THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2ND JUNE 1966 6419 charge at all reasonable hours. A certified copy Any person may not later than 3rd September 1966, has also been deposited at. the offices of the County •object to the making of the Order, by notice to the Council of Cumberland, The Courts, Carlisle, where Minister, St. Christopher House, Southwark Street, it is similarly open to inspection. London S.E.1, quoting the title of the Order in full Copies of the Order, the tide of which is "The and stating the grounds for objection. London—Carlisle—Glasgow—Inverness Trunk Road jR. /. F. Sansome, Divisional Road Engineer. (Catterlen—Stonybeck Side Roads) Order 1966 can be obtained from the Ministry of Transport. 24th May 1966. Stationery Section, St. Christopher House, Southwark Street, London, S.E.1. Any person aggrieved by the Order and desiring to question the validity thereof, or of any provision The North of Westhoughton—Preston By-Pass contained therein, on the grounds that it is not within Special Roads Scheme 1966 the powers of the Highways Act 1959 or on the The Minister of Transport hereby gives notice that ground that any requirement of that Act, or of she has made a Scheme under section 11 of the above regulations made thereunder, has not been complied Act, .the effect of which is to authorise the Minister with in relation to the Order, may within six weeks to provide— from 3rd June 1966, apply to the High Court for (a) a special road along a route starting at a point the suspension or quashing of the Order or of any on the northern boundary of Lostock Lane in provision contained therein. the county of Bolton approximately 636 T. R. 'Newman, An Assistant Secretary. yards south-west of its junction with Wingates 1st June 1966. Land and proceeding in a general northerly direc- tion for about 13 miles, passing to