which are as follows : a. No interim payment will be made on the delivery of the CCTV equipments. b. Full and final payment shall only be made at the Divisional headquarters after successful installation, commissioning, testing & training of the CCTV equipment at all the locations and deduction of TDS etc as per rules. c. Payment of contract amount after completion of work to the entire satisfaction of LIC officials & Submission of Two sets of As Built Drawings including Line Diagram in Hard and soft Form.

27. The extra /deviated item rates shall be settled on the basis of prevailing market rates for which prior approval is to be obtained from the competent authority.

28. Please note that only single order for S /I/T/C OF CCTV System will be placed for the complete works, which will be carried out by the tenderer as per standard practice of the company.

29. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for security of the material & tools.

30. Extra items not mentioned in the tender, if any, shall be settled on the basis of cash memos for purchase of material and actual labour employed. Contractor shall be allowed 15% over the above to cover transportation, supervision, overheads and profit. However, if extra quantities of tender items are required, they would be as per the quoted rates.

31. The contractor will have to strictly follow and abide by all labour laws in force applicable to the work involved, and shall indemnify the employer against any penalties / claims arising from any default on their part.

32. LIC of India reserves the right to split the order among the tenderers & does not bind to accept the lowest tender. It also reserves the right to accept/ reject in part/ full any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons what so ever.

33. It may please be noted that only one work order will be placed for supply & Installation work. 34. The tender with overriding conditions is liable to be rejected.


The scope of the work would cover supply, installation, training and handing over of all materials implementation, integration and maintenance of required Hardware and Software for CCTV with standalone Network Video Recorder (NVR), as mentioned before under scope of work category in the tender.

Only those vendors, satisfying the eligibility criteria as mentioned herein below need, respond.

Eligibility Criteria for Vendors of Security Equipment: Each bidder has to qualify below criteria; which is compulsory:

Eligibility Criteria and Documents Required to Establish Eligibility

Criteria Required eligibility Documents required to be attached with tender to establish eligibility

a Registration The bidder must be a • Copy of Certificate of registered corporate in India, Incorporation registered under the Companies Act 1956. The bidder (prime bidder in case of a consortium) should be operating in India for the last 3 financial years

The bidder should have • Copy of the audited positive net-worth as per balance sheet of the the last financial company. statement.

b Turnover / The bidder should have • Copy of the audited Profit & experience an overall average Loss Statements for each of annual turnover of at the last 3 financial years. least Rs. 10 Lakhs during the last 3 financial years

Certification The bidder (prime • Copies of the valid bidder in case of certificates from consortium) should authorized agencies have an ISO 9001.

d The bidder should submit • Copy of PAN Card valid documentary proof of Sales Tax/VAT registration number and • Copy of Sales Tax / VAT the details of income tax registration (PAN). Registration

30 E The vendor should have deployed CCTV System in last 3 financial years in Public Sector Bank/Public Sector Financial Institution in India/reputed Multi nationals/ private companies. Documentary proof should be provided in support like order copy/contract copy/certificate along with customer satisfaction to be enclosed.

i. Minimum 3 years of experience in Security Equipment System. ii. Minimum Turnover Rs. 10 Lakhs per year in the last 3 year iii. Registration with Sales Tax, Service Tax, ESI and EPF is essential. iv. Vendor’s having ISO 9001 certification may be given preference. v. Availability of after sale service network within the region. vi. Availability of warranty for every item. vii. Ability to install service and maintain the system throughout India.

1. Eligibility Criteria in detail

1.1 The vendor should provide copies of annual reports and audited balance sheet for the last three years.

1.2 The vendor should have the experience of supply, implementation, integration and maintenance of CCTV System at least for last 3 years. Documentary proof should be provided in support of experience like order copy/contract copy/certificate from customer.

1.3 The vendor should have deployed CCTV System in Public Sector Bank/Public Sector Financial Institution in India. Documentary proof should be provided in support like order copy/contract copy/certificate along with customer satisfaction to be enclosed.

