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Vol. LXXIII. No. 5 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, , MAY 14, 1947 By Subscription Players Present Twelfth Night' Myhrman Talks On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights of this week the Outing Club Plans Robinson Players will present their final production of the year, On Labor Bills Dorms Plan Campaign "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare under the direction of Miss Lavinia M. Schaeffer. "Twelfth Night" or "What You "There are over one hundred la- 2 Weekend Trips Will", is one of Shakespeare's most lyrical plays and also con- bor bills now pending before Con- SmithRunsSanderson When the buses leave campus at gress," Dr. Anders Myhrman in- tains some of his best comedy. The whole play is done in the By Austin Jones Bert Hammond and Charles Rad- 8 a. m. next Sunday morning on formed Bates students in an address spirit of Elizabethan Twelfth Night revels. clilTe for assistants. The committee the only mountain climb this year, in Chapel Friday morning. "Many Robert "Sandy" Sanderson is the Traft Me-ndall appears in the play they will be headed for some of the unanimous choice of the 190 man- is reported to be drawing up a as Sebastian, twin brother of Viola. the part of one of the Duke's offi- are so reactionary as to completely most beautiful scenery in New agers of Smith Hall for nomination "non-aggression" pact which will Much of the comedy revolves cers along with Joe Meserve.' abolish all labor unions, while oth- Hampshire. Hikers will be taken to to the mayoralty, it was an- stress a fair campaign without foul around the case of mistaken identity The lyric scenes take place in ers would give still greater power the foot of Mt. Chocurua in the to labor." Dr. Myhrman gave a nounced today by Archibald Car- I'lay- Division Of Votes White Mountain range by bus. brief outline of the history of labor lisle Stone, newly elected manager- in-chief of Smith Hall's campaign. The equal division of men's votes From there they will climb the in this country from the organiza- is another topic to be brought up mountain, eat lunch, and upon de- Viola and Sebastian tion of the American Federation of Under such pressure, Sandy has at the meeting. There have been scending the other side they will Labor in the 1870's to the wartime acquiesced to run. several propositions, but the prob- find more food and buses waiting and postwar striking power of John This popular member of the class of '49 is a History and Government able outcome will be a vote for each to bring them back to the campus L. Lewis. Pointing out that govern- major and played on the champion- man, although Smith Hall has a by 8:30 p. m. Cam Carlson and Bob ment was earlier opposed to labor ship Toledo Glass Bowl team. He is preponderance of the male vote. \ ernon, who are- in charge ot the and on the side of big business, Dr. currently devoting his executive The concensus of opinion on the trip, have suggested that there wil- Myhrman showed that 'the hostile ability to managing the John Bertram and Roger Williams be ample opportunity to take pic- attitude on the part of government tures of one of New England's team. • side seems to be that Decker will Professor Seldon T. Crafts prior to 1932 changed with the This spring's mayoralty campaign win the campaign without a handi- beauty spots, so don't forget those Director of Spring Concert Roosevelt administration" with the is shaping up swiftly and. from all cap. Of course. Smith Hall may cameras. Sign up for the trip will passage of such legislation as the lie this afternoon from 1 :IM) to 1:30 reports, will achieve its traditional have something to say about how Norris-LaGuardia Act. the XRA. liveliness. The mayoralty campaign much of a pushover it will be, but ii the Library. Please bring your and the Wagner Act. Concert Program is a well established college func- that all goes to make it interesting. iO cent charge with you at that In summarry. Dr. Myhrman tion that was introduced many years Importance Of Women time. warned against passage of any anti- ago to replace water fights and Participation of the whole campus At noon on Saturday, Dick Includes Soloists labor bills at the present as the what not that inevitably ended with is a necessity to the success of the Woodcock will leave with a crew The 18th annual Spring Con- labor situation is not critical. He somebody or something damaged. campaign. Sampsonville is expected of men for the Rangeley Lake- cert will be presented in the Bates suggests the appointment of a long TTu- idea and purpose of the whole to be an important prize — the area to put in a week end of work chapel Monday evening at 8 o'clock term special investigation commit- a'Tair was to give the students votes of this settlement will be on the Appalachian Trail. The men tee to study the labor-management under the direction of Professor something on which to vent all their strongly contested for by the war- will sleep out overnight and will be problem and recommend specific- Seldon T. Crafts. The Orphic Or- feelings and energies pent up in the ring factions. The townspeople have- oir.e-d on Sunday by a group of chestra and the Men's and Women's legislation at the next session of long grind just before finals. always been very co-operative, too coeds whose main task will be that Glee Cluhs will participate in the Congress. Tonight a Student Council meet- — each campaign seems to bring of cooking up some grub for the program. Hugh Mitchell, baritone, ing will he held especially for the the campus and the city closer to- hardy woodsmen. The- trip will be and Everett Brenner, pianist, will managers of the candidates in order gether. Of course, the main target made in private cars and Outing present solos. The program follows: Prexy Announces Date to clear up any and all questions of the campaigners' activities will Club is authorized to pay 5 cents :: Overture from 'l'ique Dame'. Suppe that may arise- and to assure the stu- be- the women's side- of the cam- mile to any person who will o t pus. Again the Bates men will have Orphic Orchestra Of Campus Open House dents a well planned campaign. his car. interested aatomohilisl " \i Father's Door", Chairman of the committee for the to show their mettle in wooing the should see Dick Woodcock. On Sunday, May 25. Bates Col- Russian Folk Song campaign is Art Bradbury, who has (Continued on page two) lege will initiate its first campus After last week's successful Open "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel", open-house for the townspeople of House, the Outing Club plans t<> Spiritual arr. by'Burleigh Lewistou. The purpose of the open open Thorncrag cabin again this I he Old Ark A-Moverin," house is to further the already sat- Men Cast Votes In Friday Chapel Sunday afternoon. Spiritual arr. by Bartholomew isfactory relationship existing be- JEANNE MATHER and TRAFTON MENDALL Appear Men's Glee Club tween the city of Lewiston and as the Twins in "Twelfth Night" Piano and Organ Duo—"Air with On Assembly's New Constitution Bates. The members of various Variations", Demarest groups and clubs will be invited to Meiting general approval by the" Arlene Crosson, Trafton Mendall Russell Speaks between the twins. Antonio. Bill either the Duke Orsino's palace or inspect the college buildings, a suite Men's Assembly at Chase Hall last Themes from "Piano Concerto", 'Mirror' Goes To Press Sen.