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SPECIAL REPORT https://eurac.tv/9RYz

Kazakhstan is to hold parliamentary elections for the Majilis, the lower chamber of the Kazakh , on 10 January 2021. Despite the coronavirus pandem- ic, the Central Asian country is inviting observers and journalists and is hoping to attract international at- tention. Contents

Kazakhstan to hold parliamentary elections in January 4 Expert: Multi-party democracy has potential in Kazakhstan 6 Political scientist: COVID-19 will not become a brake for Kazakhstan election 9

Kazakhstan election holds genuine strategic importance 13

‘We have to be observers’ in Kazakh elections, MEP says 16 4 SPECIAL REPORT | KAZAKHSTAN ELECTIONS | EURACTIV Kazakhstan to hold parliamentary elections in January

By Georgi Gotev | EURACTIV.com

The – the lower house of the Kazakh parliament in the capital Nur-Sultan. [Georgi Gotev]

azakh President Kassym- Kazakh Parliament consisting of 107 Majilis were held in March 2016. Six Jomart Tokayev has signed deputies who are elected for a five-year political parties participated in the Ka scheduling the term. The is the elections and three of them, parliamentary elections for the Majilis of Kazakhstan, with 47 members. (82.2%), of for 10 January 2021. The elections are Members of the Senate are elected on Kazakhstan (7.18%), the Communist seen as another step in the process of the basis of indirect by secret People’s Party of Kazakhstan (7.14%), “controlled democratisation” of the ballot, and half of the elected members won the right to send their deputies to former Soviet republic. are up for election every three years. the chamber.

Majilis is the lower chamber of the The previous elections for the Currently, the Nur Otan party


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has a majority of 84 deputies in the “One chair and two secretaries of reforms in the country.” Majilis, while the Ak Zhol and the the Majilis standing will Communist People’s party have 7 now be elected from the members The president said that in the deputies each. of the parliamentary opposition. context of a global economic crisis In addition, the parliamentary brought on by the coronavirus Nine deputies are elected opposition will have the right to pandemic, Kazakhstan has to take from the Assembly of People of initiate parliamentary hearings at effective anti-crisis measures, Kazakhstan, an advisory body least once during one session and to ensuring sustainable economic under the set the agenda for the development, and improving the whose members are drawn from hour at least twice during one well-being of the people. organisations representing major session,” said the Kazakh president. ethnic communities living in the He encouraged to country. In 2019, Tokayev signed a decree participate in the elections. January that introduced a mandatory 30% is usually very cold in the Central “All political parties had time to quota for women and young people Asian country, with temperatures in prepare for the upcoming election on party lists in an effort to increase the capital Nur-Sultan often as low as campaign, develop an election their voice in the decision-making minus 30 degrees Celsius. platform, and enhance party process. infrastructure. The Central Election Commission and the Prosecutor The next elections for maslikhats General’s Office will continuously (representative local authority monitor the legality, transparency, bodies) will for the first time be held and fairness of elections,” Tokayev based on party lists, which according said in his address. to Tokayev will “enable parties to strengthen their position in the He emphasised the reforms he country’s political system.” has undertaken since he stepped into the presidential office in June In August, seventeen Senate 2019, including the introduction of deputies from the nation’s 14 regions a parliamentary opposition institute. and cities of Nur-Sultan, and Shymkent were elected to the Senate. Tokayev won the 9 June 2019 poll with 70% of the votes, in elections The renewed composition of the disputed by seven candidates – a Kazakh parliament, noted Tokayev, novelty in terms of pluralism for the will focus on “quality legislative country. support for social and economic 6 SPECIAL REPORT | KAZAKHSTAN ELECTIONS | EURACTIV

