THE MOST EXTENSIVE LINE OF BEST BUYS IN COURSE AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES FROM THRU GREEN IS America's Foremost Designers and MANUFACTURED AND MERCHANDISED Builders of Outstanding Courses BY Holmes Cook Miniature Golf Co. CLINTON KENT BRADLEY Office — 631 lOth Ave., N. Y. — Plaza 7-3552 MOUNTAIN VIEW, NEW JERSEY Plant—Long Branch, N. J. — LO. 6-3621-M Obtainable thru international chain of regional suppliers.


Rates: Minlmum insertion $4.00 for 20 words; Kelp Wanted:- Manager of Country Club, Man & Wife. additlonal words 20c each. Bold face type, 25c Dwelling and all living plus good cash salary. Nine hole grass per word. Classified cols. reserved for help or greens on Five Island Lake. Write: Wm. Stauss. services wanted and for sale of used equipment. Pres., Emmetsburg, Iowa. NO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE 2STH OF MONTH PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE. JOBS WANTED Under no circumstances are we permitted to divulge the name and address of those placing the blind GOLF COURSE SUPT. ONE OF OHIO'S TOP GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS NOW AVAILABLE 25 advertisements. Responses to all box number ads YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUC- should be addressed to the box number and mailed TION. MAINTENANCE AND MACHINERY REPAIRS to GOLFDOM; replies are promptly forwarded to WONDERFUL RECORD. HIGHEST REFERENCES AD- DRESS AD 1039 c/o GOLFDOM advertisers. PRO-MANAGER of 9 hole course desires to make cliange. Fully uualifled in teaching, supervising, course maintenance and club management. Excellent personal and credit refer- JOBS OPEN ences. Will arrange interview. Address Ad 1001 c/o (iolfdom

PRO of 9 iioie course would like opportunity to work as As- Wanted: Salesmen calling on the Golf Pros. Complete line of sistant at large club. Excellent references. Married. No drink- Golfers Sportswear and Accessories. Adjustable Caps, Shirts, ing habits. Address Ad 1002 c/o Golfdom. Jackets, Sweaters, Hose, for Men and Women. Choice terri- tories ojm-ii. Address Ad 1009 c/o Golfdom. Greenkeeper. young man age 35, 10 years experience in all phases of greenkeeping in the midwest, desires change. Can GOLF SHOP MAN WANTED FOR FLORIDA, DEC. 15 TO furnish reference. Address Ad 1003 c/o (Jolfdom. APRIL I. OR YEAR ROUND EMPLOYM ENT IF DESIRED. ADDRESS AD 1011 c/o GOLFDOM. Experienced Greenkeeper. age 43, desires change. Over 15 years experience. Graduate of Univ. of Mass. Winter School WANTED—Man not over 50 years old with at least 10 years '50. Excellent references. Address Ad 1004 c/o Golfdom experience in operating and managing a new, modern. beauti- ful country club. Must have references and records to back up PRO-GREEN KEEPER—D ESIRES TO MAKE CHANGE FOR experience as successful operator. Salary up to $25,000 per 1955. CLASS A - PGA MEMBER. TWENTY-TWO YEARS year if ability warrants. Wrlte fully, giving history of ex- EXPERIENCE. REFERENCES. ADDRESS AD 1005 c/o perience. P. O. Box 492, Fort Worth, Texas. GOLFDOM. '

Wanted: Shop assistant with experience in opera- ASST. PRO Good player with shop and some teaching ex- tions. Must be interested ln becoming a home Pro and wiiiing perlence and ambition to learn froni flrst class pro how to to work for it. Wonderful opportunity to learn the profession eventuaUy be able to handle home pro job of his own seeks from ttie ground up. If you want to play golf all the time do asst. Job in South for Winter. Hard worker. Single. Beliable wUl make money and friends for his employer. Address Ad not answer this ad. Address Ad Xo. 1015 c/o Golfdom. 1007 c/o Golfdom.

Wanted: Experienced greenkeeper for excellent 9 hole course Winter position wanted. Pro or AssisUnt Pro. Eight vears in northern Illinois. Salary plus concession. Season April 15th experience. Age 26, single. Class A PGA member Will go to October 15th. Address Ad 1019 c/o Golfdom. anywhere. Address Ad 1008 c/o Golfdom

