Analysis of the Execution Time Unpredictability caused by Dynamic Branch Prediction∗

Jakob Engblom† Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University P.O. Box 337, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden [email protected] /

Knowing the execution time properties of your code is one of the most important parts of real-time systems Abstract development, and failing to ascertain the timing can be a quick way to system failure [6, 8, 25]. This paper investigates how dynamic branch predic- Determining the execution time of a program in- tion in a affects the predictability of ex- volves understanding and analyzing both the flow of ecution time for software running on that . the program and the timing of the processor the pro- By means of experiments on a number of real proces- gram is running on. To make this possible, it is sors employing various forms of branch prediction, we necessary that the hardware used is amenable to anal- evaluate the impact of branch predictors on execution ysis, and that it is reasonably predictable in its behav- time predictability. ior. A modern microprocessor employs many complex The results indicate that dynamic branch predictors mechanisms to increase its performance, like pipelin- give a high and hard-to-predict variation in the execu- ing, caching, parallel execution of instructions, out-of- tion time of even very simple loops, and that the execu- order execution, and branch prediction. Of these, the tion time effects of branch mispredictions can be very prediction and analysis of branch prediction have re- large relative to the execution time of regular instruc- ceived relatively little research interest [4, 20]. tions. We have observed some cases where executing To our knowledge, however, no work has been per- more iterations of a loop actually take less time than formed to quantify how the branch predictors used in executing fewer iterations, due to the effect of dynamic current processors actually affect the predictability of branch predictors. the execution time of a program. This paper attempts We conclude that current dynamic branch predic- to remedy this, using a simple experiment as described tions schemes are not suitable for use in real-time sys- in Section 3. We investigate the behavior of the In- tems where execution time predictability is desired. tel III (Section 6) and (Section 9), AMD Athlon (Section 7), and Sun UltraSparc II (Sec- tion 5) and UltraSparc III (Section 8) processors. We 1. Introduction also give a short introduction to branch prediction in Section 2, and finally, Section 10 contains our conclu- When designing and verifying real-time systems, it sions. is often required or desireable to predict the worst-case timing of pieces of software running on the system [5]. 2. Branch Prediction Techniques

∗ This paper was presented at the Ninth Real-Time and Em- Branch prediction is the name given to a collec- bedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2003), tion of techniques that are intended to reduce the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society. The Sym- penalty of executing branch instructions. The prob- posium was held in Washington, D.C., May 27-30, 2003, after being moved due to SARS from Toronto, Canada, where it was lem is that in a pipelined processor, the outcome of a originally supposed to have been held. The proceedings still list conditional branch can only be determined quite late the location as Toronto. This version of the paper corrects some in the . Unless some guess is made as to where typos found in the printed versions. the program will continue, the pipeline will be stalled † Jakob is currently employed at Virtutech Inc. in Stockholm, Sweden (, and holds an adjunct professor until the branch is decided since it does not know where position at Uppsala University. to fetch the next instruction. As pipelines are getting deeper to support higher clock frequencies, branch pre- the instruction , which makes the analysis more diction is getting more advanced to compensate [12]. complex since it is necessary to track which instruc- From an average performance perspective, branch tions are loaded into and evicted from the cache [26]. prediction is quite successful. The most advanced tech- Colin and Puaut [4] demonstrated that the Pentium niques currently in use obtain about 95% in prediction branch predictor (which uses a stand-alone branch his- accuracy (the actual accuracy depends on the program tory table using two-bit counters to predict branch be- executed and can vary quite significantly). havior) can be successfully analyzed and predicted in However, from a real-time systems perspective, it isolation from cache and pipelining effects. This is ex- is interesting to investigate what the use of branch pected, since the predictor behavior is local: a branch prediction means for the predictability of a program’s only affects its own prediction. execution time. Advanced branch prediction is con- Most recent processor designs for the desktop and sidered generally bad for execution-time predictability server field use two-level branch prediction techniques, [6, 11, 23], and we would like to check this assumption see Figure 1(b). In two-level predictors, the recent his- by experiments. tory of taken and not-taken branches is tracked (in or- The simplest form of branch prediction is to continue der to detect patterns in how branches behave or are fetching instructions sequentially beyond a branch. If correlated with each other). This history is then used the branch falls through, no time will be lost, but if together with the branch address to perform a lookup it is taken, a time penalty is paid. This technique is into a branch prediction table, which makes the final used in simple embedded processors that have short decision to predict a branch as taken or not [10, 20, 28]. pipelines (minimizing the penalty) and where the extra The branch prediction table typically contains two-bit gates for more aggressive schemes cannot be motivated. counters.

