Coral Reefs (2006) 25: 617-627 DOI 10.1007/s00338-006-0134-5


Edwin Cruz-Rivera • Valerie J. Paul Feeding by mesograzers: algae or ?

Received: 3 March 2006/ Accepted: 3 June 2006 / Published online: 14 July 2006 © Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract Marine studies on herbivory have addressed the Introduction role of algae as food and shelter for small consumers, but the potential of benthic cyanobacteria to play similar Benthic marine encounter a diversity of roles is largely unknown. Here, feeding preferences were potential foods that vary in nutritional quality, struc- measured for eight invertebrate consumers from Guam, ture, and chemical composition over spatial and tem- offered four common macroalgae and two cyanobacte- poral scales (Neighbors and Horn 1991; John et al. 1992; ria. The survivorship of another consumer raised on Paul 1992; Kaehler and Kennish 1996; Cruz-Rivera and either macroalgae or cyanobacteria was also assessed. Hay 2001, 2003; McClintock and Baker 2001). In some From the choices offered, the sacoglossans coral reefs, both eukaryotic macroalgae and large fila- rufescens and E. ornata consumed the green macroalga mentous benthic cyanobacteria are important compo- Bryopsis pennata. The crab Menaethius monoceros pre- nents of the benthos (Thacker et al. 2001; Thacker and ferred the red alga Acanthophora spicifera. The amphi- Paul 2001). These benthic cyanobacteria form large mats pods Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio that can occupy a significant portion of the available consumed macroalgae and cyanobacteria in equivalent amounts, with C. imbroglio showing less selectivity substrate and, thus, constitute an available resource for marine consumers. However, studies on herbivory have among diets. In contrast to these patterns, in these traditionally considered only the roles of eukaryotic al- assays the gastropods striatus, Haminoea gae as food and habitat for marine grazers (Paul et al. cymbalum, H. ovalis, and Haminoea sp. fed exclusively, 2001). This is likely because community studies that or survived only, on cyanobacteria. Preferences for dif- consider cyanobacteria, particularly in freshwater sys- ferent cyanobacteria varied. Field surveys of cyanobac- tems, have focused mainly on explaining the factors teria-associated species yielded 34 different invertebrate controlling cyanobacterial blooms. Because cyanobac- taxa and suggested different degrees of specificity in terial blooms have often been related to eutrophication, these associations. Tropical mesograzers exploit con- disturbance and anthropogenic habitat degradation siderably different food resources, with some species (Paerl 1988; Dennison et al. 1999; Lapointe 1999; Oliver adapted to consume cyanobacterial mats. Benthic and Ganf 2000; but see Thacker and Paul 2001), the cyanobacteria may play important roles as food and persistence of cyanobacteria in aquatic environments shelter for marine consumers and may indirectly influ- ence local biodiversity through their associated fauna. has been viewed as "abnormal" rather than as a normal component of the community. In areas of intense , such as coral reefs, algae Keywords Cyanobacteria • Mesograzers • Marine often persist by using structural or chemical deterrents herbivory • Food choice • Invertebrate epifauna that reduce attack from large and abundant herbivores like urchins and fishes (Hay and Fenical 1988; Duffy and Communicated by Biology Editor H.R. Lasker Hay 1990; Hay and Steinberg 1992; Hay 1997; Paul et al. E. Cruz-Rivera 2001). These algae are colonized by smaller herbivores Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, (mesograzers) that may gain "enemy-free space" by 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas, TX 78373, USA associating with defended hosts (Stoner 1985; Hay 1992; Hay and Steinberg 1992; Duffy and Hay 1994; Paul et al. V. J. Paul (El) Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, 2001). Although some mesograzers feed primarily on 701 Seaway Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949, USA epiphytes (Brawley 1992; Stachowicz and Hay 1996; E-mail: [email protected] Mancinelli and Rossi 2001) or on palatable algae