February 14, 2021 Northcrest News

Northcrest Over 50 years of service to older adults in the Greater Ames Community

The Week at a Glance! Sunday, February 14 Valentine’s Day 12:30 Sunday Dinner HEALTH & WELLNESS

2:00 Animal Odd Couples on NC TV DAILY EXERCISE Monday, February 15 President’s Day Exercise is held in the Green Room, NO MAIL TODAY! M-F mornings at 8:30 a.m. Group of 10 or 2:00 NC Movie Time on NC TV: fewer and keep your social distance, please. The Nutty Professor Holidays are optional! Check out the Exercise Videos on the Tuesday, February 16 NC Website, Resident Section!!

9:30 Tuesday Coffee via Zoom meeting Hosted by Atrium H 1:00 Bus to Fareway North

Wednesday, February 17 10—10:30 Blood Pressure Clinic, SR 3:30 Bingo in the GR

Thursday, February 18 10:30 Documentary on Vivian Maier, Sunday Dinner eccentric photographer, NC TV! 1:00 Bus to Fareway North February 14, 12:30 p.m.

Friday, February 19 Baked Ham 8:30-10:30 1st National Bank returns! 10:30 Friday Chat via Zoom Knoll Potatoes 3:00 LaVone Newell on piano, Green Rm Normandy Blend Vegetables Fresh Fruit Saturday, February 20 Peach Pie 4:00 Harold Prince, The Director’s Life on NC TV

ANNOUNCEMENTS Hearing Aid Clinic in March Let’s ZOOM! We will have our friends from Hearing Un- Tuesday Coffees via Zoom start at 9:30 limited here on Mon, Mar 1, 1:00 pm. Plan am every week. This Tuesday, Feb 16, accordingly. Atrium H will host with ? as MC. Watch for an invitation in your email which you can save to use over and over, Meeting Num- ber is 837 3180 3353. Calling Volunteers We are looking for “Tinkerbells” and “Sir Friday Chats Galahads”! Perhaps you have a special We invite you to Friday Chats every Friday talent or interest that could be of service to at 10:30 am. The Zoom meeting number is one of your fellow residents. If that is so, 876 5119 6839. This Friday in honor of we are interested in hearing from you. We Valentine’s Day, we will invite you to tell us would like to create a “Volunteer Core” that about your favorite Valentine—that could other residents could refer to for assis- be a best friend, your cuddly pet, or tance with tasks such as secretarial or spouse. “How you met” is always interest- office help, light sewing (buttons or hems), ing! In the coming weeks consider giving a cell phone questions, etc. Sometimes it is 15-minute “TOPIC TALK” on one of your as simple as helping to open a tight jar, or hobbies, your careers, your poetry, your lifting a box! We will keep a log of volun- history, your research, or any favorite teers and their talents to give to residents “Topic” and share it with us on Friday in need. Email or call Ronnie: ZOOM meetings. Lively discussions to fol- [email protected] low each TOPIC! Feb 19, Jan Beran plans to speak about the role sports played in Speaking of Volunteers… the coal mining town of Buxton, IA, a Be sure to turn in your “blue sheet” that is century ago. a record of your 2020 volunteer hours any- where in Ames or here. This is VERY im- Birthday Wishes portant to Northcrest’s non-profit status!! If February 16: Anne Walden you need a sheet, look on the Northcrest February 17: Lenny Mangold website under Resident Login. February 20: Arlene Brandt Great Explanation of Covid-19 Employee Gratitude At a recent Rotary meeting, Dr. Dan Ful- Thank-you notes from employees for the ton, infectious diseases, McFarland Clinic, Appreciation Gifts given to them in Decem- spoke about the COVID virus, vaccinations ber are now available for residents to read. and the current distribution plans for the Find them in the light green binder on the State of Iowa. This is a very interesting table just outside the Main Building library talk! This will be put on NC TV after Tues- in Atrium E. day Coffee on Feb 16, 10:30 am.

https://youtu.be/XJdw0r5xPzE First National Bank returns Another step to “normal” will happen on Fri, Feb 19 when the bank will start to have BINGO In Person! hours at Northcrest again. Please sign up We will host Bingo LIVE in the GR for a time slot, 8:30—10:30 am, in the on Wednesday at 3:30 pm. Bring Founders’ Room in the Main Building. your own cards, markers and a lap tray if you have one! Wear your mask!!

