You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ramsey Town Council to be held on Thursday 13th August 2015 at 7.00pm at 7 Church Green, Ramsey, when the following items of business will be transacted:-

A G E N D A Apologies for absence

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations from Members as to disclosable pecuniary and other interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item.

2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To allow 20 minutes for any members of the public to address the Council.

3. TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Diary Date – Mayor’s Civic Service to take place at Thomas A Becket Church on Sunday 6th September 2015 at 4pm, followed by a reception at the North Hall, Abbey College.

4. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING TO BE APPROVED: 23rd July 2015, copy attached.



1.1 15/00962/FUL – 63 Great Whyte, Ramsey – Demolition of double garage and erection of single storey dwelling 1.2 15/01186/CLED – Mere Farm Cottage, Mere Drove, Ramsey Fort Foot – Residential garden land application for Certificate of Lawfulness. 1.3 15/01143/FUL – Ramsey Delivery Office, Whytefield Road, Ramsey – Demolition of former Royal Mail Sorting Office and replace with builders trade counter and residential flat above. 1.4 15/01330/TREE – 1 Station Road, Ramsey – Crown lifting, thinning and lateral reduction of horse chestnut. 1.5 15/01076/FUL – Autumn Lodge – Amended plan showing revised location of drainage device for previously considered application.

7. TREES To discuss the progression of tree works.

8. WORKING PARTY REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Amenities, Highways and Leisure W/P 23 July – copy attached Cemetery W/P 27 July – copy attached Finance W/P 27 July– copy attached


10. TOWN MAYOR’S AND TOWN CLERK’S CORRESPONDENCE a) Details of Ramsey Windfarm Community Benefit Fund (Closing Date 2 Sept 2015) – attached b) Email containing information on the new Highways Manager and open day on 1September – attached c) Email providing details of new coroner arrangements.

11. FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Cheque list to be tabled and approved. b) Ramsey Mereside – Outdoor gym equipment

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: Thursday 27 August 2015, 7pm (Planning), followed by Amenities,Highways and Leisure W/P at 8pm.

Gary Cook 7th August 2015

Town Clerk The press and public are welcome to attend.


MINUTES OF RAMSEY TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING MEETING held at 7pm on Thursday 23 July 2015 at Ramsey Town Council, 7 Church Green, Ramsey

Present: Councillors P Boost, R Brown, Mrs A Costello (Mayor,) Mrs A Curtis (Deputy Mayor,), I Curtis, Ms L Duffy, H Edwards, R Hartley, Mrs B Hepburn, Mrs D Knight, A Lavender, D McIlwain, J Palmer, P Reeve, Mrs S Reeve, I Walker and Mrs A Jerrom, Town Clerk’s Assistant.


114 TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors Mrs A Curtis, Ms L Duffy and P Reeve declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute No.117, Planning applications, as Members of the District Council’s Development Management Panel and reserved the right to change their view when presented with applications at the Panel. Councillor Mrs A Costello declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Minute No. 117, 1.4 and withdrew from the meeting for discussion and voting on the item. Councillor McIlwain declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute No. 117, 1.3.

115 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No members of the public were present.

116 MINUTES OF MEETING - Dated 9 July 2015 The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2015 were unanimously accepted as a correct record and duly signed.

117 PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION: 1.1 15/00993/FUL 11 Great Whyte, Ramsey – Access improvement works to enable all users of bank. Removal of existing door and lowering of threshold for new automatic sliding door – APPROVED with 15 for and one abstention. 1.2 15/00955/HHFUL 19 Hollow Lane, Ramsey – Proposed single storey side/rear extension. Removal of existing lean to conservatory, internal alterations – Unanimously APPROVED, would not impact on neighbouring properties. 1.3 15/00273/FUL Caravan at Smith Field, Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights – Change of use of stables and land for one gypsy and traveller extended family, 3 static caravans, 2 tourers, utility block and services shed with retention of existing stables. The application was unanimously REFUSED due to the Council’s concerns for the cumulative impact such applications were having on the vicinity. The significant detrimental impact on the area and the negative impact on those with horses, stables and livestock in the vicinity. Residents had voiced their fears over their safety and security. Roadway access was also very poor. It could also have a negative impact on the Great Fen Project. 1.4 115/01076/FUL Autumn Lodge, Ramsey Road, Ramsey Forty Foot – Erection of 2 dwellings rear of Autumn Lodge, erection of garage to serve existing dwelling and alterations to existing access. REFUSED with 15 for and one against the application due to overdevelopment of the site, concern over trees, drainage and the impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.

