Saint Peter The Apostle


Wichita, Kansas

Guidelines for Servers


INTRODUCTION ...... 3 VOCABULARY ...... 3 Service ...... 3 Areas within the Church...... 3 Service Books ...... 4 Sacred Vessels...... 4 Miscellaneous Objects ...... 4 STANDARDS OF APPEARANCE ...... 5 STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR...... 6 Posture ...... 6 Position of Hands...... 6 and Genuflecting ...... 7 BEFORE ...... 7 THE MASS ...... 9 ...... 9 Opening ...... 10 Profession of Faith / ...... 10 Preparation of the Gifts ...... 10 ...... 12 ...... 13 ...... 13 Closing Prayer ...... 13 Recession ...... 14 AFTER MASS...... 14


Thank you for volunteering to be an . The and community of Peter the Apostle Parish are grateful for your service to the Church. To serve at mass is not just something one does to make there parents happy, or so grandma can see you up on the altar. The most important reason to serve at the Holy Mass is to serve the Lord and his church through service to the community of Saint Peter the Apostle Church, and the most importantly the at mass. You are privileged to call yourself “Altar Servers” and it should be an honor for you to be on the altar to serve God and the Priest at Mass.

It is important for you to realize that you are a very special in the celebration of the . The entire community at St. Peter the Apostle Church is depending on you to perform your duties as an altar server with dignity. May God bless you for your time and efforts to serve the Lord and the people of our parish.

This document contains all the information needed to fulfill your role as altar server. Keep these Guidelines handy and use them as a reference when you are uncertain about any rules or procedures. You will be contacted if there are any changes made to the procedures.

If you are not able to serve at your scheduled Mass, YOU ARE REPOSIABLE for finding a substitute ahead of time. Also contact your coordinator for any of these reasons: - If your Mass preference changes - If your phone number, address, or e-mail address changes - If you no longer want to be an altar server

When scheduled, you arrive in the at least 15 minutes before Mass begins, according to the clock in the sacristy. We reserve the right to replace you if you arrive late.

VOCABULARY There are special names for many of the items used during the Mass. You need to know and use their names. Pronunciation help is provided within parentheses.

Service Clothing – the long, white garment used to cover street clothes and worn by the priest, , and altar servers (SINK chir) – the white rope used to tie the alb in place around the – the clothing worn during the Mass by the priest, deacon, and altar servers - the black worn by the MC, seminarians, and clergy -the white that goes over the cassock worn by the MC, seminarians, and clergy

Areas within the Church Altar – the large table on which the Mass is celebrated Ambo – the lectern where the Word of God and are proclaimed – the small table at the side of the where the , corporals, tray with communion cups and purificators, pitcher, bowl, and towel are kept during the Mass until they are needed Narthex – the area inside the front door before entering the nave

Nave – the main portion of the church, where the pews and sanctuary are Sacristy (SACK ris tee) – the room where the vestments and sacred vessels are kept and the ministers prepare for the Mass Sanctuary (SANK chew air e) – the raised platform in the nave where the altar and ambo are located Sanctuary Wall – the high, curved wall behind the tabernacle at the back of the sanctuary Tabernacle – the ornamental, locked box where the Blessed , the consecrated Eucharist, is kept

Service Books Book of the Gospels – the book used to proclaim the (LEK shun air e) – the book from which the (readers) proclaim the Word of God (sac ruh MEANT er ee) – the book containing all of the used for the Mass

Sacred Vessels Chalice (CHAL liss) – the large cup holding the wine that becomes the (sih BORE e um) {singular} / Ciboria (sih BORE e uh) {plural} – the small, round, closed container/s holding the host to be consecrated during the Mass; they are carried to the altar for the preparation of the gifts; the ones holding the (consecrated host) are kept in the tabernacle Communion Cup – any of the smaller cups from which the congregation receives the Blood of Christ (CREW et) – the small glass pitcher holding the water to be poured into the wine; it is carried to the altar for the preparation of the gifts Flagon (FLAG un) – the large pitcher holding the wine to be poured into the chalice and communion cups and then consecrated during the Mass; it is carried to the altar for the preparation of the gifts (PAT en) – the round, shallow dish that fits on of the chalice and has the large host on it

