Championship: Kentucky, UConn battle for NCAA title /B1

TUESDAY TODAY CITRUS COUNTY & next morning HIGH 74 Morning showers LOW and storms. Windy, cooler. 54 PAGE A4 APRIL 8, 2014 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 119 ISSUE 244 Energy complex reuses coal ash

PAT FAHERTY A coal ash spill into a North Car- plants across the U.S.” The ash is regarding its coal plants and ash Staff writer olina river in February put the util- stored in landfills or ponds. basins, including Crystal River. ity in the spotlight, prompting calls Earlier, Duke had announced it According to the report Duke has While the problem of coal ash for tougher federal standards on would do an internal review of two active coal ash basins totaling 41 storage has become a national issue storing and handling the byproduct. every company ash basin and en- acres at its complex in northwest for Duke Energy, 100 percent of the Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good ad- gage independent engineers to as- Citrus County, plus one inactive byproduct produced by the Crystal dressed the issue in a speech last sess all of them. The work is basin and one semi-active basin, River Energy Complex is reused. week posted on YouTube. expected to be completed by May 31 which no longer receives coal ash. Byproducts from the coal plant “We have been storing ash for and will include Florida. Monday, Duke spokesman Lynn Good that supply two area electric coop- nine decades,” she said. “There are Last week, Duke filed with the Se- Duke eratives are reused. 650 ash basins at utility power curities and Exchange Commission See DUKE/ Page A5 Energy CEO. Jennifer’s journey Loss of leg doesn’t Betty deter Homosassa woman Berger: Editor’s note: April is Na- tional Limb Loss Awareness Local icon Month, according to amputee- The Chronicle sat NANCY KENNEDY down with Homosassa resident Jennifer Lamanda, who re- Staff writer cently lost her left leg to a form INGLIS — Once Betty Berger, of muscular dystrophy. who was in her 80s at the time, took a trip to South Africa with her ERYN WORTHINGTON friend, Pat Kittleman. Staff writer Berger decided she wanted to go to the top of Table HOMOSASSA — Imagine Mountain, 10,000 waking up one morning and not feet in elevation — feeling a thing. Your heart be- and she did. gins to race as you try to shift She told her your legs to get up, but numb- much younger ness overtakes your body from friend, “I didn’t the waist down. come all this way That’s when you realize that not to go to the something is horribly wrong. top.” Betty Berger Pregnant and in her 20s at That was Betty the time, this scenario was re- Berger: fierce, died Saturday. ality for 33-year-old Jennifer fearless and strong-willed, curi- Lamanda. ous, adventurous and unstoppable. “They put me in the hospital Longtime Inglis resident Sarah and ran all of these tests,” she “Betty” Berger died Saturday, recalled. “They thought it was a April 5. She was 96. virus, but I ended up getting it Larry Feldhusen, acting mayor again three more times.” of Yankeetown, called her an icon Doctor’s knew her condition in the community. was more serious; however, “She was a tough little lady and they were mystified until the independent as heck,” he said. same scenario struck her son He noted her passion for the Cole. environment. “He woke up and was para- “Whenever she saw a change lyzed on one side,” Jennifer coming that wasn’t in keeping with said. “I brought him to the hos- the preservation of natural re- pital. That’s when my grand- sources, she gave generously of mother told my mother that her time and effort to try and do there was a disease that runs in the right thing.” the family called CPT (Charcot- Environmental activist Helen Marie-Tooth), which is a form of Spivey knew her as a good friend muscular dystrophy.” and “companion in the battle,” such Jennifer described it as a as the battle Berger waged for hereditary, debilitating, pro- MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle nearly a decade with the Federal gressive nerve disease that Jennifer Lamanda works on knee strikes with instructor Robin Cumbie last week at Energy Regulatory Commission Action Fitness and Martial Arts in Inverness. Due to complications from muscular over the proposed construction of a See JOURNEY/ Page A2 dystrophy, Lamanda was forced to have much of her left leg amputated. hydroelectric plant on the Withla- coochee River in Inglis. An October 2002 Chronicle edi- torial about Berger’s victory said: “Berger focused on her mission and never gave up. Let it be known Couple arrested on meth charges that one person can still make a difference in this increasingly complex world. A.B. SIDIBE and Tanya Mae Lucas, 44, presence of drugs. “An accomplished artist, Berger Staff writer were reportedly speeding on A subsequent search of the focused her fight on the river’s nat- State Road 44 near Inverness vehicle yielded a black and ural beauty, the potential damage A Pensacola husband and while going eastbound when silver box. to the environment and concern wife, reportedly heading they were stopped. According to a Citrus for the safety of residents in north- home with a six-month per- William Lucas reportedly County Sheriff ’s Office re- western Citrus County. sonal supply of methamphet- told deputies he had guns in port, the box contained a crys- “She kept track of the hearings amine, were arrested Friday the car, and after an exterior tal-like substance (meth) and and attended. She traveled to William Tanya and now face drug charges. sniff of his car by a K-9, the several dozen syringes, Lucas Lucas William Richard Lucas, 45, dog alerted deputies to the See METH/ Page A5 See BERGER/ Page A2

Classifieds ...... C11 Community . . . .C7, C8 INDEX Lottery Numbers . . .B3 Obituaries ...... A6 Comics ...... C10 Editorial ...... A8 Lottery Payouts . . . .B3 TV Listings ...... C9 Crossword ...... C9 Entertainment . . . . .A4 Horoscope ...... A4 Movies ...... C10 000HVP5 A2 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 LOCAL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE

thing that happened a long time ago and re- BERGER search it by seeking peo- Continued from Page A1 ple out for their first-hand accounts. Or discuss the issue with she would retell old- Gov. Jeb Bush. She kept timers’ stories. Eventu- the media aware of her ally, she turned her progress and problems in columns into her book, the fight. “Back Roads.” “Way to go, Betty.” “She wrote her book so “She was a very kind we would not forget his- woman, but she could be tory,” said Pat Kittleman, fierce,” Spivey said. “She her friend of 30-plus had so much knowledge years. “She was also and always came deeply spiritual. She be- prepared.” lieved in the afterlife; she On behalf of the city of believed in the here and Inglis, Mayor Glenda Kirk- now and she believed in land said the community is Mother Mary ... We trav- saddened to lose one of its eled all over the world to- longtime citizens. gether, mostly for “She’s been a corner- religious, metaphysical stone to this area,” she reasons — South Africa, said. “She fought hard on England, Italy and Brazil every issue she believed to see John of God.” in. She was always in- Berger felt an affinity volved in issues and with Native Americans stayed up to date. We and would have drum MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle didn’t always see eye to ceremonies on her land, ABOVE: Jennifer Lamanda uses a medicine ball to work on her core strength at Action Fitness and Martial Arts in eye, but that didn’t inter- as well as solstice cere- Inverness. BELOW: Lamanda said her martial arts and boxing routine helps her remain physically fit. fere with our friendship.” monies. She wrote about Chronicle Publisher her varied religious and moved to Florida where it Gerry Mulligan called spiritual beliefs in her was warm, that I would Betty Berger a Renais- book “Heaven to Earth.” JOURNEY hurt less,” she said. sance woman. “She was an innovative Continued from Page A1 However, on Jan. 21 she “She was a great artist, woman, way ahead of her had to make one more life a very good writer, a his- generation,” Mulligan affects the muscles and alteration — the decision torian. As a former city said. “When women their capabilities. As the to have her left leg councilwoman, she loved stayed home, she was out muscles dissipate, they are amputated. her town,” Mulligan said. running for political of- unable to be rebuilt. Symp- “They had done a lot of “As an artist, she went to fice, taking up causes, fish- toms include weakness, reconstructive surgeries to every art show there was. ing, writing down history. toe drop, tripping, numb- keep me walking,” Jen- I have one of her best She was our connection to ness and tingling. nifer said. “But I have paintings in my house, a the past, to the historical Their fears were con- been fighting infections for hurricane coming into development of our firmed weeks later after the last several years. I felt the mouth of the Withla- county. She understood it receiving test results there was no saving my leg coochee River.” unlike anyone else.” from a laboratory in and it was time to have it Berger’s column, “Back Contact Chronicle re- Massachusetts. removed.” Roads,” ran in the Chron- porter Nancy Kennedy at “It was devastating,” Jen- The loss of her leg has icle for decades. She 352-564-2927 or nkennedy nifer said. “I had my son to not immobilized her. she said she is a fighter similar diagnosis. “Even if would hear about some- worry about while I was Five days a week, she is and will continue to be you have to crawl, just pregnant with another one. either in the gym with her brave for both her family keep going.” My husband, Steven, and I family kickboxing or prac- and others. Contact Chronicle re- Quarterly Partnership Meeting wanted a big family with ticing martial arts. “Keep going and don’t porter Eryn Worthington five or six kids. But there “She doesn’t complain give up because you can at 352-563-5660, ext. 1334, was a 50 percent chance and just kicks butt,” said prolong it,” she said she or eworthington@ Thursday, April 17 that my children would get coach Don Hadden of the wants to tell others with a it and a 75 percent chance Citrus County Boxing 3:10 - 4:10 PM they would be a carrier. We Academy. “Currently, we FAUX WOOD BLINDS, TOP TREATMENTS decided it would not be fair are working with her bal- Community Room of the and decided to not have ance to make sure that she DRAPERY, SHADES, SHUTTERS Lakes Region Library any more children.” falls the right way. She will 1511 Druid Rd., Inverness, FL 34452 Not only were her fall; it’s not a matter of if, VERTICALS dreams of additional chil- but a matter of when. She S This meeting is open to the public and dren shattered, but she needs to be able to kick the partnership welcomes new members. had to cease nursing her leg out so that she 2012 school as she was begin- lands on it safely. She has For more information contact ning her clinicals. to be able to rely on her 72 HOUR Elizabeth Wood at Her new journey in life own physicality and LIND BLIND FACTORY 527-0068, ext. 342 brought her to Citrus strength.” B 1657 W. GULF TO LAKE HWY • LECANTO County four years ago. Jennifer’s physical fu- 527-0012 “Doctors said that if I ture is uncertain; however, 000HIYP 000HF57 000HQYC SPageTATE A3 - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 & LOCAL


County BRIEFS Dunnellon man Man leads police on chase dies in crash SEAN ARNOLD was driving a motorcycle in Dun- rus County line, Cowart turned Facility, where he refused breath A 40-year-old Dunnellon Correspondent nellon when he hit a truck near onto County Road 488, and the testing to measure his blood al- man was killed Monday morn- Croc’s Pub on Pennsylvania Av- Dunnellon officer was able to cohol level. ing in a one-vehicle crash on A Dunnellon area man faces enue. Witnesses flagged down a catch up to the motorcycle, pulling According to a Citrus County U.S. 301 near Interstate 75 in multiple charges after police said Dunnellon police officer just it over in the parking lot of a local deputy who gave Cowart a sec- Hillsborough County. he caused an accident then at- after the accident, who then at- health spa. When questioning ond field sobriety test, he was un- According to a preliminary tempted to flee from an officer tempted to pull over the motor- Cowart, the Dunnellon officer no- steady while walking, had report from the Florida High- while driving under the influence. cyclist. Despite the officer ticed a strong odor of alcohol and bloodshot glossy eyes and slurred way Patrol, Michael Richard Police arrested Richard Cow- turning on his lights and sirens, began a DUI investigation. Cowart speech. The deputy said he could Nadeau was driving his Chevy art, 43, of River Bend Road, Sat- Cowart reportedly picked up was asked to perform field sobri- detect the odor of an alcoholic Suburban northbound on the urday on multiple felony charges speed, passing two vehicles on ety tests and did poorly. beverage emanating from Cow- I-75 access road from U.S. 301 including fleeing law enforce- the right side parking lanes on Following the DUI arrest, the art’s breath from approximately in the inside. ment and using or displaying a Pennsylvania Avenue. Once Cow- motorcycle was searched and a 2 feet away. According to the report, for firearm during a crime, along art reached U.S. 41 he reportedly loaded Smith & Wesson .45 cal- In addition to the other unknown reasons Nadeau with misdemeanor charges of continued efforts to evade the of- iber semi-automatic handgun charges, Cowart received a cita- failed to maintain control of the driving under the influence, DUI ficer, weaving through traffic and was discovered in the left sad- tion for speeding, as well as a ci- vehicle and traveled onto the with property damage and leav- traveling over 70 mph in a dlebag, along with a spare maga- tation for failing to submit to the left shoulder of the roadway ing the scene of the accident. 35-mph zone. zine of bullets. Cowart was taken lawful test of breath. His bond According to reports, Cowart Shortly after reaching the Cit- to the Citrus County Detention was set at $11,250. and into the grass median that divides I-75 and the access road. Nadeau’s vehicle then continued forward and collided with a concrete pillar support- Around the ing the State Road 618 over- STATE pass. Nadeau suffered fatal injuries and died at the scene. ‘The will to survive’ He was not wearing his seat Summerfield belt. The crash remains under Two die in small investigation. plane crash Family dining Authorities said two peo- encouraged tonight ple are dead after their small plane crashed as they In conjunction with Children’s filmed a zombie movie in Month, families are encouraged north Florida. to set aside a special evening Marion County Sheriff’s from their normal routine officials said the plane went tonight, for Family Dinner Night. down around 8 p.m. Sun- As busy schedules often dic- day in Summerfield, near tate what happens for dinner Ocala. each night, many families The sheriff’s office did not struggle to find the time to con- release the names of the nect. By having a special time victims. It said the passen- set aside, it gives families the ger was filming a scene in- opportunity to talk about impor- volving an airplane in a tant issues that may be affect- low-budget zombie movie ing their children. being shot in Summerfield. Families may choose to dine The Federal Aviation Ad- in, or they may dine out at a ministration will investigate local restaurant. Some local the crash. restaurants are offering special discounts to students and their parents this evening, including: Tallahassee ■ B & W Rexall, Inverness State gets millions — 20 percent off the entire bill MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle for the family. Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy hugs Ruth Lunsford on Monday morning at the Citrus County Courthouse for ag pest control ■ Cody’s, Crystal River — in Inverness. A service followed, remembering many local residents who have died as a result of crime. Florida’s Agriculture Kids 12 and younger eat free Mrs. Lunsford’s young granddaughter, Jessica Lunsford, was abducted and murdered in 2005. Commissioner said his de- with their family. partment will receive ■ Havana House, Lecanto $5.4 million in federal fund- — 20 percent off the entire bill Capt. DeCarlo relates own shooting to victims of crime ing to combat giant African for the family. land snails and other inva- CHRIS VAN ORMER ■ Heidi’s, Inverness — Kids port me,” DeCarlo recalled. “If overcome the crime. sive pests that affect the “From my own personal per- 12 and younger eat free with Staff writer you don’t know the sheriff ’s sense state’s agriculture industry. of humor, it’s very compassionate. spective, I couldn’t give up be- their family. Adam Putnam said Fri- INVERNESS — As an Inver- He pokes his head in the ambu- cause I didn’t want him to win,” ■ day the money comes from Rustic Ranch, Inverness ness man described Monday how lance and said: ‘You know this DeCarlo said. “I wasn’t going to — Students all ages eat free the federal Farm Bill. he was shot twice nearly 11 years wouldn’t have happened if we’d give him that satisfaction.” Among the programs in when dining with their family. ago, his voice would break with have run today.’” Theron Dunn of Floral City, a Florida that will be funded: ■ Two Guys from Italy, Ho- emotion — and he is an experi- DeCarlo described the incident burglary victim in January who mosassa — Students 18 and enced law enforcement officer. as traumatic, bringing back mem- killed the intruder while strug- giant African land snail miti- younger eat free with their Citrus County Sheriff ’s Capt. ories day and night. gling with a gun, presented an gation, detector dog inspec- family. David DeCarlo revealed at an ob- “I still have both bullets inside award of appreciation to DeCarlo. tions, citrus greening Note: Offers cannot be servance of National Crime Vic- me,” DeCarlo said. “I got shot in “Not long ago, I had arguably research, and honeybee combined. tims’ Rights Week 2014 that he’d the shoulder and I got shot in the one of the worst days of my life pest and disease surveys. For more information on all been a victim of crime himself lower abdomen. I have constant and the captain took the time to Putnam said Florida agri- the activities for Children’s and could understand how deeply pain. I have trouble sleeping at come and speak to me on a per- culture is a $108 billion Month, visit the Community Al- violent crime affects its victims. night at times. But through a pos- sonal level,” Dunn said. “I can’t industry. liance website at www.citrus “On May 30, 2003, I was shot in itive mindset, positive attitude, tell you how much I appreciate the line of duty twice while exe- and the will to survive and to such a simple and kind act. He Miami cuting a search warrant in Citrus carry on, I’m here today.” did not have to do this, but chose School board meets Springs,” said DeCarlo, who DeCarlo said he knows what it to, and that sets him apart.” Study: US travelers this afternoon started working for the Citrus is like to be a victim. Dunn defended the home of his County Sheriff ’s Office 27 years “Being captain of the Criminal parents, Ralph and Lyleen Dunn, to Cuba on the rise At 4 p.m. today, Citrus ago as a dispatcher. Investigation Division, my divi- from an intruder who had been MIAMI — A new study County School Board mem- “We knocked on the door, we sion has worked with many of you on the run from Hernando County shows travel by U.S. visi- bers will have the opportunity announced ourselves and no one in these investigations,” DeCarlo authorities after a failed burglary tors to Cuba continues to to approve or disapprove nu- had made entry to the house yet,” said. “So I know what you are there. rise, even as the more than merous proposals for facilities DeCarlo began. “Two rounds going through. I know what it feels “They more than invaded my five-decade long embargo and construction, finance, food were fired and both of them hit like to go through the criminal space: They destroyed it,” Dunn’s remains firmly in place. services, human resources, me.” justice system. I know what it’s mother said, describing an esti- Within the first three planning and growth manage- A 35-year-old sergeant at that like when a defense attorney is mated $20,000 worth of destruc- months of 2014 alone, tion in her home. ment, educational services and time, DeCarlo had planned to blaming you for what has hap- there were more U.S. train with Sheriff Jeff Dawsy that pened. I know it can be tough.” “He broke the aquarium,” she school requests at the sched- tourists to the island than in uled monthly meeting at the morning for a half marathon. DeCarlo said he tells his detec- said. “The only fatality on our side DeCarlo canceled training to tives to handle every investigation was the poor 30-year-old fish, all of 2013 from England, district administrative offices in Germany or France. Inverness, corner of State serve the search warrant early in as if it were his own family. He Oscar. That made me cry. That the day. said he was proud of the sheriff was our pet. He’d lived every- That’s according to a re- Road 44 and Montgomery Av- port by the Havana Consult- enue, Inverness. “I remember laying there in the for taking care of him and his fam- where with us. We never imag- ambulance waiting for the heli- ily in their time of need. Then he ined anything like this would ing Group provided Mon day Some proposals up for ap- to The Associated Press. proval include: copter to come down and trans- spoke of his determination to happen to us.” ■ The donation to Marine —From wire reports Science Station of material and labor for the installation of a wooden handrail to be installed on an existing raised board- walk from local Boy Scouts. CR budget: 2 percent shortfall expected ■ Contract for sign language interpreters with Jessica Harris A.B. SIDIBE sanitation services. praiser Les Cook recently defunct code enforcement position. Interpreting Services Inc. Staff writer And, based on prelimi- and projections for ad val- officer position; and per- Houston said he plans ■ Instructional and support nary data, Houston said orem values are less than haps adding a security to present to council two recommendations. CRYSTAL RIVER — general fund expenses for stellar. person at Hunter Springs options for the city’s 2015 The 2014 fiscal year-end 2014 are expected to come Houston said Cook cau- Park, especially during budget: —From staff reports projections for the city’s in at approximately tioned that overall values peak summer months to ■ A budget that lets the general fund revenues $100,000 below what is will be 1 percent to 2 per- keep an eye on reported city’s current 3.8 mill tax looks like there will be a budgeted. Most of the sav- cent lower than last year. unsavory activities. structure stay in place with Correction 2 percent — or $80,000 — ings ($60,000) is attributed He said Cook added that Council members sup- a recommendation for shortfall, according to City to Public Works Depart- the forecast could change ported adding some of the some very bitter cuts. The Due to editor error, a story Manager Andy Houston. ment’s unfilled staff posi- as he develops more in- staff positions, but shortfalls would also have on Page C3 of Sunday’s edi- Houston made the reve- tions, a reduction in the formation on home sales, seemed unsure about the to be plugged by funds tion stands correcting. The lation to the city demand for the pump-out improvements and new special events position. from the city’s reserves. Range Riders is a group of re- council during the first boat and lower equipment construction. Mayor Jim Farley ■ Or a budget that would tired city managers. The budget work shop Monday repair costs. Houston also suggested thought it would be better raise the millage, but Chronicle regrets the error. afternoon. “They (Public Works) are what he called “staff en- to give it a year before any would prevent the city Readers can alert the Houston said the rev- down five positions from hancements,” which may action is taken, while Vice from borrowing from its re- Citrus County Chronicle to any enue shortfall is primarily two years ago,” he said. include hiring people for Mayor Ken Brown and serves and could meet the errors in news articles by due to problems with the Houston also told coun- Public Works; changing council member Paula service needs of the future. emailing newsdesk@ ad valorem property tax, cil members he had a pre- the special events posi- Wheeler had issue with “I will do everything I or by call- telecommunication tax liminary chat with Citrus tion from part-time to full- the potential wages and can to balance the ing 352-563-5660. and the franchise fee for County Property Ap- time; re-establishing the benefits of $49,000 for the budget,” Houston said. A4 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Today’s Today in HOROSCOPES ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY Birthday — Continue to use honesty Today is Tuesday, April 8, the and fair play in all of your dealings. Don’t let your emotions cause you to 98th day of 2014. There are 267 become oversensitive and unsure of days left in the year. yourself. A healthy body and a clear Erratic B.B. King Today’s Highlight in History: mind are necessary assets if you wish performance makes On April 8, 1864, the United to move forward in life. fans blue States Senate passed, 38-6, the Aries (March 21-April 19) — You 13th Amendment to the U.S. Con- should take the time to comfort some- ST. LOUIS — Some St. Louis stitution abolishing slavery. (The one in need. Relax and avoid getting music fans are singing the blues House of Representatives passed it upset at minor irritations. after an erratic weekend per- in Jan. 1865; the amendment was Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Get in- formance by 88-year-old guitar ratified and adopted in Dec. 1865.) volved in neighborhood or district activ- legend B.B. King led to a On this date: ities. You will be proud of your stream of early departures and In 1820, the Venus de Milo statue contribution and will be helping the audience catcalls. was discovered by a farmer on the community, to boot. Along the way, you Concertgoers said King’s ram- will make interesting acquaintances. Greek island of Milos. bling Friday night set at the In 1935, President Franklin D. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Profes- Peabody Opera House included sional gain is in the stars. Prepare to Roosevelt signed the Emergency take on additional responsibilities and only a handful of complete Relief Appropriations Act, which pro- assignments. songs amid musical snippets, vided money for programs such as Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Stop long-winded soliloquies and a the Works Progress Administration. punishing yourself by reliving past mis- 15-minute sing-along of “You Are In 1988, TV evangelist Jimmy takes or disappointments. Be rational My Sunshine.” Associated Press Swaggart resigned from the Assem- B.B King performs April 4 at the Peabody Opera House in St. and resilient, and prove to yourself and The experience at King’s con- blies of God after he was defrocked Louis, Mo. others that you are willing and able to cert highlights an increasingly for rejecting an order from the move forward and be successful. common occurrence as popular church’s national leaders to stop Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Someone musicians in their 70s and 80s preaching for a year amid reports having health issues will need assis- tive producer at “The View,” the chairwoman of the advisory continue taking the stage in front he’d consorted with a prostitute. tance. Be available to lend a helping daytime talk show she invented. board at the Fred Rogers Center of nostalgic audiences. In 1994, Kurt Cobain, singer and hand. “That way, I can keep my eye for Early Learning and Children’s A recent St. Louis concert by guitarist for the grunge band Nir- Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Don’t let on all of you,” she said on Mon- Media at St. Vincent College 87-year-old rock ’n’ roll pioneer vana, was found dead in Seattle anyone convince you to part with your day’s show, with a glance at her near Latrobe, Rogers’ home- Chuck Berry was also marked from an apparently self-inflicted money. You will not get the rewards fellow panelists, as well as watch town, which is about 40 miles you have been promised. by missed chords and forgotten gunshot wound; he was 27. her longtime producer Bill Ged- east of Pittsburgh. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Don’t let lyrics. Ten years ago: Fred Olivi, who die “get older and balder — as I The award will celebrate the issues with a loved one prevent you King’s agent declined to com- copiloted the plane that dropped get blonder.” center’s 10th anniversary. It was from living up to your responsibilities. ment through an assistant. Calls the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, died Walters will be a lifelong mem- established after Rogers died of Be cautious about revealing too many to the venue and promoter were in Lemont, Ill., at age 82. ber of the ABC News team, and stomach cancer in February personal details. not immediately returned. Five years ago: A Russian she will make special appear- 2003 at age 74. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Your in- spacecraft carrying a crew of three, genuity will inspire others to follow your Barbara Walters sets ances as news warrants. Karen Strubel Myers, the including U.S. billionaire space example. Explore new avenues. May 16 for exit center’s director of development, Cellist Yo-Yo Ma to tourist Charles Simonyi, landed Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Finan- said the award recognizes meri- NEW YORK — Barbara Wal- safely in Kazakhstan. cial dealings look promising. An older receive first Fred torious and charitable work. It ters plans to make her final ap- One year ago: Former British relative may be a burden, but you will will not necessarily be awarded pearance on “The View” on Rogers award Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, rest easy knowing that you have done annually. everything in your power to help out. May 16, part of a daylong retire- LATROBE, Pa. — Cellist Yo- 87, died in London after a stroke. Ma is being honored, among Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Your ment celebration that will include Yo Ma will receive the first Fred Today’s Birthdays: Comedian other reasons, for his Silk Road personal life has been overlooked ABC News naming its New York Rogers Legacy Award, which is Shecky Greene is 88. Rock musician Project, which promotes cultural while you’ve been following your pro- headquarters after her. named for the creator and late Steve Howe is 67. Rock musician and artistic studies linked to the fessional dreams. Later that night, ABC will air a host of the television show “Mis- Mel Schacher (Grand Funk Railroad) Asian trade route of the same Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Make two-hour prime-time special on her ter Rogers’ Neighborhood.” is 63. Actress Robin Wright is 48. Ac- name. use of an opportunity to share your career. Walters, who is 84, began Ma became friends with tress Patricia Arquette is 46. ideas and intentions with established Ma, a 15-time Grammy winner in television in 1961 and became Rogers after twice being a guest Thought for Today: “The truth is individuals. and recipient of the Presidential the medium’s best-known inter- on Rogers’ Public Broadcasting always something that is told, not Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Creativ- Medal of Freedom, will give a viewer. She announced last year Service show, and Rogers’ something that is known. If there ity and romance go hand in hand. Put recital after accepting the award that she will retire from regular TV widow, Joanne, a concert pi- were no speaking or writing, there your mate’s desires ahead of your own May 23 at a ceremony in the St. appearances. anist, chose Ma for the inaugural would be no truth about anything.” and plan a day of memorable activities, Vincent Basilica. or socialize and meet someone new if Walters will remain involved award. — Susan Sontag, American author you are . behind the scenes as an execu- Joanne Rogers is honorary —From wire reports and critic (1933-2004). LEGAL NOTICES in Today’s Citrus County Chronicle 000HQCL Lien Notices ...... C14 Foreclosure Sale/Action Notices...... C14 Notice to Creditors/Administration...... C14


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PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT INVERNESS, FL SECOND CLASS PERMIT #114280 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE LOCAL/STATE TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 A5 Cold snap spells doom for many palm For the RECORD Domestic of South Garfield Way, Ho- Associated Press battery arrests mosassa, at 9:15 p.m. April 6 HARDINESS ■ Philip Halstead, 48, of In- on an active warrant for child PENSACOLA — A cold ZONE MAP verness, at 11:40 a.m. April 5 on abuse without causing great snap in January has left ■ www.florida-palm- a misdemeanor charge of viola- bodily harm. According to his hundreds of damaged and . tion of an injunction for protec- arrest affidavit, Barnes turned dead palm trees in the tion against domestic violence. himself in to the Citrus County Florida Panhandle. ■ James Kelly, 41, of Her- Sheriff’s Office. Bond $1,000. of cold damage include nando, at 6:40 p.m. April 5 on a ■ Adam Bennett, 23, of The Pensacola News re- wilting, crown flopping be- misdemeanor charge of do- South Fillmore Street, Beverly ported the freeze that sent cause of internal trunk rot temperatures into the mestic battery. Hills, at 3 a.m. April 7 on a and lesions on the outside ■ felony charge of burglary with teens took a heavy toll on of the trunk. They add that Amber Hurley, 18, of In- verness, at 9:05 p.m. April 5 on battery, and a misdemeanor plant life and especially on it could take up to a year a misdemeanor charge of do- charge of battery. According palm trees. for a cold-damaged palm “A lot of the palm trees mestic battery. to his arrest affidavit, Bennett to recover. ■ is accused of breaking into a that you see in the area are Byron Calderon of Jason Ellis, 33, of Floral City, at 2:20 p.m. April 7 on a Homosassa home through not recommended for the Bryan's Lawn Mainte- zone that we're in,” said misdemeanor charge of do- the window and physically at- nance said whether a palm tacking his victim. He report- Carol Lord, a horticulture mestic battery. can survive a cold snap de- edly struck her in the eye with technician at Escambia pends on the type of palm. Other arrests a closed fist and held her County Extension. “So He recommends plant- ■ Dustin Hill, 23, of Mary down by her wrists, digging they may not come back.” ing palms near other Lue Street, Inverness, at his nails into her skin. The vic- The U.S. Department of plants and even covering 10:49 a.m. April 4 on an active tim reportedly knew Bennett Agriculture uses a Hardi- them during extreme cold warrant for felony violation of and was able to provide his ness Zone Map to provide weather. He said that's es- probation stemming from origi- name to deputies. Bond gardeners and landscapers pecially true if there is a nal charges of burglary and $25,500. with information on plants freeze warning issued for grand theft. that will grow in their area. multiple days. ■ Jesse Farley, 38, of Citrus County Certain types of palm Colton Drive, New Port Richey, Sheriff’s Office trees are not able to with- A cold snap in January has at 11:20 a.m. April 4 on an ac- Burglaries tive warrant for felony violation stand temperatures lower left hundreds of damaged ■ A residential burglary was of probation stemming from an than 30 degrees. and dead palm trees in the reported at 12:28 p.m. Friday, original charge of passing a Pensacola is located in Florida Panhandle, April 4, in the 3700 block of E. forged or altered bank note. Zone 9, which means that including surrounding the Nugget Lane, Inverness. ■ Raenee Franklin, 45, of plants planted in that area Hyatt Place hotel near the ■ A vehicle burglary was re- Homosassa, at 9:31 p.m. should be able to withstand Pensacola International ported at 1:27 p.m. April 4 in the April 4 on a felony charge of a minimum of 20 degrees. Airport. 700 block of S.E. U.S. 19, aggravated battery with use of Experts said indications Associated Press Crystal River. a deadly weapon. ■ ■ A residential burglary was BRIEFS Michael Aldrich, 49, of reported at 11:57 p.m. April 4 in State Hudson, at 5:30 a.m. April 5 on the 1300 block of N. Abalone an active warrant for felony vio- Terrace, Hernando. South Florida man killed disappearance nine years ago. legislation is a final push to get some- lation of probation. ■ Authorities said the green Ford Thun- thing passed this year. ■ A residential burglary was during fight with deputy Lance Hamilton, 19, of reported at 12:12 a.m. Sunday, derbird and its license plate match the Florida's current program has already West Murray Street, Beverly April 6, in the 6900 block of N. WEST PALM BEACH — Authorities car owned by 69-year-old William Nay- used up $296 million in tax credits it was Hills, at 5:30 a.m. April 5 on an Castlebury Road, Hernando. say a South Florida burglary suspect lor. Coconut Creek police said Monday allocated. active warrant for felony viola- ■ was shot during a fight with a deputy. that skeletal remains were in the car. The Senate Commerce and Tourism tion of probation stemming A residential burglary was The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Of- Dental records are being used to con- Committee approved a bill to extend the from an original charge of reported at 6:14 p.m. April 6 in fice reports that 31-year-old Tinoris firm the identity. program until 2020 and add $50 million burglary. the 4800 block of S. Florida Ave., Inverness. Williams was killed Monday afternoon in Naylor went missing in February a year. ■ Jeremy Blydenburgh, ■ A residential burglary was suburban West Palm Beach. 2005. If his identity is confirmed, it ap- But the legislation includes a con- 32, of North Lazy Trail, Crystal Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said during a news tentious proposal to require a cash match River, at 9:56 a.m. April 5 on reported at 12:57 a.m. Monday, pears the remains have been in the April 7, in the 5100 block of W. conference that the deputy had been re- canal near his home the entire time. from counties where filming occurs. two active warrants for felony sponding to a burglary call when he re- violation of probation stemming Winter Sun Lane, Homosassa. The car was found Saturday by a Pastor of Calvary Chapel from the original charges of Thefts ceived information that the suspect was in non-profit group called Missing Children trafficking in stolen property, ■A grand theft was reported a vacant unit next door. When the deputy International Ministries, which searches Fort Lauderdale resigns entered that unit, Williams attacked. and felony possession of a at 4:18 a.m. Friday, April 4, in canals and waterways in hopes of find- FORT LAUDERDALE — The senior gun, weapon or ammunition. the 6000 block of E. Waverly Bradshaw said the two men began pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Laud- ing missing vehicles and people. ■ Jocelyn Worth, 36, of St., Inverness. fighting for the deputy's gun. The deputy erdale has resigned after confessing to Police said foul play is not suspected. Beverly Hills, at 2:07 p.m. April ■A grand theft was reported eventually managed to point the gun at a “moral failing.” Williams’ head and pull the trigger. The Final Push for film 5 on felony charges of posses- at 9:20 a.m. April 4 in the 8700 Leaders of the large church made the sion of a controlled substance, gun was so close to the deputy's face block of N. Brandy Terrace, industry tax credits announcement Sunday to a crowd gath- and child neglect, along with a Dunnellon. when it fired that he had to be taken to launched ered for a special meeting. misdemeanor charge of driving ■ the hospital with eye damage. A petit theft was reported A statement issued by the church says under the influence. Bond at 12:12 p.m. April 4 in the 1400 Find of car in canal may TALLAHASSEE — Films made in Bob Coy will be “focusing his full attention $4,500. block of S.E. U.S. 19, Crystal solve 9-year missing case Florida could be eligible for another on his personal relationship with God and ■ Michelle Acquafredda, River. $300 million in tax credits under a bill with his family.” The church did not elabo- 34, of County Road 227, Ox- ■ A petit theft was reported COCONUT CREEK — Police said now advancing in the Legislature. rate on the transgression and a ford, at 8:38 p.m. April 5 on a at 3:47 p.m. April 4 in the 2400 the discovery of a car submerged in a A Senate panel on Monday approved spokesman did not immediately return a misdemeanor charge of petit block of E. Gulf-to-Lake High- South Florida canal behind a missing a bill to revamp the state's current film call seeking further details. theft. According to her arrest af- way, Inverness. fidavit she is accused of taking man's house may solve his mysterious and television incentives program. The —From wire reports ■A grand theft was reported items from the donation area of at 8:58 p.m. April 4 in the 8300 the Key Training Center Thrift block of W. Periwinkle Lane, Store. She was also charged according to the report. phetamine was theirs and gree to trafficking in meth Homosassa. on an active Hernando County ■ METH The couple was read that it is usually a six- and drug paraphernalia. warrant for obtaining property A petit theft was reported their rights and opted to month supply for personal Their bonds were $51,500. at 8:08 p.m. Saturday, April 5, Continued from Page A1 by means of a worthless check. speak with investigators. use. They told investiga- They were transported Bond $150. in the 1600 block of W. Main St., Inverness. Tanya Lucas said she tors they both are occa- to the Citrus County De- ■ Gidget Bailey, 46, of ■ dozens of small, clear plas- withdrew $1,500 from the sional users and added tention Facility. North Ginny Lane Point, Inglis, A grand theft was reported tic baggies, a scale and a couple’s bank account to they bought the drugs in Contact Chronicle re- at 11:54 a.m. April 6 on an ac- at 8:23 p.m. April 5 in the 1700 spoon. The methampheta- purchase the meth. Dade City. porter A.B. Sidibe at 352- tive warrant for felony violation block of S.E. Paradise Circle, mine was weighed at ap- The couple reportedly They were charged with 564-2925 or asidibe@ of probation stemming from an Crystal River. proximately 27.81 grams, admitted the metham- principal in the first de- original charges of possession ■ A petit theft was reported of cocaine. at 5:39 p.m. Sunday, April 6, in the 1600 block of W. Main St., ■ Joseph Pisegna, 30, of tions at their time of coal units 4 and 5. It’s used thetic gypsum from Semi- East Warmouth Court, Floral Inverness. DUKE construction.” in wallboard, cement and nole’s coal-fired plant. City, at 7:33 p.m. April 6 on an ■A grand theft was reported He said Duke currently fertilizer. “Since that time, more active warrant for driving on a at 11:53 p.m. April 6 in the 5500 Continued from Page A1 partners with ash market- Seminole Electric Co- than 6 million tons of FGD suspended license as a habit- block of E. Tangelo Lane, ing companies to benefi- operative, which provides have been converted to ual offender, and attaching a li- Inverness. Sterling Ivy said the com- cially reuse coal ash power to Withlacoochee wallboard material.” She cense plate not assigned to a Vandalisms pany no longer uses coal produced by its power- River Electric Coopera- said. “Seminole also recy- vehicle. ■ A vandalism was reported ash ponds in Florida. generating stations. tive and Sumter Electric cles the facility’s bottom ■ Raymond O’Steen, 25, of at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, April 5, “The four coal units at “For example,” he ex- Cooperative, also markets ash to make stronger and Crystal River, at 7:30 p.m. April in the 6800 block of S. Sun- the Crystal River Energy plained, “in 2012 and byproducts from its coal- lighter concrete block.” 6 felony charges of forgery with coast Blvd., Homosassa. Complex manage both fly 2013 the company has fired power plant. Contact Chronicle re- intent to defraud, and uttering a ■ A vandalism was reported ash and bottom ash dry, in reused more than 100 Seminole spokeswoman porter Pat Faherty at 352- forged instrument. Bond at 7:36 a.m. Sunday, April 6, in an onsite landfill,” he percent of the coal ash Jennifer Taylor said its 564-2924 or pfaherty@ $4,000. the 5600 block of E. Tangelo said. “The two ash ponds produced at the Crystal flue gas desulfurization ■ Richard Barnes, Sr., 65, Lane, Inverness. that were previously per- River Energy Complex (FGD) materials are con- mitted were excavated in ready-mix concrete verted into synthetic gyp- over several years, with and the production of sum and sold to Are Gophers turning your yard into a material moved to the Portland Cement.” Continental Building landfill. Synthetic gypsum, an- Products — a wallboard “The landfill has lined other coal plant byprod- production facility — “Mound Field”? Complimentary and unlined sections, de- uct, comes from the specifically constructed in Inspections pending on the regula- scrubbers at Crystal River 2000 to utilize the syn- Rental Free Photo WE CAN CONTROL GOPHERS GUARANTEED! Call to find out how. With NEW The Gopher Patrol Finder Classified Rental Ad 352-279-9444 000HV7Q

