Registered by Post: Publication NO.NBH 1859



The July Monthly meeting was well attended (a bit like old times!) for the viewing of Ian Hickson's superb Patagonian slides - thanks Ian and Ann.

The August meeeting will be held at the Griffin Centre (top floor, northern end, Rehearsal Room). Tony Fleming from the ACT Bush Fire Council will speak at this meeting on a topic that should stir everyone's memories especially after last summers' tragic bushfires in the ACT. Tony's topic, "Bushfire control management", will include information on how bushfires may be minimised.

The September Monthly Meeting and the Annual General Meeting will be held In the Dickson Library and NOT the Griffin Centre as previously advertised.

Finally, the idea of having a Club weekend at Jervis Bay rather than Mt Franklin is being canvassed. Jervis Bay is an area of the ACT much neglected by the CRC yet it provides a wealth of activities such as bushwalking, snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming and nature studies. We are presently negotiating to obtain accommodation at Jervis Bay for a weekend in October or November. If you are interested in a Club weekend at Jervis Bay then the new (by then) Social Secretary will be able to provide further details after you have tentatively registered your name on a list at Paddy Pallins (attached to the.usual walks lists).

NOTh FROM JULY MEETING AND COMMITtEE MEETING The July meeting, as required by the last set of changes to the Constitution (Sept 84), set the fees for 1985/86 to be the same as for 1984/85.

We are about to review the transport costs - comments/ suggestions to Alan Vidler (who will be cynical about possibilities of changing the principles which have been in vogue since before 1973 despite numerous suggestions! complaints!).

The President, Alan Vidler intends to move further by—laws as published in the February IT and not yet passed at a monthly meeting.

NEW MFMRERS• Michelle KARAS, 48 Weston St, YARRALUMLA ACT 2600, 816336 (h) John KYATT, Gowrie Private Hotel, Northbourne Ave, BRADDON ACT 2601, 511406 (w) Steve MCGINIqESS, 8 Piddington St, WATSON ACT 2602, 412591 (h) Graham RUDD, 41 Hicks St, RED HILL ACT 2603, 956675 (h) Neil SCHOFIELD, 28 Stonehaven Cresc, DEAKIN ACT 2600, 811423 (h) Margot SIMINGTON, 6 Wenholz St, FARRER ACT 2607, 863898 (h) John THWAITE, 33 Pickles St, SCULLIN ACT 2614, 543193 (h)

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS Marie GALLAGHER, 4 Tipper P1, COOK ACT 2614, 515013 (h) Peter MELLOR, 1 Alura P1, WARAMANGA ACT 2611,' 888815 (h) Chris TREVIfl, 13 Yarra St, KALEEN ACT 2617, 415883 (h) 2


Many thanks to those members who attended BOTH collations of the July IT - particularly Anne C-J, Rene Lays and Pat Miethke who did sterling work in Kambah then triple-handedly finished the job later in Hawker while other members enjoyed themselves with new toys in another room.

The reason for two IT collations? Coruputerised labels are fine, but a certain nameless idiot President has to remember to tell the computer to print themt It would have to be the one time IT collation was in north Cooma. Apologies again to those members who were inconvenienced. NOTICE OF MOTION FOR AUGUST MEETING &

That the Canberra Bushwalking Club undertake a guarantee of $5,000.00 towards the Wilderness Society's publication of the book "Lake Pedder". Moved Rene Davies; seconded Alan Vidler. - -

Comment: Be at the meeting if you are interested!


The Federation of Bushwalking Clubs (NSW) Search& Rescue Unit (FEW S & R) has been in operation for over 50 years. There have been and are occasions when searches are in the western or southern regions of NSW when our Club could be called upon to help. There is also the chance that local police or National Parks rangers could call on us. The purpose of this article is to explain what S & R is about and keep the Club in readiness in case of such an event.

1.The following qualifications are required if you wish to participate in a 'call- out':

* 2 years or more bushwalking experience in various regions * the ability to carry 48 hours food and water * the ability to be self-contained for this period of time in any weather * a First Aid certificate is highly recommended * attendance at some of the S & R practices for an understanding of radio usage and search procedure. NB. The next S & R practice will beheld on 19 and 20 October at a place to be advised.

2. For ease of a call-out the following system, called the A.B.C. Listings, has been adopted by F'BW S & R

To be on call 24 hours a day at 30 minutes to 1 hours notice. Must have required food such as tins or dehydrated food available at all times. Must have gear for the worst possible conditions. Should be reasonably fit with good knowledge of bushwalking areas.

To be on call at 12 to 24 hours notice. This group is called upon if the search continues for more than one day and extra people are needed or if there is sufficient time before the search starts to have a 'stand-by'.

