ANNUAL REPORT 2018 OUR MISSION The mission of the Legal Service Commission is to maintain a dedicated corps of officers with integrity and ability to staff the Judiciary, the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Legal Service departments of various Ministries and other arms of Government.


CONTENTS 02 Foreword by The President, Legal Service Commission 05 Leadership 13 A Year in Review 22 Milestone Training Programmes 27 Pride in Service


2018 was, by any account, an eventful Our Legal Service Officers (“LSOs”) year for . It presented new played an important role in protecting opportunities for growth and produced our society against new threats and moments for celebration, but also helping our economy capitalise on revealed our vulnerabilities and reminded emerging opportunities. LSOs led us of the need to secure Singapore evidence before the Committee of against internal and external threats. Inquiry that was convened following We experienced the largest data breach the cyberattack on SingHealth’s patient in our history when about 1.5m patients database system and advised Government of SingHealth’s clinics and polyclinics on the digitalisation of Government had their personal particulars illegally services. They helped to establish legislative accessed and copied. For many months, frameworks for the protection of the scourge of online falsehoods was the vulnerable persons, the promotion of subject of intense public debate. Towards fairer results in employment disputes, and the end of the year, we encountered the modernisation of our laws on debt external challenges to our territorial restructuring and insolvency. waters and airspace. In the area of enforcement and the courts, In this age of uncertainty, the role of the LSOs maintained a strong stance against Singapore Legal Service in strengthening the perpetrators of crime without the Rule of Law and ensuring the fair neglecting the rehabilitation of offenders. and efficient administration of justice They worked with enforcement agencies has never been more important. The to ensure that cases involving sex crimes Singapore Legal Service continued to and abuse of foreign domestic workers discharge those duties with dedication were dealt with expeditiously, and launched and distinction in 2018, advancing a scheme to match offenders with Singapore’s interests both locally and volunteer befrienders so as to support abroad while working to address our their reintegration into society. LSOs vulnerabilities. also sought to promote fair and efficient

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 dispute resolution while ensuring that appears to be under pressure. These are the courts remain accessible to all who choppy waters for Singapore, whose seek redress. small and open economy remains heavily dependent on uninterrupted flows of They continued to pursue civil justice trade and finance. reforms, created a simplified and cost- efficient track for the conduct of simple The Singapore Legal Service will continue trials, and introduced conciliation as an to play an essential role in ensuring that additional alternative dispute resolution Singapore remains on sure footing, both tool. internally and externally, as a safe home for our people, a stable environment On the international plane, LSOs tirelessly for businesses, and a contributing and defended Singapore’s interests in interstate credible member of the international negotiations and before international community. As we reflect on the courts and tribunals. They collaborated accomplishments of 2018, I call upon with their counterparts abroad to all of us in the Singapore Legal Service promote legal convergence in the ASEAN to remember that by faithfully and region and in the fields of cross-border ably discharging our respective duties, insolvency and international commercial we are each helping to secure the future dispute resolution. of our country in a challenging global environment. All this is but a snapshot of the sterling work that LSOs in the Singapore Legal Service accomplished in 2018. But the unending task of sustaining Singapore Chief Justice will require our continued dedication. Sundaresh Menon We inhabit a world that is increasingly President polarised and in which multilateralism Legal Service Commission


The Legal Service Commission (“LSC”) (iii) at least one but not more than is constituted under Part IX of the two persons nominated by the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore Prime Minister. (“Constitution”). Article 111(1) of the Constitution states that there shall be an In addition, if the Chief Justice, the LSC whose jurisdiction shall extend to Chairman of the PSC or the Prime Minister, all officers in the Singapore Legal Service as the case may be, nominates two persons, (“Legal Service”). at least one must be a person who has, for an aggregate period of not less than Article 111(2) and Article 111(2A) of the ten years, been a qualified person within Constitution provide that the LSC shall the meaning of section 2(1) of the Legal consist of: Profession Act (Cap. 161). These Members of the LSC shall hold office for such period (a) the Chief Justice, as President; (being not shorter than three years and not longer than five years) as the President (b) the Attorney-General; of Singapore may specify and shall be eligible for reappointment. (c) the Chairman of the Public Service Commission (“PSC”); and The LSC has the duty, under Article 111(3) of the Constitution, to appoint, confirm, (d) at least three but not more than six emplace on the permanent establishment, other Members, each of whom shall promote, transfer, dismiss and exercise be appointed by the President of disciplinary control over officers in the Singapore if he, acting in his Legal Service. discretion, concurs with the advice of the person nominating the The Chief Justice/President of the LSC Member(s), based on the following recorded his deep appreciation to arrangements: Mr Eddie Teo who completed his term as an ex-officio Member of the (i) at least one but not more than LSC on 31 July 2018 after having served two persons nominated by the with distinction as a Member from Chief Justice; 1 August 2008. Mr Eddie Teo retired as the Chairman of the PSC on the same (ii) at least one but not more than date. two persons nominated by the Chairman of the PSC; and

