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Article · June 2018


1 author:

Murray Lankester Lakehead University Thunder Bay Campus



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Meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) in and moose View project

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Murray W. Lankester

101-2001 Blue Jay Place, Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada V9N 4A8; Retired

ABSTRACT: The risk of meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) infection in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and neurologic disease in moose (Alces alces) in eastern North America is influenced largely by the effects of weather on deer density and gastropod intermediate hosts. Frequent, easy winters result in high survival and density of deer with a large proportion of young that shed up to 3 x more P. tenuis larvae; both greatly increase the production of first-stage larvae. An early spring increases survival of shed larvae by reducing the timing mis- match between the parasite’s “spring rise” and snow melt; larvae deposited into snow experience high mortality. A wetter and longer growing season with moderate temperatures increases the sur- vival of first-stage larvae dispersed in soil, and the density, mobility, and frequency of infected gastropods, including the abundance of infective larvae in them. This weather-enhanced transmis- sion further increases larval output by reducing the proportion of unproductive unisexual infections in deer. High production of larvae and optimal conditions for gastropods increase rates of transmis- sion to co-habiting moose and the occurrence of neurologic disease which is dose-dependent. The density of infected deer at the northern limit of their range is typically limited by winter severity allowing coexistence of deer, moose, and parasite. However, as in and northwestern Minnesota and adjoining regions, pronounced and prolonged moose declines associated with sus- tained high deer densities and meningeal worm infection have occurred twice in the past 95 years. These two regions may be prone to extended periods of mild winters and longer, wetter growing seasons that ultimately enhance abundance and transmission of the meningeal worm implicated in moose population declines.

ALCES VOL. 54: 1–13 (2018)

Key words: weather, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, meningeal worm, transmission, white-tailed deer, Alces, moose population declines, moose sickness.

Parelaphostrongylus tenuis is a com- terrestrial gastropods which are subsequently mon, but innocuous parasite of white-tailed ingested by cervids. The potential for weather deer (Odocoileus virginianus) throughout to influence transmission rates of P. tenuis the eastern half of North America. It is among deer and its importance to the health important because it causes neurologic dis- of moose have been increasingly docu- ease in moose (Alces alces) in northern for- mented (Peterson et al. 1996, Wasel et al. est habitat where the ranges of deer and 2003, Lankester 2010, Maskey et al. 2015). moose overlap. Transmission involves a Deer, moose, and the parasite can co-­ complex life cycle in which first-stage larvae exist for extended periods (Whitlaw and are released to the external environment on Lankester 1994b, Dumont and Crete 1996) deer faeces, and infect and develop in which partially explains why the hypothesis

