
26 May 2020

Rachel Smith, Planning Officer, East Council, East Suffolk House, Riduna Park, Station Road, Melton, Woodbridge, IP12 1RT

Dear Ms Smith,

DC/19/5049/FUL Redevelopment of site to provide new clubhouse and new public facilities to include cafe, putting green, toilets and viewing platform, improved access, parking, 5 detached dwellings and associated landscaping, relocation of existing watch tower - existing clubhouse and pro-shop buildings to be demolished. Ferry Golf Club Ferry Road Felixstowe IP11 9RY

I am writing on behalf of the Society to make late representations on the above application. The Society is extremely disappointed to note that the application is recommended for approval and furthermore, fails to make any legally binding provisions for the conservation of the Martello Tower, a building at risk.

The officer’s report states: Historic does also note that the Felixstowe Golf Course Martello tower is on the Heritage at Risk Register. They consider that potential exists for the Martello tower to be better utilised as a heritage asset within the golf course complex and that an opportunity potentially exists for a feasibility study and conservation plan for the Martello tower to be secured through a Section 106 agreement. The local planning authority have raised concerns regarding the Martello Tower with the applicants and they are aware of the position. The golf club is not currently in a position where it can invest heavily into this building however, they have indicated that if the clubhouse redevelopment project is successful, they would look into carrying out works to the Martello Tower and its possible future use. This, however, was during an informal discussion and is not binding, nor can anything be secured during this application process. The Golf club remain aware of their responsibilities regarding the structure and the local planning authority will seek to work with and encourage works to this structure in the future, as appropriate. (my emphasis).

The Society believes that to approve the application as enabling development without ensuring that the Martello Tower, a building at risk benefits is wholly unacceptable and fails to meet the statutory duty under S.66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The Society considers that merely asking the applicant to “look into” carrying out works is insufficient and we urge the committee pay special regard to the desirability of preserving a listed building and its setting together with any features that it may possess. Accordingly, we urge that the advice

set out by Historic England and ourselves regarding the future of the Martello Tower should form part of any consent.

Yours sincerely,

Bethany Philbedge BSc (Hons) MSc (Town Planning) Planning Officer