6 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Mr Lee Tzu Yang, upon his appointment as the Chairman of the PSC effective Legal Service Special 1 August 2018, assumed appointment Personnel Boards as an ex-officio Member of the LSC (in place of Mr Eddie Teo). The President of Article 111AA of the Constitution provides Singapore, concurring with the nomination for the establishment of one or more of the Prime Minister, approved the personnel boards to exercise all or any of appointment of Ms Goh Swee Chen as the powers and functions of the LSC under a Member of the LSC effective 1 August Article 111. The powers and functions 2018 for a period of three years. of the LSC were devolved, from December 2007, to the Legal Service The LSC comprised, as at 31 December Personnel Boards, except for the power 2018, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon as to dismiss and exercise disciplinary control the President; and the Attorney-General over LSOs and all powers of the LSC in Mr , the Chairman of the PSC relation to LSOs who hold appointments Mr Lee Tzu Yang, Judge of Appeal Justice of and above the “threshold” grade of , Judge of Appeal Justice Superscale LSO Grade 2, including the , Justice Lee Seiu Kin, power to nominate officers for appointment Mr Gautam Banerjee, Mr Adrian Chan and or promotion to that grade. Ms Goh Swee Chen as Members. In 2018, the LSC deliberated and decided on various matters concerning the Legal Service, including the award of remuneration components to LSOs at and above Superscale LSO Grade 2; the suitability of LSOs for promotion to Superscale LSO Grade 2 and above; and refinements to the human resource framework in the Legal Service.

In 2018, the Legal Service Special Personnel Boards continued to exercise the powers and functions of appointment, confirmation, emplacement on the permanent establishment, promotion and award of remuneration components, and transfers to and from the Legal Service Scheme of Service of LSOs below Superscale LSO Grade 2, and the re-postings of LSOs within the respective Branches.


(Left to Right) Front row: Mr Lucien Wong (Attorney-General), Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon (President, LSC), Mr Lee Tzu Yang (Chairman, PSC)

(Left to Right) Back row: Mr Adrian Chan, Justice Steven Chong, Justice Andrew Phang, Justice Lee Seiu Kin, Ms Goh Swee Chen

Not in picture: Mr Gautam Banerjee

8 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Judicial Branch Special Personnel Board

(Left to Right): Justice Lee Seiu Kin, Justice Andrew Phang, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon (Chairman, Judicial Branch Special Personnel Board), Justice Steven Chong

The Legal Service Judicial Branch Special The Legal Service Judicial Branch Personnel Board continued to have Special Personnel Board comprised, as jurisdiction over LSOs below Superscale at 31 December 2018, Chief Justice LSO Grade 2 who were posted at the Sundaresh Menon as Chairman; and departments in the Judicial Branch. Judge of Appeal Justice Andrew Phang, Judge of Appeal Justice Steven Chong and Justice Lee Seiu Kin as Members.

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Legal Branch Special Personnel Board

(Left to Right): Mr Lionel Yee (Deputy Attorney-General), Mr Lucien Wong (Attorney-General), Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon (Chairman, Legal Branch Special Personnel Board), Justice Lee Seiu Kin

The Legal Service Legal Branch Special The Legal Service Legal Branch Special Personnel Board continued to have Personnel Board comprised, as at jurisdiction over LSOs below Superscale 31 December 2018, Chief Justice LSO Grade 2 who were posted at/ Sundaresh Menon as Chairman; and seconded to the departments in the the Attorney-General Mr Lucien Wong, Legal Branch. Justice Lee Seiu Kin and Deputy Attorney- General Mr Lionel Yee as Members.