118 PLANNING - ANY OTHER BUSINESS: a) It was noted that notification had been received from District Council advising that application 14/01966/PMBPA for a proposed conversion, refurbishment and repair of agricultural buildings to form two dwellings had gone to appeal. b) Members were advised that the application for a detached dwelling and garage on land north of of The Hawthorns, Wood Lane, Ramsey had been refused by the District Council’s Development Management Panel on 20 July. c) A letter from the Abbey Group providing additional information on their planning application for an extra care facility in Ramsey was received and noted, however the Council stood by its previous decision.

119 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS – 27 July 6pm Cemetery Working Part, followed by Finance at 7pm.



Agenda Item 7


RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To inform the County Council that it was not possible to make a decision on the street lighting proposals until further information had been sought and a working group had been set up to look into the matter and consult with residents.

2. To agree to the provision of outdoor sporting equipment for Ramsey St Marys and to consult with residents as to a suitable site.

PRESENT: Cllrs Mrs A Costello (Mayor,) Mrs A Curtis (Deputy Mayor), I Curtis, Ms L Duffy, H Edwards, Mrs B Hepburn, J Palmer, P Reeve, I Walker (Chair,) and Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs A Jerrom


2. MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: The minutes from 25 June 2015 were unanimously agreed.

3. MATTERS ARISING: No solution to graffiti problems at LGA Conference. Advised to source large companies to deal with public toilet cleansing. Towns and parishes were looking to HDC to assist as this was a common problem.

Cllrs Duffy and Costello would be attending the Youth Club meeting on 30 July 2015.

Still looking into the possibility of putting up CCTV sign and cameras.

Awaiting response from the Police re their support for relocation of 30mph sign in Wood Lane.

Sgt Street had agreed to enforce parking outside Ramsey Junior School starting in September. The school would also be asked to send a letter to parents.

Feasibility of Odd Job Person to be added to Finance Working Group’s agenda for Monday’s meeting.

The hanging baskets had now been erected in the town. Cllr Palmer would be meeting with Les Middleton regarding signage issues.

Mereside Village Assocaition had received a grant for 2 solar lights from the Glassmoor Bank Wind Farm which would provide lighting for people crossing the field from the Community Centre.

4. CORRESPONDENCE: The Allotment Association Minutes had been received. Requests had been made for ID badges and new plot signs. New photo ID badges could be supplied at a cost of £1.50 each, which would have to be recouped from plot holders, Mrs Jerrom was requested to put this to the Allotment Association Meeting that she had been asked to attend on 14 August.

Members discussed the County Council street lighting changes. In order to keep all lights on it was likely to cost the Town Council approximately £4000. Members felt that the County Council should be informed of the Town Council’s concerns over the proposals that further clarification and a map showing the affected lights should be sought and they should be informed that a response to the consultation would not be possible by the end of September as residents would need to be consulted. It was proposed that when in full possession of the details residents would need to be consulted on which if any lights they were prepared to have switched off or dimmed. A working group would be set up to look into this once the recommendation had been agreed by Full Council.

The Working Party noted that failure to cut weeds on public rights of way would need to be reported to the County Council by October. Paths in Ramsey Heights and behind Abbots Close in Bodsey Toll were currently overgrown. It was suggested that there were only 2 designated footpaths and that these should be audited however it was suggested that both the Town Clerk and the County Council be asked to confirm these. Councillor Reeve was requested to provide an update on the Mugglestone Lane area project.

Councillor Palmer would be speaking to the Factory Shop regarding clearance of weeds from the rear of their premises backing onto the Mews Car Park.


6. AOB: Councillor Costello advised that there were funds in the budget to supply outdoor sports equipment to Ramsey St Mary’s, however a site would need to be found. Council would be asked to agree to this and for a letter to be sent to residents asking for their suggestions for a suitable site.

Councillor Palmer had been in discussion with HDC over new arrangements for the flower beds at the junction of Stocking Fen Road/Great Whyte which would be more cost effective and require less maintenance. HDC was in the process of drawing up a new proposal which Councillor Palmer would bring to the next meeting of the Working Group. Councillor Palmer would also keep the Working Group updated on any proposed changes to the mini roundabout in the same area.

Traffic Calming Update:

Ramsey Mereside -To secure funding from the Windfarm Trust the Town Council would be required to provide 50% of the cost of 3 chicanes/islands. Work was underway to consult with residents, the Police were in support of the project. Councillor Reeve was requested to obtain a letter from County Council to confirm that it was not a statutory obligation. The working party would complete the application for the grant.