^ oung Man. 34. experienced as Assistant Professional 4 years GREENKEEPER WANTED—MUST WORK WITH HIS MEN. desires job as Asst. Pro. Prefer year around work Wtll locate $4.000.00 ANNUALLY, I MONTH VACATION. MIDWEST anywhere. Address Ad 1010 c/o Golfdom. CLUB. 18 HOLES. ADDRESS AD 1022 c/o GOLFDOM. GREENKEEPE R—20 YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN MIDWEST MANAGER WANTED—Midwestern country club with niore STATES. DESIRES A CHANGE NOW. FOR PERSONAL than 300 inembers seeking flrst-class manager to assume duties REASONS. AT PRESENT MANAGER & GREENKEEPER January 1 or earlier. Club operated 12 months, 6 days a week, WOULD LIKE GREENKEEPER JOB ONLY. ADDRESS AD AU Iunch and dinner. Bestaurant volume about $75,000; bar 1012 c/o GOLFDOM. " $60,000. Llving quarters at club if necessary, but prefer outside residence. Man-wife teain will be considered if experience and HEAD LOCKER ROOM ATTENDANT—6 YEARS EXPFRi performance record qualifles. Present chef and lielp plan to ENCE EXCELLENT REFERENCES—DESIRES JOB AT continue. Salary commensurate with top quality management and servlce expected. Send full details of qualiflcations and CC/0UGN0TLFYD0MUB F°R ,9" SEAS°N ADDRESS AD .0.4 record in flrst letter. Address Ad 1030 c/o Golfdom. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : PROFESSIONAL GOLFFR INTERESTED IN OBTAINING POSITION EXCELLFNT EXPERIENCED PGA member pro-greenkeeper wanted to man- INSTRUCTOR, MERCHANDISER AND ' ORGANIZER age 18-hole municipal course and clubhouse in city of 36,000. LIKES TO WORK. AAA CREDIT RATING. PLEASING $280 per month plus full concesslon on lessons, PERSONALITY AND NEAT APPEARANCE. BROCH URE and snack bar. All applications to Mr. Tom Brown, Supt. of AVAI LABLE. BEST POSSIBLE REFERENCES ADDF^ESS Parks, City of Hutchinson. Kansas. AD 1016 c/o GOLFDOM. «UUKESS SUPERINTENDENT-MANAGER and wife wanted for pri- PRO-MANAGER and wife want change. 20 years successful vate nine hole club. Living quarters furnished for man and experience with large and small clubs. Competent and re wife only. Must be quaiifled to take eomplete charge of run- sourceful. Highest recommendations. Address Ad No. 1038 ning kitchen and dining room. Man must take care of course c/o Golfdom. and act as caretaker of same. Salary plus. Write Dick Cooper, 306 E. Main, Eaton, Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS Pro-Greenkeeper—wouid like position for the 1955 season. Ex- perienced in every phase of the game with an exceilent repu- tation as a teacher and business man. Highest recommenda- WANTED TO BUY: ESTABLISHED NINE-HOLE GOLF tions. Address Ad 1017 c/o Golfdom. COURSE. ADDRESS AD 1006 c/o GOLFDOM. PROFESSIONAL—Experienced and very capable man would like to hear from any club interested in securing the services of a pro-greenkeeper. Many years of successful operation at USED GOLF BALLS WANTED small and large clubs. Good personality and recommendations. ANY QUANTITY—QUALITY—CONDITION Address Ad 1018 c/o Golfdom. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS SUPERINTENDENT—Aggressive and experienced young su- EASTERN GOLF COMPANY perintendent would like to make a change. Prefer Chicago 2537 BOSTON ROAD, BRONX 67. N. Y. area. Married; one child. Good references. Address Ad 1020 c/o Golfdom.

Golf Professional—Excellent teacher, Class A PGA member, WE NEED USED GOLF BALLS seeks teaching position at Southern club or Driving Itange for Cash pald for balis retrelved from ponds, and found on winter months. Address Ad 1021 c/o Golfdom. Golf Courses. Cuts and out of round 36c per dozen Pro or Greenkeeper or combination. Long experience, compe- Balls round and not cut $1.50 per dozen tent, agreeable. Moderate income satisfactory. Eastern or $1.10 balls suitable for repainting $2.40 per dozen Southern locations preferred. Address Ad 1023 c/o Golfdom. Golf Range cuts and sorted cuts—including balls deeply cut not accepted at above prices. Pro desires Winter job in South for 3-4 months as teacher at Send for shipplng bags and tags. We pay the freight. course or . First class all around man, good ATTENTION DRIVING RANGE OPERATORS player, A-1 teacher. Dec. lst—April lst. Address Ad 1024 Send us your old cores for recovering with the tested new c/o Golfdom. type paintless cover material. Proven to be the best proceas in rebuilding for driving range and mlnlature course use. Greenkeeper—desires position as Assistant Greenkeeper on Guaranteed 100% against splittlng in seam. $2.60 per large course in South during Winter season. Moderate salary. dozen exchange. Age 26. 5 yrs. experience. Graduate of turf school. Address McDONALD & SON GOLF COMPANY Ad 1026 c/o Golfdom. P.O. Box 366, WEST CHICAGO, ILL. PHONE: West Chicago 50 Assistant Professional from Wisconsin section, experienced in all phases of golf shop work, desires position in south during winter months. Address Ad 1027 c/o Golfdom.