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000HNL8 One Block Behind City Hall On Seminole Ave., Inverness 000HTZW A6 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Obituaries grandchildren, Angie David Elizabeth Hughes (Ken) of Carson Jordan, 55 Schiappa, 86 City, Nev., Dave Allen HERNANDO BEVERLY HILLS Clemens (Savannah) of Allen ‘Ossie’ Lecanto, Brandy Poirier David Paul Jordan, 55, of Elizabeth Rose Schi- (Jason) and Heather Bed- Hernando, Fla., passed appa, 86, of Beverly Hills, Beasley, 79 ford (Aaron), both of Floral away peacefully April 4, Fla., passed away Sunday, FLORAL CITY City, Nicole Campbell and 2014, after succumbing to April 6, 2014, under the Ave Lena Campbell, both Allen “Ossie” Beasley injuries sustained in a car loving care of the staff at of Crystal River and died at Citrus Memorial on accident on March 26, Brentwood Health Care Bradley Buffington of Ho- April 7, 2014. He was born 2014. Center and Hospice of Cit- mosassa. He is loved by July 10, 1934, in Barnwell, He is rus County. She was born nine great-grandchildren, Associated Press S.C., to survived June 15, 1927, in Johnson Jacob and Carley Poirier, Entertainer Mickey Rooney is shown in May 1987. Harry Lyn- by his City, N.Y. She had moved William and Chris Rooney, a Hollywood legend whose career spanned ward wife, Sue here in 1991 from Boca Mitchell, Isabel and Emma more than 80 years, has died. Los Angeles Police Cmdr. Beasley Jordan; Raton. Clemens, Rebecca Ann Andrew Smith said the 93-year-old was with his family and Mar- daughters, She is survived by her and Gabriel Bedford and when he died Sunday at his North Hollywood home. ian Amanda husband and best friend of Elijah Day. In addition, he Juanita Denson 63 years, Sam S. Schiappa; leaves behind an aunt and Blume. He (Brandon) David three children, David uncle, close cousins, many Jordan Iconic Hollywood actor was raised and Schiappa, Christopher nieces and nephews and in Char- Bethany Schiappa and Judy Weiss; many, many loving and lottesville, Allen Jordan; grandchildren, three grandchildren, Bill Mickey Rooney dies Beasley supportive friends. Va., where Hannah, Jordan, Jacob Weiss, Andy Weiss and Burial is private in Hills he joined and Emma Grace Denson; Ellie Schiappa. She is pre- Associated Press Then came Andy Hardy of Rest Cemetery, Floral in the 1937 comedy “A the National Guard and his constant companion, ceded in death by her par- City. There will be a cele- his beloved dog, Otis; one ents, John and Rose LOS ANGELES — Family Affair,” a role he went on active duty in the bration of Ossie’s life from brother, Mark Jordan Sloboda; her brother, Mickey Rooney’s ap- would reprise in 15 more U.S. Army. He received his 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, (Bonnie); and sisters, John; and sister, Helen. proach to life was simple: feature films over the commission into the In- April 27, 2014, at the Floral Eileen Floerke, Kathy A celebration of her life “Let’s put on a show!” He next two decades. fantry Corps through Offi- City Church of Christ Timberlake (Cole), and Pat will be 11 a.m. Saturday, spent nine decades doing Rooney’s peppy, all- cers’ Cadet School and Pavilion between Orange Williams (Rick). He was April 12, 2014, at the it, on the big screen, on American charm was served in Germany and Avenue and Marvin Street preceded in death by his Strickland Funeral Home television, on stage and in never better matched two tours in Vietnam be- in Floral City. Memorials parents, Bill and Suzanne in Crystal River. his extravagant personal than when he appeared fore retiring as a major in may be sent to Gulf Coast Jordan. Sign the guest book at life. opposite Garland in such 1977 from Fort Benning, Chapter, Alzheimer’s Asso- David was born Nov. 2, A superstar in his films as “Babes on Broad- Ga.; he had served a total ciation, 4108 Lamson Ave., 1958, and was raised on a youth, Rooney was Holly- way,” and “Strike up the of 26 years. Among his Spring Hill, FL 34608 or farm in Dunedin before wood’s top box-office Band.” awards/medals are two Floral City Community moving to Citrus County. draw in the late 1930s to Bronze Stars, Vietnam One of them, 1939’s Memorial Garden, Attn: He married his high early 1940s. He epito- Service Medal with Silver “Babes in Arms,” earned Treasurer, P.O. Box 833, school sweetheart and fa- mized the “show” part of Star, Vietnam Campaign Rooney a best actor Oscar Floral City, FL or Floral thered two beautiful John show business, even if the Medal with 60 Device, nomination. He earned City Heritage Council, daughters. David cared Wildes, 94 business end sometimes another one for 1943’s Vietnam Cross of Gallantry Attn: A.O. Beasley Memo- deeply for his family, tak- HOMOSASSA failed him amid money with Palm, Air Medal, Mer- “The Human Comedy.” rial, P.O. Box 328, Floral ing care of his elderly fa- troubles and a seesaw of itorious Service Medal Rooney also starred op- City, FL 34436. Chas. E. ther, Bill Jordan and his John Raymond Wildes, career tailspins and Combat Infantry Badge, posite Elizabeth Taylor in Davis Funeral Home with stepmother, Peggy Jordan, 94, of Homosassa, Fla., revivals. Purple Heart, Parachutist 1944’s horse-racing hit Crematory is in charge of when their health began to died Saturday, April 5, Pint-sized, precocious, Badge and others. “National Velvet,” but by arrangements. fail. He was an extremely 2014. A celebration of his impish, irrepressible — He moved to Floral City, then, Rooney was becom- Sign the guest book at hard worker, putting in life will be at 10 a.m. perhaps hardy is the Fla., permanently in 1981, ing a cautionary tale for over 30 years as a vital Thursday, April 10, 2014, at most-suitable adjective designed and physically early fame. member of the Deltona the Sugarmill Manor ALF for Rooney, a perennial built two homes on his He earned a reputation Antonio Corporation. David in Homosassa. Arrange- comeback artist whose Duval Island acreage and for drunken escapades worked hard, but knew ments are under the direc- early blockbuster success then became active in the Bermo, 85 and quickie romances how to enjoy life as well. tion of Strickland Funeral as the vexing but whole- Citrus County Historical CITRUS SPRINGS and was unlucky in both He found pleasure in the Home with Crematory some Andy Hardy and as Society Inc., where he money and love. Antonio Bermo, 85, of mountains as well as on Crystal River. Judy Garland’s musical helped prepare two quad- After his failed mar- Citrus Springs, Fla., died the water, but his passions comrade in arms was rants of the Old County riage to Gardner in 1942, April 5, 2014, at Citrus Me- were spending quality OBITUARIES bookended 70 years later Courthouse for the initial Rooney joined the Army, morial Health System. time with his grandchil- with roles in “Night at Citrus County Heritage  The Citrus County spending most of his A funeral Mass will be at dren and racing. When not the Museum” and “The Museum; he then revital- Chronicle’s policy World War II service en- 10 a.m. Friday, April 11, at indulging in his favorite Muppets.” ized the old Crystal River permits both free and tertaining troops. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton pastimes, David was al- Rooney died Sunday at City Hall for the Coastal paid obituaries. Email When he returned to Parish, 1401 W. Country ways in motion. There was age 93 surrounded by Heritage Museum. He obits@chronicle Hollywood, his savings Club Blvd., Citrus Springs, never a project left unfin- family at his North Holly- helped design and build or phone had been stolen by a man- with interment to follow at ished. He truly was a spe- wood home, police said. the “Ole Tyme Wagon” 352-563-5660 for ager and his career was in Fero Memorial Gardens. cial man. He was taken too The Los Angeles County used by the Society for pa- details and pricing a nose dive. The family will receive soon and will be deeply coroner’s office said rades and fundraisers and options. “I began to realize how friends at the funeral missed by many. Rooney died a natural he briefly served on the  Obituaries must be few friends everyone home from 6 to 8 p.m. A celebration of life will death. CCHS board. verified with the has,” he wrote in one of Thursday evening. be offered at 2 p.m. Friday, Rooney was shooting a In his adopted home of funeral home or his autobiographies. April 11, 2014, at the Chas. movie at the time of his Floral City, he led a group society in charge of His movie career never Robert Guy, 63 E. Davis Funeral Home death, “The Strange Case to build the Jennrette Me- arrangements. regained its prewar emi- with Mr. Byron Henbest of- of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. morial Gazebo site and the INVERNESS  All obituaries will be nence. “The Bold and the ficiating. Burial will follow Hyde.” “Travelers and Their edited to conform to Brave,” 1956 World War II Robert F. Guy, 63, of In- in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Over a four-decade Trails” kiosk on the With- Associated Press style drama, brought him an verness, Fla., died April 5, The family will receive span, he was nominated lacoochee State Trail, unless a request to Oscar nomination as best 2014, under the care of friends from 5 to 7 p.m. for four Academy Awards, worked with Floral City the contrary is made. supporting actor. But Hospice of Citrus County Thursday, April 10, 2014, at received two special Os- Heritage Days for 18 years  Free obituaries, run mostly, he played second in Inverness. Arrange- the funeral Home. cars for film achieve- and mowed the Church of one day, can include: leads. ments are by McGan Cre- ments, won an Emmy for Christ property on Orange Sign the guest book at full name of de- But no one ever could mation Service LLC, his TV movie “Bill” and Avenue for over 20 years. Hernando. ceased; age; home- had a Tony nomination count Rooney out. He When FDOT wanted to town/state; date of earned a fourth Oscar for his Broadway smash four-lane U.S. 41 through Rona Maura death; place of death; “Sugar Babies.” nomination, as support- downtown, he successfully Wood, 53 date, time and place ing actor, for 1979’s “Black Kohler, 76 A small man physically, led the campaign to obtain HOMOSASSA of visitation and fu- Rooney sang and danced, Stallion,” the same year 2,700 letters to defeat the CITRUS HILLS neral services. he starred with Ann  played roles both serious plan and he met with Rona Lee Kohler, Maura Jeanne Wood, 53, A flag will be included and silly, wrote memoirs, Miller in the Broadway FDOT to suggest the turn- of Homosassa, Fla., passed for free for those who revue “Sugar Babies.” 76, died April 1, 2014. Fu- a novel, movie scripts and lane alternative. He was a neral service was grave- away April 1, 2014. Born served in the U.S. mili- Joe Yule Jr., born in tary. (Please note this plays, and married eight 50-plus year avid scratch- side in New York on Aug. 5, 1960, in Beverly, 1920, was the star of his service when submit- times, siring 11 children. handicap golfer, designed April 6. Family is sitting Mass., to Arthur R. and parents’ act by the age of ting a free obituary.) His first marriage — to a fair and unique golf- shiva at 6 Pilgrim Drive, Marie Louise (O’Rourke) 2, singing “Sweet Rosie  the glamorous, and taller, game, and ran it three Succasunna, N.J. Wood, Maura moved to Cit- All obituaries will be Ava Gardner — lasted O’Grady” in a tiny tuxedo. times a week for 30 years rus County in 1970 from posted online at www. only a year. But Rooney His father was a baggy- in Hernando County. Angel Massachusetts. She was a pants comic, Joe Yule, his He was preceded in senior branch office ad- fondly recalled years Patton, 42  Non-local funeral later — “I’m 5 feet 3, but I mother a dancer, Nell death by his father, mother ministrator for Raymond homes and those was 6 feet 4 when I mar- Carter. and a brother-in-law. LECANTO James. without accounts are His Mickey McGuire Those left to remember ried Ava.” Angel C. (Anderson) Pat- She is survived by her charged a base fee of short comedies gave him him are his wife of 38 Rooney’s final mar- ton, 42, of Lecanto, Fla., brother, Arthur W. Wood of $25 plus $10 per a new stage name, later years, Marcia L. (Turpin) riage in 1978 to singer died Monday, April 7, 2014, Newburyport, Mass. column inch, payable appended, at his mother’s Beasley; his brother, Lyn- Janice Darlene Chamber- in Crystal River. Arrange- Private cremation will in advance. suggestion, to the last ward Beasley, Char- lain lasted longer than ments are under the direc- take place under the direc-  Small photos of the name Rooney, after lottesville, Va.; his sisters, the first seven combined. tion of the Inverness tion of Brown Funeral deceased’s face can vaudeville dancer Pat Claudelle Parr of Warner Rooney began as a tod- Chapel of Hooper Funeral Home and Crematory in be included for an ad- Rooney. Robbins, Ga., and Paulette dler in his parents’ vaude- Home & Crematory. Lecanto. Memorial serv- ditional charge. ville act in the 1920s. He After a lifetime of car- Spangler (Don) of Sierra ices will be at 11 a.m. rying on, he became a de- Vista, Ariz.; his son, Ossie April 9, 2014, at the Brown was barely 6 when he first SO YOU KNOW appeared on screen, play- voted Christian and Allen Beasley (Cindy) of Funeral Home in Lecanto. To Place Your ing a midget in the 1926 member of the Church of Floral City; his daughters,  Deadline is 3 p.m. for Burial will be in Massachu- silent comedy short “Not Religious Science. Gwendolyn Clemens obituaries to appear setts. Brown Funeral Home “In Memory” ad, to Be Trusted.” He settled in suburban (Chris) of Homosassa and in the next day’s and Crematory Lecanto. Contact Rooney was among the Thousand Oaks, about 40 Michelle Campbell (Roy) edition. Sign the guest book at last survivors of the stu- miles west of Los Angeles. of Crystal River; seven Anne Farrior 564-2931 dio era, which his career Darrell Watson 564-2197 predated, most notably Chas. E. Davis with the lead in a series of Funeral Home With Crematory Closing time for placing “Mickey McGuire” kid JOSEPH PRIVE’ Serving all your cremation needs. “Your Trusted Family-Owned ad is 4 business days comedy shorts from the Service: Fri. at 11:00 AM Funeral Home for over 50 Years” prior to run date. late 1920s to early ’30s. Florida National Cemetery There are advanced After signing with MGM PHYLLIS HOWARD deadlines for holidays. in 1934, Rooney landed Private Arrangements S trickland his first big role playing CHRISTOPHER CASTER Funeral Home and Crematory Memorial: Sun. 4/27 3:00 PM 000HRM5 Clark Gable’s character DEBORAH SWEAT Funeral Directors C. Lyman Strickland, LFD & Brian Ledsome, LFD as a boy in “Manhattan Service: Sat. 11:00 AM Melodrama.” Rooney DAVID JORDAN 1901 SE H WY . 19 Serving all of Citrus County C RYSTAL R IVER soon was earning $300 a Visitation: Thurs. 5:00-7:00 PM 000HSVS week with featured roles Service: Fri. 2:00 PM (352) 726-2271 352-795-2678 000HWM5 000HOS5 in films. 726-8323

000HUBF 000HU8H S S ERVING ERVING F FAMILIES AMILIES Waverley Serving Our Community... FOR FOR 37 37 YEARS YEARS WITH WITH Meeting Your Needs! D D IGNITY IGNITY & & R RESPECT ESPECT Florist 352.795.1424 FERO FERO 000HTW3 800.771.0057 000HU8J Memorial Memorial GardensGardens && Conquer Your Our Patients Are Fresh & Silk Flower Hearing Loss! Super Hearo’s Funeral Funeral HomeHome Arrangements for All Occasions Beverly Beverly Hills Hills Serving all of Citrus County 5430 West Gulf to Lake Hwy. Lecanto, FL 34461 Richard T. Brown 352 352 746-4646 746-4646 AUDIOLOGY Licensed Funeral Director 302 N.E. 3rd St., Crystal River, FL 352-795-0111 Fax: 352-795-6694 Crystal River • Inverness • Call For A Free Consultation (352) 795-5700 [email protected] / CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 A7

A click of the wrist Money&Markets gets you more at Stocks slump, extending 1,920 S&P 500 16,640 Dow Jones industrials 1,880 Close: 1,845.04 16,400 Close: 16,245.87 Change: -20.05 (-1.1%) Change: -166.84 (-1.0%) decline from last week 1,840 10 DAYS 16,160 10 DAYS 1,920 17,000 Associated Press

16,500 1,840 NEW YORK — For in- 16,000 vestors, a volatile stock 1,760 market passed a worrisome 15,500 milestone on Monday. 1,680 15,000 The market logged its longest losing streak in two 1,600 14,500 OAND JFM OAND JFM months, and extended a sell-off that began last StocksRecap HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. YTD week. DOW 16421.38 16244.01 16245.87 -166.84 -1.02% -2.00% After biotechnology and NYSE NASD DOW Trans. 7580.63 7444.24 7467.99 -102.77 -1.36% +0.91% DOW Util. 535.27 529.65 529.65 -1.96 -0.37% +7.97% internet stocks pulled the Vol. (in mil.) 3,718 2,495 NYSE Comp. 10507.78 10391.68 10407.42 -109.63 -1.04% +0.07% market lower on Friday, it Pvs. Volume 3,563 2,550 NASDAQ 4133.68 4052.14 4079.75 -47.98 -1.16% -2.32% was companies that sell Advanced 866 615 S&P 500 1864.04 1841.48 1845.04 -20.05 -1.08% -0.18% non-essential goods and Associated Press Declined 2250 1995 S&P 400 1366.42 1339.34 1343.95 -23.16 -1.69% +0.11% services that dragged on New Highs 27 24 Wilshire 5000 19877.60 19584.99 19637.27 -240.33 -1.21% -0.35% Trader Michael Zicchinolfi works on the floor of the New New Lows 21 83 Russell 2000 1150.45 1130.04 1135.78 -17.60 -1.53% -2.39% the market to start the week. Concerns about York Stock Exchange before the closing bell on Monday. Stocks of Local Interest earnings and sales drove tion,” said Joe Tanious, a trial average dropped declines. CarMax slumped global market strategist for 166.84 points, or 1.02 per- 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR after the used car dealer JPMorgan Funds. “I sus- cent, to 16,245.87 Monday. NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV reported lower net in- pect that this choppiness The Nasdaq composite AK Steel Hold AKS 2.76 8 8.47 7.11 -.39 -5.2 tst-13.3 +143.5 dd ... come, and Mattel dropped in the markets is some- had the biggest decline, AT&T Inc T31.746 39.00 35.49 -.06 -0.2 tss+0.9 -1.5 11 1.84 on concerns about de- thing we are going to be falling 47.97 points, or Ametek Inc AME 39.46 5 62.05 50.49 -.91 -1.8 ttt -4.1 +24.6 24 0.24 mand for big-name toys. seeing for some time to 1.2 percent, to 4,079.75. Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD 83.94 0 107.46 105.70 -.93 -0.9 tss -0.7 +9.7 2.82e Stocks have been come.” There were signs of sta- Bank of America BAC 11.23 8 18.03 16.38 -.34 -2.0 ttt+5.2 +40.3 16 0.20f volatile this year after The Standard & Poor’s bility in the market. Tech- Capital City Bank CCBG 10.12 9 14.71 14.00 +.24 +1.7 sts+18.9 +12.0 40 0.08 surging in 2013. Investors 500 index fell 20.05 points, nology and biotechnology CenturyLink Inc CTL 27.93 6 38.40 33.54 -.15 -0.4 tss+5.3 -0.5 dd 2.16 now appear to question or 1.1 percent, to 1,845.04. stocks, which were pum- Citigroup C42.544 55.28 46.55 -.56 -1.2 ttt-10.7 +10.2 11 0.04 whether their lofty prices It has fallen for three meled by investors at the Commnwlth REIT CWH 19.55 8 28.10 26.18 -.25 -0.9 ttt+12.3 +19.3 cc 1.00 will be justified by what's straight days, the longest end of last week, were Disney DIS 57.76 9 83.65 79.13 -1.30 -1.6 ttt+3.6 +41.2 22 0.86f expected to be slower losing span since late Jan- mixed on Monday. Duke Energy DUK 64.16 7 75.46 71.14 +.65 +0.9 sst+3.1 +2.5 19 3.12 growth in first-quarter uary, and has shed 2.4 per- Facebook edged up 20 EPR Properties EPR 46.69 5 61.18 53.76 +.10 +0.2 sss+9.4 +8.2 17 3.42 earnings. cent since its all-time high cents, or 0.4 percent, to Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 84.79 8 101.74 96.78 -.58 -0.6 tst -4.4 +11.3 10 2.52 “The markets are strug- of 1,890.89 on April 2. $56.95 on Monday after it Ford Motor F12.407 18.02 15.94 -.19 -1.2 tss+3.3 +30.9 9 0.50f gling to choose a direc- The Dow Jones indus- dropped 4.6 percent Friday. Gen Electric GE 21.11 7 28.09 25.85 -.17 -0.7 ttt -7.8 +16.3 19 0.88 HCA Holdings Inc HCA 35.20 8 52.83 48.76 -1.41 -2.8 ttt+2.2 +33.1 14 ... Home Depot HD 69.78 6 83.20 77.13 -1.59 -2.0 ttt -6.3 +13.7 21 1.88f Intel Corp INTC 20.80 9 27.12 26.49 +.33 +1.2 sss+2.0 +28.0 14 0.90 6 sss End of Windows XP support IBM IBM 172.19 213.09 194.52 +2.75 +1.4 +3.7 -7.4 13 3.80 LKQ Corporation LKQ 20.28 5 34.32 27.25 -.23 -0.8 tts-17.2 +29.3 26 ... Lowes Cos LOW 37.09 7 52.08 46.77 -1.67 -3.4 ttt -5.6 +27.2 22 0.72 5 tst spells trouble for some McDonalds Corp MCD 92.22 103.70 97.01 -.86 -0.9 ... +0.4 17 3.24 Microsoft Corp MSFT 28.47 9 41.66 39.80 -.07 -0.2 tst+6.4 +43.0 15 1.12 Associated Press Motorola Solutions MSI 53.28 8 67.69 64.43 +.17 +0.3 sts -4.5 +3.9 16 1.24 NextEra Energy NEE 74.78 9 96.13 93.90 -1.11 -1.2 tst+9.7 +23.3 22 2.90f NEW YORK — Mi- Penney JC Co Inc JCP 4.90 3 19.63 8.88 ...... rss -3.0 -41.1 dd ... crosoft will end support Piedmont Office RT PDM 15.83 3 21.09 17.07 +.10 +0.6 sst+3.3 -9.6 31 0.80 for the persistently popu- Regions Fncl RF 7.62 8 11.54 10.74 -.23 -2.1 ttt+8.6 +39.1 14 0.12 lar Windows XP on Tues- Sears Holdings Corp SHLD 26.62 5 54.69 38.10 -2.58 -6.3 ttt -4.1 -0.6 dd ... day, and the move could Smucker, JM SJM 87.10 4 114.72 97.90 +.35 +0.4 sss -5.5 +0.8 18 2.32 put everything from the Texas Instru TXN 33.56 8 49.77 46.25 -.09 -0.2 tst+5.3 +37.7 26 1.20 operations of heavy indus- Time Warner TWX 55.71 7 70.77 64.79 -1.72 -2.6 ttt -7.1 +16.2 17 1.27f try to the identities of UniFirst Corp UNF 87.68 3 117.91 96.17 -1.96 -2.0 ttt-10.1 +8.9 16 0.15 everyday people in danger. Verizon Comm VZ 45.08 4 54.31 48.12 +.08 +0.2 sss -2.1 +1.7 12 2.12 An estimated 30 percent Vodafone Group VOD 27.49 6 42.14 36.04 +.09 +0.3 stt -9.9 +24.5 ... of computers being used WalMart Strs WMT 71.51 6 81.37 77.31 ...... rss -1.8 +3.9 16 1.92f by businesses and con- Walgreen Co WAG 43.31 9 69.84 65.10 -.95 -1.4 ttt+13.3 +44.4 23 1.26 sumers around the world Dividend Footnotes: a - Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid in last are still running the 12- 12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i - Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j - Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m - year-old operating system. Associated Press Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or “What once was consid- paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates stands in New York’s PE Footnotes: q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last 12 months. ered low-hanging fruit by Times Square on Oct. 25, 2001, to promote the new Interestrates hackers now has a big neon Windows XP operating system. Today, Microsoft will end NET 1YR bull's eye on it,” said Patrick support for its still-popular Windows XP. TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO The S&P 500 index fell to its Thomas, a security consult- 3-month T-bill .02 0.02 ... .06 third straight loss Monday. It ant at the San Jose, Calif.- the core programs that run doctor's offices. was the first time since June 6-month T-bill .05 0.05 ... .09 personal computers. Thomas said XP ap- that the index had back-to-back based firm Neohapsis. 52-wk T-bill .10 0.10 ... .13 losses of at least 1 percent. Microsoft has released a The Redmond, Wash.- pealed to a wide variety of 2-year T-note .40 0.41 -0.01 .23 Companies that sell non-essen- handful of Windows oper- based company said it will people and businesses that The yield on the 5-year T-note 1.68 1.70 -0.02 .69 tial items to consumers had ating systems since 2001, provide anti-malware- saw it as a reliable work- 10-year 10-year T-note 2.70 2.72 -0.02 1.71 some of the biggest drops. Treasury fell to but XP’s popularity and related updates through horse and many chose to 30-year T-bond 3.56 3.58 -0.02 2.88 2.70 percent the durability of the com- July 14, 2015, but warns stick with it instead of up- Monday. Yields puters it was installed on that the tweaks could be of grading to Windows Vista, Pfizer PFE affect rates on NET 1YR kept it around longer than limited help on an out- Windows 7 or 8. mortgages and Close: $31.20 -0.96 or -3.0% BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO An experimental breast cancer drug expected. Analysts said dated operating system. Thomas notes that com- other consumer showed encouraging results in a that if a PC is more than 5 Most industry experts panies generally resist Barclays LongT-BdIdx 3.37 3.40 -0.03 2.59 loans. clinical trial, though not as positive said they recognize that change because they don't Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.70 4.71 -0.01 4.07 as earlier tests. years old, chances are it's Barclays USAggregate 2.39 2.45 -0.06 1.80 $34 running XP. the time for Microsoft to like risk. As a result, busi- PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.20 5.22 -0.02 5.63 32 While users can still run end support for such a nesses most likely to still RATE FUNDS XP after Tuesday, Mi- dated system has come, be using XP include banks Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.28 4.32 -0.04 3.79 30 YEST 3.25 .13 crosoft said it will no but the move poses both and financial services Barclays CompT-BdIdx 1.89 1.94 -0.05 .97 28 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 JAFM longer provide security security and operational companies, along with 1 YR AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 3.08 3.15 -0.07 2.70 52-week range updates, issue fixes to non- risks for the remaining health care providers. He $27.12 $32.96 security related problems users. In addition to also pointed to schools Vol.: 54.4m (2.0x avg.) PE: 18.9 Commodities FUELS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD or offer online technical home computers, XP is from the university level Crude Oil (bbl) 100.44 101.14 -0.69 +2.1 Mkt. Cap: $199.48 b Yield: 3.3% Crude oil fell for Ethanol (gal) 2.29 2.40 -2.87 +19.8 content updates. The com- used to run everything down, saying that they BlackRock BLK the first time in Heating Oil (gal) 2.89 2.91 -0.59 -6.1 pany is discontinuing XP from water treatment fa- often don't have enough three days and Natural Gas (mm btu) 4.48 4.44 +0.83 +5.8 Close: $303.89 -5.03 or -1.6% to focus on maintaining its cilities and power plants money to fund equipment settled below Unleaded Gas (gal) 2.93 2.93 -0.18 +5.0 The executive ranks were reshuffled newer operating systems, to small businesses like upgrades. $100 per bar- at the asset management firm, a move toward picking a successor to rel. Gold, silver METALS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1298.00 1303.20 -0.40 +8.0 co-founder Laurence Fink. and platinum al- $340 so fell. Copper Silver (oz) 19.89 19.93 -0.18 +2.9 320 rose for the first Platinum (oz) 1426.30 1449.40 -1.59 +4.0 Copper (lb) 3.06 3.04 +0.67 -11.0 300 time in three Palladium (oz) 767.90 791.00 -2.92 +7.0 days. 280 JAFM AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD 52-week range Cattle (lb) 1.43 1.43 -0.02 +6.3 $240.60 $326.00 Coffee (lb) 1.93 1.85 +4.51 +74.7 YOU ARE INVITED TO A FREE Vol.: 833.3k (1.1x avg.) PE: 18.0 Corn (bu) 4.99 5.02 -0.50 +18.3 Mkt. Cap: $50.9 b Yield: 2.5% Cotton (lb) 0.91 0.92 -1.93 +7.1 LUNCH and LEARN Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 330.70 328.40 +0.70 -8.2 Alcoa AA Orange Juice (lb) 1.54 1.54 +0.06 +12.9 Close: $12.47 -0.16 or -1.3% SEMINAR Soybeans (bu) 14.64 14.74 -0.64 +11.6 The aluminum maker was upgraded Wheat (bu) 6.76 6.70 +0.97 +11.7 to “hold” by Deutsche Bank, citing Friday, April 11, 2014 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. rising prices, a day before it kicks off MutualFunds the earnings season. at the $14 TOTAL RETURN SUGARMILL WOODS FAMILY FUND NAV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR* 5YR* 12 10 American Funds BalA m 24.40 -.18 +0.4 +15.0 +11.3 +16.0 Country Club and Restaurant 8 CapIncBuA m 58.57 -.20 +1.6 +10.9 +8.8 +13.6 JAFM CpWldGrIA m 45.53 -.33 +0.8 +19.3 +9.6 +16.4 52-week range 1 Douglas Street, Homosassa, Florida EurPacGrA m 48.97 -.43 -0.2 +18.4 +5.5 +14.6 $7.63 $13.18 FnInvA m 50.71 -.61 -1.2 +21.2 +11.6 +18.9 Vol.: 30.3m (1.0x avg.) PE: ... Our informative and fun presentation will give you lots of GrthAmA m 42.51 -.52 -1.1 +23.8 +12.7 +18.5 Mkt. Cap: $13.44 b Yield: 1.0% IncAmerA m 20.88 -.11 +1.9 +13.5 +10.4 +16.3 information about the funeral and cemetery options you should Am. Eagle Outfitters AEO InvCoAmA m 37.03 -.31 +1.3 +23.8 +13.2 +18.0 know about before the time of need. Ask questions and get NewPerspA m 37.06 -.41 -1.3 +19.8 +9.9 +17.9 Close: $11.68 -1.00 or -7.9% WAMutInvA m 39.42 -.41 +0.4 +21.4 +14.2 +19.4 Changing consumer tastes are going answers. Plan ahead. Don’t leave it all for a grieving spouse or Dodge & Cox IntlStk 44.12 -.26 +2.5 +26.3 +8.1 +19.0 to present ongoing headwinds for the retailer, which was downgraded children to figure out. There is no obligation to buy and no sales Stock 168.71 -2.39 +0.6 +28.0 +15.7 +22.7 to “underperform” by Cowen. pressure. Please call ahead to reserve your table. Seating is limited. Fidelity Contra 92.95 -1.22 -2.3 +21.7 +13.1 +19.4 $16 ContraK 92.91 -1.22 -2.3 +21.9 +13.2 +19.6 14 Find out how you can receive a free Planning Guide. Most of those LowPriStk d 50.03 -.52 +1.2 +24.3 +14.5 +23.1 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg 65.42 -.71 +0.3 +21.3 +13.8 +20.2 12 attending will qualify for a FREE SPACE certificate in our Garden of FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2.51 -.01 +4.0 +13.0 +8.9 +16.6 10 JAFM Peace*. Bring a family member or friend and enjoy the presentation IncomeA m 2.48 -.01 +4.2 +13.2 +9.4 +17.1 52-week range and lunch with us. Harbor IntlInstl 71.85 -.16 +1.2 +16.9 +6.1 +17.4 $11.60 $21.07 Oakmark Intl I 26.54 -.05 +0.8 +25.2 +11.8 +22.0 Vol.: 12.8m (2.2x avg.) PE: 13.9 Sponsored by: T Rowe Price GrowStk 50.27 -.78 -4.4 +25.9 +14.2 +20.8 Mkt. Cap: $2.26 b Yield: 4.3% Vanguard 500Adml 170.16 -1.85 +0.3 +21.2 +13.8 +20.2 500Inv 170.16 -1.85 +0.3 +21.1 +13.7 +20.1 Questcor Pharma. QCOR Fountains Memorial Park . 500Sgnl 140.56 -1.53 +0.3 +21.3 +13.8 +20.2 Close: $80.58 12.71 or 18.7% MuIntAdml 13.99 +.01 +2.9 +0.3 +5.4 +5.1 Mallinckrodt is buying the pharma- PrmcpAdml 98.60 -.72 +3.0 +27.6 +15.7 +20.9 ceutical in a stock-and-cash deal A peaceful country location STGradeAd 10.74 +.01 +1.0 +1.5 +2.6 +5.1 valued at about $5.2 billion as it con- tinues to diversify. Tgtet2025 15.90 -.10 +1.0 +13.3 +8.7 +15.4 352-628-2555 $100 TotBdAdml 10.72 +.02 +2.2 -0.7 +3.9 +4.8 5635 W. Green Acres St., Homosassa • 2 miles off Suncoast Hwy. TotIntl 16.74 -.06 +0.6 +13.9 +3.8 +14.3 80 TotStIAdm 46.60 -.57 +0.2 +22.1 +13.7 +21.1 60 *Pre-need only TotStIdx 46.59 -.56 +0.2 +22.0 +13.6 +20.9 40 Welltn 38.39 -.23 +1.8 +13.9 +10.7 +15.5 JAFM 52-week range WelltnAdm 66.31 -.39 +1.8 +14.0 +10.8 +15.6 $26.80 $85.11 WndsIIAdm 66.40 -.70 +1.8 +21.7 +14.1 +20.4 *– Annualized; d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a Vol.: 29.5m (10.2x avg.) PE: 18.7 marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Mkt. Cap: $4.88 b Yield: 1.5% 000HVNX “Our deeds determine us, as much as Page A8 - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 we determine our deeds.” OPINION George Eliot, “Adam Bede,” 1859 CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE

CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE EDITORIAL BOARD 7 million reasons not Gerry Mulligan ...... publisher Mike Arnold ...... editor Charlie Brennan...... managing editor Curt Ebitz ...... citizen member to repeal the ACA Mac Harris ...... citizen member o it turns out that millions plans, roughly 4.5 million previ- rasso of Wyoming, say the ad- Rebecca Martin ...... citizen member of people dealt with the Af- ously uninsured Americans have ministration is ‘cooking the Founded Brad Bautista ...... copy chief by Albert M. Sfordable Care Act enroll- enrolled in Medicaid since the books.’ Others, like Senator Ted Williamson Logan Mosby ...... features editor ment cutoff pretty new law came online Cruz, say that the number of peo- much the way they last November. An- ple without insurance is actually “You may differ with my choice, but not my right to choose.” habitually deal with other 3 million young rising.” — David S. Arthurs publisher emeritus the April 15 income adults gained cover- We await Sen. Cruz’s thunder- tax filing deadline: age through their par- ous proof. procrastinating until ents’ insurance plans, Meanwhile, something else HARVESTER DISPUTE the last minute to in- as Obamacare allows. that’s been happening right in sure maximum stress Rand estimates that the face of all those Koch- and standing in line. another 9 million financed “Americans for Pros- Like mobbing shop- Americans have perity” ads lamenting that the Af- ping malls on the day bought coverage di- fordable Care Act “just doesn’t Administrative after Thanksgiving, Gene Lyons rectly from insurance work,” is that the law’s popularity it’s the American way OTHER companies, although among the public has been of life. VOICES many of those were steadily rising. The latest ABC challenge stymies One result was pre- previously insured. News/Washington Post poll re- dictably negative Overall, the uninsured leased this week shows Oba- headlines like this classic in the rate has dropped from an esti- macare supported by more Washington Post: “Health mated 20.9 percent to 16.6 per- Americans than oppose it, albeit Lyngbya removal tumbles on deadline cent in the law’s first year — by a scant margin of 49 percent to day as consumers race to sign up hardly the sudden revolution in 48 percent. or decades, the filamen- However, before the harvester for insurance.” Because as we all American health care some Interestingly, 36 percent of self- tous algae, known as could even crank up, Rose did know, temporary computer dreamed of, but a creditable start. described conservatives now FLyngbya, has been an end run by filing an admin- glitches — which never happen What’s more, the numbers are support the law, as opposed to in the flawlessly efficient corpo- dramatically better in states that 17 percent last November. How slowly choking the life out of istrative challenge with the rate sector, of course — are the worked to implement rather that will play into November the once-pristine waters of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers big story here. than obstruct the Affordable 2014 congressional elections re- King’s Bay. The assault on the (COE). In the news business, this is Care Act. New York State told mains to be seen. However, it’s bay seemed to be irreversible Due to the COE review, called “burying the lede.” It’s the CNBC that 59 percent of those already become clear to the until Crystal River resident which could take as long as a equivalent of a sports story head- buying health insurance through saner sorts of conservative Art Jones initiated a program year, SCR, county government lined “Third-inning errors mar the state’s marketplace had been thinker that the Affordable Care to combat the Lyngbya one and SWFWMD made the mu- Red Sox World Series win.” Be- previously uninsured. In Ken- Act is here to stay. rake at a time. tual decision to cause the real news, sports fans, tucky, it’s 75 percent — immea- The market has spoken. The The self-evident return the match- is that Obamacare has met and surably improving the lives of political rebellion and/or actuar- results of Jones’ THE ISSUE: ing grant money to even surpassed every enrollment rural Kentuckians particularly. ial collapse dreamed of on the anti-Lyngbya cam- the water district. projection. Oddly, millions of last- How long will their neighbors, right clearly isn’t going to hap- paign soon in- King’s Bay Since the grant minute shoppers decided they’d in, say, Tennessee be able to hold pen. “(W)herever they go and spired volunteers cleanup effort. was out-of-cycle, be better off with health insur- out against Obamacare as word whatever they do,” writes Ross from near and far there is legitimate ance after all. gets around? Douthat in the New York Times, to lend a rake, as OUR OPINION: concern that the Who could have guessed? So how are Republicans conservatives “will have to deal At this writing, it appears that whose congressmen have voted with the reality that Obamacare, well as garnering return of the Return of the late buying surge will carry 50 times to repeal the law han- thrice-buried, looks very much the assistance of grant money money could un- Obamacare beyond the 7 million dling the unwelcome good alive.” the Crystal unfortunate. fortunately result enrollments projected by the news? About the way they dealt Longer term, Obamacare de- River (SCR) com- in its permanent Congressional Budget Office. Too with allegedly “skewed” poll nialism appears even more fu- munity organiza- loss, to the detri- bad, because that quite ruins the numbers back in 2012. Who can tile. The ever-prescient Kevin tion and funding support of ment of the cleanup effort. visual effect of a comically mis- forget the Weekly Standard’s Drum points out that Republi- local and state officials. Vehemently declaring he leading Fox News bar graph that bold election eve prediction? cans can’t dream of repealing the With the removal of Lyngbya has been supportive of fund- contrived to make the 6 million “New Projection of Election Re- law as long as its namesake lives one rake at a time arduously ing for the cleanup, Rose dis- citizens enrolled as of last week sults: Romney 52, Obama 47.” in the White House. And by 2017, slow and labor intensive, misses as “simply absurd” the appear to be a small fraction of According to pundit Fred the CBO estimates the law’s ben- county commissioners last notion that his administrative the 7 million CBO projection, Barnes, a 10-point Romney land- efits will extend to 36 million February approved $225,000 challenge was a factor in the rather than 84 percent of it. An slide was entirely likely. Americans — a formidable con- from the county’s water qual- matching grant being returned alert basset hound wouldn’t have The New Republic’s Jonathan stituency indeed. ity reserves to support SCR’s to SWFWMD. Nevertheless, been fooled. Do they think view- Cohn summarizes: “(Republi- ———■——— use of a mechanical harvester. Rose’s stance appears more ers are morons? cans) are doing what they almost But more about what Ed Kil- always do when data confounds Arkansas Times columnist Gene Followed by a matching grant obstructionist than supportive gore calls “Obamacare denial- their previously held beliefs. Lyons is a National Magazine from the Southwest Florida when contrasted with SCR’s ism” to come. According to a They are challenging the statis- Award winner and co-author of Water Management District compliance with the condi- Rand Corporation study re- tics — primarily, by suggesting “The Hunting of the President” (SWFWMD) several months tions placed on the use of the ported in the Los Angeles Times, that most of the people getting in- (St. Martin’s Press, 2000). later, the Lyngbya removal harvester. along with the 7 million newly surance already had coverage. You can email Lyons at started by Jones was poised to All parties with a stake in enrolled in private insurance Some, like Senator John Bar- [email protected]. take a giant leap forward. the cleanup effort profess they However, soon after a larger share the goal of restoring mechanical harvester was King’s Bay to its previous added to the cleanup’s anti- crystal-clear water and sandy Lyngbya arsenal early last bottom where healthy aquatic year, Pat Rose, executive di- vegetation can take root. rector for the Save the Mana- It is a shame that this shared tee Club, raised turbidity goal has been lost in the dis- concerns. Since then, the use pute over the use of a me- of the harvester has been chanical harvester for stalled for more than a year. combating Lyngbya, which With the clock winding would contribute greatly to down on the allotted time for the complex challenge of SWFWMD’s $225,000 match- restoring King’s Bay to its for- ing grant to be used for har- mer luster. vester operations, SCR Since time is not on the received a permit from the bay’s side, the time to move Florida Department of Envi- beyond the harvester dispute ronmental Protection (DEP). is long past due.

