Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.829.836 on 1 November 1994. Downloaded from

Postgrad Med J (1994) 70, 836- 837 © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1994

Endocrine assessment ofimpotence - pitfalls ofmeasuring serum testosterone without sex--binding globulin K.J. Hardy and J.R. Seckl Department ofEndocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Metabolic Unit, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK

Summary: The pitfalls ofmeasuring only total serum testosterone are illustrated by a 52 year old man whose hyperprolactinaemia was associated with normal total serum testosterone but a raised sex- hormone-binding globulin, giving a low free testosterone. Prolactin suppression with normalized sex-hormone-binding globulin and free testosterone, and restored potency and energy after 30 years of impotence and tiredness.

Introduction Impotence is a common and distressing symptom elevated serum prolactin of 2343 mU/l. Clomi- that may present to general practitioners or to a pramine was stopped but his symptoms were not variety of different specialists.'`3 To highlight the improved so he was referred to an endocrinologist. need for full endocrinological assessment of On endocrinological assessment, 6 months after

patients with impotence, we report a 52 year old stopping clomipramine, the patient's impotenceby copyright. man with a 30 year history of impotence whose was unchanged. He considered his libido to be total serum testosterone was misleadingly normal, normal, and denied headache, breast enlargement but whose free testosterone was low by virtue ofhis or tenderness, galactorrhoea, reduced beard raised sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) growth, skin change, or postural dizziness. On levels. Treatment of his microprolactinoma nor- examination he was noted to have very fine facial malized SHBG and free testosterone, and restored skin. There were no features ofCushing's disease or potency. Endocrinological assessment of impo- acromegaly, there was no gynaecomastia or galac- tence should include calculation of free testos- torrhoea, and no postural . His penis terone by measurement of SHBG. was normal, and both testes were firm and of

normal volume. He was not obviously depressed. Total thyroxine and thyrotrophin were normal at Case report 94 (reference range 60-145) nmol/l and 2.0 (reference range 0.1-5.5) mU/l, respectively. Cor- A 52 year old man was referred to a urologist by his tisol rose after 250 ,Lg tetracosactrin from 486 to general practitioner with a 4-year history oferectile 821 (normal> 550) nmol/l, andb gonadotrophins failure. Direct questioning revealed that he had and oestradiol were within the quoted normal been impotent for 30 years, achieving only partial range, follicle stimulating hormone 6.7 U/l, erections after protracted foreplay. He was able to luteinizing hormone (LH) 3.2 (reference range for on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected ejaculate normally (he had fathered three children). both 1.5-9.0) U/l, oestradiol 97 (reference range He and his wife had volunteered the problem once <200) pmol/l. Serum prolactin was markedly before, 4 years earlier, when they had received elevated at 2,390 (reference range 60-390) mU/I, psychosexual counselling (without investigation) and although total testosterone was normal at 11.2 to no avail. Over the years he had been investigated (reference range 10-30) nmol/l, SHBG was high at for a variety of vague somatic symptoms domi- 57 (reference range 6-45) nmol/l, giving a low free nated by profound tiredness and weakness. On testosterone of 19.5 (reference range > 22) nmol/l. assessment, he was being treated with clomi- Visual fields were full but pituitary magnetic pramine 25 mg thrice daily for tiredness presumed resonance imaging suggested a microadenoma. He to be secondary to depression. Urological examina- was treated with the bromocrip- tion was unremarkable but he was found to have an tine 2.5 mg thrice daily, which within 6 weeks normalized prolactin to 88 mU/I. Total testost- erone increased to 23.0 nmol/I and SHBG fell, Correspondence: K.J. Hardy, M.B., M.R.C.P. giving a normal free testosterone of 34 nmol/l. At Accepted: 30 March 1994 this time the patient's chronic tiredness had Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.829.836 on 1 November 1994. Downloaded from

CLINICAL REPORTS 837 resolved, his libido was increased, and for the first disease. As well as random blood glucose, electro- time in 30 years, he was able to sustain normal lytes, liver function tests, and investigations erections. prompted by physical signs, thyroid function, gonadotrophins, prolactin and serum testosterone should always be measured. Discussion This patient illustrates well the occasional pitfall of relying on total serum testosterone (which was Impotence may be defined as inability to attain an within the reference range) when androgen de- erection of sufficient rigidity for vaginal penetra- ficiency is suspected. Sex-hormone-binding tion in 50% or more of attempts.4 Erectile globulin is androgen-regulated and therefore often insufficiency after a period of normal sexual func- raised when testosterone is low.5 As in this case, tioning is referred to as secondary impotence. total serum testosterone may be normal while free Despite his 30-year history of impotence, our testosterone is unequivocally low. Measurement of patient was rapidly improved after identification SHBG with calculation of free testosterone will and treatment of his hyperprolactinaemia. This avoid this problem. Hyperprolactinaemia causes illustrates several important points about the man- suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary- agement of impotence. Impotence, even of many gonadal axis perhaps by opioid-mediated inhibi- years' duration, may not be volunteered by patients tion of normal pulsatile secretion of LH,6 the and cannot be excluded by the patient's ability to stimulus to testosterone secretion by Leydig cells. father children. Impotence should never be dis- Gonadotrophin levels within the reference range in missed as being ofpsychological origin without full the presence oflow free testosterone, in this patient, examination and adequate endocrine assessment. were inappropriate and suggest a hypothalamic or General assessment should include a search for pituitary cause for his androgen deficiency. Bromo- diabetes, vascular disease, neuropathy, uraemia, criptine, by virtue of its proper- occult malignancy (especially prostate carcinoma), ties, inhibits prolactin secretion by lactrotrophs

haemochromatosis and drug and alcohol history. and usually restores prolactin levels to normal.7 by copyright. Assessment should also be made for androgen Not only was our patient's impotence cured by deficiency: loss of libido, loss of muscle bulk, and treatment ofhis hyperprolactinaemia, but his long- loss of secondary sexual hair, together with voice standing weakness and tiredness (presumably change, fine skin and reduced testicular volume. A secon-dary to chronic androgen deficiency) also search should be made for causes of primary and responded to normalization of testosterone with secondary gonadotrophin deficiency, such as Kall- bromocriptine. man's syndrome, acromegaly and Cushing's

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