Connecticut District Conference

2020 Thomas J. Bickerton RESIDENT


Mitch Underwood and Christine McCalla CO-LAY LEADERS

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Table of Contents

Mission Vision & Core Values……...... 1 Message from the Bishop…...... ………..2-3 Message from the Connecticut District Superintendent……………………...... ….4-6 Message from the Conference .7-8 New York Annual Conference Message from the District Lay Leaders....8-10 Mission/Vision/Core Values Report from the Chairperson, District Council 2018 on Ministry………………………….….10-11 Bio’s……………...... …………. 11-13 Mission Rev. Marvin Moss We strive to share God’s love by creating safe places Rev. Jeremiah Paul where all are accepted and welcomed, connecting the needs of people to the presence of God, and Sister Christine Chan transforming the world through Christ. Reports of the Cooperative Parishes…...14-25 Shoreline & Haven Parish Coordinator Vision Greater Bridgeport Parish Coordinator We see strong leaders who develop vital Greater Hartford Parish Coordinator congregations that eagerly make new disciples, actively nurture existing disciples, and passionately Greater Meriden Parish Coordinator advocate for the needs and concerns of all people. North East Parish Coordinator North West Parish Coordinator Core Values Valley Parish Coordinator Western Frontier Parish Coordinator The values that drive us are deep love for God and District Committee Leadership Reports....26-33 unconditional love for all people. We value collaboration and partnerships that demonstrate God’s Order of the Day…...... 34-38 love to a world that divides and alienates. We value Can You Find Your Church?...... 39-40 relationships that foster accountability, excellence, and an ability to engage in open, honest, and New York Conference Directory…...... …41-48 respectful conversations. We value the hope that we Know Our Churches…………...... 49-84 have in Christ that, when discovered, brings us a unity of purpose, a joy that enlivens our spirit, and a peace 2020 District Council Nominations...... ….85-90 that surpasses all understanding. Notes………………...... …………….91 Apportionments……...... 92 (Approved by the Connectional Ministries Vision Appendix: NYAC Approved Budget & District Team, January 2018) Trustees Budget...... 93-96 Thank You Credits……...... 98

1 August 30, 2020

Dear Friends in the Connecticut District,

Grace and peace to each of you, and congratulations on your 2020 District Conference!

There is no doubt that, as we gather in this virtual format, life has changed all around us. In less than a year, realities of the fragileness of life, the deep harm that we cause one another, and the fear we have for our future have collided and created a deep sense of helplessness and uncertainty. Covid-19, racial injustice, and a world based on a wide spectrum of new norms present us with new challenges. But thanks be to God that we stand on a faith that has enabled us to endure hardship for centuries. Thanks be to God that in the midst of death there is resurrection, in the midst of injustice there is pathway of love, and in the midst of uncertainty there is the calming , “. . . Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) With every challenge, we rise up as people of faith to create an opportunity for the gospel to shine through with power and purpose. It is our job to connect the needs of persons to the power and presence of God. It is our calling to work in partnership with God in Christ to transform a world that is broken and hurting. In last year’s letter, I wrote, “As you continue in your journey, believe that God has placed a calling on your lives. God will use you to do great things in the world if you allow God to “order your steps.” No matter the direction life may take you, my prayer is that you will listen closely to God’s voice and follow God’s lead.” Those words are even more appropriate and needed this year. Friends we are caretakers of the gospel message of peace, joy, and justice in the world.

Now is the time for course corrections. Now is the time for new convictions. And now is time to boldly move forward, not looking back, but marching ahead convinced that with God’s help we will not, dare not, make the same mistakes that have defined our past sins and shortcomings.

2 Support one another. Challenge one another. Encourage one another. And lift one another up as we find the faith and the courage to lead in this midst of these challenging and uncertain days.

I thank God for the opportunity to be on this journey of mission and ministry with you! The Journey Continues, . . .

Grace & Peace,

Thomas J. Bickerton Resident Bishop

3 “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

CONNECTICUT DISTRICT NEW YORK CONFERENCE OF THE 20 Broadfield Road, Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 Tel. (203) 288-0286; Email: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester, District SuperintendenT

Message From the District Superintendent

District Conference 2020


Thanks be to God for the presence of the Holy Spirit who provides that fire that warms our hearts (Lk 24:32) as we navigate forward. Our spirits yearn for a place of solace as the norms of daily living continues to be shattered. Basic medium of communication such as touch has been negated and we are navigating life guided by instincts that sometimes does not serve well in traversing the course ahead. For the past three years my journey as DS has been under the governance of that fire. God’s Holy Spirit has been my sustainer, comforter and joy in good and bad moments. He has brought us thus far and will carry us forward together for the years ahead.

As we continue with our Lord on this journey, and with a deep sense of gratitude, there are four things that I would like to share. I would like to express my thanks to those that have journeyed and helped me to calibrate my leadership for the good of the district. Secondly, to acknowledge the current issues that is challenging the integrity and vitality of our believing community. Thirdly, I would like to invite you into shared goals for the next four years of our ministry together. And lastly, to inform you of an additional layer of district governance that will support and assure the success of these goals.

Saying Thanks: Over the past three years, I have been blessed to partner with individuals within our district that have challenged me, guided me and held me to be accountable to authenticity, fervency in commitment and a dogged determination to do the work of leading this great district. The Parish Coordinators, District Lay leaders, Committee Chairs and so many local church leaders have sacrificially supported our vision forward and provided advocacy for the good of our people. To them, I say thanks! For every church that have embraced, supported or even challenged my ministry, leadership and just my presence as the first black superintendent to 4 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” the district, I pause to say, thank you! "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." - (Philippians 1:3–6)

Issues that Challenge us: Our believing community as well as our Christian witness has been challenged by events that seemingly compound each other: • A potential separation of our church still looms on the horizon and remains unresolved. • The onslaught of COVID-19 has changed the dynamics of worship, relationships and the future viability of our Annual Conference. • The mantra “Black Lives Matter” has dominated the public square and is pushing upon the church to consider issues of racial inequities and the need to carve a path forward that will make us an antiracist conference. This has emerged as a primary driver of our social principle and our Methodist identity as social activist.

What are our Goals? The next four years of ministry should assure that we continue to pursue four basic goals: • We aim to build on our success of strengthening our connectedness and living into the Methodist vision of Connectionalism. • As we endeavor to strengthen our churches, we aim to exercise intentionality in tapping and focusing resources on the development of the skills of our pastors and to strengthening our . • We hope to assure the evolution of our clergy focused parish teams to parish councils where clergy and laity have equal voice in moving their parishes to vitality. • The quest for a deeper spirituality will undergird all our endeavors as we press to embrace the fire of the Holy Spirit in directing our journey and reinforcing this responsibility as a divine privilege to impact on the lives of our people for the building up of God’s kingdom.

How do we accomplish these goals? To accomplish these goals, our Parish Coordinators have decided to intentionally organize a MINISTRY TABLE that will focus and drive ministry within the district. Over the next three years our shared and focused responsibility will be as follow: • Strengthening the District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOOM) so that we could intentionally incentivize and support candidates into ministry. • Providing adequate support to pastors for pastoral transition and ministry formation. • Investing in Laity formation and the development of a parish council within each of our eight parishes. • Assuring focused attention on young/new pastors mentoring so that their ministry will be strengthened and growth will be assured within their assigned charges. • An investment in the paragraph 213 process to assess and assure viability with our churches that are struggling.

5 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20

• Assuring focused attention to strengthening our ministry with the committee on church, building and location. • Assuring focus attention on social activism as an extension of our Methodist identity.

We are “building the plane as we fly;” and, because we don’t have the answer and are expected to lead effectively in the midst of this uncertainty, our only hope is to move forward as the disciples did on the road to Emmaus. We must embrace the fire that burns through the power of the Holy Spirit leading us on this journey. Our prayer is that "Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong. Not that people will see that we have stood the test but that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed. For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection." (2 Corinthians 13:7–9)

Carlene and I continue to pray for you and savor the opportunity to serve with humility beside you. We continue to affirm the power and presence of the Holy Spirit imparted as fire within our hearts as we journey together with the singular purpose of advancing God’s kingdom and glorifying the name of Jesus Christ. We believe that together, we will make a difference to our people, our district and our conference in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May it be so…….!

Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester, D.S. Connecticut District, NYAC, UMC 646-533-4377

6 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Conference Lay Leader

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is first and foremost in my life. It is a joy and honor to serve as your Conference Lay Leader. The welcoming reception and fellowship encountered as I travel to churches across the conference is heartwarming.

As we prepare for our CT District Conference, I’m delighted to share some thoughts. Memory of the powerful sermons and messages heard at our 2019 Annual Conference comes to mind and now seems a precursor for the events we are experiencing in 2020.

Leaving Annual Conference last year; my spirit was high with excitement from prophetic sermons and messages by Bishop Bickerton who always set the bar high. In his opening sermon, he urged us to exercise “Hope and Care” in these “untenable Times.” Of course, it followed the outcome of the Special 2019 General Conference which left many members feeling conflicted about the future of the church.

Next, his State of the Church message, reminded us that, “we are together until we are not . . . more than ever we should be exhibiting a deeper care and sensitivity toward one another in this highly vulnerable and tender time.”

And then, Erin Hawkins followed preaching a powerful sermon, “Called for a Purpose,” for the Celebration of Ministry: Commissioning of Provisional Members, recognizing Local Pastors, Elders and Deacons. In the afternoon plenary she provided additional challenges and food for thought. Referencing the Pentecost Story from Acts 2:5-10; tables were to engage in conversations about the United Methodist denomination according to the Pentecost story . . . in spite of the language; the Holy Spirit broke down the barrier between them.

She reminded us that the UMC has not always gotten it right on racism. She charged the NYAC to build bridges, mend the hurt and pain inflicted through cross-cultural/cross- racial appointments. Acknowledging that dismantling racism is not easy work, its work that must be done.

7 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Rejoice always. 1 Thessalonians 5:16

The year 2020 arrived and the BOL was in the process of discussing plans for the year: a Laity Retreat, Annual Conference, the Laity Session, NEJ-AACLL and the Laity Convocation.

At our first and last face-to-face BOL meeting in 2020, I shared information about an opportunity available for me to join Bishop’s Wesleyan Heritage tour. One of the members moved the BOL underwrite a portion of the expenses for my trip, and the vote was unanimously in favor. On March 8-14, I had the privilege of traveling to England, walking in the path of , visiting his place of birth, the home where his education began, to Oxford and to his father’s grave on which he stood and preached a sermon. My sincere thanks to the BOL for their support and a memory that I will treasure for life.

In this time of multiple pandemics; COVID-19, white supremacy, systemic and institutional racism, untold scores of injustice and violence toward blacks, disproportionate number of black and brown people killed by white police. Most recently, Jacob Blake, shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, paralyzed from the waist down, while small children looked on from the back seat of his car. BLACK LIVES MATTER! We need God’s help and guidance as work for an end to such violent acts. I am encouraged and appreciative to Bishop Bickerton for his leadership in leading the campaign to Dismantle Racism in the NYAC.

This year has changed our lives in unimaginable ways and we will never be the same. We know that with God, nothing is too big or impossible. Technology has served a phenomenal need as it has made possible the transformation of Worship, meetings, trainings and conferences etc. to webinar, Zoom, YouTube and or Facebook platforms for our convenience. Thank God for technology, we have been forced to grow in different ways, learn technology, conduct business and meetings, and participate in seminars, training events and even worship using different formats/platforms. Amazing, the Word of God has not stopped!

With God’s help, I look forward to seeing you at the Lay Member to Annual Conference Training, CT District Conference and at Annual Conference, in a new and different way.

I thank God for the strong, spiritual and courageous leadership from Bishop Bickerton and District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Sylvester.

“May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.” Jude 2:2

In the service of the Lord, Roena Littlejohn, Conference Lay Leader District Co-Lay Leader’s

At the beginning of this church year (Fall of 2019) the Connecticut District had the same concerns that most other districts had from across our connection. We worried about the future of our church after the Special General Conference which threatened to split our church over the question of what to do about the issue of human sexuality.We met and talked within our local churches and nearly all District committees discussed the issue. In

8 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” addition, the Bishop came out to discuss with district and local leadership the various plans that were under consideration and the implications of each. It was big and it was frightening to think that our beloved United Methodist Church might not be so united after all. It seemed that there was nothing more important than this issue. Then came Winter and Spring.

In January and earlier we started hearing about a new coronavirus that was infecting mostly people in Asia. For most of our churches it didn’t cause much concern. It simply did not rise to the level of church finances or the problem of declining attendance. Then on January 30, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ and later on March 11, 2020, WHO classified COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Government officials at all levels started to announce the mandatory closing of facilities where large numbers of people would be in close proximity to each other and provide avenues for the virus to pass between people. That list of closures included churches. Suddenly, for some in less than a week, churches had to find ways to bring God’s word to their congregations through electronic means. It went beyond that inconvenient and time consuming task of transforming an in-person service into an electronic presentation. Many in the churches could not participate in the new format, some from lack of equipment or access to the internet and others out of inexperience with the internet or computers. Church closings coupled with a stay-at-home order left many feeling disconnected and alone. Many of our congregants found themselves or members of their families in need of pastoral care at a time when hospitals and nursing homes were not allowing visitors. Businesses were told to close leaving many with no source of income with which to feed and shelter their family. Even if they didn’t lose their job, schools were closed and children were home all day, forcing some to give up their job in order to be home and care for children.

God often uses bad times to bring out the best in our churches. Most of our Connecticut District Churches were up and running with either live or recorded services within one week of the church closure. Many of the churches with which I spoke noted that their online presence had developed a sizable following. Many churches reported 200, 300 and even 400 people a week tuned in to their online service. Many of these churches averaged 50-70 participants at an in-person service. Another interesting observation was reported by several churches. They found that people who had left their church, often decades ago, were logging in regularly to participate in the online service.

Clergy and laity alike took on the task of regularly contacting church members who were in need of either pastoral care or just needed to know that someone cared about them. Many of our churches set up emergency viral funds to help those who might need some help paying the rent or buying food during this pandemic. Then came May 25, 2020.