1 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 that P. tenuis may be a primary cause of litter and soil. Laboratory experiments indi- ­pronounced and prolonged moose declines cate that larvae on pellets or in water can with- remains controversial (Lankester 2010). stand constant sub-zero temperatures for Such declines occurred in northern Minnesota several months, but repeated freezing and in the late 1920s and 1930s, in Nova Scotia thawing greatly reduces survival, as does in the 1940s and 1950s, and again in these repeated wetting and drying at room tempera- jurisdictions in the late 1980s – early 1990s ture (Shostak and Samuel 1984). Further, 70% (Benson 1958, Karns 1967, Anderson 1972, of larvae frozen for up to 182 days ­survived, Whitlaw and Lankester 1994a, Lankester but only 16% were still alive after 306 days 2001, Parker 2003, Beazley et al. 2006, with only one undergoing some development Murray et al. 2006, Lankester 2010). During in a snail (Lankester and Anderson 1968). the latter period, moose were also declining Infected deer pass up to 3 × more larvae in upper Michigan (Dodge et al. 2004) and in during spring than at other times of the year areas adjacent to northwestern Minnesota (Peterson and Lankester 1991, Slomke et al. including northeastern North Dakota, north- 1995). Larval production is believed lower western Ontario, and southeastern Manitoba in late-starting springs as larvae­ on pellets (Thompson 2000, Murray et al. 2006, deposited in snow survive poorly despite Maskey 2008, Ranta and Lankester 2017, V. moderated temperatures beneath snow Crichton, Manitoba Conservation [retired], cover; presumably, actions by subnivean pers. comm.). In all instances, moose faced invertebrates and molds reduce survival increasing densities of deer with meningeal (Forrester and Lankester 1998). In north- worm and cases of moose sickness were eastern Minnesota, the mean number of lar- ­routinely documented (Lankester et al. 2007, vae produced by deer of all ages increased Wünschmann et al. 2015, Ranta and from a low of 289/gdf (grams dried faeces) Lankester 2017). in December to a peak of 1127/gdf in early This paper examines how weather likely March. Although larval production peaked influences the parasite’s rate of transmission in early March while snow remained on the and increases its importance as a disease ground, ~75% of larvae deposited from agent for moose. The overall hypothesis is January until snowmelt in mid-April died that geographical regions experiencing reoc- (Forrester and Lankester 1998). This “spring curring, pronounced, and prolonged moose rise” may be an adaptation maximizing declines may be prone to lengthy periods of progeny output at a time best suited for their weather-enhanced P. tenuis transmission survival and transmission. The meningeal that greatly increase the parasite’s role in worm likely evolved in southern climes with moose morbidity and mortality. its normal white-tailed deer host and may remain ill-adapted to long northern winters. WEATHER AND FIRST-STAGE Earlier springs, however, will presumably WORM LARVAE increase larval survival during the peak First-stage larvae passed by deer are ­production period. located in a thin film of mucus that covers the surface of each faecal pellet (Lankester 2001). WEATHER AND TERRESTRIAL If pellets are deposited in an open area, larvae GASTROPODS may be exposed to rapid drying and poten- First-stage larvae must penetrate and tially harmful solar radiation; however, rain develop to the third infective stage in the ter- washes larvae off pellets into the underlying restrial gastropod intermediate host in which

2 ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER the rate of larval development is determined al. 2004). Live specimens were found under by ambient ­temperatures. Cool, moist wood- cardboard sheets during over-night temper- land habitats are preferred by gastropods atures close to freezing (Lankester and (Lankester and Anderson 1968, Hawkins et Peterson 1996). It is one of the first gastro- al. 1997, Maskey et al. 2015), whereas the pods active in spring and the last active in litter of predominantly coniferous forests is autumn. believed less favourable for snails (Gleich Deroceras laeve lives for only one year and Gilbert 1976, Boag and Wishart 1982). in the temperate regions of North America Mobility varies among species, with slugs (Lankester and Anderson 1968, Boag and more mobile than snails, particularly in wet Wishart 1982, Lankester and Peterson ­conditions. The greater mobility of slugs 1996). The prevalence of P. tenuis peaks in allows avoidance of dry conditions, whereas adult D. laeve before their death in mid- snails withdraw into their shell and summer and again in maturing slugs in aestivate. autumn; infective larvae survive in this Several gastropod species are capable slug over winter (Lankester and Anderson intermediate hosts of P. tenuis (Lankester 1968). In northeastern Minnesota, large 2001, Nankervis et al. 2000, Maskey et al. D. laeve were moderately numerous in 2015), but 3 species are most numerous and June and absent in July and August, frequently infected: the marsh slug with maturing slugs most numerous in (Deroceras laeve) and 2 woodland snails September and October and remaining (Zonitoides spp. and Discus cronkhitei) active until mid-November. In contrast, the (Lankester 2001, Cyr et al. 2014). The marsh availability of the longer-lived snails slug thrives in wet conditions but is adaptive Zonitoides arboreus and Discus cronkhitei to resist dehydration (Luchtel and Deyrup- was less bimodal during the growing Olsen 2001); the snails tolerate slightly drier ­season (Lankester and Peterson 1996). sites. Gastropod abundance correlates with Deroceras leave provides an example precipitation (Burch 1962, Whitlaw et al. of how changes in weather may influence 1996, Hawkins et al. 1997). Gastropods are the role of intermediate hosts. This ubiqui- most active on forest floor litter and low tous Nearctic slug has spread throughout vegetation during the wet seasons of spring the world attesting to its versatility (Pilsbry and autumn, and less active in summer 1946, Faberi et al. 2004), and is the only (Lankester and Peterson 1996). Many more land gastropod known that deliberately gastropods are found in the upper layer of enters water, surviving for days while sub- soil than are active on the surface. Cardboard merged in inundated areas. It has a clear sheets placed on the forest floor had ~2% of watery slime that might be easier for P. the number of gastropods estimated in soil tenuis larvae to penetrate compared to the cores from the upper 10 cm of soil beneath viscous slime of some other species. It is the sheets (Hawkins et al. 1998). As well, mobile, gliding quickly over vegetation and collections dominated by D. laeve peaked covering relatively large distances. In rainy when temperature beneath the boards was or foggy weather, D. laeve climbs low veg- ~15 oC; abundance declined at lower and etation where it is better positioned to be higher temperatures. consumed by cervids. This slug is also The frequency of P. tenuis infection is adapted to a wide range of temperature, sur- generally low (i.e., < 0.1%) in gastropods in viving to at least -8 oC (Getz 1959, Faberi et boreal areas, as is the mean number of larvae