that 618 may not constitute a safe refuge (Taylor and Steinberg These records provide additional information on 2005), a variety of these small herbivores are resistant to patterns of host use for various mesograzers. chemical and structural defenses of host algae (e.g., Duffy and Hay 1994; Littler et al. 1995) and feed directly on their host (Hay 1992; Hay and Steinberg 1992; Paul Materials and methods et al. 2001). More recent studies suggest that some benthic tropi- , macroalgae, and cyanobacteria were collected cal cyanobacteria might play similar ecological roles as from reef flats at Pago Bay and Piti Bomb Holes in those of eukaryotic macroalgae by serving as food and Guam, Mariana Islands (13°30'N, 144°45'E). Six of the shelter for marine mesograzers (Paul et al. 2001; Cruz- most abundant algae and cyanobacteria at these two Rivera and Paul 2002). For example, the small sea hare sites were collected. These species, and their most fre- (= longicauda, Rudman 1999; quently associated mesograzers, were used in feeding Yonow 2000) (: ) inhabits experiments. Field observations showed that some of the cyanobacterial mats, feeds preferentially on cyanobac- grazers (some cephalaspideans) were more active at teria in the Lyngbya when presented simulta- night, so both day and night collections were conducted neously with macroalgae and cyanobacteria, and will by snorkeling around reef flats. The green alga Bryopsis grow better on (= Microcoleus lyn- pennata, the brown algae Padina tenuis and Sargassum gbyaceus in Paul and Pennings 1991; Cruz-Rivera and cristaefolium, the red alga Acanthophora spicifera, and Paul 2002) than on macroalgae. Lyngbya majuscula mats the cyanobacteria L. majuscula and Tolypothrix sp. were are commonly 30-50 cm high or more (E. Cruz-Rivera, sealed inside plastic bags and brought to the lab where personal observation), thus providing complex three- they were sorted by hand to collect associated epifauna. dimensional structures for small epifauna to colonize. Animals from these collections were sorted to species While chemical defenses of Lyngbya will deter feeding by and kept in separate tubs with bubbled air and a mixture macrograzers such as fishes and the urchin Echinometra of algae and cyanobacteria for food before the start of mathaei, feeding by S. striatus often is not deterred, and the assays. One of the mesograzers, Haminoea sp., was sometimes is stimulated, by cyanobacterial secondary found in very low abundance in the field, but popula- metabolites and extracts (Nagle et al. 1998; Cruz-Rivera tions of this species recruited into flow-through tanks at and Paul 2002; Capper et al. 2006). However, the feeding the University of Guam Marine Laboratory. The tanks preference of Stylocheilus for cyanobacteria is rare received unfiltered water from the adjacent Pago Bay among sea hares, which are largely macroalgal grazers and a variety of algae and invertebrates readily and (Carefoot 1987; Pennings et al. 1993; Rogers et al. 1995). continuously recruited. For this species, both field and Other studies have suggested a preference for cyano- tank-collected individuals were used (see below). bacteria by certain mesograzers (Renaud 1976; Using multiple-choice assays, the feeding preferences D'Antonio 1985; Mukai and Iijima 1995; Yamamuro of two sacoglossan gastropods (Elysia rufescens and E. 1999; Capper et al. 2005) but these patterns have not ornata), one majid crab (Menaethius monoceros), two been assessed adequately. gammaridean amphipods (Parhyale hawaiensis and If benthic cyanobacteria play important roles parallel Cymadusa imbroglio), one sea hare (S. striatus•previ- to those of eukaryotic algae on coral reefs, it is necessary ously S. longicauda, Rudman 1999; Yonow 2000), and to demonstrate that they are utilized as food and shelter two cephalaspidean snails (Haminoea cymbalum and H. by diverse organisms. While differences in the utilization ovalis) found in collections were studied. While some of of cyanobacteria between macrograzers and Stylocheilus these species (e.g., Elysia spp. and Stylocheilus) have been demonstrated (Cruz-Rivera and Paul 2002), might attain larger sizes than what are typically con- no studies have