On that date George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis by a Minneapolis police officer. George Floyd’s death triggered countless and continuing protests and demonstrations around the world. Those demonstrations demanded an end to the racism that pervades so much of our interracial relationships in all aspects of life. Laity and Clergy of the Connecticut District participated in many of those peaceful demonstrations. The Greater 9 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Hartford Co-operative Parish held a training program for clergy and laity alike where they discussed social justice and organizing.

This has been a year with challenges that no one could have imagined. Yet, clergy and laity of the Connecticut District saw the opportunities for ministry, and the need to be conduits for God’s love to flow to those in need. They stepped forward to be instruments of God’s love. They did this because this is the Connecticut District of the New York Annual Conference and that is what we do.

Stay safe, stay well and stay in love with God.

Mitch Underwood and Christine McCalla Co-District Lay Leaders Connecticut District Chairperson, District Council on Ministry

The Connecticut District Council on Ministries (DCOM) met on September 23, 2019. Our first objective was to brainstorm and come up with ideas, create assignments and teams, and begin to enact plans for the District Resource Days that was scheduled for late January and Early February.

We have been exploring the idea of having District Resource Days by Parish teams. Instead of having two weekends of these events, we would have them spread out over a period of a month to six weeks. The hope was to make it easier to find space and also offer better geographic choices and seminars.

Unfortunately, time got away from us and before we knew it winter was upon us. With the guidance of our DS, Rev. Alpher, we moved in the direction of having a district webinar. The event was held on Thursday May, 7 and was a great success.

Ross Williams, CFO of our conference, was the lead presenter. We had over 90 participants who were very engaged and asked many great questions that educated all. We applaud the efforts of Ross and his team for making this a huge success. Rev. Alpher and I are currently working on another webinar to be offered in the coming months. We will be providing information to the district as soon as we secure the next speaker.

In closing, we were all shocked and sadden with the news of the passing of Rev. Carol Downs, co-chair of this committee. I have known Carol for 8 years and was thrilled to be partnered with her in my first attempt as being chair of this committee. Our district has lost a wonderful pastor, prayer warrior and friend. This loss will be felt for many years to come as Carol left a tremendous imprint, a legacy, on not only her church community, but with her fellow clergy. I am very grateful that our paths connected for she truly blessed my life, and I’m 10 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” sure many of you in our district.

On behalf of the District Council on Ministries, I would like to express particular thanks to our District Superintendent Rev. Alpher Sylvester and the many individuals who have inspired me with their persistent dedication to our work to ultimately advance the cause of Christ.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. John Parille, Chair District Council on Ministries Bio’s

Reverend Dr. Marvin Anthony Moss

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” — Luke 4:18-19

The Reverend Dr. Marvin Anthony Moss became the 14th pastor of Salem United Methodist Church on July 1, 2014. His mission is Kingdom Building: Growing, Sustaining and Revitalizing – ensuring congregations and leaders move forward in the work and will of God.Dr. Moss is leading the effort of restoring the historic Salem UMC back to her prominence. In his short tenure, he has worked diligently to return Salem to being a beacon of hope in the village of Harlem and ensuring its path to returning to its status as a vital congregation. Salem, like many urban churches, had been tremendously impacted by the economy and changing demographics. Worship attendance had declined significantly and financial resources dwindled as well. Since his arrival, Salem’s worship attendance has increased by more than 100 persons andmembership continues to grow. During this Revitalizing phase of Dr. Moss’ ministry, Salem has increased the church’s social media and technology footprint by creating a church website and utilizing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Salem’s 501C3, Salem Community Services Council, as well as the Children’s Choir have been revived, and a Male Chorus created. Massive renovation projects have been funded to make the beautiful edifice more aesthetically appealing and more easily accessible to the physically challenged.

Previously, during the Sustaining phase of his ministry, Dr. Moss was appointed as the Senior Pastor of Atlanta’s prominent Cascade United Methodist Church (2006-2014). During his service there more than 1,300 members joined and more than 50 ministries performed outreach services to the local, national, and global communities. Prior to Cascade, Dr. Moss served as Senior Pastor at St. James United Methodist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia (1999-2006). Under this Growth Phase, St. James expanded from fewer than 200 members to more than 1200. Additionally, the congregation purchased 15 acres of land and a new edifice was

11 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” For we walk by faith, not by sight.2 Corinthians 5:7

erected. Prior to St. James, he was Associate Pastor at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Decatur, Georgia.

Dr. Moss has been a frequent guest of President Barack Obama’s National African American Clergy Leaders Group and has testified on Capitol Hill before a Senate Hearing Committee on the long term effects of unemployment. Seeing the need in the community during the recession, Moss revived the Cascade Community Services Corporation, which served as an incubator for new and small businesses, revitalized depressed areas and provided economic empowerment opportunities in the Atlanta area. This outreach program was featured by CNN, BBC, TBN, The History Channel, NPR, and The Atlanta Journal Constitution for its ability to serve “the least of these”. It was touted for numerous programs including its clothes closet which featured free clothing and household items, men’s shelter feedings, recidivism programs, and an annual Thanksgiving Basket program which provided the needy with a week’s worth of groceries. In 2011, under the leadership of Dr. Moss, Cascade presented Morris Brown College President Stanley Pritchett with the monetary donation that helped the struggling college settle its debt to the U.S. Department of Education.

A native of Goldsboro, North Carolina, Dr. Moss graduated from Hampton University and the Naval Chaplains Reserve Officers School. He also holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Gammon Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Drew University. Dr. Moss is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, 100 Black Men of New York, and Leadership Atlanta Class of 2011. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for Gammon Theological Seminary. Dr. Moss is the recipient of the 2003 and 2011 Denman Evangelism Award for Church Growth, the NAACP Emancipation Award, the 2011 Gammon Theological Seminary Distinguished Alumnus Award, and the Whitney M Young, Jr. Service Award from the Boy Scouts of America and is an Eagle Scout. He was inducted into the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers in April of 2009. He serves as a Mentor/Coach and Consultant empowering other pastors and congregations to operate at their fullest God given potential.

Dr. Moss continues to preach with purpose, lead by example, and remain focused on his ultimate mission: Kingdom Building: Growing, Sustaining and Revitalizing. He is excited to share his first book, NEXT: Surviving a Leadership Transition, and is looking forward to writing more publications whereby he can share practical principles, Christian counsel, and faith-based options for enhancing viability and increasing sustainability of any organization. Dr. Moss is also a contributing writer to Strong for a Moment Like This: The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Rev. Dr. Bill Shillady.

12 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Rev. Jeremiah Jermaine Paul

Jeremiah Jermaine Paul is an Minister, American musician, and community leader. Prior to winning season 2 of the NBC's The Voice, Jeremiah toured professionally and worked in the music industry for 17 years as a vocalist, songwriter/arranger, producer and was co-nominated two years in a row for the 48th and 49th Grammy Awards for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals, in collaboration with Alicia Keys as a featured artist.

Continuing to serve his community as a leader for social justice, Jeremiah is a sitting board member for Access for Living which focuses on the disabled and the Hudson Valley Economic Development Cooperation, which focuses on Economic development for local underserved communities. He also sits on the board for the Harmony Conference whose mission is to shine light on social and economical disparities in our community.

Jeremiah pastors East Berlin United Methodist Church and South Meriden Trinity United Methodist Church in Connecticut. His lives with his wife, Melissa and four children, Christopher, Jeremiah, Arealyah and Savannah.

Sister Christine Chan

Christine Chan is the music director at First and Wesley United Methodist Church in West Haven, CT. She is a West Haven High School graduate and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College in Music Education and Performance, and earned her Master of Science degree from Western Connecticut State University in Music Education. Christine has taught elementary music classes in West Haven and Stratford public schools, as well as middle school chorus and general music in Stratford public schools. She is currently taking time off from teaching to care for her 5 year old son and assist him with virtual learning. Along with being an accomplished pianist, she also enjoys cooking and baking, hiking, swimming, playing video games, and spoiling her two cats.

13 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” “Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? Amos 3:3


Coordinator: Rev. Young Choi Shoreline and the Havens CP

Churches: New Haven: First & Summerfield; New Haven: St. Andrew’s; Westville; Hamden Plains; Branford; North Haven: Faith; West Haven: First & Wesley; Clinton

Shoreline and the Havens Cooperative Parish Report

It is a privilege for me to serve as a parish coordinator for the Shoreline and the Havens Cooperative Parish, whom are the fellow servants of the Lord.

Shoreline and the Havens Cooperative Parish belongs geographically to New Haven, Hamden, West Haven, North Haven, Branford, and Clinton. There are 8 churches in our parish. On Thursdays pastors from Faith in North Haven (Jim Midgley), St. Andrew's (Hwijoon and Songha Park), Hamden Plains (Brian Bodt), First and Summer Field (Vicki Flippin), First & Wesley in West Haven (Sungmu Lee), Clinton (Epstein Martha), Branford (Kent Jackson), Westville (Young Choi) gather together for praying, sharing tears and laughter, supporting each other, and sharing best practices in each of our churches. Occasionally, our District Superintendent visits our parish meetings for the deeper support and connection within our group.

There are two goals for 2020 in our cooperative parish; 1) Stay connected and support each other in these unprecedented and uncertain times. 2) Focus on going back to basics by putting people first after God and getting back to basics of empathy, caring, and taking time and action to show it.

We are excited about the things God will do with and through our parish as we trust in the Words of Ecclesiastes 4:12, “And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

In Faith,

Rev. Young Choi

14 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:16

Coordinator: Rev. David Piscatelli Greater Bridgeport CP

Churches: Golden Hill; Summerfield; Trumbull: Nichols; Trumbull: Long Hill; Milford: Mary Taylor Memorial; Monroe; Westport; Fairfield: Grace; Easton: Jesse Lee; Stratford

Greater Bridgeport Cooperative Parish Report

The Greater Bridgeport Cooperative Parish (GBCP) includes 10 churches surrounding the city of Bridgeport. We are the southernmost towns in the Connecticut District and include the towns include Bridgeport, Easton, Milford, Monroe, Stratford, Trumbull, and Westport/Weston. We are a mix of both full-time and part-time churches with a group of well-experienced pastors. 2019/2020 has been a challenging year for our CP just as it has for other parishes and the New York Annual Conference. Prior to COVID, one of the pastors began a leave of absence and one had surgery that took them out of pulpit for the remainder of the appointment year. Like many churches, our sanctuaries and buildings closed on March 15th and we found ourselves learning skills that we didn’t know we had (or needed). We met weekly to support, guide, discuss, and minister to one another in a way that strengthened our relationship with one another and the connection. During 2020, we welcomed three new clergy to our CP as one colleague retired (again) and one was appointed in another district, and one of our congregations added a full-time associate pastor. We have been blessed even as God’s support during all this provided was abundant. Below are the some of the significant highlights from the year, the pastors of each charge, and our goals for the coming year.

Celebrations and Accomplishments (only a few of many): • We united together during COVID to share best practices all we moved out of our sanctuaries onto various online platforms – that met the varied needs of our individual congregations.

• We provided lunches on Fridays for some of the local hospital workers in New Haven and Bridgeport during some of the weeks this summer. This was our way to say thank you AND support a local business during COVID. (50 people per lunch!) • We continued to support the ministries of Golden Hill that allowed their dinner ministry to move toward takeout as our CP churches provided meals in place of cooking on-site. • Celebrated that Mary Taylor Memorial added a full-time associate with the hiring of Rev. Karen Eiler that will allow them to expand their evangelistic and mission reach in that community. • We continuously provided support and financial contributions to the critical Food Pantry at Summerfield UMC when their need to support their community was at its greatest. • Dr. Herron Gaston made numerous television appearances celebrating the work of their church with youth and outreach ministries to the most vulnerable people in Bridgeport. • We collectively supported the ministries of Jesse Lee while their pastor Rev. Jim Stinson was out on medical leave – providing Zoom worship, pastoral coverage, and leadership guidance until Jim’s re- retirement in August (50+ years in ministry to the United Methodist Church) when Rev. Johnson was appointed. • We added the pastor of the Haitian community that worships at Bridgeport – Summerfield to our group 15 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. Genesis 5:24

this summer: Pastor Joseph Lalanne. • We worked to create staggered re-opening plans as one of the hardest hit areas of CT with the COVID virus. • A “leave a rock” ministry was started at Mary Taylor Memorial which is located on the green in Milford to honor victims of COVID safely as you walk by.

Pastors & Congregations • Bridgeport – Golden Hill – Rev. Tisha Branch was replaced by Rev. Rhonda Taylor effective August 1st ;Bridgeport – Summerfield – Dr. Herron Gaston; Bridgeport – Summerfield (Haitian) – Pastor Joseph Lalanne; Easton – Jesse Lee – Rev. Jim Stinson was replaced by Rev. Cleaven Johnson effective August 1st; Milford – Mary Taylor Memorial – Rev. Kristina Hansen adding Rev. Karen Eiler effective May 1st as a full-time associate; Monroe – Pastor Ed Dayton began December 1st after Pastor

Mark Allen went on leave of absence; Stratford – Rev. Simeon Law; Trumbull – Long

Our goals for 2020/2021 are as follows: • Continue to support and guide one another through the COVID pandemic and staggered reopening process. • Collaborate on racial discussions both within our local congregations as well as expand the discussion with the other congregations in our CP to not only raise awareness but strive to be dependable allies to the people of color in our communities. • Encourage our mission/service committees to begin to work together toward a more deliberate coordinated effort for our mission and outreach programs. This will allow more consistency across the greater Bridgeport area as well as focus on more areas that are in need. • Incorporate some of our laity into the Cooperative Parish ministry space that we may be sure we are all aligned together as the churches serving the Greater Bridgeport area.

