Amin Shahrokhi Artist, Designer, and Full-Stack Developer

[email protected] • • • • Yerevan, Armenia

SUMMARY • 16 years of experience in graphic design and 13 years in web design and development. • Started freelance as designer and developer globally in 2010. • All of the public products are approved by JED,, Envato, etc.

EXPERIENCE Graphic designer Heram naqsh, 06/2007 – 08/2008 • Design graphic materials for publishing using Adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator. • Editing previous designs from other designers for the new annual publishing deadline.

Freelancer Upwork,, etc., 10/2010 – present • Performing printing, publishing, and web graphic designs for clients from around the world. • Developing front-end, back-end, and CMS projects for clients as a remote web developer.

CEO and producer, 4/2016 – present • Creating WordPress plugins and themes, Joomla extensions and templates, video tutorials, etc. • Managing the network and monitoring the official frequently. • Serving clients from around the world by providing support and development services.

PROJECT Antares ,11/2019 – 11/2020 • 3D page builder and 3D slideshow based on Three.js and PHP and turned to WordPress. • Turning the PHP version to a WordPress plugin, available at • Creating full documentation for the application and publishing it on the official website. • Creating the first series of video tutorials for the product using OpenShot, Inkscape, and Audacity.

EDUCATION High school diploma

CERTIFICATIONS Django Developer Udemy, 02/2020 Certificated in development web applications using Django.

CSS Developer W3Schools, 02/2014 Certificated in front-end development.

C# Developer Saina Intitute, 10/2010 Certificated in development applications for web and Windows.

SKILLS Windows, Mac OS X, , Android, Office, Drawing, Painting, Persian Carpet Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, DraemWeaver, Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, OpenShot, Camtasia, Audacity, HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, RWD, RTL Design, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Gantry, JavaScript, TypeScript, Jest, jQuery, ThreeJS, VueJS, Git, AWS, Figma, AJAX, JSON, APIs, PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, MySQL, Oracle, OOP, MVC, WordPress, Joomla, SEO, Marketing, Remote Work, Freelance, Project Mng, WHM, cPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPConfig, VPS, TCP/IP