Miscellaneous Objects – the large white cloth covering the top of the altar (ass per JILL um) – the sprinkler, a perforated metal ball or tube on a handle Bells – rung to announce the consecration Boat – the small metal container that holds the to be put into the Bucket – used to hold the holy water to be sprinkled on the faithful or articles to be blessed (CORE pore uhl) – each of the square linen cloths placed at the middle and right side on top of the altar cloth Corpus – the figure of Christ (on the front of the processional ) Lavabo (luh VAW bo) Bowl – the basin over which the priest’s hands are washed (PAUL) – the stiff white square that sits on top of the paten Pitcher – the small container holding the water used to wash the priest’s hands

Processional Candle – each of the candles carried during the procession and recession and when leading the gifts to the altar – the cross carried at the head of the procession Purificator (PURE if ih kate er) – each of the cloths used to wipe the chalice and communion cups after receiving the Blood of Christ Thurible (THIR ih bull) – the metal container in which charcoal and incense are burned for liturgical ceremonies Towel – used to dry the priest’s hands

STANDARDS OF APPEARANCE Be neatly groomed and dressed:

Hair : Neatly combed and a natural color. Long hair should be pinned or pulled back so as not to hang in front of or fall in the face.

Face : No colored make-up on face, eyes, or lips. Any natural colored make up is permitted, it must not be clearly visible, and absolutely to bright colors.

Ears : (for ladies only), if worn, must be no larger than a dime and be of a neutral or plain color. No dangling or clip-on earrings, hoops, or bright colors.

Neck : or chains, if worn, must be completely covered by the alb, so as to be invisible. No necklaces.

Arms, hands, and fingernails : Clean and no rings or bracelets or , including Live Strong, etc. Nail polish (for ladies only) if worn, must be clear . Wristwatches are acceptable if they are not flashy.

Clothing : - Ladies: A plain or and a dark or full-length slacks (no or ; or ), or a plain . Skirt or dress must be no shorter than to the middle of the knee. - Gentlemen: A plain collared shirt and pants (no denim or jeans; no shorts).

Shoes : - Ladies: Dark or light but no bright colors. No high heals or that make noise on tile floor. - Gentlemen: Dark only. - Both: - Dress shoes: polished or oiled leather or suede that enclose the entire foot. - are acceptable only if they are made of leather and have a heel strap. - No colored/tinted nail polish on toenails. - No clogs or open heels. - No or athletic shoes. (the only exception is school mass during the school year) - No flip-flops or pool shoes.

No shoes that make loud noise when you walk.

Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes to every Mass you attend (even when not scheduled to serve) and check in at the sacristy before Mass to offer to serve in case a substitute is needed.

STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR Always - Move with dignity. - Handle objects solemnly and with reverence. - Pay very close attention to what is going on in the sanctuary. - Focus your attention on the priest. - Participate in all the prayers, responses, and songs. Never - Talk to each other, unless to give necessary direction. - Goof off or joke around. - Stare out into the congregation. - Play with your clothing, hair, or vestments. - Fidget while seated or standing.

Posture Standing - Stand up straight and still, your knees slightly flexed—not locked. - Do not rock or sway. - When not holding something, keep your hands folded, with the palms and outstretched fingers together, at chest level.

Sitting - Sit up straight and still, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor. - Do not slouch or fidget. - Do not swing or cross your legs or stretch them out in front of you. - Keep your hands unfolded, with the palms flat against your upper legs, on top of the .

Kneeling - Kneel on the cushion straight and still, with your upper legs vertical and perpendicular to the floor. - Do not lean backward to rest against the chair or on your lower legs or heels. - Keep your hands folded, with the palms and outstretched fingers together, at chest level.

Position of Hands - When standing and not holding something, fold your hands, with the palms and outstretched fingers together, at chest level. - When kneeling, fold your hands the same as when standing. - When seated, place the palms of your hands flat against your upper legs, on top of the scapular. - Keep your hands folded while praying the Lord’s Prayer / Our Father.

