On this occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, I would like to extend my heartfelt felicitations for its tremendous contribution in the tourism and economy of Nepal. CAAN has culminated to excellence in its regularity and service as well as its forthright role in augmenting nation's pride. The tireless effort put forth by CAAN in the context of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 stands very high among the participating sectors. The steps CAAN has taken as efforts for bringing in more tourists by improving the infrastructures and facilities together with getting connected with many of the airlines in the world are really commendable. The plans and activities CAAN has adopted for the Visit Lumbini Year 2012 are certain to lead the nation to developmental leap in the field of tourism. I am sure Gautam Buddha Airport as a regional International Airport will serve to make the Holy Birth place of the Buddha an International destination. Today, aviation is a symbol of Nepal’s spirit of adventure, progress and success. The lives of almost everyone in our country are touched by the aviation industry in one way or another. Keeping in mind that growth in today’s world is directly proportional to development of aviation infrastructure in any country, Region or State, the Government is determined to help CAAN in managing and developing the airport facilities to more advancement so as to ensure growth in the Nepalese aviation sector. I hope CAAN will manage TIA and all other airports of Nepal with global competitiveness and connect Nepal with the global aviation network.

Dr. Baburam Bhattarai Prime Minister Government of Nepal Tel : 977-1-4211879 (Off.) Minister Fax : 977-1-4211992 E-mail: [email protected] Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation Web: tourism.gov.np Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal



On its thirteenth anniversary, I would like to congratulate Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) for continual service to the people of Nepal where access to all parts is still a grave topographical challenge. In this context, CAAN is the authority to have set a mark in narrowing the abysmal gap between the remote places and urban areas of Nepal. Doing this CAAN has not only contributed to assuage the plains of the people in remote areas but also paved the way for connecting the diverse cultural and ethnic hearts into a single bond of integrity. This adhesive quality demonstrated by CAAN has played part in the world forum too. Moreover, CAAN bags the credit for tangible efforts and uplifting the level of safety during Nepal Tourism year, 2011. CAAN has also proactively started its rigorous activities to ensure that Visit Lumbini Year, 2012 become an epitome of success.

The Government of Nepal (GON) is stepping ahead prioritizing the aviation industry keeping in view its necessity and the global trend of its rapid expansion. In this regard, the GON stays firm in focusing on the development and management of areas such as flight safety, security, sustainable development of air transport and technological advancement. On behalf of the Ministry, I would like to suggest CAAN to be prepared for every minute change in the aviation market and developing facilities ahead of demand.

The backbone of Nepalese tourism, CAAN remains indispensable for serving the people as well as the country as a whole. I wish CAAN to prosper high in future and be the foremost in providing service to the people and the country.

Lokendra Bist Magar Message

It is a matter of an immense pleasure to learn that Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is observing its thirteenth anniversary and as a part of various activities, it is publishing a special Souvenir magazine.

The importance of Civil aviation can be realized not only in intergrating the nation but also in promoting tourism which is one of the income generating sectors in a naturally rich and beautiful country like Nepal. I firmly believe that CAAN is also endowed with the responsibility of incorporating the aspirations of people which emanated from the recent historical changes in Nepal. Since the world aviation is leaping forward in a lighting speed, CAAN has to intensify its pace of technological advancement by taking proactive measures.

It is gratifying to see that CAAN is geared towards doing its best for the success of Visit Lumbini Year 2012. We believe the celebration of anniversary is also an opportunity for CAAN to reflect upon its past performance and seek for any possibility of improvement for adopting a better course of action to address and accommodate the expectations of diverse range of its stakeholders. We are well set to help in managing and developing the airport facilities to ensure world-class services to all with a firm belief that this will contribute to promote tourism in Nepal. Finally, I wish CAAN to be more progressive, productive and responsive to the growth, associated challenges of international civil aviation and in ackbowledging its role in the changed context.

Dilip Maharjan Minister of State for Tourism and Civil Aviation www.tourism.gov.np E-mail: [email protected] Government of Nepal Minister: 4211879, 4211607 Fax: 4211992 Secretary: 4211870 Fax No.: 42211758 (Administration) T.I.D., Bhrikutimandap: 4247036 Fax: 4229281 Exchange No.: 4211596, 4211825, 4211711, 4211864,4211847,4211909, 4211685, 4211785

Ref.No. Singhdurbar, Kathmandu, Nepal


On this auspicious occasion, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) for serving the country in the aviatiion sector for thirteen years. We all know that international civil aviation nowadays is a very competitive businss. Apart from fierce competition, it has to cope with unstable oil prices, security measures as well as environmental concerns. Against all odds, CAAN has managed to make progress in global aviation market. As Nepal is one of the contracting nations of ICAO, I would like to suggest CAAN to implement the "going global" strategy for its secured future. CAAN should be more strategic, efficient and effective in working with all the stakeholders in order to build global air transportation system that is not only safer but more secure and environmentally sustainable.

I also appreciate the remarkable efforts made by CAAN during Nepal Tourism Year 2011. The infrastructural and functional development made and services provided by it stands very high among all the other participating sectors. Now Visit Lumbini Year 2012 stands as a program which CAAN seems to have given topmost priority as evident by the fact that works such as land acquisition, passengr facliity development, expansion of airport infrastructure and facilities are in progess.

As ever, CAAN has been a pace setter in regulating and promoting safe and reliable air services in various parts of the country including remote and inaccessbile areas. The Government will always remain with CAAN for all of its good efforts to uplift the socio economic status of the country and will remain ever ready in all of the works which will strengthen CAAN further.

Ganesh Raj Joshi, PhD Secretary Message

I am very pleased to learn that the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal is observing its thirteenth annviersary on 31st December 2011

On behalf of the ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok, please accept our congratulations. I certainly look forward to CAAN's continued support and commitment towards strengthening international aviation security and safety standards to cherish objectives of a safe, secure and sustainable civil aviation.

Pease accept my best wishes and assurance of our cooperation at all times.

Yours sincerely,

Mokhtar A. Awan Regional Director Commitment On the occasion of the 13th Anniversary of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), it is indeed my pleasure and privilege to extend our sincere felicitations to all stakeholders representing the organization and industry. It is our realizations that if tourism, which is a significant source of foreign exchange and revenue in Nepal, is a mega structure, civil aviation and air transport are a factor toward supporting tourism. In this context, the infrastructure development at Gautam Buddha Airport will facilitate the transformation to Regional International Airport. Similarly works are going on for the improvement and expansion of airport and tourism related facilities to accommodate the growing requirements. Many changes, new trends and forces are shaping civil aviation developments worldwide. On this occasion, I like to appreciate ICAO for its fore-future thought to aviation development. Embarkation on TRAINAIR Plus Programme to standardize professional training for quality assurance; addressing next generation aviation professionals to cope with predictable huge shortage of manpower; expansion of areas of cooperation for developing countries through fellowships; initiation and adoption of mechanism for facilitating technology transfer in the area of air navigation; initiation of aerodrome certification; introduction of a continuous monitoring process for global safety assurance; introduction of language proficiency requirements, etc are some of the key deliverables ICAO has created in recent times, which I believe would have far-reaching positive impact on Nepalese air transport. We are aware of the simultaneous emergence of challenges and are committed to overcome them through our own regulatory performance, as well as interaction and dialogues with the Government, States, international organizations, professional organizations, donor agencies, operators, etc. In the assurance of the highest level of safety and security, CAAN has been putting best efforts to escalate in technology and facilities at TIA. It is going to adopt full-automation in the near future. Moreover, it is on the verge of going twenty-four hours operational for which infrastructural development is in progress. CAAN remains firm in making no compromises for ensuring the compliance of the applicable international standards and recommended practices. I believe the Special Souvenir published on our behalf offers a wealth of information and impressions with noticeable fervor on multifarious developments taking place in our sub-sector. The writers deserve our heartfelt thanks, indeed. In the end, personally and on behalf of CAAN, I like to request all the stakeholders to cooperate and assist us in every way possible to help us become more instrumental in our future actions and enhancement of safety, security, efficiency and sustainability of civil aviation.

Ram Prasad Neupane Director General Chief Editor's pen From the Chief Editor's Desk ?

ü Yet again we are celebrating 31st December and today it is for the thirteenth time as an authority. We celebrate CAAN’s anniversary with all the regular activities such as sports, blood donation, recognizing best employee, publication of a souvenir and many more. As we all know, celebrating this special event with all the same programmes every year is gradually losing enthusiasm. Now time has come to celebrate anniversaries with innovative ideas and activities which contribute for increasing productivity and effectiveness in the work of the individuals as well as the organization as a whole. Anniversaries should be observed with assessment of achievements and failures without any prejudice. This will definitely lead the organization to a greater height. ü Since past thirteen years CAAN, as a self reliant organization, has been able to build, upgrade and expand airports in every parts of the country ensuring the accessibility rights of the citizens. Similarly, CAAN has made significant contribution in the national economy by promoting tourism through its service. ü Nepal observed Nepal Tourism Year 2011 and today is the last day of this national campaign. The success or failure of the campaign will be evaluated in the coming days but we are very sure that the role of CAAN during this programme was undoubtedly paramount and strategic. And we are equally confident that we will be able to play a crucial role in making Visit Lumbini Year 2012 a successful campaign. ü Though information technology has been widely used in international civil aviation, the use of it in CAAN is minimal. Whether in airport operation or air navigation services, the use of modern IT virtually doesn’t exist and is still not in priority list either. Here it is to be noted that the domestic air operators have used it widely in ticketing service and in their internal management whereas being their regulatory body we are lagging far behind in this arena. To be competitive in the fierce competition and stand firmly in the global civil aviation industry, the use of modern technologies is necessary. Realizing this very fact, the efforts put by some diligent women staff of CAAN is praiseworthy. And it is time for us to encourage and salute them. ü I would like to thank all of the article contributors for sharing their valuable ideas. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all concerned who have helped for making this publication successful. ü Wish you all the happy and prosperous New Year 2012!!!

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Deepak Baral Chief Editor CAAN Souvenir 2011 C a a n C a n a a aan anC an Ca a an Ca nC nCaa aan Ca Caa aa Ca a an C an aan nCaan CaanC C anC nC nC a nC Ca aa Ca Caa CaanCaanCaanCaan aan aan aan aa nC a a nC anC nCa aanC C Caa Ca nC aa an nC aan aa anCaan aanC aan nC an a nC C aa Ca nCa CaanCaanCaanCaanC anC Caa aan Ca an a aa nC an anCa anCa nCa Ca an Ca an nC aa Caa anCa anCa a an CAANanC an SouvenirCa an 2011C aa ThirteenthnC nC AnniversaryanCaanCaanCaanCaa issuenCa anC Caa aan Ca an C aa nC aa aanC nCa nC C an C a nC aa nCaa aanC nCaa a a aan aa Ca aa an a nC nC aanCaan CaanCaa nCa nCa Ca nC a nC C an aa aan CaanCaan Caa anC anC aa nC a aa Ca nCa Caan Caan anC aan aa nC aa an nC anC anC CaanCa anCaan nCa Ca Ca nC ContentsContentsaa nC C aa aa aan anCaanCaanCa Caa anC anC aa nC a aa nC nC Caan Caan anC aa l Messagesaa nC aa an nC aa aan CaanCa anCaan Ca C nCa nC aa n C aa nC Caa anCaanCaanCa aan aanC anC aa nC Ca aa nC aan nCaa aanC Ca aa l Editorialaa - CAANnC Souveniraa a nC aa Caa nCaanC nCaanC aan nCa nC aa n nC aa nC nCa aanCaanCaanCaa anC a aa anC aa nC Ca aa nC aan anCa anCa Ca nC aa nC aa an nC aa Ca anCa anCa aan C aa l Air Transportn in Nepal:a Vision,n ChangesC and Challengesa nC01 an anCaa aanCa C n nCa Ca an C a an aa Caan nCaanCaanC Caan aa an an Ram Prasadan NeupaneCa aa an Ca nC Caan Caan anC Ca Ca Ca an n Ca an aan CaanC nCaan Ca nC an l Aviationan Diplomacya in the contextC C of Nepal a C 07 Ca aanCaanCaanCaa an a Caan Ca nC a aa nC aan anCa anCa Ca nC C TR Manandharan aa an nC aa Ca anCaa anCa aan Ca aan aa C n C aa nC anC nCaanCaanCaanCaanCa anC an Ca l SafetynC Initiativesaa by ICAO:C Some innovativea Forumn aa 10 aan a a an a nC aa an Ca nC Caa aanC nC a Ca Ca Er Ratishan Chandra Lala Suman n Ca an aan nCaan CaanC Caa Ca anC an Ca an Ca an Ca Caa CaanCaanCaanCaan aan aan a l TheCa Challengea of accomplishC safetya enhancementC a 20 nC nC C n anC a nC a nC aa nCaa aanC nCaa an aa aa a Mohann AdhikariC a a a nC n aanCaa aanCaa nCa nC nCa anC aa an nC an aa Caan nCaanCaanC Caa aa an l a n C a C nC Ca an nC anC Ca Accidentan causationCa modelaa by professoran Jamesa Reason...an 24aa anCaan aanCa Caa Ca anC an Sanjiv CGautama an n Ca Ca nCa CaanCaanCaanCaanC aan an aan Ca an C Ca an an anCa anC nCa a C l Surveillancea CSystem ofa TIA: A Roadmapa forC ImprovementCa 29 anC nCa a anC aa nC aa an nC aa anC aanCaanC nCaanCaa nCa Ca nCa nC Mahendraaa Singh Rawaln C aa nC aan aanCaa Caa an an aa nC Ca aa nC aan Caan Caan Ca Caa Ca l Visitor'sn Decka at TIA a n a C 40 Caan aan an aan C an Ca an n Ca an aan CaanCaanCaanCaanC Ca C aan Ca Ramesha Man JoshiC Ca an Ca Caa aan aan an C an nC a a C anC nCaa aanC nC anCa a l AirspaceC anda Air Routea PlanningnC for Gautamaa Buddha...a 43 nCa nC aa a anC aa an nC a nC anC anCaanCaanCaanCaanCaa nC anC aan aa MaheshnC Kumar CBasnet aa an aa aan Caa Ca CaanC C nC a aa n Ca nCa Caan Caan an aan aa l Aviationa anda Climaten ChangeC an an 47 Caan Caan Ca C nC a nC Ca aa Ca Caa CaanCaanCaanCaan aan an anCa an a SudhirnC Kumar Chaudharya a nC an nCa CAANCAAN SOUVENIRSOUVENIRanC 20112011Ca anCa Ca an aa an nC aa Caa anCaa anCa aan Ca a l C n C a nC n nCaa aanCa C n nC Goingaa GreenC the Aviationa Way aAdoptationn to...aa Ca52an nCaanCaanC Caan aa aanCaa nC aa BirendranC Singhaa an Ca nC Caa aan anC aanC aa nC aa n Ca an aan nCaanC nCaanC Ca nC n l a n C a C Ca aanCaanCaanCaPatrona an a nCaa Ca Publican PrivateC Partnershipaa ModelnC of Airporta aPrivatizationn a 56nCa anCa Ca anCaa Ca an ShaligramCa Poudyalaa nC aa Ca anCa anCa aan Ca an Ca a n aa nC anC anCaanCaanCRamaanC aPrasadanCa NeupanenC an aanC C l aAviationn OrganizationsC requiren informationaa Flow as...aa 62 aa a aanC aa nC Ca aa Ca nC nCaa aanC anC aanC aa nC Shishilaa Chitrakara nC an aan nCaanC DirectorCaa GeneralnC Ca C nC aa n nC aa Ca Caa aanCaanCaanCaan aan aan CaanC a l nImplementationC aof RNP AR nat TIA an nC67 anC C aan an Ca aa an Ca Ca aanCa anCa aan aanC an Ca Suwarna Raj Upadhyayn C an anC anCaanCaanCaanCaanCa nC nC Ca C an nC Ca aa Ca aan Caa aa anCaan aa l CThe issuea of Regulationa andnC Deregulationa of the... Ca 74 Co-ordinatoraan C Ca nC a a nC a nCa anCaan aanC aan aan n a Narayanan PrasadnC Giri a an anC CaanCaanCaanCaanC nC nC anCaa Ca an C a an Caa aan Caa aa CaanCa a lC a a C n Ca Dharmendraan PandeynC an nC aaFifth Generationan n CRMC Threata aandn Error ManagementCaa a 82nCaan aanCa aa Ca aan C aa GovindanC PoudelC aa Ca nCa CaanCaanCaanCaanDeputyC DirectoranC an nCaanC aa nC a aa nC an anC anCa nCa nCaa n l a a n a Ca aan Ca a aa Ca anTIA is notnC yet congested!!Ca anC anC 88CaanCaa aanCaan nCa nC anCaanC an SachitC Bhaktaa Pokharelan aa aan nCaanCaanC Caa aa aanCa aa Ca aa an Ca nC Caan Caan anC aanC n la SLOT Managementn C in TIA an aa C92aan aan a C anCa Ca nC C aa Ca nCa CaanCaanCaanCaanCChief EditoranC an CaanCa a Raja Bahaduraa MaharjannC an anC nCa Ca nCaan a nC a nC aa Caa aanCa anCaa aan aa Caa nC a l Nepal'snC Path toa Tourism Developmentn n 97anCa anCa Deepak BaralnC nC anCaan a an a an Caa Caan anCaanCaanCa Caa aa aanCa an C Sunil Sharmaan Ca nC Caa aan nC aanC nC Ca aa C an aa nCaanC nCaaDeputynC DirectorCaa nC CaanCaan a a l Developmentn a ofa New CNS/ATMC ConceptsnC and ... 102 aanCaanCaanCaa an a Caan a nC Ca nC aan aanC nCa Ca nCaan nC a Birendraa Joshi aa Ca aanC nCaa aan aa C aa an nC nC anC aanCaa aanCaa nC nC nCaanC a n l a a aa nCaanCaanC aa a anCaa an C ChallengesCa ofa Aviationn SecurityanC nCaa 108 aanC nCa CaanCa Ca aa Nabina Prasadn AcharyaCa aa nCaanC nCaanC EditorsCaa aan a an nC Ca an nCa aanCaanCaanCaa aan nC nCaanCaanCa a C l Circadian Effecta to ControllersCa anC 112 nC a nCaa nC a aa nC an aanC ChandranCaa KantanC Pandita nCaa aa a MurarinC Prasad Paudelaa Caa aanCaa aanCaa aa aa nCaanCa a n nC aa nC nCa nCaanCaanC anC anC CaanCaa n C l Importancea n of HRM fora ana Organizationan 115 RitchaCa Sharmaa aan Ca aa an Ca nC Caa aan nC aanC a n ManjuC Paudyal an aa nCaanC nCaanC SunilCa Moola nC CaanCaanCaa n nC Ca aa Ca nCaa aanCaanCaanCaa aan aa anCaan C a l Needa of effectivenC Coordinationan for air safetynC as well as ... 118 nC C nCa aa a nC aa Caa aanCa nCaa Nakulaa Thapan aa aanCaan n nC Ritchaa Sharmaa nC nC anCaanCa anCaanCaa anC anC aanCaanC Ca a n aa aanC anCa nCa a CaanC C l a C nC aa aa nC an aa an UNIDROITnC Researchaan - A sweetaa Memory nCaan 121 CaanC Caa Ca aanCaanCaanC nC C Buddhiaa Sagar LamichhaneCa nCa CaanCaanCaanCaan an an nCaanC a aa nC an anCa anCaPublishernCa nCaa a l n a Ca an Ca a aa aa nC WomenCa in oneanC of the world'san Cmost challengingC ajobsanCaa 126 aanCaan nCa nC aanCaanCaanCaanCa nC a Suneetaan Shiwakotia a"Bhardwaj" aan nCaanCaanC Caa aa aanC a an Ca nC Caan CivilCaa nAviationa nAuthorityC aanC of Nepal a l CRescue Operationan in Aviationaa Fire Caa 130 aan a C anCaanCaanCaa an nC aa Ca nCa nCaanCaanCaanCaanC Babarmahal,anC a nKathmandunCaanCa C a NarayannC Bahadura Rawatn anC nCa Ca nCaa aa an aa Caa aanCa anCaa aan aa n l C Budgetaryn ControlC System:nC CAAN Perspective anCa 134 anCa Tel.nC : 977-1-4262387nC anCaanCaanCaa nC C aa aa aan anCaanCaanCa Caa aa nCaanCa n a aa ChandrakantnC PanditnC Caan CaaE-mail:n [email protected] anCaa an nC aa aan CaanCa nCaan Ca Ca aanCaan C l a SustainabilitynC of Air TransportationCa in the... anCaa139nCaanCaa an n anCaanC CaanC C a an aa anCa anWeb:Ca www.caanepal.org.npaa aanCa aa an BibekCa Adhikari nCaa anCaa aanCa anC aanC nC Ca anC nC nCaanCaanCaanCaanC nCa nC aanCaanCaanCaanCaanCa a l anko{6g ljsf;sfaa nflu ;'wf/sf]aa nvf]hL 141 Caa aa aanC aa an Ca nC Caan Caan anC aanC nC Ca uh]Gb|an a'9fyf]sL aan CaanCa anCaan Ca PrintednC At: nCaanCaanCaanCaanC a an Caa Caa anCaanCaanCa aan aa aanCaa aa a l Ck|flws/0fdfn hgzlQmC Joj:yfkgnCa 146 anC nC anC an nC aa aa anCaa aanCa Caa Ca aanCaanCaanCaan C aa ;'lgnn Cd"na nCaa nCaanCaanCaanCaanC aanSimona Printersn a &nC TradersaanC Caan aa nC anC nCa aanC nCa anCa nC l a'Dreamsa comingaa true' Our longa awaitednCaa event... 153 anC Anamnagar,aa Ca Kathmandu aanCaanC C aa nC nC nCaanCaanCaanCaanCa anC an CaanCaanC aanCaan aa nC Pratapa Babuan Tiwari aanC nCa CaPh.: 01-4102558nCaan C nC aa Caa aanCa anCaa aan aa nCaanCaanCa C aa nC nCa anCaanCaanCaanCaanCa anC anC nCaanCaa anCaanC aa nC aan anCa anCa Ca anCaa nC aa Caa anCaa aanCa aan Ca nCaanCaanCa aa Then opinionsCa andnCa views manifestednCaa ninC athean CarticlesaanCa aarenC those of thean writers.C an CAAN nisC notaan Cresponsibleaa for anyanCaanC nC anC anCa anCa nCa anCaa a an negativeaa consequenceaa fromanCa thea ideas so expressed. aanCa aa Ca Ca nCa nCaa nCaanCaanCaanCaanC aanC an anCaanCaanCaanCaanCa an an nCa aanC nCa aanCa anCaa n Ca Caa anCaan CaanC aa aanC - Editors Ca an nCa CaanCaanCaanCaan aanC nC nCaanCaanCaanCaanCa an Caa anCa anC aa aanCaa anCaa Ca nC anCaan aanCa anC aanC n Ca an aanC CaanCaanCaanCaanC nCa nC anCaanCaanCaanCaanCa an Caa aan Caa aa CaanCa anCaa Ca nC CaanC nCaan anC aan nC a anC aanC aanCaanC nCaanCaa nCa nC aanCaanCaanCaanCaanCaa aanCaa Caa Caa C nC nC 13 th Anniversary Publication

Air Transport in Nepal: Vision, Changes and Challenges


There are many broad influences that shape the air transport sub-sector of Nepal. In the wake of declaration of global principles made by the fifth worldwide air transport Conference convened at ICAO Montreal in 2003, Nepal reintroduced a comprehensive Civil Aviation Policy in 2006, which has contributed to creating a conducive and healthy competitive environment under liberalized regime, and encouraging private sector investment in air transport and manage growth, change and emerging environment in the country. Given the size and complexity of air transport industry, currently, 16 airlines (10 fixed wing and 6 rotor wing) are providing Ram Prasad Neupane air services and 13 are running aviation sports. The aircraft fleet (31 fixed wing and 11 helicopters) comprises of 18 different types ranging from STOL to Jet Aircraft. In the domestic sector, there has been a manifold increase in air traffic, aircraft and cargo movement. It is fairly obvious that civil aviation and air transport activities have been influential in making Nepal Tourism Year 2011 a success, and with the same spirit of cooperation and support, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) will remain committed to contribute to the State’s another important declaration - Visit Lumbini Year 2012 -- that cherishes to attract significant number of tourists to Nepal.

A cursory glance at the growth and expansion of travel trade and tourism over two decades of liberalization impact, Asia-Pacific region at regional

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 1 13 th Anniversary Publication

level and South Asia particularly remains the modernization, surveillance data processing most promising space for us. In order to system (SDPS) incorporating ADSB and harness this expansive opportunity, the multilateration (WAM/LAM) systems tourist friendly Tourism Policy and healthy integration has also been recommended. air transport growth oriented Civil Aviation Likewise on navigation, to facilitate safe and Policy could be further reviewed in light of accurate approach over the uneven high new developments taking place in the areas terrain, a Satellite based augmentation of investment, international air route system - ground based augmentation utilization, flexibility in air seats, air transport system/satellite based augmentation system development and delivery. CAAN intends to (GBAS/SBAS) as a substitute to ILS has also re-strengthen Hub and Spoke system through been proposed. Simultaneously, recognizing trunk-route airports. To explore air services the need of the hour, CAAN is geared to in the eastern and western sector, implement RNP AR under Performance Based operational bases need to be rationalized. Navigation (PBN) system designed by Airbus There is no denying that the country-wide air Sister Company Quovadis to facilitate transport service expansion is attainable approach at TIA. Implementation of eastern through cooperation of stakeholders and remote control air ground communication industry sector. It is expected that system (RCAG) has been planned to enhance sustainable, dynamic regulatory instruments VHF coverage towards the eastern sector of and physical facilities of the state-of-art Nepal. Similarly, ATS message handling technology complemented by productive system (AMHS) is in the process of human resources will reorder CAAN to implementation. On the other hand, under become a model institution and backbone ADB loan assistance, we are in process of of Nepalese economy. installation and improvement on the CNS/ATM system, which include Voice Current initiatives Communication Control System (VCCS), VHF Communication, Met Equipment, New ATC Technological and operational improvement Consol, and ATC Automation System. It is and development is an essential factor for anticipated that with these transformations, air transport development. In this context, safety would be promisingly enhanced and a team of ICAO ATM/CNS specialist conducted TIA would be more capable and efficient to a study of the ATS Surveillance and Tribhuvan contribute to safe flight operations, International Airport Approach and Landing facilitating flexible use of operational hours Systems. The study report, due to conclusion, by the domestic and international flights. recommends CAAN to put in place MSSR Mode S, along with the replacement of CAA Nepal as a regulator is planning to existing terminal ASR/SSR. Towards ATM implement state safety programme (SSP)

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 2 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

which is in process of approval by prepare workable corporate business plan, review the appropriate authority, and SMS the opportunities for both enhancing the existing for service providers, operators and level of private sector participation and expanding such training organizations as are private sector participation within CAAN, enhance directly associated with operations non-aeronautical revenue generating activities and is being implemented. As per the identify additional commercial opportunities. 3. ICAO USOAP audit Restructuring - focusing on regulation and service findings/recommendations, we have provision function. 4. Human resources development, to revise the primary aviation 5. Computerization, 6. Management information legislation and specific operating system including financial management system. Civil regulations incorporating the Aviation Academy of Nepal is going to be a member provision of Chicago Convention in the ICAO TRAINAIR Plus Programme. The related SARPs and Protocols. The certification by ICAO will take place in foreseeable Organization Structure of CAAN is future. The TRAINAIR PLUS programme goal is to in the process of initial internal improve the safety and efficiency of air transport revision as a first step and through the establishment, maintenance and subsequently is going to be monitoring of high standards of training and thoroughly reviewed under ADB competency of aviation personnel on a world-wide assistance. The main objective of the basis and in a cost-effective manner. three year capacity development plan, prepared under ADB's project Infrastructure development preparatory technical assistance, aimed to address CAAN's CAAN is committed to strengthen its role in far deficiencies in the operation, reaching connectivity and accessibility. Civil aviation staffing, and to enhance CAAN's in fact serves as a major vehicle for economic capability to efficiently administer, development, poverty alleviation, social inclusion, manage, operate, maintain and global connection and linkages and promotion of expand civil aviation infrastructure global understanding. Some of the important airport and services in Nepal. The five major infrastructure development works are being components of the capacity undertaken with priority. development plan are 1. Legal - Under ADB Loan assistance, the air transport capacity review, revise and propose enhancement project includes the following works - amendments to current legislation governing regulation and operation Component - A : Airside Infrastructure at TIA: of civil aviation. 2. Planning - prepare · Land preparation for parallel taxiway, international a national plan and road map for civil apron, hangar areas for , Domestic aviation development of Nepal,

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 3 13 th Anniversary Publication

Airlines and Nepal Army; assistance include the following works - · 300m extension of runway; · Pavement works of runway, taxiways and Airside Infrastructure apron; · Construction of a new runway, exit taxiway · Drainage works for runway strip, taxiway with flexible pavements, strip and apron area; · Construction of a new international aircraft · Installation of power supply system and parking apron with rigid pavements, aeronautical lighting system, · Rehabilitation of the existing runway for · Installation of water supply system, conversion to parallel taxiway with flexible sewage treatment plant and solid waste pavements, disposal system; and · Water supply, Sewerage and Storm water · Provision of Foam Tender. drainage improvements, · Diversion of Khola along airport Component - B : Landside Terminal at boundary, TIA will include : · Construction of periphery road and · Reconfiguration and refurbishment of security chain link fencing, existing international terminal building; · Construction of other utility roads and and Airport access road, CFR access road, Fuel · Construction of new domestic terminal Farm access road and Custom and Cargo building access road systems.

Component - C : Works at Simikot and Landside Infrastructures Rara Airports will include : · Refurbishment and expansion of existing · Construction of terminal building with terminal building as a domestic terminal tower at both airports, building, · Pavement of runway and apron, and · Construction of new international terminal drainage works at Rara airport building, · Installation of ATC communication and · Construction of new control meteorological equipment tower/operation building, customs and · Provision of snow plough. cargo building and crash fire building, · Ancillary buildings as power house, guard Similarly, another project named Gautam house, security posts and maintenance Buddha Airport Upgrading Component building etc. (GUAC) under the South Asia Tourism Infrastructure Development Project (STIDP) Challenges - Nepal portion, under ADB loan and grant Challenges facing civil aviation and air

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transport sub-sector are mainly and utilization of infrastructure abruptly changing constraint driven in relation to the weather and climate conditions have led to serious capacity. Being a mountainous problems on flight delays with spillover effects country with unique topographical domestically and internationally. situation, the development of air transport is not a choice from the The challenges in general are: point of view of economic analysts, · Qualitative improvement and upgradation of but a social obligation. Precisely, airports the quality and adequacy of service · Re-strengthening of safety and security oversight covering both tourist and non- capability tourist social sector and · Adoption of modern technologies and equipment sustainability of industry are some · Diversification of income including non aeronautical of the notable challenges of airlines. revenue On the part of CAAN, the rapid · Human Resource Development focusing on fulfillment of the expectation and production of professional manpower demand of the airlines, airport users · Retention of qualified inspectors and plan for and traveling public in terms of recruitment and replacement addressing the infrastructure development, modern problem of growing retirements in vital areas equipment and facility are the main · Maintenance of equipment by airlines concern. On domestic aviation, the · Effective implementation of SMS most glaring challenge is to cope · Carrying out safety oversight functions in objective with problems associated with non- and systemic manner, profitability of vast number of · Maintenance of professionalism in aviation business airports. CAAN has been sparing · Adequacy and selectivity of remote-friendly aircraft huge expenses on the construction, equipment upgradation, operation and · Development and adoption of domestic legislation management of these airports, in tandem with the provision of international which are located mostly in the Conventions, Protocols and SARPs remote and far-flung areas of the · Sustainability of industry as a whole. country. In a country like Nepal with marginal maintenance The continued increase in facilities and expertise, experience has indicated the commercial air services has resulted need for the continuation of the post-installation in capacity constraints at airports maintenance back up support from the external and in air space. It is an increasing agencies till CAAN is self reliant in its own capacity. challenge to the growth of air CAAN fully supports towards meeting appropriate transport. The limited availability technological requirements as put forth by States and

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organizations of the world. However, CAAN The focus of the future improvement plans has realized that country-specific technical and priorities are as follows: assistance is more important to yield tangible · Enhancement of safety and security, benefits. In this regard, it will be appropriate · Capacity enhancement of TIA for ICAO to urge States with the necessary (infrastructure, equipment, facilities, 24 expertise to actively devote resources for hour operation etc.), research and development for specifically · Diversification of revenue sources - non- addressing unique safety concerns and aeronautical revenue, limitations in countries like Nepal. · Commercial utilization of land and beautification of airport surrounding Conclusion areas, · Improvement and upgradation of regional Being a sole air navigation service provider airports to facilitate regional international CAAN has to take multifarious role and operation, obligations involving construction, · Initiation for construction of second equipment facilitation, operation, international airport and Pokhara regional maintenance and management of airports. international airport, To enable CAAN increasingly proactive in its · Enhance capacity of Civil Aviation endeavor and foster healthy growth of air Academy, transport without compromising safety, · Upgradation of STOL airports with priority cooperative efforts among policy planners, to commercially viable airports, civil aviation authorities, airline operators · Restructuring of Organization, and stakeholders at national, regional and · Implementation of RNP-AR global level is indispensable. It is high time · Implementation of Automatic Message to review pertinent legislation, regulation, Handling System, policies and practices in terms of the healthy · Upgradation of existing VOR/DME and orderly growth of air transport. · Establishment of eastern sector Remote Control Air-ground Communication In line with the spirit of international air (RCAG) System, transport policy to increase global · Initiate action for the installation of new accessibility, optimize utilization of Nepalese SSR at Bhattedanda, air space and maximize economic benefits · Identify appropriate site for relocation of to the nation by promoting tourism and domestic operation within Kathmandu trade, a flexible and liberal approach should valley, be continued to foster healthy and sustained · Air route development (Himalaya - 2) growth of air transport. Director General, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

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Aviation Diplomacy In the context of Nepal


Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statement in a non-confrontational or polite manner. Role of diplomacy may be very important when things cannot be accomplished by normal process. Recently a need of an appropriate diplomacy in Nepalese aviation field has been also genuinely felt. It is well known that Nepal is a small country in between India and China. Significant growth of air transportation with a steady increase in GDP in India and China is a TR Manandhar great prospect for Nepal. Nepal should be able to reap the benefit of the growth and prosperity of our two giant neighbors. Aviation may be one of such fields which can produce a very positive result in our quest to transform our nation to a New Nepal.

Why Aviation Diplomacy

The Pokhara- Lucknow schedule flight as proposed by could not materialize in absence of a commercially viable air route for the return leg. It must be taken as an eye-opening-case by Nepal. So far we have only one entry point for international flights to Kathmandu that is via Simra or Romeo except in case of Lhasa and Paro flights. Nepal is investing substantial amount for Gautam Budhda Regional International Airport. Besides, Pokhara

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Regional International Airport is also in the Authority of Nepal is planning to invite high pipeline. On top of that, another full- fledged officials of India and China. Besides, CAAN second international airport at Nijgadh is also has also planned to invite some of the ATS a national priority project. In all of these officials from India and China to Nepal who cases, cooperation from Indian side is very are directly involved in day to day work. much essential. If we cannot communicate Moreover, this year we have planned to send our requirement to the neighbors timely and few ATS Officers to India as a part of convince them properly, all the endeavors 'neighboring FIR visit and facility observation' we make for building up our nation will go program. This program is aimed to enhance in vain. So, it is very essential that first we the working relation in the grass root level. settle our actual requirements and then only put them forward through proper channel High Level visits before we are too late. Government of Nepal has now started to Nepal can also expect a lot from China. It include airspace and air route issues as one has been more than ten years since Nepal of the agenda during high level visits of Head was after Trans Himalaya Route and Himalaya of the government and the Head of the state. Routes for which China's cooperation is very During the China visit of Rt. Honorable much essential. In absence of a significant President of Nepal last year, CAAN had progress regarding these routes since past formally requested through Ministry of ten years, Nepal decided to stick only on Foreign Affairs for cooperation of Chinese Himalaya 2 route condoning other routes. Authority for the implementation of Himalaya Taking into consideration her strategic 2 route and Trans Himalayan Route. During importance and having potential of bringing the last friendly visit of India by Rt. Honorable herself within the international air route Prime Minister Mr. Babu Ram Bhattarai, Air network, Nepal must continuously be Route was one of the agenda of the bilateral involved in establishing Himalaya 2 route. For discussion. Ministry of Tourism and Civil this also continuous lobbying and proper Aviation had formally requested Ministry of diplomacy is very much essential. Foreign Affairs to seek cooperation of the Chinese side for the implementation of Forms of Diplomacy Himalaya 2 Route ( Kathmandu – Kunming/Hong Kong) during high level visits. Exchange of visits As a part of Aviation Diplomacy CAAN should In course of communicating our requirements organize a meeting in presence of the to concerned authority and also in the Minister and the Secretary of the Ministry of process of confidence-building, exchange of Tourism and Civil Aviation inviting the visit may be one of the effective tools to Ambassadors of India and China separately. getting things done. As a part of initiating Problems of Nepalese aviation and areas of appropriate aviation diplomacy, Civil Aviation mutual cooperation should be presented in

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the meetings.The Ambassadors Track- two diplomacy: should be requested for cooperation and initiations from their part to sort It is a specific kind of informal diplomacy, in which out the existing problems. non-officials (academic scholars, public figures, social activists, well wishers engage in dialogue, with the A formal request should be made to aim of communicating the need, or confidence- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to building. In this part we can seek the help of Ex DG, instruct the respective Embassies to Ex- ministers and political figures who are sympathetic play a positive role in conveying and to Nepal. presenting Nepal's Air Route requirements. Nepal can definitely prosper in the field of aviation by adopting proper aviation diplomacy.