INTERVIEW Expert: Multi-party democracy has potential in Kazakhstan

By Georgi Gotev | EURACTIV.com

Samuel Doveri Vesterbye [Screenshot from an EURACTIV video]

he upcoming elections for the Kazakhstan will hold parliamentary Jomart Tokayev. Is this a fair Majilis, the lower chamber elections on 10 January 2021. The assessment? What is your take? Tof Kazakhstan’s Parliament, country is inviting observers and are a clear improvement in terms is apparently disappointed that ‘Controlled democratisation’ is of representation and legislative because of the coronavirus pandemic, tricky. On one hand, OSCE reports changes, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye the elections will probably not get clearly show legislative changes, told EURACTIV in an interview. much international attention. I which have led to degrees of societal recently wrote that the elections are openness being allowed by the Sam Doveri Versterbye is managing part of the process of “controlled government since 2017. Many such director at the European Neighbourhood democratisation” which is ongoing legislative changes were a direct result Council, an independent think tank. He under the new President Kassym- of recommendations from ODHIR. spoke to EURACTIV’s Georgi Gotev.


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competitiveness. As monopolies Do you think that political forces other One the other hand, it’s clear from rarely wish to give-up the reigns than the Nur Otan party in power will the 2019 presidential election results on power, friction is sometimes a always remain marginal? Is this the and the country’s very young ‘multi- necessity, yet the degree of instability reason why the establishment is so party system’, that concrete power which this may evoke is a valid confident that the elections will be a continues to lay disproportionally concern that countries may have. success – no matter what is the result? in the hands of the government. Whereas ‘controlled democracy’ In Europe, for example, many The upcoming elections are allows for degrees of liberty, it differs political parties were linked to trade a clear improvement in terms of from real democracy in the sense that unions in the past. It was in large representation and legislative the business community, judicial part because of the collective power changes. It remains undeniable courts and media groups remain less to strike and the capability to disrupt that the leadership of Kazakhstan independent. the industrialist power-holders and followed several guidelines monopolistic that and ODHIR recommendations, The competitive nature of multi- European democracy and people’s particularly since the last presidential party governance, which democracies rights were born. Historically, the and parliamentary elections. are famous for, remains in its infancy need for arbitration came out of in Kazakhstan, but not without both ideas and necessity. The fact As a result of the 2017 potential. The creation of democracy that many (not few) power-holders constitutional reform, the Election necessitates a social contract, where and different business existed meant of Kazakhstan was changed parties and citizens agree to fight that arbitration and independent in 2017, 2018, 2019 and again for the government-office through courts were needed in order to avoid this year, following a variety of commonly agreed boundaries and continuous instability. recommendations from international rules. But in order to get to that actors including the OSCE. These stage, the power balance in society Today, Kazakhstan seeks to legislative changes include the must be representative for everyone pursue a different path – “controlled formation of the lower-level election competing. democracy” – which legitimately commissions, voter registration wants to avoid instability. The genuine reforms, and the securing of minimal In Kazakhstan today, the more paradox however remains: how much representativeness of women and marginalised groups on the left or control is too much control when you youth, among a variety of other liberal-right may not possess the control democratisation? amendments. same tools and funds to compete fairly with the government. You can The presidential elections of June It’s important however to note that also apply this to other countries, 2019 were a first sign that new the Ministry of Information and Social like the , where de- political players – and new political Development, the Prosecutor General regulated campaign funding rules forces – could get their share in the and the National Security often distort competition through political landscape of the country. The remain entitled to block websites and monetary bias. It’s a very delicate establishment appears as centrist vis- halt media outlet operations, without situation, since history shows us à-vis the communists on the left and prior judicial oversight. how democratisation can lead to the liberals on the other extreme which instability – a concern regularly you mentioned. This strategy reassures In terms of freedom of expression, voiced by Kazakhstan’s leadership. the voters, many of whom do not like it is also noteworthy to mention that to take risks, and who are generally ‘defamation’ was decriminalised However, it’s difficult to imagine satisfied by the steady improvement in June 2020, which is a positive true democratisation without of living standards since the country’s step. That said, the criminal code of some degree of friction and independence from the . Kazakhstan continues to prohibit