3 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 recovered from each gastropod (2-3). This development in the slug Deroceras reticula- low recovery suggests that gastropods tum (Lankester and Anderson 1968). become infected by crawling over dried The hypothesis that the prevalence of faeces or litter and soil, rather than fresh P. tenuis infection in gastropods is positively faeces (Lankester and Peterson 1996). correlated with increased deer density has Gastropods are more readily infected by not been adequately tested. However, in ­larvae on moist than dry soil, and can be northeastern Minnesota, the frequency of infected repeatedly (Lankester and Anderson infection (0.16%) was 4 x higher in gastro- 1968). Although some gastropods show a pods where deer wintered at density of degree of attraction to fresh deer faeces 50 animals/km2 compared to summer habitat (Garvon and Bird 2005), this behaviour or with 4 animals/km2 (Lankester and Peterson interaction may be uncommon. Whether 1996). Prevalence in gastropods can also be infective larvae of P. tenuis leave gastropods much higher (4-9%) on more southerly range and survive on vegetation is unknown. where deer usually exist at higher densities Annual infection rates in gastropods vary year-round (Lankester 2001); however, data relative to temperature, moisture, and the from these regions also reflect the differ- duration of conditions suitable for activity. ences and effects of climate, weather, and Terrestrial gastropods survive over winter­ in growing seasons. the boreal region as do developing P. tenuis larvae in them (Lankester and Anderson INFLUENCE OF WEATHER ON DEER 1968, Lankester and Peterson 1996). Larval AND LARVAL OUTPUT development is arrested at low temperatures Severe winters typically limit the den- and during dry periods, but resumes with the sity of deer on northern range often shared return of suitable conditions. with moose (Karns 1980, Nelson and Mech There is a direct linear relationship 1986, Mech et al. 1987, Dumont et al. 2000, between ambient temperature selected by DelGiudice et al. 2002, Patterson and Power the gastropod host and the rate of larval 2002, Nelson and Mech 2005). A series of development (Jenkins et al. 2006). This rela- successive easy winters can markedly tionship has not been well studied for increase deer density, particularly the pro- P. tenuis, but closely related P. odocoilei portion of fawns and yearlings. The overall shows little or no development below 8.5 oC output of first-stage P. tenuis larvae increases and requires a minimum of 163 accumulated proportionately with increased deer density degree-days of heat to reach the infective and is also influenced by herd demographics stage in D. laeve (Jenkins et al. 2006). (Fig. 1). Young, newly infected deer pass 2-3 Accurate field estimates of developmental x more larvae than older deer, and because rates in P. tenuis will require conducting output diminishes with age, fawn and year- experiments of the type described by Kutz ling deer are disproportionately influential in et al. (2002) who held infected slugs in a growing deer population (Slomke et al. enclosures over summer while monitoring 1995, Peterson et al. 1996). Higher deer den- weather parameters. The rate of larval devel- sity also increases habitat overlap between opment also varies among host species. For deer and moose, thereby increasing the risk example, in laboratory studies, 95% of of infection to moose. P. tenuis larvae in the snail Mesodon Favourable weather increases larval out- ­thyroidus reached the infective stage after put by deer not only by increasing deer den- 35 days at 21 oC; only 34% completed sity and altering demographics, but also by


