Date Country Theme

1769 - 1785 Germany Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The era of Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress) in literature (i.e. the works of Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin and Herder) is characterised by lyricism, fantasy, freedom, juvenility and idealism, which is felt most keenly in the dramatic writing of the period.

1786 United Kingdom Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Scotland’s most famous poet Robert Burns (b. Alloway, Scotland 1759; d. Dumfries, Scotland 1796) is set to immigrate to the West Indies when a collection of his poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, is published in the county town of Kilmarnock in 1786. The publication launches Burns’ career.

Around 1800 Germany Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

"Disire for the orient" arises because of the breakovers around 1800, as the Enlightenment already had changed peoples life to a more rationalistic way of thinking and the scientification of the public. Also the sumless wars, especially the Napoleonic Wars, produced nostalgia and desire for the distance, the unknown, the paradise... Authors and philosophers from the era of romanticism bothered this topics (e.g. Friedrich Schlegel) and they tried to escape into something magical- the orient seemed to be a imaginary world.

1809 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837), philosopher, scholar and one of the greatest Italian poets of all times, writes his first poem.

1810 - 1862 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

One of the most prominent Macedonian poets, folklorists and educators, Dimitar Miladinov(1810–62) is born in Struga. He spends most of his life teaching in the Ohrid region. His greatest achievement is the collection of folk songs between 1854 and 1860.

1814 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

The first book in Macedonian, History of the Frightening and Second Communion of Jesus, written by Joakim Krchovski (c.1750–1820) is published in Budim. Krchovski was a herald of the Macedonian cultural revival and went on to publish more books on religious matters. In the early 19th century in Macedonia only priests and other Christian dignitaries were educated enough to enlighten Macedonian people through literature in their mother tongue.

1816 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Gioachino Rossini (1795–1868), the young director of the San Carlo Theatre of , the most important opera house at the time, puts on stage in Rome the Date Country Theme Barber of Seville. The opera, thanks to its easy and passionate pacing, sets a new benchmark for the light operatic style, namely, the opera buffa (comic opera).

1816 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

The book titled Mirror by Kiril Pejchinovic (1771–1845) is published in Budim. This great Macedonian educator was born in Tearce near Tetovo. The first books in Macedonian published in the early 19th century were on religious subjects, which was understandable given that they were written by people of the Church.

1820s United Kingdom Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

British interest in classical Arabic culture including literature sometimes originates in India where the first printed Arabic version of One Thousand and One Nights is published.

1820 France Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Les Méditations Poétiques by the Romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine.

1825 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Johann Strauss creates his Wiener Walzer Kapelle, an orchestra specialising in the Viennese Waltz.

1825 - 1827 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Alessandro Manzoni (1785–1873) publishes I promessi sposi (The Betrothed), one of the most widely read Italian novels. His use of the Italian language stands out as a model.

1825 Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The poets Alexandros and Panayotis Soutsos compile their first works, and introduce European Romanticism to a newly liberated Greece.

1827 Austria Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Franz Schubert composes his Winterreise.

1828 Greece Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The poem by becomes the Greek National Anthem with music composed by Nikolaos Mantzaros.

1829 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Gioachino Rossini puts on stage in Paris his last opera, Guillaume Tell, featuring the fight of the Swiss people for freedom from Habsburg domination. He wrote 39 operas, characterised by a style aiming at pure musical beauty (bel canto). Great attention is paid to the sound of the voice and to technical virtuosity, with little Date Country Theme emphasis on the different dramatic situations and to the personality of the different characters.

1830 France Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Battle of Hernani, a drama by Victor Hugo.