464 Will Receive Degrees
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All Faiths Essex Student Seen At TCU Enjoys Easy Air See Page 8 The h»ifT See Page 4 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS /ol. 56 FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1958 No. 31 464 Will Receive Degrees Wilbur Cramblet To Give Address Twenty-three states and three foreign countries will be represented when 464 students receive degrees at com- mncement exercises at 8 p.m. next Friday. Dr. Wilbur H. Cramblet of St. Louis, president of the Christian Board of Publications, will .speak at tha ceremony on the west campus lawn. THE REV. Dean Harrison, minister of the Rosemont Christian Church of Dallas, will speak at baccalaureate services al 9:30 a.m. Sunday In • Ed Landreth Auditorium. Will receive his master of arts As commencement, four honor- degree in sociology. Mitsuharu Na- gase of Nagoya, Japan, will ba ary degrees will be confered. Dr. awarded a bachelor of science Cramblet will receive the hon- degree, with a major in business orary D.Utt. and Rev. Harrison administration. He completed his the honorarj U.D. degree requirements in January. Nobundo Oda, principal of the Todari Zaki Tadros of Cairo, Long Girls School in Tokyo, Ja- Egypt, is a candidate for a mas- pan, and E. G. Luna, director of ter of education degree, with a the Mexican Christian Institute in secondary education major. San Antonio, will receive honor- Within Texas itself, some 101 ary LL.D. degrees. cities and towns are represented. Skiff rholo by HARVEY FORT. Oda's degree will be awarded A total of 251 students graduating HAIL ALL HAIL, TCU — Barry Stephenson, B.A. '58, takes a last look at the skyline in absentia. a,c f,onl r.01t Worth. of the University before joining the remaining 463 cap-and-gowned graduates for the May FARTHEST from home is Ki THE 23 states -are Texas, Ari- 30 exercises. The class of '58 has gone, long live the class of '59! .Tun Ohm of Seoul, Korea, who ZOna, New Mexico, New York, Alabama. Louisiana, Massachu- setts, Maryland, Illinois. Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas. New Jersey. North Carolina, Idaho. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Wiscon- 11 New Teachers Added sin, California, Michigan, Iowa and Oklahoma. Eleven new teachers and two with TCU and high school coach. politan Opera star since 1943, has plete work on his Ph.D. in 1959. Only the classes of 1949 (533) dormitory hostesses have been He replaces Curtis J. Firkins, been added to the School of I me In the department of home eco- and 1950 (571), which came dur- added to the staff for the 1958^59 who will become fulltime director Arts staff. He has been named nomics, Mrs. Maxine Elliott Ka- ing the height of the "(ii program" school year. of the Testing and Guidance Cent- "artistin-residence." menifsa has been appointed an were larger than this year's grad- Seven of the new faculty mem- er. Miss Jo Ann James will be instructor. She has been super- uating class. added to the staff in September. bers are in the Add-Ran College He has a B.S. in education and visor of pre-school classes at the To be awarded are 357 bache- She is assistant dean of women of Arts and Sciences. One is in comes here from Tucson, Ariz. Fort Worth Children's Museum lor degrees, 39 master's, 25 bache- at Syracuse University, and will the School of Fine Arts. since, 1955. lor of divinity degrees from Brite Mrs. Wallace joins the staff as assume a similar post here. Shi THE DEPARTMENT of biulogy- College of the Bible and Ihree In addition the University will assistant registrar in charge of Is working on her doctorate at geology will have two new staff certificates in nursing' from Har- have a new dean of men, an as- admissions. She will assume some Syracuse. sistant dean of women and an of the duties of Dean Thomas F. members. Arthur J. Fhlmann has ris College of Nursing. EDWIN II. Ferguson Jr. will be assistant registrar. Richardson, who retires Sept. 1. been appointed assistant profes- Degree work was completed by adviser of The Skiff, and assistant (See TEACHERS, Page 9) 98 of the graduates in February. THE DEAN of men is Jewell MARTIAL S1NGHER, a French professor of journalism.. He is Wallace, former football player baritone and New York Metco- teaching at the University of Houston. Dr. Max R. Haddick, assistant Homecoming Schedule professor of journalism, is the new Skiff Equipment acting chairman of the depart- ment. DR. GEORGE D. Crow will Given Different Touch assume duties as assistant pro- Expected July 1 A new and different Homecom- ter rooms; grand opening of fessor of Spanish. Me has been director of the Bi-NeUfniaT^Cul- ing schedifle for next year was Homecoming displays on Quad- Installation of composing room