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any insults to the First President, his stabilising factor, both regionally and the European Union and Kazakhstan family and members of parliament. globally. And it doesn’t bother the EU face the serious hurdle of global asking for financial assistance or with tensions between the United States As we can see in the United impossible requests such as becoming and . States today, what really matters is a member. Perhaps this is precisely the the judiciary and its independence. kind of partners the EU needs in its Both are countries which stand Without independent agencies, neighbourhood? to lose from an increase in US- administration and courts, it’s difficult Chinese rivalry. Due to Kazakhstan’s to imagine competitiveness among Kazakhstan is a signatory of the geographic position – located between political parties and candidates. Paris Agreement, Helsinki Accords Beijing and Brussels – it won’t benefit and a full member of the OSCE, with an from deteriorating relations which Sometimes leaders genuinely ODHIR office for election monitoring. will affect the Belt & Road Initiative, function as neutral arbitrators (“real It has participated in important de- including European investments and statesmen or women”) but the problem nuclearisation efforts, while hosting the EU Connectivity Strategy, as well of mortality means that they don’t the Astana Process and supports as supply-chains between Asia and last forever. They are often replaced multilateralism both through its Europe. by less benevolent leaders, which economic policies and diplomatic ties leads to corruption, monopolies and to Europe. It’s therefore primarily through interest-based or non-representative the deepening of trade and security governance. A very comprehensive The European Union continues relations with other small to medium- literature exists on this subject. to be Kazakhstan’s most important sized countries in Europe, including trading partner for exports, and since the Caucasus and , that If legislative reforms continue 2015 it entered into an Enhanced Kazakhstan can play an important to progress in Kazakhstan, then Partnership and Cooperation role for the European Union, and vice- only time will tell to which degree Agreement with the EU, which versa. Capitalising on its membership “controlled democratisation” will positively affects trade and regulatory at the OSCE may also serve as a spring- institutionalise diversity of opinion, frameworks. As of March 2020, this board for diplomacy to showcase wealth accumulation and perhaps year, it has entered into force. alignment with the European Union allow for genuine power distribution. on key foreign, cultural and security In many ways, Kazakhstan is a policy areas. It’s unlikely however to occur if the very good Eurasian partner for the definition of “control” doesn’t include European Union in terms of policy- wider aspects of society, including alignment, trade and stability. a more resilient and broader civil Kazakhstan could play a key role for society, which is not only dependent Europe in several ways. Kazakhstan on government funds, but equally could lend support towards the relies on support from the European stabilisation of the neighborhood, Union. both in economic terms and also in terms of conflict prevention. Policy Post-Soviet countries have taken areas like digitalisation, border different courses and today some management, energy and preventing of them could be called failed radicalisation (including ) states. This is by far not the case are areas in which the European Union of Kazakhstan. The country is far and Kazakhstan largely see eye-to-eye. from perfect under the chapter of human rights or press freedom, but But despite good diplomatic it is increasingly prosperous, and a initiatives and growing trade relations, SPECIAL REPORT | KAZAKHSTAN ELECTIONS | EURACTIV 9

INTERVIEW Political scientist: COVID-19 will not become a brake for Kazakhstan election

By Georgi Gotev | EURACTIV.com

Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov [Personal archive]

azakhstan is holding The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym- opposition in the Kazakh Parliament. parliamentary elections Jomart Tokayev, signed a decree on Members of the parties representing the Kon 10 January, expected to holding the parliamentary elections parliamentary opposition were given further bolster the soft democratic for the Mazhilis (lower house of the right to speak at parliamentary reform process in the Central Asian parliament) on 10 January. Could you hearings and at joint sessions of the country. In a wide-ranging interview, describe the political context ahead Chambers. The legislation provides, political scientist Mukhit-Ardager of the elections? Who are the main which is especially important, the Sydyknazarov explained the political political candidates? appointment of members of the landscape and the stakes ahead of the parliamentary opposition as heads of ballot. At the end of May 2020, parliamentary committees. the president signed the Law of Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov is the Republic of Kazakhstan “On The initiatives on gender and youth a doctor of political science, director of Amendments and Additions to the quota, supported by the president the Institute of Contemporary Studies, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the Parliament, also meet the Eurasian National University. L.N. and some other pieces of legislation socio-political needs of the maturing Gumilyov, Nur-Sultan. which provided for the rights of the Kazakhstani society.