1.4 The vendor should be original manufacturer of product or their authorized representative. In case of authorized representative, a letter of authorization/ dealership to this effect from original manufacturer must be furnished. This letter should specify that in case authorized representative is not able to provide support/upgrade during contract period, original manufacturer should provide same.

1.5 The vendor should have well equipped after sales service centre with requisite spare parts etc. preference shall be given to the Manufacturers whose plant have ISO 9001 series or equivalent Certificate for quality Management.

1.6 The manufactures / dealer distributor should have never been blacklisted by any other public sector bank.

31 1.7 The specifications given are the minimum requirement. Specifications on the higher are acceptable. Specifications lower than the prescribed shall not be acceptable.

2. Document to be submitted:

Vendors should submit the information supported by the following documents: -

2.1 Client list installed base of CCTV System with supporting documents.

2.2 Copy of agreement or any other legal document between the manufacturer and the vendor where the former has authorized the latter to sell and service its products.

(Incomplete responses without the required documents are liable to be cancelled)

2.3 Venders are required to specify Make and Model of all the equipments quoted for. Technical Literature/brochures regarding the products should invariably be provided along with technical part of the bid.

2.4 Vendors are requested to submit sealed tender in envelope super scribed" TENDER FOR INSTALLATION OF CCTV SYSTEMS AT DIVISIONAL OFFICE AND VARIOUS BRANCHES UNDER LIC, KMDO II" and this envelope should contain three separate envelopes super scribed as detailed below:-

ENVELOPE NO 1: Technical Bid ENVELOPE NO 2: Financial Bid/ or Commercial Bid ENVELOPE NO 3: EMD DRAFT

All three (3) Envelopes should be inside a Big Envelope.

2.5 Rates have to be quoted in figures as well as in words,

2.6 The tenderers shall submit their offers strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tender Document. Any tender that stipulates conditions contrary to the conditions given in the tender document shall be liable for rejection.

2.7 LIC reserves the right to accept/ reject any or all offers submitted without assigning any reason whatsoever. LIC further reserves the right to issue Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors it deems eligible and qualified based on the evaluation of the responses received. The unsealed tenders and tenders incomplete in any respect will be rejected out rightly.


(Company Profile)


1 Name of the Company

2 Full Address

3 Telephone & Mobile No. 4 Fax No. 5 E-Mail Address Constitution of the firm (whether 6 Proprietary / Partnership / Pvt Ltd. /Public Ltd. Name( of the Proprietor / Partner / 7 Managing Director 8 Year of Establishment Registration with the Registrar of 9 Co. Name(s) of Contact Person (s) with 10 address Registration with Tax Authority a. PAN No. 11 b. Sales Tax No. Attach latest IT Return filed copy & ST Return filed copy. Furnish copies of audited Balance 12 Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the last 3 years Name & address of the Banker, Nature of facilities availed (if any) 13 (Attach Banker’s opinion letter on the conduct of the account.

Place :

Date :


Certification whether the system

1 conforms to I.S / ISO 9001 /


Whether CCTV products quoted are 2 CE and FCC approved

3 CCTV equipment make:

Warranty period offered for the 4 system Number of systems so far supplied 5 to Bank/ Public Sector Financial Institution in India

Attach performance certificates from 6 the existing users.

7 LIST OF ORDERS EXECUTED IN LAST THREE YEARS ORDER DETAILS Sl. Name of the Date of Type of Amount No. of Systems No. Bank/Organization installation system

Order copy should be enclosed:







Effective Pixels 1280 x 1024 pixels

Lens 3.3 - 12mm vari-focal lens

Iris DC Iris

Min. Illumination 0.5 Lux @ F1.4 0 Lux (IR ON)


IR Beam Distance 15m IR distance

Video Encoding H.264, MPEG4 and MJPEG simultaneously

Video Profile 12-profiles simultaneously H.264 high profile, main profile and baseline. Profile has Independent CBR/ VBR/ EVBR/ GOP/ Frame rate setting