compared the relative use of cyanobac- sidered for mesograzers (Brawley 1992), animals col- teria among different mesograzers. Recent surveys found lected in the field were considerably smaller than their 43 invertebrate species associated with seven cyanobac- maximum size (E. Cruz-Rivera, personal observation). teria from Guam and Palau (Cruz-Rivera and Paul Brawley (1992) has pointed out that many macrograzers 2002), suggesting a potential for broader utilization of pass through a mesograzer stage. For the purposes of benthic cyanobacteria by small tropical consumers. this work, experimental animals were in the general size However, most of these organisms could be transient range of typical mesograzers (0.5-2.0 cm). residents of cyanobacterial mats that do not graze on Fresh macroalgae and cyanobacteria were collected cyanobacteria. In this study, patterns of food utilization before the beginning of the multiple-choice experiments. for nine tropical mesograzers from Guam when exposed Epiphyte-free pieces of all algae and cyanobacteria were to cyanobacteria versus eukaryotic macroalgae are manually cleaned of mobile epifauna and sediment, spun compared. The following questions were asked: (1) in a salad spinner (i.e., centrifuge) to eliminate excess Are cyanobacteria readily consumed by tropical mes- water, weighed, and placed in individual circular plastic ograzers? If so, (2) are certain consumers specialized on dishes (16 cm diameter, 6 cm height) with fresh seawa- cyanobacteria? Experimental observations are comple- ter. The amounts of each food used per replicate varied mented with epifaunal species records from various (50 mg-2 g) depending on the size of the mesograzer cyanobacterial collections over the span of 3 years. tested and the density of the alga or cyanobacterium, but 619 animals were always fed in excess of what they could randomly assigned to one of seven treatments: a star- consume of each diet during the experiments. Despite vation control, the algae Ulva clathrata (green), P. tenuis the weight differences related to food densities, each (brown), and A. spicifera (red), and the cyanobacteria replicate received algal and cyanobacterial portions of Symploca sp., L. majuscula, and Tolypothrix sp. Treat- similar size to ensure that consumers had similar likeli- ments and starvation controls were interspersed to hood of finding all foods offered. account for microspatial differences in light and Replicate experimental dishes (n = 4-12) received temperature. 1-5 individuals of each grazer species depending on Shell size of these cephalaspideans did not exceed their size and availability. When noticeable size differ- 5 mm and thus, only small pieces of algae or cyano- ences between conspecifics were noted, equalizing the bacteria (ca. 2 cm) were needed to provide food in average mass for that consumer in the replicates was excess of feeding rates. This was important as larger or attempted. Thus, 1 E. rufescens, E. ornata, or 5*. stria- denser cyanobacterial mats would have turned anoxic tus; 1-3 H. cymbalum, H. ovalis, or M. monoceros; at night, potentially inducing mortality in those treat- and 3-5 C. imbroglio per replicate were used. For ments. Food and water in the cups were renewed every P. hawaiensis, ten individuals per replicate were used. 2-3 days. As with previous assays, cups were kept This was because the average size of these amphipods from direct sunlight at ambient temperature and was small and because a portion of individuals would followed natural day:night cycles. With these methods, invariably form precopulatory pairs. Mate guarding any substantial degradation of the foods and the could influence feeding, so in this way the number of accumulation of exudates that could foul the water in unpaired individuals that would feed normally within the cups were minimized. Number of survivors was the replicates was maximized. Interspersed among recorded daily. The experiment was terminated after the replicates receiving mesograzers, an equal number 16 days, when surviving individuals were weighed and of dishes received algae and cyanobacteria, but no mass gain was calculated. Survivorship data for this animals, and served as controls for autogenic changes experiment were analyzed using a contingency table in mass of the treatment foods (Peterson and Renaud analysis on the numbers of individuals alive in each 1989). Animals were allowed to feed for a maximum of treatment at day 16. 