West Wallasey Area Forum
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Leasowe Moreton Saughall Massie Area Forum Papers for the forum meeting Wednesday 13th February 2008 Christ Church Parish Centre Upton Road Moreton CH46 0PA 7.00pm – 9.00pm ____________________________ Tracey Smith Community Engagement Officer Tel: 0151 691 8026 Fax: 0151 691 8159 Minicom: 0151 691 8480 Email: [email protected] Community Engagement Team, Corporate Services, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED Leasowe, Moreton & Saughall Massie Area Forum Wednesday 13th February 2008 7.00pm Christ Church Parish Centre Upton Road Moreton CH46 0PA AGENDA 1. Welcome introductions and apologies 2. Area co-ordinators report • Minutes of last meeting and matters arising 3. Public question time 4. Sustainable Communities Strategy 5. Partner Updates • Wirral Primary Care Trust 6. Dates of future meetings and presentations 7. Any other business Section One Minutes from last Meeting 4 Section Two Local Updates: 16 Safer and Stronger Communities 17 ¾ Acting up! ¾ Step on board for ASB advice Healthier Communities and Older People 18 ¾ WIRED carers counselling service Children & Young People 19 ¾ Youth service ¾ Primary schools raise achievement Economic Development & Enterprise 21 ¾ MoD contract boost for Cammell Laird ¾ Councils fight against businesses’ illegal waste Cross cutting all themes 22 ¾ Chief Executive honoured by Queen ¾ Flood information Section Three Partner Organisations 26 ¾ Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS foundation trust ¾ Primary Care Trust health for all, have your say ¾ Community safety ¾ Merseyside fire & rescue service ¾ Older Peoples Parliament ¾ Merseyside Police Section Four Area Forum Plan 37 Section Five Streetscene 39 Section Six Equalities and Diversity 42 Section Eight Local Transport 46 Section Seven Funding 51 ¾ Free funding information 4 you ¾ Lottery grants for local groups – awards for all ¾ Funding progress reports 3 Section One Minutes from last meeting and any matters arising Minutes - Area Forum (Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie) - 15 October 2007 Present Chair ED Prout Ward Councillors RL Abbey , IO Coates , SR Mountney Community Barbara Epstein , Bruce Martin (Faith Representative) Representatives Lead Officer Russ Glennon (Head of Corporate Policy) Area Service Co- Tracey Smith ordinator Street Scene Chris Jones (Area Streetscene Manager) Manager Merseyside Inspector Peter Kolokotroni Police Merseyside Fire Sarah Patterson & Rescue Service Council Officers Jim Thompson (Community Safety Team) Apologies Cllr Chris Blakeley , Cllr Suzanne Moseley Index to Minutes Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions Minute 2 - Apologies Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report - Minutes of last meeting and matters arising Minute 4 - Public question time Minute 5 - Presentation on Licensing Act 2003 - Margaret O'Donnell, Licensing Manager - Regeneration Department, Wirral Council Minute 6 - Partner Updates Minute 7 - Dates of future meetings/presentations Minute 8 - Any other business 4 Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions The Chair, Councillor ED Prout, welcomed Forum members and 30 members of the public to the meeting of the Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie Area Forum in Moreton. He invited Forum members to introduce themselves. Minute 2 - Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C Blakeley and Councillor SD Moseley. Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report - Minutes of last meeting and matters arising Copies of the Area Co-ordinator’s report had been posted on the Council website at www.wirral.gov.uk/minutes/public/minsareaco-rdsreport. Paper copies were available for members of the public at the meeting. The Area Co-ordinator invited the Forum to consider the report, section by section. Section one of the report contained the minutes of the meeting on 27 June 2007, matters arising and updates from the previous meeting. Section two contained local updates on Safer and Stronger Communities, Health Communities and Older People, Children & Young People and Economic Development and Enterprise. Section three contained Partner Updates, Section four Local Transport Update, Section five, Area Forum Funding, Section six Local Area Forum Plan, Section seven, Streetscene & Waste update, and Section eight, Equalities and Diversity. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes. In presenting her report, the Area Co-ordinator highlighted the following key points – Primary Care Trust [PCT] Small Grants Programme to support Community Initiatives Fund. The PCT has supplemented the Local Authority’s Community Initiatives Fund by the sum of £5,000 to be allocated to the Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie Area Forum. The funding is to be used for health promoting activity which meets the needs of local people within the area. Voluntary and Community sector groups are invited to submit applications via the current CIF application criteria. Proposals will need to meet funding limits and priorities determined by each area forum. Voluntary and Community Groups wishing to apply for funding to support the specific health themes should contact the Council Community Engagement Team on 0151 691 8650, or email: [email protected]. The Area Co-ordinator will provide further information and an application form for use by eligible groups at the end of the meeting. Community Initiatives Funding 2007/08: So far, grants totalling £17,951 have been allocated to community groups and associations in the Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie Areas, leaving a balance of £12,827.66 made up of CIF funding 5 £7,326.66, Community Safety £2,550.00, and LA 21 £2,951.00. The availability of funding is currently being advertised with a closing date of 2nd November 2007. Further information can be obtained from the Council Community Engagement Team on 0151 691 8650, or email: [email protected]. The Area Co-ordinator will provide further information and an application form for use by eligible groups at the end of the meeting. Local Area Forum Plan: The Area Plan has been updated to incorporate some of the issues that have been resolved so far for this area forum. Highway Structural Maintenance Programme 2008/09: Limited resources are available for footway reconstruction and carriageway resurfacing schemes. The Area Forum has been invited to compile shortlists of the roads and pavements within its boundaries that the forum consider appropriate for treatment. Details should be entered on a form available at the meeting and returned by 16 November 2007. The Area Co-ordinator invited questions on her report. Mr Jim Edwards referred to Section 8, Equalities and Diversity, and stated that he was aware that legislation was introduced in 2005 to protect against discrimination to disabled people. He expressed concern about the failure of the Local Authority to enforce the legislation in relation to parking in designated disabled parking areas in public car parks and in car parks owned by supermarkets. Mr Edwards continued that he has raised issues about disabled parking at Area Forum meetings for the past four years, but has not received satisfactory responses from Councillors and Officers at meetings. (Mr Edwards was responded to under matters arising in the area co-ordinators report of 27th June 2007) The Streetscene Manager offered to take full details of the car parks affected and the issues raised at the end of the meeting and to provide answers for Mr Edwards. He would draw the attention of the Council’s Enforcement Officers to incidents where there is abuse of disabled parking regulations. He urged members of the public to report incidents of illegal parking in disabled parking bays or on pavements to the Council on 606 2004. Minute Decision : Resolved: To – i agree the minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum of 27 June 2007 as a true record; ii thank the Area Co-ordinator for her report. Minute 4 - Public question time The following questions / issues were raised: – Q. Member of the public - Parked cars at the bus stop, when you put your hand out the buses will not stop because of vehicles parked nearby. A. The Local Authority has very little power under the Highways Act – this seems to be an obstruction issue and would be enforced by the Police. 6 Q. Barbara Epstein - I cannot understand the principle why someone has to say, ‘I have to walk into the road’. What about someone whose sight is failing. It is more to do with the danger of someone being harmed. [Barbara Epstein]. A. Police - A number of prosecutions went in but because they were not backed up with evidence they were failing in the Court. We need a statement from someone to say that they had to go on to the road because of an obstruction and in doing so they were injured. If you tell me the time and location, I will send my Officers there and we can take action there and then. A lot of calls are made after an accident has occurred and although people complain they are not willing to give the statements the Police need to pursue prosecutions. Q. Member of the Public - On both sides of the roads, all the cars are parked on the pavement, but there is enough space for people to get through. If you have cars parked in the road then buses and other traffic cannot get through. There have been requests for speed humps but they were refused. A. Chris Jones - we do have Council traffic engineers to look into these requests and they have a criteria to look at, the number of accidents etc. If I can speak to you at the end of the Forum and take your details? Councillor Abbey added that he has some responsibility for ensuring speed humps are installed in Leasowe as a traffic calming measure. They were installed to slow down traffic but they don’t actually slow down the speed of vehicles, because they can be driven over at speed and they have very little impact. The routes are 30 mph limits therefore it is a misconception that speed humps will stop the flow of traffic. Vehicles still drive round the estate very fast.