Deputy Director General, CAAN Head Office

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In this article the author attempts to elaborate the safety enhancing measures of ICAO in the past and current decade and strategies devised to fulfill the safety objective set forth. The various safety strategies adopted by ICAO have been briefly discussed shedding light primarily on RASG and HLSC. The fundamental objective of this forum will be to reinforce the core values of Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and Global Aviation Safety Roadmaps (GASR).


ICAO has proposed to create the Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG) covering all the regions in the world, with an objective of promoting the aviation safety in the respective regions by mobilizing the pool of expertise and the available resources. The proposed five regions covering the world are: Regional Aviation Safety Group –Asia Pacific (RASG-APAC), Regional Aviation Safety Group-Europe (RASG-EUR), Regional Aviation Safety Group-Pan America (RASG- PA), Regional Aviation Safety Group-Africa (RASG-AFI), Regional Aviation Safety Group- Middle East (RASG-MI) for their

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corresponding regions. a bottom-up approach that allows groups of States to analyze gaps and implement action plans to meet Subsequent to the decision of the specific needs by leveraging existing political and Council of ICAO on 18 March 2008, economic structures between them. This approach concerning increasing the has the advantages of facilitating a pooling of effectiveness of planning and resources, as well as supporting a dynamic exchange implementation regional groups of information. A void exists, however, as there is no (PIRGs) the Air Navigation regional follow-up and coordination of the Commission initiated a study aimed implementation of these sub-regional action plans. at identifying a regional mechanism to address safety issues. Resolution PIRGs: The development of regional plans for air A36-7 resolved that the global plans navigation systems is undertaken by ICAO's six PIRGs, (Global Air Navigation Plan and which were established by the Council. The scope of Global Aviation Safety Plan) shall PIRGs does not cover flight operations safety issues. provide the framework in which The PIRG meetings are organized by regional offices regional, sub-regional and national and supported by Headquarters (Air Navigation implementation plans will be Bureau). The PIRG reports are reviewed by the developed and implemented thus Commission on a regular basis and the Council, on a ensuring harmonization and case-by-case basis. coordination of efforts aimed at improving international civil aviation COSCAP/RSOO: The cooperative development of safety and efficiency. operational safety and continuing airworthiness programmes (COSCAPs) are an agreement between The implementation of air navigation Member States, executed by ICAO's Technical Co- systems follows a well established operation Bureau by means of a Trust Fund, and are mechanism based upon the regional aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency of air air navigation planning process transport operations. The COSCAPs are limited to a which evolved to a more robust few regions and within a region not all States are system with the introduction of the covered. In some subregions, Regional Safety Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). Oversight Organizations (RSOOs) have been The GANP initiated a top-down developed from COSCAP projects or have been approach in which the regions, established instead of COSCAPs. through the planning and implementation regional groups DGCA meetings: Many of the regions convene regional (PIRGs), implement a regional or sub-regional meetings of Directors General of Civil performance framework. The Global Aviation (DGCA), which discuss a wide range of Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) utilizes subjects encompassing safety, efficiency, economic,

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security, environment and regulatory issues are built on the principle of partnership and, related to air transport operations. The as such, it is essential that all relevant meetings and their follow-up are carried out stakeholders are involved in the development by the regional offices with no substantial and implementation of any activities aimed support from Headquarters. at improving safety under the focus areas. Together with ICAO, the stakeholders in the Regional structure: The COSCAPs and RSOOs civil aviation sector are States, are organized on a sub-regional basis. It may airlines/operators, airports, air navigation be noted that eventually some COSCAPs may service providers, aircraft and equipment evolve into RSOOs where appropriate. manufacturers, maintenance and repair Considering that COSCAP/RSOO mechanisms organizations, regional organizations, are more focused on safety oversight issues international organizations, and industry and, as of now, do not cover all of the States representatives. ÊThe commitment of all of the region , it is considered necessary to stakeholders is fundamental for success in establish a new regional mechanism known improving safety. as Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASGs) to address and harmonize all flight operations Resources: With the creation of RASGs, one safety issues on an ICAO region - wide basis. officer for each of the regional offices will Noting that in several regions there was be required. Currently, all regional offices actually a gradual evolution toward RASGs, have a post of Flight Safety Officer in their this proposal, in effect, would facilitate ICAO establishment. Further support for the RASG to recognize groups that Contracting States meetings would be provided using had already chosen to form. The eventual Headquarters staff. recognition of RASGs by the Council would lead to the establishment of a formal Coordination between PIRGs and RASGs:A reporting channel allowing ICAO to monitor concern rose related to the parallels that the worldwide implementation of the Global were being drawn between the PIRG Aviation Safety Plan (GASP). The RASGs are framework and the RASGs. It was noted that expected to build on the work already done while the PIRGs did touch on some safety by these existing subregional organizations. issues, they had been developed to deal with However, RASGs will facilitate the exchange air navigation plans at a regional and global of best practices, cooperation and level with ICAO playing a key leadership role. collaboration using a top-down approach In contrast, safety continued to lie within the complementing the bottom-up approach of sovereignty of individual States. It would be planning by sub-regions, States and industry. helpful if States could provide input on how to determine the safety issues to be covered Need for partnership: The GASP and GASR by the RASGs and those that should remain

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with the PIRGs. Also, the need for a participate as members in a RASG meeting are: mechanism for coordination a) those with territories or dependencies located between PIRGs and RASGs was partially or wholly within the geographical area to be discussed and accordingly this considered by the meeting; b) those located outside aspect has been reflected in the the area: 1) which have notified ICAO that aircraft on suggested terms of reference. their register or aircraft operated by an operator whose principal place of business or permanent Systems approach: The proposed residence is located in such States, operate or expect RASGs will serve as a regional to operate into the area; or 2) which provide facilities cooperative forum integrating and services affecting the area. global, regional, sub-regional, national and industry efforts in Contracting States not meeting the above criteria and continuing to enhance aviation non-Contracting States are entitled to participate in safety worldwide. While RASGs will RASG meetings as observers. The aircraft operators, initially deal with safety issues international organizations, maintenance and repair directly related to flight operations, organizations, regional organizations, aircraft planning should be initiated as soon manufactures, airport and air navigation service as circumstances permit to adopt a providers and any other allied systems approach so that RASGs organizations/representatives will be invited to attend address safety issues from an RASG meetings in the capacity of observers. The integrated perspective that includes members and observers will serve as partners of RASG flight operations and ATM safety. and their joint commitment is fundamental for success As the Commission reviews the in improving aviation safety worldwide. The Regional mandate and terms of reference of Director will serve as the Secretary of the RASG. PIRGs, it is expected to address in Wherever two Regional Directors are involved, they the future an integration of the would alternate serving as Secretary of the RASG and safety work done by these groups. PIRG to balance the Secretariat responsibilities Until such time, the Secretariat will between these two regional groups. ensure that the safety issues raised by the PIRGs and RASGs are fully Resources coordinated and that a small group of members of the PIRGs attend the An officer from Headquarters (ANB) will participate RASGs meetings and vice versa. and provide support to the RASG meetings. The ANB officer will serve as the interface between the RASG Membership and the Air Navigation Commission and present the reports of meetings to the Commission/Council for Contracting States entitled to review and harmonization.

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Work programme HIGH LEVEL SAFETY CONFERENCE (HLSC) ICAO has in recent past organized a high level The RASG will develop and implement a work safety conference (HLSC) with a high level programme that supports a regional participation of Directors General of civil performance framework for the aviation administration of contacting states management of safety on the basis of the with the following objectives: Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR). Objective 1-The ICAO safety framework Using the GASP and GASR, the RASG will build The outcome sought of this objective is to on the work already done by States, existing set the foundation for the Conference, by subregional organizations such as the providing a basic understanding of the ICAO Cooperative Development of Operational safety framework and its evolving Internal Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Safety Management Process (ISMP). Programmes (COSCAPs) and Regional Safety Oversight Organizations (RSOOs) and Objective 2-The evolution of the States audit support the establishment and operation of programme a performance-based safety system for the The Conference to be presented with a report region by: on the evolution of the safety oversight audit process by ICAO, highlighting the transition a) analyzing safety information and hazards from periodic compliance audits to safety to civil aviation at the regional level and risk based continuous monitoring. reviewing the action plans developed within the region to address identified hazards; b) Objective 3-Managing the transition to a facilitating the sharing of safety information State Safety Programme (SSP) environment and experiences among all stakeholders; c) Under this objective, an agreement to be ensuring that all safety activities at the sought from the conference for a “list” of regional and sub-regional level are properly specific activities by ICAO and States and, coordinated to avoid duplication of efforts; when applicable, Regional Safety Oversight d) reducing duplication of efforts by Organizations, for ensuringÊsafeguards encouraging collaboration, cooperation and during the transition to an SSP environment. resource sharing; e) conducting follow-up to GASP/GASR activities as required; f) Objective 4-The link between SSP and coordinating with respective PIRG on safety Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) issues; and g) providing feedback to ICAO to Under this objective, an agreement on the continually improve and ensure an up-to-date link between the SSP and the CMA and the global safety framework. endorsement of specific actions by ICAO and States, so as to strengthen the synergy

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between the two and to best use certifications the resulting information. The conference to be called on to make a commitment to actions to reduce the requirements for certificate Objective 5-Sharing of safety holders to comply with multiple sets of similar but information yet different requirements under existing multiple The conference to review and agree certification rules, thus decreasing the administrative on a proposedʓlist” including the and financial burden for certificate holders while nature of the safety data and addressing the potential safety consequences created information to be shared, and by such burden. among whom, together with the need for specific partnerships with Nepal registered its presence during the High Level industry. Safety Conference organized by ICAO in Montreal in 29 March-1 April 2010 with a high level delegation. As Objective 6-The protection of the conference concludes with following declaration sources of safety information for the aviation safety, Nepal commits its full efforts The conference to discuss and agree in realizing the vision set by the HLSC. on specific interventions by ICAO and by States, and when applicable, 1) Even though air transport is a very safe mode of Regional Safety Oversight transportation, there is a need to achieve a further Organizations, to address the reduction in the number of accidents and especially political, administrative and practical fatal accidents to maintain the public confidence in aspects of the protection of sources the safety of the global air transport system; and of safety information. 2) States support an ICAO safety framework based Objective 7-New Safety on sound safety management principles and Management Annex processes. (HLSC 2010) The outcome sought of this objective is agreement regarding to In future CAA Nepal will undertake several activities the ICAO SSP framework as the basic that will address these two objectives so that the contents of a new Safety number of fatal accidents is significantly reduced. Management Annex, including a Again we reiterate that the safety can only be achieved declaration about the commitment with combined efforts of all stakeholders. At this to not having differences with its point of time we urge all stakeholders to join hands provisions. to achieve the safety goal.

Objective 8-Harmonization of rules and processes to avoid multiple

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STATE SAFETY PROGRAM (SSP) responsible for type design and/or manufacture of aircraft, air traffic services Annexes 1, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 14 include the providers and certified aerodromes requirement for States to establish a State implement a safety management system safety programme (SSP), in order to achieve (SMS). An SMS is a management tool for the an acceptable level of safety in civil aviation. management of safety by an organization. An SSP is a management system for the The Annexes also establish that the SMS shall management of safety by the State. An SSP be accepted by the State and shall, as a is defined as an integrated set of regulations minimum: and activities aimed at improving safety. It includes specific safety activities that must a) Identify safety hazards; be performed by the State, and regulations b) Ensure the implementation of remedial and directives promulgated by the State to action necessary to maintain agreed safety support fulfillment of its responsibilities performance; concerning safe and efficient delivery of c) Provide for continuous monitoring and aviation activities in the State. The regular assessment of the safety responsibilities encompassed by the SSP performance; and include, in broad terms: d) Aim at a continuous improvement of the a) Safety regulation overall performance of the safety b) Accident investigation management system. c) Incident investigation d) Safety assurance and CAA Nepal has already formulated the safety e) Safety promotion. management system (SMS) requirements to be followed by the service providers. CAA Nepal has already prepared the draft of Although the SMS cannot be implemented the SSP and it is in the final stage of approval. overnight a phased manner of implementation will be considered as better SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM practice in the Nepalese perspective. (SMS) THE ICAO GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY Annexes 1, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 14 establish that PLAN and ROADMAP (GASP/GASR) States shall require, as part of their SSP, that approved training organizations that are The ICAO Global Aviation safety Plan (GASP), exposed to safety risks during the provision was developed on the basis of the which of their services, aircraft operators, approved was prepared by the Industry Safety Strategy maintenance organizations, organizations Group (ISSG) working with ICAO. The GASP

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can be seen as the ICAO strategy to framework for correcting inconsistencies and areas address the focus areas and related of weakness in 12 focus areas. objectives that have been defined in the Roadmap as vital to the Part 2 -Implementing the Global Aviation Safety enhancement of safety levels within Roadmap: Priorities and specific coordinated actions global commercial aviation. The to be undertaken by industry in order to reduce risk GASP also establishes coordination and improve safety worldwide. mechanisms to ensure that both the GASP and the Roadmap are Implementing the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap: maintained up-to-date in a coordinated way. The GASP defines The completed Global Aviation Safety Roadmap marks 12 specific global safety initiatives the first unified and coordinated accident reduction designed to support the initiative developed by both governments and implementation of aviation safety industry. objectives that have been accepted as vital to the enhancement of Theobjectives of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan aviation safety. (GASP) are to: a)reduce the number of accidents and In the interest of establishing a single fatalities worldwide irrespective of the level of aviation safety worldwide volumes of air traffic; and the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap b)achieve a significant decrease in accident was produced and developed by the rates, particularly in regions where these Industry Safety Strategy Group remain high. (ISSG). The ISSG's members include; the International Air Transport Fundamentals: In addressing these objectives, Association (IATA), Airbus, Boeing, GASP concentrates on three fundamental aspects Airports Council International (ACI), of a safety management system, as follows: the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), the Flight 1st Fundamental Reviewing the causal factors of aircraft Safety Foundation (FSF) and the accidents worldwide in order to identify International Federation of Air Line specific safety issues which must be addressed to reduce accident numbers Pilots Associations (IFALPA). and rates. Attention will be given to the There are two essential components reasons for regional variations in accident within the Roadmap: rates; 2nd Fundamental Keeping abreast of the activities of existing Part 1 - A strategic action plan for safety groups in order to identify safety future aviation safety: Basic issues which have global perspectives. In

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doing this, GASP focuses on 1: Collect and Validate Safety those safety initiatives most Information likely to reduce accident 2: Analyze and Measure States’ Safety numbers and rates; and 3rd Fundamental Promoting safety awareness Oversight Capabilities worldwide by facilitating the 3: Identify and Prioritize Deficiencies effective sharing and use of 4: Develop and Implement Strategies aviation safety data and information. Main data sources for CMA are states, internal stakeholders and external The Global Aviation Safety Plan therefore stakeholders. Using their continuous identifies those tasks and programmes likely monitoring programme (CMP), the States to produce the best safety dividend in terms will provide the principle source of safety of reducing accident numbers and rates both information when they complete and submit on a global and regional basis. It is intended the following: that GASP serve all parties involved in aviation safety, including acting as a planning and a 1: State Aviation Activity Questionnaire tracking tool to monitor progress in the (SAAQs); relevant areas of activity. For practical 2: Electronic Filing of Differences (EFODs); application, the objectives and fundamentals 3: USOAP protocols; of GASP are addressed by different focus 4: Updated Corrective Action Plans (CAPs); areas, or elements, each having associated and tasks and programmes. 5: State Safety Programmes (SSPs)

CONTINUOUS MONITORING APPROACH The information gathered from 'Collect and (CMA) Validate Safety Data' is used to determine CMA is a system to monitor the safety the level of effective implementation of the oversight capability of a State on a continuous 8 critical elements of the safety oversight basis with the ability to monitor States’ safety system of each State. The primary tools for performance at the appropriate time. making this determination are the Audit Additionally, CMA broadens the scope of Protocols. If, at any time, ICAO has any compliance audits to incorporate safety questions or concerns about the information management principles using safety risk collected pertaining to a Member State, ICAO management (SRM) and safety assurance may generate a Mandatory Information (SA) concepts. Following are major Request (MIR) using the online framework. components which allow ICAO to successfully The MIR can be generated and sent to the monitor the safety oversight capabilities of Member State through the online system, Member States. requesting the State to provide either

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clarification or additional national body NAST-Nepal- a participation in RASG- information. The MIR is always APAC may prove a boost for the safety enhancement linked to an audit protocol. There in Nepal. are numerous benefits of a USOAP – CMA including: Conclusion

à Transition from a one-time A sincere analysis of aviation safety in the recent past assessment activity “snap-shot” is not encouraging rather it paints a bleak picture. to a continuous monitoring Being the regulatory agency CAA Nepal must take process, serious stock of the situation and undertake a serious à Collective sharing of safety data introspection. On the other hand CAA Nepal should by promoting and encouraging not be left alone for the dismal state of safety where the sharing of safety information the other stakeholders like the air operators are by regional and international equally accountable for the safety. With the upcoming organizations, RASG-APAC, we may optimistically expect that the à Continuous monitoring of root causes may be identified and corrective actions Member States’ safety oversight put in place. In addition, the introduction of CMA will capabilities, prove a milestone in the efforts of aviation safety à Identification of safety risks, enhancement where all stakeholders have their view à Monitoring of the safety and input for the continuous improvement. It is the performance of Member States need of the hour to pledge all stakeholders to work (at the appropriate time), and it in tandem to achieve the higher level of safety in is a Nepal. à Real time and interactive online system (web supported).

Nepal’s view point

Nepal has been actively participating General Manager, Tribhuvan International Airport in other PIRGs like APANPIRG in the area of CNS/ATM that is resolving the various issues associated with its field for better safety and efficiency. Although Nepal has been an active participant in the regional safety forums like ARAST, SARAST, apart from COSCAP-SA, -with its

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The challenge of accomplishing safety enhancement

Aviation activity faces numerous risks on daily basis. The aviation industry, as such, has quoted safety at the forefront of its priorities since its inception and is rigorously endeavoring for safety enhancement. Nepal, as a signatory to Chicago Convention since 1960, is obviously bound to comply with all the ICAO provisions. While the elimination of accidents and incidents would be desirable to everyone, the desirability or prescriptive commitment alone is not sufficient, rather performance based evidence of the implementation is essential to attain the desired achievement.

Nepal unfortunately doesn't have good safety records. Albeit, the physical geography Mohan Adhikari of the country is conducive for scenic beauty, it is not aviation friendly. Particularly over 80% of the land mass being comprised of hills and mountains, the uneven terrace, gorges, the blowing of wind through these surfaces and other such meteorological factors often times create negative impacts to aircraft. While relaxation, negligence or undue compromise as essential factors obviously invite unwanted situation anywhere in the world, owing to unique situation the aviators in Nepal are apparently required to remain considerably on high alert, work with added caution and adhere strictly to the stringent requirements all the time.

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In the context of recurrence of air CAAN, and the entire Aircraft Operators. Besides, mishaps in Nepal in recent past, the couples of safety recommendations issued by past Government of Nepal, Ministry of Investigation Commissions were considered vague, Tourism and Civil Aviation, through subjective and irrelevant to the particular accident a ministerial decision of B.S. case. It was thus difficult to ensure its compliance. 2067/5/14, constituted a five Moreover, some recommendations were considered member High Level Task Force not carrying the intended meaning as well due to headed by Mr. Medini Prasad which for the first time, some recommendations were Sharma, the former Director General also issued for the guidance of the Investigation of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Commission to make recommendations more practical and members from various aviation in the days ahead. communities. The TOR of the Task Force was to study the safety Receiving the report and addressing the gathering, recommendations prescribed by the responsible dignitaries including the Minister various air accident investigation appreciated the effort made by the TF and expressed commissions in the past and to commitment that no stone will be left unturned for assess the status of their compliance the effective implementation of the report without and make further recommendations any delay. Though the compliance of the report alone with action plan for the is not the panacea for all the deficiencies, yet it was enhancement of aviation safety. believed that the effective implementation of the report would significantly contribute in the The TF was also assigned the enhancement of aviation safety. However, it is being responsibility to recommend in observed that even the following of safety respect of making the right to recommendations felt of high significance, are also information of the aircraft accident not paid due attention by responsible authorities. investigation report public, which was previously lacking. For instance, one of the recommendations stipulates "The Ministry while keeping the data base of qualified, Nearly one year later, the TF experienced and updated accident investigation submitted its report to the then aviation experts should also allocate necessary budget honorable Minister in the presence for the investigation of the accident in Nepal. The of concerned responsible dignitaries existing practices of funding by the airline operator and media. The report, apart from which met the accident should be avoided to eliminate other details, obviously comprised the potential conflict of interest". It was also learnt of safety analysis, findings, that this provision was approved by the Ministry as conclusion and some safety well. Contrary to that, the Investigation Commission recommendations to the Ministry, formed for the investigation of ill-fated Buddha Air

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accident at Kotdanda in Kathmandu valley, implementation of the corrective action so regrettably, could not proceed with its task as to meet the deadline committed against as planned, due unavailability of necessary each corrective action plan". budget, thereby resulting delay in the Notwithstanding, it is disheartening to note outcome of investigation. It is a mockery that that deficiencies are still being observed in in one hand billions of State funds of a poor the fulfillment of the own submitted country like Nepal is being spent unjustifiably corrective action plan to the concerned apex and on the other hand most genuine and International Body. sensitive priority need of the State and the stakeholders is hampered in the want of To take the instance of yet another considerably low amount. recommendation that stipulates "A mechanism should be devised to make sure Apparently, the safety oversight audit of that the safety recommendations made by Nepal was carried out from 5 to 14 May 2009 the accident investigation commission reach under ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit the concerned stakeholder without any delay Programme (USOAP). During the audit so that they can be implemented in time. A process numerous findings were observed. follow up system shall be devised so that the While agreed with the findings of the ICAO accountable officials are bound to gear up audit team, Nepal, as per the norms, also dedicatedly for the implementation of safety submitted a corrective action plan on 26 recommendations and compliance status of October 2009 and an update to the action the same can be tracked instantly by the plan on 1 February 2010 to address the supervising authority". Nonetheless, it is shortcomings. Obviously, the State agencies being learnt that till second week of being the apex body should have come out December, even the follow up system has with the evidential performance that could not been devised. On the other hand, instead be followed by the agencies under its of accepting the challenge of making the umbrella. right to information of the aircraft accident investigation report public, unbelievingly, Conversely, the study of the above TF having even the concerned stakeholders are yet to revealed that the progress in the execution receive the safety recommendations of the of corrective action plan was not effective, TF report. These are couple of instances that made a recommendation to this effect "As depict of often times experienced weakness no substantial improvement has been noted in our context that require due attention for in the direction towards the compliance of rectification. corrective action plan submitted to ICAO in respect of USOAP Audit 2009, the Ministry Aviation field, as general norms, is considered should take immediate action on the to keep abreast of almost all the latest

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developments. The contemporary long term recognition among aviation community. method of safety management Addressing the employees he expressed inter-alia system requires that not only the that "instead of probing into the past, I urge all the accidents and/ or serious incidents, responsible dignitaries to fulfill your responsibilities rather aviation occurrences should in the days ahead with sincerity and dedication for also be reported, analyzed, assessed safety enhancement and failing to do so shall compel and satisfactorily treated. While the me to stick anyone". With the elapse of about two proactive and predictive methods months, hopefully, he must have understood the are the ways for an organization to sensitivity of aviation and identified most of the grey internally capture previously areas of inaction and deficiencies with challenges unreported incidents or safety ahead to rectify them. concerns, so that they can be addressed in a proactive manner, Finally, the effort of the writer will only be felt of little the analysis of past accidents/serious significance; if this article draws the attention of the incidents and the implementation honorable Minister to kindly realize that unless of corrective actions to prevent the deficiencies are thoroughly revealed through the recurrence of those events through inspiration of acquiring more and more information reactive method, still remains one including healthy criticism, realities shall always remain of the three legs of the safety stool. in shadow. It goes without saying that the lowest Whereas, the proactive and standard the leader maintains is the highest standard predictive methods in our context his/her people will aspire to. Hence, simply providing are still in the initial stage and a lot prescriptive directives and, getting jumbled just in is to be done , including the receiving unrealistic "everything is all right" briefing establishment of pervasive safety of poor performers and overwhelmed in entreaty culture among all stakeholders, lack behavior of near and dears will certainly not of effective implementation even in materialize the noble desires. Instead, the sole traditional reactive method as such, indicator to judge the true performer is the evidence is undoubtedly a great concern for of performance based tangible result that truly gears everyone. up Nepalese aviation in perfection according to international norms. Only achievement of such It may be relevant to recall that in performance will apparently be appreciated not just course of taking briefing of the Civil by aviation community but also by entire public Aviation Authority of Nepal, newly fulfilling your dream in reality. appointed honorable Minister Lokendra Bista Magar wished for Former DDG, CAAN some exemplary achievement during his tenure that qualifies for

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 23 13 th Anniversary Publication

Accident causation model by professor James Reason and Nepalese civil aviation activities Introduction

Professor James Reason, prominent aviation experts in human factor application, has developed a simple, yet graphically powerful, model about the concept of the organizational accident which provides a means for understanding how aviation system operates successfully or floats into failure. According to this model, accidents require a number of enabling factors coming together and single-point failures are rarely consequential in the aviation system breakdown because complex systems such as aviation are extremely well-defended by layers of defences. Sanjiv Gautam Equipment failures or operational errors are never the cause of breaches in safety defences, but rather the triggers. Breaches in safety defences are a delayed consequence of decisions made at the highest levels of the system, which remain inactive until their effects or damaging potential are activated by specific sets of operational circumstances. Under such specific circumstances, human failures or active failures at the operational level act as triggers of latent conditions conducive to facilitating a breach of the system’s inherent safety defences.

Components of organizational accidentOrganization The organizational processes are activities

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which include: policy making, workplaces. If workplace conditions are not conducive planning, communication, allocation in the operational context it will lead to active failures of resources, supervision and so by operational personnel, which can be considered forth, over which any organization either errors or violations. has a reasonable degree of direct control. As far as safety is concerned People the two fundamental organizational processes are allocation of resources People are the main components in the production and efficient communication. system and they can commit errors or violation during Weaknesses in these organizational the execution of their operational activities. The processes are the breeding grounds difference between operational errors and violations towards failure which may include: lies in the intent. While an error is unintentional, a deficiencies in equipment design, violation is a deliberate act. A person trying to incomplete/incorrect standard accomplish a task, following the rules and procedures operating procedures, and training as per the training received, but failing to meet the deficiencies. Inadequate hazard task at hand commits an error. A person who willingly identification and safety risk deviates from established rules and procedures while management, whereby the safety undertaking a task commits a violation. The risks of the consequences of hazards operational personnel responsible for the actual are not kept under control and performance of the production activities can get these normalization of deviance where done in a short span of time by adopting shortcuts the exception becomes the rule in that involve constant violation of the rules and the operational context because due procedures. Where humans and technology interact to the lack of resources may be during the operational activities, operational errors outcome of inefficient are accepted as a normal component of a system, organizational process. and not considered as some type of unusual behaviour. Once errors are viewed as a natural by- Workplace product of human-technology interface during operational activities, operational errors can be Workplace conditions such as accepted as a normal component of any system and workforce stability, qualifications operational safety strategies are put into practice to and experience, morale, control operational errors. management credibility, and traditional ergonomics factors such Defence as lighting, heating and cooling, are the factors that directly influence Defences are the resources to protect against the the efficiency of people in aviation

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risks that organizations generate during their organizational processes in order to identify production activities and must control. latent conditions and thus reinforce defences. Defences in aviation can be grouped under Safety endeavours should also improve three large headings: technology, training work-place conditions to contain active and regulations. Defences are usually the last failures, because operational error or the safety net to content the conditions present violation is the product of all these factors in the system before the accident, made that produce safety breakdowns.

evident by triggering factors, as well as the Given figure illustrates the Reason model in consequences of lapses in human a way that assists to understand the performance. Most, if not all, mitigation relationship of organizational and strategies against the safety risks of the management factors in accident causation. consequences of hazards are based upon the Various defences are built deep into the strengthening of existing defences or the aviation system to protect against instability development of new ones. in human performance or decisions. Defences are resources provided by the From the perspective of the organizational system to protect against the safety risks accident, safety endeavours should monitor that organizations are involved in during

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production activities and which must managing day-to-day affairs, and communicating be controlled. internally and externally is yet to be achieved in the aviation organization. On the one hand decisions Nepalese context made by regulatory authorities are too often the In Nepalese aviation organizations, consequence of political influences and interferences, problems start with the decision- on the other hand decision made by the service makers. These decision makers are providers are too often the consequences of subject to normal human biases and inadequate resources and are focussed more on limitations, as well as to real services. Most of the aviation organizations which constraints such as time, budgets, are both regulatory as well as service providers do and politics. Decisions by line not have a training policy for their technical staff. management may result in Formal and comprehensive training programmes and inadequate training, scheduling training plans detailing the type of training to be conflicts or neglect of workplace provided for each technical staff position have not precautions. They may lead to been developed. inadequate knowledge and skills or inappropriate operating procedures. Workplace conditions in Nepalese Civil Aviation are How well line management and the not much conducive to deliver the services as design organization as a whole perform in base line performance. An ergonomic factor, most their functions sets the scene for of the time, hinders the efficiency of frontline error- or violation-producing personnel and except in few government conditions. Front-line operational organizations, workforce stability is not much ensured personnel commits error or violation which directly affect the performance of people. due to poor equipment or task design; conflicting goals (e.g. service Most of the CFIT accidents are due to the error or that is on time versus safety); violation made by the frontline personnel. As defective organizations (e.g. poor mentioned earlier error or violation is the motivational internal communications, proper intention. It is widely accepted that most violations number of manpower); or are the result of deficient or unrealistic procedures management decisions (e.g. deferral where people have developed workarounds to of a maintenance item, timely accomplish the task. Most stem from a genuine desire introduction of required to do a good job. Seldom are they acts of negligence. equipment). If workplace condition is not user friendly, error is inevitable and in the same way if procedures are not Effective management with respect user friendly, violation is inevitable. Analysis of to setting attainable work goals, previous accidents and serious incidents reveals that organizing tasks and resources, in the most cases main causes of accidents and serious

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incidents are the situational violations and/ organizational process, identify latent or routine violations of regulation and such condition, improve workplace conditions, violation may be due to time pressure or high contain error or violation and reinforce the workload and /or practicality/workability existing defence or develop new defence in issues, deficiencies in human-technology their respective activities. With mutual interface design, but violation is made cooperation, regulatory compliance and intending to perform the job more efficiently. safety performance measurement we will be able to deliver safety and service maintaining Conclusion balanced approach.

Nepal has witnessed number of air mishaps Reference within its territory including the national as ICAO Doc. 9859 Safety Management Manual well as international air carriers. To prevent CAAN SMS Requirement 2010 accident and /or incident regulatory authority ICAO CIR 314 Tthreat and Error Management as well as service providers shall monitor (TEM) in ATC

Director, CAAN Head Office

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 28 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

Surveillance System of TIA: A Roadmap for Improvement


A land-locked and topographically constrained country, Nepal, has a crucial role to play in the domain of air transportation for her economic development. Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) is the stand- alone international airport in the country to contribute to national economy in general and socio-economic development of the entire country as more than 80% of foreign tourists enter Nepal by air through this airport and make access to remote and tourist destinations of the country.

The history of modern surveillance facilities started with the two fatal accidents (THAI and PIA) that had occurred on the peripheral mountain of the Mahendra Singh Rawal Kathmandu valley in 1992. These accidents triggered government of Nepal to request assistance to the Government of Japan for the development of a surveillance system and other facilities for the enhancement of aviation safety. As a result' TIA Modernization Project' was signed on 28 July 1994. Installation of surveillance system including ASR, SSR and RDPS, started in 1995 under JICA phase 1 project and brought into operation since 1997.

Installation of Primary and Secondary Radar and associated facilities brought a tremendous change in CNS/ATM to cope with the growth of air traffic at the geographically constrained airport more efficiently and safely. In other words, in spite of limited coverage due to the mountainous terrain around the airport, the existing Radar system has proved to be an

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inevitable tool for TIA operational service. to aging.