Bowing and Genuflecting There are 2 types of bows: - the simple bow (of the head only—no shoulder or back movement) - the profound bow (from the waist at a 30-degree angle)

Genuflection is made with the right leg moving straight back, behind the body so that the right knee touches the floor briefly.

These are specific motions required at certain times during the Mass.

- During the procession and recession, when the priest bows or genuflects in front of the altar, bow your head briefly if holding something (cross, candle, etc.). If not holding something,

genuflect—this applies even if the priest only bows.

- When passing in front of the tabernacle, bow your head briefly if holding something. If not

holding something, bow from the waist.

- Bow your head at every mention of .

- During the Profession of Faith / Nicene Creed, bow from the waist during this part: “By the power of the Holy Spirit, he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man.”

- When stopped in front of the altar, both before and while leading the gifts, bow your head

briefly if holding a candle. If not holding a candle, bow from the waist.

- After the priest hands you the tray, bow your head to him.

- After the priest hands you the ciboria, flagon, or cruet, bow your head to him.

- After the deacon or priest hands you the cruet or the flagon at the altar, bow your head to


- After the priest hands back the towel, bow your head to him.

- Before receiving the , bow your head.

- Before receiving the Blood of Christ, bow your head.


Arrive at least fifteen (15) minutes before the beginning of Mass.

1. Go to the schedule posted in the sacristy and mark a check next to your name. If you are substituting for another server, replace that server’s name with yours. IMPORTANT: that you only check your name off not somebody you are replacing.

2. Put on your vestments in this order: - Alb – the long, white garment with a cowl (hood) - Length: The bottom hem should not hang low enough to touch the . Check the length in the mirror while standing up straight. Find one that’s the correct length and remember its size, to save time the next time you serve. - If one cannot be found that is the proper length, put one on that is a little longer, and use a cincture to hold it up at the appropriate length. - Be sure to fasten the snap at the neck of the alb.

Cincture – the white rope worn as a - Bring it around your waist from behind, the simply tie a knot in the rope it should be snug around your waist. Take the knot and put it on your left side.

3. The MC will decide between the five of you the following positions (on weekdays there will be three servers the M1,M2, and C)

-Master of Ceremonies (MC)

- Chosen by the to assist him and the servers during the Mass

- Cross (C) (usually the tallest of the 5 servers), responsible for - processional cross - setting the Altar - holding the Angel Door open for Eucharistic Minister - 1 (A1) (usually matched in size with A2), responsible for - processional candle - the Eucharistic Procession - - Helping (C) set the Altar - Acolyte 2 (A2) (usually matched in size with A1), responsible for - processional candle - the Eucharistic Procession - Patens - Helping (M1 and M2) with the procession - Main 1 (M1) - helping to set the Altar - Sacramentery - Ciborium and Money basket - Cruet of water - Pitcher and lavabo bowl

Main 2 (M2) - Helping to set the Altar - Bells - Flagon full of wine - towel

4. Say the prayer on the wall immediately after deciding who will do what.

5. After the prayer:

C: Carefully take the processional cross off its base. Hold it upright so that it does not bump into anyone or anything. Always hold the cross so that the corpus (figure of Christ) is facing in the same direction you are facing. Be aware of doorways and don’t elevate the cross until inside the nave for the procession. During the procession, hold the cross upright and high enough so that the entire corpus is higher than your head. The bottom of the processional cross should be at your waist level. The left hand should be near the bottom of the staff and at waist level; the right hand should be higher and at throat level. A1/A2 : Gently take the candles off their bases, matches or the lighter should be in the back vestibule, light the processional candles when you get to the back;. During the procession, hold the candles upright and so that the flames are at the same height. The rule for hand and walking positions is that whatever side you’re walking on, the hand on that same side should be higher than the other: walking on the right, your right hand is high; walking on the left, your left hand is high. M1/M2 : You should both have books ready to sing the opening hymn when it is announced you should all continue to sing until the song is over.


