Committee Members: Council Offices Station Road Cllr C Cross Irthlingborough Cllr J Farrar NN9 5SN Cllr D Gater Cllr H Khandwala Cllr A Short Cllr T Walton Mrs A Daly Clerk to the Council Mayor (Ex Officio)

David Maddock (co-opted) Alan Mayes (co-opted) Tel: (01933) 650866 Email: [email protected]

21st August 2018

A Meeting of the Planning Committee will take place on Tuesday 28th August 2018 at 7:00pm at the Town Council Offices, Station Road, Irthlingborough, NN9 5SN


33. Apologies – To receive and accept apologies for absence

34. Declarations of Interest – To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and other interests and the nature of those interests relating to items on the Agenda

35. Minutes – To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 24th July 2018

36. Matters Arising (unless covered below)

37. To receive an update from the Housing Group on proposals for the development on land at Green Close. Planning Applications 13/00077/OUT and 16/01944/REM refer – Lance Wiggins

38. Planning Applications:

To consider the following planning applications

a) EN/01305/FUL – Change of use of existing property from A5 to A3; Two storey extension to existing property to provide extended A3 floor space to ground floor and two, one-bedroom flats to first floor at 5A Station Road Irthlingborough NN9 5UQ (PP-07086240) And An amendment/additional information has been received 1. Amended description to retain existing takeaway use as part of the proposal EN//01305/FUL - Retention of A5 use in existing property; Two storey extension to existing property to provide A3 floor space to ground floor and offices/storage space plus two, one-bedroom flats to first and second floors. at 5A Station Road Irthlingborough Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5UQ

b) EN/01306/ADV – Installation of illuminated fascia sign on the east side of the building by the main entrance at 5A Station Road, Irthlingborough, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN9 5UQ (PP – 07086240 Amendment has been received see email and new drawing – for non-illuminated sign

c) EN/01358/FUL - Demolition of plant at rear, refurbishment of existing buildings (including internal and external alterations) and the erection of contractors compound at Whitworths Site Wellingborough Road Irthlingborough Wellingborough Northamptonshire IRTHLINGBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL

NN9 5RF (PP-07116707)

d) EN/01383/FUL - Front porch extension; dormer window to front elevation and new window to side elevation at second floor to enable loft conversion at 31 Waterloo Way Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5QW (PP-07128368) An amendment/additional information has been received 1. Amended drawing and email dated 8th August 2018 - Reason- Amendment to make proposed side window in gable smaller, frosted and non - opening

e) EN/01376/ADV - Erection of signage to include: 2 no. freestanding double post illuminated signs at site boundary; 1 no. wall-mounted illuminated sign; 1 no. vinyl Aldi logo applied to glazing; 2 no. illuminated advertising posters; 2 no. low level hoop signs at Land West of Attley Way Irthlingborough Northamptonshire (PP-07117922)

f) EN/01389/FUL - Proposed First Floor Extension to Enclose Existing Balcony at 109 High Street Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5PU (PP-07133854)

g) EN/01476/ADV - Variation of condition 3 and 14 to allow amended footpath layout pursuant to planning permission 18/00448/VAR dated 15.5.18 Variation of conditions 3 - Approved drawings and plans, 7 - Lighting Scheme and 14 - Landscaping pursuant to planning application 15/01191/FUL: Development of two buildings to provide an Aldi food retail store (Class A1) and day care centre (Class D1b), new car parking, landscaping, associated servicing and means of access Condition Number(s): 3 (approved drawings and plans) 14 (landscaping) Conditions(s) Removal: To adopt a slightly amended footpath layout which avoids using land in separate ownership. Condition 3 - The list of approved plans to be amended to substitute new drawings as follows: Omit drawing numbers Y11A43-P504 (site plan) and Y11A43-P505 (landscaping) as approved by 18/00448/VAR Add drawing numbers Y11A43-P604 (site plan) and Y11A43-P605 (landscaping) at Land West Of Attley Way Irthlingborough Northamptonshire (PP-07145001)

h) EN/01523/FUL - Two storey rear extension at 10 Elizabeth Way Irthlingborough Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5LE (PP-07174901)

i) EN/01554/FUL - Two storey rear extension - part retrospective. at 11 Premier Way Irthlingborough Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5QJ (PP-07172524)

j) 18/02123/LAPNEW – Licence application - Opening hours Monday to Sunday 07.00 – 23.00, Sale of Alcohol (Alcohol consumed off premises) – Monday to Sunday 07.00 – 23.00 at Aldi, Attley Way, Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5GF

k) 18/02144/LAPNEW – Licence application - Opening hours Monday to Sunday 11.00 – 00.30, Non Standard Timings, New Years Eve 12:00 – 02:30. Sale of Alcohol (Alcohol consumed off and on premises) – Monday to Sunday 12:00 – 00:00; Boxing/Wrestling (Indoors) – Saturday and Sunday 12:00 - 22:00; Performance of Dance (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 18:00 – 22:00; Films (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 16:00 – 23:00; Live Music (Indoors) – Friday and Saturday 12:00 – 11:00 and Sunday to Thursday 12:00 – 23:00; Plays (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 18:00 – 23:00; Recorded Music (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 12:00 – 00:00; Anything similar to Music or Dance (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 12:00 – 23:30; Indoor Sporting Events (Indoors) – Monday to Sunday 12:00 – 23:00 at Irthlingborough Town Band Club, 104 Victoria Street, Irthlingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5RG

Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the room during consideration of the following item:

39. To consider the advice given by LGSS Law in respect of Public open Space land at Road and propose a RECOMMEND for full Council

Date of next meeting 11th September 2018