Limitations of the existing Radar · The old software is not capable of Systems working with new hardware which can run only in very old and obsolete sun Operation Limitations SPARC hardware. · Due to the location of radar antenna at the airport inside the mountainous · Manufacturers has already stopped valley, radar service at TIA is limited to manufacturing spares required for only higher (flight) levels and in primary and secondary radar and other particular directions. accessories, so no support from manufacturers for the supply of spare · Identification of the aircraft is often lost parts. due to the line of sight problem which · It is fairly obvious in light of the foregoing breaks the continuity of radar services. factors that the ASR/SSR system at TIA can't be expected to remain operational · The ASR and SSR can only be used as for long. terminal approach radar due to restricted coverage. New surveillance requirement:

· The vector altitude in Kathmandu Kathmandu terminal area is getting terminal area is very high, and that's why congested rapidly. It has been difficult to the vectoring services are restricted to manage the traffic in the congested terminal IFR departure only. area safely, efficiently and economically with the existing facilities and traffic procedures. Technical Limitations Hence, the congested Kathmandu terminal overwhelmingly needs a modernized · The existing radar system which was surveillance system with better coverage and installed in 1997 has already completed reliability. 14 years in operation and has reached the end of its service life cycle. More traffic can be accommodated in the terminal area with the use of reliable · Some of the spare parts of the Radar surveillance facilities, maintaining or Data Processing equipment have no enhancing existing level of safety. Arrival and redundancy. departure schedules can be maintained at congested terminals more rapidly allowing · Frequent failures of electronic cards due

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closer separation between arriving aircraft or vehicles equipment with on operational and departing aircraft and would Mode A, Mode C, or Mode S Transponders. also reduce the pilots and Multilateration generally provides higher accuracy, controller's work load. greater update rate, better coverage and improved reliability as compared to traditional SSR and does so Nepal has been focusing on the at a much lower initial cost and with lower annual promulgation of international routes maintenance cost. across . In order to establish the Himalayan routes for Feature of Multilateration : the optimum utilization of Nepalese ð The Multilateration system also acts as a real-time airspace there will be a requirement back up for the ADS-B surveillance network, of new air corridor across the especially in higher (en-route) elevations, but this Nepalese airspace served with can also be easily extended to lower levels and reliable and better surveillance terminal approach. system. Similarly, domestic congested routes like mountain ð The essence of Multilateration is that it provides flight would also be benefited an elegant transition to ADS-B by using the same significantly from the improved ground infrastructure, while providing early surveillance service provided in this benefits through improved surveillance. area. ð Multilateration has the advantage of being backward compatible with existing transponders Emerging surveillance and forward compatible with ADS-B. Technologies ð Multilateration requires no additional avionic Multilateration: equipment as it uses replies form Mode A, C and Multilateration or hyperbolic S transponders as well as military IFF and ADS-B positioning is based on the old transponder. principle of triangulation. It is the process of locating an object band ð MLAT stations can be upgraded to ADS-B ground on the Time Difference of Arrival stations as the user aircraft community gradually (TDO) of signal emitted from that equip with ADS-B. object to there or more sensors. For ATC applications, Multilateration ð The essence of Multilateration is that it provides provides the same level of fleet an elegant transition to ADS-B by using the same coverage as traditional SSR like all ground infrastructure, while providing early benefits thorough improved surveillance. So MLAT

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includes with ADS-B at no additional cost. Firstly, the GPS positions that are reported by ADS-B are more accurate than the current WAM implementing countries radar positions and are more consistent. This Austria (Innsbruck valley), Australia means that in the IFR environment closer (Tasmania), Canada (Vancouver Harbor), spacing can be used than at present in the Namibia, Germany (Frankfurt airport), Spain, Radar environment, and this provides much etc. needed capacity improvements in congested airspace. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Secondly, ADS-B surveillance is easier and Broadcast (ADS-B) less expensive to display than ground radar. ADS-B is a replacement for (or supplement This means that airspace which previously to) traditional Radar based surveillance of had no radar and only procedural separation aircraft. ADS-B is a major change in services can now have the benefits of ATC surveillance philosophy instead of using service. ground based radar to interrogate aircraft And finally, because ADS-B is a broadcast and determine their position; each aircraft service that can be received by other aircraft will use GPS to find its own position and then as well as ATC on ground, ADS-B offers the automatically report it. option for an aircraft to have accurate and There are three major benefits driving the inexpensive traffic awareness of other nearby transition to ADS-B. aircraft. Comparison of Cooperative Surveillance Technologies


Ø Proven and mature Ø Best match with Ø Comparable technical technology terminal and en route performance to SSR Ø Strong compatibility / requirements (60-80 NM) interoperability Ø Paradigm change Ø Leading edge for Ø SSR easily added to Ø Leading edge on all terminal and surface PSR which are still in new applications surveillance demand Ø Highly cost Ø Strongest Ø Standardized system competitive (TCO: interoperability/ + safety cases acquisition, compatibility available vs. ADS-B installation, Ø Cost competitiveness Ø Avionics available and maintenance) vs. SSR for terminal full equipage area

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Ø Expensive compared Ø Dependent system – Ø Offering overall to ADS-B, close to based on unverified limited to traditional MLAT for terminal and data provided by secondary surveillance less expensive than aircraft Ø Deployment in MLAT for en-route Ø Still limited progress – awaiting Ø Limited technical deployment – thus full feedback on performance vs. other hindering visibility on technology from long- technologies-including potential issues term usage on "traditional" Ø Investment by Airlines applications / GA needed (avionics upgrade, certification) Source : THALES ADS-B and MLAT seem promising in terms of cost competitiveness and performance ADS-B implementing countries Australia, USA, Indonesia, France, Germany, China, Fiji, South Africa, China etc. Market Direction for Secondary Surveillance

Source : THALES

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Proposed Road Map of Surveillance display system at Approach Control and System for TIA Area Control Center (ACC). Phase -- II A. Option – One § Phase-wise implementation of Wide Area Phase – I Multilateration WAM) and ADS-B technology to increase the surveillance § Installation of MSSR – Mode S at coverage of international routes and Bhattedanda site. implement surveillance facility in domestic § Installation of ADS-B at Phulchoki Site. airspace. § Implementation of Multisensor Tracker § Service life extension of existing Primary and Surveillance Data Processing System and Secondary Radar System (ASR/SSR) (SDPS) as a replacement of existing Radar at TIA with the assistance of respective Data Processing System (RDPS). manufacturing companies TOSHIBA and § Implementation of user friendly Human NEC in coordination with JICA Nepal. Machine Interface (HMI) / Modern ATC

Option One Roadmap

Phase I

En-route Terminal Area Data Processing System HMI / Display

ATC Display Installation of System at Approach MSSR Mode - S at Phase I / Phase II Multisensor Tracker and Surveillance Control (APP Bhattedanda Service life Control) extension of ASR Data Processing and SSR System (SDPS) ATC Display Installation of ADS- System at Area B at Phulchoki Control Center (ACC) Phase II Phasewise implementation of WAM and ADS-B to extend the enroute surveillance coverage and to provide surveillance facility in domestic airspace.

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Option One: Expected § Existing radar infrastructure like duly overhauled Features / Benefits antenna system could be used for few more years.

§ Existing spare parts of ASR and SSR would be Operational Features/ Benefit: utilized during the extended lifecycle of ASR and SSR. § Area Control Center (ACC) would be provided with radar § Implementation of most modern Surveillance surveillance facility. Data Processing System would facilitate cost- effective expansion of surveillance facility in the § Coverage of radar (SSR) will be domestic airspace in future enhanced significantly providing coverage to major international Economic Benefit : routs, thereby enhancing airspace capacity. § No immediate requirement for the replacement § Decease in breaking of continuity of costly terminal ASR and SSR at TIA would save of surveillance. the acquisition cost of new surveillance system for terminal area. § Surveillance back up of ADS-B will be provided to the ADS-B § Utilization of trained technical manpower and equipped aircraft. spare parts on the existing radar would save the operational cost of the surveillance system. § Work load of ATCs and pilots will be deceased and airspace Risk factors : capacity would be increased due to enhanced surveillance from § Support of manufactures may or may not be MSSR – mode S technology available for service life extension of ASR/SSR § Primary Radar facility at the § Availability of critical spare parts of ASR and SSR terminal area would be retained in future.

Technical Features/Benefit : B. Option – Two

§ Existing ASR and SSR services Phase I at TIA could be continued with the extension of their service life § Installation of MSSR – Mode S at Bhattedanda cycle. § Installation of ADS-B at Phulchoki.

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Phase II § Implementation of Multisensor Tracker § Phase-wise implementation of Wide Area and Surveillance Data Processing System Multilateration WAM) and ADS-B (SDPS) as a replacement of existing very technology to increase the surveillance old and unreliable Radar Data Processing coverage of international routes and System (RDPS) implement surveillance facility in domestic airspace. § Implementation of user friendly Human Machine Interface (HMI) / Modern ATC § Implementation of WAM and ADS B as a display system. replacement of existing terminal ASR/SSR.

Option Two Roadmap

Phase I

En-route Terminal Area Data Processing System HMI / Display

ATC Display MSSR Mode-S at Phase I / Phase II System at Approach Bhattedanda Multisensor Tracker Control (APP WAM and ADS-B and Surveillance Control) for Terminal Area. Data Processing System (SDPS) ATC Display ADS-B at System at Area Phulchoki Control Center (ACC) Phase II Phasewise implementation of WAM and ADS-B to compliant en-route radar and provide surveillance to domestic airports

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Option Two: Expected § Cost effective and improved surveillance based Features / Benefits on upcoming next generation ATM technology. § Scope of cost-effective future expansion to Operational Features/Benefit increase the surveillance coverage of international routes and domestic airspace. § Area Control Center (ACC) will be provided with radar Economic Features/ Benefit : surveillance facility. § Coverage of radar (SSR) will be § Replacement of existing terminal ASR/SSR with enhanced significantly providing more cost effective next generation technology coverage to major international § Surveillance cost per flight will be remarkably routes, thereby enhancing reduced airspace capacity. § Future expansion of surveillance capacity of § Decrease in breaking of Kathmandu flight information region will be cost continuity of surveillance. effective.

§ Surveillance back up of ADS-B Risk Factors : will be provided to the ADS-B equipped aircraft. § Increased security and maintenance cost due to § Work load of ATCs and pilots will distributed WAM/ADS-B stations around be deceased and airspace Kathmandu hill tops. capacity would be increased due § ADS-B surveillance may be limited due to equipage to enhanced surveillance from of aircraft. MSSR – mode S technology § Better redundancy due to The Roadmap multiple backup and distributed surveillance facility would be The surveillance road map proposed in Option One available at TMA. aims at installation of MSSR at Bhattedanda to enhance the surveillance coverage and extension of Technical Features/ Benefit service life of existing ASR and SSR heads, along with the use of existing antenna system, would be the § Mixed mode surveillance facility most cost effective and techno-friendly option to with back up / redundancy will improve the existing surveillance capability of TIA. be available. However, the extension of service life cycle of ASR § Distributed surveillance system and SSR would depend upon many factors including with higher reliability. the availability of support from its manufactures like

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TOSHIBA and NEC in terms of supply of congestion resulting in excessive delays and required spare parts and necessary technical holding of aircrafts in the air as well as on support. the ground. One of the solutions to improve the airspace and airport capacity without If the service life extension of existing ASR compromising the level of safety will be and SSR cannot materialize the next choice achieved by the improvement and expansion would be the implementation of Option Two, of surveillance capability of TIA, Kathmandu. which envisages the replacement of ASR / Since the existing Radar surveillance is having SSR heads by implementation of Wide Area number of inherent limitations of the Multilateration (WAM) systems having 5/6 technology including the problem posed by ground stations around the hill tops like antenna locations, coupled by the ageing of Phulchowki, Bhattedanda, Nagarkot, the equipment has necessitated an Shivapuri, Kakani, and Chandragiri, to provide immediate replacement of the existing Radar surveillance coverage in Kathmandu TMA. and RDPS system for futuristic and cost The other component in the Option Two effective surveillance solution. would be same as in the Option One which Therefore, taking it into account the includes installation of MSSR at Bhattedanda developments taking place in the field of ADS-B station at Phulchowki and surveillance technology and TIA's immediate implementation of Multi Tracker and needs of putting in place the most Surveillance Data Processing System (SDPS) appropriate cost effective surveillance and installation of modern bright display technology available, the need of the hour for system in the Approach Control and Area CAAN is to embrace the judicious mix of the Control Center (ACC) technologies like MSSR, WAM and ADS-B to Conclusion stride along the proposed roadmap. Ever increasing number of domestic and international air traffic over the past few years has been causing airspace and airport Director, CAAN Head Office

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Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

established For the provision of air navigation services and for the development of airport and airport infrastructure in the country.

Safety and security are our prime objectives. We facilitate air transportation services within and outside the country. We are committed: -to serve the people , -to facilitate tourism

We are Together for Tourism We believe: Civil Aviation is for Tourism Tourism is for Civil Aviation We appeal to all our stakeholders Please join hands with Civil Aviation And

Be with us In all our efforts to fulfill our vision and mission.

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 39 13 th Anniversary Publication

Visitor’s Deck at TIA

Construction and operation of an international airport is a very expensive venture, often built at the cost of the tax- payers’ money. It is a very attractive place to be for the well-wishers as well as the general people at large. People feel deep satisfaction to bid farewell and great pleasure to greet the near and dear ones at the airport. As elsewhere, International Terminal Building at TIA, Kathmandu was also constructed taking this factor into consideration by provisioning specious restaurants, visitor’s deck, adequate car parks, space for concessionaires, etc.

Visitor’s Deck at TIA, has always been a place of great attraction for people visiting Ramesh Man Joshi Kathmandu. They had watched, with great fascination, the movement of “chilgadi” (Dakota) in its early days and later big jets carrying 300 people at a time, not to mention the hubbub of funny looking ground handling vehicles, fuel bowsers and hovering giant helicopters. It stayed like that till 2052 B.S. after when general public were not allowed to go to the visitor’s deck for “security reasons”. It has already been more than five years since the end of the political disturbances, and those security risks, as such, do not exist now. Government has even opened Narayanhiti Museum, once known as King's palace, for the general public. But Visitor’s Deck at TIA still remains closed.

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Continuity of this prohibition has nation, not to mention the great number of deprived Civil Aviation Authority of employments generated directly, and indirectly. Nepal (CAAN) from earning substantial revenue, and also Singapore Airport authorities, in March 2005, openly debarred the people from the joyful invited all Singaporeans to visit Singapore Airport familiarization of the national (Changi) to promote domestic tourism. They are so infrastructure, that is, Visitor’s Deck proud of the infrastructure and its activities that they at TIA in this case. feel that all Singaporeans have a right to enjoy one of the great assets of their country as much as any There is no restriction for the general user or stakeholders of Changi Airport. All the tax public to go to the visitor’s deck in payers deserve to see what their country is like, they quite a few airports in Asia and say. A food for thought for the tourism promoters in Pacific region, such as, Tokyo, Nepal. Hongkong, Bangkok, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, etc. Moreover, Athens, capital of Greece, successfully conducted activities inside the airports are not 2004 Olympic Games. Bravo. The whole world limited to the movement of aircraft, appreciated the great efforts the Greeks made to passengers and cargo only. Airports make it a success. Example of one such effort is that are being transformed into a center the Greeks spent US $ 2 Billion for security for other mega economic activities, arrangement alone. Of course, it is a big amount by thereby substantially contributing any measure. But the Greeks did not say "No" to this to the economic growth of the expenditure because their national as well as individual

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pride was at stake. Monetary issues were CAAN now levies 10% of the landing charge secondary. People’s strong feelings to host as Security Charge on all incoming flights at the games at any cost were honored by their all the airports of Nepal. government. The event was indeed a great success. TIA must be fully utilized for the benefit and enjoyment of every Nepalese citizen, The big question is how deep and how wide whatever be the cost for security measures. should the net of security agencies spread in Then only we will be able to say that it is “Our order to ensure security? Airport” in real sense.

World is full of latest machinery gadgets, and Nepal Airlines belongs to the government of modern management know-how to enhance Nepal. But whenever we go abroad and see security. Explosive detectors, metal NAC aircraft at the tarmac, we say "that is detectors, CCTVs, and other means, such as our Airline”. Similarly, it should also be the physical frisking, indirect vigilances, dog case with Tribhuvan International Airport, squad, utilization of human resource from "Our Airport". Earlier the better. private sectors, etc. are readily available, if needed. Former Deputy Director General CAAN Head Office

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 42 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

Airspace and Air Route Planning for Gautam Buddha International Airport 1.Introduction

After a long fiasco and hiccups, work has been initiated to develop Gautam Buddha Airport, Bhairahawa into a main hub of regional and international level worthy of a place where Lord Buddha was born. The present airport named Gautam Buddha a few years back is situated in Lumbini zone in the Western Terai region of Nepal, just 17 Km East of Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha, and therefore has remained with a great historical, cultural and religious value from the beginning .

As per the master plan the existing airport with 1524m long Runway will be upgraded to a regional international standard. A 3000m long new runway Mahesh Kumar Basnet will be built 182.5 meter south of the present runway, which will be used as taxiway capable to serve medium to long haul jet aircraft as well as to serve as alternate to the Tribhuvan international.

The present airport is very close (about 3 Km) from Indian border to the south and Indian defense restricted airspaces further south. Therefore, it needs a very careful planning and coordination with India from the beginning from the highest political level to operate international airport from Gautam Buddha Airport.

The main issue is to determine the airspace and flight procedure challenged by following factors: i) Close proximity with Indian border and defense

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restricted airspaces to the south and East · Design new air routes and procedures ii) Lumbini heritage site on climb within Nepalese area in context of new out/approach area to the west runway layout in GBA- in conformance iii) High terrain to the North with acceptable ICAO Standards. · Design new Terminal airspace, STARs and SIDs.

2.Controlled Airspace for the Gautam Buddha International Airport

TMA Considerations with Lateral Limit 30NM from ARP (except the Delhi & Kolkata FIR) and vertically 5000ft to 13500ft with planned Navigation aids, Holding patterns, SIDs and STARs and Instrument flight procedures are to be designed. Therefore the following consideration has been felt necessary: · Detail review of the existing air space and air routes network within the whole Nepalese FIR. · Review existing air routes and procedures related to Gautam Buddha Airport (GBA), · Determine the Approach Procedures- VOR/DME, ILS and RNP, Instrument Holdings, En-Route Structure, Missed Approach Procedure, SID, STARs, etc. Proposed TMA of Gautam Buddha · Planning the airspace for GBA in International considering the SIA, Pokhara and TIA · Optimize the airspace structure by 3.Proposed En-route Network reorganizing the route network or introducing the new routes, new Terminal With the observation of present route Control Area (TMA) network to and from Nepal and location of · Plan and analyze the airspace around GBA Gautam Buddha Airport, the most suitable by considering the existing Indian air route inbound routes could be as follows: structures, restricted airspaces and routes to and from Nepal

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Inbound coordination and agreement with India at higher level. ONISA – L626 – GAUTAM BUDDHA – W41 – W19 – GAUTAM 4.Holding Procedures BUDDHA POKHARA – W41 – GAUTAM Holding procedure towards east on B345 and on W19 BUDDHA at 20NM clearly indicates the holding area within LUCKNOW – G598 – NEW ENROUTE Nepalese airspace allowing smooth flow of arrivals – GAUTAM BUDDHA and departures within Gautam Buddha TMA SIMARA – NEW ENROUTE – GAUTAM BUDDHA KATHMANDU – B345 – GAUTAM BUDDHA

Prevailing issue: Routes from ONISA, Lucknow and entry via Nepalgunj have to be carefully coordinated, agreed and Proposed Holdings, STARs and Route Network settled with India at higher level. 5. STARs and SIDs Outbound GAUTAM BUDDHA – L626 – ONISA · Considering the proximity of Lumbini heritage area GAUTAM BUDDHA – W41 – and Noise pollution issues, preferred Runway NEPALGUNJ should be RWY28 for arrivals and RWY10 for GAUTAM BUDDHA – W41 – departure other than the wind and operational POKHARA considerations. GAUTAM BUDDHA – B345 – · The Stars are designed from PUTAN, New route LUCKNOW from Lucknow, W19 and B345 for both the runways. GAUTAM BUDDHA – W17 – NEW ENROUTE – SIMARA · The SIDs are designed to the east and west towards GAUTAM BUDDHA – W17 – B345 – the Holdings as mentioned above to join the KATHMANDU existing and proposed airways.

Prevailing issue: 6.Feasibility of Instrument Approach Procedures ILS Procedures To send the departing aircraft from GBA out of Kathmandu FIR at higher Following considerations should be given while flight level via B345 needs careful installing the ILS and designing the associated

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procedures: · Not to infringe Delhi FIR · Not to penetrate Lumbini Heritage site

While studying the feasibility of ILS, the preliminary observation indicated that the ILS for RWY28 penetrates the Indian FIR even with 5° offset which necessitated extra land acquisition burden. On the other hand, ILS for RWY10 infringes Lumbini area and again creates extra land acquisition problem. RNP APCH RWY10 Therefore, if ILS has to be installed, it is to be installed for RWY28 with special MOU 7.Conclusion with India. After analyzing the detail airspace associated VOR/DME approach procedure with the Gautam Buddha Airport, it is concluded that holdings and routes with The present VOR/DME located on the suitable STARs and SIDs can be made within extended centerline of the present RWY has Nepalese airspace provided the limitations to be relocated on the offset eastern side of caused by airspace constraints are solved by proposed RWY to take maximum advantage agreeing with India at the Government and for approach and departures without Aviation Authority level. infringing the Indian FIR. On the approach procedures, ILS is both RNP Approach Procedures costly and posed to various limitations and therefore, VOR/DME based procedures back Because of the proximity with the Indian FIR up with RNAV procedures will be the best and Lumbini Heritage, RNP approach and cost effective solution for the proposed procedures could be designed for both the Gautam Buddha International. RWYs as a best solution to the above constraints and back up to the VOR/DME procedures. Deputy Director, CAAN Head Office

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Aviation and Climate Change


Climate Change has become the most critical environmental issue for many governments, industries, businesses and individuals. Climate Change is a complex environmental issue. Basically, a change in atmospheric concentration of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) alters the energy balance of the climate system resulting change in climate. This happens because of anthropogenic activities like burning of fossil fuel, coal and oil for homes, factories and transportation and releases several kinds of GHGs to the atmosphere. Most common GHGs that are being released are Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Other GHGs may be Nitric Oxide (NO), Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydro- Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary Fluoro Carbon (HFCs), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Sulphur hexa fluoride (SFs) etc. The increased amount of GHGs in the atmosphere eventually results in warmer temperature causing melting of ice, glaciers, rising sea level and flooding of coastal areas, shifting of seasons, fewer cold days, heavier rain, summer droughts, and an increase in storm intensity. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), world’s surface air temperature has increased an average of 0.6 Celcius (1.1F) during the 20th century and is predicted to increase by between 1.8 and 5.8 ºC by the year 2100. This may not sound like a considerable change but even one degree can affect the Earth. IPCC reports that Global GHG emission due to anthropogenic activities have grown with an increase of 70% between 1970 and 2004. And CO2 being most important anthropogenic GHG, annual

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emission has grown by about 80% between in Carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned 1970 and 2004. hydrocarbon emission that contribute to Contribution of Aviation to Climate degrade the local air quality. The hotter the temperature inside the combustor, the more efficiently the fuel is burned. Unfortunately, this higher temperature produces increased NOx emission. This NOx Aircraft Emission

emission increases the production of Ozone (O3) at cruize altitudes. Aircraft emit significant amount of NOx when their engines are at hottest during take off and slightly smaller amount while cruising. Higher concentration of O3 near the surface of the Earth has been linked to respiratory diseases. But there is benificial O3 also. O3 in the upper Change: atmsphere (about 15 miles up) shields the surface of the Earth from the Sun’s ultravoilet Like other GHG emission from fossil fuel radiation. Because of the different human combustion aircraft engines also emit GHG activity O3 balance is being disrupted. Thining to atmosphere. Modern jet engine fuel is of this protective layer is the cause of primarily kerosene. It is a fossil fuel primarily increasing occurance of skin cancer. producing CO2 and water vapour (H2O), other major emissions are Nitric Oxid (NO), In 1993, a sutdy of toxic emission at Chicago Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) together called as Midway Airport revealed that arriving and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), departing aircrafts release more pollutants and soot. Aircraft produce up to 4% of the than the industrial pollution sources in the annual global CO2 emission from fossil fuel surrounding 16 sq-mile area. A more recent near the Earth’s surface as well as higher study at London’s Heathrow Airport showed altitude (FL250-F500). Just as a car engine that aircraft contributed between 16 and 35% that runs efficiently produces less harmful of ground level NOx concentration. Because exhaust emission, the same is true for jet of the local concerns about the gases engine. Incomplete combustion occurs at the exhausted by aircraft, the expansion plan of lower power setting used for descent or several US airports – Atlanta, Boston, when aircraft are idling or taxiing on the Chicago, Houston, Los Angels, New York, ground. This incomplete combustion results Philadelphia, Phoenix and Washington have

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been stopped. total radiative forcing by human activities. Direct CO2 emissions are measured by radiative forcing. The IPCC has estimated that aviation’s contribution could grow to 5% of the total contribution by 2050 if action is not taken to tackle these emissions, though the highest scenario is 15%. According to Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) published in 2007, the main findings related to aviation emission are: · Due to developing scientific knowledge and more recent data estimates of the climate effects of Aircraft emission of water vapor at contrails have been lowered and aircraft in 2005 are high altitudes produce contrails –the now estimated to contribute about 3.0 % of the total cloud-like trails behind aircraft that of the anthropogenic radiative forcing by all human are visible from the ground about 5 activities; Ê miles above the Earth’s surface. At · Total CO2 aviation emissions is approximately 2 these high altitudes, contrails and % of the Global Greenhouse Emissions; cirrus cloud form. Both contrails and · ÊThe amount of CO2 emissions from aviation is cirrus clouds reflect sunlight that expected to grow around 3-4 per cent per year;Ê warm the Earth’s surface. At the · Medium-term mitigation for CO2 emissions from same time, they absorb heat from the aviation sector can potentially come from ground instead of allowing it to improved fuel efficiency. escape. Right now this effect is small but it is growing. Although scientists ICAO Programme of Action on Environmental are uncertain about impact of Protection contrail, but those contrails are implicated in the formation of cirrus ICAO has been playing a lead role in order to reduce clouds or limit aircraft noise and emission from international last longer than a few minutes, and aviation that contribute to global climate change. The gradually develop into cirrus clouds. urgency and importance of addressing GHGs emissions Over the past 40 years, cloudiness from aviation was recognized only at 36th session of seems to have increased. This the ICAO Assembly held in 2007. To achieve the goal, continual increase in cloudiness may the Goup on International Aviation and Climate Change lead to global climate change. (GIACC) was formed in 2008, with the mandate to develop an ICAO Programme of Action. GIACC Total climate effects presented the proposal of Programme of Action which The IPCC has estimated that aviation was accepted by the ICAO Council. A High-Level is responsible for around 3.5% of the

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Meeting on International Aviation and CAAN’s Action Plans Climate Change was held in 2009 and evaluated the outcome of the GIACC. The To implement the following State’s Action meeting also approved a Declaration and Plan adopted by the 37th Session of ICAO Recommendation affirming the commitment Assembly Resolution, CAAN has to establish of Member States to address aviation policies and guidance on environment emission that contribute to climate change protection in order to reduce aircraft noise by working through ICAO. This was the first and emission from international aviation that globally harmonized agreement on a goal to contribute to global climate change. In address its CO2 emissions. Resolution A37-19, the Assembly: 1. invites States to voluntarily submit their Building up of ICAO’s all those past action plans to ICAO preferably by June th acheivements since 36 Session of the ICAO 2012, in order that ICAO can compile Assembly including the Declaration and information in relation to achieving the Recommendation approved by the High- global aspirational goals, th Level Meeting, 37 Session of the ICAO 2. The action plans should include Assembly adopted Resolution that goes one information on the basket of measures step further incorporating important key considered by States and information on elements such as: any specific assistance needs 1. Global aspirational goals for the 3. Requests the Council to provide guidance international aviation sector of improving and other technical assistance for the 2% annual fuel efficiency up to year 2050, preparation of States’ action plans.

2. Stabilizing its global CO2 emissions at Mitigation of aviation's environmental 2020 levels, impact 3. Development of a global CO2 certification standard aiming for 2013, Mitigation of aviation's environmental impact 4. Facilitation of developing and deploying can be achieved through a variety of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation, measures, some important measures would 5. Development of a framework for market be: -based measures, 6. Concrete steps to assist States to · Use of Fuel Efficient aircraft - Next- contribute to global efforts, Generation engines are not only more fuel- 7. States’ action plans, covering information efficient but also tend to be quieter. on CO2 emissions reduction activities and Bombardier C Series aircraft are 4 times assistance needs, quieter than aircraft currently in service.

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· Development and deployment through the use of improved operating procedures. of sustainable alternative fuels (use A single-engine taxi to and from the runway and the of biofuels) use of a Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) which can reduce emissions significantly during the · Route optimization - An operations in and around an airport. improved Air Traffic Management System with more direct routes and · Reduce the fuel burn of the aircraft optimized cruising altitudes would allow airlines to reduce their References: emissions. In Nepal, Himalaya Route has been proposed for the last 5 ICAO Environmental Report 2010 years which is yet to be Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia: Environmental Impact implemented. Satellite based of aviation. approach (RNP AR) which is under Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, IPCC implementation phase in Nepal United Nations Framework Conference for Climate would help reducing noise as well Change, UNFCC as emission. United Nations Environmental Programme, UNEP National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA · Improved Operating Procedures - Airlines and airports can reduce emissions and fuel burn Deputy Director, CAAN Head Office

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Going Green the Aviation Way Adaptation to the Climatic Change.

Presently the talk of the town has been the adaptation to the climatic change and how to adapt to the ongoing climatic change both internationally and locally. Ecological together with geological change has been imparting global effects and this has made all the difference in the aviation field prompting ICAO to garner all the necessary strength for the cooperation with the member states to ensure better adaptation to the climatic change so that the sky becomes safer to fly.

Aviation, as we all know, plays different roles in different parts of the world depending upon the topography and the infrastructure Birendra Singh of each region of a country. So in dealing with the given environmental issues one solution may not be fit to all. Problems vary so do the attitude while solving these problems. Hence it has been put very aptly: Think globally but act locally. This has been even truer in the aviation arena.

Civil aviation has been proactive in its efforts to reduce its negative impact on the environment, primarily through research and development as well as through fuel efficient engines and efforts to look into alternate form of fuel along with noise abated airfoils (which were very prevalent years back). Even though many solutions have been studied

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and put forward for the betterment In its pursuit to give high priority to improve the of the environment, trying to go degradation of the environment, ICAO has called for green in aviation is one of the all the contracting states to prepare for unified and solutions that have been proven and coordinated measures. As stated, regardingS the that have been able to show that it global climatic change, the aircraft engine emission is possible to further decrease the has been one of the main forces of discussion and fuel consumption through a change the emission plays a pivotal impact on the atmospheric in the existing air transport concentration of green house gases and can further instruments. In order to mitigate the contribute in the formation of cirrus clouds thereby climatic change in aviation, adoption bringing about a vast climatic change. The aircraft of various factors should be made are estimated to contribute about 3.5 % of the total viz: the application of the measures radiation. But new findings reveal that aircraft is the to address aircraft noise and engine cause of 3.5% of the total of the anthropogenic emission, embracing technological radiation. Even though the total carbon-di-oxide improvements, better operating emission is 2% of the global greenhouse emission, the procedures, proper organization of mitigation of carbon-di-oxide emission for aviation air traffic ,appropriate aircraft and sector can be done from improved fuel efficiency. planning of land use; and many One of the other factors contributing to the climatic more have been the major change is the aircraft noise. Since the introduction of contributors to the increase in modern jet aircraft in the 60s, noise has remained the efficiency by more than 70% in the most significant cause of adverse community reaction area of noise abatement during to the operation and expansion of airport worldwide; flights. and ICAO has made recommendations to mitigate such aircraft noise. Hence, in 2001, ICAO endorsed In 2004 ICAO adopted 3 major the concept of a “balance approach” to the aircraft important goals to: noise mitigation. In order to handle this situation ICAO called upon its member states to deal with the ü limit or reduce the number of problem of the aircraft noise. This gathering people contributed in identifying the noise problem during affected by significant aircraft noise the approach of an aircraft. Then various measures to reduce the noise were analyzed. The states came ü limit or reduce the impact of aviation up with the major four elements viz. allowing quieter emission or local air quality aircraft, better land use, aircraft noise abatement operational procedures, and operation restrictions. ü limit or reduce the impact of aviation Much of ICAO’s effort to address aircraft noise over green house emission on the global the past 40 years has been aimed at reducing the climate. noise at the very source. So the aircraft especially the

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helicopters built today are required to meet program, exchange of ideas and facilitate the noise abatement standard adopted by participant's ongoing efforts to develop a the Council of ICAO contained in Annex 16, common definition of sustainable criteria for vol. I. The rules now have been very stringent bio-fuels. than the earlier ones to ensure that only noise abated aircrafts enter into the states thereby Even today international aviation globally has trying to curtail the noise of an aircraft. Thus, been one of the media to connect people gone are the days when aircraft as: B737, and business across the world and has relied B727, B707 FK28, etc., operated widely and on the development of global solution to with great pride that produced heavy noise tackle with the ongoing challenges it at the takeoff and landing at the airports encounters. ICAO is the internationally (that were not only nuisance to the accepted body for dealing with the operators, passengers, or even to the public international aviation for the environment creating health hazards) are now on the related issues. The debate over the climatic phasing out process and most of these change is immense and many great nations aircraft either have better operating are worried about it as aviation is threatened phenomenon or have been completely out by the amount of carbon emission in the air. of production. Besides the noise abatement Developing and emerging nations are factor, the other approach to the betterment debating over the responsibility of reducing of environment has been the quest for carbon emission. Their concern is the suitable alternate fuel and it has shown particularization of the nation responsible to promises of being an intrinsic part of an reduce the emission and the targeted level approach towards reducing the carbon-di- to which the emission should be maintained. oxide and sustainable alternative factors over All such nations should act together to the short, medium and long term are being mitigate the effects of climatic change. No developed for the betterment of aviation . wonder improving the environmental performance of aviation sector is a challenge Significant progress has been made in ICAO has taken up very seriously and in establishing technological goals for reducing fulfilling its responsibility it has developed a aircraft greenhouse gas emission. The range of standards, policies, and guidelines alternative fuels produced from biomass or to combat the climatic change experienced renewed oils offer the potential to reduce today. Of course, for this global cooperation greenhouse gas emission. ICAO has done a is of utmost necessity in dealing with the lot in its bid to do research in the alternate greenhouse gas emission in world-wide basis. fuel through facilitating exchange of Therefore newer technologies may be information on finance, providing platform developed in dealing with the aircraft noise, for access to research and roadmaps and as well as in dealing with the aircraft gas

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emission that affect the change by adopting various methods as: adoption of atmosphere. noise abatement policy, better traffic management in the flow of the aircraft, and above all contributing In conclusion we can say that even and cooperating through participation in various though it may be very difficult in seminars, workshops etc. thereby getting upgraded combating and totally eradicating in our knowledge in climatic change and the environmental degradation environmental degradation. Let’s be positive and caused by various factors including think positive in any way we can to have a cleaner the aviation factors, we should be and greener aviation of tomorrow. positive in our outlook in saying that prevention through modern He has logged more than 30 yrs experience in the technologies can play a pivotal role field of aviation. in reducing the effects of this problem. Even states like ours can contribute in handling the climatic

Former MOTCA Employee

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 55 13 th Anniversary Publication

Public Private Partnership Model of Airport Privatization

Necessity of Private Participation in Airport Infrastructure

Increased traffic and cargo growth in recent decades has led to congestion and saturation at different airports of the world. To solve this problem countries require- new airports, expansion of capacity at existing airports, induction of technology for efficient handling of passenger & cargo and innovative management. Airport industry itself is capital intensive in nature. Investment has long gestation period and often involves large element of sunk cost. Huge sum of additional funds, much more than the airport authorities can generate, is necessary. To bridge the resource gap, private participation in airport Shaligram Poudyal infrastructure has been necessary. Airports Evolving as Enterprise

The move towards airport privatization is relatively a recent phenomenon. It was driven by two key factors. First, due to continuous increases in passenger traffic across the world, there was an urgent need to expand existing capacity and develop new facilities. Governments were unable to undertake the investment as public financing was becoming increasingly difficult due to the other competing needs for tax revenues. Second factor was the declining level of operational efficiency and the apparent inability of government operators to run airports in a cost-effective manner. Since the privatization

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of the British Airports Authority (reduction of government share), Management (BAA) in 1987 the worldwide Contract, Build Own Transfer (BOT); Build Own Lease movement has been to view airports Transfer (BOLT); Build Own Operate (BOO); Lease as enterprise with corporatization Develop Operate (LDO), Full Privatization (complete and privatization. By 1995, some sale) and Public Private Partnership (PPP). form or the other of private In the developed countries, Management Contract participation was under and BOT form of privatization are much popular. But consideration in over fifty-four the public sale of BAA in 1987 was a rare and unusual countries. This has resulted in a case of complete privatization. Developing countries significant industry trend toward have typically opted for concession contracts, long- enterprise partnerships between term leases or management contracts. In the South public and the private sector. Asian region, especially in India and Maldives, PPP Public Policies: model of privatization is being favored.

Governments and related The Concept of PPP Model international agencies are developing favorable policies to According to Zhang Qin PPP model is a cooperative invite private participation in airport venture between the public and private sectors, built sector. The World Bank, since long, on the expertise (and resources) of each partner that has been asserting for privatization best meets clearly defined public needs through the of state owned enterprises. ICAO's appropriate allocation of resources, risks and rewards. policies on privatization are In the PPP model, government retains ultimate expressed on Airport Economics ownership on the assets and property of Airports. Manual (Para 2.26-2.28; 2.33-2.41; Airports are not sold but handed over for a certain 7.63 of Doc 9562). Indian Policy on time period under a concession contract. Private Airports 1997 has clearly mentioned investors and the government are owners of a Joint about infusion of private including Venture Company (JVC). Under PPP scheme, foreign investment (para 9-10 on concession contract is awarded for 25 to 50 years. financing of airports) and private The ultimate ownership of the airport is retained with sector participation (para 1-11on the government. Here, the Government reaps dual private sector participation). Civil benefits. First, some percentage of gross airport Aviation Policy of Nepal 2063 (Para revenue is directly shared to the government. 4.14) is positive on private sector Secondly, government gets dividend on its equity in involvement in airport development. the JVC.