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initiated a law on parliamentary crisis of statehood, as it happened in Last October as you said the opposition. The party’s frontmen, in and Kyrgyzstan, and earlier President said the decree on holding addition to the chairman, are Daniya in . the parliamentary elections. The next Espaeva, ex-presidential candidate of 2 months pass for voters in a rather the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazybek PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC difficult political electoral campaign, Isa, Berik Dyusembinov. PATRIOTIC PARTY “AUYL”. plus, on the whole, because of the pandemic, the year itself is one of After the President signed the It’s one of the youngest parties in the most difficult in the history of providing for the rights of the Kazakhstan, created in 2015 through Kazakhstan. opposition in the Kazakh Parliament, the merger of the Kazakh Social the leader of AkZhol Azat Peruashev Democratic Party “Auyl” and the All except the ruling Nur-Otan literally said: “The main novelty of this Party of Patriots of Kazakhstan. It has party, according to the logic of the pre- draft law is that we are introducing participated in parliamentary and election struggle and competition for the word “opposition” into the legal local elections in 2016. The frontmen the minds of voters, are opposition. I field. You know that we did not have of “Auyl” are its chairman, Senator will answer your question about the this concept. We considered it correct Ali Bektayev and his first deputy, main political contenders in (Cyrillic) that there should be a parliamentary ex-presidential candidate Toleutai alphabetical order (the interview was opposition in the Parliament, which Rakhimbekov. The electoral list is conducted in Russian). will express the opinion of the headed by Rakhimbekov, an active people and raise issues of concern politician who is very successful PARTY “ADAL” to the entire population. That is, the in social networks. The party (“JUSTICE”). parliamentary opposition is not just successfully conducted a nationwide an opposition, it will have the right poll with the aim of monitoring This newly formed party is based to express its opinion, it will also the most pressing socio-economic on the rebranding of the renaming express the opinion of the people. ” problems, which, logically, should of the Birlik party. The party intends form the basis of the party’s electoral to replenish its membership base At the party Peruashev program. primarily by business representatives. noted that “this state faces many Interestingly, the choice of the name challenges and problems, the In particular, “Auyl” proposes to was carried out on a scientific basis, solution of which is no longer introduce “children’s capital”, which professional opinion polls were possible without wide participation provides for the payment of a certain conducted. According to the leaders and control from society”. He amount of budget funds to each of the party, the choice of the new highlighted the need for a gradual minor Kazakhstani from the moment name of the party is explained by the transition from a super-presidential of birth. This builds on the experience demand of the population for renewal system to a parliamentary republic of the rich Arab monarchies of the and justice. At the same time, people and from a monopoly of power to a Gulf countries. “Auyl” is focused on put a lot in the word of justice: from system of checks and balances. supporting large families, which are the fight against corruption to the traditional in Kazakhstan. transparency of decision-making. The AkZhol party has defined the main threats to Kazakhstan in the PEOPLE’S PARTY PARTY “AK ZHOL” following terms: bureaucracy and OF KAZAKHSTAN (“LIGHTED PATH”) corruption, social injustice and the (FORMERLY THE growing gap between rich and poor; COMMUNIST PEOPLE’S The party calls itself “the” monopolization of the economy and PARTY OF KAZAKHSTAN) parliamentary opposition. The party’s power in Kazakhstan. pre-election program was recently On the basis of rebranding and announced. It should be noted that Perushaev has stated that further renaming, it became a “people’s its leader Azat Peruashev had earlier dragging out of reform may lead to a party”. The frontmen of the


