CANBERRA BUSHWALKING. CLUB INC NEWSLETTER t GPO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601 VOLUME 34 OCTOBER 1998 NUMBER 10 MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING Speaker: Scott Porteous, on Recreational Activities with Outward Bound Australia 8pm Wednesday 21 October Dickson Library Community Room (entrance at rear of library) Make the most of the evening and join other members at 600pm for a convivial (BYO) meal at the Pho Phu Quoc Restaurant in Cape Street, Dickson. Try to be early to ensure there will be ample time to finish and still get to the meeting in comfortable time Walks to Rob Horsfield 11 Studley St, Kambah Ph: 6231 4535 or by e-mail to Paul Edstein (pedstein© ) Articles etc. for publication to Paul Edstein Ph: 6271 4514(w) 6286 1398 (h) Fax: 6271 4560 (w) E-mail:
[email protected] 19 Gamor St Waramanga ACT 2611 PRESIDENT'S PRATTLE Another Club year dawns. As seems usual at ultimately it must be up to the other 290 or so AGMs in recent years, the returning officer's members. Some points: achievement was in finding a full complement of • You have paid your annual subscription. Get people to volunteer. It would be much better if we had maximum value for money by going on lots of keenly fought elections! walks. A anyone who knows me is well aware, I • If you have a suggestion on how the program could believe the Objects of the Club, starting with be improved, contact the Walks Secretary, or "... 1. promote bushwalking and allied outdoor another Committee member - each is an ex-officio activities", but including most of the others, are best "assistant walks secretary?' '[Committee please met by maintaining a comprehensive and well note!].