Examples of such processors are the NEC and Branch History ARM7 [3, 22]. Since most of the execution time of a typical pro- gram can be assumed to be spent in loops, a simple improvement is to assume that all backwards branches are taken. This gives us the BTFN scheme, where backwards branches are assumed taken and forward branches assumed not taken. This simple scheme gives Address Branch Branch Address Branch

an accuracy of 65% to 70% on the EEMBC embedded Address Branch benchmarks [17]. A twist to this scheme is to allow Branch the to set a bit in an instruction to direct the prediction entries processor to predict it as taken or not taken. This tech- Branch prediction entries nique can bring prediction accuracy up to 75% [10], and (a) One-level dynamic branch prediction (b) Two-level dynamic branch prediction is found on many processors, including the PowerPC, Figure 1. Branch prediction techniques UltraSparc and ’s Pentium 4 [21, 26, 15]. It is obvious that two-level branch predictors are Obviously, these static techniques do not make the much harder to analyze for execution time estimation, execution time of a program harder to analyze. It is since they rely on the history of execution. The his- possible to inspect a branch instruction in a program tory can be local (kept per branch) or global (a single and easily determine how it is going to be predicted history is used for all branches). Local predictors are and thus its execution time in its taken and not-taken easier to analyze than global predictors. paths. However, to reach higher accuracy than 75%, Mitra and Roychoudhury have made some progress it is necessary to employ dynamic branch prediction in static analysis for global history-based two-level techniques. branch prediction schemes like GAs and gshare [20]. The simplest form of dynamic predictor is the single- However, no integration with other analyses like cache level predictor, illustrated in Figure 1(a). In such and pipeline has been demonstrated, and the scalabil- branch predictors, a branch history table tracks the ity of their approach is questionable since they build a previous behavior of the branches in the program. For large constraint system for the entire program. each branch, a one- or two-bit tracks if it has been taken or not taken previously [10, 28]. Note that 3. Experimental Setup only a subset of the branches in a program can be tracked, since the branch history table has a finite size. The setup of our experiment is very simple, and is In some cases, the branch prediction bits are stored in derived from microbenchmark code used when trying for{k=1; k<32; k++) { On this processor, we get the expected result as de- starttimer(); for(n=0; n < 10000000; n++) // OUTER LOOP scribed above: the total execution time increases mono- { tonically (as shown in Figure 3), and the time per it- for(i=0; i < k; i++) // INNER LOOP { eration decreases smoothly from k =1tok = 31, as __nop(); // Some compiler-dependent way to get a nop shown in Figure 4. } } 20,00 stoptimer(); V850E Time recordtime(); 18,00 } Figure 2. Code used in the experiment 16,00 to measure the timing of a . The C 14,00 code is shown in Figure 2. The result of compiling 12,00 this code is typically an inner loop of three or four instructions (depending on the architecture), with an 10,00 outer loop containing about four instructions before 8,00 and after the inner loop. The entire loop nest fits comfortably in the instruc- 6,00 tion cache, and all variables are kept in registers, so 4,00 we can safely assume that the memory system does 2,00 not influence the results. By having a very large it- 0,00 eration count for the outer loop, the total execution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 time is large enough to be measurable. Interference Figure 3. V850E, total execution time by other tasks executing on the machine is minimized 1,70 by executing the benchmark many times and taking V850E Time/Count an average. Furthermore, task should have a 1,60 comparatively small effect on a tight loop nest like this