To be on call for weekends or public holidays (for people with work or study pressurS).

There is one other group, D, for people who can't attend, due to lack of S & R experience.

I have a number of 'Dear Employer,' forms which explain what S R R is about and our part in the Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA) which I can give to Club Kn3s1sj 5btt Sprutg fkSt

organised by ENVIRONMENT CENTRE & CONSERVATION COUNCIL Sunday 1 September 10am - 1 pm Environment Centre Carpark Kingsley Street, Acton Local hand-made crafts, home-grown produce used items (Bookings essential) Environment Centre is open for 'bookshop, home-made : iorning teas. Support the Environment Centre and Conservation Council by: Coming Having a. stall Donating items for our fund-raising stall (we will collect) Donating a cake for morning tea Volunteering to help staff stall, serve morning teas etc Putting up posters

For more information, to volunteer or to book a stall, PHONE: Ian Fraser 477808 (BH)

Dates for the following two markets 5 Qctober and 3 ?&yvember 3 members on 'A' and 'B' listings; The Australian Public Service gives Special Leave for employees on 'call-out' which is different to the normal 3 days special leave. Most employers are sympathetic to VRA acti'ities.

If you wish to assist the Club to respond to S & R call-outs, would you please complete the S & R form at the end of this newsletter and return the form to

D.Drohan (S & R) 35 A'Beckett Street WATSON ACT 2602. Ph: 66 2817 (w) 41 356 (h) to be connected soon Dave Drohan (FBW S & R Committee member)


Western Budawangs 28 May In my walks report on the Western Budawangs in the July IT, Korra Hill was described as being worth the 300 metre climb. Somehow an extra '0' crept in. Korra Hill is only 30 metres above the bog (track), hence there is little effort involved in getting to see the all-round views from its top. Jeff Bennetts

(Ed. Apologies, Jeff)

Mt Narrangullen 28 July The Brindabellas end abruptly at Mt Narrangullen, within sight of where the Coodradigbee flows into Burrinjuck Reservoir. Although only 1041 metres high the mountain rises fairly steeply 500 metres from the farmland below and 600 metres above Burrinjuck.

We began walking at 9 am from 616 186 (Brindabella 1:100 000) on Sawyer's Creek Road, an hour's drive from the meeting place at the Coppins Crossing/Urriara Road intersection. The climb began immediately, across rising fields, through a fence and up through dry woodland and green rocky outcrops to an outlying false summit. A short drop to a saddle brought us to a small thickly forested hanging valley, the source of a creek and remarkable for a narrow but luxuriant stand of bright green ribbon gums. Our arrival brought on ten minutes of god-awful ruckus from an apparently most upset large flock of white cockatoos.

Ten minutes' easy scramble brought us to the stone cairn on the summit, where we boiled the billy - surprisingly discovering no evidence of previous fires - and took in the extensive view of farmlands and white fog below us to the east and north, and forested mountains to the south and west. Yass, Burrinjuck and Black Mountain Tower were all visible.

After 11.30 we set off south-east along the main ridge. The bush was dry, with intermittent stands of tall bracken, and gave easy walking. The range has several outlying ridges and hills and the centre contains pleasant gentle slopes with dense tree cover thinning little at 600 166 (where we found only the barest hint of the northern loop of the vehicular track marked on the map). Continuing almost a kilometre further in the same direction, we found a delighful grassy clearing and a road just inside the southern edge of the bush, at 1 pm. After a second bite of lunch and brew of tea we followed this road north-east for one and a half kilometres to a junction not shown on the map. Here we took the left track and followed a steep ridge past cypress pines down to the main road, reaching the cars at 4 pm, after a further ten minutes' walking.

A pleasant ramble , ideal for beginners in mid winter when the higher country is a bit cold. We didn't see a soul - or even evidence of a sing!ecampfire - all day. David Truman 4


17-18 August Cross Country Skiing Base Carqp (Note revised date) Two day's skiing in the Cabramurra area (snow permitting). Base camp below the snowline, probably at Yarrangobilly Rest Area. Suitable for XC skiiers with little experience but not an instruction course. Paul Shells

24-25 August Alpine Creek to Witz's Hut A ski tour, on the long side of medium length, suitable for less experienced, but reasonably fit skiers. Easy gradients and firetrails all the way, but expect to carry a weekend pack all the way also. The area is marginal for snow, so the venue is Very much subject to snow conditions. Rod Peters

a Sat 31 August - Tarlo National Park Tarlo River is a new national park NE of Goulburn. Public access is not yet properly established and land aquisition for the Park will continue for several years. The Goulburn Field Naturalist Society know the area and have agreed to join CBC ih a joint trip, which will be SM/E. We -will walk up K-errawarry Creek to the junction with the Tarlo River - about 5km there and 5km back. The area is pretty and the creek is bordered with grass and huge river oaks, with cliffs in some places. The Park is 'wilderness' with much wildlife. David Truman