In Faith, Rev. David Piscatelli

Coordinator: Rev. Robert Knebel Greater Hartford CP

Churches: West Hartford; Plainville; Bristol: Prospect; Forestville: Asbury; Wethersfield; Hartford: North Hartford: First; Hartford Korean

Greater Hartford Cooperative Parish Report

The Greater Hartford Cooperative Parish consist of eight dynamic, vital churches serving in the cities and suburbs of Hartford and Bristol. Churches in our parish are Asbury UMC in 16 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.” Exodus 33:20

Forestville; Prospect UMC, Bristol; Plainville UMC; Hartford Korean Church; North UMC, Hartford; UMC of Hartford; West Hartford UMC; and Wethersfield UMC. These churches are served by a wonderful, talented, dedicated, faithful pastors working tirelessly for the Lord. We are blessed by Revs. Yountae Kim, Laura Galbraith, Stephen Volpe, Hugh Hamilton, Rhonda Taylor, Oon Don Choi and Sheila Beckford. As you can see, our Parish is deeply blessed with a creative, talented, dedicated and faith group of clergy tirelessly serving each community of faith. We are also blessed to have in our midst the District Co-Lay Leaders, Mitch Underwood, and Christine McCalla, who have joined our weekly meetings to sit side by side with the pastors.

Revs. Kim and Taylor departed the parish on July 30th for new appointments in Poughkeepsie, NY and Bridgeport, CT. They were sent off with our sincerest thanks and prayers and a small handmade gift from the parish. On August 1 we welcomed Dr. Youngeun Kim and Pastor Crystal Paul-Watson to the parish. Both have been participating in our weekly meetings and their presence has already blessed us with their insights and talents.

As a parish we gathered at the Wethersfield UMC to celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 19, 2020 with an evening service coordinated by Rev. Sheila Beckford with music provided by the North UMC members, and guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Brian Bodt.

Starting in February we began planning a Lay Leaders Consultation, bringing the lay leaders and pastors of the parish together to begin the process of establishing and building relationships among the individual churches and to explore a common United Methodist mission in the Hartford/Bristol area. Our initial plan was to begin in March with an in-person meeting on a Saturday in March. The corona virus pandemic caused us to return to the drawing board to recalculate our plan.

In May, we held our first Consultation on a lovely Saturday morning with all, but one church represented. Our first meeting was to introduce everyone and share our vision. Rev. Laura Galbraith shared information about Mission InSite and showed who we can access the demographic information it can provide the church.

Our second Consultation took place in late July on a Saturday morning, again, all but one church was represented. This meeting had a guest speaker, Pat Speer, a community organizer who shared the process of community organizing and said it is important for churches to merge the charity work we do with the work of justice. The organizing process uses a system of one-on-one meetings to build relationship, review and analyze the data, hold “house meetings” and organize for action. As a follow up to this meeting a small booklet, Effective Organizing for Congregational Renewal by Michael Gecan was distributed to the lay leaders and pastor of the parish. Our plan is to spend the next few months doing more extensive training in the organizing process. Once that is completed we will move to organizing into a “parish council” to guide our parish ministry moving forward.

Looking ahead, we are being led, we believe, to address the issue of racism and racial justice.

Two of our churches (North and West Hartford) are founding members of the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA), and others are interested participants. GHIAA’s founding happened after three years of groundwork using the organizing process and identified five issues for action – racial justice, housing,

17 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 criminal justice, education, health care – with specific steps. Regarding racial justice, GHIAA is seeking the Governor to declare racism a public health crisis and to take some concrete action to address this crisis. Two towns, Manchester and West Hartford, have already done so, and several others are considering such a declaration. Additionally, GHIAA is working on police accountability and was active in the writing and passage of the police accountability legislation that was recently signed into law by Gov. Lamont. It is possible our parish churches will add a United Methodist presence to GHIAA’s justice work in the state and Hartford area.

Our main goal for 2020-2021 is to continue to build our relationships through lay/clergy consultations and practicing the organizing process and bringing that into each church in the parish to identify key issues we will seek to work on as a parish.

I am honored to be the Parish Coordinator of the Greater Hartford Cooperative Parish. My colleagues have blessed far more than I deserve. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Robert A. Knebel Greater Hartford Cooperative Parish Coordinator

Coordinator: Rev. Richard Hanse Meriden CP

Churches: Wallingford; Cheshire; Southington: Grace; East Berlin; Meriden: First; Rocky Hill; Yalesville; South Meriden: Trinity; Kensington & Newington; Higganum; Middletown: First; Middlefield Federated; United Churches of Durham

Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish Report


Grace, Mercy and Peace in the Great Name of Jesus Christ!

During our 2019 District Conference the Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish adopted 1 Samuel 7:12 as our guiding scripture the upcoming year.

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Jeshanah, and named it Ebenezer; for he said, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” – 1 Samuel 7:12

This verse celebrates God’s care over the Israelites as Samuel sets up a stone which he names “Ebenezer”. Through that Ebenezer the Israelites would be reminded of God’s past care and assured of God’s future care.

18 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Loss and Challenge The past twelve months have been a tumultuous for the Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish in sad and unique ways. In September 2019, our beloved brother, the Reverend John Blossom (pastor of South Meriden Trinity and East Berlin UMCs) entered God’s kingdom while on a New York Annual Conference trip to South Korea. Thanks to loving leadership of Bishop Bickerton and District Superintendent Sylvester, John’s wife and son could be with him in his last days in this world.

Another tragedy visited our Parish in May of 2020 when our beloved sister, Pastor Carol Downs (pastor of Southington Grace UMC) entered God’s kingdom. Thanks to the loving care of District Superintendent Sylvester and Reverends Ken Kieffer, Anne Bracket and Ric Hanse, and the outstanding lay leadership of Southington Grace UMC, this precious church continues to thrive.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, District Superintendent Sylvester encouraged the Greater Meriden Parish pastors to gather weekly via Zoom to ensure that we and our churches were faithfully navigating these challenging times. Thank you, D.S. Sylvester!

Faithfully Moving Forward The wonderful hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” (which is based on 1 Samuel 7:12) declares, “Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I’m come; and I hope, by Thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, interposed His precious blood.”

As we move forward into a new year, we journey knowing that Jesus holds us, rescues us, and by interposing His precious blood upon us gives us a clear vision for the future in which we raise Ebenezers that show the world God’s loving care. The Ebenezers we will work to raise include:

- Strengthening Connections & Shared Ministry with Our Lay Members - Beginning in September, the Cooperative Parish will meet on a Wednesday evening so that our lay people may be present to discern and craft opportunities for life-changing ministry. - Without lay members the Greater Meriden Parish is 11 people. - With lay members the Greater Meriden Parish is hundreds of people strong! - The process by which we craft new ministries is led by the Ministry Incubators model which David Gilmore shared with our Parish. - Based on our pastors conversations with lay members we have discerned that our Parish needs to be intentional in crafting ministries and connections that foster resilience and mental health. - Dismantling Systemic Racism - Beginning in September the Cooperative Parish will be working through the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo in order to begin intentionally confronting racism within our Parish. - Building a Culture of Interchurch Connection -As D.S. Sylvester says, we are a multi-site mega church! - To build connections among our congregations we will: - Craft a directory of ministries so members of each church may participate in other parish church’s ministry opportunities. For example one church may have an outstanding you ministry, and another church may have a first rate seniors ministry. Why limit these ministries to a single church?! 19 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Hebrews 13:14

- Offer high quality training experiences that enrich our faith and strengthen our churches. - Nurture relationships among pastors and laity through weekly and monthly gatherings.

Welcome New Pastors! We are blessed to welcome three new pastors to the Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish! - Jeremiah Paul – Pastoring South Meriden & East Berlin UMCs. - Carol Bloom – Pastoring Southington Grace UMC. - David Mantz – Pastoring Kensington and Newington UMCs.

Welcome New Lay Members We are blessed to have new lay members in our Parish churches. Welcome! You are our strength and vitality! Thank you for showing us Jesus and His love.

The Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish Family - Cheshire UMC – Pastor Ken Kieffer - Durham, United Churches – Pastor Jeanette Cooper Hicks - East Berlin UMC – Pastor Jeremiah Paul - Higganum UMC – Pastor Soon Ahn - Kensington UMC – Pastor David Mantz - Meriden First UMC – Pastor Ric Hanse - Middlefield Federated – Pastor Rebekah Forni - Middletown First UMC – Pastor Barbara Marks - Newington UMC – Pastor David Mantz - Rocky Hill UMC – Pastor Soon Ahn - South Meriden UMC – Pastor Jeremiah Paul - Southington Grace UMC – Pastor Carol Bloom - Wallingford First UMC – Pastor Jacob Eun - Yalesville UMC – Pastor Anne Bracket

Coue, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Jesus who brings us together to offer us abundant life is our Fount of every blessing. Jesus is binding us to Himself and each other so that we will be one with each other as we are one in Jesus!

Thanks to God, Bishop Bickerton, District Superintendent Sylvester and you for affording me the privilege to serve as the Greater Meriden Cooperative Parish Coordinator. Here we raise our Ebenezers!

Affectionately, Ric Hanse

20 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Coordinator: Rev. Karen Cook Northeast CP

Churches: Avon UMC; North Canton: Community & Washington Hill UMC Simsbury UMC; East Granby: Copper Hill UMC Granby: West Granby UMC; Pleasant Valley UMC Bloomfield UMC; Windsor Trinity UMC

Northeast Cooperative Parish Report

The Northeast Parish is made up of the following UM churches: North Canton Community/Washington Hill/ West Granby (Rev. Karen Cook, leader) Copper Hill (Rev. Kelvin Jones) Bloomfield (Rev. Esau Greene) Simsbury (Rev. Gene Ott & Rev. Deb Clifford) Avon (Rev. Joseph Piccirillo Windsor (Rev. John Gerlach)

We had been meeting the 3rd Thursday for lunch until mid-March at Table 570 in Simsbury. Since COVID- 19 hit, we now meet every Thursday at 10AM via Zoom. We are a very theologically diverse group of clergy. Each week we share some of the best practices in each of our churches - children's programs, Zoom VBS, Zoom Confirmation, church dinners, Pumpkin Patch, and more. We've prayed fervently for one another through cancer, a broken elbow, a broken leg, diverticulitis, A-fib, hernia surgery, kids joining the Marines, a clergy wedding, and more. With the planned session of General Conference, we found it especially important to talk about where we all were spiritually. With the diversity in theology, we were able to engage in meaningful conversation on our beliefs and feelings about the UMC in this tumultuous time, we came closer together, and we shared studies we used in our churches on sexuality. With the delay of General Conference, we turned our discussions to the sudden change for all of us to become effective televangelists, systemic racism and how this impacts our congregations. It has been important to meet weekly during this time for a whole new set of best practices regarding technology, troubleshooting the how- to's, navigating weekly changes to cyber software, and sharing ways to still do active ministry with the limitations to in-person ministry. Many of us are looking forward to working with Parish Councils as we plan for laity & clergy working more together.

Blessings, Rev. Karen Cook

21 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass. Revelation 21:18

Coordinator: Rev. Ed Horne Northwest CP

Churches: Litchfield; Torrington: First; Bakerville; Winsted; Canaan; Sharon; Lakeville; Pleasant Valley, CT

Northwest Cooperative Parish Report

The Northwest Cooperative Parish is comprised of eight churches in northwestern Litchfield County. The churches vary in size, though only one (Bakerville) supports a fulltime pastor. The remainder range from three-quarter time (Torrington, First), to half and quarter time (Canaan, Litchfield, Pleasant Valley, Winsted, Sharon, and Lakeville).

All churches have served faithfully during the time of pandemic and lockdown. Some have embraced technology and the move towards “hybrid” worship (in-person and streaming), while one or two have been slower to accept these changes and struggled while not meeting in person. All churches have reopened and are carefully following the safety protocols outlined by the Annual Conference and adopted/implemented locally.

The changes brought on by this unprecedented year have been especially daunting for the three new pastors in our Parish, as they have had to learn the culture and practices of their churches along with their members, while also adapting to our new reality. Each has borne up to these challenges with skill, faithfulness, and a deep care for their congregations, as have all of the colleagues in the NW Parish.

A number of our churches have faced financial hardships during this period as well. While the giving of the active members has generally held steady, discretionary giving, income from fundraising and building use all have dropped significantly. Maintaining sources of revenue will be an ongoing issue as the pandemic continues into next year, which is posing a survival threat to some of our churches and creating stress in others.

Still, the ministry of all of the churches has continued in force. Winsted has continued and expanded its impressive feeding program. Lakeville and Sharon have engaged in food ministries to the needy in their communities and to those serving in health care facilities. Canaan has enlarged its “parish” to include a Presbyterian congregation across the border in New York State. Torrington is developing an “on demand” curriculum for its Sunday School children. Pleasant Valley has become a leader in technological innovation for worship. Bakerville continues its ministry in support of the homeless and hungry in Torrington. Litchfield- Bantam has engaged its youth with weekly online sessions with the pastor and spouse, and, through increased giving and participation, has been able to return to its building for the first time in over a year since reopening. All churches have developed online adult study and prayer ministries.

Some goals for the upcoming year include: • Developing a Lay-Clergy Council that will meet monthly to support and learn from one another 22 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:46

• Sponsoring at least one all-Parish event, such as the choir festival that had been planned for September and was postponed due to the pandemic • Supporting one another in becoming anti-racist congregations and individuals

It has been my honor to serve as the Parish Coordinator for this fine group of colleagues and churches, and I look forward to a rich and rewarding year to come, however that may look!

Respectfully Submitted, Ed Horne

Coordinator: Rev. Inkoo Chung The Valley CP

Churches: Shelton: Huntington; Shelton: First; Watertown; Woodbury; Waterbury; Naugatuck; Seymour; Seymour: Great Hill; Derby; Ansonia: First

The Valley Cooperative Parish Report

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to close our churches for in-person worship in March. However, we never stopped being the Church. Immediately, we all started the online services through the church website, Facebook live, Zoom conference and YouTube live to continually worship the Lord, our God as a community of faith.

During this time, until we reopened our churches for in-person worship. We never stopped worshipping God, we never stopped praying for one another, we never stopped caring for one another, we never stopped doing ministry for those who are in need, and above all, we never stopped being the church. As a coordinator of our Parish, I am so grateful for our pastors and lay members and for their prayers and dedications to their call to ministry in a difficult time like this.

Again, I want to say “thank you” to all of our pastors and lay members in our parish for their prayers and support and for being a great church.

