The Jboss 4 Application Server J2EE Reference

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The Jboss 4 Application Server J2EE Reference The JBoss 4 Application Server J2EE Reference JBoss AS 4.0.5 Release 2 Copyright © 2006 JBoss, Inc. Table of Contents 1. The JBoss JMX Microkernel ...............................................................................................................1 1.1. An Introduction to JMX ............................................................................................................1 1.1.1. Instrumentation Level ....................................................................................................3 1.1.2. Agent Level ..................................................................................................................3 1.1.3. Distributed Services Level .............................................................................................4 1.1.4. JMX Component Overview ............................................................................................4 Managed Beans or MBeans .................................................................................5 Notification Model .............................................................................................5 MBean Metadata Classes ....................................................................................5 MBean Server ....................................................................................................6 Agent Services ...................................................................................................6 1.2. JBoss JMX Implementation Architecture ...................................................................................7 1.2.1. The JBoss ClassLoader Architecture ...............................................................................7 1.2.2. Class Loading and Types in Java ....................................................................................7 ClassCastExceptions - I'm Not Your Type ............................................................7 IllegalAccessException - Doing what you should not ..........................................12 LinkageErrors - Making Sure You Are Who You Say You Are ...........................14 Inside the JBoss Class Loading Architecture .......................................................19 1.2.3. JBoss XMBeans ..........................................................................................................26 Descriptors .......................................................................................................27 The Management Class .....................................................................................29 The Constructors ..............................................................................................29 The Attributes ..................................................................................................30 The Operations .................................................................................................31 Notifications .....................................................................................................32 1.3. Connecting to the JMX Server ................................................................................................33 1.3.1. Inspecting the Server - the JMX Console Web Application ............................................33 Securing the JMX Console ................................................................................35 1.3.2. Connecting to JMX Using RMI ....................................................................................37 1.3.3. Command Line Access to JMX ....................................................................................40 Connecting twiddle to a Remote Server ..............................................................40 Sample twiddle Command Usage ......................................................................40 1.3.4. Connecting to JMX Using Any Protocol .......................................................................43 1.4. Using JMX as a Microkernel ...................................................................................................44 1.4.1. The Startup Process .....................................................................................................44 1.4.2. JBoss MBean Services .................................................................................................45 The SARDeployer MBean .................................................................................46 The Service Life Cycle Interface ........................................................................49 The ServiceController MBean ...........................................................................49 Specifying Service Dependencies ......................................................................51 Identifying Unsatisfied Dependencies ................................................................52 Hot Deployment of Components, the URLDeploymentScanner ...........................53 1.4.3. Writing JBoss MBean Services ....................................................................................54 A Standard MBean Example .............................................................................55 JBoss Release 2 ii The JBoss 4 Application Server J2EE Reference XMBean Examples ...........................................................................................58 1.4.4. Deployment Ordering and Dependencies ......................................................................65 1.5. JBoss Deployer Architecture ...................................................................................................75 1.5.1. Deployers and ClassLoaders ........................................................................................76 1.6. Remote Access to Services, Detached Invokers ........................................................................78 1.6.1. A Detached Invoker Example, the MBeanServer Invoker Adaptor Service ......................80 1.6.2. Detached Invoker Reference ........................................................................................84 The JRMPInvoker - RMI/JRMP Transport .........................................................84 The PooledInvoker - RMI/Socket Transport .......................................................85 The IIOPInvoker - RMI/IIOP Transport .............................................................86 The JRMPProxyFactory Service - Building Dynamic JRMP Proxies ....................86 The HttpInvoker - RMI/HTTP Transport ............................................................86 The HA JRMPInvoker - Clustered RMI/JRMP Transport ....................................87 The HA HttpInvoker - Clustered RMI/HTTP Transport .......................................87 HttpProxyFactory - Building Dynamic HTTP Proxies .........................................87 Steps to Expose Any RMI Interface via HTTP ....................................................88 2. Naming on JBoss ..............................................................................................................................90 2.1. An Overview of JNDI ............................................................................................................90 2.1.1. Names ........................................................................................................................90 2.1.2. Contexts .....................................................................................................................91 Obtaining a Context using InitialContext ............................................................91 2.2. The JBossNS Architecture ......................................................................................................92 2.3. The Naming InitialContext Factories .......................................................................................95 2.3.1. The standard naming context factory ............................................................................95 2.3.2. The org.jboss.naming.NamingContextFactory ...............................................................96 2.3.3. Naming Discovery in Clustered Environments ..............................................................96 2.3.4. The HTTP InitialContext Factory Implementation .........................................................97 2.3.5. The Login InitialContext Factory Implementation .........................................................98 2.3.6. The ORBInitialContextFactory .....................................................................................98 2.4. JNDI over HTTP ....................................................................................................................99 2.4.1. Accessing JNDI over HTTP .........................................................................................99 2.4.2. Accessing JNDI over HTTPS .....................................................................................102 2.4.3. Securing Access to JNDI over HTTP ..........................................................................104 2.4.4. Securing Access to JNDI with a Read-Only Unsecured Context ...................................105 2.5. Additional Naming MBeans ..................................................................................................107
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