Durham E-Theses The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain BICKERDIKE, HANNAH,LOUISE How to cite: BICKERDIKE, HANNAH,LOUISE (2017) The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain , Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/12165/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain Hannah Louise Bickerdike Department of Geography Durham University A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the University of Durham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 2017 The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain Hannah Louise Bickerdike Abstract The Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) refers to the abrupt return to severe cold conditions that occurred in Britain, between 12.9 and 11.7 ka, subsequent to the retreat of the last (Late Devensian) British-Irish Ice Sheet. This period has long been associated with the regrowth of glaciers in upland areas of Britain and left a wealth of geomorphological evidence in the landform record. However, previous research on these glaciers has largely comprised localised case studies, producing a fragmented and spatially inconsistent dataset. This thesis draws together the published geomorphological evidence for Loch Lomond Stadial glaciation to build a coherent picture of the extent, style and dynamics of glaciation during the stadial. Geomorphological mapping of glacial landforms associated with this period is compiled from the published literature to create a map and geographic information systems database of over 95,000 features. The evidence used to produce this map is critically assessed in the most comprehensive review of the Loch Lomond Stadial to date and is used to identify conceptual themes, common to the geomorphology in multiple sub- regions within Scotland, England and Wales. Persisting uncertainties, particularly regarding the extent and timing of Loch Lomond Stadial glaciation, are discussed and recommendations of future research to address these are made. Building on this review, the glacial geomorphological map is then used to construct five glacial landsystem models which reflect the style of Loch Lomond Stadial glaciation; the cirque/niche glacier landsystem, the alpine icefield landsystem, the lowland piedmont lobe landsystem, the plateau icefield landsystem and the ice cap landsystem. Use of these models to classify the Loch Lomond Stadial glacial geomorphology reveals the spatial distribution of each landsystem. Three styles of glacier retreat are represented by the glacial geomorphology. It is demonstrated that both landsystem and retreat style reflect the combined importance of pre-existing topography and palaeoclimate. Given the paucity of dating constraints on Loch Lomond Stadial landforms, the thesis pilots the use of a relative dating technique using soil chronosequences to differentiate between Loch Lomond Stadial and older moraines in the English Lake District. The results of this study highlight the potential of this technique to discriminate between Loch Lomond Stadial and pre-Loch Lomond Stadial moraines in Britain, although further work is required. i Contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................................... i Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... ii List of figures .......................................................................................................................................................... vi List of tables......................................................................................................................................................... viii List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... ix Declaration and statement of copyright ..................................................................................................... ix Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................................. x Chapter 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Rationale ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research questions, aims and objectives ........................................................................................ 4 1.3 Thesis structure and results ................................................................................................................. 5 1.3.1 Chapter 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3.2 Chapter 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.3 Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.4 Chapter 5 .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................... The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence ............................................................................. 9 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Methods ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 Selection of evidence .................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Map formatting and georeferencing ...................................................................................... 12 2.2.3 Digitisation of layers .................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.4 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Discussion and implications .............................................................................................................. 18 2.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 20 2.5 Software ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.6 Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................................................................... The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a review........................... 23 Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................. 23 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 24 3.2 Geomorphological evidence in Scotland ...................................................................................... 30 ii 3.2.1 The Islands ......................................................................................................................................