Watch for people, about the random drug testing. ... You have no knowledge of not carts what we do. You just slammed These people that are worried the other 80 good men and about a shopping cart in women that work to a shopping center hitting save lives and love it their car, they should OUND and do a job in an area worry about the human S that you yourself would being who’s walking in OFF never be able to work. the shopping center that you might back into or Taken for a ride LETTERS to the Editor run over. You can replace I just came back to time to improve the health care a shopping cart, but not Crystal River from Inver- Need help, please OPINIONS INVITED a human life. ness where over in Inver- experience for our patient and I need someone to help me ■ CALL ness I decided I need We reserve the right to edit visitors. Our volunteers are key Where’s my gasoline, so I pulled into with a problem. I have a new letters for length, libel, fairness members of our team, and their and good taste. dough, Mickey? 563-0579 the gas company there home. They didn’t grade the contributions are felt through- Their gasoline price was side of the house with enough ■ SEND LETTERS TO: The Editor, out the hospital. When comparing my back fill and when it rains I $3.38. When I got back 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., We publicly thank and honor wages with the cost of a one- have water settling like a lake day ticket at Walt Disney World to Crystal River it was $3.45. Crystal River, FL 34429. Or, fax our volunteers during National Why are we getting taken on the over flowing into the garage to 352-563-3280, or email to when they opened in 1971 to [email protected]. Volunteer Week (April 6-12), but what they are charging now, I prices? and mulch all over the drive- way. Builder does not want to our appreciation for what they should be making $140 an hour. Felons should be do is ongoing. know about it. Could you help to patients and their loved ones Missed the allowed to vote me? I do not know who to call On behalf of the entire health- about support, assistance care team at Seven Rivers Re- Civil War I am appalled that felons are for help. Please tell me who to and making them feel more talk to in the county or city. gional Medical Center, I thank I cannot believe that the Civil not allowed to vote for the rest comfortable. our extraordinary volunteers — of their lives. This is outrageous. Thank you very much. War Re-enactment that usually is Volunteers play a key role in and all those who serve at This is in Florida. How many held in Crystal River was held this Philip Dito providing that personal touch. organizations throughout our last weekend in Williston… We people are in jail because they They make a difference by offer- community. You have chosen to needed this activity in Crystal River commit a crime when they were Inverness ing a smile or kind words, assist- spend your time serving others, to help with the economy and 16 or 17 and then went to jail ing someone in need or lending and straightened their life? and your efforts make a differ- Crystal River needs this project. Thank you, a helping hand to make a pa- Should they not be allowed for ence to so many. Devoted professionals the rest of their life not to vote? volunteers tient or family member more This is to the person that put This law is outrageous and I Delivering exceptional care comfortable. Joyce Brancato, CEO in Sounding Off today (March 8) know a lot of people who are with kindness and compassion The dedicated volunteers at Seven Rivers Regional about the meth use in the EMS felons and they’re not allowed to is about personal connection. Seven Rivers Regional Medical Medical Center ambulance and how you stated vote and they’re good people. It’s about taking the time to talk Center generously give their Crystal River

THE CHRONICLE invites you to call “Sound Off” with your opinions about local or statewide subjects. You do not need to leave your name, and have less than a minute to record. COMMENTS will be edited for length, libel, personal or political attacks and good taste. Editors will cut libelous material. OPINIONS expressed are purely those of the callers. CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE OPINION TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 A9

LETTERS to the Editor Cartoon offensive many vehicles. Tickets Brooksville, it is are being given for right best to stop, sit and stay What an inane cartoon turns at around 7 mph, if until the light turns green you published in the Sat- you can imagine, with no for all turns. It’s the only urday Chronicle. This conflicting traffic. The sure way to return home man Judge doesn’t even majority of these are for without a $158 surprise know the meaning of the out-of-towners, with no coming to your mailbox. word rest. My dictionary knowledge of this low Shirley Miketinac defines it as “an act of turn speed. Brooksville’s ceasing from work, activ- 5 mph “careful and pru- Brooksville ity or motion; quiet.” A dent” turn speed for right rest in music doesn’t on red is not posted, nor Thanks to mean the performer is do they advertise this. It is supporters tired but that the music to hidden in their ordi- that point is completed. nances under streets and The fourth annual Love God completed creation sidewalks, rather than Your Library Evening on and logically stopped be- traffic ordinances. Feb. 21 was a tremendous cause it was good. God If you are so unfortu- success, with more than does not slumber nor nate as to get a camera 300 library supporters sleep: Psalm 121. He gave ticket in Brooksville, you joining together for a fes- us a pattern to follow: a have options. If you wait tive evening of celebra- sabbath rest, which is a re- through the first two no- tion and fundraising freshing time of renewal tices from the city, you Mardi Gras style. The for us. As humans, we need will receive a third notice, sounds of the Muskrat to pause in our busyness. I Ramblers Dixieland Jazz quality information and Afro American Club of Cit- season and Les Cook is a uniform traffic citation. educational opportunities rus County; Allstate Insur- your man. It doesn’t take a know you do not necessar- With this, you can sched- Band entertained the ily agree with the cartoons lively guests at the Cen- to the community. Without ance Company; Becky’s superhero to go in there ule a court hearing with their support, this event Travel Store; Dr. Blessilda and surrender. It also begs you print, but this one was Hernando County. The tral Ridge Library offensive to many people branch, keeping the spir- would not have been pos- B. Liu; Book Babes of Cit- the point that Les Cook judges in the county, to sible. Please support all rus County; Flynn was the No. 2 man in the who honor God. date, have not accepted its high. The event raised more than $12,000 for the of these remarkable spon- Builders; Friends of the department while all this Gloria Schultz camera evidence in their sors from our area: Homosassa Library; Pal- mess was going down. court, and have spoken in Citrus County Library Lecanto Principle sponsor, Duke mette Kennels; Park Av- Let me express the their opinions as to its un- System and helped pro- Energy; enue; Specialty Gems; TD numbers the way they constitutionality. You vide the push needed for Bank; Capt. William Toney. should have been ex- Red-light have an extremely high the Library Foundation Partner sponsors, pressed in the column. In chance of dismissal for fund to meet its first Bright House Networks It’s never too early to cameras concern 2012, Duke Energy stiffed right on red. On the other major goal of establishing Enterprise Solutions; mark your calendars and us for $15 million dollars If you choose to come to hand, if you go to the city an endowment of Friends of Central Ridge save the date so you can on their tax bill. They the Hernando County Fair magistrate at city hall, $100,000, that will provide Library; Friends of Floral join us next year on paid $19 million of a (April 4 through 12) or the they follow the letter of supplemental funds to the City Library; Feb. 13, 2015, for a special $34 million dollar bill. In city of Brooksville’s Blue- the law. They are more library, annually. Media sponsor, Citrus fifth annual Love Your Li- 2013 it got even worse. berry Festival (April 12 and likely to ignore the lack of County Chronicle; brary, an Evening with The Citrus County Li- They got us for $40.5 mil- 13), please beware of the 16 conflicting traffic, lack of Scholar sponsors, Bev- the Classics. brary System, the Library lion dollars by paying just red-light cameras that sur- knowledge of local ordi- erly Hills Garden Club; Advisory Board and the With deepest thanks, less than $22 million dol- round the city. nances, fairness, financial Love Your Library Plan- Brashear’s Pharmacy; Eric C. Head lars on a $62.5 million dol- For those who don’t circumstances or consti- Crystal River Mall; Citrus ning Committee, includ- lar bill. I make that know, this small city of tutionality. In other County Historical Society; director, ing representatives from $55.5 million dollars two around 7,000 people is- words, you have a very Cedar Creek at King’s Bay; Citrus County the five Friends of the Li- years. Let me make it as sued more than 20,000 high chance of being The Travel Club of Citrus Library System brary groups, would like clear to you as I can. That camera tickets last year. found guilty and having to County; Quest Wealth Man- to thank the community money is gone. It’s lost They made more revenue pay the additional $150 agement; Walgreen’s; for its passionate support Duke settlement forever. Citrus County will per capita than any other court costs, raising the of our libraries and this Editor sponsors, Castro never recover that city in Florida. cost of a single ticket to disappointing event. We would also like Realty and Property; Citrus $55.5 million dollars. Now $308! All this, for what in With recent increased to thank the volunteers County Chamber of Com- I was really disap- we are celebrating lock- all likelihood, was a mandatory additions to and staff for their incredi- merce; Citrus County pointed by Mike Wright’s ing in Duke’s assessment “careful and prudent” the yellow light times, the ble and tireless efforts Council; Citrus Dental of story in the Monday, March of their property, not ours, turn, as described in state straight-through revenue that helped to make the Inverness; Daly and Zilch 24, Chronicle, “Cook tack- and happy over less than statutes. At the three has dropped throughout evening so fun and enjoy- Contractors; FDS Disposal; les biggest problem fast.” a $5 million dollar a year monthly hearing sessions the bay area. How does able for everyone. Friends of the Coastal Re- That was the biggest case increase over their as- we’ve attended at Brooksville hang on fi- A very special thank gion Library; Friends of the of political spin that I can sessed value. Only in Cit- Brooksville City Hall, no nancially to its program? you goes out to the indi- Lakes Region Library; Jim remember in a long time. rus County could that be one has been judged “not The answer lies in its viduals, organizations and Green Jewelers; Tires Plus The settlement with Duke considered a victory. The guilty” at the time. right-on-red-turn speed local businesses that Total Car Care; TLC Ani- Energy was not a victory truth is it’s a surrender of limit. Most of the bay area Some drivers even sponsored the event. Our mal Hospital; VanAllen In- for Citrus County. In fact, it $20 million dollars in ap- is a reasonable 15 mph. swore under oath that sponsors believe in the li- surance Agency; Dr. was an outright surrender praised value. Sarasota is 25. Brooksville they stopped first, but it brary’s mission to pro- Vladimir J. Vlcko; West which you cleverly hide in is only 5 mph, which is al- didn’t matter. To be “care- mote the pursuit of Coast Eye Institute; your story. I can only as- Harley Lawrence most impossible with ful and prudent” in knowledge and deliver Bookworm sponsors, sume that politics are in Homosassa Sound OFF Go back to school ping themselves on the guys. We can’t support back in Sugarmill Woods one development and hold This is Monday afternoon for this assisted living fa- back on another develop- (March 24). I’d like to know cility and its associated ment. And I understand why there’s no school today. residential homes, and yet there’s other stub outs All these teachers are look- the stub out is such a that are still potentially in ing for pay raises and all lynch mob-type behavior. Cypress Village. This busi- these days these kids are People who live in Oak Vil- ness of standing in the getting off from school. Now lage represent about 10 way of the future of our here’s a day that’s no holi- percent of the population county is not going to be day on the calendar at all, in Sugarmill Woods. I conducive to growth. so why do these kids have a know if you’re in Oak Vil- day off today? And the tax- lage, this is very important Joke’s on us payers have to pay these to you. But to the rest of This is for all those guys teachers all this money. And The Swarm Is Here! driving around in their fake The Swarm Is Here! us, we don’t need to one more thing: Why spend our money any- cop cars and pretending doesn’t the Sound Off col- more. We don’t need to to be policemen: Thanks umn just get out of the get our reputation slapped for giving us all a good paper because half of what in the face. Come on, laugh. the public would like to hear sometimes, you people don’t print anyway. You just pick out what you like. A concerned citizen. Costly mistake My son was down here from Wisconsin. He does a lot of bicycle racing. My wife had passed away March 10 and he came down for his mom’s funeral. Well, he 000HSN8 went for a bicycle ride. In his frustration, he apparently rolled through a stop sign and one of our officers, Cit- rus County police force, gave him a ticket on his bicycle MODERN for going through a stop sign to the tune of $162. DIABETIC TERMITE TREATMENT SPECIAL I’m not sure, but apparently they — and he hasn’t had a ticket in years — apparently SPECIALIST they felt they had a hard- ened criminal on their hands riding a bicycle. *New Residential Customers Only. Expires 4/30/2014. Up to 250’ lineal. That’s the way things go here. We’ve been here 12 years. My wife taught school here for 10 and that’s the For Solutions To All Your way they treat you around here. Pretty nice. Pest Problems, Call Today! Rough riding Sugarmill Woods roads are a terrible mess. We all wonder what Citrus County is doing with all or our tax money. Think it’s LICENSED & INSURED #8688 time for someone to check Ward into this and do an article and report back to the 000HSLY people. I’m sure Sugarmill TERMITE & PEST CONTROL Woods isn’t the only com- Eye Center munity that has these 8490 W. Homosassa Trail, Homosassa (352) 563-6698 • (866) 860-BUGS problems. 406 N.E. 1ST ST. • CRYSTAL RIVER Trees, meet forest (352) 489-3579 (352) 628-0123 A+ RATING Somebody has to tell 000HRHW Board Certified American Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology 2013 me why everybody is slap- Board Certified National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons NPageATION A10 - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 & WORLD

CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Nation BRIEFS Senate backs benefit restoration World BRIEFS Memorial Democrats, two independ- filibuster. Chief among Elections ents and six Republicans those concessions was an House prospects slimmer voted for approval. agreement to pay the $9.6 Associated Press ginia. They released their The bill was the first billion cost of the five- letter as the Senate was major piece of legislation month bill by making off- WASHINGTON — The bestowing its widely ex- that Democrats sent to the setting spending cuts Senate voted 59-38 Mon- pected approval on the floor of the Senate when elsewhere in the budget. day to resurrect federal legislation. Congress convened early The White House- jobless benefits for the Despite the appeal, the in the year, the linchpin of backed measure would long-term unemployed, bill’s prospects are cloudy a broader campaign-sea- retroactively restore bene- and a small band of Re- at best, given widespread son agenda meant to show- fits that were cut off in late publican supporters opposition among conser- case concern for men and December, and maintain swiftly appealed to a re- vative lawmakers and out- women who are doing them through the end of luctant Speaker John side groups and Boehner’s poorly in an era of eco- May. Officials said as many Boehner to permit elec- unwillingness to allow it to nomic disparity between as 2.3 million jobless work- Associated Press tion-year action in the the floor without changes rich and poor. ers have been denied as- Running shoes that were House as well. that Republicans say In the months since, the sistance since the law left a year ago at a Steps are needed “to re- would enhance job Democrats have alter- expired late last year. makeshift memorial near store unemployment ben- creation. nately pummeled Republi- If renewed, the aid the finish line after the efits to struggling The Senate vote itself, cans for holding up would total about $256 Boston Marathon bomb- Associated Press Americans,” seven House seven months before con- passage and made conces- weekly, and in most cases Supporters of India’s ings are displayed Republicans wrote gressional elections, sions in an effort to gain go to men and women who Monday at an exhibit ruling Congress party Boehner and Majority capped a bruising three- support from enough GOP have been off the job for titled “Dear Boston: carrying the “hand” party Leader Eric Cantor of Vir- month struggle. Fifty-one lawmakers to overcome a longer than six months. Messages from the symbol dance Monday Marathon Memorial” at during an election rally in the Boston Public Library. Mumbai, India. India started the world’s largest election Monday where the country’s Medicare set to 814 million electorate will vote in stages during release doc data Cautiously hopeful the next five weeks. WASHINGTON — The nation’s largest doctors’ group said Monday it won’t East Ukraine try to block Medicare’s re- lease of billing records for region rebels 880,000 physicians, al- DONETSK, Ukraine — though it continues to op- Pro-Russian activists barri- pose the government’s caded inside a government recent decision to open up building in eastern Ukraine the massive data trove. proclaimed the region inde- An official of the Ameri- pendent Monday and called can Medical Association for a referendum on seced- told The Associated Press ing from Ukraine — an omi- that the group won’t go to nous echo of the events court ahead of Wednes- that led to Russia’s annexa- day’s scheduled release. tion of Crimea. The official spoke on condi- The Ukrainian govern- tion of anonymity. ment accused Russia of Considered the mother stirring up the unrest and lode of information about vowed to quell it. Russia, doctors, the Medicare which has tens of thou- claims database has been sands of troops massed off-limits to the public for along the border, warned decades, blocked in the Ukraine of more “difficulties courts by physician groups and crises” if its leaders who argue its release would fail to heed Moscow’s do more harm than good. demands. Employers, insurers, In Washington, the U.S. media organizations and warned Russia that any consumer groups interested move into eastern Ukraine in physician quality have Associated Press would be a “very serious been pressing the govern- Relatives of Chinese passengers onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 pray Tuesday during a candlelight escalation” that could bring ment to open up the files. vigil for their loved ones at a hotel in Beijing, China. An Australian ship detected two distinct, long-lasting further sanctions. White Last week, the Obama ad- sounds underwater that are consistent with the pings from aircraft black boxes in a major break in the House spokesman Jay Car- ministration announced it monthlong hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, the search coordinator said Monday. ney said there was strong would do so. evidence that some of the The AMA’s decision does pro-Russian protesters in not rule out last-minute legal Sub hunting for source of ‘pings’ in Flight 370 search Ukraine were paid and action by other groups. were not local residents. Associated Press camera unit to photograph any “The connections two days ago At the same time, the Woman gripes wreckage. were obviously a time of great U.S. announced that Secre- about pot quality PERTH, Australia — Search Angus Houston, who is heading hope that there had been a signif- tary of State John Kerry will crews were for the first time the search, said Monday that the icant breakthrough and it was dis- meet with top diplomats LUFKIN, Texas — Police sending a sub deep into the In- Ocean Shield, which is towing so- appointing that we were unable to in East Texas have arrested from Russia, Ukraine and dian Ocean to try to determine phisticated U.S. Navy listening repeat that experience yesterday.” the European Union in a a woman after she called whether faint sounds detected by equipment, detected late Satur- Truss said the crew would use them to complain about the new push to ease tensions. equipment on board an Aus- day and early Sunday two dis- the sub today to examine the The meeting will take place quality of the marijuana she tralian ship are from the missing tinct, long-lasting sounds water in the search area in the had purchased from a in the next 10 days, the Malaysia Airlines plane’s black underwater that are consistent hopes of another breakthrough. State Department said. dealer. boxes, Australia’s acting prime with the pings from an aircraft’s The Boeing 777 vanished Lufkin minister said Tuesday. “black boxes” — the flight data March 8 while flying from Kuala Gunman kills police Warren Truss, Australia’s act- and cockpit voice recorders. Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing with Dutch priest Sgt. ing prime minister while Tony Crews have been trying to 239 people on board. The focus of David Abbott is overseas, said the crew re-locate the sounds since then to the search changed repeatedly. It DAMASCUS, Syria — A Casper on board the Ocean Shield will determine whether they are from began in the South China Sea, beloved, elderly Dutch said Mon- launch the underwater vehicle, Flight 370, but so far had no luck, then shifted toward the Strait of priest who made headlines day that the Bluefin 21 autonomous sub, Truss said. Malacca to the west, and then to this year with a desperate an officer on Tuesday. The sub can create a “Today is another critical day as several locations in the southern plea for aid for civilians Evelyn sonar map of the area to chart any we try and reconnect with the sig- Indian Ocean as an analysis of trapped in went to Hamilton the home debris on the sea floor. If it maps nals that perhaps have been ema- satellite and radar data indicated the be- faces charge of out a debris field, the crew will nating from the black box flight the plane veered far off course for sieged of 37- possession. year-old replace the sonar system with a recorder of the MH370,” he said. a still-unknown reason. Syrian Evelyn Hamilton to hear her city of complaint that the dealer re- Homs fused to return her money was as- after she objected that the sassi- nated drug was substandard. Rescues needed as storms drench Southeast Francis Van She was arrested Friday Monday Der Lugt on a charge of possession by a Jesuit priest Associated Press Some roads in Birming- masked of drug paraphernalia. ham became impassable killed in Syria. gunman Hamilton said Monday BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — due to flood waters and who shot him at his that she spent $40 on Severe thunderstorms fallen trees, and schools “seeds and residue.” She dumped heavy rains delayed opening in many monastery, the latest attack said she called police when across the Southeast on areas of central Alabama targeting Christian clergy- she got no satisfaction from Monday and caused flash due to the heavy rains. men in the country’s civil the dealer’s family. flooding in central Ala- Birmingham-based Ala- war. bama, where crews in bama Power Co. reported The killing of Father Medicare plan small boats and military 4,500 homes and busi- Francis Van Der Lugt — a pay may increase trucks had to rescue nesses without electricity. Jesuit, the same order as The government has dozens of people from In the Atlanta suburb of Pope Francis — under- raised its payment estimate their homes and cars. Lilburn, Gwinnett County scored fears among many for Medicare Advantage In Mississippi, police firefighters were called to of Syria’s Christian and Jackson Creek after wit- plans, months ahead of a and volunteers searched Associated Press Muslim minorities for the for a 9-year-old girl who nesses saw a car leave the busy election season during Angel Garcia rides his bike through flood waters Monday fate of their communities as was swept away after the after heavy rainfall caused major flooding in Pelham, Ala. road. The car soon was Islamic extremists gain in- which cuts to the program storms dropped nearly 7 swallowed by the creek. A promise to be a key focus fluence among rebels seek- inches of rain there over snarled rush hour com- water up to their roofs. few hours later, firefight- ing to topple President for politicians and voters. the last two days. A possi- mutes. Rescue workers wearing ers with an inflatable boat The Centers for Medicare Bashar Assad. ble tornado in another In Pelham, just south of life jackets waded through found the driver dead in- The 75-year-old Van Der and Medicaid Services said part of the state damaged Birmingham, more than muddy water nearly to side, fire department Monday that 2015 pay- Lugt, an Arabic speaker, homes and hurt seven peo- 4 inches of rain fell from their chests to reach spokesman Lt. Colin Rho- had lived in Syria for 50 ments to the plans should ple, and a motorist in den said in a statement. 7 p.m. Sunday to 7 a.m. stranded residents. Hun- years and refused to leave increase less than 1 per- metro Atlanta was found In Augusta, Ga., it was Monday. Police and fire- dreds of more people in Homs even as hundreds of cent overall. That compares dead after driving into a fighters rescued people mobile homes on higher the first time in 11 years civilians were evacuated to a drop of nearly 2 per- creek swollen with rain- who became trapped in ground were isolated be- that weather washed out a cent that the government water. flooded townhomes and a cause water covered the Monday practice round from rebel-held districts of forecast in February. Strong winds downed mobile home park. only entrance to the for the Master’s golf Homs. —From wire reports trees, power lines and Dozens of cars had complex. tournament . —From wire reports ■ Lecanto ■ Baseball/B2, B4 tops ■ Scoreboard/B3 Section B - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 Citrus in ■ Basketball/B3 three ■ Hockey/B3 overtime ■ Lottery, TV/B3 thriller. ■ Flag football/B4 B4 SPORTS / ■ Sports briefs/B4 CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE Logano holds on for Sprint Cup win in Texas “My heart dropped,” Logano said. Passes Jeff Gordon on final “When you’ve got like 40-something laps after the last pit stop and a pretty sizeable lead, all you’re thinking is where’s the white flag, where’s the white lap for rain-delayed victory flag,” he said. “Then you go into Turn 1, and you see the 41 up against the wall, please, no caution. ... You Associated Press get so mad that you can barely control yourself.” On the ensuing pit stop, Gordon took only two FORT WORTH, Texas — Joey Logano had a big tires and exited first. Both Team Penske drivers lead and was within a half-lap of taking the white took four tires, but Keselowski missed a chance to flag at Texas. become the season’s first two-time winner when he The late caution and extra laps? They just made was penalized for speeding on pit road and finished his victory Monday in the rain-delayed Sprint Cup 15th. race that much more exciting. “I was just trying to get a little too much on pit With a last-lap pass of Jeff Gordon in NASCAR’s road. ... Tried a little too hard,” Keselowski said. version of overtime, Logano became the seventh dif- “We’re in it for wins. We’re not in it for second. Sec- ferent winner in as many races this season, with ond or 15th is the same for us.” new rules for the championship Chase putting an On a restart at lap 262, Logano quickly pulled his increased emphasis on winning. See LOGANO/ Page B3 Logano had a 2.2-second lead on teammate Brad Keselowski while closing on in the white flag that Joey Logano celebrates Monday after winning would have guaranteed no extra laps. Then came the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race at out the caution for debris on the track after Kurt Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. Busch went into the wall. Associated Press 2014 NCAA BASKETBALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Phillips no-hits Lions Seven Rivers Connecticut 60 baseball team pastes HCA 19-0 Kentucky 54 SEAN ARNOLD Correspondent

HOMOSASSA — Coy Phillips allowed just one base runner in five no-hit innings and knocked in three runs while scoring four Connecticut beats Kentucky for fourth NCAA title since 1999 to help the Seven Rivers Associated Press Christian base- ball club ARLINGTON, Texas — No confer- cruise to a 19-0 ence wanted them. Several teammates senior-night victory and their coach left them. The NCAA over Brooksville’s wouldn’t have them. Hernando Christian UConn won it all anyway. Academy at Dazzy Vance Field Shabazz Napier turned in another all- on Monday. court masterpiece Monday night to lift The win improves SRCS to 9-0 the Huskies to a 60-54 win over Ken- at home, and 17-1 on the season. tucky’s freshmen and a national title The Warriors made stronger hardly anyone saw coming. contact at the plate as the game Napier had 22 points, six rebounds wore on, but scored its first five and three assists, and his partner in de- runs before getting a base hit. fensive lock-down, Ryan Boatright, fin- Junior second baseman Tyler ished with 14 points. Pillsbury paced the SRCS of- UConn (32-8) never trailed. The fense in going 3 for 4 with two Huskies led by as many as 15 in the first doubles — including one half and watched the Wildcats (29-11) against the center-field fence — trim the deficit to one with 8:13 left. But Aaron Harrison, Kentucky’s big-moment See WARRIORS /Page B3 shooter in the last three games, missed a 3-pointer from the left corner that would’ve given the ’Cats the lead. Ken- tucky never got closer. One key difference in a six-point loss: Lessons Kentucky’s 11 missed free throws — a flashback of sorts for coach John Cali- pari, whose Memphis team blew a late lead against Kansas after missing multi- learned ple free throws in the 2008 final. The Wildcats went 13 for 24. UConn went 10 for 10, and when Lasan Kromah made his last two with 25.1 seconds left for a Warriors use six-point margin, the celebration was on. In all, Calipari’s One and Doners got 18-2 victory as outdone by a more fundamentally sound, more-seasoned group that came into this teaching tool tournament a seventh-seeded after- thought but walked away with the pro- C.J. RISAK gram’s fourth national title since 1999. Correspondent They were the highest seed to win it all since Rollie Massimino’s eighth-seeded CRYSTAL RIVER – So what’s Villanova squad in 1985. to be gained from a game that, Napier and Boatright now go down going into it, you know you with Kemba Walker, Emeka Okafor and should have no problem getting a all those other UConn champs of years win? past. This adds to the school’s titles in Gary Dreyer, the Seven Rivers 1999, 2004 and 2011. Christian softball coach, has This one was, by far, the most plenty of an- unexpected. swers for that A short year ago, UConn was playing question, be- its first season in the new American Ath- ginning with, letic Conference after being booted from “I don't think the Big East and not welcomed by any of anybody is that good to the so-called power conferences. Long- think they can walk time coach Jim Calhoun left because of onto a field and not health problems. And most damaging — give consideration to the team on the NCAA made the Huskies sit out of the other side.” last year’s March Madness because of The real question in situations grade problems, which triggered an exo- like the one facing the Warriors dus of five key players to the NBA or Monday, when they hosted other schools. Brooksville Hernando County Napier stuck around. So did Boatright. Christian, was can they stay fo- And Calhoun’s replacement, Kevin Ollie, cused on the task at hand even if figured out how to get the most out of they were heavily favored? their grit and court sense. They did. By the bottom of the They were one step ahead of Kentucky fourth inning, Seven Rivers had all night, holding off furious rally after Associated Press built an 18-2 lead, which was furious rally. Connecticut guard Ryan Boatright, top, celebrates Monday with a teammate after enough to invoke the mercy rule. Kentucky’s biggest push started when their 60-54 victory over Kentucky in the NCAA championship game in Arlington, The Warriors improved to 14-2 James Young (20 points, seven rebounds) Texas. overall, while HCA fell to 3-10. posterized Amida Brimah with a mon- drew, most of the night, twisted his left Napier and Niels Giffey made 3s on Seven Rivers’ offense had lit- ster dunk to start a three-point play and ankle while receiving an innocuous- UConn’s next two possessions, and sud- tle trouble with the Lions, scor- trigger an 8-0 run. looking pass from Napier. He called a denly, that one-point lead was back up to ing four runs in the first, one in In the middle of that, Boatright, who timeout. Got it worked on and came back five — comfortable by this tournament’s shut down Harrison’s twin brother, An- out. standards. See LESSONS/ Page B3 B2 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 BASEBALL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Central Division West Division AL W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away New York 4 3 .571 — — 4-3 W-2 1-0 3-3 Detroit 4 1 .800 — — 4-1 L-1 4-1 0-0 Seattle 4 2 .667 — — 4-2 L-1 0-0 4-2 Tampa Bay 4 4 .500 1/2 — 4-4 L-2 4-3 0-1 Chicago 3 3 .500 1-1/2 — 3-3 W-1 2-1 1-2 Oakland 4 3 .571 1/2 — 4-3 W-2 3-3 1-0 Royals 4, Rays 2 Boston 3 4 .429 1-1/2 1/2 3-4 W-1 1-3 2-1 Cleveland 3 3 .500 1-1/2 — 3-3 L-2 1-2 2-1 Houston 3 4 .429 1-1/2 1/2 3-4 L-1 3-4 0-0 Tampa Bay Kansas City Toronto 3 4 .429 1-1/2 1/2 3-4 L-1 1-2 2-2 Kansas City 3 3 .500 1-1/2 — 3-3 W-1 3-1 0-2 Los Angeles 3 4 .429 1-1/2 1/2 3-4 W-1 0-3 3-1 ab r h bi ab r h bi Baltimore 2 5 .286 2 1-1/2 2-5 L-1 1-2 1-3 Minnesota 3 4 .429 2 1/2 3-4 L-1 0-1 3-3 Texas 3 4 .429 1-1/2 1/2 3-4 L-1 2-1 1-3 DJnngs cf 3 0 0 0 Aoki rf 4 1 2 0 Myers rf 4 0 0 0 Infante 2b 2 0 1 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE Zobrist 2b 4 1 2 1 Valenci pr 0 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 0 3 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 1 East Division Central Division West Division Forsyth dh 4 1 0 0 BButler dh 4 0 0 0 W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away W L Pct GB WC L10 Str Home Away Miami 5 2 .714 — — 5-2 L-1 5-2 0-0 Milwaukee 4 2 .667 — — 4-2 W-3 1-2 3-0 San Fran. 5 2 .714 — — 5-2 L-1 0-0 5-2 Loney 1b 4 0 0 0 AGordn lf 4 1 1 0 Atlanta 4 2 .667 1/2 — 4-2 L-1 0-0 4-2 Pittsburgh 4 2 .667 — — 4-2 W-1 4-2 0-0 Los Angeles 5 3 .625 1/2 — 5-3 W-1 1-2 4-1 SRdrgz lf 3 0 0 0 S.Perez c 2 1 1 0 Washington 4 2 .667 1/2 — 4-2 W-1 1-2 3-0 St. Louis 4 3 .571 1/2 1/2 4-3 W-1 1-0 3-3 Colorado 3 4 .429 2 1-1/2 3-4 L-1 2-1 1-3 Joyce ph 1 0 1 1 Mostks 3b 3 0 0 0 Philadelphia 3 3 .500 1-1/2 1 3-3 L-1 0-0 3-3 Chicago 2 4 .333 2 2 2-4 W-1 1-2 1-2 San Diego 2 4 .333 2-1/2 2 2-4 W-1 1-2 1-2 Hanign c 3 0 0 0 L.Cain cf 4 1 1 0 New York 2 4 .333 2-1/2 2 2-4 L-1 2-4 0-0 Cincinnati 2 5 .286 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-5 L-1 1-2 1-3 Arizona 2 7 .222 4 3-1/2 2-7 W-1 1-5 1-2 DeJess ph 1 0 0 0 AEscor ss 3 0 1 3 YEscor ss 3 0 0 0 Totals 34 2 6 2 Totals 30 4 8 4 Tampa Bay 000 000 002 — 2 Kansas City 100 003 00x — 4 E—Hosmer (1). DP—Tampa Bay 2. LOB— NL Tampa Bay 6, Kansas City 7. 2B—Longoria (3), A.Escobar (1). 3B—Aoki (1). HR—Zobrist (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cardinals 5, Reds 3 Tampa Bay Cincinnati St. Louis M.Moore L,0-2 4 1/3 4 1 1 2 2 ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Ramos 1 1 1 1 1 1 BHmltn cf 5 0 1 0 MCrpnt 3b 3 1 1 0 H.Bell 2 2/3 3 2 2 1 2 Phillips 2b 3 0 0 0 Bourjos cf 5 2 2 0 Kansas City Votto 1b 3 0 0 0 Hollidy lf 3 2 1 1 Vargas W,1-0 8 4 1 1 1 2 Bruce rf 3 1 0 0 Craig rf 4 0 1 1 G.Holland S,3-3 1 2 1 1 0 1 Ludwck lf 3 1 2 0 YMolin c 4 0 1 3 Vargas pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. Frazier 3b 4 0 1 0 MAdms 1b 4 0 2 0 HBP—by H.Bell (Infante). WP—H.Bell. Cozart ss 4 0 1 1 JhPerlt ss 3 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, Brian Knight; First, Quinn Wol- B.Pena c 4 1 3 0 Wong 2b 3 0 1 0 cott; Second, Gerry Davis; Third, Phil Cuzzi. Cingrn p 1 0 1 0 Wacha p 1 0 0 0 T—2:56. A—12,087 (37,903). Berndn ph 1 0 1 1 Jay ph 1 0 0 0 Christn p 0 0 0 0 CMrtnz p 0 0 0 0 Red Sox 5, Heisey ph 1 0 0 0 Siegrist p 0 0 0 0 Rangers 1 T.Bell p 0 0 0 0 Descals ph 1 0 0 0 Partch p 0 0 0 0 Rosnthl p 0 0 0 0 Texas Boston N.Soto ph 0 0 0 1 ab r h bi ab r h bi Totals 32 3103 Totals 32 5 9 5 Choo lf 4 0 2 0 Nava lf 3 0 1 1 Cincinnati 000 010 002 — 3 Andrus ss 4 0 1 0 Pedroia 2b 5 0 0 1 St. Louis 300 000 20x — 5 Fielder 1b 4 0 0 0 D.Ortiz dh 5 0 0 0 E—Votto (1). DP—Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 2. ABeltre 3b 4 1 1 0 Napoli 1b 5 0 3 0 LOB—Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 10. 2B—B.Hamil- Rios rf 3 0 2 0 Sizemr cf 4 0 2 0 ton (1), B.Pena 2 (2), Bernadina (1), Bourjos (1), Morlnd dh 3 0 1 1 Bogarts ss 4 1 1 0 Holliday (2), Y.Molina (1). SB—Wong (1). CS— DMrph 2b 4 0 1 0 Przyns c 4 2 3 0 B.Pena (1). S—Phillips, Wacha. SF—N.Soto. LMartn cf 3 0 0 0 JHerrr 3b 2 1 1 0 IP H R ER BB SO Arencii c 3 0 0 0 BrdlyJr rf 4 1 3 2 Cincinnati Totals 32 1 8 1 Totals 36 5 14 4 Cingrani L,0-1 4 3 3 3 4 5 Texas 000 100 000 — 1 Christiani 2 1 0 0 1 0 Boston 010 100 03x — 5 T.Bell 2/3 4 2 2 0 0 E—Fielder (2), Andrus (3), Nava (2). DP—Texas Partch 11/310011 3, Boston 2. LOB—Texas 7, Boston 11. 2B— St. Louis Do.Murphy (1), Sizemore (1). 3B—Choo (1). Wacha W,1-0 6 7 1 1 1 3 SB—Rios (1), L.Martin (2). SF—Moreland. C.Martinez H,3 12/31 0 0 0 2 IP H R ER BB SO Siegrist 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Texas Rosenthal 1 2 2 2 2 1 Scheppers L,0-1 5 9 2 2 1 3 Umpires—Home, CB Bucknor; First, Hal Gibson; Figueroa 1 0 0 0 0 0 Second, Dale Scott; Third, Dan Iassogna. Rosin 1 4 3 3 11 T—2:59. A—47,492 (45,399). Tolleson 1 1 0 0 0 0 Boston Lackey W,2-0 7 5 1 0 2 5 This date in baseball Associated Press Capuano H,2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay starting Matt Moore, left, walks off the field Monday with a trainer following an injury Uehara 1 2 0 0 0 1 This Date In Baseball Rosin pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. April 8 during the sixth inning against the at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. HBP—by Figueroa (J.Herrera), by Scheppers 1934 — The Philadelphia Athletics and the (Nava). PB—Arencibia, Pierzynski. Philadelphia Phillies played the first legal Sun- Umpires—Home, Paul Emmel; First, Chris Con- day baseball game in Philadelphia. The exhibi- roy; Second, Jordan Baker; Third, Jerry Meals. tion game was made possible when the state made Sunday baseball a local option and the city T—3:07. A—35,842 (37,499). approved it in a referendum ballot. Yankees 4, Orioles 2 1969 — The Montreal Expos played their first regular-season game — the first international Baltimore New York contest in major league history — and defeated ab r h bi ab r h bi the New York Mets 11-10 at Shea Stadium. Lough lf 3 0 0 0 Gardnr lf 4 0 1 0 Expos pitcher Dan McGinn hit the expansion the Houston Astros 9-1. Markks rf 4 0 1 0 Jeter ss 4 1 1 0 team’s first home run. AMERICAN LEAGUE A.Jones cf 4 1 1 0 Ellsury cf 4 0 2 1 1974 — In the opener in Atlanta, Hank Aaron Jeter, Yankees The Angels took three of four from C.Davis 1b 4 1 1 0 Beltran rf 3 1 1 0 Monday’s Games broke Babe Ruth’s career record by hitting his Houston after starting the season 0-3. Wieters c 4 0 2 1 ISuzuki rf 0 0 0 0 N.Y. Yankees 4, Baltimore 2 715th home run off Los Angeles left-hander Al N.Cruz dh 4 0 2 1 McCnn c 4 0 0 0 L.A. Angels 9, Houston 1 Kendrick drove in two with a single Downing in the fourth inning. The Braves beat beat Orioles 4-2 Lmrdzz 2b 4 0 0 0 ASorin dh 3 1 2 0 Oakland 8, Minnesota 3 the Dodgers 7-4 before a crowd of nearly in a three-run first inning. He added an Flahrty ss 3 0 0 0 BRorts 2b 3 0 0 0 Boston 5, Texas 1 54,000. RBI with a single when the Angels Schoop 3b 3 0 1 0 KJhnsn 1b 2 0 0 1 in home opener Kansas City 4, Tampa Bay 2 1975 — Frank Robinson became the first Solarte 3b 3 1 1 1 at Colorado, late tacked on three more in the seventh. black manager in major league history by mak- Totals 33 2 8 2 Totals 30 4 8 3 San Diego at Cleveland, ppd., rain ing his debut as player-manager of the Cleve- Associated Press Kole Calhoun homered off Jarred Baltimore 000 100 100 — 2 Today’s Games land Indians. He hit a home run in his first at-bat Cosart (1-1), sending a drive to right New York 001 120 00x — 4 Baltimore (W.Chen 0-1) at N.Y. Yankees (Nova 1-0), — as a designated hitter — to help beat the New DP—Baltimore 1, New York 1. LOB—Baltimore KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Jason 1:05 p.m. field for his second shot of the series to York Yankees, 5-3. 5, New York 8. 2B—Markakis (1), C.Davis (3), Vargas took a shutout into the Texas (M.Perez 0-0) at Boston (Doubront 1-0), 6:10 p.m. 1986 — Jim Presley of the Seattle Mariners push the lead to 4-0 in the fifth inning. Schoop (1), Jeter (1). CS—Ellsbury (1). San Diego (T.Ross 0-1) at Cleveland (McAllister 0-0), hit home runs in the ninth and 10th innings for a ninth inning, Alcides Escobar hit IP H R ER BB SO 7:05 p.m. Wilson (1-1) yielded four hits and a come-from-behind 8-4 opening day victory over a three-run double and the Baltimore Houston (Oberholtzer 0-1) at Toronto (Buehrle 1-0), run while fanning seven. He looked a the California Angels. Kansas City Royals beat the 7:07 p.m. Jimenez L,0-2 42/38 4 4 5 4 1987 — Phil Niekro and Steve Carl- lot more like the 17-game winner he Tampa Bay (Archer 1-0) at Kansas City (Ventura 0-0), Britton 2 0 0 0 1 2 ton of the teamed up to beat 4-2 Monday night 8:10 p.m. was last year than he did in his first R.Webb 11/300002 the 14-3. Niekro recorded his in a game that included two sig- Chicago White Sox (Quintana 0-0) at Colorado start this season when he allowed New York 312th victory and Carlton pitched four shutout nificant injuries. (Morales 0-0), 8:40 p.m. Kuroda W,1-1 61/38 2 2 0 4 innings in relief. It was the first time in modern eight hits and six runs in 5 2/3 innings Rays starter Matt Moore (0-2) Detroit (Scherzer 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Haren 1-0), Thornton H,2 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 history that two 300-game winners pitched for 10:10 p.m. of a loss to Seattle. Phelps H,1 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 the same team in the same game. came out in the fifth inning with a L.A. Angels (H.Santiago 0-1) at Seattle (Paxton 1-0), Warren H,3 1 0 0 0 1 2 1993 — Carlos Baerga of the Cleveland Indi- sore left elbow. The All-Star lefty 10:10 p.m. Athletics 8, Twins 3 Kelley S,1-1 1 00000 ans became the first player in major league his- grimaced after throwing a pitch to Wednesday’s Games Umpires—Home, Tim Timmons; First, Todd tory to hit home runs from both sides of the plate MINNEAPOLIS — Yoenis Ces- San Diego at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m. Tichenor; Second, Tim Welke; Third, Will Little. in the same inning. The homers came in the sev- Norichika Aoki and was immedi- Oakland at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. pedes proved he can play through a T—3:05. A—48,142 (49,642). enth inning of a 15-5 rout of the New York ately removed by manager Joe Tampa Bay at Kansas City, 2:10 p.m. Yankees. hurting right heel, giving Scott Kazmir Maddon. Chicago White Sox at Colorado, 3:10 p.m. Angels 9, Astros 1 1994 — Kurt Mercker of the Texas at Boston, 4:05 p.m. and the a spark with Los Angeles Houston pitched the season’s first no-hitter, beating the Two innings later, Royals sec- Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. a pair of RBIs that helped spoil the Dodgers 6-0. It was the first complete game of ond baseman Omar Infante was ab r h bi ab r h bi Houston at Toronto, 7:07 p.m. Mercker’s career. Minnesota Twins’ home opener with Calhon rf 3 3 1 1 Villar ss 4 0 1 0 hit in the face by a pitch from re- Detroit at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. 2002 — Craig Biggio hit for the cycle and had an 8-3 victory. Trout cf 4 1 1 0 Grssmn cf 4 0 0 0 liever Heath Bell. Infante also left L.A. Angels at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Pujols 1b 5 1 1 0 Altuve 2b 4 0 0 0 four RBIs in Houston’s 8-4 win over Colorado. Cespedes has been hobbling 2009 — Four Phillies walked with the bases the game, walking off under his NATIONAL LEAGUE JMcDnl pr-3b0 1 0 0 JCastro dh 4 0 0 0 loaded during an eight-run seventh inning and own power with Kansas City train- around the last few days with the in- JHmltn dh 2 2 1 1 Guzmn lf 3 0 1 0 Philadelphia rallied for a 12-11 victory over the ers Nick Kenney and Kyle Turner. Monday’s Games jury, but the team wasn’t worried Ibanez lf 4 0 1 3 Carter 1b 3 0 1 0 Atlanta Braves. St. Louis 5, Cincinnati 3 Cowgill lf 1 0 0 0 MDmn 3b 3 0 0 0 2011 — Manny Ramirez retired from baseball Infante, struck on the left cheek, Milwaukee at Philadelphia, ppd., rain enough about it to hold him out of the HKndrc 2b 5 0 2 3 Corprn c 3 1 1 1 after testing positive for a performance-enhanc- was spitting blood and had blood San Diego at Cleveland, ppd., rain lineup. The Cuban slugger followed a IStewrt 3b-1b5 1 1 0 Hoes rf 2 0 0 0 ing drug. The slumping Tampa Bay slugger in- on his forehead as trainers held a Chicago White Sox at Colorado, late leadoff walk to Brandon Moss by Iannett c 3 0 0 1 formed that he would Today’s Games Aybar ss 4 0 0 0 retire rather than face a 100-game suspension. towel to his face. Milwaukee (Lohse 0-1) at Philadelphia (K.Kendrick crushing a double in the second inning Totals 36 9 8 9 Totals 30 1 4 1 Ramirez served a 50-game ban for violating the American League 0-0), 4:05 p.m. for the first run against Kevin Correia Los Angeles 300 011 301 — 9 drug policy in 2009. Arizona (Cahill 0-2) at San Francisco (Hudson 1-0), (0-1) and hit a sacrifice fly in the Houston 000 000 010 — 1 Today’s birthdays: Jeremy Hellickson, 27; Yankees 4, Orioles 2 4:35 p.m. E—Carter (1). LOB—Los Angeles 7, Houston 3. Yonder Alonso, 27; Felix Hernandez, 28; Carlos Miami (H.Alvarez 0-1) at Washington (G.Gonzalez seventh. 2B—Pujols (4), Guzman (1), Carter (2). 3B— Santana, 28; Chris Iannetta, 31; Jeremy Guthrie, NEW YORK — Derek Jeter gave 1-0), 7:05 p.m. Kazmir (2-0), who stymied with I.Stewart (1). HR—Calhoun (2), Corporan (1). 35. Yangervis Solarte some assistance San Diego (T.Ross 0-1) at Cleveland (McAllister 0-0), SF—Iannetta. 7:05 p.m. Twins in five starts against them last with Yankee Stadium tradition, then season for Cleveland, completed six IP H R ER BB SO N.Y. Mets (Colon 0-1) at Atlanta (Harang 1-0), 7:10 p.m. Los Angeles Pittsburgh (Morton 0-0) at (E.Jackson Rays schedule the rookie helped make the captain a innings with six hits, three runs and C.Wilson W,1-1 8 4 1 1 1 7 0-0), 8:05 p.m. winner in his final home opener as Frieri 1 00001 April 8 at Kansas City Cincinnati (Bailey 0-1) at St. Louis (Lynn 1-0), 8:15 p.m. four walks allowed. Houston April 9 at Kansas City New York beat the Chicago White Sox (Quintana 0-0) at Colorado Cosart L,1-1 6 3 5 5 4 4 April 11 at Cincinnati 4-2. (Morales 0-0), 8:40 p.m. National League Peacock 3 5 4 4 2 4 April 12 at Cincinnati Detroit (Scherzer 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Haren 1-0), April 13 at Cincinnati Jeter doubled high off the left-field Cardinals 5, Reds 3 10:10 p.m. Umpires—Home, Pat Hoberg; First, Tom Hallion; April 14 at Baltimore wall and scored on Jacoby Ellsbury’s Wednesday’s Games Second, Eric Cooper; Third, Chris Guccione. April 15 at Baltimore ST. LOUIS — Michael Wacha out- San Diego at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m. T—2:44. A—17,936 (42,060). April 16 at Baltimore single in the fifth inning and Hiroki Cincinnati at St. Louis, 1:45 p.m. did Tony Cingrani in a rematch of April 17 vs. NY Yankees Kuroda (1-1) pitched 6 1/3 sharp in- Athletics 8, Twins 3 Chicago White Sox at Colorado, 3:10 p.m. young power arms and the St. Louis April 18 vs. NY Yankees nings in the Yankees’ 112th opener in Miami at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Oakland Minnesota April 19 vs. NY Yankees Cardinals got a three-run double from Milwaukee at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. ab r h bi ab r h bi April 20 vs. NY Yankees New York. N.Y. Mets at Atlanta, 7:10 p.m. Yadier Molina in the first inning, beat- Fuld cf 5 0 0 0 Dozier 2b 4 0 0 0 April 22 vs. Minnesota In what manager Joe Girardi said Pittsburgh at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. ing the 5-3 in their Lowrie ss 2 1 0 0 Mauer 1b 3 0 0 0 April 23 vs. Minnesota would be a season-long lovefest for Detroit at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Punto pr-ss 0 1 0 0 Plouffe 3b 4 1 1 0 April 24 vs. Minnesota home opener. Arizona at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. Dnldsn 3b 5 2 2 0 Colaell rf 4 1 1 0 April 25 at Chicago White Sox Jeter, the shortstop was cheered Standing room attendance of Moss 1b 4 2 1 2 Pinto dh 3 0 0 0 April 26 at Chicago White Sox every step of the way by an adoring Cespds lf 3 1 1 2 Kubel lf 4 0 1 1 April 27 at Chicago White Sox 47,492, the largest crowd at 9-year- crowd of 48,142 — even when his the World Series. They avoided drop- Callasp dh 4 0 2 1 KSuzuk c 4 1 1 1 April 28 at Chicago White Sox ping their first four home games for old Busch Stadium, braved day-long April 29 at Boston double-play grounder back to Orioles rain and temperatures in the 40s to Reddck rf 4 0 1 1 A.Hicks cf 4 0 1 1 April 30 at Boston starter Ubaldo Jimenez (0-2) scored the first time since 1984. DNorrs c 4 1 2 1 Flormn ss 3 0 1 0 May 1 at Boston greet the NL champions and visit the Sogard 2b 4 0 1 0 Solarte in the third inning for the first Lackey (2-0) allowed an unearned May 2 at NY Yankees run and five hits in seven innings five new Ballpark Village. Hundreds milled Totals 35 8107 Totals 33 3 6 3 May 3 at NY Yankees Oakland 023 001 200 — 8 run. days after giving up two runs over six about the attached complex, which May 4 at NY Yankees Shawn Kelley pitched a perfect Minnesota 012 000 000 — 3 May 6 vs. Baltimore innings in a 6-2 win at Baltimore. features five sports bars and rooftop DP—Minnesota 1. LOB—Oakland 5, Minnesota May 7 vs. Baltimore ninth for his first career save. After the Chris Capuano pitched the eighth and seating. 10. 2B—Donaldson (1), Cespedes (2), Callaspo May 8 vs. Baltimore game, the Yankees said closer David Koji Uehara escaped a second-and- The Cardinals bunched three hits (1), Kubel (4), A.Hicks (2). HR—D.Norris (1). May 9 vs. Cleveland Robertson was going on the disabled SB—Florimon (2). SF—Cespedes. May 10 vs. Cleveland third jam in the ninth in a non-save and a walk over the first five hitters to IP H R ER BB SO May 11 vs. Cleveland list with a strained groin. situation. take the early lead against Cingrani Oakland May 12 at Seattle Tanner Scheppers (0-1) allowed (0-1), who allowed two hits in seven Kazmir W,2-0 6 6 3 3 4 5 May 13 at Seattle Red Sox 5, Rangers 1 Abad 1 0 0 0 1 1 May 14 at Seattle Bradley's run-scoring hits in the sec- scoreless innings last week in Otero 1 00001 May 15 at LA Angels BOSTON — John Lackey pitched ond and fourth, and Boston added Cook 1 00022 May 16 at LA Angels seven strong innings, Jackie Bradley three runs in the eighth. Cincinnati. May 17 at LA Angels St. Louis ended a three-game los- Minnesota Jr. singled in two runs and the Boston Correia L,0-1 52/39 6 6 2 3 May 18 at LA Angels Angels 9, Astros 1 ing streak on opening day, including a May 20 vs. Oakland Red Sox snapped a three-game los- Deduno 31/31 2 2 1 4 May 21 vs. Oakland ing streak with a 5-1 win over the HOUSTON — C.J. Wilson pitched blowout loss to the Reds last year. HBP—by Deduno (Lowrie). Balk—Deduno. May 22 vs. Oakland . eight solid innings, Howie Kendrick The 22-year-old Wacha (1-0), the Umpires—Home, Bill Miller; First, Vic Cara- May 23 vs. Boston pazza; Second, Adam Hamari; Third, Greg Gib- May 24 vs. Boston The Red Sox never lost more than and Raul Ibanez each drove in three NL championship series MVP, pitched son. May 25 vs. Boston three straight last year when they won runs and the Los Angeles Angels beat six stingy innings. T—3:05. A—35,837 (39,021). CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE SCOREBOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 B3