During this difficult time, we didn’t stop having our parish meeting. We met more frequently than before, meeting weekly not monthly. We met every Tuesday at 11:00 am. We begin our meeting with the prayer 23 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 followed by fellowship and the sharing of Joys & concerns, and we close our meeting with prayers. And, this weekly parish meeting helps us to support one another as we pray together. There were some changes of appointments in our parish. Rev. James Midgely who was serving the first UMC of Ansonia was appointed to Faith UMC in North Haven and Rev. Dave Mantz who was serving Watertown UMC was appointed to Kensington United Methodist Church and Newington United Methodist Church. And we welcomed Rev. Michael Jenkins to our Parish who was appointed to First UMC of Ansonia and Watertown UMC by our bishop.

As we are the people of the United Methodist Churches, our Parish continues to emphasize the vision of “connectionalism” that is to make connections between pastor and laity, pastor and pastor, laity and laity, church and church. Even though we are different, we are connected and united in the love of Christ. So, we do worship together, we do pray for one another, we do grow together in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, we do care for one another, we do support one another, we do share our resources, we do mission together, we do reach out to the needy and we do LOVE one another. We pray that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, The Risen Lord continually bless our Parish as we journey together to serve our Lord.

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives, all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives."

(UMH 364, Refrain) In Faith, Rev. Inkoo Chung

Coordinator: Rev. Lori Miller Western Frontier CP

Churches: Gaylordsville; New Milford; New Fairfield: New Life; Newtown; Bethel; West Redding: Long Ridge

Western Frontier Cooperative Parish Report

Churches: Bethel UMC Pastor John Parille Gaylordsville UMC Pastor John Esposito

24 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven: Lamentations 3:41

New Life UMC, New Fairfield Rev. Chris Yount New Milford UMC Rev. Alex daSilva Souto Newtown UMC Rev. Lori Miller Long Ridge UMC, West Redding Pastor John Parille

The Western Frontier Cooperative Parish has met regularly over the last year and continues to lean into our covenant of mutual support and accountability.

What began last fall as monthly dinner meetings morphed into weekly zoom calls in this season of pandemic. Each individual meeting incorporates a check-in, addressing any local church issues, addressing parish, district or conference issues—often raised by Rev Alpher if he is in attendance-- and a sustained time of prayer at the end. We are blessed to be a praying parish!

Our meetings over the last several months have often been shaped by the pandemics going on around us. Early in the season of Covid, we came together to provide pastoral care and support for the congregation and family of one of our members who had fallen seriously ill with the virus. This support included a special Holy Week service “broadcast” from that pastor’s church and a remote prayer for healing service. One of our pastors provided sustained support to our ill brother’s family; another took his church under his own congregation’s wing.. Needless to say, there was great rejoicing when our ill member recovered! Thanks be to God.

Later in the season our focus turned to the safe reopening and regathering of our churches. We served as a sounding board for one another when specific issues were raised around policy or compliance. And we also spent a couple of meetings addressing the issue of race and racism as it exists in our church and nation. This is very much an unfinished conversation. I hope that my work for the District table around social ministry and social justice will allow us to return here, so that our congregations can find concrete ways to work to dismantle racism.

To date, the Western Frontier Parish has formulated two goals for moving forward: 1. Each pastor has identified 1 lay member from the congregation who will sit at a parish ministry table with us. We will start moving on this in September. 2. Maybe a bit more broadly, we commit to provide mutual support and accountability for each other to not only survive in this challenging time but thrive.

I feel very fortunate to be the coordinator of this parish. Over and over again, my colleagues have blessed me personally, and we have blessed each other, with deep listening, humor, honest conversation, and of course prayer. Despite the many challenges in front of us, I look forward with great anticipation to what God will do through us and in us. To God be the glory.

Lori R. Miller

25 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Psalm 73:24


District Prayer Servant Ministry

This has been the strangest year in ministry I have experienced in the 30 plus years I’ve been a pastor. From the perspective of this particular ministry…prayer, it has been good to press in closer to God in prayer and fasting. I believe in this time of civil unrest and COVID19, God is calling His people to a much deeper and more intense time of prayer. So many folks have put their trust in people or movements, but I want to call us to put our trust in the One who transforms, revives, rebuilds, reconciles, and renews. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! Let us turn our fear, our anxieties, and our worries into prayer where we can truly make a difference. I encourage you to find creative ways to bring people together for the crucial work of prayer. And if we want to supercharge these prayers, let us add fasting!

Prayerfully Yours, Rev. Christopher Yount New Life UMC, New Fairfield CT

Committee on District Superintendency

The purpose of the Committee on District Superintendency shall be to support the District superintendent of the district in the oversight of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church, with special reference to the district where the superintendent has responsibilities. In fulfilling this purpose, the committee shall give attention to the following responsibilities:

a. To advocate for adequate budget-support services for the district superintendent, such as adequate secretarial support, travel, continuing education, and parsonage needs (¶¶ 423.2, 614.1a).

c. To keep the district superintendent advised concerning conditions within the district as they affect relations among the district superintendent, the laity, the clergy, and the district agencies.

d. To establish a clearly understood process for observing the district superintendent’s ministry with direct evaluation and feedback, with special concern for the inclusiveness of the Church and its ministry with respect to sex, race, and national origin, and implementation of the consultative process in appointment-making.

26 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5

e. To consult with the district superintendent concerning continuing education and to arrange with the cabinet and bishop for the necessary time and financial assistance for the attendance of the district superintendent at such continuing education events as may serve his or her professional and spiritual growth.

f. To interpret to the people of the district and to the district boards and agencies the nature and function of the district superintendency. It has been an honor to see on this committee. We generally meet as a committee once or twice a year but are always in prayer for and available to our DS, who is a man of God faithfully, prayerfully and energetically serving our District. We appreciate the way that he inspires us to live out an audacious faith as we serve the Lord. I appreciate all of our members they are always available to offer support to our District Superintendent. Because of the Cooperative parishes our role has been a bit different but we continue to support the District Superintendent thank God for him.

We are grateful for Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester as he shares his gifts and graces with us throughout the District. May God continue to bless him as he serves along us during these challenging days! During this pandemic he has been a steadying presence among us, offering support and guidance. Please drop him a note or just be in prayer as it is not easy to do what he has to do on a continual basis. We are truly blessed to have him. A depth of appreciation and gratitude to his lovely wife Carlene and their children Nicholas, Simon and Vanessa, we know there are many late meetings when he is not home, and this is a sacrifice. Prayers for: love, safety protection and support to his entire family. Let us all continue to support Rev Sylvester with our prayers, love and respect. We are very blessed to have him as our District Superintendent. May God bless him all richly.

Respectfully, Submitted, Rev. Sandra B. Mantz

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25


The Connecticut District is fortunate, because of the commitment of its local churches through a unique CT District only special apportionment, to have a District Mission and Church Extension Society since 1948, whose purpose is to provide grants to local churches in the District for new ministry, mission and capitol grants as well as for emergencies. It is not the intent of DIMCHEX to supplement a general church 27 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Ephesians 6:1 budget or to pay for regular or deferred maintenance items. These grants are intended to help start or expand a new ministry or mission project through the local church. Emergency grants are given because of a demonstrated need that cannot be filled elsewhere and would have a negative impact on a church’s ministry if left unattended.

Because of the limited availability of funds (we receive around $13,000 a year), maximum grants are usually held to $3,000. DIMCHEX grant applications can be requested from the District office.

Grants are considered throughout the year for DIMCHEX but Parish Development Funds for Missional Priority and Mission grants are only voted upon in November and thus must be before DIMCHEX for review and approval by late October. Parish Development grant applications are online at under parish development. The goal of parish development is to assist vital congregations in their ministries. Therefore, Parish Development insists that prior year apportionments, health benefits and pension benefits must be paid in order for an application to be submitted. In addition, for capital needs grants the church must show a match of the grant either through funds or in-kind donations. DIMCHEX tries to follow the same guidelines but has a little more flexibility in considering the circumstances of the local church.

Parish Development also assists churches with loans for capital improvement. These loan applications may be made directly to Parish Development via the conference website.

Shalom, Rev David W Mantz, Chair

The District Committee on Ordained Ministry

It truly is an honor and joy to serve as the chairperson of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. Rev. Mel Kawakami had served well dCOM chair for a long time. I use this opportunity to express my gratitude and respect. And in line with the vision and passion of our District Superintendent, Rev. Alpher Sylvester, I am praying and preparing for the future ministry of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry.

According to the Book of the Discipline, the District Committee on Ordained Ministry or dCOM is primarily responsible for interviewing, overseeing, mentoring and recommending individuals for ministerial leadership. We support candidates whether they are seeking, ordination, licensing or certification and help them in their discernment process. This committee works in close collaboration with the Board of Ordained Ministry and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

In order to build and grow strong faith community, good disciple making leaders are in demand. dCOM should provide guidance, education, and support for such tasks. Continual search of candidates for the ministry becomes critical in order for the local church to grow. I believe this ministry is an investment in our future. We will continue to go back and check on our given tasks by the Book of Discipline: We maintain an effective and

28 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his dwelling place: Psalm 132:13 functioning system for recruitment and examination of candidates for ordained or licensed ministry, and the ongoing oversight of persons approved for licensing.

Maintaining the balances of decision making within dCOM is critically important, so that there is balance between race, gender, clergy and laity within the group. Hence, making decisions is not wavered to one particular group but an equal opportunity is given to all whom are participating.

NYAC’s vision is to see strong leaders who develop vital congregations that eagerly make new disciples, actively nurture existing disciples, and passionately advocate for the needs and concerns of all people. We align with this vision.

Respectfully submitted Rev. Young Choi, Chair District Commitee on Ministries

Report of the Connecticut District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries

September 27, 2020

Covid 19 has made quite an impact on Lay Servant Ministries during 2020 – as it has in so many areas of our lives. Quarantining and social distancing has caused us to cancel plans for Basic and Advanced in-person classes for the foreseeable future. Zoom is the new norm and many of us are still being indoctrinated on its use. Below is a list of courses we offered since our last District Conference.

Basic Course for Lay Servant Ministries: • September 14 and 21, 2019 at Torrington UMC in Torrington, CT.

• March and May 2020 Basic Classes were cancelled.

Advanced Classes: • “Discovering Our Spiritual Gifts” was held July 20 and 27, 20219 at Torrington UMC in Torrington CT. It was led by Mary Brevigleiri, CLM and Rynn Naylor, LSM Committee member.

29 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Psalm 87:2

Jim Willis, Certified Lay Speaker and LSM Committee member.

• “From Pew to Pulpit” (Preaching Class) was held on March 7, 2020. The second portion of the class was cancelled due to quarantining. Participants presented their sermons via videos and also submitted written copies of their sermons. This class was let by Rev. Ken Kieffer during the morning session. Mary Brevigleiri, CLM, and Rynn Naylor led the afternoon portion of the class.

Certified Lay Speakers: • Jerry Eyster continues in his teaching role and often leads worship in churches throughout our district. He also leads advanced classes, especially ones revolving around John and . Jerry is our NYAC expert on the lives of John and Charles and the origins of .

• Jim Willis has been active in preaching in various churches this past year. Jim has established an out door preaching venue during this pandemic. He can be followed on Facebook Live, Sunday mornings at 9 am under Your .

• Jerry and Jim are part of our Lay Servant Ministries Committee.

Certified Lay Ministers: Judy Lang, Fern Blair Hart, and I are active in our roles within our churches, district, and communities where we live. We are also members of the Lay Servant Ministries Committee.

This is my final year as Chairperson of this committee. Time for new blood and new ways of doing ministry. I am grateful to all of the pastors who open their doors and welcome us to their churches to conduct our classes. Pastors, thank you for encouraging our laity to grow in their faith and to recognize their gifts and to use them to show love and compassion and forgiveness to others.

Lay Servants, May God Bless you in your ministries. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and forge ahead with boldness as you live and love every day. You are the hands and feet of Jesus. You are God’s child. I love you all and I shall keep you in my prayers always.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Brevigleiri, Chairperson

30 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” Psalm 2:6

Report of the Connecticut Committee on Youth Ministries

Over the past several months, we have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left us wondering whether or not we will return to some level of normalcy as we once knew it. On the other hand, others are creating a new normal and forging ahead. With that being said, the young people across our district have tackled the current challenge with ingenuity, boldness, and innovation. I could not be prouder of their resilience and ability to make such critical life adjustments with the click of a global- pandemic switch—and still manage to remain connected through various forms of technology and other safe, in-person activities.

In Bridgeport, our young people continue to find creative ways to stay connected. Amidst the pandemic, we are still hosting “Friday Night Live” via zoom, where we conduct break-out sessions. The program focuses on conflict resolution, entrepreneurial and career development, art and crafts, media production, theatre performance, and dance. These activities allow our young people to be paired with each other based on interest and self-selected conversational topics led by seasoned facilitators.

The sessions normally last about 45 minutes per session, and students could zoom in and out of sessions with some level of fluidity. However, they are strongly encouraged to stay in a given session for at least 15-20 minutes before joining a new Zoom-room. For those interested in e-door prizes, which consists of: laptops, book bags, gift cards, etc., they must attend four consecutive sessions in order to qualify for our monthly raffle.

Hence, in the last two months, we have seen more than 175 neighborhood young adults participate in our virtual classroom. As we continue to drive down the number of COVID cases in Connecticut, and in the City of Bridgeport, we will look to move towards a hybrid model where our young people would have the opportunity to safely assemble.

Moreover, in speaking with pastors and youth leaders across our denomination, I am learning that churches and youth groups are digging in and finding pioneering ways to not only connect for recreational purposes, but are finding ways to stay grounded spiritually.

The latter is crucial, especially in times like these. As Methodist, we understand more than most, the power of connection and community, which for us, is anchored in scripture, prayer, and love for one’s neighbor. Our young people personify the sacred scriptures in action, and are among the most inclusive and radically loving creatures on the planet. As I think about the future of our church and world, I strongly believe that we are in good hands as we journey forward in continuing to build God’s beloved community.

In Faith, Rev. Dr. Herron Gaston, District Youth Coordinator

31 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey's colt!”J ohn 12:15

Report of the Committee of District Trustees NYAC-CT District Parsonage Trustees

District Trustees

Don Ludwig, Rachel Bird, Scott Burske, Ray Heald, Mark Butler, Karl Gaber, Ackley Beaumont, Kelvin Jones, Basel Mahoney

The proposed budget for 2021 for maintenance and improvement of the parsonage was presented by Karl Gabor our treasurer with a follow up discussion by the group.