Airport Privatization Models Indian Cases on PPP model

Popular modes of airport Case of Brown Field Airports - Delhi & Mumbai: On privatizations are: Divesture 3rd May 2006 the Airports at Mumbai and Delhi were

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handed over to the respective JVCs under For 2010 2nd quarter, ACI has rated Mumbai PPP agreements. Some features of the PPP Airport's service quality as best among Indian agreements were as follows: airports. Runway of this airport is improved Ö Objectives to comply for A380 aircraft. It handled 29.1 o World class airport development and million passengers in the fiscal year 2010-11. management Ö Equity participation o Delhi: 74 % Pvt. Consortium Airport Authority of India (AAI) has earned 26 % Airports Authority of India (AAI) revenues over Rs 3015 crores from Delhi and o Mumbai: 74% Pvt. Consortium Mumbai airports (1,674 crores from Delhi and 26% AAI Rs 1,341 crores from Mumbai) in the last four Ö Capital Investment for initial 7 years years, as part of its share. o Delhi 3286 crore, Mumbai 5676 crore Ö Tasks to be performed by JVCs Case of Greenfield Airports -Bangalore o The JVCs are to achieve a rating of 3.5 & Hyderabad on the AETRA scale of 5 on completion of stage-I and improve to 3.75 by stage-II Contract for two new Green field airports Ö Payments to AAI were finalized for Bangalore (July 2004) and o Upfront payment: Rs.150 crores from Hyderabad (Dec 2004) to develop on Build each JVC Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis for Ö Gross Revenue Sharing to AAI for 30 30 years. General feature of PPP agreement years are as given below: o Delhi: 45.99% Mumbai: · Equity participation 38.7% Bangalore: 74 % Pvt. Consortium 26 Ö AAI employees’ cost to be reimbursed % State Govt. & AAI by the JVCs Hyderabad: 74 % Pvt. Consortium 26 % State Govt. & AAI Airport's Performance: · Land Lease: Bangalore 4000 acres, Hyderabad 5490 acres In Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey by · Interest free state support Rs. 350 Airport Council International (ACI), Delhi and Rs. 315 crore respectably for Bangalore Airport has maintained 4th position among and Hyderabad repayable after 10 years in world's best airports in the year 2009. It has half yearly installments developed facilities ahead of demand. For · Stamp Duty payable on land lease example, 60 million passenger capacity exempted. terminal buildings are developed ahead of · Infrastructure like water, power etc. time. Delhi handled 26.1 million passengers to be provided at site in 2009/10. There are three Runways one of · Commercial flights from existing them capable for A380 Bangalore and Hyderabad airport will close.

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Airport's Performance: Privatization of airports in China has transformed some airports from loss making entities reliant on These new airports started large public subsidies into profitable, customer- operation from the year 2008. orientated businesses. Mostly, China's privatization Bangalore International Airport is on PPP model to develop non-aeronautical aspect (BIA) received the IATA Platinum especially for landside, Terminal and Ground Handling Certification as the first 100% Bar businesses. Recently, Male International Airport has Coded Boarding Passes (BCBP) been awarded a concession for 25 years under PPP compliant airport in India. BIA has model. bagged 'Best Airport India Award from "Skytrax World Airport Award" What for Nepal? in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2011 March. This airport handled 11.59 Brown Field TIA's Context: Civil Aviation Authority of million passengers in the fiscal year Nepal (CAAN) manages Tribhuvan International 2010-11. Airport (TIA) the only internal airport of Nepal. We Rajiv Gandhi International Airport are facing traffic congestion problem. Ground facilities (RGIA) Hyderabad has been worlds like international parking bays and domestic parking best in 5-15 million passenger apron areas are limited. Terminal buildings are also categories airports in the year 2009 getting congested. Baggage mishandling complaints in ASQ survey of ACI. RGIA got are frequent. Weaknesses on the side behavior service International Quality Management orientation are raised by customers time and again. standard ISO 9001:2008, Lack of professionalism and customer orientation Environment Management Standard from the agencies like security and immigration are ISO – 14001:2004 and Occupational the other sides of the problem. Improvement in 4Ts Health and Safety Management (Taxi, Toilet, Trolley, Telephone) are always sought standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007. It for. Very low level of non-aeronautical revenues, has developed A-380 compatible under-utilization of commercially important assets runway and has best facility in cargo. and facilities and high overhead expenses are yet This airport handled 7.63 million other parts of the problem. passengers in the fiscal year 2010- 11. While other international airports are dedicated to give exciting experience beyond expectation to their Other Countries: customers, we are just struggling to come out from the family of hated airports. Periodically changing Three airports of Cambodia are political leadership, their popular slogans and soft managed jointly by France’s group promises of the bureaucrats melt down in a short VINCI with 70% share and Muhibbah span of time. Getting ISO management certification Masteron Cambodia, a Malaysian- is far away for TIA. In short we have not been able to Cambodian joint venture with 30%. show world class competitiveness in TIA management.

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A professional management team with full procedures towards private investment mandate will be able to deliver solution of supported by political consensus are the these problems. This means opening up the demand of time to attract private foreign door to private participation with appropriate capital and materialize the SIA project. policies. Conclusion: Green Field Nijgadh's Context: Possibility of private participation in the proposed green It is certainly possible for Nepal to provide field project of Second International Airport world class airport service and to develop (SIA) seems to be high. Airport site has facilities ahead of demand. Key to the success sufficient land (8000 hectares) availability is with the right policies and political bring forward Airport City or Aerotropolis commitment. If we are not going to accept concept. Birgunj, the commercial gateway any form of privatization, in the first stage, on the south, Kathmandu, the capital on the CAAN's regulatory and operator function north (72 km) and the airport site itself in the should be separated. CAAN should keep hold middle of the Republic puts it in the most of regulatory and the Air Traffic Management appropriate location possible for Nepal. In (ATM) function. A separate holding company future with the growth of transit trade should be established to manage TIA. The between China and India, new economic organization should be restructured activities could be growing in this area. In introducing cleaning department and case, international air traffic is concentrated customer service department. Its key staff from TIA to SIA, it will get more than 6 million should come from management faculty. Such passengers per annum by 2028. In the final a step may be helpful to develop corporate phase, SIA will have the capacity to handle culture and managerial professionalism. Even up to 60 million passengers annually. such improvement may not be sufficient to Construction of fast track link from Nijgadh bring TIA in the family of the world class to Kathmandu, declaring the airport area as airports. Because, governments perform less Special Economic Zone, government well than the private sector, the ultimate guarantee for the supply of electricity, water solution will be some form of private and other utilities will be the basic participation. And PPP may be one of the requirements for the viability of this airport. choices. The internal rate of return in this project is expected to be low, (around 10%), some Lastly let us quote N. Chandrababu Naidu, amount of state support may be necessary the former Chief Minister of Indian state of to fill the viability gap. SIA is a must for Nepal. Andra Pradesh and the pioneer of PPP policy There is strong possibility of attracting private of India. He says "At the time nobody had foreign investment. This will save billions of experience in the public private partnership Rupees of tax revenue of the government. or PPP model, and the bureaucracy was not Therefore, transparent policies and interested in private investment, I had to

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fight to anything create this policy. References: I had 34 meetings – not one, not two but 34 – with the Prime Minister. I 1.Conference Paper of Chief Secretaries of India, on faced different objections at each PPP in Infrastructure: 20thMay, 2006 () meeting but I kept up the pressure 2. Policy on Airports: Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. and finally they accepted. After so of India, December 19973. much resistance and arguments 3 .Nirmal Krishanani:Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi then, now you find Bangalore, Delhi International Airport: The making of an Indian and Mumbai airports have gone for aviation icon, Published by .GMR Hyderabad privatization. .once you do that International Airport Limited, Hyderabad, 2008 you just watch out for the 4.Acced on December 5 2011. development. It starts to happen." 5.Bureaucrats in Business: the Econonic-s and Politics Expecting similar endeavor to come of Government Ownership: World Bank policy from dedicated politicians, let us research report, 1995. hope that our statecraft will also be 6.Sumana Chaudhuri; Impact of Privatisation on successful to devise an appropriate Performance of Airport Infrastructure Projects in mechanism to develop and manage India: a Preliminary Study TIA and SIA with global competitiveness. Deputy Director, CAAN Head Office

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Aviation organizations require information Flow as much as aircraft require fuel INFORMATION

ATM community depends extensively on the provision of timely, relevant, accurate, accredited and quality-assured information to collaborate and make decision. Sharing information on a systematic way will allow the ATM community to conduct its business and operations in a safe and efficient manner.

SAFETY Safety is the highest priority in ATM and a comprehensive process for safety management is implemented that enables the ATM community to achieve efficient and effective outcomes. Shishil Chitrakar collection and evaluation of Safety Data Data for use in safety monitoring programmers should be collected from as wide a range of sources as possible, as the safety-related consequences of particular procedures or systems may not be realized until an incident has occurred .The appropriate ATS authority should establish a formal incident reporting system for ATS personnel to facilitate the collection of information on actual or potential safety hazards or deficiencies related to the provision of ATS, including route structure, procedures, communications, navigation and surveillance system and other safety significant systems and equipments as well as controller workload.

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Safety-related reports concerning Aviation is arguably the safest mode of mass the operation of air traffic services, transportation and one of the safest socio-technical including air traffic incident reports, production systems in the history of humankind. This shall be systematically reviewed by achievement acquires particular relevance when the appropriate ATS authority in considering the youth of the aviation industry, which order to detect any adverse trend is measured in decades, as compared to other in the number and types of incidents industries having long history. It is a tribute to the which occur. Reports concerning the aviation safety community and its unrelenting serviceability of ATS facilities and endeavors that in a mere century aviation has systems, such as failure of system progressed, from a safety perspective, from a fragile and equipment or failure and system to the first ultra-safe system in the history of degradation of communication, transportation. surveillance and other safety significant system and equipment, In the first era, which spans from the pioneering days shall be systematically reviewed by of the early 1900s until approximately the late 1960s the appropriate ATS authority in where aviation could be characterized as a fragile order to detect any trend in the system from a safety reliability standpoint. Safety operation of such systems which breakdowns, although certainly not daily occurrences, may have an adverse effect on were not infrequent. It was then only logical that safety. safety understanding and prevention strategies were mainly derived from accident investigation. There was THE NEED FOR SAFETY really no system to speak of; rather the industry MANAGEMENT functioned because individuals literally took it upon themselves to move it forward. The safety focus was Traditionally, the need for safety on individuals and the individual management of management has been justified safety risks, which in turn built upon the foundations based on a predicted industry provided by intensive training programmers. During growth and the potential for an the second era, from the early 1970s until the mid- increase in accidents as a 1990s (the human era), aviation became not only a consequence of such growth. While system, but a safe system. The frequency of safety accident reduction will always breakdowns diminished significantly, and a more all- remainthe main priority of aviation, encompassing understanding of safety, which went there are more compelling reasons beyond individuals to look into the broader system, than statistical projections was progressively developed. underlying the transition to a safety management environment in This naturally led to a search for safety lessons beyond international civil aviation those generated by accident investigation, and thus worldwide. the emphasis shifted to the investigation of incidents. This shift to a broader perspective of safety and

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incident investigation was accompanied by risks with the consequences of hazards which a mass introduction of technology (as the exist in the context in which it must operate only way to achieve increased system to deliver its services. production demands) and an ensuing multiple-fold increase in safety regulations.

From the mid-1990s to the present day (the organizational era), aviation entered its third safety reliability era, becoming an ultra-safe system (i.e. a system that experiences less than one catastrophic safety breakdown every one million production cycles). From a global perspective and notwithstanding regional spikes, accidents became infrequent to the extent of becoming exceptional events, or anomalies in the system. Serious incidents also became fewer and further Safety Concern apart. In concert with this reduction in Safety is a matter related to everybody. No occurrences, the shift towards a broad single person, unit can achieve safety without systemic safety perspective that had started coordinated and integrated effort from every to emerge during the previous era concerned unit. "Some of the best lessons consolidated itself. Fundamental in this we ever learn are the ones we learn from our consolidation was the adoption of a business- mistakes and failures like approach to the management of safety, .The error of the past is the wisdom and based upon the routine collection and success of the future." analysis of daily operational data. This business-like approach to safety underlies ATS SAFETY MANAGEMENT the rationale of safety management systems. In the simplest terms, SMS is the application States shall ensure that the level of air traffic of business management practices to the services (ATS) and communications, management of safety. The application of navigation and surveillance, as well as the business management practices to aviation ATS procedures applicable to the airspace or safety, with its underlying routine collection aerodrome concerned, are appropriate and and analysis of operational data, has as its adequate for maintaining an acceptable level objective the development of the safety of safety in the provision of ATS. space. Within that safety space, the organization can freely roam while delivering The requirements in respect of services, its services, with the assurance that it is within systems and procedures applicable to a space of maximum resistance to the safety airspaces and aerodromes should be

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established on the basis of a regional c)assessing and making recommendations concerning air navigation agreement in order operational requirements; to facilitate the harmonization of d)identifying any potentially unsafe procedures or ATS in adjacent airspaces. To ensure operating practices so that immediate corrective that safety in the provision of ATS is action can be taken; maintained, the appropriate ATS e) detecting problem areas or deficiencies and authority shall implement safety determining probable causes and recommended management systems (SMS) for the corrective measures; air traffic services under its f) examining the effectiveness of intra-unit and inter jurisdiction. Where appropriate, ATS unit communication and co-ordination; SMS should be established on the g) examining personnel utilization, position workload basis of a regional air navigation and unit establishments to ensure compatibility agreement ATS Planning ATS Evaluation Safe and adequate ATS system should result from Standardization of procedures and sound planning techniques. All relevant operational methods is essential in a service factors must be taken into account and close which has international obligations meaningful co-ordination between planners and users and which uses procedures involving is essential. To ensure that an ATS system functions more than one unit. The degree of properly it must cover the following main factors: standardization achieved is directly a)a navigation aid system which provides for both air related to the proficiency with which navigation and ATS requirements; individuals perform their duties. This b)communications both point-to-point and air-ground; in turn determines the efficiency of c)specialist equipment for use by ATS personnel; ’ the service given to the users and d)adequately trained and qualified controllers; to the traveling public. Regardless e)provision of flight data permitting controllers to of the scope of the evaluation constitute a picture of the existing and expected certain common objectives are traffic situation; involved. ATS evaluation normally f)provision of information on the status of air includes all or part of the following navigation facilities and services, both air and provisions: ground derived, including meteorological a)assessing the service provided to information. the users for standardization, quality, adequacy, efficiency and The system must have sufficient capability and effectiveness; flexibility to accommodate traffic peaks and b)ensuring that operating reasonable expansion possibilities to cover forecast procedures conform to national traffic increases during a period at least equal to the standards; lifetime of the facility.

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Facilities must be available for controller implementation phase. Information training and there must be a unit collection, sharing and analysis are highly management structure which ensures essential for safe operation of Air adequate constant supervision and Transportation and must be used as standardization of operating methods. In fundamental tools for Safety Management ensuring that all operational factors are taken System of Organization. Thus we can say into account at the planning stage, planners Aviation organizations require information will be faced with many conflicting Flow as much as aircraft require fuel . considerations and it is in this area particularly that the judgment and experience of Be Happy ! interested aviation activity groups can contribute to a balanced and logical REF: proposal. Annex 6 ATS Planning Manual Conclusion PANS ATM DOC 4444 Safety Management manual ( Doc 9859) Correct and up to date information is essential from planning stage to Deputy Director, TIACAO

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Implementation of RNP AR at Tribhuvan International Airport 1.Background

Tribhuvan International airport (TIA) being situated inside the beautiful Kathmandu valley is well known in the aviation community for its challenging surrounding terrain, both for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots. Proximity of natural obstacles around the vicinity restricts the application of precision approach system like ILS, MLS, etc. Feasibility studies of possibility of precision approach for TIA by JICA, Air Services Australia and Airways International New Zealand in the past revealed that the ILS with 15° off- track and 3.5° glide slope or 5° off-track and 4.1° glide slope is only possible resulting the non-feasibility of precision approach at TIA. Suwarn Raj Upadhyay Several initiatives such as the publication of a new VOR/DME approach procedure have been undertaken to facilitate the airport access by reducing the excessive step down procedures on the approach path but these efforts have reached the limits of conventional navigation. Hence, the application of Performance Based Navigation specification especially the RNP AR has been sought as one of the most suitable alternatives to the limiting conventional procedure.

By taking the full benefit of aircraft capabilities primarily the GNSS equipage, RNP allows an aircraft to fly accurate, predictable and repeatable trajectories without relying on ground-based navigation systems. The flexibility in airspace and air-route structuring

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which is the beauty of PBN especially the achieved by improving the safety of the RNP AR application that allows the aircraft operation. RNP AR APCH operations are to circumnavigate the terrains, congested considered very close to the precision areas and noise sensitive areas in the final approaches and are classified as approach approach segment. This benefit has been with vertical guidance (APVs). This type of currently grasped by Civil Aviation Authority operation requires a positive vertical of Nepal (CAAN) by adopting the concept of navigation guidance system (VNAV) for Final RNP AR Approach into the TIA operation Approach Segment (FAS) by utilizing the which precludes the current practice of barometric vertical navigation system (BARO- overflying the controlling rugged terrain VNAV). while commencing the conventional approach. 3.Benefits of RNP AR Approach over conventional VOR/DME procedure 2.What is RNP AR APCH? a.General Benefits: RNP AR APCH is the most sophisticated PBN ð Infrastructure Aspects: navigation specification which requires ØNo ground infrastructures are special authorization for aircraft and aircrew required. Hence, no financial burden. to execute the approach. The RNP AR APCH ØSatellite based navigation and on-board criteria apply only to those aircraft and equipments are sufficient for aircraft operators complying with specified additional navigation. certification, approval and training requirements. Thus, implementation of RNP ð Operational Aspects: AR procedures extends beyond the ØLow visibility operation procedure design and includes the ØReduction in diversions and go- authorization and approval processes- both around airworthiness and operational. It precludes ØReduction in ATC complexities the necessity of ground-based navigation ØReduction in congestion aids. ØIncreases the efficiency of operation ØContinuous descent profile of 3° is Navigation Aid Infrastructure required in RNP attainable AR APCH procedures is GNSS with ABAS like ØMuch like Precision Approach RAIM and AAIM which provides the lateral ØMore payload out of terrain/obstacle navigation guidance to the aircraft. These challenged airports procedures published only when the ØEnhanced safety significant operational advantages can be

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possible by lowering the visibility minima. Visibility minima can go as low as 900m for CAT C operations with the decision height 340ft.

ð Go-around tendencies could be reduced due to the stabilized approach with lower minima. The procedure proposed by QUOVADIS QUOVADIS is a subsidiary of Airbus. after the final discussion with CAAN has the Final Approach Segment (FAS) with shallow glide path angle of 2.58° allowing the stabilized approach until landing.

ð As there is no step down fixes and procedures and as it is the stabilized approach, engine thrust remains optimum during the approach manoeuvre thereby increases the fuel saving ð Procedural Aspects: and ultimately reduces the carbon emission. ØRoutes can be designed as per necessity ð Flexibility in approach procedure design is ØReduces route complexities possible. In the approach procedure, lots of RF ØStabilized approach (radius to fix or arc) legs are prevalent right ØFlexibility and Maneuverability, from the STARs up to the Missed Approach can beautifully along the Holding MANRI. Such RF legs enable aircraft to Arc, called as RF leg circumnavigate the hurdling terrain in a very ØLateral & vertical guided efficient manner with the help of aircraft approaches automatics. Terrain in between the 8 to 9 DME has been the limitation of existing conventional ð Environmental Aspects: VOR/DME RWY02 Approach procedure which ØFuel saving has been avoided by the proposed RNP AR APCH ØNoise abatement procedure. ØCarbon emission reduction ð TIA will have much like precision approach b.Specific Benefits with regard procedure, i.e. RNP AR with lateral and vertical to TIA guidance which will certainly increase the reliability of the operation of the airport as well. ð Low visibility operation is

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CFIT type of occurrences will be in the FAS. In case of proposed TIA RNP reduced because of the non-existence AR APCH, it allows aircraft to fly in the of step down fixes, stabilized approach arc path along the mountain gorge by and Onboard Performance Monitoring eluding the high terrain in between 8 and and Alert (OPMA) functionality of the 9 DME from Kathmandu VOR/DME. RNP AR Navigation Specification. 5.What are the mandatory equipages and 4.Why RNP AR? Why not RNP APCH aircraft capabilities? and other PBN Specifications? As the RNP AR APCH operations requires very low navigation tolerance limits and very Different PBN NAVSPECS require different small protection area, the onboard system protection area depending on their RNAV or must have the path construction, display and RNP value. However, the value ranges from adherence capabilities. It must have the 10 as maximum up to as low as 0.1 which is Navigation Display/Control Display Unit nothing but the lateral navigation tolerance capable to display the deviation of the aircraft in Nautical mile. both vertically with a resolution of 10 ft or less and laterally with a resolution of 0.01 NM As for as the approach of TIA concerned, or less. It must have the means to annunciate RNP AR APCH has got the preference over failures of any component of RNP, including the RNP APCH and other PBN specifications the navigation sensors and such annunciation because of the following reasons: must be displayed in the primary view of the ð RNP AR APCH does not require buffer pilot. protection area while the other PBN Specifications including the RNP APCH Besides the above mentioned capabilities, requires it. Hence, the segment width of the aircraft should have the following sets RNP AR APCH is narrower. Almost every of equipment onboard to perform the RNP solution is available with RNP AR AR APCH and associated missed approach especially relating to the flight path. operations: Therefore, this approach is technically feasible even in the narrower valley like ð Dual GNSS sensors Kathmandu. ð Dual FMS ðThe beauty of RNP AR APCH is the ð Dual Auto Pilots possibility of RF leg in the FAS which is ð One IRU not possible in the case of RNP APCH and ð Dual Navigation Display others. This RF leg allows aircraft to ð An operable enhanced ground proximity circumnavigate avoiding the terrain even warning ð ystem (EGPWS/TAWS)

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6.Chronology of CAAN 13-17 July 2011 FUGRO GEOID SAS, a French data survey company Activities to implement RNP recognized by DGAC France, contracted by QUOVADIS performed an obstacles survey around Tribhuvan AR Approach for TIA International Airport for the implementation of the RNP AR procedure. The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is implementing Required 2-3 August 2011 A kick off meeting was held in CAAN for Navigation Performance with the conceptual procedure design for RNP AR APCH at Tribhuvan International Airport. In this meeting, Authorization Required (RNP-AR) QUOVADIS presented the initial design of RNP AR operations at Tribhuvan STARs and Approach for Runway 02.Vigorous discussion International Airport in the near was held about the procedure presented. The meeting future with the support of agreed on the RNP AR procedure final design to be QUOVADIS. produced by the end of December 2011.

5-6 December 2011 CAAN, Quovadis and associated airlines This RNP-AR project is the result of again met in Kathmandu for RNP AR Detail Design Review an initiative between the CAAN and Meeting. The meeting agreed on the procedures with QUOVADIS with the support of RNP AR STARS fromSouth, West and East, and Approach COSCAP and ICAO FPP as well as from South. Qatar Airways to further improve the safety of the operations at 7 December 2011 As a process to validate the procedure, CAAN Kathmandu. officials, QUOVADIS and Qatar Civil Aviation Authority Representative attended the Simulator Session of Kathmandu RNP AR APCH on Qatar Airways’ Simulator 31 March-1 April 2011 A workshop with prime at Doha. focus on RNP AR approach for TIA .The procedure was found appropriate as per its design was conducted in Kathnmandu with during the simulator session. No significant deviation – the facilitation of COSCAP and ICAO vertical and lateral was observed and no GPWS warning FPP in which QUOVDIS personated was monitored. Procedure was checked in both normal the viability of RNP AR and emergency scenario and found appropriate in both Approach. the scenario. Workshop was attended by 65 12-14 Dec 2011 ATM Expert from QUOVADIS conducted one day representatives including almost all PBN training for ATCs focusing on RNP AR APCH the 29 air operators flying to/from procedure and ATC role. The training was interactive, Kathmandu. The survey in the informative and useful for ATCs. ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ of the 15 operators have RNP AR APCH procedure were discussed during the training in capability and 7 operators can be perspective of Air Traffic Controlling including the readily upgraded for it. About 68% aircraft fleet are found capable of phraseology. flying RNP AR APCH. As per the MOU between CAAN and QUOVADIS, the

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final procedure will be delivered to CAAN by points from the RNP AR STARs, Holdings- the end of December 2011 and demonstration RATAN and MANRI and Missed Approach flight by Qatar Airways will be performed by track the end of January 2012. 8.Recommendations CAAN will update the AIP Nepal with the necessary data and the RNP AR Approach ð Necessary trainings should be procedure will be published as AIP provided in the field of Flight Operational Supplement on AIRAC date cycle Approval, Air Traffic Control, Procedure January/February 2012. Most probably the Design and Quality assurance. In-house procedure will come in effect by April 2012. training shall be conducted for the Air Traffic Controllers to deliver the 7.Challenges ahead knowledge of PBN technology focusing on RNP AR. ð Regulatory provisions for both operational approval and p r o c e d u r e ð Provisions for Regulations and authorization Oversight functions should be developed.

ð Difficulties in transition from ð Provision of Clear and Concise conventional environment to PBN Roadmap to transition from Conventional environment due to lack of sufficient to PBN environment shall be established. infrastructures especially the on-board infrastructures when we talk of RNP ð In-house capability shall be built for AR operation. the maintenance of the RNP AR procedure in the long run.

ð Training and expertise constraint in different fields (ATCs, Pilots, Engineers, ð Lateral separation points of Holdings etc) and STARs shall be identified for the smooth aircraft operations within

ð RNP operations may require changes Kathmandu TMA. to the ATC system interfaces and display. ð Radar Map shall be updated to

ð Mixed navigation (conventional and address the RNP AR trajectories. RNP) may introduce complexity in the ATC operation. 9.Conclusion The implementation of RNP AR operations

ð Exploration of the lateral separation at TIA will not only beneficial for airline

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operators by reducing the operational costs rather it is equally beneficial to CAAN as well, as it is going to enhance the safety and reliability of flight operation into the only international airport itself. Finally, the benefits fall on passengers’ domain as they are the ultimate user of the approach. Hence, with the development of all the necessary measures, RNP AR will be the safest and best alternative to the conventional approach that could allow TIA to experience the essence of APV approaches (much like precision approaches) without the huge investment on ground- based infrastructure.

Manager, CAAN Head Office

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The issue of Regulation and Deregulation of the Airlines Industry

The issue of just how much government intervention is necessary in a free enterprise system is an ongoing battle between proponents of laissez-faire (“leave it alone”) to proponents who argue that continual and intense government monitoring is necessary to protect the consumer.

Deregulation is the removal or simplification of government rules and regulations that constrain the operation of market forces. Deregulation does not mean elimination of laws against fraud or property rights but eliminating or reducing government control Narayan Prasad Giri of how business is done, thereby moving toward a more laissez-faire, free market. It is different from liberalization, where more players enter in the market, but continues the regulation and guarantee of consumer rights and maximum and minimum prices. An example of Deregulation would be Financial Deregulation. Liberalization refers to a relaxation of previous government restrictions, usually in areas of social or economic policy. In some contexts this process or concept is often, but not always, referred to as deregulation. Deregulation is different from liberalization because a liberalized market, while often having fewer and simpler regulations, can also have regulations to increase efficiency and protect

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consumers' rights, one example of the privatized entity or entities may depend on being anti-monopoly legislation. other measures taken in addition to privatization. However, the terms are often used interchangeably within Deregulation allows the economy to grow on its own deregulated/liberalized industries. terms. A free market economy puts power in the hands of purchasers. parallel development with deregulation has been organized, History with ongoing programs to review regulatory initiatives so as to While viewing at the history of deregulation, many minimize, simplify, and make more industries in the United States became regulated by cost effective regulations. Such the federal government in the late 19th and early 20th efforts may bring momentum and century. Entry to some markets was restricted to liveliness in the industry by the stimulate and protect the initial investment of private regulatory flexibility legislation. companies into infrastructure to provide public The stated rationale for deregulation services, such as water, electric and communications is often that fewer and simpler utilities. With entry of competitors highly restricted, regulations will lead to a raised level monopoly situations were created, necessitating price of competitiveness resulting in and economic controls to protect the public. Other higher productivity, more efficiency forms of regulation were motivated by what was seen and lower prices. It is one of as corporate abuse of the public interest by businesses influential measures of worldwide already extant, such as occurred with the railroads business regulations that has following the era of the so-called robber barons. In inspired mostly deregulation. the first instance, as markets matured to where several providers could be financially viable offering One can distinguish between similar services, prices determined by competition deregulation and privatization. were seen as more desirable than those set by Privatization can be seen as taking regulatory process. state-owned service providers into the private sector. This can result in One problem that encouraged deregulation was the making the privatized enterprise way in which the regulated industries often controlled more subject to market forces than the government regulatory agencies, using them to was the state-owned entity. But the serve the industries' interests. Even where regulatory degree to which there is freedom to bodies started out functioning independently, a operate in the market and the process known as regulatory capture often saw extent of competitiveness in the industry interests come to dominate those of the market for the goods and services consumer. A similar pattern has been observed with

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the deregulation process itself, often There are a significant number of risks effectively controlled by the regulated associated with economic liberalisation and industries through lobbying the legislative deregulation, which many see the need to process. Such political forces, however, exist secure against with regulation that does not in many other forms for other special interest distort markets and allows them to continue groups. to be competitive, or perhaps even more so. Much as the state plays an important role Deregulation gained momentum in the 1970s, through issues such as property rights, influenced by research at the University of appropriate regulation is argued by some to Chicago and the theories of Ludwig von be "crucial to realise the benefits of service Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Milton liberalisation". Regulation can play an Friedman, among others. Two leading 'think important role in, but not exclusive to, the tanks' in Washington, the Brookings following situations: Institution and the American Enterprise Institute, were active in holding seminars and · creating a level playing field and publishing studies advocating deregulatory ensuring competition (e.g. ensuring new initiatives throughout the 1970s and 1980s. energy providers have competitive Alfred E. Kahn played an unusual role in both access to the national grid); publishing as an academic and participating · maintaining quality standards for in the Carter Administration's efforts to services (e.g. by specifying qualification deregulate transportation. requirements for service providers); · protecting consumers (e.g. from fraud); Controversy · ensuring sufficient provision of information (e.g. about the features of The deregulation movement of the late 20th competing services); century had substantial economic effects and · preventing environmental degradation engendered substantial controversy. As (e.g. arising from high levels of tourist preceding sections of this article indicate, development); the movement was based on intellectual · guaranteeing wide access to services perspectives which prescribed substantial (e.g. ensuring poorer areas where profit scope for market forces, and opposing margins are lower are also provided perspectives have been in play in national with electricity and health services); and and international discourse. · preventing financial instability and The movement toward greater reliance on protecting consumer savings from market forces has been closely related to the excessive risk-taking by financial growth of economic and institutional institutions. globalization between about 1950 and 2010.

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These issues can cause high levels in consultation with the airlines flying them according of market distortions and barriers to a standard cost-plus formula. Many of the less to entry. For instance, regulation frequently traveled routes were subsidized by the ensuring that specific qualifications higher fares charged on the major routes. This are needed to provide a service can arbitrary methodology reduced or eliminated the be problematic for foreign firms need to compete based on operational efficiency and wishing to invest, when those consumer satisfaction. The system virtually qualifications are provided only by guaranteed airline costs would be covered. Once price domestic institutions. Thus, guarantees were lifted, there was a significant re- regulation must be carefully positioning of and restructuring within the entire implemented and respond to any industry as the airlines needed to become more issues that develop to ensure that efficient in order to compete. liberalisation delivers the expected benefits, for instance by creating The Airline Deregulation Act, 1976 opened up the U.S. mutual recognition agreements airline business to free market principles, which (MRAs) of qualifications or cross- spurred a dramatically larger, more accessible and, border harmonisation of rules. some say, a more affordable industry. On the positive Regulation often involves a complex side, deregulation opened the market to many balancing act between market and competitors and low-cost airlines often with less frills social objectives and it is argued than existed under regulation. On the negative side, policy space is required to ensure many carriers disappeared through mergers, regulation can constantly be acquisitions and bankruptcy. But in reality, that is the adjusted and adapted to changing essence of the free market economy. The strong market and social realities. survive and the weak perish as in the animal kingdom.

Deregulating Airlines According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), airline fares decreased by 21% from 1990 to 1998. In 1976, the airline industry was Average airfares declined and quality of service deregulated. Until that time, the U.S. improved at 168 of the 171 airports examined generally airline industry was governed by the because of competing service from a low-fare carrier. Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). Each ÊConsumers today can buy air travel today for one- carrier’s routes and prices were set half the purchasing power of a 1968 dollar, and about by this government organization. one-third of a 1950 dollar. I can personally remember The U.S. airline industry operated paying $800-$900 for a round trip ticket between Los with a somewhat imprecise Angeles and New York in the 1970s -1980s, wherein relationship between costs and I can fly on one of the no-frill airlines today for a fare revenues. Airfares were set by route as low as $99.