NASCAR Sprint Cup Mourning, Richardson, Duck Commander 500 Monday LOTTERY At Texas Motor Speedway Florida Williams make Hall of Fame Fort Worth, Texas Lap length: 1.5 miles Associated Press nounced Monday. They will be in- (Start position in parentheses) Here are the winning numbers selected 1. (10) Joey Logano, Ford, 340 laps, 133 rat- ducted at a ceremony Aug. 8 in Spring- ing, 48 points, $561,881. Monday in the Florida Lottery: DALLAS — Alonzo Mourning and field, Mass., along with members who 2. (12) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 340, 121.7, CASH 3 (early) NCAA championship-winning were already announced, including 43, $364,656. coaches Nolan Richardson and Gary retired NBA Commissioner David 3. (29) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 340, 113.4, 42, 2 - 6 - 1 $289,211. CASH 3 (late) Williams have been voted into the Stern. 4. (23) Brian Vickers, Toyota, 340, 93.8, 40, 6 - 9 - 4 Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Richardson’s Razorbacks beat Duke $238,370. Fame. for the 1994 title and made two other 5. (14) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 340, 104.7, PLAY 4 (early) 39, $202,865. 8 - 7 - 1 - 0 Richardson was chosen 20 years trips to the Final Four. Williams and after he coached Arkansas to a na- the Terrapins beat Indiana for the 6. (4) Greg Biffle, Ford, 340, 110.2, 38, PLAY 4 (late) $196,910. tional championship. Williams won a title 12 years ago. 7. (26) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 340, 85.6, 37, 0 - 4 - 4 - 9 title with Maryland in 2002. Lithuania star Sarunas Marciulio- $192,046. Former NBA star Mitch Richmond nis was among several candidates al- 8. (25) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 340, 100.6, 37, FANTASY 5 $174,701. also was part of the class that was an- ready selected by various committees. 9. (13) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 340, 85.6, 35, 3 - 4 - 13 - 26 - 29 $163,824. 10. (1) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 340, 101.2, BRIEFS 35, $190,243. NHL 11. (32) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 340, 92.4, Sunday’s winning numbers and payouts: advantage of opportunities. 33, $147,500. Flames 1, Devils 0 12. (17) Aric Almirola, Ford, 340, 80.4, 32, Fantasy 5: 9 – 13 – 21 – 28 – 31 Players should verify NEWARK, N.J. — Karri Ramo made 31 Wild 1, Jets 0 $168,306. 5-of-5 2 winners $102,993 winning numbers by saves to record his second NHL shutout 13. (6) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 340, 101.6, 32, 4-of-5 300 $110.50 WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Charlie Coyle $137,770. calling 850-487-7777 as the Calgary Flames topped the New scored in the second period and Ilya Bryz- 14. (5) Carl Edwards, Ford, 340, 84.9, 30, 3-of-5 9,066 $10 or at Jersey Devils 1-0 on Monday night. $143,120. galov made 24 saves as the Minnesota 15. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 340, 123.1, 30, Mark Giordano scored for Calgary, Wild defeated the Winnipeg Jets 1-0. $175,053. which improved to 34-38-7. The Flames The Wild (41-26-12) closed in on a play- 16. (8) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 340, 86.4, are 16-20-4 on the road this season. off berth in the Western Conference with 28, $133,815. AIRWAVES 17. (15) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 340, On the Cory Schneider stopped 21 of 22 shots the win. 93.9, 27, $156,729. for New Jersey, which fell to 34-29-16. The Jets’ Michael Hutchinson, a 24- 18. (18) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 340, 72, TODAY’S SPORTS New Jersey’s loss also allowed the New year-old rookie who began the season in 26, $149,723. 19. (7) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 339, 75.7, 0, BASEBALL York Rangers to clinch a playoff berth. the ECHL, made his first career NHL start $116,240. 1 p.m. (MLB) Baltimore Orioles at Both Calgary and the Devils have three with regular backup Al Montoya still deal- 20. (9) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 339, 75.8, 24, 7 p.m. (FSNFL) Miami Marlins at Washington Nationals games remaining this season. ing with a lower-body injury. His only blem- $146,260. 21. (20) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 339, 61.1, 8 p.m. (SUN, WYKE 104.3 FM) Tampa Bay Rays at Kansas Neither the Flames nor Devils scored until ish on 17 shots came on Coyle’s 23, $162,251. City Royals Giordano’s power-play goal 23 seconds into one-timer. 22. (39) David Gilliland, Ford, 339, 63, 22, 8 p.m. (FS1) Cincinnati Reds at St. Louis Cardinals the third as both teams were unable to take —From wire reports $141,773. 23. (33) A J Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 339, 10 p.m. (MLB) Los Angeles Angels at Seattle Mariners 56.5, 21, $129,898. NBA BASKETBALL 24. (22) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 339, 62.4, 8 p.m. (TNT) Brooklyn Nets at Miami Heat Senior shortstop Adam Gage scored 20, $134,573. four runs and drove in another two 25. (16) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 338, 53, 10:30 p.m. (TNT) Houston Rockets at Los Angeles Lakers WARRIORS 19, $162,051. 2 a.m. (NBA) Brooklyn Nets at Miami Heat (same-day tape) for the game, and junior first base- Continued from Page B1 26. (31) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 338, 56.3, WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP man Cory Weiand chipped in three 18, $145,140. 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) Connecticut vs. Notre Dame runs. 27. (24) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, 338, 53.2, “It’s tough when you’re not seeing 17, $115,690. 12:30 a.m. (ESPNU) Connecticut vs. Notre Dame (same-day and three RBIs. 28. (21) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 338, 59.1, tape) Pillsbury also had three putouts in the best pitching,” SRCS coach Jon 16, $125,748. NHL HOCKEY the field. Bolin said.“These guys have had pro- 29. (27) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 337, 52.5, The Lions committed 11 errors on fessional at-bats all year, so it didn’t 15, $114,162. 1 p.m. (NHL) Calgary Flames at New Jersey Devils (taped) surprise me that they started making 30. (28) Michael McDowell, Ford, 335, 56.9, 3 p.m. (NHL) Anaheim Ducks at Vancouver Canucks (taped) the night, and gave up three of the 14, $101,965. Warriors’ four first-inning runs on adjustments the second time through 8 p.m. (NBCSPT) Washington Capitals at St. Louis Blues 31. (42) Cole Whitt, Toyota, 335, 39.2, 13, wild pitches. the order.” $98,540. COLLEGE LACROSSE Phillips, an eighth-grader, fanned Hernando Christian freshman 32. (30) Alex Bowman, Toyota, 335, 41.5, 12, 7:30 p.m. (ESPNU) Lehigh at Princeton $100,440. nine batters and yielded one walk, Michael Valdes struck out four War- 33. (38) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 334, UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE SOCCER while forcing four groundouts and a riors in the first two innings, but 40.1, 12, $98,840. 2:30 p.m. (FS1) Quarterfinal, 2nd Leg: Chelsea FC vs Paris pair of infield pop-flies. struggled with his command as he 34. (40) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 334, 32.3, Saint-Germain 0, $95,240. “I just tried to hit spots and make threw 60 pitches over the same cou- 35. (43) David Ragan, Ford, 334, 28.7, 9, TENNIS them make contact and let our de- ple of innings. He was relieved by $107,790. 6 p.m. (TENNIS) WTA BNP Paribas Katowice Open (same- fense play its best ball,” said Phillips, senior Jake Jackson in the third, be- 36. (41) Josh Wise, Chevrolet, 333, 33, 8, day tape) who went 2 for 4 at the plate. fore eighth-grader Joe Jackson en- $92,990. 37. (37) Travis Kvapil, Ford, 332, 36.3, 7, 8 p.m. (TENNIS) WTA BNP Paribas Katowice Open (same- Seven Rivers sent at least seven hit- tered in the fourth and retired three $91,889. day tape) ters to the plate in three different in- straight Warriors. 38. (34) David Reutimann, Ford, 332, 39.3, 10 p.m. (TENNIS) WTA BNP Paribas Katowice Open (same- nings and batted around in the third Second baseman Deonte Judd 6, $84,865. (walk) was the only Lion to reach base. 39. (11) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, accident, 327, day tape) and fourth innings. In the third, the 60.6, 5, $80,865. 12 a.m. (TENNIS) WTA BNP Paribas Katowice Open (same- Warriors hit seven balls to the outfield Seven Rivers plays host to Leesburg 40. (36) Parker Kligerman, Toyota, overheat- day tape) and tallied nine runs. First Academy tonight at 5:30 p.m. ing, 313, 31.6, 4, $76,865. 41. (35) Dave Blaney, Ford, steering, 272, 34.7, 3, $72,865. Note: Times and channels are subject to change at the 42. (3) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, engine, 28, discretion of the network. If you are unable to locate a game Byer’s base hit got Seven Rivers an- 43.4, 3, $110,173. other run in the second, and consecu- 43. (19) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, acci- on the listed channel, please contact your cable provider. LESSONS dent, 12, 28.9, 1, $73,640. tive RBI singles in the third by Kim Continued from Page B1 Iwaniec, Kacer, Byers and Gage pushed the Warriors’ run total to eight. A hit Prep CALENDAR the second, four in the third and adding batsman forced in another run, making NBA standings nine more in the fourth before the game it 9-2 after three innings. EASTERN CONFERENCE TODAY’S PREP SPORTS was called. The Lions managed single The Lions’ single runs came on a sec- Atlantic Division BASEBALL runs in the second and third innings. ond-inning single by Cayla Phillips and W L Pct GB 6:30 p.m. Dunnellon at Citrus “We were focusing on the fundamen- a third-inning base hit by Kelly x-Toronto 45 32 .584 — Klukowski. x-Brooklyn 42 34 .553 2½ 5:30 p.m. First Academy at Seven Rivers tals, focusing on the small things,” New York 33 45 .423 12½ 6:30 p.m. Hernando at Citrus Dreyer said. “When you get to districts An error put Katie Dreyer aboard to Boston 23 54 .299 22 and you get to regionals, it’s all about start the fourth for Seven Rivers, with Philadelphia 17 60 .221 28 6:30 p.m. Faith Baptist Christian at Crystal River SOFTBALL the small details, and so if you’re in a Jaden Vickers, King, Iwaniec and Southeast Division Kacer following with singles to score W L Pct GB 5 p.m. Seven Rivers at St. Francis close game and you’ve mastered those three runs. Byers’ triple delivered two y-Miami 53 23 .697 — 6 p.m. Crystal River at Forest details and you’ve paid attention to x-Washington 40 37 .519 13½ more, with Byers scoring on an error. 7 p.m. Lecanto at Central those details, you have a very good x-Charlotte 39 38 .506 14½ chance of staying in those games. Hits by Gage and Ana Mueller, com- Atlanta 34 42 .447 19 TRACK AND FIELD bined with a walk, loaded the bases for Orlando 22 55 .286 31½ “That’s what I’m hoping they learned 4 p.m. Lecanto hosts Last Chance Meet tonight, what they learn tomorrow and Dreyer, whose double brought all three Central Division GIRLS TENNIS W L Pct GB what they learn the next day.” runs in and ended the game. y-Indiana 53 25 .679 — Class 3A Regional Semifinal Against HCA, it didn’t take long for Byers, who allowed two runs in four x-Chicago 45 32 .584 7½ 3 p.m. New Smyrna Beach at Lecanto the educational process to begin. After innings on the mound to earn the pitch- Cleveland 31 47 .397 22 ing victory, had four hits with a double Detroit 28 49 .364 24½ the first three Lions went out in the top Milwaukee 14 63 .182 38½ x-Colorado 78 50 21 7 107239 209 assignment. half of the first, Seven Rivers sent eight and a triple and drove in four runs to WESTERN CONFERENCE x-Chicago 79 45 19 15 105259 207 TEXAS RANGERS — Placed LHP Joe batters to the plate in scoring four runs. lead Seven Rivers on offense. King and Southwest Division Minnesota 78 41 26 12 94196 194 Saunders on the 15-day DL, retroactive to Sat- Kacer each had three hits, Kacer driv- urday. Recalled RHP Daniel McCutchen from Tessa Kacer singled in the game’s first W L Pct GB Dallas 78 38 29 11 87227 221 run and, after Delaney Byers doubled, ing in three runs, and Gage, Mueller y-San Antonio 60 17 .779 — Nashville 78 35 32 11 81198 231 Frisco (Texas). National League x-Houston 51 25 .671 8½ Winnipeg 79 35 35 10 80220 233 Alyssa Gage singled in another. A third and Iwaniec had two hits apiece. Gage CINCINNATI REDS — Reinstated C Devin Dallas 47 31 .603 13½ Pacific Division run scored on a wild pitch and a fourth and Iwaniec drove in two runs each. GP W L OT Pts GF GA Mesoraco from the 15-day DL. Optioned C Memphis 45 32 .584 15 Tucker Barnhart to Louisville (IL). came home on Gabby Wright’s ground Seven Rivers travels to Gainesville x-Anaheim 78 50 20 8 108251 202 New Orleans 32 45 .416 28 COLORADO ROCKIES — Optioned OF St. Francis tonight. x-San Jose 79 49 21 9 107239 192 out. Northwest Division Corey Dickerson to Colorado Springs (PCL). x-Los Angeles 79 45 28 6 96197 166 W L Pct GB Reinstated LHP Boone Logan from the 15-day y-Oklahoma City 55 20 .733 — Phoenix 78 36 28 14 86209 221 DL. Portland 50 28 .641 6½ Vancouver 78 35 32 11 81187 210 — Designated shield and front left of his No. 48 car Minnesota 38 38 .500 17½ Calgary 78 34 38 7 75201 228 OF Mike Baxter for assignment. Optioned RHP Edmonton 79 28 42 9 65197 261 from mud and debris after the Earn- Denver 33 44 .429 23 Colt Hynes to Albuquerque (PCL). Sent RHP LOGANO NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for over- hardt crash. Johnson was three laps Utah 24 53 .312 32 Chad Billingsley to Rancho Cucamonga (Cal) Continued from Page B1 time loss. for a rehab assignment. down by time he got back in the race Pacific Division x-clinched playoff spot W L Pct GB FOOTBALL after his team worked on the car, and y-clinched division National Football League y-L.A. Clippers 55 23 .705 — the defending Sprint Cup champion z-clinched conference CAROLINA PANTHERS — Signed WR Ford away from the field and had a Golden State 48 29 .623 6½ Monday’s Games Jason Avant to a one-year contract. nearly 5-second lead before his last also had an issue with a right-side tire Phoenix 45 31 .592 9 Calgary 1, New Jersey 0 DETROIT LIONS — Signed CB Cassius green-flag stop. After the green-white- before finishing 25th. Sacramento 27 50 .351 27½ Minnesota 1, Winnipeg 0 Vaughn to a one-year contract. “I just didn’t know I was that close to L.A. Lakers 25 52 .325 29½ Anaheim at Vancouver, late NEW ORLEANS SAINTS —Retained S checkered restart on lap 339, Logano x-clinched playoff spot Today’s Games Rafael Bush by matching the offer from Atlanta. went inside past Brian Vickers and the grass and made a mistake,” said y-clinched division Detroit at Buffalo, 7 p.m. TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Signed S quickly got behind Gordon’s No. 24 Earnhardt, who wasn’t hurt in the Monday’s Games Ottawa at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m. Major Wright and WR Lavelle Hawkins. Re- crash. He later tweeted: “That wasn’t Carolina at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. Chevrolet that had only two fresh tires. No games scheduled leased LB Marvin Booker. fun. Sorry 2 the fans of the 88 team. Today’s Games Phoenix at Columbus, 7 p.m. TENNESSEE TITANS — Waived DE Ade- Heading onto the frontstretch, Detroit at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. wale Ojomo. Logano went low and was able to get Feel bad for my guys and the 48 team San Antonio at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Philadelphia at Florida, 7:30 p.m. HOCKEY past Gordon going into the first turn. also. Made a mistake there that was Brooklyn at Miami, 8 p.m. Washington at St. Louis, 8 p.m. National Hockey League costly for every1.” Boston at Minnesota, 8 p.m. NHL — Suspended Philadelphia F Zac Ri- “He crossed over and got into the Dallas at Utah, 9 p.m. The race started with 10 caution laps Oklahoma City at Sacramento, 10 p.m. Nashville at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. naldo four games for an illegal check to the back of me pretty good,” said Gordon, Houston at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Colorado at Edmonton, 9:30 p.m. head of Buffalo D Chad Ruhwedel during an who took over the points lead. “At that to make sure the 1 1/2-mile high- April 6 game. point, I was just thinking, I just want to banked track was dry and suitable for FLORIDA PANTHERS — Recalled F Drew Shore from San Antonio (AHL). Reassigned F finish. Looked out my mirror, those racing after all the rain Sunday that BASEBALL Bobby Butler to San Antonio. guys were racing hard being me. A pushed the race back a day. NHL standings American League NEW YORK ISLANDERS — Recalled F great, great second-place finish for There were still jet dryers on the BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Acquired RHP Brett Gallant from Bridgeport (AHL) on an EASTERN CONFERENCE Preston Guilmet from Cleveland for OF Torsten emergency basis. Returned F Johan Sundstrom me.” track during those laps, and the high- Atlantic Division Boss, and optioned him to Norfolk (IL). Trans- to Bridgeport. Kyle Busch finished third, ahead of pressure air from those apparently af- GP W L OT Pts GF GA ferred OF Nolan Reimold to the 60-day DL. NEW YORK RANGERS — Recalled F Jes- Brian Vickers and rookie Kyle Larson. fected the hood and roof flaps on z-Boston 78 53 18 7 113251 167 BOSTON RED SOX — Signed INF Ryan per Fast from Hartford (AHL). Logano, the only driver with top-five several cars. Keselowski made four x-Montreal 79 45 27 7 97212 199 Roberts. Optioned INF Brock Holt to Pawtucket TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Promoted chief x-Tampa Bay 78 42 27 9 93229 211 (IL). Transferred RHP Steven Wright to the operating officer Steve Griggs to president. finishes in both Texas races last season, trips down pit road as his crew worked Detroit 78 37 27 14 88211 222 60-day DL. Signed vice president and general manager got his fourth career victory after lead- to secure his hood, but he still got to re- Toronto 79 38 33 8 84229 248 CLEVELAND INDIANS — Traded LHP Colt Steve Yzerman to a four-year contract ing 108 of 340 laps — six laps more than take his front-row spot next to pole- Ottawa 78 33 31 14 80226 261 Hynes to the L.A. Dodgers for RHP Duke von extension. Florida 79 28 43 8 64188 258 Schamann. Promoted Court Berry-Tripp to as- COLLEGE scheduled. Team Penske joined sitter Tony Stewart for the full green- Buffalo 78 21 48 9 51150 234 sistant director of baseball information. ARIZONA STATE — Announced Eric Mus- Stewart-Haas Racing as the only teams flag start on lap 11 after NASCAR put Metropolitan Division KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Placed LHP Tim selman, men's associate head basketball with multiple winners this season. the cars in their original starting spots. GP W L OT Pts GF GA Collins and LHP Francisley Bueno on the 15- coach, is leaving the program to pursue other Dale Earnhardt Jr. finished last in a Stewart led three times for 74 laps, y-Pittsburgh 79 50 24 5 105240 197 day DL. Recalled RHP Michael Mariot and LHP opportunities. N.Y. Rangers 79 43 31 5 91212 190 Donnie Joseph from Omaha (PCL). AUBURN — Named Chuck Person men's 43-car field for the first time in seven the first he has led this season, and Philadelphia 78 40 29 9 89220 220 MINNESOTA TWINS — Placed INF-OF assistant basketball coach. seasons after driving his car into the wound up 10th. Columbus 78 40 31 7 87219 207 Jason Bartlett on the 15-day DL. Recalled C- FLORIDA ATLANTIC — Named Michael rain-saturated infield grass before it Earnhardt hadn’t had a last-place New Jersey 78 34 29 16 84191 201 OF Chris Herrmann from Rochester (IL). Curry men's basketball coach. Washington 78 35 30 13 83222 236 NEW YORK YANKEES — Traded INF Ed- IOWA STATE — Announced men's junior shot across the track and slammed into finish since the 2007 fall race at Carolina 78 34 33 11 79196 215 uardo Nunez to Minnesota for LHP Miguel basketball C Percy Gibson is transferring fol- the wall in a fiery crash. He took the Phoenix, a span of 222 races. But he N.Y. Islanders 78 31 36 11 73215 258 Sulbaran. lowing the end of the spring semester. blame for the accident on lap 13 that won the season-opening race at Day- WESTERN CONFERENCE OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Optioned RHP MISSOURI — Suspended WR Dorial also led to problems for Hendrick Mo- tona, and has three other top-three fin- Central Division Evan Scribner to Sacramento (PCL). Reinstated Green-Beckham indefinitely. GP W L OT Pts GF GA RHP Ryan Cook from the 15-day DL. Sent OF OKLAHOMA STATE — Announced junior G torsports teammate Jimmie Johnson. ishes in the first six races this year and x-St. Louis 78 52 19 7 111245 177 Craig Gentry to Sacramento (PCL) for a rehab Marcus Smart will enter the NBA draft. Johnson had damage on the wind- arrived in Texas as the points leader. B4 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 SPORTS CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE

SPORTS A long time coming BRIEFS Dawson dazzles Hernando again Lecanto edges Following up on a no-hitter against Hernando earlier in the Citrus in triple season, Citrus pitcher Chad Dawson dominated the Leop- overtime thriller ards once again Monday in a 6-0 Hurricane victory. DAVID PIEKLIK Dawson scattered five hits Correspondent and struck out three in an LECANTO — Lecanto High 87-pitch complete-game School needed a two-minute shutout win. drill and three overtimes to top Austin Bogart reached base Citrus 20-19 Monday night in four times, stole three bases girls flag football. and scored two runs. Robert Sophomore Stephanie Band- Wilkinson and Alex Barbee stra’s 70-yard touchdown recep- had RBI doubles and Cody tion with 1:50 left in the game — Bogart added an RBI single. before catching a 1-point conver- The Hurricanes (9-10) host sion pass — completed the late Dunnellon tonight at 6:30 p.m. game comeback for the Panthers (3-3). Buccaneers sign Trailing in overtime, Annabel S Major Wright, WR Marchildon completed the sec- ond comeback for Lecanto with a Lavelle Hawkins short touchdown pass, before TAMPA — The Tampa Bay quarterback Rebekah Paprzycki Buccaneers have signed free- ran a successful 1-point conver- agent safety Major Wright and sion for the win. wide receiver Lavelle Hawkins. “They frustrated us with their The team also announced rush, we’re playing with a fresh- Monday that linebacker Marvin man quarterback that’s never Booker has been waived. played before. But Rebekah came up big when she needed Wright spent the first four to,” coach Bob LeCours said af- seasons of his career with the terward. “We’re young, and I’m Chicago Bears, who drafted just going to enjoy it, because him in the third round in 2010. that was a big win for us.” He’s started 42 of 54 career Citrus (2-3) had to rally first in games and returned three of regulation, with Breea Van his nine interceptions for Hise’s interception return for a touchdowns. touchdown near the end of the Hawkins was a fourth-round first half tying the game 6-6, be- draft pick of the Tennessee Ti- fore the ’Canes took the lead on a tans in 2008. He spent five sea- 1-point conversion. The Panthers sons with them before moving defense was able to shut down to the San Diego Chargers in the Citrus offense for most of the 2013. He has 71 career recep- game, causing a usually solid tions for 771 yards and one TD. Sam Kanawall at quarterback to MATT PFIFFNER/Chronicle throw several off target passes. Lecanto’s Stephanie Bandstra, left, is tackled by Shally Morales of Citrus during Monday night’s Citrus FAU hires Kanawall was able to march County clash in Lecanto. The Panthers earned a 20-19 triple overtime victory over the visiting Hurricanes. Michael Curry as the ’Canes downfield late, run- ning the ball into the endzone on to get to the outside. She turned score a touchdown from the “It was so overwhelming be- basketball coach a fourth and goal from the 2-yard on the jets and streaked down 10-yard line. The teams’ defenses cause we needed that one extra Former NBA player and line for the 13-6 lead. A failed the sideline for the 70-yard score, held their own on two series, be- touchdown to be even with Cit- coach Michael Curry has been before hauling in a pass for the fore the Hurricanes’ Hunter Pos- rus, and we needed that extra 1-point conversion left the Pan- hired as the men’s basketball thers with a chance to tie the game-tying 1-point conversion. piech caught an 8-yard pass in point at the end, and it hap- coach at Florida Atlantic. game, with 1:59 remaining on the “When that last girl I had to the endzone; Citrus failed on its pened,” Marchildon said. clock. pass, I thought she got my flag, so 1-point conversion attempt, leav- Bandstra credited her defense Curry coached the Detroit Following a run for a short loss I kind of stopped and looked ing the score at 19-13. with the result. Pistons and took them to the by Paprzycki, she spotted Band- down and saw my flag and I was On second and goal facing her “I think if it wasn’t for our de- playoffs in the 2008-09 season, stra over the middle on a short like, ‘My flag!’ And I ran,” Band- team’s final chances in the game, fense, and how hard they played, plus has been an assistant in route. The ball was on target and stra said of her long run. Marchildon got open in the end- I don’t think we could have won both Detroit and Philadelphia. after eluding a tackle attempt, Heading into overtime, each zone and caught Paprzycki’s at all,” she said. “They were on He played in the league for 11 Bandstra had one ’Cane to pass team was given four downs to pass. fire tonight.” seasons, plus spent four as the president of the National Bas- ketball Players Association. At FAU, he replaces Mike Jarvis, who led the Owls for the last six seasons. Curry was introduced by Hank Aaron to savor 40th FAU on Monday night, after players were told of the hire earlier in the day. FAU athletic director Patrick Chun said he believes Curry “literally has a anniversary of 715th homer Ph.D in basketball.” The Owls were 10-20 this you had a legitimate beef, he season. Celebration set would back you. Ralph and I were Masiello on unpaid with him every day. Half of what I got about taking care of players leave until he gets for tonight in came from how Hank took care of Kentucky degree us.” NEW YORK — Steve Aaron finished his career with Braves’ home Masiello will be reinstated as 755 homers, a mark topped by opener vs. Mets Barry Bonds’ 762. Bonds’ career the head coach at Manhattan was tarnished by steroids College as soon as he receives his degree from the University Associated Press allegations. Aaron was efficient as he put of Kentucky. ATLANTA — Hank Aaron was the record chase behind him at The school announced Mon- more relieved than jubilant after the start of the 1974 season. He day that Masiello will be on un- he broke Babe Ruth’s home-run tied Ruth’s record with his first paid leave until he gets the record on April 8, 1974. swing of the season at Cincinnati, degree. During his absence, The 40-year anniversary of his against Jack Billingham. Four associate head coach Matt 715th homer provides a different days later, he set the record with Grady will lead the program. perspective. his first swing of the year at home. Masiello, who has a 61-39 Aaron’s record-breaking homer Before hitting the homer into career record at Manhattan, led will be celebrated tonight before the Braves’ bullpen beyond the the Jaspers to a 28-5 record the Atlanta Braves’ home opener left-field wall, Aaron told Baker this season and the Metro At- what was about to happen. against the New York Mets. lantic Athletic Conference tour- Hate mail and threats made it “That I can remember like it was yesterday,” Baker said. “It nament title. The Jaspers lost impossible for him to savor the 71-64 to Louisville in the NCAA chase of Ruth’s revered record, was a cold, cold night in April. tournament. but on Monday he said he’ll enjoy Hank told me, ‘I’m going to get this the anniversary because such old over with now.’ He knew every Within four days of the loss friends as former teammate Dusty pitch that was coming. He had to his former college coach and Baker will return for the pregame total recall of pitch sequences. He boss, Rick Pitino, Masiello ceremony. was as smart as they came.” agreed to become coach at “I guess that’s just about what Aaron confirmed Baker’s tale South Florida. Then it came to it’s all about, really,” Aaron said in on Monday: “I think that was right. light Masiello didn’t get a de- a telephone interview. “That’s it. I think I made that remark and gree from Kentucky and the job The moment itself has passed. made it to Dusty maybe three or offer was rescinded. The home run was hit and what- four times. I just felt within myself ever else. It’s just enjoying some that eventually before the night US women’s coach moments with friends.” was over I was going to hit a home Sermanni fired Aaron, 80, said he has a greater run.” appreciation for fans who still cel- For Aaron, the home-run U.S. Soccer says Tom Ser- ebrate his career. record was not his greatest manni has been fired as “It does. It means an awful lot to Associated Press achievement. He takes the most coach of the U.S. women’s me,” Aaron said. Atlanta’s Hank Aaron speaks April 8, 1974, during a press conference pride in holding the record with national team. “I’m not one to go around brag- after hitting his 715th home run during a game against the Los 2,297 RBIs and never having 100 The Americans beat China ging about certain things. I played Angeles Dodgers in Atlanta. The 40th anniversary of Aaron’s 715th in a season. 2-0 in a friendly Sunday in the game because I loved the home run will be celebrated tonight before the Braves’ home opener “There was absolutely no time Colorado. Hours later, the game. ... I am quite thrilled that against the Mets. that anybody could say, ‘well he sport’s national governing people say that he, whatever he hit a lot of home runs but he body announced the sacking did, should be appreciated. That doing an ice dance or anything ure make history. struck out a lot of times,’” Aaron in a news release. makes me feel good.” like that.” “People ask me, ‘What was the said. “That was not to be. That was Sermanni took over as Aaron said he is pleased with The Braves will wear an Aaron highlight of your career?’ That one of the most embarrassing mo- coach of the U.S. women’s 40th anniversary patch on their was it,” Baker told The Associated ments of my life, to go to the plate his recovery from partial left hip- team in January 2013. He replacement surgery in February. uniform sleeves this season. An Press. and strike out once or twice and He hurt his hip when he slipped outfield sign at Turner Field also Baker said Aaron watched over not be able to make contact.” previously he spent eight on ice and said he’s still in rehab, will mark the anniversary. him and another young outfielder, Aaron joked he long ago years coaching Australia’s but can walk. Baker had the best seat in old Ralph Garr. learned he no longer can swing a women’s team. “I think I am doing just about as Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium — “Hank told my mom he would bat or throw a ball very far. But he The U.S. squad was un- well as I can be,” Aaron said. “I the on-deck circle — as Aaron take care of me like I was his son,” said he’ll cherish the memories beaten last year under Ser- tell everybody it’s an 80-year-old launched the landmark homer Baker said. “He would make us with friends during the anniver- manni, winning 13 matches leg and it’s just going to take time against the Dodgers’ Al Downing. eat breakfast. sary celebration. and drawing three. before it gets well. I told my wife I For Baker, it was like watching an “He was our defender. If you “I'm going to enjoy myself as —From staff and wire reports promised I was not out there older brother or even a father fig- were wrong, he would tell you. If much as I can,” he said. HSectionEALTH C - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 & LIFE