-eney. is Sebastian's best friend. the gardens of Countess Olivia's in Smith Hall, one or two apart- Monday, the new Constitution of Tschaikowsky At FT A Meeting Senseney also takes the part of the home. The Duke Orsino, played by ments in Sampsonville. and the new the Student Government Organiza- Art Ploener, wishes to gain the Orphic Orchestra Despite Rise In Prices Mr. Clyde Russell, executive sec- sea captain with the sailors' parts kitchen in Fiske Dining Hall. For tion of Men will be voted on dur- Facing the difficulties of an in- retary-treasurer of the Maine played by Al St. Denis and Dick hand of the Countess Olivia, Mary liaritone Solos—"Song of the Vaga- many of the townspeople, trustees, ing the regular chapel period this crease in prices. "The Mirror" will Teachers Association, was the guest Michaels. Al St. Denis also plays (Continued on page four) bonds" and "Hills of Home", Fox and alumni living in Lewiston this Friday. May 16. it was announced Hugh Mitchell appear in its conventional form this speaker at a meeting of the Future will be the first opportunity they by Edward Clanz, president of the year. Prices have increased twenty- Teachers of America May 6. Mr. Piano Solo—"Warsaw Concerto", have had to see the new additions Student Council. Voting will not Addinsell five per cent since last year; and al- Russell's talk was designed to ac- to Bates. Many will want to see interfere with the regular chapel though the budget has been aug- quaint the FTA members with the Smith Explains Alumni Work And Everett Brenner again the more familiar buildings program. Clanz also stated. The bal- mented, the increase was large purpose of their organization. The Snow", Elgar but probably the apartments and lots will be distributed on the seats enough only to meet the greater Organization In Speech At Chapel The Years at the Spring", Cain the new kitchen will be the biggest and the men will leave them on the After the talk, a business meet- prices. Bowdoin and Colby are Women's Glee Club attractions. The open house will be- aisle seats in each pew when chapel ing was held A committee of tour Bates students got a birdscye "Creations Hymn", Rachmaninoff spending $1,000 more than Bates in was elected from the floor to nomi- held from 2:30-4:30 which will in- is dismissed. view of what goes on behind the "Hora Novissima", Parker order to meet this increase in cost. nate two candidates for each of- clude a tea held on the lawn in At the regular weekly meeting of Audience Name Dance scenes when Mr. Lester Smith, Choral Society The theme of this year's book is fice of the club. This committee will front of Rand Hall. In case of in- the Student Council Wednesday, Alumni Secretary, spoke in chapel i inlandia", Sibelius some phases of John Donne. It is also represent Bates college at the Monday, May 12. clement weather an announcement May 7. the constitution was pre- RevueCompleteSuccess Orphic Orchestra, Choral So- limited to the usual imitation leath- Maine Teachers convention in He explained that the purpose of • will be made by 2:00 over station sented by the constitutional com- er cover and standard black and "Hallelujah — it's all over!" So ciety, and Organ Bangor. It is made up of a man and the Alumni Association is to estab- WCOU. mittee to the Council and its faculty cheered the members of the Modern Accompanists: Arlene Crosson white one hundred and twenty woman representative from both the lish and perpetuate fellowship The visitors will be guided by advisors. After discussion, it was Dance Club Friday night as they and Everett Brenner. pages. The various sections of the senior and the junior classes. They among alumni and to maintain mu- members of the sophomore class. approved by these two bodies and took off their leotards for the last book include the customary pictures are Dan Norte and Barbara Steb- tual relationships between them and The students will meet them by the then presented to the men at the time this year. All the months of of club members, seniors, and class bins, seniors; Bob Vail and Shirley the college. Through this associa- parking space in back of Hedge and Chase Hall Smoker Monday. strenuous. concentrated practice Stu-G Closes Union For officers. The editor of this year's Travis, juniors. The candidates tion, old grads can maintain college Parker and from there show them came to a smashing climax in Fri- Although the men present Mon- "Mirror" is Henry Inouye who is whom they appoint will be voted friendship* and have a chance to Sampsonville, Smith Hall, any cam- day's concert. All of the 452 ticket- Entertaining At Night day night were generally in favor doing a fine job despite the limita- on by all members present at the reminisce. pus buildings they may want to see holders agreed that the program of ratification, several issues were tions that he is facing. next meeting, which is May 20. The association has a broad pol- At the regular meeting last Wed- and then to Rand where the kitchen was an unparalleled success, and brought up which may lead to The editor of next year's "Mir- icy-forming body of each class's nesday night ,the Student Govern- will be open for inspection. After There were about 25 students some of the patrons. Professor Le- amendments after the constitution ror" is Dave Ramsdell and the busi- presidents and secretaries and then r-i,-nt Board decided to close the seeing all that they wish, the visi- present at the meeting. Master among them, asserted that is adopted. The most controversial ness manager will be Jean Moller. the functioning and directing body Women's Union for coeducational tors are invited to the tea. the club easily could have charged of these issues was the new elec- Next year, if the cost of production which is called the executive com- entertaining at night. Since the wea- at least $1.50 for the tickets. Keep tion system. is lower, an even better edition is mittee of the Alumni Council and ther has become warm, there has that in mind for the next concert. Under the provisions of the new expected, for there will be a single Bates-On-The-Air has six alumni who manage its been little use made of the Union. photographer for all senior pictures. It will probably be reopened in the Freshmen Compete In constitution, only one primary After the program was over, the yearly budget. Cancelled last week because tired but triurnphant performers, The job of the Alumni Secretary fall. would be held for the all-college of a prolonged baseball game, their parents, and friends gathered The board is also investigating Annual Speech Contest elections. As' insurance against bal- is to co-ordinate the work of the