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The Consequence of Deregulation exploded. The total number of passengers that fly annually has more than doubled since Even the partial freeing of the air travel sector 1978. Travelers now have more convenient has had overwhelmingly positive results. Air travel options with greater flight frequency travel has dramatically increased and prices and more nonstop flights. Fewer passengers have fallen. After deregulation, airlines must change airlines to make a connection, reconfigured their routes and equipment, resulting in better travel coordination and making possible improvements in capacity higher customer satisfaction. Because of the utilization. These efficiency effects effect of deregulation on the airline industry, democratized air travel, making it more air traffic has increased tremendously. accessible to the general public. Consequently, it has posed challenge to the Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs). This requires Since passenger deregulation in 1978, airline updating and modernizing the Air Traffic prices have fallen by 44.9 percent in real Control system and managing slot system so terms according to the Air Transport as to develop efficiency and competency, Association. Capacity utilization (“load especially in the congested airports. factors”) increased, allowing fare reduction. Passengers save $19.4 billion dollars per year The analysis of fares and service after from airline deregulation. The real benefits adoption of deregulation provides evidence of airline deregulation are being felt today that consumers have benefited from lower as never before, with Low Cost Carriers fares after the airlines were deregulated. (LCCs) increasingly gaining market share. Since deregulation, competition has generally increased, traffic has expanded, and fares The rigid fares of the regulatory era have have declined. As predicted by the framers given way to today’s competitive price of deregulation, airline markets have become market. After deregulation, the airlines more competitive and fares have fallen since created highly complex pricing models that deregulation. For consumers, airfares have include the service quality/price sensitivity of fallen in real terms since 1980 while service various air travelers and offer differential has generally improved. fare/service quality packages designed for We can summarize the effects of each. The new LCCs, however, have far deregulation as under: simpler price structures—the product of 1. Hub and Spoke-widespread development consumers’ (especially business travelers’) of Hub-Spoke Network demand for low prices, increased price 2. New Carriers transparency from online Web sites, and 3. Increased Competition decreased reliance on travel agencies. 4. Discount Fares As prices have decreased, air travel has 5. Growth in Air Travel

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6. Frequent Flyer Programs modes for air-cargo. 7. Computer Reservation System (CRS) Air carriers are no longer in the same straightjacket 8. Code sharing that they were in during the days of economic Few things were left for regulation regulation. But deregulation has not moved the air after the deregulation commenced. transportation industry quickly into a new equilibrium They may be summarized as under: configuration. Instead, deregulation has enabled a plethora of creative destruction. Consumers have The regulation of traffic rights as to gained enormously from lower fares. Innovation has the bilateral, consequently liberal been rampant. New industries and firms have been sky policy and open sky policy born and reconfigured. Operations have been agreements were followed redesigned. Deregulation has enabled a dynamic, not liberalizing international aviation a static, marketplace. markets and increasing importance of global airline alliances in one hand; Looking into the legislation exchanging traffic rights, without any limitation on routes, the number When we look into the Nepalese system of legislation of carriers or capacity; and provide for the regulation of airline industry we have Ministry liberal regimes for pricing, charters, Of Tourism and Civil Aviation (MOTCA) representing cooperative marketing agreements government which has the authority to regulate and other commercial opportunities airlines for license to establish and operate airline on the other. industry in Nepal as to the Civil Aviation Act 2015. The It can be safely said that Act also confers authority to the government to frame deregulation, with the exception of the rules for granting permission for the airport a few isolated incidences, lowers construction and prescribe fees thereof compensation costs, improves service, and opens necessary for the cost of the public property, the the industries to more efficient aircraft search-rescue and investigation, protection competitors. of environment, above all the safety and security of Air transportation regulation the aircraft and passenger. appeared to favor incumbent carriers, those in passenger There are government regulations: Civil Aviation Rules transport more than in air-cargo. It 2046 and Civil Aviation Regulation 2024 for aviation suppressed new entrants. security and aircraft accident investigation. In terms Deregulation has permitted such of air fare Civil Aviation Authority Nepal (CAAN) has carriers to flourish, leading to greatly been conferred authority by the CAAN Act 2053 to lowered prices for air-passenger recommend to the government and thereby travel and to more timely delivery government fixes upper and lower limit the airlines

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find the rate remaining within. In this case many of the private airlines have airlines have some type of autonomy mushroomed, some of them are well grown resembling somehow to the deregulation. up like Buddha and YETY; whereas the public CAAN also looks after primarily the aviation air carrier i.e. Nepal Airlines Corporation safety matters with regard to airline (NAC) established on Ist July 1958 with some operation as to the Act 2053. Airlines prerogatives as to its Act 2019, is about to operating certificate is provided by CAAN. It sink down. The reason may be the lack of oversees all safety matters of the airlines. deregulation in case of NAC because some Unlike Nepal US has three different bodies of the private airlines enjoying some type of in terms of the regulation of airline operation. liberalization seem to be establishing in the There is FAA which oversees air navigation, market. As compared to them, NAC is not in safety, and airport investment; the a good position; though some of the analysts Department of Homeland Security, which say that one of the reasons may be the oversees passenger security; DOT which political interference. Some type of oversees international agreements and has deregulation equally applicable to all the a mandate to protect consumers from unfair airlines companies may avail of the and deceptive practices in air transportation opportunity commensurating with the and its sale. liberalization as enjoyed by other private Complete deregulation may create some type airlines companies may let NAC to improve of situation which causes weaker to be the and rescue from so-called political loser. Many of the cases indicate that interference. This may require dissolving the regulation somewhere in the industry is NAC Act 2019 and managing the necessary necessary for the protection of public provisions under the Aviation Umbrella Act welfare, life and property of the people and so as to establish it as the dynamic company. protection of the industry as well. Therefore, It is necessary to rescue NAC from such some regulation is necessary to protect the difficulties and let it stand on its own foot weaker party. For instance, the framers of being able to survive in the environment of the US legislation recognized that this lawful competition so as to move ahead in approach could cause some airlines to fail the age of globalization. and could lead to some communities losing some levels of service. As a result, the act Conclusion created the Essential Air Service (EAS) program which subsidizes air service to small Matters as mentioned above deliver a type communities. The act also established the of insight on the issue of deregulation of Employee Protection Program (EPP). ainlines industry that it is a product of free economy bringing competition in the market When we talk of Nepalese airlines business, to provide free environment for standing on

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one's own foot to stay in the 6630.pdf business where incapable may http://www.apatheticvoter.com/RegulationDeregul decline and efficient one may grow ation.htm up. This is why some type of http://www.aeaweb.org/annual_mtg_papers/2008/ regulation in the business along with 2008_264.pdf the deregulation may be required http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d06630.pdf to protect the industry and the http://cei.org/studies-issue-analysis/airline-deregulation public interest. This may be fruitful http://www.avjobs.com/history/airline- for the overall industry deregulation.asp development. This may be http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d06630.pdf materialized through the efficient http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d06630.pdf legislation which may reflect the http://www.avjobs.com/history/airline- achievements of good governance deregulation.asp including both the interests of public http://www.apatheticvoter.com/RegulationDeregul welfare and the fruits of free ation.htm economy so that it may be able to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation lead the industry to flourish. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation http://www.ehow.com/about_6403484_economic- References deregulation-vs_-regulation.html http://www.apatheticvoter.com/RegulationDeregul http://www.apatheticvoter.com/R ation.htm egulationDeregulation.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregul http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalization ation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal ization http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d0 Manager, CAAN Head Office

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 81 13 th Anniversary Publication

Fifth Generation CRM Threat and Error Management

Evolution of CRM

History of CRM is traced back to the workshop arranged by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1979 on research into the causes of air transport accident.

First generation CRM program was initiated by United Airlines in 1981 with a focus on human factor aspect known to contribute to aviation accident. The focus was also largely on psychological testing and general management concepts, leadership and managerial effectiveness. In addition to classroom training, some programs also were Govinda Poudel included such as full mission simulator training (line oriented flight training), where crew practice interpersonal skills.

Second generation CRM training was initiated by NASA organizing a workshop of airlines. The conclusion of the working group at the workshop was that CRM training to be viewed as separate component of the pilot- training.

A new generation of CRM training course was beginning to emerge with focus on cockpit group dynamics and adopted a change in the name from cockpit to crew resource management dealing with more specific aviation concept relating to flight

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operations and team oriented can not be separated; it can be reduced but cannot aspects such as team building, be eliminated. Human error induces the hazards which briefing strategies, situation are the contributors to accidents. awareness and stress management Error is defined as “an action or inaction by an etc. operational person that leads to deviations from organizational or the operational person’s intension Third generation CRM was started or expectations.” in the early 1990s. The training began to reflect organizational, cultural, Error management is defined as “the process of and integrated CRM with technical detecting and responding to error with counter training and focusing on specific measures that reduce or eliminate the consequences skills and behaviors that pilots could of error and mitigate the probability of future errors use to function more effectively. In or undesired aircraft states.” this generation of CRM flight deck Underlying the fifth generation of CRM is the premise automation was also included. A that human error seems to be everywhere and every new concept of joint CRM training time. Moreover, it is inevitable and a source of was introduced on which cabin information. If error is inevitable, CRM can be seen crew, flight dispatcher and as a set of error countermeasures with the following maintenance personnel were units of defense. included. 1. Avoidance of error by thorough planning Fourth generation CRM has included 2. Trapping incipient error with continual cross the advance qualification program checking and vigilance and reducing (AQP) by Federal Aviation consequences of error through improved Administration in 1990, requiring to checklist management, task prioritization and provide crew training both on CRM decision making strategy. and LOFT (Line Oriented Flight 3. Mitigating the consequences. Training).CRM helps to solve the problems associated with human Fifth generation CRM has aimed to present errors as error as it is an integral part of all normal occurrence and develops strategies, develops flight training. a more team oriented concept to manage the error by breaking the error chain. Fifth generation CRM training has Corrective action to minimize the error can be shown dealt on error management in as below. recognition of the fact that it is impossible to eliminate human error. It is agreed that human and error

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 83 13 th Anniversary Publication

Mitigation of Consequences of error

1. Avoid ñ Safe flight Out come 2. Trap Safe flight

3. Manage ò Safe flight (incase of positive effect) Accident / incident (Incase of negative effect)

- There are many threats in the aviation The action taken by participating aircrew world in all areas, which cannot be completely should be analyzed through the use of feed removed. back system which will enhance crew - We need to develop strategies to members’ awareness of their surrounding manage, to protect against the threats and environment, make them recognize and deal reduce the frequency and severity of human with similar problem and help them to solve errors. situation that might occur to them. Hence - Threats are external situations that it is only reasonable to focus CRM as threat must be managed by the cockpit crew during and error management (TEM) training. It normal everyday flights. must be continuously enforced and it must become an inseparable part of the The fundamental purpose of CRM training is organization-culture. The objective of fifth to improve flight safety through the effective generation CRM is the integration of TEM use of error management strategies in into CRM. individual as well as systematic areas of influence. It also helps to review actual The TEM perspective proposes that threats airlines accidents and incidents in order to and errors are present all the time in the solve the problems resulting out of dilemmas. operational environment within which crews

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operate the flight. Threats are standard. factors that originate outside the 3. Proper communication with ATC. influence of the flight crew which 4. Proper decision making, maintaining situational must be managed by them. awareness. Therefore threats are external to 5. Effective training and continuous the flight deck. They increase the evaluation. complexity of the operational environment and thus have the Latent threats are those threats which are not readily potential to foster flight crew error. observable by the crew. It may pertain to culture, The latent threat those are tangible professional level, organizational policy and and observable to the crews are procedures etc which can lead to an undesired aircraft state. While the geneses of threats are outside the 1. Adverse weather, icing, wind- influence of the crew, it is important that training is shear etc. design to provide flight crew with the tools to 2. Difficult ATC clearance, language, recognize unique prevalent threats, to their specific late changes etc. airlines operations. Flight crews that are well equipped 3. Aircraft malfunction in operative in terms of recognizing threats evolve as more components etc successful in managing the potential errors, and 4. Cabin distraction, ground and threats that might generate during flight operations. ramp problem / maintenance etc. What is error? Error is an action or inaction that leads to deviation The total elimination of threats from organizational or professional intention or would only be possible by not flying expectations, which tend to reduce the margin of at all. What is important is that crews Safety and increase the probability of accident or recognize threats and can apply incidents. counter measures to avoid or mitigate their effect on flight safety. ¨ Generally people do not commit error intentionally. Some of the mitigating elements to error are ¨ All the time we shall anticipate occasions 1. Use of SOP, checklists, memory when human error can occur. items etc. 2. Following the operating ¨ We shall focus on correcting the factors procedures and that contribute to human error. execute correctly without deviating from the ¨ Any act may be unsafe when it is

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associated with hazard or the same act ® Failed to do something may not become unsafe, if it is not ® Lapses of memory and / or attention; associated with hazard. ® Missed / incorrect read backs ® Slip and lapse are “unsafe acts” Example caused by unintentional actions. 1. There is nothing inherently unsafe in not wearing / having a life jacket. If the aircraft 3. Mistakes is not flying over water. 2. It becomes an unsafe act when the aircraft 1. Somebody does something is flying over water and a person gets near believing it to be correct, when it was, in deep water without wearing / having a life fact wrong. jacket. 2. An error of judgment / wrong selection – mistakes are (i) rule Action Error based and (ii) knowledge based.

Type of action:- ¨ Faulty plan During any action a person can commit error ¨ Intentional / unintentional beginning from one or other of the following. a) Rules based mistakes, ¨ Beginning of error or causes of the error ü Wrong rules are as follows. ü Right rules – wrong time 1. Slip ü Right rules – poor application 2. Lapses 3. Mistakes b) Knowledge based mistakes, 4. Violations ü Inadequate knowledge or data ü Insufficient time 1. Slip ü Poor problem solving Slip is an attention failure, caused mainly by ü Poor decision making i. Distraction ii. Preoccupation. 2. Lapses 4. Violation

A lapse is a memory failure caused mainly by 1. Somebody does something Poor recall procedures which may be knowing it to be against the rules Rules and / or skills such as, 2. Deliberately failing to follow procedures. ® Missed action / omission ¨ Deliberate

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¨ Illegal action exceeding of limitation, which may be human as well as time, weather and environment including terrain The findings of aircraft accidents in due to overconfidence of the pilot. Therefore fifth Nepal issued by the investigation- generation CRM can help the pilot to recognize threats commissions are associated with and apply counter measures to avoid or mitigate the probable causes as CFIT, pilot error effect on flight safety. It is high time for the authority due to lack of proper decision and the airlines of Nepal to arrange a CRM training making and situational awareness. program accommodating the elements as suggested Other important issues are by fifth generation CRM which helps the pilot to temptation of the crew to complete recognize the threats and to apply counter measures the flight even not in normal to avoid or mitigate the threat. condition. The reason behind it is human nature to show superior or better than other pilot(s) or to impress the management. Similarly, Senior Manager,

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 87 13 th Anniversary Publication

TIA is not yet congested!!

Congestion of Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) has become a chitchat topic these days among aviation people. Is TIA really becoming congested? It seems crowded but not to the extent that TIA cannot handle. There are 27 international and 12 domestic airlines operating their air services from this airport. Yes there are only 9 international aircraft parking aprons and sometimes it is congested but one should look for the reason behind this. Most of the airlines have got favourable slot for parking as they want. The chain effect of that slot timing goes up to car parks. It is ridiculous to say that 30 international flights can make TIA congested when it has 9 international parking bays and operates 18 and half hours a day. Basically, if we assign one and half hours turnaround time for each Sachit Bhakta Pokharel international aircraft, we can accommodate more than a hundred aircrafts a day on the parking bays. TIA has a single runway of 3050m long for different types of fleet from DHC6 to Boeing 777 and each flight is counted a single flight every day, no matter whether it is 16 seated Twin Otter or 319 seated Boeing 777 aircraft. They are treated equally as one single traffic as per the prevailing rules of the air. In 2010 TIA handled 19417 international

Air Traffic Trend in Tribhuvan International Airport Year International Growth (%) Domestic Growth (%) Total Growth (%) 2006 vs 2010 2006 11057 61291 72348 International Domestic 2007 11899 7.62% 65443 6.77% 77342 6.90% 2008 14276 19.98% 69286 5.87% 83562 8.04% 2009 14228 -0.34% 6995 8 0.97% 84186 0.75% 2010 19417 36.47% 79875 14.18% 99292 17.94% 75.61% 30.32%

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flights/ 236558 passengers and Most of the domestic airlines want to have their 79877 domestic flights/ 1554701 operating base at TIA and the reason is obvious from passengers. It shows that flight- airline business point of view. About 100 of mountain passengers ratio in international (view) flights are operated early in the morning from flights is 1:125 whereas in domestic TIA and if schedule time is shifted due to bad weather, flights it is only 1:19. The current it hampers other flights. These flights originate from international terminal is able to and make final landing at TIA. Hence, a single flight handle 1,350 Per Hour Passenger makes TIA busy twice early in the morning and it (PHP) with adequate level of service impacts international flights. Similarly, most of the and it is good enough to handle such international flights are concentrated during midday. volume of passenger if managed It might be the reason of connecting flight to their efficiently. hub, unpredictable weather of Kathmandu or the It means that the reason for airports strict operating policy of the airlines. being congested is the domestic air traffic and the frequencies being It is important to systematically manage the annually used. If we try to reduce the number increasing figure of the airlines, aircraft and of flights from domestic operation, passengers arriving from many parts of the world at we need to use big fleet instead of TIA. It is an inevitable truth that a major fraction of small ones. Alternate of TIA were national economy is based on remittance and till date explored several times and the country's job market is too small to accommodate infrastructures in airports were all unemployed people & those who work abroad. added to deal with congestion. Their movement raises the number of air passengers, Gradually, because of increasing thus airlines are increasing their flight in terms of size urbanisation of Kathmandu, TIA is and number of fleet. Similarly, government has been moving towards the centre of the launching different types of national activities as Visit city. Kathmandu is administrative Nepal Year, Nepal Tourism Year, Lumbini Year etc. to and business centre of country increase the tourist flow into the country. All these therefore people want to move to activities increases the number of air travellers and Kathmandu. If we start to build a ultimately air traffic. second international airport today, it may take another 10/15 years to Approach path of TIA has always been a concern for get ready for flights. It will probably the airmen and aviation authority, airlines and other commence flights on 2022/2027. It concerned agencies. They have continuously been is a fact that TIA is the only exploring the advancement of the approach international gateway for the next procedures and new technology to deal with this. decade. Therefore it is unavoidable Now, it seems that adoption of Performance Based that priority should be on Navigation System could simplify some portion of international operation rather than existing abrupt approach. The achievement of in expansion of domestic operation. procedures may attract new airlines to the country

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opening new gateway for the air travellers. than from domestic air operation. It has - obligation of operating social airports, repay the loan taken on former DCA and for the Again talking about domestic flights, development of new airports. It is a fact that previously there were few airports that could to get such resources CAAN needs to operate in all weather and had all size of emphasize on international air operation. fleets. But time has changed and most of the airports located in the south of the country To have TIA remain uncongested the have been developed and strengthened. They following should be done on short term, can handle medium size of aircrafts for the medium term and long term basis. It can be domestic air operation. Hence, it is time to done in consensus with air operators. talk about operating moderate type of Bureaucratic and political commitment is aircraft on domestic trunk-route operation. equally necessary to implement these steps. It is already carried out by the major domestic airlines by using their Jet Stream, ATR types of bigger propeller aircraft. Thus, if airlines Short term: operate big aircraft in TIA and use their small Operating base of the domestic aircraft from regional hub to the remote airlines should be shifted from the TIA destination, it will loosen the congestion at to other hub airports. Mountain TIA. Ultimately, TIA will face the less small flights and maintenance check from aircraft congestion. the TIA should be minimized and it should be partially shifted to Pokhara Air Traffic Controllers working at TIA have and Biratnagar airports. It increases repeatedly raised the issue of on on various the touristic as well as economic platforms and it is unavoidable. Likewise activities of those places. TIACAO can airlines frequently have been complaining offer international flights during that about aircraft holding longer in the air and time. Operation of moderate size on the ground as well. Such issues are directly fleets on domestic trunk route can concerned to the safety of the air traffic and minimize the frequency of small cannot be compromised at any cost. Hence aircrafts at TIA and it reduces the voice of controllers and airmen should air/ground congestion. Government be immediately addressed to keep away from has started to operate 24 hours city any unwanted disasters. transport services in Kathmandu; hence it is easy for air passengers to CAAN is solely an autonomous organisation get into airport easily. So, domestic and any business like organisation cannot airlines can use their trunk route ignore beneficial venture. It generates operation in off peak hours. CAAN income of more than 90 percent from TIA. has been strengthening its domestic TIA earns more from international operation hub airports by well equipped night

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operation facilities. be operated from nearby airports such as Ramechhap, Jiri. On ADB's Loan Assistance, Medium term: the runway of TIA is going to be extended Slot management of TIA is towards south and a type of approach light quite essential on issuance on northern side will be added. It will definitely of permission to every new help ATS/Airmen for simultaneous runway airline or flight. Prevailing slot operation. A rapid exit taxiway is to be distribution should be constructed to clear the runway after landing redistributed. Ramechhap on shortest time. airport should be developed as cargo base for Tenzing- Long term: Hilary, Phaplu and It seems that a fully independent military Syangboche airports. Thus airport is needed for military exercise and it the domestic cargo handling should be built separately or be managed with can be minimized. Limited airports which are not in public uses. Private number flights for STOL sector can be involved to explore and build an should be operated from TIA alternate domestic airport nearby TIA under as it will reduce the the Public Private Partnership as the provision congestion and increase the made by Aviation Policy 2063. Ultimately, a activities on other airports full phased Second International Airport should eg. Biratnagar, Nepalgunj, be built to distribute the international air Bhairhawa. Most of the traffic. flights for STOL airfield operating from TIA should Manager, CAAN Head Office

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 91 13 th Anniversary Publication

SLOT Management in TIA

A slot allocated under the scheme permits a specified aircraft movement at a specified time, on a specified day. All commercial, charter and private aircraft require a "slot" to land or takeoff at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu.

As only one aircraft can land or depart from a runway at a time, and because aircraft must be separated by a specified time to avoid collisions, every airport has its own capacity; so it can handle certain number of aircraft per hour. This capacity depends on many factors, such as the number ofÊÊavailable, number of parking bay available, layout of taxi tracks, availability of air traffic control, and current or anticipated . Especially, weather can cause large variations in capacity Raj Bahadur Maharjan because strong winds may limit the number of runways available, and poor visibility may necessitate increases in separation between aircraft. Air traffic control can also be limiting, there are only a certain number of aircraft an air traffic control unit can safely handle. Staff shortages, radar maintenance or equipment faults can lower the capacity of a unit. This can affect airport, air traffic control as well as en-route.

When an air traffic control unit that will control a flight reaches its highest capacity, arriving aircraft are directed towards where they circle until it is their turn to land. Because aircraft flying in circles is an inefficient and costly way of delaying aircraft, it is preferable to keep them on the ground at their place of

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departure, called at. This way, the capacity of the airport infrastructure is generally delay can be waited out on the adequate to meet the demands of airport users ground with engines off, saving at all times. considerable amounts of fuel. b) Level 2: airports where there is potential for Obviously, careful calculation of en congestion during some periods route time for each flight (and the of the day, week, or season which can be resolved effect of current wind upon it) and by voluntary cooperation traffic flow as a whole is needed between airlines. A facilitator is appointed to which is highly dependent on. facilitate the planned operations of airlines using or planning to use the airport. Each airport and air traffic control c) Level 3: airports where capacity providers have sector has a published maximum failed to develop sufficient capacity. When capacity exceeds, infrastructure, or where governments have measures are taken to reduce the imposed conditions that make it impossible to traffic. This is termed regulation. The meet demand. A coordinator is appointed to aim is to utilize capacity effectively, allocate slots to airlines and other aircraft keeping the average delay as low as operators using or planning to use the airport as possible, while ensuring capacity is a means of managing available capacity. not exceeded. Why have a Slot Management ? Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT), is The management of airport slots is required at some also known as slot time or simply airports where the available airport infrastructure is slot. The slot is actually a period of insufficient to meet the demand of airlines and other time within which take-off has to aircraft operators. take place; in Europe it is defined between -5 and + 10 minutes from 1) To minimize the Aircraft parking bay problem, CTOT. The aircraft is required to be at the runway, ready for departure 2) To ensure that the peak hour movements can be at its CTOT, the leeway is forÊÊto managed in a non- discriminatory and efficient integrate the aircraft into the other manner. traffic. 3) Without a planning mechanism for runway and For the purposes of airport apron movements at the airport, congestion coordination, airports are would increase, imposing a significant cost on categorized by the responsible airline operators ( e.g. increased holding patterns authorities according to the ), airline passengers (e.g. delayed arrival or following levels of congestion: departure), the airport operator (e.g. inefficient use of the infrastructure) and the community. a) Level 1: airports where the

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4) The Slot Management scheme is 3. Director, Airport operation and facilities delivering for airport: department, TIACAO - Member - less clustering of flights in airline's 4. Deputy Director, ATS/SAR Division, schedules; TIACAO - Member - greater predictability for investment; 5. Deputy Director, GFS Division, TIACAO - - reduced time spent by Airservices; Member - less fuel wastage leading to savings in 6. Chief Station Manager, Nepal Airlines costs and reduced emissions; and corporation - Member -airlines rescheduling movements to 7. Chairman, Airlines Operator Committee, improve the balance of arrivals and Nepal (AOC-N) - Member departures at certain peak times. 8. Representative, Airlines Operator Association of Nepal (AOAN) - Member 5) Airport management and the airlines to 9. Manager, Flight Schedule and Permission take ownership of the problem of slot Section, CAAN HQ - Member management, and the solutions. 10. Manager, Flight Permission Section, TIACAO - Member secretary Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) has constraints in different sectors. It has hostile The committee has a limited authority, It terrain all around, congested airspace, typical recommends the slot time and ultimate single runway and taxiway layout, limited decision will be made by Civil Aviation bays, congested terminal and limited facilities Authority Of Nepal (CAAN), Head quarter. in terminal building. Besides these facts, almost all the airlines (schedule operator) Reference: IATA Publication, Sydney Airport intend to operate their flights during day Demand Management, Visit report of time only. Therefore it is very difficult to Hongkong and Dacca Airport. allocate slots, approve schedules and give permission to charter and private flights. It remains a matter of great discussion in TIA Level 1: airports where the capacity of slot management committee. The members the airport infrastructure is generally of slot advisory committee have been doing adequate to meet the demands of their best to advise to allocate slot by airport users at all times. analyzing different related components. b) Level 2: airports where there is potential for congestion during some periods The formation of TIA slot management of the day, week, or season which can committee is as follows: be resolved by voluntary cooperation between airlines. A facilitator is 1. General Manager TIACAO - Co-ordinator appointed to facilitate the planned 2. Director, Flight Operation Department, operations of airlines using or planning TIACAO - Member to use the airport.

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c) Level 3: airports where capacity the infrastructure) and the community. providers have failed to develop sufficient 4) The Slot Management scheme is delivering for infrastructure, or where airport: governments have imposed - less clustering of flights in airline's schedules; conditions that make it - greater predictability for investment; impossible to meet demand. A - reduced time spent by Airservices; coordinator is appointed to - less fuel wastage leading to savings in costs and allocate slots to airlines and reduced emissions; and other aircraft operators using -airlines rescheduling movements to improve the or planning to use the airport balance of arrivals and departures at certain peak as a means of managing times. available capacity. 5) Airport management and the airlines to take Why have a Slot Management ? ownership of the problem of slot management, The management of airport slots is and the solutions. required at some airports where the available airport infrastructure is Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) has constraints insufficient to meet the demand of in different sectors. It has hostile terrain all around, airlines and other aircraft operators. congested airspace, typical single runway and taxiway layout, limited bays, congested terminal and limited 1) To minimize the Aircraft parking facilities in terminal building. Besides these facts, bay problem, almost all the airlines (schedule operator) intend to operate their flights during day time only. Therefore 2) To ensure that the peak hour it is very difficult to allocate slots, approve schedules movements can be managed in and give permission to charter and private flights. It a non- discriminatory and remains a matter of great discussion in TIA slot efficient manner. management committee. The members of slot advisory committee have been doing their best to 3) Without a planning mechanism advise to allocate slot by analyzing different related for runway and apron components. movements at the airport, congestion would increase, The formation of TIA slot management committee is imposing a significant cost on as follows: airline operators ( e.g. increased holding patterns ), airline 1. General Manager TIACAO - Co-ordinator passengers (e.g. delayed arrival 2. Director, Flight Operation Department, or departure), the airport TIACAO - Member operator (e.g. inefficient use of 3. Director, Airport operation and facilities

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department, TIACAO - Member 4. Deputy Director, ATS/SAR Division, The committee has a limited authority, It TIACAO - Member recommends the slot time and ultimate 5. Deputy Director, GFS Division, TIACAO - decision will be made by Civil Aviation Member Authority Of Nepal (CAAN), Head quarter. 6. Chief Station Manager, Nepal Airlines corporation - Member Reference: IATA Publication, Sydney Airport 7. Chairman, Airlines Operator Committee, Demand Management, Visit report of Nepal (AOC-N) - Member Hongkong and Dacca Airport. 8. Representative, Airlines Operator Association of Nepal (AOAN) - Member 9. Manager, Flight Schedule and Permission Section, CAAN HQ - Member 10. Manager, Flight Permission Section, Manager, TIACAO TIACAO - Member secretary

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Nepal's Path to Tourism Development


International tourist arrivals have shown positive trend both in 2010 and 2011. International tourism grew by almost 5% in the first half of 2011 totaling a new record of 440 million arrivals. Growth in advanced economies (+4.3%) has maintained strength and is closing the gap with emerging economies (+4.8%), which have been driving international tourism growth in recent years. At the projected pace of growth, it will reach the 1 billion mark by 2012, up from 940 million in 2010. By 2030, the number is anticipated to reach 1.8 billion meaning that in two decades’ time, 5 million people will cross international borders for leisure, business or other purposes such as visiting friends and family every day, besides the four times Sunil Sharma as many tourists traveling domestically.

There will also be much change beyond the numbers. Future arrivals will be spread more widely across the globe; the share of international tourism to emerging economies will surpass that to advanced ones, and many of the new arrivals will be to destinations in Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, the growth of international tourist arrivals will be propelled by Asia and the Pacific region. The current forecast for the arrival growth rate for 2011 is between 5-6 percent. Hence, every country in the region is working hard to get lion’s share of international tourist arrivals and Nepal is not left far behind. The currently favourable

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political situation in Nepal has provided a from different professions. The inauguration strong base for the development of the was quickly followed by Asian Tourism tourism industry. Ministers' Conclave where Dr. Rifai's expressed tourism's capacity to strengthen Tourism in Nepal is a priority sector and the economy and a major factor for binding mainstay of Nepal's economy, generating a society. Prior to inauguration, NTY 2011 was US$ 329 million tourism revenue in 2010 and formally launched on February 26, 2010 by attracting over half a million foreign visitors the then Prime Minister Madhav Kumar (509,956 in 2009 and 602,867 in 2010). The amidst the fanfare. He launched the formal last eleven months (Jan-Nov, 2011) have seen beginning of NTY-2011 by lighting a peace consistent healthy growth of international lamp brought from Lumbini at the Army tourist arrivals to Nepal at an average of Pavilion in Tundikhel, Kathmandu, Nepal. The +21.5%. With 58,156 visitors in the month of main highlight of the launching was that the November 2011, the total number of visitors leaders of 19 political parties reiterated their between January and November 2011 has commitment to refrain from any strike that reached to 501,264, the ever highest number could affect the tourism year. Likewise, in tourism history of Nepal. representatives from tourism and trade association showed their commitment by Nepal Tourism Year 2011 Campaign pledging to make the campaign a big success and avoid any kind of strike in 2011 to maintain The year 2011 saw people of all walks of life peace and security. united to celebrate the national campaign, Nepal Tourism Year 2011 (NTY2011) under the The NTY 2011 campaign has given clear themes: Together for Tourism - Tourism for message to the world: Nepal has embarked Prosperity and Prosperity for Stability. This on peaceful and stable situation and tourism campaign was formally inaugurated on sector has been one of the vehicles of January 14 in the capital city of Nepal, economic transformation in the nation. Kathmandu, by Rt. Hon'ble President of Therefore, the objectives are set accordingly: Nepal amidst the audience of 35,000 with establish Nepal as a choice of premier holiday big fanfare in the presence of all major destination with a definite brand image; political parties of Nepal, Tourism Ministers improve and extend tourism related and representatives from 13 Asian countries, infrastructures in existing and new tourism Secretary General of United Nations World sites; enhance the capacity of service renders; Tourism Organization, Dr. Taleb Rifai, Foreign build community capacity in the new areas diplomats in Nepal, more than 50 to cater the need of the tourists; and promote international media, high ranking officials, domestic tourism for sustainability of the artists, sportsmen and women and people industry. The quantified targets are: one

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million annual international arrivals; campaign is instrumental to look for new tourism dispersal of at least 40% of the products. international tourists into emerging and new tourist areas; encourage New Tourism Products additional investment on tourism infrastructures; and develop The Great Himalaya Trail mechanism to record domestic tourism activities. The coordination Hardcore trekkers have new reason to visit Nepal, for infrastructure enhancement and with the launching of the 1,700 km trail called the development, product improvement Great Himalaya Trail (GHT). According to the GHT and expansion, domestic as well as official website, the GHT is one of the longest and international publicity, enhancement highest walking trails in the world. Winding beneath of community capability and up- the world’s highest peaks and visiting some of the gradation of service quality and most remote communities on earth, it passes through others have been most important lush green valleys, arid high plateaus and incredible agenda for the NTY 2011 campaign. landscapes. The GHT has 10 sections comprising a network of upper and lower routes, each offering Most of the critiques have tied the something different, be it adventure and exploration, success and failure of NTY 2011 solely authentic cultural experiences, or simply spectacular on quantified target of one million Himalayan nature. In other word, the GHT is a network tourists. The NTY 2011 campaign was of existing treks and trails which together form one launched to reestablish Nepal as a of the longest and highest walking trails in the world. premier holiday destination in the Lonely Planet has chosen the GHT as one of the world’s international tourism map. Further, best long walks for 2011. It states “the GHT spans the campaign has clearly stated the the , passing rhododendron forests, high-altitude dispersal of tourists to new lakes, 8,000m peaks and the remote communities destinations in Nepal to spread the that call them home – providing vital income and benefits of tourism to the people support. Do the lot in 160 days, or choose one of ten across the country indicating the tantalising sections”. tourism industry’s exigency to organize a tourism promotion The trail goes through the Kanchenjunga region in campaign having wider impact. In the east linking the Makalu and Everest regions en other words, the campaign route to showcasing the rich ethnic and geographical envisioned regional development tapestry of Nepal. One can view the splendid through tourism supported by well- snowcovered peaks of Lhotse, Everest and Makalu developed network of range. The spectacle enchants every viewer. Further infrastructure. The NTY 2011 to the west of the Everest region is Rolwaling Valley

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and in between these two valleys is Tashi you've never heard of ’has listed Nepal’s Labsta pass which is a real challenge for Namje giving good promotion to Nepal. climbers. Namje is situated in Eastern part of Nepal with the majority of Magar people. The Nepal Thereafter the trails arc across the Langtang Tourism Board (NTB) in association with region and onto the Manasalu region, Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal also offering unimpeded views of the Himalayas launched four new trekking trails - Nagi- to the north. After this slog, it’s on to the Narchyang trail from Myagdi to Parbat Annapurnas range and after crisscrossing it district, Dhorpatan trail in Myagdi to Baglung there’s , famous for its pristine district, Panchpokhari trail in Sindhupalchowk landscape and Shey . This district and trekking trails in the lower remote and sparsely vegetated region is part Solukhumbu. of the Tibetan Plateau. The trail then moves further uphill to the western region Tourism can sustain if local people have say encapsulating ; a rarely trekked in it and tourism benefits are shared among area noted for its rich biological diversity. the people. Tourism provides opportunities Finally, the trail winds up at Humla in the far to people to participate in tourism-related west of Nepal along the upper reaches of business. In order to get benefit out from Karnali River. tourism, Home-stay programme has been initiated in different part of Nepal. For One should remember that there are many example, tourism awareness has helped passes in between the GHT connecting community to start home-stay in Bhada different valleys and spectacular regions and Home-stay at Urma VDC, Kailali district run some of these passes are well over 5,000 by Tharu community; Home-stay run by Shiva metres. The undulating mountains look as Community in Bardia district; Chitlang Home- they have been stitched together and they stay, etc. Here the Shiva community is worth are punctuated by occasional passes and mentioning as it has devised an innovative interspersed by verdant valleys. method to deal with dangers of wildlife. The Undoubtedly, the GHT is the ultimate physical Shiva community learnt that soothing green and mental test for even the most hardcore mint leaves and the daisy-like white adventure traveler. In short, there are many chamomile flowers drove mega herbivores unexplored areas in Nepal to be explored, like rhinos away with just their smell. Also, with a cornucopia of creatures and a quilt of the two plants were found to be high-valued exotic cultures. cash crops. For their efforts, BBC World Challenge 2011 has short-listed the Shiva Namje, New Trekking Trails and Home-Stay Community Forest’s project as one of the CNN under the category of ‘12 best places top 12 projects from around the world that

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demonstrate enterprise and based products, mountains, trekking etc.), with innovation at the grassroots level incredible opportunities for growth, yet it faces a and help in social and environmental magnitude of challenges. Nepal has some structural benefits. Thus, Home-stay has given handicaps that hinder the development of a tourism opportunities in engaging people industry for mountain development and poverty economically and socially in the reduction. Key structural handicaps include: limited development process. However, it infrastructure development, lack of integrated requires capacity-building development, weak market linkages, and low supply programmes to provide skills, side capacities. Steps have been initiated in various technical know-how, and venture ways to address the structural handicaps. Building on capital fund to start and operate the lessons learned from tourism development Home-stay or small-scale tourism activities, policy and institutional mechanisms need enterprises. to be put in place, to encourage local participation in the design, implementation and management of Conclusion tourism projects and local use of tourism resources. Tourism can generate major opportunities for Nepal, Tourism development has been an if the destination is managed properly through strong integral component of economic institutional linkages; provision of training, marketing, development strategies of Nepal, as credit; technical and financial support for local it is main source of foreign exchange entrepreneurs; improve access to services and earnings, creating new jobs, infrastructure; and development of community increasing tax revenues and income through tourism-based activities. therefore tourism has been considered as an engine for macro- economic growth. Nepal has an impressive tourism product (nature- Research, Planning & Monitoring Dept., NTB

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Development of New CNS/ATM Concepts and Scope of GNSS Augmentation System


In 1940s ICAO established international standards for air navigation systems in order to ensure safety, regularity and efficiency of air transportation. And, in 1991, ICAO announced the concept of new CNS/ATM systems and recommended States to carry out development of the sub systems and proposed the standards due to numerous problems caused by service limitations and considerable drawbacks of the conventional systems. These conventional systems have limitations and problems like line of sight propagation, difficulties in implementation Birendra Joshi in different parts of the world, lack of digital air ground data interchange systems and necessity of much budget for installation and maintenance.

Conventional systems consist of: - Communication: VHF radio for short range, HF radio for long range

- Navigation: Ground based systems such as VOR, DME, NDB and ILS

- Surveillance: ASR, SSR (Mode A/C) and position report by radio

Hence, ICAO developed concepts of the New CNS/ATM Systems as shown in the table

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Table (1)

ICAO Concept of New Communications Present New ? Short range mobile communication ? Short range mobile communication -VHF radio voice -VDL mode 1,2,3,4 and Mode S ? Long range mobile communication ? Long range mobile communication -HF radio voice -HF data link, AMSS ? Fixed communication ?Fixed communication -Not integrated networks -AMHS, AIDC (AFTN, Direct speech line) ? ATN (Aeronautical Telecom Network) -AMHS, AIDC, VDL, Mode S, AMSS

Table (2)

ICAO Concept of New Navigation Present New ? Short range and landing navigation ? GNSS - VOR, DME, NDB, INS - Positioning Satellite System ? Long range navigation : GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO - Loran, INS - Augmentation System : ABAS, GBAS, SBAS, GRAS - GNSS receiver

New CNS/ATM Systems: and digital technologies.