ENTERTAINMENT tions smoothly between Don’s present pre- dicament and his memories of the torturous Piano Music but hilarious annual family vacations with LaVone Newell will continue Mom, Dad, and Sis. With his father’s help, to play on Fridays, at 3:00 pm, GR. Please Don realizes that the journey really is as im- keep the audience to 20 in GR. portant as the destination. Lorraine Stumbo will play in the Park- way Music Room on Fri, Feb 12, 4:00 pm. Resident Portion of Website Please keep the audience to 12. Did you know you can find a listing of ALL residents for phone numbers and address- Northcrest Movie Time es on the northcrestcommunity.org web- If you like to laugh, watch the site? It is listed under Resources and Links movie The Nutty Professor, on Mon, Feb 15 in the Resident Section. This is up- at 2:00 pm on our TV Channel 116-3 or dated monthly. Check it out!! 992. Walk for Fitness in Hallways! Iowa History Series If you walk every hallway on the First Floor Do you like history about Iowa people? of the Main Bldg staying to the right, you Check out the series offered by the State will walk approximately a half mile! Historical Society of Iowa for a 60-minute If you walk one hallway in the Parkway online learning series that focuses on the Bldg, your editor got around 300 steps. If past lives of Iowans to help commemorate you do all 4 floors, you would be in that half the 175th anniversary of Iowa. All pro- mile range. If you add 2 flights of grams are held noon to 1:00. Check out stairs you would add 116 steps, and the topics and dates: iowaculture.gov/ some cardio workout. Let me know history/iowa-history-101-series what your “Fit-Bit” reads; we all take different lengths of steps! NC TV Channel 116-3 or 992  Sun, Feb 14, 2:00: In honor of Valen- Fed. Economic Impact Payments tines Day, “Animal Odd Couples”! If you were eligible for an Economic Impact  Mon, Feb 15, 2:00: Movie, The Nutty Payment (stimulus), up to $600 for individu- Professor als and $1200 for couples, you may have  Thu, Feb 18, 10:30: Documentary on seen a direct deposit to your account in eccentric photographer, Vivian Maier. January. Those that did not receive them  Sat, Feb 20, 4:00: Documentary on Har- through direct deposit were issued checks old Prince, award winning Broadway or debit cards in the mail. You might mis- stage director take those debit cards for some kind of Des Moines Playhouse scam, but they are legitimate payments from the IRS. For more information go A special treat on your NC TV—Leaving to https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my- Iowa, Sat, Feb 27, 4:00 pm. payment. An outlandish take on the classic family road trip, Leaving Iowa is the story of writer NC Referral Bonus Don who returns home to find a final resting Remember, you as a resident are place for his father’s ashes. When he dis- eligible to receive a referral bonus if covers his grandmother’s house is now a you recommend someone who moves into grocery store, Don travels across Iowa Northcrest! There are a few units available, searching for a proper resting place for his so talk with Brenda if you have a friend who father. This father and son road-trip transi- would love living at Northcrest like you!!

Pick up times for Regular Daily Meals in the Front Entry: Lunch, Monday- Saturday: Sign up by 10:00am Lunch is Ready For Pick Up 12:15 pm

Sunday Lunch: Sign up by 6:30 pm Saturday. Lunch is Ready For Pick Up 12:30 pm

Sunday, February 14 Lunch: Baked Ham, Knoll Potatoes, Normandy Blend Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Peach Pie

Monday, February 15 Lunch: Mushroom & Swiss Burger, French Fries, Fruit Garnish, Fresh Cut Vegetable Salad, Chocolate Mousse

Tuesday, February 16 Lunch: Chicken Crepes, Key West Blend Vegetables, Grapes, Frosted Sugar Cookie

Wednesday, February 17 Lunch: Cold Salmon Club Sandwich with Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato & Sauce on the Side, Sun Chips, Pickle Spear, Cottage Cheese with Pineapple Chunks, German Chocolate Brownie

Thursday, February 18 Lunch: Oriental Chicken Salad, Dinner Roll, Grapefruit Segments, Banana Bar

Friday, February 19 Lunch: Philly Beef & Swiss with Roasted Peppers & Onions, Vegetable Medley, Watermelon, Chocolate Pie

Saturday, February 20 Lunch: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garlic Toast, Apple Slices, Cucumber & Onion Salad, Peanut Butter Bar