Tâche finale à réaliser par les élèves en groupe ( groupe référent = celui de la salle d’anglais ) : Créer un diaporama (images et quelques phrases explicatives) sur le thème de l’Afrique du sud à partir des documents étudiés en cours d’histoire – géographie et en anglais ) à rendre sur clé USB version Open Office ou PDF. Noté / 20

I- LA PARTIE DU DIAPORAMA EN FRANÇAIS : 1- La situation géographique de l’Afrique du Sud : a) Dans le monde : carte b) En Afrique : carte c) Les drapeaux : anciens et actuel ( signification) d) Les capitales et les villes principales : images et explications e) Population et ses origines , climat , ressources … f) Les Townships 2- La situation politique actuelle : a) Dans le Commonwealth : carte et explications b) Le président actuel : nom, photo

II- LA PARTIE DU DIAPORAMA EN ANGLAIS : 1- L’ Apartheid : a) Signification , date , responsables politiques à l’origine de ce système légal. b) Une ségrégation raciale : photos d’exemples + explications c) La contestation et la répression : photos et explications 2- Les héros de la lutte contre l’Apartheid : A) Steven Biko : photos + explications + référence au film B) - Photos et courte biographie - : photos de la prison, de la cellule + dates de l’emprisonnement - La protestation internationale pour sa libération et la fin de l’Apartheid : photos + chanson - Son accession au pouvoir et la nation arc en ciel : photos + explications 3- Le film « Invictus » de Clint Eastwood : a) Images + court résumé b) Le titre du film / le poème c) Le rugby comme symbole d’unité nationale.

III- CONCLUSION : en français ou en anglais 1- L’Afrique du Sud aujourd’hui : a) La situation politique b) Une égalité des droits ? 2- Un pays riche ou pauvre ? 3- Notre rencontre avec des rugbymen Sud-Africains : photos, interview

EPI : South Africa, Apartheid and Nelson Mandela

1-Apartheid :

The BBC News report deals with Apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid began in 1948 and it was a legal system imposed by the white minority over the black majority. There were laws which imposed segregation / separation between the two peoples.

The laws imposed racial discrimination : non-white people ( black , mixed race) were discriminated and considered as inferior. It was a racist system ( racism) .

Black people were segregated /separated from the whites in many aspects of theirs lives:

 for their place of living : living , doing business or owning land in white areas were banned / forbidden.  In public facilities: the means of transport ( for example, buses) , schools but also hospitals, restaurants, bars, the post- office, parks, beaches … had white and non-white sections written in English and in Afrikaan.  In their private lives : interracial marriage was banned / prohibited.  For their civil rights: they were not regarded / considered as citizens but they were aliens / foreigners in cities. They had to live together, in townships ( ghettos) , in black homeland (= black territories).

If they didn't respect the laws, they were arrested , sent to prison and often beaten, tortured .

But in 1960, there was a huge / march / demonstration: black people fought peacefully for their rights but there was a massive police oppression and it ended in a massacre.

In 1962, Nelson Mandela, the leader of the ANC ( African National Congress) was arrested and sent to Robben Isalnd prison where he stayed until 1990.

He was set free in 1990 and in 1994 , he became the first black South African president and it was the end of Apartheid.

2-The trailer of “Cry Freedom” , a film directed by Richard Attenborough in 1987 , starring Denzel Washington as Steve Biko.

It deals with the story of Steve Biko, a black activist in the 1980's ( nineteen eighties : from 1980 to 1989) who fought for justice and equality between black and white people and against Apartheid ( order was maintained by force ). He was helped by a white journalist and a priest. He became a leader who made speeches to force black people to defend their rights. So first he was banned (= forbidden ) to speak in public and he was menaced. Then he was arrested ,put on trial and sentenced to prison. Finally, in prison, he was tortured so as to get information about other activists and he died.

3-A biography of Nelson Mandela.

He was born on July 18th , 1918 in a small village. His father was a tribal chief so he was an important man in the black community. At 7 , he started his British education in a boarding school and was called Nelson by his teacher.

In 1941 , he discovered racial discrimination . He joined the A.N.C ( = African National Congress) , a peaceful movement fighting against Apartheid. He became a lawyer and travelled the country in order to defend Black people.

In 1960, the ANC was declared outlaw (= illegal) . During a protest march , 67 black people , including children, were killed by the white police. As a leader, Mandela was arrested and condemned to a life - sentence prison on Robben Island. He became a world-wide symbol of resistance : protest songs were written to demand his freedom and the end of Apartheid.