An extreme amount of stress can take a severe emotional toll. While Stress is often described as a feeling of being overwhelmed, people can overcome minor episodes of stress by tapping into their worried or run-down. Stress can affect people of all ages, body’s natural defenses to adapt to changing situations, excessive genders and circumstances and can lead to both physical and chronic stress, which is constant and persists over an extended period of psychological health issues. By definition, stress is any time, can be psychologically and physically debilitating. uncomfortable “emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes. Chronic stressful life situations can increase the risk of developing de- pression if you aren’t coping with the stress well. There’s also increasing evidence of links among poor coping, stress and physical illness. — American Psychological Association — Mayo Clinic

By Logan Mosby Features Editor

— Anxiety and Depression Association of America — Anxiety and Depression Association of America ■ Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, ■ Persistent sad, anxious mood “slowed down” meditate, get a massage or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps ■ ■ Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism Difficulty concentrating, clear your head. remembering, making decisions ■ Feelings of guilt, worthlessness ■ ■ Eat well-balanced meals. Do not skip any meals. Insomnia, early-morning awakening, Do keep healthful, energy-boosting snacks on hand. ■ Loss of interest or pleasure in or oversleeping hobbies and activities, including sex ■ ■ Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can aggravate Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide anxiety and trigger panic attacks. ■ Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling attempts See TIPS/Page C2

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view ... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” — Harper Lee, “To Kill a Mockingbird”

debated long and hard I lucked up and found a job I couldn’t get away completely. I It’s as if I had become a about writing this, and far at the Chronicle, which was was plagued by nightmares that wraith — a mere reflection of Imore about whether or not Logan perhaps my only saving grace cut like a knife to my very soul. everything I used to be. to print it. As time has worn on, Mosby last year. Please pardon the Every day I made it to work I Most days I felt like I was un- I’ve wondered if maybe it melodrama, but I think this job felt like I had won a major bat- derwater, struggling to keep my wouldn’t be too raw for the probably saved my life last year. tle. I’d managed to keep things head above the thrashing newspaper — to painful to be PEANUT I started here in May, only to together mostly at work — I got waves. Others, the anxiety exposed so openly to a public GALLERY find out I had to have surgery all my sections out and on time. would build and build and I’m not entirely comfortable in July. Great way to start a new I attended meetings and man- build until I was sure it would with yet. I’m not sure if my job, huh? aged to laugh and smile. I tried explode into a million little wounds are healed enough to A month later my grand- to hide my problems from Logan chunks all over my of- take all the bandages off happened — if it wasn’t some mother died. Three weeks later, everyone, but looking back I’m fice. I would go sit in my car completely. sick nightmare from which I my mom died. sure I didn’t do that half as well until the noise in my head But I’ve come to believe that have yet to awaken. It all became a big blur after as I thought. abated enough for me to get there is a thin line between It started with a work injury. I that. One misery after another. All I do know is that from the back to work. Mostly, the only bravery and stupidity, and hurt my hand on the job and At the end of November, I was minute I got out of bed in the thing that provided me any re- while I am not sure which cate- the pain just wouldn’t go away. diagnosed with an incurable morning, the only thing I lief was the safety and security gory this might fall into, I am Then, my Nandad died on autoimmune disease that wanted was to crawl back into of my bed. It was the only place going to take the bull by the Valentine’s Day. A month later, causes chronic pain. No treat- it, bury my head in the blankets I ever felt safe. horns and forge ahead. Stella Bella, my most faithful ment, no cure. Nothing to be and never get out. I’d isolated myself from all Last year was the absolutely companion, left me to go to the done about it. My world had become fuzzy my friends. I stopped eating worst year of my life. Unimag- big dog park in the sky. By the By December, I had hit rock and out-of-sync, like an old and lost 20 pounds. Two inable. I look back on the end of April, my job had fallen bottom. I could barely get out of black and white film whose days before Christmas I was events of 2013 and find myself apart and life was a living hell, bed each morning. Sleep was sound reel didn’t quite match hospitalized with pneumonia. wondering if they really every day. my only reprieve, but even then up with the picture anymore. See MOSBY/Page C2 000HN15 C2 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 HEALTH & LIFE CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE HEALTH NOTES Esophageal cancer can Inverness Alateen meeting announced Al-Anon District 5 serving Citrus County announces an be cured if caught soon Alateen meeting in Inverness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at St. Mar- garet’s Episcopal Church, 114 N. Osceola Ave. Alateen is part of the Al-Anon Family Groups; Al-Anon meet- ecently, I saw a 65-year- After all tests, it was ings are for anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Ala- old gentleman who no- Dr. decided that his cancer had teen meetings are where teens can find support and Rticed some trouble spread to regional lymph understanding from people their own age who are going swallowing. He could swallow Sunil node, but not to distant organs. through similar difficulties. liquids but he had a hard time Gandhi Thus, it was at stage 3. Two adult sponsors with sanctioned Alateen training work swallowing solids. He was ig- For localized esophageal with this Alateen group. There is no charge for any Alateen CANCER cancer (stage 1 to 3), the most noring it initially, but at his & BLOOD meeting, but the group is self supporting through contributions. wife’s insistence, he went to DISEASE common treatment in the Some literature is available at no charge, and publications see his doctor. He was re- United States is chemotherapy written for teens are available for purchase. ferred to a gastroenterologist and radiation therapy, fol- Al-Anon meets at the same time in a separate room and or stomach doctor. She per- lowed by surgery. Surgery is supports the Alateen group. formed an upper endoscopy chewing tobacco and almost always recommended Contact Joe Marteski at [email protected], 727-580-0891 and it showed cancer in his snuff — raises the risk of after this treatment, unless or [email protected]. esophagus or food pipe. esophageal cancer. Regular al- there are risk factors, such as Alateen is part of Al-Anon Family Groups. Alateen is a fellow- The esophagus is a 10-inch cohol abuse, especially with a patient’s age or overall ship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose lives long, hollow, muscular tube smoking, also increases its health. have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Alateen groups that connects the throat to the risk. My patient is fairly healthy are sponsored by Al-Anon members who help the group to stay stomach. There are two major Barrett’s esophagus devel- and he does not have other sig- on track. Alateens come together to: types of esophageal cancer: ops in some people who have nificant medical problems. I ■ share experiences, strength, and hope with each other Squamous cell carcinoma. chronic acidity problems. have recommended to him ■ discuss difficulties This type of esophageal cancer This damages the lining of the chemotherapy and radiation ■ learn effective ways to cope with problems starts in squamous cells esophagus. People with therapy, followed by surgery. ■ encourage one another that line the esophagus. Barrett’s esophagus are more He understands and agrees ■ help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon It usually develops in the likely to develop adenocarci- and he has already started program upper and middle part of the noma of the esophagus. chemotherapy and radiation. ■ learn how to use the Twelve Steps and Alateen’s Twelve esophagus. My patient quit smoking He is tolerating it well. Traditions Adenocarcinoma. This type many years ago, but he liked to He has good chance of In Alateen meetings, young people share their own experi- begins in the glandular tissue drink a few glasses of alcohol cure, particularly if he ences — everyone in the meeting has been affected by someone in the lower part of the esoph- every day. He had an EUS or responds well to initial else’s drinking. Some currently live with a problem drinker, agus where the esophagus and endoscopic ultrasound. In this therapy before surgery. others do not. Alateens share their feelings, encourage each the stomach come together. test, the doctor passes a other, and share how the Alateen program has helped them. Treatment is similar for lighted instrument with Dr. Sunil Gandhi is a hema- The adults in the meetings are the Alateen Group Sponsors, both of these types of attached ultrasound to the tologist and oncologist. He is who help the teens to stay focused on the Alateen program. esophageal cancer. It affects esophagus. This gives a more the volunteer medical adviser Alateens share that they have come to understand that almost 18,000 Americans every accurate idea of local spread of the Citrus Unit of American alcoholism is a disease and that: year; it is much more common of the cancer. He also had a Cancer Society. Write to 521 N. ■ They are not the cause of anyone else’s drinking or in men than women. Using any PET/CT scan, which Lecanto Highway, Lecanto, FL behavior. form of tobacco — including shows whether cancer has 34461, email sgandhi@tampa cigarettes, cigars, pipes, metastasized or not. or call 352-746-0707. See NOTES/Page C3

depression enough in my in my family. I wore my in the brain brought on, in your latent schaden- point a finger, stop and life to know it when I see invisible cloak of “sanity” my case, by prolonged freude with my tale of rethink it. MOSBY it. But, then again, I as a badge of honor. And stress and anxiety. woe? But mostly I want you to Continued from Page C1 stopped looking at myself to be stripped of that Now that I’m officially I guess I just want to know that if you think you in the mirror a long time badge in one hour-long diagnosed, what do I do ask people to be kind, no might have depression, I can’t count the times I ago. And if you don’t look, session was shattering, al- now? Heck if I know. Deal matter the circumstance. you are not alone. I know wondered what it would well, you can’t see. though I knew it was com- with it I suppose. Make it You really don’t know what it’s like to walk be like to go to sleep and I saw my primary, who ing. I was embarrassed, through the day as best I what is going on in the around in your skin. And never wake up. By the directed me to a psychia- ashamed. can. Some are better than lives of the people you help is only one phone end of the year, I knew I trist, and bang biscuit, I I think I felt like I was others, but hiding from work with and see every- call away. Take the first needed help. To be hon- got a diagnosis. being punished for my them really isn’t an option day. Depression isn’t a step. It’s the hardest step est, I knew I was sick a Depression. sins, you know? Like I de- anymore. disease that you can nec- you’ll have to take, but it’s long time before that. But That dreaded word. served everything that And I do see a light at essarily see. But it is no the best one you’ll ever stubborn pride and the in- How I hated that word. I’d has happened because of the end of the tunnel, fi- less damaging than a bro- make. ability to find a light at heard it all my life. First some past misdeeds or nally. And it is growing ken limb or a deadly in- the end of my tunnel kept associated with my mom, something. I realize now brighter and stronger as fection. Logan Mosby is Fea- me from getting help then with my sister and that no one deserves de- each day passes. So, next time, before tures Editor. She can sooner. I knew I wasn’t later with my father. I pression. It’s not some So what’s the point of you talk about someone be reached at 563-6363, going to get better on my foolishly took pride in punishment for sinning. my long-winded diatribe, behind their back, or ext. 1141 or lmosby@ own. I’ve been around being the only “sane” one It’s a chemical imbalance other than to entertain make an accusation or

your community, can identify? TIPS which creates a sup- Continued from Page C1 port network and ■ Talk to someone. Tell PARTICIPATE IN A gives you a break from friends and family ■ Get enough sleep. everyday stress. you’re feeling over- When stressed, your whelmed. Know how RESEARCH STUDY body needs additional ■ Learn what triggers they can help you. Talk sleep and rest. your anxiety. Is it to a physician or thera- work, family, school, pist for professional Not menstruating and not pregnant – ■ Accept that you can- or something else you help. not control everything. Should I be concerned? Put your stress in per- R E F O O D P A N spective: Is it really as E C A T R Y bad as you think? W Fourth Annual ■ Welcome humor. A SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT To qualify, you must be: good laugh goes a Saturday, long way. Maintain a MAY 3, 2014 Registration: Registration: • Female between the ages of 18 and 40 positive attitude. Make SEVEN RIVERS GOLF an effort to replace 8:00 8:00 a.m.a.m. • Premenopausal with an intact uterus

& COUNTRY CLUB 000HNPF negative thoughts with $60 $60 perper personperson Shotgun Shotgun Time:Time: positive ones. $200 $200 perper foursomefoursome • In generally good health includes GolfGolf Cart,Cart, 9:00 9:00 a.m.a.m. Lunch, Prizes • Willing to participate in a clinical trial ■ Get involved. Volun- REGISTER REGISTER BYBY APRILAPRIL 25,25, 20142014 teer or find another HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE PROVIDED BY HARLEY DAVIDSON OF CRYSTAL RIVER L ADIES AND G ENTLEMEN ARE W ELCOME ! way to be active in T O REGISTER , CALL 228-4921 If you qualify, you will receive at no charge:

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If you would like to know more about setting up an appointment for pre-screening, please contact: NATURE COAST CLINICAL RESEARCH Crystal River (352) 563-1865 000HVQC CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE HEALTH & LIFE TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 C3 MONTHLY SUPPORT MEETINGS

Cancers of the ■ Florida Department of S.E. U.S. 19 in Crystal River. Call for location. Health Citrus County monthly Bernadette Passalacqua at 352- ■ Women’s Breast Cancer support group for anyone who 746-4664 or visit www.bereaved- Support Group, 11:30 a.m. the would like more information on second Friday monthly (except reproductive HIV, 3 p.m. the second Tuesday ■ Look Good ... Feel Better, a July and August), Robert Bois- at the Lecanto Main Office, 3700 free two-hour session for women soneault Oncology Institute in the W. Sovereign Path. Open to the undergoing radiation or Allen Ridge Medical Center, public. Call 352-527-0068, chemotherapy, at 3 p.m. the sec- County Road 491, Lecanto. Light system in females ext. 232. ond Wednesday monthly at the lunch served. Call Judy Bonard at ■ Citrus Abuse Shelter Asso- Cancer & Blood Disease Center, 352-527-4389. ciation (CASA), 1100 Turner Lecanto, and 3 p.m. the fourth ■ Mended Hearts of Citrus oday, we will begin a se- Camp Road, Inverness, hosts a Wednesday monthly at the Robert County, for individuals who have ries of articles covering Dr. C. volunteer meeting at 10:30 a.m. Boissoneault Oncology Institute, or had cardiovascular disease, as Tcancers of the female re- the second Tuesday monthly, Lecanto. Call Joann Brown at well as caregivers and family productive system. Each year, Joseph September to May. Call 352-344- 352-341-7741 or the American members, 10 a.m. the second Fri- roughly 80,000 cases of cancer Bennett 8111. Cancer Society at 800-395-5665 day monthly in the Gulf Room in will be diagnosed in women re- ■ HIV support group, 3 to to register. the Historic Citrus High School; lated to the genital reproductive ■ organs. These organs consist of NAVIGATING 4 p.m. the second Tuesday Emotions Anonymous 12- parking and transportation avail- the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, CANCER monthly at Citrus County Health step support group, noon the sec- able from CMHS parking lot “A2.” the uterus, (which is divided Department, 3700 Sovereign ond and fourth Thursdays Speaker will be Charles Odle, into the upper portion called the Path, Lecanto. Open to all af- monthly at Central Ridge Library, CNMT, R.T., NCT who will speak corpus and the lower portion endometrial cancer. Cancers fected by HIV. Persons attending Forest Ridge Boulevard and Roo- on stress testing and imaging. called the cervix), and the can occur and begin in the mus- remain confidential, testing will be sevelt, in Beverly Hills. Call Meg The “hands on” CPR training vagina. Although the individual cular layer but they are very anonymous. Reservation not re- at 352-527-2443. for those registered will be at components of the female repro- rare and will not be discussed quired. Call 352-527-0068, ■ SPRING HILL — Spinal 9 a.m. that day at the Nature ductive system are closely tied today. ext. 281, if you have any ques- Cord Injury support group, 5 p.m. Coast EMS facility on county together, the cancers which Benign tumors, often called fi- tions. second Thursday monthly in the Road 490 in Lecanto. develop in each of these sites broid tumors, can also develop ■ Bereaved Parents of the gym at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Open to the public. Call Millie are quite different from each in the uterus. USA (BP/USA) grief support Hospital. Call Dee Hardee at 352- King, president, at 352-637-5525; other, in both their natural his- Usually, they do not cause a group for parents and grandpar- 592-7237. or Cardiovascular Services at tory and methods of diagnosis problem, but occasionally they ents who have experienced the ■ Friends of the Blind, 9 a.m. 352-344-6416. and treatment. can cause pain, irregular bleed- death of a child, 7 p.m. the sec- to noon the second Friday ■ The Area 13 Family Care Today, we will begin this se- ing, or frequent urination. ond Wednesday monthly at the monthly. Call Butch at 352-419- Council, 10 a.m. to noon the ries of articles with a discussion If fibroids create a problem, a First Presbyterian Church, 1501 7501 or Diane at 352-726-0293 of cancer of the uterine corpus, hysterectomy may be required. See MONTHLY/Page C4 what is commonly called uterine When women enter menopause, or endometrial cancer. fibroids often diminish in Uterine cancer is the most size, and occasionally common cancer of the female disappear. reproductive system. Approxi- The exact cause of endome- mately 52,630 new cases will be trial cancer is unknown, how- Crown a growing concern for reader diagnosed this year in the ever, estrogen, the female opinion. It will be your deci- United States. It is also the hormone, appears to play a vital I have no molars on sion on what you should do fourth-most common cancer in role. the top. My six front from that point. Again, if women behind breast, lung and Obesity, diabetes, high blood Q:teeth on the top are Dr. Frank things are explained in detail, colorectal cancers respectively. pressure, and never having crowned with root canals. Vascimini you will usually get a feel for The average age of women diag- had a child are all commonly However, on one of the front how successful your dentist nosed with uterine cancer is associated conditions of uterine ones, the actual tooth be- SOUND thinks things will turn out. roughly 60, however, roughly one cancer. neath the crown, is breaking. BITES I would love to tell you the in four women diagnosed will One striking association with Is it possible to get an upper answer is a definite yes, how- still be having regular menstrual uterine cancer is the chronic partial with the back teeth ever, you can see that it is im- periods. continuous use of estrogen com- and only one front tooth? I do portant to see your dentist so The uterus consists of two pounds without any interruption not want to have to pull the problem tooth from the that he or she can assess the main layers in its composition. of this therapy. other five that are crowned. splinted ones and remove the situation and give you your The inner layer is called the By either routinely stopping Thank you. tooth along with the crown. options. If you are a regular endometrium, and this layer estrogen use for a period of A:This is a very good ques- This can be a very difficult reader of this column you al- undergoes regular changes time, or by adding progesterone tion. The simple answer to thing to do, and in most ready know this .... be sure to monthly during a woman’s child to the regime of estrogen sup- your question is, yes. How- cases, the dentist will not listen to your dentist and ask bearing years. plementation, the risk of ever, as with many things, you guarantee the success be- whatever questions you need Early in the menstrual cycle, developing a uterine cancer is could have circumstances cause during the sectioning the answer to in order to the endometrium builds up in basically lowered back to a base- that could make the answer process porcelain can be bro- make a good decision. Com- anticipation of a possible line risk. There also appears to maybe, or even no. ken away from the rest of the munication is everything, es- pregnancy. be a correlation between a high If all of your front teeth are bridge, leaving an unsightly pecially in a situation like If pregnancy does not occur, fat diet and an increased risk of separate from each other it is result to work with. This yours. this build up is sloughed off dur- uterine cancer. easy to remove the problem being said, if time is taken I hope this has helped you. ing a woman’s menstrual period, Next week we will discuss the tooth and make a partial and things are not rushed, Good luck! and the entire process begins signs of uterine cancer and the around the others. However, more often than not, the again until either a pregnancy treatment of this disease. there are many times that six result is successful. occurs or a woman experiences crowns in the front of the But what happens if some of Dr. Frank Vascimini is a the beginning of menopause. Dr. Bennett is a board-certi- mouth are what we call those other teeth are not dentist practicing in Ho- The outer layer is a strong fied radiation oncologist. If you “splinted” (or joined together worth the effort? Maybe they mosassa. Send your ques- muscular layer called the my- have any suggestions for topics, in one piece). If this is the are at risk of being lost soon, tions to 4805 S. Suncoast ometrium, and it allows for ex- or have any questions, contact case and there was good or there is decay, or even an Blvd., Homosassa, FL 34446 pansion during pregnancy. him at 522 N. Lecanto Highway, enough reason to hold on to abscess. Depending on the or email them to him at Uterine cancer develops in the Lecanto, FL 34461, or email all of the remaining teeth, the particular circumstances, your info@MasterpieceDental inner layer, thus its other name, [email protected]. dentist could section the dentist will give you his or her

email [email protected]. NOTES Keep children safe in car seats Continued from Page C2 Hospice to present workshop Free 20-minute child safety seat inspections avail- able by appointment at the Early Learning Coalition Hospice of Citrus and the Nature Coast will present ■ They cannot change or control anyone but of the Nature Coast, 1564 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys- a “Five Wishes” workshop on National Healthcare De- themselves. tal River, to be sure a seat is not recalled, damaged or cisions Day, Wednesday, April 16, at 2 p.m. at the Wings ■ They can detach themselves emotionally from expired; is appropriate for the child’s age, height and Community Education Center, 8471 W. Periwinkle the drinker’s problems while continuing to love the weight; is used correctly; and installed securely. Con- Lane, Suite A, Homosassa. person. tact Sue Littnan at 352-563-9939, ext. 235. The simplest living will is “Five Wishes.” The ■ They can build satisfying and rewarding life 12-page document asks you questions and gives you experiences for themselves, whether the alcoholic options about your care in plain language. It allows a still drinks or not. Oak Hill to talk about stenosis person to plan for times of serious illness and death by completing an advance directive, or “living will,” in Blood donors asked for help SPRING HILL — Oak Hill Hospital will continue its which you designate the person who will make those For Your Health Community Education Series from decisions when you can’t make them for yourself. 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 8. George D. Gian- LifeSouth Community Blood Centers: To find a The workshop will be moderated by Hospice of nakopoulos, M.D., will present “Lumbar Spinal Steno- donor center or a blood drive near you, call 352-527- Citrus and the Nature Coast Wings Grief Services sis” at the Silverthorn Country Club, 4550 Golf Club 3061. Donors must be at least 17, or 16 with parental Manager Jonathan Beard. Lane, Brooksville. permission, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in According to Beard, “‘Five Wishes’ is written in Dr. Giannakopoulos is board-certified by the Ameri- good health to be eligible to donate. A photo ID is everyday language and helps start and structure im- can Board of Neurological Surgery and fellowship required. portant conversations about care in times of serious trained in clinical neurosurgery. He completed his in- The Lecanto branch office is at 1241 S. Lecanto illness. It helps you express how you want to be ternship in general surgery at the University of Highway (County Road 491), open from 8:30 a.m. to treated if you are seriously ill and unable to speak for Rochester in Rochester, N.Y. He completed a fellow- 5 p.m. weekdays (7 p.m. Wednesdays), 8:30 a.m. to yourself. It’s an innovative living will that goes beyond ship in clinical neurosurgery at the University of Mas- 2 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays. medical questions to deal with personal, emotional sachusetts in Worcester, Mass., and his residency in The Inverness branch is at 2629 E. Gulf-to-Lake and spiritual issues.” neurosurgery at Hahnemann University Hospital in Highway, open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, The “Five Wishes” workshop is offered at no charge, Philadelphia, Pa. (6:30 p.m. Wednesdays), 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturdays open to the public and reservations are suggested. Giannakopoulos, a neurosurgeon at Oak Hill Hospi- and closed Sundays. Call Jonathan Beard at 352-621-1500. Visit Hospice of tal, will cover non-surgical and surgical management Visit Citrus and the Nature Coast on Facebook or at of lumbar spinal stenosis. His presentation will cover ■ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, Walmart Super- signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, medications, center, 1936 N. Lecanto Highway, Lecanto. Free 6-inch non-surgical treatments, minimally invasive surgery Subway sub. and rehabilitation approaches. ■ 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 9, Camp E-Nini- Admission is free and a complimentary hot meal Hassee, 7027 E. Stage Coach Trail, Floral City. will be served. Seating is limited and reservations are ■ 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, April 9, Walmart required: Call 352-628-6060 in Citrus or register online Supercenter, 2461 W. Gulf-to-Lake Highway, Inverness. at Cookout for donors, hosted by Highland Terrace. ■ 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 10, Seven Rivers Regional Medical Center, 6201 N. Suncoast Blvd., Group guards against abuse Accepting New Patients Crystal River. Free 6-inch Subway sub. 2222 Highway 44 W., Inverness ■ 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, April 10, Walmart The Citrus Alliance Against Adult Abuse (C4A) Call for an Appointment Supercenter, 1936 N. Lecanto Highway, Lecanto. monthly meeting is at 9:30 a.m. the second Wednesday ■ 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, April 11, Citrus High 352-860-0633 monthly at HPH Hospice, 2939 W. Gulf-to-Lake High- [email protected] School, 600 W. Highlands Blvd., Inverness. way, Lecanto. ■ 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 12, Homosassa For information, call Judy Stauffer at 352-303-2620. Dr. Pablo Figueroa Springs Wildlife State Park, 4150 S. Suncoast Blvd., Your help is needed to protect our vulnerable against Se Habla Español Homosassa. LifeSouth Galloneer Picnic. abuse, neglect and exploitation. Serving Citrus County Since 1993 ■ 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, St. WE ACCEPT Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, 7040 S. Suncoast • Medicare • Aetna Blvd., Homosassa Springs. Group aims to be substance-free • Humana ■ 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, Walmart • United Healthcare Supercenter, 3826 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa. Partners for a Substance-Free Citrus Inc. will meet • Coventry • Medicare ■ 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, April 14, College of Cen- the second Thursday monthly in the basement of the • Blue Cross/ Blue Shield tral Florida, 3800 S. Lecanto Highway, Lecanto. Citrus County • Cigna • Universal ■ 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, Citrus County School Board office in Inverness, 1007 W. Main St. • And Other Major Insurances Sheriff ’s Office, 1 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Use the elevator to go to the basement. Inverness. ■ 8 to 9 a.m. board meeting. ■ 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, Citrus County ■ 9:15 to 9:30 a.m. coffee, doughnuts, networking. Sheriff ’s Office Emergency Operations Center, 3549 ■ 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. membership meeting. “Caring is my Profession” Saunders Way, Lecanto. For information, call the office at 352-389-0472 or 000HV58 C4 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 HEALTH & LIFE CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Understanding cholesterol and its affect on the body holesterol is an essential liver’s production of LDL cho- meats such as chicken, fish, or ications to inhibit your body’s part of every cell in our lesterol, and may raise your turkey, and limit your portions. absorption of cholesterol, or to Cbodies. Our bodies use Dr. Carlene cholesterol levels more than The way you prepare your block your liver’s production of cholesterol to produce and reg- Wilson eating cholesterol-rich foods. food also affects cholesterol cholesterol. ulate hormones, and to pro- Consuming large amounts of levels. Steam, grill, or broil in- To learn more about choles- mote digestion. However, too carbohydrates and sugars can stead of breading and frying terol, visit these websites: much cholesterol in our blood- WELLNESS also raise your cholesterol lev- foods. Trim excess fat from How to Boost Your “Good” stream leads to a buildup of CORNER els. Added sugars in processed meats and skin from poultry be- Cholesterol. Mayo Clinic plaque inside our arteries, and prepared foods are associ- fore cooking. Use nonstick ( restricting the flow of blood and ated with decreased HDL lev- pans, cooking spray, or small conditions/high-blood-choles- causing heart disease. els. Some foods that are high in amounts of vegetable oil. Keep terol/in-depth/cholesterol/ART- High cholesterol is a product cholesterol” because they com- cholesterol may have other nu- your food simple — for exam- 20045192?pg=2) of several factors: diet, lifestyle bine with other substances to tritional benefits. Shrimp, for ple, eat a baked potato instead Cholesterol 101 Slideshow: and genetics. Only about 25 clog the arteries. HDLs, or example, contains omega-3 of mashed potatoes with added What Your Levels Mean. percent of the cholesterol in “good cholesterol” protect fatty acids which are known to cream and butter. WebMD ( our blood comes from the food against heart disease. lower heart attack risk. Heart disease has its begin- lesterol- we eat. The rest is produced by The recommended daily in- Pile your plate with vegeta- nings early in life. Many doctors management/ss/slideshow-chol our livers. Some people inherit take of cholesterol for an adult bles. Certain foods help to now make a cholesterol screen- esterol-overview) a tendency to produce too is not more than 300 mg per day lower LDL cholesterol levels, ing part of a child’s routine About Cholesterol. American much cholesterol. For others, — 200 mg if you have high cho- including oatmeal, oat bran, physical exam. Children need Heart Association diet is the main cause of high lesterol. Dietary cholesterol is whole-grain breads and cere- to eat healthy diets and be ( cholesterol. Stress and lack of found in animal foods such as als, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, physically active to maintain RG/Conditions/Cholesterol/Abo exercise also affect cholesterol meat, egg yolks, and dairy olive oil, and legumes such as low levels of cholesterol in utCholesterol/About-Choles- levels. Scientists are still trying products made with whole kidney beans. A diet high in their blood. terol_UCM_001220_Article.jsp) to explain the complicated in- milk. (One egg contains 186 mg plant products reduces inflam- Adults should have their teractions that govern choles- of cholesterol.) mation and improves cardio- blood cholesterol levels Dr. Carlene Wilson is a board- terol levels in the blood. Do not look only at the cho- vascular health. Limit your checked every five years, start- certified internist and pediatri- Most of the cholesterol in the lesterol content of a food when consumption of butter, lard, red ing at the age of 20. If you are cian in private practice in blood is carried by proteins you are making food choices. A meats, cream, whole milk prod- unable to lower your choles- Crystal River. Call her at 352- called LDLs (low density diet high in saturated fats and ucts, liver, baked goods and terol through diet and exercise, 563-5070 or visit www.IMPWell lipoproteins), known as “bad trans fats tends to increase the processed foods. Select lean your doctor may prescribe med-


Some causes of Classes are available to anyone 18 and older, Zumba at Citrus Springs and are offered in the mornings and after- noons. Try the first class out at a YMCA loca- Who doesn’t like a workout that doesn’t feel tion of choice for free. oral mucosal pain like one? Call the YMCA 352-637-0132, or visit www. Citrus County Parks & Recreation offers a Zumba class with certified instructor Christine he oral mucosa is the Mehlenbacher. Let loose and burn up to lining of the mouth and 650 calories per session while having fun Join Les Mills for exercise Tcan include the nasal Dr. Denis dancing to easy-to-follow steps. cavity and the throat. It is a Grillo Classes are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tues- After numerous requests, the Y has an- very moist and slippery type days and Thursdays at the Citrus Springs Com- swered the demand of adding Les Mills classes of tissue that differs from the EAR, munity Center, 1570 W. Citrus Springs Blvd. to the Group Exercise schedule. skin, which has a keratin layer NOSE & Register at the door. The Citrus County YMCA will offer Les Mills to protect it. The moisture THROAT For cost and other information, call Parks & Body Pump at the new Crystal River Fitness comes from major saliva Recreation at 352-465-7007 or 352-527-7540. Location, 780 S.E. Fifth Terrace. The class is glands, as well as millions of taught by Cheryl Steffer, certified and trained salivary glands that line the Less Mills instructor. oral cavity and produce saliva. ness of the mouth and tongue Exercise class planned Les Mills Body Pump will sculpt, strengthen It is known to have a very rich and this can be very uncom- and tone the entire body. blood supply and also it is fortable and can be the result Citrus County Parks & Recreation its “Fit Through choreography and lively music Body very much innervated with of antihistamine drugs taken Forever” exercise class with certified instruc- Pump can help participants burn fat quickly nerves that when injured or for allergies, antidepressive tor Roger “Roc” O’Connor. and focus on the major muscle groups. Body irritated can be quite painful. medications and blood pres- This ongoing class is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Pump will get hearts racing with “The Rep Ef- There are quite a few sure medications, which are the Citrus Springs Community Center, 1570 W. fect,” paired with squats, presses, lifts and causes of oral mucosal pain. known to decrease saliva pro- Citrus Springs Blvd., Citrus Springs, Tuesdays curls. They can include problems duction. and Thursdays. Call 352-637-0132. To download the Y’s caused by viruses. A virus, as Another condition that The cost is $5 per class. Participants will complete group exercise schedule, visit you know is a submicroscopic causes oral pain is glossopyro- move at their pace with this cardio, stretch and organism, one that is not seen sis, which is a condition exercise class. No registration is needed, just by the naked eye, that has the where there are cracks and sign up at a class. ability to grow and reproduce tissues on the tongue. This is Call 352-465-7007. Free Zumba at Unity of Citrus and cause infection and pain. related to old age. It is diffi- Zumba classes for beginners are offered at A common virus is the herpes cult to treat, and soothing All welcome at free yoga 11:30 a.m. Monday, Thursday and Saturday at virus, which is very prevalent measures like numbing rinses, the Unity Church, 2628 W. Woodview Lane, in the general population. avoiding spicy and acidic Free yoga and reiki sessions are offered Lecanto. About 98 percent of the popu- foods can help. weekly. Lose weight while having fun. For informa- lation has antibodies to this Autoimmune diseases in the For schedules and information, call Aviva (for tion, email [email protected] or virus and about 15 to 20 per- same family as rheumatoid yoga) at 352-419-7800 or Connie (for reiki) at call 352-628-3253. cent have recurrent problems. arthritis can have an affect on 352-560-7686. Herpetic pain can be very the oral cavity. The most mild and localized or very se- widely known is Sjögren’s syn- Club offers weekly Zumba vere and widespread. The pa- drome. Special chair yoga offered tient’s age and medical Oral trauma is another Yankeetown/Inglis Woman’s Club offers condition can also be a com- cause of pain and can be as Chair yoga classes are offered free at 10 a.m. Zumba classes from 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday and plicating factor. minor as biting one’s tongue Mondays at Alesci’s Corner Plaza, 1015 E. Thursday. There are several other or cheek or can be the result Norvell Bryant Highway, Hernando, across Everyone is welcome. For information, call types of viruses that can cause of dental work or more severe from Dollar General. 352-447-2057. problems, including the Ep- trauma to the head and neck This is an opportunity for people who are not stein Barr virus which causes area as a result of assault or able to practice regular yoga on mats. Classes infectious mononucleosis, altercation or motor vehicle are given by experienced, certified yoga Free yoga class open to all which is a variant of the her- accidents. teachers. Unity Church of Citrus County, 2628 W. Wood- pes virus. Then there is the There are chronic diseases Call 352-419-7800. view Lane, Lecanto, is host site for a commu- common cold virus that can that affect the oral cavity and nity Divine Yoga class beginning at 10 a.m. cause some significant pain in passages, including erythema Thursdays. the oral cavity and throat. multiforme, which can occur Join exercise groups at the Y The class is free of charge and is open to all Bacterial infections — bac- from a drug reaction. Biopsies The YMCA offers group exercise classes from ages and physical abilities. Some of the bene- teria is also an organism that sometimes are helpful when cardio circuit to yoga, and everything in be- fits of yoga are improved balance, coordination, is microscopic but when wide- trying to diagnose this condi- tween. Classes are conducted at four locations: strength and flexibility. Yoga is also helpful in spread can actually be seen by tion. Lupus is another condi- Cornerstone Baptist Church and First Presby- counteracting stress and anxiety. the naked eye. Bacterium of tion that can manifest itself in terian Church in Inverness, First United For more information, call Sheila Abrahams all sorts can cause oral mu- the oral cavity. There is a condi- Methodist Church in Homosassa and Hope at 352-270-8019 or email divineyogas cosal pain. Dental cavities are tion called pemphigus vulgaris Evangelic Lutheran Church in Citrus Springs. a form of bacteria that can which is primarily known to be spread to the gum and sur- a cutaneous disease of the skin, round mucosa. Tonsillitis and but sometimes manifests itself laryngitis are also commonly in the oral cavity and can be caused by bacteria and can be quite painful, envision a WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUPS significantly uncomfortable if mouthful of blisters. not treated. Whatever the case or cause ■ AAA support group meets at Anon Family Group, 6:45 p.m. fering from food obsession, Fungal infections such as is, if you are uncomfortable 7:30 p.m. Mondays for the purpose Wednesdays at Dunnellon Presby- overeating, undereating or bulimia. candida albicans can affect and unable to solve discom- of resolving underlying issues for terian Church, 20641 Chestnut St., For details or a list of meetings, call the oral cavity and is com- fort of the oral cavity with sim- healing. Meetings are at Vision Room 204 in office building, use 352-270-8534 or visit www.foodad- monly seen with overuse of ple over-the-counter measures Temple Ministries 705 Daniel Ave., right-side entrance across from the antibiotics in patients who are and if symptoms last for a Brooksville, across the street from Memorial Garden; Nar-Anon is for ● 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sundays at quite ill and have their im- week or two and do not re- SunTrust bank on U.S. 41. Call family and friends of addicts. Queen of Peace Catholic Church mune system compromised, solve, you might want to seek 352-754-1009 for information. Find a free local support group in Main Hall, 6455 S.W. State Road such as HIV patients and eld- the help of your physician in ■ your area: call 888-947-8885 or go 200, Ocala. erly patients who are not in establishing what the cause is R.I. Discovery (Recovery In- good health. ternational) Abraham Low, M.D., to ■ Bereavement Group, 1:30 to to make sure you are not miss- ■ Allergic factors such as en- ing anything that could be self-help systems for mental health Recovery from Food Addic- 3 p.m. Thursdays in the back hall, vironmental allergens that dangerous. — depression, obsession, stress, tion, 7 p.m. Thursdays at St. St. Thomas Church, off U.S. 19 come in contact with the oral fears, anger. Meetings are 2 to Anne’s Church, 9870 W. Fort Island south of Cardinal Street. Group is cavity can also cause some in- Denis Grillo, D.O., FOCOO, 4 p.m. Tuesdays at Crystal River Trail, Crystal River, in the parish hall composed of men and women who flammation and discomfort. is an ear, nose and throat spe- United Methodist Church, 4801 N. library. Call Peg at 410-903-7740. are experiencing grief and are con- Dryness — known as xeros- cialist in Crystal River. Call Citrus Ave. Call Jackie, 352-563- ■ Food Addicts in Recovery vinced “Life can be good again.” tomia, is a condition where him at 352-795-0011 or visit 5182. Anonymous (FA) is a free 12-step the patient complains of dry- ■ “Together We Grow” Nar- recovery program for anyone suf- See WEEKLY/Page C6

encouraged to attend. Call Karen diac disease, 4 to 5:30 p.m. the sec- program dedicated to providing, Huscher at 352-726-1445 or is- ■ NAMI-Citrus, locally chartered ond Monday monthly in the cafeteria timely information and support to MONTHLY [email protected]. Area 13 group of the National Alliance on conference room at Oak Hill Hospi- people affected by osteoporosis. Continued from Page C3 covers Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Mar- Mental Illness, meets the second tal, 11375 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville. Meetings are at 1 p.m. the third ion and Sumter counties. There are Monday monthly at Good Shepherd Admission is free and complimen- Tuesday monthly in Room 115 at the second Monday monthly at the Wild- 15 Family Care Councils with gover- Lutheran Church, on County Road tary refreshments will be served. Citrus County Resource Center, wood Agency for Persons with Dis- nor-appointed volunteer members, 486 in Citrus Hills. Doors open at Seating is limited and reservations 2804 W. Marc Knighton Court, abilities office, 1601 W. Gulf Atlantic who are individuals with a develop- 6:30 p.m., speaker at 6:45 p.m. All are required, call 352-628-6060 in Lecanto. Highway (State Road 44). All per- mental disability or are a family those with an interest in mental Citrus, 352-597-6333 in Hernando Each month offers a guest sons interested in issues of those member. Seeking new members. health issues are welcome. Call or visit the website www.OakHill speaker or group discussion. Every- with developmental disabilities Contact Huscher at 352-726-1445 or 352-341-2273. one is invited. For information, call (autism, cerebral palsy, Down syn- [email protected]; ■ SPRING HILL — Healthy ■ Osteoporosis Citrus County Janet Croft at 352-249-7874 or drome, Prader-Willi syndrome, spina Hearts support group open to any- Support Group is a part of the email TheBoneZone2010 bifida and intellectual disabilities) are 186772/. Website: www.FCC one looking for information on car- NOF’s affiliated support group CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE HEALTH & LIFE TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 C5

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

FAMILY FEATURES here are important realities Medicare focuses on acute care costs on your behalf from your estate after you die. Most long-term services and supports. Policies states recover the cost of long-term care services. reim burse policyholders a daily amount every American must know Medicare covers medically necessary care and focuses on medical (up to a pre-selected limit) for services about long-term care. Long- acute care, such as doctor visits, drugs and hospital stays. If very Paying out-of-pocket for care to assist them with activities of daily T specific conditions are met, Medicare will help pay for all or a living, such as bathing, dressing or term care is more expensive than portion of a short stay in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care or If you have enough income and savings, you will eating. You can then select a range of home health care. need to pay for long-term care services on your most people think. And, most impor - care options and benefits that allow you Medicare does not cover custodial long-term care services. These own, from your incomes, savings and, possibly, to get the services you need, where you tantly, the cost of care is usually services and supports help people perform Activities of Daily the equity in your home. Many people believe need them. If you are in poor health Living (ADLs) that are non-medical, such as getting in and out wrongly the medical insurance or disability insur- or already receiving long-term care paid for out of savings and income. of bed, walking, bathing, dressing, eating, and bowel and bladder ance they currently have will pay for all or much services, you may not qualify for long- About 70 percent of people turn - management. of their long-term care. In general, health insur - term care insurance. ance covers only very limited and specific types For more information about addi- ing 65 can expect to need some Medicaid only available if income of long-term care. Disability policies serve to tional methods of paying for long-term kind of long-term care as they age. replace income and, as such, do not cover long- care, including reverse mortgages, and assets are low enough term care at all. annuities and trusts, visit A number of public programs, Medicaid is a joint federal and state government program that helps Long-term care insurance is designed to cover people with low income and assets pay for some or all of their including Medicare and Medicaid, health care bills. It covers medical care, long-term care services may help pay for some long-term in nursing homes and long-term care services provided at home. Rules about who is eligible for Medicaid benefits and what services care services under certain circum- Calculating the cost are covered are based on federal requirements, but states have con- Because there are many kinds of long-term care services and supports, there is a wide stances. However, each program has siderable leeway in how they operate their programs. range of costs depending on the type of care needed, duration of care needed, provider To be eligible for Medicaid, you must meet certain requirements, specific rules about what services you choose and where you live. Some average costs for long-term care in the United including having income and assets that do not exceed the levels States (in 2010) were: are covered, how long you can used by your state. The Medicaid eligibility process considers the value of your home to make sure it is under the state set limit,  $19 per hour for homemaker services  $3,293 per month for care in an assisted receive benefits, whether or not you your assets and your income. Documentation from your financial  $21 per hour for a home health aide living facility (for a one-bedroom unit) institutional “looking back” five years will be required. Once your qualify for benefits, and how much  $67 per day for services in an adult  $205 per day or $6,235 per month for a state determines you are financially eligible for Medicaid, the semi-private room in a nursing home you have to pay in out-of-pocket state will conduct a functional assessment to determine whether day health care center  $229 per day or $6,965 per month for a costs. To accurately plan for your you are disabled enough to qualify for long-term care services. Your state Medicaid Assistance office is the best source for informa - private room in a nursing home long-term care needs, it is very tion about how to qualify for Medicaid in your state and if you Calculate the cost of care in your area by visiting important to know the facts about qualify for long-term care services. If you receive Medicaid coverage for long-term care services, what may or may not be covered. federal law requires states to recover the amount Medicaid spent