The new CNS/ATM systems have distinct features. It has a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) combination of satellite and ground- based systems providing a global Satellite-based positioning is the determination of coverage. position of observing sites on land or at sea, in the air - It provides seamlessness and easier and in the space by means of artificial satellites. The integration and interfacing. immediate predecessor of today’s modern positioning - It employs air to ground data link systems is Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS), also called Transit system. This system was conceived

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in the late 1950s and developed in 1960s by US military, primarily, to determine the coordinates and time of vessels at sea and for military applications on land. The civilian use of this satellite system was eventually authorized, and the system became used worldwide both for navigation and surveying. However, the NNSS had two major shortcomings i.e., large time gaps between two satellite passes and low navigation accuracy. The navigation system with time and ranging (NAVSATR) Global Positioning System (GPS) was developed by US military to overcome the shortcomings of the NNSS. In contrast to these systems, GPS answer the questions “what time, what position, and what velocity is it?” quickly, accurately, and GPS Satellites Constellation: inexpensively anywhere on the globe at any time. Presently there are four types of GNSS: Fig. 1 ? Number of Satellites- 29 satellites (i) GPS (Global Positioning System), (ii) on 20,000km orbits ? Function- provide GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite accurate position, time information all over System), (iii) Galileo, and (iv) the world ? Position errors-P code: 7m-Civil Compass/Beidou. They are either already code: 10-20m operational, or under construction. The GLONASS is the Russian counterpart to Various generations of GPS satellites are American GPS and is operated by Russian Block I, II, IIA, IIR, IIR-M and currently IIF. The military. Galileo is the European contribution ground-segment of GPS consists of six to the future GNSS. A Chinese system called stations (worldwide), and one at Cape Compass, which is the evolution of the first- Canaveral of USA. GPS is fully operational, generation regional system Beidou, is currently even with 30 satellites, instead of presently under development stage. GPS has the nominal twenty four. GPS is in full been developed by the US Department of operation since more than one decade. Defense (DoD), and is operated by the US Therefore, it is natural that on the one hand Air Force (USAF). The first satellite was further technological advances occurred and launched in February 1978. on the other hand demand for even better performance with respect to applicability

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and accuracy arose. The need for 30 satellites in 2011. The Galileo system is being improvement was driven from both developed by the European Commission (EC) and the the military and civil interests and European Space Agency (ESA). Once operational, with requests. Beyond these arguments 30 satellites, expected in 2014, the system shall be also competition is an issue since operated and maintained by the Galileo systems of other countries like the Concessionaire. A first prototype satellite was European Galileo or the Chinese launched in Dec. 2005 (GIOVE-A). The ground-segment Compass/Beidou system showed of Galileo will consist of a worldwide network with clearer contours, features, and about 40 stations. The Compass system is being developmental time schedules. On developed by the Chinese government. As a precursor January 25, 1999, the GPS the Beidou system is used. The Compass system is modernization program was expected to be operational by 2012. Compass will announced officially, aiming at the consist of 27 middle earth orbits (MEO) satellites, objectives to satisfy the supplemented by 5 geo-stationary satellites, and 3 requirements mentioned. The inclined geo-synchronous satellites, positioned above modernization affects the space and South-East Asia (total 35 Compass/Beidou satellites). the control segment and, The first MEO-satellite was launched in April 2007. specifically, the GPS signals. The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), developed According to GPS modernization by Japan, provides a regional satellite navigation plan, a block IIF satellite was service in East Asia and Oceania. QZSS was designed launched in May 2010, and GPS block to provide position service in urban canyons and III satellites are scheduled from 2013 mountainous environments. The first QZSS satellite onwards. The GLONASS has been was launched on September 27, 2010. built to the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The first GNSS Augmentation System: satellite was launched in October 1982. Since fall 2003, 2nd generation In order to improve the accuracy and integrity of GPS satellites (GLONASS-M) are being stand alone, the differential GPS (DGPS) technique launched. The first 3rd generation was developed in the early 1980s. The concept of satellites (GLONASS-K) were DGPS is based on using the correlation in ranging launched on February 26, 2011. The errors between a reference station receiver and DGPS ground-segment of GLONASS user receivers to eliminate co-existing ranging errors consists of 12 stations in Russia and in the user ranging measurement. Usually DGPS Africa. GLONASS is currently applications require a surveyed location for the operational (27 satellites, of which reference station. This reference station estimates 23 are active, and 4 are temporarily the slowly varying measurement errors and forms a switched off). Current plans mention ranging correction for each satellite in view. The

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correction data is broadcasted to all DGPS 38 wide-area reference stations throughout users in an operational service radius North America (in Canada, Mexico and US, centered at the reference station. This including Alaska and Hawaii) and Puerto Rico. differential correction greatly improves On June 18, 1996, a formal agreement accuracy for all DGPS users within the service between the members of the European radius. However, there are some limitations Tripartite Group was the kickoff of EGNOS. to DGPS. As the reference station is First experimental signals have been emitted geographically separated from the user, starting in 2000. The IOC has been declared these corrections are not the exact in July 2005. The GNSS signals are processed corrections for users’ ranging errors. The at 34 receiver integrity monitoring stations. differences between reference ranging Japan’s space-based augmentation system corrections and user ranging errors are called (MSAS) is payload of the MTSAT. MTSAT are differential ranging errors. The Ground Based owned and operated, respectively, by Augmentation System (GBAS) is an example Meteorological Agency and the Japanese of utilizing the DGPS concept. The GBAS is Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and an aircraft precision landing system with the Transport. The 1st geostationary satellite was objective of replacing the current Instrument launched on February 26, 2005. The 2nd Landing System (ILS). The Federal Aviation followed on February 18, 2006. The Indian Administration (FAA) developed the GBAS Space Research Organization in collaboration system under name of Local Area with the Airports Authority of India Augmentation System (LAAS). Another implements India’s SBAS GAGAN. The first example of DGPS concept is Satellite based geostationary satellite of India was to be augmentation system (SBAS) which is wide- launched in May, 2011 and located at 83° E area augmentation system (WAAS), the latitude. European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), the Japanese ICAO has recommended for the use of GNSS Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) as well as the current navigation aids. This space-based augmentation system (MSAS), system is based on GPS, GLONASS and the or the India’s GPS and Geo-augmented augmentation systems to provide better Navigation (GAGAN). The WAAS has been performance. For the standardization of the developed by FAA. The WAAS signal was system, ICAO provided the technical made available for non-safety-of-life standards for GPS, GLONASS, SBAS and GBAS, applications in 2000. The initial operational and advised each country to develop and to capability (IOC) started in July 2003. The utilize the system. ICAO SARPs on GNSS was WAAS currently relies on the service of three adopted by the ICAO Council under the leased geostationary satellites positioned at provision of Convention (6th Edition, July, 98° W, 107° W, and 133° W latitude. There are 2006). There have been numerous researches

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to guarantee the required navigation Refernces: performance of the CNS/ATM sub- 1. GNSS, ICAO-KOICA Joint Training systems (GBAS, SBAS etc.) mainly in doc/ Rep. of Korea the accuracy or integrity aspect. 2. ICAO SARPs of GNSS/Standards GNSS is expected to support all Ch.3, 3.7 of ICAO Annex 10, Vol. I phases of flight and aerodrome surface operations; however, present SARPs provide for en-route, terminal, approach and landing operations down to CAT- I precision Manager, TIACAO approach.

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Challenges of Aviation Security

As we know, the aviation industries are playing a major role in world economic activities and remaining on of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. In our context , Aviation industries are playing a vital role for the economic and tourism development and still air transport is being a major means of transportation for the remote hilly region . In Nepal, when the formal beginning of aviation was started in 1949, at that moment Aviation security was really a new subject. With the chronological development of civil aviation, aviation security has been a concern for us.

For the security of general people and property, on the preamble of Chicago Nabin Prasad Acharya Convention, it is mentioned that “International Civil Aviation can greatly help to create and preserve friendship and understanding amongst the nations and people of the world, yet its abuse can become a Threat to general security.

As per definition; Aviation security is a combination of measures and human and materials resources intended to safeguard international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. So the primary objective of Aviation security is to safeguard aviation (passengers, crew, ground staff, and assets) and the general public against acts of unlawful interference within the

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confinement of an aerodrome or geographical location during flight. This scope also involves 3. Readiness for suicide committers the protection of aircrafts, air 4. Increased use of media to publicize the navigation infrastructure and attack and frighten general people , facilities serving the aviation. generate support 5. Use of Aircraft as weapons of mass Terrorism has no geographical limits destruction and has existed since decades. It will 6. Use of Liquids , Aerosols,( Aerosol spray) never really stop being in scene and Gels throughout global human struggles. 7. Use of Dangerous Goods Threat to civil aviation creates 8. Cyber and electronic attacks uncertainty and affects safety, In this scenario, after the event of 9/11, ICAO security and regularity of air passed Assembly Resolution A 33-1, Declaration transportation. on misuse of civil aircraft as weapons of destruction and other terrorist acts involving civil Before the unbelievable devastating aviation, A 33-2 Consolidated statement of terrorist attack of September 11, continuing ICAO policies related to the 2001 Security threat to aviation safeguarding of international civil aviation against industries were limited to acts of unlawful interference, As a party to the 1. Act of Unlawful Seizure Chicago Convention, Nepal has fully supported 2. Act of attempted seizure the ICAO Assembly Resolution. 3. Sabotage of aircraft /airport 4. Act of in -flight attack Aircraft hijacking case in Nepal: 5. Act of facility attack In the Aviation history of Nepal, the first hijacking 6. Act against the safety of civil case (also known as the Biratnagar plane hijack) was Aviation on June 10, 1973, when three members of the Nepali Congress party hijacked Royal Nepal Airlines Twin In the following years of terrorist Otter aircraft bound to Kathmandu from Biratnagar. attack of 9/11, the emerging Within five minutes of take-off, they forced the pilot challenges of aviation security are to land the plane at Forbesganj, Bihar, in India and pointing out with robbed 3 million Rupees that belonged to the Nepalese government. 1. Attacks aimed at causing human The second hijacking case was that I have still casualties on a large scale ; remembered, it was on Friday, December 24, 1999, 2. Attacks against a symbolic I was in duty as a young Air Traffic Controller in target in a Area Control Centre Kathmandu. The Indian Airlines

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flight IAC 814 ,Airbus A300 with 176 contacting states through security related passenger en-route from TIA Kathmandu to Standards and Recommended Practices Delhi departed from Kathmandu at around and states ensure effective 17:00 local time ,the aircraft was supposed implementation of their national security to report Bhairahawa (BHW) at 17:25 but with requirements in compliance with we did not receive the reply from aircraft the SARPs. , later on around at 17:30 local time we ICAO Security Convention received the information from Venares hotline that the aircraft had been hijacked 1. The Tokyo Convention, 1963 - Convention ,on receiving this information we were on offence strangely afraid because it was unexpected and certain other acts committed on board for us . We informed this emergency message aircraft. to our chief and after some minutes this 2. The Hague Convention, 1970- Convention message had been changed to head line for the suppression of unlawful seizure of news all over the world. After the touch down aircraft (hijacking convention). of the aircraft in Amritsar, Lahore and Dubai, 3. The Montreal Convention, 1971 – the hijackers forced the aircraft to land in Convention for the suppression of unlawful Kandahar Afghanistan. The hijacking lasted acts against the safety of civil aviation for seven days and ended after India released (sabotage convention). three militants. 4. Montreal Protocol, Montreal, 1988 - Protocol supplementary to the Montreal Besides these two cases, our aviation security convention for the suppression of Unlawful is facing the challenge of fake information, acts of violence at airports serving like bomb threat, except this we have no international civil aviation other hijacking case related with people and 5. Montreal Convention ,1991 – Convention property. on the marking of plastics explosives for the purpose of detection In Nepal , The challenges in Aviation Security are: Nepal has already ratified the Tokyo 1. Traffic volume increase Convention, 1963, The Hague Convention 2. Fast technology development 1970, and Montreal Convention 1971. 3. Threat evaluation 4. Implementation cost ICAO security program: 5. Application of controls 1. ICAO Security Manual (Doc 8973/5) 2. Annex 17 –Adopted in 1974, 7th ed,2002 ICAO- the global forum of civil aviation is 3. Aviation Security panel- Experts playing a leading role and uniting all nominated by 15 states and 4 international

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organizations. (Amendment 2053) 2. Civil Aviation Rules , 2019 (Amendment 2058) International agencies involved in 3. Aviation Security (management) Rules , 2064 Aviation security are; 4. National Aviation Security Program. 1. ICAO 2. ACI (Airports Council Conclusion: International ) 3. IATA ( International Air Transport People, Equipment and Policies are the main 3 pillars Association ) of Aviation Security, in our scenario, to strengthen 4. INTERPOL ( International aviation security we need comprehensive legal Criminal Police Organization foundation and effective implementation of advanced 5. WCO ( World Customs technologies. We should have most reliable and Organization) advanced aviation security system to cope the 6. IFALPA (International Federation emerging challenges. of Airline pilots’ Associations ) 7. UPU (Universal Postal Union) Reference; KOICA-ICAO fellowship Program Annex 17 Aviation security related legal Aviation journals, CAAN documents documents Of Nepal 1. Civil Aviation Act ,2015 Manager, TIACAO

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Circadian Effect to Controllers

Due to the rotation of earth, there are 24 hours in a day. Day is the time to work and night is the time to rest or sleep. Besides that there is certain time for eating and of course for toilets. Our body reacts according to its own biological clock. This is called circadian rhythm. It is natural and biological process. What happens if we work at night and sleep at day, similarly if we postpone or make early schedule for eating and toilets? If we go against body's natural process, this rhythm will be broken directly affecting human body. So it is called circadian effect.

Air Traffic Controllers work 24 hours a day as they need to work in a shift. Rotating in a shift, they must go through irregular natural body's process. They sleep sometimes at day Murari Prasad Paudel and sometimes at night; similarly they go to toilets sometimes at morning and sometimes at midday, and same is the way of their feeding. Not to forget that all social activities will take place at day. If we suppose, controllers are human beings, and they have social and family life then how can they manage all of those being an active controllers?

A circadian rhythm is roughly 24 hour cycle in the physiological process of living beings, including plants, animal, fungi and cyanobacteria in a strict sense, circadian rhythms are endogenously generated, although they can be modulated by external cues such as sunlight and temperature. Circadian rhythms are important in

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determining the sleeping and during the day. There is very solid evidence showing feeding of all animals, including that shift work disrupts circadian rhythms, and that human beings. has an effect on tumor genesis, heart disease and other conditions. There are clear patterns of brain The effect of shift work is so well known that in 2007, wave activities, hormone production the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cell regeneration and other cancer arm of the World Health Organization, biological activities linked to this overnight shift work to its list of probable carcinogens. daily cycle. The human body works And in several countries, such as Sweden and according to a natural 24 hours Denmark, people who have worked the night shift sleep/wake cycle also referred to as for 20 years or longer are compensated better in a circadian rhythm, which controls retirement than other shift workers. Denmark also body temperature, sleep/wake was the first country to pay government timing, and the way our organs and compensation to women who develop breast cancer body system work together. Past after long spells of working at night. research has shown that irregular Melatonin is a hormone, which is found in humans. sleep patterns and shift work take Melatonin plays an essential part in regulating the a toll on even the healthiest person circadian cycle. Melatonin is made via the pineal gland, over an extended period. a pea sized gland located in the brain center. It is true; of course, we can adjust Melatonin is also known as the hormone of darkness. our time schedule with the help of The reason for this is Production of melatonin via our alarm clock but our biological clock pineal gland is permitted by darkness as well as takes longer to adjust. That's inhibited by light. The discharge of melatonin and its because our internal clock is very level in our blood comes to a peak during the middle tightly wound to many physiological of the night and steadily decreases throughout the behavios. latter half of night. Shift work disrupts the body's Studies have shown that late night shift work may be natural circadian rhythm, which considered a cancer-causing agent. Melatonin is an plays an important role in regulating anti-oxidant and suppressant of tumor development levels of hormones. That affects not that is produced at night. When someone works in only how long or well people sleep artificial light, they generally have lower melatonin in the short term, but it can also lead and may be more likely to develop cancer. Melatonin to health problems down the line, supplements are useful in that they may simulate the including cancer. A 2010 of female Melatonin production at different times that does shift workers found that those who not occur during regular sleeping hours for people worked overnight were 50% more who work night shifts. likely to receive a breast cancer diagnosis than those who worked A of involving a total of 643 cancer patients using

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melatonin found a reduced incidence of also called our circadian rhythm, which death. Another clinical trial is due to be regulates a variety of body functions completed in 2012. Melatonin levels at night including sleep. are reduced to 50% by exposure to a low- level incandescent bulb for only 39 minutes, Question for the compensation? and it has been suspected that women with If you assign a person to work breaking their the brightest bedrooms have an increased natural cycle or rhythms, and let him/her have risk for breast cancer. Reduced melatonin lot of risk regarding her/his health; definitely production has been proposed as a likely you should pay for that. Let's think about factor in the significantly higher rates in night both working at day and working at night. workers. These two are quite different and are not comparable. Another aspect, just to work at What is Melatonin? night to finish a plain job and to work at night A naturally occurring hormone (derived from with a lot of alertness, activeness without serotonin) that is both endocrine (enters the leaving a position and without any error are bloodstream from a pineal gland) and utterly different. If studies show this; why paracrine (signaling cell phenomenon, as not to compensate them? from the retina when light is low, when the Everybody knows that controllers sacrifice signal is "time to sleep"). their social life, due to the nature of their job. Melatonin, besides being a sleep hormone, Whenever we consider their alertness, is a very powerful antioxidant, anti-aging activeness, readiness, stresses, requirement agent, immune-regulator, anti-depressant to be always up-to-date with procedures, and sexual dysfunction regulator. manual and changes, we become clear that However, our body produces a hormone this job can't ever be compared with other called melatonin, and for a variety of reasons, jobs. Working in an environment of radio we may not be getting enough of it. Our magnetic wave, frequently breakage in sleep problem may be due to this. circadian rhythm and inviting a lot of diseases People who work at night, and have their including cancer are the factors which urge melatonin blocked by evening bright lights the concerned authority to decide how a have a significant higher incidence of cancer controller should be compensated. than day workers. Reference: The amount of melatonin we produce is Science daily determined by how dark or light our Time Health land surroundings are. Our eyes have specialized Taiwan Health, heath magazine light-sensitive receptors that relay this About.com message to a cluster of nerves in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN. The SCN sets our internal biological clock, Manager, TIACAO

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Importance of HRM for an Organization

Human resource is the backbone of an organization. An organization is nothing without human resources. If we remove the employees from different department not much would remain in an organization. But how did these people come to be employees in their organization? How were they found and selected? Why do they come to work on regular basis? How do they know what to do on their job? How does management know if the employees are performing adequately? If they are not, what can be done about it? Are the employees prepared for work? What are the qualities inherent in each of them that can contribute to the benefit of the organization? These all are the factors related to the human resource management. Vision, Mission and Strategy are the driving force for any organization and human resource is always in its Manju Paudyal center of operation for the achievement of the goal of an organization set under the it’s mission. The vision, mission and strategy of the Civil Aviation Organization are as follows:

Vision: "Utilizing air services as an effective means of achieving high economic growth through wide scale tourism promotion and accessibility."

Mission: "Ensuring safe, secured, efficient, standard and quality service in civil aviation and airport operations."

Strategy: "Airport-marketing, facilitating, diversifying revenue

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sources, monitoring, organizational Human resources management is concerned performance and HRD training." with the “people” dimension in If we imagine an organization as hardware, management. Since every organization is the human resource is its software without made up of people and functions by utilizing which there can be no organizational their services, developing their skills, function. The more competent is the HR, the motivating them to high level of performance more efficient will be the organizational and ensuring that they continue to maintain performance. Nepal Government has their commitment to the organization are declared Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal as essential to achieving organizational an autonomous body as incorporated in objectives. CAAN Act. Being an autonomous body, CAAN is mandated to provide non-profit services To make an organization successful, the for the people. Similarly, CAAN has self- knowledge, skills and capabilities of sustained in its operation through collecting individuals and proper training to enhance revenues from the airlines. In this situation, their capabilities are the core essentials by proper human resource planning has been a which HRD is accomplished and nurtured. crucial process for CAAN in order to carry out Training alone can improve the existing its responsibility. capabilities of human resources and help to acquire new skills needed for growth in HR recruitment follows the standard set of different sectors of the organization. processes for the selection of appropriate The functional areas of human resource are manpower and work assignment as per their divided into nine fields: quality. Even after recruitment, they are · Training and development monitored for their regular work assignment · Organization and and their regular performance. Based on their development accountability, they either get reward or · Organization/job design punishment according to their performance · Human resource planning evaluation. In general, CAAN trains HR for · Personnel research and long term service delivery. information systems · Compensation/benefits Management is the process of efficiently · Employee assistance getting activities completed with and through · Union /Labor relation other people. The management process As a multi disciplinary organization, CAAN includes the planning organizing, leading and has different work forces like Engineers, Air controlling activities that takes place to traffic controllers, Fire-men, Administrators, accomplish objectives. Accountants etc. The question here arising is how much they are motivated to

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accomplish their job responsibility resulting in greater client satisfaction in air transport and how much accountable they are system in Nepal.

on their given duties and responsibilities. If any gap exists in In Summary, HRD is a process by which employees of their motivation, accountability and an organization receive support in a planned way to responsive actions, the causes acquire capabilities required to perform various tasks contributing to create the gap needs as individuals thus helping to develop organizational to be diagnosed by HR planner in culture. the organization with proper analysis. The main function of the organization is to make the human resource willing to work with full job satisfaction. Moreover, the Manager, CAAN Head Office organization should ensure the optimum utilization of intellectual, technical and creative capacity of available human resources for the maximum organizational output,

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Need of effective Coordination for air safety as well as national sovereignty

The main objective of Air Traffic Controlling is 'safety' to achieve which Air Traffic Controllers arduously follow the rules and regulations set by ICAO and the local provisions as maintained by CAAN. To carry out such a responsible duty, such procedures which result in ease to the controllers are needed. One of the key factors needed to ease the job of air traffic controllers is effective coordination. Coordination should be both inter organization and intra organization.

Inter organization coordination includes coordination among various Air Traffic Ritcha sharma Control Units within the organization like Aerodrome Control Tower, Approach Control Unit, Area Control Center, Air Traffic Services Reporting Office, Terminal Duty Office, and other domestic airports etc. Intra organization coordination includes that among Air Traffic Services Authority, Aircraft Operating Agency, Air Traffic Control Units of Adjacent Flight Information Regions (FIRs), and Military Authority etc.

Talking about the coordination within the organization, safe and continuous traffic flow can be realized only through effective coordination. It is done by maintaining constant communication among the ATC

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units responsible for the safe FIRs is quite essential both for flight safety as well as conduct of flights during any phase maintaining national sovereignty. of a flight. For instance, the flight plan submitted by the operator at Prior to conducting any flight subject to receiving Air the ATS reporting office should be Traffic Services, operator is bound to submit flight sent to all other units. During the plans at the ATS reporting Office. All flight plans thus progress of the flight from start up submitted are then forwarded to all units which are to the transfer of control to the responsible for providing ATS service to those flights. adjacent FIR units, inter organization If this procedure is not followed, it certainly affects coordination takes effect by the controller's traffic planning consequently affecting informing all necessary details of the safety. flight, other traffics that may affect the flight and the transfer of control The ATS units should also consider the requirement and transfer of communication of the operators and provide them with information conditions by the existing control that may be useful in carrying out their responsibility. unit to the next control unit. Annex 11 (Air Traffic Services), in this regard, says," Air traffic services units, in carrying out their objectives, Only through proper flow of shall have due regard for the requirement of the information regarding each and operators consequent on their obligations as specified every flight, safety can be in Annex 6, and, if so required by the operators, shall maintained. Communication gap make available to them or their designated within the control units is the main representatives such information as may be available hazard which may result in confusion to enable them or their designated representatives to the controller and thus affect to carry out their responsibilities." (Annex 11, 2.15.1) safety. Coordination can sort out such regular circumstances which In case of military authority no separate airspace or may become a problem if neglected. air traffic control unit has been allocated for military Therefore, only via effective flights in Nepal. Military flights are treated as civil coordination, the flow of traffic can flights with regards to the rules and regulations be managed and the main objective guiding these flights. This means, following of the of Air Traffic Controlling can be same civil rules of flight by military authority is a must. ensured. Annex 11 urges these authorities to follow all coordination procedures. Annex 11 says," Air Traffic Similarly, intra organization services authorities shall establish and maintain close coordination with operators cooperation with military authorities responsible for including the military authority and activities that may affect flights of civil aircraft." Air Traffic Control Units of adjacent (Annex 11, 2.16.1)

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Military flights, should, therefore be initiated the military unit and Flight Information Center only after submission of flight plan and should (FIC) number issued by the Air Traffic Services follow every rule as done by all other civil (ATS) unit. The ATS unit supplies the military flights. unit with all the information of flight plans submitted to them by the operator. The Coordination with ATC units of adjacent FIRs military unit then issues ADC number without is similar to the inter organization which no aircraft can enter their airspace. coordination except for the fact that here This reveals how the ATS unit and the military the information flow is between the ATC authority have been coordinating with each units of two different countries and it should other in protecting national airspace. Annex be done remaining within the letters of 11, regarding this matter, urges, agreement between these units. Besides the "Arrangements shall be made to permit provision for regular scheduled and chartered information relevant to the safe and flights, countries have provisions regarding expeditious conduct of flights of civil aircraft unauthorized flights entering their airspace. to be promptly exchanged between air traffic For protecting our airspace from such services units and appropriate military unauthorized entrants, civil and military authority." (Annex 11- 2.16.3). authorities should go hand in hand and maintain mutual coordination. It's high time for the military authority to establish military unit under aviation wing. There are provisions for punishing the The ATS authority should provide the military intruder and encroacher of Nepalese airspace unit all the information regarding the flights in Civil Aviation Act 2015 (fourth amendment that will enter our airspace. Military unit 2053). But the act is mum about the policy should also issue permission number along of protecting our airspace. with the permission from CAAN. This can certainly check encroachment of Nepalese Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal grants airspace and thus protect our national permission to all the regular scheduled flights sovereignty. and chartered flights, hospital, military, ferry and other flights intending to operate in our Proper coordination is thus the main way territory by issuing a permission number through which we can ensure flight safety, which is the key to enter our airspace. and also protect our airspace. It is an Unlike in other countries such as India, Nepal indispensable part of safety procedures. does not have provision for informing the military unit to check illegal entrants. In India, every scheduled flight has to obtain Air Defense Clearance (ADC) number issued by Asst. Manager, TIACAO

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UNIDROIT Research - A sweet Memory


I am very keen to write some words on good memory of UNIDROIT research programme that was conducted from November 3 to 30, 2010 in it's headquarter 28 Via Panisperna, 00184 Roma (Italy). The Scholarship for the research was provided by International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) and sponsored by US foundation for International Uniform Law. The research was focused on the Convention on International Interest in Mobile Equipment, Cape Town 2001.


Buddhi Sagar Lamichhane The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) is an independent intergovernmental Organisation with its seat in the Villa Aldobrandini (28 Via Panisperna) in Rome. Its purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law between States and groups of States. UNIDROIT was originally set up in 1926 as an auxiliary organ of the League of Nations but after following the demise of the League of Nations, the Institute was re-established in 1940 on the basis of a multilateral agreement. At present there are 63 member states of Unidroit and the member states are drawn from the five continents and represent a variety of different legal, economic and political systems as well as different

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cultural backgrounds. The member states Mobile Equipment, Cape Town 2001 and its are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, associated Aircraft Protocol 2001 are Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, International treaty and were concluded at Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Cape Town, South Africa on 16 November Holy See, Hungary, India,Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, 2001 in a Diplomatic Conference under the Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, joint auspices of the International Institute Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, The for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) Netherlands, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, and the International Civil Aviation Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Organization (ICAO). The Conference was Republic of Korea, Republic of Serbia, attended by representatives from 68 States Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, and 14 international organizations. The final Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, treaty document was signed by Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, representatives of 20 States on the occasion United Kingdom of Great Britain and of the signing ceremony. The Convention and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Aircraft Protocol entered into force on 1 Uruguay and Venezuela. Nepal is not its March 2006. In less than ten years the member and as per my information there is Convention has been ratified by 40 States no any relation of Nepal with the UNIDROIT and the Protocol by 34 States and many till this date. This is the signal that Nepal is states are in pipe line. still in premature stage of Private International Law development. The Cape Town Convention and Aircraft UNIDROIT is working towards the legal Protocol are the complex set of Instruments harmonization of private international law of private international law ever made. It throughout the world. So to achieve this not only addresses the finance issue but it objective UNIDROIT has policy of providing also addresses many other issues of law like legal cooperation to the states in need and property law, secured transaction law, research scholarship and internship to the insolvency law, international air law etc. It young and dedicated scholars interested in has various stakeholders like Aircraft and the field from all over the world. In providing Engine manufacturers, financiers, lessors, assistance Special attention is given to the airlines, governments, passengers and particular needs of developing countries and others. It is the product of tough conflicts of countries in economic transition. different legal systems of the world. It has introduced a common set of rules which can Cape Town Convention and Aircraft be accepted and interpreted by all legal Protocol systems of the world uniformly. So it took The Convention on International Interests in many years to be developed in the final shape. So it has a significant importance in

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the field of private international law. institute does not provide research supervisor but provides any technical and logistic support as per the The primary purpose of the terms set prior to acceptance of research request. convention as applied by the aircraft UNIDROIT promotes individual researchers to pursue protocol is to facilitate the extension their study based on their needs and support with and reduce the cost of aviation required facilities. credit. It will do so by establishing substantive, commercially oriented I am highly impressed with the research and study international rules regulating the environment of UNIDROIT. During my stay I got all key elements of secured assistance as needed. transactions and leasing of aircraft equipment. Cape Town Forum The significant achievement of UNIDROIT stay Research environment was to participate in the Cape Town Treaty Forum, which was held on 9-10 November 2010 at Rome. UNIDROIT is itself a research It was organized by Aviation Working Group in institute and has developed a world association with the UNIDROIT. About 100 class research environment in its governments, airlines, and industry premises. The library is full of representatives from Europe, Middle East and different legal books, journals, Africa has attended the forum. The theme of the periodicals and other reference Forum was “Aircraft Protocol-Assessing and materials which are essential tools advancing Ratification”. For me it was the first of legal research. In my view the international forum and more remarkable in the library is suitable for any kind of sense that I represented Nepal incidentally. research in the private international Practically I feel the forum was another learning law area. It not only conducts opportunity to me regarding the Cape Town research but promotes research system. All the information’s disclosed in the throughout the world to achieve the forum were very useful. The forum resulted into goal of harmonization of private law. another opportunity to establish formal contact The environment inside is very with different personalities from different adaptable for any researcher and geography and level of industries. the cooperation of the institute’s staff is of highly appreciable. City of Rome UNIDROIT is not an academic During school days when I studied history of the institution like University, so the world I felt very curious about the Rome research in UNIDROIT should be civilization and its system of development. Now conducted on personal basis. The that I had travelled Rome and become eyewitness

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of the Roma Civilization, culture and of asset based financing and History, I found that the history which leasing (transparent priority we studied was true. The human principle, prompt enforcement civilization started from Rome and the principle, bankruptcy law legal history too was developed from enforcement principle) Rome. When I travelled around the city b) Whether the court system is of Rome I found that Rome city is a living applying the principle of asset museum of human civilization and based financing while considering history. Everywhere we can see the well the cases preserved historical monuments and c) Whether the national Civil Aviation places. It is a great lesson to the future Industry is seeking for the generations that we should preserve the international financing to acquire past for the proper guidance to the new aircraft equipment for the future. I feel all the other countries continuation of its disruptive should learn from the Roman experience service. about the protection of History. d) To achieve expected economic benefit implementation legislation What I learnt is essential

Basically being confined with the Cape Town Regarding the Convention System- convention I would like to forward some a) The Convention is comprised with points as reference of my research findings. two tire system Like other Conventions it is not simple to b) Convention consists of basic understand and to implement also. There is provisions while the associated no provision of reservations in the protocols consists of operating Convention and Protocol but declarations provisions system is complex. Without making c) There is no provision of reservation appropriate declarations, it is better not to but the system of declaration is ratify the Convention and Protocol at all. very complex, so before the In my understanding before initiating the deposition of declaration a process of Ratification or accession every comprehensive and critical review country should be aware of the following is required points: d) Without appropriate declaration there is less chance of economic Regarding the domestic Sphere- significance of the convention a) Whether the legal system is system. blended with the basic principle e) There are different categories of

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declarations, so based on the language used in the convention also their significance states plays significant role to achieve the should take appropriate proposed benefit of the convention. steps regarding their g) The notion of the convention is to advance adoption. the financial interest of the related parties f) States should give more of aviation industry but not to advance the attention on the political interest of the country. So before language used in the lodging the instrument of ratification or declaration before accession each state should think more submitting to the aptly on the point that how they can depositary of the achieve maximum economic benefit. convention. The experience shows that Asst. Manager, CAAN Head Office

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Women in one of the world’s most challenging jobs

The word “fireman” is synonymous to ‘firefighter’ and fire fighting as a job used to be predominantly occupied by male participants. With time has changed the overall concept of relating a particular job with a specific gender. Similar is the case of ‘firefighting’. It is not solely a male domain anymore. Women also work as firefighters these days throughout the world. Now, as more and more women are joining the ranks, “firefighter” has become the preferred term used equally for both the genders. Women who work in the fire department are called firefighters.

Throughout the history, we have seen our once narrowly defined gender roles Suneeta Shiwakoti “Bhardwaj” progressively expand. Today, women serve in the armed forces, work as surgeons and participate in the highest levels of government service. Similarly, men are stay- at –home dads, have careers in nursing and are even self-defined feminists. The world is changing its definition of roles according to the gender these days. Yet every day, women and men are typecast according to their gender in rather conservative ways. Just like every other career, trade, or profession women have made inroads into this traditionally male territory.

Female firefighters have been putting out flames for almost 200 years, while continuing

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to burn down boundaries of gender Academy conducted the first Basic Aerodrome discrimination, harassment and Firemanship Training (RFF CAAN-2-001 dated from criticisms. While firefighting remains 19th March 2003 to 10th July 2003) and this training a predominately male profession, included two women namely Rati Dhungana Thapa, female fire fighters make sure that and me (Suneeta Shiwakoti Bhardwaj) who were the their efforts are noticed and their first to get trained as women firefighters of Nepal voices are heard. Molly Williams and coming up to this date there are four women was the first known female firefighters altogether in Nepal. I think that the firefighter who was a slave in New number of women firefighters is very much York City and became a member of disappointing for the development of women Oceanus Engine Company in 1815. firefighter’s career in Nepal. She was known to be just as hard- working as the male firefighters and her firefighting efforts remain an In fact the training was not only an opportunity to important part of women’s history prove ourselves as upcoming future women and have been paving the way for firefighters but also a challenge to successfully female fire fighters worldwide till complete it. The training demanded the determination the date. to adjust and adapt to each and every aspect of it in relation to male counterparts. As this field is Well we all have heard these dominantly led by male, women fire fighters have to stereotypes- men are “strong,” encounter often the negative and discriminatory women are “weak,” men should act behaviors occurring most commonly on a fire ground. “manly” and women should act A good firefighter must be honest and dependable. “girly”. We all are grown up in these Team play is a necessary function of the fire fighting social norms and beliefs, themes and as is respect for co-workers and members of the thinking, rules and regularities. In public. Good communication skills and common sense the long run of time from Molly are traits appreciated in a firefighter. Firefighters Williams in 1815 till now everything need to be emotionally stable and sense of humor is has changed globally. In the context appreciated in this job as it is in any other. Flexibility of one of the developing Asian and open-minded is also needed. No one person can countries like Nepal, first of all it was have all of these attributes, and if they did, as a group a great challenge to have chosen their strengths would be redundant and their firefighting as a career. In addition, weakness magnified. Each person, male or female, being one of the pioneer ladies in can offer some of these traits and contribute to the this field will always remain as a team and make it strong. Women are known to be great achievement. Civil Aviation more faithful, loyal, hardworking and reliable than Authority of Nepal, Civil Aviation

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male so they can make the team more protective gear. Not only are women usually bonded, progressive and goal oriented. smaller than men, they are also shaped Firefighting is a career choice with a lot of differently, so gear designed for men often job satisfaction because putting your life on will not fit correctly. In firefighting, properly the line for others can be very rewarding fitted uniforms and equipment are not indeed. merely a matter of appearance or comfort. Bunker coats which do not fit result in burns, Since women have only recently begun to breathing masks which do not seal lead to be formally considered firefighters, there smoke inhalation, and helmets which slip can have been many difficult adjustments for the block vision during an emergency. fire service, management and women firefighters themselves and we are going to In an environment where uncovered skin can discuss these difficulties in following be almost instantly covered in full thickness paragraphs. burns, it is essential that protective gear or protective wear fit properly. The improper One major problem or we can say hurdle to fittings of protective clothing also may result entrance into firefighting for women is the in low performance level of women lack of facilities and this problem is not only firefighters during firefighting procedure as for the developing country like Nepal it is well as in training period. We, as pioneer also the major problem in developed ladies in this field, have also faced the similar countries. According to the job nature days problems relating our protective clothing, and nights are spent in the fire station, and boots, and helmets and breathing masks. over decades operating with an all-male staff, Due to the lack of required facilities we had many fire stations developed a “fraternity to manage with the similar protective gears house”. The immediate problem of sleeping used by male and made for them during our quarters and bathing areas had to be solved training period and the condition has before women could participate fully in remained the same till now. firefighting as an occupation and as a culture. Communal showers and open bunk hall were The most sensitive issue or more we can say designed for men only and women the challenge that has to be faced in daily firefighters often faced these difficulties. activities by women fire fighters is the Today, although most stations are now underrepresentation of women in designed to accommodate firefighters of firefighting. And it has become an alarming both genders, some female firefighters still inequity that needs to be immediately face issues related to their gender. addressed.

