Strike for and Win Pay Equity

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Strike for and Win Pay Equity A AA1 WHI"EOffice and Professional Employees COInternational Union, AFL-CIO and CLC No. 433 October-November-December 1989 OPEIU announces Hofstra University clericals 1989.90 Howard Coughlin Memorial strike for and win pay equity Office employees at Hofstra University ended that they made 58 to 68 percent of the salaries earned Scholarship winners their 39-day walkout October 13, 1989, when almost by custodians, groundskeepers, painters and lock- 400 OPEIU Local 153 members approved the union's smiths-most of whom are men. The OPEIU's second annual competition for the hard-won settlement. The cashiers, computers operators, secretaries Howard Coughlin Memorial Scholarship has been International Vice President Michael Goodwin and mailroom clerks, however, made major pay equi- completed. International President John Kelly has an- said, "We accomplished what we set out to do in ad- ty gains in their new three-year contract, Goodwin nounced the 1989-1990 scholarship recipients and dressing the issue of pay equity." said. They will receive an 8 percent pay raise or a notified each of their local unions. In fact, 97 percent of the clerical workers in the minimum of $1,200 the first year; 7.5 percent or at The newly created Howard Coughlin Memorial strike were women. They were angered by the fact (Continued on page 4) Scholarship awards six scholarships in the U.S. of $4,000 each to members in good standing, or associate members, or to their children. To be eligible an applicant must be either a high school student or high school graduate entering col- lege, university or a recognized technical or vocational post-secondary school as a full-time student; or presently in college, university or a recognized technical or vocational post-secondary school as a full- time student. A panel of impartial educators from universities in the Washington, D.C. area had the unenviable task of selecting the six of those most highly qualified ap- plicants to receive scholarships from the OPEIU Scholarship Fund. We are proud to announce the winners here: OPEIU Local 153 members with their Business Representative John Dunn appear on the Hofstra Univer- Ranee Chatterjee sity picket line. College: Vanderbilt University OPEIU parent: Kalpana Chatterjee, Local 268, OTEU wages `user- friendly strike' Knoxville, Tennessee at B.C. Hydro The Office & Technical Employees Local 378 re- cently mounted a 'corporate campaign' against B.C. Chattra Hydro which included a one-on-one canvas to build James membership involvement and a flexible approach to College: Harvard job action tactics. University A four-person strategy team varied the tactics on OPEIU parent: Yulai a daily basis, pulling members away from key jobs, Chattra, Local 153, New putting up picket lines, sending employees back to York, New York work and moving picket lines around the province. The OTEU corporate campaign resulted in a set- tlement that achieved landmark language on job security which provides no lay-offs for regular employees and complete salary protection for con- tracting out and technological change. Other key Philip H. Huang demands were also met. College: Cornell "Usually a public sector strike's success is judged OTEU/B.C. Hydro negotiators Jeannie Greatbatch, University on how much union members can disrupt the public. left, and Local 378 President Anne Harvey, front OPEIU parent: Yueh-Hwa OTEU members at Hydro developed a very different left, stand with members of the job action commit- Huang, Local 32, Union, approach-the User-Friendly Strike," said OTEU tee. Shown left to right are Brian White, Sherry New Jersey President Anne Harvey. Matheos and Doug Leaney from B.C. Hydro. "We applied many of the ideas and skills we (Continued on page 4) learned at the 1988 OPEIU Staff Conference on In- (Continued on page 4) Page Two WHITE COLLAR October-November-December 1989 Robert A. Bellus, the hypnotist How to become a by John Tewes OPEIU Local 469 bounty hunter: OPEIU is offering a reward to members In the course of my social and union activities over who serve as bounty hunters. To collect, you these many years Robert A. Bellus is the most out- must turn in another OPEIU rank-and-file standing person I have met. To properly evaluate his member-a friend. knowledge in the science of hypnotism would be much That is, we want photos (black and white like funneling Niagara Falls into a thimble. But, here film only) and stories of OPEIU members who are a few areas of his background anyway. are involved in interesting work or interesting Robert Bellus received his training in hypnotism hobbies or excel in some way. For example, we under the late Dewey Deavers, whom I understand know that there are outstanding members out learned from the great Howard Houdini. It was here there who serve their