Fig. 1. Schematic illustrating the hypothesized influences of weather on deer and gastropod abundance that lead to increased transmission of meningeal worm to deer and moose.

increasing the rate at which naïve deer this protection against supra-infection for acquire their first infective larvae. This rate the life of the deer. of transmission determines whether a deer These biological characteristics of develops a patent infection and produces P. tenuis have been confirmed in both field first-stage larvae in its faeces, or instead has and laboratory studies (Slomke et al. 1995, a sterile infection. If conditions for transmis- Duffy et al. 2002, 2004). Up to one-third of sion are sub-optimal, only 1-2 infective lar- infected deer examined in northeastern vae may become established before a fawn’s Minnesota had unisexual, sterile infections first winter. This parasite is bisexual and (Slomke et al. 1995), and 58% of deer infection with only a single worm, or of 2 or ­examined in northern Michigan had single more worms of the same gender, will pro- worm infections (Nankervis et al. 2000). duce no first-stage larvae. Within about 6 Favourable weather will, by increasing the months of ingesting infective larvae, the rate at which infective larvae initially are fawn develops an immune response that pre- acquired, reduce the proportion of unisexual, vents further infection. Established worms sterile infections and thereby increase larval are thought to be long-lived and to maintain output by the fawn cohort. At the parasite’s

5 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 western limits, high proportions of sterile (3.5 ± 1.8 worms) in the heads of deer infections and low prevalence of infection ­confined at a year-round density of 30 deer/ are thought to reflect rates of transmission km2, as in a nearby, free-ranging population that are limited by low precipitation and (3.0 ± 2.0 worms) at 2 deer/km2. marginal conditions for gastropods (Wasel Changes in transmission rates are poten- et al. 2003, Jacques et al. 2015, Maskey tially reflected in the frequency of infection et al. 2015). in gastropods, but measuring the frequency Some temperate northeastern forests of infection is challenging. Because the provide conditions favorable for the menin- prevalence of infection in snails and slugs geal worm to reach its final host. For exam- in northeastern forests is typically very ple, despite low levels of P. tenuis infection low, extensive, labor-intensive sampling is in gastropods, almost all deer become required to detect significant changes. As infected by 2 years of age. Lankester and well, considerable skill is required to distin- Peterson (1996) argued that this can be guish the larvae of P. tenuis from those of explained by the large volume of vegetation several other species of nematodes found in eaten close to the ground, particularly in these hosts. Nonetheless, higher frequency spring and autumn. In a Minnesota study of infection in gastropods has been area with a stable deer population estimated ­identified in more southerly deer range at 2 animals/km2, 79% of fawns became where infection opportunity is presumably infected within their first year of life despite increased by higher deer density, longer only a 0.08% rate of gastropod infection; growing seasons, or more favourable gastro- eventually, 96% of deer became infected pod habitat (Lankester 2001). (Slomke et al. 1995). Annual changes in transmission rates can only be monitored by examining deer MEASURING TRANSMISSION RATES faeces for first-stage larvae (Peterson et al. It would be advantageous to monitor 1996, Maskey et al. 2015). Ideally, faecal changes in transmission rates of P. tenuis in samples should be collected off snow during deer, but peculiarities of the parasite’s biol- late winter after newly acquired worms have ogy make this difficult. Metrics such as the matured and produced larvae. Changes in prevalence and intensity of adult worms in prevalence and intensity of larvae in an deer heads are not particularly useful because opportunistically collected sample of faeces almost all deer in the northeastern forests of should reflect changes in the proportion Minnesota have at least one worm (sustained of fawns in the population, as well as prevalence ~100%, Slomke et al. 1995). ­weather-related transmission rates determin- Likewise, the mean intensity of worms in ing the frequency of sterile unisexual infec- the head varies little other than minor tions. Examining only fawn faeces, Peterson changes in the fawn cohort. Deer acquire et al. (1996) found that both prevalence and only a small number of worms during their intensity varied annually and correlated best first year or two of life, and none thereafter. with changing deer density and the duration Higher deer densities that increase the num- of the previous autumn transmission period. ber of larvae dispersed in the environment Transmission likely occurs exclusively might be expected to increase the abundance during the snow- and frost-free periods of adult worms in the heads of deer, but referred to here as the growing season. The field evidence is unsupportive. Slomke annual length of the growing season varies et al. (1995) measured similar abundance considerably (Murray et al. 2006) which