Frame Rate 720P mode: 1280x720, 720x576, 320x180, 160x80 @ 60fps 1.3M mode: 1280x1024, 800x600, 720x576, 320x240 @ 25/30fps

Region & Area of Max. 3 ROI @ 720p mode. Editable Interest range Max. 2 AOI. Editable range

Iris Exposure Control Auto mode / Outdoor mode / Manual mode Manual mode: 1/25 - 1/47,000 seconds Image Setting AE, AWB; 3D Noise reduction; Digital WDR; Color, brightness, sharpness, contrast, Hue; Mirror/Flip; Privacy Masks; Text, time and date overlay; Overlay image on video

Streaming Simultaneously multi-profile streaming; Streaming over UDP, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS; M-JPEG streaming over HTTP (server push); Controllable frame rate and bandwidth; Constant and variable bit rate (MPEG4 / H.264);

35 Region of Interest (ROI)


Audio - Encoder RTSP: G.711 64kbps, G.726 32kbps, /Streaming / AAC / Microphone /Output One-way or two-way / External microphone in / Adjustable audio gain

Interface ONVIF Alarm Events File upload via FTP or email; File upload via Samba to NAS; Notification via email, HTTP, and TCP; External output activation; Audio alerting output; mSD card local storage

Event Detection Intelligent motion detection - 10-zone video motion detection with included or excluded options; audio detection - Audio level 0 – 100; camera tampering - Camera dis-focus / move direction / mask

OS & Browser Windows 7 & IE 8.0 or Advanced Power Supply 12V DC or 24V AC external power adapter Or

POE - IEEE 802.3af

Connectors RJ-45 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base- T; 12VDC power jack; 1 alarm input and 1 output; Audio out; External MIC input; Video out; Factory default reset; mSD card

Construction Vandal-proof. Indoor use Humidity 10% ~ 90% Non-condensing Certificate UL/ CE, FCC Approved Make Honeywell/Bosch/Pelco / Axis/Panasonic /Sony



DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE Image Device 1/2.8" progressive scan Megapixel CMOS image sensor Effective Pixels 2096 x 1561 (3 Megapixel) Lens Vari-focal lens 3 - 9mm Day & Night TDN (Auto ICR) Min. Illumination 0.5 Lux (Color) / 0 Lux (IR ON) IR LED & Control 24 IR LEDs & Auto (Photo Sensor Mode) IR LED ON when less than 15 Lux Manual: User Programmable IR Beam Distance 20 -25 Mtr Video Encoding H.264 (base line, main-profile, and hi-profile) and MJPEG Video Profile 3 Megapixel Mode (H.264 and MJPEG) – 2048 x 1536; 1280 x 960; 640 x 480; 320 x 240 · Full HD Mode (H.264 & MJPEG) – 1920 x 1080; 1280 x 720; 640 x 360; 320 x 180 · Dual Streams – H.264 2048 x 1536 (30fps) + H.264 2048 x 1536 (30fps) · Triple Streams – H.264 1920x1080(30fps) x 2 + H.264 1280x720 (30fps) Frame Rate Up to 25/30fps in all resolutions

Region of Interest Max. 2 ROI @ 3M pixels mode. Editable range Max. 3 ROI @ 1080P mode. Editable range Image Setting BLC, AGC, AE, AWB; 3D Noise reduction; WDR; Color, brightness, sharpness, contrast, Hue; Image Mirror/Flip; Privacy Masks: 7 areas Streaming Simultaneously multi-profile streaming; Streaming over UDP, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS; M-JPEG streaming over HTTP (server push); Controllable frame rate and bandwidth; Constant and variable bit rate; ROI Supported Protocols IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, FTP, NTP, DNS, DDNS, DHCP, DIPS, ARP, Bonjour, UPnP, RTSP, RTP, RTCP, IGMP, PPPoE, 3GPP, Samba, ICMP Audio - Encoder RTSP: G.711 64kbps, G.726 32kbps, /Streaming / AAC / Microphone /Output One-way or two-way / External microphone in /