Moreover, the greatest difficulty experienced Firefighting is a physically and emotionally by most women in the fire service is ill-fitting demanding job which includes dragging and

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pulling heavy lengths of hose, To reduce all the barriers and bring women’s climbing ladders or lugging employment to its potential will require more universal equipment up steep inclines, application of best practices adopted by these handling different water pressures pioneering departments. In particular, it will require while firefighting and also needs to changing the underlying workplace culture form one work on ladders carrying the power of exclusion to gender inclusiveness. Inclusion is a saws. Therefore an adequate level substantially more ambitious goal than merely of strength, fitness and endurance increasing the number of women employees. is mandatory for the role. Due to the However, it is essential if increases in those numbers biological or sexual differences are to be meaningful and self-sustaining. between male and female; women obviously are having more problems while performing these tasks. So, rather than discriminating them they Senior Fire Officer should be socially and mentally CAAN Head Office boosted up for their work.

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Rescue Operation in Aviation Fire


The main objective of the Fire Fighting and rescue service is to save life and properties in the event of accident and incident basically at the aircraft, electronic equipments and high rise buildings fires etc. After completion of the fire fighting activities, every fire fighter must be thoroughly prepared for any potential rescue situation. Rescue activities can happen in the natural elements, structural collapse, elevation differences or any other condition not considered to be an extrication accident and incident. The vast majorities of rescue operations conducted by fire fighters are on the aircraft, equipments and structural fires hazardous environments. Thousands of people die in Narayan Bahadur Rawat every year in the word due to aircraft accident and incident fires and other hazardous acts. Therefore, a fire fighter must be familiar in many more searche-and-rescue works so that they can accomplish their activities in the actual time. During the rescue operation or activities, rescuers should always use the body system with teams of two or more. Rescue personnel should always carry breathing apparatus, forcible entry tools, charge hose and life lines whenever they enter a structural building, facilitation and aircraft fuselage. When rescue personnel searching within the closed room, they should move systematically from room to room with crawling position by hands and knees. Rescuers should start their searching work back towards the entrance door. It is

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important for rescue personnel to ventilation is accomplished when back draft search all areas such as bathrooms, Conditions exit. under beds, behind furniture, any 3. Wear full personal protective equipments areas where men and women may including Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus hide. During the search, low (SCBA) and audible devices. visibilities can happen inside the 4. Work in teams of two or more and stay in constant room due to smoke, heat and flame contact with each other so that all members of so rescuer should be attention the team are responsible for themselves and each carefully of the entire areas taking other. with search electrical devises or 5. Maintain contact with a wall when visibility is equipments. Rescue team should be obscured. Working together, search team maintained radio contact with their members can extend their reach by using ropes commander and periodically report or straps. the progress as per official 6. Have a charged hose line at hand whenever procedures. possible when working on the fires because it may be used as a guide for fire fighters and In most cases, the best method of rescuers. searching is for one member to stay 7. Inform the group commander immediately of any at the door while another member search areas that could not be searched due to searches the room. There is a obstruct conditions. double-safety system in aviation fire 8. Report promptly to the commander once the service i.e. first of all their own safety search is complete; also report the progress of and secondly the safety of their the fire and the condition of the building, occupants or victims of fire. While structures and aircraft etc. searching for victims in a fire, rescuer must always consider their own National Fire Protection association has suggested safety first. different types of rescue methods in aviation fire service and structural fire. The following are recommended by Such methods are as follows:- National Fire Protection Association 1.Cradle-in-arms: - This method can be used (NFPA) to search and rescue for carrying children or adults with very small personnel as safety guidelines for body structure. better performance:- 2.Seat lift carry: - This method can be used 1. Do not enter an aircraft and with a conscious or an unconscious victim and building in which the fire has is performed by two rescuers. progressed to the point where 3.Two or three person: - This method is an victims are not likely to be effective way to lift a victim who is lying down. found. 4.Extremities carry: - This method is used on 2. Attempt entry only after either a conscious or an unconscious victim

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and requires two rescuers. In the most cases, portable lights 5.Chair Carry: - Be sure that the chair usually provide the ease of carrying. used is sturdy and do not use folding chair. Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), 6.Incline Drag:- This method is used Aviation Fire Service provides fire fighting by one rescuer to move a victim down and rescue operation facilities for saving life a stairway and is very useful for and properties of people as per International moving an unconscious victim. Civil Aviation Organization guideline. CAAN 7.Blanket Drag:- This method is could not manage the proper rescue tools implemented by one rescuer using a and equipments according to the ICAO blanket. standard. Universal Safety Oversight audit 8.Two hand seats, three hand seats Program (USOAP) has given some suggestion and four hand seats methods are (findings) about rescue tools and techniques used as per situation. such as skillful manpower, rescue vehicles, rescue equipments etc. Now, Aviation Fire The Fire Fighting and Rescue Service also use fighting facilities are provided within the six different types of rescue tools and Civil Aviation Offices. They are, TIA- category- equipments. Such tools and equipments are 8, Nepalgunj Biratnagar, Bhairahawa, as follows:- Pokhara and Simara- category-5, but rescue 1.Emergency Power:- facility is very difficult to properly manage in Unfortunately, many incidents occur case of emergencies. ICAO documents, in poor lighting condition and requirements, manual and Directives have windowless structures. Firefighter recommended that rescue operation is as must know how to properly and safely important as fire fighting activities. operate the emergency power and lighting equipment. Generator and Every Civil Aviation Office must provide inverter as emergency power are the properly managed rescue facilities in every most common power source used for airport for safety of life of the passengers rescue activities. It is extremely useful and their journey. Aircraft movement is when electrical power is needed in rapidly growing in the every airport. From the emergency site. Safety and security point of view, CAAN 2.Lighting Equipments :- management should extend their fire fighting Portable and fixed light as lighting and rescue operation service to all the equipment are used in areas where airports with skillful manpower. Aviation Fire emergency operation is being is a hi-tech service in the aviation field so that launched by rescue personnel. Fixed its nature of work is very difficult and quite light are not able to illuminate costly in accidents and incidents. More than because of adequate obstruction or 80 percent of emergencies occur within the when additional lighting is necessary. airport boundary. Therefore fire service

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should be ever ready to control any problems can occur but these problems must be accident and incident. tackled proved its manpower, tools and techniques, apparatus, modality to save of lives and properties Conclusion: of passengers and whole Civil Aviation Staffs in the aircrafts accident/incident or structures collapse. Due In Nepal, rescue operation service to minimal manpower in the rescue operation, it has been provided in different Civil importance would not be arise in the service. CAAN Aviation Offices as per International management must be appreciating it reality in the Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) civil aviation scenario. standard but its internal infrastructure is not properly update with the nature of work. So many Senior Fire Officer , CAA

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Budgetary Control System :CAAN Perspective


In the context of legally organized body, a budget is an estimation of income and expenditure for future-period. In broad sense, it is a statement of anticipated revenues and expenditures with detailed plans, programs and policies of various actions to be carried out for next financial year. It is the process of expressing future plan of action in quantitative and financial terms. The budget is formulated for a specific period; this period is broadly specified for long term and short term. Long term budget is prepared for longer period i.e. three years, five years, ten years or more. Similarly short term budget Chandrakant Pandit is prepared for a short period; normally i.e. one year or less than one year.

For autonomous entity like Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), budget is considered as the fiscal plan of action which shows how the various sources of revenues (aeronautical and non-aeronautical) are collected and how it is utilized from the commercial or business aspect as well as social responsibility aspect. So the budgetary document of the CAAN is a source of information of past activities and current decisions on future prospects. It is an effective managerial tool for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating

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(M&E) and controlling overall Besides above mentioned procedures, budget activities of the CAAN. preparation is a two way process of making decisions on the size and consumption of revenues and Prerequisites expenditures. It would be unrealistic to take decision The budgetary process is a planning on total size of expenditures without considering the process or resources allocation availability of revenues. If the prospective revenues process which is prepared based on are greater than the cost of maintaining existing the organizational objectives. programs, there is usually a scope for additional Generally, the following aspects are expenditures. If the prospective revenues are however considered while formulating the less than the cost of maintaining existing program, budgetary procedures: there is a need for curtailing the planned expenses.

(a) Setting organizational Budgetary system is a planning of collection and goals and priorities allocation of resources and is also an outcome of (b) Linking goals and priority setting process of the organizational goals. priorities to actions It can only be successful when the organization runs (c) Managing resources an efficient budgetary control system. When the (pre-assumption of fund) budget is implemented only within its approved (d) Allocating and programs and within its pre-specified period, it is Controlling the use of called budgetary control. So the budgetary control is resources a prerequisite of the organization. It is a tool, which (e) Keeping the budgeting guides the management to take corrective action and process manageable measures to carry out its plan of action. (f) Promoting efficiency and Principally, the major objectives of budgetary control effectiveness system are; to express the plan of action of the (g) Fulfilling the social organization and its goal in a clear and specific manner; responsibilities to establish clear responsibilities of different budget (h) Monitoring the centers of the organization for attainment of its goal; performance of budget to evaluate and control the performance of budget centers centers of the organization; to provide guidance for (i) Evaluating actual execution in the future actions on the basis of past outcome with pre- experience. assumed goals On the basis of approach, budgeting is categorized (j) Getting Feedback for as follows- modifying budget in the coming year 1. Traditional Budgeting Approach · Line Item Budgeting:

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· Incremental Budgeting: 2. Proper justification on any budget · Objective Budgeting: variations when unexpected or unusual · Surplus Budgeting accident or incident happens and it must · Deficit Budgeting be approved by authority. · Balanced Budgeting 3. Prior approval compulsory for 2. Modern Budgeting Approach modification and revision of action plan. · Program Budgeting · Performance Budgeting Budget Cycle · Zero Based Budgeting · Planning, Programming Budgeting The stage and period between one budget System (PPBS) and the next budget is called budget cycle. It is repeatedly circulated process of year to In the context of CAAN, budget is basically year. For each defined stage, an organization prepared on the foundation of previous fiscal has its timeframe within which the specific year's actual revenue collection and actual stage has to be completed. The preparation expenditure as well as the estimation of of the budget begins from the budget current year's revenue and expenditures. planning and ends with the closing of fiscal CAAN mostly adopts the incremental year. Generally the next year budget is budgeting system. Revenue income budget prepared based upon the utilization and is prepared on the basis of aeronautical trend of last year's actual performance and revenue income and non-aeronautical current year's targeted performance. But for revenue income. Similarly, expenditure profit making organization, the budget is budget is classified in the following three prepared based upon the revenue target, heads: marketing strategy and investment plan - · Development Capital Expenditure basically in new areas. The budget cycle Budget or Capital Expenditure includes the stages like budget estimation, · Replacement Capital Expenditure budget, budget approval, budget release, Budget or Administrative capital accounting, reporting, auditing and feedback. Expenditure The practice of budget preparation and · Operational Expenditure budget or budgetary control system has not become Revenue Expenditure Generally, much popular in the case of CAAN. It has neither got the expert manpower of this The budgetary control system has the area, nor taken any initiation to groom up following key elements; some manpower for this purpose. However, 1. Regular monitoring of budget whether it CAAN has been preparing annual budget in is utilized properly on periodic basis or ad-hoc basic by the initiation of some sincere not. non-professional employees of various fields.

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Now, the time has come that CAAN objective of budgetary control system and its benefits must develop its own expertise in in large scales. The following are some of the budgeting and budgetary control challenges in the context of CAAN- system. From the aspect of · Budgeting without business plan. budgetary control system, the · Lack of expertise in formulation of budget. budget cycle of CAAN includes · Lack of approved formal policy for budgeting and various stages like budget planning, budgetary control. budget submission, budget · Lack of linkage of approved budget and action discussion in various levels, budget plans. approval, budget release and · Absence of proper monitoring and evaluation authorization letter issue, program process. execution, monitoring and · Heavy expenses in eleventh hour of the fiscal year. evaluation, budget review, · No use of budget preparation software. accounting, auditing (internal and · Lack of linkage of budget and accounting software. external) and feedback. · No proper discussion at the time of budgeting about the feedbacks of internal and external The following picture shows the auditing. various stages of budget cycle of CAAN. Remedies and Conclusion

Budget should be prepared on the realistic basis considering all the possible changes in the near future. There must be rigid restriction in the revisions of budget. The frequent revision of budget carries the meaning of less attention of its committee members in the process of budget formulation. Thus, a formal and approved budgetary control system should be adopted to make the budget more realistic and Challenges applicable. Budgetary progress or target should be compared not only in the volume of its expenditure, The objective of budgetary control but also physical development of implemented system can be fulfilled only when projects and its quality assurance. Good accounting the prerequisites of budgets and its and internal auditing software must be used to reduce control procedures are well the present manual working styles. For the execution established. Although, there are of software, the staffs of related fields must be trained some practical challenges which well to meet this requirement. So a good budgetary prevents from realization of the control system establishes best working environment

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of budgeting. It also helps in allocating and References : utilizing the resources as well as monitoring David C Nice (prof.-Washington State and evaluating the operational activities of University) Public Budgeting, Thomson the organization. CAAN has been launching Wadsworth some positive practices of budgeting from Journal of the ICAN ,2009) its establishment. However, there are so CAAN Souvenir (various anniversaries) many lapses to be improved to adopt the full phase of budgetary control system. Now, CAAN must take proper decision to establish a permanent unit for budget preparation and budgetary control system without making delay for the betterment of budget-related Asst. Manager, CAAN Head Office overall activities.

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 138 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

Sustainability of Air Transportation in the context of Nepal.

The sustainability of Air transportation system is considered along a global trajectory of growing effects and the diminishing impacts of this on society and environmental conditions due to continuous growth. In doing so, the situation of users of the system (or passengers), air transport operators (airports, air traffic control) and airlines, aerospace manufacture, local and national community's policy makers and public are examined.

Sustainability is directly related to economic, social and environmental sectors along with the blend of technological perspectives. Economic growth is vital for technological advancement and the investment required for improving the social services all along Bibek Adhikari the globe. Socially, people should be included in discussions and decisions that have impact on their communities. Environmentally, production and consumption should advance in a way that does not diminish the world's natural resources, now and for the future generation to come, which is of course the main jest of sustainable development. According to Brunt land commission Sustainable mobility can be defined in this context ” as the ability to meet society’s need to move freely ,gain access, communicate, trade and establish relationships without sacrificing other essential human or ecological values, today and in the future ( word business council for sustainable development)” .

Sustainable development in air transport is directly

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 139 13 th Anniversary Publication

relevant to global economy. Air Air transport is essential for world's business transportation has valuable and peculiar and tourism. It creates jobs and facilitates contribution to the society and nation as a the expansion of world trade by opening up whole. Moreover, it provides efficient and new market opportunities. It attracts affordable access to local or global markets. business to locations in developed and It helps to improve living standards and developing countries like Nepal, there by fasten economic growth. It alleviates poverty satisfying the mobility requirements of and reduces environmental degradation. people. It moves products and services Thus, sustainability is directly associated with quickly over long distances bringing economic the welfare of the society from its grass root advantage to communities. level. It forms a unique global transport network Air transport is one of the world's fastest linking people, countries and cultures safely growing industries. This fact is evidenced by and efficiently. So socially air transport plays the demand for air travel that increased three a bridging role in between countries of fold from 1980 to 2000 and that is expected diversities. Today air transport is increasingly to double by 2020. Air transportation is vital accessible to greater number of people who and essential to modern life. No one can can now afford to travel by Air for leisure imagine a world without air travel. This is all and business purposes. Additionally, it can because of its time saving, economic benefit reduce or contain its environmental impact and safety. Life can not be as easy without by continually improving fuel consumption, air transport in today's world. In every walk reducing noise and introducing more of our life air transport plays a vital role. sustainable technologies.

Every coin has two sides. Basically air In context of Nepal if the government forms transport also has pros and cons. Noise and effective rules and regulations and air pollution from emissions such as nitrogen implements them in practice, air transport oxide is very hazardous which ultimately can realise sustainable development. leads to climate change, fuel consumption Furthermore, management of the airport is and related emission. One of the prime also significant. The safety related issues reasons for global warming is due to the must be addressed. If this can be done then emissions from aircrafts. But people are only air transport will be sustainable. That is paying deaf ear to the situation. They are needed for present as well as for future. concerned only for road transport and their emission. For the sustainability this problem must be addressed. Pentagon Int'l Collage

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ko{6g ljsf;sf nflu ;'wf/sf] vf]hL

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Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 141 13 th Anniversary Publication

ug}k5{{ . b]zsf] ko{6g sf7df8f}+ -gu/sf]6 / w'lnv]n_, a9fpg ;lsPsf] 5}g . ko{6sLo If]qdf ko{6s x}/fg kf]v/f, lrtjg, ;u/dfyf, cGgk"0f{ ;+/If0f If]q;lxtsf kfg]{ dfUg] / ;8s Jofkf/Lsf] lgoGq0fb]lv ko{6s ;Lldt If]qaf6 aflx/ hfg ;Sg'k5{ . ca of] ;dodf n'l6Fbf–rf]l/bf;d]t ko{6g k|x/L ;lqmo gePsf] u'gf;f] k|fylds uGtAoaf6 ;xfos uGtAodf tfGgsf nflu a]nfa]nfdf ;'Gg] ul/Psf] 5 . kbofqfdf uPsf ko{6sx¿ Kofs]h sfo{qmdx?sf] ljsf; ug'{ h?/L eO;s]sf] x/fO/x]sf 5g\ . To;}n] ko{6g k|x/Lsf] ;]jfdf 5 . ljutsf] nfdf];do;Dd /fhgLlts cl:y/tf, k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ ;do eO;s]sf] 5 . aLrdf g]kfn nuftf/sf] aGb, x8\tfn / rSsfhfd, sdhf]/ ko{6sLo ko{6g af]8{n] ko{6ssf] ;Gt'i6Laf/] d"Nof+sg;d]t ;'? k"jf{wf/, g]kfn ko{6g af]8{, ko{6g dGqfnonufotsf u/]sf] lyof], Toltv]/ o;af/] pNn]Vo ;'emfj lbOPsf] lgsfosf sdhf]/ e"ldsfh:tf sf/0fn] ko{6s tYo ;fj{hlgs ePsf] lyof] . ;'emfj lng] t/ To;sf] cfjfudgdf k|efj kf/L g} /Xof] . g]kfnnfO{ cGt/f{li6«o sfof{Gjog eg] gx'g] ;+:sf/ cem /xFb} cfPsf] 5 . If]qdf a|flG8ª / k|a4{g ug]{ dfldnfdf xfdL ;Fw} g} g]kfn cfP/ kms]{sf] ko{6sn] /fd|f]–g/fd|f] h]h:tf] r'sL /Xof}+ . g]kfndf u'0f:t/Lo / vrf{n" ko{6s l6Kk0fL u/] klg b]zsf] ko{6g pBf]usf] ljsf;df Tof] Nofpgsf nflu g t ;/sf/n] g lghL If]qn] g} ;lqmo k|ltlqmofn] of]ubfg k'¥ofpF5 eGg] tYonfO{ oltv]/ e"ldsf v]Ng ;Sof] . oxfF klg Psn] csf]{nfO{ bf]if lj;{g ldNb}g . g]kfnnfO{ pQd ko{6sLo uGtAo b]vfP/ kG5g] k|j[lQ xfaL eof] . agfpF5' eg]/ dfq x'b}F g, To;sf nflu ;a} kIf ;an x'g'k5{ . ko{6sLo k"jf{wf/ eg]sf] xf]6n, l/;f]6{sf /fd|f ;'/IffhGo sf/0fn] dfq geO{ Jojxf/ / a]lyltn] klg sf]7f, ofqfsf nflu jftfg's"lnt uf8L, cyjf lx8\gsf g]kfnsf] ko{6sLo 5lj ;sf/fTds aGg g;s]sf] nflu /fd|f] af6f], plrt :jfut ;Tsf/ dfq xf]Og . tYonfO{ ca uDeL/tfk"j{s dgg ug}{k5{ . d'n'ssf Ps k6s g]kfn cfPkl5 km]l/ klg bf]xf]¥ofP/ cfpF nflu cltly ag]/ lelqPsf] Pp6f ko{6s Po/kf]6{ eGg] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug]{ ;a} kIf xf] . h;df aflx/ lg:s]kl5 aL;f}+ jif{ yf]qf Po/kf]6{ 6\ofS;L, zflGt–;'/Iff, lgjf{w cfjfudg klxnf] ;t{ 6\ofS;L 8«fOe/x¿sf] tfgftfg To;sf] ljsNkdf x'ghfG5 . Po/kf]6{ a;sf] cefjn] p;nfO{ lk/f]N5 . wGg yf]qf 6«nLsf] cWofo eg] oltv]/ s]xL xb;Dd 6n]sf] 5 . g]kfndf !) nfv ko{6s leq\ofpg] nIo;fy g]kfn ko{6g jif{ @)!! dgfOof], ;g\ @)!@ nfO{ n'lDagL ljdfg:ynaf6} s;}u/L plDsPsf] ko{6s b]zs} /fhwfgLsf] e|d0f jif{ 3f]if0ff u/]/ ;f]xL cg'kftdf ko{6s leq\ofpg] c:tJo:t rfn b]v]/ lj/lQmg yfN5 . sf7df8f}+sf] nIo ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] 5 . XjfQ} ko{6s a9fpg' kmf]xf]/af6 jfSs ePsf] pm ko{6sLo If]qdf 3'Dbf dfq sfkmL 5}g . Ps} k6s cf]O/g] 7"nf] ;+Vofsf ko{6s ;8se/ dfUg], ;8s Jofkf/Lsf] jfSsnfUbf] rfnaf6 wfGgsf nflu oxfFsf] ko{6g pBf]u ;Ifd 5 of emg} lg/fz x'gk'U5 . ;Lldt ko{6sLo If]qdf ko{6g 5}g < 5}g eg] Ifdtf lj:tf/sf nflu s] ug{ ;lsG5 k|x/L t 5g\ t/ pgLx¿sf] ;]jfaf/] ko{6s cgle1 eGg] ljifodf klg uDeL/ k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{k5{ . o;sf 5g . hfg]/ xf]; of ghfg]/ ko{6g k|x/Lsf] k|efjsfl/tf nflu oxfFsf] ko{6sLo k"jf{wf/df cfd"n ;'wf/ ug'kg]{ {

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 142 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

b]lvG5 . h;df ;8s ;~hfnb]lv ;DefJo ;+:sf/n] of] If]qsf] ljsf; x'g} ;Sb}g . clxn]sf] cj:yfdf ko{6sLo uGtJox¿df ef}lts k"jf{wf/sf] ko{6snfO{ cfslif{t ug{sf nflu ljleGg cfsif{0f / Kofs]hx¿ ;'wf/;Dd hf]l8G5 h;sf nflu 7"nf] cg'kftdf lj:tf/ ug{ cfjZos 5, o;sf nflu If]qLo uGtJox?;Fu nufgL a9fpg' kg]{ x'ghfG5 . pko'Qm nufgL g]kfnnfO{ cfj4 ug]{ qmd ;'? ul/g'k5{ . s]xL jif{cl3 Pl;ofnL gLlt gx'Fbf a}+lsª If]qn] rfx]/ klg nufgL ljsf; a}+ssf] Ps cfof]hgf ;f;]s cjwf/0ffcGtu{t a'l4:6 lj:tf/ ug{ ;s]sf 5}gg . Psn shf{ ;ls{6sf] cjwf/0ff NofOof] . g]kfnb]lv >Ln+sf;Ddsf a'4;Fu ;Ldfh:tf k|fjwfgn] ubf{ / s]xL 7"nf shf{df ;DalGwt If]qx¿nfO{ ;d]6]/ NofOPsf] of] a'l4:6 ;ls{6nfO{ b]lvPsf] ;d:ofn] ubf{ ko{6g pBf]usf 7"nf Kofs]hsf ¿kdf k|a4{g ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . ef/tn] a'4;Fu kl/of]hgfdf ;xljQLos/0f nufgL sl/a ;DalGwt If]qx?;Dd 3'Dg] u/L cfkm\gf] d'n'sleq /]Nj] ;]jf klg sl/a /f]lsPsf] cj:yf 5 . o:tf uf7f]+ ;'? ul/;s]sf] 5, t/ b'ef{Uo uf}tda'4sf] hGdynf] gkm'sfOsg lghL If]qaf6 yk nufgL lj:tf/ n'lDagLglhs;Dd cfOk'Ug] of] ;]jfaf6 g]kfnn] s]xL klg nfe x'g ;Sb}g . ;/sf/sf] PSnf] k|of;n] dfq p7fpg ;s]sf] 5}g . ;fFrf] cy{df eGg] xf] eg] slxNo} klg ;+o'Qm w]/} 7"nf pknAwLx¿ xfl;n x'g ;Sb}gg ahf/ k|a4{g l;h{gzLn x'g ;lsPgg\ . g]kfn ljZj ko{6g eGg] s'/f k|dfl0ft g} eO;s]sf] 5 . g]kfnsf] ahf/df ;fxl;s ko{6gsf nflu k|Voft /xFb} cfP klg o;sf] ko{6g pBf]u clxn] hxfF k'u]sf] 5, To;df ahf/Ls/0f l5d]sL d'n'ssf jf ljsl;t d'n'ssf 6'/ ck/]6/x¿n] lghL If]qsf] k|d'v e"ldsf /x]sf] s'/fdf s'g} ul//x]sf] oyfy{ xfd|f;fd' 5 . l8HgL NofG8leq lgld{t ;u/dfyfsf] b'O{dt x'g ;Sb}g . ca ;/sf/n] k|lt¿kdf rnfOPsf] sf]:6/ /fO8;Fu g]kfnsf] ;u/dfyf / oxfFsf] ;fj{hlgs–lghL–;fd'bflos cjwf/0ffdf xft ko{6sLo ;"rgf /fVg g t g]kfn ;/sf/n] kxn u¥of]{, g :jb]zL gxfnL g]kfnsf] ko{6g pBf]un] 7"nf] km8\sf] ko{6g Joj;foLn], g u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnLn] g} g]kfnsf] ko{6g dfg}{ ;Sb}g . g]kfnsf] k/Dk/fut ko{6g k|a4{gsf nflu ljb]zl:yt g]kfnL b"tfjf; / cGo s'6g}lts ahf/Ls/0f cjwf/0ffdf kl/jt{gsf] vfFrf] lgof]un] h'g ¿kdf k|efjsf/L e"ldsf v]Ng' kg]{ lyof], Tof] x'g 5 . clxn]sf] tLj| / pRr k|ltkiwf{ cj:yfdf g;s]sf] 5n+ª\u eO;s]sf] 5 . b"tfjf;x¿df ko{6g k|a4{gsf sdhf]/ Ifdtfaf6 Psn ?kdf vrf{n' ko{6s nflu ljz]if ¿kdf k|lzlIft hgzlQm / a]nfa]nfdf g]kfn tfGg ;Sg] ;Defjgf eg] sd} 5 . g]kfnnfO{ ;fFemh:tf sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ug{ kof{Kt ah]6sf] cefj x'g] hlt cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df k|a4{g ug{ ;Sof], u/]sf] s'/f a]nfavt ;DalGwt /fhb"tx¿n] ;fj{hlgs ug]{ u/]sf Tolt g} a9L ko{6s cfpF5g\ eGg] tYonfO{ 5g\ . Vofltk|fKt cGt/f{li6«o ;~rf/dfWodx¿af6 k|rf/ k|;f/ ;Da4 ;/f]sf/jfnf kIfx¿n] dgg ug'{kg]{ t 5Fb}5, ePsf ;+oGqx¿sf] klg ;xL 9+un] kl/rfng ug}{k5{ . Psflt/ ko{6gnfO{ /fli6«o x'g ;ls/x]s]f 5}g . g]kfn ko{6g jif{–@)!! sf qmddf bh{gf}+ k|fyldstfk|fKt If]q 3f]if0ff ug]{ csf{lt/ JolQmx¿nfO{ ;b\efjgfb"tsf ¿kdf lgo'Qm t ul/Psf] lyof] t/ o;sf nflu cfjZos ah]6 ljlgof]hgdf pgLx¿nfO{ ;xL 9+un] kl/rfng g} ug{ ;lsPg . sGh':ofO{+ ug]{ jf ljlgof]lht ah]6 ljleGg gfd / axfgfdf vr{ gu/L cGoq ;fg]{ ca xfdLn] g]kfnsf ko{6sLo pTkfbgnfO{ km/s 9+un] ljsf;

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 143 13 th Anniversary Publication

/ ahf/Ls/0fsf] gLlt lng' kg]{ a]nf ePsf] sfd a]/f]huf/ x'g afWo eP, slt t knfog g} 5 . o:tf] ljljlws/0fsf nflu ca g]kfnL ;+:s[lt eP . lghL If]qsf jfo';]jf ;~rfnsx¿ klg cGt/f{li6«o cWoogsf nflu uGtAo klxrfg u/L To;sf] ljsf;sf p8fgsf nflu ;Ifd ePgg\, g pgLx¿nfO{ ;Ifd nflu ;d'bfo;d]tsf] ;xeflutfdf sfo{qmdx¿ cl3 agfpgdf g} rf;f] lbOof] . cGt/f{li6«o p8fgsf nflu a9fpg' k5{ eg] o; l;nl;nfdf u|fdL0f ko{6gdf lbOPsf lgj]bgx¿ klg yfFtLdf /flvof] . kmnfgf xfl;n pknAwLnfO{ cem lj:tf/ ug'{k5{ . g]kfnsf] b]z;Fu xfd|f] jfo';]jf ;Demf}tf 5Fb}5 eg]/ c?sf] ko{6g pBf]usf] k|d'v r'gf}tL eg]sf] ko{6sx¿sf] cfzdf cfsf; x]/]/ a:g] k|j[lQ tfn'sjfnf dGqL tyf a;fO{ cjlw / pgLx¿sf] vr{ ug]{ Ifdtfdf lj:tf/ ;/sf/L clwsf/Lx¿df xfaL eof] . g]kfn;Fu xjfO{ g} xf] . ko{6g dGqfnosf] Ps tYof+scg';f/ g]kfndf ;Demf}tf ePsf sltko b]zn] clxn];Dd g]kfndf ko{6ssf] cf};t a;fO{ cjlw ;f9] !! lbg 5 . !((* Pp6f klg hxfh k7fPsf 5}gg\, g t hxfh p8fO{ sf] e|d0f jif{kl5 ko{6ssf] ;+Vof a9] klg vrf{n" / /x]sf b]zx¿af6} k|fKt l;6 Ifdtf pkof]u ug{ ;lsPsf] u'0f:t/Lo ko{6ssf] ;+Vof a9\g ;s]sf] 5}g . ko{6ssf] 5 . jfo';]jf lgud;Fu} p8fg ;]jfdf k|j]z u/]sf] cfjZostf / rfxgfcg';f/sf] pTkfbg tyf ;]jf yfO Po/j]hn] Jofks pGglt ul/;Sbf xfd|f] jfo';]jf lj:tf/df Wofg lbg g;lsPs} sf/0f vrf{n" ko{6s lgud eg] lbgk|ltlbg ?U0f aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . eGg a9\g g;s]sf] tYonfO{ ca klg la;{g] xf] eg] g]kfnsf] t yfONofG8 / g]kfnsf] cjl:yltsf sf/0fn] ubf{ oL ko{6g k|a4{gdf hlt;'s} k|oTg u/] klg cy{xLg g} b'O{ jfo';]jfx¿aLr t'ngf g} ug{ ldNb}g eg]/ Psyl/ x'g k'U5g . ljZn]ifsx¿n] eGg] u/]sf 5g\, t/ ;TorflxF s] xf] eg] jfo';]jf lgudnfO{ slxNo} pGgltsf] af6f]df nfg csf]{ sdhf]/ kf6f] eg]sf] xjfO{ ;~hfn lj:tf/ g} glbOPsf], o;nfO{ ;Qf / zlQmdf /x]sf ;d"xx¿n] xf] . b'ef{Uoj; b]zsf] Psdfq /fli6«o Wjhfjfxs klg cfkm\gf] :jfy{k"lt{ ug]{ b'x'gf] ufO{dfq ePsf sf/0f o;n] oltv]/ hxfhljxLg cj:yfdf 5 . of] lgsfo nfdf] pGglt ug{ g;s]sf] xf] . csf{tkm{ g]kfnsf] lghL If]q ;dob]lv cToflws /fhgLltss/0f / e|i6frf/sf] klg xjfO{ cfsf;df Tolt Jofj;flos ¿kdf ;kmn lzsf/ eO/x]sf] 5 . cGt/f{li6«o p8fgsf nflu g]kfn x'g ;s]g . Pe/]i6 Po/b]lv g]sf]g Po/;Ddsf jfo';]jf lgud;Fu hxfh t 5}g g}, ePsf hxfhx¿ sDkgLx¿ gfkmfdf rNbfrNb} cfZro{hgs ¿kdf aGb klg s'g} klg axfgfdf NoflG8ª x'g] ljQLs} To;sf x'g k'u] eg] csf{lt/ ljZjsf] p8\8og cfsf;af6} kf6k'hf{ rf]l/g] /f]u b]vfk/]sf] 5 . gofF–gofF hxfhx¿ lj:yfkg eO;s]sf] kmf]s/h:tf] hxfh NofP/ hf]lvd yk]/ /fli6«o jfo';]jfnfO{ ;an / ;Ifd agfpg' kg]{df df]Ng vf]Hg] sl:ds Po/ cfkm\gf] p2]Zodf ljkmn eof] ePsf hxfhx¿ klg qmd};Fu lvof nfUb} uP . hxfh . a'4, olth:tf jfo';]jf sDkgLx¿n] oltv]/ ;kmntf lsGg] k|lqmof r/d /fhgLlt, e|i6frf/ tyf sldzgsf] xfl;n ul//x]sf] b]lvP klg pgLx¿ cGt/f{li6«o p8fgdf v]nsf] hGhfndf h]lnFb} uof] . jfo';]jf lguddf slxn] hfg ;ls/x]sf 5}gg, o;sf k5fl8 cfly{s / k|fljlws s';L{sf] emu8f t slxn] clVtof/ / n]vf ;ldltsf] b'j} sf/0fx¿ 5g\ . x:tIf]k b]lvof] . lgudsf Ifdtfjfg kfOn6x¿ ljgf

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 144 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication o;/L x]bf{ g]kfnL xjfO{ cfsf; cGt/f{li6«o g]kfnL ko{6g Ps emns jfo';]jf sDkgLx¿sf] e/df rln/x]sf] 5 . c?sf] jfo';]jfsf e/df rln/x]sf] s'n ufx{:y pTkfbgdf k|ToIf of]ubfg g]kfnL ko{6g pBf]un] To;af6 nfe kfpg ;g\ @)!!M ? #& ca{ #) s/f]8 -@=* k|ltzt_ g;Sg' :jefljs g} xf] . g]kfnsf] lghL If]qn] jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/M $=* k|ltzt cGt/f{li6«o ;fem]bf/L vf]Hg] hf]lvd xfn;Dd ;g\ @)@!M ? %( ca{ $ s/f]8 -#=@k|ltzt_ df]Ng g;Sg' g} oxfFsf] p8\8g If]qsf] ;a}eGbf s'n ufx{:y pTkfbgdf s'n of]ubfg 7"nf] sdhf]/L xf] . ;g\ @)!!M ? *( ca{ @) s/f]8 -^=& k|ltzt_ ;g\ @)@!M ?! va{ %% ca{ () s/f]8 -&=(k|ltzt_ g]kfnsf] xjfO{ cfsf;nfO{ k"0f{ ;'/lIft / e/kbf]{ 5 eg]/ ljZjf; a9fpg' kg]{ csf]{ k|ToIf /f]huf/L vfFrf] 5, lsgeg] g]kfnsf] xjfO{ cfsf;df ;g\ @)!!M @ nfv (# xhf/ -s"n /f]huf/Lsf] @=$ k|ltzt_ ePsf s]xL b'3{6gfx¿;Fu} n'Snf jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/M #=( k|ltzt ljdfg:ynnfO{ ljZjs} hf]lvdo'Qm ;g\ @)@!M $ nfv @( xhf/ -s"n /f]huf/Lsf] %=& k|ltzt_ ljdfg:yndf /flvPsf], ;LPgPgsf] s'n /f]huf/L l;h{gf -k|ToIf / ck|ToIf_ cfO–l/kf]6{h:tf sfo{qmddf sf7df8f}+sf] ;g\ @)!!M & nfv @^ xhf/ -s"n /f]huf/Lsf] %=( k|ltzt_ ljdfg:ynnfO{ ljZjs} x]nf ug{ nfossf] jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/M $=! k|ltzt ljdfg:ynsf] ;"rLdf /flvPsf]h:tf sf/0fn] ;g\ @)@!M !) nfv *& xhf/ -s"n /f]huf/Lsf] ^=* k|ltzt_ g]kfnk|ltsf] ljZjf;df wSsf k/]sf] 5 . ;|f]tM jN8{ 6«fen PG8 6'l/Hd sfplG;n g]kfndf xfn;Dd xjfO{ ;'/Iff;DaGwL Pp6f ckjfbsf] r's -O{lG8og Po/nfOG;sf] ckx/0fsf] 36gf_afx]s csf]{ s'g} r's gePtf klg p8\8og ;'/Iffsf ;jfndf eg] ;'wf/ ug'kg]{ { w]/} ljifox¿ 5g\ . h;df jfo';]jfx¿sf] lgoldt cg'udgb]lv pks/0fx¿sf] cfw'lgsLs/0f / kl/jt{g;Ddsf d'2fx¿ hf]l8Psf 5g\ . of] klg g]kfnsf] ko{6g If]qsf] d'Vo d'2f xf] . olb ko{6g If]qnfO{ g]kfnL cy{tGqsf] d]?b08sf ¿kdf dfGg] xf] eg] gf/f / efif0fdf dfq xf]Og, Jofjxfl/s ;Dkfbg ;+of]hs, /fli6«o cfly{s b}lgs sf/f]af/ ¿kdf o:tf sdhf]/Lx¿sf] ;'wf/tkm{ 7f]; gLltut kxn x'g' cTofjZos 5 .