Procession Cue : The priest has said the pre-Mass prayer in the nave on ’s and the sacristy during the weekdays. All: Go into the nave, in front of the table, and wait for the priest.

Cue : The singing has begun during the . If there is no hymn, the cue is when the bells are rung. C: Lead the procession to the altar. Walk with reverence but not too slowly. (Remember we are not in a race so walk slowly but reverently) on weekdays you will walk in single file line up to the tabernacle and genuflect at the tabernacle then go to seat on the bench directly behind Father. A1/A2 : Follow C, walking side-by-side with A1 on the right and A2 on the left. Walk at the same pace, staying even with each other and far enough apart so that you are halfway between the center of the aisle and the pews. M1/M2 : Follow behind the on Sundays, on weekdays you will just walk in front of Father in a single file line stopping on each side of the tabernacle and genuflect when Father bows. MC: follows behind the M1/M2 and before the Priest.

C: Go to the far right, in front of the chair and stop, waiting for the rest of the procession. A1 : Go to the left of C, waiting for the rest of the procession. A2 : Go to the right of C, , waiting for the rest of the procession. M1/M2 : Go to the right of the altar(about where Fathers chair is) stop before climbing the steps. MC : Go to the left of M1/M2

Cue : The priest genuflects or bows. C/A1/A2 : Bow your heads briefly. M1/M2/MC : Genuflect

· If there are only 3 altar servers: M1/M2/C : Genuflect (because you are not carrying anything candle).

Cue : The priest steps up onto the sanctuary. C: Do not step into the sanctuary follow the steps around to the stand in the hallway and place the cross on the stand, then with your hands folded go to your seat and remain standing. A1: Step up onto the sanctuary. Go to the Ambo and place your candle on the stand on the left, then with your hands folded wait for (C). A2: Step up onto the sanctuary. Go to the Ambo and place your candle on the stand on the right. Then with your hands folded go wait for (C). C/A1/A2: Once all three of you are together you all walk together to the Altar bow to the Altar with hands folded, and then go straight to your seats M1/M2 : Step into the Sanctuary. Go to your seats, remain standing, and singing. MC : Moves to his seat in front of the Credence Table

Opening Prayer Cue : The Gloria (when wearing Green or White [or Red only if Sunday]) *OR* the Penitential Rite begins (when wearing Violet [or Red except Pentecost Sunday]). M1 : Pick up the Sacramentary up off your chair behind you and hold it by its bottom edge, leaning its top edge against your chest, just under your chin, so that its open pages are facing away from you and the ribbons to the bottom. Open the book to the red ribbon; wait while standing in front of your chair. The MC will assist M1 with this step.

Cue : The priest says, “Let us pray.” M1 : Take the Sacramentary to the priest and stand directly in front of him. Move in close enough so that he can read the Sacramentary without reaching.

Cue : The priest may begin to close the Sacramentary. If not, he finishes praying. C/A1/A2/M2 : Remain standing at your seat, waiting for Father to sit. M1 : After the priest has finished praying, quietly close the Sacramentary. Holding it at chest height, with its front cover facing away from you, reverently take it to the Altar and gently place it there face-up. and the top left corner of the corporeal. Return to your seat, and sit.

Profession of Faith / Nicene Creed Cue : During this part: “By the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary and became man.” All : Bow from the waist for the entire phrase.

Preparation of the Gifts Cue : The deacon or priest has finished with the . A1/A2/C : Walk to the Ambo remove the candles and Cross from there stands and walk down the side aisle to the back of the Church, and wait for the family or the ushers to follow you up with the gifts, you to will lead them up. MC: Go to Altar and wait for M1 and M2 to bring the gifts to you. The chalice goes in the middle of the Corporal, the ciborium go right below the Sacramentery, and the four Communion Cups, go to far right corner of the second corporal. The four Purifictors go right below the Communion Cups.

