The Oxford Democrat. NUMBER 17. VOLUME 74. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1907.

ned him keenly and derided his condi- Potato Culture. "No! You go first! No! You go first! the Tr«cott; «» Ρ* » LBKKT d. park, Early tion. FARMERS. The was the eome aketo. ο AMONG THE The farmer who in the first question precipitated by MeIl,,y uuriivellng brings chlldreu. "We will proceed to the leeeou," «aid Lioeneed Auctioneer, is sore to receive a twins a η-1 one of the Phelps " early potatoes good Then she cried stem- PARIS. MA»*. iruu TBI FLOW." made simultaneous rush for the the young lady SOUTH price in the markets. — They The 8 h il « each Little ly, like a sergeant, "The .seventh chap- Terme Moderate· With a little care and patience pota- By chair aud screamed and kicked, ■*» on practical agricultural topic toes can be matured for market the the third child. The ter of Jeremlnb!" Correspondence by -· -·- pair preventing Λ^-Λ» P. BARNES, la »onclted. Address all communications In a leaf- ✓ 1H ARLES last week in seasons, and TT entered this melee and decided ™ There was swift tlntterliiR of teadad for thla to Hxintr D July, ordinary ττ STEPHEN queen c:;;« department of the ;r^n, lets. Tlien the name of Jeremiah, u Hammond, Agricultural Editor Oxford Dem perhaps before, if the conditions in favor of the Phelps boy. He ascend- Pilgrimage. Attorney at Law, ocrât, Parla, Me. weather are favorable. Of course in wise towered over the feeling* CRANE, ed the chair. Thereat an awed silence + Y man, Me. the state the season Author of "The Rod M.We By STEPHEN CRANE. was Block, Norway, the northern part of bund. And Wil- "SSM of these boys. Homer Bhclps Kyerson B»dge of Cour· fell upon the always g.,J* Author ot "The Red B*dge of Cour- 0 is a little later. verse. He Telephone Connection·. About doing West. liam smiled Etc. Λ doomed to r:'!id the fourth The soil should be île," Etc. Neeltje fatuously. «*·," thoroughly puf> took a deep breath, he puffed out hie verized. I in the He tucked a cloth in the neck of the prefer ploughing ('^o-o--oo-o--o-o--o-o-6 Surgeon Dentist, most lie said: A sandy or red loam is the children cauie closer and closer. Eveu ishly explosive. hurriedly MAINE. THE WEST. light " SOUTH PARIS. suitable for A it becunie clear 'Trust ye not in words, say- early potatoes. good the queen was deeply moved. "Does it NE November lying warranted. start is to have the of the the All a>y Oeet work plan to potatoes early hurt she asked in a wee voice. t_> c-bililisti minds in eertuiu ing temple Lord, temple *boutthe the auy?" ϊγΛϊϊΛΛϊϊ: Mid oppor. your seed in a warm place by tenth the of the the of the I/trd, ttttUttUttttUtttttttttttt "Naw," said the Phelps boy, with parts of Whllomvllle jtbat Lord, temple t0a J0"0*®·0 by the of and if have of light " H. P. JONES, Lii,!r>0