6 ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER alters the time period in which transmission inability to stand. However, 4 moose is possible any given year (Fig.1). Larval given doses of 3-5 larvae, more closely output by deer is maximum in spring, the resembling those acquired from a single wettest season, yet autumn presents unique naturally-infected­ gastropod, developed opportunities for P. tenuis transmission. The only mild neurological signs for periods of entire fawn cohort is susceptible to infection 1 to 3 months; one had no detectable signs at in late summer and autumn, whereas by termination. Further, other results suggest snow melt the following spring, almost 80% that a degree of protection against future could be resistant to further infection. Also, infection may result from a low-dose expo- gastropod abundance peaks by autumn prior sure (Lankester 2002). to any over-winter mortality. Any delay in Young moose may be the most suscepti- the onset of winter lengthens the period for ble to neurological disease. Disease occurs in possible infection (i.e., ingestion by deer and animals of all ages, but many sick animals are moose) of the new cohort of D. laeve. Visibly < 2 years old (Lankester et al. 2007, sick moose are frequently seen in spring, Carstensen et al. 2015, Wünschmann et al. suggesting that infection occurred the previ- 2015). Young males that consume more food ous autumn (Lankester 2001). Autumn is in early life might be expected to ingest more similarly considered the most important sea- larvae than young females. Interestingly, in son for transmission of related proto- the current long-term decline in Minnesota, strongylid nematodes in sheep (Ovis spp.) Murray et al. (2006) found lower survival of and mule deer (Odocoileus heminous) male than female calves. It is reasonable to (Samuel et al. 1985, Jenkins et al. 2006). predict that the infection rate of wild moose will be most influenced by the rate of acquir- WEATHER-ENHANCED ing infective larvae; however, even low-dose TRANSMISSION AND MOOSE exposure and sub-clinical infection can be Weather-enhanced transmission of important. Rempel (2011) suggested that P. tenuis will increase the number of infec- indirect effects of parasites like P. tenuis tive larvae available in gastropods, and the might reduce recruitment through increased rate at which deer and moose ingest them predation, and possibly have greater impact over their lifetime. Deer will be unaffected on moose populations than direct mortality. and the prevalence and mean intensity of Intuitively, the exposure rate of moose worms in their heads will change little. Many to meningeal worm is directly related to deer ingested larvae may be unable to migrate density; however, two problems make it dif- beyond the intestines. Others may die in tissues ficult to clearly demonstrate this relation- en route to the spinal cord but, nonetheless, ship. It is difficult to 1) correctly census be important in boosting immunity to rein- clinically ill and minimally compromised fection. Moose, on the other hand, are more moose, and 2) estimate deer density that var- susceptible and the rate at which they ingest ies seasonally and annually. Nonetheless, infective larvae during the growing season field data (Whitlaw and Lankester 1994a, may determine the severity of neurological Maskey 2008) and several anecdotal studies disease (Lankester 2001). Moose given in northeastern forests suggest that when ­relatively high numbers of P. tenuis larvae infected deer density increases, moose num- (15-25) showed severe and unmistakable bers decline (Karns 1967, Saunders 1973, signs of moose sickness including circling, Gilbert 1974, Dumont and Crete 1996, hind-quarter weakness, and eventually an Gogan et al. 1997, Lankester 2001, Lankester

