Congressional Record—Senate S2084
S2084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 27, 2012 EC–5492. A communication from the Chief me of the pertinent contributions made by me of the pertinent contributions made by of the Publications and Regulations Branch, them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the formation contained in this report is com- formation contained in this report is com- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the plete and accurate.) plete and accurate.) report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicable Federal Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Rates—Correction to Rev. Rul. 2012–9’’ (Rev. 1. Self: $0. 1. Self: $1750, 2008, Obama. 2. Spouse: Gerard Winstanley, $200, 2008, Rul. 2012–12) received in the Office of the 2. Spouse: N/A. Obama Presidential campaign. President of the Senate on March 21, 2012; to 3. Children and Spouses: N/A. the Committee on Finance. 3. Daughter: Kara Winstanley, none. 4. Parents: N/A. EC–5493. A communication from the Chief 4. Son: Adam Winstanley, none. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, 5. Parents: both deceased. 5. Grandparents: N/A. 6. Grandparents: both deceased. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the 6. Brothers and Spouses: N/A. 7. Brother: Craig Stevens, None. 7. Sisters and Spouses: None. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 8. Brother: John Brent, None. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicable Federal 9. Sister: Lynne Hicks, none. Rates—April 2012’’ (Rev. Rul. 2012–11) re- 10. Brother in law: Larry Hicks, None. *Pamela A. White, of Maine, a Career ceived in the Office of the President of the Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class Senate on March 20, 2012; to the Committee *Julissa Reynoso, of New York, to be Am- of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Ex- on Finance.
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