Expenses 2021 proposed budget Insurance $2000 Utilities: water and sewer $1800 Utilities: electricity/oil $9000 Building repairs $2750 Property maintenance and repairs $12,000 TV/phone/Internet $3600 Other expenses (contingency) $350 Total $31,500

After a discussion of the budget, and having completed the annual parsonage walk-through, listed below is the proposed short-term projects for the coming year which would draw upon the property maintenance and repairs budget line.

1. Install leaf guards. 2. Paint all exterior wood surfaces. 3. Paint kitchen ceiling. 4. Paint dining room ceiling. 5. Replace old light in the sunroom. 6. Fix the microwave vent. 7. Clean fireplace. 8. Install motion light in the back of the house. 9. Look into the heat situation in the kitchen. 10. Install CO2 detector downstairs. 11. Change doorbell to a “ring” doorbell. 12. Install missing towel holder.

The two below long-term projects were also proposed and discussed.

32 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.” Isaiah 49:14

1. Renovate upstairs master bathroom. 2. Replace flooring tiles and other updates in the foyer.

We thank everyone for your support on moving forward with these meetings and projects. Its understandable that these are difficult times with everyone having busy schedules, so we are deeply appreciative of everyone’s efforts.

Respectfuly Submitted, Ackley Baumont, District Trustee Chair

Report of the Building and Location Committee

All at the request of the Bishop and the Cabinet and affirmed by the Connecticut Building and Location Committee, all sales/refinancing or markings related to the liquidation of real property is held in a abeyance until after “General Conference 2020”. Other property related issues have been processed based on the request of our district churches.

The Committee is prepared to engage the difficult work of Rev. Karen Cook for the real estate of the district post “General Conference 2020”.

Respectfully Submitted, Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester, DS

33 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” ~ORDER OF THE DAY~ “Holy Virtual Conferencing”

Musical Prelude Christine Chan - WHUMC

Opening Invocation District Lay leaders Mitch Underwood & Christine McCalla

Remarks & the Official Opening of Conference Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester – D.S. Trustee Ballot for Connecticut District

Opening Hymn Christine Chan - WHUMC

Opening Scriptures Luke 24:13-35 Newly Appointed Pastors to District

A word from our Episcopal Leader Bishop T. Bickerton

Prayer for our Leaders, Church & Nation Rev. Christopher Yount

Celebration of the life of pastors who have Rev. Rick Hanse joined the church triumphant

Special Worship Christine Chan - WHUMC

Recognition of Lay Servants Rev. Young Choi

Advanced Classes & Participants

Preaching in the United Methodist Church Grace UMC in Southington, CT. Led by Rev. Ken Kieffer, Mary Brevigleiri, Rynn Naylor on 3/7/2020 & Sermon videos

Bill Florin UMC of Monroe Carol Thompson Kensington UMC Christine Mahoney Trinity UMC Felicia Bovell Bloomfield UMC Jay Andrews First UMC - Torrington John Brawner First UMC - Torrington Kirk Kehrley Higganum UMC Mark Eckert Cheshire UMC Nancy Hauser First UMC - Shelton Pansy Burchell North UMC - Hartford

34 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Living Our United Methodist Beliefs Westport/Weston UMC in Westport, CT on 11/8 & 11/16/2019. Led by Jerry Eyster Christine S Baptiste-McCalla North UMC (Hartford North) Fern Blair Hart Newtown UMC Authea Chambers-Simpson North UMC (Hartford North) Chris Colthirst North UMC (Hartford North) Angelene Croasdale North UMC (Hartford North) Martha Deegan UMC of Westport

Discovering Our Spiritual Gifts West Hartford UMC in West Hartford, CT 7/20 & 7/27/2019. Led by Mary Brevigleiri and Rynn Naylor. Bovall, Felicia East Berlin UMC Burchell, Pansy Y. North UMC (Hartford) Hayford, Bernard K Derby Ghana Emmanuel UMC John, Joan Hartford UMC Leach Jr, James L. Hartford UMC Loukides, Judith S Branford UMC Lundy, John Winsted UMC Trinity UMC Merola, Melodye Golden Hill UMC (Bridgeport) Steimer, Edyie West Hartford UMC Naylor, Rynn Woodbury UMC Savoie, Cindy Huntington UMC

Basic Classes and Participants

Basic Classes for March 2020 and May 2020 were cancelled.

Basic Class Torrington UMC in Torrington, CT Led by Mary Brevigleiri and Rynn Naylor 9/14 & 9/21/2019 John Brawner Torrington UMC Judith S Loukides Branford UMC Angela Root Pleasant Valley UMC Ed Chapman Bethel UMC Jason Andrews Torrington UMC

L. Brothers and sisters, do you now, in the presence of these persons, renew your membership vow to be

35 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” loyal to Christ in The United Methodist Church and faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness? P. I do.

L. Do you believe you have been called by the Holy Spirit to use your skills to lead in your church and community, to expand your caring ministries, and to witness to the Christian faith in worship and other settings? P. I do.

L. Do you intend to live a life in keeping with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ? P. I do.

L. Do you believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? P. I do.

L. Are you willing to serve your congregation in any way called upon by your pastor or Charge Conference? P. I am.

L. Are you willing to take the initiative in program support and give leadership to the total work of the local congregation? P. I am.

L. Are you willing to lead meetings for prayer, study, and discussion; to assist in the conduct of worship; and to care for others? P. I am.

L. Are you willing to continue your study, improve your skills, and grow in wisdom and ability? P. I am.

Leader to Candidates for Certified Lay Servant Ministry: L. Have those of you seeking recognition as certified lay servants completed an advanced study program as approved by the District Committee on Lay Servant Ministry? P. I have.

L. Are you willing to communicate your faith, offer leadership and resources, be involved in caring ministries, lead worship, and respond in any manner in which your services are requested beyond your local congregation? P. I am.

L. Have you met with the District Committee on Lay Servant Ministry to review your application and to consider the responsibilities of a certified lay speaker? P. I have.

L. Have you faithfully ascribed to the requirements for lay servanthood set forth in The Book of Discipline? 36 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P. I have.

Leader to Pastors of the Candidates: L. Pastors of these candidates, please stand. You have heard the responses of these candidates. Do you, as their pastors, recommend them? P. We do recommend them.

Leader to Congregation: L. People of the district, as brothers and sisters of these candidates, do you recommend them as servants of Jesus Christ? P. We do.

L. Do you promise to support and help nurture them in this new ministry? P. We do.

Leader to all Lay Servant Candidates: L. You have been recommended and endorsed, and have affirmed your commitment. Therefore, by the authority granted to me by the Committee on Lay Servant Ministry, I recognize you as local church or certified lay servants with all the powers and responsibilities inherent with each. Go forth to fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.

Leader to Congregation: L. Let us pray... Almighty God, whose Word is truth, in the keeping of which is eternal life: We thank You for these persons whom this day we set aside in Your name as local church or certified lay servants. Prepare them in body, mind, and spirit for their task and continue them in Your grace, that they may increase and bless Your Church through their labors, in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Consecreation Litany

Dear Friends, you have each been called by God to different forms of leadership in the church. Your respective ministries are a serious responsibility and meant by God to be blessing to us all. In love I thank you for accepting your obligation and challenge you to offer your best to the Lord, to this people, and to our ministry in the world. Live to honor Christ in all your ways and make Him known in your witness and your work.

L. I ask you all – do you this day acknowledge yourselves to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ? P. We do.

L. Will you devote yourselves to the service of God in the world? P. We will.

L. Will you so live that you enable our church to be a people of love and peace? P. We will.

37 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” L. Will you do all in your power to be responsible to the tasks for which you have been chosen? P. We will.

L. Will you do all you can to assist and encourage each other in the responsibilities to which you have each been called, giving each other your cooperation, your counsel, and your prayers? P. We will.

L. Let us pray… Almighty God, pour out Your blessings upon these Your servants. Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in Your service. Keep before them the example of our Lord, who did not think first of Himself, but gave Himself for us all. Let them share His ministry and consecration, that they may enter into His joy. Guide them in their work. Reward their faithfulness with the knowledge that through them, Your purposes are accomplished. In Jesus’ name we pray.


Pre-Sermon Music Selection Rev. Jermaine Paul

Sermonette Rev. Dr. Marvin Moss

Voting Orientation and Training GNTV

Report of the Nomination Rev. Lisa Bosworth

Committee Voting Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester – D.S.

Recognition of Parish & Parish Coordinators:

North West Parish Coordinator North East Parish Coordinator Greater Hartford Parish Coordinator Greater Meriden Parish Coordinator Valley Parish Coordinator Shoreline & Haven Parish Coordinator Greater Bridgeport Parish Coordinator Western Frontier Parish Coordinator

Voting Results Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester – D.S.

Closing Benediction Rev. John Parille & Rev. Jerry Eyster

38 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Can You Find Your Church???

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First 39 Can You Find Your Church???

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First 40 New York Conference Center / Staff

Main Phone Number: 914-997-1570 Toll free: 888-696-6922 Officers of the Conference Bishop's Cabinet Extended Cabinet Conference Staff (Alphabetically)

Office of the Bishop

Thomas J. Bickerton Robert Walker Pamela Bowe-Tabbs Resident Bishop Assistant to the Bishop Administrative Assistant New York Area to the Bishop [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2234 [email protected] 914-615-2221 914-615-2221 Officers of the Conference

Margaret Howe Roena Littlejohn Conference Secretary Conference Lay Leader

[email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2231

41 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Lawrence McGaughey Ross Williams Conference Chancellor CFO & Director of Administrative Services [email protected] 914-615-2212

The Bishop's Cabinet Those with an asterisk (*) are members of the Bishop's Appointment Cabinet

Karen Monk* Alpher Sylvester* Julia Yeon-Hee Yim* District Superintendent, District Superintendent, District Superintendent, Catskill Hudson District Connecticut District Long Island East District

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2233 914-615-2227 914-615-2242

Sungchan Kim* Denise Smartt Tim Riss* Sears* District Superintendent, District Superintendent, Long Island West District District Superintendent, Metropolitan District New York/Connecticut District [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2242 [email protected] 914-615-2227 914-615-2233

42 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Matt Curry* Marvin A. Moss* Bill Shillady* Director of Connectional Ministries Director of Congregational Executive Director, United Methodist Development and Revitalization City Society [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2230 914-615-2219

Robert Walker* Ross Williams Assistant to the Bishop CFO & Director of Administrative Services

[email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2234 914-615-2212

The Extended Cabinet

Brooke Bradley Doris Dalton Gail Douglas-Boykin

Executive Director Director of Leadership Development Coordinator of Ministerial Services, Camping & Retreat Ministries and Intercultural Competency Board of Ordained Ministry

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 631-749-0430, ext.12 914-615-2245 914-227-9847

43 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Margaret Howe Lisa Isom Conference Secretary Director of Communications Executive Director, United Methodist Frontier Foundation [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2231 914-615-2238

Roena Littlejohn Tom Vencuss Conference Lay Leader Director of Missions and Disaster Response [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2224

44 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Conference Staff (Alphabetically)

Jasmine Albert Fran Collins Trudy Creary Billing Associate Accounts Receivable Associate Receptionist / Admin Assistant to Missions Ministries [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2232 914-615-2223 914-615-2229

Matt Curry Doris Dalton Gail Douglas-Boykin Director of Connectional Ministries Director of Leadership Development Coordinator of Ministerial Services, and Intercultural Competency Board of Ordained Ministry [email protected] 914-615-2230 [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2245 914-227-9847

Margaret Howe Lisa Isom Jenna Johnson Conference Secretary Director of Communications Youth Ministries Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-223 914-615-2218 914-615-2249

45 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Gail Kamerman Carol Merante Diana Moore Senior Disbursement Coordinator Program Associate, Connectional Ministries Controller [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2235 914-615-2215 914-615-2228

Marvin A. Moss Mariyam Erika Panzarino Director of Congregational Muhammad Coordinator for Social Justice Development and Revitalization Organizing Administrative Assistant [email protected] CT & MET Districts churchandsociety@ 914-615-2219 [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2227

Beth Patkus Nikki Rose Daniel Servelli Archives & Records Manager Administrative Assistant, Property Manager Mission Ministries [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2241 [email protected] 914-615-2214 914-615-2226

46 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Sally Truglia Arslly Vasquez Tom Vencuss Human Resources and Benefits Administrative Assistant Director of Missions and Disaster Manager LIE & LIW Districts Response [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2220 [email protected] 914-615-2224 914-615-2242

Robert Walker Judy Walters Ross Williams Assistant to the Bishop Senior Accountant CFO & Director of Administrative Services [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2234 914-615-2236 [email protected] 914-615-2212

47 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Karen Yostpille Administrative Assistant CH & NYCT Districts [email protected] [email protected] 914-615-2233 United Methodist Frontier Foundation

Ellen Knudsen Maureen Palumberi Executive Director Finance Manager [email protected] 914-615-2238 [email protected]

48 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First


Ansonia & Watertown Charge Ansonia: First UMC (203) 734-0374 GCFA Number: 038228 - Church Number: 21110 [email protected] 47 Franklin St, Ansonia, CT 06401; Mailing Address: 47 Franklin St, Ansonia, CT 06401 P) Rev Michael D. Jenkins (FL) [email protected]

Avon: Memorial UMC (860) 673-2111 GCFA Number: 039303 - Church Number: 21121 [email protected] 867 West Avon Road, Avon, CT 06001; Mailing Address: 867 W Avon Rd, Avon, CT 06001 P) Rev Joseph J. Piccirillo (FE) [email protected]

North Canton: Community, Washington Hill & West Granby Charge 49 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

Barkhamsted: Washington Hill UMC (860) 693-4589 GCFA Number: 039848 - Church Number: 21645 2 Gavitt Rd, Barkhamsted, CT 06059; Mailing Address: Box 311, North Canton, CT 06059-0311 P) Rev Karen S. Cook (FE) [email protected]