Always Welcoming New Patients FRANK J. VASCMINI, DDS 4805 S. Suncoast Blvd. Homosassa, FL 34446 352-628-0012 000HSAJ


open to the public. ● The Circle of Love, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Thursdays at Our WEEKLY ■ DUNNELLON — Grief support group, 6 p.m. Thursdays Lady of Grace Church in Beverly Hills, 6 Roosevelt Blvd. Call at the First Baptist Church of Dunnellon, 20831 Powell Road. Carolyn at 352-341-0777. Continued from Page C4 Call the church at 352-489-2730. ● The New Beginning, 7 p.m. Fridays at Our Lady of ■ Narcotics Anonymous: Grace, Roosevelt Boulevard, Beverly Hills. Call Carolyn at Open to all. Come or call Anne at 352-220-1959. ● It Works How and Why, 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday 352-341-0777. ■ Al-Anon groups meet regularly in Citrus County. Local and Saturday, YANA Club, 147 N.W. Seventh St., Crystal ■ Anorexia and bulimia anonymous 12-step support website (Citrus, Hernando, Pasco). Call River. group, 5:45 p.m. Mondays at the Yana Club, 147 N.W. 352-697-0497. ● Men’s RAW (Recovery at Work) meeting, 7 to 8 p.m. Seventh St., Crystal River (behind the police station). Call ● Homosassa: 6:30 p.m. Mondays, Nature Coast Thursday, Lecanto Church of Christ: 797 S. Rowe Terrace, Charmaine at 352-422-3234. Community Church, 4980 S. Suncoast Blvd. Lecanto. ■ Citrus Abuse Shelter Association (CASA), 1100 Turner ● Inverness AFG: 8 p.m. Mondays, Our Lady of Fatima ● More Will Be Revealed, 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Camp Road, Inverness, offers two free weekly women’s do- Catholic Church, 550 S. U.S. 41. Wednesday, Citrus Memorial Health System Historic School mestic abuse support groups: 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and ● 6 p.m. Mondays at Club Recovery, corner of County Road House: 135 S. Citrus Ave., Inverness. 10:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays. Child care available. Call 486 and Anvil Terrace, Hernando. ● Recovery on the River, 7 to 8 p.m. Monday; 8 to 9 p.m. CASA at 352-344-8111 to sign up. ● Crystal River AFG: 8 p.m. Tuesdays, St. Benedict Friday and Sunday; Lecanto Church of Christ, 797 S. Rowe ■ Celebrate Recovery: support for any hurts, habits, Catholic Church, 455 S. Suncoast Blvd. Terrace, Lecanto. hang-ups or addictions. ● Lecanto AFG: 8 p.m. Thursdays, Unity Church of Citrus ● Save Our-Selves, 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. Friday; 7:30 to ■ 6:30 p.m. Mondays at Oxford Assembly of God Church, County, 2628 W. Woodview Lane, Lecanto. 8:30 p.m. Sunday; Club Recovery: Anvil Terrace and C.R. 486, 12114 N. U.S. 301 in Oxford. Call 352-748-6124. ● Crystal River AFG: 11:30 a.m. Thursdays at YANA Club, Hernando, 352-419-4836. ■ 7 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at the Christian 147 Seventh St. (off Citrus Avenue), Crystal River. ● Spirit of Unity, 8 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Citrus County Family Recovery Fellowship Church, 2242 W. State Road 44. Call ● Awareness Lunch Bunch AFG: 12:30 p.m. Fridays, St. Resource Center’s outreach center: 3848 E. Parsons Point 352-726-2800. Margaret Episcopal Church, 114 N. Osceola Ave., Inverness. Road, Hernando. ■ Gulf to Lake/Crystal River UMC Celebrate Recovery ● Alateen: 7 p.m. Thursday, St. Margaret‘s Episcopal ● Women United Ladies Meeting, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thurs- Fridays at Crystal River United Methodist Church on County Church, 114 N. Osceola Ave. (meets same time as Al-Anon, in day Citrus Memorial Health System Historic School House: Road 495. Dinner ($3) at 6 p.m.; large group at 7 p.m.; small separate room). 135 S. Citrus Ave., Inverness. groups at 8 p.m. Call 352-586-4709. ● Stepping Stones AFG: 10 a.m. Saturdays at Yana Club, ● You Are Never Alone, noon to 1 p.m. Sunday, Monday, ■ Nature Coast Ministries seeks to help the homeless 147 Seventh St. (off Citrus Avenue), Crystal River. Wedneday and Friday, YANA Club: 147 N.W. Seventh St., |and hurting of Citrus County. We offer referrals to Celebrate ● Tuesday Morning Serenity: 10 a.m. Tuesday at Unity Crystal River. Recovery, call 352-563-1860. Church, 2628 W. Woodview Lane, Lecanto. Narcotics Anonymous is not affiliated with any of the ■ Overcomers Group for people recovering from addic- ■ Alcoholics Anonymous: If you drink, and want to stop, meeting facilities listed. Call the 24-hour Helpline: tions to drugs, alcohol or other out-of-control habits, 8 p.m. call Alcoholics Anonymous Nature Coast Intergroup at 352- 352-508-1604. Information about NA is also available at Mondays at the Sanctuary, 7463 Grover Cleveland Blvd. Call 621-0599. Visit the website: Paul at 352-628-2874. ● 10:30 a.m. Sundays, 10300 S. Riviera Drive, ■ Overeaters Anonymous: ■ Dunnellon Life Recovery group for adults where addic- Chassahowitzka Community Center, 1 mile west of U.S. 19 on ● 5 p.m. Tuesdays at Club Recovery, corner of County tion, compulsion and codependency issues are dealt with, at Miss Maggie Drive, turn left, two blocks. Call 813-423-1203. Road 486 and Anvil Terrace, Hernando. 7 p.m. Mondays at Rainbow Springs Village Church, 20222 ● AC Group, 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Church Without Walls, ● Voices of Recovery, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Mondays at the Senior S.W. 102nd St. Road, Dunnellon. Call Char at 352-465-1644 3962 N. Roscoe Road, Hernando. Call Laverne at 352-637- Center (V.A. building) on County Road 491, Lecanto. Call or Nancy at 352-794-0017. 4563. Visit the website: Dolores at 352-746-5019. ■ SPRING HILL — Parkinson’s Tai Chi Group, 2:30 to ● A 12-step Christian support group meets at 6 p.m. ● Gift of Life, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays at St. Anne’s library, 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays in the private dining room at HealthSouth every Wednesday at Living Waters Ministries, 12 N. Mel- 9870 W. Fort Island Trail, Crystal River. Call Rita at 352-382- Rehabilitation Hospital of Spring Hill. Call Charissa Haffner at bourne St., Beverly Hills. Call Meg at 352-527-2443. Free and 8503. 352-346-8864.

 So you know: The information contained in the Health & Life section is not intended to cover all possible directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects and is not intended to replace consultation with a physician.

Community Happenings


Memory Enhancement Center of America Sheriff’s

Dash for Safety & Youth EXPO EXPO Dementia SATURDAY, APRIL 26 Lecanto High School Track CITRUS COUNTY AUDITORIUM Breakfast 9AM-1PM

April 26, 2014 available Giveaways for parents and more! 000H90Y_2x2 along with SPONSORED BY: CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE 9 am - Noon Raffles CITRUS COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, YMCA, 16th Annual SUNCOAST BUSINESS MASTERS, CITRUS 95.3 W ALK TO SUPPORT CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. THE N EW C ITRUS C OUNTY M EMORY E NHANCEMENT C ENTER OF A MERICA Superintendent’s Golf Classic For more information, For more information Saturday April 26, 2014 000HJVM 8:30 am Shotgun Start call (352) 726-3874. call 726-4488 $55 Registration Fee 000HFXC Sugarmill Woods $55 Registration Fee Golf Club $1000 $1000 andand $100$100 HoleHole

000HFWW Sponsorships Sponsorships Food Available Available Floral City Garden Club’s 3rd Annual Door Prizes Bluegrass Hole in One Prizes Annual Plant Sale Music Festival 50/50 Drawing Sat., April 12th at Fort Cooper State Park 8 a.m. Sat., April 19th. 10am to 4pm RAINOR SHINE Hosted by the 3100 S. Old Floral City Rd Tickets 8599 E. Marvin St. Friends of Inverness 352-726-0315 $10.00 @ gate Fort Cooper No Coolers Advance (Pavilion across from Floral City Church of Christ) or Alcohol Advance tickets For more information 726-1931 or 724-1931 or 726-2241 000HJW6 available at the park $7.00 BRING A Children Under 12 Free LAWN CHAIR 6TH ANNUAL 000HFWQ CRAFTS ANTIQUE AUTOS GREATFOOD April 11, 2014 6:30 P.M. at the usic Curtis Peterson at the Auditorium Tickets $10 per person M useum Children under 10 are free Masters of Ceremonies: Proudly Presents Brad Thorpe County Administrator and Cathy Pearson Assistant County Administrator For ticket information call 527-5900 (Doors open at 6pm) Sat., Apr. 12, 2014 000HN58 Tickets 6:00pm - 9:00pm $ Tickets $20 per person 25 Includes Appetizers & Cash Bar Liberty Park at 1912 Citrus County Courthouse, Inverness on Lake Henderson At the Door Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Food, Art & Live Entertainment with Blue Stem Prairie Band $30 Music starts promptly at 7 p.m. — PREMIER SPONSOR — Net proceeds to benefit A Stan Getz Tribute S PONSORS : the Boys & Girls Clubs with Jeff Rupert of Citrus County — Brought To You By — — Sponsored By — Citrus 95.3 & The Johny Publix Supermarket Charities Citrus County Chronicle Carlsson Trio Wann & Mary Robinson Duke Energy Smith’s Optical Services For Info & Ticketing : Great Bay Distributors Jordan Engineering Boys and Girls Club Thursday, April 17, 2014 David Rom State Farm Insurance 352.621.9225 Insight Credit Union Clark & Wendy Stillwell Nick Nicholas Ford Accent Travel City of Inverness Limited seating. Photography by Rebecca Pujals-Jones 352.726.2611 Ext. 1304 96.7 The Fox

Reservations encouraged. Deco Cafe 000HQPQ Online Ticketing Tobacco Free Florida Call: 352-341-6427 T O B ENEFIT T HE C ITRUS C OUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Waste Management 000FMJA 000HFXH COMMUNITYPage C7 - TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014


NEWS NOTES New Jerseyans, friends plan lunch in Ocala Here’s a chance to help The New Jersey and Friends Club will have a carriage ride and barbecue lunch at Ocala Ranch at 11 a.m. Wednesday. ‘Opportunity Links’ forum slated Thursday matches volunteers with jobs Also scheduled are lunch at Stumpknockers, U.S. 41 in Special to the Chronicle with volunteer opportunities. nity Center, 77 Civic Circle, Beverly Hills. Inverness at 3 p.m. Wednesday, This is an opportunity to meet with RSVP and the Nature Coast Volunteer April 23. For more information Learn where you can make a differ- NCVC/RSVP staff and volunteer man- Center are the engines through which about the activities, call Mary ence and discover your niche in agers throughout the county and learn more than 60 local organizations connect Anne at 352-746-3386. community service. about their programs and opportunities hundreds of volunteers to service oppor- The club bowls Thursdays at The Nature Coast Volunteer Center for service. tunities throughout Citrus County. 10 a.m. at Sportsmen’s Bowl, 100 and Retired and Senior Volunteer Pro- Opportunity Links will be at 3 p.m. For more information, call 352-249- Florida Ave (U.S. 41) in Inverness. gram host a forum for people to link up Thursday at the Central Ridge Commu- 1275, or email [email protected]. Being from New Jersey is not a requirement to join. For more in- formation, call 352-527-3568 or Presidential Service Award visit on Facebook. Genealogy group to meet this morning The Citrus County Genealogical Society will meet at 10 a.m. today at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3474 W. Southern St., Lecanto. The speaker will be Jim Lannin from The Villages. His topic will be “Paparazzi in the Cemetery — Headstone Photography for the Genealogist.” His presentation will include tips on how to take cemetery photographs, types of grave markers and how to clean them. For information about the meeting, visit www.citrusgeneal- or call Mary Ann Machonkin at 352-382-5515. Guests are welcome to attend. Wisconsinites to gather Wednesday in CR The season will end for the Wisconsin group at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Crystal Point Club House on Summertree Street, off North Citrus Avenue, Crystal River. Dan and Ron’s famous brats are on the menu. Those attending are asked to bring a picnic item to share. For more information, call Special to the Chronicle Joyce at 352-860-1292. Nine volunteers from Citrus Memorial Health System were recently presented with the Presidential Lifetime Service Award. Each vol- unteer has donated over 4,000 hours at the hospital. The Presidential Lifetime Service Award was created to thank Americans who have given at least 4,000 hours of their time serving others. The award has been given to 60 volunteers at Citrus Memorial Health Sys- Genealogy group to tem. The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes United States citizens and lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period — or cumulative hours over the hear special speaker course of a lifetime. Pictured seated, from left, are: Lee Cascio and Evelyn McCaw. Standing, from left, are: Paul Thomas, Donna Page, The Citrus County Genealogical Gerry Aron, Bonnie Steffen and Glenn Smith. Not pictured are Pat Anson and Lee Hamilton. Society will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3474 W. Southern St., Lecanto. The speaker will be Jim Lannin Disability manager will speak at Key from The Villages. His topic will be “Paparazzi in the Cemetery — Special to the Chronicle 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in the loved one is receiving services cussion about working effec- Headstone Photography for the Chet Cole Life Enrichment from the APD or is on a waitlist tively with a waiver support co- Genealogist.” His presentation Clarence Lewis, Central Re- Center, 5521 Buster Whitton for these services. New or in- ordinator. The presentation is will include tips on how to take gion operations manager for Way, at the Key Training Center. creased funding for these serv- open to the public, hosted by cemetery photographs, types of the Agency for Persons with If you have a family member ices is usually only provided in Key Center Family Connection. grave markers and how to clean Disabilities, will speak about with a developmental disability cases of extreme emergency or For more information, call them. the restructuring of APD, the or provide care for such an in- crisis. Stephanie Hopper at 352- For information about the iBudget and the waitlist at dividual, it is likely that your There will be a special dis- 344-0288. meeting, visit www.citrus or call Mary Ann Machonkin at 352-382-5515. Guests are welcome to attend. Precious Paws Salvation Army volunteers feted at breakfast ADOPTABLE he Citrus Corps of the Salvation The GPS is the advisory board, the rub- Army’s Volunteer Recognition ber that meets the road, those who coor- TBreakfast was held at the First Ruth dinate the various services of the Army. Yung Won United Methodist Church of Homosassa “The volunteer vehicle is the driving last month, catered by Oysters Restau- Levins force to new expanded horizons for those rant. in need,” Irish said. He applauded the “Doing the most good for the most peo- AROUND THE volunteers, a community coming together ple in the most need” has been the motto COMMUNITY to serve a purpose, all of which are of of the Salvation Army for many years. In vital importance. and around Citrus County we are seeing Volunteers are needed year-round. evidence of its fruition in the many pro- Some of the opportunities include: grams that are driven by a host of dedi- per day for the duration of the drive. ■ Character-building programs for cated volunteers with the support of ■ Angel Tree participation gifts: First youths from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays. innumerable residents and visitors who place — Brannen Banks; second place — ■ Disaster services to man the can- compassionately donate to this needed Citrus County School Board; third place teens, prepare meals, counsel hurting in- charity. — First Presbyterian Church of dividuals and serve hot meals to the In 2013, 1,548 volunteers served 5,048 Inverness. homeless. hours in Salvation Army programs. Sixty- James Sumlin was named Volunteer of ■ Cold weather shelter when the tem- one mobile canteen volunteers gave 243 the Year and gave a compelling address perature is below 40 degrees. Monitors at Special to the Chronicle hours of service, 95 social services volun- on a “View of a Night at the Shelter” and the shelter and preparation of meals. Energetic Yung Won and sibling teers spent 453 hours sorting canned said he would place his plaque next to a ■ Thanksgiving and Christmas assis- Yung Tu will keep you entertained food, 34 cold-weather volunteers spent photo of his son, who is serving in tance and registration with computer and amazed at their feline 936 hours volunteering at the shelter on Afghanistan. skills. acrobatic skills. Both are available 16 nights, and 334 community care volun- Richard Sampson, advisory board ■ Christmas Toy Shop preparation as- for adoption and can be seen at teers volunteered 769 hours in 16 local chairman, welcomed the volunteers. sistance in sorting Angel Tree gifts and the Floral City adoption site. Lots preparing each child’s bag from Dec. 8 of cats, kittens and a few canines care centers. Major Ruth Draper led the Pledge of Al- It was an award-winning morning for legiance. Captain Lynn Irish reflected on to 18. are ready and waiting for a special ■ home. Kittens and cats are the volunteers: the Christmas programs. James Sumlin, Christmas Toy Shop distribution of ■ Bell-ringing (Kettle Drive) volunteers volunteer, spoke on “Why volunteer?” food and gifts Dec. 19 to 20. available for adoption at the Pet ■ Supermarket on State Road 44 in (individual): First place — Doug and and Capt. Phillip Irish gave the keynote Christmas bell ringers from Nov. 21 Inverness during regular store Trina; second place — Clyde; third place address on the “Volunteer Vehicle.” through Dec. 24. ■ hours. The Crystal River Mall — Ted. The Salvation Army is a church that Bus driver or monitor to accompany adoption center is now open from ■ Churches: First place – Beverly Hills does good things for people. A maximum a group from 4:30 to 9 p.m. during the noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Community Church; second place – Inver- of 50 attend the local church and scores school year; some full days in the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and ness Church of God; third place – First of volunteers are the Salvation Army, a summer to camp. Sunday. The Floral City Adoption United Methodist Church of Homosassa. coming together with a vision to pool Call the Salvation Army at 352-513-4960. Center at 7360 S. Florida Ave. is ■ Organizations: First place — Gold their time, talent and creativity for peo- open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Wing Riders; second place — Crystal ple in need. Ruth Levins participates in a variety of Both sites will be closed for the River Lions Club; third place — Ameri- “You can’t run an army with generals. projects around the community. Let her Easter week. For more information, can Legion Post 77. You need frontline soldiers,” Irish said. know about your group’s upcoming call 352-726-4700 or go to The community supported the bell- He likened the bell ringers to the fueling activities by writing to P.O. Box 803, ringing efforts with an average of $3,000 of the gas tank in the volunteer vehicle. Crystal River, FL 34423.

 Submit information at least two weeks before the  Submit material at Chronicle offices in Inverness or  Notes tend to run one week prior to the date of an event. Crystal River; by fax at 352-563-3280; or email to event. Publication on a special day can’t be  Multiple publications cannot be guaranteed. [email protected]. guaranteed. C8 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 COMMUNITY CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE NEWS NOTES NARFE will meet in Inverness today Chapter 776 of the National Ac- tive and Retired Federal Employ- ees Association (NARFE) invites all retired employees, surviving annuitants and guests to its next meeting on Tuesday at Mama’s Kuntry Kafe, 1787 W. Main St., Inverness. The meeting starts with a social hour at 12:30 p.m. This month’s speaker is Jane Lemley, executive vice president of NARFE Florida. For more information, call 352- 522-1923. Toastmasters to gather Wednesday in CR Radiant Ridge Toastmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the sec- ond, fourth, and fifth Wednesdays at the First Baptist Church at 700 N. Citrus Ave. in Crystal River. Toastmasters gives its members the opportunity to learn and prac- tice leadership and speaking skills in a safe, supportive envi- ronment. The public is welcome to attend. Visit radiantridgetoastmasters. com. Call Renate at 352-746-4598 or Vicky at 352-563-2651. Computer users to learn about updates Crystal River Computer Users Group (CRUG) will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday for a meeting and presentation at the Crystal Oaks Club House off State Road 44 at 4948 W. Crystal Oaks Blvd., Special to the Chronicle Lecanto. Two Citrus County volunteers were recognized last week for their service to the Citrus branch of the YMCA. The Suncoast YMCA Alfred Morton will discuss the honored Mike Bays as the Adult Volunteer of the Year and Sarah Monsegur as the Teen Volunteer of the Year. Pictured, from left, changes that Update 1 installs are: Citrus Y Director Joanna Castle, Mike Bays, Sarah Monsegur and Y Program Director Sara Williamson. with Windows 8.1; many changes improve the desktop experience. Coffee and refreshments served at 6 p.m. with a short meeting at Mike Bays, Sarah Monsegur tapped at annual awards ceremony 6:30 p.m., followed by the presen- tation. Meetings are open and free Special to the Chronicle with fundraising to build a county facility. vide program information to support the to everyone. Bays is a Chairman's Round Table- mission of the YMCA. CRUG meets the second The Suncoast YMCA held its annual level donor and has made a generous do- She has also assisted with the Youth Wednesday monthly at the Crystal volunteer award ceremony in Clearwa- nation to the YMCA Capital Campaign Basketball Leagues with concessions, Oaks Club House. For more infor- ter last week and two Citrus County vol- naming the Administrative Offices the score board and setup and break- mation, visit unteers were honored. through the St. Matthew Charitable down. Mike Bays was named the Adult Volun- Foundation with his wife, Rebecca Bays Citrus Director Joanna Castle said County Council to hear teer of the Year. Bays has served on the and business partner, Dr. John Degraw. Monsegur is a true asset to the organiza- Citrus Y Board and donated administra- Sarah Monsegur was named as the tion and sets the example of social re- Chronicle publisher tive office space to the YMCA since 2011. Teen Volunteer of the Year. She has be- sponsibility for other teens in the The Citrus County Council will He has also served as the 2012 chair- come an integral part of the YMCA in community to follow. meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the man of the Y Board Development Com- Citrus County and recorded over 70 The Citrus Y is involved in a major Beverly Hills Lions Club, 72 Civic mittee and 2012 Chair of the Y hours of volunteer service in 2013. capital campaign and is now raising Circle. Marketing Committee, and he serves on Monsegur has volunteered at festivals funds to build the first local branch on Coffee, doughnuts and network- the Capital Leadership Cabinet to help and events, helping to advocate and pro- State Road 486. ing begin at 8:30 a.m. Guest speak- ers will be Gerry Mulligan from the Citrus County Chronicle, and Joanna Castle, YMCA director, who will discuss the progress of the YMCA in Citrus County. One of best, brightest caregivers Joe Meek with be the Commis- sioner in the Spotlight. County staff members update the group and Property Appraiser Les Cook will make a special presentation concerning the recent Duke vs. Citrus County settlement. The public is welcome. For more information, call John Wade, president, at 352-341-1937, or visit PFLAG to meet this evening at Unity PFLAG Lecanto (Parents, Fam- ily and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Unity Church of Citrus County, 2628 W. Woodview Lane in Lecanto. PFLAG’s mission is to promote the health and well-being of LGBT persons, their families and friends. Meetings are open to everyone and provide an opportu- nity for dialog, discussion and support, as well as education about LGBT issues and concerns. For more information, call Linda at 352- 419-2738 or email [email protected]. Special to the Chronicle Pictured, from left, are: Mike Hall, president/CEO Nature Coast EMS; Will Adams, Nature Coast EMS Star of Life award recipient; and Humane Society Jimmy Johnson, president of the American Ambulance Association. OF CITRUS CO. Chicklet & Lucas Nature Coast EMS announces EMT Adams earns Star of Life award Special to the Chronicle als working in the ambulance industry. It ning, he served Nature Coast EMS as a is the highest award an EMS caregiver can volunteer where he demonstrated dedica- Every year, Nature Coast EMS nomi- receive. William Leigh Adams, a Nature tion, caring and professionalism as a sea- nates one of its best and brightest care- Coast EMS emergency medical techni- soned team member working in the field givers to the American Ambulance cian, has been awarded the Star of Life for years. Association’s Stars of Life awards cere- award from the American Ambulance As- After three years, he attended EMT mony in Washington, D.C. sociation. school and obtained his EMT certification. The Star of Life award recognizes and Adams began his career with Nature At the first available opening, Adams was celebrates the achievements of individu- Coast EMS five years ago. In the begin- hired as a full-time employee.

Special to the Chronicle NEWS NOTES Chicklet and Lucas are just two of the five male Chihuahua mix Discover that Marc Knighton Blvd. in cated at 2644 N. Annapolis at 352-746-7606. puppies currently waiting for their Lecanto for $10; children age Ave., in Citrus Hills, on forever homes. On Jan. 7, at just Citrus Has Talent 10 and younger are for free. Saturday, April 12. four weeks of age, they arrived in For more information, call Tickets are $12 per person. Garden club to Citrus Has Talent is soon ap- rescue. They are now happy, very Marti Ball at 352-527-5900 at Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for a gather April 11 social, playful and ready for proaching and all the acts are the Senior Center. light lunch followed by a fun adoption. They are neutered, getting ready for the show, afternoon of playing cards, The Floral City Garden Club microchipped and up-to-date on slated for 6:30 p.m. Friday at door prizes and a chance to will meet at 10 a.m. Friday. vaccinations. To adopt one of Curtis Peterson Auditorium. Military Card Party take home a share the wealth The speaker will be master these puppies or to view more Doors open at 6 p.m. slated at Art Center basket. Participants need not gardener Barbara McCormick adoptables, visit www.roomfor Snacks, for a voluntary do- know how to play cards. on garden plant care. For more information, nation to the Senior Founda- The Public is invited to par- Advance payment is re- Refreshments will be served call Karron at 352560-0051. An tion, will be available during ticipate in a fundraising Mili- quired to reserve your table; at 9.30 a.m. For more informa- approved application and adoption intermission. Tickets are on tary Card Party for the Art space is limited and fills tion, call Lona Basset at 352- fee are required to adopt. sale at the Senior Center on Center of Citrus County, lo- quickly, so call the Box Office 560-3879. CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 C9

TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 8, 2014 C: Comcast, Citrus B: Bright House D/I: Comcast, Dunnellon & Inglis F: Oak Forest H: Holiday Heights C B D/I F H 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ^ (WESH) NBC 19 19 News News Ent Access The Voice (N) ‘PG’ About- Fisher Chicago Fire (N) ‘14’ News J. Fallon World Nightly PBS NewsHour (N) (In The Dave Clark Five -- Glad All Over, a Great Frontline (In Stereo) Shelter Me: Second # (WEDU) PBS 3 3 14 6 News Business Stereo) Å Performances Special (N) ‘PG’ Å ‘PG’ Å Chances ‘G’ Å % (WUFT) PBS 5 5 5 41 News at 6 Business PBS NewsHour (N) Dave Clark Five-Glad All Frontline ‘PG’ Å World T. Smiley News Nightly NewsChannel Entertainment The Voice “The Playoffs About a Growing Chicago Fire (N) (In News Tonight ( (WFLA) NBC 8 8 8 8 8 News 8 Ton. Premiere” ‘PG’ Boy ‘14’ Up Fisher Stereo) ‘14’ Å Show News World Jeopardy! Wheel of Marvel’s Agents of The Trophy Resurrection “Insomnia” Eyewit. Jimmy ) (WFTV) ABC 20 20 20 News (N) ‘G’ Fortune S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) ‘PG’ Goldbergs (N) Wife ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Å News Kimmel 10 News, Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! NCIS “Page Not Found” NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest (In 10 News, Letterman * (WTSP) CBS 10 10 10 10 10 6pm (N) News Fortune (N) ‘G’ (N) ‘PG’ “Windfall” (N) ‘14’ Stereo) ‘14’ Å 11pm (N) FOX13 6:00 News (N) TMZ (N) The Insider Glee “Bash” (N) ‘14’ Å The Mindy Project (N) FOX13 10:00 News (N) News Access ` (WTVT) FOX 13 13 13 13 (In Stereo) Å ‘PG’ (N) (DVS) ‘14’ Å (DVS) (In Stereo) Å Hollyw’d 4 (WCJB) ABC 11 11 4 News ABC Ent Inside Ed. S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy Resurrection ‘PG’ News J. Kimmel Christian Today Kenneth Great Awakening H.Babers Place for Help Me Perry Life Today Purpose Great 6 (WCLF) IND 2 2 2 22 22 Fitness Hagin Sr. Miracles Hannah Stone for Life Awaken News World The List Let’s Ask Marvel’s Agents of The Trophy Resurrection “Insomnia” News Jimmy < (WFTS) ABC 11 11 11 News (N) ‘PG’ America S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) ‘PG’ Goldbergs (N) Wife ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Å Kimmel Modern Modern Big Bang Big Bang Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special The Office The Office Family Guy Family Guy @ (WMOR) IND 12 12 16 Family Family Theory Theory Victims Unit ‘14’ Victims Unit ‘14’ ‘PG’ ‘14’ Å ‘14’ ‘14’ F (WTTA) MNT 6 6 6 9 9 Raymond Seinfeld FamFeud FamFeud Bones ‘14’ Å Bones ‘14’ Å Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Seinfeld Commun H (WACX) TBN 21 21 S.Channel The 700 Club (N) ‘G’ Babers Paid Manna Paid Paid Studio Direct Healing Ministries King of King of Two and Two and The Originals “Le The 100 “Earth Kills” Engagement Engagement The Arsenio Hall Show L (WTOG) CW 4 4 4 12 12 Queens Queens Half Men Half Men Grand Guignol” ‘14’ (In Stereo) ‘14’ Å ‘14’ Å Animal Citrus County Every Day Every Chamber Crook and Chase (In Cold Squad ‘14’ Å Eye for an The Comedy O (WYKE) FAM 16 16 16 15 Court Today Court Minute Chat Stereo) ‘PG’ (DVS) Eye Shop S (WOGX) FOX 13 7 7 Simpsons Simpsons Big Bang Big Bang Glee “Bash” (N) ‘14’ The Mindy Project FOX 35 News at 10 TMZ ‘PG’ Access Æ (WVEA) UNI 15 15 15 15 14 Noticias Notic. De Que Te Quiero Por Siempre Lo Que la Vida Qué Pobres Noticias Univision ≤ (WXPX) ION 17 Criminal Minds ‘PG’ Criminal Minds ‘PG’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ The Listener (N) ‘14’ The Listener (N) ‘14’ Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barry’d Storage Storage Storage Bridge (A&E) 54 48 54 25 27 Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Treasure Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ PHILLIP ALDER ›››‡ “We Were Game of Arms ‘14, Game of Arms ‘14, Game of Arms ‘14, Game of Arms (N) ‘14, Game of Arms ‘14, (AMC) 55 64 55 Soldiers” ‘R’ D,L,V Å L,V Å L,V Å L,V Å D,L,V Å Newspaper Enterprise Assn. (ANI) 52 35 52 19 21 Finding Bigfoot: Further Savage Alaska (In Wild Appalachia (In Madagascar Madagascar was left untouched by Wild Appalachia (In Evidence ‘PG’ Stereo) ‘PG’ Å Stereo) ‘PG’ Å man. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ Å Stereo) ‘PG’ Å Fred Allen, a radio comedian who died in 106 & Park: BET’s Top ››› “Love Jones” (1997) Larenz Tate. Two struggling The Game The Game Let’s Stay The Game Let’s Stay 1956, said, “My father never raised his hand to (BET) 96 19 96 10 Live (N) ‘PG’ Chicagoans begin a tentative romance. ‘R’ Å ‘14’ ‘14’ Together ‘14’ Together any one of his children, except in self-de- (BRAVO) 254 51 254 Housewives/NYC Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/NYC Online Dating Rituals Happens NYC fense.” (CC) 27 61 27 33 South Park Tosh.0 Colbert Daily Show Amy Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Amy Daily Show Colbert ‘14’ ‘14’ Å Report Schumer ‘14’ Å ‘14’ Å ‘14’ Å ‘14’ Schumer Report At the bridge table, you must make the right (CMT) 98 45 98 28 37 Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ The Dukes of Hazzard ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan. Reunited twin plays from your hand to help partner find the Å Å Å Å ‘G’ girls try to get their parents back together. ‘PG’ Å winning defense, our topic this week. (CNBC) 43 42 43 Mad Money (N) The Profit Shark Tank ‘PG’ Shark Tank ‘PG’ The Profit (N) Shark Tank ‘PG’ South is in four spades. How should the de- (CNN) 40 29 40 41 46 Situation Crossfire Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Special Erin Burnett OutFront fenders card after West leads the club two? (DISN) 46 40 46 6 5 Liv & Liv & Jessie Austin & ››› “Camp Rock” (2008, Musical Comedy) A.N.T. Austin & Good- Jessie Maddie Maddie ‘G’ Å Ally ‘G’ Joe Jonas. (In Stereo) ‘NR’ Å Farm ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ Å What do you think of that lead? (ESPN) 33 27 33 21 17 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å NCAA Pregame Women’s College Basketball SportsCenter (N) North’s raise to four spades shows a “weak (ESPN2) 34 28 34 43 49 Around Pardon Question SportsCenter (N) Sports. Sports. Insiders Baseball Tonight (N) Olbermann (N) Å freak” — a poor hand with, usually, at least (EWTN) 95 70 95 48 Å News Our Lady Daily Mass ‘G’ Mother Angelica Live Religious Rosary Threshold of Hope Grab Women five-card support and, typically, a singleton or ››‡ “Alice in Wonderland” (2010, Fantasy) ››› “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) Daniel The 700 Club (In (FAM) 29 52 29 20 28 Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska. ‘PG’ Radcliffe. The young wizard confronts the fugitive Sirius Black. Stereo) ‘G’ Å void. This hand does not have a singleton, but (FLIX) 118 170 ››‡ “Mr. Jealousy” (1997, Romance-Comedy) ›› “Soul Plane” (2004, Comedy) ››› “Cool Runnings” (1993) ›› “Prefontaine” four spades is the right response. North has no Eric Stoltz. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å . ‘R’ Å Leon. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ Å (1997) Jared Leto. clue how many tricks his side can win, but (FNC) 44 37 44 32 Special Report Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor maybe the opponents are gin for four hearts. In (FOOD) 26 56 26 Chopped ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Diners Diners these circumstances, just blaze away, being as (FS1) 732 112 732 America’s Pregame Rise Pregame MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at St. Louis Cardinals. (N) Å FOX Sports Live (N) (FSNFL) 35 39 35 UFC Marlins MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Washington Nationals. Marlins Marlins World Poker troublesome to East-West as possible. (FX) 30 60 30 51 How I Met How I Met Two and Two and ›‡ “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” (2012, Justified “Restitution” Justified “Restitution” West has a tough opening lead. It could be Half Men Half Men Action) Nicolas Cage. ‘PG-13’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ right to cash the spade ace, then exit with a di- (GOLF) 727 67 727 Live From Live From Coverage from the 2014 Masters. Live From Coverage from the 2014 Masters. Live From amond and wait for four tricks with his four The Waltons “The The Waltons “The The Waltons ‘G’ Å The Middle The Middle Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ (HALL) 59 68 59 45 54 Legend” ‘G’ Å Literary Man” ‘G’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ honor cards. Here, though, a club is the only start to give the defense a chance. (HBO) 302 201 302 2 2 ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) Christian Bale. Batman faces a Game of Thrones “Two Silicon Veep ‘MA’ Game of Thrones “Two masked villain named Bane. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ Å Swords” ‘MA’ Valley Swords” ‘MA’ One of the most important defensive rules is ››‡ ››› “Undercover Brother” (2002) ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Real Time With Bill “Hobbit- that when playing third hand high, table the (HBO2) 303 202 303 Å Å Å “Snitch” Eddie Griffin. ‘PG-13’ Adams, Michael Shannon. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ Maher ‘MA’ Jrny” bottom of equally powerful cards. Here, East (HGTV) 23 57 23 42 52 Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Flip It to Win It ‘G’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting Down East Dickering must play his club jack at trick one. (HIST) 51 54 51 32 42 ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ Cars ‘PG’ “Dickering 101” ‘PG’ Let’s assume South takes this with his ace (LIFE) 24 38 24 31 Wife Swap “Berwick/ Dance Moms ‘PG’ Å Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms Melissa Bring It! “Sunjai in Preachers’ Daughters and leads a trump. West wins with his ace and Roachford” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Å takes control. ‘PG’ Stilettos” ‘PG’ Å ‘14’ Å does ... what? ››‡ “Mr. Brooks” (2007) Kevin Costner. A man ›› “The 4th Floor” (1999, Suspense) Artie ›› “Chloe” (2009, Drama) Julianne Moore, (LMN) 50 119 has a murderous alter ego. ‘R’ Lange, Juliette Lewis. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å Liam Neeson. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å The first trick marked East with the club ›› “Gangster Squad” (2013, Crime Drama) ››‡ “The Internship” (2013, Comedy) Vince ›››‡ “Argo” (2012, Historical Drama) Ben queen. So West should continue with a low (MAX) 320 221 320 3 3 Josh Brolin. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å Vaughn. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ Å Affleck, Alan Arkin. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å club to give East the lead. Then he should shift (MSNBC) 42 41 42 PoliticsNation (N) Hardball With Chris All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow The Last Word With All In With Chris Hayes to the heart nine, which gives the defenders Matthews (N) Å (N) Show (N) Lawrence O’Donnell one spade, one club and two hearts to defeat Total Riff Off “Guy and Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers (NGC) 109 65 109 44 53 a Goose” ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ the contract. (NICK) 28 36 28 35 25 Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sam & Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME (OWN) 103 62 103 Family Playbook The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek (OXY) 44 123 Bad Girls-Bat. Bad Girls-Bat. Bad Girls-Bat. Bad Girls-Bat. Maria Celebrity Bad Girls-Bat. ››› “The Ghost Writer” (2010) Pierce Brosnan. A ghost- House of Shameless “Lazarus” House of Inside Shameless “Lazarus” Unscramble these four Jumbles, (SHOW) 340 241 340 4 writer’s latest project lands him in jeopardy. Å Lies ‘MA’ ‘MA’ Å Lies ‘MA’ Comedy ‘MA’ Å one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. (SPIKE) 37 43 37 27 36 Ink Master “Tatt Ink Master “Nude & Ink Master “X-Men’s Ink Master “2 on 1 Tat- Ink Master “Artist Tattoo Tattoo Ganged” ‘14’ Å Tattooed” ‘14’ Å Hugh Jackman” ‘14’ Astrophe” ‘14’ Slaughter” (N) ‘14’ Night. Night. HOWSN ›››› “Unforgiven” ››› “Closer” (2004) Julia Roberts. Four Da Vinci’s Demons Da Vinci’s Demons ››› “The Amazing (STARZ) 370 271 370 (1992) ‘R’ people grapple with love and betrayal. ‘R’ (iTV) ‘MA’ Å (iTV) ‘MA’ Å Spider-Man” Tee It up Israeli to Do HEAT Live! NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Miami Heat. From the HEAT Live! Inside the Inside the (SUN) 36 31 36 ©2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC With Bask. Florida AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (In Stereo Live) Heat HEAT All Rights Reserved. (SYFY) 31 59 31 26 29 Face Off “What a Face Off Creating origi- Face Off “Industrial Face Off “Bloodsuckers” Jim Henson’s Creature Face Off Dahl” ‘14’ nal mutants. ‘14’ Revolution” ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Shop Challenge “Bloodsuckers” ‘14’ TULAF (TBS) 49 23 49 16 19 Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) ‘14’ Å ››› “Bridge to the Sun” (1961, Docudrama) ››› “The Catered Affair” (1956) ››› “Witness for the Prosecution” (1957, Drama) Tyrone (TCM) 169 53 169 30 35 Carroll Baker, James Shigeta. ‘NR’ Bette Davis. ‘NR’ Å Power, Marlene Dietrich. ‘NR’ Å Clash of the Ozarks Amish Mafia “The Bear” Amish Mafia: The Amish Mafia “Shepherd’s Amish Mafia “End of Amish Mafia (TDC) 53 34 53 24 26 “Justified” ‘14’ Å ‘14’ Å Devil’s Cut (N) ‘14’ End” (N) ‘14’ Days” (N) ‘14’ Å “Shepherd’s End” ‘14’ TECIXE (TLC) 50 46 50 29 30 Medium Medium Couple Couple 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids 19 Kids Couple Couple 19 Kids 19 Kids “The ›‡ “The Double” (2011, Action) ››‡ “Sahara” (2005) Matthew McConaughey. ›› “Daylight” (1996, Action) Sylvester (TMC) 350 261 350 Crew” Richard Gere. ‘PG-13’ Å (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ Å Stallone. Premiere. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ Å

Castle “Demons” ‘PG’ Castle “Cops & Robbers” NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Miami Heat. From the NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Jumble puzzle magazines available at (TNT) 48 33 48 31 34 Å (DVS) (In Stereo) ‘PG’ AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (N) (Live) Å Los Angeles Lakers. (N) SPLUCT (TOON) 38 58 38 33 Now arrange the circled letters Adven Gumball Uncle Regular King/Hill King/Hill Cleveland Cleveland American Fam. Guy American Fam. Guy to form the surprise answer, as (TRAV) 9 106 9 44 Bizarre Foods Food Food Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre World ‘PG’ suggested by the above cartoon.