communities (as big that he met his wife Stella, the star pupil in the ad- brothers and sisters, on community boards, in vanced class. homeless shelters, etc.) who are terrific golfers, After their marriage the couple conducted ap- tennis players, gardeners; who win awards and proximately 10,000 scientifically-oriented ex- trophies for many things; who teach or write in periments in hypnosis hypotherapy, sales, education, their spare time. Or, there are members who longevity and business, time distortion, and thought have unique jobs, like animal trainers. analysis. We (as well as you) are interested in reading Bellus has lectured in St. Catherines, Ontario- about such members and seeing photos of them both on the radio and before private audiences. Over at Boyce Campus Allegheny County Community Col- at their jobs, performing their hobbies or other the years he has produced programs in The Hypnotist lege), promoter Gene Dargan and John DeFasio, staff areas of involvement. series for cable TV, namely Time/Life in North Ver- representative of the Steelworkers Union, as well as If we print the photo and story you submit, sailles, Pennsylvania, CableVision in Homestead, PA, many others. you will immediately be sent $25, as well as Pittsburgh and Capital Heights, Maryland. In all, he Currently Bellus is seeking a worthy publisher or receiving credit in White Collar, just as we will has made 337 productions. agent for a book with an unusual theme, which I am to John Tewes for the article submitted here. Robert's talents extend into the literary field as sure will have universal interest and could well Happy hunting, bounty hunters. well, having written weekly articles under The Hypno- become the national best seller for years to come. We tist title for local papers and for national wrestling look forward to seeing the book's debut. magazines. He has hypnotized Dr. Bill Miller and The underlying theme of this, as well as all of his brother Danny, Professor Tara Tanaka (now an ac- writing and appearances, is that there are no tor), Dr. Charles Martoni (presently dean of students mysteries. Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor & lirUNITED FARM WORKERS of AMERICA AFL-CIO Dear Brothers Sisters, Years are tallied, Nation& Headquarters Paz, Keene, Ca Illomie 93570 (805)82235)1 The Eastern Airlines Flight Attendants of Memories are sifted- T.W.U. Local 553 would like to extend to you our A woman's embrace A child's hand October 19. 1159 deepest gratitude for your contribution to our strike John SellY. Preeident Workers and their songs, OPEIU International assistance fund. This has been an extremely difficult 255 W. lath St. Alone he waits New York. NY 10011 time for us. We hope you will continue your support For his bell to ring. bear Brother John. for our cause. Again, we thank you for your It tom an honor and pleasur oend *one time with you and Mike. Please extend my deepest thank. to Mike and your staff generosity. Trapped by age for their commitment and continued help toward the farm wo Your recent victories give hope sod encouragement to ell of us Sincerely, Lonely for companionship, I wait for Silo day when we can celebrate our victory together. He shrivels forgotten Phan you Publish your article on the Seri-mart cancer Cluster please send us, a copy. Alec, I would apprecit your aseitanc Eastern Airlines Flight Attendants in getting the mew York hotels to remove the grapes. ThiS In the city of millions, would hove a major impact on the California table grape industry. Especially since the holiday sauce, is coming soon T.W.U. Local 553 and the growers are really envious to push the grapes. Waiting, waiting, Well John. I look foreword to seeing you et the upcoming Convention. Dear Friend, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Sincerely. 1:550DTIn 00110:11. 5111 VA.. 511M. W LAIC 1115{1.11.110 MaIDDif 111564511. 5051151. 5.00[7.M.5.15411511 Dice As a member of T.W.U. Local 553, I would like taahatheIca Cesar E. Chew. Prealdent to sincerely thank you for all the help and support you have given us. It has certainly been a very difficult time for all and just knowing that others care means a great deal to us! Dear Trade Unionist: We hope you will continue your generous support It has been called to our attention by the Social On the Eastern strike for our cause and all the members of this union! Security Administration that when taxpayers file Sincerely, their 1989 tax returns they must show the Social Aned L. Lamboglia Security number of any claimed dependent age 2 or E.A.L. Flight Attendant older. Previously the law applied to dependents age T.W.U. Local 553 5 or older. In order to avoid problems from a last minute rush parents who have not arranged to obtain such Social Security numbers are urged to do so as Henri Percikow of Brooklyn, New York sent us soon as possible.
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