2 days. Upon termination of the experiments, algae and As part of the ongoing work, cyanobacteria-associ- cyanobacteria were spun in a salad spinner and ated fauna in various collections from Guam between weighed. Amount eaten of each species was calculated 1998 and 2001 was documented. Although faunal sur- using the formula [7i(Cf/C;)] • 7>, where T\ and T{ are veys from specific cyanobacterial species from Guam the initial and final masses of the algae or cyanobac- and Palau have been documented previously (Cruz- teria in the containers with mesograzers and C\ and Cf Rivera and Paul 2002), the observations herein do not the initial and final masses of the same species in the include those data. The purpose is to provide informa- control dishes. Data were analyzed using the non- tion on the specificity or generality of cyanobacterial parametric Friedman's test and corresponding post hoc host use for both the species studied in these experiments analyses (Conover 1999), which allow for comparisons and other species that have been encountered. Because among multiple non-independent treatments based on cyanobacterial species varied in abundance, and sam- ranks. For E. ornata there were fewer replicates than pling was not standardized to account for this, only the number of treatments, which negated the analysis qualitative observations on the abundance of these of data with these tests. These data are presented for organisms are provided. Observations come from vari- comparison purposes. ous collections (ca. 30 collections ranging approximately In addition to the consumer species mentioned above, from 20 to 300 g) of 13 cyanobacterial species over the a third undescribed haminoid cephalaspidean species course of 3 years. The focus was on mesoconsumers and (Haminoea sp.) was also studied. Preliminary assays did not account for cyanobacterial microfauna such as showed that the amount eaten by this small cephalas- very small nematodes, harpacticoid copepods, and pidean was too small to be reliably quantified with the ostracods that were often abundant. Organisms are not methods explained previously. Instead, the survivorship grouped by taxonomic affinity at any particular level and growth of this species were measured when cultured and are qualified as abundant (found consistently in on monospecific diets of algae or cyanobacteria. The large numbers), common (found consistently in low undescribed status of this cephalaspidean was confirmed numbers), rare (uncommonly found even if occasionally by C. Carlson and corresponds to Haminoea c86 in occurring in high numbers), and very rare (uncommonly Carlson and Hoff (2003). Although few individuals encountered and in very low numbers). This information could be obtained from algal collections (see above), should be treated as species records rather than absolute animals that recruited into outdoor flow-through tanks measurements of species diversity in cyanobacterial could be used. Animals were gently blotted dry on mats. The cumulative number of taxa in each of 14 absorbent paper to reduce excess water, weighed, and cyanobacteria from Guam is presented as the total placed individually in small 260 ml plastic cups (filled number of taxa encountered and is not standardized by approximately to the 250 ml mark with seawater). cyanobacterial mass. Thus, these descriptive data are not Animals (n = 11, for a total of 77 individuals) were analyzed statistically. 620

