r ■ ‘f - i r 4 :f

m -KAW CirtOTEK lBEItAIl». M m h Uw . lfarel>» . 1WT7

/.A y ;/!•*. MA.NCHFS! FR IlljggUWWI gylgHW* im * FOCUS SPORTS T i y m 4 ’ W VVIIV TSST Am wffNBi m - ' l a MMMIlVBdiSi.fi. SbMT» e m a r n i LEnW sd RWoo M fCK CdNforr dWlofi V o r r M W DOOGC VdnTB. CMOtlefit 1 £H coRdfffdN. Low mi- mterler Gextsrfer. V-B ‘Platoon’ ratoB UW IDSCARtrs TraNor WOWON. A fr IndUnatakaE « m y . T N » MEi M W ftaw 4BJW orfodM l m n w m m r n m t m e BiBW. do -nit. otrofiR rwnnmi. Atamr fm m A p rn x , oiffir /i#ni't, m f , ib i • 1 :3fRSP r m m . m m 0 0 0. a o r n w Brofeoo. g RBfM new parts. Weedotiwnd a acdlding tops at OicarB national croim dock, mwcmBf, RWdr, •dW. ddT-TMF. mission wort. Akiat a a . s w a * ~ ^ sell, dost ptRW. BdP taEMEro, OMd warronfY m s s r P B 0 « 3 . . . P M « 1 1 L for omv tnv. Rod n - dL^TBEdoor, v-t,«iffo. AdMcinw aYaiiRDro. D O O G C V o n t m . V-d, Rfrof e»mor Rfrsf Mooofo trodom fsofON. M T M p C U l / oorvwr Codf Rdtrf MBB^ BMB. d O d a W . cuetom mterler. wlonY n, M M dM VW r, C«mMC> C«mM«rMwf. 5XfSvirm -nrm . Okfrm. Good condi­ 0*>49 BM^rddS o r » > - 5 d » m f . MCRCVITY MonflBO 74. r U w M V ^ i i f 4 4o m , L o o d o d , orfiHo ooltfi tion. B4BBB. ddOdSdZ of- m n m Good eoMBflofi. Low s i r cowdfffowfwg, •wrBondY Interior. All lXJIL V A A SA H A V w S S S U S S . 6 OLR CM o (•) from j-f mHoowo. M m f toff. Co«f ROMW ifooriM, Rowor power, owto frommfo- F O M D R-19B ItBB pickwp Mice. Like new, der- Rwffor. VS. dflor 5 for avoofnf- DfBRdo, mfi/dm, mofiv tfon. AoMnBfMBB.SdB- oped. 1SBB miles. BMBB m«nf. dO-Sddl. vdtb cap. Very deed TM*I«w w wwgegpfTM ddrdaajofoor d. o x frm . dSdW. d4»t/44. BM1 before 7:3dpm. condition. *43-23M. or bed offer. ddMBIfc I M M l N V f I M TM* Wnwntiw dwtf ZM *n« C , AerW k i w e l/: w F .w . htiwe w w iw e Teen Clerk PowBevelneroootdbrsIBOWHf nil BOO, too to U » , OOtJMtfeeoiotolneBln------„WVTfWr . .N r , 04M fMHt #W M rM f, (Wane^wi i r , C». ** croooodlovdWkr fend ' rocordt- ediyffy. - - B u a g ia ORAL AURAdHR MWW* w r wfW« « • WlWf^Wrm m m m ' m lYfV « tan»«>fn« MfRfMM; LaiieRR RormNo end Root beve menepood by StdMOO^ from SlOtbOtO to B M B M . TM o XM HIW cwwnwcTtgwCMfTiitfCTMN eaM TMrr • fweem siwi ■ « T , APR IL 4,1 bvde^f reeenv^pondo en Incroaoo In meoHpptnettoafm m oio lendfm from SlZ/ton...... m f M i m m— m wirreiiie • n u .f r o w m Skp m m - - - mOOR.AL en IncroeoowkfcbIncrpBl o ekfeb atel mo currantcurrent (ovol of lOMellll OOP, okoeokould roouH m proto reveneoo to- MMHV WAORRM. toimie Ifm oiS. woeevor. OMAdOO^ w kkk roprooonto fbo totol» cool of londlBI Wan •» a »are«t 0* tmm ttmtUH tm m «w y a «i- I ‘ end pootd etod oed e iwonf roptacomonf for RY NBI/SLlo w ggi^ aefaiaiitf Mkwwwt fl, toeflon------M8.W ro n »mWW>oeowoor«>owofo- M I0,144 duo lo on Incroaoo In Ibo total vofuallon d cemmorciw/induolrlal property t a. n i^ rfio«Mfoof Iftf. THIS BUDOET RROROSES A MILL RATE ROR RY 1007/00ORS0.7], WHICH RBRRBSENTSA Mcaped bNore police arrived. A Rreporty Ton Rollof Rroorom boo boon wopotod In tbo R Y 1tS7/M State BBudoolwMcbl 1.41 M ILL, OR 7.2S% INCREASE OVER T H E CUR R EN T M ILL R ATE. I have provldodo Sum­ would rodiroci funds currontly oocrowod tor Infrootructuro Oronfo lo muMeli There were no patrons In the mary Toblo on mo followinf pchw wMcb tolt ovi mo dollar and porconlaeo Incroaoo for ooeb p r e i ^ y fox rollof oronfo. The intHlol formula rocemmondod for colculallne e r w ^ restaurant at A e time of the molor Oonorol Rund aeftvHy and Indlcoloo wbol porconfoeo of fbo fetal Incroaoo rocem­ w ^d rwult li^ 00W rovonuo lo Monchoolor lolatllne 1440420. Howovor. Ibetooresoy- (U^STONBURY - A iHiiB^Mr mondod It boino ootlenod fo ooeb octlvNy. I trust tbof ftilo Toblo will bo Helpful lo you In rovlow- Ota robbery, polipp said. Ine fbo Rocemmondod Oonorol Rund Budeol. orol Nmltor IMotollvo preoromo also bol no conoMorod and fboro lo oomo totoroot In ro- ASmft . i^tfTEOn policp pRd IMMno oomo form of Infrootructuro Oront Rreerom oo well, Ol von mio cempeftfton for on M ain Upon arriving at the restaurant, As you will too, fMo budeot, wim few oxcoptleao, molnlalnt tbo current level of Town oor- fbo oomo fundino oourco, BiOEOO boo boon Included In mis b u d M os a now rOyonuo for police apprehended rnw of A e TO W N 0 0 MANCi ic T ic ir r yfcoo. Doportmonf Hoodo bovo token eroel core to miMmlM fbo proerom and oorvlco Improvo- "property tax rw o lf' wbicb con roooonoM v bo expoefod oven If Ibo Infrootrucfuro O r m lr o e t ^ B 4 w R ^ incMent thii roduootod. I bovo ooloctod from amotm tboso roquotfo only mooo Imprevomonfo wMch I Rreerom Is confinuod. moraiiig uDdn itiita m Hcp detdr- robbers fleeing from the restaurant N pnm M boroby olyon mol mo Board of OIrodort, Town of fooloro0 vttol f 0 fbo communlf y at mio If mo. Tbooo Incrooooo roprooonitna on ox tension beyond Rodorol Rovonuo Shorlne, wbicb woo a rovonuo for mo flrof six menmsef RY IOM/27, bo tfiliwd A N three riEites balierdd but a second suspect escaped, MondMoftr, Connoeffeuf, will bold a Rublle Hoorlno ol Ibo molntenancomonco of current oorvlco lovol and Ibo Incrooood coots wIIMn tbo DlvIHen!' budeol ore; boon ollmlnalod rooultlne In a 2430400 docroooo. Qiarbonneau said. Employees told LlneoInConfor Hoorlno Room, 4M Main Stroof, M oncbot^', be hi th* raotauraiuraaTfiM l already CanMcfTcYt, on Tvotday, Aorll f, lfS7 ol •:!------I R.M. to con- 1.) CoeWoNor - Tlw oddlflon of on Account Clerk oNocllvo January I, ION ol a coot of M410 to Toeolbw, mooo Homs roprooonf o total docroooo of S401,7S4 wbicb Is partially offsol bv a com- police that sin men were involved In tMor and oel on mo followino: prmrtdo e lo r l^ support for self Inourenco administration and ontlclpotod now inHIof Ivoo £<^•040,011 Increase In all other rovonuo Items In mis coloeery rosultine In o not dowodoo of the robbery, so police conclude In tbo WOOS of Invontory control. Improved financial roperfine and proactive risk man- tM0,03S for mo entire rovonuo colooory. ibero of the ptati poUice ^ -Jnonco-To contidfr an Ordnance doelorlno tagdeai unit entered Ae HunanHum Monday night that four men re­ on bvHdlnoo at pdrfic ndoancoo. 2.) Ofbor Rovoppo ' CtEMpno (Aineae restaurant at 0; M mained In A e building, be said. Rieooood O r d n m o ; To eontidor on Ordnance preblbHIno Arrested were Sammy Yeung, Ifio pfoylnffin# of NM-alal, Inforost on Invostmonts boodocroosod bv SISO-OOe, from l0W,0Wlo 0700400duo fe roeonf a.m . 1and found the bulldinf to be sleMflcont doclino In mo Inforost rote at which mo Treasurer Is oMo 10 Invest Toorp impty, Glastonbury police spokes- 16; Lee Chi Fung, 21; and Yuet Nrobofod Ordinance To eenolder fbo oolo of promlwt mere complofo ond oouHoMo svotom of oooooslne personal preporty. funds. an Howard Charbonneau said. Wong, It, all of New York City. knm ot Ror^ X Union Rond Indutfrlol Rork, enmotovlti- 1.1 CoHoefor of Rovoppo - Tbo fellewino Imprevomonto; orlvjido of ToHand TurnMko, fo VSH-l I LlmNod Rortnortblo Rovomenl Cut Repairs Iso new revenue Hern wim on esflmoted revenue of 012S,0N In RY Iriler, at • about 3 a.m., two They were charged wlA first- for mo torn of W 1 4 U M ExpanPen of mo current 2S hour/week Account Clerk fo a full time position at o cost of '’•vonue will bo based on a foe tor povomont cut repairs choreoaMoM degree robbery, first-degree lar­ 04,1NO lo eliminate IM practice of eltbor the Celloclor or AosIstonI Colloclor of Rovonuo ullllly companies ond cenfrocters Ihol Is Infondod to bo sufficient to oNsol me full dlred surrendered peai^ully . . JWmoRrooofodOrdlnancof moybowonlnmoTown porfermlne clerical and toxpayor service window duties for several hours each day. end Indirect cost of o throe oerson crew and ritoolr motor jals and supMTss (Vm iiew ex- ceny and first-degree unlawful Clork'f omeo dorlno butinoff hewro. A e building, tnit police This will iMure aoroaler deeroo of compHonco wHh me Town Auditor's rocommendo- ponses), mis revenue ItemI does not ‘ affect — " me“ mill rote cetculotion.’ thought Aat other accomplices restraint. All three were to be ...... romloflon fe Oonorol Rond flon met mo functions of cellocfine cosh receipts and eperatino me replslors be se- Tepelber, mese two Hems represent 015,000 of the evoroll on.llOdecreoso In me revenue cole- arraigned Ais morning In Man­ . or ClflM M • for ffio Annual RlNtlna Derby.... t«W.OO oroeolod from mo function of botonclno and roconclllne mo revenue cellocfed. . wefje still in the reoAurant, Char- oory. chester Superior Court. Jo bo flnoneoa by a donofIon oiroadvr roeolvodri EstoMIshment of the now position of Dollnouonl Tax Collocler of o net cost of 01400 to 'biM M au said.' Irom The Soylntt lank of MoncbooMr. perform similar services currently controctod for on a port-llmo basis. Educoflop Rolafed Rovenuos , Shota were fired during the •-A fourth suspect wasVV CB* CSp|ROappre . opproprlollon lo Oonorol Rund - 4.) Rtoppipe -.The Inclusion of 012.0N In Contractual Services to secure a centradod 0 T B Aid, based on me traditional educational assistance formula which todors roloflvo -'TO^|tont,^alid no one was inJuriKi, bended by state police in SouAbury Owfrooeb...... tl,SN.oe Consultonf to conduct a speclol iroffle Impact study for a doslonolod area of To wn or to re­ per ewHo woalm, number of sludents, and lovol of taxoNortalready dodlcoltoleoduca- after he was sighted boarding a lo' inoncod by denollont olroody roeolvod view selected development proposals for trofitc Impact. tlen, bos Increased by 01,OW,1N, from SS4404M to «,S54,22«. from' Glastonbury police Interrupted New York-bound bus in East S.) B e H M ipoeocnop - The addttlen of qJO hour/week Clerk 11 posnien at a cost of07,700and * 'Rl •kPdnso rolmbursemonts hove Increased by S107,40» from 11,011414 Hartford, (ThaAonneau said. He Ri I Troff...... S1,0N.SD a Centrocfurel Services expense M 0^500 to controd for oufsido Mon and review assls- to 01 ,flS ,m due to an anticipated Increase In special education expenses which are ellol- an armed rNtbeiV In progress at Ae J-C.ffJ'"*T CO.. ______.S1SS.N to fw tor anticipated commercial censirudlon ol Bucklond Hills Mall. Wim Increased Me for reimbursement. said Glastonbury police plan to Wei Zockln 0 Atioelofof...... S230.N rpMaumnL Idoated at STM Main St., co M ructiM a d ivllv over me post several years, preleded development and sub­ Teochers' Solary Oront Is a new revenue Hem rosultine from passape of me Stole EdueP r^after TBCulvitUI b call about 11:30 question the man today. Rrobotod oaeroerlaflon to Sooelol Oronft • divisions already, approved or currently boino rovlowed bv mo Rlonnlne ond Zonino lien EntaneemenI A d of i m . The anticipated revenue tor RY 1S07/00 Is 0047,1 Nand Is In- Charbonneau said Aat although HereM plieta Py Tuoksr Rund «1 - fmono-A-Rldo i m 4 f 7 ...... Commission, clerical stoN expansion Is necessary to process permits within o roasenaWo The robbery was •i,«oe.iio ***!S*S? diredly offsol mo Increased cost ol teachers' salaries resulting from mo rene- weapons have been recovered, lo bo flnancfd bv a donollon already rocolvfd lime period, This peslllen will eliminate— me need for unbudeetod oxMndlluros xp9n oetlallon of me current teachers' contad as was required bv the A d . an employpB /Gf a 00 Irom Ruddoll Trufl. Mporfenced In Temporary Sotorlos to recMrvedrs for tom'rMrary cWicaTsof vi m duf i peMoB< are 'assum lni A a t the Qlagtonbury police officer Tom DarowEkI keeps watch surrendered to police early this morning after a bungled mo busiest periods. ‘ ^'*;<>nce Oront has liKreased by 0144,057, Irom S414,003te tM I4N due to meKheduleestablimed In mo Education Enhancement A d of lOOOasanontltliment raotaafaa Wnt ^ ^ this morning outsidG .the Httfini. QBrdens Chinese 3 4.) Nlehwev - The addition of mroo posHlons a______Heavy_____ Equipment Operator,. Truck Truck Driver robbery at the restaurant. A third was apprehended while ond Laborer - alone with povomont restoration supplies...... o'ifoir fatal cost■ -of 404,710 - ...... to estob- to eoch m unkjpelHy whjcb successtullv reneeotlated the teachers' controd erlelnolly Another N yp Tim p lo ye e s In the Please tarn to page 10 Restaurant on Main Street in QIastonbury. Tw o men 00 HlPI?'.®''".'’*' TV'Tvnue Hem dees offod fleeing from the seene"Monday night. to llsb^ o Rovomenl , . Cut------Repair Crew------. to . . epairrepair ell ell pavementvoment cuts cuts______mode by_ utility______companies tfif mill raft colculotlon btcouM It It not on o fft^ to o Itoltlotlvolv roquirtd Incrtcntd buaool otilmalo. and. censtrudlen confraders. Currently, uHllfy companies and contraders pay adual •oiory f xpf nto. costs of pavement repair to me repair confrador. Under mis proposol, the Town, rdthOr To eenildor llio dlfcenllnuonco of OleefI SIrool Wofl. men me repair confrador, will perform me work and receiveI. me .... _payment.______A______revenue T o c h e r , thMO revenue Itoms represent an Increase of $2,144,014 within a rsvsnue cotoeory Hem effsettino me full cost of this proerom Is Included In mis Budeot's Revenue Summary. that represents an overall Increase of $2,1*1445. <-«>wuBt r 7.) Rorks B Comotorlos - The addition of two Rork Maintainors at a total cost of 145,540 to be " y®'*"® Inereos* Ip (ho Us* of Surplusasa ro- American adviser kiiied during rebei attack in Ei Saivador osslened as fellows; 2?-'^~.®jrJ!?2',®®51" ®V®*5'*5?' f *"• K * ’ toveral years, we have maintained a tund balance 'aell______ot approxlmatoly 1% of adopted expenditures as recommended bv bond rating agencies to COi Id mo Town ol M7-3tn one week prior to mo Kiwdulod One Rork Maintainor wim exclusive osslonment to malntononce of rounds at the presorvo our AA bond rating. Given our current prolections tor RY 1*04/07, expenditures and SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador ino to mol oppreprlolo orroneomonlt con bo mode. most— 1 control and publicly vlslblo orounds " ' - ■ onev Library until his relatives can be notified. nearly 40 miles north of the capital. agency, received In San Salvador, Information." 1933, killing more A a n 100 soldiers. R Suralus appropriation for mis (AP) — An estimated 800 leftist ■roui rounds.inds,“ Town ...... Holl, Lincoln..... Mntof, Vidthoni Momortol Rork, Mento Par jirWhltonXl- A soldier at the base who The sources, who spoke on condi­ said. "Boys" is a term used to refer to according to armed forces figures! STERHEN T. CASSANO rary and the Community Y Bulldine. year, I am confident mot $1,000,000 Is an amountfhot can be reserved olfhout lowering fund bial- rebels attacked a major military S onc* to m* point whore our good credit rating could be adversely affected. answered a telephone call from 8an tion of anonymity, said they had no There was no immediate confir­ the guerrillas, who have been The--- — front —— claimed Aey ougawkilM VBor SECRETARY, BOARD OR DIRECTORS • On* Park Maintainor with primer ntalner with primary assignment to m* oxistine tundlon of Maintenance Rersennet base in Chalatenango province 8aivador radio station Y 8 U said information on casualties. mation of any other rebel attacks. fighting since 1079 to overArow the wounded 300 solAers, captured 300 Ootod at Manchotlor, connodlcul Ihlo irm day el March, of Rocrooflon BulldinesBult"------end ^ ~Rocllltlos ' to expand the Town oNort In molntenanco and early today, and an American 1N7. repair of pools.s, softoall and secesr tields and playprounds. Th* Personal Services entries for elements of this budjwt areai based upon current contracts about 800 guerrillas attacked the The news agency 8alpress, which The garrison in Paraiso is one of U.S.-backed government. oAers and seised a large amount of military adviser was among those base at 1:30 a.m. (1:30 a.m. E 8 T .) 0.) Rellcg - Th* addition of a Mechanic at a cost of $25,074 to provldo nocessaryasslstaneo In with bargaining units whore they extend through RY 1*07/M. RInal salary recommendations has ties to the 8alvadoran left, said the most important in Ae country Helicopters were seen landing arms and equipment. maintalninp all.Police vehicles, on Increased number (now 14) of troHlc signals and con- for, ^Indl------vrduals to om*r bargaining------units ar* subject to centinu------.Ine negotiations. This budget I killed, a U.8. Embassy spokesman Twelve soldiers and 30 guerrillas the attack was the most Important because o( its location in an area duds* 0 7% salary Incroos* for porsennol who are not member* of any bargaining unit. near A e military hospital In San Today’s guerrilla attack ap­ trollors, and all road signs, troNIc control signs and paint all road contorllnos, porkinp said. were killed, and gunfire could still of several today in different parts of traditionally held by rebels. Inos, and crosswalk/lntorsectlon linos. This rocemmondatlon Is conslstont with th* flnd- This budeot also contains fund* for reclassification of two Individuals a* follows; Salvador early today and taking off peared to be A e biggest since June Ines of m* Police Drganltotlon and Manpower Study prosented to m* Beard of Directors He was the first ot the S3 U.8. be heard around the garrison after the country and was the start of a Civilian sources in Chalatenango, again for the north. Such flights 1988, when Aey attacked Ae 3rd TOW N OR. M ^ ^ N ^ T R R In January 1*M. Reclassification of th* position of Assistant Controller In m* Controller's OHIc* to Chief military advisers killed in combat LEOALI Accountant at a cost o f $2,200 In RY 1N7/0S. dawn, the unidentified soldier said. new military campaign. the provincial capital seven miles usually accompany a major attack. Infantry Brigade In San Miguel, M In the seven-year-long war. 8ources in the Armed Forces It is called "F o r the conquest of from A e base, said by telephone The guerrillas, grouped as the ------*.) Noeim - Th* addition of on Environmental Heoim In*pedor to servo primarily a* a Hous­ Redassiticatlon of mo position of Assistant Treasurer to a new wag* group at a cost of miles east of A e capital. The Zonlnt Board of Appoolo modo mo followino doeltlono ing Cod* Violation Inspoder and an expansion of o current temporary part-time Clerk II Pend Agnew, a U.8. Embassy Press Committee confirmed the peace, bread, jobs and freedom, all ol HO March » , IM7 mo^np: $1,141 In RY 1N7/00. that "the rumors that are circulat­ Farabundo Marti National Libera­ The armed forces confirmed 80 position at 15 hours/week to 0 full time Clerk 11 position to prevld* clerical support to th* spokesman, confirmed the death, attack on A e 4th Infantry Brigade the people take up arm s,” the expanded rMPonsIbllltlo* of Housing Cede violation work at a total cost of no,740. Th* adlon In m* Controller's Office ha* been reviewed bv m* Personnel Office and Is recom­ ing are that the ‘boys' have taken tion Front, previously attacked Ae soldiers killed or wounded In Aat f C N R IT B R RARKAOl MRRCNANTS mended bv me. The adlon requested for m* eleded official'* office I* passed on without re- but refused to Identify the victim garrison in the town of Paraiso, dispatch from the Mexico-based the base, but A ere Is no concrete 4th Infantry Brigade on Dec. 30, raid. 'T IO NI • Approvod a Special Excdpllonopili eemmendetlen. undtr ArtliArticit II,I Sodlon O.Of lo c o n ^ c fo wopkiy MANABBR'S SBNERAL RUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Wfdnoo marlm orkd oI n SuMPi^anly______on______fkSfOtquarofooljuor %OR CepHel ImprovomeM* itofSMMIddIo turnjMkoko Wool and norm ol The racommended appropriation for Transfer to m* Capitol Improvement Reserve I* , lloTurnplhoWL.o tt- fu iliilnottZonollMrom Mar. Rtc. $ % InCTMM $1,1N,0W. This I* an Increase of SIIO.OW. or 15% over m* current year appropriation of $070,000 . irm1 mrouf h odoborirlS ,lfi7'withmolollowlne ACtlvHv V J t S ’ IW/N Increoe* ipcreo** M e . and reprosent* a recommended commitment of th* equivalent of 1.4 mills In current tax re­ District increases its negotiating power condlllono; Directors consider General Govt. 1,*47,4W t1N,814 241,9U 11.8% 1.1% venue* toward capital Imprevemont*. This recommended level of fundino I* In keeping with (II Hourt llmllod lo l:M A.M. lo S:N R.M., Sun- Rubik Work* 4,712,424 8,114408 411,0*1 11.1% *.7% our fly* year otan to Increase m* Transfer to Reserve commitment to m* 2 mill level of current dpyt only. RrotocHen 244,1N 4.4% 4.1% taxes by RY 1*0*/N. Th* long term benefit of this opprooch I* to mlnimit* our reliance en Debt By Oeorg* Loyng meeting between the two govern­ (II Thoro iholl bo no food proporollon r dliponilnp Human Service* (11,118) -1.1% -0.1% Service stratagl** such a* bonding and leas* purchase to moot m* needs of m* community. Herald Reporter ments last week that almost saw of m ilI rfloo morkd. Leltura t,5N,*0* I,418,*N *5,00* 4.2% 1.8% In addition, 1 am lecommondlno that consideration be given to m* addition of an olovotor to "I Just feel we should be standing man to Sunday iibrary hours the nprmoost side of to* Town Municipal Building at o cost of $410,000, to satisfy access to m* the negotiations break down. Dis­ (SI Mlnim itt IIHpr by padro ni of floo m orkd bv ST or s4io,