37 Adjustable audio gain Interface ONVIF Alarm Events File upload via FTP or email; File upload via Samba to NAS; Notification via email, HTTP, and TCP; External output activation; Audio alerting output Event Detection Intelligent motion detection - 10-zone video motion detection with included or excluded options; audio detection; Digital input Browser IE 8.0 or Advanced Power Supply 12V DC or 24V AC external power adapter Or

POE - IEEE 802.3af Connectors RJ-45 10Base-T/100Base- TX/1000Base-T; 12VDC power jack; AC24V Terminal; 1 alarm input and 1 output; RS485; Audio out; External MIC input; Composited video out; Factory default reset Construction Vandal-proof. IP66 Operating -20°C to 60°C Temperature Humidity 10% ~ 90% Non-condensing Certificate UL/ CE, FCC Approved Make Honeywell/Bosch/Pelco / Axis/Panasonic /Sony


DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE Processor Intel quad-core processor 3.1 GHz,64 bit Operating System Windows 7 IP camera Input 8 Channel / 4 Channel Two way talk 1 Channel O/P and 1 Channel I/P Video O/P 1 HDMI , 1 VGA Compression H.264 / MJPEG 2560 X 1920 , 2048 X 1536, 1920 X Video Resolution 1080, 1280 X 720 Video Recording. : 120 Mbps

Video Display Split 1/4/8

Video Loss Support Camera Blank Support Alarm Min 3 channel / Min 2 Channel

38 Input/Output Hard Disk Min 4 SATA ports , up to 16TB , Raid (Redundancy) Protocol Protocol : IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, TCP/IP, UDP, UPnP, ICMP, IGMP, SNMP,RTSP, RTP, SMTP, NTP, DHCP, DNS, PPPOE, DDNS, FTP, IP Filter, ONVIF Profile S User Account 10 Users

Recording, Alarm, Video Push, Trigger Event Email, FTP Manual , Schedule , STOP Recording Mode

Search Mode Time/Date , Alarm , Motion Detection , Exact Search (accurate to second), Smart Search Play Back Play, Stop, Pause, Rewind, Fast Play, Next file, Previous file, Next Camera, Previous Camera, Full Screen, Backup Selection Back Mode USB Device / Internal SATA / Network Power input 100-240 V AC, 50 HZ Operating 10 deg C to 35 deg C Temperature Relative Humidity 8% - 90%, non- condensing Certificate UL/CE,FCC Approved makes Honeywell/Bosch/Pelco/Axis/Panaso nic/Sony




1. Tenders shall include in their rates quoted charges for preliminary and general items required for the execution of work such as tools and plant, storage and workmen's shed, temporary offices, lighting, clearing site, scaffolding up to required height etc. The description of each item shall unless otherwise stated be held to include conveyance and delivery, unloading, storing, fabrication, hoisting, all labour for finishing to required shape and size, setting, fitting and fixing, in position, straight cutting and waste, return of packings, over heads, profits and other incidental charges. All measurement of cutting shall unless otherwise stated be held to include the consequent waste.

2. All rates must be quoted both in figures and in words. The rates quoted by the contractor should cover for work at any height for all the items of work under this contract. Lift of material will not form a criterion for any extra payment unless otherwise stated in the particular item.

3. The quantities given in the schedule of works are only indicative being based on preliminary design and are liable to modification in the final stage. The schedule of items and quantities include, so far as at present can be determined, every class of operation, construction of materials which the contractor is likely to be called upon to perform or supply. The item of unit prices therefore to be stated in the schedule of quantities by the contractor, will be held to be inclusive of everything necessary to complete the said items of work within the contemplation of the contract and beyond the unit prices to no extra payment will be allowed for incidental or contingent work, labour and / or materials except for specific items, if any, stipulated in the tender documents.