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People’s Party are well-known and to participate in the parliamentary the Nur-Otan party, over 600 thousand active deputies of the Mazhilis of the elections and is not going to boycott citizens took part in them, there were Parliament Aikyn Konurov, Zhambyl them. 11 thousand candidates, of which 5 Akhmetbekov and Irina Smirnova. thousand passed the primaries. But it The first two also hold the positions Before I ask you to describe the ruling is also necessary to take into account of secretaries of the CPPK Central party Nur-Otan, let me ask you the the organizational scale, the number Committee. Zhambyl Akhmetbekov following: isn’t its strategy based on the of members and the capabilities of the twice ran for president of the Republic assumption that after years of rising Nur-Otan party: the party has 80-90 of Kazakhstan in the elections of 2011 living standards since the independence deputies, and AkZhol has no more than and 2019. from the Soviet Union, the vast majority 10. of the electorate would prefer stability The People’s Party aims at “uniting rather than experiments to the far-left The elections will be held according the left forces of the constructive or of a liberal kind? And the opposition to party lists. Parties need to overcome opposition”. This is reasonable, will always remain marginal? the 7% threshold, and this is a high since the communist legacy is not figure – the votes of hundreds of particularly popular among the Let me say a few words about the thousands of Kazakhstanis. A multi- mostly young Kazakh electorate. This Nur-Otan Party. This is the parliament can exist only in the is why instead on nostalgia, the party party. The history of the formation and form of factions of political parties banks on the values ​​of equality and development of the Nur-Otan party demonstrating different political brotherhood: egalitarianism, a socially is closely connected with the name of platforms, reaching solutions through oriented state. the First President of the Republic of compromises in the name of the Kazakhstan, . prosperity of citizens and the state. For NATIONAL SOCIAL Under his leadership, the party became this – the parliamentary opposition DEMOCRATIC PARTY the country’s leading political force. and a corresponding law has been (NSDP). Nazarbayev is the ideological inspirer adopted in Kazakhstan guaranteeing of the Nur-Otan party, he was at the their powers. It’s the oldest in origins of the birth and formation of Kazakhstan. The faces of the party are the party. Regarding the second part of your its chairman Askhat Rakhimzhanov question: no, I do not believe that in and his deputy, Aydar Alibayev. The Without any doubt, Nur-Otan the long term, as you said, opposition party counts on a protest electorate, and has the most organized and ramified forces “will always remain marginal”. there are quite a few such sentiments infrastructure in the country, it has There is a party struggle, there are amid the economic recession. In fact, various internal committees, a youth voters, therefore, everything depends it has traditionally been an opposition wing, its own media resources, etc. on the actvism and initiative of each party since its inception. The party has party. gone through serious perturbations Regarding pre-election matters, during its difficult history. The two- until mid-November of this year, there Recently I wrote that the elections time change of the party’s leadership was a complete and unconditional are part of the process of “controlled in 2019, the withdrawal of a number dominance of the Nur-Otan party democratisation”, which are of active members from the party in the Kazakh media. The party, its underway under the new president, were at one time newsworthy in the organizers, represented by the first Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Is this a fair Kazakh media. The NSDP recently deputy chairman Bauyrzhan Baybek, assessment? postponed its extraordinary congress have done a huge organizational, to 27 November. Given the difficult ideological, media and content The choice of political science situation inside and around the party, work both in the center and, more terminology is a non-stop process. And it is difficult to predict the readiness of importantly, in the regions. Particularly it is possible that your term will catch their party lists. In the media, the NSDP noticeable and unprecedented in scale on: life will show. has already announced its ambition and content were the party primaries of