(since caches and pipelines refill very quickly). 1,50 It is clear that the expected result, in the absence of branch prediction, is that the total execution time for 1,40 the outer loop should be the greatest for k = 31, and the least for k = 1, as seen in Figure 3. 1,30 If we divide the total execution time by k, we should get a monotonically lower value, since the overhead of 1,20 the outer loop is amortized over more executions of the inner loop (as seen in Figure 4). However, with 1,10 dynamic branch predictors, this is not the case. 1,00 In all graphs in this paper, we use normalized ex- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ecution times to make the relative magnitude of the changes in execution time clearer. In graphs showing Figure 4. V850E, execution time per iteration the total execution time (like Figure 3 and Figure 5), On this processor it is easy to predict the execution the time for executing with k = 1 corresponds to 1.0. time, since we can assume that iterating more itera- This baseline means that the relative increase in total tions of a loop takes more time, and the time for each execution time from k =1tok = 31 will vary. In instruction and branch is statically known. graphs showing the execution time per iteration (like Figure 4 and Figure 6), the execution time per iteration 5. UltraSparc II for k = 31 corresponds to 1.0. The UltraSparc II uses a simple one-level branch 4. V850E predictor, with two bits of information per branch stored in the instruction cache. The penalty for a mis- As a base case for our investigation, we use the prediction is four clock cycles, and the branch predic- V850E processor from NEC [22]. This processor sim- tion success rate is about 87% for integer programs and ply keeps fetching instructions sequentially beyond a 93% for floating-point programs [26]. branch. If the branch is taken, it has to squash two in- As seen from Figure 5, the total execution time in- structions in its pipeline, incurring a two-cycle penalty. creases monotonically with increasing number of itera- ARM11 [2]. 21 UltraSparc II Time 19 6. Pentium III

17 The Pentium III employs a two-level dynamic

15 branch predictor, since it needs to keep a very deep pipeline filled. The predictor is a Yeh and Patt PAp- 13 style predictor [28]. 11 The branch predictor table contains 512 entries,

9 organized as a 16-way set-associative cache with the branch address used for indexing. For each entry in 7 the table, there is a four-bit that tracks 5 the outcome of the last four instances of this branch 3 (i.e. a local branch history). This four-bit value is used

1 to select a 2-bit saturating counter [9, 23]. 1 234567891011 1213141516171819202122232425262728293031 17 Pentium III Time Figure 5. UltraSparc II, total execution time 15

3,25 UltraSparc II Time/Count 13 3,00

11 2,75

9 2,50

2,25 7

2,00 5

1,75 3

1,50 1 1 234567891011 1213141516171819202122232425262728293031 1,25 Figure 7. Pentium III, total execution time 1,00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 On this processor, the execution time for the in- ner loop varies quite significantly, and is very dissimi- Figure 6. UltraSparc II, time per iteration 1 lar from the graphs obtained for the V850E. Figure 8 tions of the inner loop . The curve is significantly less shows this variation clearly; the big jump between smooth than the one for the V850E, however. k =4andk = 5 agrees with the Pentium III perfor- Figure 6 is more interesting, since it shows that the mance optimization guidelines, where it is guaranteed time per iteration in the inner loop increases at first, that loops executing less than four iterations should doubling the time between k =1andk = 3 iterations, have 100% correct prediction (while no such guarantees and then starts to decrease rapidly. The good behavior exist for loops iterating more than four times) [14]. for k = 1 is due to the fact that branches are assumed Even more interesting is the total execution time 2 to be not taken when first encountered . numbers, as shown in Figure 7. Note that at three This branch predictor is similar to the Pentium points along the curve, the execution time goes down branch predictor that was analyzed in [4], and is clearly as we execute more iterations of the inner loop. This analyzable. In the specific case of the UltraSparc II, happens with some regularity at k =6,k = 12, and however, the location of the branch prediction informa- k = 18 iterations in the inner loop. We call this phe- tion in the instruction cache makes the analysis more nomenon an inversion, as executing more instructions complex. This type of branch predictor is now start- take less time than executing fewer instructions. ing to be found even in embedded processors like the The inversion effect is caused by the branch pre-

1 dictor. We note that the penalty for mispredicting a The only exception is a small quirk at the last datapoint, branch is between 10 and 26 cycles on the Pentium III which can be explained as a measurement error. 2The effect of assuming the opposite can be seen clearly in (in the benign case that all code is in the cache) [14], Figure 14. which is definitely greater than the cost of executing 2,10 28 Athlon Time Pentium III Time/Count 26 2,00 24

1,90 22

1,80 20

18 1,70

16 1,60 14

1,50 12

1,40 10

8 1,30

6 1,20 4

1,10 2

1,00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 234567891011 1213141516171819202122232425262728293031

Figure 8. Pentium III, time per loop iteration Figure 9. Athlon, total execution time one more iteration of the loop body. Thus, if the branch k prediction algorithm works better for = 7 than for 1,50 k = 6, the result is an inversion. Athlon Time/Count

