100 Years of Gamecock Basketball
100 Years of Gamecock Basketball As South Carolina contin- FFIRSTIRST COLLEGIATECOLLEGIATE GGAMEAME BBOXSCOREOXSCORE ues play into the 21st centu- FFurmanurman 221,1, CCarolinaarolina 1199 OOctoberctober 330,0, 11908;908; CColumbiaolumbia ry, the Gamecock basketball FFUU ((21):21): FFenderender ((RF)RF) 44,, 88;; PPoteatoteat ((LF)LF) 44-3,-3, 111;1; RRiceice ((C)C) 11,, 22;; DDillinghamillingham ((RG)RG) 0,0, 00;; MMilfordilford (LG)(LG) 0,0, 0.0. TotalsTotals 99-3,-3, 221.1. program begins its 100th UUSCSC ((19):19): VVassyassy ((RF)RF) 33-9,-9, 115;5; JJacksonackson ((LF)LF) 11,, 22;; JJayroeayroe ((C)C) 11,, 22;; JJohnsonohnson ((RG)RG) 00,, 00;; BBoltolt ((LG)LG) 00,, 00.. TTotalsotals 55-9,-9, 119.9. season of competition on HHALFTIME:ALFTIME: FFurmanurman 99,, SSouthouth CCarolinaarolina 99.. TTIMEIME OOFF HHALVES:ALVES: 2200 mminutes.inutes. OOFFICIALS:FFICIALS: SSchofichofi eeld,ld, BBrown.rown. the collegiate level in 2007. TTIMEKEEPER:IMEKEEPER: MMcCarthy.cCarthy. SSCORER:CORER: WWarren.arren. With almost 10 decades of THE 1900S — exciting play on the hardwood, the years A NEW BEGINNING have been filled with great seasons, The Gamecocks played only one season in the decade of the teams, players and coaches. 1900s, converting from a club sport and playing a limited number of three games, all at home. Those contests — as well as two other When taking a look at the past, one tilts in the next two seasons — were played outside as the fledgling has to marvel at the 32-game winning program continued to grow. The first Gamecock tilt came on Oct. 30, 1908, when the Game- streak of 1933-34, two national scoring cocks took on the Hurricanes of Furman in Columbia.
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