Wood Lane, Ramsey – The Police would support cushions but not islands due to the bends in the road.

Priority to be given to the Mereside project for the time being.

The Town Clerk to locate Community Speedwatch signs.

Mrs Jerrom to email Head of Operations at HDC regarding broken fence in the Mews Car Park, Councillor Palmer to be copied in.

7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 27 August, 8pm.


Agenda Item 7

Cemetery Working Party Minutes – Meeting Monday 27th July 2015

Pre meeting with Jane Yardley & Gillian Rayment – Friends of the Mortuary Chapels. There is now a full committee formed Chairman – Jane Yardley, Secretary – Gillian Rayment, Treasurer – Tricia Napier and Committee members – Martin Smith, Adela Costello and Lisa Duffy also the Ladies from the Tuesday Club are on board fund raising The committee meets four times a year and the next meeting will be prior to the Heritage Day on 13th September. They have their first group meeting on 20th August with the Huntingdonshire Local History Society. The group also has permission to reproduce the original burial fees and this will be sold to raise funds. A new project ‘Not forgotten project’ and the aim of this is to archive every person buried in the churchyard and people are being asked to write a small piece about them. These will be on the web site but also in hard copy. Mr Elmore’s Grandfather was the caretaker of the cemetery and he has written a piece plus photograph. Gillian Rayment is currently photographing all the headstones and adding details and going through old newspapers for information and going through the local archives. On Heritage Day Adam Southwell will be playing the Cello that day – Town Clerk in to look into getting a music licence. Swearers are also looking to help out and contribute. Jobs to do before the Heritage Day – Move the chairs across, leave the plastic ones. Need some display boards Need an updated copy of the public liability insurance Ask when the electric was last tested Need a copy of the full structural survey Great news the Ramsey Bier has been found. Old Bill the grave digger has been looking after it and keeping the tyres pumped up. Fred Butler is collecting it and cleaning it up ready for Heritage Day. The coffee morning raised £356 and the total is now £1,664.12 Contacts for the group are Jane Yardley – [email protected] Gillian Rayment [email protected] The Cemetery committee thanked both Jane and Gillian for the work they have done and the way the committee is really moving forward. Cemetery Working Party Meeting Monday 27th July 2015 Apologies – Haydn Edwards, Pete Reeve, Angela Curtis, In attendance: Adela Costello, Bev Hepburn, Lisa Duffy, Shirley Reeve, Robert H Brown, Minutes – All agreed they were a true record Matters arising – rubbish is being cleared by Cllr Brown and Cllr Boost Cllr Duffy is chasing up Cllr Dew in respect of supporting the work on the Mortuary building Cllr Costello wrote to Mrs Elmore who has accepted the apology. Headstone is going on 6th August. Mr Jarman was quoting from the old minutes not the updated version. Items For Consideration: The big Oak tree branch fell off – we were lucky no one was injured. Cllr Brown to draw up a priority list of tree work and Cllr Duffy will take this to the Planning dept and inform them the work will be starting. Town Clerk to get three quotes for the next meeting so work can start in October Gary to ask payback to clear the rubbish in the Beech hedges Gary to ensure the update rules are laminated and on the cemetery notice board Gary to get the dog signs in place Note change in date for the next meeting due to holidays – 1st September 6:30pm

Agenda Item 7


RECOMMENDATIONS A) That the Council provide a donation of £300 toward the cost of the Community Bus to assist with collection of the Trekkies Group. B) That the donation to the Ramsey and District Garden Club competition be approved and increased from £30 to £60.