Bethel, CT & West Redding: Long Ridge Charge Bethel: Bethel UMC (203) 743-6835 GCFA Number: 040005 - Church Number: 22146 [email protected] 141 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, CT 06801; Mailing Address: 141 Greenwood Ave, Bethel, CT 06801-2527 P) Rev John P. Parille (FL), Maria Parille [email protected]

(860) 242-5641 GCFA Number: 038308 - Church Number: 21151 [email protected] 297 School Street, Bloomfield, CT 06002; Mailing Address: 297 School St, Bloomfield, CT 06002-2722

50 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

P) Rev Egan Mortimer Bovell (PL) [email protected]

Branford: UMC of Branford (203) 488-0549 GCFA Number: 038412 - Church Number: 21154 [email protected] 811 East Main Street, Branford, CT 06405; Mailing Address: 811 E Main St, Branford, CT 06405 P) Rev Kent F. Jackson (FE), Anne Jackson [email protected]

Bridgeport: Golden Hill UMC (203) 336-0152 GCFA Number: 040027 - Church Number: 22159 [email protected] 210 Elm Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604; Mailing Address: 210 Elm St, Bridgeport, CT 06604-4115

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Rhonda R. Taylor (FE) [email protected]

Bridgeport: Summerfield UMC (203) 367-8783 GCFA Number: 040084 - Church Number: 22162 [email protected] 110 Clermont Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06610; Mailing Address: 110 Clermont Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06610-2911 P) Rev Herron Keyon Gaston (PE) [email protected]

Bristol: Prospect UMC (860) 585-3443 GCFA Number: 038321 - Church Number: 21166 [email protected] 99 Summer Street, Bristol, CT 06010; Mailing Address: 99 Summer St, Bristol, CT 06010

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Dr Yongyeun Lee (FE), Ohyeun Lee [email protected]

Canaan: Canaan UMC (860) 824-5534 GCFA Number: 033261 - Church Number: 22266 [email protected] 2 Church St, Canaan, CT 06818; Mailing Address: PO Box 636, Canaan, CT 06018 P) Rev Lee Darryl Gangaware (RE), Pauline (Polly) Gangaware [email protected]

Cheshire: Cheshire UMC (203) 272-4626 GCFA Number: 038343 - Church Number: 21287 [email protected] 205 Academy Road, Cheshire, CT 06410; Mailing Address: 205 Academy Road, Cheshire, CT 06410-2845

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Kenneth J. Kieffer (FE), Karen Kieffer [email protected]

Clinton: Clinton UMC (860) 669-8396 GCFA Number: 038365 - Church Number: 21290 [email protected] 12 Commerce Street, Clinton, CT 06413; Mailing Address: 12 Commerce St, Clinton, CT 06413-2017 P) Rev Martha A. Epstein (FE), Wayne Epstein [email protected]

Bethel, CT & West Redding: Long Ridge Charge Danbury: Long Ridge UMC (203) 743-6095 GCFA Number: 021137 - Church Number: 22395 [email protected] 201 Long Ridge Road, Danbury, CT 06810; Mailing Address: PO Box 132, West Redding, CT 06896

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev John P. Parille (FL), Maria Parille [email protected]

Derby: Derby UMC (203) 734-5365 GCFA Number: 038401 - Church Number: 21319 [email protected] 17 Fifth Street, Derby, CT 06418; Mailing Address: 17 5th Street (159 Elizabeth Street), Derby, CT 06418 P) Rev Daniel Asibuoh-Sarpong (PL) [email protected]

Durham: United Churches of Durham (860) 349-3683 GCFA Number: 038423 - Church Number: 21329 [email protected] 228 Main Street, Durham, CT 06422; Mailing Address: 228 Main St, Durham, CT 06422

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

P) Rev Jeanette Hicks (OE), Al Hicks [email protected]

East Berlin & South Meriden: Trinity Charge East Berlin: UMC of East Berlin (860) 828-9254 GCFA Number: 038445 - Church Number: 21332 [email protected] 139 Main Street, East Berlin, CT 06023; Mailing Address: PO Box 265, East Berlin, CT 06023 P) Rev Jeremiah Paul (PL), Melissa Paul [email protected]

East Granby: Copper Hill UMC 860-653-2891 (parsonage phone) GCFA Number: 039393 - Church Number: 21948 [email protected] 27 Copper Hill Road, East Granby, CT 06026; Mailing Address: PO Box 422, East Granby, CT 06026

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Dr Kelvin Jones (OE), JoAnne Jones [email protected]

Easton: Jesse Lee UMC (203) 372-8250 GCFA Number: 040244 - Church Number: 22349 [email protected] 25 Flat Rock Road, Easton, CT 06612; Mailing Address: 25 Flat Rock Rd, Easton, CT 06612-1703 P) Pastor Cleaven Johnson (SY) [email protected]

Fairfield: Fairfield-Grace UMC (203) 374-6528 GCFA Number: 040266 - Church Number: 22369 [email protected] 1089 Fairfield Woods Road, Fairfield, CT 06825; Mailing Address: 1089 Fairfield Woods Rd, Fairfield, CT 06825-3228

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Kun Sam Dayfly Cho (FE), Kyong Hee Cho [email protected]

Forestville: Asbury UMC (860) 584-0529 GCFA Number: 038467 - Church Number: 21381 [email protected] 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010; Mailing Address: 90 Church Ave, Forestville, CT 06010 P) Rev Laura L. Galbraith (FE) [email protected]

Gaylordsville: Gaylordsville UMC (860) 355-0553 GCFA Number: 040288 - Church Number: 22391 [email protected] 687 Kent Road, Route 7, Gaylordsville, CT 06755; Mailing Address: PO Box 189, Gaylordsville, CT 06755-9702

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

P) Pastor John Esposito (SY) [email protected]

Hamden: Hamden Plains UMC (203) 248-4654 GCFA Number: 038503 - Church Number: 21422 [email protected] 15 Church St, Hamden, CT 06514; Mailing Address: 15 Church St, Hamden, CT 06514 P) Rev Dr Brian Russell Bodt (RE), Carol Galloway [email protected]

Hartford: Hartford Korean UMC (860) 953-0141 GCFA Number: 038547 - Church Number: 21431 [email protected] 711 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106; Mailing Address: 711 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Oon Don Choi (FE) [email protected]

Hartford: North UMC (860) 525-0573 GCFA Number: 038560 - Church Number: 21432 [email protected] 1205 Albany Avenue, Hartford, CT 06112; Mailing Address: PO Box 320235, Hartford, CT 06112 P) Rev Hugh B. Hamilton (FE) [email protected]

Hartford: UMC of Hartford (860) 523-5132 GCFA Number: 038525 - Church Number: 21430 [email protected] 571 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105; Mailing Address: 571 Farmington Ave, Hartford, CT 06105

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Crystal S. Paul Watson (FL), Derrick Watson [email protected]

Higganum & Rocky Hill Charge Higganum: Higganum UMC (860) 345-4622 GCFA Number: 027624 - Church Number: 21447 [email protected] 248 Saybrook Road, Higganum, CT 06441; Mailing Address: PO Box 475, Higganum, CT 06441-0475 P) Rev Soon Kook Ahn (FE), Amy Ahn [email protected]

Kensington & Newington Charge Kensington: Kensington UMC (860) 828-4222 GCFA Number: 038640 - Church Number: 21487 [email protected] 103 Hotchkiss Street, Kensington, CT 06037; Mailing Address: 103 Hotchkiss St, Kensington, CT 06037

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev David W. Mantz (FE), Sandra B. Mantz [email protected]

Lakeville & Sharon Charge Lakeville: Lakeville UMC (860) 435-9496 GCFA Number: 033740 - Church Number: 22505 [email protected] 319 Main Street, Lakeville, CT 06039; Mailing Address: PO Box 648, Lakeville, CT 06039-0648 P) Rev Margaret Anne Laemmel (PL), Michael [email protected]

Litchfield: UMC of Litchfield (860) 567-5147 GCFA Number: 038662 - Church Number: 21512 [email protected] 69 West St, Litchfield, CT 06759; Mailing Address: PO Box 65, Litchfield, CT 06759

62 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

P) Rev Edward C. Horne (RE), Sara Goold [email protected]

Meriden: First UMC (203) 235-9620 GCFA Number: 038684 - Church Number: 21573 [email protected] 159 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450; Mailing Address: 15 Pleasant St, Meriden, CT 06450-5702 P) Rev Richard L. Hanse (FE), Lisa Hanse [email protected]

Middlefield: Middlefield Federated Church (860) 349-9881 GCFA Number: 038742 - Church Number: 21578 [email protected] 402 Main Street, Middlefield, CT 06455; Mailing Address: PO Box 200, Middlefield, CT 06455-0200

63 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Rebekah Forni (FL) [email protected]

Middletown: First UMC (860) 346-3689 GCFA Number: 038764 - Church Number: 21580 [email protected] 44 Maynard St, Middletown, CT 06457; Mailing Address: PO Box 2664, Middletown, CT 06457 P) Rev Barbara Marks (PL) [email protected]

Milford: Mary Taylor Memorial UMC (203) 874-1982 [email protected] 168-176 Broad Street, Milford, CT 06460; Mailing Address: 168-176 Broad St, Milford, CT 06460

64 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Kristina D. Hansen (FE) [email protected]

P) Rev Karen Eiler (FE) [email protected]

Monroe, CT & Trumbull: Long Hill Charge Monroe: Monroe UMC (203) 268-8395 GCFA Number: 040803 - Church Number: 22596 [email protected] 515 Cutlers Farm Road, Monroe, CT 06468; Mailing Address: 515 Cutlers Farm Road, Monroe, CT 06468-1202 P) Rev Edward Dayton (FL), Patricia Dayton [email protected]

65 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

Naugatuck: Naugatuck UMC (203) 729-4236 GCFA Number: 038822 - Church Number: 21614 [email protected] 214 Meadow Street, Naugatuck, CT 06770; Mailing Address: 208 Meadow St, Naugatuck, CT 06770-4038 P) Rev Peola C. Hicks (PE), Wilbert Hicks [email protected]

New Fairfield: New Life UMC (203) 746-3725 GCFA Number: 033886 - Church Number: 22392 [email protected] 1 Beaver Bog Road, New Fairfield, CT 06812; Mailing Address: 1 Beaver Bog Road, New Fairfield, CT 06812 P) Rev Christopher A. Yount (FE), Elizabeth Yount [email protected]

New Hartford: Bakerville UMC (860) 482-6147 GCFA Number: 038241 - Church Number: 21124 [email protected] 1087 Litchfield Turnpike, New Hartford, CT 06057; Mailing Address: 1087 Litchfield Tpke, New Hartford, CT 06057 66 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Sun Joo Lee (FE) [email protected]

New Haven: First and Summerfield UMC (203) 624-2521 GCFA Number: 038888 - Church Number: 21626 [email protected] 425 College Street, New Haven, CT 06511; Mailing Address: 425 College St, New Haven, CT 06511 P) Rev Vicki I Flippin (FE), Thomas Flippin [email protected]

New Haven: St. Andrew's UMC (203) 467-0117 GCFA Number: 038946 - Church Number: 21627 [email protected] 1230 Townsend Avenue, New Haven, CT 06513; Mailing Address: 1230 Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT 06513

67 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Song Ha Park (FE), Hwi Joon Park [email protected]

P) Rev Hwi Joon Park (FE), Song Ha Park [email protected]

New Haven: UMC of Westville (203) 387-0628 GCFA Number: 039006 - Church Number: 21631 [email protected] 34 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515; Mailing Address: 34 Harrison St, New Haven, CT 06515 P) Rev Young Choi (FE), Kyung-Hee Bae (Choi) [email protected]

New Milford: New Milford UMC (860) 354-4596 [email protected] 68 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” 68 Danbury Road, New Milford, CT 06776; Mailing Address: 68 Danbury Rd, New Milford, CT 06776 P) Rev Alexandre da Silva Souto (FE) [email protected]

Kensington & Newington Charge Newington: Newington UMC (860) 666-3479 GCFA Number: 039028 - Church Number: 21635 [email protected] 401 New Britain Avenue, Newington, CT 06111; Mailing Address: PO Box 310974, Newington, CT 06131-0974 P) Rev David W. Mantz (FE), Sandra B. Mantz [email protected]

North Canton: Community, Washington Hill & West Granby Charge North Canton: Community UMC (860) 693-4589 GCFA Number: 039041 - Church Number: 21644 [email protected]

69 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First”

P) Rev Karen S. Cook (FE) [email protected]

North Haven: Faith UMC (203) 239-2469 GCFA Number: 039063 - Church Number: 21646 [email protected] 81 Clintonville Road, North Haven, CT 06473; Mailing Address: 81 Clintonville Rd, North Haven, CT 06473 P) Rev James Joseph Midgley (FL), Mary Ellen Midgley [email protected]

Plainville: Plainville UMC (860) 747-2328 GCFA Number: 039085 - Church Number: 21698 [email protected] 56 Red Stone Hill, Plainville, CT 06062; Mailing Address: 56 Red Stone Hill, Plainville, CT 06062-2661

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Stephen E. Volpe (FE), Susan Volpe [email protected]

Pleasant Valley: Pleasant Valley UMC (860) 379-2157 GCFA Number: 039108 - Church Number: 21702 [email protected] 93 River Road, Pleasant Valley, CT 06063; Mailing Address: PO Box 181, Pleasant Valley, CT 06063 P) Pastor Michael Antici (SY) [email protected]

Higganum & Rocky Hill Charge Rocky Hill: Rocky Hill UMC (860) 529-2442 GCFA Number: 039121 - Church Number: 21798 [email protected] 623 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, CT 06067; Mailing Address: 623 Old Main St, Rocky Hill, CT 06067-1517

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Soon Kook Ahn (FE), Amy Ahn [email protected]

Sandy Hook: Newtown UMC (203) 426-9998 GCFA Number: 040528 - Church Number: 22642 [email protected] 92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482; Mailing Address: 92 Church Hill Rd, Sandy Hook, CT 06482-1110 P) Rev Lori R. Miller (FE), John Halbrook [email protected]