7 TRANSMISSION OF MENINGEAL WORM – LANKESTER ALCES VOL. 54, 2018 and Samuel 2007). Yet, if deer density Ontario was only marginally longer than in remains < ~5 animals/km2, moose density pre-decline years, but decidedly wetter than remains relatively stable for extended peri- average. In northeastern Minnesota, Lenarz ods (Karns 1967, Whitlaw and Lankester et al. (2009) found that warming January 1994b), albeit at densities lower than where temperatures were inversely correlated with deer are absent (e.g., on the island of subsequent annual survival of moose. And in Newfoundland and on Isle Royale, Michigan) northwestern Minnesota, disease has played (Timmermann et al. 2002, Lankester 2010). a measurable role in the moose decline; the Pronounced and prolonged moose majority (87%) of the 24% annual mortality declines have occurred repeatedly in particu- rate was attributed to pathology associated lar regions of shared moose and deer habitat with parasitic disease and related malnutri- (Lankester 2010). These include much of tion (Murray et al. 2006). Nova Scotia, northwestern Minnesota, and areas to the west of Lake Superior including CONCLUSIONS northeastern North Dakota, southeastern It is argued here that transmission rates Manitoba, and northwestern Ontario. The of P. tenuis and the risk of debilitating men- most recent decline in northwestern ingeal worm infection in moose are driven Minnesota began during a period of milder, primarily by weather, specifically by winter shorter winters and has lasted 25 years. In severity and the length, precipitation, and 15 years moose numbers declined to ~100 temperature during the ‘growing season’. animals from an estimated 4,000 in the late Warmer, shorter winters permit higher 1980s (Murray et al. 2006, Lenarz et al. 2009). ­densities of infected deer which increase Recent pronounced declines have had the density of first-stage larvae on range. certain shared characteristics. All were asso- Longer, wetter growing seasons increase ciated with conditions likely to have the density of infected gastropod intermedi- enhanced transmission of meningeal worm; ate hosts and parasite transmission rates. i.e., extended series of warmer winters, fre- Over much of their shared range in the quent or sustained high deer densities, and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests of east- wetter and longer than usual growing sea- ern North America, moose can persist with sons (Beazley et al. 2006, Maskey 2008, infected deer where typical winter severity Lenarz et al. 2009, Ranta and Lankester effectively limits or stabilizes deer density. 2017). The annual growing season during But sustained high deer density and weath- the moose decline in northwestern Minnesota er-enhanced transmission of P. tenuis can was on average 12 days longer, and up to a potentially cause local moose abundance to maximum of 39 days longer than during decline markedly over time and remain low. pre-decline years (Murray et al. 2006). Further, these declines do not occur without Although precipitation records for north- warning as they are seemingly preceded by western Minnesota revealed no change a number of successive winters (e.g., >10) ­during the decline, a long-term, wet climate favourable to deer survival. In northwestern cycle beginning in 1993 was reported in Ontario, both deer and moose abundance adjacent northeastern North Dakota rose in response to habitat rejuvenation (Todhunter and Rundquist 2004 in Maskey and easier winters. Only after 15 years of et al. 2015). Ranta and Lankester (2017) slow, but steady increases in deer numbers found that the growing season during a pro- did moose begin to decline (Ranta and nounced moose decline in northwestern Lankester 2017).


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