The Legal Service Talent Development of Appeal Justice Steven Chong, Justice Scheme (“TDS”) was formally Lee Seiu Kin, Mr Gautam Banerjee and institutionalised in 2006 and reviewed Ms Goh Swee Chen as Members. in 2012. The TDS is the principal source for renewal of leadership in the Legal The TDC/SPC has direct oversight of Service and underpins the succession the LSOs in the TDS. It adopts a planning framework in the Legal structural approach to identify and Service. develop suitable LSOs for key/leadership positions. The LSOs in the TDS are The Legal Service Talent Development developed through varied training and Committee/Succession Planning Committee developmental and posting frameworks (“TDC/SPC”) is chaired by the President to enable them to have the opportunity of the LSC, Chief Justice Sundaresh to achieve their fullest potential. Menon. The TDC/SPC comprised, as The programmes available include at 31 December 2018, Chief Justice scholarships for postgraduate degrees, Sundaresh Menon as Chairman; and milestone programmes and attachments the Attorney-General Mr Lucien Wong, to commercial organisations, law firms Chairman, PSC Mr Lee Tzu Yang, Judge or chambers. of Appeal Justice Andrew Phang, Judge

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Talent Development Committee/ Succession Planning Committee

(Left to Right) Front row: Mr Lucien Wong (Attorney-General), Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon (Chairman, Talent Development Committee/Succession Planning Committee), Mr Lee Tzu Yang (Chairman, PSC)

(Left to Right) Back row: Ms Goh Swee Chen, Justice Steven Chong, Justice Andrew Phang, Justice Lee Seiu Kin

Not in picture: Mr Gautam Banerjee


A total of 259 applications for possible Distribution of LSOs appointment to the Legal Service was in the Legal Service received in 2018. A summary of the application and appointment numbers is Legal Service Officers (“LSOs”) serve at TABLE 1. in either the Judicial Branch or the Legal Branch of the Legal Service. TABLE 1: RECRUITMENT The Judicial Branch comprises the (as at 31 December 2018) Supreme Court, the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts. The Legal Applicants 259 Branch comprises the Attorney-General’s Interviewed 159 Chambers and the Legal Departments/ Units in Ministries and Statutory Boards/ Selected 68 Bodies. There were 683 LSOs as at Appointed/ 59* 31 December 2018. Of these, 198 served in Re-appointed the Judicial Branch and 485 served in the * Including LSOs who were re-employed on reaching the Legal Branch. compulsory retirement age of 62 and PSC scholars who were interviewed prior to 2018 and assumed appointment in 2018. Recruitment Emplacement on The general requirements for possible appointment to the Legal Service as an the Permanent LSO are that applicants should have Establishment/ graduated with a law degree from the National University of Singapore (“NUS”), Confirmation of the Singapore Management University Appointment/ (“SMU”) or an approved overseas university (and have passed the Graduate Transfer of Service Diploma in Singapore Law or Part A Twenty-nine LSOs who had been appointed of the Singapore Bar Examinations). on contract were emplaced on the permanent establishment in 2018. Three Law undergraduates and those studying other LSOs who were PSC scholars for a Doctor of Jurisprudence (“JD”) and had been appointed on probation programme who have successfully were confirmed in their appointment completed at least their second year in the same year. Three Management of study at the NUS, the SMU or an Executive Officers were transferred in approved overseas university may also 2018 from the Management Executive apply to be considered. Scheme of Service to the Legal Service Scheme of Service and appointed as LSOs.

14 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2018 (d) the Junior College Law Programme Attrition (organised by the Singapore Academy A total of 29 LSOs (4.2%) left the Legal of Law); Service in 2018. The details of the attrition in the Legal Service in 2018, compared to (e) career fairs at various Junior Colleges; and the previous two years, are at TABLE 2.

(f) PSC Scholarships Information Sessions TABLE 2: ATTRITION for final year pre-university students. (as at 31 December 2018)

2016 2017 2018 LSOs representing the Legal Service at the outreach activities shared their Resignation 24 23 24 experiences and the wide variety of work and internship opportunities available Retirement 4 2 1 in the Legal Service. They also addressed Expiry of specific queries from students. 2 5 4 Contract Demise 1 0 0 Legal Service Junior College Outreach Activities Law Programme: Mentor Attachment The Legal Service participated in a range of outreach activities targeted at law Scheme undergraduates and pre-university students who might be keen to consider studying The Singapore Academy of Law Junior for a degree in law or pursuing a career College Law Programme (“JCLP”) is a in the Legal Service. two-week programme organised annually by the Singapore Academy of Law. The Legal Service participated in the The objective of the JCLP is to following activities in 2018: expose students from junior colleges and pre-university institutions to various (a) the SMU Law Fair; aspects of a career in law so that they could be in a better position to make (b) the NUS Law Careers Fair; an informed decision on the option of studying for a degree in law. (c) the Singapore Legal Forum (organised by the United Kingdom The Legal Service participated in Singapore Law Students’ Society); the six-day Mentor Attachment Scheme (organised under auspices of the JCLP). Students were, under the scheme, assigned to a law firm or a department in the Legal Service/public sector.