Seymour: Seymour UMC (203) 463-8953 GCFA Number: 039143 - Church Number: 21819 [email protected] 90 Pearl Street, Seymour, CT 06483; Mailing Address: P.O. Box 188, Seymour, CT 06483

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Lisa Martine Bosworth (PL), Ray Bosworth [email protected]

Seymour: Great Hill UMC (203) 888-9425 GCFA Number: 038480 - Church Number: 21820 [email protected] 225 Great Hill Road, Seymour, CT 06483; Mailing Address: 225 Great Hill Rd, Seymour, CT 06483 P) Rev John Joon Woo Lee (FE), Sunny Jeoung-Ae Lee [email protected]

Lakeville & Sharon Charge Sharon: Sharon UMC (203) 364-5634 GCFA Number: 034243 - Church Number: 22828 [email protected] 112 Upper Main Street, Sharon, CT 06069; Mailing Address: PO Box 172, Sharon, CT 06069-0172

73 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Margaret Anne Laemmel (PL), Michael [email protected]

Shelton: First UMC (203) 929-3537 GCFA Number: 039165 - Church Number: 21831 [email protected] 188 Rocky Rest Road, Shelton, CT 06484; Mailing Address: 188 Rocky Rest Rd, Shelton, CT 06484 P) Rev Barbara B. Schaffer (FE) [email protected]

Shelton: Huntington UMC (203) 929-5545 GCFA Number: 040756 - Church Number: 22465 [email protected] 338 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Shelton, CT 06484; Mailing Address: 338 Walnut Tree Hill Rd, Shelton, CT 06484-2038 P) Rev Inkoo Chung (FE), Myung Jin Lee [email protected]

74 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Simsbury: Simsbury UMC (860) 651-3356 GCFA Number: 039187 - Church Number: 21835 [email protected] 799 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT 06070; Mailing Address: 799 Hopmeadow St, Simsbury, CT 06070 P) Rev Gene Isaac Ott (FE), Erin Ott [email protected]

P) Rev Deborah J. Clifford (PD) [email protected]

East Berlin & South Meriden: Trinity Charge South Meriden: South Meriden Trinity UMC (203) 440-9449 GCFA Number: 038707 - Church Number: 21574 [email protected] 145 Main St, South Meriden, CT 06451; Mailing Address: 145 Main St, South Meriden, CT 06451

75 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Jeremiah Paul (PL), Melissa Paul [email protected]

Southington: Grace UMC (860) 628-6996 GCFA Number: 039223 - Church Number: 21850 [email protected] 121 Pleasant Street, Southington, CT 06489; Mailing Address: 121 Pleasant St, Southington, CT 06489 P) Rev Carol A. Bloom (FE) [email protected]

Stratford: Stratford UMC (203) 375-5851 GCFA Number: 040825 - Church Number: 22892 [email protected] 2600 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06614; Mailing Address: 2600 Main St, Stratford, CT 06614-5893

76 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Simeon C. Law (FE), Brooke Law [email protected]

Torrington: First UMC (860) 489-8084 GCFA Number: 039280 - Church Number: 21906 [email protected] 21 Fern Dr, Torrington, CT 06790; Mailing Address: 21 Fern Drive, Torrington, CT 06790-3808 P) Rev Ximena A. Diaz (PL), Jorge Varas [email protected]

Monroe, CT & Trumbull: Long Hill Charge Trumbull: Long Hill UMC (203) 268-9090 GCFA Number: 040404 - Church Number: 22910 [email protected] 6358 Main Street, Trumbull, CT 06611; Mailing Address: 6358 Main St, Trumbull, CT 06611-5132

77 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Edward Dayton (FL), Patricia Dayton [email protected]

Trumbull: Nichols UMC (203) 375-5817 GCFA Number: 040541 - Church Number: 22911 [email protected] 35 Shelton Road, Trumbull, CT 06611; Mailing Address: 35 Shelton Rd, Trumbull, CT 06611 P) Rev David Richard Piscatelli (FE), Holly Piscatelli [email protected]

Wallingford: First UMC of Wallingford (203) 269-9100 GCFA Number: 039325 - Church Number: 21930 [email protected] 941 Old Rock Hill Road, Wallingford, CT 06492; Mailing Address: 941 Old Rock Hill Rd, Wallingford, CT 06492-0565

78 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Jacob Hanbin Eun (PE) [email protected]

Waterbury: UMC of Waterbury (203) 754-6928 GCFA Number: 039360 - Church Number: 21938 [email protected] 250 Country Club Road, Waterbury, CT 06708; Mailing Address: 250 Country Club Rd, Waterbury, CT 06708-3393 P) Rev Sandra B. Mantz (FE), David W. Mantz [email protected]

Ansonia & Watertown Charge Watertown: UMC of Watertown (860) 274-3785 GCFA Number: 021115 - Church Number: 21944 [email protected] 305 Main Street, Watertown, CT 06795; Mailing Address: 305 Main St, Watertown, CT 06795

79 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Michael D. Jenkins (FL) [email protected]

North Canton: Community, Washington Hill & West Granby Charge West Granby: West Granby UMC (860) 653-7437 GCFA Number: 039462 - Church Number: 21947 [email protected] 87 Simsbury Road, West Granby, CT 06090; Mailing Address: PO Box 157, West Granby, CT 06090 P) Rev Karen S. Cook (FE) [email protected]

West Hartford: West Hartford UMC (860) 521-7766 GCFA Number: 039484 - Church Number: 21953 [email protected] 1358 New Britain Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06110; Mailing Address: 1358 New Britain Ave, West Hartford, CT 06110

80 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Dr Robert A. Knebel (FE), Shelly Knebel [email protected]

West Haven: First & Wesley UMC (203) 933-8795 GCFA Number: 039520 - Church Number: 21950 [email protected] 89 Center Street, West Haven, CT 06516; Mailing Address: 89 Center St, West Haven, CT 06516 P) Rev Sungmu Lee (FE), Hyeonjin Lee [email protected]

Westport: UMC of Westport and Weston (203) 227-4707 GCFA Number: 040847 - Church Number: 22959 [email protected] 49 Weston Road, Westport, CT 06880; Mailing Address: 49 Weston Rd, Westport, CT 06880-1233

81 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev Heather A. M. Sinclair (FE), Edward III (Skip) Sinclair [email protected]

Wethersfield: Wethersfield UMC (860) 529-2025 GCFA Number: 039542 - Church Number: 21961 [email protected] 150 Prospect Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109; Mailing Address: 150 Prospect St, Wethersfield, CT 06109 P) Rev Sheila M. Beckford (FE) [email protected]

Windsor: Trinity UMC (860) 688-9245 GCFA Number: 039564 - Church Number: 21980 [email protected] 180 Park Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095; Mailing Address: 180 Park Ave, Windsor, CT 06095

82 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” P) Rev John R. Gerlach (FE), Joan Gerlach [email protected]

Winsted: Winsted UMC (860) 379-6386 GCFA Number: 039586 - Church Number: 21981 [email protected] 630 Main Street, Winsted, CT 06098; Mailing Address: PO Box 380, 630 Main St., Winsted, CT 06098-1515 P) Rev Adeline Hazzard (PL) [email protected]

83 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” Woodbury: Woodbury UMC (203) 263-4775 GCFA Number: 039600 - Church Number: 22983 [email protected] 4 Church Street, Woodbury, CT 06798; Mailing Address: 4 Church St, Woodbury, CT 06798-2823 P) Rev John A. Thomason (FE) [email protected]

Yalesville: Yalesville UMC (203) 269-9521 GCFA Number: 039622 - Church Number: 21989 [email protected] 8 New Place Street, Yalesville, CT 06492; Mailing Address: 8 New Place St, Yalesville, CT 06492-2237 P) Rev Anne M. Bracket (FE) [email protected]

84 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First” CONNECTICUT DISTRICT 2020 REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Effective October 01, 2020)



DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee is the organizing administrative body of the district. All committee chairs meet together periodically to report on the progress of their activities and impact on the district for the good of the body. Membership is usually restricted to key district leaders and the District Superintendent. This committee meets monthly.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester Co-Chairs: John Parille Bethel - 203-743-6835 Co-Chairs: JERRY EYSTER Westport/Weston Secretary: Laura Galbraith Forestville/Asbury - 860-628-6996 Treasurer: MARIA PARILLE Bethel - 203-312-6791 Lay Leaders: CHRISTINE McCALLA North Hartford - 860-242-2473 MITCH UNDERWOOD Plainville - 860-747-9829 Chair of the Trustee Committee: ACKLEY BEAUMONT Chair of the Committee on Superintendency: TBD Co-Chair of the District Board of Building and Location: TBA Chair of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry: Young Cho Chair of the District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries and District Board of Laity: TBD Chair of the District Committee on Parish Development (DIMCHEX): David Mantz Co-Chair of the District Nominating Committee TBA

EXTENDED COMMITTEE, to meet four times each year, includes the following: Accessibility Chair: HOLLY FIRMENDER Missions Consultant: Jill Wilson Youth Coordinator: Herron Gaston UMW President TBD UMM President TBD Church and Society: TBD COSROW Representative to Conference: Laura Galbraith Archives and History: Jerry Eyster District Statisticians: David Piscatelli Anne Bracket District Prayer Coordinator: Chris Yount At-Large Delegates

DISTRICT TRUSTEES: District Trustees are stewards of the Connecticut District Parsonage. The Trustee board appoints officers from within; those include the president, who prepares the agenda and presides over meetings. The Vice President assumes the President's responsibilities in his or her absence. The Secretary provides clerical support and keeps track of meeting minutes. The Treasurer prepares budget reports and ensures financial accuracy. Trustees meet a minimum of twice per year – spring and fall, and as needed.

85 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Class of 2021: RAY HEALD (Yalesville) 203-269-6391 [email protected] MICHAEL BUTLER (Torrington) 860-307-1468 KARL GABOR (Great Hill) 203-906-5448 [email protected]

Class of 2022 BASIL MAHONEY (Windsor/Trinity) 860-463-6087 [email protected] ACKLEY BEAUMONT (Hartford North) 860-869-4615 [email protected] Kelvin Jones (Copper Hill) 860-372-2891 [email protected]

Class of 2023: Inkoo Chung (Huntington) 203-929-5545 DOTTIE BESWICK (Seymour UMC) 203-451-8011 [email protected] IRMA DAVIS (Hartford: North) 860-888-7641

DISTRICT COMMITTEE ON THE SUPERINTENDENCY: Meeting twice each year, more often if necessary, this Committee serves to support the District Superintendent (much like a local SPRC supports the pastor). With focus on the spiritual and temporal relationship between the D.S. and our churches, this committee provides insight and feedback, keeping clarity of our ministry at the fore of discussion. Should the need arise requiring a change, this committee is able to communicate the pulse of the district as it provides support to the Bishop in selecting a new D.S.

Class of 2021: Barbara Schaffer (Shelton) 203-929-3537 MARY BREVIGLEIRI (West Granby) 860-307-4611 ROBERT WILLIAMS (Great Hill) 203-881-0624

Class of 2022: Rhonda Taylor (Golden Hill) 203-336-0152 CRAIG SULLIVAN (Wethersfield) 860-508-0860 PHILIPPA BLAKE (St. Andrews) 203-887-8934 [email protected]

Class of 2023: Barbara Marks (Middletown) 860-346-3689 Lisa Bosworth (Seymour) 203-736-3925 [email protected] Song Ha Park (St. Andrews) 203-467-0117

DISTRICT BOARD OF CHURCH BUILDING AND LOCATION: The duties of this board involve evaluation and recommendation on all new church locations, new purchases, and sale or transfer of church properties. This board independently examines the fiscal and feasibility components of all new purchases, new buildings, and major renovations in order to ascertain soundness and sustainability. They meet twice per year, more often as needed.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester

Class of 2021: Karen Cook (West Granby/North Canton/Washington Hill) Ed Dayton (Monroe) FRED SWAN (North Canton)

Class of 2022: JAMES STRUB (Litchfield) Joon Woo Lee (Great Hill) BRIAN STEVENS (Long Ridge)

86 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Class of 2023: John Esposito (Gaylordsville) BRIAN SHERWOOD (Monroe) JOEL MATSON (Seymour) 475-300-8691 [email protected]

DISTRICT COMMITTEE ON ORDAINED MINISTRY: This committee is responsible for interviewing, overseeing, mentoring, supporting, and recommending individuals for ministerial leadership. They support candidates who are seeking ordination, licensing, or certification, with help through the discernment process. This committee meets about four times a year for one full day each time. They collaborate closely with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester Young Choi (Chair - Westville) CHRISTINE MAHONEY (Registrar - Trinity)

Class of 2021: Stephen Volpe (Plainville) Karen Cook (West Granby/North Canton/Washington Hill) Joseph Piccirillo (Memorial – Avon) Anne Bracket (Yalesville)

Class of 2022: Martha Epstein (Clinton) 860-669-8396 MARY BREVIGLEIRI (North Canton) 860-307-4611 Sandra Mantz (Waterbury) 203-754-6928 JOHN KOOMSON (North) 860-995-5401 KEVIN BUCKLEY (Wallingford) 617-306-8524

Class of 2023 Sheila Beckford (Wethersfield) 860-529-2025 CHRISTIAN FISCHER (Kensington) 203-232-3252 RYNN NAYLOR (Woodbury) 860-417-9808 [email protected] JUDY LANG (Nichols) 203-513-1448

DISTRICT COMMITTEE ON LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES: Lay members often sense a call of God to serve Christ through the Church, and it is the commitment of this Committee to encourage our laity to discover the kind of empowerment that enables the unique gifting of each one of us to be used to the fullest. General Board of Discipleship training in the doctrine, polity, heritage, and life of the United Methodist Church is available to all church members – designed to develop skills in Christian witness through communication, care-giving, and leadership. Committee members should have, or should be pursuing, Lay Servant Ministry certification. Chairs will be selected by this committee.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester

Class of 2021: JUDY LANG (Nichols) 203-513-1448 CHRISTINE McCALLA (North) JIM WILLIS (Waterbury) 203-518-3724


87 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Class of 2023: ROENA LITTLEJOHN (Golden Hill) 203-331-9653 Ximena Dias-Varas (Torrington) 203-278-1568 KIM KOCH (Torrington) 203-910-2696


This board consists of the district lay leaders, the district Director of Lay Servant Ministries, and others as deemed appropriate, all with the support of the District Superintendent and pastors. In Connecticut, this includes all local lay leaders. Its purpose is to cultivate awareness of the role of laity both within the local congregation and through ministry in the home, workplace, community, and world, all toward achieving the mission of the Church. Participation of laity in the sessions and programs in the district is emphasized. Meeting schedules vary.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester

District Lay Leaders: CHRISTINE McCALLA (North) MITCH UNDERWOOD (Plainville) District Director of Lay Servant Ministries: TBD UMW: TBD UMM: TBD Youth representative: HERRON GASTON

PARISH DEVELOPENT – DIMCHEX: This committee meets at least once a year to review grant requests for new or continuing missional opportunities and other endeavors as needed. Members assess the value of requests at the annual hearings and then vote on funding. Members then conduct follow-up evaluation. Needed are experienced pastors and laity with proven track record of church leadership.