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I will say that the second president that Covid-19 will not become a political decisions: protests of of Kazakhstan set new trends in all brake on political changes, on the student youth in 1986, which became areas. My personal opinion is that contrary, it became their catalyst. I the first harbingers of the collapse of we were very lucky with the second think that Kazakhstan will cope with the USSR, took place in December, president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: this challenge, given the high degree the independence of Kazakhstan was he is a politician, a diplomat with of organization and well-established also declared in December, the actual vast Kazakhstani and international and efficiently functioning state transfer of the capital from Almaty management experience, an expert institutions. to Akmola (later – Astana, since and insider on international political March 2019 – the city of Nur-Sultan) processes, who speaks several key Also, the pandemic and social was also a harsh northern winter. UN languages. He has a fresh outlook distancing, quarantine restrictions, So Kazakhs are no stranger to being on many things, while the continuity less social contacts of part of the hyperactive in winter conditions. declared by President Tokayev population have become a part of our remains: this is very important, everyday life, so going to the vote, on In my subjective opinion as given our neighbourhood with two the contrary, will become an event a political scientist, if there is a major powers: and China, in which they want to take an active turnout of 60-70% of voters in and the growing geopolitical threats part. these elections, it will be a great and risks, the permanent instability, achievement. which has become new normalcy in Holding elections in January, when international relations. temperatures in Kazakhstan are sometimes very low, can also be a Due to the pandemic, there probably problem? won’t be many international observers or journalists before and Winter electoral cycles are not so during the elections. Is this a setback? rare for our country. In Kazakhstan, winter does not freeze citizens and Electoral campaigns in the world, country political processes. On the including in European countries, and contrary, traditionally December, also in the US, took place during the January, in general winter in pandemic, and the events showed Kazakhstan is a season of fateful SPECIAL REPORT | KAZAKHSTAN ELECTIONS | EURACTIV 13


DISCLAIMER: All opinions in this column reflect the views of the author(s), not of EURACTIV Media network. Kazakhstan election holds genuine strategic importance

By Aigul Kuspan

Ambassador Aigul Kuspan [Twitter account of Aigul Kuspan]

azakhstan will hold its Aigul Kuspan is the ambassador of The continent has had to deal with parliamentary election on 10 the Republic of Kazakhstan to the withdrawal of the KJanuary with a clear intention and Luxembourg, and head of the Mission from the EU, an impending economic to reach the democratic levels to the European Union and NATO. crisis and rising tensions between enjoyed in the European bloc. Despite members of the bloc. With the the obvious challenges of voting As we entered 2020, the addition of the unexpected pandemic, during a pandemic, our government international community was aware Europe had to rely on its core values to is committed to giving our citizens a that this year was to bring a set of help it get through this difficult period voice, writes Aigul Kuspan. unique challenges, including to the and aim to come out of it more robust. countries of Europe.


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The re-calibration of national Kazakhstan’s presidential election development and the pursuit of Our country, geographically was administered efficiently by the bettering one’s country undoubtedly sandwiched between the booming Central Election Commission and extend far beyond the EU bloc. markets of the global East and Europe, offered an important moment for acts as a natural and respected partner potential political reforms. Kazakhstan – one of Europe’s for ensuring smooth trade between major partners and collaborators in each zone, including through the New Since then, President Tokayev mutual development – has also been Silk Road. has remained consistent in his belief actively striving towards progress in that Kazakhstan needs to foster open all spheres of life. And with ’s ratification last debate and a plurality of opinions year, Kazakhstan became the first in determining the course of the In the face of the pandemic Central Asian nation to sign the country’s direction. and shifting national priorities, Enhanced Partnership Cooperation Kazakhstan’s President Kassym- Agreement with the EU, paving the In this regard, a number of major Jomart Tokayev last month signed way for a new era in the strengthening reforms have been implemented a decree scheduling parliamentary of ties. which were once initiated by Europe elections for Kazakhstan’s lower and which Kazakhstan seeks to house of parliament on 10 January This is not to say that economic emulate. 2021. relations are the sole foundation of Kazakh-European relations. Our ties Firstly, the National Council Despite the obvious challenges of have significantly expanded beyond of Public Trust (NCPT) has been holding elections during a pandemic, the economic sphere and now cover established. It is an advisory body our government is committed to cooperation across diplomacy, culture under the President, which conducts giving our citizens a voice. This and societal development. open dialogue with representatives of determination exemplifies the the public in order to develop specific direction the country has been As a bloc with such an illustrious proposals for reforming legislation taking since the election of President history, young nations like Kazakhstan and the public administration system. Tokayev last year. look towards Europe for guidance and best practice for their own journey of Furthermore, the threshold for In the shadow of ongoing global development. registering political parties has been events, it might be easy for Europe to reduced by half to 20,000 party miss the significance of Kazakhstan’s The values of democracy and members, making it much easier to upcoming election. Yet it does hold freedom of expression have inspired establish a new party. In addition, genuine strategic importance. Kazakhstan since our independence legislation has been updated to make Kazakhstan remains one of Europe’s almost 30 years ago. These it easier to organise and hold peaceful strongest economic partners, with principles acted as a compass for rallies. thousands of companies and tens one of Kazakhstan’s most significant of thousands of jobs relying on our political events – the resignation of Moreover, a quota for political economic links. First President Nursultan Nazarbayev parties’ election lists of no less than in 2019 and the smooth transition 30% women and young people has Over 40% of Kazakhstan’s foreign of power following the presidential been introduced for the first time in trade is with the European bloc, election. our country’s history to bolster the which, in turn, accounts for 48% of diversity of voices in the democratic inwards investment. Kazakhstan’s As we prepare for January’s decision-making process. energy sector has also grown to parliamentary election, we are become one of the safest sources of oil reminded of the EU spokesperson’s To ensure that our country strives and gas for the bloc. statement at the time, who noted that for the highest democratic standards,


