University of Arkansas School of Law
[email protected] $ (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article Sustainable Intensive Agriculture: High Technology and Environmental Benefits by Drew L. Kershen Originally published in KANSAS JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY 16 KAN. J. L. & PUB. POL’Y 424 (2007) SUSTAINABLE INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE: HIGH TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Drew L. Kershen- I. PREFACE In the coming decades, agriculture faces three significant challenges. While these challenges will manifest themselves in ways unique to the cultural, socio-economic, and political conditions of different countries, developed and developing nations alike will face these challenges. Moreover, for the purposes of this article, the author assumes these challenges are truisms; consequently, there is no need to cite authority to support the author's identification and assertions. 1 Agriculture faces an agronomic challenge. Millions of people are still hungry in our world. Moreover, the world's population will continue to grow . for at least several decades. Agriculture must produce the food necessary to provide the people of the world-including those who presently have the money to feel secure about their daily bread-with an adequate supply of nutritious food'. "Agriculture must first be about food production for the survival and health of human beings, Agriculture faces an environmental challenge. It cannot produce the food needed for human beings if it exhausts or abuses Earth's soil, water, air, and biodiversity. Moreover, the general public, governments, and civil organizations from all societal sectors (academic, business, consumer, for profit and non-profit, public interest, and scientific) demand that agriculture Earl Sneed Centennial Professor of Law, University of Oklahoma, College of Law.