Experienced Pro-Manager desires connection with medium- WANTED FOR CASII sized club. A-1 teacher and golf promoter. Thoroughly ex- Old golf balls retrieved from ponds or out of perienced in all phases food and club promotion. Will conslder bounds on or around golf courses. salary or concession basis. Address Ad 1028 c/o Golfdom. Cuta and Bumps .36 per doz. Off brands & synthetic, or slightly nicked $1.44 per doz. GOLF PROFESSIONAL desires connection with progressive Round & perfect $1.00 brands club as pro-greenkeeper. Have had twenty-flve years experience for reflnishing $2.40 per doz. as a golf professlonal; also several years experience in the care Note — Golf range culls, picked over lots and cut and maintenance of BERMUDA and BENT green golf courses. deep into rubber types not acceptable at above Can furnish best of references from past clubs. A-1 credit figures. rating. Forty-three years of age. Will consider club in any Send for shipping tags and instructions. section of country. Address Ad 1029 c/O Golfdom. DIUVING RANGE MEN — KEBUILDINC Your old cores recovered with tlie new type paint- Professional—desires change to a club willing to progress. Best less cover material. Tested and proven to be the of references. An excellent teacher. Fifteen (15) years of vari- best process in rebuilding for ariving range or ous golflng experience. Married; no children and thirty-flve miniature course use. Guaranteed 100% against (35) years of age. Address Ad 1031 c/o Golfdom. seam splitting. Price per doz. on exchange $2.60 Greenkeeper—desires to make change for 1955. 26 years ex- Also natlon-wide dlstributors of the best in golf range perience; 18 years at present club. Married, sober, reliable. and mlnlature course equipment—balls, clubs. mats, etc. Good reference. Address Ad 1032 c/o Golfdom. Circular and inforination on request. NORTIIERN COLF BALL CO. Professional—Class A P.G.A. member, well known past tour- 3441 N. Claremont Ave. Chicago 18, 111. nament player, excellent teacher and player, desires position as teaching pro at active club. Address Ad 1033 c/o Golfdom.

GOLF PROFESSIONAL—MIDDLE AGE, MARRIED, GOOD CARO, MICHIGAN 9 HOLE GOLF COURSE FOR SALE OR PLAYER, EXCELLENT TEACHER, CLASS A P.G.A. LEASE BY OWNER. No other course within 35 miles. Lo MEMBER, PAST TOURNAM ENT PLAYER, KNOWLEDGE catsd two blocks from city limlts. 5,000 population, many other GREEN KEEPING, DESIRES POSITION AT 9 HOLE towns close by. Fully equipped, bent greens, unlimited water COURSE FOR COMING SEASON. ADDRESS AD 1034 c/o suppl.v. Clubhouse, Pro Shop, Locker room, living rooms at GOLFDOM. Cluhhouse available. Present owtier has had for 25 years. Wishes to retire from responsibility. Must see to appreciate. Address F. I,. Clark, Owner, Caro, Mlchigan. Middle-Aged Couple—desire inedium sized club in South- eastern U. S. Man qualifled to serve as Pro-Manager, Wife as Cateress. First-class service guaranteed. Address Ad No. For Sale— range with 18 hole miniature, 11 auto- 1035 c/o Golfdom. matic , in downtown San Francisco. Need at least 2 pros. Grossing now over $3,000.00 per month, with one pro. Good SUPERINTENDENT of building maintenance at large coun- lease. Full price $27,500 plus inventory. Address Ad 1025 try club and resort hotel, also successfully experienced in golf c/o Golfdom. oourse maintenance, wants new location. 25 years experience as maintenance man and engineer. Wife experienced waitress. ANNUAL SALE GOLF COURSE SUPPLIES Highest recommendations. Available immediately. Address Ad 1036 c/o Golfdom. Just about everythlng for regular golf course use. Sale is with select manufacturers and dealers and ends when sold out. We produce the many little thlngs that help make big dlfference Greenkeeper or Pro-Greenkeeper—15 years experience at private between well kept course and one just so-so. Means large and public courses. Efficient, sober. Iteferences. Age 36, mar- variety items seasonal odds and ends. ried. Address Ad 1037 c/o Golfdom. C.K.B. Services Mountain View New Jersey