sequence majors, and to serve tha tural Center in BogotarColombia, set up Monday at the Homecom- rangle; bonfire and pep rally; band campus more effectively with since 1956. vj equipment in The Skiff's print ing committee's meeting in Infor- concert, and a possible street shop in Dan D. Rogers Hall is more frequent publication of The mation Services Director Amos dance for students. One of the nation's most rec- Skiff, Dr. Agee said. ognized authorities of aviation expected to begin about July 1, Melton's office. The Baylor game Saturday morning—open houses Dr. Warren K. Agee, journalism JOURNALISM DEPARTMENTS on Nov. 1 was selected as date for and coffee in schools and de- psychology, Dr. S. B. Sells, will in other major universities in the serve as professor of psychology. chairman, announced. the event. partments of the University; cof- Interviews are being conducted Southwest already have such print He currently is chief of the De- shops. Probably the most important fee in the Student Center spon- to obtain a printer-foreman, who change is replacement of the an- sored by Fort Worth women exes, partment of Medical Psychology "We plan to operate entirely at the Air Force School of Avia- would assemble the equipment nual parade with static displays and the annual Ex-Students Asso- within the framework of a liberal tion Medicine, Randolph Field, and supervise the operation. on campus. ciation meeting and luncheon in arts institution," Dr. Agee said. ALREADY DONATED in the J. Displays will be built by the Student Center. San Antonio. "Our aim is not to train printers J. P. SIMPSON jojns the de- Willard Ridings Memorial Press student organizations wishing SATURDAY AFTERNOON — but to provide sound journalistic campaign are two Linotypes with to take part, and prizes will be Baylor game at 2 p.m.; hVlftime partment of economics as an as- instruction to enable our gradu- several fonts of type, a proof awarded in several categories. presentation of Homecoming and sistant professor. He is Instructor ates to do a better job in their press and a mat caster. Approxi- There will be a central theme Coming Home queens, and a get- in economics at the University news, advertising, industrial pub- mately $8,000 has been contrib- and displays will be elaborate. together coffee for all exes near of Oklahoma. Simpson will com- lications and other responsibili- uted in cash and pledges, with Members of the Homecoming the Stadium immediately after the ties." contributions of both money and committee are: game. Plans call for increasing the fre- equipment totaling almost $25,000 Lee Bassinger, L. R. (Dutch) Saturday night — Various ban- quency of publication of The Skiff The 1957-58 Skiff toward the $50,000 goal. ,Meyer, Misses Elizabeth Young- quets for ex-student groups; from weekly to semi-weekly, be- glood, Dorothy Schultz and Susie Homecoming dance for exes and As planned, type would be set, ginning this fall. Sawyer; Jim Lehman, Mrs. Bobbye students in the Student Center, Writes 'Thirty' pages "made up" and forms car- More than 30 applications for Barratt, LeRoy Schell and Dean and a new "100 dance" for exes This Is the final Issue of The ried elsewhere for the press work. the printer's job had been received of Students Laurence Smith. who wish to attend at Texas Ho- Skiff for the 1957-58 session. Eventually, installation of a Du- Wednesday, and Dr. Agee and Dr. The tentative Homecoming tel. The next issue will be distribut- plex or Coxotype used flatbed Max R. Haddick, who will become schedule is as follows: Admission will ba charged for ed Monday, Sept. 15, the start of press, web fed, is to be made. acting department chairman June FRIDAY EVENING —. Group those exes attending. registration week, according to Purpose of the new equipment 1, have screening interviews meetings of exes; meeting of sor- Tha 1933 class and its queen Editor-elect Pat Beckham, Athens is to provide more realistic train- planned almost continuously for ority and fraternity exes in chap- will be honored. senior. ing for editorial and advertising the next 10 days. THE SKIFF * J>ag« 2 Friday, May 23, 1958 All on Closed Circuit Live Shows Acted, Directed By Radio-Television Students By GAIL ROGSTAD Live television shows acted, produced and directed by students, are on campus. Productions reach a limited audience, however, for facilities in the Fine Arts Building are on closed circuit only. The television "crew" and cast are members of "Radio-TV Production 313bi," und- er the supervision of Dr. James O. Costy, professor of speech- radio-TV, each Tuesday. "AH WILDERNESS!", dramatic 1 production by the group, Tues- WELL YE^. YOUK ENROLLMENT CARD DOBS SAY day starred Miss .lune Pence, El- •HOMEMAKING'.- PUT I'M AFRAID—* ton Strother and Leon Senter.