M1/M2 : Pick the chalice up off the credence table, with one hand around its stem and the other hand placed palm down firmly on top of the pall and corporals, holding them in place. Holding the chalice upright and with reverence, take it to the altar and place on the Altar where MC can reach it. Return to the credence table and pick communion cups and purificators. Take it to the altar and place them on the Altar where MC can get them.

(When only three servers M1 and M2 will move the cadles from the Ambo to the Altar C, will take the liturgical items up to Father and he will set the Altar)

(Only at Sunday Mass) C/M1/M2: Go to your seats, sit, and sing the hymn

Cue : The gift bearers have the gifts and A1, and A2, have started to walk with the gift bearers.

A1/A2 : When the Gift Bearers have everything in there hands and are ready to walk slowly start walking forward with reverence, once you get to the Altar do not stop walking, do not bow, walk right up the steps, A1 go to the right of the Altar, A2 go to the left, go to the stands on each side of the Altar and place the candles on there stands.

MC : Once you see A1 and A2 down standing on the steps you go down to join them. Unless there is a seminarian present he will go down and assist.

Cue: when A1 and A2 start walking up M1/M2 . Walk with reverence but not too slowly. Receive the gifts M1 you will take the offering and Ciborium, M2 you will take the Flagon, bow your head to the gift bearers, turn around and take the gifts to the altar, and put them down on the Altar.

M1: Go to the Credence table and Grab the cruet in the palm of your hand with its handle facing away from you and take out the stopper with the other hand. Walk to the Altar and hand the cruet to Father when he is ready. When the cruet is handed back to you, take it by its handle and replace the stopper in it.

· If there are only 3 servers: M1/M2: Go to the credence table. And take the liturgical items to Father instead of the other server and then do as follows.

Cue : The deacon or priest has poured the water from the cruet into the flagon of wine and then poured the wine from the flagon into the chalice and communion cups.

M2 : Receive the empty flagon from the deacon or priest, bow your head to him, and take the flagon and the cruet to the credence table.

[At the credence table] M1 : Hold the pitcher in one hand and the lavabo bowl in your other hand, under the pitcher. Do not put the pitcher in the lavabo bowl or allow them to bump each other.

M2 : Unfold the towel and hold it with both hands in front of you.

M1/M2 : At the same time, approach the altar

M1 : Go to stand at the back corner of the altar, facing the priest. You are closer to the congregation than M2.

M2 : Go and stand to the right of M1, facing the priest. You are closer to the sanctuary wall and tabernacle than M1.

Cue : The priest places his hands over the lavabo bowl. M1 : Pour a little of the water from the pitcher onto the priest’s hands. M2 : Hold the towel out for the priest to take. Then receive it when it is handed back to you and hold it as before.

Cue : The priest hands the towel back to AS3. M1/M2 : Together, bow your head to the priest. Turn toward the tabernacle, with M2 leading, return to the credence table. M1 : Put the pitcher and lavabo bowl on the credence table. M2 : Fold the towel and put it on the credence table. M1/M2 : With your hands folded, and with M2 leading, go join A1, A2, and C on the steps with M2 by the bells remain standing.

Cue : The congregation kneels after “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord...” All : Kneel, keeping your hands folded.

Consecration Cue: When the priest places his hands over the bread and wine. M2 : Put your left hand on your chest. Remain kneeling upright; with your right hand, grasp the bell handle firmly but gently and pick up the bells. Keep looking at the priest, not at the bells. Twist your hand back and forth twice for three separate times with a slight pause in between each double twist. (Do not silence the bells; instead let their ringing die out by itself.) When the bells are silent, very gently put them back down on the step. Refold your hands.

Cue : The priest says, “This is My Body, which will be given up for you,” and elevates the host. M2 : Put your left hand on your chest. Remain kneeling upright; with your right hand, grasp the bell handle firmly but gently and pick up the bells. Keep looking at the priest, not at the bells. Twist your hand back and forth twice for three separate times with a slight pause in between each double twist. (Do not silence the bells; instead let their ringing die out by itself.) When the bells are silent, very gently put them back down on the step. Refold your hands.