PkJln toe, 4-eye tie in wine, brown or block. $74.95 personal Rough Terrain Bike SUPRA MODEL IO-S|HMd Insurance needs. 10*Sp»«d • upright Hondlebors Purehatm Horahmlm Comforfech for you. The bottoms contain millions of • Lugg»d From* * Extra Strong Frome • Shimono Gears • Wide Seot ifioes befiveen now and Month microscopic air bubbles giving you o • Alloy Brokes • Fat Tires ft Rims 31,19B7. IVeor thorn for 30 day$. cushion to walk on. There’s even o spe­ it Boot rates 7 • Foom Grips * Heavy Duty Brokes • CoMerless Crank * Built in U.S.A, If not scrtfgffed, bring thorn book from to eomp»nl0 $ 7 cial insole Ihot absorbs shocks and gives • Built in U S A. a »«.li20.oo NOW ONLY NOW ONLY to our store (with your tales re- maximum support. The uppers? They’re High QooNty, Hondoofted ceft>fj and roeoNo a M l rohmd. hand-finished, rich-looking leather. We Call In Cotton Rjtons $ 159.95 $ 199.95 With the aid. af camputer tech- could tell you lots more but why settle or Stop Comfonoble Solb Steepen BIKE TUNE-UP SPECIAL nalagy, Florshelm custam-cantaurs for reading about Comfortech shoes and see us. Bed Romes Low Ook Ibbies Shift Adjusted SroKes AdjutlRd * Conet Adjusted * Tighten Bolts Camfortech shaes sa-they look and when you could be wearing them on o Beautiful Coven Minor Wheel Tuning • Cleoning ond Lubricotion feel as though they'vyere designed iust 30-day “no risk* basis? 100% Cotton Pilows it.t. ttl.M SPCOAL ONLY $ 17.95 OLIVER-ZUCCARDY Insurance Agency 6 4 6 - 6 4 6 6 THE BIKE SHOP 903 Moin Street o p e n Doily 9:30-5:30 767 Main Street 06 (Mk St. (off Mom). Mandiener 163 Spruce St. I REGAVS I B ______"VIOMf Outmy sr»ap~______I Manchester Tuct.-M. 116. n «n . 116 11^ ^ ! Monchetler m Downtown Manchester Wed..Thurs.&Fr1.tfl9 S «. 106 •47-1617 6 4 3 -9 5 5 5 ______The best For L e u ' nirveir <;rM[ tnos aprh .i o t h t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuwday. March 31 1987 WAWCHKSTER HE8ALO. TWeidw. Hwta «. i m ^ t OPINION V.S./WOM tm House sct to override Reagan ByDovf a tax benefit you shouldn’t pass up. And arrangements and handle all the details. And we Reagan made an inane remark linking President station Mir and should arrive there in five days, Tass reported. Connecticut National wants to help you make the can make keeping (rack of yqur retirement money the victims of artiNce and contrivance, a people “That is why they laughed at the president’s Two cosmonauts in the station will use the equipment for y^fyhoiud Jimmy Carter and the Ku Klux Klan. misled by the shrewd hands of Ronald Reagan’s speech.’’ From "The Man Who Mistook His Wife illanrlipstpr Hrralft most of it. easier by consolidating your IRAs from previous “astrophysical observations and other studies,” the Soviet news In addition to setting up your IRA, our tt ?*** **** series of inane remarks, which, public relations counselors? Possibly voters and for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales.’’ Harper k Row. Founded In 1881 years into a single quarterly statement. if they d been allowed to continue, would probably agency added. It did not describe the experiments. specialists can show you a number of ways to Then, if you need help in figuring out how citizens should approach politicians with a caveat 1M7. Yuri Romanenko and Alexander LoveiMn began their mission Bank have lost him the election. That is why Stuart emptor attitude. It’s up to you not to be fooled and ’Thus, even with the cork in the mouth, careful PENNY M. SIEFFERT .. manai K your account for a higher return. the new tax law will affect your 1987 IRA, we have ...... PuMUher Feb. 6, when the Soviet Union launched its first manned space You may opt for a guaranteed rate of return Spencer of California’s Spencer-Roberts political some people aren’t. rehearsal, controlled environments, Stuart DOUGLAS A. BEVINS Exacutlva Editor flight in six months. IRA specialists you can talk to. And an IRA Tax Know-how that pays off r public relations firm was put on the campaign ’The aphasiacs in Dr. Oliver Sacks hospital ward Spencer and his wiggy friends from the Ifonate to ALEXANDER QIRELLI.. ... AmocIMo EdHor The 11-ton module, called the Kvant, wasbiastedintoorbitby a plane; in his attache case Mr. Spencer carried a In Manchester, call Jo German at 728-4312. Claudia Markstein at 728 4327. weren’t; “What was going on? A roar of laughter keep the real Reagan secret, he’s there for all to DENISE A. ROBERTS Proton booster rocket, Tass said. The agency did not say where mallet and a cork. from the aphasia ward, just as the president’s see. You don’t even need all your faculties to catch . AdvortMng DIroctor the launch occurred. The Soviets launch most such craft from Lucille Ladoneat 728-4318 or Lon Seely at 728-2860 From that time on, Mr. Reagan has moved in MARK F. ABRAITIS . BiiUntM MAnigor In East Hartford, < all Miian Macknat 7?R 4302 nr Verna Findlay at 728 4 246 speech was going on, and they all had been so eager on. Just turn on your set and do what the patients in SHELDON COHEN Compoting Monigor their space complex in Soviet Central Asia. Or call toll fTM l S0 0 'S4 3 -9 2 8 8 . what one of his IMO campaign aides called a to hear the president speiiking. the hospital ward did; Pay close attention to the ROBERT H. HUBBARD Prouroom M«nie«r Tass said the module was the first of its type to be sent to Mir “controlledenvironment.” The likable, but unread. "There he was, the Old Charmer, the Actor, with absurd man on the screen. JEANNE a. FROMERTH.. .. Circulation • I and is "fundamentally new.” 9 - MAWCHESTKir ^ M. 1W7 IfAWCRBWint HgRALD. IWwfag. Mwei « . M W - f H XfN m TM CI SWAFU by Bruce I P M N u n t br< LOOK >AT ^6 |2 T f=o l l o w i M 6 h i m I xrm m c rH M T^ ^OYALrYf y B t u h u u m tm I How annual yield is determined ODESTION; I many variations in the exact way to a WH#y bbcofiMt Mstotant VP noQce that some they figure M em t. of mail on this subject. It banks and sav- With oar exenvie af an tpereent haa la he rspeated fitot aa oae has Vhrtm Wiley or Maacfeester, m anafer of the Coaaeetitsat Bank iii0 and loan fl.MS CD with dnibr eompmmdlnft ever isat even oae cent ef adepoeit aad Tmat Co. braach in the Manchester Parfcade, bat been associations l « v e s t 4 M « ’ PAVTIME 15 50 fNI6HTTIME IS 50 the value bnflds up to approxi­ covered by FDIC or FSUC. eiaeted aa aeWataat Yke presideiit or CBT. have IS percent mately fi.W f.8 i in one year, Many beMn, and evea aiara YOU CAN SEE UUHERE lYDU CAN LIE IN BEPj ■nffimmiTOBi brLM^aN>**r*Mnr Wiley jelaed CWT ta ISM at a teller and moved oa to become "average an­ Gfride 91,m.M in twu years. fl.29».8f in SMa. are ia dangeraue fiaaaeiel YOU'RE 60IN6.. ANP WORRY.. bead tellar at the Nordi Main Mreat o llln . From there ahe was nual yiehls’' on three years, fl,8R.8l in four years waters. They have to offier Hgh 'T M B « lT , TVK> RSM TB»/W e promoted to manager oT the Silver five-yeareertlfl-' William A. Doyle and 81,500.M M five years. interaet, hi order toattraetdepeaits 'ON Ot»T,AIU,WB'LL Lane oTflce, heTore becom ing aeaiat- cates of deposit. If that CD has a five-year aad stay afloet. A ia rg e a uasheref IN I T f BEPfiNPiN 0 How is an aver- the Coanderlng banks aad SALa are aat nuaager or tiw North Main Street maturity, its total interest of8509.88 Five «IN0T6$# office and then manager of the M annual yield mtm averages out to 819S.SS per year. ceacentrated in certain aecthma ef Parbade office. determined and That's an average annual fkM of fiw country - "Oil Fateh" and * 1 how does it compare with annual are e«)ual. At 8 percent simple almost exactly IP on the 81,08S CD. farm banhs and SALe being nn- “The forecast: rainy, coW, with WBey graduated from the Williama effective yield? Also, to obtain a a 60 percent chance your joints are School of Banking in ltS3 and has interest, a fl.SM C D is worth fl,SM After going though this exercise, happy examples. high average annual yield, must after one year. M that docs not change the fact alreotlv actiny up ” completed varioua American Intti- you should see that the interest interest be left to accumulate until If a C D comipounds interest — diat your money is not at rlafc, ee tute of Banking couraca. She serves must be left to accumulate in the the CD matures? daily, monthly, quarterly or semi­ long ss you have FDIC or FSUC TH t fMNZZWCLLS'” By BM Sefwrr on the board of directors of Crosa- CD, in order to obtain the higher annually — its value increases even average annual yield. coverage. roailB and on the executive commitee ANBWER: The average annual more, as tlie result of interest -■ compounding) its stated interest in the preceding paragraph, be­ A Ltmn Insurance Corp. coverage have only 810S.SSS of federal deposit who once headed the Fuller Brush Co., were honored at a special CAFTAM EASY ' by Crooka S Caualu rate and its annual effective yield cause different banks and SliLs use of 8108,000 per depositor. insurance. observance at the William Benton Museum of Art at UConn. t h a n k y o u VERY, VERY, The university medal awards were established by the UConn VERY M UCH Board of Trustees in 1982 to honor individuals whose lives and ei careers exemplify the highest ideals of the university. Among previous winners were William 0. Bailey, vice chairman of Feds meet to outline monetary policy ON TH E M STRACK by Bm Holbrook Aetna Life and Casualty Co. and chairman of the Municipal Bond Insurance Association of New York, and former Gov. John N. Bv Martin Crutslnper tion in this country. The overall ecohomy, as mea­ Dempsey. rates, which have ttropped to a The Associated Press As the chief watchdog against sured by the gross national product, nine^year few of 9.07 for fixed-rate inflation, the central bank in expanded at an anemic rate of Jmt mortgages, wfA rise to around 9.8 WASHINGTON - The Federal normal times could be expected to 2.5 percent during 1886, the slowest percent hy mM-summer. Reserve, caught between inflation step in and tighten the credit screws pace since the end of tta 1881-82 Larton names Ramey treasurer worries triggered by a plunging as a way of keeping inflation in recession. While economists are But Lyle Gramley. chief econo­ dollar and a Stubbornly weak U.S. check and protecting the value of predicting faster growth this year, mist of the Mortgage Bankers Peter G . Ram ey of Manchester was appointed treasurer of the economy, will be forced to leave its the dollar. signs of an upturn have not yet Association, predicted that mort­ C.E. Larson Co., the company has announced. interest rate policies unchanged for However, the Fed for most of last materialized. gage rates will show little change Ramey, who lives on Prospect Street, has been with the the foreseeable future, many econ­ year was doing Just the opposite as Fears of inflation have pushed over the next six to nine immtta aa ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson company since its inception and during the past two years served omists believe. it tried to Jump-start a sluggish interest rates up In financial tta Fed is restrained from tlghtmi- as controller. Fed policy-makers gathered to­ economy by lowering interest rates markets in recent days. Analysts ing credit condHIons hy a generally *H0WD>U»C 30 POUNDS AHfMMTiieR SWIASUirSEASW Ramey graduated from Manches­ day for one of their periodic sluggish economy. MTNI^DIWS'’ mcKFrurmiob! and pumping up the money supply. said these increases in bond market ter Community College with an closed-door sessions to map mone­ Many analysts believe that for rates were likely to slow in the days "WHh the dollar falling, tta Fed associates degree in 1975, and then tary policy. the next few months, the Fed will ta ahead as investors perceive that Isn’t in a position to push interest graduated from the University of The meeting was being held at a forced jo put its concerns about the Fed is not tightening credit rates fewer, but I don’t think they Connecticut with a master’s degree time of extreme economic volatil­ inflation and the falling dollar on conditions. will tighten either until there is a in business administration in 1979. ity. with the dollar taking a beating hold as it waits to see whether its Still, with inflation expected tota sign that the economy is growing at C.E. Larson Co. is a construction on foreign exchange markets and efforts to avert a recession succeed. higher this year, analysts said a faster pace,’’ said Mark Aotrograph management/general contracting the U.S. stock market suffering a "There are too many cross­ interest rates, driven by market Ohrinsky, senior economist at the Bridge big nosedive because of investor firm that provides services through­ currents now to allow the Fed to do forces, will climb by around one- U.S. League of Savings InstHutlona. concerns over the weak dollar and anything.” said Michael Evans, out the state. The company moved half percentage point in coming He also forecast modest Increases threats of higher inflation. head of a Washington forecasting months. from East Hartford to ISO Batson in mortgage rates in coming Fed Chairman Paul Volcker has firm, ‘"rhey can't ease because "Tta trend on interest rates will rnemths. Drive in Manchester last week LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Be patient and been a leading voice raising con­ inflation is getting worse and the ta up but not greatly so,” said Allen Not all economists were certain take things a step at a time today. An z l (March 23). 3 ‘ t o u r NORTH 3-31-87 cerns that a fall in the value of the dollar Is falling aiid they can’t Sinai, chief economist of Staarson that tta Fed’s concerns about important objective is achievable if your 3 dollar, by driving up the price of tighten because the economy Is Lehman Brothers methods are consistent, 4AQ87 economic growth will outweigh ^ r t h d a y 4 J 5 2 ALLEY OOP ‘ by Dave Qraii* imports, could trigger higher Ihfla- weak." vm a o (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) You're In a Women present He predicted that mortgage worriea over the dollar. good creative cycle and the Ideas you ♦ A Q J 8 2 45 Wadnasday, April 1,1987 conceive today will be feasible. Don't health seminar cast them aside without trying them out. WEST EAST Your financial prospects look bright for LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Benefits are A J to 5 4 4 K 6 3 Manchester businesswomen Ei­ the year ahead, provided you operate In possible today In a situation where you T A 9 7 4 K 8 leen Stem and Susan Stoppleman will areas in which you are familiar. Build share a vested Interest with another. ♦ to 5 ♦ 764 upon the beginnings you have already present a seminar on health-care Before evening, both should have 4 10 8 7 6 4AQ942 established. something to smile about. marketing at the Medical Expo ‘87 m D ID I SWITCH BANKS? ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) You will en­ SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You have a SOUTH exhibit Hartford this week. Peter Q. Ramey joy greater stability today In situations gift lor getting along well with everyone 4 9 2 The seminar, "How to Keep Your NOTHING PERSONAL. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING PERSONAL. 4 Q 10 6 4 3 Wi that have been a trifle shaky lately. This today. Good things will result trom your Patients Coming Back; The Market Driven Practice," will take If service is something you take personally, maybe it’s time for you to switch banks, too. lb COMPED Savings Bank. will be essentially true In financial areas. Involvement. ♦ K 9 3 place at 1 p m. Thursday at the Hartford Civic Center. 4 K J 3 Gel a jump on life by understanding the 8AQITTARIU8 (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Don't Stem and Stoppelman will also be exhibitors at the medical Where customer service is our first priority. It’s an on-going commitment that makes COMPED nothing less thm a new Influences which are governing you In be concerned about compensation at Vulnerable: East-West expo, which will be held from noon to 9 p.m. Wednesday and 10 way to bank in Connecticut. the year ahead. Send lor your Astro- this time. If you produce up to your best Dealer: South Graph predictions today. Mall $1 to As­ abilities, your paycheck will reflect It. a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Civic Center. We’re more than merely personable. We’re knowledgeable. We’re highly skilled in finding'better ways, more tro-Graph, c/o this newspaper. P.O. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) An en­ Weal North East South Medical Expo ’87 is a trade show for the medical community innovative ways for you to manage your finances and make your money grow. Why? Because you’re as important to us as Box 91428. Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. terprise In which you're Involved should Pass sponsored by the Hartford County Medical Association. your money is to you. Be sure to slate your zodiac sign. be restructured tor greater efficiency. Pass ! ♦ 2 4 2 4 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Don't wait Take time today to organize It properly Pass 4 4 Pass Pass Beyond our complete range of quality banking products we offer our COMPED Prime Rate IRA. It’s a unique and on others today If there are Important AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) Matters Pass timely retirement investment that offers a high rate of return while affording you total investment security. matters that require your Immediate at­ which are of Importance to you finan­ tention Do what needs doing; your as­ cially should bo glven4op priority today. Opening lead: 4 6 That’s not all. COMPED is a bank with five specialized banking groups ready to offer you complete personal banking, sociates will catch up later. Don't move onto other things until they as well as home mortgages, residential construction loans, corporate banking services and commercial real estate QEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) You'll be are concluded to your satisfaction. financing. much more productive today If you can PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) Restrictive ^KngKnl work in an environment free from out­ conditions could make you fool uneasy In all our Connecticut locations you’ll find neighborly, well-qualified profession- side Interterence. It may even be wise to today. Plan your schedule so It allows als. Personally, we think they’re the reason why, since 1892, COMPED has been a ^ ^ 4 lake the phone oti the hook. you ample mental and physical mobility. An Indiscreet CANCER (June 21-July 22) Wlshtul leadingNewEnglandfinancialinstitution—onewithmorethan$lbilIioninassetsand thinking Isn't a no-no today, provided overcall $90 million in capital funds. you lake practical measures to try to Diamonds will burn when heated to At COMPED, we invite you to take our attentive service personally. Switch rou can oank on ii bring your dreams Into being. Expec­ a temperature of 800 degrees C (1,472 tancy Is a good motivator. to COMPED today. degrees F). By James Jacoby FRANK ANP ERNEST ®by Bob Thavoo East's two-club overcall was based on two and a half quick tricks and a Polly’s Pointers five-card suit — an excellent example IT S/^S MEpf of a hand not worth a two-level over­ §(§DgKl(gg W O W ! .. call. Because East's suit is weak, he TH A T THi5 <5UY, may be doubled and penalized heavily. ^ W H A r O I P P P I E 5 T L E Y , a little butter. It cooks quickly, re­ His three little cards in opener's suit ^ f>eof>LE Magnet will keep tains its deep red color and has a lot of are a liability if he becomes the de­ flavor. Carrots are also good cooked clarer in clubs. Further, if the oppo­ T H A T f pins In one place this way. — R U TH nents bid three no-trump, his overcatl OXX<3eN QVEfZ might induce his partner to lead clubs By Polly Fisher Shape up for spring without boring, when leading his own suit would be Z O O r i F A P S repetitive diets with the calorle-cut- better. AcSO. 9 tlng tips in Polly’s newsletter "Super "Yh AVKS * -* i DEAR PO LLY — When sewing on Here the overcall had a different 9 Diet Tips.” Send |1 for each copy to a machine, keep a small magnet at- adverse effect. Sobth fudged a little on ' S o n s Guard wtsdHignediiilhlhe I ached to the right side of the machine P O LLY ’S POINTERS, in care of this the requirements to bid two hearts, newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleve­ help of the InlemSionS Chiropradoie (If you're right-handed). Every time upgrading his club holding after ^ s t ’s WINTHROP g>by Pich Cavalll MaoctSion For their assiatance.lCA you take out a pin, put It to the mag­ land, OH 44101-3428. Be sure to in­ overcall. Now North, with a minimum clude the title. receives a royalty trom King Koil to net. The pins all stick together a ^ hand, went right to four hearts, trad­ lurther the v r ^ ol the Chiropractic QERMS ARE AAANKINDfe WHO IS AVANKINDfe r LOVE IT WHEN HIS RACE QBVS you can pick up the magnet loaded Polly will send you a Polly Dollar ing heavily on his singleton club. AVOer IMPLACABLE ENEMY. profession with pins without dropping them. — ($1) if she uses ^ u r favorite Pointer, M ogr Pla c a b l e ALL PURPLE LIKE THAT. ANN R Peeve or Problem in her column. East won the opening club lead and ENEMY? 8 DEAR POLLY - I would like to Write POLLY'S POINTERS in care of continued clubs. Declarer won the Jack, discarding a spade from dummy, 8 know what herb to use in ham and this newspaper. beans to help stop the formation of and played a low heart. West made the NOW SPINAL GUARD gas. - SHARON natural play of ducking and East won D EAR SHARON — You’re proba­ the king.ig. WhenWher the heart ace was forced out and a spade played, declar- .... ; SUPPORTS YOUR BACK bly thinking of ginger. A little ginger Backgammon does seem to lessen the gas-producing er simply rose withithr the ace in dummy, qualities of beans for some people. drew trumps and ran the diamonds to AND YOUR BUDGET! The origin of backgammon has make 10 tricks. You can either use fresh ginger, been traced to a dice-and-board game PKk • IS War warranty • Top Rating in Conaumar Magaztnaa peeled and crushed or finely minoed, 7 found in the ancient city of U r about West can defeat the contract if he • Cantar 1/8 Rainforcad • Chtropracife Endoiaed S Daafgnad or a pinch or two of dried, grumd 3000 B.C. Later the Romans played a • Flax-Edga Support For Full Width Slaapfng 7 ginger. The ginger also adds a lovely rises with his ace and shifts to a spade U.B.ACRBS byJimOMit game remarkably similar to the mod­ when hearts are first led. Now the flavor to beans of all sorts. em one. The name “backgammon” is Some beans are more potent than spade king will make a trick. Although variously ascribed to Welsh (“little this play seems unnatural, West *ANP THE LITTLE DOV WHO CRKP WHAT POES THAT STORY Full MSQEitPa others. Chech out natural food stores battle”) or Saxon (“back game”). should assume that declarer does not WOLF m s EATEN UP BECAUSE for adnke (or sometimes, a d n U ) — V NOBOPV BELIEVEP h im beans, which are one of the least n s - have the heart king or he would have Queen *399 » t cansing beans available. AnoMier led up to it from dummy. Seeing the $99 Who’s Who urgency to lead through the spade A- bean to seek out is the lentil, also a TWIN EA. PC. comparatively low-gas-prodoidng le- Q, West must simply hope that he is King *499 m Before Winston Churchill died in not crashing his partner’s singleton gume.'A little ginger enhances the fla­ 1965, he had the longest entry in the king on the heart ace. vors of both lliMe beans. — P O LLY British edition of Who's Who: 211 lines. That distinction now belongs to A new book by James Jacoby and his A m DEAR PO LLY — When beets are Barbara Cartland, whose romance father, the late Oswald Jacoby, is now CKNTRAL CONNECTICUT OFFICES: C ovtniry Route SI. 742 7S2I • M ancheiU r (S) 2S Main St.. 647 05<«. H»7 Main S4.. «4«-4M6. too large to boil easily, peel a big one novels have sold more than 100 mil­ available at bookstores, ft is "Jacoby -^uxnituxe. ^nowccn^ K-Mart Plaia, 649-S007 • G laslonkury ''Inside'' Frank's Supermarket, 6S3-7655 • Soath W tndaar 29t)akland Rosd, 644-2484 (raw!), shred it and steam it in a skil­ lion copies worldwide. She has 133 snSMalnSitaM on Card Games, "published by Pharos OTHER IMNNECTICUTOFFICES: East Haven. Hamden. Miirord. Ne» Haven. Weal Haven Member FSLIC. An Eqaal Housinf Lender. let with a small amount of water and lines. Books. riwSbani PaopWglnoa 1932 Manchtiasr, Conn. Oa040 I t - WANCHESTER HERALD. Tuendav. March 31, 1W7 MAWCHgflEK gE B AtP. TWeaOfoy, KareB II. I$f2 - J| Renovations at police station FOCUS to ease access, add security 1' T f ■v AiKrtw Yinrtrovtky loet, wanderliig into offlcea where volve a ahaffling of offlce assign­ H erald e t t e r f t r thmr don’ t behmg. Minor aaid. ments. win pfxivide an atMtional Nt li - 1m relocation of the recorda office for the youth services div­ i- I KenovatioiM under way at Kan- diviaion ia part o f a IM.aM ision. The present Mllce is now t dieater ysHee Headtuarteri will renovation of the building, a former oeeupted by two offleers, making it fi permit die paMic greater aeeeea to heme for the indigent that baa (HffleuR for both to conduct inter­ t tlie MM ng, giving diem more housed the Mancheater Police views at the same time, Mnorsaid. \\\\i aecurity at the aame time. Deputy Department aince 1955. Other Moving storage o f portable radios POHee Chief ffenry R. Minor aaid changea include atoring recent from the desk sergeant’s cubicle to ir II Monday. recorda in an unuaed vault on the a newly constructed closet on the PiiMic worka employeea have firat floor and uaing the preaent first floor will reduce clutter and been working on the haiMIng'a recorda vault on the aecond floor aa allow the aergeant to work more flrat-floor entrance for aeverat an archive for older recorda. The efflclently, be said. weeka. inatailing a new aervtce room now houaing the recorda The builtHng's capacity has not window for the deak aergeant and diviaion will be divided into three been folly utilised since the depart­ fumiahing an adjacent room, offlcea. ment’s computer system was where the recorda diviaion will be Except for hwtallation of air moved upstairs, displacing th e . relocated. iFOR SALE conditioning in the foyer and in the community relations officer and The move will provide readier deak aergeant'a cubicle, all work ia leaving a void on Hie first floor. acceaa to the recorda diviaion, being carried out by public worka ARhough space in the building is which ia now on the aecond floor. emptoyeea. The renovationa may ranning out, there are no plans to Minor aaid. Moat buaineaa the be finiahed by the end of May or the move to another building or to build public haa with the police depart­ beginning of June. a new one. Minor said. He said that ment ia handled by either the deak "W e’ re pretty much tapped out for the past two years the depart­ aergeant or the recorda diviaion. here in apace.” Minor aaid. ment’s requests for money to pay M where arreat and accident reporta He aaid he hopea the renovationa for a space study have been are on file. will aerve the department for the rejected by the town manager. A Now, thoae who go upataira to the next five to 10 yeara. request for $7,000 this year would recorda diviaion occaaionally get The renovationa. which will In- likely be rejected, too, he said PollcB Roundup A

'A w * * • Drug raid results in 3 arrests ■ 1^^ Police arreated three Manchea­ of injury. and Manchester departments AVI ter reaidenta Monday after the The report said police also found items such as a coffee can Paul Newman, best actor. "Platoon" — war without glory In Vietnam. aearch of a School Street apartment arrested Wayne Edward Skinner, with two small bags of cocaine in it. revealed a drug trafficking opera­ 18, of 40 Clinton St., who was a lunchbox containing marijuana Up for sale tion and more than $1,000 in drags. charged with conspiracy to violate residue, rolling papers and a pipe state narcotics co«les. with marijuana residue inside The ‘- r ! Harouna Camara. 16, of 46 School According to a police report, total value of the drugs was A long line of the traditional red British older boxes with smaller ones. Many of St., was charged with possession of sources had informed the depart­ estimated at $1,050, police said telephone boxes await buyers in London the traditional boxes are being sold to cocaine, possession of marijuana, ment of the location, which was While police were there, the recently. British Telecom, the British Americans. operating a drag factory, posses­ searched in 1986 as part of an report said. Skinner came to the investigation of the theft of compu­ telephone company, is replacing the ‘Platoon’ wins sion of drag paraphernalia and sale door wanting to buy some drugs. of cocaine after the incident, which ters from Rennet Junior High Camara was held on a $8,000bond occurred about 6:15 p m. police School. and faced an appearance in Man­ said. Police said, acting as buyers, they were able to buy drags, then chester Superior Court this A radiant Marlee Matlin signs her jubilation after getting morning. Also arrested was Camara’s returned later on Monday and best-actress honors for her performance in "Children of mother. Isabella Camara. 42, who served a search warrant at the His mother was released on a Obituaries the Oscar war was charged with conspiracy to sell location, a second floor apartment $2,000 bond. Along with Skinner, a Lesser God.” cocaine, possession of cocaine, on the right side of the building. who was released on a $500 bond, possession of marijuana, posMs- The police report said officers she must appear in Superior Court By Undo Oeufsch American commitnient to peace. Besides her daughter. She is Hurt, her romantic co-star on and off much-nominated "The Color Purple," actress who has also appeared in Allen's slon of drag paraphernalia and risk from the South Windsor, Vernon on April 8. EdHh MacKendrIck KatliBrIne UH>rfeh The Associated Press " I think what you’ re saying is that for survived by two grandsons, a niece screen who kissed her softly as he placed refused to hold a grudge. "It ’s very hard "Purple Rose of Cairo" and "FM io Edith (Davis) MacKendrick. 79, and a nephew. Katherine (Lepter) Uibrich, 89, the first time you really understand what the golden statuette in her hands. for m e to field questions about last year D ays." of 18 Elsie Drive, died Sunday at of St. Petersburg, Fla., formerly of The funeral will be Thursday at a LOS AN G E LE S - ’’Platoon ," the happened over there,” said Oliver Stone, The 59th Academy Awards brought because there’s always this year and the As picture of the year, "Platoon" took Manchester Memorial Hospital. Manchester, d M last Wednesday. time to be announced at the grim saga of war without glory in who was named best director. "And I long-awaited validation to Newman and year after," he said, noting he still hopes four Oscars including those for Stone’s She was the wife of Russell R. Dollar slides to a new low, She was the widow of Karl Uibrich. Vietnam, was named 1986’s best picture think what you’ re saying is that it should Michael Caine, whose names glittered in to win a real Oscar. direction, sound and editing; it had eight Corbett-Quirk-Pontarelli Funeral MacKendrIck, a columnist for the She was born in Hartford, and she Home. 971 Branch Ave., Provi­ in a night of emotional triumph in which never ever in our lifetimes happen lights for decades while Oscar eluded Spielberg, creator of such hits as nominations. “ Hannah and HerSisters," Manchester Herald. was formerly employed at Man­ dence. R.I.. followed by a mass at Paul Newman won his first Oscar and again” their grasp. "Close Encounters of a Third Kind," followed with three; it had seven She was born in Dover-Foxcroft. chester Memorial Hospital. St. Plus Church In Providence, R.l. Marlee Matlin became the first deaf Producer Arnold Kopelson said the But neither Newman as best actor nor "E.T.” and “ Raiders of the Lost Ark," Maine, Feb. 17. 1908, and she had She Is survived by a son, Herman nominations. And "A Room With A heightening fears of Inflation Calling hours are Wednesday from performer to win an Academy Award. film had "brought to this generation a Caine was on hand to savqr the triumph. lived in Manchester since 1954. She G. Uibrich of Waldport. Ore.; a vowed to turn his talents to "entertaining View," the gentle tale of a young 7 to 9 p.m. Woody Allen’s ’’Hannah and Her new perspective of war. that war is not Newman said he was too superstitious to was a 1925 graduate of the Foxcroft daughter, Margaret Tillinghast of scripts of substance." woman’s European sojourn at the turn of Memorial donations may be Sisters” earned him a best screenplay glamorous, that it maims and kills." By Peter Coy don, New York and elsewhere. stop this movement, not even the Academy and a 1929 graduate of St. Petersburg, Fla.; four grand-' risk disappointment for an eighth time. A no-show who has, in fact, never the century, also scored three for the made to a charity of the donor’s The Associated Press Before Tamura’s announcement, Federal Reserve, market momen­ Gorham State College. She was a children; and nine great­ Oscar on Monday night and captured The triumph for "Platoon,” which And Caine, who took the Oscar after four shown up for an Oscar ceremony was script by Ruth Prawer Jhahvala, art choice. The John F. Tierney Fun­ supporting actor and actress honors for traders said they were worried in tum is so strong," said lida member of South United Methodist ,. grandchildren. struggled into existence over opposition tries, was film ing "Jaw s IV " in the Allen, whose quirky family saga of direction and costume design; It had 3 eral Home, 219 W Center St., is in Michael Caine and Dianne Wiest. from those who thought it would never “ NEW YORK - Another big drop part by President Reagan’s plan to Toshihiko, senior yen dealer fo r' Church, a past trustee of the Private graveside services will Bahamas. manners and mores in liNMls Manhattan eight nominations. charge of local arrangements. in the dollar is heightening fears of put prohibitive tariffs on up to $300 Westpac Banking Corp. church, a past president of the be in Rose Hill Memorial Park, The Academy of Motion Pictut'e Arts win popular success, cam e on a night of "Th e Jinx is broken. H e’s in! ’’ rejoiced gleaned golden statuettes for supporting "Allens" an outer space thriller with inflation In the United States, million worth o f. Japanese elec­ The dollar closed at 145.65 yen on United Methodist Women, a former Rocky Hill. There are no calling and Sciences also awarded Ralph success for other iongshots but without a Robert Wise, president of the academy, actor and actress as well as original seven nominations, won two Oscars for recession in Japan and a potential tronic goods to force Japan into the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Sunday school superintendent and hours. Bellamy, still handsome at 82. an runaway winner. who accepted Newman’s award for the screenplay. sound effects editing and visual effects. rout in the financial markets that compliance with a trade agreement Market today. On Monday, it former chairman of the music Mary Tetik Memorial donations may be honorary Oscar for his 103 movie roles. Miss Matlin. who overcame her reprise role of "Hustler” Eddie Felson in "He’ll Just be thrilled!” Miss Wiest Bette Davis, in command of her could seriously damage the world on computer . skidded to a low of 144.70 yen before committee. Mary (O’Brien) Tesik, 66, of made to the American Cancer He said it was "the greatest honor that deafness to claim an Oscar as best “The Color of Money” Newman won a said after picking up her Oscar for her moment in the spotlight, Interrupted economy. finishing the day at 146.20 yen, still Besides her husband, she is Manchester, died Monday at a local Society. The Rose Hill Funeral could be given to an actor — considera­ actress for "Children of a Lesser God,” special Oscar last year for his career role as the husband-searching neurotic Wise’s effort to accept Newman's Oscar, The dollar sank to another record "IN MY OPINION, protection­ well below Friday’s late rate. It survived by a sister, Mrs. Everett convalescent home. She was the Home, Rocky Hill, is In charge of tion by one’s peers in every area of the said she hoped It would open new doors. achievements. in the movie. Insisting on delivering her own tribute: low against against the yen today, a ism at this point is going to do finished at the same level later in (Bette) Henderson of Camden, wife of Paul F. Tesik Sr. local arrangements. business...” "I Just want work, anything any Caine was honored for his perfor­ Asked if she had discussed with Allen "This award, Paul, is long overdue,” day after reaching its lowest level nothing but serve to antagonize our Europe and the United States. Maine; and many nieces and She was born in Hartford, and she It .also voted the special Irvin g G. actress would w ant," the 21-year-old mance as an urbane philanderer in her decision to appear at the ceremony "Now, you get on! ’’ she told Wise but against the Japanese currency trading partners, and a good Stock traders, already nervous nephews, grandnieces and grand­ had lived in Manchester for many William N. Tloman Thalberg achievement award todirector star said in sign language backstage. "Hannah” Actress Sigourney Weaver he skipped, she said; “ I Just told him I by then the segment was ending In a since the late 1940s, when American example is happening right now,’ ’ about the huge run-up in prices nephews. and great-grandnieces years. She was a retired cook with Steven Spielberg, the box-office cham­ " I ’m an actress who Just doesn’t happen accepted the award, saying. 'I know how was going to buy a party dress and g o !" swell of music. occupation forces set exchange said Randy Holland, a foreign since the beginning of 1987, reacted William M. TIernan, 71, of 189 and great-grandnephews. the Manchester school system. pion snubbed repeatedly by Oscar. to hear. I have my own hearing. It’s much it would mean to him to be here, How would the award affect her Oscar co-host Goldie Hawn asked, rates in the war-ravaged nation. currency options trader for Donald­ to the frenzy in the currency The funeral will be Wednesday at Oakland St., dle^ Sunday at Man­ The victory of “ Platoon," whose four different from yours, but It’s mine” and having worked with him I know how career? “ Are you guys done yet?" Japan's minister of international son, Lufkin li Jenrette Securities market by selling stocks. 