Philosophy Club Holds the adaptation of the Wedding college with the Alumni Associa- the question of mass coeducational The Freshman Extemporaneous lot box stuffing in the primary, a at W. L. B. for a party put on by clause now reads. "... only sign- Feast from the Bible was pre- Miss Walmsley with the assistance tion. The "Alumnus" magazine's fining on Sunday noons next year. Prize Speaking Contest, which will sented yesterday by Sonny ed ballots will be counted ■ • • " Elections At Last Meet. of Miss Clark, Miss Myrick, and news must be worked up and pre- he held Tuesday. May 20, in the Youngs over WCOU at 4.30. Thus each student would sign his The Philisophy Club held its last Miss Tobias. In the midst of the sented, traveling must be done to Little Theatre, will have seven men The members of the cast were Calendar name to the nominations he had meeting of the year Sunday night celebrating, Bobbie Muir presented bring news to off-campus groups, and six women competing for the Stan Smith, Marcia DwineU, Thurs., 15—"Twelfth Night", Lit- made. at the home of Dr. D'Alfonso, fac- F.llie Wohn with an album of rec- and the Alumni Office directs funds ten dollar prizes. There are two Roberta Sweetser, George 'k Theatre, 8:15 p. m. A large minority felt that this ulty advisor. After a spaghetti din- ords, Tschaikowsky's "Swan Lake", to help support the association and prizes given out, one for a fellow Gamble, Al St. Denis, and Fri., 16—Bates Carillon singing procedure was undemocratic, that ner, served by Dr. and Mrs. D'Al- on behalf of the Dance Club. Feel- Bates activities. The Alumni nomi- in and one for a girl. All freshmen James Dempsey. Joanne Wood- Chapel. "Twelfth Night". I secret ballot was desirable, and fonso, Prof. Whitbeck gave the ing that one of the hardest workers nate two members to the Board of are eligible, and also first semester ward was technician and Don of all had been neglected, Miss Overseers each year and these Sat., 17—Wilson cabin party, that some other check should be main speche of the evening en- sophomores. Richter narrated. Walmsley then read a recommenda- members help direct Bates. Thorncrag, 4-9 p. m. "Twelfth provided. titled "The Ideal Man". He pointed Those who will compete in this out that men that we consider ideal This afternoon at 4:30 over tion that Emery Flavin be properly Mr. Smith brought up the ques- Night". The majority position was that Sun-, 18—Chase House picnic, year's contest are Robert Hobbs, in nature are not appreciated by WCOU Joyce Lord will pre- rewarded for his efforts as painter, tion, "Who owns Bates?" Bates is Norman Andrews, Aswyn Ham- this was only a nomination, not an carpenter, errand and flower boy, owned by people who are in a sense Thorncrag, 5-9 p. m. the society of their age. An open sent her production, one of election, that the signatures would a recommendation which was hear- stockholders. These people include Mon., 19—Music concert, Chapel, mond, Raymond Driscoll, Robert discussion followed Prof. Whit- Longfellow's short stories, Dunn, Arthur Hutchinson, Dick only be checked to prevent dishon- students, faculty, the administration, 'p-ra. beck's talk. "The Notary of Perigueux". tily endorsed by all the members. esty, and that there would be no dis- and alumni, who are all part of and W, 20— Freshman Extempora- McMahon. Barabara Galloupe, Jane The club also elected its officers Floyd Smiley, Art Bradbury, With the close of the party the Hosking, Barbara Chick, Cynthia crimination against any student club disbanded for the rest of the interested in the corporation. ne°us Speaking Contest, Little The- for the coming year. The new offi- and Jean Harrington consti- arising from his signature under his year, looking forward to its next The alumni have probably now >,r«. 7:30 p. m. C. A. Commission Black, Lyla Nichols, and Connie cers are Jean Robinson, president, tute the cast. Dave Ramsdell Scala. This year there will be no choices. Fern Dworkin, secretary-treasurer. will act as announcer. season. (Contniued on page four) ngs, 6:45 p. m. Heelers party, (Continued on page four) w omen's Locker Building, 8 p. m. preliminary try-outs. TWO THE BATES STUDENT, MAY 14, 1947 Co-ed Tells Of Concert Is Final Event In 22-Year News From SampsonvillQ 31p Uatw £>tufcttt From The Diary Of A Quite New Wife . . . (FOUNDED IN 1873) Morning Rush rwe T y wh Monday, May 5 . ° " ""^ : ° ' »elli,ing By Irene Illing Career Of Seldon Crafts At Bates Work was terrible today! Every- tickets for the Spring Con„. , Editor-in-Chief HARRY JOBRACK '48 r Tik-e-tik-e-tik-e-tik-e-tik-e-tik-e- thing went every whichway, and we w.ves could get in for the -,„. TeL 83397 By Jo Cargill tik-tik-e-etik-e-tik . v . "me people must have big week dent price of 35 cents. Thaf,1 Next Monday evening Bates will "The Mikado", and "The Bates Pretty JEAN HARRINGTON '48 Br-r-r-r-n-ng . , . Tweet, tweet ends because they were either very good. But where are we Koiiig , Managing Editor see the 18th annual spring concert Gypsies". TeL 3206 . . (birds). sleepy or very grouchy. Besides, get the several DOLLARS for th by the music clubs. But the perfor- Musicians Caught In Blizzard "Hey, Ingebord . . . You gonna the place was cold. Come to find out formal coming up ? mance will be more than just an- Having headed the Bates music News Editor . DAVID TILLSON '49 turn off th' alarm?" the janitor was sick and the substi- Thursday, May 8 other spring concert. It will he the department for ZZ years, Professor TeL 83337 "... Huh?" (Creak and rustle up tute man didn't know which gadgets Me 'n Mine entertained few , . last Bates concert directed by Sel- Crafts has had his share of interest- a l( top.) to pull and which ones to leave pie from the next doors „„,','„",' News Editor SUE McBRIDE '49 BOING!! don T. Crafts, retiring professor of ing experiences. He tells of the alone. Consequently, I was chilly They had to bring their own cuM TeL 3206 "Oh-oh. Spring's busted. These music. week end that Bates put on a con- cert and dance here in conjunction and out of sorts when I got home at for coffee as we are short two H navy bunks must be wearing out." There is probably not a student ROBERT FOSTER '50 with . "We would noon. But my hubby rescued h.s to our dish-washing methods, Feature Editor "There! Alarm's off." on campus who doesn't know Pro- TeL 83398 pick May 13, the date of the worst lady from complete distress when made a cake for the occasion, com. "Whatza weather?" fessor Crafts either from working storm of the winter," he comments. he met me at the door and ushered plete with seven-minute icing, n "Whatzit usually'{' with him in the music groups, from Sports Editor EUGENE ZELCH '49 And those-who took part in the con- me to our dinette all set with a hot latter was a bit soft bet ,. "Turn on Crackpot College." taking his courses, or just from illy TeL 2215 dinner _ muffins 'n everything! arm got tired beating lie.ore "O. K." cert given at Wilton some years the passing him on the walks and an- Right then he couldn't have done seven minutes were