Vol. 61, No 3/2014 397–401 on-line at: www.actabp.pl Review

Introduction to of A Bogusław Szewczyk1*, Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk2 and Ewelina Król1

1Department of Recombinant Vaccines, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland; 2Department of Molecular Biology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland

This minireview presents an overview of current knowl- theses, the serological characteristics of two viral pro- edge on virion structure, organization and basic teins: (HA) and (NA). For events in the development of . The pro- the strains isolated from , the name of the cesses of entry, /replication and viral release is omitted. As an example, A/Sw/Taiwan/1/70 (H1N2) are described. In this context, the roles of viral should be read: influenza A number 1, isolated (including recently discovered minor polypeptides) in from swine in Taiwan in 1970, which contains hemag- the subsequent stages of viral development are also dis- glutinin HA1 and neuraminidase NA2. As for today, 18 cussed. serotypes of hemagglutinin and 11 serotypes of neurami- nidase are described (Tong et al., 2013). Key words: , influenza A virus, virion structure, ge- nome, entry, release, new polypeptides INFLUENZA A VIRION STRUCTURE Received: 13 July, 2014; revised: 17 August, 2014; accepted: 18 August, 2014; available on-line: 03 September, 2014 Orthomyxovirus virions are usually close to being spherical, with diameter ranging from 100 – 200 nm (Fig. 1). However, some laboratory strains may form extended threadlike structures, which sometimes exceed 1000 nm. The virions are relatively unstable in the en- INTRODUCTION vironment and influenza viruses are inactivated by heat, dryness, extremes of pH and detergents (Shaw & Palese, A number of excellent reviews on influenza viruses 2013). The outer lipid layer of influenza viruses originates has been published in recent years (Taubenberger & Mo- from the plasma membranes of the host in which the vi- rens, 2008; Krauss & Webster, 2010; Medina & Garcia- rus was propagated (Nayak et al., 2009). Outside of the Sastre, 2011; Wahlgren J 2011; Iwasaki & Pillai, 2014; lipid envelope, there are about 500 projections/virions in Spackman, 2014). This article summarizes basic facts on the form of spikes. About 80% of these projections re- the molecular biology of influenza viruses and it should semble rods which are composed of hemagglutinin. The serve only as a reference article for the remaining articles remaining projections are in the shape of mushrooms in this special issue of Acta Biochimica Polonica. For and they are built from molecules of neuraminidase. The more thorough review of influenza molecular biology we viral outer membrane also contains some copies of the also suggest chapters on Orthomyxoviridae in the latest edi- small M2 that form ion channels in the virion tion of Fields (Shaw & Palese, 2013). particles. The matrix protein M1, which is the most Influenza viruses are the enveloped RNA viruses- be abundant protein in virions, underlies the lipid layer and longing to the relatively small Orthomyxoviridae family. plays an important role in the attachment of the ribonu- The single-stranded genomic RNA of this family has cleoprotein (RNP). The RNP core is a complex structure been termed negative in contrast to mRNA which, by convention, is called positive-strand RNA. At present, Orthomyxoviridae family consists of five genera: Influen- zavirus A, Influenzavirus , B Influenzavirus , C Thogovirus and Isavirus. The first four genera were established long time ago. The fifth is a relatively new addition to Ortho- myxoviridae; it contains an infectious anemia virus, which is a devastating in fish farms all over the world. It is likely that the sixth genus, Influenzavirus D will be soon created because the virus C/OK isolated from swine and , provisionally included in the Influ- enzavirus C genus, exhibits only low sequence homology to the influenza C viruses (Hause et al., 2014). From the epidemiological point of view it is Influenzavirus A genus Figure 1. Schematic view of the influenza A virion structure. that is the most important for humans. The only repre- sentative of this genus – influenza A virus is divided into many subtypes. According to the current nomenclature, *e-mail: [email protected] description of the subtypes includes the host from which Abbreviations: cRNA, complementary copy of the vRNA; HA, he- it was originally isolated, geographic location of the first magglutinin; M1, matrix protein; NA, neuraminidase; NEP, nuclear export protein; RNP, ribonucleoprotein; ssRNA, single-stranded isolation, strain number, year of isolation and, in paren- RNA; vRNA, viral RNA. 398 B. Szewczyk and others 2014 composed mostly of the NP protein, which wraps eight