7. Athlon 1,40 The AMD Athlon processor is a newer design than the Intel Pentium III, and it uses a two-level 1,30 global branch prediction scheme. It contains an eight-bit global history (a shift register containing the 1,20 taken/not-taken results of the last eight branches exe- cuted) that is used together with four bits of the in- 1,10 struction address to select a two-bit saturating pre- diction counter from a table containing 2048 entries [9, 16]. The minimal branch penalty is 10 cycles [1]. 1,00 There are some limitations on the location and density of branches: each 16-byte block in the L1 instruction 0,90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 cache can only hold two conditional branches that are correctly predicted. If more branches are present, mis- Figure 10. Athlon, time per loop iteration predictions will result [16] (which is not a problem for with 12 bits of global branch history using an undocu- our loop nest). mented hash function to obtain an index into a branch As seen in Figure 9, the total execution time in- history table. The branch history table contains 16384 creases monotonically (if unevenly), as we increase the entries, each which is a two-bit saturating counter. Sun number of iterations of the inner loop. There is a big reports a prediction accuracy of about 95% on the jump at k = 9, which corresponds to a big jump in Spec95 benchmark suite. The branch misprediction time per iteration as can be seen in Figure 10. penalty is seven cycles for taken branches and less for Considering the per-iteration execution times shown fall-through, which is significantly less than the Atlon, in Figure 10, the behavior is more complex that the Pentium III, and Pentium 4 processors [24]. Pentium III. Especially noticeable is the jump at k =9, Looking at the total execution time, shown in Fig- which indicates that some kind of unfavorable effect ure 11, we see a rather smooth curve that indicates occurs in the branch predictor after the branch history that the branch prediction is working quite well. How- register wraps around. A similar but smaller effect can ever, there are two points of inversion in the graph: at be seen for the UltraSparc III in Figure 12. k = 16, and k = 2. The effect at k = 2 is quite logical 8. UltraSparc III as the default prediction is that an unknown backwards branch is taken. Thus, the inner loop will always be The UltraSparc III has a global two-level branch mispredicted for k = 1, which can match the execution predictor that combines 14 bits of the branch address time of one extra loop iteration. 10 history of taken and not-taken branches. UltraSparc III Time 9 9. Pentium 4

8 The Pentium 4 has by far the most complex archi-

7 tecture of any of the processors in this investigation. The branch prediction mechanism employed is not doc- 6 umented, but some facts about the general structure 5 have been released by Intel [13].

4 Built for maximum clock frequency, the Pentium 4 employs a instead of a traditional instruc- 3 tion cache. The trace cache integrates branch pre- 2 diction into the instruction cache by storing traces

1 of instructions that have previously been executed in sequence, including branches. The same cache line 0 1 234567891011 1213141516171819202122232425262728293031can include both a branch and its target, with a zero penalty for executing the branch along the predicted Figure 11. UltraSparc III, total execution time direction3. There is a “small” branch predictor in the The time per iteration, shown in Figure 12, is also processor that is used to direct fetching of operations a rather smooth curve. However, there is a bump at from the trace cache. k = 14, which seems to indicate that just like on the The trace cache is fed by a front-end that fetches in- Athlon, something happens just after the wrap-around structions from the level 2 cache Here, a second branch of the global history register. This correlates with the predictor with a branch prediction table size of 4096 3,50 k entries is employed to predict where to fetch instruc- inversion seen at = 14. UltraSparc III Time/Count 3,25 tions next from the L2 cache. This branch predictor

3,00 uses some form of two-level technique that depends on

2,75 the branch history, and is supposed to be more ad- vanced than the techniques used on the Pentium III 2,50 and Athlon processors. The history is continuously fed 2,25 from the execution back-end to the front-end branch 2,00 predictor to keep it up-to-date with the program be- 1,75 havior. For our experiments, the front-end predictor

1,50 should have a minimal impact since our small loop

1,25 should be kept in the trace cache at all times.