up. "Time?" ago will remember the night they Make-up Editor . . . RICHARD MICHAELS '49 swering to his cheery hello. anything that pleased me more. "Five after seven." spent in a snowbank when their bus Friday, May 9 Tel. 83397 Honestly I don't think any of the "(Yawn) Don't think I'll go to Finest Band In State broke down in an April blizzard. We turned our back,, i, ,,„ wives have as wonderful a husband si I- Even though he has the reputa- In his own right, Professor Crafts dies and work and struck oli Business Manager JAMES TOWLE '48 breakfast this mornin'." as I have. Some of my neighbors Sa- tion of being one of the students' is rated a very competent musician. battus for mayflowers. To our sn TeL 83398 Comes The Manipulating kid me about his sweeping the rugs favorite professors, there probably During his career he has conducted prise we found lots of them, Whj„ Advertising Manager CAROL PETERSON '49 But I've already rushed into the are few who fully realize the amount three grand operas and two comic all the time and doing the dishes. and pink, and open and budded No matter WHAT they say, they TeL 83326 local shower room only to find a of time and work he has put into operas. Among these were "La Tri- ones. With pink ribbon we tied th few hundred people waiting before the music clubs of the college. It viata", "Romeo and Juliet", and can't make me believe hell ever together in bunches and air-mail^ Circulation Manager ELIZABETH WHITTAKER 1& me. I pry open my eyelids with the was Professor Crafts who initiated "Carmen". For many years he was change. Oh, he's wonderful! them to our mothers for Mother's TeL 101S-W toothpicks I keep in my bathrobe the spring concert and Christmas connected with the Maine Music Tuesday, May 6 Day. They're so fragrant. pocket and gaze about me at the pin vespers traditions and who organ- Festival, having charge of the local We thought we'd take the wash Exchange Editor ARROLYN HAYES '49 And so was the pine scent at the I curls, orange and brown bandanas, ized and developed the hand. choruses in Lewiston and Portland. down to the laundromat this after- modern dance concert. Hubby was I TeL 101S-W pale faces, pink toothbrush, steam "Two years before the war the Thirty-eight Years An Organist noon, but it's raining — again! Our skeptical about enjoying ;!.,. IV I on the windows, and lethargic mo- Bates 50-man band was the finest l'rofessor Crafts has been organ- closet is piled nearly to the top with ning. as he pictured modern danr-| Published weekly during the college year by the students of Bates College tions. marching band in the state," he ist for the State Street Congrega- dirty clothes. A lot is from the com- ing as portraying abstract j,;,a, Enterea as second-class matter at the Post Office at Lewiston, Maine "Good morning." says, with justifiable pride and a tional church in Portland for 38 pany we had over the week end — which nobody can figure out. He I flush cold water over my flush- twinkle in his eye. "It even gave years, a record rivaled only by his sheets, - towels, and those table- shies away from culture where it| ed fysog, remove the toothpicks, and an informal pop-concert in the gym playing five days a week in the col- clothes and napkins we save for gets too cultured. Did In- have hi.l make with the toothbrush FOR JINX . . . ih 1941!" lege chapel during the war years. best. Oh well, it's easy to pull the eyes opened! In fact he did sol Now I feel better. As for the future, the Nova- curtain and forget the whole busi- much looking, I wonder . . . anv-I More than just a word of praise is due Janice Prince for the 1 open and shut all the doors Pop concerts were introduced to the college by Dean Harry Rowe Scotia-horn music professor plans ness. I suppose it would be different how, I think he got a bigger kickI job she completed last month as editor-in-chief of the STU- leading back to Grand Central, try- to continue with his private work of if we had a baby and those "dirty out of it than the dancers. DENT. We of the new staff are in a position to appreciate her. ing to hold onto comb, brush, mir- for the purpose, originally, of en- Under the paper's new organizational set-up, six editors do the larging the gymnasium fund. After conducting and teaching music in clothes" consisted of diapers. What Saturday, May 10 ror, washcloth, towel, cup, tooth- do the girls do-with all the baby work which J inx did largely by herself all year. several presentations, the concerts Maine. We figured we'd toss a coin tol paste, toothbrush, and bobby pins. wash on-drizzly days like today? were handed over to Professor Thus it goes without saying that see whether we'd do that forlorn! Only Jinx knows how many hours a week she devoted to the Dance music sweeps quietly into Crafts, who. with the assistance of next year the campus will feel deep- I finished typing Hubby's thesis wash or go to the ball game. Imtl biggest extra-curricular job on campus. On Wednesday she my ears. "Why. Oh Why Did I Miss Mabel Eaton as hostess, has ly the absence of Professor Crafts. amid much puzzling over technical we couldn't find a coin. Besides! made all the news and feature assignments for the following Ever leave Wyomin? ..." Click. directed the programs ever since. the man who first and always has terms and his dear but peculiar who could stay in on such a heau-l week's issue. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday she wrote her edi- Gee whiz. Tempus fugits! Room These affairs have often had central had the interests of the college and scrawl. Another big difficulty was torials 'and arranged lor pictures, cartoons, and a hundred de- mate dozes peacefully as I rush tiful day? Golly, everyone was themes to give them continuity. the students at heart, the man who that we didn't have any typewriter there, except those who were look-l tails. Sunday morning found her at the Publishing Association about the dusky room. Some of the more notable presenta- has made music fun for his choral — not that I typed the thing with- ing out the Windows! Bill Chamber-] office with Managing Editor Florence Fiirfey doing the make- I grab pearls, lipstick, comb, tions have been "The Bates Pi- and orphic groups, the man whose out one, but it did mean borrowing lain and son were there, the latterl up, settling the inevitable questions of policy, and dishing ou. Kleenex, boots, bandana, coat, rates", with music from "The Pi- laughing smile is as much a Bates not one, but three different ones. showing off his new Mother Goosel to a handful of helpers the work of copyreading and headlining. money, letters notebook, pencil, rates of Pcnzanee", "The Bates tradition as the planting of the Ivy This fact, plus my particular brand book. Jo-jo's little one was -ittint;l and pour rapidly downstairs. Comes Sunday afternoon Jinx took a batch of copy to the Auburn Japs", featuring selections from each spring. of typing, complicated matters — in her carriage clapping for Daddy.I the manipulating. 