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 A total of 53 students was assigned to the Legal Service under the “Mentor TABLE 3: Attachment Scheme” - 23 at the Attorney- INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME General’s Chambers; nine at the Supreme Department No. of Court; nine at the State Courts; five at Interns the Family Justice Courts; five at the Legal Aid Bureau; and two at the Insolvency Accounting and Corporate 4 and Public Trustee’s Office. Regulatory Authority Attorney-General’s Chambers 32 Legal Service Competition and Consumer 4 Internship Programme Commission of Singapore 2018/2019 Family Justice Courts 6

The Legal Service offers internships to law Insolvency and 2 undergraduates and JD students (in their Public Trustee’s Office first to final years of study) at the NUS, the Legal Aid Bureau 25 SMU and the approved overseas universities. Internships are offered twice annually Ministry of Communications 1 and coincide with the institutions’ and Information vacation periods in each academic year. Ministry of Culture, 2 The Internship Programme aims to Community and Youth provide interns with the opportunity to observe the work of LSOs at close Ministry of Health 3 proximity and gain a better appreciation of the important roles played by LSOs Ministry of Home Affairs 2 in the administration of justice. It also Ministry of Law 8 serves as a gateway to attract suitable candidates to consider a career in the Ministry of Manpower 4 Legal Service. Ministry of Social and 3 Family Development Sixteen Legal Service Departments hosted a total of 104 interns in the 2018/2019 Singapore Land Authority 2 Internship Programme. The details are at TABLE 3. Supreme Court & State 6 Courts: Judicial Internship Programme Total 104

16 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2018 invited to a session where they were Public Service provided updates on the developments Commission in the Legal Service and refinements to the Law Scholars Legal Service human resource framework.

The Public Service Commission awarded All the scholars were also invited to attend eight candidates a PSC Scholarship in 2018 major events in the annual legal calendar to read law. such as the Opening of the Legal Year, the Legal Service National Day Observance As part of their induction to the Legal Ceremony and the Singapore Academy of Service, the new scholars met Justice Lee Law Annual Lecture. Scholars who had Seiu Kin, Member of the Legal Service completed their second year of the law Commission. They were provided a briefing programme also undertook the PSC on the Legal Service. They also met and Scholars’ Mid-Course Programme, where interacted with their LSO-mentors and they underwent four to six weeks of fellow scholars. The existing scholars were internship at various Legal Service Departments. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT

The performance management framework in the Legal Service is premised upon the Promotions 2018 three key principles of meritocracy, fairness A total of 138 LSOs was promoted to and transparency. the next higher grade in the April 2018 Promotion Exercise. The details are at The framework is reviewed regularly to . ensure that the potential and performance TABLE 4 of an officer may be assessed as accurately as possible for developmental TABLE 4: PROMOTIONS and progression purposes. This is No. of accompanied by a structured feedback/ Promotions performance management system aimed LSOs at facilitating effective discussions between Within Superscale Grades 17 the LSOs and their Heads of Department/ Reporting Officers. Into Superscale Grades 15 Within Timescale Grades 106 Total number of LSOs 138 promoted in the April 2018 Promotion Exercise


The Legal Service adopts a market-driven a Long-Term Incentive (“LTI”) and a and performance-based compensation Legal Professional Allowance (“LPA”). framework to attract, retain and incentivise The eligible emplaced/confirmed LSOs LSOs. The compensation framework is received their VI effective April 2018. The structured to reward LSOs in accordance LSOs who were on contract or probation with their individual assessed performance received their VI on their respective and potential. incremental date. The PB and the LTI were paid to eligible LSOs in March 2018. All eligible LSOs were considered for the The eligible LSOs were paid the LPA award of an annual Variable Increment in September 2018. (“VI”), a Performance Bonus (“PB”), CAREER DEVELOPMENT

In 2018, the Talent Development Committee Postings (“TDC”) approved the inclusion of new The Legal Service posting framework programmes in leadership/management plays an integral part in the training and to complement the existing suite of development of LSOs. The main objective training programmes available to LSOs. is to expose LSOs to a wide variety of The TDC also approved additions to the legal work and allow them to acquire and list of approved Master of Laws (“LLM”) hone their legal skills. It also enables them programmes and institutions where LSOs to make informed decisions on possible may study for an LLM on an LSC “specialisation” in the later years. Scholarship.