2 p.m. at South United Methodist Besides her husband, she is chester Memorial Hospital after Academy Awards led the pack, was Miss Matlln’s award was made doubly much he deserves it." "Maybe I’ll work for somebody Best original song was "Take My trade and Industry, Hajime Tam- Corp. Church. 1226 Main St., and Satur­ survived by a son, Paul F. Tesik Jr. suffering an apparent heart attack hailed by its director and producer as an poignant by Its presenter — William Spielberg, snubbed last year for his besides Woody,” said the whimsical Breath Away” from “ Top Gun.” ura, meanwhile, said Japan would The dollar broke through new THE DOW JONES average of 30 day at 1 p.m. at the Lary Funeral of Marlborough: five daughters. at his home. He was the husband of send senior officials to Washington lows steadily last week and again industrial stocks plunged more Home, 62 Summer St.. Dover- Mrs. Richard (Jeanne) Avicolll of the late lola (Clarke) TIernan, who this week to prepare for a high-level Monday despite the purchase of at than 80 points early in Monday’s Foxcroft. Maine. Burial, In the West Hartford. Patricia M. Tesik of died March 3. emergency meeting over the semi­ least $10 billion on the open market session and ended up down 87.39 spring, will be In Lee Cemetery In Brookline. Mass., Mrs. John (Ma- He was born in Norfolk, N.Y., ryanne) Pascone of Wethersfield, conductor trade If the United States by the central banks of Japan and to points to 2,278.41 at the close of the Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. Manches­ March 25, 1916, and had been a agrees to the meeting. a lesser degree by the United States New York Stock Exchange. Ear­ ter calling hours are today from 7 to Mrs. Stephen (Susan) Arntsen of resident of Manchester for 21 years. Dollar jitters and trade tensions and other industrial nations. lier, Tokyo’s stock market suffered 9 p.m. at the Holmes Funeral Columbia and Mrs. Michael (Kat­ He was an accountant for Meat- caused a sell-off Monday In stock ’’I think it’s a very, very its second largest single-day loss in Home, 400 Main St. hleen) MaloofSeekonk, Mass.; two town of East Hartford, and had brothers, MonsIgnor James J. and bond markets In Tokyo, Lon­ dangerous situation. Nobody can history. Memorial donations may be previously worked as a crib attend­ made to Visting Nurse and Home O’ Brien of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, ant for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Care of Manchester, 397 Porter St., Norwich, and John F. O’Brien of East Hartford. Manchester 06040. Dallas,'Texas; and four grandsons He is survived by three daugh­ Nine-hour siege ends peacefuiiy and a granddaughter. ters, Mrs. George (Linda) Herri- mann and Mrs. Wendell (Janice) The funeral will be Wednesday at Monroe, both of Norfolk, N.Y., 10 a.m. at the John F. Tierney Continued from page 1 Mary Jerome willing to admit, he said. state police entered the restaurant Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., Sandra Richards of Ogdensberg, N.Y.; a brother, Robert TIernan of suspects were armed during the An interpreter who speaks Canto­ at 8:30. The change of command Mary (Lynch) Jerome, formerly followed by a mass of Christian Norwood. N.Y.; seven grandchild­ robbery. nese was called in to aid in the was made because Glastonbury’s of Vernon, died Sunday at a local burial at 10:30 a m. in St. James Confusion over whether anybody questioning. unit had been on the scene for so convalescent home. She was the Church. Burial will be in St. James ren; and a great-granddaughter. The funeral will be Friday at 2 remained In the restaurant was Glastonbury’s tactical unit kept long, he said. widow of John Lester Jerome and Cemetery. Calling hours are today p.m. at the Buck Funeral Home, compounded by the fact that the watch outside the restaurant all About 10 Glastonbury police the mother of Maureen Downs of from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Norfolk, N.Y. Burial will be In three arrested had been unwilling night. A road block had been set up officers were on the scene, as well Manchester. Memorial donations may be BIxby Cemetery, Norfolk, N.Y. to answer questions from police, on the In the area in front of the as 18 state troopers, Charbonneau She was born in Providence. R.I., made to the Alzheimer’s Support There are no local calling hours. Charbonneau said. The suspects restaurant. said. and she had lived there most of her Group, Visiting Nurse and Home The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 claimed they did not know English, Charbonneau said Glastonbury If convicted, the three arrested life before moving to Vernon 18 Care of Manchester, or the Ameri­ Main St., is in charge of local but there were Indications they face a maximum prison sentence of years ago. police turned over command of the can Cancer Society. arrangements. 9 knew more English than they were stakeout to state police Just before 18 years. 9 OF ^xjcxixn Here’s to Spring!!! Dianne Wiest shows off her Oscar backstage after she was Presenter Richard Dreyfuss, right, compares the silhouette of director Steven Spieiberg and the bust of Irving Q. Thaiberg after 8 in celebration of Spring’s arrival we will give a A slide / lecture program on named best supporting actress for her roie in “Hannah and 8 Spielberg was honored for his work in the film industry the historical, artistic and Her Sisters.” *FREE bunch of Daffodils I « religious aspects of with a ^lO**** or more cash purchase (at our Weal Center Street location only) the shroud Oscar show starts briskly but staggers to finish Also.,, reputed to be the burial cloth ■ New Silk Door Pieces By Jerry Buck put it well after midnight. Lu>., c&|M!cially around the ist commercials. Chase’s crack that back the tears, said all that needed to o f Jesus Christ. The Associated Press The show’s ratings have been third or fourth hour." in Hollywood "throwing another be said. 7 • Decorated Dried & Silk Wreathes & Wall Hangings declining the past three years. It’s Actually, there were plenty of shrimp on the barbie means getting The biggest disappointment of the 7 ■ Decorated Wicker Baskets — Lots to choose from! LOS ANGELES — The Academy easy to see why. A fter a half-hearted pleasant moments. The unlikely sing­ rid of your agent" was the best inside night was that Paul Newman, after By: Reverand Stanley Smolensk! Awards show once again groped for attempt to put the emphasis on the ing trio of Telly Savalas, Pat Morita Joke of the evening. being an also-ran tor so many years, comp^tion, to keep the focus on the and Dom DeLuisegottheshowofftoa was not there to share his triumph an ending like a playwright in search Toward the end of the show, Chase movies and the nominees, the produc­ rousing start. A production number, with the audience. Place: St. Bartholomew Church o f a third act. started a rambling monologue about a ers succumbed to the temptation to yes, but with some originality. Bette Davis’s appearance to pres­ new way to speed up the show and was 200 West Center Street 736 East Middle Turnpike Monday night’s telecast on ABC got turn it — once again — into a variety It was an inspired touch to have ent the award tor beat actor was dropped through a trapdoor. They Manchester off to a lively start and offered show. Shirley MacLaine, who presented the touching. She was like an elderly and Manchester, Connecticut promise that the show would reverse should have used it on a lew winners, awards for screenwriting, arrive in a eccentric aunt at a family reunion 646-6056 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 Spare us the gaudy production plus a few long-winded presenters. the trend of recent years and be brisk, flying saucer. She went along with the who was determined to have her say. Time: 6:30 p.m. numbers. Spare us the high kickers suspensefUl and exciting. Joke and kidded about writing on cave One winner who was eloquent was The show also had seme technical *oirer good until 4/4/87 and singers leftover "The Ed Sullivan But by the second act, it already had walls in another lifetim e. Marlee Matlin, the hearing-impaired goofs. One that was amusing was that Show." Admission: FREE begun to stagger, and toward the end Chevy Chase as host was another winner for "Children of a Leaser the winner of the visual etfeiAs Oacar All ffelcome! the show became ns bloated and Paul Hogan, the star of "Crocodile good idea. Having Goldie Hawn as his G od." She gave her acceptance by In was not announced on camera. Ihe tiresome as any in recent years. It ran Dundee," put his finger on it when he co-host made it doubly good, m a sign language, but the look on W winners simi Slffltnutes overtime. In the Bast that said, "A s a TV show it does tend to get Inference to Hogan’s Australian tour­ face, the suiprise, the Joy, flgh tin t by apecinli If - M^WCHIOTEK HEKALP. TwwJwr. »«rclt MANCHESTER HERALD, TtWidar. Mawb SI. IIB7 - 18 Tuesday TV AbaatTow n 'A... : BrO O FM ® vwiwMiiaar Afiar a M AXm AO BOO M wfli hMd an Easter erafti aatf ptorogl sala Satordsy man kiekad oof of a comp far mrarawt on Mays. Thefair will be held at the school from Ma.m. p * Miorkart. be gotc invoNad wHb Iho mta- from 9 a.m. to S p.m. AdiM w iaii is fraa and open to the to 2 p.m ., rain or sMne. Craft table space Is being soM poDHc. tran of ttw comp bota Kyan IVNaaf. Pays Bod Matt for $10. For information, can 047-3972. Laigb TaytorVoung. Jaatas Daty I960. Rand PG Fraiear star In "Max Haad- room,” ttw cult favorite tlwt Myalle YtoHs Kaaiwy Straat Roast baaf dinnar aarvad S:30P M |EgPN] tebelaaae t pcm Aoiariea takaa on a wltoia naw M b A representBtive from Mystic Marinclfle Aquarium EAST HARTFORD — HiDstown Grange on HilU flMAXl MOVH; Hotor Wban tba ownar wfwn ttw cwnputarlzad cont- vtsttad the Keeney Street School khtdegarten to Street win serve a roast beef thnner on Saturday. 'TIm of a fasbtooaMo boiat in Naw Orlaana nwntator takas to ttw scraBn fntroducc students sea stara, crahs, tobatenandother first siting is at S p.m. and the aecond is at S p.m. The ' fmdt ihai fia cannot naai mortgaga pay- In ttw fww hiturislie action manta. a rutMatt tycoon aehataas (o o ^ examptes of sea Hfe. Hand puppets of sharks, whales, coat is 10 for adults and |3 for children under 12. i tarn tba boial for bM ebam. Rod Taylor,. /advanlura ooriss prarnwring and the horseshoe crM> were presented In a skit Reservations are advised. Can Marie Slate at 929-0094 Catbarina Spaak, Kavfn fScCariby.' TMI8DAY, MANCM SI, on designed to show bow animals Interact wHh each other or Virginia Limkey at 920-6114. ItWT. Ra«ad PG A6C. and their entrtronment. This program was sponsored 4 fcOOFM CD (D S 0 fiaavs by the Keeney Street School PTA. CHEpK LWTINOS FOn EXACT TBIB Music workshop offarad 4 '" '' GE) Tbraa'a Company (X) fSagnum. R.I. Squara danoa plannad ; North United Methodist Church on Parker Street wHt 1 1^* (]3) Gimma a Rraak offer a workshop on music reading and sight-reading 0 Mark a« The Mandwster Square Dance club will hold a May 9 from 2 to 9 p.m. with a tinner break from 6 to 7. chib-level dance Saturday at Verplancfc School, 126 I r ’ ( S M*A*S*H p.m. I Olcott St. A round-dance workshop win be offered from 0 Naws (Lnra) [U SA ] RjptMa O 0 T enlaht Bhow (In Stereo) Herbert Chatzky, director of music at the church and Doctor Who 7:90 to 8 p.m ., followed by the aquare dance from 8 to ll at Temple Beth Israel in West Hartford, win present 4 , 8:30PM (D 0 OrawkiB Palna (0C| 0 MOVIE: 'Plokup ABoY A U. S. nereot- ; p.m. 8 $ CharWa Angola loo ogont trails on intarnationsl dope the workshop. The workshop is open to all levels of N «n w ptwto bv Tuckar Jaaon and Mika help a woman deliver a Dave Muller will call the squares, and Joan and iSIB Quiney baby in an airplane at 30,000 faei. smuggler's refuetent sceompllea. Victor musicianship. Mature, Anita Ekbarg. 1957. Arm and Davlau will cue the rounds. Spectators are M WInnen recelvB U.S. bonds 91) Raportar 41 CD 8IXWOJXW Chanee of a Ufethne For reservations, call 649-0196 or 649-9696. B y mall, 0 Miaan'e Itireaa wMcome. send 120 payable tothe Music Committee, North United MaeflaH/Lahrar Nawahoar 0 Novala; Eaa Muefiaeha da O)oa CaM Rieloo by MoeKondrIek - d Nawa Methodist Church. 300 Parker St„ Attention: Mr. A $50 savings bond want to to each of third-place winner, Jacqueline LaMoh- BD Carol Rurnotl and Frtanda > ^ f M ( D MOVIE: 'A apeoial Friend- [C N N ] Bperti Tardaht Poor Pitiful Pearl, a 17-Inch stuffed vinyl Support groups avaNabla Herbert Chatzky. the three top winners in the Assumption tagne took first place and Amy [018] Diana/a Aoadamy Award Wbt- •Nfr (CC) A wtaHhy Sou^trntr 8f»d This doll, made from hard plastic and 8 nora fof m8f 8I8V8 bacoma tpiai for tha Uhiof! [DIS] MOVIE: TssanUaih CanturY A do- doll, Is the property of a Durant Street The Greater Connecticut Chapter of the National I Junior High School science fair iast Army during tfia Civil War. Tracy Pollan mantad producer and a wacky eoma- Inches tall, aisb belongs to the Durant Schauster came In second. Multiple Sclerosis Society offers a support group on the (ESPN) SportaLook Akoufla Bufia. 1987. dlanna board lha Naw Vork-Chleago ax- collector. Scandla Lodga masts Thursday week. From left, Joshua Beaulieu was Street collector. second Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon at (H BO ) MOVIE: 'CMekailvar' (CC) A CD 0 Moonlighting (CC) Much to Dav- praoe train. John Barrymore, Carola Scandia Lodge. Vasa Order of America, will meet Lombard, Waltar Connolly. 1934, the Church of (Christ. Lydal) Street. For more stockbroker's luck fails him and ba takas id't chagrin, Maddia can't find any raa- Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church. to the streets as a dsrsdavil dalivsry boy. ton not to marry Sam. (60 min.) [ESPN] BpertaCantar Information, call Paula Leone at 040-8261. A Kevin Bacon. Jami Gerti. Paul Rodri- The topic will be “Hot Air Balloons” and "The Weston guei 1986 Rsfad PG. (In Stereo) CD MOVIE: 'Tba Man Who Would Ba [H B O ] MOVIE; 'Itolum of tha JadT (CC) Priory.” Refreshments will be served. Ada/ice King' Two soldiart of fortune con their TMrd Inetallfflent of George Lucas' "Star Durant Street collector has Auction plannad at tampla [U SA] USA Cartoon Expraas way to tha throne of a ramota Eastern Ware" trilogy rounhoe Luka Skywsiker 6 :3 0 P M (D w k r p in Cineirmatl kingdom. Sean Cannery, Michael Caine, and Me eemradas for a finel bstde with The Sisterhood and Temple Board of Tem ple Beth High school reunion iHannad Chrittophar Plummer. 1975. the evil Galactic Empire. Mark Hsmlll. CD 0 ABC flaws (CC). ^ o lo m will spoiMor an auction Saturday at 8 p.m. The 0 0 Ohnma a Break (CC) Sam an- Harrison Ford, Csrrio Flehar. 1983. auction will be held at the temple. 400 E . Middle The class of 1952 of Mandiester High Sdiool is GD Banson nouncat plant to Itave collapa, gat mar Rstad PG. (In Storoo) pride in Poor Pitiful Pearl planning a reunion June 20 at the Manchester Country 0 8 C T V riaiEf and mova to South Dakota. Part 1 of Tunrpike. Husband who was tattooed 1 1:38PM (D Entartainmatri Tonight Tickets will be available at the door for 95. Club. For information or to help, contact Mrs. James (!9 too Closa for Comfort 2. (In Starao) A tpacial covarage of the S9th Annual Tim e to twang Refreshments will be served. McArdle. 16 Benton St. 8D SO NBC News 0 B2) Fromlina: Street Cop (CC) A look Academy Awsrda. French, German. Japanese and at a police anti-crime unit as it works in the heartstrings (2$ Nightly Business Report 11:80PM [M A X ] iMoviE: 'prinrs; comic characters.” Then the Ar- Boston's busiest and most violent dis­ for Poor Pitiful mand Marseille creations costing 9D Noticiaro Univlaion trict. (60 min.) Horror' (CC) A hit man for an underworld Friendship Fores masts Hospital In medical axpo may deserve to be tanned crime family fells In love with a beautiful Pearl. "Frozen f.SOOO or so. the Bins even more. B l) Love Connection [CNN] Larry King Live Manchester Memorial Hospital will be participating but dangsrout hired killer. Jeok Nichol- Charlotte.” an Collectors’ Bye-kj Baby. Bebe Charmant. E A S T H A R TFO R D -The Friendship Force of Con (CN N ] Showbir Today fon, Kathleen Turner, Angalica Hueton. In “ Medical Expo ’87’’ trade show sponsored by the [DIS] MOVIE: 'I Married tha Klondika' A earlier doll, has china dolls, cloth dolls, and dolls necticut will meet Sunday al 3 p.m. at the Marco Polo [ESPN] NBA Today young school taachar accepts a two- 1SSS. Rated R. Hartford County Medical Association on Wednesday DEAR husband and I go out and I see many come in for C o m er made with wood, wax or Md. Wesee Restaurant. The meeting Is open tothe public and costs A B B Y ; The let year contract from the Canadian govern­ 12:00AM CD Koiok 95. which includes a pizza party. and Thursday. women without escorts. I Insist that 7 :0 0 P M CD c b s nsws ment to teach in Dawson City. Part 1. more than her Indians, Googly and Half-dolls ter from the (DNIghttifa Russ MacKendrick Mary Heslin will talk about her experiences in The event will be at the Hartford Civic Center from he dance with as many as possible. CD SO ® l m *a -8 ‘ h [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Born Vaatarday' A weal­ share of twangs Jumeau is another shocker hi the Egypt. noon to 9 p.m. Wednesday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, w o m a n w h o 1 don’t mind sharing my husband ^ 8D Whsal of Fortune thy junk dea'er hires a writer to instruct CD Carol Burnett and Frionda when you con­ big-blll area. More: Hasbro. Hors- Thursday. Featured In the trade show will be the wants to pre- of 19 years on the dance floor, since ( D 0 *100.000 Pyramid his girHrienAsbout etiquette. Judy Holli­ 0 S ta rT ra k sider that her man. Cabbage Patch sndMattelsof The group is celebrating its 10th anniversary of aerve her hus­ Dear Abby day, William Holden. Broderick Craw­ IP participation in exchanges with 23 countries. hospital's birthing center and the new heart center. 0 Talas of lha Unexpoeted A waahhy we’re so happy at home where It GD Jsffersons ford. 1950 troubles were course. Howdy-Doody. Hummel band’s tattoo af­ man gate help from hie longtime ehauf- Abigail Van Buren counts. Best of Saturday Night over after she and Ice Capades. And here's a ter he dies rang GO [USA] MOVIE: 'Croxy Mams' A mother fsur when he's Implicated In a woman's' WILLING TO SHARE. MacNsll/Lahrsr Newahour and daughter join forces in a robbery murdar. had whispered In the ballad: “ I ’m the manufactory of Madame Alex­ Farrah Fawcett that looks just like Chinese calligraphy a bell with me. It rampage to buy back lha family farm. IN BAYSIDE. CALIF 0 M o v i e .' 'Pasoa is Our Profession'' growing warm er now” (Cold chills ander. She is made of hard plastic, her on the same page with a has been done! (20 Barney Millar Cloris Lsachman, Ann Sotharn, Jim Snow gooes daleys teat firing of Minuto- for the sensitive souls in the eight inches high and has jointed glowering Darth Vader of Star at tha Metropolitan In 1909. I vi­ DEAR WILLING; Thank you for 9 0 Hollywood Squares Backus. 1975. man misalla, diabetic poodle posse an audience.) knees. Her dress is divine andshe is Wars Te rri Lee. Troll, Vogue Dolls THE FLOOR STORE sited the Kyoto writing. You show a great empathy 9D Novels: Cuna da Lobos 9:30PM 0 Odd Couple unueual problem for ths Strategic Air NEW YORK (AP) - An exhibi­ for the loneliness of others. You are Command end a young crippled boy re- But Poor Pearl is sitting here wearing pearls of great price. and Sun Rubber. tion of early Chinese calligraphy "Great Floors — Great Prices" National Art (SZl Nightly Buainsss Rsport 0 0 Easy Strsot Eleanor's maid, An­ obviously very secure in your own cslvat a Isston in faith. Lassie, Ron with that almost Mona Lisa-like Both dolls are (X’oud possessions and painting is on view at the M uM um In Japan where I was tion. Seeing Is indeed believing. BD Sports Talk gelica, suddenly develops a case of ho­ There are hundreds of illustra­ marriage. M y hat Is off to you. dear mesickness for Italy. (In Stereo) Hayes, Nina Shipman. I960. smile asking you forget that her of a Durant Street collector but the Metropolitan Museum of Art privileged to view an exhibit of Now. all the Woman needs in order [CN N ] Moneyllna tions — all in black and white lady; your husband Is a lucky BD Eata Noohe as Improvisa 0 Alfred Hltohoook Pmssnts hair is a mess and her clothing only other thing they have in through Aug. 2 Scythian, Persian and Central to preserve her husband’s tattoo [ESPN] SportsCentsr except for a trio of high fashion Jobs hoofer. 