In general, the cyanobacterium L. majuscula contained Results the most diverse epifauna, whereas congeneric species such as L. bouillonii and others, as well as various Naturally, feeding experiments only present a limited Symploca spp., only yielded 1-2 animal taxa (Fig. 3). amount of all potential foods found in nature, but these However, it should be noted that, because of its experiments targeted algal and cyanobacterial species that abundance, collections of L. majuscula tended to be are common and abundant in a variety of environments larger over the years than for other cyanobacteria. in Guam. Feeding preferences on eukaryotic macroalgae Nevertheless, a comparison between L. majuscula and versus cyanobacteria differed markedly among mesogra- L. bouillonii, both of which were collected extensively zers during the assays (Fig. 1). From the choices offered, during these studies, might be more equitable and sug- the sacoglossans E. rufescens and E. ornata fed exclusively gests a strong difference between the number of taxa on B. pennata (P = 0.007 for E. rufescens). Although the supported (Fig. 3). Records also suggest different degrees low replication precluded statistical analysis of the data of specialization in the use of cyanobacteria by some of from E. ornata, patterns of feeding were strong and the collected organisms. For example, the sea hare S. consistent for all four animals tested. striatus, the amphipod C. imbroglio, the cephalaspidean The three crustacean mesograzers, the majid crab Diniatys dentifera and the tanaid Leptochelia dubia were M. monoceros and the amphipods P. hawaiensis and found in collections of 5-9 different cyanobacteria, C. imbroglio, demonstrated a more generalized diet than even if they were not similarly abundant in all of them the sacoglossans. The crab consumed the red alga A. (Table 1). In contrast, cyanobacteria-associated shrimps spicifera significantly more than any other food and crabs, as well as some of the less abundant cephal- (P = 0.002), but consumed the other five diets in similar aspideans, were found only in 1-3 cyanobacterial hosts amounts, and consumption of these diets was statisti- even when the animals were abundant in the field (e.g., cally different than zero. Parhyale hawaiensis consumed Alpheus frontalis, Table 1). Surprisingly, no noticeable the algae B. pennata, P. tennis, and the cyanobacterium polychaetes were found during these surveys, although L. majuscula in equivalent amounts and preferred these polychaetes have been found associated with cyanobac- three diets significantly (P < 0.001) to other foods. teria in both Guam and Palau during previous studies Although on average C. imbroglio consumed more of the (Cruz-Rivera and Paul 2002). green alga Bryopsis and the cyanobacterium Tolypothrix than all other diets, variance in consumption for this amphipod was high among treatment diets. For this Discussion species, there were no statistical differences in preference among macroalgae or cyanobacteria. Experiments showed marked differences in the use of The sea hare S. striatus and the cephalaspideans macroalgae versus cyanobacteria as food for the nine H. cymbalum and H. ovalis consumed only cyanobac- mesograzers tested. Of these consumers, three showed teria, but differed in their relative preferences for the significant preferences for at least one macroalga, two cyanobacteria offered. While S. striatus fed on the preferred some macroalgae and cyanobacteria in cyanobacterium L. majuscula (P < 0.001), H. cymbalum equivalent amounts, and four fed on, or survived fed on Tolypothrix (P < 0.001). Haminoea ovalis fed exclusively on, cyanobacteria (Figs. 1, 2). These inter- similarly on both these cyanobacteria but did not con- specific differences in food preference suggest different sume any of the macroalgae offered (P = 0.009). degrees of trophic specialization among these consumers Because it was not possible to quantify food choice, which are often grouped together in functional groups survivorship and growth of the small cephalaspidean or feeding guilds due to the lack of information on their Haminoea sp. on six monospecific diets and a starvation feeding behavior (Cruz-Rivera and Hay 2000a, b). control (Fig. 2) were measured. After 16 days, survi- Larger consumers like the crab Grapsus albolineatus are vorship of individuals feeding on L. majuscula was sig- known to graze on cyanobacteria during certain times of nificantly higher (P < 0.001) than on all other the year (Kennish et al. 1996) and some gastropods will treatments. In fact, only one animal in the Tolypothrix graze on cyanobacterial films (Mak and Williams 1999). treatment was alive at the end of the experiment and no However, in