In 1990, Mandela was released. In 1993 , he received the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1994 , black people were allowed to vote so Mandela was elected president. He died on December 5th , 2013.

4- Protest in the world against Apartheid and for the freedom of Mandela : A) Concerts in Europe : the British band, Simple Minds , sang their famous song “Mandela Day” before Mandela was released from prison. B) In South Africa, Johnny Clegg , nicknamed “ the white zulu” sang and danced with his group , Savuka” composed of black Zulus. His famous song “ Asimbonanga” was sung in African language and English and spoke about Mandela in prison and other black activists such as Steve Biko.

Simple Minds « MANDELA DAY » 1989 Johnny Clegg and Savuka , « Asimbonanga » 1987

It was 25 years they take that man away Asimbonanga------(we have not seen him) Now the freedom moves in closer every day Asimbonang' umandela thina-----(we have not seen Wipe the tears down from your saddened eyes mandela) They say Mandela's free so step outside Laph'ekhona------(in the place where he is) Oh oh oh oh Mandela day Laph'ehleli khona------(in the place where he Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free is kept) Oh the sea is cold and the sky is grey It was 25 years ago this very day Look across the island into the bay Held behind four walls all through night and day We are all islands till comes the day Still the children know the story of that man We cross the burning water And I know what's going on right through your land Asimbonanga------(we have not seen him) Asimbonang' umandela thina-----(we have not seen 25 years ago mandela) Na na na na Mandela day Laph'ekhona------(in the place where he Oh oh oh Mandela's free is) Laph'ehleli khona------(in the place where he If the tears are flowing wipe them from your face is kept) I can feel his heartbeat moving deep inside A seagull wings across the sea It was 25 years they took that man away Broken silence is what I dream And now the world come down say Nelson Mandela's Who has the words to close the distance free Between you and me Steve biko, victoria mxenge Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free Neil aggett…

The rising suns sets Mandela on his way It's been 25 years around this very day From the one outside to the ones inside we say Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free Oh oh oh set Mandela free

Na na na na Mandela day Na na na na Mandela's free

25 years ago What's going on And we know what's going on Cos we know what's going on

5- The trailer of “Invictus” , a film directed by clint Eastwood in 2009, starring Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela and Matt Damon as François Pinaar, the rugby team leader.

First, the film starts with a view of Robben Island prison where / in which Mandela was a prisoner. We can hear the poem “ Invictus” Mandela was reciting every morning in his cell.

Then, we can see Mandela in his car as the new president of South Africa. We can also notice the contrast between poor black children, wearing rags / worn-out clothes and rich white boys playing rugby with nice sports clothes.

Finally , the film shows Mandela didn't want to revenge but he wanted to unite his country. He wanted all people to be united thanks to rugby. He wanted the South African rugby team to win the World Cup.

He wanted people to face their destiny so he created the Rainbow Nation in which people with different origins and colours could live together.

NELSON MANDELA ( 1918 / 2013)

« INVICTUS » ( 1892) French translation of the poem, taken from by William Henley,an English poet the film “Invictus”.

Out of the night that covers me, Dans les ténèbres qui m’enserrent, Black as the pit from pole to pole, Noires comme un puits où l’on se noie, I thank whatever gods may be Je rends grâce aux dieux quels qu’ils soient, For my unconquerable soul. Pour mon âme invincible et fière,

In the fell clutch of circumstance Dans de cruelles circonstances, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Je n’ai ni gémi ni pleuré, Under the bludgeonings of chance Meurtri par cette existence, My head is bloody, but unbowed. Je suis debout bien que blessé,

Beyond this place of wrath and tears En ce lieu de colère et de pleurs, Looms but the horror of the shade, Se profile l’ombre de la mort, And yet the menace of the years Et je ne sais ce que me réserve le sort, Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. Mais je suis et je resterai sans peur,

It matters not how strait the gate, Aussi étroit soit le chemin, How charged with punishments the scroll, Nombreux les châtiments infâmes, I am the master of my fate: Je suis le maître de mon destin : I am the captain of my soul. Je suis le capitaine de mon âme.

Nelson MANDELA loved this poem. He read it every day in his cell of the prison in which he was imprisoned for 27 years because of his opposition to Apartheid.

Read the poem and tick the right answers. In the poem , highlight what helps you. 1- When he was in prison, Mandela felt :  angry  hopeful  desperate  proud 2- When he was tortured , he :  screamed  cried  resisted  submitted 3- When he faced death , he was :  brave  unafraid  scared  terrified 4- In his cell, he :  had regrets  realized he was wrong  was conscious of his destiny  was aware that he was responsible for his life.