(truTV) 25 55 25 98 55 Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Container Container Container (TVL) 32 49 32 34 24 Griffith Griffith Griffith Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Cleveland Soul Man Print your “ - ” answer here: (USA) 47 32 47 17 18 Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern Chrisley Modern Modern Modern Victims Unit ‘14’ Victims Unit ‘14’ Family Family Family Family Knows Family Family Family (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: SNIFF AGENT DIVIDE BOTTOM (WE) 117 69 117 Law & Order “Girl Most Law & Order “Equal Law & Order Law & Order “Dazzled” Law & Order “Foul Law & Order “Attorney Yesterday’s Likely” ‘14’ Rights” ‘14’ Å “Slaughter” ‘14’ ‘14’ Å Play” ‘14’ Å Client” ‘14’ Answer: The student forgot to go to school because (WGN-A) 18 18 18 18 20 Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos ››› “V for Vendetta” (2006, Action) Natalie Portman. ‘R’ Witches Mother he was — ABSENT-MINDED

ear Annie: My mother I told her to put my brother in would love to know. — Grand- is approaching 80, and charge of my share, because mother Dafter raising three of he will follow her instruc- Dear Grandmother: We us, she is in declining health. tions. think this is a terrific idea. My brother and sister live I guess what I’m really say- While there are a number of near Mom, but I couldn’t han- ing is that money isn’t every- downloadable forms online, dle big-city life, so after I thing. While I enjoy the you can also go to any school married, we moved benefits of our in- supply store for workbooks to my wife’s home- come, I am jealous that help teach cursive. And town. of my friends and your local library or book- I don’t drive, so family who have store will have suggestions visiting my family children. I’m sorry, and materials. All it takes is a always means rely- Mom. If I could patient teacher and a willing ing on my wife, and only do it all over student. she is perpetually again, I would. — A Dear Annie: After reading late. And the drive in P the letter from “Heartbroken there involves Dear A.: It’s good Parents in Vermont,” I realize much shouting, as that you recognize that I am not alone in this ter- she blames me for your siblings’ con- rible situation. our “being tardy.” tributions, but I have not heard from my She also controls please don’t throw daughter in more than a year. the checking ac- ANNIE’S up your hands and I sent emails (no response) count and gives me MAILBOX say there’s nothing letting her know I was think- a small allowance you can do. You ing about her and that I’m and a low-limit can do plenty. Why here if she needs me. But the credit card, and I don’t have does your wife handle all the last time I sent an email, it the authority to call to check money in your household? bounced back. the balance or raise the limit. Are you irresponsible? If not, There are moments when I inherited a fair amount of this is controlling and could the pain is unbearable and money from my uncle, and be abusive. You also allowed the worry consumes me, but I my wife and I turned it into a her to control the decision try to keep my mind busy successful business, but we not to have children. If you with work. I realize that for work day and night. My wife don’t like these arrange- now, this is what she wants, decided not to have kids in ments, why do you permit but it doesn’t take away the order to dedicate all of our them to continue? Stop being terrible ache in my heart. — time to making money. That a passive bystander in your Suffering Alone in Montreal leaves my brother and sister own life. Get counseling and to take care of all of our figure out what you want and Annie’s Mailbox is written mother’s needs. My sister-in- how to get there. by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy law recently called and Dear Annie: I supplement Sugar, longtime editors of the blasted me for doing so little. my granddaughter’s education Ann Landers column. Please I knew she was right, as my with “extras,” such as teaching email your questions to an- brother had just accompa- her foreign languages and [email protected], or nied the ambulance to the music. I would love to teach write to: Annie’s Mailbox, hospital (again) in the middle her cursive writing this sum- Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd of the night. mer. As an educator, it saddens Street, Hermosa Beach, CA My mother recently told me me that this beautiful skill is 90254. To find out more about that she has rewritten her being lost in the schools Annie’s Mailbox and read will to give the bulk of her siz- amidst other things deemed features by other Creators able estate to my sister and more important. Syndicate writers and car- WANT MORE PUZZLES? brother. She also said that Where does one get materi- toonists, visit the Creators  Look for Sudoku and Wordy Gurdy puzzles in the Classified pages. whatever I do inherit should- als to use when teaching cur- Syndicate Web page at n’t go to my wife or her family. sive? I imagine a lot of us C10 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 COMICS CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE Peanuts Garfield

Pickles For Better or For Worse

Sally Forth Beetle Bailey

Dilbert The Grizzwells

The Born Loser Blondie

Kit ’N’ Carlyle Rubes Dennis the Menace The Family Circus

Doonesbury Classic Betty

Big Nate Frank & Ernest

Arlo and Janis

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Today’s MOVIES

Times provided by Regal Cinemas and are subject to change; call ahead. Crystal River Mall 9; 564-6864 Citrus Cinemas 6 — Inverness; 637-3377 “GVJX IW PR AIHU WVH FII ZVHN VJN “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (PG-13) “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (PG-13) 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7:15 p.m. No passes. 12:15 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 7:10 p.m. No passes. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (PG-13) “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (PG-13) AO NIJ’F SPF OJIPLZ MVBPO TJ FZO In 3D. 1 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:45 p.m. No passes. In 3D. 7:30 p.m. No passes. “Divergent” (PG-13) 12:05 p.m., 4:25 p.m., “Divergent” (PG-13) 12 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 7:35 p.m. No passes. 6:50 p.m. “God’s Not Dead” (PG) 12:15 p.m., 2:30 p.m., “Mr. Peabody and Sherman” (PG) 1 p.m., OSTDPHOVJ, ROJRPVB SVHF IW 4:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. “Muppets: Most Wanted” (PG) 12:30 p.m., “Muppets: Most Wanted” (PG) 12:45 p.m., 4:55 p.m., 7:45 p.m. 4:15 p.m. BTWO.” — UTG DVFFHVBB “Mr. Peabody and Sherman” (PG) 12 p.m., “Need for Speed” (PG-13) 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m. 5:10 p.m., 8 p.m. “Noah” (PG-13) 11:45 p.m., 3:15 p.m., 7 p.m. Previous Solution: “If I met Bob Dylan, it would be disappointing — and annoy- “Noah” (PG-13) 12:40 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 7 p.m. “Sabotage” (R) 12:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7:25 p.m. ing to him. But that’s why I like Bob Dylan.” — Willem Dafoe No passes. “Sabotage” (R) 12:50 p.m., 4:35 p.m., 7:20 p.m. Visit for area movie (c) 2014 by NEA, Inc., dist. by Universal Uclick 4-8 “Son of God” (PG-13) 12:20 p.m., 3:30 p.m., listings and entertainment information. 7:10 p.m. CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS TUESDAY,APRIL 8, 2014 C11

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Today’s Today’s New Ads New Ads 000HQCF CRAFTSMAN SHOP *BUSINESS OPENING* AIR COMPRESSOR Vacuum 16 gallon.$30, OnTarget Found on 4/2 NEWSPAPER ☛ AVAILABLE Champbell Hausfeld Floor Jack..$20.00 Photography Young male, grey & CNA’s/HHA’s Pool Supply Store 26 gallon, oil less, air 352 382-5521 CARRIER www.ontargetphotos. white cat near Kings W/ Service and Re- compressor, 150 PSI com 352-601-6386 Office Chair, dark Bay. (352) 564-4200 Experienced, Caring WANTED pair! Net Income of Vertical on wheels 1.7 brown, perfect shape & Dependable nearly $125,000!! 24x36 Garage/Man HP 120 volts. $175.00 $50. 5 x7 Area Rug Large Black & Hourly & Live-in, Pat (813) 230-7177 Cave, Cit.Spgs., $300 Newspaper carrier Call Mike @ earthtone, $30. White Dog flexible schedule. month 352-489-3750 wanted for early 352-637-6754 (352) 423-4423 Homosassa/Crystal LOVING CARE morning delivery of CRAFTSMAN SHOP Proform Resistance River Area (352) 860-0885 the Citrus County ☛ AVAILABLE Vacuum 16 gallon.$30, Bike, Never used, pd Call to identify Chronicle and other Pool Supply Store Floor Jack..$20.00 $350, asking $150. (352) 563-5778 newspapers for W/ Service and Re- 352 382-5521 pair! Net Income of Call Evenings DENTAL home delivery nearly $125,000!! (352) 344-3131 Older Cat customers. BUSINESS Great op- Craftsman: Pat (813) 230-7177 Recumbant Bike found on Allen Drive RECEPTIONIST & portunity to own Table Saw 10 in. like new in Inverness SURGICAL ASSIST Must have your own business. Extra blades $150 CITRUS SPRINGS $150. long haired, Siamese insured and Includes real estate Pressure Washer, Whole House Access (352) 563-0338 mix. front- short legs Part time or Full time reliable vehicle and 2 buildings extra long hose, $125 $125/wk. call Bruce TILLER please call For High Quality w/ample parking, (352) 527-4910 Leather Sectional (352) 201-4540 Oral Surgery Office. fenced, plus inven- **352-445-9136** Red Ox Apply in Person RV CORD ADAPTER Natuzzi tan leather HUGE Annual Springhill/Lecanto tory. Antique & Col- good cond.3 love- Craftsman: for small gardens 1624 N Meadowcrest NEW 30 AMP Female/ Plant Sale Experience a must. lectibles items Only seats, 51” long ea. Table Saw 10 in. $150 Blvd, Crystal River 50 AMP Male 18” cord Debe’s Garden Email Resume To: serious inquiries call 1 sofa 72” long. $900. Extra blades $150 (352) 527-4910 Monday to Friday $10 Homosassa Fr. Apr.11th - Sat.12th maryamoli@ 8am - 5pm 352-746-6731 (352) 489-7674 Pressure Washer, ex- Trundle Bed 352-382-3650 9am-5pm tra long hose, $125 tubular black steel LIVING ROOM FURNI- 3903 S. Lecanto Hwy (352) 527-4910 frame, twin over Newspaper TURE 3-piece sectional across from CFCC queen, built in ladders carriers are sofa, 2 Rocker Reclin- 352-586-6590 Exp. Mechanic safety rails, never used MEDICAL ASST independent ers, octagonal table and \ $230. (352) 503-3446 contractors, not SLIDING GLASS end table. $300 OBO VEGGIE PLANTS employees of the ☛ 305-394-1000 Mix & Match $2. Each wanted for new Tire VACUUM CLEANER Needed for busy Citrus County AVAILABLE DOORS 6 foot wide slid- family practice Pool Supply Store ing glass doors, excel- Oak 48” Table (352) 628-1991, & Auto Repair Shop ORECK. Just 1 yr old. Chronicle (352) 423-3100 Cell in Crystal River. asking$50.00; Medical Office in W/ Service and Re- lent condition $225 2 leaves, 4 chairs, Must have own tools Corner Bookcase Citrus County. pair! Net Income of Homosassa area Tele- 2pc hutch/buffet, Call for Appt. 12x12x72, Asking $20 Please Fax Resume nearly $125,000!! phone 352 503 7114 $600. 352-746-3838 Pat (813) 230-7177 (352) 249-7405 352-794-6079 (352) 628-2844 STILTS FOR DOING SHEETROCK WORK. Office Chair, dark brown, perfect shape DUNNELLON GREAT.OK SHAPE Moving Sale low Live-in Caregiver Office Clerical (PAINT ON THEM) $50. 5 x7 Area Rug I I I I I I I I earthtone, $30. prices, furn, tools, Tell that special for elderly female Position ONLY $75. 464-0316 washer, dryer, solar BUYING JUNK CARS CNA pref. salary + (352) 423-4423 ★ Running or Not ★ panels, snorkel equip. person board, mail resume General clerical ☛ AVAILABLE Queen Size Bed 5311 W. Riverbend Rd CASH PAID-$300 & UP “ Happy Birthday “ to: Blind Box 1863M like new wicker & Floors /walls. Tubs to help. Filing, some Pool Supply Store (815) 980-8642 (352) 771-6191 with a classified CC Chronicle 1624 black rodiron, matt shower conv. No job phones, vehicle W/ Service and Re- FREE REMOVAL ad under Happy N Meadowcrest Bvd records keeping, pair! Net Income of box spring$300. HUGE Annual too big or small. Ph: Notes. Awning Appliances, AC Units Crystal River 34429 etc. FT position. Paid nearly $125,000!! Sunsetter, Electric, Dresser French Prov. Plant Sale 352-613-TILE /lic# 2441 Riding Mowers, Scrap Only $28.50 Oak 9 drawer $100 vacation,holidays, Pat (813) 230-7177 12x18 $1500 Debe’s Garden Metals, 352-270-4087 includes a photo (352) 503-6313 GOLF CART 1994 life insurnance, (352) 503-6923 Fr. Apr.11th - Sat.12th Yamaha good conn. heath insurance at 9am-5pm enclosure, lights, Call our Classified split cost. Drug Free Dept for details SOLD 3903 S. Lecanto Hwy tinted windshield, rear Work Place, EOE across from CFCC seat kit, built in fan. 352-563-5966 Apply within: Power Lift Recliner Taurus Chair. Retail $899 352-586-6590 $1000 (352) 795-4151 I I I I I I I I NO Phone calls COMPUTER GAMES 6 2 Lazy Boys Recliners EXECUTIVE Eagle Buick GMC Used one month, new Lawn Spreader, HORSE TRAILER Silver Metal multi-packs, can be Lg. Wine colored, condition. Star Slant 4 with self Recycling Best Prices DIRECTOR 1275 S Suncoast used without internet, rocker $400. 2nd Large $25 contained living quar- for your cars or trucks Blvd, Homosassa, Fl great shape. ($10) smaller,green $300. TRADE IN MATTRESS Small rotter tiller like new (352)270-0269 SETS FOR SALE Original $195, used ters. sleeps 4. Call after also biggest U-Pull-It At 5 yrs. experience 352-613-7493 ★ ★ 6Pm 352-726-7117 with thousands of vehi- and/or a bachelors Starting at $50. twice. Asking $50 Plasterers, WEEDEATER Bolens 4 Sale Thomasville 80” King, Queen, Full, Twin (352) 344-0484 cles offering lowest price degree in social Red Leather Couch, HUGE Annual for parts 352-637-2100 Realtor Needs services, education Apprentices, & B150, 17” cut, runs Very good condition ASSISTANT great, gear at spool club chair & ottoman 352-621-4500 Plant Sale or business. Exp. Laborers great condition in public speaking, needs replacing ($10) Trundle Bed Debe’s Garden Exp. necessary 352-212-1596 $850. org. owner tubular black steel Fr. Apr.11th - Sat.12th grant writing and Must have stucco (352) 794-3217 Send resume to: fundraising. Requires experience To apply frame, twin over DRESS perfect for prom 9am-5pm reoffice.assistant3 queen, built in ladders or formal, new, tags on, 3903 S. Lecanto Hwy Heart Broken Mom good writing skill.s call Daniel Haag Inc 42” sq. Blonde Wood Lost Link Bracelet Send Cover Letter 352-746-9807 Table Setw/one leaf, safety rails, never used large, black and red, across from CFCC \ $230. (352) 503-3446 ($25) 352-613-7493 352-586-6590 Yellow/White Gold and Resume to: Drugfree workplace. 4 captains chairs & Child’s birthday & ini- Daystar Life Center Lighted China WICKER ARMOIRE HIGH HEELS pewter CAKE PLATE Milkglass tial inside, Hernando 6751 W. Gulf to Lake Cabinet 44” wide, Like new condition, very with studs, great shape, KEYSTONE PASS- hobnail pattern w wavy (352) 637-4904 or Hwy Crys. River Fl. PLUMBERS very good cond. $225. nice addition to any ($10) 352-613-7493 PORT ULTRA LITE Cell (678) 656-3124 34429 or Email to: WANTED edge, pedestal base.12 obo(248) 701-7353 room. $100 2012 238 ML like new 1/2” diam x 5” tall. MENS KAHKI PANTS 2 LOST CAT daystarlife1@ (352)795-0763 light weight 25’ camper. $25.00 352-422-1309 American-Drew Solid SIZE 36X30 & 1 SIZE Dark gray, purple Must have Dr. Lic. WICKER CHAIR Fully equipped and lots ★ NO PHONE CALLS Wood Bedroom Set, 36X29 $20 of storage. Must see, collar, longhair, We provide 401k & COOKIE JAR Milkglass two dressers, Antique, painted white, 352-613-0529 $13,500 352-201-2865 fluffy tail Brave Lane, Health Ins. Apply: hobnail pattern with lid. 1 lg. mirror, qn. sz bed back & seat cushions Apachee Trail Park, & pillow. $100 MENS SPORTS JACK- 4079 S Ohio Ave 11 1/2” tall x 8” diam. w/headboard, 1 night ETS 3 SIZE 40 BLACK, New Custom Double Hernando Homosassa $35.00 352-422-1309 stand, $725. obo 352-422-1309 Honeycomb blinds. $50. REWARD GREY & BLUE $10 Leave Message WICKER ROCKER EACH 352-613-0529 White for triple kitchen (407) 227-3210 (352) 746-3597 Antique, painted white, window in the Wind- Roofers & Laborers SKECHERS TENNIS Lost Great Pyrenees Tell that special back & seat cushions ward Model Villa giant white fluffy dog CHEST OF DRAWERS & pillow. $100 shape-ups, 6.5 blue (Terra Vista) 4 mo old Commercial, Exp. Small white 4 drawers new 20. 352 476-8056 Last seen at person OLD PHONOGRAPH 352-422-1309 110x70, pd $970, ask- (352) 564-1242 Ideal for baby/child/teen Dunnellon Animal “ Happy Birthday RECORDS WOMAN BOOTS black ing $200 352-746-2656 room NICE ! $25.00 Hospital “ with a classi- A variety(76) of leather #7 3 “ heel new 352-621-0175 for microchip scan fied ad under Roofers Wanted Stereo #33 - $75.00; $20. (352)476-8056

Happy Notes.

w/young couple. 27 Children’s records Dining Table automotivev Only $28.50 please call APPLY IN PERSON in 33 and 78. They are Glass top, 4 floral 2 Rain Barrels Your world first. (352) 804-4972 includes a & 1 compose Barrel all photo AAA ROOFING instrumental, teach- upholstered caster Every Day Shit Tzu CRYSTAL RIVER ing, instructional, chairs. Orig $1800+ for $50. male, tan & white (352) 563-0411 music and more. Very Comfortable Set 352-601-7911 MOTOROLA WX416 Call our OCALA $40.00 ; Stereo 45 Cell NEW with CASE, lost Corp Oaks Dr Classified Dept McDonald’s ® $600 OBO 2 Rear Engine Meadowcrest 4/4 352-840-0445 Records (29) Free. (352) 527-2778 Riding Mowers, Consumer for details in Beverly Hills .. (352) 628-6948 Cellular/unlock or 911 Classifieds answers to Artie 352-563-5966 Snapper 33” cut (352) 201-7919 ENTERTAINMENT w/ Wisconsin Robin $39 352-382-3650 CENTER solid pine, is accepting Engine $400. sturdy, ($20) applications for Honda 30” Cut 9HP 352-212-1596 Tweet Tweet Tweet employment for $350. (352) 507-1490 ➧ All Part Time & FUTON APPLIANCES, like new AFFORDABLE Full time Positions PERSONAL ASSIT. excellent condition ~~~~215\65 R16~~~~ washers/dryers, stoves, Top Soil, Rock, Mulch ➧ Opening & Closing light oak, upgraded Like new!! Only asking “news as it fridges 30 day warranty Hauling & Tractor Work Managers needed Plus household mattress, $200. $70 for the pair! llow u trade-ins, 352-302-3030 352-341-2019, 201-5147 Fo s happens right at Please apply at the responsiblity 25-40 (352) 270-9035 352-857-9232 McDonald’s ® in hrs. $10 hr. + benefits Chipper/Shredder background check GE GAS DRYER King Sealy Mattress Brush Master. 1½ yrs. 225/75R -16 your finger tips” Crystal River, 625 Goodyear light truck N. U.S. Hwy. 19. Email Resume Front Load, with ped- Set, w/frame & head- old, with paperwork. gwsosa6 estal, good cond. board, exc. cond. Purchased for $1000, tire GREAT SHAPE white, $300. $250. 24” Sanyo TV. asking $500. ONLY $50 (352) 419-5604 $30. (352) 726-3730 (352) 341-0866 352-464-0316 New Bistro on Citrus or (352)422-0201 Grass Trimmer 7- 5 GALLON METAL Ave accepting TOWER HAND Maytag Gas Dryer, Stihl, 50c, curved OLD FUEL CANS WITH Leather Recliner resume’s for service white, runs great shaft $75 SPOUTS ALL FOR dark burgundy positions. To Apply Starting at $10.00/Hr. $100. obo (352) 795-4674 $80 464-0316 email resume: Old Homosassa area exc. cond. $175.00 Building SCAG MOWER APPLIANCES, like new [email protected] (330) 646-6267 (352) 382-5057 Communication 48” cut, 14 HP, Zero washers/dryers, stoves, Towers. Travel, Good SAMSUNG FRONT Need a JOB? Turn walk behind or fridges 30 day warranty 000HQCH Pay & Benefits. OT, ride. Zero Turn sulky, trade-ins, 352-302-3030 352-694-8017, M-F LOAD dryer, used very #1 Employment source is little, good cond., Low Hours. Asking $900 Dryer Front load Whirl- $200 (352) 726-6461 will split (352) 257-3288 pool $75; Free Stand- 352-201-5113 TILLER ing, heavy magnetic Red Ox 6’ by 20” advertising Side by Side SEEKING Classifieds for small gardens stand with slots. (New LG, Refrigerator $150 $500) want $75. 352- FULL TIME Administrative Stainless, (352) 527-4910 503-6313 Homosassa AD SALES REP $300 as is The Williston Pioneer Assistant P/T (352) 422-4492 Sun News - position to begin in SMITTYS APPLIANCE Salary Plus mid May. 20 hours, REPAIR. Also Wanted Commission, Based three days per Dead or Alive Washers SALES ASSOCIATES out of Williston, FL. week. Excellent & Dryers. FREE PICK Service new and phone skills & multi- UP! 352-564-8179 existing advertising tasking needed. customers. Meet & Candidate must Washer & Dryer exceed sales goals possess in depth Sears Kenmore NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Excellent customer knowledge of $150 ea or best offer service skills. Strong Excel. Send resume (352) 503-6923 computer skills only to: bbussard Reliable transporta- tion required to Join the fastest growing make sales calls DESK CHAIR multi-line dealership Email Resume to Adjustable High djkamlot@ Back,Swivel, Black. $30 (352)564-4214 in Homosassa, FL Drug screen AIRLINE required for final CAREERS candidate, EOE begin here -Get FAA approved Aviation • Great Benefits Maintenance Techni- cian training. Housing and Financial aid for • Flexible Work Hours qualified students. Job placement assistance. Exp. Marine Call AIM • Excellent 877-741-9260 Fork Lift Driver DUDLEY’S AUCTION Earning Potential 3 day shift/30hrs **Apply in Person** MEDICAL Thurs 4-10-14 Estate Twin Rivers Marina OFFICE Adventure Auction • Bonuses Available 2880 N. Seabreeze Pt TRAINEES 3pm out walk Crystal River Fl amongst treasures no phone calls pls NEEDED! 6pm in 2009 Camary LE 38kmi, Apply in person and dress for success! Train to become a Antiques, Furniture, Medical Office jewelry to tools, Exp. Mechanic Assistant. NO ********************** EXPERIENCE call for info 637-9588 Village Cadillac Toyota wanted for new Tire NEEDED! Online dudleysauction 2431 US Hwy. 19, Homosassa, FL 34448 & Auto Repair Shop training gets you Job .com in Crystal River. ready ASAP. HS 4000 S Florida Ave 352-628-5100 Diploma/GED & Must have own tools (US41S) Inverness Equal Opportunity Employer Call for Appt. PC/Internet needed! Ab1667 10% bp 000HW09 352-794-6079 (888)528-5547 cash/ck. C12 TUESDAY,APRIL 8, 2014 CLASSIFIEDS CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE

Electric Leaf Blower SHOWER BENCH FITS BICYCLE Men/Boys 18 WANT TO BUY HOUSE Sweet Little Puppies very light, $30. INTO TUB. BENCH speed bicycle Good or MOBILE Any Area, Chihuahua & Mini Stepper, $25. ONLY. $20. 464-0316 condition $60.00 352 Condition or Situation Daschshund & (352) 423-4423 TRANSPORT CHAIR 364-7353 Fred, 352-726-9369 Chiweenies, ready FOLDING TABLE 5 (SMALL WHEELS) BIKE 21 speed mens, soon, ckc reg. FOOT LONG BROWN GOOD SHAPE. WITH element racing MGX w/health certs. $30 352-613-0529 FOOTRESTS ONLY bike for sale. Great con- Wanted 8FT & puppy kits Janet (352) 628-7852 GENERATOR $100. 464-0316 dition, $30 Crystal River Step Ladder 5600 WATT. area. 231-510-5454 reasonable call (352) 489-3016 Used Very Little Concealed Weapons $200 Permit Course (352) 344-0484 CASIO PIANO DAN’S GUN ROOM HORSE TRAILER Silver GOLF CART 1994 (352) 726-5238 Keyboard WK-6500 with MANDY Star Slant 4 with self Yamaha good conn. stand. $175.00 Phone: GOLF CLUBS contained living quar- Mandy is the per- enclosure, lights, 352-564-1668 1 set Northwestern, ters. sleeps 4. Call after tinted windshield, rear 1 set Ping Zing, Like fect size & perfect 6Pm 352-726-7117 seat kit, built in fan. new, Plus bags, balls temperament. She $1000 (352) 795-4151 etc, $250 for all, will is a 6-y.o. spayed seperate.352-341-0866 Basset hound mix. HARLEY STOCK Goes with the flow KITCHEN AID EXHAUST PIPES IZOD MEN’S PANTS & gets along with AUTOMATIC COFFEE NEW FITS 1350-1450 Med.Blue 40X30. Near everyone. Very MAKER Stainless Steel BRING YOUR SLIDE ON ONLY Plantation $20, new, calm, walks great 12 Cup Thermal Carafe FISHING POLE! $75 (352)464-0316 352-794-6721 on a leash, & would $25 Call 726-0040 KAROKE MACHINE Ladies Bicycle be a great fit for WITH CD PLAYER & New Custom Double Pacific Regency, any home. 5.5” SCREEN WITH Honeycomb blinds. for 26 inch, 15 speed, $75 Call Anne @ GRAPHICS $100 triple kitch. window in (352) 795-4674 352-586-2812. 352-341-6920 the Windward Model Villa(Terra Vista)110 x Men’s Gold Izod Pants PAMPERED CHEF Sz. 40/30 New Vegetable Chopper & 70, 4 mo old,pd $970, PUPPIES ask $200;352-746-2656 $20. Miniature Short Hair Measuring Cup 352-794-6721 INVERNESS, FL New-$20 Call 726-0040 Daschunds 2 male 1 female CKC PLAYSTATION 2 papers, register ,HC 55+ park on lake w/5 000HQCI GAMES MADAGAS- 3 YR OLD HOUND MIX $400 ea; 786-879-0221 piers, clubhouse and CAR & SLY 2 BAND ELLIPTICAL EXERCISE The beautiful Rema! much more! Rent OF THIEVES $15 MACHINE ALL DIGITAL CHILD’S BIKE This girl is just as sweet incl. grass cutting 352-613-0529 WORKS GREAT ONLY CARRIER & BIKE both as she is gorgeous. and your water VACUUM CLEANER 100.00 352 464 0316 in nice shape $100/both Very affectionate, loves ★ 1 bedroom, 1 bath ORECK. Just 1 yr old. or $50 each to cuddle and lay her @$425 MANUAL TREADMILL head on you. Doing well asking $50.00; DIGITAL READOUT, 352-897-4154 Pets considered and Corner Bookcase with leash training, gets section 8 is accepted. FOLDS UP FOR EASY along with some dogs, 12x12x72, Asking $20 STORAGE, ONLY Call 800-747-4283 (352) 628-2844 and does well with chil- For Details! $75. 464-0316 dren. Her $60 adoption Proform Resistance fee includes her spay, HERNANDO Bike, Never used, pd all current vaccinations, 1/1 & 2/2 $400-$500 $350, asking $150. microchip, heartworm per mo. 1st last +dep Call Evenings 4 INCH TOILET SEAT test, and 30 days of 352-201-2428 (352) 344-3131 RISER IT MAKES IT health insurance. Call EASIER TO GET UP REBOUNDER Laci @ 352-212-8936 ONLY $25 TRAMPOLINE(indoor) RED MINIATURE POO- (352)464-0316 with stretch band attach- ments 352-564-4214. DLE PUPS Red Minia- 4 PRONGED CANE Cabin 12X32’ $40. ture Poodles; 10 weeks w/front prch & tin roof. DON’T WAIT TO FALL old; Health Certifica- AND NEED IT LATER Recumbant Bike Full bath/kitchen. Bd/Liv. Your World tions; CKC registered; w/10X12 unfnshd add. ONLY $25 like new $750.00 352-419-8233 (352)464-0316 $150. You move. $7000 obo. (352) 563-0338 I I I I I I I I (352)746-9211 BEDSIDE COMMODE of garage sales Shih-Poo Puppy, & ALUMINUM WALKER Tell that special 1 female, 9 mo. old MOVE IN NOW both have adjustable person Schnauzer Pups Nice Home on ½ AC legs only $20 each “ Happy Birthday “ 2 male, Born Nov. 14 fenced yard, 1500 sf ✽ Great Shape ✽ (352)464-0316 Singlewide 2Br/1Ba 2 Black Diamond with a classified Shih-Tzu Pup 3/2 Home in new Palm Harbor Parade CHILD’S MANUAL Golf Gift Certificates ad under Happy 1 male Born Jan. 21, cond., Drywall with Delivered to you! SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, $15k 727-967-4230 of Homes!! WHEELCHAIR, GOOD Valued at $350. will Notes. 352-795-5896 Day 2 x 6 construction. 7 new models to view, $3,000-$11,000 on SHAPE, YELLOW W/ sell for $250. obo Only $28.50 New appliances, 3 models that MUST, our huge lot model FOOT RESTS. ONLY (352) 795-2947 includes a photo carpet, paint, decks, ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ sale going on now. Classifieds SHIH-TZU PUPS, MUST SELL must be liquidated. $85 (352)464-0316 12 SPEED WOMAN’S Males Starting @$500 & ceramic tile floor- 2006 Used Mobile Save over $26k, 4/2 in Only 3 left! Call THREE WHEELED HUFFY MOUNTAIN Call our Classified Peek-a-Zu PUPS ing. Financing avail- Home, 3-5 bdr/2 ba the 70’s. FREE factory Taylor Made Homes WALKER LARGE BIKE 24 INCH SUPER Dept for details Males Starting @ $400. able only $69,900. Deliver to your property tours! plantcity. Call (352) 621-9181 ($450/mo.) W.A.C. New Homes from WHEELS ONLY 50.00 SHAPE ONLY $60 352-563-5966 Beverly Hills, Florida 45k Great Shape!! or 464-0316 464-0316 I I I I I I I I (352) 270-8827 Call (352) 621-9183 1-877-578-5729 800-622-2832 $40.00 per sq. ft.

Airport/Taxi Transportation ANDREW JOEHL Lawncare - N - More ✔ ASAP PAINTING *BUSINESS OPENING* Arbor Reds Tree Care AFFORDABLE Math Tutoring Algebra I, All phases of Tile Carol’s Top Soil, Rock, Mulch HANDYMAN. Spring Clean-Up, press. CHRIS SATCHELL OnTarget 24 Hr. Emergeny Serv. Gen. Maint/Repairs Algebra II, Geometry, wash, bushes, beds, 30 yrs. Exp., Excel. Ref. Handicap Showers, Photography Lic/Ins. Free Estimates Hauling & Tractor Work Trigonometry, Precalcu- Safety Bars, Flrs. 352-341-2019, 201-5147 Pressure Cleaning. mulch, mow, handyman Insured 352-464-1397 www.ontargetphotos. All Major Credit Cards 0256271 352-465-9201 lus, Calculus, Develop- service 352-726-9570 422-2019 Lic. #2713 com 352-601-6386 352-583-3141/206-1153 AllAROUND TRACTOR mental Math, Intermedi- A-1 Complete Repairs Land clearing, Hauling Affordable Handyman STEVE’S LAWN SERVICE Pres. Wash, Painting ALL TYPE S OF TILE ✔ FAST • 100% Guar. ate Algebra, College Airport Transport Site Prep, Driveways Mowing & Trimming (Int/Ext) 25 yrs, Ref, Lic INSTALLED! ✔ AFFORDABLE Algebra, Statistics, 352-746-7595 Lic/Ins 352-795-5755 Clean up, Lic. & Ins. # 39765, 352-513-5746 Anthony Stender ✔ RELIABLE• Free Est Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, and (352) 797-3166 (352)628-4049 Heavy Bush-hogging ★ 352-257-9508 ★ CALL STELLAR BLUE Land clearing, Fill Dirt Differential Equations. THE KLEEN TEAM All Int./ Ext. Painting MAC’S MOBILE RV COUNTY WIDE Seeding,Tree removal, Affordable Handyman Name: Dudley Hall. Residential/Comm. Needs. Lic. & Ins. FREE DRY-WALL25 yrs exp. Lic/Ins 352-563-1873 ✔ FAST • 100% Guar. Phone Number: Lic., Bonded, Insured EST. (352) 586-2996 REPAIR & MAINT. ✔ AFFORDABLE RVTC Certified Tech lic.2875, all your drywall SMITTYS APPLIANCE 352-476-1477. (352) 419-6557 needs! Ceiling & Wall ✔ RELIABLE• Free Est Email: INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 352-613-0113, Lic/Ins. Bruce Onoday & Son REPAIR. Also Wanted ★ ★ & ODD JOBS. 30 yrs Repairs. Pop Corn Free Estimates Dead or Alive Washers 352-257-9508 [email protected] Removal 352-302-6838 J. Hupchick Lic./Ins. NATURE COAST RV Trim & Removal & Dryers. FREE PICK Affordable Handyman (352) 726-9998 352-637-6641 Lic/Ins UP! 352-564-8179 A-1 Complete Repairs ✔ FAST • 100% Guar. RV service, parts, sales Pres. Wash, Painting ✔ AFFORDABLE Mobile Repair/Maint. D & R TREE SERVICE (Int/Ext) 25 yrs, Ref, Lic ✔ RELIABLE• Free Est 352-795-7820, Lic/Ins. Lawn & Landscape # 39765, 352-513-5746 ★ 352-257-9508 ★ **Budd Excavating** Specialist. Lic. & Ins. **Budd Excavating** Free Est. 352-302-5641 COUNTY WIDE Lawncare - N - More & Tree Work, clearing *ABC PAINTING* & Tree Work, clearing Private Home Care DRY-WALL25 yrs exp. hauling, rock drives, DOUBLE J Male CNA, avail 24 Spring Clean-Up, press. hauling, rock drives, 30 + YRS.EXP.LIC./INS lic.2875, all your drywall wash, bushes, beds, demo, bushhogging for an EXCELLENT job demo, bushhogging Tree Service hours a day. 3 yrs exp needs! Ceiling & Wall Lamar 352-400-1442 Stump Grinding, bulk w/ Ref. 352-875-9793 mulch, mow, handyman Lamar 352-400-1442 call Dale and Sons Repairs. Pop Corn service 352-726-9570 352-586-8129 Attention mulch, lic/ins 302-8852 Removal 352-302-6838 All Tractor & Tree Work Heavy Bush-hogging Pressure Washing, Land Cleared, Hauling CALL STELLAR BLUE Consumers! ➽ Please make sure you Land clearing, Fill Dirt Roof Coating, Drive 1 time Cleanup, Drive- NUISANCE All Int./ Ext. Painting FREE are using a licensed Seeding,Tree removal, ways & any Handyman ways (352) 302-6955 WILDLIFE CONTROL Needs. Lic. & Ins. JEFF’S Repair Lic# 39477 David P Crissman EST. (352) 586-2996 and insured service Lic/Ins 352-563-1873 CLEANUP/HAULING (352) 464-3748 professional. Many #1 A+TECHNOLOGIES AllAROUND TRACTOR (352)563-5545 Lawncare - N - More R WRIGHT TREE Service Clean outs/ Dump Runs service advertisers All Home Repairs. ☛ Remodeling Landclearing, Hauling Spring Clean-Up, press. Tree Removal & Brush Removal. Lic. are required by state All TV’s Installed Additions, new homes Site Prep, Driveways wash, bushes, beds, Trimming. Ins. & Lic. # 352-584-5374 law to include their lic#5863 352-746-3777 Free est. crc1330081 Lic/Ins 352-795-5755 mulch, mow, handyman 0256879 352-341-6827 (352) 949-2292 state license DUN-RITE ELECTRIC Heavy Bush-hogging service 352-726-9570 TREE REMOVAL & RON ROBBINS Tree A-1 Hauling, Cleanups, number in all adver- STUMP GRINDING Since ‘78/ Free Est. We Do Almost Land clearing, Fill Dirt Pressure Washing, Service Trim, Shape & garage clean outs, tisements. If you Trim/Tree Removal, lic EC 13002699 Anything, Inside/Out Seeding,Tree removal, Roof Coating, Drive Remve, Lic/Ins. Free trash, furniture & misc. don’t see a license 55ft. Bucket Truck BIANCHI CONCRETE 352- 726-2907 No job too big or small Lic/Ins 352-563-1873 ways & any Handyman number in the ad, you est. 352-628-2825 ★ ★ Mark (352) 287-0767 352-344-2696 Lic/ins. INC.COM Lic/Ins #2579 QUALITY WORK Repair Lic# 39477 should inquire about it StumpGrinding cheap 352-257-0078 746-2347or 422-3334 JEFF’S (352) 464-3748 and be suspicious A TREE SURGEON avg cost $25-18”stump CLEANUP /HAULING CURB APPEAL THE KLEEN TEAM that you may Lic. & Ins. Lowest volume disc. over 5 Yardscape, Curbing, Clean outs/ Dump Runs be contacting an un- Rates Free est. call Rich 352-586-7178 ROCKY’S FENCING Brush Removal Residential/Comm. Flocrete. River Rock Lic., Bonded, Insured licensed business. (352)860-1452 FREE Est., Lic. & Insured CURB APPEAL Lic., 352-584-5374 The Citrus County Reseals & Repairs. ★★ ★ ★ (352) 419-6557 All Tractor & Tree Work 352-422-7279 Comfort Works, Inc. Yardscape, Curbing, Chronicle wants to Lic. (352) 364-2120 Lawncare - N - More Land Cleared, Hauling FENCE PRO, all types Air Conditioning and Flocrete. River Rock ensure that our ads ROB’S MASONRY & Spring Clean-Up, press. 1 time Cleanup, Drive- painting, repairs, Heating Service, Res/ Reseals & Repairs. meet the require- CONCRETE Driveways wash, bushes, beds, ways (352) 302-6955 344-2556, Richard gates, free estimates Com (352) 400 - 8361 Lic. (352) 364-2120 ments of the law. tear outs, tractor work, mulch, mow, handyman Water Pump Service lic/ins (352) 563-8020 Lic# CAC1817447 Beware of any service

Lic. #1476, 726-6554 D & R TREE SERVICE service 352-726-9570 & Repairs- all makes &