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Kazakhstan has also approached clear intention to reach the democratic European partners, including the levels enjoyed within the European OSCE and the Office for Democratic bloc. Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), to observe the election and As former European Council report their findings. President Donald Tusk noted after his visit to Kazakhstan last year, the EU The participation of 30 long- considers Kazakhstan an important term observers and 300 short-term partner and a nation of opportunity observers, who will closely monitor and cooperation. the election proceedings, underscores Kazakhstan’s commitment to I am confident that January’s transparency and learning from its election will only strengthen the European partners. cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan, and usher in an era of As this year draws to a close and mutual benefit for decades to come. the preparations for January’s election intensify, Kazakhstan is aware that the pandemic is unlikely to disappear by the start of next year.

To ensure the health and safety of each voter, protective measures, including the disinfection of polling stations and provision of protective personal equipment for all the staff and volunteers will be ensured, and social distancing measures will be mandatory.

Holding a nationwide election is never easy – not least in the midst of a global health pandemic. Nevertheless, Kazakhstan will hold the vote with a 16 SPECIAL REPORT | KAZAKHSTAN ELECTIONS | EURACTIV

‘We have to be observers’ in Kazakh elections, MEP says

Kazakhstan, Qostanay, June 9, 2019, A man in a red cap in the voting hall puts the ballot in a transparent box with the emblem of Kazakhstan during presidential elections. [Shutterstock/ROMSVETNIK]

n the midst of the COVID- European Parliament delegation for on Kazakhstan-EU relations hosted 19 pandemic, the European Central Asia and Mongolia, described by EURACTIV on Wednesday (25 IParliament has yet to decide the January election as a potential November). whether it will send observers to turning point for Kazakhstan’s Kazakhstan’s parliamentary elections relations with the European Union. He said, however, that the issue in January. has not yet been discussed, and a “In my personal opinion, we have lot depends on how the COVID-19 Andris Ameriks, a Latvian socialist to be observers in this election,” situation develops. lawmaker who is vice-chair of the Ameriks said during an online event