0 Ask Dr. Ruth bag-lady special. P P P is a 17-inch cqiiimon is the ability to sleep when The museum says the 100 works Asian art from the Hermitage after his death Is to find a mortician [TIMC] MOVIE: Kiss of ths Spidsr 0 That's HoHywood on the cover for us to try to match 0 Novels: Yolanda Lujan stuffed vinyl gem made, of all they lie down. in the exhibition. "Masterpieces of Collection in Leningrad. One of the Who will cooperate with someone Woman' (CC) A flamboyant homosesual 10:00PM CD News up with something inside. Eve ry­ D E A R A B B Y ; In response to and an intense political revolutionary 0 HoHywood and the Stara places, by the “ Glad T o y " people. Patricia Smith's "Doll Values ... Sung and Yuan Calligraphy and most impressive exhibits In that who is qualified (and willing) to CD 0 Max Headroom PREMIERE (CC) thing is priced with a caution not to “Looking Heavenward," who form a common bond when imprisoned [CNN] Nawanight The wicker chair is a recent lucky Antique to Modern ... Series IV ” Painting,” date from the 11th collection was the tattooed shoulder preserve this work of art tattooed together in a South American jail Wil­ Investigative reporter Edison Carter un­ really believe better to dicker. asked you whether she would be covers conspiracies and abuaaa of [EBPN] SportaLook pickup by her owner — so just right has lately come to hand with its through the 14th centuries and our Entire Selection of Beautiful and arm of a man buried In the on human skin by using a leather reunited in marriage with her first liam Hurt. Raul Julia, Sonia Braga. OFF 1985 Rated R power-with help from his video alter [UBA] Dregnot for Pearl that we couldn’t help panorama of super-cute just terri­ The volume sells for 99.96 plus a “ represent some of the greatest fourth century. It was preserved as tanning technique. love In heaven, or would she be ego. Max Headroom. Stars Matt Prewar posing her in it for this column. fying to any but a hard-bitten [USA] AIrwolf T J . Hooker An enraged dollar for postage from Collector monuments in Chinese art” a work of art by tanning the shin Then she should find out if the law stuck with her “ Worthless” hus­ and Amanda Pays. Tonight: Network 23 12:06 AM CD At the other end of the scale is a denizen of dolldom. like leather. executives pull Edison Carter off the Hooker combs tha ttrsatt In search of Books. P.O. Box 3009. Paducan Ky All but 20 of the 100 works in the In her state permits parts of human band: That question has been of 7 ;3 0 P M CD p m Magailns the man who shot Stacy and left hsr to button-mouthed Tweetie-bird from Consider the "All Bisque AREA RUGS case of a man who diad watching televi­ 42002 show have been acquired by the Instead of ridiculing the lady, as remains to be preserved and concern for many centuries. CD Current Affair sion. (60 min.) die. (70 min.) (R) • others have done for wanting to museum since 1973 also SUPER PLUSH NYLON CARPET-^ t -i C M fram ed...... According to the writings of CD (22l Jeopardy GD INN Nsws preserve her husband's tattoo. I 12:30AM CD Dynasty including PAD a Inatallatlon X O Matthew in the New Testament. CD Entertainment Tonight 0 Polleo Story CD Entartalnmant Tonight would recommend that she arrange DEAR ABBY; After years of Jesus was asked this question INN News Mon-Fri 10-5 GD (22) (0 Hill Straat Blues Rsnko seeks a 0 Jim A Tammy April brings us new faces There are 19.335.000 people living now. with her husband's permis­ reading you. I’m finally motivated regarding a woman who had been GO (20 Carson's Comedy Classics raconciliation with hla angry wife; a Thuro til 9 647-7974 318 Grioen Rd. sion. for someone qualified to 0 0 Lata Night with David Lsttarman in the Republic of China on Taiwan. Mancheitter to write in answer to “ Jealous” married to each of seven brothers; (20 Barney Miller lonely Jabtonaki auccumba to aexual (In Stereo) preserve this work of art that she whose husband “slow-danced” temptation; Balkar raturna to hia dutiaa “ When the dead rise to life, whose (30 0 Nswiywsd Gams at tha atation. (60 min.) 0 Alfred Hltohoook Pmsants April showers the Wednesday meeting Call Bill loves. (Human skin tans beautifully with a co-worker at an office party. wife will she be?” (30 NHL Hookey: Boston Bruins at Que­ 0 Soldlsra 0 Mom Real People bring May flow­ and Florence Gay at 64-0045 for — like leather.) Then she must find I ’d like to comment on husbands Jesus answered that when the bec Nordlqusa (2 hrs., 30 min.) ers. The month 0 Local News 0 O a n o S o o tt more details TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING OP HIS NEW STORE IN SOfTON a' mortician willing to cooperate dancing with others while their dead rise to life, they will be like BD Novels: El Prsolo ds la Fame of April is also with the procedure. 0 Honsymooners EBPN] Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic ALL CARPET GIANTS ARE HOLDING A SPEaACULAR... wives sit alone. I'm a wife who sits angels In heaven, and will neither Wild, Wild World of Animals the time when B?) Silvia Pinal Prsaanta:: Mujsr, Caaos ;ity, NJ (90 min.) (R) AARP Manchester Green Chapter 2399 To prove that I am not making alone — by choice — while I be married or given in marriage. BD i the nominating BD NBA Basketball: Boston Csitloa at da la VMa Real [USA] Edge of Night Meets at Community Baptist this up. I am enclosing a picture of encourage my husband to dance New York Knioks (2 hrs) (Live) JEAN M. ETZEL. (SZ) Soldiers of ths Summit This docu­ committees sub­ Roundup Church on East Center Street at the the preserved tattooed shoulder with the widows, divorced women CONNECTICUT 1:00AM CD l Love Luoy [CN N ] Crossfire mentary looks at the men of the 10th mit the slate of Green. The chapter meeting will be and arm as It appears in the art and older singles who like to go out CD Joe Franklin Show Rita Bowler [DIS] Mouastsrplsos Thaatsr Mountain Division of World War II and “ officers and di­ April 9 at 1:30 p.m.. The program catalog. for an evening of music and Problems? Write to Abby. For a how they Influenced and developed the 0 Twilight Zona ORAND OPENINO [ESPN] NHL Hookey: Teams to Ba An­ rectors to their ski Industry In ths U S. (60 min.). will feature G. Adaline Laughlin COY CONNER.TEXAS TECH. dancing. personal, unpublished reply, send a nounced (3 hrs.) (Live) 0 Maude respective 0 Parry Mason who will demonstrate the Ukrain­ UNIVERSITY. LUBBOCK I was a widow myself for three self-addressed, stamped envelope [CNN] Crottfim chapters. 8 :0 0 P M CD waiter Cronkits at Large ian technique of egg dyeing. Mrs years before remarrying, and to Abby, P.O. Box 09440, Los Reports: how the Canter for Disease [CNN] CNN Nawa MOVIE; The Quoaf Two brothara If you are DEAR COY CONNER; Thank although I love to dance. I seldom Control In Atlanta 1s searching for rsma- [HBO ] Tha HItohhIkar A (aat-talking ireh of their titter coma under tha. Laughlin is a graduate of Pratt CARPET SALE Angeles, Calif. 90099. All correspon­ ra called upon to fill a position, accept New York aboard the "M V Atlan­ you for some fascinating Informa- had the chance to. Now when my dence Is confidential. dies to violence, at it relates to hsahh Fiaslth drink aalsaman who llkaa to sad- Influence of a cattleman with a myetar- Institute with degrees in Graphic problems; the controversy surrounding uca hla cllanta msata his match In a gor­ loua background. Tim Mathaton, Kurt willingly. Don’t sit back and wait tic.” The ship is your hotel all week. Arts and Design. From now thru Sunday oil Corpot Olonts oro oMorIng Incrodiblo 3-for-l the first pirate ship ever to be salvaged geous blonde. (In Starao) Rutttll, Brian Keith. 1976. for someone else to carry the load. Meals included. The earlier the Savings: Spoctoculor Grand Opening Discounts...plus got your podding off the coast of Massachusattt; an Inter­ MOVIE; 'All ths King's Man' A [UBA] Soareh for Tomorrow Remember our motto — "To serve, reservation, the-better the cabin. view with retired diplomat George Ken- Trips m governor inaugurates a wrack- not to be served.” May 18-20 — Historic Strasburg and installation at no additlenol cost. Unboliovoblol nan, considered an eapart on U.S.-Sovlat S 1:1 BAM CD MOVIE; ‘The Poaaoatad' April 21-25 — Williamsburg lass, corrupt administration destined (or A A R P 1275 Vein removal causes swelling relations. (60 min.) svantual failure. Winner of three Oscars, A dafrockad mlnlttar battlaa tha (orcat Inn. Strasburg. Pa. Train to Para­ Spring Garden Trip with an over­ of evil ballavod roaponalbla for a rath of Meets at South United Methodist NACnCAl NYION rUMH M U F M A NNMAl tmON nUIN M U F M ECONOMKAl LOOP NnON tAU Fm CD MOVIE: 'Kill Zona' A Vietnam war Including Best Picture. Broderick Craw­ dise. Dinner family-style restau­ night stop and tour of historic veteran is captured in a mock battle dur­ ford, Joanna Dru, John Ireland. 1949. fires at an itoittsd girit' ichool. Jamat Church. Hartford Road and South D E A R D R . Famntino, Joan Hackatt, Harrison Ford. rant. classic motor cars. Mitibridge Baltimore. Before returning to caused by the inappropriate, ing a military training sxarcisa, and Main streets. Our April 8 meeting [TEN COLORS] ^ 14gR9 [TENCOIORS] ^15g9R (TENCOIORS) ^TgRR OOTT; I have 10:30PM 0 INN Nawa 1977. Village crafts and exhibits, and Manchester there will be a visit to H purehosed soperetely 111.99 bisteHed H perckesed leporetelg U0.99 htsteWed H purrtsesed nie?Etgli 110.99 Imtallad patchy dilation of tiny capillary problems arlsa whan the rsality of hit will be held at the church at 1;30 had chronic blood vessels in the skin. Hives can past merges with the present. Friti Mat­ 0 Alfrmi Hltohoook [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Blood BImpla' A jealous Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre, Longwood Gardens to enjoy the p.m. swelling in my be produced by allergic reactions thews. Ted Prior, David James Camp­ 0 Honsymoonars husband hires a saady private sya to farmers’ market and more. beautiful Easter flowers. All break­ lUltUIVHVibkIkIBii MVlAliMuitiiiva M U F M DURARE ULTMMIu R IM IF M left foot for sev­ bell. 1984 murdar hla aatrsngsd wife and hsr lover. Henry Seltzer will present a Connecllcul Northeast Chapter (to drugs, food. Insect bites or a 0 Notlolaro Univlaion M. Emmat Walsh, Dan Hadaya, John fasts and dinners will be provided eral years. I had CD 0 Who's the Bota? (CC) Mona's program on the subject. "The Use 904 (EIGHT COLORS] ^ 1 RgRR (TWELVE COLORS) HlgRR (FOURTEEN COLORS] ^ 13gRR D r. G ott variety of materials in the environ­ displeased with the ultra-afflclent Bri­ [DIS] Newl Animal World Gab. 1984. Rated R. on this trip. H purctMsod soperetely Sa7.99 ImtelM N pur thud Mperetabr 119.99 Instelted N pwrthased uperetsbr IIT.99 Inslened a vein removed and Misuse of Legally Prescribed Meets Wednesday at Concordia ment) and by exposure to heat or tish office clerk that Angela hired. [ESPN] Major League Baaaball's Orss- 1:30AM CD flat smart from the left teg Peter Gott, M.D. tsstHIts Drugs.” This subject should be of Lutheran Church on Pitkin Street at There are a limited number of cold, exercise and emotional stress. CD Newt 0 INN News EXOTKMMTI COLOR lA U F M NYLON SOW COLOR nUSH lA U F M f o r bypass [HBO] On Looatlon: HBO Proasnts Emo interest to anyone who has expe­ I;30 p.m. Social hour at 12;48 p.m. spaces and non-members of Chap­ Antihistamines, such as Benadryl, GD MOVIE: 'Hard to Hold* A rock n' roll 0 BItarm rienced unfavorable reactions from surgery. Nerve are appropriate treatments, if a star (alls (or a child paychologltt and is HBO prsaanta Emo Philips from ths Dr. Stephen Sinatra, chief of ter 2399 are invited. For reserva­ (EIGHT COLORS) ^ 1 8 g R R (NINE COLORS) ^ 1 Q g G G conduction and determined to win her love. Rick Spring- Hasty Pudding Thaatrs In Csmbridgs, [C N N ] Nawanight Update the taking of one or more cardiology at Manchester Memor­ tions. call Ruth Converse at 043- M pufchesid naeratgti 00.99 insteHed H EMubesad WEEreiabi lfl.99 jnstiHed person cannot ovoid the factors that Msaa. (60 min.) (In Starao) circulation tests field. Janet Ellber. Pattia Hansen. 1984. [USA] Hollywood IntMor medications. ial Hospital, will be the speaker. 5051. trigger the hives In the first place. Hundrsde of lull rolls, Ihoueonde ol romnante, orientals and oroo on the leg were 0 Columbo 11:00PM CD CD SB gg nsw 1:4BAM [HBO ] MOVIE: ‘Code of 811- Trips Trips The cost of the complete tour is ruge are all IS X ta 40% off during this SPECTACULAR GRAND OK. The only way I get relief Is by less swollen when you elevate it; DEAR DR. GOTT; I am a 0 MOVIE: 'Chinatown' A amall-tima 3 ) CD Lat* Show: Btarring Joan Rivara onoo’ (CC) A Chlca(io vIco cop mutt bat- April to — White Hart Inn. April 29-May 2 — Beacon Motel private eye stumbles on a big cate Us tha mob at wall as hit own dopart- $349, double occupancy. The bus ______^____ o p e n i n g e v e n t i ______elevating the foot and applying Ice you are using gravity to empty the 40-year-old woman with an embar­ GD Odd Couple Salisbury. “Family Reunion.” Resort in New Hampshire and which involves graft and murder. Jack nfant'a corruption. Chuck Norris, Henry Theatre and banquet. Appetizers will leave the Community Baptist packs, but I can’t do that all day blood fluid out of the leg. rassing problem; In the past two Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Hutton. 0 Avangara Silva. 1B86. Rated R. Montreal. Proof of citizenship for L n yS mMftwm Iw • and comedy, soup and song, entree Church at 7;30 a.m. Cars may be long. What could be causing the Elastic support stockings will years, m y pubic hair has thinned 1974. 0 Hogan's Heroes entry into Canada will be needed. tremendously. My yearly checkups 2:00AM CD m o v ie : 'April FoMo' a and pageant, dessert and drama. left in the church parking area. Plus SpooisI Savings On Non-lnstallod llomt problem and how can It be treated? help you by exerting gentle but firm (22) 0 Matlock Matlock dafandt a 0 News (Live) Wall Straat broker booomsa Involved Guests are welcome. Boarding external pressure (against grav­ are all normal. What could be the young woman accused of killing her with a woman whom ha later ditcovort The bus leaves at 9;30 a.m. time is 6; 30 a.m. and departure Ss«o Z0% on all ertonlel design tree ruge photographer boat. (60 min.) (In Starao) 0 Bodywatoh Skin, tha body's largest May 21 — Riding tour of historic (meetMwIelNgsol DEAR READER: Following ity), which prevents pooling of reason? organ. Is studied and examined. It hla boas' wife. Jack Lemmon, Cothar- April 21 — Welcome to Greater time is 7 a.m. One piece of luggage Ino Donauvo, Potor Lawford. 1967. Boston Is filled. Sme 30% on brefdod ruge removal of a m ajor vein In the leg, blood in the extremity. 0 BZl Nova: The Doaart Doaan’t Bleotn Hartford! See the state capitol. per person, please. For more (Frisee Milt M iSSieat DEAR READER: Loss of pubic Haro Anymera (CC) Water and irrigation 0 Talas of the Unaxpaetad A wealthy periodic swelling may occur be­ man gats help from hla longtime ehauf- CD MOVIE: Itaepuoe Love's the noma of • Hartford Public Library. Travelers information call Elsie Wray at Owe 40% on eioorlod mmnonls hair is a natural consequence of policlat are examined along with their the gome for a tonnla Instructor whose cause the venous blood Is unable to affects on the soil. (60 min.) faur when ha a implicated In a woman's Tower and shop at the Civic Center. f43-62BS. Rita Bowler is president ol (Frisee tMitam.N per (q, rt) 9 D E A R D R . O O T T ; Fo r the past aging. Although nothing usually beautiful pupils want very privats las-, murdar. The bus leaves at B;4S a.m. and ) 80% on emeK mmnen find alternate channels back to the five months I have been bothered can be done about it, c h ^ with a 0 MOVIE: 'They Ran for Thair Uvaa' A tons. Bart Convy, Lynda Day Gporga, May 7 — Bear Mountain. N.Y. A Chapter 004 ot the Amertcan O M*A*B*H Bjorn Borg. 1979. returns at S p.m. (Frieee tien el 'to.**) heart. When blood is trapped in an with hives and have been taking SO dermatologist to make sure that man ancountars a young woman in delightful day outing up the Hudson Anoclation of Retired Peraons. grave danger. John Payne. Luana Pat- 0 El VMsnta (60 min.) GD TWHIghl Zone May 2-9 — Bermuda. Cruise from River Valley. Fliers available at Hilg column appears once a month. extremity, the fluid in the blood milligram s of Benadryl for It. What you don’t have an undiagnosed skin tan, John Carredina. 1969. leaks out of the blood vessels into causes hives? 0 B C T V Network [EBPN] Pro Baooball Team Arm Wtoo- condition that could be accelerating BD Novala: La Oloria y al Inflamo the tissues. This produces edema, [CNN] Monsyllna tHng From Las Vegat, Nevada. your hair loss. [C N N ] Prime Nawa the accumulation of liquid, which DEAR READER; Hives (urtica­ [DIS] Advontuiaa of Otxia and Harriet [M A X ] MOVIE; 'Fanny HIIT A woman [DIS] Boona [ESPN] Inakta tha PGA Tour ttakt hsr fortune in 18th century Lon­ gravity pulls to the lowest portion of ria) Is a common skin condition If you have questions about don. Lias Rtinat, Olivar Rtad [HBO] MOVIE: Tba Uat Dragon' (CC) A the body. This is why your foot Is consisting of Itchy eruptions. It Is menopause, you can get answers in MOVIE; 'Woman In Leva' This Bruce Lea anthuaiaat must batUs the M Mssd on D. H. Liwrenca's novel [USA] Prime Tlmo WroatHng (2 hra.) D r. Gott’s new Health Report on the Shogun of Harlem whan a pretty video of ths relationships ol man and women. 8 ' subject. Send $1 to P.O. Box 91429, club d.j. la harassed by mobstora. Tai- Glands Jackson. Alan Batss, Olivar 2:30AM 0 Twilight zone ComevWlllte Cleveland, O H 44I0I-S428. Be sure mtk. Vanity. Chris Mumey. 19B6. Rated Read. 1970. Rated R. (In Stereo) [C N N ] Sports Lotanlght . leigeel mtelfef el romnanta PG-13. (In Starao) to ask for the Health Report on [USA] Alfred HHohooek Hour [ESPN] BportsContar and efoeoeute on the Eeoi Coast. Thoughts [M A X ] MOVIE: 'CMton Kina' A waaMy Menopause. During HHe Qiend Opening Sola gel your" publither it ruined by personal scand'ai'. 11:30PM (D 0 NlghtHna (CC). 2:3BAM CD NIghtwoteh Orton Wellat. Joseph Cotton, Ruth War­ 0 Honoymoonors [DIS] Zeno xpaifna podding and Inetelletlon (or fees I Have you already been planning ans 4; to, we hear the message; most dealsre ofiargo for the earpot alonol No rick. 1941. 0 Not Avallablo In Stoma a ahead for tomorrow? It's "April "W e are fools for Christ’s sake.” Nurttt In dtmand 3:00AM 0 MOVIE; - Fine Pair' wonder omryeno In Cennootleut 10 talking about ffw Fool’s Day,’’ you know! Have you That is one of God’s requirements V IC T 9 R Comal Qlantt N E W Y O R K (A P ) - In view of W hm RdiaMlity b Not On]yi Scriom BwiBcsi.. been conjuring up tricks to play on of Christians — to be foolish in the the current shortage of nuraes, the IlkaURjagConctm. 7 your unsuspecting co-workers or eyes ol society at large by choosing professlon offers challenging ca- fmally ntembers, or putting to­ Speelal Sale H o u r s simple rather than extravagant reer opportunities, says Dr. 1Ma- gether a ’ 'foolish wardrobe to wear, Cinema lifestyle ... by standing on the side rilyn Jaife-Rult, dean of the Uenh- EVERYTHING ON SALE!! HBrNorg V a n w n or inventing some other scheme to Tupg. • eat., to o of justice even when it puts you at ard School of Nursing at Pace Tugg.-)Ngd.. 1 0 « go with the occasion? If you have, I odds with "the power that be” ...by University. «A«' ggSTWARTPORO Save 25% - 50% on Calculators! EoViLoeaEoM Thurg.-FrI., 10-6 hope you share m y belief that God Now timi Merck 31 Sun. Noon-6 Sal. 106 stopping to help a neighbor who is "M ore people are getting MBAs; — BIJM IJ^J^U) Dundee wants us to have hin in life ... to TiSlTdl. ~ Ttwr898»;fE.______Save 20% on Cash Registers! hurting, rather than passing by on women have more options; they are p « ^ (P O ) F;4S, 9:91-— AngM Heart (Rl express humor with one another... the othier side of the road to pursue entering traditionally male fields,” Also aave on Swintec and Olympia Typewritera WNNON to All each other’s lives with your own self-interestB. she says, explaining the lack of All Olonlt footum ■ Oexene F ^ t mornwm ow| laughter — so long as we do It in MANCNBSTBR N o w ... how are you planning to be nurses and nursing students. " It ’s IM TUMjirg MM — Blind_____ Ddft — Hunk fPO) Large Selection of New & Uaed Calculators. Cash tpociol toll hiding ways that are careful not to bring fOolish tomorrow? an ideal time to be a nurse.” IPO-13) t'ifc f:4B. — "Crao‘Cracodno" ;R) corpoli from lomoue NMWOnO phjmical or emotional harm to our OumM 1^11 7;». 9:31. — ■ Bfadi Registers & Typewritera Among the advantages, she Fhilodelphio CorpoM. netghbors. WMewlRlftlS, 9:39. StPwMNPIact points out. nurses can work alnHxrt (Bohind MBdoWe Oopl. Btotg) Oiher lecetiew In tWcre’s another form of "foolish- Charles H. B iI m ^ ALLSTATE anywhere in the United States and Wonrick. k.l.. _ NRWlpNDON ncsa” that God not only allows, but 1 0 1 — ••Creeadlle" Oandie even aoroad. They can work days, BUSINESS Seekenh I Seegm. Weu. ■MiMI VMCraCMMMu IS. — BfdSi Wldaet m i actnally encourages* In I Corinthi-' evenings, late nights or weekends. — Ovar Nit ta* IPO) 7:IS. M ACHINES 64M 1M M — MANCHESTEB HERALD, Tueaday, March 31,1987 manchmote b matAW. Mwtai n. a n -» Curator determines SPORTS painting a Vermeer