ative polarity. One can distinguish the following major different RNA segments of the influenza A genome. Ad- processes leading to the production of viral progeny: ditionally, RNPs contain about 50 copies per virion of • Virus , entry and uncoating RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which in case of in- • Messenger RNA synthesis and replication of viral fluenza A virus is a complex of three proteins: PB1, PB2 RNA and PA (Noda et al., 2006; Boivin et al., 2010). • Post-transcriptional processing of viral mRNA • and post-translational processing of viral INFLUENZA A GENOME ORGANIZATION proteins • Virus assembly and release from the cells Influenza A’s eight segments of single-stranded RNA Each of these processes has one or more viral pro- (ssRNA) of negative polarity contain about 14 000 nu- teins playing a key role in the accomplishment of the cleotides. Historically, the gene assignment of gene prod- successful outcome of the subsequent steps of viral am- ucts to particular segments was as follows: plification. However, it has to be pointed out that some Segment 1 – PB2 cellular factors play a crucial role in allowing the virus to Segment 2 – PB1 achieve this final aim. Segment 3 – PA Virus adsorption, entry and uncoating Segment 4 – HA Segment 5 – NP Influenza A virus utilizes sialic acids on the surface of Segment 6 – NA cells as viral receptors (Skehel & Wiley, 2000). Hemag- Segment 7 – M1 and M2 glutinins of influenza viruses replicating in different spe- Segment 8 – NS1 and NS2/NEP cies show some preference for particular glycosidic link- Recently some new gene products were added to this ages of sialic acids. viruses’ bind list. They are described in the last subchapter of this ar- very well to sialic acids linked to galactose by alfa 2,6 ticle. glycosidic bond. On the other hand, avian viruses pref- The first three largest segments encode three- subu erentially bind to sialic acids connected with galactose by nits of the RNA polymerase which, as mentioned above, alfa 2,3 glycosidic bond (Matrosovich et al., 1997; Wilks are found in virions associated with viral RNA. Proteins et al., 2012). Alfa 2,6 linkage of sialic acids to galactose encoded by segments 4–7 and one protein encoded by is found mostly in human , while alfa segment 8 — NS2/NEP are also found in the viral par- 2,3 galactose sugar moieties are found mostly in gut ticle. Only segment 8 encodes a protein, NS1, which is epithelium of . This fact explains the preference of a non-structural protein. The organization of the eight different viral subtypes for particular host , but it RNA segments inside the virion is not fully understood. should be pointed out that it is a preference for receptor Electron microscopy studies indicate that each RNA seg- and not absolute specificity. It may be bypassed by high ment is individually wrapped by the NP protein forming viral inoculum (as was the case with most of helical structures. The mechanism of packaging of eight humans with influenza H5N1) or by a few point- muta different segments into a single virion shell still remains tions in the hemagglutinin gene. to be elucidated. After binding to the receptor, influenza viruses are internalized in endocytic compartments. The main PROPAGATION OF INFLUENZA A VIRUS mechanism is clathrin-mediated , although non-clathrin, non-caveolae pathway has been also at- Historically, influenza viruses were first isolated from tributed to influenza entry (Lakadamyali et al., 2004; swine in 1930 and from humans three years later. For Grove & Marsh, 2011). Low pH treatment in en- a few decades embryonated chicken eggs were the only dosomes dramatically changes hemagglutinin structure, reactors where influenza viruses could be grown. This which becomes susceptible to protease digestion. As a is still a method of choice for the cultivation of the vi- consequence, hemagglutinin is cleaved into HA1 and rus for vaccine production, where massive quantities of HA2 subunits, which are connected together by di- the virus are needed. Some subtypes of influenza A do sulfide bonds. The cleaved hemagglutinin undergoes not replicate well in chicken embryos and they require further structural changes, which are evidenced by ex- adaptation to growth in the allantoic cavity. The qual- posure of the fusion peptide at the N-terminus of the ity of the virus replication in embryonated eggs can be HA2. This in turn leads to the interaction of hemag- assessed by the ability of the infected allantoic fluid to glutinin with membranes of . During entry, agglutinate erythrocytes. At present, influenza viruses virions must induce signalling to facilitate successful trafficking via the endocytic pathway (Elbahesh et al., are often grown in tissue cultures originating from kid- 2014). ney cells (most often