The 'diving board' on Fan y Big with Cribyn behind BRECON BEACONS WEEKENDS Weekend walking adventures for London-based hikers www.walkyourweekends.com 1 of 34 CONTENTS Introduction • Main features of interest 3 • Resources 5 • Where to stay 5 • Decision time! Weekend options summary 7 • Getting there 8 • Getting around 9 Suggested weekend itineraries • Weekend 1: Merthyr Tydfil & Abergavenny/Crickhowell 10 • Weekend 2: Merthyr Tydfil 13 • Weekend 3: Abergavenny/Crickhowell 15 The Walks 17 • A BEACONS TRAVERSE 18 • B LOW LEVEL WALK TO TALYBONT-ON-USK 21 • C PEN Y FAN CIRCULAR 23 • D TAFF TRAIL TO MERTHYR TYDFIL 26 • E CRICKHOWELL WALKS 27 • F SUGAR LOAF 30 • G FAN FAWR 31 • H SKIRRID FAWR 31 • I MERTHYR GENTLE WALK 32 Staying in Abergavenny 33 Staying in Merthyr Tydfil 34 www.walkyourweekends.com 2 of 34 INTRODUCTION MAIN FEATURES OF INTEREST The Brecon Beacons is a mountain range in south Wales and a national park. → CLICK HERE to see a n overview map of the Brecon Beacons ← Trail magazine's list of the 100 best mountains to climb in the UK (which is of course entirely subjective but is a useful place to start!) includes three peaks in the Brecon Beacons: • Pen y Fan – the highest peak in South Wales; between Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil. Pen y Fan sits in a cluster of other peaks including Corn Du, Cribyn and Fan y Big, so most of them can be climbed in a single walk. These are the main 'Beacons' in the Brecon Beacons. In this guide I'll refer to them as “Pen y Fan et al”.
GUIDED WALKS & EVENTS SPRING 2019 Cymdeithas Parc Bannau Brycheiniog Brecon Beacons Park Society www.breconbeaconsparksociety.org GUIDED WALKS AND EVENTS SPRING 2019 (March-May) Most of these walks go into the hills. Participants are reminded that the following gear must be taken. Walking boots, rucksack, hats, gloves, warm clothing (not jeans), spare fleece, water and a hot drink, lunch, extra food and of course waterproof jackets and trousers. A whistle and a head torch (with spare batteries) should be carried, particularly during the winter months, and a hi- visibility garment would be very useful in case of poor visibility. Participants must satisfy themselves that the walk is suitable for their abilities. You can take advice by ringing the walk leader whose telephone number is given. No liability will be accepted for loss or injury that occurs because of taking part. An adult must accompany young people (under 18). MOST OF THESE WALKS ARE FOR EXPERIENCED WALKERS - IF YOU’RE NOT SURE OF YOUR ABILITY WHY NOT START OFF WITH A MODERATE WALK TO FIND OUT? Please check the guided walks programme on the website for planned cancellations and changes to walks. Leaders may change or cancel the advertised route at their discretion due to adverse weather conditions or other problems on the day. You are strongly advised to check the Mountain weather forecast for the Brecon Beacons National Park before setting out for walks, on the Met Office website: www.metoffice.gov.uk. Finish times are approximate. Strenuous walks require fitness and stamina to cope with several steep climbs and/or cover a good distance at a steady pace.
JOHN MUIR TRUST 10 The push for stronger regulation of deer management in Scotland 16 How campaigning contributes to JOURNAL the Trust’s long-term vision 25 What John Muir Award activity 60 SPRING 2016 means for the UK’s wild places Living mountain Schiehallion through the seasons CONTENTS 033 REGULARS 05 Chief executive’s welcome 06 News round-up 09 Wild moments In this new section, members share their stories and poems about experiences in wild places 28 32 Books The Rainforests of Britain and Ireland - a Traveller’s Guide, Clifton Bain 22 34 Interview Kevin Lelland caught up with Doug Allan, the celebrated wildlife film-maker best known for his work filming life in inhospitable places for series such as the BBC’s Blue Planet and Frozen Planet FEATURES 10 A time of change Mike Daniels outlines why the Trust continues to push for stronger regulation of deer management in Scotland 16 Pursuing a vision Mel Nicoll highlights how our campaign work – and the invaluable support of members – contributes to the Trust’s long-term vision for 25 wild places 19 Value and protect In this extract from a recent keynote address, Stuart Brooks explains his vision for reconnecting people and nature 20 A lasting impact Adam Pinder highlights the importance to the Trust of gifts in wills, and the impact of one particular gift on our property at Glenlude in 34 the Scottish Borders PHOTOGRAPHY (CLOCKWISE FROM TOP): JESSE HARRISON; LIZ AUTY; JOHN MUIR AWARD; DOUG ALLAN 22 A year on the fairy hill Liz Auty provides an insight into her work COVER: PURPLE SAXIFRAGE,
THEBIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OFTHE RIVERDEE INSTITUTEofTERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY NATURALENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL á Natural Environment Research Council INSTITUTE OF TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY The biology and management of the River Dee Edited by DAVID JENKINS Banchory Research Station Hill of Brathens, Glassel BANCHORY Kincardineshire 2 Printed in Great Britain by The Lavenham Press Ltd, Lavenham, Suffolk NERC Copyright 1985 Published in 1985 by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Administrative Headquarters Monks Wood Experimental Station Abbots Ripton HUNTINGDON PE17 2LS BRITISH LIBRARY CATALOGUING-IN-PUBLICATIONDATA The biology and management of the River Dee.—(ITE symposium, ISSN 0263-8614; no. 14) 1. Stream ecology—Scotland—Dee River 2. Dee, River (Grampian) I. Jenkins, D. (David), 1926– II. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Ill. Series 574.526323'094124 OH141 ISBN 0 904282 88 0 COVER ILLUSTRATION River Dee west from Invercauld, with the high corries and plateau of 1196 m (3924 ft) Beinn a'Bhuird in the background marking the watershed boundary (Photograph N Picozzi) The centre pages illustrate part of Grampian Region showing the water shed of the River Dee. Acknowledgements All the papers were typed by Mrs L M Burnett and Mrs E J P Allen, ITE Banchory. Considerable help during the symposium was received from Dr N G Bayfield, Mr J W H Conroy and Mr A D Littlejohn. Mrs L M Burnett and Mrs J Jenkins helped with the organization of the symposium. Mrs J King checked all the references and Mrs P A Ward helped with the final editing and proof reading. The photographs were selected by Mr N Picozzi. The symposium was planned by a steering committee composed of Dr D Jenkins (ITE), Dr P S Maitland (ITE), Mr W M Shearer (DAES) and Mr J A Forster (NCC).
Potential Undergraduate Dissertations Topics for [Physical] Geography Students in the Department of Natural & Social Sciences University of Gloucestershire 2012-2013
{potential Undergraduate Dissertations topics for [physical] Geography students in the department of Natural & Social Sciences University of Gloucestershire 2012-2013. N. B. These topics are personal recommendations / suggestions by Dr. Hunt. They have neither been endorsed nor approved by any permanent member of teaching staff Nor any exam Field board! Dr. John B. Hunt FHEA.FRGS. University of Gloucestershire, UK. 2012 email [email protected][email protected] facebook : http://www.facebook.com/john.b.hunt?ref=tn_tnmn The themes proposed as[ 8] potential dissertation here are presented as broad concepts. In order for them to be progressed into working project descriptions they need to be researched in detail with reference to a well presented bibliography and reference list. I am most willing to guide individual students / work teams on the appropriate location or detail/ methodology in these studies and on appropriate starting points in the literature. It will also be neccessary that the project is outlined in the appropriate format in the student’s own words, according to the academic and Health & Safety requirements set down by the Departmental Dissertation Tutor and Subject Field Chair. Students will also need to approach an appropriate member of departmental staff to act as a formal advisor. Whilst this is crucially necessary I remain very wiling to offer guidance in all contexts for the studies proposed herein: The dissertation themes here are mostly in the field of Physical Geography and many are located in the Brecon Beacon’s National Park. Broadly they are glaciological or cave oriented with climate change leanings:- 1.