By RolMrt M. Andrtw* Samuels offered the picture to dw Th« AtMClotcd P r m National Gallery for what Whee­ iock described as an InoretHbly low lU ‘outsmarts’ Syracuse WASHINGTON - After detec- price for a Vermeer, whose work is ti're work on two continents, a so valued that it has been the target By John Nolson curator at tiie National Gallery of of thieves and forgers for centuries. m in from the free-throw line. Branch McCracken. Only UCLA, Th« Asseetot«/i inches, is titled "St. Praxedis.” Knight said. "They were dominant. No. 2 long-range team. 97-93 In the Vermeer,” Samuels said, "but it is Coach Knight.” points, 52-44, with 13:14 to play, but It depicts a legendary Roman This team won the thing by hanging other semifinal Saturday. a very fine quality work 1^ a young Although there was little consola­ Smart had three points and an virgin whose unusual religious in there and making some big Ironically, when it canne to the artist and sheds new light on tion in losing, Syracuse could look assist in a 10-0 run that got Indiana calling was to mop up the blood of plays. Vermeer’s early career, about championship, Indiana profited back at one of its best seasons. The ahead 54-52. Smart scored 10 points beheaded Christian martyrs. Smart had played at Garden City mightily from the rule that Knight which we know virtually nothing.” Orangemen finished 31-7 and were in the final 5; 41. including a driving junior college in Kansas the past hates so much. Alford. Indiana’s in their first NCAA championship layup that palled ImHana within A Besides the three at the National ' t h e p i c t u r e is signed by the two years. all-time leading scorer, hit 7-of-IO Gallery, the other Vermeers are game, 73-72 with 32 seconds to (day. The artist, using the name "M eer," in “ This will not go down as one of 3-point attempts and scored all but held by museums in New York and “ The kids did everything we basket came on a fast break after a the lower left com er and Is dated the dominant NCAA teams. We won two of his team-leading 23 points Boston and in Britain, the Nether­ asked them to do the whole game, missed free throw 1^ Syracuse’s 1555 — very early in Vermeer’s some games by the skin of our lands, East and West Germany, from outside the 19-foot. 9-inch and it came down that somebody Triche. teeth. But we were competitive, stripe. brilliant but brief career. Twenty France and Austria. had to make a play at the end,” "I just took what was given to years later, the artist died in HsrsM ptioto Oy «nlo and we did get there. And we "I got on Ed Steitz (secretary of Syracuse Coach Jim Boeheim said me,” said Smart, who came in poverty at age 43 in his native Delft, Wheelock’s claim that "St. surpassed some things I wasn’t the NCAA’s Rules Committee) "Indiana made a great play, and averaging 10.9 points per game. his genius yet unrecognized. Praxedis” is an authentic Vermeer sure we could do.” about the 3-point shot, and he’s that’s why they won. They deserved "Syracuse was sagging inside and The trouble was "St. Praxedis” is bound to be disputed, partly The anniversary waltz In 1976, the Indiana stars were never hesitated to come back at me it. covering Steve tight, so he was doesn't look Dutch. In fact, says because it is a dramatic departure Kent Benson and Scott May. In 1981. about it,” Knight said. “ He told me "It wasn’t a foul shot that lost the looking for me and that worked. It’s Wheeiock, It is Vermeer’s copy of a from the artist’s usual subjects — K.C. Reischerl and Alicia Fitzgerald practice a few dance East Young Man,” and Includes scenes from shows of the it was Isiah Thomas and Ray he put it in so I could use it with game.” great to have a player like Steve Tolbert. This time, it was Smart A P photo work painted 10 to 15 years earlier quiet, softly lighted rooms where steps for East Catholic High School's 25th anniversary past. The show will be presented April 9 through 11 at Steve Alford and win the national Boeheim has taken the Orange­ because it opens up so much for the by an obscure Italian artist, Felice young Dutch women engage in and Steve Alford and Daryl Thomas championship. men to the tournament nine times others on the team.” Ficherelli. The Ficherelli now timeless pursuits, making lace, production. The school’s theater group, Stage East 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Tickets are on sale at and Dean Garrett. "The thing I like least in in his 11 seasons but had never With 30 seconds left. Indiana Indiana’s Kaith Smart (23) launches his game-winning hangs in a private collection In playing a lute, pouring milk from a Players, has put together an original musical called "Go the school, at $4 for adults, $2 for students. For Syracuse, the game repres­ basketball is the 3-point shot. gotten past the second round until called timeout, and Smart fouled shot over Syracuse’s Howard Triche with five seconds Ferrara, Italy. jug, reading a letter, sipping wine ented 36 seconds of broken dreams. Thanks, Ed.” this year. After Syracuse’s second- Coleman on the inbounds play, "It's fascinating," said Whee­ with a gentleman visitor. Leading 7.1-72 with a half-minute to The championship was, the fifth round victory over Western Ken­ sending Syracuse to the line with 28 remaining In Monday’s championship game. Smart iock, curator of northern Baroque play. Syracuse saw its star for­ overall for the Hoosiers. 30-4, who tucky. Seikaly pronounced the scored 17 of his 21 points during the second half of Yet Wheeiock says he saw seconds left. Boeheim opted to send painting. "It seems so remote from ward. freshman Derrick Coleman, also won in 1940 and 1953 under monkey off Boeheim’s back. all his players back on defense. action. Indiana won, 74-73, in Now Orleans. what he ended up doing. It has his Vermeer in the lush strawberry hue Tired rats help unravelsleep mystery signature on it, but the painting of the saint’s robes, the vivid deep doesn’t look like his.” blue of the background and the By Mario Fox annual meeting of the Federation of woman’s sad, melancholy mood. why we sleep.” ing occurs during the REM stage in The painting surfaced in New The Atsocloted Presi American Societies for Experimen­ Schoeller and his associates rats. York in 1969, when dealer Spencer He also noticed weak rendering of tal Biology In Washington, D.C. her hands, and recalled that deprived laboratory rats of a The researchers charted the rats’ Orange finally turns gray A. Samuels bought it from the CHICAGO — Scientists deprived While there have been reports of particular stage of light sleep, energy expenditure by using a family of a private collector, Jacob Vermeer "often had difficulties rats of one form of light sleep and increased food consumption by with hands.” known as rapid eye movement or novel measuring technique — giv­ Reder, after his death. Exhibited at found the rodents ate more but lost people and animals deprived of REM, for about five weeks. By Jim O’Connell drove the length of the court for a Syracuse then had trouble calling ing the animals water with heavier The Associated Press the Metropolitan Museum of Art, weight, a finding the researchers sleep, he said, this is the first time it The rats were connected to a than normal oxygen atoms, said driving basket that brought the time, or at least getting the officials the painting was attributed to FOR TWO MONTHS in the say may help understand why had been measured. brain-wave machine so that scient­ Schoeller. Hoosiers within one point. to recognize that it wanted a NEW ORLEANS - Syracuse Ficherelli even though it bore National Gallery’s white-walled people sleep. "This is the most exciting and ists could tell when the animals To bum food energy, the body Smart then fouled freshman timeout. experienced a season full of highs Vermeer’s signature. conservation laboratory, Wheeiock “ As scientists, we don’t know creative thing going on in the field, ’’ were In the REM stage and should requires oxygen and gives off forward Derrick Coleman, who had "Both Howard and I signaled and lows in one final frustrating scrutinized the painting with high- what the purpose of sleep is. Most said Timothy Roehrs, director of be awoken. carbon dioxide. By keeping track of 19 rebounds In the game, and sent time out and I thought there were minute. him to the foul line. Indiana called IN 1993, Samuels Invited Whee­ powered microscope. X-rays, ultra­ animals, including man, sleep, but research for the Henry Ford Rapid eye movement sleep, so how much oxygen remained in the about three seconds left,” said The lOth-ranked Orangemen timeout. iock to examine the painting. violet light and infrared photo­ we really don’t know why,” biolo­ Hospital’s Sleep Disorders and named because eye movement body, the researchers were able to Greg Monroe, who finished with 12 failed to win their first national "It was one of those times when graphy. These devices enabled him gist Dale A. Schoeller said about the Research Center In Detroit. "This occurs beneath close eyelids, takes calculate how much energy — or "I felt confident, there wasn’t any points. Including two of eight championship Monday night, fal­ emotion,” Coleman said. "I wasn’t 3-polnt attempts. you look at a painting and know it’s to examine the canvas base, the University of Chicago study in is unique research and very Impor­ place In humans when they dream, calories — the rats were using up, right,” Wheeiock said. "The tech­ layers, textures and composition of which he took participated. tant In one of the unsolved areas — but scientists don't know if dream­ he said. ling to No. 3 Indiana 74-73 when nervous. I knew it could be the Coleman agreed with Monroe. nique, the handling of the paint, the paints beneath the varnished sur­ Schoeller, who discussed the Keith Smart hit a side jumper with game.” "I guess the ref didn’t hear us,” 3 style, the colors — It kind of sang face and the artist’s telltale brush study in an interview last week, was five seconds to play to give the Coleman was the only Syracuse Coleman, who scored eight points, 3 out to me.” strokes. to report on it today to the 71st Hoosiers their fifth national cham­ player on the Orangemen’s side of said. "We tried (to call the pionship and third under Coach Bob the court as Coach Jim Boeheim timeout). We all tried.” Knight. decided to have his" other four Coleman wasn’t happy with the Syracuse called a timeout with players back for defense. thought of the Orangemen coming one second to play and the missing Coleman missed and Indiana’s so close to the title In their first MADE IN MANCHESTER four seconds after Smart’s shot Daryl Thomas grabbed the Final Four appearance since 1975. were just l-15th of the frantic, rebound. controversial final minute. "When I released It I knew It was “ The season doesn’t mean no­ When the last minute of play off to the right,” Coleman said. thing to me,” he said. "Coach said began, the game was tied 70-70. "Coach didn’t want anyone on the there was no reason to hang my Four seconds later, Syracuse had a foul line so we wouldn’t get in any head. Hopefully we’ll be back some \Wieti it comes to two-point lead when Howard foul trouble.” time before I graduate.” Triche, who was l-for-7 from the Fouls weren’t the problem. Keith Syracuse loses only Monroe and field in the first half, hit his second Smart was. Triche, the third- and fifth-leading straight field goal. ’Triche grabbed They did. until Smart made his scorers, respectively. his only rebound of the game 18 game-winner with five seconds left Can there he anything positive for AP photo at the same end of the Superdome seconds later when Smart missed a Syracuse about the toughest and cutting prices jumper from the right baseline, and that North Carolina freshman Syracuse players Rony Seikaly (left) and loss to Indiana In the NCAA champion­ last loss of a 31-7 season? was fouled by Steve Alford. Michael Jordan did five years ago Derrick Coleman sit dejectedly on the ship game Monday night In New Triche made the front end of the to the day to give the Tar Heels the "There’s only one team better bench following their team’s one-point Orleans. 1-and-l. but missed the second. national championship over than us," Seikaly said. "And weteonatear. Smart grabbed the rebound and Georgetown. they’re only one point better.” Smart choice for MVP By Owen Canfield game-winner should have sur­ Nevada-Las Vegas, took charge The Associated Press prised no one. He scored 14 points in and kept Indiana in the game. the final 9:35. Including eight of the "At halftime. Coach told me I had NEW ORLEANS - Keith Smart, Hoosiers’ last nine points. Smart to get into the game,” Smart said. who put on a one-man show in grew up 70 miles away In Baton “ I was able to penetrate the gaps, Indiana’s NCAA championship vic­ Rouge. dump off some passes and make tory over Syracuse, insisted his “ When we started that stretch, some shots. supporting cast should have its we wanted Keith to get 12 points name In lights as well. before the home folks,” Indiana "They were giving me the "It was a team effort the whole Coach Bob Knight said jokingly. "I baseline. I knew if I could get one step. I’d be all right” night,” Smart said after scoring 17 figured 16 points would be enough to of his 21 points in the second half, win it. and we wanted Keith to get 12 Is the baseline jumper his favor­ ite shot? including the game-winning shot of them.” with five seconds to play, in the Alford, the Hoosiers’ all-time "If It goes in, that’s my shot,” he said. Hoosiers’ 74-73 victory Monday scoring leader, finished with 23 night. His late-game heroics re­ points, all but two from 3-point "I just took what was given to me. sulted in his being named the Final range. However, he made only one Syracuse was sagging inside and Four’s Most Outstanding Player. basket in the final 11 minutes as covering Steve tight, so he was "We played together all year, and Syracuse hounded him with a looking for me and that worked. 9 at the end. any five of the players number of different defensive Smart and Alford were voted to 9 ... and used by consumers could have taken the shot,” he said. schemes. the all-tournament team, along But it was Smart who got the call, But Smart, who scored 14 points with Sherman Douglas and Derrick and he won the game by sinking a before fouling out in the Hoosiers’ Coleman of Syracuse, and Armon Save *50 jumper from the left baseline. 97-93 semifinal victory over Gilliam of Nevada-Las Vegas. Save *60 Save *40 everywhere. "I didn’t think it was going to go in." Smart said. "I was just hoping •549“ Mie price •379** m I* p ric e •sir* salt price It would hit the rim and one of the On April 30, the Manchester Herald is publishing its other guys would grab it and put it GatrtateeO To Start Model20588. 8 8 Gaanatttd To Start In.” Syracuse Ians erupt M M 20622. MMI6S85. 4 -c ^ engine annual PROFILE EDITION with pictures and special OHV 4-cyck'tngint. 2-tycktngim. 2I;hand-pmpelltd, Ironically, that’s how Indiana 21'selfprMlM 2l;han(lpmptlletl, rear bagger. advanced to the Final Four, when BK, rurbaggtr. si^ discharge. features about the contributions our community Daryl Thomas’ air ball with six after title game loss seconds to play against Louisiana makes to a better way of life. Numerous products are State was put in by Rich Calloway • Toro GTS enm es are guaranteed to start on the with six seconds to play, giving the By The Associated Press a.m. today, after moving into first or second pull for two years or Toro will fix manufactured in Manchester and sold throughout the Hoosiers a one-point win. the huge crowd and ordering them free. Syracuse Coach Jim Boeheim SYRACUSE. N Y. - The people to disperse. • Hurry, pre-season sale prices good for a limited country, and the Manchester Herald is proud to help said the Orangemen used a box- somber mood in Syracuse The throng, still chanting 7 and-one defense in the closing turned into one of frustration obscenities aimed at Indiana 7 time ordy. acquaint the public with these important items. seconds to make sure two-time and violence early today as Coach Bob Knight, began to • For starting guarantee details, see your Toro Dealer. All-America Steve Alford didn’t get thousands of Syracuse Univer­ disperse shortly before 1 a.m. • Two-year luiuted warranty. the ball. sity fans went on a rampage In the hours after Indiana had In order to make this the outstanding edition it has "Smart made a great play,” following their team’s heart­ posted its 74-73 triumph, how­ • Financing available with a 10% down Alford said. breaking one-point loss to Indi­ ever, youths broke windows, payment been in the past, we must have advertising With time running out, Smart had ana in the battle for the national tore down signs and swung from the ball left of the key and dumped it basketball championship. telephone lines in a repeat Oiler good at p a itid p a l^ detlen for a Hmiled time only. Police said an estimated 4,690 performance of the destruction Price and diacounts aubjeri to local dealer option. reservations early. Reserve your space now, so you inside to Thomas, then gave it back to Smart, who went over youths stormed university that took place Saturday after won’t be left out! Absolute deadline April 15th. Don’t Howard Triche for the game- streets, some of them taunting Syracuse’s semifinal win over ^memt Coo. Omco winner. police, throwing beer cans and Providence. wait! Call 643-2711 today and ask for details. "He came up with a pretty good causing damage to businesses Numerous people suffered shot and made an excellent play.” and each other. Police had minor injuries in drunken 38 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER. CT 06040 Indiana’s Keith Smart points to his championship. Smart was named the charged about 15 people with brawls and others were hurt by PHONE 643-6311 Discounts /or early reservation & copy. Triche said. Hooslar fans after Indiana defeated game’s Most Valuable Player Monday Smart, a Garden City (Kansas) disoi^iiy conduct by ll;M flying beer cans, police said. Syracuse, 74-73, for the national night In New Orleans. junior college transfer, hit the W — MANCHFSTER HERALD. Tuerfav. March 31. 1W7 BgKAIJ>. fm satp. Mwrai« . 1B»— f t Tigers suffer another blow as Kirk Gibson Is hurt Hagler, Leonard fight Is not lacking In publicity By The AssoelofM Tress Ik e sale price has been reported boMman Dave Mapiibiii on the The latest In a fight Mlleil as the "Greatest af the Manchester Country Club. Calvacecchia ia one o f the cited by the group. Earlier bis late bndier. ARm at about f t million. LeRoux, AtalMted list. Magadaii waatraated Century’ ’ is ^ next week srhen Morvefoos Marvin With tile defection of catcher brightest young players on the current PGA tour. Cowles, gras aceorifed the honor. Sullivan and Mrs. Yawkey bouglit for a viral infectfon « f A e ly m ^ nagter and Sugar Ray Leonard square off in Lm Lance Parrish, the Detroit Tigers ’The umpire chapter's annual dinner-meetittg grill be the club in 1979 from the estate o f nodes two weeks ago and eaiinot Vegas. already had a power shortage. If hdd June 6 at Fiano’s Restaurant in Bdten grith Leo Tom Yaudtey. Arow or swing a bat for II more l ^ ile it may not live up to expectations it will not H c n d d A a g fc Coflciiin0 Kirk Gibson is seriously hurt, it Diana serving as chairman. H ie group is most anxfous than I thought, though. It scared me TheOMandlliuNinr Monday’s days. lack from being publicised. may be a real blackout. a little." Former East Catholic High baseball and basketball to recruit new members for the 1967 season. biggest housecleaning was done by Toronto pitcher Craig McMiirtry Sam Maltempo, former boxer and nose Connecticut’s Earl Yost Gibson, who missed six weeks standout Gary Kind, now in the coaching fid d at Six more exhibition games were the Baltimore Orioles, who fanned and Atlanta second bawman Ife- referee, likes Leonard and adds Sugar Ray will then last season with an ankle injury, Sports Editor Emaritus Grisgrold High, saw his club notch its 2notb grin under rained out. thoroughly embarrass­ out first baseman-outfielder Jim maso Garcia, who were traded fer face Mark Breland in another million dollar (plus) boot 75 ya«r» young suffered pulled rib muscles Mon­ his guidance this past hoop season. Kind’s older ing some Chambers of Commerce ’Traber, the rookie sensation o f 1999, each Mher last monA. bMh went At before retiring for good. day while taking batting practice in brother, Frank, also a former East Catholic tgro-sport Fenway Park in Boston, home of the Boston Red Sox, But there was irienty of action off cut relief pitchers Rich Bordi. Drad the AsaMed list. McMurtry under­ The pick here is Hagler by a knockout over Sugar a cage located in an