Cue : The priest says, “Do this in memory of Me,” and elevates the chalice. M2 : Put your left hand on your chest. Remain kneeling upright; with your right hand, grasp the bell handle firmly but gently and pick up the bells. Keep looking at the priest, not at the bells. Twist your hand back and forth twice for three separate times with a slight pause in

between each double twist. (Do not silence the bells; instead let their ringing die out by itself.) When the bells are silent, very gently put them back down on the step. Refold your hands.

Memorial Acclamation Cue: The congregation stands, and the priest invites the congregation to recite the Lord’s Prayer. All : Rise from kneeling. Pray the Lord’s Prayer / Our Father with your hands folded. Then Kneel again at the proper time.

Cue: At the sign of peace. M1 : Go to give Father the sign of peace, and take the Sacramentery off the Altar, place it on your chair, with your hands folded, go back to the step and stand.

Cue: When you see the Extra- Ministers come up. C: Walk with your hands folded to the angel doors and open the one door for the Eucharistic Minister or the Seminarian who will get the Blessed Sacrament out of the tabernacle. After they pass through the door, close it behind them, you do not have to push the door shut, you just need to start pushing it shut and it will shut the rest of the way on its own.

Cue: The Blesses Sacrament out of the tabernacle is placed on the Altar by the seminarian or the Extra-Ordinary Ministers. All : Go get your patens and form a line in front of the tabernacle.

Communion Cue : You are offered the Body of Christ. All : Bow your head briefly before receiving the Sacred Host

Cue : The priest, deacon, and Extra-Ordinary ministers step down from the sanctuary to distribute communion to the congregation. M1/M2/A1/A2 : All have patens and M1 and M2 go to the front and A1 goes to Joseph side and A2 goes to Mary side. C: Go to the steps and kneel to pray.

All : Help clear the Altar, after the Altar is clear go stand by your seat until Father has sat down all the servers sit when Father sits.

Closing Prayer Cue : The priest says, “Let us pray.” M1 : Stand up with the Sacramentary, open it to the red ribbion, holding it by its bottom edge and leaning its top edge against your chest, just under your chin, so that its open pages are facing away from you. Take it to the priest and stand directly in front of him. Move in close enough so that he can open the pages without reaching.

Cue : The priest may begin to close the Sacramentary. If not, he finishes praying. M1 : After the priest has finished praying, quietly close the Sacramentary. Place the Sacramentery on your Chair.

Recession Cue : The priest music starts. C/A1/A2 : With your hands folded, go behind the sanctuary wall and take the processional cross off its base. take the candles from the Altar Go out from behind the sanctuary wall, follow the steps to the front of the bottom steps the cross stops right in front of the Ambo, the Acolytes go to each side of the cross facing the tabernacle.

M1/M2 : Books open to the right page, you singing, go down the steps and line your self up with the priests chair.

Cue : The priest genuflects or bows. C/A1/A2 : Bow your head briefly.

· If there are only 3 altar servers and no candles are used: M1/M2: Follow Father to the tabernacle each one stand on each side of him. Genuflect, the three servers lead Father down the ramp to the Sacristy

Cue : The priest turns around. C: Turn around, turning in toward the priest, and lead the recession to the narthex. Walk with reverence but not too slowly. A1/A2 : Turn around, turning in toward each other, and follow C, walking side-by-side with C. Walk at the same pace, staying even with each other and far enough apart so that you are halfway between the center of the aisle and the pews. M1/M2 : Follow behind A1 and A2 MC: Follow behind M1 and M2 All: Go to the narthex, (or sacristy if 3 servers) take a knee and wait for Father’s Blessing.

AFTER MASS 1. When you have entered the sacristy. C: Carefully, put the processional cross back on its base. A1/A2 : Carefully, extinguish the processional candles and put them back on their bases.

2. Remove everything off the credence table returning it the Sacristy, extinguish all the candles.

3. Remove your vestments and neatly put them back on the proper hangers. Return the hangers to the rod.

4. If you didn’t have time before Mass, mark a check next to your name on the schedule posted in the sacristy. If substituting for another server, replace that server’s name with yours.