4. Contractor should note the tender is strictly on item rate basis and their attention is drawn to the fact that their rates for each and every item should be correct, workable and self supporting. If called upon by the Corporation,

40 detailed analysis of any or all rates shall be submitted. The Corporation shall not be bound to recognize contractor's analysis. The quantities in the schedule of works approximately indicate the total extent of work but may vary to any extent and may even be omitted.

5. Contractors should note that their rates be inclusive of all attendance on sub-contractors and also for making good any holes and chases left by the sub-contractors before the builder's work is completed.

6. The contractor shall be responsible for procuring all the materials either by wagon load or by road transport and see that the progress of work is never hindered for want of materials or due to any restrictions.

7. Rates for deviated items of work shall be derived from the accepted tender rates for similar or analogous items in the accepted tender. For non-tendered items of work for which the rate cannot be derived on the above basis, the rates shall be derived as follows: -

The actual cost of materials plus labour cost at 10% of the cost of materials shall be taken as the basic rate.

On the basic rate, 15% margin to cover overhead supervision and profits shall be allowed to arrive at final rate. While working out the deviated items rates on the basis of accepted tendered rates no variation in the value of materials shall be taken into account. For the purpose of deriving at such rates, the contractor shall submit rate analysis of certain items of accepted tender as and when called upon to do so.

In this connection, contractor shall note that they shall proceed with the work involving deviated and / or non-tendered items shall not insist on prior approval to rates. The rates however shall be derived as explained above.

8. The terms 'Approved' shall mean that the materials or method of working or is to meet the Corporation prior approval.

9. The contractor shall have to carry out all connected work, within scope of the proposed work and inside the building if ordered to do so by the Corporation at the rates quoted in the schedule of quantities.

41 10. The contractor to study architectural and electrical drawing before commencing any work. In case of discrepancy, the contractor must report to the Corporation in good time.

11. The method of measurements as stated in schedule of quantities and notes are strictly to be enforced.

12. The rates quoted for installation work shall include the necessary requirements of Indian Electricity Act and Rules in force at the time of carrying out work.

13. All materials which shall be used in the work must be from the list of the approved materials as mentioned in the specification. Samples of materials proposed to be used shall be submitted for approval and tests and nothing shall be used which are not approved. The rates shall include the costs of all such tests etc.

14. The rate of cable laying on surface shall include supply and fixing of all fixing materials such as M.S. bracket, hanger, racks, Aluminium cleats, nut and bolts etc. The brackets, hangers etc. shall be fixed on wall by using wooden gut ties property grouted. For fixing on ceiling, rawl plug bolts shall be used. 15. The rates for G.I. / C.I. pipe erection shall include cost of laying of pipe at required depth (in the case of laying in ground ) supply and fixing of M.S. bracket ( in the case of fixing on wall and chasing and making good of floor / wall ( in the case of fixing in masonry work ).

16. Sales tax, excise duty, Octroi and transport etc. will not be paid separately. The contractor will include these charges in the rates quoted.

17. General spirit of the technical specification and method of measurement will be as laid down in I.S. code of latest edition. Rates quoted for all items shall include for the cost of supplying, labour and material, fixing and / or erection complete with all the appliances necessary for the proper execution and carrying out of the work to the truest sense of drawing and specification

42 though this may not be mentioned in particular item of work in schedule of quantities.

Signature of Contractor PRICE BID Notes :

1. Your quoted rate (item rate) will be inclusive of all taxes, octroi, excise duty, transportation.

2. All debris/rubbish should have to be cleaned before handing over the site

3. Any damages done in the existing structures/finishes during the course of work should have to mend good before handing over the premises.

4. Materials to be used in the work as per approved schedule of LICI, if not mentioned in tender.

5. Quantities mentioned in the schedule are tentative and may vary to any extent as per requirement and direction of authority.