A total of 80 LSOs (30 Superscale LSOs Nine LSOs studied for an LLM in and 50 Timescale LSOs) was re-posted the academic year 2018/2019 under the in 2018. auspices of an LSC Scholarship. One LSO studied for an LLM at the University of California, Berkeley; two at the Continuing Education University College London; three at The overarching training and development Columbia University; and three at framework in the Legal Service is premised Harvard University. on the principle of according each individual LSO the opportunity to develop to the One LSO attended the Leaders in fullest of his potential within the Legal Administration Programme while another Service. The framework is regularly reviewed attended the Governance and Leadership to ensure that it continues to be relevant Programme in 2018. and provides professional and holistic training to the LSOs at different stages of their career in the Legal Service.


Article 111(6) of the Constitution states Mr Siva Shanmugam continued in his that there shall be a Secretary to the appointment as the Deputy Chief of Legal Service Commission (“LSC”) who Staff of the Legal Service in 2018. shall be a person who is a public officer and appointed by the President The Secretary to the LSC/Chief of Staff, (of Singapore) with the advice of the the Deputy Chief of Staff and the LSC LSC. Secretariat continued to support the LSC in the discharge of all its functions Mr Hamzah Moosa continued in his in 2018. appointment as the Secretary to the LSC and the Chief of Staff of the Legal Service in 2018.


Legal Service Legal Service State Supreme Family Justice Attorney-General’s Departments/ Departments/Posts Courts Court Courts Chambers Posts in Ministries in Statutory Boards/ Bodies

Attorney-General’s Office/ Insolvency & Public Accounting & Corporate Criminal Justice Supreme Court Family Division, Advocacy Group/ Trustee’s Office Regulatory Authority AGC Academy/ Division Registry High Court Legal Tech & Innovation Office Legal Aid Bureau Competition & Consumer Commission of Singapore

Crime Division Defence Science & Civil Justice Justices’ Law Ministry of Home Affairs Family Courts Technology Agency Division Clerks Pool International Affairs Economic Division Ministry of Defence Development Board

Community Justice Health Sciences Legislation Division Ministry of Law & CE, Office Youth Courts Authority Tribunals Division of the Public Guardian, Intellectual Property Chief Justice/ Civil Division Office of Public Guardian, Office of Singapore Office of Ministry of Social & Transformation Family Development Inland Revenue Centre for & Innovation Ministry of Culture, Authority of Singapore Dispute Resolution Community & Youth Director, Commercial Affairs Land Transport Department, Authority Ministry of Communications Singapore Police Force Strategic Planning & & Information Monetary Authority Technology Division/ Singapore Judicial Syariah Court, of Singapore Corporate Services College Ministry of Ministry of Culture, National Development Community & Youth Majlis Ugama Islam, Division Singapura

Registrar, Ministry of Education National Environment Agency Appeals Board (Land Acquisition) Info-Communications Media Ministry of Finance Development Authority/ Personal Data Protection Commission Ministry of Health Singapore Academy of Law

Ministry of Manpower Singapore Land Authority

Ministry of Social & Singapore Medical Family Development Council



The Legal Service places high emphasis studied in England under the auspices of on the continual professional development an LSC Scholarship. of its officers. The annual award of Legal Service Commission (“LSC”) One LSO attended the Leaders in Scholarships and LSC Training Awards Administration Programme while another provides opportunities for eligible Legal attended the Governance and Leadership Service Officers (“LSOs”) to undertake Programme in 2018. postgraduate programmes in law and/or leadership/management programmes at The LSOs share their experiences of leading local and overseas institutions. undertaking the programmes.