District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester

Class of 2021: David Mantz (Chair – Kensington/Newington)

James Midgley (Faith) MOISES VARAS (Shelton: First) 203-892-3564

Class of 2022: JEFFREY GRENIER Robert Knebel (West Hartford) Jacob Hanbin Eun (Wallingford)

Class of 2023: SONIA GREEN (Golden Hill) 203-722-6372 MELODYE MEROLA Daniel Asibuoh Sarpong (Derby) 347-251-3657

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: This committee plays a vital role in the overall operation of our district. Its members endeavor to discover the specific gifts and graces God has placed in the people throughout our district so that, through prayer and discernment, those willing and skilled toward service can be placed in the most suitable roles. Meeting on an as- needed basis through the year, the most intensely focused meetings are in spring, in preparation for District Conference.

88 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First District Superintendent: Rev. Dr. Alpher Sylvester

Class of 2021 ETHEL GRANT (Naugatuck) Egan Bovell (Bloomfield) Ann Bracket (Yalesville)

Class of 2022: TERRY ALLEN SPENCER CARL MOORE (Golden hill) FERN BLAIR HART (Newtown)

Class of 2023: Hugh Hamilton (North) Sun Joo Lee (Bakerville) 860-482-6147 KAREN ALLEN (Huntington)

MEMBERS-AT-LARGE-TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE: This committee includes a representative from each Cooperative Parish. In Connecticut, there are eight (8) parishes. These representatives will assure equity in representation at our Annual Conference and that all sections of our district are fully represented and their voices heard. These representative are also required to report back to the district and their parishes.

Shoreline and Haven Parish: HELEN SMITH (First & Wesley) Greater Bridgeport Parish: Greater Hartford Parish: MARY SRINIVASAN (West Hartford) Meriden Parish: MAUREEN JAMES (First UMC Meriden) Northeast Parish: DIANE HORNADAY (Avon) Northwest Parish: PATRICIA BAYETTE (Bakerville) Valley Parish: KAREN ALLEN (Huntington) Western Frontier Parish: JIM MAURER (Newtown)


89 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First AN “ODE” TO YOUR SERVICE

“There is nothing small in the service of God.” Saint Francis De Sales

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu

“There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don’t do them.” Charles D. Gill

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore

“If you really want to receive joy and happiness, then serve others with all your heart. Lift their burden, and your own burden will be lighter.” Ezra Taft Benson

“Without service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.” Dr. Dorothy Height

“Service doesn’t have to be big and grandiose to be meaningful and make a difference.” Cheryl A. Esplin

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

90 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Notes ______

91 In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First Church Write in your churches By the grace of God, your apportionment status: church 2020 ______apportionments: ______


Approved 2020 Budget New York Annual Conference

An "F" next to a budget line Item Indicates that It Is to be partly or wholly "fully funded" Approved I I lncr/(Decr) lncr/(Decr) "Discipline' paragraph reference in left-most column 2018 2019 2020 I I vs. 2019 Budget vs. 2018 Actual I I Actual Budget Budget I ($) I (%) ($) (%) 614 I Income I I I ,. Shared Ministry Apportionments 7,443,291 8,419,241 8,429,443 10,202 0.1% 986,152 13.2% II. Registration fees, donations and other (see Suppl.) 719,663 738,567 835,849 97,282 13.2% 116,186 16.1% Ill. Prior Year Apportionments 168,543 N/A (168,543) -100.0% v v I I I I Total Income u,3Jl14!ff !f1ltH,HUD !t12uu1.c..:1 7Uf1•1Uj4 1;L. /a SJJ,/S4 11.:L /Q I. Clergy support 614.1a A. District Superintendent expenses 1. Salaries (District Superintendents, Elders & Assisi's) 752,808 747,126 744,168 F (2,958) --0.4% (8,640) -1.1% 2. Benefits & taxes 257,914 302,675 313,486 F 10,811 3.6% 55,572 21.5% 3. Professional expenses & office costs 262,410 161,000 207,500 46,500 28.9% (54,910) -20.9% 4. District Trustees (DS Parsonages) 112,048 129,525 128,360 (1,164) -0,9% 16,312 14.6% 5. Technical Support 15,259 11,556 11,668 112 1.0% (3,591) -23.5% 6. Reserve for full funding o 116,645 144,226 27,581 23.6% 144,226 N/A I I 1 ota1 u1strict �upermtenaent expenses 1,�uu,�. 9 11 .. an,uL l1 .:i'+::r1 o+uo au,m 2 ,,_,,.,. '""•""" lU.H",1,

614.1b B. Episcopal Fund (GCA") 296,722 282,675 285,395 2,720 1.0% (11,327) -3.8%

614,1c C. Conference share of Bishop's Housing 29,833 30,000 30,000 F 0.0% 167 0.6% 1. Reserve for full funding o 3,333 4,091 758 22.7% 4,091 N/A I I 1 ota1 Gonrerence Snare t:11snop s Housing 29,833 33,333 34,091 /08 2.3¾ 4,258 14.3"/c,

614.1d D. Retiree & Disability Benefits 1. Retiree medical benefits 1,190,091 1,295,018 1,325,889 F 30,872 2.4% 135,798 11.4% 2. BOPHB contribution to retiree medical benefits (918,113) (985,337) (1,019,101) F (33,764) -3.4% (100,988) -11.0% 3. Repayment of loan from Board of Pensions 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% 0.0% 4. HealthFlex for those on Incapacity Leave 45,486 41,760 57,000 F 15,240 36.5% 11,514 25.3% 5. Reserve for fullfunding o 39,049 49,348 10,299 26.4% 49,348 NIA I I Total Pension ana t1enents 321,464 400,490 423,136 22,641 �.{"/a So,6/2 29.2¾ E. Equitable Compensation 614.1e 1. Mlnlmlum Salary (bring clergy ta minimum) 163,929 180,000 180,000 0.0% 16,071 9.8% 625.2 2. Salary Support (bring clergy above minimum) 70,935 100,000 100,000 0.0% 29,065 41.0% I I Total Equitable Compensation ,u�0uu� Lau1uuu ,au0uuu u U.U"/o tl:11 1Jb lS.L",\, I I F. Other Programs of Clergy Support (see Supplement) 175,918 267,500 197,500 (70,000) -26.2% 21,582 12.3% 635.1b G. Board of Ordained Ministry & Recruitment 137,450 150,870 180,995 30,125 20.0% 43,545 31.7% 1. Reserve for full funding o 3,028 3,790 762 25.2% 3,790 N/A 614 I I Total Clergy Support "',ou"',o�u "',0001o11"'"' "',::,::,.q,J-10 01,0�4 2.4% 351,626 13.5%

II. Administration 614.2a A. Conf. Council on Finance and Administration reserves 45,000 o o N/A (45,000) -100.0% 614.2a B. Finance & Admlnlstrallon Office 1. Salaries 422,080 431,728 440,344 F 8,616 2.0% 18,264 4.3% 2. Benefits & taxes 177,402 193,911 201,912 F 8,001 4.1% 24,510 13.8% 3. Professional expenses (travel, fees, etc.) 14,694 13,000 13,000 0.0% (1,694) -11.5% 4. Audit fees 38,440 31,500 35,762 4,262 13.5% (2,678) -7.0% 5. Bank Fees & Other 8,249 7,500 7,500 0.0% (749) -9.1% 6. Technical Support 9,380 8,988 8,353 (635) -7.1% (1,027) -11.0% 7. Reserve for full funding o 69,515 87,580 18,065 26.0% 87,580 N/A I I r ota1,t-mance & AammIstrat1on b/U,L40 /oH014L •�,�a JO,JUS :J.l"/o 1:.ttl1:L.Ub 1H.:J% 614.2a C. Other Administrative Expenses 1. Board ofTrustees 210,598 261,845 267,993 F 6,148 2.3% 57,395 27.3% 2. Camping & Retreat Ministries 135,000 190,000 150,000 (40,000) -21.1% 15,000 11.1% 3. Conference Secretary & Journal 34,695 43,065 43,491 F 426 1.0% 8,796 25.4% 4. Conference Sessions 443,354 477,923 421,316 (56,607) -11.8% (22,038) -5.0% 5. Property Administration 264,103 250,698 266,840 16,142 6.4% 2,737 1.0% 6. Commission on Archives and History 45,262 60,739 60,752 F 13 0.0% 15,490 34.2% 7. Commission on Sexual Elhics 287 7,500 7,500 0.0% 7,213 2513.2% 8. Sexual Ethics Response Team o 7,500 1,000 (6,500) -86.7% 1,000 NIA 9. Committee on Personnel o 3,000 o (3,000) -100.0% N/A 10. Commission an Religion & Race 21,629 27,000 28,600 1,600 5.9% 6,971 32.2% 11. Cross Cultural / RacialTask Force o 7,500 1,500 (6,000) -80.0% 1,500 N/A 12. Accessibility Committee 4,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% 2,000 50.0% 13. Immigration Task Force 1,238 6,250 4,500 (1,750) -28.0% 3,262 263.5% 14. Equipment purchasenease and maintenance 38,643 43,344 35,271 (8,073) -18.6% (3,372) -8.7% 15. Supplies, postage, telephone 41,269 43,754 41,300 (2,454) -5.6% 31 0.1% 16. ITTechnlcal support 174,002 185,789 175,244 F (10,545) -5.7% 1,242 0.7% 17. Gen. & Juris. Conf.Travel / Committee training 3,126 17,000 19,000 2,000 11.8% 15,874 507.8% 18. Justice For Our Neighbors 76,542 85,000 110,000 25,000 29.4% 33,458 43.7% 19. Reservefor full funding o 26,636 33,774 7,138 26.8% 33,774 N/A 014,,a I I 1 ota1 utner Aamm1stratIve expenses 1,493,148 1,1�0,M2 1,614,081 116,4611 -4.4",1, 180,JJJ 12.1"/o


Note: Certain prior year amounts have been restated to conform to the current year presentation.


Approved 2020 Budget New York Annual Conference

Income from Registration Fees, Contributions and Other

Approved lncr/(Decr} 2018 2019 2020 vs. 2019 Budget Actual Budget Budget ($} (%}

Archives & History, Commission on (Administration) Donations 135 Sub-total 135 0 0 0 0.0%

Board of Ordained Ministry (Clergy Support) Candidacy Fees 9,000 19,200 19,200 Local Pastors Licensing School 17,600 19,000 Compass Program 1,394 5,000 4,300 Oreder of Deacons Retreat 19,060 1,000 300 Sub-total 29,454 42,800 42,800 0 0.0%

Church & Society, Board of (World Service & Conference Benevolences) Transfer from Peace w/ Justice fund 10,400 16,682 Program Registrations & Fees 300 250 Sub-total 0 10,700 16,932 6,232 58.2%

Conference Secretary & Journal (Administration) SaleslCommisions 46 Sub-total 46 0 0 0 NIA

Conference Sessions, Commission on (Administration) Registration Fees 237,375 240,864 240,864 Sub-total 237,375 240,864 240,864 0 0.0%

Congregational Development (World Service& Conference Benevolences) Registration Fees 4,065 4,000 Donations 30 Sub-total 4,095 0 4,000 4,000 0.0%

Connectional Ministries Vision Table (World Service & Conference Benevolences) Individual Giving 200 Registration Fees 52,838 50,000 56,300 Quadrennial Mission Focus Funding 75,000 Sub-total 53,038 50,000 131,300 81,300 162.6%

District Superintendency (Clergy Support) Funds from closed district bank accounts 23,933 Registration Fees 5,335 5,000 Sub-total 29,268 0 5,000 5,000 NIA

Immigration Taskforce (Administration) Peace with Justice donation (BOCS) 1,500 750 Sub-total 0 1,500 750 (750) -50.0%

Parish Development, Commission on (World Service & Conference Benevolences) Funding from Parish Development 257,995 280,000 280,000 Sub-total 257,995 280,000 280,000 0 NIA

Trustees, Board of (Administration) Danke Estate Trust Income 30,043 28,500 30,000 Funding from Trustee Funds 78,214 84,203 84,203 Sub-total 108,257 112,703 114,203 1,500 1.3%

Total $ 719,663 $ 738,567 $ 835,849 $ 97,282 13.2%

Note: Certain prior year amounts have been restated to conformto the current year presentation.


Rev. Jeremiah Paul Thomas J. Bickerton Pastor of East Berlin & Trinity UMC Resident Bishop New York Area

Christine Chan Rev. Dr. Marvin A. Moss Organist Director of Congregational Development and Revitalization

Mariyam Muhammad Administrative Assistant CT & MET Districts Lisa Isom Director of Communications

Barbara Eastman NYAC IT Consultant Rev. Matt Curry Director of Connectional Ministries GNTV

Rev. Robert Walker Ross Williams Assistant to the Bishop CFO & Director of Administrative Services

The Connecticut district would like to thank Ross Williams for all of his dedication and service to ensure financial viability of our conference and district.

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First 97 From my Heart to your Heart: "Thanks for the opportunity to serve beside you in the District of Connecticut where God is Alive, Active and Available. Please continue to pray that I humbly serve knowing that in Connecticut, after God, I must always put people first.

The image of the Holy Spirit fire must be preeminent.

In Connecticut, After God, We Put People First