THE FELL RUNNER Winter 1987 PB's - the Original Fellrunning Shoe Billy Bland in PB's - an Other Old Muster
THE FELL RUNNER Winter 1987 PB's - the original fellrunning shoe Billy Bland in PB's - an other Old Muster PB, the original specially designed fellrunning shoe, is now a household name amongst fellrunners and has been tried and tested by the best and is without doubt the most popular fellrunning shoe on the market. Inevitably, when a design is so successful other manufacturers bring their own version onto the scene thereby offering you an alternative to PB’s, but, ask yourself honestly, wouldn't you prefer to own the ORIGINAL? We stock the full PB range plus many more items. Everything for the fellrunner - we are the specialists. Our van will be at most major fell races throughout 1988. Fast, efficient Mail Order Service - Access and Visa Welcome. W - as many of yon will already know Jon Broxap is leaving us to set up home in Australia later in the year and we wish him all the best for the future. But, we now have the daunting task of replacing Jon, and with all his attributes this won’t be easy. If you are interested in finding out more about this unique opportunity please phone me or drop in to the shop for a chat. J Pete Bland 34A Kirkland, Kendal, Cumbria. Tel: (0539) 31012 Shop hours: 9.00 to 5.30, Monday to Saturday CONTENTS ^ S o c IAT\0^ ' Page Editorial Letters 2-6 EDITORIAL Championships 8-10 This magazine has been jointly edited by myself and the Committee News 10-12 new editor, John Blair-Fish, with JBF being responsible Profile of Vanessa Brindle 13 for the production of race and championship results.
Aberdeen Telephones Hillwalking Club SPRING NEWSLETTER 2005 CHAIRMAN’S CHAT trend will likely continue and we applied the Spring is in the air, with snowdrops and crocuses maximum fare of £12 quite a few times in 2004, over and daffodils in full bloom. As we emerge the AGM increased the maximum from £12 to £14. from dark winter days to lengthening daylight and warmer weather, the new season of walks planned Gratuities for both Braemar Mountain Rescue some time ago turns into the reality of walking in Team and Mountain Rescue Association of the countryside and climbing hills. Scotland were increased from £50 to £75. Our affiliations to North East Mountain Trust and Our walks were well attended during winter, and Ramblers’ Association were continued. we look forward to a new, exciting program. Even at this early stage of the year, we have had some The £10 annual membership fee remains good days such as the coastal walk from Bullers of unchanged. There was little support for reducing Buchan to Collieston, as well as not so good days - it to the £5 rate of a few years ago. the Mortlich-Craiglich walk was wet and misty with low cloud most of the day. The following were elected: - President ......................................................... Frank Kelly I am encouraged to see new members on our Vice President ....................................... Jim Henderson outings, and we extend a warm welcome. We look Secretary ................................................ Heather Eddie forward to getting to know you better during the Treasurer .............................................. Sally Henderson year, and hope you enjoy the Club. Booking Secretary ...................................... Alex Joiner Committee Members ....
FOR MEMBERS OF THE JOHN MUIR TRUST MEMBERS’ NEWS MARCH 2009 John Muir Trust members invited to NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN POST contribute to the ‘View from 2050’ Stuart Brooks has Lifestyles in 2050 will be radically different. before the Kyoto Protocol expires, 2009 been appointed Chief But will our wild landscapes and their is the final opportunity to do so. Our Executive of the biodiversity – and our relationships with government has already set a target of John Muir Trust with them - also be radically different? 2050 an 80% reduction in our greenhouse effect from 1 March might be more than half a lifetime away but gas emissions from their 1990 levels. 2009, following the it is a reference point we’ll be hearing far Achieving this will require radical social retirement of Nigel more of in the next few years. and political decision-making, re-thinking Hawkins. industrial processes, and will impact The ambition of the United Nations Stuart joins us from on all our daily lives. It will involve Climate Change Conference in the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) where unprecedented individual, national and Copenhagen (COP15) in December is for he has been Director of Conservation global action. a binding global climate agreement to since 2002 with responsibility for land include as many countries as possible. If In its role of ‘promoting informed debate management, policy and communications, the world’s nations are to decide upon on public policy issues’, The David Hume as well as being the main account a new agreement to enter into force manager for key grants.