these are Madin-Darby canine kid- As a consequence of these subsequent processes, con- ney cells — MDCK) (Govorkova et al., 1999; Tree et tents of the virion, that is its genetic material in the form al., 2001). However, for most HA subtypes preliminary of a ribonucleoprotein complex, are released into cyto- treatment with trypsin is necessary to produce infectious plasm of the (Stegmann, 2000; Sieczkarski & Whit- viral particles. This protease cleaves hemagglutinin into taker, 2005). Apart from hemagglutinin, the M2 protein active subunits, which is a prerequisite for the efficient which forms ion channels, also plays an important role propagation of the virus. in the release of the genetic material from the virion. It mediates the influx of+ H ions from the into THE ROLE OF PROTEINS ENCODED BY INFLUENZA viral particle. As a result, the interaction between ribonu- A GENOME IN THE SUBSEQUENT STAGES OF VIRAL cleoprotein and matrix M1 protein is greatly weakened MULTIPLICATION (Martin & Helenius, 1991; Pinto & Lamb, 2006; Wang et al., 2011). Recent findings suggest that all eight segments Stages of influenza A replication are essentially the are transported as one moiety to the nucleus (Chou et same as for the majority of other ssRNA viruses of neg- al., 2013). Vol. 61 Molecular biology of influenza 399 mRNA synthesis and replication of virion RNA NEP) play a vital role in the translocation of these mac- romolecular structures (O’Neill et al., 1998; Huang et al., RNA synthesis of influenza virus occurs in the nu- 2001). cleus. The genomic segments of the virus never exist as naked RNA and it is the NP protein which wraps viral Virus assembly and release RNA. Ribonucleoprotein complexes are not able to dif- fuse passively through nuclear pores, so they must rely It has been postulated that assembly of viral compo- on cellular mechanisms of nuclear transport. Proteins be- nents occurs preferentially in lipid rafts (Zhang et al., 2000; longing to the family of alfa importins recognize nuclear Takeda et al., 2003; Leser & Lamb, 2005). Lipid rafts are localization signals (NLS) on the NP protein and play an non-ionic lipid structures, rich in sphingolipids, which re- important role in the transport of RNA complexes (Cros side inside plasma membranes. This site of assembly of & Palese, 2003). influenza virus is supported by the results of examination Once in the nucleus, genomic ssRNA of negative po- of the lipid content of purified viral particles. Additionally, larity (vRNA) is used as a template for the syntheses of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are incor- two classes of ssRNAs of positive polarity: messenger porated into the lipid rafts (Kundu et al., 1996; Scheiffele (mRNAs) and full-length complementary copies et al., 1997; Rossman & Lamb, 2011). Before being di- (cRNAs). Messenger RNAs are the incomplete copies rected into lipid rafts, these two glycoproteins are post- of the template and they are capped and polyadenylat- translationally modified. The modifications take place in ed. During transcription, multimeric viral polymerase the endoplasmic reticulum and in the . In interacts with the host polymerase II (Engelhardt et al., the endoplasmic reticulum these proteins become correct- 2005). This interaction leads to the phenomenon called ly folded and glycosylated. They are also assembled into “cap-snatching”, that is the removal of a cap from newly oligomers: hemagglutinin into trimers and neuraminidase synthetized cellular mRNAs (Plotch et al., 1979; Bouloy into tetramers. Subsequent modifications of the glycan et al., 1979; Bouloy et al., 1980; Krug, 1981). The PB2 chains of these proteins and their esterification with fatty subunit of viral polymerase is responsible for cap bind- acids occurs in the Golgi apparatus (Veit et al., 1991). Sig- ing. The PB1 subunit for a long time was regarded as nals for the association of these glycoproteins with lipid an endonuclease cleaving the 5’ capped oligonucleotide rafts are located in their transmembrane domains (Barman (10–13 long), which serves as a primer for et al., 2001). RNPs are probably transported to the region the initiation of transcription. However, recent crystallo- of assembly at the apical plasma membrane independently graphic data suggest that endonuclease activity should be of other structural proteins. Chou and colleagues conclud- rather attributed to the PA subunit (Boivin et al., 2010). ed on the basis of FISH analysis that eight viral segments This is one of the facts that contradicts the theory that gather together in the , which is facilitated by particular activities of the polymerase can be dissected endosomal protein Rab 11. All eight segments probably and attributed to a single subunit. It is rather more likely form a supercomplex before