these examples, the size of the grazers survivors were observed on any of the other five treat- relative to their foods does not allow the potential to ments. Animals in the Acanthophora, Padina, Entero- exploit cyanobacteria as shelter. morpha, and Symploca treatments died at similar rates as From the foods offered during the experiments, the those in the starvation control, while death rates in the two sacoglossans, E. rufescens and E. ornata, fed Tolypothrix treatment were lower (Fig. 2). Animals exclusively on the green alga B. pennata. This is consis- cultured on L. majuscula showed a 17% increase in mass tent with previous works showing that most species of during the experiment. Because this was the only treat- Elysia are consumers of green macroalgae occasionally ment producing a large number of survivors, growth having very restricted diets (Williams and Walker 1999; rates among treatments could not be compared. Trowbridge 1992; Hirose et al. 2003). Some Elysia Cyanobacterial collections between 1998 and 2001 species have also been reported to sequester functional yielded 34 mobile invertebrate species (Fig. 3, Table 1). chloroplasts (Williams and Walker 1999) and the species 621

Fig. 1 Feeding preferences of 1401 14- eight mesograzers on 120 Elysia rufescens 12- Cymadusa imbroglio macroalgae (open bars) and 100 rih P=0.007 cyanobacteria (hatched bars) 10- P=0.315 80 N=6 from Guam offered 8 • N=11 1 simultaneously. Bars represent 60 6 • means (±1 SE). Analyses are 40 4- by Friedman's tests. Same 20 B B B B B letters above bars indicate 0 2 statistically equivalent means Tp•I 1•=fc•|- after post hoc tests, when -20 0- MM necessary. Negative numbers indicate mass gain by the algae 250 700 in the presence of the Elysia ornata Stylocheilus striatus 200 mesograzers. Data from Elysia 500 PO.001 ornata were not analyzed due to 150 N=4 the low replication (see N=10 100 300 1 Materials and methods) 50 1 B B B B B ,•., 100 >N 0 1 Z J^ u I CO -cp i cp 0 1 ^TJ ro -5(1 -100 ^ "O > Menaethius monoceros Haminoea cymbalum T3 bU 25 A P<0.001 A C P=0.002 20 "ft) 40 15 N=10 F N=12 ih 10 r 30 o B B B 5 o. 20 X B B 0 E -5 10 c \h i -10 o O 0 -15

Parhyale hawaiensis Haminoea ovalis 10 P<0.001 20 i P=0.009 A N=10 15 N=12 T A n r*1 10 1,

5 B B B B -[- ^ -K i ^ y T=P"

o/ xf jf ^ d ^ 0

studied here sequester defensive secondary metabolites preferred food. This pattern could arise if the crabs from Bryopsis which function as acquired defenses systematically sampled all foods offered when encoun- against predators (Hamann and Scheuer 1993; Hamann tered or mixed foods in different amounts to balance et al. 1996; Horgen et al. 2000; Becerro et al. 2001). dietary requirements or dilute noxious metabolites In contrast to this more specialized tendency, the (Freeland and Janzen 1974; Pennings et al. 1993). small spider crab (Majidae) M. monoceros and the am- During collections, Menaethius individuals were phipods P. hawaiensis and C. imbroglio showed a more found on Acanthophora but were most abundant on generalized diet that included macroalgae and cyano- S. cristaefolium. In Guam, this crab is also found on bacteria to different degrees. Menaethius showed a a variety of cyanobacteria (Table 1) and macroalgae strong preference for the red alga A. spicifera which was (E. Cruz-Rivera, personal observation) including a low preference food for all other mesograzers (Fig. 1). chemically defended algae such as Caulerpa spp. and However, individuals in assays also consumed an aver- Portieria hornemanii (Ginsburg and Paul 2001; Paul age of 10-20 mg of all other algae and cyanobacteria et al. 2001). Menaethius is highly variable in color and offered, roughly 25-50% of the amount eaten from their often matches its host alga in a fashion similar to that 622