Ringirt 6. North S liri 5 M ost points, both team s— 181, UCLA X , AngalaN.PadraaO Duke83,1964 Davis Cup H o c k e y Most field goals, one teom—40, UCLA vs. B a s e b a ll Sporta in Brief N.Y. Reneers 2 I 3—4 B a s k e tb a ll AAernphlsSt.im fro.Dfego 8X8X888-8 8> M hmese t e i f 3—4 MostfleM goals,both teams—71,UCLAX, eamordo 1X 8H 28R- 6 12 4 3 Rrsl Period—1, New York, MePbee 3 Kentucky X , 1975 Jones, Lefferts (5), Drovecky (8) and Seymour, Reagan on All-Star squad (OeBlols. Carkner), 7:43. 3, Minnesota, NBA itandlngs Most fleldgools ottempted, one teom—92, Bochy; Sutton, Bulce (7), Moore (9) oM match set NMLitindIfigi Maxwell 3 (Clccorelll, MocLetlon), 8:22. 3. Purdue vs. UCLA, 1949 ExhlbHIan atandlnga M ille r. W— Sutton, 1-2. L -^ o n e s , 1-3. ; New York, Poddubnv 40 (Sandstrom, Most field goals attempted, both teams— BRANFORD — Rich Reagan and Jon Seymour from Coventry Dionne), 18:57 (po). Penalties—OePalmo, 144, UCLA 78, KentuefcyM, WALV9 CONPmVNCe EASTERN CONFERENCE 1975 High School will be on the Class M-S East All-Star team that will MH cIi MvMm Min (rouebira), 4:57; Meinvk, NY Atlontlc Division AMERICAN LEAGUE in Hartford AF photo (rougblne), 4:57; Lawton, Min (slashine), Most free throws, one team—32, Bradley BtantalS.A’aB participate in the 12th annual Connecticut High School Coaches’ W L T Pta OP OA W L Pet. OB vs. LaSalle, 1954 W L P et. V-PMIodelphla 45 24 8 98 301 232 17:28. y-Boston 53 19 .736 — Minnesota >■ 10 8 .X4 Association All-Star Festlval on Saturday, April 4, at Branford Second Period—4, MInnesoto. CIccarelll Most free throws, both teoms—50, Boston 13 .542 night In Bloomington, Minn. The x-WMhIngton 34 32 10 I t W VS x-PhllodelphIa 39 32 .549 13'/i B radley X , La S o il* 18,1954 11 Ian Frondsco IX 8X 828-H High School. NEW YORK (AP) - The Hart­ New York’s Terry Carkner (38) tries to x -N Y Island er* 33 32 11 77 259 2«3 52 IH artsb u ro , P ayn e), 11:34. 5, New W ashington 36 34 .514 14 Texas 13 11 .542 Oakland 2X 818 113— 8 . Y o rk , ASelnyk 3 (P oddubnv), 12:48. 4, Most free throw attemrted,one team—44, C leveland 12 12 5 X The festival includes a gam e at 6:30 p.m. between two Class ford Civic Center has been selected slow down Minnesota’s Brian Bellows Rangers beat the North Stars, 6-5. x -N Y Ranoers 34 35 8 7« 301 305 New Jersey 21 50 .296 31'/j Brodleyvs. LaSalle, 1954 Gott, Hommaker (6), Robinson (9) P lttsburoti 21 37 12 46 284 280 Minnesota, Bellows 25 (Hortsbure, Boutl- New Y ork 21 50 .294 31'/j Toronto 8 8 5 X Brenly, Sasser (7); G. Nelson, Cl. Y(a 5- M teams and a second game at 8:30 between a pair of Classas the site for the Davis Cup match Most free throw attempted, both teams— with his stick In their NHL game Monday New Jersey 28 42 6 42 277 345 Her), 14:12 (pp). Penalties—Roberts, Min Central Division New York 12 13 4X (holding), J. Jackson, NY (cross­ 48, B radley 44, La Salle24, LL-L squads. All players are seniors. between the United States and West Adam* Olvislen 5:22: x-Atlonto 48 Z3 .476 — 1954 Kansas C ity 10 11 .474 checking), 7:43; Caufleld, NY, malor Chicago 11 13 .4X Germany from July 24-26, the U S. x -H o rtto rd 42 28 7 91 280 238 x-Detrolt 47 24 .462 1 Most relMunds, one team—41, UCLA vs. The event is for the benefit of the Branford Lions Club for the x-M o n treal 38 29 10 84 343 234 (fighting), 14:47; MustI, Min (roughing), x-M llw oukee 43 30 .589 6 SeoUle 11 13 4X Tennis Association announced 14:47; Corkner, NY (tripping), 13:15. Purdue, 1949 M ilw aukee 11 15 .440 Eye Research Foundation at Yale-New Haven Hospital. x-Boston 38 32 7 83 294 244 Indiana 34 35 .907 12 M ost rebounds, both teams— 109, UCLA Monday. Quebec , 28 38 10 44 244 343 Third Period—7, New York, J. Jackson 12 Chicago 34 34 .900 12'/} B altim o re 10 13 .435 (Dionne), :14. 8, Minnesota, Lawton 21 4l,Purdue48,l949 O akland 10 13 .435 USTA Davis Cup Committee Esposito’s advice pays off B uffalo 37 43 7 41 345 397 C leveland 27 45 .375 21'/«> HlghMt field goal percentoge, one CAMPBBLL CONPRRBNCR (Clccorelll, Pavellch), 4:22. 9, Minnesota, WESTERN CONFERENCE C alifo rn ia 10 15 4 X Chairman David Markin said that DePalma 9 (Acton, Graham), 8:37. 10, teom—^78.4 (22-X ), Vlllonova vs. D etro it 7 17 .292 Transactions Smith NBA player of the week Nerrt* Olvislen Midwest Olvislen Georgetown, 1985 five other locations were in the X :D etrolt 34 33 10 78 254 W New York, Dlonne38 (Greschner), 10:43.11, X-Dallos 48 24 .467 — NATIONAL LEAGUE New York, MePhee 4 (Caufleld, Meinvk), Highest free throw percentoge, one W L P et. NEW YORK — Forward Larry Smith, who averaged 19.3 running for the site. 9t. Louis 29 33 15 73 244 x-U tah 39 32 .549 t'h team— ,9X (1514), Ohio State vs, M Innesoto W 39 9 49 291 304 11:00. Penalties—MePhee, NY (delay of Houston 37 35 .514 11 St. Louis 14 4 7 X "W e looked for a city where the game), 3:27; Acton, Min (delay of gome), ClnclnnaU,1961 San Francisco 17 8 .4X BASEBALL rebounds per game in leading the Golden State Warriors to a 3-0 as Rangers top Minnesota Chicogo 28 34 13 49 280 301 D enver 31 41 .431 17 Most assists, one team—X , Houston vs. American Leogue event would receive special atten­ Toronto 31 40 4 48 279 309 3:27; McKegney, NY (tripping), 5:13; San Antonio 26 45 .346 21'/!) C incinnati 12 8 .4X record, was named the NBA’s Player of the Week for the period Giles, NY (tripping), 11:40; Melnyk, NY Georg*townJ984; Indlanavs. Los Angeles 12 9 .571 BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Waived Rich SmvtiM Olvislen Sacram ento 23 48 .324 2A'h Syracuse, 1987. ending March 29. tion and community support was (holding), f3;:»; Maxwell, Min Pacific Division Chicago 15 12 .556 Bordi, pitcher, (or the purpose ofgivinghim V-Edm onton 48 24 5 101 354 273 Most assists, both teams—39, Houston X , hi* unconditional release. OpflonMJIm strong. Hartford has been a strong By AAlke Nadel around our necks and it’s just goals from Larry Melnyk and Jeff x -c a le a rv 44 30 3 94 313 383 (slashing), 15:01. v-L.A . L a k e r* 54 15 789 — San Diego 13 11 .542 Smith had 19 rebounds in a 127-115 victory over Detroit last Shots on goal— New Y ork 15-11-7— 33. (}eoreetown19,19B4 New Y o rk 11 10 .524 Traber, first baseman, to Rochester tennis city In the past." Markin The Associated Press getting tighter and tighter," Minne­ Jackson. Minnesota’s other goals x-W Innlpee 39 30 8 84 3M 299 x-P o rtland 43 28 .404 13 Most personal fouls, on* team—34, of the International League. Outrighted Wednesday, 15 rebounds in a 106-105 triumph over Seattle on x-LosA neeles 31 38 8 70 310 331 Minnesota 5-10-19^. Golden Stote 37 34 .521 19 Atlonta 13 13 .5X said. sota defenseman Gordie Roberts came from Brad Maxwell, Brian Power-ploy Dpportunitles—New York 1 Oklahoma State vs. Kentucky, 1949 Houston 11 11 5X Brad Havens, pitcher, and Tom Dodn Friday and a season-high 24 rebounds in Saturday’s 110-110 V ancouver 24 43 8 40 243 305 Seattle 35 38 .479 22 Most personal fouls, both teams—57, designated hitter, to Rochester of (he Other cities named by Markin as BLOOMINGTON. Minn. - said. "It isn’t a whoie lot of fun Bellows and Brian Lawton. v-clincbed division title of 3; Minnesota 1 of 4. Phoenix 26 44 .371 29 '/j Pittsburgh 10 10 .300 decision over Utah. Goalies—New York, Vonblesbrouck (34 Oklahoma StateX, Kentucky 21, P hiladelp hia 9 10 .474 International League. Sent Jack O'Connart "excellent alternatives” were San George MePhee listened to the always playing catch-up.” x-clincbed playoff spot L A. Clippers 12 58 .171 O 'h 1949 shots-29 saves). Minnesota, Beoupre (33- x o u ^ 7 ) , in d io n o X not the seller,” LeRoux said in a York Islanders and within two Sedor 909, Bert Sweet 900, Ed Adorns 528, A -4 8 3 7 . East Coast (1) 0 1 .OX Rangara6,Ptrataa1 »!ye tarkle, John Bailey, linebacker, and- HHlrnan 6). Total foul*—Syracuse 16, ECAC Metro (1) 0 1 .OX El vis Butter, defensive tackle. statement. “ If I couldn’t be the points of the second-place Washing­ Don Vorgenson 905. Referee-M ike Noeth. Linesmen— In diana 17. A—64,999. Steve Carlton etlll wanta to pitch Ryan Bozok, Swede Knox. ECAC N. AU. (1) 0 1 ox ~ buyer, I felt I should sell in ton Capitals in the battle for playoff Old Gutters with Ivy (1) 0 1 (SS) H I 8 X 8 8 8 -1 7 5 HOCKEY Metro AttanUc (1) 0 1 Tm 8H8H11K-6 9 8 Nettensl ileiekev Lsonae ARLINGTON, Va. — Proclaiming "I know I can still gdn,” everyone’s best Interest.” position in the Patrick Division. C m l N f i A i m NCAA chmipiMthIp gnm ra* MM-Ameiioon (1) 0 1 .OK Itatterson, Fisher (7), Robinson (8) and . TOSTON BRUINS—RecmtadAiata Cota,' Steve Carlton says he is willing to take a lower salary to pitch in He said a number of things "have " It ’s a pleasure to watch him MEAC (1) 0 1 .OX Peno; Mason, Harris (9) and Slought, yw w pw tt- hjm Grwtby of the Qu*be< occurred in the past six months succeed. He’s very good at what he NEW O NES! Tollsono 401, Steve W illiam * cania SouUtem (1) 0 I .XO Porler (8). W—Mason, 2-1. L—Patterson, Motor Junior Hoawyljiaeue. . the major leagues, USA Today reported Monday. I s { 5 o9. ______...... ECHO hockey 7 George Burges* 151-445, Tim Souttitand (1) 0 1 .OX 2-2. HR—Texas, McDowell (2). " I love baseball,” Carlton said in an interview grith the gehich gvere concerning me,” but he does.” C astm a 418,l(en,k * ( Arev ‘ 165, Ed Kaskey SWAC (1) 0 1 OX MEN'S INTERNATtMAL PROFEV 151-401, Lorry Novello 177-M, John INOIVIDUAL newspaper. "I’m agreeable to sign something for a modest did not elaborate. That usually isn’t scoring. Most points 44, Bin Walton, UCLA vs. TTOns Amertoo (1) 0 1 .OX ^ o frlo 145437, Tom O'ConnorFiniVf HI-418,IV8*WIW> A M o . VW Iev (2) 0 2 .XO Brawarat.Cubat contract that grould include incentives. He has questioned the Red Sox’ MePhee’s performance Monday ToTony m Mortnelll...... 1 BUI Hanson M Nl C MemphlsSt.,1973 ★ ★ Most field goal*—21, Bill Woltan, UCLA west Coast (2) 0 - 2 - .ox - handling of negotiations gvith hol­ doubled this season’s output to four. 643-2659 " If I didn’t think I could pitch, I would walk away from it, but I 1 ^ 1 4 , Kevin Kelleye y 189-409, ISyw Don JeYki ^ Rick Bovags* men’r dout pitcher Roger Clemens. He In 166 NHL games over five 4)0, Dove Krtnlok 155, Bill McKinney DMC Construction went unbeaten at vs. MempMsSt., 1973 N I 888 888-8 8 2 oooca* know I can still grin,” said the four-time National League Cy 180, Adolf Kvsiol 171815, Lee Prior IX , the Northern Mite C Conference Tour­ Most free throws 18, (Son (ioodrtch, ______8H in 888-1 * 2 also reportedly had been interested seasons, he has scored 21 goals — UCLA v*. Michigan, 1965 )W *rSy« resignetton: Young gdnner who was cut by the Philadelphia Philliea March 21. Call today for a free estimate. O oirp o Kelley IX , Kirk Bolin 1170848, nament lost weekend. The Construc- NCMacarinflaaBara Wernnon, Crim (8) and O'Brien; Madduz, or Davt wimoimr oovf oooch. » in buying the New England Patriots and piled up 245 penalty minutes. fro SchT...... Highest FG percentoge-95.5 (21-22), BUI R. Dovi* (7), DiPino (8) and j. .. J Schiefiofer 162; High team slngl'n g l e - Uonnten beat Enfield, 58, and Newing­ of the NFL. " I ’ve done my share of fighting,” gBO Auh i tq jl 497; High team trip!)r lp le — ton, 53. In the gome with Enfield, Scotl Walton, UCLA V*. Memphis D avis, B e rrv h lll (8 ). W— W egm an, 1-1. 9 Colors to choose from. Written Quarentee. Kwvi Hortford Nursery 13M; HHigh ig h Cochran hod two goolt and Tony S t., 1973 The oggregrte seer tag leaders of the 1987 L Maddux, 1-2 Sv—Crtm (1). " It ’s time to go on to other things, MePhee said. "Basically, my n^e Highest FT percentage 91.7(11-l2),Olck NCAAbaskeflMfltaurnament; Canadian Grand Prix canedtd SinM* Loriy ■■Novella “ 123, High triple ile Legere, Justin Podulo and Tyler Brooks other challenges,” LeRoux said, is to be a spark plug.” — Oeopge Keilev 5X; High overoge — one apiece, the latter tallying the Eslergord, Bradley vs. Lo Flflvsr,. IT. Ttmn fw a n G Fts Mlaiia5.MartmrtS R a d io , T V Tony M ortnelll 141.9. fome-wlnnor with three seconds left. s o n * ,iM Stave Alkerd,“ ■ Indiana ■ 6 1 H PAR IS — The 1667 Canadian Grand Prix, scheduled June 14 at adding that he hoped to return to That’s something the North Stars Standings: R50 Auto II 22-11, Cochran hod two assists and Fodulo Moslrebourtds 21,Bin Spivev,Kentucky RonySelhalv, Syracuse 6 I X sports "possibly in an ogroership could use. Minnesota, gzhlch failed vs. Kansas St., 1951 Armen Gfliiam, UNLV 5 I X Montreal, has been cancelled, the International Auto Sport McNgmgro 2513, Ann Morte's Restau­ one. Mike McCarthy was In goal. Mott 5 Ctaeotakd 881 8X 886-8 5 8 role.” to increase its one-point lead oyer r s X-13, RBO Auto 1515, Von Tosseli Royn and Cochran each hod two goals Most osststs—g ^ lv ln Franklin, Houston Billy Donovan, Atavldenoe 5 114 22.8 TONI0MT Federation announced Monday. “ ■ “ Banks, UNLV 5 167 21.4 Seams N8 6N 881-1 11 1 Sullivan said the deal was com­ the last-place Toronto Maple Leafs 1 5 1 5 , Dubolde Electric 17-16, Acodlo and Legere and Brooks one apiece vs.Georoetewn,l9M; Nlekro, Jones (6), Yett (7), Oomocho 7;X p.m. — Bruins of. Norimiaes, A FISA statement said Uiat its Executive Committee had taken 0 3 0 9 4 KM M .0 Restaurant 1517, Mock 3 1517, Eost ogolnst Newington. Podulo ond John Mlchoel Jockson, Georgetown vs. VKlon- (8) and Ttagley, Dempsey (7); i------* ESPN, Channel X pleted Monday morning. Negotia­ in the Norris Division, is in danger ova,1985 Sherman Dougtas, Syracuse 6 NO W.7 7;X p.m .-C eltics at Knicks, Channel' the decision "due to the legal complexity surrounding this »rd Nursery 1518, Here tar the Duperron eoch hod two assists and rHwiis uviMUUr wyofmno Hulsmann (7), Wllktasen (8), Besl (9) tions reportedly grent on for several of missing the playoffs for the first S S p15H, ^l Ostrtnsky* 1519, Cunllffe Trover Frenetfe, Ronny Holnsey and TRAM and Kearney. W—Yen, 1-0. L-G **1, 1-2 61, W K H T event,” currently subject to a court battle betureen rival Many Financing Plans Avakabla • M o Body not 15H, Vlltage Stylist 15W, Ryan one apiece. Nick Molcytk and Most points, one teom X , UCLA vs. ^R. ReM, Norm Cmwno 9 p.m. — Boxing; Robert Hines vs. months. The sate price has been time since 1978. Ricky Ooftoway, Indiana 6 13.2 Sv—Camacho (2). HRs—Cleveland, CoConporollen 12-21. M ott Dennis were defensive standouts. Ouke,1984 n Snyder (2), Gorier (4). Ismole Negron, USA Coble $9* rgVsrsgvf "W e're niitvine witl* a ItiSBi Mi. i f a rHhy^, i | f r - m KIT IT CAHLYtl -eYLawyWHaet Real Hoosiers didn’t Van Gogh painting nets $3085 mMion LONDON (AP) — Spectators pounds ( I N m illion),” he said. gasped and ai^auded as Vincent Van 0 who reportedly man­ C w r r w w E CLASSIFIED ADS M3-2711 tune in to the Oscars VanOogh... palntsd "Sunftowwrs” in January Go li, B T T Y S A d i van Gogh’s “Mnflowers,” which aged to sell only one painting in his OJfWTTffE the impoverished Dutch artist Frumi ly 1880 and wrota in a iaitar that yaar that ha lifetime, painted “ SonflosrerB” in Noncas 79 Bnftrttirtiviefif . ___ 0 F e r m Sw o t h w m m Xiitim iir . I i . n«MANAPOLIS (AP) - Al­ paugh’s L5iai. sheetroefced basement buflon publications pub­ ity. Good solary, gen­ wanted for small child. Sa n i t a r i a n , port time. nonoe and Installation. R K R T T Is m S wtesitetssM for future family room, ulote VA room opert- and shore In the re­ ter 1st yeor. Doys, 633- tgHMHaMtMMUHHIi lished by the Manchester SECRETARY - one erous benefits olong Must be mature, re­ The town of Andoyer Is Call after 6 649-1993 or 3043. Eyenlngs, 643- 12 14 Ssrvfcss ~ firaplace, central ofr, mont. Steve, Herold. Penny Sleffert, tor wards of patient care. sponsible, adult who occeptlng applications refrieeroter,. weft ta man low office. Short Please send resume to with opportunity for 875-6923. 8019. asm # fs - lorga deck, 2Vi hafhs. Publisher. loves chlldi'en. Call 646- for a part-time position IS well cereetine. No hondreaulred. Coll 646- Box JJ c/o the Man­ advancement, Call RECEPTIDNIST. Ad RAINTINQ J B iW S L Unit bocks imte weeds. M rs. Rivers at 209-3373 4653 betw een 9am - os Sonltorlon storting CHILD Core. Port time ; spsdei^^ftMba- pets. Referenoss ond 2436,9 to 5 weekdays. chester Herald, Mon- agency needs a pleo- and full time openings _ ; Complex effSrs tennis or apply Beneficial 4:30pm. April 1, 1987. This posi­ 18 21 litlw ier e Ertarter security, saepfusutflf- TYPISTS-SSdo weekly ot chester Ct. 06040. sont, polite, persona­ for loving core givers ~ W 8 5 B R T and a sw1m m ln0 peel. Connecticut, Inc., 922 TW D Full time positions tion comIsts of 10 hours dldede^s^MMUh EPwe D. W. Pish Realty. 643- home! Write P. O. Box (!:l EANING Help— Floor ble receptionist. Typ­ for Infants, toddlers, WvTvv WfVf rVfVI^VVIffRRr HELP WANTED Main St., East Hart­ available In Manches­ per week. Pleose call Iff I 1591 or S7M490.O bedrtwm ED 975, E liza b e th , N J ing skills a plus. Call and pre-school. CollH Ml f6 n m w Ew W09 IfWlWllwwIwn wwlWw fW w r- experelnce preferred. ford, Ct. Eaual Oppor- ter surgeons office for the town office buDdlno towrmouse, S57S. Heef, 07207. Eyenlngs and/or wee­ 646-4W3 for Interview. Marilyn DImmock, Llt-*“ 30 l31 32 33 (kstMy it ear OMki eeneatn. •wMg WEPrOWWw wf^PW^WwR# igMeMM# Mi M ANCHiifik.'tllLM . tunlty Employer. medical secretary- 742-7305 or opply at the hot water Included. No kends. 