PRESENT: Cllrs Mrs. A. Costello (Mayor) Ms. L. Duffy, J Clarke, I Curtis, A Lavender (Chairman) J Palmer 1. APOLOGIES: Cllrs Mrs. A Curtis, D McIlwain, P Reeve, Town Clerk 2. MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: 29TH June 2015 – Agreed unanimously 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM LAST MEETING: HDC Housing Benefit Grant- Town Clerk to be asked to contact other local town councils to arrange a meeting. Christmas Lights – the committee may make an approach in September. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter had been received from the Salem Baptist Church requesting a donation towards the cost of the Community Bus to collect members of the Trekkies Group. Councillor Duffy explained what the club did and why they needed the bus. Following a discussion by members, Councillor Clarke proposed a donation of £300 which was agreed. This will go forward as a recommendation to the full town council. Ramsey and District Garden Club had sent a letter requesting a donation towards the prizes for the garden competition. Councillor Clarke proposed that we increased our donation from the previous £30 to £60, which was unanimously agreed. This will go forward as a recommendation to the full town council 5. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: There was discussion around the feasibility of an odd-job person/warden to be employed by the town council to deal with work that is needed within the parish. The Town Clerk will be asked to make contact with other local councils to discover what they do. 6. BANK RECONCILLIATION FIGURES JUNE 2015: Received and noted. 7. FINANCIAL BUDGET COMPARISON 01/04/15 – 30/6/15 Received and noted. There was some discussion held over the presentation of the financial budget comparison. 8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The appraisal with the Clerk needs to be arranged. There will be an application to the Minor Improvements Scheme for introducing Traffic Calming Measures in Mereside. An application for funding would also be made to the Windmill Project as well as a contribution from the town council. Flower beds at the corner of Stocking Fen Road need to be improved. Councillor Palmer has had meetings with staff at HDC and a new scheme of planting has been proposed. There will be an initial cost for the plants but there would be a saving in the long term.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 24th August at 7.00 p.m.


Agenda Item 9a

Ramsey Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund

Location: Parish boundaries of Ramsey, Bury and and the Raveleys, Cambridgeshire Total Grants Available: £40,000 per year Fund Provided by: REG Windpower The first round is now open to new applications. There is £40,000 available to give out in grants. Project locations Projects for which grants are requested must be located in the Parish boundaries of Ramsey, Bury, and Upwood and the Raveleys. Deadline There is one funding round to apply to each year. The closing date for applications is 2 September 2015. Applications will then be reviewed by the local Community Advisory Panel (CAP) that has been established to help decide how the grants will be allocated from the Fund. The CAP consists of: 3 x Huntingdonshire District Councillors ward members for Ramsey, 1 x Huntingdonshire District Councillor ward member for Bury, 1 x Huntingdonshire District Councillor ward member for Upwood & the Raveleys, and 2 x County Councillors. Final decisions will be announced by the end of October 2015. Grant Amounts The Fund allows groups to apply for grants between £250 and £20,000. Please click below to read the full criteria and how to apply: Continue Application closing date: 2 September 2015 (12 noon) Contact Us GrantScape Office E, Whitsundoles Broughton Road Salford

Milton Keynes MK17 8BU

Agenda Item 9b

Dear All

I would like to introduce myself as your new District Highway Manager for Huntingdonshire. This is an exciting return to highway maintenance for me, where I started my career in Suffolk in the 1980s. I joined Cambridgeshire County Council’s Traffic Management team in 2003 and, following the restructuring, spent the last two years with the Policy and Regulation team.

In my new role I am leading a team of five Local Highway Officers, two Highway Inspectors and a Rights of Way Officer who cover the whole of Huntingdonshire.

I have had the pleasure of working with many of you since 2003 and I very much look forward to working with you again and meeting those of you whose areas I am not yet so familiar with.

I would like to reiterate how pleased I am to be working with you in my new role, and to assure you of mine and my team’s best attention at all times.

Could I also take this opportunity to remind you of our forthcoming Depot Open Day on Tuesday, 1 September where you can meet myself and my team and also representatives from other teams.

Kind regards

Jo Challis District Highway Manager

Local Infrastructure & Street Management Cambridgeshire County Council Stanton Way Huntingdon PE29 6PY

Tel: 0345 045 5212


Agenda Item 9c

From: Bell Eleanor Sent: 05 August 2015 09:31 Subject: Latest CCC News Release: Merger brings Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Coroners areas together

With effect from the 1st of August the three Coronial areas across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have been brought together and will be served by one Senior Coroner.

Back in November last year Councillors on Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways and Community Infrastructure Committee agreed to form the merger, which followed a scrutiny review of the service. Peterborough City Council agreed to support the merger earlier this year.

The review specifically looked at the feasibility of a single jurisdiction following the retirement of the Senior Coroners for the two Cambridgeshire jurisdictions (South and West, and North and East) in April this year.

There is now a new Senior Coroner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, David Heming. David Heming was previously the Senior Coroner for Peterborough.

Cambridgeshire County Council’s Service Director for Infrastructure Management and Operations, John Onslow said “This is an excellent example of partnership working which will see greater efficiency benefits. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new Senior Coroner, and to thank our retiring Senior Coroners, David Morris and William Morris, for their work in the county over the past 30 years.”

Councillor Gavin Elsey, Cabinet member for digital, waste and street scene at Peterborough City Council, said “The City Council is happy to be working with the County Council to merge the coroner areas of Peterborough and Cambridgeshire, and I wish David the best of luck in his new role.”

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