1,00 The “misprediction pipeline” is documented as be- ing twice as long as for the Pentium III, which should 0,75 indicate that the minimal branch misprediction penalty 0,50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 is at least 20 cycles. Branch misprediction penalties when missing the trace cache are even higher, since Figure 12. UltraSparc III, time per iteration that requires a fetch from the L2 cache. Overall, the Analyzing execution time on this processor is quite misprediction rate is about one-third lower than for the tricky, despite the rather smooth curves. The inver- Pentium III [13]. sions in the execution time graph indicate that sur- The results for the total execution time for the Pen- prises could be lurking just around the corner. For tium 4 is shown in Figure 13. Even compared to the example, extrapolating from k =1tok = 13, you Pentium III, Athlon, and UltraSparc III, this graph is would expect a lower total execution than is the case extraordinarily uneven. for k = 14. We note that we have inversions at several points. k k k An additional issue with a branch predictor like that Both =2and = 3 take less time than =1, on the UltraSparc III and Athlon is that they map sets which is consistent with the fact that the default guess of branches to a single branch prediction table entry 3With a regular cache, even a successfully predicted branch [28, 10]. Thus, several branches spread across the pro- will suffer a small penalty from having to redirect the fetching gram will interact with each other. Determining the of instructions to another line in the cache. Techniques used to minimize this penalty in other processors includes storing copies set of potential interaction candidates is tricky, since it of the instructions found at the branch target in the branch depends on both the address of branches and the recent prediction tables. 10,00 Pentium 4 Time by our experiments, branches and their prediction and 9,00 misprediction time dominate the execution time of the Pentium 4 (as long as instructions can be kept in the 8,00 cache). 7,00 10. Discussion 6,00

5,00 From the measurements in the previous sections, it is clear that the effect of branch predictors on the ex- 4,00 ecution time of a program can be very significant. 3,00 Accounting for branch predictors using global histo-

2,00 ries in static timing analysis requires global analysis, since the outcome of each and every branch can af- 1,00 fect how the next branch is predicted. Even for the

0,00 very simple loop structure used in this experiment, the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 branch prediction algorithms have some problems ob- Figure 13. Pentium 4, total execution time taining good predictions, and the execution time per iteration varies greatly. of the branch predictor is that a backwards branches are taken [15] (and the horrendous penalty for a branch Simpler one-level branch prediction techniques like misprediction even in the trace cache). We also note a the one used on the UltraSparc II can be predictable series of inversion spikes k = 23, k = 26, and k =29 if they are suitably implemented (i.e. with a branch where the size of the inversion is much larger than for history table separate from the instruction cache). 3,50 either the Pentium III or UltraSparc III. A processor without branch prediction, like the Pentium 4 Time/Count V850E, has a very regular behavior where more in-

3,00 structions executed means a greater total execution time, while on the Pentium III, Pentium 4, and Ul- traSparc III, increasing the number of loop iterations 2,50 can actually decrease the execution time. This makes WCET analysis more complex, since we cannot assume 2,00 that iterating a loop for the maximal number of itera- tions comprise the worst case, and is a case analogous

1,50 to timing anomalies [5, 19], requiring WCET analy- sis to consider very many different scenarios in order

1,00 to find the worst case. In essence, loops have to be completely unrolled and all possible execution paths examined to find the worst case. 0,50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Thus, we note that while modern two-level branch prediction techniques work well on average, their be- Figure 14. Pentium 4, time per loop iteration havior is less desirable when we seek to determine the Looking at the time per iteration plotted in Fig- worst-case execution time of a program. ure 14, we can see that it is much higher for k =1 We further note that this paper has only addressed compared to all other k. The times vary in a pattern the pipeline timing aspects of branch prediction, since that is very unlike any other processor in this inves- the code used is small enough to fit comfortably in tigation, which can only be attributed to the unique the instruction cache of the examined processors. For form of branch prediction employed. larger programs, the branch predictor might inter- The Pentium 4 is supposed to be able to predict in- act with the instruction cache. Often, cache fetches ner loops executing up to 16 iterations perfectly [15], are performed speculatively based on the branch pre- and this seems consistent with our measurements, since diction, changing the instruction cache state. This the time per iteration increases significantly beyond can have significant effects on the execution time pre- k = 16. dictability [7, 11]. The branch predictor on the Pentium 4 makes it nec- In conclusion, we feel that we can safely state that essary to investigate at least a range of possible loop modern two-level branch prediction schemes are not iteration counts for a loop to find its worst-case exe- suitable in circumstances where execution time pre- cution time, since there are many inversions. Judging dictability is sought. 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