1 have to open Free Press. Monday and Tuesday were a flurry of activity, and but. well, it's done. Praise Hannah! Bob Jones and Johnny Driscoll seven doors to get out of the house Jinx was in the midst of it doing her usual mammoth share. Wednesday, May 7 were eating up their profits. The every morning. Don't get in Mitch- She collected late copy, she read proof, she wrote headlines, and My darling is getting desperate Marshes dropped in and the Lord ell next year. she saw to it that Tom, the printer, had every last imm of type for some clean socks. Even if they were there rooting. The sun unlie-1 just where she wanted it in the page forms. Mt. David looms above Rand were clean they'd be full of holes. I lievably kept shining while both) Hall in the early morning mist. I The STUDENT was always out on time. And while most of ^vV^'-vj?/ used to pull the holes together, but Bates and Colby made errors ta recognize a form. "Hi." Breaking us were reading it Wednesday afternoon. Jinx was consulting my long-suffering man said they keep tne game interesting. Yes, i any good.'" the calendar, the news bureau', and a dozen key people on cam- hurt his heels. So now I just ease was a good day — and we oe\ pus. For that night she would make the assignments for the "Cum. Bacon." along until they're so bad he throws once thought of those dirtv old next issue. The Daily Race them out. clothes! Jinx received plenty of complaints, and she generally had I flee toward the savory smells. plenty of problems. Her paper was no New York Times. But Being a freshman, I pour all the Mayoralty Campaign milk lor my table. Then I reach for her mind was always open to suggestions, her judgment was (Continued from pagi- one) always good, and somehow she was never too busy to say hi the sugar, put the napkin in my col- lar so grapefruit juice doesn't smite r-upport of the girls for their candi- and stop to thank a reporter for his share, however small, in a dates. recent issue. me down, stir the coffee, chew the bacon, butter the date muffins. Radio Show Recommended: Lot< of seniors receive verbal orchids at this time of year. It's funny how I never know A radio program, Wednesday Kovler's Kove — a quiet niche l» For Jinx we recommend a bouquet. who's sitting next to me at break- night. May 21, from 10 to 10:30, on tween two barberry bushes - tahl fast. This time I only knew there station WCOU will present the can- for two, moonlight and runnini was a form sitting at my elbow. didates to the public. Campaigning water supplied gratis . . r'anioul Curiosity overcame me and . . • will not start until Thursday morn- couples often present. Seen ihetl LETTER TO THE EDITOR "Jeepcrs! Cindy!" Every morning ing, however, but from then until this week were Nick and Abe. Cindy and I hold a race to see who Saturday it's a full campaign. A big The only sign of spring this V When the present freshman class group established for the purpose, can get up latest and finish break- rally is planned for Friday night on has been the return of nature i iroil entered Bates last fall most of us does not encourage freshmen to set- fast quickest and get to class be- the athletic field with lights and all the swamps of New Jersey) i" '"I were favorably impressed with the tle down to work or understand the touches that are guaranteed to form of the "Green Hornet", whicl college. During Freshman Week we their place in the college. Nor does fore the 7:50 bell. make it a gala event. In case of has quickly hit a warm spot i" fV| were told of the curriculum, activi- it promote college spirit. This year "Simonize your watch! Five min- rain, the rally will be in the cage. ery one's heart . . . Especially Ml ties, and traditions at Bates, and hazing did little more than stir up utes before first bell." The voting will be done on Satur- Crosby, who hasn't seen a d J for the most part we were thorough- class spirit in the form of antagon- We finally finish breakfast and day morning in the Alumni Gym maud car in so long. ly glad that wc had come to this ism and disrespect for those upper- rush off to speech. The last bell vestibule and the elected candidate Who are the notorious con 1 college. We were made to feel that classmen who didn't know the lim- rings as we run up the steps. "Egad. will be inaugurated Saturday night. that Professor Berkelman the faculty and the upperclassmeii its of good judgment. They're over in Chase radio-broad- "rub noses in front of Libw were glad to have us here and want- The • two Freshman Council casting." ' I'antingly( we enter, Decker Plans Early ed to help us get started. representatives. Bill Perham and knock down chairs and start our Managers John McCune and Forum, oblivious to the crowd.' Congrats to the Donenfeld's For many of the men that all-im- Charles RadclilTe, have said that five minute program, which has to Richard Stern of the John Bertram^ It's a 5 pound Rita. Father don| portant sense of being encouraged they agree with the proposal that be spread out. Professor Roger Williams combine stated that to do their best vanished during the no special disciplinary group be set Quimby, a good sole, gives a cheery the managers for Decker promise fine! period of freshman rules. The Stu- up next year in connection with high sign and we're off for the day! the best campaign that the campus One of the meals escape dent Council told us that the rules freshman rules. Walker Heap, ff has yet seen. They've organized other' night in Commons, but as Prof. Quimby Grows Outdoor rected by the sweet whispers.; would make us settle down to work, freshman class president, also early to avoid last minute hit-or- Mrs. Cross, it was retrieved and that they would make us under- agrees. The sort of freshmen we Smith Chapel Talk niiss stunts such as have been run stand our role in the college as want at Bates deserve to be dealt (Continued from page one) Livingroom" Of Flowers, Trees off by candidates in the past. away — to become another ta| d'hote. irishmen, and that they would pro- with in an adult manner by the Stu- forgotten somewhat the mechanics "At present the Decker campaign By Emilie Stehli den looks in summer. As we be- Apparently the weather has mote within us both college and dent Council itself. Groups set up of getting their education, but they is not worrying over any of the Under the gruff exterior which came engrossed in chrysanthemums come such a factor of influence class spirit. And I believe that the ♦or the purpose of Hazing are rarely have seen how to apply it, and the prospective candidates that Smith public speaking students see each and cosmos we heard a call from campus that Rooni 401 North rules would have accomplished able to learn their limits. successful ones have transferred Hall may produce. Our policy will week as they walk into class with Mrs. Quimby, a loud whoop from bringing it indoors. Dick Hahrw these objectives very well, too. The The actual rules I propose are their diligence to wider and perhaps their speeches unprepared, Profes- our host, and everybody disap- be clean politics, no mud-slinging, thing which set the whole plan off siai:;ar to those