Sat 7 September - Wadbilliga Trig Wadbilliga Trig is east of Cooma, 1337m above sea level. From the top you are supposed to be able to see the Snowy Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The drive to the start of the walk () is two hours each way; the walk is also long (a little over 20km) but virtually all on a fire trail. Yowrie 1:25000 is the best map, but Cobargo 1:100000 is also acceptable. Jeff Bennetts ADVANCE NOTICE! 5-24 December New Zealand New Zealand has such a myriad of wonderful walking tracks , choosing where to walk is still a tease, despite quite a few visits. So I'm flexible about places but at this stage have in mind either - the Lake Waikaremoana Track (43km - 3 days) in Urewera National Park, centre east of North Island - magnificent beech and podocarp forest with lake views; or . • the Travers - Sabine Track (5 - 6 days) in Nelson Lakes National Park, near top of south Island;and the west Matukituki valley, over Cascade Saddle, down the Dart River and depending on time and weather, a circuit of the Routeburn and Caples Tracks (all this would take over a week, broken at Glenorchy for supplies). Please ring me SOON if you are interested in all or part of this trip. Shoulder fares end 9 December; returning close to Christmas makes early booking imperative. David Truman 546700 (h) 458691 (w)


4 September Elizabeth MOREY 5 MacDonnell St, YARRALUMLA 821680 2 October Daryl Powell 16 Chelsea Grove, Eggleston Cres, CHIFLEY 821898 6 November John Ashman 119 Namatjira Dr, FISHER 886595 (h) 832291 (w) 4 December Peter Ormay 26 Wangara St, ARANDA 512428 (h) 462307 (w) S



17-18 The Castle and Bibbenluke Walls 1,1/N Norm Becker 316061(h) 01W Budawangs *17_18 Ski Tour - Base Camp - Cabramurra area StE Paul Sheils 475289(h) Sun 18 Lake George - bird observing E Mike Norris 896170(w) 957823(h) Wed 21 Pkinthly fleeting - Griffin centre. Tony Fleming, ACT Bush Fire Council. 8pm. All welcome

24-25 Ski Tour - Alpine Creek to Witz's Hut NIL Rod Peters 512580(h) Tantangara 1:100000 24-31 Ski Tour - Guthega, Grey Mare, Jagungal L/M John I'Ons 316326(h) Kosciusko 1:50000 Phone bixikings by 21 Auqust 951311(w) Tue 27 Walks Planning - Wed 28 Cinmittee Meeting- Nary Brenan's,23/114 Blarney Cresc, CarnE±ell. 8pm. Thur 29 It Closing - 56 Woolner Circuit, Hawker. 8pm.

Satri1 Tarlo River National Park SN/E David Truman 546700(h) Chatsbury 1:25000 31-1 Ski Tour - Lake Cootapatarnba & Mt Kosci. N/N Keith Vallard 540115(h) Kosdiusko/1:50000

ith1 ::

Sun 1 Bundanoon N/E Geoff Wood 653030(w) Moss Vale 1:100000 825237(h)

*Sat 7 Wadbilliga Trig LIE Jeff Bennetts 315899(h) Yowrie 1:25000 897055(W) 7-8 Ski Tour - Kerries. Tin Hut rn/N Paul Sheils 475289(h) Tue 10 It Collation - Keith tiallard's, 12 Jevons P1, Page. 8pm. All welcome.

14-15 t.b.a. Sun 15 North Tinderry rn/N Vance Brown 51 3997(h) 465600(w) ACT 1:100000 Wed 18 Wnial Cethral Meeting - Dickson Library. 8pm. All welcome. lEt i Sun 22 Tinderry - the Onion N/R Peter Barrer 546320(h) 465285(w) ACT 1:100000 Wed 25 Cainittee Meeting - Melanie O'Flynn's, 18 Stanley St, Hackett. 8pm. Thur 26 It Closing - 56 Woolner Circuit, Hawker. 8pm.

Sun 29 Sentry Box Hill & Naas Creek from Boboyan VL/M David Truman 546700(h) Yaouk 1:25000


(4)5-7 Kanangra-Boyd N.P. Cloudmaker, Tiwilla and N/N David Truman 546700(h) Kanangra 1:31680 Gingera Range Yerranderie 1:25000

Sun 13 Nt Lowden P1/N Geoff Wood 653030(w) Berrloura 1:25000 825237(h) Wed 16 Menthly Meeting - Dickson Library. 8pm. All welcome.