6. Rate should be quoted in figure and words both clearly.

7. Income Tax, Surcharge, work contract Tax and all other taxes as per prevailing norms shall be levied on works bill.

8. Security deposit, water electricity charges etc. shall be deducted from the bill as per condition of the tender.

9. Insurance policy shall have to be taken as mentioned in condition of tender.

10. The above rates are inclusive of all taxes, octroi, excise duty, transportation etc.

11. The above work to be executed under the supervision of our Engineer.

12. Materials to be used as per approved list of the materials and got approved before execution from Life Insurance Corporation of India, Engineering Department, LIC, Eastern Zonal Office, 4, CR Avenue, Kolkata 700072.

43 13. Quantities mentioned in the tender may be varied as per site requirement. The payment will be made as per the actual measurement at site.

14. All damages to the property while carrying out the work shall be made good in all respect within the completion period.

15. The contractors are requested to submit their offer both in figure and in words.

16. For ELECTRICAL works, you shall be responsible to register under the Contract labour (Regulations & Abolition) Act. 1970 and rules there under and they must comply with carryout all the provisions and obligations under the said act and furnish all information to employer as may be required by it and shall also indemnify the employer against any penalty claims arising from any default on their part.

17. The entire electrical works should be as per I.E. Rules and as per B.I.S.



That the rates are quoted alter actually visiting site of work and acquainting with the working conditions and abide by all the terms & conditions of the tender.

Signature of Contractor



Received Rs. (Rupees only) being the amount against my/ours final bill dated ______for ______(Name of work) in full and final settlement of bill.

I/We have no further claim for any amount on above work.

(Signature of Contractor on Revenue stamp)

Rubber Stamp / Seal of the Contractor /Company


Financial Bid for CCTV

Requirement- CCTV DESCRIPTION Approx RATE IN FIGURES AND Systems with QTY WORDS Comprehensive Annual Maintenance for 5 years after expiry of Warranty Period.. ITEM NO A 1 Supplying, Installation, 100 testing and commissioning of 1.3 Megapixel IP IR Dome Camera as per specification ( Make - 2 Supplying, Installation, 8 testing and commissioning of 3 Megapixel IP IR Bullet Camera as per specification (Make - 3 Supply, 5 installation,testing and commissioning of 8 channel NVR as per specifications (Make - 4 Supply, 28 installation,testing and commissioning of 4 channel NVR as per specifications 5 Supply, installation, 33 testing and commissioning of 4 TB HDD 6 Supply, 33 installation,testing and commissioning of 16 port net work switch

7 SITC of Monitor - LCD 2 32" Monitor

46 8 SITC of Monitor - LCD 31 20” Wall Mounted Monitor

( Make -

9 SITC of SMPS Power supply 210 for cameras

10 Supply and laying of 2 core Rate PVC insulated copper per conductor, 2 X 1.5 sq mm metre power cable for cameras

11 Supply and laying of CAT 6 Rate cable per metre

( Make -

12 Supply and laying of PVC pipe

(a) 19 mm dia Rate per Metre

(b) 25 mm dia Rate per Metre

13 Supply and erection of of 3 Unit mtr 50mm dia 'B' classd G.I Rate pipe with all accessories including painting of the pole.

14 Supply and fixing of 6 U Unit Rack with suitable spike Rate



1 Rate for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for above system for

FIVE years after completion of 1 year Defects Liability Period. Rate should

be inclusive of all taxes and duties. No extra will be payable on any account.

47 However service tax will be paid/reimbursed as per the rules

a) First Year b) Second Year c) Third Year d) Fourth Year e) Fifth Year


Total A +B = Rs. (Rupees


NOTE : (1)The tender will be evaluated based on the rates quoted for both A and B.

The lowest contractor will be decided based on the total amount i.e A + B

(2) The quantity given is approximate and payment will be made on actual quantity executed

(3) The rate quoted should inclusive of all taxes, duties etc., except service tax.