enforced this year, more significant phases of everyday has been recommended for | sor Brooks Quimby has a soft heart peared. Upon looking out the win- and due regard for the opponent's Nobel Peace Prize for meritoriol key was the Big Six. except that the freshmen will wear living and learning. "The alumnus which goes out to the beauties of dow we saw the venerable professor efforts—such as they may be," they action in the past week in settl'l When a freshman's name was the beanies already ordered by the comes to thank his college and ap- stated. nature — flowers that is! He has galloping around the yard after water rights. Though slightly fluf turned in for disobeying a rule, he Student Council instead of green preciate names like Doc Pom, Doc done a great deal to make his 200 some small . . . brats, shall we say. ed, Dick, the "head" man, clean was brought before the mysterious ties. The co-eding rule will have to Zerby, Bill Sawyer, Brooks Quim- Smith's Candidate by 100 foot lot into an attractive who had been using his yard as a The speaker for Smith's big five— up Big Six, given no trial, and com- be put into effect again to cooperate by, Andy Myhrman, Bobby Berkel- "outdoor,living room". playground and his water spigots Arshambeaut St. One, Happy ;This . week's song is dedicated• J mitted to any number of penalties. with the Women's Student Govern- man, and the many others." Impromptu Speech Helps as drinking fountains. He caught Crisco Chandler, Wayne Perspira- Herb Gold ... "I Fall I" M All in fun. maybe, but the thing ment. The rallies should be com- All colleges seem unique in spe- He has graded the hill behind his them and gave them a most effec- tor, Bougainville Crosley Car, and Too Easily". got out of hand. The haircuts grew pulsory to build up college spirit. I cial ways. Bates' uniqueness arises house into three terraces and plant- tive impromptu speech. George Epsom Saltless as submitted Until next week, kiddies, see wilder, and the sandwich signs got also suggest that the freshmen be from her high democratic spirit, the ed them with lawn and flower beds, to the reporter — divulged the fol- around ... larger. At least one objector was asked to put on a football rally for intimate comradeship and warmth, A Wreath For The Tombstone told that he could very easily be the Armistice Day game as a sort fruit trees, and bird houses. The As we were going out to look lowing information when requested The Ky«l», and the accessible faculty, said Mr. whole garden is so arranged that thrown out of college for disobey- of "decapping" ceremony. over the garden, Professor Quimby to supply a few statements: Smith. man is capable down to th* ing, which was a lie. The Big Six But the important things are a looking up from the street one sees explained that his garden was not "The campaign is shaping up in "The achievements of Bates grad- leucocyte." directed one wrongly-accused fresh- no-hazing rule and the practice of a continuous mass of blooming specialized. "Doc Fisher is the hy- great form. We are deluged by of- uates in many fields of living fully man to dress up like a girl for a the Student Council" itself managing flowers. This arrangement means bredizer, Harry Rowe is the vege- fers from co-operative citizens to al- Smith Waxes Eloquent justify our college and insure her that "the man on the street" thinks week. He had to appeal his case to the entire program directly. table man, and my garden is just a leviate the onerous burden of the "Furthe*nore, any non-demo* permanency." Professor Quimby does about soi-^of utilitarian mixture." He also the Student Council before the sen- Action will be taken on this mat- campaign from our shoulders. tic manifestations will be main" three times as much work as he tence was revoked. ter at next week's Student Council mentioned Dr. Pomeroy's vegetable Never have we seen such enthusi- intolerated. Mad. intolerable. fr< NOTICE does keeping the place up. Some of In short, the experience of this meeting. If readers are sympathetic garden which is a ways out of town. asm over a mere miniscule matter ings printed will not be toleral The Newman club has announced his students wish that speeches one year, termed mild by upper- with the above plan, I'd like to have "Frankly, judging from the lack of as is presented by a facile task such We will smash — a democracy j] classmen, has proven to me and that it will meet May 15 for its could be constructed in the same produce and the abundance of deer as this will not tolerate « them show up at the meeting and as a mayoralty campaign manager many of my classmates that the haz- regular meeting and to discuss plans manner. .out there, I'd say it was just his 'be has. The citizenry of Smith Hall in- goguery. Democracy MLS'- help- put the plan through. Professor Quimby asked us in to ing of freshmen by a Big Six, an for the communion breakfast to be kind to animals' project.' " sist on co-operating to the fullest will smash their presses. The "4 Unholy Thirteen, or any other Robert Foster. held Sunday, May 18. see some pictures of how the gar- (Continued on page four) extent to which every loyal Smith (Continued on page four) THE BATES STUDENT, MAY 14, 1947 THREE ?7 \pobcats Lose Hard Fought Duel To Bowdoin Bears Maine Triumphs In State Meet; Around Garcelon Babe Keller Graduates Win One Out Of Four -- The baseball team has two State Series games left with Maine and After Playing Second Leave On Road Trip Colby. The boys will be out to win Bates Squad Takes Third Place both tilts and thus gain- an even Base For Eight Years By Gene Zelch Bates tallied first in the third in- ning on a walk to Bob Adair and a By Art Hutchinson split in the race. A large crowel Babe Keller plays second base The Bates Bobcats lost out to single by Jack Joyce, plus an in- should be on hand for the important for the Bobcats and will probably \. was generally expected, Bowdoin in the ninth inning last field out and wild pitch. The Bob- Tuesday home game with Maine. bring a baseball career to a close utriul. well-balanced Tennis Team Corners Monday afternoon on the Garcelon cats scored thre more in the fifth Horne Developes John Dyer has held the high of this June when he graduates. I ,1, (earn easily overcamercame all op- field diamond as the Polar Bears and three in the ninth but the rally atioii to roll up an imposing 67 One Out Of Three fice of campus mayor the past sea- Babe attended high school in fell short. Jack Joyce was the only I Medford and later graduated from pushed across three big runs to total lo win a lopsided victory As Steady Miler son but will not be running for re- effective man at the plate, as he I The Bobcat netmen defeated break a 2-2 deadlock. Bowdoin, Bates, and Colby in election since he graduates in June. belted three hits in five times at Lrcr 1 bis week, the sport's spotlight Colby 8-1 last Saturday on the home 4>)ili annual Maine Intercolle- It is a universally known fact that The Garnet's State Series record I shines on 135 pounds of runner in court.