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“For the European Union this promoted by top political figures and to the former president. election period in Kazakhstan will was accepted by the five opposition be very important and we follow parties that will take part in the “It can be explained by the fact all activities in case of this political elections, although some disagree. that the Nur Otan is not so much rigid process,” added the social-democrat and bronzed party, but a monopolist lawmaker who is a former deputy About 100 hundred people called party, which has a monopoly in mayor of Riga. for the boycott of the elections at the Majilis, the Senate and all local the beginning of November at a governments, has inevitably fallen PUSH FOR TURNOUT protest authorised by the authorities, into some kind of stagnation. What Azattyq reported. was needed was a very powerful The electoral commission shake, which was initiated by party announced plans to spend about “RESET” AND REBRAND leader Nursultan Nazarbayev,” €30.3 million on the elections, of Yermukhamet Ertysbayev said. which €676,000 is set aside for Of the six parties admitted to the personal protective equipment. elections by Kazakhstan’s Central The focus on women and youth Election Commission, the clear seems to have borne fruit – the Each participating party will dominating force is the ruling Nur representation of women for local contribute an electoral fee of about Otan party, which picked up 82% of and regional election party lists €1,200 for each candidate on their the vote in 2016 and holds 84 of the increased from 22% to 34%, while the party list – with the exception of 107 seats in the Majlis, the lower number of young people rose to 24%. parties who passed the 7% electoral house of the bicameral . threshold during the last election For some, this shows that the and got into the lower house of It was founded and is still lead President’s “reset” strategy is starting Parliament, which includes the by former president Nursultan to work. According to a recent poll, ruling Nur Otan party, the Ak Zhol Nazarbayev, a post he held from 76.8% of Kazakhstanis are now ready faction and the former communists. 1990 until his surprise resignation in to vote for Nur Otan compared to March 2019. 65.8% a year ago. In announcing the decree setting the election date on 10 January, After the first experiment with The dominating ruling party is Kazakhstan’s President Kassym- intra-party pre-elections in 2016, not the only one looking for a “reset.” Jomart Tokayev called on “all citizens Nur Otan held its second primaries of our state to show active citizenship this year. This took place on a much Based on the results of an opinion and take responsible part in the bigger in scale, with more than poll, the former Birlik (“Unity”) upcoming elections.” 660,000 party members casting party rebranded itself to Adal, which votes for 10 thousand candidates – an means “justice”. The President’s call for people to unprecedented process described as participate in the election is actively “a revolutionary idea” by an advisor Party leader Serik Sultangali said


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the fact that the name ‘Adal’ won out of The communists too have gone on 23 November, lists the electoral 10 variants is explained by “the public’s through a rebranding process, and promises of the People’s Party of request for renewal, for fairness”. dropped the term “communist” Kazakhstan: accessible and quality “At the same time, people invest from their party’s name which was education and medicine, the reduction a lot in the word ‘justice’, ranging rebranded into the People’s Party of of the retirement age to 60 and “credit from the fight against corruption to Kazakhstan. amnesty” for borrowers who pay back transparency in decision making,” their loans – meaning their bad credit Sultangali said. Current MP and party chairman history will be written off. Aikyn Konurov said the move was “The question is not about going made in the hope of broadening the “A loan amnesty will not solve to the Majilis or becoming a deputy. party’s base beyond its working class anything,” previously said Azat The main thing is to be able to convey origins. Peruashev, the leader of the Ak the proposals and ideas to the persons Zhol Party (“Lighted Path”). Instead, making decisions,” Sultangali told the “At present, it is not right to be based he believes high interest rates are party’s general assembly in November. on the principles of class struggle. We responsible for the “impoverishment do not have classes as such, because of Kazakhstani people due to non- The formal opposition also seems our industry does not form a working performing loans,” and proposes to be active in electoral tactics. class. It is in its infancy itself, everyone introducing a rate ceiling of 7 or 8%. acknowledges this,” he said. Before rebranding, Adal offered to The National Social Democratic merge with Auyl, a five year old party “There will be different factions Party (NSDP), one of the oldest parties, itself created from the merger of two within the party: communist, social has not yet announced a rebranding groups. Auyl formed a working group democratic, extreme left,” added campaign, though it may be in need of to study the proposal but ultimately Konurov, who thinks “this has not one after several leadership changes rejected it because of Adal’s perceived shaken the position of the true and exits by known members in recent low activity and disorganisation. Communists of the Party in any way.” years.

The head of Auyl, Kuanysh However, he later admitted that Seitzhanov, said the merger “will not “the word ‘communist’ was a barrier bring political dividends and will not for some.” increase popularity”. The party’s program, presented THE DUTCH BID FOR EMA

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