arrival at the plasma mem- that three subunits of the polymerase act cooperatively brane binding sites (Chou et al., 2013). and the synthesis of RNAs is a concerted action of all Packaging of eight different RNA segments in the subunits. Transcription continues until approximately form of RNPs into virion shells is a phenomenon poorly 15 nucleotides from the 5’ end of the vRNA (Li et al., understood, though many models have been proposed 2001). Here, a stretch of uridine residues is localized (Smith & Hay, 1982; Enami et al., 1991; Bancroft & which serves as a signal for (also cata- Parslow, 2002). Some facts suggest the presence of pack- lyzed by viral polymerase). Some mRNA transcripts un- aging signals at both ends of genomic segments, how- dergo splicing; this phenomenon leads to the increase of ever, the precise sequences or structures responsible for the coding capacity of the segments. Splicing was most specific packaging are still not well defined. extensively studied for transcripts originating from seg- Both glycoproteins, neuraminidase and hemagglutinin, ments 7 and 8. Splicing can be observed in the absence have affinity for sialic acids but they have opposite effect of viral proteins, which suggests that this process is ex- on the release of the virus from cells. Hemagglutinin an- ecuted by cellular machinery (Lamb & Lai, 1984). chors the virus to the due to its interac- The switch from mRNA synthesis to the synthesis of tion with sialic acid-containing receptors. Neuraminidase full-length complementary copy (cRNA) of the vRNA is required to remove sialic acids in order to allow virus has been intensively studied by many laboratories. For to leave its host cells. Therefore, there must be a rigid the initiation of the full-length cRNA, no capped prim- balance between the activities of these two glycoproteins, er is necessary and the cRNA chain is not prematurely so that maximum progeny of the virus can be produced. terminated and polyadenylated, as is the case of viral mRNA synthesis. The precise mechanism of the switch of influenza A virus from one to another mode of RNA synthesis is not fully The genetic changes of influenza A virus may -be in understood; some theories, which were proposed to ex- troduced by at least three evolutionary mechanisms: plain the switch have been described (Gonzalez & Or- • Changes due to the RNA polymerase errors tin, 1999). Obviously, the polymerase subunits may have • different contribution to these two processes, but it has • Recombination been suggested that the soluble NP protein and some The RNA polymerase of influenza viruses, similarly to host proteins play an important role in this process (Mo- other viral RNA polymerases, has no proofreading activity, mose et al., 2002). so the rate for this and other RNA viruses, due The next step of replication of influenza genomic to the error-prone reading by RNA polymerases, is much segments is the copying of vRNA on the template of higher than for DNA viruses where polymerases have positive strand cRNAs. This process also generates full- proofreading properties. Hence, the mutation rate for RNA length products which assemble with NP and polymer- can be up to 105 higher than for a viral DNA ge- ase subunits and form RNP complexes. Such complexes nome. Each round of replication may introduce more than are finally exported into the cytoplasm; the M1 protein one point mutation per replicated genome; these and NS2 protein (also called nuclear export protein – may have neutral, negative or positive effect on virus vi- 400 B. Szewczyk and others 2014 ability. The most apparent effect of these gradual changes (Schrauwen et al., 2014). It is expressed in majority of viral resulting from the positive selection is so-called antigenic strains, though at a low level. It has been found that loss drift in hemagglutinin and neuraminidase glycoproteins, of PA-X changes the pathogenicity of the 1918 which are localized on the outside of the virion. The an- strain in experimental . Recently, two novel poly- tigenic drift, that is the gradual changes in the antigenicity peptides which are truncated forms of the PA polymerase of these two proteins, may finally lead to the establishment subunit, have been described (Muramoto et al., 2013). They of viral variants which are no longer recognized and neu- are translated from the 11th and 13th in frame AUG codons tralized by produced against the parental strain. in the PA mRNA. These two polypeptides, PA-N155 and Therefore, such new antigenic variants may cause epidem- PA-N182, do not exhibit polymerase activity, however mu- ics. These variants are usually dominant strains in human tants lacking these polypeptides replicate less efficiently in or populations for a few years and then they are cell culture, and they