In 2018, seven LSOs studied for a Master of Laws (“LLM”) in the USA while two

Scholars - USA (Andrew Tan, Cheryl Siew, Joel Chen, Germaine Boey, Marcus Foo, Vincent Ong and Timotheus Koh)

Germaine Boey, Joel Chen and Cheryl Siew at Harvard Marcus Foo, Vincent Ong and Timotheus Koh at University Columbia University In 2018, seven LSOs were awarded LSC Scholarships to further our studies in the United States. The seven of us were enrolled in the LLM programmes, with Andrew Tan at the University of California, Berkeley; Cheryl Siew, Joel Chen, and Germaine Boey at Harvard University; and Marcus Foo, Vincent Ong and Andrew Tan at the University of California, Berkeley Timotheus Koh at Columbia University.

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Our LLM programmes offered a diverse legal jurisprudence and the practice of and intellectually stimulating range of law in the United States and beyond. courses. Our institutions emphasised They represented not just the foremost a multi-disciplinary approach to legal thinkers in the legal field, but also some education. Our thinking about the role of of the most outstanding and dedicated the law and lawyers has been enriched by educators we have ever met. reading courses in law and psychology, law and economics, law and finance, The cultural and political diversity on human rights law, ethics of government campus was also a rich source of learning. counsel, lawyers as leaders, as well as We had the chance to share meals and skills-based courses like negotiation form deep friendships with students from and mediation. We also deepened our different countries and cultures, and who understanding of American legal realism. had varied personal and professional experiences. We benefitted greatly from the unparalleled opportunities to learn from the finest We are grateful to the LSC for the minds in academia and leading lights in opportunity to pursue our LLM. the legal profession, who have influenced

Scholars - UK (Dora Tay and Teo Yu Chou) subjects, ranging from international law to traditional English common law subjects. The challenging Brexit negotiations during that period also allowed us to experience first-hand many watershed moments in British constitutional law and international law. As UCL offered courses on international law and advocacy where these legal events were analysed, it was particularly exciting to study the cases as they unfolded before us.

The chance to engage in an intensive

Dora Tay and Teo Yu Chou at the University College research dissertation under the mentorship London of the law faculty members broadened our intellectual horizons. We also benefited For the both of us who pursued the LLM from the interactions with the multicultural at the University College London (“UCL”), student population who came from different it was a fantastic chance to study at the jurisdictions around the world, and shared first university established in London, and their varied perspectives with us. in one of the world’s leading financial and cultural capital cities. We were taught We are thankful to the LSC for these by renowned professors across a variety opportunities. of rigorous and intellectually stimulating

24 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2018 12th Leaders in Administration Programme (Francis Ng)

12th LAP Francis Ng (2nd row, 1st from the right) The Leaders in Administration Programme Through dialogues with public and private (“LAP”) is the Civil Service College’s sector leaders, the class gained a deep (“CSC”) apex milestone programme. appreciation of its role as public sector Conducted biennially, it prepares leaders and of the international and participants for senior leadership domestic challenges Singapore faces. positions in the Public Service. The richness of these discussions was enhanced by spirited exchanges of ideas The 12th LAP class comprised 25 during the peer learning throughout participants from across the Civil Service, the LAP, learning journeys, and overseas uniformed services and statutory boards, study trips to China, Indonesia and including leaders from Singapore’s public Malaysia. The study trips imbued the class sector ‘tech community’. The other with deep insights into developments participants of the class benefited greatly in these countries, and what these might from their knowledge and gained a portend for bilateral ties and Singapore’s deeper appreciation of the push towards continued relevance in the world. Smart Nation and Digital Government, and of how developments in artificial In keeping with the LAP’s emphasis on intelligence, data analytics, and financial the national pursuit of a digital economy, technology are disrupting everything and to demonstrate how technology from governance to business. Journeying could be integrated into the world, the together on the LAP allowed the class presented the CSC with a course gift participants to better understand one enhanced by Augmented Reality technology another’s agencies and break down to capture vignettes of the LAP journey. barriers for greater synergy. Look out for it when you are in the CSC!

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 25th Governance and Leadership Programme (Ang Feng Qian)

25th GLP Ang Feng Qian (3rd row, 8th from the right)

I was privileged to attend the 25th The course culminated with a presentation Governance and Leadership Programme to the Head, Civil Service on which was held from 18 January to recommendations to ensure a Public 9 February 2018. The three-and-a-half- Service which is fit for the future, and week course addressed three facets, namely a town hall session with Minister Chan individual leadership styles and impact, Chun Sing. Singapore’s governance principles and imperatives, and regional trends and I am grateful for this opportunity to learn challenges. with and from my fellow participants. The perspectives shared and bonds formed The study trip to Hanoi and Ho Chi will stand me in good stead as a lawyer Minh City in Vietnam enabled a deeper serving in the Public Service. understanding of the governance principles, challenges, and opportunities in this rapidly developing neighbour. Participants were left in no doubt that Singapore risks being overtaken unless we maintain our competitiveness and relevance both regionally and beyond.