-., alter having lost 6-3 matches bat, one a double. ,ck meet, at Bowdoin's track be has faithfully served his constit- now stands at one victory and three Lit trac the person of Nelson "Red" Horne, to Bowdoin and Maine on the two Colby 12 — Bates 8 I'... Saturday. Because of the over- uents. However, John has made an- defeats. The race finally got under- Bates' capable miler and balf-miler. preceding days. I l„.|min>; power of the Maine thin- other contribution in a different ca- way last week after the long spell Bates fell into the State Series After his graduation from high cellar as Colby unleashed a barrage and the extreme weakness of Bates 8—Colby 1 pacity, that of a long distance run- of rain. The Bobcats started oil well school. Red entered the army. He Bob Strong, number one Bates of fifteen hits. The Bobcats weren't It Colb) squad, the interest in this ner on the track team. Although enougfi by pinning a 4-2 defeat on served as a scout for ten and one- man, ran into trouble in the person not possessing the natural ability of exactly silent at the plate as they i ,r- meet was whether Bates or Bowdoin on their home field on a ir gathered twelve blows, but Colby Bowdoin came out second. of Everets of Colby, and lost his a runner, John has constantly pur- two-hitter by Don Sutherland. match 6-3, 6-3. Warren Stevenson sued the sport throughout his col- made the most of seven Bobcat er- Through a series of unlooked for Bates ran into trouble against came from behind to defeat Phillips. lege years. It is with this thought in rors. Occidents, and the versatility of Maine and Colby, dropping 11-8 4-6, 6-1. and 6-3. Stan Gould, Ace mind that we give another vote of Bowdoin's ace Matt Branche who and 12-8 ball games respectively. The score was 8-6 in favor of Bailey, George Billias, and Bob Vail recognition to John Dyer. L-orul 17 points plus the surprising Monday saw Art Blanchard and Colby at the end of six innings. Don all won their matches by one-sided Newt Pendleton of Bowdoin hooked Ijtat of John "The Beast" Taussig The Intramural Softball League Sutherland had relieved Art Blan- scores. upin a fine pitcher's duel, with the Lho scored a double win in the dis- gets into high gear again this week chard in the fourth. Bates tied it up The doubles saw a clean sweep l[u- and the shot put. Bowdoin out- with many postponed games being Bears finally winning out. in the ninth inning when pinch- for Bates, with Gould-Bailey and ^urul the Bobcats 45 to 23. played olT. Next issue should find The Bobcats leave tomorrow on a bitter Doug Kay, breaking into his Stevenson-Strong defeating their ,.rst college varsity baseball game, Allen Howleit. the speedy comet many interesting angles concerning week end trip, playing Northea .tern Opponents 111 two-sets. Jt>e Mitchell the six-team race. .ingled two runs home, but Colby ■sprinter, "Red" Home, the able tomorrow. Trinity on Frida... and and Billias won* their match. 6-4, back with four runs in the Ifflilrr. Jim Mahaney, long-winded A look at next fall's football Springfield Saturday. They i..urn 2-6. 6-3. schedule finds Bates' opening up at to entertain Maine on Tuesday and tenth. |IWI> miler. Bill Swasey, powerful Maine 6—Bates 3 Mass State on September 27. Trin- Tufts on Wednesday. Saturday the Collecting two hits each for the ["il vard sprinter. Walker Heap The number one Maine man de- ity comes to Lewiston October 4, 24th finds Bates at Colby for the Bobcats were Bill Hennessey, Joe |

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^kJkM lO//f V the National Championships REMODELED ^rffl* for 60 years... and in every ottering b; fe ««n Lnowt J*»r fat?. St ,«ooa?no. , FRENCH FRIES LOBSTER bigtime tournaments is either FRIED CLAMS HAMBURGERS Restaurant Spalding or Wright 6V Ditson BEVERAGES —both made by Spalding. Play ■U—Jlirr e*AH0STHRO«*O«T HATIONAI.LT ' rf»«#*tf your best with one of the Twins CftQKl ^ "{ Championship Tennis. 165 Main St. Lewiston SUNRISE SANDWICH SHOP CP^ Both Mode by Spalding 57 Elm Street 11:00 A. M. - 1:00 A. M. COWMftIA UNIVCRMTV Telephone 1806 ^»7a AK»TttDM» «**«•*"« •» rW V^FOUR THE BATES STUDENT, MAY 14, 1947 Mac Farlane Club Elects C. A. Chairmen iv Christian Association Holds Its GRADUATING SENIORS! Student Council Politics Club Has The STUDENT is reinstat- (Continued from page one) Ted Hunter President Commission AdviSOr, ing its prewar policy of offering A vote taken on whether to re- Final Meeting In Chase, May 20 At a short meeting of last year's The newly chosen fa( I one full scholastic year's sub- tain the signed balolts or to provide - Nonmouth Outing Michael Lategola and Barbara sors for Christian Assor • *4»i| tag the piano in his own act. The scription at a saving of $1.50. another check resulted in a small Macfarlane club members on May Mason will appear in a musical act missions were announce Politics club members and their most recent appearance of the bar- If you live near-by keep in majority in favor of the former pro- 6. officers of the club were elected billed as "A Do-it" by the Assorted commission chairir guests enjoyed an outing at Mr. Le- bershop quartet was at the Carnival touch with the daily activities vision. The group against this meas- for the coming year. These officers »«n las, w: Nuts, Masons and Lategola", for day night at the regular c *** master's home in Monmouth last Hop. on campus! If you're far away, ure agreed, by and large, to vote are- President, Ted Hunter; vice- part of the entertainment at the net meeting at the h Saturday. A variety of activities— follow the victories of your Friday in favor of ratification of the president, Donald Leary; secretary- -""lie of u ' Christian Association's final all- Mrs. Alfred Painter. softball, ping-pong, horseshoe pitch- teams accurately described in entire constitution rather than not treasurer, Joyce Baldwin, and pro- campus get-together in Chase Hall The advisors, who ing, badminton, walking, bridge, Track detail. In either case, don't to accept it because of this one pram committee, Carlton Davis. Al- are next Tuesday night, May 20. it has attend tonights cabinet ,„,.., d l and dancing—assured a good time (Continued from page three) lose contact with your friends clause. Several students indicated, though the club has been inactive been announced by Mary Frances 7 p. m. areas follows t\„ **» for all. In true outing style there the Maine runner warded him off and what they are doing. however, that they would bring up this year, the new officers are mak- was ample food for everyone. The Turner, chairman of the Social vice. Prof, and Mrs. UwrT^N and Mahaney finished third. REMEMBER, SAVE $1.50! the matter at a future Assembly ing plans for next year's ^ctiv^ hot dog roast was delightfully sup- Commission. ball; Community Service U* The Field Events SUBSCRIBE NOW! meeting and call for an amendment er^t^rTdefyinrthe terrors of plemented by cupful after cupful of Norman Lloyd will be master of that would abolish the signed ballot 'ders Myhrman; DepuuijJ** Bates received its most severe One full scholastic year only Mr. LeMastcr's "heavenly" coffee ceremonies for the party, which is in the primary and substitute an- the western plains that they might Robert Seward; Freshman U , blow in the injury to Mike Late- $1.00. Representative will call eph LeMaster; Public \ - ''•' and, to top off the day, a batch of scheduled for 6:30 to 8 p. m. Charles other system to prevent a fraudu- build for their children and their gola's knee during the qualifying on you soon. doughnuts (a la LeMaster and real- Plotkin will play a few pieces on the children after them and their Robert Covell; Publicity, y r broad jumps in the morning. Mike lent election. J<4 ly delicious i) piano, and the barbershop quartet grandchildren after them a land Annett; Reconstruction. \[r was counted on to make a lot of In spite of this and other issues Leighton Shields was chairman of will sing. Dancing, group singing, 20 ft. 8% in., % in. better than flowing with just desserts of Jello, Smith; Social, Mrs. Alfred points in the high and broad jumps' raised, the meting broke up on a the outing committee. He was aid- and refreshments will round out the Mike's lead of 20 ft. &% in. which caramel fudge, and raspberry peach According to the pro I and to hold down Branchc at the note of approval and feeling that ed by lid Wilde, Jean Cromley, Joe program. gained third honors. pie shortcake. Shall we betray the the cabinet dec,,,,,; I same time. When Mike was unable the constitutional committee had Dow, and Stan Freeman. Lategola and Miss Mason will be The Weight Events rust which those men?" month, the new advis. to compete in the finals, "Bates' done well. Refreshments were then remembered for their act. "Nijinsky Still More Eloquent chosen by the eommissioti chances to beat Bowdoin were gone. Bates received another blow when served by the Council's Chase Hall and Pavlova", with Marilyn Bis- "Free enterprise, laissez faire, and to serve with them rduring •" 1 Walker Heap carried on for Bates Bowdoin's Taussig became inspired th ".Twelfth Night" land, in last December's W.S.S.F. Committee. castor oil will and must successfully terms of office. in the broad jump but finished sec- and gained a double victory in the (Continued from page one) variety show. Plotkin, too, appeared emanate and exude in a grandilo- Dr. Alfred Painter will ond to Branche. Walker's jump was shot and discus. This was unex- (onll Meyer, in marriage. This plan is on the variety show program play- pected as the "beast" had not been quent, efficacious eruption of right- to serve as general advisor m .il J disrupted by Viola, Jeanne Mather, working on track since the winter Mayoralty Campaign eousness. E pluribus unum. Ad in- C. A. nery used. The scenery that is used who falls in love with the Duke Prof. Quimby season. On his last throw Taussig (Continued from page two) fiinitum. Ad Valores. Vice versa was designed for pictorial quality while posing as his page, Cesario. (Continued from page two) put the shot better than 44 ft. to of such infamy will be castigated, and fistula vostula. views expressed by both sides, yMi and functional effectiveness. Most of Among the court group are Valen- On the top level of the garden beat out Jack Shea's nice heave of prosecuted, and chastised with dftH "Starry-eyed etherealists, enthere- see that this forthcoming campijj the other effects are achieved tine, Leon VV'iskup, and Curio, Joe there is a stone fireplace which the 42 ft. 3 in. In the discus Taussig spoonery and rusty straws. Democ- alistic, aesthetic, esoteric, ecclesiasti- will be a hard fought battle. SucJ through lighting under the direc- Meserve. debate council uses on its annual nosed out Bates' Hugli Mitchell racy CANNOT! Ostracization is cal skulduggery has no place in our enthusiasm as is shown by mon.| tion of Alfred Wade, Mildred Ma- The play changes scenes and ly- Quimby picnic. Dean Harry Rowe who has improved steadily in his their fate! Their punislimcnt will be society of hard-headed realists. bers of both parties can only io,J teer, and John May. Stage manag- rics give way to ribald humor. In once decided that it looked like a discus and shot efforts until he is too horrible for even the worst.. Long live Louis XIV! Death to the cast the absolute liveliness and iJ ers are Bob Dennett and Dick Daly the comedy group are Sir Toby tombstone. So he brought a wreath now one of the best competitors in twenty-eighth amendment!" tensity of the forthcoming mavor-l while Jackie Keyes is in charge of "There are men in this fair, free Belch, cousin of Olivia, played by with him the next time he came to the state. Taussig's heave was 123 After reading and considering th< alty campaign. set decorations. land of ours, whose ancestors push- Paul Cox; Sir Andrew Aguecheck, call and decorated the fireplace. ft. 4 in. compared to Mitchell's 123 June Wiley, head of the costume one of Olivia's suitors. Bob This year the professor's son, ft. 2 in. In the javelin Al Angelo- committee, is working for authenti- Hobbes; Maria, Olivia's maid, Vi- Lawrence, is hard up for cash, so sante, still nursing a sore arm, vienne Sikora; Fabian. Dick Mich- city and beauty in the costumes. none of the speech majors have had threw the javelin 162 ft. 7yt in. to Robinson Players have secured the aels. Mingled with these comic to really work for their marks. nose out Colby's Jordan for third services of Mrs. West who costum- characters is the pompous, self-cen- However, the prof told us that he place. ed the play "Disraeli". Phyl Cordon tered Malvolio, Floyd Smiley. might be needing somebody any day is chairman of the make-up com- Mr. Crosby, a well known singer, now. If you've got a class with Pro- mittee. Prompters are Barbara appears in the play as court singer fessor Quimby, watch him when he Woods and Jeanne Klein. in Orsino's palace. Mr. Crosby and lets out a whoop, and sit as near the Mary Meyer have done a consider- Jean Harrington is the assistant door as possible! able amount of research in order to director. Publicity has been handled find the original music used in by Lee LaSalle. Roxanne Kam- "Twelfth Night". merer is in charge of programs. KENNEY ! In keeping with the Shake- * Hundreds of colleges and univer- sities are represented every year in spearean theatre, there is little sce- PHARMACY the secretarial classes of Katharine Qibbs. Four convenient schools, DAVE'S each with the same high standards. For That . . . PARKER PENS Some of your career-minded class- VARIETY STORE Ideal Graduation Gifts mates will be at Qibbs this summer EVENING SNACK or fall. Write College Course Dean. 418 Main Street Ray's I.G.A. Store I 156 Lisbon St. - Lewiston j ["If You Get It At Kenney'sf KATHARINE GIBBS NEW YORK 17 230 Park Asa. Three Minute* Prom Campus || It's Right" f BOSTON I* •• Marlssmili St. Fried Clams — Sandwiches CHICASO II II Cast Saawtsr St. 95 ELM ST. PROVIDENCE S I9S Assail St. "Everything You Want" 7:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. STILL SERVING THE BEST HAMBURGERS Phona 1540-1541 AND HOT DOGS IN TOWN

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