OWENS QUALITY advertiser that can not Lawn & Landscape automotivev models. Call anytime! FENCING, ALL TYPES. Specialist. Lic. & Ins. provide proof that Your world first. Free Est. Comm/Res. Free Est. 352-302-5641 they are licensed to 352-628-4002 do business. Every Day CLEANING BY PENNY employment Design & Install *ABC PAINTING* For questions about Residential Only Plant*Sod*Mulch business licensing, Wkly., Biwkly., Mnthly. 30 + YRS.EXP.LIC./INS Floors /walls. Tubs to THE KLEEN TEAM Your world first “Weed*Trim*Clean for an EXCELLENT job shower conv. No job please call your city Residential/Comm. 503-9671 or 364-1773 or county lic/ins 352-465-3086 Call Dale and Sons too big or small. Ph: Classifieds Lic., Bonded, Insured Install, restretch, repair THE KLEEN TEAM 352-586-8129 352-613-TILE /lic# 2441 government offices. (352) 419-6557 Need a job Clean, Sales, Vinyl Residential/Comm. Carpet, Laminent, Lic. Lic., Bonded, Insured or a #4857 Mitch, 201-2245 (352) 419-6557 PAINTING SERVICES ASPHALT PAVING POOL REMODELING qualified #1 Professional Leaf Vac system why rake? “Quality That Won’t Rob The Nest Egg” #1 in Service + Quality employee? FULL LAWN SERVICE Tweety’s Complete Now’s the #1 A+TECHNOLOGIES Kat’s Kritter Kare & Free Est. 352-344-9273 Install & Repair All Home Repairs. Kastle Kleaner, Pet Sit- Painting Service, Inc. Pumps, Filters, time for pool All TV’s Installed ting & House Cleaning AFFORDABLE LAWN • Driveways Heaters remodeling This area’s lic#5863 352-746-3777 CARE Cuts $10 & Up • Parking Lots FREE & Salt Systems • Interior/Exterior Painting ESTIMATES • P ool R efinishing **ABOVE ALL** Res./Comm., Lic/Ins. • Seal Coating #1 563-9824, 228-7320 • Drywall RepairsTextures • Construction M & W INTERIORS • Maintenance employment Handyman services • Wallpaper Removal • Pavers

D & R TREE SERVICE 000HSEO Northern Quality • Overlay Asphalt Lawn & Landscape Celebrating • Leak Detection source! Southern prices! 30 Years Military & Senior Sugarmill • Pool Tile & Repair Specialist. Lic. & Ins. 000HTBO (352) 537-4144 R. Watkins Free Est. 352-302-5641 in Business Discounts Woods *ABC PAINTING* Owner/Operator 000HSO0 Serving All Of Citrus County 352-597-2440 • 352-293-5088 Pool & Spa Free Consultation 30 + YRS.EXP.LIC./INS Helpin Hand Grass Man Toll Free: 877-893-3895 PH-352-247-0284 Classifieds for an EXCELLENT job Cut-Clean-Mulch-Edge [email protected] SMWPOOLS.COM 2

35 382-4421 call Dale and Sons FREE ESTIMATES! Insured • Licensed • Bonded / Lic#00582974 Licensed and Insured • Lic. # Sp13889 State Certified Pool Contractor Lic. #1458326 352-586-8129 (352) 270-4672 Russell 352-637-1363 IRRIGATION A/C & AIR QUALITY PAINTING ELECTRICAL REPAIR LAWN CARE HANDYMAN Serving Citrus County longer than the rest, Your Neighborhood Indoor Air Quality Specialist consistently voted Best of the Best! Ron’s Affordable Spring Tune Ferraro’s $ 95 Stand Alone Handyman Services Reg. Generator Up Special 49 $139.95 Painting 352-419-2779 • All Home Repairs Guaranteeing 10x Cleaner Air Thomas Electric, LLC or 352-201-2201 • Small Carpentry • Fencing Irrigation Repairs & Installation or tune-up is free “Repaint Residential/Commercial Service WE WILL SAVE YOU $$ Sod Sales & Install Includes Our Exclusive Laser Particle Scan to determine • Screening 3 Time Winner the quality of the air you breathe in your home. Specialist” 000HTD4 Generac - Centurion 50% off first cut! • Clean Dryer Vents 2011 - 2012 - 2013 NO OTHER COMPANY OFFERS THIS SERVICE! Interior & Exterior Expires April 30, 2014 Guardian Generators WE WILL BEAT ANY Affordable & Dependable Exclusive Lic #CAC1815891 Pressure Washing WRITTEN ESTIMATE Experience lifelong

746-4451 Factory Authorized Technicians 000HVXE Back To New Since 1997 ER0015377 Mowing, Hedging, Trimming, Blowing 352-344-0905 1723 N. Lecanto Hwy. – FREE ESTIMATES – 000HUXJ Lecanto, FL 34461 Heating & Cooling Tree Trimming, Brush Removal, cell: 400-1722 000HU9S Lic. #2646 - Insured - Bonded 628-5700 • 352-621-1248 Seasonal Planting. Licensed & Insured Lic.#37761 000HGZP 000HVGV 352-465-6631 POOLS AND PAVERS DRYER VENT CLEANING CLEANING ELECTRICAL PEST CONTROL SERVICES WINDOW CLEANING YOUR INTERLOCKING DON’T LET SAME DAY SERVICE “Hasta La Bye Bye.” BRICK PAVER SPECIALIST $ DUST BUSTERS at no extra cost More Photos on our YOUR DRYER 39 Facebook page CLEANING SERVICE • Generators • Lighting • Fixtures

START A FIRE! RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, VACATION • Whole House Surge • Fans • Ballast 000HRGJ WEEKLY RENTALS & NEW HOME CLEAN-UP Protectors • New Outlets Tri-County POOL Flat Rate - No Hidden Costs • Window Cleaning 000HQO5 • Install, Service • Panel Upgrades SERVICE Licensed, Insured, & Repair Services, Inc. • Window Tinting Call Workers Comp. 352-364-4610 Pest Control, Termite • Pressure Washing Lic. & Insured 1-352-566-6615 Pressure Washing Too & Lawn Care • Gutter Cleaning Cope’s Pool & Pavers 000HV59 Dr. Vent 000HUVD Family owned and operated FREE ESTIMATES 1-855-4DR-VENT 352-942-8434 6575 W. Gulf to Lake Hwy. Serving Central Florida over 20 years Crystal River, FL Toll Free 1-888-352-9290 352-503-8465 000HPM5 Locally Owned 15+ Yrs. Independently owned & operated. Call Today for a Lic #EC13003381 insured & bonded or call Rick 352-266-4613 Bonded & Insured Lic./ins., Bonded Clean Tomorrow 24 Hours a Day • 7 Days a Week Licensed and Insured 000HOS0 CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS TUESDAY,APRIL 8, 2014 C13


ATTN Homebuyers SECLUDED 3BR/2BA, 2/2 Citrus Hills . Master INVERNESS, 2BR/1BA Buying or Carport. Fl. Rm., Open 100% financing avail. 1653 sf, 2 car CP, 2 Selling, w/lg walk-in closet. Lg Government Pro- story barn. Includes utility rm/pantry. Scrn Lake Completely gram. You do not ¾ acre buildable lot. it’s time to make porch. Walk to pool! Remodeled Inside & need perfect credit. $99,900 or reasonable your move! Tile floors, very clean, Out, 1 mile from town Call or email to get offer 352-613-2289 lots of natural light! $125.000,352-422-4749 qualified. $58,000. 586-260-2848 Your “High-Tech” Ph: (813) 470-8313 [email protected] Citrus County Rick Kedzierski lic. loan Realtor originator.NLMS TURN KEY SANDI HART 4/2, CEMENT HOME, Inverness Village 55+ #267854, FL#9096 Realtor Unit 108. 1st flr, 2/2, NLMS ID 76856 1/4 ACRE, 1,200 sq f Turn key, Good location Some furn, new Lanai, Easy to own. $65,000. Listing and Selling Lam, & Ceramic floors. Cell (305) 619-0282 Real Estate $47,500. Financing Is my Business Consider 352 564-4100 I put my heart into it! FOR RENT 3200 Sq. Ft. Coleen COMMERCIAL BLDG. Fatone-Anderson 352-476-9649 Large Paved Parking Realtor Lot, Cent. Heat/Air Cell: sandra.hart@ Open Floor Plan (352) 476-8579 Golf Course Lot w/City 1305 Hwy 486 ** email: Utilities, View of the 352-584-9496/464-2514 [email protected]. Green, Pond, & com ERA American a fountain, $39,900 Realty Will consider a classic ROD KENNER ERA American 352-726-5855 or muscle car,towards 352-436-3531 Realty & the purchase price. Investments Call 352-746-3507 ERA Built 2005, 2,300 SF, Suncoast Realty 1.7 Acres 3/2 /2 All Appliances, installed new in 2012, Buying or Selling I NEED jetted tub, plantation REAL ESTATE, HOMES blinds, newly painted Country Home + 80 interior/ext.,Relocating, Let Me Work TO SELL Acres Land, Near $170,000 352-513-5202 For You! App. St. Univ., Ideal for Summer Home Pine Ridge, 3 bedroom. In Cool. NC Mtns. 3 bath. with salt water BETTY HUNT 828-297-2669, details pool, a 20x45 workshop REALTOR SCAN OR GO and carport with 15 ft enclosed full solar TO www. compliment, solar elec- ERA KEY 1 BestNatureCoast Realty, Inc. tric, pool pump, pool Tony “To view heater,hot water and 352 586-0139 “FREE my properties” solar assisted air condi- hunt4houses68 DEB INFANTINE Pauelsen tioning 352-746-9435 Realtor Foreclosure and www.bettyhunts (352) 302-8046 Realtor Short Sale Lists Real Estate!... 352-303-0619 it’s what I do. I’LL TAKE BEVERLY HILLS. NEW LISTINGS REMODELED 2/2/1 ERA American BUYING OR w/NEW ROOF AND Realty SELLING 1525 sf heat/ac. SALE Phone: 352-726-5855 ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ or RENT/OWN. Cell: 352-302-8046 GOLF COURSE LOT in Private Owner $62,000. 527-1239 Fax: 352-726-7386 Terra Vista on Red Email:debinfantine@ Sox Path. $45,000. Call Financing Brentwood RENT TO OWN TOP Townhome 3/2.5 Specializing in Ray 352-322-6304 USED/NEW/REPO 3 bd/ No credit ck! PERFORMANCE w/social membership Acreage,Farms ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ ✼ Serving the South 352-464-6020 Real estate (352) 613-4459 East United States Ranches & JADEMISSION.COM Consultant Desperately 1-877-578-5729 CITRUS HILLS Commercial Need Rentals 2/2, w/carport, $750. tpauelsen@ mo., 600 Gilchrist 5-A Office Open (352) 422 2798 Phyllis Strickland ** BUY, SELL** Realtor 7 Days a Week & TRADE CLEAN **FLORAL CITY 3/2** USED BOATS 1+ACRE, treed lot, THE MARKET Your Citrus County LISA THREE RIVERS DOCK, garage, 6385 W Cannondale IS GOOD VANDEBOE MARINE very nice, $89,900 Drive. Reduced Price Thinking of Residential Sales Specialist! Broker (R) Owner US 19 Crystal River 716-434-6527 Citrus Springs $84,900.2 bedroom. 2 selling? LaWanda Watt **352-563-5510** FLORAL CITY 2/2/1, $650. mo. Richard (Rick) bath. Cozy Now is the time Plantation Realty Large 3/2 DW 352-746-7990 Couch, Broker 1000SF(approx.)home,2 to get listed. 352-634-0129 20 ft PONTOON Remodeled on canal car attached garage, lrg www.plantation 1997, Depth Finder, screened lanai,newly Still great values out NOW IS A GREAT to River, Small Lot, Couch Realty & TIME TO LIST Trailer, 60HP Yamaha $5,000 down Investments, Inc. updated. (352)794-6686 there. Call for pwr. tilt & trim $5,500. foreclosure lists YOUR HOME with $425 monthly (352) 212-3559 (352) 637-3996 Asking $29,400 obo CALL LAWANDA 352-726-9369 HERNANDO Phyllis Strickland Watson’s Fish Camp TROPIC SHORES FOR A FREE, 55+ Rental Community REALTY. NO OBLIGATION (352) 726-2225 RENT TO OWN MARKET ANALYSIS! 3 bd/ No credit ck! 352-613-3503-Cell Michael J. UNIQUE & HISTORIC 352-419-6880- Office Homes, Commercial 352-464-6020 352-212-1989 Rutkowski Homosassa 2006 DW Waterfront & Land JADEMISSION.COM lawanda.watt@ (U.S. Army Retired) 3/2 on ½ acre. “ Mint” “Small Town Realtor Prvt Street. New: tile, Country Lifestyle Fisherman’s Paradise wood flr, DW & paint. CRYSTAL RIVER OUR SPECIALTY Century 21 (352) 422-4362 in Inverness East Cove. BASS BOAT $69k owner fin. w/$ 2/2 + Loft on Canal SINCE 1989” J.W. Morton Michael.Rutkowski Furnished 2/2 plus 1989 Sling Shot 150hp down. 352-422-6974 $1,000. (352)795-0125 dock & seawall. Johnson,Barron Homosassa 2BR/2BA Real Estate, Inc. Deep water. $61,900 Trailer. Hull in good on approx 1 Acre. New HOMOSASSA “Integrity First in all (352) 344-0101 condition. Runs like a bathrooms, Lg screened 2/1 CHA, No pets Aspects of Life!” dream. Lowrance porch, dead end Rd. $550. mo., 1st + sec Floral City GPS/Sonar/Plot Map. $42,000. 352-302-1383 (352) 628-4210 ERA Waterfront. 6 adj. Lots, $4000 By appointment 352-613-0173 No Owner Financing RENT TO OWN American Realty 3/4 acre on chain of lakes. Huge oaks, good INVERNESS 2/1 Turn 3 bd/ No credit ck! & Investments Glasstream key, not in a park. 352-464-6020 fishing. $110,000 OBO. 1987 14’ Bass Boat “LET US FIND BETTY J. (352)596-2921 well maint. newer JADEMISSION.COM YOU 40hp, Yamaha appl., Remodeled POWELL 4-stroke, 50hp foot kitchen & bath, W/D AVIEW TO TAMI SCOTT control trolling motor double carport, 2 LOVE” Exit Realty Leaders Realtor Need a JOB? never in salt water sheds, RV hookup www. 352-257-2276 incl. boat motor & trlr 2 mi. to town $34,900 [email protected] “Your Success is my $2700.(352) 628-3019 352-201-5868 HERNANDO (352) 726-6644 goal.. Making #1 Employment source is (352) 201-7081 Watson’s Fish Camp Crossland Realty Inc. When it comes to Friends along the LOWE 55+ Rental Community Real Estate ... way is my reward !” MICHELE 20’ PONTOON, 60hp INVERNESS, (352) 726-2225 I’m there for you ! Merc, new cover, + N. Leisure Point ROSE full canvas camper 3BR/2BA Mobile The fishing is great ! BUYING OR Realtor encl. askg. $6250. obo Home1248 sqft, Call me for your new SELLING lv msg (352) 795-8792 Nice .40 Acre Lot Waterfront Home Simply put WE HAVE BOATS Lease or Cash BEVERLY HILLS. SUN I ‘ll work harder GULF TO LK MARINE Call For Details CITRUS SPRINGS LOOKING CALL ME Whole House Access 12-3. 104 S FILLMORE. We Pay CASH For 877-519-0180 TO SELL ? 352-422-6417 352-212-5097 Classifieds $125/wk. call Bruce 2 bed, 2 FULL baths, 1 Used Clean Boats bjpowell@ **352-445-9136** gar. 1558 sf heat/ac. isellcitruscounty@ Pontoon, Deck & OWNER NEW: Kit, baths, appli- CALL ME Fishing Boats ances, carpet, lights, ERA American Craven Realty, Inc. **(352)527-0555** FINANCING! TODAY !!! Realty & Investments 352-726-1515 Home for Sale more. $62k. 527-1239 4/3 on 1.25 acres, paved rd. fenced Wanted: Small place yard, work shop & to live, single retired utility shed, Florida male. Apt, MH or room, deck on back room w/bath & prvt & front concrete ent.352-400-9453 driveway with car- port. Only $79,900. $14,000 down only $648.92/mo W.A.C. Call to View 352-621-3807

West Chassahowitzka St. 2BD, 2BA, Mobile Detached Garage Scrn. porch, lease or Sale, call for details 877-499-8065 DEB THOMPSON ☛ 2br/2ba, 55+ in Thun- One call away for derbird Park, Lot 45 your buying and selling needs. carport, furn’d, washer ☛ dryer, freezr. Porch w/ Realtor that you can sliding windows. Lot rent refer to your $250 352-794-3441 family and friends. ☛ Service with a smile HANDICAP ACCESS seven days with Vertical Lift, a week. Stonebrook, 2/2 MH 1,400 sf ., $25,000. , Parsley Real Estate Must See to Believe! Deb Thompson 352-628-5311 352-634-2656 [email protected] and Hernando 55+ Comm 2BR/2BA. DW, 24X48, own lot, new carport. PUBLISHER’S New AC, new stove & frig, inside wd hookup, NOTICE: All real estate wood floors, 2 advertising in this screened porches, newspaper is subject shed/ workshop, to Fair Housing Act $55 mo. Association which makes it illegal fee, heated pool & to advertise “any clubhouse, Cute! preference, limitation REDUCED $63,000. or discrimination 813-464-9858 based on race, color, Singing Forrest 55+ religion, sex, handi- Park, SW 2/1,LRoom cap, familial status or addition, new flooring & national origin, or an Furnc/AC. Lanai, shed. intention, Lot rent $183/mo to make such prefer- $23,000; 352-860-1463 ence, limitation or WESTWIND VILLAGE discrimination. “ Fa- 55+ PARK milial status includes Sales $8,000 & Up children under the age Dble. Wd. Needs Work of 18 living with $3,500. obo parents or legal cus- Mon-Fri. 8:30-11 am todians, pregnant (352) 628-2090 women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept 24x36 Garage/Man any advertising for Cave, Cit.Spgs., $300 real estate which is in month 352-489-3750 violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised in this newspa- FLORAL CITY per are available on LAKEFRONT 1 Bedrm. an equal opportunity AC, Clean, No Pets basis. To complain of (352) 344-1025 discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the FOR RENT 3200 Sq. Ft. hearing impaired is COMMERCIAL BLDG. 1-800-927-9275. Large Paved Parking Lot, Cent. Heat/Air Open Floor Plan 1305 Hw 486 Hernando 352-584-9496/464-2514 C14 TUESDAY,APRIL 8, 2014 CLASSIFIEDS CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE

ACURA ALLEGRO BAY CHEVROLET IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MARTHA P. KOENIGSMARK, File Number: 2014-CP-5 ‘07, 37 DB, 25K miles 2012, TL, 23,000 miles, Deceased. IN RE: ESTATE OF VICTOR M. KOZLOWSKI gray with black int. 2000 Silverado 1500 Freight Liner, Loaded Extended Cab.144000 Deceased. $69,995. obo Exc. cond. $27,000. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (352) 513-4759 mi,shortbed w/topper 352-795-7820 V8, 4.8 Liter. LS pkg. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A/C.Automatic, 2WD. The administration of the estate of Martha P. Koenigsmark, deceased, whose date of HONDA BUICK death was January 9, 2014, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Pro- The administration of the estate of VICTOR M. KOZLOWSKI, deceased, whose date 2002 Rendevous AM/FM/CD. Bed liner. bate Division, File Number 2014-CP-000061; the address of which is 110 North Apopka Av- of death was April 9, 2013, and whose Social Security Number is xxx-xx-6543, is pend- ‘11, CRV, Equipped Towing pkg. Red. You with Blue Ox has hitch,100k mi. enue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of the personal representative and ing in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of good cond. asking won’t regret buying it. the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below.. which is 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of Towing Package $5,800 Call 527-6709 details (352) 746-0524 $4k (352)419-6530 All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the personal representative and that of personal representative’s attorney are set decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their forth below. WE BUY RV’S, CADILLAC CHEVROLET claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands TRAVEL TRAILERS, 97 Deville Conc. 4drs 2004, 3500 HD Diesel FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served 5TH WHEELS, Runs great, good tires, crew Cab Dully OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF MOTOR HOMES Northstar system. $12,495. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A Call US 352-201-6945 $3,000 802-745-8718 352-341-0018 decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands CHEVROLET ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AF- 2001, Impala, 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. 22”, Chrome Wheels NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF $3,995. TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. 2013 5TH WHEEL 352-341-0018 TOYOTA The date of first publication of this Notice is April 1, 2014. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) must sell by 4/15,slides CHEVROLET 2009, Venza, Leather, Personal Representative: YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. metal ext. loaded back up camera Susan E. Hollandsworth The date of the first publication of this Notice is April 8, 2014. 2004,Monte Carlo 22” 4020 Ghiotti Court, Pleasanton, CA 94588-3092 call anytime, $26,500. Chrome Wheels $22,500. (813) 699-2262 Personal Representative: $4,450. 352-341-0018 Attorney for Personal Representative: By: /s/ Jennie Grochowski EGG CAMPER 352-341-0018 /s/ Thomas VanNess, Jr., Esq. Florida Bar No. 0857750 144 Mistletoe Drive, Forest, VA 24551 2007, 17 ft, 2000 lbs; VanNess & VanNess, P.A., 1205 North Meeting Tree Blvd. Crystal River, FL 34429, Attorney for Personal Representative:, 352-795-1444, [email protected] By: /s/ Michael T. Kovach, Jr., Esquire, FL Bar # 0308020 fiberglass, Hernando Published two (2) times in the Citrus County Chronicle,April 1 & 8, 2014. KOVACH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Post Office Box 635, Inverness, FL 34451-0635, Telephone No.: (352)341-5557 $8,900 256-244-6377 CHEVROLET Published in the Citrus County Chronicle: April 8 & 15, 2014. KEYSTONE PASS- 2007, Uplander L/T Leather $5,495 545-0408 TUCRN PORT ULTRA LITE 352-341-0018 Briggs, Stair W 2014 CP 000029 NTC 2012 238 ML like new DUDLEY’S PUBLIC NOTICE 554-0415 TUCRN light weight 25’ camper. AUCTION CHRYSLER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR Richardson, Janet C. 2014-CP-42 NTC-SA/A Fully equipped and lots CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE PUBLIC NOTICE 2012 Town & Country CASE NO. : 2014 CP 000029 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR of storage. Must see, Thurs 4-10-14 Estate Wheelchair van with 10’’ $13,500 352-201-2865 Adventure Auction CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION lowered floor, ramp and IN RE: THE ESTATE OF STAIR W. BRIGGS, CASE NO. 2014-CP-42 3pm out walk tie downs Call Tom for MAC’S MOBILE RV amongst treasures Deceased. REPAIR & MAINT. more info 352-325-1306 IN RE: ESTATE OF JANET CHAPIN RICHARDSON, 6pm in 2009 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deceased. RVTC Certified Tech. Camary LE 38kmi, 352-613-0113, Lic/Ins. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Antiques, Furniture, The administration of the estate of Stair W. Briggs, deceased, whose date of death was (Summary Administration/Ancillary) NATURE COAST RV jewelry to tools, November 27, 2014, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Divi- RV service, parts, sales ********************** sion, File Number 2014-CP-000029; the address of which is 110 North Apopka Avenue, In- TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: Mobile Repair/Maint. call for info 637-9588 HARLEY 2008 verness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the per- You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration/Ancillary has been en- 352-795-7820, Lic/Ins. dudleysauction ELECTRA GLIDE sonal representative’s attorney are set forth below. tered in the Estate of JANET CHAPIN RICHARDSON, Deceased, File No. 2014-CP-42, by .com All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Clerk Terry 5th Wheel 4000 S Florida Ave CLASSIC FLHTC decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their of Court, Probate Division, Citrus County Courthouse, 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, 93, remodeled, 28’, (US41S) Inverness ABSOLUTELY GOR- claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE Florida 34450; that the total value of the estate is approximately $58,270.00 and that the w/slide, clean title Ab1667 10% bp GEOUS! SHOWROOM FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE names and addresses of those to whom is has been assigned by such order are: $3800. obo cash/ck. CONDITION!! WHITE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. (352) 697-0361 GOLD PEARL & All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against NAME ADDRESS HONDA PEWTER GOLD decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE HARRY RICHARDSON AS 53 Tuell Town Road PAINT. 96ci Serious DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF West Paris, ME 04289 ‘11, CRV, Equipped ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION NATHANIEL B. CHAGNON with Blue Ox Inquiries only $14,500 352 344 0355 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Towing Package NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED E. CHAPIN PORTER 16 Sheffield Road Auto’s, Truck’s, SUV’s Details (352) 746-0524 TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Natick, Massachusetts 01760 & Van’s - Cash Pd Harley Davidson The date of first publication of this Notice is April 1, 2014. Larry’s Auto Sales Liquidation Sale **Road King 2007** Personal Representative: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 24k mi, many extra’s 352-564-8333 Help Us Stay in Biz. Edna M. Pirmann All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against beautiful bike, head- RENT - BUY- SELL 41 Grass Street, Homosassa, FL 34446 the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in BUYING JUNK CARS ing north, HURRY! 12K CAR - TRUCK - BOAT the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME ★ Running or Not ★ obo (608) 438-8812 CONSIGNMENT USA Attorney for Personal Representative: PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. CASH PAID-$300 & UP US 19 & US 44, CR /s/ Thomas VanNess, Jr., Esq. Florida Bar No. 0857750 (352) 771-6191 Harley Davidson VanNess & VanNess, P.A., 1205 North Meeting Tree Blvd. Crystal River, FL 34429, ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. 461-4518 & 795-4440 2001, Fat Boy 352-795-1444, [email protected] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO Liquidation Sale Garage kept, Published two (2) times in the Citrus County Chronicle,April 1 & 8, 2014. (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. MERCEDES BENZ 23,659 miles, $9,700 The date of the first publication of this Notice is April 8, 2014. Help Us Stay in Biz. 1980, 450SL, 50k mi. RENT - BUY- SELL 352-601-7911 Person Giving Notice: $8,000. obo 546-0408 TUCRN By: /s/ HARRY RICHARDSON CAR - TRUCK - BOAT (352) 795-0125 100 Glenwood Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 CONSIGNMENT USA Harley Davidson Wall, James B. 2014-CP-77 Notice to Creditors 2010 Ultra Classic PUBLIC NOTICE Attorney for Person Giving Notice: US 19 & US 44, CR NISSAN By: /s/ William B. Eppley, Florida Bar No. 151107, 461-4518 & 795-4440 ‘04, 350 Z Converitble loaded, garaged, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA xtras, 13,900 mi. PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2014-CP-77 WILLIAM B. EPPLEY Roadster, 17k miles, Post Office Box 1478, Brooksville, FL 34605-1478,Telephone: 352-796-7276 $19500.(352) 419-4053 well equip. $17,900. IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES B. WALL Published in the Citrus County Chronicle, April 8 & 15, 2014 (352) 422-0008 Harley Deceased. DAVIDSON NOTICE TO CREDITORS Taurus 555-0415 TUCRN 2012 FXDWG Dyn The administration of the Estate of James B. Walll, Deceased, whose date of death was Bearden, Richard A. 14-CP-151 NTC Wide Glide Wind- January 10, 2014, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Divi- PUBLIC NOTICE Metal shield,6,000 miles, 7 Recycling Best Prices sion, the address of which is 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inveress, Florida 34450. The IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA year extended warranty, for your cars or trucks names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s at- PROBATE DIVISION 2.5% assumable loan - File No. 14-CP-151 also biggest U-Pull-It torney are set forth below. $11,295.00 All creditors of the decedent, and other persons having claims or demands against the IN RE: ESTATE OF RICHARD ALLEN BEARDEN A/K/A RICHARD A. BEARDEN with thousands of vehi- (352)302-6055 Estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Deceased. cles offering lowest price court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- NOTICE TO CREDITORS for parts 352-637-2100 IRON HORSE PARTS TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF BMW The administration of the estate of RICHARD ALLEN BEARDEN A/K/A RICHARD A. WE BUY ALL AUTOS 352-746-7655 THIS NOTICE ON THEM. with or without titles 2000, Z3 Roadster All other creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands against BEARDEN, deceased, whose date of death was December 4, 2013; File Number 5 Spd. 57k mi. $9,500 visit: www.ironhorse the Estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF 14-CP-151, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, ☛ ANY CONDITION Cindy (813) 505-6939 Excel Cond. Hernando THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. the address of which is 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names 256-244-6377 Established 1990 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s at- WE BUY ANY VEHICLE 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. torney are set forth below. In Any Condition, Collection of classic ‘08 Harley Davidson NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands Title, No Title, Bank cars in Spring Hill. Make FLHTCUI, 1 owner, TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. against decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served Lien, No Problem, offer 727- 422- 4433 low miles, $15,200 The date of first publication of this notice is April 1, 2014. must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF Don’t Trade it in. We Personal Representative: THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A ‘06 Harley Davidson By: /s/ Linda Marechal COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Will Pay up to $25K P.O. Box 3575, Seminole, Florida 33775 All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands Any Make, Any Model XL1200 C, Custom Wheels $6,295 Attorney for Personal Representative: against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AF- 813-335-3794 By: /s/ John A Nelson, Florida Bar Number: 0727032, Slaymaker and Nelson, P.A., TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. 813-458-0584 Call AJ ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF ‘01 Harley Davidson 2218 Highway 44 West, Inverness, FL 34453, Phone: (352)726-6129, Fax: (352)726-0223, Email: [email protected], Secondary: [email protected] THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Road King $8,900 Published in the Citrus County Chronicle, April 1 & 8, 2014. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) I I I I I I I I YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Tell that special ‘13 Harley Davidson The date of first publication of this notice is: April 8, 2014. Night Rod $14,200 person 548-0415 TUCRN Personal Representative: Buy Here/Pay Here “ Happy Birthday “ Ivey, TJ 2013-CP-739 NTC GERALDINE JUDITH BEARDEN with a classified ‘03 Harley Davidson PUBLIC NOTICE 12229 S. Elm Point, Floral City, FL 34436 ‘97 Ford Taurus ad under Happy Road King $9,999 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR Attorney for Personal Representative: $2495 Cash Notes. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION, Derek B. Alvarez, Esquire - FBN: 114278, [email protected] FILE NO.: 2013-CP-739 Anthony F. Diecidue, Esquire - FBN: 146528, [email protected] Only $28.50 GENDERS ALVAREZ DIECIDUE, P.A. ‘00 Buick LeSabre includes a photo IN RE: ESTATE OF TJ IVEY, $895 Down DECEASED. 2307 West Cleveland Street, Tampa, Florida 33609 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Phone: (813)254-4744 Fax: (813)254-5222 Call our Classified Published in Citrus County Chronicle: April 8 & 15, 2014. ‘97 Dodge Neon Dept for details $2595 Cash The name of the decedent, the designation of the court in which the administra- 352-563-5966 tion of this estate is pending, and the File Number are indicated above. The address ‘01 Chevrolet Impala I I I I I I I I of the court is 110 N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450. The names and ad- $895 Down dresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney MUSTANG GT SUZUKI are indicated below. 2003 63,600k miles 2012 Boulevard S40 If you have been served with a copy of this notice and you have any claim or de- CALL 352-563-1902 Showcar, Supercharger, 650 cc 200 miles mand against the decedent’s estate, even if that claim is unmatured, contingent, or 1675 S Suncoast lots of chrome! Great first ride unliquidated, you must file your claim with the court on or before the later of a date 547-0422 TUCRN Blvd. Homosassa, Fl 352-228-4012 $3900 352-586-0568 that is three months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or 30 days after Ippolito, Maria 8:10-CV-2415-T26 NOS you receive a copy of this Notice. PUBLIC NOTICE All other creditors of the decedent and other persons who have claims or de- IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA mands against the decedent’s estate, including unmatured, contingent, or unliqui- TAMPA DIVISION dated claims, must file their claims with the court within three months after the date Case No: 8:10-CV-2415-T26 of the first publication of this Notice. 542-0408 TUCRN All claims not so filed will be forever barred. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Regan, Margaret Ann 2013-CP-000786 NTC Even if a claim is not barred by the limitations described above, all claims which Plaintiff, PUBLIC NOTICE have not been filed will be barred two years after decedent’s death. v. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR The date of death of the decedent is May 24, 2013. MARIA L. IPPOLITO, ET AL., CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE The date of first publication of this Notice is April 8, 2014. Defendants, CASE NO. : 2013-CP-000786 By: Jessica L. Davison 5268 Boswell Rd., Memphis, TN 38120 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ANN REGAN, Attorney for Personal Representative: Deceased. By: Adam A. Czaya, Esq., FL Bar No. 90989, Pursuant to the Order of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Law Office of Keith R. Taylor, PA Florida filed on November 21st, 2013 in the above-captioned cause, the Internal NOTICE TO CREDITORS P.O. Box 2016, Lecanto, FL 34460, (352)795-0404, [email protected] Revenue Service Property Appraisal and Liquidation Specialists (“IRS PALS”) will sell the Published two (2) times in the Citrus County Chronicle: April 8 & 15, 2014 property located at 8186 W. Winnifred Court, Crystal River, Florida, which is more fully The administration of the ancillary estate of Margaret Ann Regan, deceased, whose date described below: of death was December 5, 2012, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, File Number 2013-CP-000786; the address of which is 110 North Apopka 549-0415 TUCRN Lot 8, The West 174.26 Feet of the East 348.52 Feet of the S ½ of Lot 27,HOLIDAY ACRES, Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of the Personal Representatives Risner, Edward W., Jr. 11-CP-481 Notice to Creditors Unit No 2,as recorded in Plat Book 6,Pages 40-41,Public Records of Citrus County, and the Personal Representatives’ attorney are set forth below. PUBLIC NOTICE Florida, Subject to a 12.5 foot wide easement along the north boundary thereof for All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION road right of way. decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their File No. 11-CP-481 Division claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE IN RE: ESTATE OF EDWARD W. RISNER, JR., Folio No.17E-18S-14-0020-00270.0080 FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE Deceased. OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. NOTICE TO CREDITORS On April 29th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., IRS PALS will conduct a sale at the property’s lo- All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against cation, whereupon the property will be sold to the highest bidder. decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE The administration of the estate of EDWARD W. RISNER, JR., deceased, whose date DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. of death was March 6, 2011; File Number 11-CP-481, is pending in the Circuit Court All prospective bidders need to arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on April ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION for CITRUS County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 110 N. Apopka 29th, 2014 in order to register for the sale. For further information, please contact 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Ave., Inverness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of the personal representative Sharon W. Sullivan, Property Appraisal and Liquidation Specialist, 7850 SW 6th Court, NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. MS-5780, Plantation, FL, 33324, VMS 954-740-2421. You can also view sale informa- TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against tion at WWW.IRSAUCTION.GOV. The date of first publication of this Notice is April 1, 2014. decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file Personal Representative: their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST The property shall be sold upon the following terms and conditions: Robert W. Regan PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF 4737 Calebwood Court, Mount Airy, MD 21771-4931 THIS NOTICE ON THEM. 1. Any rights, title, liens, claims or interests in the Property of any party to this pro- All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands ceeding are discharged upon sale and confirmation of sale. William J. Regan against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AF- 13941 Distant View Drive, Maughansville, MD 21767 TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. 2. The sale shall not be subject to any unpaid ad valorem real property taxes. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF Attorney for Personal Representative: THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. 3. The sale shall be subject to a minimum bid requirement in the amount of not less /s/ Thomas VanNess, Jr., Esq. Florida Bar No. 0857750 NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) than $6,000.00 The successful bidder shall be required to deposit with the IRS PALS a VanNess & VanNess, P.A., 1205 North Meeting Tree Blvd. Crystal River, FL 34429, YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the amount bid at the time of sale, either by 352-795-1444, [email protected] The date of first publication of this notice is April 8, 2014. cashier’s check payable to the Clerk, United States District Court for the Middle Dis- Published two (2) times in the Citrus County Chronicle,April 1 & 8, 2014. Personal Representative: trict of Florida or by cash deposit. Before bidding at the sale, prospective bidders By: MARILYN K. MONTGOMERY must display proof to the IRS PALS that they are able to comply with this requirement. 6 Jungleplum Ct. W., Homosassa, FL 34446 No bids will be received from any persons who have not presented proof that, if 543-0408 TUCRN Attorney for Personal Representative: they are the successful bidder, they can make the required deposit. Wilson Jr, Wiliam Johnson 2014 CP 000030 NTC /s/ IAN S. GIOVINCO, Florida Bar Number: 994588 PUBLIC NOTICE Anton Castro Law Firm 4. The balance of the purchase price shall be tendered to IRS PALS by the success- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 1219 N. Franklin Street, Tampa, FL 33603-3313 ful bidder within thirty (30) business days following the date of the sale in a form of CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE Telephone: (813)907-9807, E-Mail: [email protected] cashier’s check payable to the Clerk, United States District Court for the Middle Dis- CASE NO. : 2014 CP 000030 Published in Citrus County Chronicle: April 8 & 15, 2014. PA3-0740 trict of Florida. If the bidder fails to fulfill this requirement or any other deposit require- ment, the deposit shall be forfeited and retained as part of the proceeds of the sale IN RE: THE ESTATE OF WILIAM JOHNSON WILSON, JR., and applied first to the expenses of the sale, and any amount remaining shall be dis- Deceased. tributed in accordance with the sequence directed in paragraph 16 of the Order 550-0415 TUCRN entered by the United States District Court in this action on November 21, 2013, and Scott, Helen I. 2014-CP-14 NTC NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Property shall be reoffered for sale or be offered to the second highest bidder, PUBLIC NOTICE who shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 4. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA The administration of the estate of William Johnson Wilson, Jr., deceased, whose date of File No. 2014-CP-14 death was January 3, 2014, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Pro- 5. The successful bidder will pay in addition to the amount of the bid, any docu- Probate Division mentary stamps and clerk’s registry fess as provided by law. bate Division, File Number 2014-CP-000030; the address of which is 110 North Apopka Av- In Re: Estate of HELEN I. SCOTT, enue, Inverness, FL 34450. The names and addresses of the personal representative and Deceased. 6. Upon receipt of the balance of the purchase price, and without objections to the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the confirmation of sale entered by the Court, the IRS shall execute and deliver a deed conveying the subject real property to the successful purchaser. decedent’s estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their The administration of the estate of HELEN I. SCOTT deceased, Case Number claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE 2014-CP-14, is pending in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, Florida, Probate Division, the 7. Mail-In bids accepted. FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE address of which is 110 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, Florida 34450. The names and ad- OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. dresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set 8. The sale is made pursuant to Section 2001 of 28 U.S.C. and is made without right All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against forth below. decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE of redemption. DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. All interested persons are required to file with this court, WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF Published four (4) times in the CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE, April 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2014. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE, any claims against the estate. Each claim 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. must be in writing and must indicate the basis for the claim, the name and address of the NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED creditor or his agent or attorney, and the amount claimed. If the claim is not yet due, the date TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. when it will become due shall be stated. If the claim is contingent or unliquidated, the nature The date of first publication of this Notice is April 1, 2014. of the uncertainty shall be stated. If the claim is secured, the security shall be described. Personal Representative: The claimant shall deliver a copy of the claim to the clerk who shall serve a copy on the per- Marron Daniel Weeks sonal representative. All claims not so filed will be forever barred. 1203 SE 4th Avenue, Crystal River, FL 34429 Publication of this Notice has begun on April 8, 2014. 552-0408 TUCRN accept or reject any and/or Foreclosure of Lien and Attorney for Personal Representative: Personal Representative: 4/19 Sale all bids. intent to sell these vehi- /s/ Thomas VanNess, Jr., Esq. Florida Bar No. 0857750 By: /s/ Rose Marie Austin S M Duggan Towing cles on Tuesday, April 22, VanNess & VanNess, P.A., 1205 North Meeting Tree Blvd. Crystal River, FL 34429, 6006 N. Tsala Apopka Dr., Hernando, FL 34442 PUBLIC NOTICE 1G4HP54K2Y4117571 2014 @ 10:00 AM at 3251 352-795-1444, [email protected] Attorney for Personal Representative: 2000 BUIC LESABRE S. Florida Av. Inverness,FL Published two (2) times in the Citrus County Chronicle,April 1 & 8, 2014. By: /s/ J. Patrick McElroy, Florida Bar No.: 052712 NOTICE OF SALE CUSTOM 34450 pursuant to subsec- PO Box 1511, Hernando, FL 34441, (352)637-2303, [email protected] S M Duggan Towing LLC. tion 713.78 of the FL Stat- Published in the CITRUS COUNTY CHRONICLE: April 8 & 15, 2014. gives Notice of Foreclosure April 8, 2014 utes. TONY’S COLLISION of Lien and intent to sell 544-0408 TUCRN CENTER INC reserves the these vehicles on 4/19/2014 Koenigsmark, Martha P. 2014 CP 000061 NTC right to accept or reject 10:00:00 AM at 1635 NE 553-0408 TUCRN PUBLIC NOTICE any and/or all bids. 551-0415 TUCRN 32nd Ave, Ocala, FL 34470 4/22 Sale IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 2005 GMC Envoy XUV Kozlowski, Victor M. 2014-CP-5 NTC pursuant to subsection PUBLIC NOTICE CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE VIN# PUBLIC NOTICE 713.78 of the Florida Stat- NOTICE OF SALE CASE NO. : 2014 CP 000061 1GKOS13SX52190534 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR utes. S M Duggan Towing TONY’S COLLISION CEN- April 8, 2014 CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION LLC. reserves the right to TER INC gives Notice of