Come for a walk… with our Tamar Valley Heritage Guides July – October 2017

Do you enjoy exploring the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, but wish you knew a little more about it?

The Tamar Valley Heritage Guides are back for a new season of guided walks for you to join.

As a result of in-depth training as part of the Helping Hands for Heritage project, we are pleased to be able to offer another selection of short walks led by trained volunteers around the Tamar Valley AONB. These tend to have a heritage theme, but wildlife and local history may also be included. We have developed a programme of regular walks over the next few months for you to enjoy – do let us know what you think, so that we can tailor future programmes to attract even more walkers.

If you would be interested in having a volunteer guide for a local group then please get in touch and we will see what we can do!

Contact the Tamar Valley AONB team, 01822 835030 or [email protected]

Les Deering moved to the Tamar Valley in 2008 from the London Meet the Heritage Guides area with almost zero knowledge of the AONB, but was soon captivated by the landscape.

Ann Marcer is a retired Then, having teacher, interested in volunteered for the local history, the Heritage Guide course environment and natural run by the Helping history. Ann enjoys Hands for Heritage walking, gig rowing on project through the the , AONB, he has become gardening, Morris fascinated by the dancing and meeting industrial history of the people. Valley.

"I feel I am so lucky to Les says “I have recently live in such a beautiful developed a keen and historically interest in the Valley’s interesting area. I like bridges, viaducts and exploring new local ferries.” places and finding out about them. I walk daily with Todd, my black Labrador dog, and I'm always on the lookout For further information, and to check availability, please for interesting things; birds, insects, plants and flowers, old ruins contact Charlotte Dancer at the Tamar Valley AONB – and scenic places." 01822 835030 or email [email protected]

Book Ann for a walk or talk near you Book Les for a walk or talk near you Ann enjoys leading walks around Tavistock Woodlands, the Bere Les enjoys leading walks in the Calstock area and along parts of Peninsula, Tavistock Canal and Calstock area, and can give talks the Discovery Trail. Les can give talks about the history of the about these areas and their history. River Tamar, its industry and crossing points.

Images © Tamar Valley AONB 21

September Summer/Autumn 2017 Programme

Saturday 2nd September, 10:30am – 1:30pm Cargreen, July A 5 mile walk with Les Deering from Cargreen down to Landulph Church followed by quick look at the Tamar then a loop back. Likely to be muddy at times. Sunday 23rd July, 10:30am – 2:00pm Meet: By Crooked Spaniards Inn, Cargreen Cremyll Ferry A 5 mile walk with Les Deering, starting at the Edgcumbe Arms, passing Sunday 10th September, 10:00am – 1:30pm through Empacombe and then up the hill to Maker Church, down the other Great Consols side and back to Cremyll. Likely to be muddy at times. Join Ann Marcer for a walk along the old railway to the site of the Meet: Outside Edgcumbe Arms, Cremyll 10:30am (10:15am ferry from arsenic works and return via Bedford mine. May be muddy. Admirals Hard) Refreshments at Tamar Trails café at end of walk. Meet: Car park at Tamar Trails, Gulworthy (£2)

Sunday 24th September, 10:00am – 1.00pm Following the Walkham River Join Ann Marcer for a 4 mile walk down the River Walkham to where it joins the at Double Waters and return by another route. See mining remains, beautiful river views and interesting wildlife. May be muddy in places. Refreshments at Drakes Café on A386 at end of walk. Meet: Grenofen Bridge, off A386 between Tavistock and Horrabridge. (Grid Reference SX490710)


Wednesday 9th August, 2:00pm – 5:00pm Scrub Tor to Devon Great Consols Join Ann Marcer for a walk through woodlands looking at mining remains: arsenic ponds, spoil heaps, chimney and arsenic works. Return along different route. May be muddy. Meet: Scrub Tor car park (Grid Reference SX413745)

Saturday 19th August, 2:00pm – 4:30pm Calstock Church and Okel Tor Join Ann Marcer for a walk along the raised bank of the River Tamar to Okel Tor mine. Then follow the path and lane up to Calstock church. Look October at the church and graveyard and site of Roman fort. Return to Calstock down steep lane. Refreshments at Tamar Inn or café in Calstock at end of walk. Wednesday 4th October, 10:30am – 12:30pm Meet: Riverside car park in Calstock Tamar and Royal Albert Bridges

th A short walk with Les Deering, visiting and looking at the history of Friday 25 August, 10:30am – 1:30pm these two iconic bridges, with superb views over the Tamar. We Lopwell Dam will be looking underneath these bridges so there is an uphill A 5 mile walk with Les Deering starting at Tamerton Foliot following the climb. Discovery Trail to Lopwell Dam, then returning. Likely to be muddy at times. Meet: Tamar Bridge car park Meet: Outside Kings Arms, Tamerton Foliot

Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear for walking. Be prepared for hills and muddy paths.

Please bring a drink. Well behaved dogs on leads welcome. Booking in advance is not essential but would be appreciated tel: 01822 835030 or email [email protected]

All walks are free, but donations to Tamar Tender Loving Care (TLC) – Registered Charity No: 1166979 would be welcomed, to help keep the Tamar Valley special.