Starved B cyanobacterium tested. However, P. hawaiensis pre- Acanthophora spicifera B ferred Bryopsis, Padina, and Lyngbya in similar amounts •v^- Padina tenuis B •a• l/A/a clathrata B and above other foods, whereas C. imbroglio did not •o• Symploca sp. B show a statistical preference for any diet (although • Lyngbya majuscula A average consumption was higher on Bryopsis and ••• Tolypothrix sp. B Tolypothrix). Parhyale appears to have a broad distri- mn i IUU • bution and diet, feeding on algae and detritus (Myers \W 10 1985; Poovachiranon et al. 1986; Barnard and Karaman Y© - •© © ©• - yta '« ••-•-••---• 80 - 1991; Serejo 1999; Pereira et al. 2000). Interestingly, >A '•••••••• • ••»-•-• 0" P. hawaiensis was never observed in any of the cyano- Q. 60 - bacterial collections, although it was found on macro- en 6 a o algae from Pago Bay. > H \\\ *"* '> 40 - ® \ ^ b \ A Extensive search in various databases (e.g., Web of 3 P<0.001 Science, ASFA) suggests that this is the first study on the CO Qu \V\ <•--• 20 - N=11 natural diet of C. imbroglio. Feeding by this amphipod a_ \r\ \ * can be deterred by certain L. majuscula extracts and \ >i X,. metabolites when placed in artificial diets (Capper et al. 0 - 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2006; Cruz-Rivera and Paul, unpublished). Other Cymadusa species are found on algae and and Days readily feed on diverse macroalgae; however, their use of Fig. 2 Survivorship of the cephalaspidean Haminoea sp. on cyanobacteria has not been tested (Brawley 1992; Hay macroalgae, cyanobacteria, and a starvation control treatment. et al. 1994; Cruz-Rivera and Hay 2000b). A few studies Single individuals were confined to either one of the diets or have observed cyanobacterial grazing by benthic marine a control containing no food (see Materials and methods). Chi-square analyses were used for main effects and significant amphipods with contrasting results (D'Antonio 1985). groupings. Same letters to the right of the legend represent D'Antonio (1985), Mukai and Iijima (1995), and treatment producing statistically equivalent survivorship Yamamuro (1999) reported that species of Ampithoe, a genus in the same family as Cymadusa, fed on cyano- bacterial epiphytes. However, these studies either did described for other majid crabs that sequester algal not provide amphipods with various potential foods to pigments and become cryptic on their hosts (Wilson choose from or the experimental design makes data 1987; Woods and McLay 1996). These patterns suggest difficult to interpret. that this crab is a relatively generalized grazer with the The sea hare 5*. striatus and the cephalaspideans H. potential to exploit very different resources. cymbalum, H. ovalis, and Haminoea sp. only consumed For the two amphipods tested, consumption of cyanobacteria in the assays (Figs. 1, 2), suggesting that macroalgae was matched by consumption of at least one some tropical mesograzers have evolved to consume primarily benthic cyanobacteria instead of algae. Stylocheilus consumed L. majuscula, the same cyano- 25 bacterium that caused high survivorship in Haminoea sp. (Figs. 1, 2). In contrast H. cymbalum fed only on Tolypothrix. In fact, Lyngbya offered to H. cymbalum CO 20 X .CO increased noticeably in mass during these experiments (note negative value in Fig. 1). The cephalaspidean o 15 H. ovalis was less selective for different cyanobacteria -Q and consumed equivalent amounts of Lyngbya and E 10 Tolypothrix, but did not feed on macroalgae. Although these four consumers appear adapted to feed primarily on cyanobacteria, they varied in their selectivity for different cyanobacterial species. It is possible that some cyanobacterial consumers have a degree of trophic spe- On nILn J=L r~i n cialization similar to that found in certain mesograzer •V and Walker 1999). For example, in Micronesia, the abundant snapping shrimp A. frontalis only occurs on "v* 9f' the cyanobacterium L. bouillonii (Table 1; Cruz-Rivera and Paul 2002), which the shrimp uses as food and to Fig. 3 Distribution of epifaunal taxa in 14 cyanobacterial species build a tube in which it lives (Banner and Banner 1982; collected in Guam between 1998 and 2001. Because times of collections and amounts of each cyanobacterium varied, data are Cruz-Rivera and Paul, unpublished). not analyzed. Bars represent total taxa found and numbers are not Stylocheilus strongly preferred L. majuscula in assays, standardized by cyanobacterial mass (see Table 1) and previous studies showed this sea hare attains high 623