19-20 Aogong Peakth IIIR Brian Palm 654876(w) Yarrangobilly 1:100000

Sun 27 Pigeon-louse and Nurramorang N.P. S/il Norm Becker 316061(h) tilladulla 1:100000

NOVEMBER (no walks programed yet!) 6

30 Nov-i Dec Pit Kelly and Pit Scabby P1/li Rene Davies Yaouk 1:25000 *524 New Zealand - Travers-Sabine, PilE David Truman 546700(h) Nelson Lakes NP, Platikituki and Waikaremoana Pit Aspiring NP, Urewera NP 14-15 Bumberry Creek and Tuross Gorge L/R Rene Lays 654603(w) Yworie 1:25000 417862(h)

JAM.JARY I 4-5 MR/Id Keith Thamos 643924(w) Mt Wilson 1:100000 478175(h) 19ee(i) late Jan. - early Feb: Tasmania - David Truman 546700(h) Pine Valley, Acropolis and the Labyrinth

* see Wa'ks Previews this IT NOTE The Walks Secretary, David Truman 546700(h) is pleased to accept additional walks from leaders at ANY time. Please contact him if you want to lead a walk. Bookings for trips should be made by 5.00pm Thursday on the appropriate sheet at Paddy Pallins, Northbourne Ave.


Equipinit can be hired for Club walks from Rod Peters, 512580(h).

Transport costs are 15 cents per km for each car, divided equally among ALL participants.

Crading of walks (5) Short Under 12 km per day (E) Easy firetrails,tracks,beaches etc. (m) Medium 12 - 20 km per day (N) liedium bush tracks,alpine areas,some scrub (L) Long Over 20 km per day (R) Rough lots of scrub,steep climbs,rock scrambles (W) Wet compulsory swims,many river crosAings

Note:that in calculating distance, 1km is added for each 100 metres climbed.

'-' I. NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS. The leader should check that Each applicant is capable of completing the p'rbposed trip -by observation on previous walks, or by contacting them personally and asking where,when and with whom they have previously walked. Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any specialised equipment needed.

Leaders may reject any applicant they thirt is not suited to the tr4p



This issue of IT typed by Sue Vidler. Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. N8H 1859




rczu) POS7CODEcQ6/J POS7AL ADDRESS (Lf dLf4'teni to aove) - H. POS7DE


07//ZR PERSON (If a fcmzLty memh,vahp 'zenewal)




519//ED — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DATE


(Ton ea.ae of a call-out the folfowLng .ay.atem, cafled the A.B.0 L.ioI.Lng.a adopitd Ly 7130 S & R L.a teLng u.aed Ly CRC),

Jo te on call 24 houn.a a day at 30 mLnute.a to 7 /10114.6 notice. ulu.ot have itequLted food ascii a.a tin.a on dhyd'J!ed food avaiJaUe at all. 2fae.a. /lu.ot have gean fon the woa.at po.a.a.ilJe aoPzrL/iLon.a. S/iou/cl Le .nea.aonatly 4t w.Ltiz good knowledge of du.a/iwalking cttea.a. Jo lie on call at 12 to 24 houa..a notice. 7hL.a gnoup L.a ca/led upon Lf the .aea.tc/zcontLnue.a fo't mone than one day, and extza people a'te needed oii if tjigjze L.a .auffic.ian.t time -Lefoz tiLe .asthnch .atan.ta to have a '.aLcmd-4y'. To lie on call fon weeicand.a on puLlLc holidag.a (fo-t people wit/i won/c 04 .atudg pizto.awze.a). iheize cvze two fwzifieiz cute go'zie.a: 13. People who can't attend yet due to lack of S & I? expenience. E. People who a'ze not Ln.teiz.e.ote.d in attending .aeanc/i and ne-sczse p4ac.t2cea and 'call-out.?.

Pleetickyoungnouping - Al Iy II CI I D11EI I SPECIAL SKILLS (.such a.o docton, nun.oe, memlien of ae.ocue gnoup, climikeit, can yonez, .aJci touizeiz) ---ett-'act ------

O7fJ? INFORITA7ION (Cw.o.a out if N07 tzue) I am witting to (on occa.aion): type 17 / It4-dig-t3e&&/ lead weekend wat/c.a - (cln0i6 JO) apoIso

10 UMOZISOd) 103


If not delivered within 7 days, please return to P.O. Box 160, Canberra City. A.C.T. 2601 Postage Paid CANBERRA CANBERRA BUSH WALKING i1cj CITY CLU A.C.T. 2601 INC. B AUSTRALIA

- ---- VALIA< s b1EST-CN ACT 2611

Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. NBt WtjY.