(4) The rate quoted should include all software and their permissions and complete hardware for operation of the above system



Sl No Locations LIC, Kolkata Metropolitan Divisional Office II, Jeevan Tara, 1 23A/44X, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700053. 2 LIC, Branch Office, Padma Pukur, Kulpi Road, Baruipur, 24 Parganas(S)

3 LIC, Bhowanipur Branch Office, 6/1, Ramesh Mitra Road, Kolkata 700 025. LIC, Branch Office, 8/2, Desbandhu Chittaranjan Road 4 Budge Budge, 24 Parganas (S) 5 LIC, Career Agents’ Branch – I, Queens’ Mansion, Russel Street, Kolkata – 700 071. LIC, Career Agents’ Branch-II, ‘Jeevan Sudha’, 5th floor, 42/C, Road, 6 Kolkata-700 071. LIC, Amtala Branch Office, Amtala Hat, P.O. Kanyanagar, Amtala, 7 24 Parganas (S), Pin – 743398. 8 LIC, Canning Branch Office, P.O. Canning Town Cinema Hall Road, 24 Parganas (S) – 743329.

9 LIC, CBO – 14, 23A/44X Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata – 700 053.

10 LIC, CBO – 15, ‘Jeevan Jyoti’, 47 Asutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 025.

11 LIC, DAB, Queens’ Mansion, Russel Street, Kolkata – 700 071. LIC, Diamond Harbour Br.Office, CITY BAZAR, Water Tank Road, Diamond Harbour, 12 24 Parganas (S) LIC, Gariahat Branch Office, Gariahat Market Complex, A&B Block, 1st Floor, 13 212 Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata – 700 019. 14 LIC, Branch Office, 27G Raja S.C.Mallick Road, Kolkata – 700 032. LIC, Kasba Branch Office, Gariahat Market Complex, A & B Block, 2nd floor, 15 212 Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata – 700 019. LIC, Khidderpore Branch Office, Dhanashree Towers, 1st Floor 16 70, D.H.Road(Beside Mahalaxmi Temple), Kolkata-700 023. 17 LIC, Branch Office, 36, Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kolkata – 700 017. LIC, Rabindra Sarobar Branch Office, 1/1, Flight Lt.Tapan Chowdhury Avenue, 18 Kolkata – 700 026.

49 19 LIC, Branch Office, 620, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata – 700 034.

20 LIC, Fatehpur SO, PO : Fatehpur, Diamond Harbour Road, 24 Parganas(S). PIN – 743513.

21 LIC, Ghatakpukur SO, Ghatakpukur Bazar, B-Gobindapur, Bhangore, 24 Parganas (S). LIC, Joynagar SO, Thana Cross Road, Joynagar Majilpur, Near Joynagar Municipality 22 24 Parganas(S), PIN : 743337. LIC, Sonarpur SO, ‘Sushila Shopping Complex’, Station Road, Sonarpur More 23 P.S.: Sonarpur, 24 PGS(S)PIN – 700150. 24 LIC, Raidighi SO, P.O. & P.S : Raidighi, Dist : 24 Parganas(S).

25 LIC, SO, Ananda Niketan, Budge Budge Trunk Road, Bata More, 24 Parganas(S)

26 LIC, SO, 41/A, N.S.C.Bose Road, Kolkata – 700040.

27 LIC, A.J.C. BOSE ROAD SO, Queens’ Mansion, Russel Street, Kolkata – 700 071.

28 LIC, Bijayganj SO, Bijayganj Bazar, P.O.: Bijayganj, Kulpi Road, 24 Parganas(S), PIN – 743336.

29 LIC, Kakdwip SO, Near SBI, , Kakdwip, 24 Parganas (S).

30 LIC, SO, 95, East Balia, Garia, Kolkata – 700084.

31 LIC, Kasba Goldpark SO, 170, Santi Pally, 2nd floor, Kasba Goldpark, Kolkata – 700107.

32 LIC, Metiabruz SO, R-6A, Road, P.S.: Metiabruz, Kolkata – 700024.

33 LIC, Customer Zone, Merlin Link, 166B, SP Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700026