Dent to Aye Gill Pike This Rewarding Walk Has Spectacular Views of the Howgill Fells (Below), the Three Peaks of Yorkshire, and Dentdale
Dent to Aye Gill Pike This rewarding walk has spectacular views of the Howgill Fells (below), the Three Peaks of Yorkshire, and Dentdale. Start: Dent car park (GPS: SD 703 871) Distance: 10.5km (6.5 miles) Highest point: 556m (Aye Gill Pike summit) Time: Allow 3 to 4 hours Grade: Difficult Notes: This route has sections with no obvious path, so a map and navigational skills are required. There are short sections on quiet roads where care should be taken, and the route can be boggy in places. There are toilets, a village shop, café and pubs in Dent. Other options: For a more challenging experience, follow this route in the opposite direction, beginning with the very steep climb up to Aye Gill Pike. 1. (GPS: SD 704 870) Turn left out of the car park and walk through the cobbled village centre. Leave the village on this road and pick up the riverside path for the Dales Way on your left, just before the river Dee. Follow this path until you reach the tarmac road. 2. (GPS: SD 700 873) Turn right along the road and pick up the Dales Way again on your right, continuing along the river to the road at Barth Bridge. 3. (GPS: SD 694 878) At the road turn right. Walk along here for a short distance (approx 150m) and turn up the small tarmac lane on your right. Continue along this quiet lane for approximately 1km, until reaching Lunds Farm. 4. (GPS: SD 694 887) At the entrance to Lunds Farm turn left and continue through the cobbled yard.
CITATION BEN LUI SITE OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC INTEREST Argyll and Bute, Stirling Site code: 188 PLANNING AUTHORITY: Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority Argyll and Bute Council NATIONAL GRID REFERENCE: NN 260268 OS 1:50,000 SHEET NO: Landranger Series 50, 56 1:25,000 SHEET NO: Explorer Series 364, 377 AREA: 2928.26 hectares NOTIFIED NATURAL FEATURES Geological: Structural and metamorphic geology: Dalradian Mineralogy: Mineralogy of Scotland Biological: Upland habitats: Upland assemblage Vascular plants: Vascular plant assemblage Invertebrates: Invertebrate assemblage DESCRIPTION Ben Lui Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is an extensive site situated in the Southern Highlands at the head of Glen Fyne. The SSSI contains four high peaks, with Ben Lui, at 1,130 m, the best known mountain within this western outlier of the Breadalbane Hills. Together with Ben Oss (1,028 m), Beinn Dubhchraig (978 m), Beinn a’ Chleibh (917 m) and Meall nan Tighearn (739 m) the area is renowned for its exceptionally rich and varied upland flora. The range of altitude and geology present at the site supports a diversity of habitats including important late snowbed communities on peaks and high corries, ledge and cliff vegetation, heath, montane willow scrub, grasslands, soligenous mires and on, the southern flanks of Meall nan Tighearn, an extensive blanket bog. The Dalradian rocks underpinning the biodiversity of the site are of mineralogical importance for three reasons. Firstly, it is one of the few sites in within the Dalradian where proximal-style exhalative sulphide mineralisation can be readily demonstrated. Secondly, it is the only site where a feeder zone for stratabound mineralisation has been positively identified.
Description of Wild Land Area – 2017 37 Foinaven - Ben Hee Wild Land Area 1 Description of Wild Land Area – 2017 Context This large Wild Land Area (WLA) extends 569 km2 across north west Sutherland, extending from the peatlands of Crask in the south east to the mountain of Foinaven in the north west. The northern half of the WLA mainly comprises a complex range of high mountains in addition to a peninsula of lower hills extending towards Durness. In contrast, the southern half of the WLA includes extensive peatlands and the isolated mountain of Ben Hee. One of a cluster of seven WLAs in the north west of Scotland, flanked by main (predominantly single track) roads to the north, west and south, it is relatively distant from large population centres. The geology of the area has a strong influence on its character. Along the Moine Thrust Belt that passes through the north west, rocky mountains such as Foinaven and Arkle are highly distinctive with their bright white Cambrian quartzite and scree, with little vegetation. The geological importance of this area is recognised by its inclusion within the North West Highlands Geoparki. Land within the WLA is used mainly for deer stalking and fishing and, except for a few isolated estate lodges and farms, is uninhabited. Many people view the area from outside its edge as a visual backdrop, particularly when travelling along the A838 between Lairg and Laxford Bridge and Durness, and along the A836 between Lairg and Altnaharra, through Strath More, and around Loch Eriboll. The mountains within this WLA typically draw fewer hillwalkers than some other areas, partly due to the lack of Munros.