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growth on monospecific diets of this cyanobacterium corals (e.g., Riitzler and Santavy 1983; Feingold 1988). (M. lyngbyaceus in Paul and Pennings 1991). However, As has been the case for freshwater systems (Paerl Stylocheilus associates with other cyanobacteria and will 1988; Perona et al. 1998; Oliver and Ganf 2000), readily consume other species of Lyngbya (Table 1; cyanobacteria in marine systems have been treated as Cruz-Rivera and Paul 2002). Stylocheilus is not deterred indicators of eutrophication (Dennison et al. 1999; by certain cyanobacterial metabolites that deter feeding Lapointe 1999). However, in Guam, benthic cyano- in larger consumers (Nagle et al. 1998; Cruz-Rivera and bacteria are typical members of the benthic community, Paul 2002; Capper et al. 2006), which parallels patterns occur in densities similar to those of other benthic found for various macroalgal mesograzers that special- organisms, and follow similar population dynamics ize on chemically defended macroalgae (Hay 1992; Hay compared to other sessile organisms (Thacker et al. and Steinberg 1992; Paul et al. 2001; Cruz-Rivera and 2001; Thacker and Paul 2001). Furthermore, a variety Paul 2002). But despite the apparent tolerance for of invertebrates associate with these benthic cyano- cyanobacterial compounds, higher concentrations of bacteria (Cruz-Rivera and Paul 2002; Fig. 3, Table 1). cyanobacterial metabolites will deter Stylocheilus This study demonstrates that some tropical benthic (Pennings and Paul 1993; Nagle et al. 1998). Pennings cyanobacteria are preferred foods for different special- and Paul (1993) suggested that the broad dispersal of ized consumers and suggests that a diverse fauna may Stylocheilus during its planktonic phase precluded local depend on cyanobacterial mats. Although mesograzers adaptation to the metabolite concentrations in Lyngbya are often grouped within the same feeding guild, the populations. It is possible that the unpredictability of differential use of algae and cyanobacteria by these cyanobacterial patches (e.g., Thacker et al. 2001; consumers argues for a higher degree of complexity in Thacker and Paul 2001) may also select against this local mesograzer resource utilization. The differential distri- adaptation. In this sense, the sea hare will benefit from bution of benthic algae or cyanobacteria will likely associating with cyanobacteria of lower preference until indirectly affect benthic biodiversity by influencing the the preferred host becomes available. This could explain populations of particular mesograzer groups. why Stylocheilus was found in at least nine different cyanobacterial hosts (Table 1), including species that Acknowledgments Support for this research was provided by support little growth for this sea hare (Cruz-Rivera and National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Supplement (to E. Cruz- Rivera) to NIH grant CA 53001 (J. Horwitz, P.I.). The authors are Paul, unpublished). grateful to Clay Carlson, Patty Jo Hoff, Richard Heard, and Peter It is interesting to note that all other cyanobacterial Ng who identified various invertebrate specimens over the years. grazers in this study are haminoid cephalaspideans Two anonymous reviewers whose comments improved this manu- ("bubble snails"). In fact, cephalaspideans have consis- script are also gratefully acknowledged. This is contribution # 526 of the University of Guam Marine Laboratory and contribution # tently been the most diverse group associated with 652 from the Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce. cyanobacterial collections (Table 1). It is possible that cyanobacterial grazing is widely spread in this group. Under the microscope, other species such as H. nigro- punctatus and D. dentifer have been observed grazing on References cyanobacterial filaments on various occasions (E. Cruz- Rivera, unpublished), but feeding has never been Banner DM, Banner AH (1982) The alpheid shrimp of Australia. quantified (but see Capper et al. 2005, 2006). The fact Rec Aust Mus Suppl 34:359-362 Barnard JL, Karaman GS (1991) The families and genera of marine that the species shown here to feed on cyanobacteria gammaridean Amphipoda (except marine gammaroids). 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