Eighteen Legal Service Officers (“LSOs”) attended the event. PSC scholars who were awarded a National Day Medal in would be appointed to the Legal Service 2018. They were honoured at the upon the conclusion of their law studies Legal Service National Day Observance were also invited and attended the Ceremony held on 13 August 2018. ceremony. The ceremony was graced by the President and Members of the Legal Service The ceremony signifies the commitment Commission and the Legal Service Special and dedication of the Legal Service Personnel Boards. The St Andrew’s Junior and its officers to Singapore and all College Choir led the participants in Singaporeans and reflects the effort put singing the National Anthem. LSOs from in by LSOs towards their diverse the various Legal Service Departments responsibilities in administering justice, then led all present in the recitation of upholding the rule of law and the National Pledge. This was followed safeguarding the interests of the nation by a medley of songs performed by the and people of Singapore. Choir. Heads of Department and LSOs


NAME/DESIGNATION DEPARTMENT AWARD Ms Juthika Ramanathan Office of the Chief Justice PPA (Gold) Chief Executive Supreme Court

Mr Tan Kiat Pheng Financial and Technology Crime Division PPA (Silver) Deputy Chief Prosecutor Attorney-General’s Chambers

Ms Jill Tan Community Justice and Tribunals Division PPA (Silver) District Judge State Courts

Ms Jasbendar Kaur Corporate Services Division PPA (Silver) District Judge State Courts

Ms Gillian Koh Tan Monetary Authority of Singapore PPA (Silver) Executive Director (Enforcement)

Mr Samuel Chua Criminal Justice Division PPA (Bronze) District Judge State Courts



Mr Sanjiv Vaswani Financial and Technology Crime Division Deputy Senior State Counsel / Attorney-General’s Chambers Deputy Public Prosecutor


NAME/DESIGNATION DEPARTMENT Mr Tan Ken Hwee Financial and Technology Crime Division Chief Prosecutor Attorney-General’s Chambers

Ms Danielle Yeow International Affairs Division Deputy Director-General Attorney-General’s Chambers

Mrs Joyce Chao Legislation Division Senior State Counsel Attorney-General’s Chambers

Ms Melinda Moosa Legal Unit Senior Director Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth

Mr Gnanasihamani Kannan Financial and Technology Crime Division Senior State Counsel / Attorney-General’s Chambers Deputy Public Prosecutor Mr Han Ming Kuang Criminal Justice Division Senior State Counsel / Attorney-General’s Chambers Deputy Public Prosecutor Mr Hay Hung Chun Criminal Justice Division Deputy Chief Prosecutor Attorney-General’s Chambers

Mr Anandan Bala Criminal Justice Division Senior State Counsel Attorney-General’s Chambers

Mrs Wendy Chang Legislation Division Senior State Counsel Attorney-General’s Chambers

Ms Deena Bajrai International Affairs Division Deputy Senior State Counsel Attorney-General’s Chambers

Mr Eugene Teo Corporate Services Division District Judge State Courts

LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 The Legal Service Commission with the Recipients of the National Day Medals 2018

(Left to Right) Front row: Justice Lee Seiu Kin, Justice Andrew Phang, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Justice Steven Chong, Ms Goh Swee Chen (Left to Right) Second row: Mr Samuel Chua, Ms Jasbendar Kaur, Mr Tan Kiat Pheng, Ms Juthika Ramanathan, Ms Jill Tan, Ms Gillian Koh Tan (Left to Right) Back row: Ms Deena Bajrai, Mr Hay Hung Chun, Mr Gnanasihamani Kannan, Ms Danielle Yeow, Mr Tan Ken Hwee, Mrs Joyce Chao, Mr Han Ming Kuang, Mr Anandan Bala, Mr Eugene Teo


Mr Seah Chi-Ling (Chairperson) Ms Janice Wong (Vice-Chairperson) Ms Sarah Tan Ms Goh Yin Dee Ms Josephine Kang Mr Kenny Kung Mr Francis Zhang Ms Loh Hui-Min Mr Patrick Tay


LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSION 1, Supreme Court Lane, Supreme Court, Singapore 178879 website: email: [email protected]