are less pathogenic in mice than wild replaced by new antigenic variants. Though this phenom- type viruses. enon is most evident for hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, Still another protein recently discovered is M42, which obviously other genes undergo the same gradual changes as is an M2-like protein, but with a different extra-cellular well, caused by polymerase error-prone copying. domain than M2 (Wise et al., 2012). The list of novel Much more abrupt changes in the genome content are polypeptides encoded by influenza A is not closed. eNP caused by gene reassortment. This phenomenon can be and NS3 are other polypeptides postulated to be coded defined as the rearrangement of viral gene segments oc- for by this virus. It remains to be elucidated whether curring when a cell is infected with two different genomic these new additions to the list of influenza proteins play variants of influenza A viruses. Reassortment usually takes a significant role in viral pathogenicity and fitness. place in animal species, which can be infected with strains of different origin, e.g. with avian and human strains. Very CONCLUSIONS often it is swine that is such a reactor; after exchange of genomic segments, new strains with drastically changed Influenza remains one of the main public health properties may be established in the population. When threats of this century. Quickly increasing knowledge on hemagglutinin or neuraminidase gene segments undergo molecular biology of influenza is a great help in search reassortment, the phenomenon is termed . for means of prevention of future caused by It implies that major antigenic changes of these two most this elusive pathogen. New antiviral drugs and novel antigenic proteins may result in abrupt appearance of new approaches to construction of vaccines would not be strains, which are not recognized by human or animal im- possible without extensive molecular and bioinformatic munological systems and they may give rise to . data collected during recent years in many laboratories More detailed description of this unique phenomenon will all over the world. We anticipate in the near future fur- be given in this issue of Acta Biochimica Polonica in an arti- cle describing . ther breakthroughs in the prevention and therapy, like RNA recombination (both homologous and non-ho- universal vaccines and inhibitors of viral transcription/ mologous) is not a common event in the evolution of replication, which may reduce the health burden caused influenza A viruses, though it probably takes place more by influenza. often than it was believed in the past. Non-homologous Acknowledgements of financial support recombination, which is more common, may occur be- tween genes on different segments (Orlich et al., 1994; This work was supported by the Innovative Economy (Pasick et al., 2005). As the result of recombination, low- Program, Grant No. WND-POIG.01.01.02-00-007/08 in er pathogenic strain is sometimes converted to a highly frame of Vaccine Cluster Consortium (VCC): Institute pathogenic strain (Hirst et al., 2004; Suarez et al., 2004). of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sci- ences, Warsaw, Poland (IBB); Institute of Biotechnology NEW ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF GENE PRODUCTS and Antibiotics, Warsaw, Poland (IBA); Department of CODED FOR BY INFLUENZA A GENOME Recombinant Vaccines, Intercollegiate Faculty of Bio- technology, University of Gdansk and Medical Univer- sity of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland (UG); Kucharczyk TE Since the beginning of this century, several new influenza sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland (KTE); Institute of Animal A proteins have been identified. The PB1-F2 protein dis- Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of covered in 2001 is encoded by an open reading frame near Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland (IAR); Department of the 5’ end of the PB1 gene (Chen et al., 2001). This is a small, about 90 aa long, polypeptide which is found only in Diseases, National Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, some strains of influenza A. PB1-F2 is translated from the Poland (PIWet). fourth AUG codon in the second open reading frame (+1) of the PB1 gene. Apparently, this protein is an inducer of LITERATURE proapoptotic activity and it contributes to viral pathogenesis in mice (Zamarin et al., 2006). PB1-F2 has no polymerase Bancroft CT, Parslow TG (2002) Evidence for segment-nonspecific packaging of the influenza a virus genome. J Virol 76: 7133–7139. activity, similarly to the third polypeptide encoded by PB1 Barman S, Ali A, Hui EK, Adhikary L, Nayak DP (2001) Transport segment, named PB1-N40. 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