643-5747. tie People Unlimited, ^ Beautiful newer condo assistants. Experience Selectmen's Dffice, |i*AA+ Tim e ofter school fM eeeiM eiJ fiATEe pets. Credit refereneee TELEMARKETERS School Rood, Andoyer, and Saturdays. Ddd M o rl^ ro u g h . 295-0003. 1 In mint condition. Two wanted In East Hart­ preferred. Call 643-9527 bedrooms, 1W ceramic reoulred. Monday Ct ______lobs. Keeney street Pa r t t i m e . Monches- J52eS35we» Ftower Wsshing JOB ford. Earn up to M.OO for Interview. WANT AOS «r« ftp tiled baths, cheery dln- throuifo PrWev, 12 ta 3 3 areo. 643-8130 or 643- |41 MECHANIC I^ERSDNS to work in ter, 15-20 hours per 9^9NW86< 66fW668t RRDW6N Brush or lyray m shdiv ------5pm, 6434n57. per hour. Call Marie at M A SSEU SE. 9300 to S900 4005. week, doys, flexible. • ine room, Victorian 299-7306.______weekly. Massage only. kitchen making sand­ 44 PfWE SaTiMATie H E LP IN G P E O P LE SO- osah OPPORTUNITIES SfflMI angine. Expartonead Mature person to ser- ' ____ on fZ and *4 eyola angina Large Hartford agency wiches and other kit­ tiELEPHDNE - Dperotor- ruwfifiliWVo ti$fw> m tw ' wiwwm ' ffllVIs DfX pHn#l tfDOfi/ iAL#S Persons...Estlm- chen duties. 649-0905. vice greeting cords of < wanft... Itiaf’s wfMf ttronf cart and • and lawn iraeton. Good op­ ators toil time posi­ seeks ottroctlye, well /Typlst - seeking o full laundry hook-ups, baths, well to wall cor- a t t h e department store. Gen- S odtarsdltxwwf. lumt. walk out basement. Ex­ petlne, oppllaneet. portunity. Exparlanead only. tions available with spoken masseuses. RET a i l point and deco- time telephone opera­ erol stock work Inven-'**' m m 848-8774 growing service com­ Port time or full time. rcrtlon center lookino tor. Must possess effec­ 48 48 BO IS4 S5 56 cellent locotlon. Sentry $530 plus utIM tIss. fory and display. Coll ’ Reel Estate. 643-4060.O Mllns Rsol Estots Inc., ECKERT’S pany. Good salory. Dwn transportation. for full time soles per­ tive telephone skills, evenings only 8pm to S7 88 60 5a-6873 or 599-4161. lIlatirljrBtfr 3)m (^ Coventry Call Evergreen Lawns. Will train. Beau Monde son. Good starting pay typing 35 - SO w.p.m., 9pm. M -F . 1-272-4479. | We will train. 649-9667. 724-0519. and benefits. Contact aptitude for figures 8fbARS. l4 miist from 742-6103 Mike, Foul's Point and and basic office skills. Pa TN t ERS. Experience j 81 63 Manchsstsr. 2 bsd- Decorating Center ,615 Apply In person, Mon- Interior and exterior. Rentils room, privets an- Main Street, Manches­ dov through Friday, Painters helpers expe- i 84 66 trance, oppllonois and P A R T T IM E ter. 649-0900. 8:30 to 4 :30 ,Progue rience helpful, will carpeted. 9395 cell 943- PILLOWTEX CORPORATION train. 649-9874. RECEPTIDNIST for Shoe Company, 200 Plt- 9516. TELEMARKETERS FULL TIME A SECRETARY/Receptlon NURSES Aides. Cur­ LOOKING For Assistant WILLINGTON. 6 rooms, GLASTOf^URY, Smith- a leading manufactursr of pillows and down comfort- photo studio In South kln Street, East main floor, 3 bed­ 1 bedroom, quiet, on but Hortford. 1st. Dne-glrl office. M a­ rently acepetine appli­ Prolect Manager to brook. Prettlglout de- If you llko 99I99, and hava a claar opgaking PART TIME HELP era, currently has full lima production work avallaMa Windsor area. Sales \ THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME line. Heel and olr con­ ture. Must hove cations for our Nurse run Individual con­ rooms, 2 baths. Coal, velopment on yolce you could be aarnlng | ’9 In our aalaa Diys/NI|MiAlf5Sk9iiSf on our first shift. Thaaa entry level positions do not re­ preferred. 243-2800. by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee wood, oil combo fur­ ditioning Included. WAREHDUSE/Produc- excellent telephone Aide training class that struction firm. Paid on cul-de-sac near shop­ LEASE A Room. 2 rooms dapajtmant M-Thura. 6:30*8:30, Sat. 10*2. quire any axpsrisnca. Plllowtax will train you. In addi­ LA N D S C A P E help full Ouallflcatlon. Coll 643- nace (4 years old). Like ping and highways. avollabls. Ptmolst 9425. 646-M24. 7-Bls«an Is a winning tion to our oompatniya wage, and banafll program, wa tlon. Syndet Products skills, able to type and UnscrambfD these four Jumbles, will begin toon. Also Will Train. Hourly Plus' bonusesi Call Susan time. Some experience Inc., needs workers In use calculator. Coll 525- one letter to each square, to form takino applications for 2659. new condition. Newlev Houses feature central prsfarrtd. Whols 4 room apartment. flB combination when It are conveniently located In Manohaalar, close to the remedied, eat-fn kit­ 047*9946 preferred. Start Imme­ production and ware­ 9155.______four ordinary words. C. N. A .’t. We otter M AT URE Woman to core air, central vac. Indi­ houss privllsoss. 5250 per month plus utlll- comas to finding the bus line. If you era Intarastad In this position, call diately. Up to 57.00 to chen. Above ground vidual styling. Contem­ plus phono and ons tles. AyolloDle April house departments. 40 AS8^MBLY Worker. ' excellent startlns wage for toddlers. Hours 1-6 right |ob. We combine Louisa Fltzmaurloa, Parsonnal at 648-1737, 7am- stort. Coll 643-1699 hour week plus over­ and benefits. Please pool. Very open and poraries ond trodltlon- third of utltltlss. Sscur- 15th. 649-8365. 8:00-4:30. Dn bus line. AUZER In the Childrens Ploce spacious. Enclosed the opportunity to 3;30pm. to got more Information and diractlona. PRINTER. Press person time. First shift. Good contact: Director Stott Day Care Center, Man- als. Our plant or yours. Ity dsposit. Jock 55.50 to start. Coll 528- porch and sun deck. 2 Call today. Joyce O. Loppsn Rsol Estots. work (or the worlds with knowledee of Har­ storting pay and benef­ Development at Crest- chester. Call 643-5535. PILLOWTEX CORPORATION 9155. ______cor garage with loft. Epstein Real Estate. 643-4263.______FU LL TIM E largest convenlance ris 19 X 25 press or its Includino health and field Home/Fenwood PART Time help DIRoso 49 Regent Street, Manchester, C T 06040 similar. Pleosereplyto Flat lot (1.2 acres). 647-5895.0 p m a l retailer with the dental Insurance, pen­ BUYER MEETS seller In Manor. M -F . 7am to Cleaners. Please apply E E Prsfsrrsd. P. O. Box P c/o the sion plan, etc. Apply In fhe wont ods ... time otter 3pm at 643-5151. Lower level, two 3 FORREST Hlilt. Lovely Modtrn with kitchsn AD TAKER personal conyenlence 534 East Middle Tpke. room, In-law apart­ MANCHESTER. 2 bed- Manchester Herald, 16 person: Syndet Pro­ time otter timel Read and PAWMS L-shoped 3 bedroom privllagtt. On bus Mns. of working In a small, LABORER. Construc­ ments with full op- room condo. Fully op- Immediate opening In our Classified Dept. Brolnord Place, Man­ ducts Inc., route 6, u s e t h e wont ods Ranch In the Forrest 647-9513 svsnlngs. pllonoed kitchen, cen­ friendly and Informal tion. Apply In person at pllonced kitchens, prl- Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am to 8 pm. Must chester Ct. 06040. Bolton, Ct. EDE regularly. □ n ~ Hills section of Man­ tral air, cor port, pool, atmosphere, where PILING Clerkfor 10 hours The Andrew Ansaldl vate entrances. chester. Cathedral possess good typing skills. Knowledge of HOU^EKEEPER/Cook Company, 186 Bldwelt Walk-out to back yard. tennis, rec area ovolla- your personality and tor Green Lodge o 20 a week. Flexible hours. celling In living room ble. 1 small pet ac­ computer Input desirable, but will train. RataN Managar Tratnaaa Street, Monchester. One has lovely fire­ l O T T contributions really bed self core focMIty. FUALED 54.50 per hour. No typ­ with beautiful full wall cepted. S7S0 per month. Good spelling a must. Pleasant telephone CONSTRUCTION ing. Call the Manches­ ASSISTANT Manager tor place. Good size. fireplace. Ottered ot make a difference. INJECTION MOLDING Coll M -W -F. 649-5985. 'f/HATMrAWY A PUBLIC 9175,000. Strano Real 1 year lease plus tecur- manner. Good benefit package. For ap­ RECORD WORLD n 5PEAKEP PEYOTES ter Herald, 643-2711, af­ hardware store. Good 5164,900. Joyce O. Ep­ Ity deposit. 649-0795. PART Time general work SECRETARY Estate. 647-7653.D stein. 647-8595.0 3 BE D R O O M duptek In pointment, please call Denise Roberts at Raaponslbllltles W «’re Looking For Poopio One of the eraea leading ter 1:30pm and ask for business opportunity, power equipment. HI* LIFE TO. good pay. Benefits. Think Fasti 11 O r this one newer 2 family home. 643-2711 between 9:30 am and 8 pm. Include cashiering, E f. ( Windfor retell record ohelna now Alex OIrelll. Once In a Elue moo- Opportunity for competent persons willing to Dealer Eckert's Coven­ YAPNOC Apply Conyers Hard­ might get by you I Nice Includes appliances assisting with try. 742-6103. hea menegament opan- Now arrange the circled letters to RECEPTIONIST needed n...You'll find o house and wall to wall carpet­ take a career poeltlon. Join a 19-prets, steadily Wa era a buay arehHaolural / for medical distribu­ ware. 646-5707. 5 plus room ranch on with to many extras, 9 cuslomors, stock work eonatruotlon fimi wHti an Im- Inga. Wa era looking for form the surprise answer, as sug­ ing. Heat not tncludtd. growing moldsr of prsclelon gsare with an out­ gested by the above cartoon. tor. General office du­ DEPARTMENT Mon- quiet deadend street In and general madlata need for a matura embltloua, bright and aalf rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 161010 monthly. Security standing rsputatlon. Of oourss — modsrn plant ties. Please coll 872- ager for retail paint Ellington. 3 bedrooms, baths, gourmet kitchen maintananco. paraon to handia oonairuo- motivated Individuele. 2 full baths, Ingfound and references re­ DFFICE space tor rent — and squlpmsnt with gsnsrous oompsnsatlon. HAIR 2666. 5:30 to 5:00. and decorating center. with center Island and Manchester prime ilcn related aaorattrtal rta- You will enjoy: A “m i : i T n m m pool, 130' X 195' lot, cool quired. 2 children pre­ NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED.. Apply todayl Plsaea call for appointment or stop to oompists ponalbllltlat. This It a full PACKfeR/Prodoctlon Duties sales and stock. all appliances. In- ferred. No pets. Coll downtown profes­ en exeollont working Good hours. Excellent stove, slate entrance an application. STYLIST time petition with a oompatl- (Answers tomorrow) worker. 40 plus hourt ground sprinklers, 3 643-7635. sional suites available MANCHESTER AREA Please call 871-0888 or environment storting pay and benef­ foyer, economical to car garage, central- apply In parson at the tlvo calory and oxoollont bo- Jumbles: BLOOD SHAKY CAVORT GLOOMY per week. Apply In heotl Reduced to from 1,000 to 6,000 Full or part time. noth ptokago Including prom oomprahonalvo bonallte Yesterday’s person only. 117 Colon­ its. Contact Mike vac, central air, beau­ square feet. Lease or Cgntsr 81. (odd only)...... 583-898 7-Elavan Store, Answer He won the biggest bet at the greyhound race Paul's Paint, Main 1129,900. Jackson & tiful landscaping next 2 bedroom townhouie. PlasticB Qaarlng Tachnology thorlng. (The poraonnol In rapid advancement for biscause he h w this— A "H O T’^ DOG ial Road, Manchester Heat, hot water, car­ purchase. Boyle Real Edmund 81...... 11-53 554 Talcottvllla Rd., our oftloo ora aworo of thit Street Manchester. 649- Jackson Real Estate. to Ellington Country Fslrvlsw ...... all 1395 Tolland Tpka., Manchsstsr, CT 06040 Busy Manchester qualified Individuala tndustrlol Pork. peting, air conditioner, Estate Company. 649- Vernon, Ct. opportunity.) for ImmodMo . 0300. 647-8400.D Club. $349,000. Jackson 81. John St...... 15-109 Salon. p a c k a g e Siore Clerk. dll opplloneM. Nice lo­ oonlldanllol oonildorallen For Immedleto oontld- iufflkls Iggli Ne.SS Is •vsltsbls lor 11.80, whkh InduEas posiags 8 hsittfllng M A N C H E S fE R . 5104,900. & Jackson Real Estote. Stons St...... all 6 4 3 - 6 3 4 0 plcoao tend your rNumoond oratlon please speak to kern Jumbis, e/e IMs newsespar, P.O. tsa 41H, Orlsnds, PL 91802-4)81 Part time. Some nights cation. Coll 647-1595. Adams St. (odd only)...... 497-937 7-ELKVEN & YOU No following InehMs rums, sddrsss ind alp ssds and maks cheek psysbis ts Nswspspstbeoks. Newer listing. Charm­ 647-8400.D •alary roqulromonlo to: Box our menagsrs st and Saturdays. Must be ing 6 room IVs story 9 9 Crastwood Dr...... all Real Estats A WIsslaf CsmMsstlos necessary. 0 0 , 0/0 tho Monetwotor Har­ reliable. Coll 649-0446, Cope style home. Df- MDU8TMAL Dsspwood Dr...... 5-88 old, IS Brolnord Ptooo, Mon- RECORD WORLD ask tor Dove. EQ Foxeroft Dr...... 8-49 ferlns 2 bedrooms, 1 */i InOKIlTY Portar St...... 190-428 643-8339 obooior, Ct. 06040. Msnohootor Parkado LAUNDRY Worker, lo-E) baths, dinins room imssur PRDPERTY Location: LInmors Dr...... all FART TIME TiLBMAnxrnNO Watt Middle Tpka. CELEBRITY CIPHER hours per week. Steak HOMES den, galley-type kit­ Fsmdala Dr...... 11-41 CUSTOMER Celebrity Cipher cryptogrema ere creeled from quotetlone by femoua Club Incorporoted, 60 chen. Perfect starter 1150 Tolland Street, QO FOR SALE East Hartford, Ct. Avon St...... all >200-*400 •8"/»8" Ptr Hour people, peel end preeent. Eech letter In the cipher etende lor Hilliard Street. 646- home with numerous LItchllald St...... all SERVICE enother. Today’i dUe; 8 egue/» D. 2260. posslblllttes. Sentry ideol utoee: efflets, Janson St...... all WEEK PloxIbiB Hourt All real ttla lt odverlKed in light Industrial, wheie- POSITION BANK Teller full time. the M anchttltr Herald ii Reol Estote. 643-4060.O NEW SHOPPING CENTER Jordt St...... all We art an expanding manu- Has the long winter got fole vendor. 1. First Expanding marketing tublect to the Fair Housing SUCCESS Story .Shore floor, EXn equere tset. Parkar St...... 104-849 East ot the river location. laotuilng company. Wa need ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A you down? Spring Act el 19M, which makes II IB aherp paopla to ttall our company neoda 20 lale- yours with your family In Manchester Dpen span. Concrete Parkar St...... 290-591 Exeollont workingIng onvl- “HTWOETVVK, G UYVK ohtod Intoa newfuture Illegal to advertise onv pref­ Woodbridga St ...... 492-873 laiamarkaling departmani. markotara. Full or part by purchasing this New floor. Gverheod deer. ronment, (new building). with South Windsor erence, limitation or discrim­ Contemporary...7 Bllsa St...... all Will train. To 9278 wookTy. No axparlanea naeataary. time. Daya or avanlnga. CHALLENGING JOB IN ination based on race, color, Both and lores shswsr Franklin St...... all Otya, avanlnga, part or full No experianoa naceaaary. VQBP OPUOVP XNU Bank and Trust Co., In rooms Including o 1st We represent an Owner who has 60,000 Call Sharon our Vernon ottlce. We religion, sex or notional arSo. Vary goad csndl- Cantor 8t. (avan only) ...... 470-692 Mma. origin, or an Intention to floor family room and sq. ft. about to be built. This Is In eddlton to tlon. 11,080 par month. offer an excellent stort- Dougharaty St...... all ADVANCED Call Mr. Ross YOUR HOMETOWN? EUYZMT8QEZ AP. HQZ Q moke onv such preference, 2V^i baths. The Neigh­ 2. Sscond fleSr, op- Ins Bolory/benetlts borhood Is neorly-KId tho 20,000 sq. ft. already rantad. Thia It MoKaa St...... 12-78 Call Mr. MIks limitation or discrimination. proxlmetsiy 1,200 Proctar fld...... all CAREERS 800-367-3720 package ond training The Herald will not know­ root so bring on the buainaaa zonad, city watar & aawar — raady 800-367-3720 We hevB permanent poaltlonB available for clerk/ad takers In LGVS QZ SQLLQEQVZ ZU IPZ program that will get ingly accept env advertise­ soors tost. Sultobis tor Victoria Rd...... on 203-249-7882 Ikes. 5195,900. Blan­ to goll Ownara will bulld-to-auit and laaaato S or mors otness. Wail Wast Cantor St. (odd)...... 3-829 282-9232 203-249-7882 the ManchBBter Herald’s Advertising Department. Monday you off to a solid start, ment which It In vlplollon cl g chard a Rossetto. “ We proopactiva tananta. to wall corpstad. 2 Batas Rd...... all through Friday. Must be energetic and rjillahle. Work In our TVUYi XQZN ZNPA.U — it you ore good with ♦he law. G u a r a n t e e O u r Brant Rd...... all flguret, have a profes­ Houses" 646-M82D Baths. 81,100. par 7 7 OPEN Sunday 1-4 PM. 90 This Is a great araa for any of tha following month. ). First a as­ Butlar Rd...... an classified ad department with clerical duties and occasional sional appearance, and Wellman Rood. Spa­ Evargraan Rd...... an P A R T T IM E ENTMVPW BP ITQVVP. Move In Conditlonlll (plus aoifia not thought of) — cend floor, 4800aauars telemarketing. Good typing and epelling ekilla essential. enloy working with cious and elegant Cope Oversized Rdlsed W ^Jhlll h R d . in a recent national PREVIOUS SOLUTION; “I navor laugh at comediant. The people you should look fast, I etflcss end a Cod ot 6 rooms plus o Ranch. 5159,900. Beau­ • Bssuty Salon e Liquor Btors bath. Wotl to well eer- Ortanwood Dr.. ORCUUTION CREW SUPERVISORS wrvey it was shown that Some computer experience helpful. minute I do, they atk lor more money." — Flo Zlogteid. Into ths opportunitlos real nice rec room...... 884-873 tiful home situated In pstad. S4S0 par month. E MIddIa Tpka. 93% of the personnel at South Windsor Bonk This oversized home is • Convsnisnos Stors e ReotsursM W. MIddIa11m Tpka.(oaaaMp.. l 315.821.333.337.347.366 ExcBlIent opportunity for rettrsas, studgnts, nearly 1 acre lot. Ssperets sntroncss. and employment exec­ Excellent opportunity to work with a pleasant staff in an Inter- a Trust. Coll Murltl loaded with extras In- Among the many tine • Car Wash • Phsrmsey W. MIddIa Tpka. ((nn onlyl ...... 588-750 moms. Approximatlsy 20 hours pgr week, utives around the coun­ Morks, 299-6061 ext 216 twe months socurlfy Adama 81. (avan only)...... 44S-S08 eatlng field. Please call Icudlng o center Island teotures ot this home • Heidwars Btors • Varttly Btors roouhrsd. Opon Ness.IS 1 work with young adults agss 1() thru 18. try use newspaper ad­ tor on appointment or In the kitchen and a Ediaon Road...... an ore large family room e Profsssionsi OWtoss • And Mush Motel ta 8 veers. Tshsnt to Fulton Rd...... an Monday thru Thursday 4:30pm-8:30pm, vertising whan they are Deniee Roberts, Advertieing Director apply between 9 and 5 large deck for great with built In book Monday through Fri­ pay: ufllttlot. melnta- Dovar Rd...... on Saturday 10am-2pm. Rslisble transporta­ seeking professional or Summer bor- shelves, sliding doors hones, elr cPhdlHon- day at: 115 Edwin beoues...5139,900. See Aak for SHIlman Keith et OHvar Rd...... an tion a must. If you have the ability to moti­ axemotpersonnel.------r . - f - - ■ - l i e I. 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 to 16 X 16 deck over­ Rd.,South Windsor. Inp, osrvics end ssr- Towar Rd...... an vate young aiiults and hava tome aalaa Whan hirii hiring new em- for an Interview appointment you Sunday. Dir: East looking largo bock vlcs contract on Putnam 8t...... 80-88 axparlanea, your aarninga potential It pioyaas, the nawspaoar iKAAtTIms/Fullllmsit- Center St., to Porter yard. Great place for furnecs. Lendtard ta FHkln 81...... 36-181 it still rated at the go Gbssifieil! erstory tor busy msdl- St., to Wellman Rood gardenertlll Coll and eov taxes, tasuranes unlimited. Baaed on atraignt commisalona. Robart Bl...... number-one choice for cdl etrice. Wanted near the cul-de-toc. let us show you these /Ceidi f\eal Sdaie mid COM water. Lena 81...... Blanchard B Rossetto. Call Suaan, Circulation Oapartmant, 647- reaching qualifiad pros­ IHlIoiiltorcsaHil Immadlottly. Bsnsttts footures and otherslll ipfd will do asms modi- for full Mmsr. Coll 646- "We Guarantee Our Realty World. 646- / pects'643-2711. iiaiirI)PBtpr iipralh 646-4126 WceHons. Strano Nssrt CALL NOW 643-2711 647-9946 1094. Houses" 646-M92. 7709.a Estata. S47-MDJO