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 145 13 th Anniversary Publication

k|flws/0fdf hgzlQm Joj:yfkg

!=k[i7e"ld M s'g} klg lgsfo tyf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] nflu cfjZos sd{rf/Lx¿sf] 5gf}6, lgo'lQm, egf{, ;?jf Pjd\ tt\;DaGwLsf] sfd ug]{ k|lqmofnfO{ sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg gfds/0f ug]{ ul/Psf] kfOG5 . o;sf] cnfjf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfkm\gf] sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] l;nl;nfdf ;xh / sfo{k|ltsf] 1fgdf clej[l4 ug{ lbOg]] tflnd, cWoog, labf ;'ljwfnufot kbf]Gglt, cjsf;h:tf sfo{ k|bfg / cjsf;kl5 hLjgofkgsf nflu cfly{s ;'ljwf pknJw u/fOg] h:tf sfo{x¿nfO{ ;d]t sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg leq ;d]l6Psf] x'G5 . s'g} klg ;++:yfdf /x]sf sd{rf/L olb bIf ePgg\ eg] To; ;+:yfaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf;'ljwfdf u'0f:t/Lotf x'g ;Qm}g . log} s'/fx¿nfO{ dgg\ u/L k|To]s ;+:yfn] sd{rf/L Joj:yfkgsf] If]qdf ljif]z Wofg k'¥ofpg] u/]sf] x'G5 . s'g} klg ;:yf ;'lgn d"n ;~rfngsf nflu ef}lts, cfly{s Pjd\ dfgj ;|f]tsf] cfjZostf kb{5 . cGo ;Dk"0f{ >f]tx¿ dfgjaf6 kl/rflnt x'g] x'gfn] ;+:yf ;~rfngdf cGo ;|f]tx¿nfO{ ;fwgsf] ¿kdf / dfgj ;|f]tnfO{ ;fWosf] ¿kdf lnOg] ul/G5 . o; k|sf/sf] ;+:yf ;~rfngsf] ;fWosf] ¿kdf /x]sf] dfgj ;|f]tsf] Joj:yfkg ;DaGwdf g]kfn gful/s p8\8og k|flws/0fsf] ljBdfg Joj:yf / o;df ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/x¿df s]lGb|t /xL of] cfn]v tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .

@= lgo'lQm Joj:yf tf]lsPsf kbx¿sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] of]Uotf, ;Lk, bIftf Pjd\ k|ltef ePsf pDd]baf/x¿aLr k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ tLdWo]af6 5gf}6 u/L ;DalGwt ;]jf ;d"xdf k|j]z u/fOg] sfo{nfO{ egf{ 5gf}6 cyjf lgo'lQm elgG5 .

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hgzlQm eg]sf] ;+:yfsf] lglDt dfgj k'FhL Gfful/s p8\8og k|flws/0f ;]jf pTkfbg ug]{ ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf xf] . ;+:yfsf] sfo{ k|s[ltcg';f/ ljleGg xf] . gful/s p8\8og ;]jfcGtu{t /xL k|zf;g / k|fljlws b'O{ k|sf/sf k|ljlwx¿ h8fg ul/Psf x'G5g\, efudf sd{rf/Lx¿sf] ;]jf tx ! b]lv % ;Dd ;xfos:t/ / tL ;fwgx¿sf] ;~rfng dfgjn] dfq tx ^ b]lv !@ ;Ddsf] clws[t tx ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . ;~rflnt x'g] x'bfF ;+:yfleq df}h'bf ef}lts k|flws/0fsf] ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf tyf b/aGbL kbk"lt{ ;ldltn] ;fdfu|Lx¿ ;fwgsf] ¿kdf /xg] / ;fWosf] :jLs[t u/]adf]lhd ;]jfsf] lgldQ cfjZos kbsf] l;h{gf ¿kdf dfgj /xg] x'G5 . o; k|sf/sf ljljw ul/G5 . pQm ;]jfx¿sf] kbk"lt{ v'nf, cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds ;fwgx¿ ;~rfng u/L ;+:yfaf6 k''¥ofOg' tyf sfo{ Ifdtfsf] d"Nof+sgåf/f lgwf{l/t k|ltztcg'¿k kbk"lt{ kg]{ ;]jf–;'ljwf c;Lldt /x]sf] x'G5 . ul/G5 . v'nf k|ltof]lutfåf/f k"lt{ ug]{ lgwf{l/t k|ltztsf] kb c;Lldt ;]jf, ;Lldt hgzlQmaf6 ;~rfng dWo]af6 $% k|ltzt kbdf dlxnf, cflbjf;L÷hghflt, dw];L, ug'{kg]{ afWotf ;+:yfsf] /x]sf] x'G5 eg] blnt, ckf+u / lk5l8Psf] If]qnfO{ qmdzM ##, @&, @@, (, % sltko ;+:yfx¿df clws hgzlQmsf / $ k|ltztn] ;dfj]; x'g kfpg] Joj:yf k|flws/0f sd{rf/Lx¿sf] sf/0f;d]t ;]jfdf k|lts"ntf cfO/x]sf] ;]jfsf ;t{–;'ljwf;DaGwL lgodfjnLn] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . x'G5 . ctM ;+:yfaf6 k'¥ofpg'kg]{ ;]jf lgodfjnLn] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfåf/f lnOg] k/LIffsf] cg's"nsf] hgzlQm ;+Vof / tf]lsPsf] sfo{ xsdf tf]lsPsf] of]Uotf ePsf pDd]baf/x¿sf] lnlvt, cGtjftf{ axg ug{ ;Sg] bIf, nugzLn / O{dfGbf/ / kbk"lt{ ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] cGo tl/sfsf] dfWodn] ;kmn ePsf hgzlQmsf] egf{ 5gf]6 cyjf lgo'lQmn] pDd]bjf/nfO{ kbk"lt{ ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;df clws[t:t/sf] kbdf ;+:yfsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf u'0f:t/ clej[l4 ;~rfns ;ldltn] / ;xfos:t/sf] xsdf dxflgb]{zsn] lgo'lQm x'g hfG5 . o; k|sf/sf] egf{ 5gf]6 tyf ug{ ;lsg] pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . lgodfjnLn] Joj:yf u/]sf] v'nf lgo'lQmsf nflu j}1flgs of]hgfsf] cfwf/df k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIff cf+lzs k|fljlws ;]jftkm{sf s]xL kbx¿sf] tof/ ul/g' kg]{ x'G5 . xf]8afhL / nx8, lj1fkg eO{ ;f]cg'¿k kbk"lt{ ug{ ;s]sf] 5 eg] k|zf;lgstkm{ s/sfk / bafadf of] sfo{ x'g uPdf ;+:yfn] ;fdfGo k|zf;g tyf cfly{s k|zf;gtkm{sf] v'nf kbk"lt{ ug{ ;f]r]cg'¿ksf] cfsf+Iff kl/k"lt{ ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . o;/L k|zf;lgs kbx¿sf] ;dodf kbk"lt{ gx'Fbf ;Sb}g . o;af6 ;+:yfut pTkfbgd'lv k|flws/0fsf] k|fljlws ljifoj:t'nfO{ k|zf;lgs ;+oGqn] 8f]¥ofpg'kg]{ kl/0ffdsf] abnf cg'Tkfbs hgzlQm a9\g sfo{df k|lts"ntf pTkGg x'Fb} uPsf] b]lvG5 . ;+:yfn] /fv]sf] uO{ ;+:yf x|f;f]Gd'v x'g k'Ub5 . ;+:yfdf nIonfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{ bIf Pjd\ Ifdtfjfg hgzlQmx¿sf] afx'No ;]jf k|j]z u/fOg' eg]sf] dfgjsf] hLjgsf] x'g' h?/L x'g] ePsf]n] k"lt{ ug{ afFsL kbx¿sf] v'nf k|lt:kwf{Tds ;'/Iffb]lv ;+:yfsf] lbuf] ljsf;;Ddsf] e"ldsf k/LIffsf] dfWodaf6 lng] k|s[ofnfO{ tLj| t'NofOg' kb{5 . /x]sf] x'G5 . oxL tYonfO{ x/]s ;+:yfn] sfo{/t hgzlQmx¿sf] ;]jf ;'ljwfx¿sf] #= tflnd Joj:yf :ki6 Joj:yf lgodaf6} ls6fg ul/Psf] h'g;'s} ;+:yfdf To; ;+:yfaf6 k|jfx x'g] sfd sf/afxLx¿ x'G5 . u'0f:t/Lo 9+uaf6 kl/rfng x'g ToxfF sfo{/t hgzlQmx¿sf]

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 147 13 th Anniversary Publication

pNn]VogLo e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . lbg–k|ltlbgsf] gjLgtd j[lQ ljsf;df of]ubfg k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 . ljsf;qmd;Fu} sfd sf/afxLx¿ k"/f u/L l56f]5l/tf] 9+uaf6 ;]jf k|bfg ug'kg]{ { kl/l:yltdf gofF k|ljlwx¿nfO{ $= ;?jf Joj:yf cfTd;ft u/L ;do;Fu} hfg g;lsPdf sfddf r':ttf s'g} klg sd{rf/LnfO{ gofF sfd l;Sg] tLj| O{R5f x'g] cfpg ;Sb}g . ablnFbf] ;do;Fu} sfd sf/afxLx¿df ePsfn] Pp6} k|s[ltsf] sfddf nfdf] ;do;Dd g/fvL ;f]xLcg'¿k kl/jt{g x'g ;+:yfdf sfo{/t hgzlQmx¿ 7f]; ;?jf gLltsf] cfwf/df ;do ;dodf ;?jf u/L o;;Fu ;DalGwt sfo{x¿df k|lzlIft x'g' cfjZos ;+:yfsf] ljleGg sfo{sf] ;DaGwdf cg'ej tyf 1fg x'G5 . o:tf] tflnd gofF lgo'lQm x'g] hgzlQmx¿sf] xfl;n ug]{ cj;/ k|bfg ug'{ kb{5 . o;af6 ;+:yfsf] lgldQ cem} dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf] x'G5 . gofF hgzlQmnfO{ ljljw sfo{ Pjd\ lqmofsnfksf] ;DaGwdf sd{rf/L sfo{;Fu kl/lrt u/fpgsf] nflu k"j{;]jfsfnLg tflndsf kl/lrt x'g uO{ sfo{;Dkfbg Ifdtf clej[l4 eO{ ;fy;fy} sfo{/t hgzlQmx¿sf] k]zfut 1fg, ;Lk ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo xfl;n ug]{ sfo{df dxTjk"0f{ ;xof]u tyf bIftf clej[l4 ug{ ljleGg lsl;dsf ;]jfsfnLg k'Ug] wf/0ff Joj:yfkg;DaGwL ljåfgx¿sf] /x]sf] tflndx¿sf] h?/t x'g] x'G5 . ;]jfsfnLg tflndn] kfOG5 . ;+:yfdf sfo{/t hgzlQmsf] pTk|]/0ffdf ljsf; x'g !% jif{eGbf a9L cjlw k|flws/0fsf] ;]jf ul/;s]sf k'Ub5 . o;n] hgzlQmaf6 ;Dkfbg x'g] sfo{ljj/0fdf sd{rf/LnfO{ p;sf] z}lIfs of]Uotf, cg'ej, tflnd, k|ult x'g'sf ;fy} j[lQ ljsf; ;d]tdf ;xof]u k'Ug sfo{Ifdtf cflbsf] cfwf/df lj1 sd{rf/Lsf] ¿kdf hfG5 . o;af6 ;du|df k]zfut sfo{ Ifdtfdf clej[l4 pko'Qm ljefu tyf sfof{nox¿df ;?jf Pjd\ kb:yfkgf x'gfsf ;fy} ;+:yfsf] ;jf{ªl\u0f ljsf;df pNn]VogLo u/L To;kl5 nfdf] ;do;Dd lghsf] sfo{Ifdtfsf] of]ubfg x'g k'Ub5 . o; tYonfO{ dgg\ u/L x/]s clwstd pkof]u ug]{ u/fpg] cj;/ k|bfg ul/g' ;+:yfdf sfo{/t hgzlQmx¿sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 ug{ kb{5 . tflnd, k|lzIf0fx¿sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . tflndsf] Kf|flws/0fdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx¿sf] ;?jf ug]{ clwsf/ pko'Qm{ dxTjnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL ;+:yfn] tflnd;DaGwL dxflgb]{zsnfO{ x'g] sd{rf/L lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf 7f]; gLlt tyf sfo{qmd agfO{ k|To]s jif{x¿df /x]sf] 5 . lgodfjnLdf ePsf] Joj:yfcg';f/ Ps sfof{Gjog ug]{ ub{5 . sfof{noaf6 csf]{ sfof{nodf ;?jf ePsf sd{rf/L ;?jf ePsf] sfof{nodf xflh/ geO{ ;fdfGotof csf]{ k|flws/0fdf o; k|sf/sf] j[lQ ljsf;sf nflu x/]s sfof{nodf ;?jf ug]{ 5}g / s'g} kbsf] nflu cjlw jif{ :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL tflndx¿sf] lgldQ pNn]Vo tf]sL ;?jf u/]sf]df afx]s s'g} kbdf axfn /x]sf] /sd vr{ x'g] u/]sf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf] tflnd k|bfg sd{rf/LnfO{ ;fdfGotof b'O{ jif{ k"/f ePkl5 dfq ug{sf nflu dfgj ;++;fwg ljefusf] cu|;/tfdf ;?jf ul/g] pNn]v /x]sf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf] Joj:yfdf sd{rf/L 5gf]6 ug{ dgf]gog sld6Lsf] l;kmfl/;df ;fdfGotof eGg] jfSof+zn] afWotf ug{ ;Sb}g . :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL tflndsf nflu sd{rf/Lx¿sf] sd{rf/Lx¿ cfkm\gf] lxtcg's"n / vf;ul/ kbf]Ggltsf dxflgb]{zs:t/Lo lg0f{osf] cfwf/df sd{rf/Lx¿sf] nflu ef}uf]lns If]qsf] c+s k|flKtsf lglDt To:tf

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 148 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

If]qdf ;?jfsf nflu xf]8afhL g} ug]{ k|rng ;DalGwt ;]jf ;d"x / pk;d"x leqsf sd{rf/Lx¿dWo]af6 k|flws/0fdf ljsl;t x'b}F uPsf] 5 . sfof{nosf] h]i7tf / sfo{ bIftf ;d]tsf] cfwf/df dgf]gog ul/g] pNn]v :t/f]Gglt ug]{ lbzftkm{sf] nIoeGbf JolQmut /x]sf] 5 . To:t} cWoog tyf tflnddf sd{rf/Lsf] dgf]gog :jfy{k"lt{sf nflu ;?jfsf] dfu ug]{x¿sf] ubf{ klxn] cWoog tyf tflnd lng] df}sf gkfPsf tyf ljifoj:t' afx'No /x]sf] b]lvG5 . sd{rf/Lsf] efjgfljk/Lt x]/L pko'Qm sd{rf/LnfO{ k|fyldstf lbOg] ;d]tsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] ;?jfdf k|flws/0fn] afWo kfg{ ;d]t lgodfjnLn] u/]sf] 5 . lgodfjnLn] Joj:yf u/] adf]lhdsf] ;ls/x]sf] cj:yf 5}g . jfo';]jf p8fgsf] z}lIfs pkflw xfl;n ug]{ cWoogsf] l;nl;nfdf ul/g] dgf]gog lgldQ tof/ x'Fbfx'Fb} To:tf If]qdf sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ xfn;Dd sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg ;lsPsf] 5}g . k|flws/0fjf6 pkl:ylt;d]t x'g g;sL xjfO{ oftfoft k|bfg ul/g] ;]jfdf pRr u'0f:t/o'Qm x'g'kg]{ x'G5 . o;sf nflu ;]jfsf] ;~rfng ;d]tdf Jojwfg cfO/x]sf] sd{rf/L ;do;fk]If ¿kdf bIf x'g' h?/L x'G5 . obfsbf b]lvPsf] 5 . ;?jf ubf{ sd{rf/Lsf] dgf]efjgf ;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL ug'{ kg]{df ^= a9'jf Joj:yf ;f] x'g g;s]sf sf/0f sd{rf/Ldf ;?jf s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ ;fljssf] eGbf dflyNnf] kbsf] tna–eQf cGo ;d]tsf] u'gf;f] /x]sf] kfO{G5 . sfof{nosf] ;'ljwf / bhf{ k|bfg ug'nfO{{ a9'jf elgG5 . :j:y a9'jf k|0ffnLaf6 sfd eGbf cfkm\gf] :jfy{df jl9 s]lGb|t /lx sd{rf/Lsf] xf};nf j[l4 ug'{sf ;fy} ;+:yfdf sd{rf/Lx¿aLr ;?jf dfu ug]{ k|rng jl9 /x]sf] cj:yfdf :j:y k|lt:kwf{sf] efjgf l;h{gf eO{ sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] pTkfbsTjdf sfof{nosf] :t/f]GgtLsf ;fy} sfof{non] ug]{ j[l4 NofO{ ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo k|flKtdf 7f]; ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] sfo{ cfo cfh{g;Fu cfj4 ul/g' kb{5 . ef}uf]lns ub{5 . k|flws/0f sd{rf/L lgodfjnLcg';f/ sfo{ Ifdtfsf] If]qdf sfd u/]afkt kfpg] c+ssf] abnf d"Nof+sg tyf cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds l;kmfl/; ug]{ pNn]v To; If]qjf6 cfo ug]{ sfof{nosf] cfDbfgL /x]sf] 5 . k|flws/0f, sd{rf/L ;]jfsf ;t{ tyf ;'ljwf ;DalGw tyf a]?h';Fu cfj4 t'NofOg' kb{5 . lgodfjnLn] u/]sf] sfo{ Ifdtfsf] d"Nof+sgsf] cfwf/df x'g] a9'jf sfof{Gjogdf sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ Ifdtfsf] d"Nof+sg ug]{ cfwf/ / %= cWoog Joj:yf ;f]afkt kfpg] clwstd c+s tflnsfdf b]vfOPsf] 5 . k|flws/0fdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ z}lIfs pkflw xfl;n ug]{ cWoogsf] l;nl;nfdf &= ljbf Joj:yf ul/g] dgf]gog ;ldltsf] :jLs[ltdf / :jb]z gful/s p8\8og ;]jf cTofjZos ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ePsf]n] tyf ljb]z tflnd tyf ;]ldgf/df efu lng xKtfsf] ;ft} lbg ;~rfng ug'kg]{ { x'G5 . sd{rf/LnfO{ ;fdfGotof hfg dgf]gog ug]{ clwsf/ k|flws/0f xKtfsf] Ps lbg ;fKtflxs ljbf lbOPtf klg cfjZos ePdf sd{rf/Lx¿sf] ;]jfsf ;t{ tyf ;'ljwf;DaGwL ljbfsf] lbgdf klg sfdsf nufpg ;lsg] lgodfjnLn] Joj:yf lgodfjnLn] dxflgb]{zsnfO{ tf]s]sf] 5 . u/]sf] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ljbfsf] ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] u/]sf] lgodfjnLn] cWoog tyf tflnddf dgf]gog Joj:yf cg'¿k x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . dflg; ;fdflhs k|f0fL ubf{ cWoog tyf tflndsf] ljifo;Fu ePsf]n] cf–cfkm\gf] l/ltl/afhcg';f/sf ;fdflhs sfo{x¿df

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 149 13 th Anniversary Publication

h]i7tf Zf}lIfs tflnd Eff}uf]lns If]qdf sfd sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nof+sg u/]afkt k|lt jif xfn axfn /x]sf] k|yd >]0fL !!=% yd >]0fL # -s_ ju{ @ -s_ ;'k/Lj]If0f @% txdf sfd u/]sf] k|To]s jif{sf] lgldQ låtLo >]0fL !! låtLo >]0fL @=% -v_ ju{ !=&% -v_ k'g/fjnf]sg !) b'O{ bzdnj kfFr -u_ ju{ !=%) c+ssf b/n] a9Ldf t[tLo >]0fL !)=% t[tLo >]0fL @ -u_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt % #) c+s -v_ ju{ !=@%

;xefuL x'g sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ ljbfsf] cfjZostf kg]{ c;fwf/0f ljbf lbOg] ul/G5 . ;+:yfsf] sfo{ k|s[lt ePsf] x'Fbf o; k|of]hgsf nflu jif{df s]xL lbg e}k/L x]/L ljleGg ;+:yfx¿df ljleGg cGo k|sf/sf ljbfx¿ cfpg] ljbf lbg] rng /x]sf] 5 . sd{rf/Ln] cfkm\gf] ;d]tsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . k|flws/0fdf sd{rf/Lx¿n] kl/jf/sf] /]vb]v, e/0fkf]if0f / cGo 3/fo;L sfo{df kfpg] ljbfsf] pk/f]Qm Joj:yfx¿adf]lhd sd{rf/L ;d]t ;xefuL eO{ kfl/jfl/s lhDd]jf/L;d]t axg ;]jfsf ;t{;DaGwL lgodfjnLn] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . ug{sf] nflu plgx¿nfO{ s]xL lbg yk ljbfsf] cfjZostf o; k|sf/sf ljbfx¿df Ps jif{leq ;l~rt x'g ;Sg] kg]{ ePsf] x'Fbf o;sf nflu 3/ljbf lbg] k|rng /x]sf] / g;Sg] u/L tf]lsPsf] 5 . ;+lrt x'g] ljbfx¿sf] kfOG5 . sd{rf/L c:j:y x'Fbf pkrf/sf lgldQ lj/fdL /sd vfOkfO cfPsf] tnaa/fa/ e'QmfgL kfpg] x'G5 ljbf lbg] rng /x]sf] 5 . o;}u/L kl/jf/sf] ;b:osf] eg] ;l~rt gx'Fg] ljbfsf] pkef]udfq ug{ ;lsg]sf] d[To' x'bfF lqmof ljbf, k|;"lt x'Fbf k|;"lt ljbf, cWoogsf Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . 3/ljbfsf] ;DaGwdf x/]s jif{ #) nflu cWoog ljbf, ;fj{hlgs ljbfsf] lbgdf sfd lbg kfOg] Joj:yfdf s'n !*) lbg;Dd ;l~rt ug{ nufOP ;f]sf] ;§f ljbf, cGo cj:yfdf ljz]if tyf ;lsg] ;f]eGbf a9Lsf] x/]s jif{ #) lbg a/fa/sf]

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Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal 150 CAAN Souvenir 2011 13 th Anniversary Publication

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Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CAAN Souvenir 2011 151 13 th Anniversary Publication

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‘Dreams coming true’ Our long awaited event – 51st IFATCA World Conference

It was 2004. Nepal Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (NATCA) organized 21ST International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (IFATCA) Regional Meeting in Kathmandu. It is historic for me to recall the event as it was connected with a jerk of time— somehow unpleasant but true—that while the preparation works were in climax, there was a massive protest in the streets in various cities of Nepal against the mass slaughtering of twelve innocent Nepalese in Iraq by the terrorists. Because of the unrest, Nepal Government had imposed indefinite curfew in Kathmandu and this message was widely covered by international news channels-- including BBC and CNN as well. Above that, the country itself was under the havoc of insurgency. Besides, the Pratap Babu Tiwari internal political situation of the country was not stable; something like insecurity and uncertainty for the honorable foreigner guests was looming large. As a result, the then Executive Vice President of IFATCA sent me an e-mail -- indicating that he is going to announce the cancelation of meeting in Kathmandu, shortly. We requested him not to cancel the meeting and try to convince him that the demonstration was just a natural wave of peoples' sentiment and nothing hazardous for the international delegates of the conference. We continuously briefed him about the ongoing situations of the city and informed that the curfew had been relaxing day by day. To cope the situation, we called a series of meetings with our management; requested to Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation and Nepal Tourism Board to do something positive -

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- assuring safety for the IFATCA delegates and other concern visitors. Nevertheless, they did not want to take any risk; lastly, seeing no other options, we issued letter proposing to reschedule the convention date around the date of World Buddhist Summit in Nepal in the first week of December 2004. The Vice President convinced to reschedule the date if only majority of member associations would vote in favor of this proposal. Alternatively, he proposed to organize this conference in Hong Kong being Nepal as the host-- which we rejected out rightly. We made several telephone calls to Conference in Nepal in 2011-- which is also all member associations and requested them published in concern IFATCA report. In the to vote for the venue in Kathmandu. world conference in Dubrovnik in 2009, our th Ultimately, majority of the member bid to host 50 IFATCA World Conference associations voted in favor of us -- although in Nepal in 2011 underwent voting; remaining a few members kept themselves unfortunately we lost it by marginal votes. unspoken. Finally, the meeting convened in However, we just could not give up our Kathmandu, from 1 to 4 December 2004, immense desire of hosting this world- with a success, supported from various conference. We bid again for the same in th organizations and well-wishers. The great the 49 Annual conference in Puntacana, prize was that the meeting was concluded Dominican Republic. Delegates raised bunch without any unpleasant incidents in the of queries: like security situation, , airfare country. The supports and and air connections, registration fee, hotel acknowledgements we received and the room rates, power cut etc. We tried to satisfy experience we gained from this world- their queries. Although some delegates from conference urged us as the inspiring spirit the developed countries were still in doubt to conduct IFATCA World Conference in whether Nepal, a third world country, can Nepal. host that scale of world conference or not, however, with the help of our friends from The mission for our dream to conduct IFATCA other few developed countries -- considering World Conference in Nepal was started perhaps our wish and deliberated attempts from the 47th IFATCA World Conference in -- the situation compelled all members to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2008 where we proposed vote in favor of NATCA: and the venue for our intention to host 50th IFATCA World the fifty-first IFATCA World Conference was

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unanimously selected Kathmandu. including ICAO and Euro control working groups. Later, IFATCA Conference Executive IFATCA 's commitment to enhancing safety and made an inspection visit to satisfy efficiency of air transport is widely recognized. himself whether or not the The objectives of the Federation are- infrastructures for the conference · To promote safety, efficiency, and regularity in – as like conditions our hotels, international air navigation. supportive agencies like state · To assist and advise in the development of safe government, civil aviation authority, and orderly systems of air traffic control and new airlines and other stakeholders of procedures and facilities. aviation and tourism -- are adequate · To promote and uphold a high standard of . In Amman of Jordan, during the knowledge and professional efficiency among air 50th Annual Conference in 2011, the traffic controllers. Conference Executive report was · To closely co-operate with international and presented and working paper from national aviation authorities and institutions NATCA was also presented and concerned with air navigation. discussed. Finally, Nepal was · To sponsor and support the passage of legislation confirmed as the host for the 51st and regulations which will increase and protect IFATCA Annual Conference. We the safety of air navigation. shared ecstatic moment with all · To strive for a world-wide Federation of Air Traffic friends; ultimately we became able Controllers' Associations. to win the race : the dream comes true. The conference is going to be organized from 12th to 16th of March, 2012 at Yak and Yeti hotel in The International Federation of Air Kathmandu. The Conference and Technical Exhibition Traffic Controllers' Associations 2012 is expected to attract over 500 delegates from (IFATCA) is a non-political, non- 137 countries’ member associations all over the world, industrial organization with a expert speakers and high ranking officials of membership of over 50,000 air government and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), CEO traffic controllers representing from and Operations Directors of major commercial airlines, 137 countries’ member associations, honorable guests from various International including NATCA. IFATCA was organizations such as ICAO, FAA, IFALPA, IATA, founded in 1961 whereas NATCA has IFATSEA, CANSO, ITF and Aviation vendors (IFATCA been affiliated with IFATCA since Corporate members) etc. 1992. IFATCA enjoys a worldwide reputation amongst all partners in Aviation activities are usually getting publicity and Air Traffic Management with becoming a catching-matter of media's attraction representation in many areas only if there is any accident. The usual questions in

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such situation were the person involved in pleasant note for us that despite our the accident -- who was the pilot, who was constraint resource we dare to convene this the ATC on duty—but less importance is mega- event with the objective of given for the actual causes of accidents and “Developing professionalism by organizing the role of the front line operators, the mega international event and to situational constraints, condition of the promote tourism”. In relation of its system using, procedures, trainings, international standers , we believe, the organization safety cultures, oversight conference will hold a special significance system are ignored. To this direction, the with the essence of considerable discussions significance of the conference is that, it for safe and reliable air transportation -- on makes review as well as formulate new which the success of travel, trade and IFATCA policies relating to safety concerns. tourism depends. This conference will focus its discussions on a number of burning issues -- like Safety Basically, we hope, the event offers a good Management System (SMS), English opportunity for the participants to gain rare Language Proficiency (ELP), transition from knowledge and exposure to Nepal’s aviation present to future systems (performance environment that is challenged by based system), human factor issues, shortage operational, topographical and technological of human resource in ATC, need of expertise constraints. It would be a proper forum to and knowledge other administrative, discuss aviation issues and formulate technical and\ or professional matters of the common policies to open a common sphere federation : most importantly, safety of flight of aviation where we could join with each operation and air traffic control, intensively. other and cooperate with each other to address our common concerns. Taking into One of the aims of this conference is to this matter, the theme of the conference has ensure the profession of the air traffic been set as -- “One Voice, One Capability, One controllers. It is well publicised throughout Sky” -- keeping in view that IFATCA is the the world that air traffic control receives only professional organization representing wide public interest. Considering the aviation the voice of 50,00 air traffic controllers space that occupied the present world, the around the world and working under the one conference would not only highlights the sky. This is the reason why ‘One voice, One concern professionalism of ATCs but also Sky ’ has been the slogan of IFATCA since holds a greater significance for promoting 1961. Further more, to strengthen the slogan tourism. Further, it will revealed the beauty above, we have added a clause further, ‘One of this Himalayan country to the outer world Capability ‘ for the harmonization and to support the government strategy for cooperation in the actions of IFATCA, as ICAO promoting convention tourism. It is a has been giving stress for the same. It is

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essential for the consistent breakout sessions of three committees on the first development in aviation in the day. Sessions will be divided into three Committees: region and the world to have a one Committee A- Administrative, Committee B- Technical capability. It is also a coincident our and Operational and Committee C- Professional and theme resemblance to' ICAO Day Legal. There will be the technical exhibition related theme' for this year ‘Assistance and to ATC System from various international vendors Cooperation for globally Sustainable and other Aviation related booths from domestic as Air Transport’. It is evident that well as international fronts. All three sessions will demand of air travel along with the continue separately but combined on second and adoption of a more customer-driven third days along with technical exhibition that will service and system has become the continue up to the third day of the conference. On pressing issues for every aviation the fourth day of the conference, there will be IFATCA organizations. To cope with this Panel discussion and that will be a combined session. challenge, every ATS On last day, there will be the separate four regional Providers/Organizations should be meetings : 1. European region, 2. Africa and Middle self-sustainable and efficient in its East, 3. America and 4. Asia Pacific Region. The services without compromising the meetings will followed by the final plenary and closing given international standards – ceremony. keeping the regional balance and harmony intact. However, it seems The Organizing Committee for the conference has to be more challenging for many already been formed and duties and responsibilities member countries to implement has also been assigned as: Public/Media Relation,. aviation standards set by ICAO due Publication, Event Management, Transport and Hotel, to disparity in resources availability, Logistic, Technical Support, Hospitality, Finance lack of expertise and knowledge. In control, Visa, Ticketing and Registration, Marketing this perspective, these issues will and Secretariat sub-committees. Similarly, an Advisory only be materialized once the Board has also been formed under Chairmanship of capability is harmonized. For this, Honorable Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation. assistance and cooperation in terms Other members of the committee are as follows: of financial, technical and human Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation; resource is very essential from every Director General, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal ; sectors and expert organizations like Chief Executive Officer Nepal Tourism Board; IFATCA. Chairman/Managing Director, Nepal Airlines Corporation; General Manager, TIA Civil Aviation Fiveday-long conference starts with Office; President, Hotel Association of Nepal; opening ceremony, opening plenary, President, Airline Operators' Association of Nepal; opening of technical exhibition and President, Nepal Airline Pilots’ Association; President,

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Board of Airline Representatives in Nepal; Nepal in terms of foreign delegates President, Nepal Association of Travel and participation. The Organizing Committee is Tour Agents ; President, Authorized Trade sincerely dedicated in making this mega event Union, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal and a success by meeting all expectations of the Member secretary as President, Nepal Air participants. However, it is also sure that this Traffic Controllers’ Association. The event will not be successful without the organizing committee is planning to open support from the Government of Nepal, Civil this conference either from the President of Aviation Authority, and other stakeholders Government of Nepal or from the Prime of aviation and tourism industry. Considering Minister. this fact, I would like to request all to take it as your own and join hands to make this Our long awaited mega conference and the super- event a grand success. mega event in aviation industry ‘IFATCA Conference’ is being held for the first time in South Asia region and it is also expected to be the biggest conference ever held in President, NATCA

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